过去分词在写作中的应用 36张

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LLooccaatetedd in the east of China, Chaozhou covers an area of 3,679 square kilometers. Considered as
CohnaoesnTsaoihfdpeteohrspeeudnmlatoetinsotcneensoefarmrgeeotmriecotcrhietaiencso2in.n7cmoisueilr(li简coon明u.n的try), it and varied(多变的).
With the performances finished, the performers felt relaxed.
Topic: Chaozhou Branch Venue in the CCTV 2018 Spring Festival drama party
Xiangzi Bridge The Butterfly Lovers
What is the little boy doing?
The little boy is having his hair cut .
Compare the two paragraphs
Sample 1: Chaozhou is located in the east of China. It
Question 2: How about the performances? What did the audience think of them?
the seeciallydesigned platform; the audience, satisfied; performers, relaxed
How do we write it with past participles?
Step 1: list out the main points
Question 1: Where is Chaozhou?What happened?
be located in; become the branch venue(分 会场); the CCTV 2018 Spring drama party
5 points
3. the platform; specially-designed The platform was specially-designed.
30 points
4. performances; the platform; in front of Guangji Building
Using Past Participles in Writing
How to write with past participles?
1. 过去分词作定语 The glass was broken.
I was hurt by the broken glass (打碎 的玻璃杯).
2. 我被这部名叫梁祝的潮剧感动到了(be moved)。 (过去分词作表语)
I was moved by this Chaozhou opera called Liangzhu.
3. 随着表演(performances)完成,演员(performers) 都感到放松。(with+宾语+过去分词作宾补)
covers an area of 3,679 square kilometers and has a population of more than 2.7 million. It is considered as one of the most energetic cities in our country. Sample 2:
What happened?
The injured (受伤的) man was sent to the hospital.
How did the boy look?
Jasper was very delighted (delight) to take part in the TV program.
3. 过去分词作宾语补足语
Do you think the workers can get the job finished (finish) on time?
The criminal was taken away with her hands tied (tie) behind.
The Butterfly Lovers
This Chaozhou opera was called The Butterfly Lovers.
I love this Chaozhou opera called (call)
the Butterfly Lovers.
2. 过去分词作表语
After running a marathon race, they all felt exhausted (exhaust).
Step 2: write them out in simple sentences
Play a game:make a choice
1ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
10 points
1. Chaozhou; be located in;
Chaozhou is located in the east of Guangdong Province.
1. 由T古ra代n人sl民at建e 造th的e广se济n楼te(nGcueansgji Building)被保
护得很好(be well preserved)。 (过去分词作后置定语)
The Guangji Building built by the ancient people is quite well preserved.
15 points
2. Chaozhou; become the branch venue(分会 场);the CCTV 2018 Spring drama party
Chaozhou became the branch venue in the CCTV 2018 Spring drama party.