U2PUSB电压电流检测仪说明书V3.7!!!U2P进入诱骗菜单后,高压危险,切勿接手机!!!固件更新频繁,所有功能以实物为准,请及时升级最新固件与下载新版本说明书详细说明、技术咨询、固件升级、上位机下载统一由QQ群提供,群号:313755927进群密码:您的订单编号QWAY为过渡商标,现WITRN商标已经正式申请下来,U2P会逐步恢复为WITRN商标目录按键使用说明: (4)U2P(4按键版本)简介: (5)高能备注,不看吃亏:(U2输入输出承受功率) (6)U2P技术参数: (6)P1大字菜单: (8)T图标:手势动作识别图标 (9)C图标:串口通信图标 (9)圆形箭头图标:重力方向识别开关图标 (9)U图标:USB联机状态指示 (9)红色原点:离线曲线记录开关图标 (9)P2容量显示菜单: (10)P3等效内阻菜单: (11)P4快充显示菜单: (12)P5综合信息菜单: (13)温度计功能: (14)6组容量记录快速菜单: (15)充电宝效率计算小工具: (15)P6线阻测量菜单: (16)P7曲线显示: (18)高速纹波测试/ 虚拟示波器 (18)快充协议检测触发: (20)快充协议自动检测菜单 (22)诱骗菜单总说明: (24)QC2.0诱骗菜单: (25)QC3.0诱骗菜单: (25)QC2.0 转PD快充协议(普通QC头秒变PD充iPhone 11): (26)PD诱骗菜单(PD2.0模式): (27)PD诱骗菜单(PD3.0、PPS、QC4+模式): (27)PD嗅探(PD监听PD抓包): (28)PD监听模式HID供电的正确操作方法: (29)PD监听模式退出: (29)APPLE PD电源检测: (30)E-Marker线材检测: (31)MFI线材检测: (32)华为FCP 菜单: (33)华为SCP/SUPER SCP菜单: (33)三星AFC 菜单: (34)OPPO、一加的VOOC DASH /Super VOOC 10V菜单: (34)VOOC DASH虚拟数据线功能 (35)VIVO双擎闪充诱骗菜单:老VIVO双擎协议,不是10V版本 (36)苹果充电加速诱骗菜单: (36)小电流外设辅助充电(充电宝不关机): (37)参数设置菜单: (38)设置菜单模式下按键说明: (38)离线曲线记录功能的使用步骤: (42)固件升级说明: (43)注意事项: (44)按键使用说明:现在在售的U2为4按键的U2P版本本说明书为4按键U2P专用2按键版本U2已经停产,U2用户可以参照本说明摸索或看旧版说明U2P(4按键版本)简介:USB输入口: QWAY(WITRN)-U2P表USB-A型输入口USB输出口:USB-A型母座输出TYPE-C IN : type-c 输入口TYPE-C OUT : type-c 输出口Micro IN : MicroUSB 输入口(外接温度传感器)PC USBHID : 电脑升级USB口/ 上位机数据接口PD物理开关:开启/关闭U2P的PD芯片与C口硬件连接如果U2p刷了U2的2按键版本固件,那么U2p只有2个按键可用此时,U2P功能操作会与本说明书有很大差异(勿刷2键版本固件)U2P用户切勿手动刷2按键版本的老U2固件U2p 4按键:4keysU2 2按键:2keys软件自动联网升级,自动识别2按键U2或4键U2p,自动升级即可高能备注,不看吃亏:(U2输入输出承受功率)QWAY(WITRN)-U2PUSB输入口采用专利设计的大电流5PUSB-A 型公头输入,可以承受5A以上大电流,支持大功率输入:如5A/20V=100W功率USB-A输出口采用富士康4P母座,可短时承受5A电流,但不支持大功率输出如果使用富士康USB母座进行输出时,最大功率建议不超过25W 例如:输入电压5V,输入电流不超过5A;输入电压12V,输入电流不超过2A,超过25W功率有可能损坏USB母座触点(25W为保守功率,实际大点也没问题)当使用大电流,大功率工作时,可以使用TYPE-C母座进行输出注意:MicroUSB母座输入端口同样不支持大电流大功率,其输入电流不能超过2.5AU2P技术参数:输入电压: DC 4~24V 输入电流: ±5A电压分辨率: 0.00001V 电流分辨率: 0.00001A容量记录: 0~99999Ah 0~99999Wh内部NTC温度传感器: -20℃~+120℃外接NTC温度传感器: -20℃~+120℃存储介质: 铁电FARM记忆体100亿次刷写寿命固件升级方式:HID免驱升级电脑联机方式:HID上位机U2P物理PD拨动开关:ON:U2P内部PD芯片与TYPE-C接口连接此时U2p为一个PD负载,可以使用PD检测,PD诱骗,Emarker 线材检测,QC转PD,PD监听等功能OFF:U2P内部PD芯片与TYPE-C接口物理上断开连接此时U2p的PD功能全部失效,此时如果只接U2,后面没PD用电设备,相当于单独连接U2p和PD充电器,U2p不会工作,黑屏OFF模式作用:(直通模式)完全断开U2p内部PD芯片,不影响PD充电头与PD手机间的通讯此模式为大家习惯上称呼的“直通模式”,就是不影响PD充电器与用电设备之间的任何通讯此时充电器与PD用电设备中间串入U2p,U2p相对于一个普通万用表U2p可以在任意界面亮屏并监测电源线上的电流电压状态串U2p充手机,充任何设备时,建议关闭PD开关关闭PD开关后,如果只插U2p,U2p会黑屏如果只插U2p,需要测试PD功能,PD开关要开启P1大字菜单:OK 短按:切换长按:56OK 短按:长按:大字干净菜单,只显示电压、电流、功率三个关键数据箭头表示电流方向备注:重力感应开关开启后,屏幕方向受重力传感器控制 重力传感器优先级高于按键控制旋屏方式---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------在主屏幕界面,按方向键前后切换界面,下同---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------右上角图标说明:(五个图标显示的功能可在设置菜单里面开启和关闭)T图标:手势动作识别图标绿色表示手势动作识别功能开启,灰色表示关闭手势识别功能开启时,连续轻敲U2两下切屏(双击)C图标:串口通信图标绿色代表开启,灰色表示关闭串口输出数据一般为蓝牙版使用,用户也可以将串口数据输出到其他设备使用串口功能开启的情况下,C字符每闪烁一次,表示串口发送一次数据圆形箭头图标:重力方向识别开关图标绿色表示重力方向识别功能开启,灰色表示关闭首页大字界面和温度计界面可以4向自动旋屏,其他界面2向U图标:USB联机状态指示黄色USB图标,U,S,B字符轮流闪烁,代表HID接口连接电脑功能开启,绿色表示联机成功,灰色表示关闭红色原点:离线曲线记录开关图标红色表示离线曲线记录功能开启,红色闪烁表示正在记录数据,红色不闪表示录满,灰色关闭P2容量显示菜单:OK短按:截屏(暂停数据)长按:旋屏BACK 短按:切换容量记录组别长按:清除当前组别数据RUN :正常显示STOP :截图暂停容量组别记录有6组,每组单独记录Ah 和Wh 和时间*可以记录手机等用电设备的充电容量和时间,进而推断出设备电池容量*容量记录功能也可以配合恒流负载对充电宝等电源进行放电记录,进而推断出充电宝电池的实际容量备注:清空6组离线记录数据的另外三种方法1. 在综合信息界面清空任意一组的数据(具体阅读相应菜单操作) 综合信息界面 6组容量记录快速菜单2. 在6组容量记录快速菜单,清空任意一组数据(具体阅读相应菜单操作)3. 开机按 >键进入系统设置菜单“清除所有记录”项,一次性清空所有数据。
一加Ace2v 是一款智能手机,具备多个按键,下面是这些按键的说明:
1. 电源键/锁屏键:位于手机右侧,用于打开或关闭手机,以及锁定或解锁屏幕。
2. 音量键:位于手机左侧,用于调节手机的音量大小,包括媒体音量、通话音量和闹钟音量等。
3. 快捷键:位于手机左侧音量键下方,可以自定义功能,例如启动特定应用程序或拍照等。
4. 音频接口:位于手机底部,用于连接耳机或外部扬声器。
5. SIM 卡槽:位于手机顶部,用于插入SIM 卡,以便访问移动网络。
6. USB 接口:位于手机底部,用于连接充电器或USB 数据线,以便传输数据和充电。
7. 扬声器:位于手机底部,用于播放媒体、通知和电话铃声等声音。
以上就是一加Ace2v 智能手机的按键说明。
LG G920 手机 使用说明书
![LG G920 手机 使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6b16d4d967ec102de3bd8932.png)
当直接对着麦克风说话时,调整天线角度,使之朝上并高出您 的肩膀。如果天线是可伸缩的,则在呼叫期间应将天线伸长。 • 如果您的手机支持红外线功能,切勿将红外线对准任何人的 眼睛。
所有手机都可能产生干扰,这种干扰会对性能造成影响。 • 在未经允许的情况下,不得在医疗设备附近使用手机。
不要将手机放在心脏起搏器上,即胸前的口袋内。 • 手机可能会对某些助听器造成干扰。 • 微弱的干扰可能会影响电视、收音机、个人计算机等。
Part No. MMBB0124005
用户手册 型号: LG-G920
请您在操作您的手机前仔细阅读此手册。 并保留它作为将来的参考。
Fri 28 May Names
管理器[ 菜单4 ] ............................................. 53 •电话薄[菜单4-1] .......................................... 53 •闹钟[菜单4-2] ............................................ 58 •日程表[菜单4-3] .......................................... 58 •备忘录[菜单4-4] .......................................... 60
锤子M1L 手机使用说明书
![锤子M1L 手机使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c30f073303768e9951e79b89680203d8ce2f6a13.png)
音量调节调整亮度(可定制)(可定制)按下 回到桌面 / 轻触 返回上一级(可定制)按下 回到桌面 / 轻触 返回上一级(可定制)音量调节调整亮度手机配件M1L移动电话附带的配件分别为快速充电器、USB 线缆和取卡针。
USB 线缆快速充电器手机您可以在购买更多的配件。
SIM卡安装说明使用剪卡器得到的 SIM 卡可能导致通信信号不良,由此造成的问题不在锤子科技的保修范围之内。
常用操作1.开机/关机:长按手机底部的 HOME / POWER键3秒以上。
2.唤醒/锁屏:短按 HOME / POWER键 唤醒。
长按 HOME / POWER键1秒锁屏。
可以在 设置>按键快捷方式 中将 音量键对面的侧键 设置成点亮/熄灭屏幕功能。
3.屏幕截图:音量下键+ HOME 键。
4.锁屏状态下切换上一首或下一首音乐:灭屏状态下播放音乐时,短按 音量键对面的侧键 可切换歌曲的上一首或下一首。
此功能可在 设置>按键快捷方式 中开启或关闭。
5.两侧按键挤压:亮屏时,您可以同时短按 两侧按键 来获取屏幕截图。
您可以在 设置>按键快捷方式>两侧按键挤压 中将此操作更改为其他功能,比如快速拍照(锁屏时,短按 两侧按键 可激活相机,松手即快速三连拍。
亮屏时,短按 两侧按键 可进入相机应用)、新建日历任务/便签/录音、快速启动应用功能等。
6.强制重启:黑屏和死机时,长按 右侧上键+ HOME键15秒以上即可强制重启手机。
产品规格 / 参数产品名称:TD-LTE数字移动电话机制造商:北京锤子数码科技有限公司产品规格 / 详细参数查询:充电器:型号:CD901输入:100-240V~50/60Hz 0.6A或0.7A(视不同供应商)输出:3.6-8V 3.0A/9V 2.67A/12V 2.0A访问官方网站 了解更多关于 M1L 移动电话的规格和参数信息。
Xenium E219 翻盖手机说明书
![Xenium E219 翻盖手机说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c63d78c20129bd64783e0912a216147916117e1e.png)
XeniumXenium E219黑色GSMCTE219BK一键无忧温情常伴Xenium E219 翻盖手机采用经典、清新的外观设计,双屏幕提供出色显示效果。
配备 1800 毫安时电池,提供 Xenium 性能。
极致而实用时尚纤薄2.8 英寸主屏和 1.77 英寸分屏出众的 1800 毫安时电池为您提供出色的娱乐体验该摄像头拍照可达 VGA 分辨率通过扬声器大声播放收音机中的音乐手机CTE219BK/93规格尺寸天线: 集成式形状因数: 翻盖手机尺寸: 113 毫米 * 57.5 毫米 * 19.8 毫米手机重量: 135.2 克网络功能GSM 频段: 900, 1800 MHz信息收发: SMS CB(小区广播), SMS(短消息服务), 短信群发语音编解码器: FR/EFR/AMR/HRGSM 频段(主 SIM): 1800, 900 MHzGSM 频段(次 SIM): 1800, 900 MHz图片/显示屏幕对角线尺寸(英寸): 2.8 英寸主屏颜色: 26.2 万色主屏分辨率: 240x320 像素主屏技术: TN静态照片播放图像压缩格式: BMP, GIF, JPEG 音频捕捉语音录制: AMR音频播放音频支持格式: AMR, Midi, MP3音频录制录制您自己的声音声音铃声: MP3 铃声, 64 和弦存储介质存储卡类型: Micro SD内存管理: 存储器状态存储卡最大容量: 16 GB便利性按钮和控制: 4 向导航键和输入, 侧键通话管理: 呼叫前转, 通话保持, 通话计时, 呼叫等待*, 紧急电话, 麦克风静音, 未接电话, 已接来电时钟/版本: 数字易于使用: 图形用户界面, 免提模式, 飞行模式, 键盘锁, 软键, 振动提示, 双 SIM 卡游戏和应用程序: 闹钟, 计算器, 日历, 手电筒可用语言:界面: 简体中文, 简体中文多媒体: FM 收音机个性化/自定义: 墙纸, 铃声文本输入: 字符计数器, 智能预测输入振铃多媒体应用记忆卡接口: SD 卡插槽连接串行连接: USB-MicroUSB 数据线附件标准包装包括: 电池, 充电器, USB 数据线, 用户手册功率电池容量: 1800 毫安时电池类型: 锂离子环保规格无铅焊接产品包装材料: 箱体用户手册:再造纸* 部分功能需要您的网络供应商配合支持。
华为 手机 说明书(5)
![华为 手机 说明书(5)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/458105ee6294dd88d0d26b52.png)
7 电池充电
1. 连接手机与充电器。 5
2. 将充电器的电源插头插入电源插座。 3. 手机开始充电。屏幕显示充电动画效果。 4. 充电动画没有变化时表示充电已满,断开充电器与电源插座的
连接。 5. 断开充电器与手机的连接。
说明 随机附赠的充电线仅支持充电功能,不可用于数据传 输。
23 安全警告和注意事项 ................................................................ 12 ii
1 您的手机
左软键 拨号/通话键
方向键 数字键
右软键 OK键 结束/挂机键
充电接口 #键
2 按键
说明 z 拨打电话或接听电话。 z 待机状态下,进入“全部通话”。 z 长按此键,开机或关机。 z 在呼叫、通话、来电状态下,挂断电话。 z 非待机状态下,返回待机界面。 z 待机状态下,关闭背光。 z 待机状态下,进入“手机下载”。 z 菜单模式下,确认选择或者弹出菜单。
版权所有 © 华为技术有限公司 2009。
非经华为技术有限公司书面同意,任何单位和个人不得擅自摘抄、 复制本手册内容的部分或全部,并不得以任何形式传播。
本手册中描述的产品中,可能包含华为技术有限公司及其可能存 在的许可人享有版权的软件,除非获得相关权利人的许可,否则, 任何人不能以任何形式对前述软件进行复制、分发、修改、摘录、 反编译、反汇编、解密、反向工程、出租、转让、分许可以及其 他侵犯软件版权的行为,但是适用法禁止此类限制的除外。
,进入“全部通话”。找到 ,拨打电话。
[一加五t手机]一加五手机一:[一加五手机]给一加手机 5 开箱后,我们发现它的屏幕总算靠谱了尽管一加 5海外发布会已经提前一些时候举办,并且各大外媒已经放出一加 5的体验内容,但我们还是想借刚拿到的一加 5大礼包,聊聊一加 5,也聊聊我们对一加手机的看法。
在我看来,一加手机 5既是领先者,也是追随者,为什么呢从配置来看,一加手机一直以来是走在最前端的,不说别的,单就 8GB的运行内存目前或许也就只有华硕的 ZenFone VR能够相比了;但从摄像头、或者说拍照来看,以往一加手机的表现并不弱,这次选择搭载双摄像头,实际上是有一定的牺牲,也算是跟随了友商双摄的脚步,但晚做总比不做好,追随的同时也意味着有机会赶超。
说回本次的一加 5大礼包吧!大礼包是一个一次性开封的黑色牛皮纸盒,打开后上盖印着一加的 Slogan —— NEVER SETTLE。
相比一加 3时丰富得犹如中奖一般的大大礼包,这次的包装少了 VR、车载闪充及一款竹质保护壳。
另外,有看海外一加 5发布会的尾巴可能知道它还有一个红色硅胶保护壳,这次也不在大礼包内。
在发布会上,刘作虎表示一加 5是 2022年最豪华配置的手机,这里我也梳理了一下一加 5的配置供尾巴参考:处理器:高通骁龙 835运行内存:6 / 8GB LPDDR4某存储空间:64 / 128GB UFS 2.1屏幕尺寸:5.5英寸 1080p Optic AMOLED屏幕特性:支持 DCI-P3广色域,模拟水墨屏的阅读模式摄像头:1600万像素 + 2022万像素双摄,f/1.7光圈传感器:IM某398(1600万像素) + IM某350(2022万像素)电池/快充:3300mAh,Dash Charge网络:CAT12 / 3CA,2某2 MIMO WiFi尺寸/重量:152.7 × 74.7 × 7.25 mm,153g功能:NFC,apt某 HD,微信/支付宝指纹支付,生活防水虽然大礼包还不够「大」,不过一加 5的包装内还是有一个刘作虎的感谢信,背面则是加油使用一加手机在冰岛拍摄的照片,嗯这时候还不忘宣传一加手机的拍照呢。
艾睿红外(InfiRay) 手机热像仪使用说明书
![艾睿红外(InfiRay) 手机热像仪使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b203ed87ab00b52acfc789eb172ded630a1c985c.png)
Use of the Made for Apple badge means that an accessory has been designed to connectspecifically to the Apple product(s) identified in the badge and has been certified by thedeveloper to meet Apple performance standards. Apple is not responsible for the operation of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards.Please note that the use of this accessory with an Apple product may affect wirelessperformance.智能连接1. 安装软件2. 连接设备USB Type-C/苹果闪电接口服务电话传真https:///镜头注意事项售后服务将“InfiRay智能手机热像仪”插入手机 USB 接口,弹出软件使用提示,点击“确定”,即可使用。
3. 手动调焦查看手机红外热像画面, 手动调节热像仪镜头至目标清晰。
在华为、小米、谷歌、百度、腾讯、360、苹果商店等手机应用商城, 天眼(Search)系列产品搜索“艾睿天眼”,测温(Xtherm)系列产品搜索“红外测温”或者“Xtherm”,即可下载安装APP。
CE Compliance Statement+86-400-998-3088+86-535-3410604电子邮件**************************由于具体型号、产品升级等原因,外观、结构可1、联系我们2、联系您购买处的销售商进行处理This product and - if applicable - the supplied accessories too are marked with "CE" andcomply therefore with the applicable harmonized European standards listed under the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU, the LVD Directive 2014/35/EU, the RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU, Wi-Fi device: the RE Directive 2014/53/EU.EU Conformity StatementApple Compliance Statement2012/19/EU (WEEE directive): Products marked with this symbol cannot be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste in the European Union. For proper recycling, return this product to your local supplier upon the purchase of equivalent new equipment, or dispose of it at designated collection points.For more information see: Wee Compliance Statement备注:*OPPO vivo、一加、realme需要在设置里搜索OTG并打开,才能使用。
华为 手机 说明书
![华为 手机 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5026fa25192e45361066f50c.png)
说明 您的手机支持发送和接收长短信,接收一条完整长短信的时间视网
络状况而定,如果发现长短信内容无法完整显示,请等待手机接收 到所有短信内容后再重新打开。长短信只能保存于手机中。 您的手机最大支持的彩信容量为 300KB,超过 300KB 的文件将无 法通过彩信发送。
待机状态下,按此键查看“通话记录”。 拨打电话或接听电话。
待机状态下,按此键进入“主菜单”。 选择屏幕左下方文字对应的菜单或操作。
菜单模式下,按此键返回上一级菜单或退出 功能表。
待机界面设置为“快捷模式”时,按左方向 键或右方向键移动光标至所需快捷图标。
手机密码锁可有效地防止其他人未经您的许可使用您的手机。 启用手机密码锁时,会在每次开机时要求您输入手机密码。 在主菜单界面,选择“设置 > 安全 > 手机密码”可开启手机 锁。
PIN 码和 PUK 码
PIN 码(个人识别号码),可有效的防止他人未经您的许可使用 您的 UIM 卡。PUK 码(个人解锁码),可以更改被锁定的 PIN 码。如果累计连续 3 次输错了 PIN 码,将提示输入 PUK 码。 如果累计连续 10 次输错了 PUK 码,UIM 卡将永久失效。此 时,请与您的网络运营商联系,要求更换新卡。 PIN 码、PUK 码随 UIM 卡一起提供,详情请咨询您的网络运营 商。
待机状态下,长按此键,锁定键盘。 文本输入模式下,按此键切换输入法。
编辑状态下,按此键清除光标前一个字符, 长按清除光标前的所有字符。
文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作总结、工作计划、合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、句子大全、作文大全、诗词歌赋、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, doctrinal documents, planning plans, complete sentences, complete compositions, poems, songs, teaching materials, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!手机使用说明书格式范文(热门5篇)手机使用说明书格式范文第1篇安全注意事项请阅读这些简明的规则。
HUAWEI华为 nova 11 快速指南 说明书
![HUAWEI华为 nova 11 快速指南 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/629d8e050812a21614791711cc7931b764ce7b64.png)
在使用和操作设备前,为确保设备性能最佳,并避免出现危 险或非法情况,请查阅并遵循所有的安全信息。
• 请在温度 0℃~35℃ 范围内使用本产品,在 -20℃~ +45℃ 范围内存储本产品。
ᦊ͈Րሦ ᨥ О͉ᩆ ܳໄᐏᔭ ܳໄ̄ᔭᧉ
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Ὁ᛫ᇨសదࠏྭ᠏ښសᦊ͈ਫ਼దک᠏ెந˗ᄊե᧚(ښک#5 ࠀᄊᬍ᧚᜶ර̿ʾǍ
Ὁ᛫ᇨសదࠏྭ᠏ᒰ࠶ښសᦊ͈ᄊ౽ʷک᠏ెந˗ᄊե᧚ᡔѣ (#5 ࠀᄊᬍ᧚᜶රἻ˅ᄬҒˊႍదੇྀᄊణ̽வ ವἻኀՌൗᄪ3P)4ૉ̾ဗδ᜶රǍ
如何快速迁移 旧设备数据旧设备Fra bibliotek新设备
• 【警告】如果更换不正确的型号的电池会有起火或爆炸的危 险。为了您的人身安全和保障产品正常运作,强烈建议您 到华为客户服务中心更换本设备电池。
• 请勿将电池暴露在高温处或发热产品的周围,如日照、取 暖器、微波炉、烤箱或热水器等。电池过热可能引起爆炸。
• 禁止将电池扔入火中,勿拆解、跌落、挤压或改装电池, 避免异物插入、穿刺电池或将电池浸入水或其它液体中, 避免电池遭受外部冲击和压力,以免引起电池漏液、过热、 起火或爆炸。
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LG KC910E 手机 使用说明书
![LG KC910E 手机 使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/68e985335a8102d276a22f8a.png)
恭喜您购买此款功能先进的LG KC910e手机,它采用了最新的数字移动通信技术,专注于为您提供便利的操作。
目录设置开始了解您的手机 (8)内部构造 (10)安装 SIM卡和电池 (11)存储卡 (13)菜单图 (14)您的待机屏幕触摸屏提示 (15)快捷键 (16)状态栏 (17)通过状态栏更改模式 (18)使用多任务功能 (18)基本功能通话 (19)拨打电话 (19)从电话本拨打电话 (19)接听来电和拒接来电 (19)通话中选项 (20)调节通话音量 (21)快速拨号 (21)拨打第二个电话 (21)关闭双音多频 (22)查看您的通话记录 (22)使用呼叫转接 (22)使用呼叫限制 (22)改变常用呼叫设置 .............23联系人.. (24)搜索联系人 (24)添加联系人 (24)联系人选项 (25)创建群组 (25)更改联系人设置 (25)查看信息 (26)信息 (27)信息 (27)发送信息 (27)输入文本 (27)拼音输入法 (28)笔划输入法 (28)数字输入法 (28)英文输入法 (28)插入符号 (28)设置电子邮件 (29)接收您的邮件 (31)使用您的新帐号发送邮件 (31)更改电子邮件设置 (31)信息文件夹 (32)管理您的信息 (33)更改文本信息设置 (33)更改您的多媒体信息设置 (33)修改您的其他设置 (34)4LG KC910e | 用户手册高级功能相机 (35)快速拍照 (35)拍照之后 (35)了解您的取景器 (36)使用闪光灯 (37)选择拍摄模式 (37)调节曝光量 (37)拍摄连续镜头 (37)拍摄全景 (38)使用高级设置 (38)预览设置 (38)其它设置 (39)查看保存的相片 (39)摄像机 (40)快速摄像 (40)拍摄视频之后 (40)了解您的取景器 (41)调节曝光 (42)使用高级设置 (42)预览设置 (42)其它设置 (42)观看您保存的视频 (43)在电视机上观看您的视频 .......43照片和视频. (44)查看照片和视频 (44)使用缩放功能查看视频或照片 (44)调整观看视频时的音量 (44)从视频中捕捉图像 (45)用幻灯片模式查看您的照片 (45)设置照片为壁纸 (46)从图片库发送照片或视频 (46)娱乐 (48)我的图像 (48)我的图像选项菜单 (48)发送照片 (48)使用图像 (49)我的声音 (49)使用声音 (49)我的视频 (50)观看视频 (50)视频暂停时的选项 (50)游戏和应用程序 (50)下载游戏 (50)玩游戏 (50)使用游戏选项菜单 (50)JAVA设置 (51)Flash 内容 (51)查看SWF文件 (51)查看SWF文件时使用选项 (51)5目录文档 (51)查看文件 (51)把文件传输到手机 (52)其它 (52)外部存储器 (52)从其它文件夹移动文件到文档 (52)创建电影 (52)音乐 (53)播放歌曲 (54)播放音乐时使用的选项 (54)FM收音机 (54)搜索电台 (55)重新设置频道 (55)收听电台 (55)管理功能公文包 (56)添加事件到您的日历 (56)更改默认日历视图 (56)向任务列表添中项目 (56)共享任务 (57)使用日期计算器 (57)设置闹钟 (57)添加备忘录 (58)语音备忘录 (58)录制语音备忘录 (58)发送语音备忘录 (59)使用计算器 (59)单位换算器 (59)使用秒表 (60)向世界时钟添加城市 (60)跑步伴侣 (60)电子词典 (61)PC 同步 (62)在您的电脑上安装LG PC套件 (62)连接手机和电脑 (62)备份和恢复您的手机信息 (62)在PC上查看手机文件 (63)同步电话本 (63)同步信息 (63)将手机用作Mass Storage设备 (63)DivX Converter (64)网络浏览器 (66)访问网页 (66)添加并访问书签 (66)RSS读卡器 (66)保存页面 (67)访问已经保存的页面 (67)查看您的浏览器历史纪录 (67)更改网络浏览器设置 (67)将手机用作调制解调器 (67)谷歌 (68)SIM卡服务 (68)6LG KC910e | 用户手册设置更改屏幕设置 (70)个性化情景模式 (70)更改手机设定 (70)更改触摸设置 (71)更改连接设置 (71)使用内存管理器 (72)使用飞行模式 (72)使用蓝牙发送和接收文件 (72)与其它蓝牙设备配对 (74)使用蓝牙耳机 (74)配件 (75)网络服务 (76)技术参数 (76)关于安全有效使用手机的准则777待机屏幕选择,然后点触,并选择手机设定。
目录1.开箱和初始化2.设置手机–系统设置–互联网设置–应用设置3.常用功能和操作–解锁与锁屏–账户与安全–通知和状态栏–导航和手势–多任务管理–照相和录像–应用管理4.问题解决与技巧–常见问题解决–优化手机性能–手机保养和维护1. 开箱和初始化在接收到一加Ace2手机后,请按照以下步骤进行开箱和初始化:1.打开手机包装盒,取出手机及配件。
2. 设置手机在完成初始化设置后,您可以按照以下方式设置您的一加Ace2手机:在系统设置中,您可以对手机进行全面的配置和自定义设置。
3. 常用功能和操作在接下来的部分中,我们将介绍一些您在日常使用中经常会遇到的功能和操作。
销点,以禁用手机和 SIM 卡。这将使您免受他人冒打 电话带来的经济损失。 当您与电信部门或代销点联系时,他们需要知道您手 机的 IMEI 号(印在手机背部的标签上,取下电池即 可发现)。请将该号码抄留并妥善保管,以备将来之 需。 为使您的手机免受误用,请采取防范措施,如:
3.14 联系人 ............................................................. 23 3.15 浏览器 ............................................................. 24 3.16 录音机 ............................................................. 24 3.17 闹钟 ................................................................. 25 3.18 日历 ................................................................. 25 3.19 商家................................................................ 26 3.20 设置 ................................................................. 27 3.21 图库................................................................ 28 3.22 相机................................................................ 28 3.23 信息 ................................................................. 29 3.24 音乐 ................................................................. 29 3.25 收音机 ............................................................. 30 3.26 移动电视 ......................................................... 31 4. 输入文本 .............................................................. 31 5 储存卡介绍 ................................................................ 33 6 常见问题与解决办法................................................ 34
华为 P20 手机用户指南说明书
![华为 P20 手机用户指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/931f60432e60ddccda38376baf1ffc4ffe47e2ff.png)
Servicing North America:USA:One Omega Drive, Box 4047ISO 9001 Certified Stamford, CT 06907-0047Tel: (203) 359-1660FAX: (203) 359-7700e-mail:**************Canada:976 BergarLaval (Quebec) H7L 5A1Tel: (514) 856-6928FAX: (514) 856-6886e-mail:*************For immediate technical or application assistance:USA and Canada:Sales Service: 1-800-826-6342 / 1-800-TC-OMEGA SMCustomer Service: 1-800-622-2378 / 1-800-622-BEST SMEngineering Service: 1-800-872-9436 / 1-800-USA-WHEN SMTELEX: 996404 EASYLINK: 62968934 CABLE: OMEGA Mexico andLatin America:Tel: (95) 800-826-6342FAX: (95) 203-359-7807En Espan ol: (95) 203-359-7803e-mail:*****************Servicing Europe:Benelux:Postbus 8034, 1180 LA Amstelveen, The NetherlandsTel: (31) 20 6418405FAX: (31) 20 6434643Toll Free in Benelux: 0800 0993344e-mail:************Czech Republic:ul. Rude armady 1868, 733 01 Karvina-HraniceTel: 420 (69) 6311899FAX: 420 (69) 6311114Toll Free: 0800-1-66342e-mail:***************France:9, rue Denis Papin, 78190 TrappesTel: (33) 130-621-400FAX: (33) 130-699-120Toll Free in France: 0800-4-06342e-mail:****************Germany/Austria:Daimlerstrasse 26, D-75392 Deckenpfronn, GermanyTel: 49 (07056) 3017FAX: 49 (07056) 8540Toll Free in Germany: 0130 11 21 66e-mail:*************United Kingdom:One Omega Drive, River Bend Technology Centre ISO 9002 Certified Northbank, Irlam, ManchesterM44 5EX, EnglandTel: 44 (161) 777-6611FAX: 44 (161) 777-6622Toll Free in the United Kingdom: 0800-488-488e-mail:*************.ukOMEGAnet®On-Line Service Internet e-mail **************It is the policy of OMEGA to comply with all worldwide safety and EMC/EMI regulations that apply. OMEGA is constantly pursuing certification of its products to the European New Approach Directives. OMEGA will add the CE mark to every appropriate device upon certification.The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA Engineering, Inc. acceptsno liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.1.0: IndexSection Title Page1.0Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12.0Safety Summary . . . . . . . . . . . .23.0Service & Repair . . . . . . . . . . .44.0Measurement Configurations . .55.0Digital Readout Interface . . . . .66.0Probe Interface/Orbit NetworkConnections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87.0RS232 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98.0Input/Output Connections . . . .129.0Motor Drive Connections . . . . .1610.0General Specification . . . . . . .17Warranty/Disclaimer . . . . . . . . .This Equipment is designed as Safety Class Iapparatus to comply with EN61010-1.Service SafetyThis equipment has been designed and tested tomeet the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive (1997) and has been supplied in a safe condition.This manual contains information and warnings that must be followed by the user to ensure safeoperation and to retain the apparatus in a safecondition.T erms in this ManualWARNING statements identify conditions orpractices that could result in personal injury or loss of life.CAUTION statements identify conditions or practices that could result in damage to the equipment orother property.Symbols in this ManualThis symbol indicates where applicablecautionary or other information is to be found. Power sourceApply no more than 265V rms (AC) between supply conductors or conductor and ground.2.0: Safety SummaryWARNING: Do not operate in an explosiveatmosphereWARNING: Do not remove covers or panels To avoid personal injury, do not remove covers and panels. Do not operate the equipment without the covers and panels fitted. There are no internaladjustments required during commissioning theequipment.Warning: Danger arising from loss of ground During a fault condition and upon loss of protective ground (earth) connection, all accessible conducting parts - including controls that might appear to beinsulated - can render an electric shock.CAUTION:Use correct FuseTo avoid a fire hazard, use the correct fusetype, voltage and current rating as specified forthe equipment. Refer fuse replacement toqualified service personnel.Grounding the equipmentThe unit is grounded through the mains lead: toavoid electric shock, plug the power lead into aproperly-wired receptacle before connecting to theinput or output terminals. A protective groundconnection by the way of the grounding conductor in the power lead is essential for safe operation.2.0: Safety Summary (continued)Replacing the fuseAt the rear right of the Digital Readout removethe fuse cover of the IEC320 connector andreplace the fuse with the same type and value.This equipment contains no user serviceable parts other than the fuse.This equipment must be returned to your Omega dealer for all other service and repair.Dismantling the unit will invalidate the warranty.3.0: Service &RepairFuseCoverIndividual probe-connection of one LinearEncoder or Digital Probe. Probe pair-connection of 2 probesconfigured as A+B or A-B. Probes may be plugged directly into the rear panel recessed receptacle.Multiple probes-up to 10 individual probesor probe pairs (A+B or A-B)each allocated to a program. Scan-connection of up to 30probes (Linear Encodersand/or Digital Probes) andallocated to a singleprogram.Refer to Digital Benchtop Meter User Manual to configure the options.To connect more than 2 probes to the Digital Readout, use the Orbit Network Connection System.When more than 10 probes are connected to the Digital Readout a supplementary power supply interface module will be required (Omega Part No. LDN-PS).4.0: Measurement Configurations5.0: Digital Readout InterfaceRS232IEC 320 CONNECTOR 85V - 264V 15W maxINPUT/OUTPUTCONNECTORCONNECTORPROBE INTERFACE/ORBIT NETWORK CONNECTORSEarth stud provided for bonding to machine safety earth.(CAUTION: DO NOT USE FOR CONNECTION TO LVDT OR HALF BRIDGE GAUGING PROBES)MOTOR DRIVE CONNECTION Probe(s) must be identified to the Digital Readout when first installed. Simply press probe tip when prompted.5.1 Connecting 1 or 2 ProbesTo connect a Linear Encoder or Digital Probe ensure cable from Probe Interface Electronics (PIE) is at bottom of unit and plug into either left hand or right hand side of recessed receptacle.5.0: Digital Readout Interface (Continued)5.2 Connecting up to 30 probesAccessoriesT-CON part number LDN-CON9 pin (m/f) cable 1.5 m / 5 ft0068699 pin (m/f) cable 5 m / 16 ft803664Connector type: 9 pin D-sub femalePin Function 10V 2RS485(A)3RS485(B)40V 50V 6+5V 7+5V 8+5V 90VProbe Interface/Orbit 6.0: Probe Interface/Orbit Network ConnectionsView from rear of unit1234567891234567897.0: RS232(Allows measurement readings to be sent to printer or PC)Connector type 25 pin D-sub female7.1 Pin AssignmentPin Signal Assignment 1CHASSIS GND Chassis ground 2TXD Transmitted data 3RXD Received data 4RTS Request to send 5CTS Clear to send 6DSRData set ready 7SIGN GND Signal ground20DTRData terminal ready7.2 Voltage levelsTXD and RXD voltage levelslogic level (active)-3V to -15V logic level (not active)+3V to +15V RTS, CTS, DSR and DTR voltage levelslogic level (active)+3V to +15V logic level (not active)-3V to -15V7.3 Connection cableSimple connection between Digital Readout and printer or PC(No flow control or Xon/Xoff flow control)11Chassis gnd RTS/CTS Control = no&DTR/DSR Control = noin RS232 menu22TXD 33RXD7Digital ReadoutPrinter or PC7Signal gnd 13212019181716151425242322121110987654321Connection between Digital Readout & printer or PC using RTS/CTS and DTR/DSR7.4 Baud Rate300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800,9600, 19200, 28800, 57600 7.5 Data Format 1 start bit7 data bitsnone/odd/even parity1 or2 stop bitsNote: Baud rate and data format options are defined in RS232 menu. Ensure settings are the same as on the connected serial device.7.6 Message formatDigital Readout to PC or printerMessage:<Displayed Measurement>Initiated by<Send Measurement>command or by pressing print key191020212223Text Reading U R Message terminated by [carriage return] [line feed] Key:Text:ASCII text dependant on mode of operation (Bytes 1 to 9)Reading:ASCII representation of the reading, leading zero s replaced by spaces(Bytes 10 to 20)U = units for inches (Byte 21)space for mmR = range lamps > out of tolerance - high (Byte 23)= in tolerance< out of tolerance - low1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 201234567820Chassis gndTXDRXDRTSCTSDSRSignal gndDCDDTRRTS/CTS Control = yes&DTR/DSR Control = yesin RS232 menuDigital Readout Printer or PCPC or printer to Digital ReadoutCommand Character Description<Send Measurement>STX Requests displayed measurement to be sent <X OFF>DC3Stop transmission of message<X ON>DC1Restart transmission of messageFreeze displayThe numeric display reading can be programmed to freeze when RS232 option is selected in ext menu.Display frozen and updated by each freeze = RS232 <Send Measurement> command on RS232 interface in ext menuAllows remote switches or inputs to be used in place of Digital Readout keys and displayed value to be frozen.Range Lamp status can be used to control external relays.Input/Output (25 pin D-sub Male connector)Viewed from rear of unit.Inputs High +3.9V to +15V (max)Low-0.5V to +0.9V(Io ~5mA)Pin Function 2Remote ZERO 3Remote LOAD 4Remote PRINT5Remote Reset MAX/MIN/DIFF registers 6Remote displayMAX/MIN/DIFF/ACTUAL, key press cycles7Remote Freeze Display 8Remote Program Up 9Remote Program Down 22Remote MOTOR 23Remote MOTOR 24Unassigned 25Unassigned132120191817161514252423221211109876543218.0: Input/Output ConnectionsRemote ZERO: Performs same function as pressing zero key when input is taken low then high.Remote LOAD: Performs same function as pressing load soft key when input is taken lowthen high in Operation mode preset or Max/minmenu.Remote PRINT: Performs same function as pressing print key when input is taken low then high.Remote MAX/MIN/DIFF: Performs samefunction as pressing soft key that cyclesthrough actual/maximum/minimum/difference inOperation mode Max/min menu, when input istaken low, then high. Remote RESET: Performs same function as pressing reset soft key in Operation modeMax/min menu, when input is taken low, then high.Remote FreezeThe Digital Readout can be programmed tofreeze the displayed reading as follows:Display frozen and updated by each negative going edge on Remote Freeze Display signal.freeze = remote neg edge in ext menu.Display frozen while Remote Freeze Display signal is low.freeze = remote low in ext menu.Remote Program Up/Down performs the same function as pressing the program keys when input is taken low then high.Motor /Motor performs the same function as pressing the motor keys when input is held low.Input Schematic Active low, edge triggered.Only one input to be active at a time.If a series of functions is being processed then t min may be prolonged.OutputsHigh+32V (max)Ic ≤=10µALow≤ +0.4VIc ≤100mAPin Function15Not assigned16Range lamps: Within tolerance17Range lamps: Low18Range lamps: High19Do not connect20Do not connectInput+5V1KIo10K0V0V0V0Vt min≥20mSecMisc.Pin Function10V100V11Unused12Unused13Unused14Unused21Unused Output schematicOpen Collector, active lowRange lamps within tolerance/low/high operate on actual limit set values with no hysteresisDelay until signal output: £50mSec(If a series of functions is being processed this may be prolonged)Provides dc power for probe motor drive.Pin Function 1Motor +2Motor -312V 40V 5Spare5 pin DIN female connector viewed from rear of unit.When motor key or remote Motor selected thenMotor +=+12V Motor -=0V12453When key or remote Motor selected then Motor +=0V Motor -=+12VWhen no motor keys or inputs selected then Motor + = 0V Motor - = 0VMaximum current from +12V is 100mA9.0: Motor Drive ConnectionsENVIRONMENTALOperating T emperature (°C)0 to 40°C / 32 to 104°F Storage T emperature (°C)-20 to 60°C / -4 to 140°F Humidity0 to 95% non condensing Safety Rating EN61010-1 IP RatingFront panel module IP65Complete unit IP40 EMCEmission EN50081-1Immunity EN50082-2 Power supply via IEC 320 Connector Line voltage85V to 264V Line frequency47Hz to 440Hz Power15W max Line fuse2A T Fuse size20mm Nominal DimensionsWidth235mm / 9.26 inHeight w/o feet80mm / 3.15 inHeight w/ feet96mm / 3.78 inDepth190mm / 7.49 inWeight 2.3kg / 3.3 lbs10.0: General SpecificationWARRANTY/DISCLAIMEROMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA Warranty adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA s customers receive maximum coverage on each product.If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA s WARRANTY does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA s control. Components which wear are not warranted, including but not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs. OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by it will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a Basic Component under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY/ DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.RETURN REQUESTS/INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RETURNING ANY PRODUCT(S) TO OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA S CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT (IN ORDER TO AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, pleasehave the following information availableBEFORE contacting OMEGA:1.Purchase Order number underwhich the product wasPURCHASED,2.Model and serial number of theproduct under warranty, and3.Repair instructions and/or specificproblems relative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS,consult OMEGA for current repaircharges. Have the following informationavailable BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. Purchase Order number to covertheCOST of the repair,2.Model and serial number of theproduct, and3.Repair instructions and/or specificproblems relative to the product.OMEGA s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 1998 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control?OMEGA Of Course!TEMPERATUREG Thermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes, Connectors,Panels & AssembliesG Wire: Thermocouple, RTD & ThermistorG Calibrators & Ice Point ReferencesG Recorders, Controllers & Process MonitorsG Infrared PyrometersPRESSURE, STRAIN AND FORCEG Transducers & Strain GaugesG Load Cells & Pressure GaugesG Displacement TransducersG Instrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELG Rotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters & Flow Computers G Air Velocity IndicatorsG Turbine/Paddlewheel SystemsG T otalizers & Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITYG pH Electrodes, T esters & AccessoriesG Benchtop/Laboratory MetersG Controllers, Calibrators, Simulators & PumpsG Industrial pH & Conductivity Equipment DATA ACQUISITIONG Data Acquisition & Engineering SoftwareG Communications-Based Acquisition SystemsG Plug-in Cards for Apple, IBM & CompatiblesG Datalogging SystemsG Recorders, Printers & PlottersHEATERSG Heating CableG Cartridge & Strip HeatersG Immersion & Band HeatersG Flexible HeatersG Laboratory HeatersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROLG Metering & Control InstrumentationG RefractometersG Pumps & TubingG Air, Soil & Water MonitorsG Industrial Water & Wastewater TreatmentG pH, Conductivity & Dissolved Oxygen InstrumentsM-3482 02/99DR601。
OnePlus 7 手机使用手册说明书
![OnePlus 7 手机使用手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/16b5cfab6394dd88d0d233d4b14e852458fb39f7.png)
OnePlus 7手机使用手册更好的了解OnePlus 7的使用信息目录开始使用1外观及参数1开机和快速设置2安装和设置SIM 卡3电池及充电4实体按键5转移数据至OnePlus 7 6状栏图标6基础操作7基础手势7虚拟按键和全屏手势7安装和卸载应用9打开、切换、关闭应用9主屏幕管理11氢视窗12通知面板与控制中心12设置13 WLAN和互联网13 WLAN 13 SIM 卡和移动网络14热点和网络共享15蓝牙和设备连接16蓝牙16 NFC与触碰付款16显示17应用和通知18声音18音量18勿扰18耳机18铃声18振动19系统19按键和手势20三段式开关20虚拟按键和全屏手势20快捷手势22电池23存储23安全和锁屏23设备安全性23云同步25账户25工具箱26系统27无障碍27语言和输入法27日期和时间27重置选项27 OTG 数据交换28多任务清除方式28多用户28系统更新28关于手机28系统应用30电话30通讯录31文件管理32信息32天气33计算器33录音机34便签34相机35图库38时钟39一加搬家40高级41游戏模式41勿扰模式41开始使用投屏41定时开关机41多任务清除方式42屏幕固定42应用双开42画中画42免流量传文件43隐藏应用图标43重启、更新、备份与恢复43重新启动或强制重启43更新氢系统44备份与恢复数据45恢复出厂设置46无障碍46放大功能46按电源按钮结束通话47颜色反转47色彩校正47高对比度文字47开始使用1开始使用外观及参数参数有关手机参数详见一加官网。
∙ 附赠配件为本设备设计,可能与其他设备不兼容; ∙请通过一加官方渠道购买手机配件,并确保与本设备兼容。
设备外观示意图三段式按键电源键音量键听筒前置摄像头Type – C 数据接口开机和快速设置使OnePlus 7 开机初次使用手机时,请按住开机按钮几秒,使手机开机。
OnePlus Buds用户指南说明书
![OnePlus Buds用户指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c385808d6e1aff00bed5b9f3f90f76c661374cbf.png)
OnePlus Buds User Guide更新日期: 2020-07-22ContentConnection and Use Functions and Operations Voice Assistant Buds ChargingConnection and UseBuds power-on/offOpen the charging box to turn on the OnePlus Buds. Place them in the charging box and close the cover to turn them off.Device connectionBefore pairing with a new device or reconnecting, please turn on the GPS location information, Wi-Fi / Mobile data and Bluetooth in the notification bar menu or phone settings.While the buds are inside the charging box, open the charging box and press and hold the setup button for 2 seconds. The indicator lamp of the charging box will flash white. The buds will then be available for pairing.If the box is being opened for the first time, OnePlus Buds will automatically be available for pairing. If a OnePlus phone is used, the phone will automatically pop up an animation about connecting the buds. Follow the prompts to connectphone with OnePlus Buds.After factory settings are restored, pairing records will be erased. If the box isbeing opened for the first time, OnePlus Buds will automatically be available for pairing.If a OnePlus or Android phone with Fast Pair function is being used, enable Bluetooth on the phone, and open the charging box for the OnePlus Buds. The phone will automatically pop up an animation about connecting the buds. Follow the prompts to connect phone with OnePlus buds.Note: For Non-OnePlus or Android phones without the Fast Pair function, open the charging box, and press and hold the setup button for 2 seconds. The indicator lamp for the charging box will flash white. Search for the buds in Bluetooth settings and tap Connect.Automatic reconnectionAfter OnePlus Buds have been successfully paired with a device, the buds will automatically reconnect to the device each time the buds start.If reconnection fails, open the Bluetooth setting on the device, tap PreviouslyConnected Devices and search for OnePlus Buds, and tap the buds to connectthem.Reconnection after a long-distance disconnectionIf the OnePlus Buds have been disconnected from your device because you’re too far, and you return to the effective distance of the connection within 10 minutes, OnePlus Buds will automatically reconnect with your device. If there is no reconnection for 10 minutes, the buds will automatically shut down. In this case, you can put the buds into the charging box, close the cover, and then open it to reconnect them. New device connection in connected statusIn case you need to connect the buds with another device, put the buds into the charging box and connect them based on the instructions in "Device connection" above.Functions and OperationsCallAnswer a call: double-tap the touch area of the bud.Hang up a call: double-tap the touch area of the bud.Reject a call: tap and hold the touch area of the bud for 5 seconds.Device switchoverPress and hold either bud (while powered-on) for 3 seconds to return to the last connected device.Music/standbyDouble-tap the left or right bud to play the next track by default.Note:For OnePlus 6 and newer versions, you can customize the double-tap function of the left bud and right bud on the phone to perform different commands, e.g., play/pause, next track, previous track, and wake up voice assistant.On the OnePlus phone, go to Bluetooth & Device Connection - PreviouslyConnected Devices, tap the OnePlus Buds settings icon to customize the double-tap function in the device details interface.Note: Currently, this feature is only available on OnePlus 6 or newer versions. The duration of the double-tap setting will differ as per regions. Please keep your device updated to the latest software version to avoid missing any features.Optional functions: Play/pause, next track, previous track, and wake up default voice assistant.Due to software updates, your experience of the software interface (including but not limited to software features, user interfaces, and interaction experiences) may differ from the interface presented in this manual. The software interface is subject to change.Wearing detectionWear the buds. During music playback, take them off to pause music automatically. If you put the buds back in within 3 minutes, music will resume automatically. If 3 minutes pass, you must play the music manually on the device.Tapping for commands is only supported if you are wearing the bud.Voice AssistantWaking up the voice assistantSet double-tap on OnePlus phone to start the default voice assistant.Note: Currently, this feature is only available on the OnePlus 6 and later versions.Buds ChargingPower level indicationIf the buds are placed in the charging box, the indicator lamp will show thebattery level of the buds, and ignore the battery level of the charging box.Take the left and right bud out. The indicator lamp will show the battery level of the charging box.The following table lists the meanings of the indicator lamp in different colors. Bud(s) in the Charging Box Light Indication Light ColorOne bud in the charging box Shows the battery level ofthe bud in the charging boxGreen: The battery level ishigher than 20%.Red: The battery level islower than 20%.Two buds in the charging box Shows the battery level ofthe bud with less power inthe charging boxGreen: The battery level ishigher than 20%.Red: The battery level islower than 20%.No bud in the charging box Shows the battery level ofthe charging boxGreen: The charging box canfully charge the OnePlusBuds.Red: The charging boxcannot fully charge theOnePlus Buds.Charging budsPut the buds in the charging box to charge them.(The charging contacts at the bottom of the buds’ handle must be clean, otherwise charging and use may be affected.)Charge the charging boxYou can connect the charging box to a power supply through the power cable delivered with the buds to charge it.If the indicator lamp of the charging box is always red, the charging box ischarging. If it is green, the charging box is fully charged.Factory ResetPut the two buds into the charging box and do not close the cover.Press and hold the setup button on the charging box for 10 seconds. If theindicator lamp flashes red, release the button. The buds are reset.After the buds have been reset, they will automatically be available for pairing when the cover is opened, and the indicator lamp will flash white.Upgrade the budsConnect the buds to OnePlus 6 or a newer version with Bluetooth.After the buds are connected, see the details of OnePlus Buds on the phone. Go to Bluetooth & Device Connection - Previously Connected Devices, tap OnePlus Buds settings icon on the screen and turn on auto-update.Buds Lost/PairingIf you lost your OnePlus Buds, turn on the Find My Earbuds speech to help you find them.If the buds are connected to OnePlus 6 or a newer version, see the details ofOnePlus Buds on the phone. On the phone screen, tap Find My Buds, and tap play sound. The buds will beep to help you find them.If the buds are connected to an Android phone with the Fast Pair function, see the details of the OnePlus Buds on the phone. On the phone screen, tap Find My Device. The buds will beep to help you find them.Do not play the sound if you’re wearing the buds.Note: This function is unavailable on non-OnePlus phones or Android phones without the Fast Pair function.If either bud is lost, put a new bud and the old bud in the charge box at the same time, press and hold the setup button for 2 seconds. The two buds will be rematched successfully. For buy a replacement for a left or right earbud, go tohttps:///global/support.。
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