



石英晶振的原理与电路组成设计摘要:石英晶振是一种高精度、高稳定度的振荡器,是利用石英晶体的压电效应而制成的谐振组件,以取代L C选频电路,频率稳定度高达10-9~10-11,广泛应用于各类电子产品的振荡电路中,如通信系统中的频率发生器等。







(a)压电效应( b)正压电效应(c)逆压电效应在二十多类具有压电效应的晶体中 ,石英晶体是无线通讯设备中最为满意的材料之一。

它的机械强度高 ,物理化学性能稳定 ,内损耗低等 ,用它制成的器件被广泛用在频率控制和频率选择电路中。

石英片的取向不同 ,其压电特性、性特性和强度特性就不同 ,用它来制造的谐振器的性能也不一样 ,现已发现了几十种有用的切割方式。

二、英谐振器的稳频条件石英晶振的频率稳定度与以下三方面有关 :负载电容、励电平和频率温度特性。


石英谐振器一般作为电感组件在振荡电路中起稳频作用 ,而电路的其它组件均可等效为一个负载电容与石英谐振器的等效参数及频率稳定度带来影响。

从石英晶振元件两脚向振荡电路方向看进去的所有有效电容 ,就是该振荡电路加给石英晶振的负载电容。




模拟电路部分晶振设计1. 振荡器原理振荡器是一个没有输入信号的带选频网络的正反馈放大器。


对于任何一个带有反馈的放大电路,都可以画成下图所示结构:图4 振荡器 当增益满足1≥⨯a f ,且相位条件满足πβα2=+时,构成正反馈环路,起振条件得以满足。


2. 晶振原理当在晶体两端加上一定的交变电场,晶片就会产生机械形变, 石英晶体振荡器是利用石英晶体的压电效应制的一种谐振器件, 若在石英晶体的两个电极上加一电场,晶片就会产生机械变形。




石英晶体振荡器的等效电路如图5 所示。

当用石英晶体组成并联谐振电路时,晶体表现为 感性,其等效品质因数Q 值很高。


图5 晶振等效电路图6 晶振等效阻抗图6中,Fr 为串联谐振点。

在频率为)2/(1LC F r π=时,图2中串联的L 、C 谐振,串联支路等效为一个纯电阻。

Fa 为并联谐振点,此时串联支路等效为电感,与并联的C0谐振,0/1C C F F r a +=。





3. Pierce Oscillator图7 振荡电路倒相器作为放大器,同时提供180度的相移。


R F 为反馈电阻,用来决定倒相器的直流工作点,使之工作在高增益区(线性区)。



军用 > 航空航天 > 导航 > 通信 > 测控 > 仪器与设备产品选型手册XO - 晶体振荡器OCXO - 恒温晶体振荡器TCXO - 温补晶体振荡器VCXO - 压控晶体振荡器AVXO - 抗振晶体振荡器MXO - 倍频晶体振荡器PLXO - 锁相晶体振荡器成都世源频控技术有限公司是一家高端射频与微波产品整体解决方案提供商。




我们的产品:•恒温晶体振荡器(OCXO)• 温补晶体振荡器(TCXO)• 压控晶体振荡器(VCXO)• 抗振晶体振荡器(AVXO)• 倍频晶体振荡器(MXO)•锁相晶体振荡器(PLXO)世源频控技术具有一流的技术开发工具和生产检测设备。





1. 恒温晶体振荡器(OCXO)------------------------------------------------------------------第04页~第30页2. 温补晶体振荡器(TCXO)--------------------------------------------------------------------第31页~第41页3. 压控晶体振荡器(VCXO)-------------------------------------------------------------------第42页~第43页FCOX2系列<超高稳定度,超低老化率,50.8mm 50.8mm H mm>-----------------------------------------第05页~第06页 FCOX3系列<极低相位噪声,50.8mm 50.8mm 19.0mm,SMA-F>-----------------------------------------第07页~第08页 FCOX4系列<超低相位噪声,38.1mm 38.1mm 12.7mm>--------------------------------------------------第09页~第10页 FCOX5系列<超低相位噪声,38.1mm 38.1mm 12.7mm>--------------------------------------------------第11页~第12页 FCOX7系列<超低相位噪声,小体积,25.4mm 25.4mm 12.7mm>-----------------------------------------第13页~第14页 FCOX8系列<超低相位噪声,超小体积,20.320.39.7(or 11.4)mm>--------------------------------------第15页~第16页FCOX9系列<极低相位噪声,试验室级应用,74.6344.4525.4mm>--------------------------------------第17页~第18页FCOX10系列<低相位噪声,超小体积,25.415.249.7(or 11.4)mm>--------------------------------------第19页~第20页FCOX12系列<低相位噪声,表面贴,25.522.210.0mm>---------------------------------------------------第21页~第22页FCOX17系列<超低相位噪声,35.4mm 26.7mm 12.7(or 13.6)mm>--------------------------------------第23页~第24页 FCOX18系列<超高稳定度,超低老化率,51.3.0(or 25.4)mm>-----------------------------------第25页~第26页 FCOX101系列<超低功耗,超小体积,低相位噪声,插件,>------------------------------第27页~第28页FCOX102系列<超低功耗,超小体积,低相位噪声,表面贴,25.415.24.7mm>-------------------------第29页~第30页FCTX8系列<超低相位噪声,20.3mm 20.3mm 9.7(or 11.4)mm>------------------------------------------第32页~第33页 FCTX9系列<超低相位噪声,25.4mm 15.24mm 9.7(or 11.4)mm>----------------------------------------第34页~第35页 FCTX10系列<超低相位噪声,表面贴,27.4mm 17.8mm 5.9mm>-----------------------------------------第36页~第37页 FCTX12系列<超低相位噪声,表面贴,25.5mm 22.2mm 6.7mm>-----------------------------------------第38页~第39页 FCTX13系列<低相位噪声,超小体积,表面贴,17.014.0 6.0mm>-----------------------------------------第40页~第41页FCVX3系列<低相位噪声,表面贴,27.4mm 17.8mm 5.9mm>---------------------------------------------第42页~第43页×××××××××××××××××××××41.3×19××8××8××××××××××××晶体振荡器QUARTZ CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR5. 倍频晶体振荡器(MXO)---------------------------------------------------------------------第51页~第55页MXO4系列<极低相位噪声,极低杂散,50.0mm 50.0mm mm>-------------------------------------------第52页~第53页MXO7系列<双路输出,低相位噪声,低杂散,50.8mm 50.8mm mm>------------------------------------第54页~第55页××H ××H 倍频晶体振荡器MULTIPLIED CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR4. 抗振晶体振荡器(AVXO)-------------------------------------------------------------------第44页~第50页AVXO3系列<抗振设计,优秀动态相位噪声, 16.0)mm>-------------------------------第45页~第46页 AVXO4系列<抗振设计,优秀动态相位噪声, 16.0)mm>-------------------------------第47页~第48页 AVXO6系列<抗振设计,卓越动态相位噪声,50.850.827.0mm>-----------------------------------------第49页~第50页××××××抗振晶体振荡器ANTI-VIBRATION CRYSTAL OSCILLATORNEW !NEW !NEW !NEW !6. 锁相晶体振荡器(PLXO)----------------------------------------------------------------第56页~第60页PLXO1系列<内置PLL,极低相位噪声,50.8mm 50.8mm 19.0mm,SMA>----------------------------第57页~第58页 PLXO2系列<内置PLL,小体积,低相位噪声,35.4mm 26.7mm 12.7mm>----------------------------第59页~第60页××××锁相晶体振荡器PHASE LOCKED CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR7. 客户订货信息表---------------------------------------------------------------------------------第61页客户订货信息表8. 新产品发布专栏--------------------------------------------------------------------------------第62页新产品发布专栏---NEW PRODUCTS RELEASE敬请关注!-恒温晶体振荡器<OVEN CONTROLLED CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR>超短预热时间FCOX350.8mm X 50.8mm X19.1mmFCOX17FCOX7FCOX8FCOX10FCOX10121.0X13.6X8.5mmFCOX10225.4X15.24X8.7mmNEW !NEW !NEW!FCOX12NEW !OCXOFCOX2产品数据手册 Rev A电性能参数输出信号(客户定义)标称频率 5~20MHz 输出波形 正弦波或方波输出功率,正弦波 0~+13.0dBm 初始频率准确度 ±0.05~±0.3ppm 谐波,正弦波 -30dBc max.杂波,正弦波 -70dBc max.相位噪声(客户定义)OSC @ 10MHz@1Hz -85~-110dBc/Hz @10Hz -110~-140dBc/Hz @100Hz -135~-155dBc/Hz @1KHz -145~-165dBc/Hz @10KHz -150~-166dBc/Hz @100KHz -150~-168dBc/Hz @1MHz -150~-168dBc/Hz稳定度(客户定义)温度稳定度 ±短期稳定度 ±1E-10~±5E-13/s 老化率 ±1E-7~±1E-8/y50~±0.1ppb 电源电压(客户定义)工作电压 +5.0V 或+12.0V 或+15.0V 最大工作电流 500~1500mA max.稳定工作电流 200~700mA max.预热特性 1~15分钟,达到±1E-7~±1E-8频率调节(客户定义)频率调节方式 电调节(EFC )压控电压范围 0~2.5~5.0V 频率牵引范围 ±0.3~±1.0ppm 频率牵引斜率 正输入阻抗 100k Ω min.环境适应性(客户定义)工作温度范围 最宽-55℃~+85℃机械冲击 GJB-360B,方法213,15g,11ms,半正弦温度冲击 GJB-360B,方法107,-55℃~+85℃,5次2随机振动 GJB-360B,方法214,0.04g /Hz,3个轴向存储温度范围-55℃~+100℃.标签纸,位于产品外壳顶部,包括生产厂家标识、产品型号、标称频率、序列号、生产日期等信息。



晶振知识大全(总17页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除晶振的定义: 晶振的英文名称为crystal. 石英晶体经精密切割磨削并镀上电极焊上引线做成,主要是为电路提供频率基准的元器件。







2. 从功能上分晶振分为无源晶振和有源晶振。










晶振资料总结无源晶振和有源晶振晶振资料总结(无源晶振和有源晶振)2010-12-04 11:03无源晶振:就是一个晶振,依靠配合其他IC内部振荡电路工作。






建议电感、电阻等) 采用精度较高的石英晶体,尽可能不要采用精度低的陶瓷警惕。










1、晶体元件参数1. 1等效电路作为一个电气元件,晶体是 由一选泄的晶片,连同在石英上 形成电场能够导电的电极及防护 壳罩和内部支架装這所组成。

晶体谐振器的等效电路图见 图1。

等效电路由动态参数L l . C 1. R l 和并电容C 。


这些参数之间都是有联系的,一个参数 变化时可能会引起其他参数变化。

而这些等效电路的参数值跟晶体的切型、振动模式、工作 频率及制造商实施的具体设计方案关系极大。

下面的两个等式是工程上常用的近似式:角频率 ω=l∕λ∕L 1C 1 品质因数Q= 3 L ι∕Rι其中LI 为等效动电感,单位mHCI 为等效电容,也叫动态电容,单位fF RI 为等效电阻,一般叫谐振电阻,单位Q图2、图3、图4给岀了各种频率范围和各种切型实现参数L 1. C 1. R I 的范囤。

对谐振电阻来说,供应商对同一型号的任何一批中可以有3: 1的差别,批和批之间的差别 可能会更大。

对于一给左的频率,采用的晶体盒越小,则R :和L :的平均值可能越髙。

图1 简化了的石英鴿体元件等效电路图2常用切型晶体的电感范用1. 2晶体元件的频率,晶体元件的频率通常与晶体盒尺寸和振动模式有关。




图4充有一个大气压力气体(90%氮.10%M)气密晶体元件的频率、切型和晶体盒型号振动模式频段(MHZ)HC-49UAT基频 1. 8432-30 BT基频20-40 AT三次泛音20-85 AT五次泛音50-180HC-49SAT基频 3. 579-30 AT三次泛音20-65 AT五次泛音50-150SMD7 × 5AT基频6-40 AT三次泛音33-100 AT五次泛音50-180SMD6×3. 5AT基频8-40 AT三次泛音35-100 AT五次泛音50-180SMD5 X3.2AT基频12-45 AT三次泛音35-100 AT五次泛音60-1801.3频差规左工作温度范I丙及频率允许偏差。



















石英晶体振荡器设计报告张炳炎09微电03 目录1 设计要求2 设计方案论证a.电路形式的选取b.参数的设计、估算c. 设计内容的实现3 电路的工作原理4 晶体振荡器的特点5 电路设计制作过程中遇到的主要问题及解决方法、心得和建议6 参考文献7 附录1设计要求(1)晶体振荡器的工作频率在100MHZ以下(2)振荡器工作可调,反馈元件可更换(3)具有三组不同的负载阻抗(4)电源电压为12V(5)在10K负载上输出目测不失真电压波形Vopp>=4V,振荡器频率读出5为有效数字2设计方案论证a.电路形式的选取: 串联型石英晶体振荡器串联型石英晶体振荡器交流等效电路石英晶体的物理和化学性能都十分稳定,等效谐振回路具有很高的标准性,Q值很高,对频率变化具有极灵敏的补偿能力具有.利用石英晶体作为串联谐振元件,在谐振时阻抗接近于零,此时正反馈最强,满足振荡条件.因此,电路的振荡频率和频率稳定度都取决于石英晶体的串联谐振频率.b.参数的设计、估算选用石英晶体(6M)作为串联谐振元件,提高振荡器的标准性,三极管为高频中常用的小功率管9018,作为放大电路的主要器件,选用阻值较大的可调电阻Rp(50k)来调节电路的静态工作点,使输出幅值达到最大而不失真,在LC 组成的谐振回路加可变电容(100p)调节谐振频率。


c. 设计内容的实现○1输入电源电压12V,测试电路的静态工作点, 三极管Vbe>0.7v,Vc>Vb>Ve,三极管工作在放大区。




3 电路的工作原理石英晶体振荡器总原理图如上图,C6,C7和L2组成π型滤波器,对外部直流电源进行滤波而只通过直流量,防止其对电路产生干扰。











它是石英谐振器中最重要的一种切型,频率范围约为800kH z~350MHz,采用离子刻蚀技术,其基音频率可达到1GHz左右。








1. 产品概述:介绍大普晶振的基本信息,包括产品型号、功能特点等。

2. 主要参数:列出大普晶振的主要技术参数,如频率范围、频率稳定度、负载电容、工作电压等。

3. 工作原理:简要介绍大普晶振的工作原理和基本结构。

4. 使用注意事项:提供大普晶振在使用过程中需要注意的事项,以确保产品正常工作和避免损坏。

5. 安装和应用:介绍大普晶振的安装方法和应用范围,包括安装尺寸、焊接方法等。

6. 规格书还可能包含其他相关信息,如产品认证、质量保证等。


ST 晶振设计指南

ST 晶振设计指南

AN2867Application noteOscillator design guidefor ST microcontrollersIntroductionMost designers are familiar with oscillators (Pierce-Gate topology), but few reallyunderstand how they operate, let alone how to properly design an oscillator. In practice,most designers do not even really pay attention to the oscillator design until they realize theoscillator does not operate properly (usually when it is already being produced). This shouldnot happen. Many systems or projects are delayed in their deployment because of a crystalnot working as intended. The oscillator should receive its proper amount of attention duringthe design phase, well before the manufacturing phase. The designer would then avoid thenightmare scenario of products being returned.This application note introduces the Pierce oscillator basics and provides some guidelinesfor a good oscillator design. It also shows how to determine the different externalcomponents and provides guidelines for a good PCB for the oscillator.This document finally contains an easy guideline to select suitable crystals and externalcomponents, and it lists some recommended crystals (HSE and LSE) for STM32™ andSTM8A/S microcontrollers in order to quick start development.April 2010Doc ID 15287 Rev 31/23Contents AN2867Contents1Quartz crystal properties and model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2Oscillator theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3Pierce oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94Pierce oscillator design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104.1Feedback resistor RF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104.2Load capacitor C L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114.3Gain margin of the oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114.4Drive level DL and external resistor RExt calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124.4.1Calculating drive level DL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124.4.2Another drive level measurement method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134.4.3Calculating external resistor RExt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134.5Startup time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144.6Crystal pullability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 5Easy guideline for the selection of suitable crystaland external components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156Some recommended crystals for STM32™ microcontrollers . . . . . . . 166.1HSE part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166.1.1Part numbers of recommended 8 MHz crystals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166.1.2Part numbers of recommended 8 MHz ceramic resonators . . . . . . . . . 166.1.3Part numbers of recommended 25MHz crystals(Ethernet applications) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176.1.4Part numbers of recommended 14.7456MHz crystals (audioapplications) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176.2LSE part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187Some recommended crystals for STM8A/S microcontrollers . . . . . . . 197.1Part numbers of recommended crystal oscillators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197.2Part numbers of recommended ceramic resonators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 8Some PCB hints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2/23Doc ID 15287 Rev 3AN2867Contents 9Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 10Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Doc ID 15287 Rev 33/23List of tables AN2867 List of tablesTable 1.Example of equivalent circuit parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Table 2.Typical feedback resistor values for given frequencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Table 3.EPSON®. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Table 4.HOSONIC ELECTRONIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Table 5.CTS®. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Table 6.FOXElectronics®. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Table 7.Recommendable condition (for consumer). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Table 8.Recommendable condition (for CAN bus) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Table 9.HOSONIC ELECTRONIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Table 10.FOXElectronics®. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Table 11.CTS®. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Table 12.FOXElectronics®. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Table 13.ABRACON™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Table 14.EPSON TOYOCOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Table 15.JFVNY® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Table 16.KDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Table 17.KYOCERA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Table 18.Recommendable conditions (for consumer). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Table 19.Recommendable conditions (for CAN-BUS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Table 20.Document revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4/23Doc ID 15287 Rev 3AN2867List of figures List of figuresFigure 1.Quartz crystal model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Figure 2.Impedance representation in the frequency domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Figure 3.Oscillator principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Figure 4.Pierce oscillator circuitry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Figure 5.Inverter transfer function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Figure 6.Current drive measurement with a current probe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Figure 7.Recommended layout for an oscillator circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Doc ID 15287 Rev 35/236/23Doc ID 15287 Rev 31 Quartz crystal properties and modelA quartz crystal is a piezoelectric device transforming electric energy to mechanical energyand vice versa. The transformation occurs at the resonant frequency. The quartz crystal canbe modeled as follows:C 0: represents the shunt capacitance resulting from the capacitor formed by the electrodesL m : (motional inductance) represents the vibrating mass of the crystalC m : (motional capacitance) represents the elasticity of the crystalR m : (motional resistance) represents the circuit lossesThe impedance of the crystal is given by the following equation (assuming that R m isnegligible): (1)Figure 2 represents the impedance in the frequency domain.F s is the series resonant frequency when the impedance Z = 0. Its expression can bededuced from equation (1) as follows:(2)Z j w ---w 2L m C m 1–C 0C m +()w 2L m C m C 0–---------------------------------------------------------------×=F s 12πL m C m ---------------------------=Doc ID 15287 Rev 37/23F a is the anti-resonant frequency when impedance Z tends to infinity. Using equation (1), it isexpressed as follows:(3)The region delimited by F s and F a is usually called the area of parallel resonance (shadedarea in Figure 2). In this region, the crystal operates in parallel resonance and behaves asan inductance that adds an additional phase equal to 180 ° in the loop. Its frequency F p (orF L : load frequency) has the following expression:(4)From equation (4), it appears that the oscillation frequency of the crystal can be tuned byvarying the load capacitor C L . This is why in their datasheets, crystal manufacturers indicatethe exact C L required to make the crystal oscillate at the nominal frequency.Table 1 gives an example of equivalent crystal circuit component values to have a nominalfrequency of 8 MHz.Using equations (2), (3) and (4) we can determine F s , F a and F p of this crystal:and .If the load capacitance C L at the crystal electrodes is equal to 10 pF , the crystal will oscillateat the following frequency: .To have an oscillation frequency of exactly 8 MHz, C L should be equal to 4.02 pF .Table 1.Example of equivalent circuit parametersEquivalent componentValue R m8 ΩL m14.7 mH C m0.027 pF C 0 5.57 pFF a F s 1C m C 0-------+=F p F s 1C m 2C 0C L +()----------------------------+⎝⎠⎛⎞=F s 7988768 Hz =F a 8008102 Hz =F p 7995695 Hz =Oscillator theory AN28678/23Doc ID 15287 Rev 32 Oscillator theoryAn oscillator consists of an amplifier and a feedback network to provide frequency selection.Figure 3 shows the block diagram of the basic principle.Where:●A(f) is the complex transfer function of the amplifier that provides energy to keep the oscillator oscillating.●B(f) is the complex transfer function of the feedback that sets the oscillator frequency.To oscillate, the following Barkhausen conditions must be fulfilled. The closed-loop gainshould be greater than 1 and the total phase shift of 360 ° is to be provided:and The oscillator needs initial electric energy to start up. Power-up transients and noise cansupply the needed energy. However, the energy level should be high enough to triggeroscillation at the required frequency. Mathematically, this is represented by |,which means that the open-loop gain should be much higher than 1. The time required forthe oscillations to become steady depends on the open-loop gain.Meeting the oscillation conditions is not enough to explain why a crystal oscillator starts to oscillate. Under these conditions, the amplifier is very unstable, any disturbance introducedin this positive feedback loop system makes the amplifier unstable and causes oscillations to start. This may be due to power-on, a disable-to enable sequence, the thermal noise ofthe crystal, etc. It is also important to note that only noise within the range of serial-toparallel frequency can be amplified. This represents but a little amount of energy, which iswhy crystal oscillators are so long to start up.A f ()A f ()e jf αf ()⋅=B f ()B f ()e jf βf ()⋅=A f ()B f ()⋅1≥αf ()βf ()+2π=A f ()B f ()⋅1»AN2867Pierce oscillator Doc ID 15287 Rev 39/233 Pierce oscillatorPierce oscillators are commonly used in applications because of their low consumption, lowcost and stability.Inv: the internal inverter that works as an amplifierQ: crystal quartz or a ceramic resonatorR F : internal feedback resistorR Ext : external resistor to limit the inverter output currentC L1 and C L2: are the two external load capacitorsC s : stray capacitance is the addition of the MCU pin capacitance (OSC_IN and OSC_OUT)and the PCB capacitance: it is a parasitical capacitance.Pierce oscillator design AN2867 4 Pierce oscillator designThis section describes the different parameters and how to determine their values in orderto be more conversant with the Pierce oscillator design.4.1 Feedback resistor R FIn most of the cases in ST microcontrollers, R F is embedded in the oscillator circuitry. Its roleis to make the inverter act as an amplifier. The feedback resistor is connected between V inand V out so as to bias the amplifier at V out = V in and force it to operate in the linear region(shaded area in Figure5). The amplifier amplifies the noise (for example, the thermal noiseof the crystal) within the range of serial to parallel frequency (F a, F a). This noise causes theoscillations to start up. In some cases, if R F is removed after the oscillations have stabilized,the oscillator continues to operate normally.Table2 provides typical values of R F.Table 2.Typical feedback resistor values for given frequenciesFrequency Feedback resistor range32.768 kHz10 to 25 MΩ1 MHz 5 to 10 MΩ10 MHz 1 to 5 MΩ20 MHz470 kΩ to 5 MΩ10/23Doc ID 15287 Rev 3AN2867Pierce oscillator designDoc ID 15287 Rev 311/234.2 Load capacitor C LThe load capacitance is the terminal capacitance of the circuit connected to the crystaloscillator. This value is determined by the external capacitors C L1 and C L2 and the stray capacitance of the printed circuit board and connections (C s ). The C L value is specified by the crystal manufacturer. Mainly, for the frequency to be accurate, the oscillator circuit has to show the same load capacitance to the crystal as the one the crystal was adjusted for. Frequency stability mainly requires that the load capacitance be constant. The external capacitors C L1 and C L2 are used to tune the desired value of C L to reach the value specified by the crystal manufacturer.The following equation gives the expression of C L :Example of C L1 and C L2 calculation:For example if the C L value of the crystal is equal to 15pF and, assuming that C s = 5pF , then:. That is: .4.3 Gain margin of the oscillatorThe gain margin is the key parameter that determines whether the oscillator will start up or not. It has the following expression:, where:●g m is the transconductance of the inverter (in mA/V for the high-frequency part or in µA/V for the low-frequency part: 32 kHz).●g mcrit (g m critical) depends on the crystal parameters.Assuming that C L1 = C L2, and assuming that the crystal sees the same C L on its pads as the value given by the crystal manufacturer, g mcrit is expressed as follows: , where ESR = equivalent series resistorAccording to the Eric Vittoz theory: the impedance of the motional RLC equivalent circuit of a crystal is compensated by the impedance of the amplifier and the two external capacitances.To satisfy this theory, the inverter transconductance (g m ) must have a value g m > g mcrit . In this case, the oscillation condition is reached. A gain margin of 5 can be considered as a minimum to ensure an efficient startup of oscillations.For example, to design the oscillator part of a microcontroller that has a g m value equal to 25mA/V, we choose a quartz crystal (from Fox) that has the following characteristics: frequency = 8 MHz, C 0 = 7 pF , C L = 10 pF , ESR = 80 Ω.. Will this crystal oscillate with this microcontroller?Let us calculate g mcrit :C L C L1C L2×C L1C L2+--------------------------C s+=C L C s –C L1C L2×C L1C L2+--------------------------10 pF ==C L1 C L2=20 pF =gain m in arg g mg mcrit--------------=g mcrit 4ESR ×2πF ()2×C 0C L +()2×=g mcrit 4802π×86×10×()2××712–×101012–×10+()2×0.23 mA V⁄==Pierce oscillator designAN286712/23Doc ID 15287 Rev 3Calculating the gain margin gives:The gain margin is very sufficient to start the oscillation and the “gain margin greater than 5”condition is reached. The crystal will oscillate normally.If an insufficient gain margin is found (gain margin < 5) the oscillation condition is notreached and the crystal will not start up. Y ou should then try to select a crystal with a lower ESR or/and with a lower C L .4.4Drive level DL and external resistor R Ext calculationThe drive level and external resistor value are closely related. They will therefore be addressed in the same section.4.4.1 Calculating drive level DLThe drive level is the power dissipated in the crystal. It has to be limited otherwise the quartz crystal can fail due to excessive mechanical vibration. The maximum drive level is specified by the crystal manufacturer, usually in mW. Exceeding this maximum value may lead to the crystal being damaged.The drive level is given by the following formula: , where:●ESR is the equivalent series resistor (specified by the crystal manufacturer):●I Q is the current flowing through the crystal in RMS. This current can be displayed on an oscilloscope as a sine wave. The current value can be read as the peak-to-peak value (I PP ). When using a current probe (as shown in Figure 6), the voltage scale of an oscilloscope may be converted into 1mA/1mV .Figure 6.Current drive measurement with a current probeSo as described previously, when tuning the current with the potentiometer, the current through the crystal does not exceed I Q max RMS (assuming that the current through the crystal is sinusoidal).Thus I Q max RMS is given by:gain m in arg g m g mcrit --------------250.23-----------107===DL ESR I Q 2×=ESR R m 1C 0C L ------+⎝⎠⎛⎞2×=Crystalai15838To oscilloscopeCurrent probeI Qmax RMS DL max ESR -----------------I Qmax PP 22-----------------------==AN2867Pierce oscillator designDoc ID 15287 Rev 313/23Therefore the current through the crystal (peak-to-peak value read on the oscilloscope) should not exceed a maximum peak-to-peak current (I Qmax PP) equal to:Hence the need for an external resistor (R Ext ) (refer to Section 4.4.3) when I Q exceeds I Qmax PP . The addition of R Ext then becomes mandatory and it is added to ESR in the expression of I Qmax .4.4.2 Another drive level measurement methodThe drive level can be computed as:DL= I²QRMS × ESR, where I QRMS is the RMS AC current.This current can be calculated by measuring the voltage swing at the amplifier input with a low-capacitance oscilloscope probe (no more than 1pF). The amplifier input current is negligible with respect to the current through C L1, so we can assume that the currentthrough the crystal is equal to the current flowing through C L1. Therefore the RMS voltage at this point is related to the RMS current by:, with:● F = crystal frequency●, where: V pp is the voltage peak-to-peak measured at C L1 level●C tot = C L1 + (C s /2) + C probe where:–C L1 is the external load capacitor at the amplifier input –C s is the stray capacitance –C probe is the probe capacitance)Therefore the drive level, DL, is given by: .This DL value must not exceed the drive level specified by the crystal manufacturer.4.4.3Calculating external resistor R ExtThe role of this resistor is to limit the drive level of the crystal. With C L2, it forms a low-pass filter that forces the oscillator to start at the fundamental frequency and not at overtones (prevents the oscillator from vibrating at 3, 5, 7 etc. times the fundamental frequency). If the power dissipated in the crystal is higher than the value specified by the crystal manufacturer, the external resistor R Ext becomes mandatory to avoid overdriving the crystal. If the power dissipated in the selected quartz is less than the drive level specified by the crystal manufacturer, the insertion of R Ext is not recommended and its value is then 0 Ω..An initial estimation of R Ext is obtained by considering the voltage divider formed by R Ext /C L2. Thus, the value of R Ext is equal to the reactance of C L2. Therefore: .Let us put:●oscillation frequency F = 8 MHz ●C L2 = 15 pFThen: I Qmax PP 22DL max ×ESR---------------------------×=I QRMS 2πF V RMS ×C tot ×=V RMS V pp22----------=DL ESR πF ×C tot ×()2×V pp ()2×2------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=R Ext 12πFC 2-----------------=R Ext 1326 Ω=Pierce oscillator design AN286714/23Doc ID 15287 Rev 3The recommended way of optimizing R Ext is to first choose C L1 and C L2 as explained earlier and to connect a potentiometer in the place of R Ext . The potentiometer should be initially set to be approximately equal to the capacitive reactance of C L2. It should then be adjusted as required until an acceptable output and crystal drive level are obtained.Caution:After calculating R Ext it is recommended to recalculate the gain margin (refer to Section 4.3: Gain margin of the oscillator ) to make sure that the addition of R Ext has no effect on the oscillation condition. That is, the value of R Ext has to be added to ESR in the expression of g mcrit and g m >> g mcrit must also remain true:g m >> g mcrit = 4 × (ESR + R Ext ) × (2 × PI × F)² × (C 0 + C L )²Note:If R Ext is too low, there is no power dissipation in the crystal. If R Ext is too high, there is no oscillation: the oscillation condition is not reached.4.5 Startup timeIt is the time that take the oscillations to start and become stable. This time is longer for aquartz than for a ceramic resonator. It depends on the external components: C L1 and C L2. The startup time also depends on the crystal frequency and decreases as the frequency rises. It also depends on the type of crystal used: quartz or ceramic resonator (the startup time for a quartz is very long compared to that of a ceramic resonator). Startup problems are usually due to the gain margin (as explained previously) linked to C L1 and C L2 being too small or too large, or to ESR being too high.The startup times of crystals for frequencies in the MHz range are within the ms range.The startup time of a 32 kHz crystal is within the 1 s to 5 s range.4.6 Crystal pullabilityPullability refers to the change in frequency of a crystal in the area of usual parallelresonance. It is also a measure of its frequency change for a given change in loadcapacitance. A decrease in load capacitance causes an increase in frequency. Conversely, an increase in load capacitance causes a decrease in frequency. Pullability is given by the following formula:Pullability PPM pF ⁄()C m 6×102C 0C L +()2×--------------------------------------=AN2867Easy guideline for the selection of suitable crystal and external componentsDoc ID 15287 Rev 315/235Easy guideline for the selection of suitable crystal and external componentsThis section gives a recommended procedure to select suitable crystal/external components. The whole procedure is divided into three main steps:Step1: Calculate the gain margin(please refer to Section 4.3: Gain margin of the oscillator )●Choose a crystal and go to the references (chosen crystal + microcontrollerdatasheets)●Calculate the oscillator gain margin and check if it greater than 5:If Gain margin < 5, the crystal is not suitable, choose another with a lower ESR or/and a lower C L . Redo step 1.If Gain margin > 5, go to step 2.Step2: Calculate the external load capacitors(please refer to Section 4.2: Load capacitor CL )Calculate C L1 and C L2 and check if they match the exact capacitor value on market or not:●If you found the exact capacitor value then the oscillator will oscillate at the exact expected frequency. Y ou can proceed to step 3.●If you did not find the exact value and:–frequency accuracy is a key issue for you, you can use a variable capacitor to obtain the exact value. Then you can proceed to step 3.–frequency accuracy is not critical for you, choose the nearest value found on market and go to step 3.Step3: Calculate the drive level and external resistor(please refer to Section 4.4: Drive level DL and external resistor RExt calculation )●Compute DL and check if is greater or lower than DL crystal :–If DL <DL crystal , no need for an external resistor. Congratulations you have found a suitable crystal.–If DL >DL crystal , you should calculate R Ext in order to have: DL < DL crystal . Y ou should then recalculate the gain margin taking R Ext into account.If you find that gain margin > 5, congratulations, you have found a suitable crystal. If not, then this crystal will not work and you have to choose another. Return to step 1 to run the procedure for the new crystal.16/23Doc ID 15287 Rev 36Some recommended crystals for STM32™ microcontrollers6.1 HSE part6.1.1 Part numbers of recommended 8 MHz crystals6.1.2 Part numbers of recommended 8 MHz ceramic resonatorsTable 7 and Table 8 give the references of recommended CERALOCK ® ceramic resonatorfor the STM32™ microcontrollers provided and certified by Murata.Table 3.EPSON ®Part numberESR C L C 0Gain marginPackage MA-406 or MA-505 or MA-506 (8 MHz)80 Ω10 pF5 pF137.4SMDTable 4.HOSONIC ELECTRONICPart numberESR C L C 0Gain marginPackage HC-49S-8 MHz80 Ω10 pF7 pF107Through-holeTable 5.CTS ®Part number ESR C L C 0Gain marginPackage A TS08A 60 Ω20 pF 7 pF 56.9Through-holeA TS08ASM60 Ω20 pF7 pF56.9SMDTable 6.FOXElectronics ®Part number ESR C L C 0Gain marginPackage FOXSLF/080-2080 Ω20 pF 7 pF 43.1Through-holeFOXSDLF/080-2080 Ω20 pF 7 pF 43.1SMD PFXLF/080-2080 Ω20 pF7 pF43.1SMDTable 7.Recommendable condition (for consumer)Part numberC LPackage CSTCE8M00G55-R0Embedded load capacitors C L1 = C L2 = 33 pFSMDTable 8.Recommendable condition (for CAN bus)Part numberC LPackage CSTCE8M00G15C**-R0(1)1.Refer to the datasheet of the resonator for details on the two asterisks.Embedded load capacitors C L1 = C L2 = 33 pFSMDDoc ID 15287 Rev 317/23For other Murata resonators recommended for STM32 microcontrollers, please refer to the following link:http://search.murata.co.jp/Ceramy/ICListAction.do?sKeyHin=STM32&sKeyMak=ST -MICROELECTRONICS&sLang=en&sParam=STM326.1.3 Part numbers of recommended 25MHz crystals(Ethernet applications)6.1.4Part numbers of recommended 14.7456MHz crystals (audio applications)Table 9.HOSONIC ELECTRONICPart number ESR C L C 0Gain marginPackage 6FA25000F10M1140 Ω10pF 7pF 21.91SMD SA25000F10M1140 Ω10pF7pF21.91Through-holeTable 10.FOXElectronics ®Part number ESR C L C 0Gain marginPackage FOXSLF/250F-2030 Ω20 pF 7 pF 11.58Through-holeFOXSDLF/250F-2030 Ω20 pF 7 pF 11.58SMD PFXLF250F-2030 Ω20 pF7 pF11.58SMDTable 11.CTS ®Part number ESR C L C 0Gain marginPackage A TS25A 30 Ω20 pF 7 pF 11.58Through-holeA TS25ASM30 Ω20 pF7 pF11.58SMDTable 12.FOXElectronics ®Part number ESR C L C 0Gain marginPackage FOXSLF/147-2040 Ω20 pF 7 pF 24.97Through-holeFOXSDLF/147-2040 Ω20 pF7 pF24.97SMDTable 13.ABRACON™Part number ESR C L C 0Gain marginPackage ABMM2-14.7456MHz50 Ω18 pF7 pF29.3SMD。



1.课程设计的目的 (3)2.课程设计的内容 (3)3.课程设计原理 (3)4.课程设计的步骤或计算 (5)5.课程设计的结果与结论 (11)6.参考文献 (16)一、设计的目的设计一个晶振频率为20MHz,输出信号幅度≥5V(峰-峰值),可调的晶体振荡器二、设计的内容本次课程设计要求振荡器的输出频率为20Mhz,属于高频范围。


通过ORCAD 的设计与仿真,Protel绘制PCB版图,得到了与理论值比较相近的结果,这表明电路的原理设计是比较成功的,本次课程设计也是比较成功的。





2.振荡器的振荡条件反馈型振荡器的原理框图如下:图1.1 反馈型振荡器的原理框图如图1,放大器的电压放大倍数为K(s),反馈网络的电压反馈系数为F(s),则闭环电压放大倍数Ku(s)的表达式为[1]:K u (s)=)()(s Us s Uo ( 1—1) 由 K(s)=)()(s Ui s Uo (1—2) F(s)=)()(s Uo s i U ' (1—3)U i(s)=U s (s)+)(s i U ' (1—4)得 K u (s)=)()(1)(s F s K s K -=)(1)(s T s K - (1—5)其中T(s)=K(s)F(s)=)()(s Ui s i U ' (1—6) 称为反馈系统的环路增益。













一般L的值为几十mH 到几百mH。







晶振振荡电路的设计1 晶振的等效电气特性 (1) 概念 [1] 晶片,石英晶体或晶体、晶振、石英晶体谐振器 从一块石英晶体上按一定方位角切下薄片。

 [2] 晶体振荡器 在封装内部添加IC组成振荡电路的晶体元件称为晶体振荡器。

 (2) 晶振的等效电路 Figure1. 晶振的等效电路 Figure 1展示了晶振等效的电路。


CP 是晶振电极的分流电容。

 (3) 晶振等效电路的特殊状态 Figure2是Figure 1电路中的阻抗频率图,不分析得出此图规律的过程(原理)。

 Figure2. 晶振的阻抗VS 频率图 [1] 串联谐振频率 根据Figure 2,当晶振工作在串联谐振(《电路基础》)状态(XC=XL)下时电路就似一个纯电阻电路。

串联谐振的频率为: [2] 并联谐振频率 Figure 2中体现了随着频率小范围的升高,Figure1所示电路出现了并联谐振。


 [3] 串联谐振与并联谐振之间的频率并联CL的并联谐振 Figure1所示电路有两个谐振点,以频率的高低分其中较低的频率为串联谐振,较高的频率为并联谐振。

由于晶体自身的特性致使这两个频率的距离相当的接近,在这个极窄的频率范围内(fs - fa),晶振等效为一个电感(不分析WHY),所以只要晶振的两端并联上合适的电容CL它就会组成新的并联谐振电路。

此时发生并联谐振的频率的计算公式为: MX-COM的所有的晶振振荡器都推荐使用晶振的并联谐振模式。

 2 晶振电路的设计 (1) 推荐的晶振振荡器电路 Figure3. 晶振振荡器设计电路 图示中,没在红方框之内部分电路一般都被集成在芯片(如STM3210xxx)内部。


Rf的值在500K&Omega; ~ 2M&Omega;。











目录ST微控制器振荡器电路设计指南目录1石英晶振的特性及模型32振荡器原理53Pierce振荡器64Pierce振荡器设计74.1反馈电阻R F74.2负载电容C L74.3振荡器的增益裕量84.4驱动级别DL外部电阻R Ext计算84.4.1驱动级别DL计算84.4.2另一个驱动级别测量方法94.4.3外部电阻R Ext计算 104.5启动时间104.6晶振的牵引度(Pullability) 10 5挑选晶振及外部器件的简易指南 11 6针对STM32™微控制器的一些推荐晶振 126.1HSE部分126.1.1推荐的8MHz晶振型号 126.1.2推荐的8MHz陶瓷振荡器型号 126.2LSE部分12 7关于PCB的提示 13 8结论141 石英晶振的特性及模型石英晶体是一种可将电能和机械能相互转化的压电器件,能量转变发生在共振频率点上。


圆柱晶振 直插晶振

圆柱晶振 直插晶振


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低功耗振荡LP(Low Power)
高速晶体振荡HS (High Speed)
阻容振荡 RC(Resistor/Capacitor)

74AS04反相器用来提供振荡器所需的180°相移, 330Ω的电阻用来提供负反馈,同时偏置电压。

1.3 RC振荡:
如果R EXT低于2.2KΩ,振荡器将处于不稳定工作状态,甚至停振。

而R EXT大于1M[时,振荡器又易受噪声、湿度、漏电流的干扰。

因此,电阻R EXT取值最好在3KΩ~100KΩ范围内。


其中,EN 为势能信号,其 Active 为“1”,振荡频率取决于 R C 的值,经验近似估算值为 T=2.2RC,在实际IC DESIGN 时,常常把 R C 都做在 IC 内部,但是,留两个PAD在外面,可以通过调整并联在外的电阻值来微调频率。

此为单稳态形振荡器,必须输入一个触发信号VIN,“HIGH”PULSE,其宽度要求大于门延迟(GATE DELAY)一倍以上即可,之后便可以一直振荡下去,除非VIN输入端为固定高电平时才停止振荡
有 GATE 的传输延迟形成自激振荡,这样,只要能调整延迟时间的大小,就可控制振荡频率。

振荡器基本上是一个具负反馈的放大器,由于 Loop Gain 在大小上大于“1”,而相位等于 360 度时,此时不需要外界的信号,自然就造成一稳定的振荡信号,因此振荡器的结构必须包括:









Clock Source Accuracy Advantages Disadvantages
Crystal Medium to High Low cost Sensitive to EMI, vibration, damp Drive circuit matching
Crystal Oscillator Module Medium to High
Insensitive to EMI, damp.
No additional components or
matching issues.
High cost
High power consumption Sensitive to
Vibration Large size
Ceramic Resonator Medium Lower cost Sensitive to EMI, vibration, damp Drive circuit matching
Silicon Oscillator Low to Medium Insensitive to EMI,
vibration, damp Fast startup
Small size/no additional
components or matching
Temperature sensitivity generally
worse than crystal and ceramic
resonator types.
High supply current with some types.
RC Oscillator Very Low Lowest cost Usually sensitive to EMI, vibration,













电路射频振荡器使用反向器III,射频振荡器的频率受到1MHz 晶振的控制。






