人教版小学英语二年级下册《Unit 3 Seasons Story Time》优质课公开课课件、教案
二年级英语下册《Unit3Seasons》 PPT精品课件人教新起点

Spring is happy. Let’s fly a kite. Spring is green. Let’s plant trees and grass.
big -bigger tall -taller young - younger heavy -heavier strong -stronger hot -hotter cool -cooler
It’s spring.
It’s spring.
We can plant trees
In spring
plant trees We can ____ in spring.
plant ______ flowers
plant ______ trees
I like to plant ______in spring.
59.72×1023 kg 46×108 years
7.36 × 1022 kg 45.27×108 years
1、不要做刺猬,能不与人结仇就不与人结仇,谁也不跟谁一辈子,有些事情没必要记在心上。 2、相遇总是猝不及防,而离别多是蓄谋已久,总有一些人会慢慢淡出你的生活,你要学会接受而不是怀念。 3、其实每个人都很清楚自己想要什么,但并不是谁都有勇气表达出来。渐渐才知道,心口如一,是一种何等的强大! 4、有些路看起来很近,可是走下去却很远的,缺少耐心的人永远走不到头。人生,一半是现实,一半是梦想。 5、没什么好抱怨的,今天的每一步,都是在为之前的每一次选择买单。每做一件事,都要想一想,日后打脸的时候疼不疼。 6、过去的事情就让它过去,一定要放下。学会狠心,学会独立,学会微笑,学会丢弃不值得的感情。 7、成功不是让周围的人都羡慕你,称赞你,而是让周围的人都需要你,离不开你。 8、生活本来很不易,不必事事渴求别人的理解和认同,静静的过自己的生活。心若不动,风又奈何。你若不伤,岁月无恙。 9、与其等着别人来爱你,不如自己努力爱自己,对自己好点,因为一辈子不长,对身边的人好点,因为下辈子不一定能够遇见。 10、你迷茫的原因往往只有一个,那就是在本该拼命去努力的年纪,想得太多,做得太少。 11、有一些人的出现,就是来给我们开眼的。所以,你一定要禁得起假话,受得住敷衍,忍得住欺骗,忘得了承诺,放得下一切。 12、不要像个落难者,告诉别人你的不幸。逢人只说三分话,不可全抛一片心。 13、人生的路,靠的是自己一步步去走,真正能保护你的,是你自己的选择。而真正能伤害你的,也是一样,自己的选择。 14、不要那么敏感,也不要那么心软,太敏感和太心软的人,肯定过得不快乐,别人随便的一句话,你都要胡思乱想一整天。 15、不要轻易去依赖一个人,它会成为你的习惯,当分别来临,你失去的不是某个人,而是你精神的支柱;无论何时何地,都要学会独立行走 ,它会让你走得更坦然些。 16、在不违背原则的情况下,对别人要宽容,能帮就帮,千万不要把人逼绝了,给人留条后路,懂得从内心欣赏别人,虽然这很多时候很难 。 17、要使整个人生都过得舒适、愉快,这是不可能的,因为人类必须具备一种能应付逆境的态度。——卢梭 18、不要太高估自己在集体中的力量,因为当你选择离开时,就会发现即使没有你,太阳照常升起。 19、时间不仅让你看透别人,也让你认清自己。很多时候,就是在跌跌拌拌中,我们学会了生活。 20、命运要你成长的时候,总会安排一些让你不顺心的人或事刺激你。 21、你的假装努力,欺骗的只有你自己,永远不要用战术上的勤奋,来掩饰战略上的懒惰。 22、成长是一场和自己的比赛,不要担心别人会做得比你好,你只需要每天都做得比前一天好就可以了。 23、你没那么多观众,别那么累。做一个简单的人,踏实而务实。不沉溺幻想,更不庸人自扰。 24、奋斗的路上,时间总是过得很快,目前的困难和麻烦是很多,但是只要不忘初心,脚踏实地一步一步的朝着目标前进,最后的结局交给 时间来定夺。 25、你心里最崇拜谁,不必变成那个人,而是用那个人的精神和方法,去变成你自己。 26、运气是努力的附属品。没有经过实力的原始积累,给你运气你也抓不住。上天给予每个人的都一样,但每个人的准备却不一样。不要羡 慕那些总能撞大运的人,你必须很努力,才能遇上好运气。 27、时间只是过客,自己才是主人,人生的路无需苛求,只要你迈步,路就在你的脚下延伸,只要你扬帆,便会有八面来风,启程了,人的 生命才真正开始。己的情绪和克服自己的惰性,并像太阳一样照亮身边的人,激励身边的人。
【人教版】(新起点)英语二年级下册:unit 3《seasons》第1课时教学设计

Unit3 第1课时教学设计【内容来源】人民教育出版社(一起点)二年级下册Unit3【主题】Seasons【课时】第1课时一、教学目标(Teaching aims)1. 能够听懂、会说有关季节及其气温特点的八个词汇:spring, summer, autumn, winter, hot, warm, cool和cold,并尝试借助图片和首、尾字母提示整体识别单词。
2. 能够结合描述天气状况的词汇尝试说一说季节的特点。
3. 能够跟随录音大胆模仿说唱歌谣。
二、各板块教学建议A. Look, listen and chant.1. 热身、导人(1) 教师出示天气图片,带领学生复习话题主要内容。
T: What’s the weather like?S: It’s snowy.T: What can you do in snowy days?S: I can make a snowman.(2) 教师依据学生答案,出示冬季图片。
教师说:There’s snow in winter. We can make a snowman in winter.之后呈现其他三个季节的图片并提问学生:What are they about?从而引出季节主题。
2. 呈现新的学习内容(1) 教师播放歌谣录音,让学生整体感知语言。
(2) 教师再次播放歌谣录音,让学生感知季节词汇。
(3) 教师再次播放歌谣录音,让学生感知气温特点的词汇。
之后,教师可将warm移至spring的旁边,然后说:It’s warm. Spring is warm.然后请学生结合自己的生活经验,尝试将其他三个词放在相应的季节图片旁。
(4) 教师再次播放歌谣录音,验证学生的答案。
3. 词汇学习和操练(1) 学生听新词汇的录音:第一遍认真听,第二遍跟读。
2022年人教版 二年级下册 U3《Seasons》单元教案

Unit 3 Seasons单元教材分析:本单元主要学习有关季节及其气温特点的八个词汇:.autumn .winter.hot,warm,cool,cold.本单元的活动用语What’s your favourite season Sping\Summer\Autumn\Winter.It`swarm\hot\cool\cold.并能初步在恰当的情景中运用。
2.能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下初步使用本单元所学的句型:What’s your favourite season单元教学难点:能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下初步使用本单元所学的句型:What’s your favourite season单元课时安排:五课时第一课时教学内容:A Look, listen and chant教学目标:能够在适当的情景下听懂,说出与季节有关的4个单词和表示气温特点的4个单词。
二.预习(Preview)Asking some studentsT: Did you have a happy Spring Festival Ss:Yes.T: But do you know what’s the meaning of spring Let’s look at this picture.三.新课呈现(Presentation)T: Now, let’s look at the picture. (教师出示挂图)T: What can you see in this pictureS1: I can see grass…...T: ’s spring. spring出示教学卡片,带着学生学习新单词。
二年级下册英语说课稿-Unit 3《Seasons》(Story_Time)|人教(新起点)

二年级下册英语说课稿-Unit 3《Seasons》(Story_Time)|人教(新起点)一、教材分析本节课是二年级下册英语的第三单元,教材为人教版(新起点)英语教材。
三、教学过程1. Warm-up老师可以设计一些游戏或者活动来让学生提前适应英语环境,如通过卡片来学习四个季节的单词,或者给学生分组请他们说出不同季节的相关事物。
2. Vocabulary在学习Story_Time之前,要先让学生学习一些相关的词汇。
3. Story_Time接下来教师可以开始讲述英文故事《Seasons》。
4. Discussion讲完Story_Time后,老师可以组织学生进行小组讨论,让学生分享他们最喜欢的季节和他们最喜欢的季节活动,从而让学生更加深入地了解四个季节的特点和各个季节的不同之处。
5. Homework针对本课的教学内容,可以让学生回家记录自己最喜欢的季节,并简单描述一下这个季节的特点。
四、教学方式和方法1.读故事2.活动3.建议小组讨论4.激励学生思考,启发思路5.根据学生的喜好和兴趣选用不同的教学方法五、板书设计季节 - 各自特点春天天气衣服食物活动夏天…秋天…冬天…六、教学反思本课是介绍四个季节的特点,旨在帮助学生更好地了解每个季节的变化和特点,让学生学会用英文表达自己的想法。
二年级下册英语教案-Unit 3《Seasons》|人教(新起点)

二年级下册英语教案-Unit 3《Seasons》|人教(新起点)一、教学目标1.通过复习上节课的内容,让学生对季节已有初步认识。
2.让学生学会使用“What’s the weather like?” 这一句型表达天气情况,能说出四季的名称和相应的天气特点。
二、教学内容1.Warm-up:(1)引导学生复习上节课所学的季节名称和天气特点;(2)教授单词:sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy,并进一步让学生了解它们的意思。
2.Presentation:(1)通过“What’s the weather like?” 这一句型,引导学生表达天气情况;(2)学习四季的名称和相应的天气特点;(3)通过 Flashcard 给学生展示四季和与之相关的图画,让其更加深入的了解四季。
3.Practice:(1)练习会话:“What’s the weather like?”;(2)课堂练习:配对四季与相应天气图画;(3)朗读课文,并让学生了解课文主旨及自己喜欢的季节及原因。
三、教学重点1.掌握四季的名称及相应的天气特点;2.能够正确使用“What’s the weather like?” 这一句型;3.能够读懂课文,并表达自己喜欢的季节及原因。
五、教学方法和学法1.TPR 教学法;2.图片教学法。
六、教学过程设计时间教学内容教学方法和手段5 min.Warm-up 复习T:口述 P:回答5 min.Presentation 呈现四季T:Flashcard 展示5 min.Presentation 呈现天气T:举例、解释5 min.Presentation 呈现句型及问答T:演示5 min.Practice TP:课堂配对 T:检查并纠正10-15 min.Practice 朗读课文T:听力指导 P:独立朗读10-15 min.Practice 自我介绍和录音T:演示、指导 P:跟读、朗读录音5-10 min.Summary T:回顾、导引七、师生活动安排1.T:进行 Warm-up 复习2.T:进行 Presentation,讲解四季、天气及句型使用讲解3.T:进行 Practice,巩固所学并逐一进行纠正4.P:在 Practice 中积极参与,巩固所学5.T:将 Production 的工作分配给学生练习6.P:在 Production 部分积极展示,提高自我表达能力八、教学评估1.观察学生对于四季和天气的记忆及认知;2.通过课堂练习及 Production 环节观察学生表达能力及口语自然度;3.通过听取录音来观察学生的发音及语音节奏。

Unit 1 PlaytimeCan you play football? No, I can't.Can you ride a bike? Yes, I can.Can you swim? Yes, I can.Words:Play football fly a kite ride a bike swim can't make a model plane make a snowmanCan you swim? Yes, I can.Can you make a model plane? No, I can't.……Story time:Can you make a model plane? Sorry, I can't.Can you ride a bike? Sorry, I can't.Can you play football? Sorry, I can't.Can you fly a kite? Sorry, I can't.Can you make a snowman? Sorry, I can't.Look! I can swim!Songs:Bill can play football. Me too, me too. Yaoyao can fly a kite. Me too, me too.Joy can ride a bike. Me too, me too.Binbin can swim. Me too, me too.Andy can make a model plane. Me too. me too. Lily can make a snowman. Me too. me too.Can you play football? Yes, I can.Can you play football? Yes, I can.Can you play football?Can you play football?Yes, I can. Yes, I can. Yes, I can.Can you ride a bike? No, I can't.Can you ride a bike? No, I can't.Can you ride a bike? Can you ride a bike?No, I can't. No, I can't. No, I can't.Unit 2 WeatherWhat's the weather like today, Dad?It's sunny.Wow! Let's go and play football.What's the weather like in Shanghai? It's rainy.Words:rainy cloudy snowy windy sunny umbrella weather now cap let's wowWhat's the weather like today?It's rainy. No.It's windy. Yes.What's the weather like today?It's snowy. Let's make a snowman.……Story Time:What's the weather like?It's cloudy and rainy.I don't like rain. I love rain!Look, now it's sunny!Let's go to the park.Oh no! Now it's sunny.But it's windy. We can fly a kite.Do you want to go to the park? Yes, Let's go.I can fly a kite now! This is fun.Oh no, my cap!Songs:It's rainy. It's rainy.Umbrellas go up, up, up.It's cloudy. It's cloudy.Umbrellas go down, down, down.It's snowy. It's snowy.Umbrellas go up, up, up.It's windy. It's windy.Umbrellas go down, down, down.It's sunny. It's sunny.Umbrellas go up, up, up.Rain, rain, go away.Come again some other day.Little children want to play.Rain, rain, go away.Unit 3 SeasonsWhat's your favourite season? Autumn.What's your favourite season?Spring. It's warm and windy. I can fly a kite in spring.Words:Hot warm cool cold spring autumn summer winter favourite seasonWhat's the weather like in autumn? It's cool and windy.What's your favourite season?Spring. It's warm and windy. I can fly a kite in spring.Yaoyao, what's your favourite season?Summer, I can swim in summer.……What's your favourite season? Guess!What's the weather like?It's very cold. I can make a snowman in this season.It's winter. Yes!Story TimeIt's spring. Here are some peanuts for you. Thank you.Let's plant them. No, not me. I want to fly a kite. It's summer. Let's water the peanuts.No, not me. I want to swim.It's autumn. Let's pick the peanuts.No, not me. I want to play football.It's winter. Let's eat them.No, not you!No pain, no gain.Songs:Four seasons in a year.Spring, summer, autumn, winter.Warm in spring.Hot in summer.Cool in autumn.Cold in winter.Four seasons in a year.Spring, summer, autumn, winter.Spring is green, Summer is bright,Autumn is golden, And winter is white.Unit 4 TimeWhat time is it? It's 7:40.What time is it? It's 11:30.What time is it? It's 2:50.It's playtime. Let's play football.Words:time playtime start really late wineleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twentythirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninetyWhat time is it? It's 3:15. Let's……Wolf, wolf. What time is it? It's 3:00.It's playtime! Let's ride a bike.Story TimeWhat time is it? It's 11:00. Let's start.What time is it? It's 11:10.Let's play football.What time is it? It's 11:20. Let's fly the kite.What time is it? It's 11:30. Let's ride the bike.What time is it? It's 11:50.Oh, really? Oh, I'm late! I win!Songs:Tick tock, Tick tock, Goes the clock. It's eleven o'clock. Tick tock, Tick tock, Goes the clock. It's 11:20.Tick tock, Tick tock, Goes the clock. It's 11:30.Tick tock, Tick tock, Goes the clock. It's 11:40.Tick tock, Tick tock, Goes the clock. It's 11:50.Tick tock, Tick tock, Goes the clock. It's twelve o'clock.Hickory, dickory, dock!The mouse ran up the clock.The clock struck one,The mouse ran down,Hickory, dickory, dock!Unit 5 My DayWhen do you eat breakfast every day? At 7:10.When do you get up every day? I get up at 6:40.Words:every day get up eat breakfast go to school at eat lunch go home eat dinner go to bed whenWhen do you go to school every day?I go to school at 7:00.……I get up at 7:00 I eat breakfast I go to school at 7:40I play football at 3:00 I go home at 4:30I eat dinner at 6:00 I go to bed at 9:00Story TimeWhen do you get up, Monkey? I get up at 7:00.When do you eat breakfast? I eat breakfast at 7:20.When do you go to school? I go to school at 7:50.When do you eat lunch? I eat lunch at 12:00.It's 12:00 now!Oh no! It's time to go home!Songs:Every day, I get up, I eat breakfast, I go to school,I eat lunch, I go home, I eat dinner,I go to bed, Every day!When do you go to school, go to school, go to school? When do you go to school?I go to school at seven.When do you go home, you go home, you go home? When do you go home?I go home at four.When do you go to bed, go to bed, go to bed?When do you go to bed?I go to bed at nine.Unit 6 My WeekWhat day is it today? It's Sunnday.Great! Let's play football!What day is it today? It's Monday.Let's go to school!Words:Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday today sad new meet childrenWhat day is it today? It's Thursday.What day is it today? It's Monday.What time is it? It' 7:30. Let's go to school.Story TimeIt's Monday. Mike is new in the class. He is sad.On Tuesday, Mike meets Bill. They play football.On Wednesday, Mike meets Lily. They fly a kite.On Friday, Mike meets Yaoyao. They ride bikes.On Saturday, Mike meets Andy and Joy. They swim.On Sunday, all these children are at Mike's birthday party. Mike is happy.Songs:Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.Sunday, lalala,Monday, lalala,Tuesday, lalala,Wednesday, Thursday, lalala,Friday, lalala,Saturday, lalala.That makes a week.。

教学过程1. 导入(10分钟)本次导入主要通过唱英文儿歌来活跃课堂氛围,并让学生在轻松愉悦的状态下进入学习状态。
2. 学习和掌握关键单词和短语(20分钟)首先,老师将通过适当的教学方法,让学生在短时间内快速掌握童话故事中的关键单词和短语,以便更好地进行后续的故事学习。
3. 听取故事和回答问题(30分钟)接下来,老师将播放童话故事的录音,并让学生认真听取每一个细节和人物。
4. 学生复述童话故事情节并自由诠释(30分钟)此环节,老师将鼓励学生在自由的情境下,发挥对故事情节理解的才华,创造出自己的故事情节。
5. 总结和反思(10分钟)最后,老师将针对本堂课程所学知识,进行总结,并让学生针对本次教学环节展开反思和讨论。

Unit3 Story Time【主题】Seasons一、教学目标(Teaching aims)1. 能够借助录音、图片、文字和教师的讲解读懂本单元的小故事,并能在教师帮助下尝试表演故事。
二、教学建议1. 热身活动(1) 教师带领学生演唱本单元的补充歌曲。
(2) “Guessing game”游戏:听描述,猜季节,复习本单元词汇。
教师示范说:I can swim in this season. It’s warm and windy. 让学生猜出季节。
(3) 引入故事:教师出示准备好的花生实物,提问学生:I have some peanuts for you. What can you do with the peanuts?2. 呈现故事(1) 根据以上问题,教师呈现图一,让学生预测故事:教师可使用以下语言:Angel has some peanuts, too. Who comes? Yes, Little Cock. Angel gives him the peanuts. What does Little Cock do with the peanuts? Can you guess?(2) 教师让学生看其余图片,观察并尝试排序。
(3) 学生展开图片环游,检查预测,理解故事。
故事讲述参考如下:图一:It’s spring. What’s the weather like? Yes, it’s warm. Angel says, “Here are some peanuts for you. ” Little Cock is happy. He says, “Thank you.”图二:Little Cock wants to plant the peanuts. He meets his friend. Who’s he? Oh, he is Monkey. Little Cock says, “Let’s plant them.”, Look, what’s Monkey doing? Oh, he is flying a kite. Does he want to plant the peanuts with Little Cock? Guess. No, he doesn’t. So he says, “No, not me. I want to fly a kite.”图三:What season is it? How do you know? Little Cock says, “It’s summer. Let’s water the peanuts.” Does Monkey want to do that? No. So he says, “No,not me. I want to swim.” Why does he want to swim?图四:What season is it? Little Cock says, “It’s autumn. Let’s pick thepeanuts.” Can you guess Monkey’s answer? “No,not me.” What does Monkey want to do? “I want to play football.”图五:What season is it? It’s winter. It’s very cold. What’s on the table? What does Monkey want to do? He says, “Let’s eat them.”If you were Little Cock, what would you say? “No, not you!”图六:Angel comes. She says to Monkey, “No pain, no gain.” How does Monkey feel now?3. 听录音,模仿跟读故事(1) 学生听录音,再次感知故事内容。
Unit 3 Seasons Story Time(教案)-2022-2023学年英语二年级下册-人

Unit 3 Seasons Story Time(教案)
1. 季节词汇和表达方式
2. 四季变化的短文和歌曲
Spring is coming. The flowers are blooming and the grass is growing. The days are getting warmer and longer. We can see many animals coming out of hibernation, and many birds returning from their winter migration.
Spring is a beautiful season. It’s a time of rebirth and growth. Let’s enjoy it together!
(Sing to the tune of。
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人教版小学英语二年级下册《Unit 3 Seasons Story Time》优质课公开课课件、教案Unit3 Seasons Story time教学设计一:教学目标1知识与能力:a:能借助图片,录音,文字和教师的讲解读懂本单元的小故事;b:能根据录音模仿并跟读故事;c:能尝试小组合作表演故事;2过程与方法:a利用图片和教师的讲解让学生理解每一幅图片的意思;b借助动画让学生理解整个故事的大意;c能在动画中进行角色扮演,内化语言。
二:教学重难点1教学重点:a:能借助图片,录音,文字和教师的讲解读懂本单元的小故事;b:能根据录音模仿并跟读故事.2教学难点:a: 能小组表演故事;b: 能理解故事的思想主旨:No pain,no gain.三:教学方法任务型教学法和PWP阅读教学模式四:学法小组合作法,讨论法,五:教具教学光盘,花生实物,自制单词条,动物头饰等六:教学过程Step1:Sing together.Sing the seasons song and review the four seasons.【设计意图:通过歌曲的唱演复习本单元有关四季的重点单词及句型。
】Step2:Warm-up1.Greeting and self-introduction.T:good morning,boys and girlsSs:good morning,Miss Wang.T:nice to meet you.Ss:nice to meet you, too.T:which season is it now?Ss:......T:It’s spring now.It’s warm and sunny. I want to fly a kite and ride my bike.Do you want withme?Ok,now, first let’s review.【[设计意图:通过师生热身对话活跃气氛,使学生进入一个英语的语境中,同时通过对话引入本节课的相关单词。
】2.Game1: Brain storm.Show some wordslike:spring,summer,autumn,winter,playfootball,swim,fly a kite,ride a bike and so on.【设计意图:通过头脑风暴游戏复习之前学过的与本节课有关的一些单词和短语。
】Step3: Pre-reading1.出示花生:Today, I prepare some thing foryou.Look,Can you guess? What are these? Let’s have a look.Look, peanuts. They’re peanuts.领读peanuts: read it one by one/two by twoTo use Phonics calendar to teach peanuts.ea /i:/ pea tea sea 学生们开火车读one by oneu /a/ nut but cut 学生们开火车读one by one【设计意图:peanuts这个单词对于二年级学生有点难,通过自然拼读法按音节拆分并举例教授,学生们更能其掌握读法。
】2.Tell the rulesI will draw a flower pot,we will plant the peanuts today.here are four plant lines in the flowerpot.one line is one group.Let’s have a e on,everybody.No pain,no gain.【[设计意图:通过设计板书,画一个花盆带四条茎这个和本节课息息相关的线索,引入比赛机制,在花盆里种花生,四条茎分别代表四个大组,回答对问题可以种一个花生在花盆里的同时再在茎上画一个叶子代表赢一次。
最后让学生通过比赛体会本节课主题:No pain, no gain。
】Step4: While-reading1.呈现图一,引入本节课的人物Angel,告诉学生:Angel has some peanuts, too. look at the picture, who comes,too?Yes,little cock. Angel give him the peanuts. What does little cock do with the peanuts? Can you guess?【设计意图:通过呈现图片,引入本节课的两个主要人物Angel和cock,并通过问题引起学生的阅读兴趣。
Look at the picture. We knowed that Angel gave some peanuts for Little cock. Can you guess? What will he do? And what will the monkey do? Let’s watch together.【设计意图:整体出示六幅图片,让学生初次整体感知并书里故事。
图一:It’s spring. What’s the weather like? Yes, it’s warm.Angel says:“Here are some peanuts foryou.”Little cock is happy. He says:“Thank you.”带领学生跟读黑体句子,并表演。
图二:Little cock wants to plant the peanuts .He meets his friend. Who is he? Oh, he is Monkey.Little cock says:“Let’s plant them.”Look, what’s Monkey doing? Yes, he is flying the kite.Does hewant to plant the peanuts with Little Cock? Guess. No, he doesn’t. So, he says:“No,not me. I want tofly the kite.”带领学生跟读黑体句子,并表演。
图三:What season is it? How do you know? Little cock says:“It’s summer .Let’s water the peanuts.”Does Monkey want to do that? No, so he says:“No,not me. I want to swim。
”Why does he want to swim?带领学生跟读黑体句子,并表演。
图四:What season is it? Little cock says:“It’s autumn. Let’s pick the peanuts.”Can you guess Monkey’s answer? “No, not me. I want to play football.”带领学生跟读黑体句子,并表演。
图五:What season is it? It’s winter. It’s cold. What’s on the table? What does Monkey want to do?He says:“Let’s eat them.”If you are Little Cock, what will you say?“No, not you!”带领学生跟读黑体句子,并表演。
图六:In the end. Angel comes. She says to Monkey:“No pain, no gain.”带领学生跟读黑体句子,并出示句子卡,贴到花盆上面以点名主题,没有付出就没有收获。
】Step5: Post-reading1.观看动画视频,模仿跟读故事。
】 for the story: No pain, no gain.3.Let’s act the story with the animal hat.(1)Let the teacher act Little cock, and invite one student to act Angel, the other one act Monkey.(2)Let three Ss make a group act the story. And show for all students.Step6: Homework.Can retell the story for parents and try to act out the story with parents.。