FD系列安装操作手册说明书 新




4、使用方法: ......................................................................................................................................16
5、故障代码 ..........................................................................................................................................17
6、常见故障处理 ..................................................................................................................................17
KYKY MODBUS 通信手册 ......................................................................................................................19
2、产品简介 ............................................................................................................................................6
2.1 产品型号及铭牌 ............................................................................................................................6 2.2 产品一览表 ....................................................................................................................................6 2.3 产品外观 ........................................................................................................................................6 2.4 FD 系列控制器与分子泵型号匹配表 ..........................................................................................8 2.5 性能指标 ........................................................................................................................................8



危险 第一章 安全信息为了确保您的人身、设备及财产安全,在使用变频器之前,请务必仔细阅读本章内容,并在以后的搬运、安装、运行、调试与检修过程中遵照执行。


1.1 安全定义本符号提示若不按要求操作,可能导致人生伤亡或严重的财产损失。




1.2 安装注意事项◆ 请将变频器安装在金属等不可燃物体上,以免火灾的发生。

◆ 请将易燃物远离变频器,否则有发生火灾的危险。

◆ 不要将变频器安装在易燃易爆的环境中,否则有爆炸的危险。

◆ 严禁私自拆装、改装变频器,否则后果自负。

◆ 必须由具有专业资格的技术人员进行配线作业,以免触电危险。

◆ 变频器在通电状态下,请勿打开面盖或进行配线作业。

◆ 变频器通电前必须将盖板盖好,否则有触电和爆炸的危险。

◆ 存贮时间超过2年以上的变频器,通电时应先用调压器逐渐升高电压,否则有触电或爆炸的危险。

◆ 通电情况下,不要用手触摸端子,否则有触电危险。












FDSL 系列小型风力发电机 用户安装使用手册说明书

FDSL 系列小型风力发电机 用户安装使用手册说明书

FDSL系列小型风力发电机用户安装使用手册FDSL series small wind generators User installationmanual2致用户首先我们感谢您购买、使用我公司生产的小型风力发电机,并为能向您提供产品和服务而感到自豪。




3To consumerFirstly, we are thankful for your purchasing, using our products -the small wind generators, and we are proud of being able to provide you with the products and servicesRead this "user installation and use handbook.” carefully before you install or use the product.Please keep this "user installation using manual” properly for future reference.This handbook is based on GB/T19068.1-2003”from the nets type WTG part 1: technical conditions”, GB9969.1-1998 "industrial product manuals general "and T5995-1992 "JB/industrial product manuals electromechanical products instructions written provisions of relevant requirements.4目录致用户 (3)1 产品组成、特点和用途 (7)2产品规格 (7)3产品的使用环境 (7)4 工作原理 (9)5装箱清单 (10)6安装步骤 (11)7 接线流程 (13)8使用注意事项 (14)9特别提示 (15)10常见故障排除指南 (16)11 定期检查 (17)12特别声明 (18)13风力等级表 (19)5ContentsTo consumer (3)1 the product composition, characteristics and uses (7)2 product specification (7)3 Product use environment (7)4 Working principle (9)5 Packing list (10)6 Installation steps (11)7 Wiring process (13)8 using cautions (14)9 Special hints (15)10 Common trouble shooting guides (16)11 Regular inspection (17)12 Especially declare (18)13 Wind rating table (19)6SLM型水平轴小型风力发电机用户安装使用手册1产品组成、特点和用途FDSL系列小型风力发电机是一种水平轴风力发电机,主要由风叶、永磁式发电机、集流转向装置、尾翼连杆和尾翼、整流桥、控制器、逆变器等部分组成,适合在风力资源较好、市电保证不便的地区或场合使用,如海岛、边防哨所、牧场、农场、通讯基站、风光互补、野外作业等,根据风力资源的情况可以部分或完全取代市电,满足在其额定输出功率范围内各种用电器的用电要求,具有工作噪声低、使用免维护、可靠性高、安装架设方便、工作寿命长等特点。



Binder FD系列热风循环烘箱操作手册一、安装1.电源220V 10%,50/60Hz2.须将原配插头更换为国内标准三脚接地插头,或是在仪器背部拉一接地或与主电源的接地线良好相连以确保仪器的良好接地。










D+RF系列220V(带显示)说明书中文本手册适用于D+R F系列智能型电动执行机构的安装、调试、使用和维护指导。


警告:在安装、调试、使用和维护D+R F系列智能型电动执行机构前,必须仔细阅读本手册,严格按照安全操作规程操作,以防造成人身安全事故。



目录1运输和储存 (1)2工作环境 (1)2.1环境温度 (1)2.2外壳防护等级 (2)3执行器安装 (2)3.1安装位置 (2)3.2直行程联接 (2)3.3角行程联接 (3)4电气连接和调试 (5)4.1接线端子排—10端子 (5)4.2400V AC13端子接线端子 (7)5调试 (9)5.1显示状态 (9)5.2三相接入电源的相序检测 (10)5.3进入设置状态 (11)5.4过流保护设定 (11)5.5全开位置设定 (12)5.6全关位置设置 (13)5.7信号故障位置设定 (14)5.8输入信号4M A校准 (14)5.9输入信号20M A校准 (15)5.10反馈信号4M A校准 (15)5.11反馈信号20M A校准 (16)5.12死区值设定 (16)5.13正反作用选择 (17)5.14保存/恢复设置 (18)6设备维护、保养 (19)6.1设备维护周期 (19)6.2润滑 (19)7故障信息及处理一览表 (20)11 运输和储存运输过程中执行机构的外包装可采用木箱、高强度纸箱等,内部应填充发泡物。




FOLANNIC—UPS FD系列10-160KV A不间断电源安装使用手册FOLANNIC UPS中国技术服务中心一、前言非常感谢您对我们FOLANNIC不间断电源的信任!FOLANNIC 不间断电源是采用数字技术、IGBT(逆变功率管)技术能极大地满足您的重要设备在复杂环境中对于电源的要求…三、FOLANNIC FD31/FD33 UPS的构成及用途FOLANNIC FD31/FD33 UPS系工业级不间断电源,正常运行时会供给负载一个稳定、连续的交流电源。


此中文安装操作手册仅适用于FD31/FD33系列UPS,此中文安装操作手册适用的容量范围为10KV A-160KV A。

FD31/FD33系列UPS 是由三相整流器、逆变器、充电器、静态开关、输出隔离变压器、电池组及控制部分组成,FD31系列UPS适用的容量范围为10KV A-60KV A。

FD33系列UPS适用的容量范围为10KV A-160KV A。

目录第一章工作原理介绍……………………..…………………………………..1.1 简介………………………………………………………………………………...1.2 工作原理……………………………………………………………….……………1.3 工作模式……………………………………………………………………………...1.4 基本功能……………………………………………………………….……………1.5 性能指标……………………………………………………………….……………第二章机柜安装……………………………………………………………...2.1环境温度……………………………………………………………………………...2.2卸货开箱……………………………………………………………………………....2.3 结构尺寸及说明……………………………………………………………………...2.4 安装固定……………………………………………………………………………...2.5进出线方式…………………………………………………………………………….2.6机柜布置…………………………………………………………………………... 第三章电气安装……………………………………………………………….3.1 电气电路图…………………………………………………………………………...3.2电缆载流量参数………………………………………………………………………3.3功率电缆………………………………………………………………………………3.4信号电缆……………………………………………………………………………….3.5并机系统安装………………………………………………………………………….3.6电池容量……………………………………………………………………………….3.7通信接口………………………………………………………………………………3.7用户设备容量的估算…………………………………………………………………第四章选件说明4.1蓄电池组…………………………………………………………….…………………4.2 蓄电池柜……………………………………………………………………………...4.3 SNMP卡………………………………………………………………………………4.4 网络软件……………………………………………………………………………...4.5 C级防雷系统………………………………………………………………... ……...4.6 电池检测模块 (4)4 45 9 101010 10 13151617 19191920202122 22 2425 252526 26 26第五章开关机的操作…………………………………………………………..1.单机启动操作步骤…………………………………………………………….2.单机的关机操作步骤………………………………………………………….. 3.并机系统的启动步骤………………………………………………………….4. 并机系统的关机步骤…………………………………………………………5. 并机系统紧急关机步骤………………………………………………………. 6.一台UPS在工作,热并入另一台UPS的操作步骤……………………………7.在并机运行状态有一台故障UPS时,关闭该UPS的操作步骤………………….第六章面板使用操作………………………………………….……………...6.1 主控屏幕……………………………………………………………………………...6.2怎样观察实时管理测量………………………………………………………………6.3怎样观测整流器实时状态……………………………………………………………6.4怎样查看逆变器实时状态……………………………………………………………6.5怎样查看自动旁路状态………………………………………………………………6.6怎样查看手动旁路状态………………………………………………………………6.7怎样进行系统管理操作……………………………………………………………...6.8怎样查看系统状态通信记录…….…………………………………………………..6.9怎样查看系统状态整机温度…….…………………………………………………..6.10怎样进行逆变、旁路转换操作………………………………………………………6.11怎样对系统功能设置……………………………………………………………... 28 28282929303031313233 36383940 40 424243第一章 工作原理介绍1.1简介FOLANNIC FD31/FD33系列UPS 系工业级不间断电源,是为重要负载提供不受电网干扰、稳压、稳频的电力供应的电源设备,在市电掉电后,UPS 可给负载继续提供一段时间供电,此系列UPS 采用带输出隔离变压器的高频双变换结构和先进的全数字控制技术,输出稳定、洁净、不间断具备完备的网络管理功能。

FD9 Serie Firesafe 全端球管值安装与维护说明书

FD9 Serie Firesafe 全端球管值安装与维护说明书

Brief IntroductionSplit body (2-piece) valve allows easy replacement of gasket, seal, and seats without special tools. Series 90D ball valves use “floating ball” design. Induced by the line pressure the ball is free to move horizontally inside the valve body. The valve is capable of tight shutoff with flow in either direction or dead-end, regardless of the position of the valve in the line. The downstream seat, opposite the pressurized side of a closed valve, carries the load exerted by the line pressure on the ball, while the upstream seat is subject to little load or wear. For this reason, it is sometimes possible to increase seat life by turning the valve end-for-end in the pipeline.1. USE:1.1 Life of valve can be maximized if the valve is used within the rated range, in accordance with pressure, temperature,and corrosion data.2. MANUAL OPERATION:2.1 To open or close the valve, turn the handle ¼ turn (90 degrees).A. Valve in Open Position – the handle is in parallel (in-line) with the valve or pipeline.B. Valve in Closed Position – the handle is perpendicular (crossed) with the valve or pipeline.3. AUTOMATED OPERATION:3.1 Valves with actuators should be checked for valve stem alignment. Angular or linear misalignment will result in highoperational torque and unnecessary wear on the stem seal.4. GENERAL INFORMATION FOR ON-SITE INSTALLATION: 4.1 The valve may be fitted in any position on the pipeline.4.2 To prevent damage to the seats and ball surface, the pipeline must be flushed, free of dirt, burrs, and weldingresidues before installing the valve.5. DISASSEMBLING & CLEANING THE VALVE:5.1 If the valve has been used in hazardous media, it must be decontaminated before disassembly.5.2 As shipped from the factory, valves contain silicone-based lubricant. If silicone is unacceptable for your particularapplication, you may disassemble the valve and wash the parts in solvent.6. REPLACING THE THRUST WASHER AND PACKING6.1 Before replacing the thrust washer and the packing, the pipeline must be de-pressurized.Note: Stem seal leakage may be corrected without replacing the seal and/or packing. Tighten the packing nut toflatten the belleville washers. If leakage continues or valve’ s operating torque becomes excessive, the seals are worn and must be replaced.A. Remove flange bolts and nuts and lift the valve from the line. Care should be taken to avoid scratching ordamaging serrated gasket. The valves are heavy, and they should be adequately supported before removing it from the line.B. Loosen the stem nut and remove handle and stop plate. Next, remove lock saddle, packing nuts, bellevillewashers and gland.C. Remove body bolt nuts, using proper wrench. Lift off body end. One seat should come out with the body end.D. Remove body seal.E. To take out the ball, rotate stem so ball is in fully closed position. Lift ball from the body, using a strap and liftdevice, if necessary. Extreme caution should be taken to avoid damage to the ball. F. Take out the other seat.G. Stem must be removed from inside the body. A tap to the top of the stem should loosen it. The thrust washershould come out with the stem. Then, remove the stem packing.7. VISUAL INSPECTION:7.1 Clean and inspect metal parts. It is not necessary to replace neither ball nor stem unless the surface has signs ofabrasion or corrosion. We strongly recommend replacement of all soft parts whenever the valve is disassembled for reconditioning. We provide replacement kits that contain all the replaceable parts.Note: The valve may be assembled and operated dry with any lubricant. However, a light lubrication will aid inassembly and reduce initial operating torque. Lubricant used must be acceptable with the intended line fluid.8. ASSEMBLYInstall one seat in the body cavity with the spherical curvature facing the ball.8.1 Install the thrust washer on stem and slide the stem up through the body. Install packing, gland, belleville washers,locking saddle. Screw the packing nut into the stem. Lock the saddle in place.8.3 Install stop plate, handle and washer. Screw the stem nut into the stem until the handle is secure.8.4 Turn handle to the closed position. Line up the ball slot with the stem end and slide the ball into position. Turn thehandle to the open position to hold the ball in place. 8.5 Install the remaining seat into body side.8.6 Put body seal gasket into body and line up end flange. Because the body flange bolt pattern is different from the lineflange bolt pattern, it is possible to assemble the valve such that the line flanges bolt pattern don’ t line up. Be certain to align end flanges bolt holes to straddle valve center lines. Be careful not to damage body seal when putting cap end into body.8.8 Install cap end nuts and tighten in the “star” pattern to the proper torque. Extreme care must be exercised duringadjustment of cap end nuts to make sure that complete engagement of the studs with body flange is maintained. There should be at least one stud thread exposed on each side.8.9 Cycle the valve slowly, with a gentle back and forth motion, to build gradually to the full quarter turn. By cyclingslowly, the seat lips will assume a permanent seal shape against the ball. A fast turning motion, at this point, may cut the seats before they have a chance to form the proper seal.8.10 Test valve, if possible, prior to placing valve back into line position. If not properly secured, the valve can separatefrom the pressure source, resulting in possible injury. Always join the valve to companion flanges of same pressure rating as valve and secure with a full set of flange bolts.TEST AS FOLLOWS:A. Secure valve to a test fixture by means of a mating flange with full bolting and a suitable gasket. Orient valve soseat to be tested is facing up.B. Introduce 50 to 100 psig air. Partially cycle the valve, under pressure, then slowly close to make sure the cavity ispressurized (use hearing protection). Pour water into the upper port to cover the ball and visually check for bubbles. If bubbles appear, pour the water out, cycle the valve several times and recheck. To check for leakage in the other port, reverse the valve and introduce air pressure to the port just checked.C. Check stem seal at this time by coating the stem top area with a water/soap solution. If leakage occurs, tighten stemseal just until leakage stops.Valve SizeBreak Away Torque(In-lbs.)Torque of Body Bolts(In-lbs.)Torque of Stem Nut(In-lbs.)150# Flange300# Flange½” 110 125 174 ~ 200 130 ¾” 140 175 200 ~ 217 130 1” 175 220 260 ~ 286 130 1-1/2” 400 450 286 ~ 304 208 2” 450 525 347 ~ 391 208 2-1/2” 620 750 347 ~ 391 208 3” 1000 1400 477 ~ 521 304 4” 1600 1900 477 ~ 521 304 6”27003050477 ~ 521391A-T Controls product, when properly selected, is designed to perform its intended function safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user of A-T Controls products should be aware that A-T Controls products might be used in numerous applications under a wide variety of industrial service conditions. Although A-T Controls can provide general guidelines, it cannot provide specific data and warnings for all possible applications. The purchaser / user must therefore assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection, installation, operation, and maintenance of A-T Controls products. The user should read and understand the installation operation maintenance (IOM) instructions included with the product, and train its employees and contractors in the safe use of A-T Controls products in connection with the specific application.While the information and specifications contained in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes only. Because A-T Controls is continually improving and upgrading its product design, the specifications, dimensions and information contained in this literature are subject to change without notice. Should any question arise concerning these specifications, the purchaser/user should contact A-T Controls.For product specifications go to /A-T Controls, Inc. • 9955 International Boulevard, Cincinnati, OH 45246 • Phone: (513) 530-5175 • Fax: (513) 247-5462 • 。



FD20124 Note) 1 station 24 stationsSS5Q1308StationsElectrical entryOptionDManifold mountingD EDIN rail mounting Direct mounting……1(P), 3(R) port sizeNil 1(P), 3(R) port ø8 One-touch fittings 1(P), 3(R) portø5/16" One-touch fittingsCE-compliantNil Q—CE-compliantKit typeFD0FD1FD2FD3PD0PD1PD2PD3PDCJD0LD0 (N)LU0 (N)LD1 (N)LU1 (N)LD2 (N)LU2 (N)SDF SDH SDJ1SDJ2SDQ SDR1SDR2SDVD side D side D sideD sideD side U side D side U side D side U sideCable/SI unit specificationsLead wire kit with 0.6 m cable Lead wire kit with 1.5 m cable Lead wire kit with 3.0 m cableFlat ribbon cable (20P)PC wiring system compatibleD-sub connector (25P) kit, without cable D-sub connector (25P) kit, with 1.5 m cable D-sub connector (25P) kit, with 3.0 m cable D-sub connector (25P) kit, with 5.0 m cable Flat ribbon cable (26P) kit, without cable Flat ribbon cable (26P) kit, with 1.5 m cable Flat ribbon cable (26P) kit, with 3.0 m cable Flat ribbon cable (26P) kit, with 5.0 m cable Flat ribbon cable (20P) kit, without cable NKE Corp.: Fieldbus System NKE Corp.: Fieldbus H SystemPanasonic Industrial Devices SUNX Co., Ltd.: S-LINK (16 output points)Panasonic Industrial Devices SUNX Co., Ltd.: S-LINK (8 output points)DeviceNet ™OMRON Corp.: CompoBus/S (16 output points)OMRON Corp.: CompoBus/S (8 output points)CC-Link1 to 12 stations 1 to 12 stations 1 to 9 stations 1 to 8 stations1 to 12 stations1 to 8 stations 1 to 4 stations 1 to 8 stations 1 to 4 stations 1 to 8 stationsStation (Double wiring)Lead wire connector location24241816—16816816Max. number of solenoids for specialwiring specifications Note 2)—CE-compliantFP JLSNote 1) Specify DIN rail length with D at the end. (Enter the number of stations inside .) The numberof stations that may be displayed is longer than the manifold number of stations. Example: -D09Note 2) When “-B” is selected, a back pressure check valve is included in all stations of the manifold. Ifthe back pressure check valve is used only for the station that need it, then specify the station location in the manifold specification. (“-B” is not necessary)Note 3) Specify “-K” for wiring specification for cases below. (Except L kit)- All single wiring- Single and double mixed wiring.- When there are stations which do not require wiring (e.g. individual SUP spacer), specify the wiring specification in the manifold specification so that the number of solenoids is the maximum number of solenoids or less. (Standard wiring specification is double wiring)Note 4) For specifying two or more options, enter them alphabetically. Example: -BKN00TNil 02 to 24 Note 1)B Note 2)K Note 3)NNoneDIN rail length specified Back pressure check valve Special wiring specifications (Except double wiring)With name plate (Side ported only)Note) The maximum number ofstations depends on the type of electrical entries.kitLead wire kitFlat ribbon cable (20P)(PC wiring system compatible)Serial transmission kitEX140 Integrated-type (For Output) Serial Transmission SystemD-subconnector kitkitkitkitkitU sideD side Flat ribbon cable connector kit26P 20P( )Note 1) Separately order the 20P type cable assembly for the P kit.Note 2) Specify the wiring so that the maximum number of solenoids is not exceeded. (The number of solenoids are counted as: 1 for single solenoids and 2 for type 3P double solenoids.)Note 3) When specifying the negative common specifications of the L kit, suffix “N” to the kit symbol.Note 3)5 Port Solenoid Valve Plug-in UnitS eries 10-SQ1000How to Order Manifold10Clean seriesNote 1)[Option]578A i r P r e p a r a t i o n E q u i p m e n tP r e s s u r e C o n t r o l E q u i p m e n tF l o w C o n t r o l E q u i p m e n tP r e s s u r e S w i t c h e s /P r e s s u r e S e n s o r sD i r e c t i o n a l C o n t r o l V a l v e sA i r G r i p p e r s M o d u l a r F . R .F i t t i n g s & T u b i n gA i r C y l i n d e r sR o t a r y A c t u a t o r s。

FD8372 快速安装指南说明书

FD8372 快速安装指南说明书

E n g l i s hPower off the Network Camera as soon as smoke or unusual odors are detected.Contact your distributor in the event of occurrence.Refer to your user's manual for the operating temperature.Do not place the Network Camera onunsteady surfaces.Do not touch the Network Cameraduring a lightning storm.Do not insert sharp or tiny objects into the Network Camera.Do not drop the Network Camera.Software CDQuick Installation Guide / Warranty CardAlignment Sticker /Ceiling Hole Template StickerMounting PlateL-type Hex Key Wrench / Dessicant Bag / Screws / Hex Nut / Double-sided Tape / AV CableWaterproof Connector & BushingE n g l i s hPhysical Description2Inner ViewVari-focalLensEthernet 10/100 RJ45 SocketLCD Monitor/ Camera testerAV OutFirst, use the included T20 hex key wrench to loose the four screws and detach the dome cover from the camera base. Follow the steps below to install the camera either to a ceiling or a wall.Hardware Installation3CableFor Power & IO Cablesconnector into parts (A) ~ (F) as shown above.2. Place the screw nut (E) on the Power and GPIOopening.3. Feed the power cables through the waterproofconnector (F --> E --> D --> B --> A) as theillustration shows. Then connect the powercables to the power source. Note: There are 8holes on the seal (D), and the widest holes witha crack on the side are specific for power cables.4. If you have external devices such as sensorsand alarms, feed the cables through theAssembling StepsSealing Nut (A)Housing (B)Seals (C)Seal (D)Screw Nut (E)Hex Nut (F)Waterproof ConnectorA) as previously described. Refer to the pindefinition to connect them to the general I/Oterminal block. Note: The recommended cablegauge is 2.0 ~ 2.8 mm.5. Push the seal (D) into the housing (B).6. Insert the seals (C) into unused holes on theseal (D) to avoid moisture.7. Secure the sealing nut (A) tightly and hex nut(F) from the bottom of the camera.Recommended cable gauge: 24AWG (0.51 mm)E n g l i s hWall mount1. Attach the supplied alignment sticker to the wall.2. Using the circle marks on the sticker, drill at least 2 pilot holes symmetrically on each side into the wall. Then hammer the four supplied plastic anchors into the holes.3. Through three or four holes on the mounting plate, insert the supplied screws into the corresponding holes and secure the mounting plate with a screwdriver.4. Feed the cables through the triangular cutout A or side opening B. If you want to use hole B, remove1. Connect RJ45 Ethernet cable to a switch.Use a Category 5 Cross Cable when your network camera is directly connected to PC.2. Connect the AC cables from the terminalblock as an alternate power source. The IO cables are user-supplied.Ceiling mount1. Attach the supplied alignment sticker to the ceiling.2. Using the circle marks on the sticker, drill at least 2 pilot holes symmetrically on each side into theceiling. Then hammer the four supplied plastic anchors into the holes.3. Through three or four holes on the mounting plate, insert the supplied screws into the correspondingholes and secure the mounting plate with a screwdriver.4. Feed the cables through the triangular cutout A or side opening B. If you want to use hole B, removethe side cover using a screwdriver. Secure the camera base to the mounting plate with three supplied screws.E n g l i s hPower over Ethernet (PoE)When using a PoE-enabled switchThe Network Camera is PoE-compliant, allowing transmission of power and data via a single Eth-ernet cable. Follow the below illustration to connect the Network Camera to a PoE-enabled switch via Ethernet cable.When using a non-PoE switchUse a PoE power injector (optional) to connect between the Network Camera and a non-PoEswitch.0002D10832361. Install “Installation Wizard 2” from the Software Utility directory on the software CD.2. The program will conduct an analysis of your network environment. After your network is analyzed, please click on the “Next” button to continue the program.3. The program will search for VIVOTEK Video Receivers, Video Servers, and Network Cameras on the same LAN.0002D1083236Assigning an IP Address54. After a brief search, the main installer window will pop up. Double-click on the MAC address that matches the one printed on the camera label or the S/N number on the package box label to open a browser management session with the Network Camera.E n g l i s hFor further setup, please refer to the user'smanual on the softwareCD.Ready to Use61. A browser session with the Network Camera should prompt as shown below.2. You should be able to see live video from your camera. You may also install the 32-channel recording software from the software CD in a deployment consisting of multiple cameras. For its installation details, please refer to its related documents.Based on the live image retrieved from the camera, adjust the camera lens by doing the following:To adjust the viewing angle -- 3-axis mechanism design1. Loosen the tilt adjustment screws and then turn the lens module up or down. Upon completion, tighten the screw.2. Adjusting the Lens7Horizontal Pan 350°Lens Horizontal Pan 350°1. Attach the dome cover to the camera by combining it to the retainer and aligning with the mounting holes.Completion8> Image > Focus page to Zoom and Focus , and use the functional buttons. Please refer to your User Manual for more information.VIVOTEK INC.6F, No.192, Lien-Cheng Rd., Chung-Ho, New Taipei City, 235, Taiwan, R.O.C. |T: +886-2-82455282|F: +886-2-82455532|E:*****************VIVOTEK USA, INC.2050 Ringwood Avenue, San Jose, CA 95131|T: 408-773-8686|F: 408-773-8298|E: ********************。



FD9系列火安全全端球值150# 300ANSI筐型安装与维护指南说明书

FD9系列火安全全端球值150# 300ANSI筐型安装与维护指南说明书

Contents1.SCOPE (2)2.INSTALLATION (2)3.VALVE OPERATION (2)4.DISASSEMBLY (3)5.ASSEMBLY (3)6.REPAIR KITS (4)7.BILL OF MATERIALS (5)1.SCOPE1.1.CAUTION1.1.1.For your safety, read this manual before installation or service.1.1.2.Before installing or servicing, please ensure the line pressure has been relieved and any hazardous fluids have beendrained or purged from the system.1.1.3.Ensure that all Lockout and Tagout procedures for the system have been properly implemented.E1.2.1.Maximum results and long life of valves can be maintained under normal working conditions and according withpressure/temperature ratings.2.INSTALLATION2.1.GENERAL INFORMATION FOR INSTALLATION2.1.1.The valve can be installed in any position on the pipeline.2.1.2.Before installation of the valve, the pipe must be flushed clean of dirt, burrs, and welding residue or the seats and ballsurface will be damaged. The pipe must be free from tension and in proper alignment. Check to ensure that allconnections are free from defects.2.2.INSTALLATION OF FLANGED ENDS2.2.1.Carefully align serrated gaskets on each end of the valve and insert the valve into pipeline. Ensure that bolt holes onvalve line up with bolt holes on the pipeline. Insert flange bolts and nuts on the ends of the valve and tighten evenly ina star pattern. Consult with the gasket manufacturer for the proper bolt torque.3.VALVE OPERATION3.1.MANUAL3.1.1.HANDLE3.1.1.1.To OPEN the valve, turn the handle counterclockwise until the handle is parallel with the pipeline and the handlehas contacted the handle stop. CLOSE the valve, turn the handle clockwise until the handle is perpendicular with the pipeline and the handlehas contacted the handle stop. handle lock is incorporated into the handle. sizes up to 2-1/2”: To use, slide the lock into the mounting pad, in the full open or full closedposition. Insert an appropriate size lock or hasp into the hole in the handle. If it can be performed safely,try to turn the handle to ensure that the valve has been locked properly. sizes larger than 2-1/2”: To use, turn the handle to the full open or full closed position. Insert anappropriate size lock or hasp into the hole in the handle and through the mounting pad. If it can beperformed safely, try to turn the handle to ensure that the valve has been locked properly.3.1.2.GEAR3.1.2.1.To OPEN the valve, turn the hand wheel counterclockwise. The indicator will be pointing to the open positionand the hand wheel will stop rotating when fully opened. The flow can be adjusted by stopping the indicatoranywhere between open and close. CLOSE the valve, turn the handwheel clockwise. The indicator will be pointing to the close position and thehand wheel will stop rotating when fully closed. The flow can be adjusted by stopping the indicator anywherebetween open and close.3.2.AUTOMATED3.2.1.A-T Controls FD9 150# and 300# Series Ball Valves can be mounted with quarter-turn actuators. Valves with actuatorsshall be checked for proper valve stem alignment. Angular or linear misalignment may result in high operational torqueand unnecessary wear on the valve stem. See the actuator IOM for information on operating the actuator.4.DISASSEMBLYWARNINGCAUTION, FLUIDS CAN BE TRAPPED IN THE BODY OF THE VALVE, POSSIBLY UNDER HIGH PRESSURE.FOR YOUR SAFETY, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT PRECAUTIONS ARE TAKEN BEFORE REMOVAL OF THE VALVE FROM THE LINE OR ANY DISASSEMBLY.4.1.Remove actuator or gear if equipped.4.2.Care should be taken to not damage the surface finish of the valve components.4.3.Remove the end cap (2) by removing the body nuts (17).4.4.Remove the seats (4) and body gasket (5) from the body (1). Once removed, with the valve in the fully closed position, theball (3) should slide freely out of the body (1).4.5.If equipped, remove the handle nut (24), handle (15), and the handle stop assembly (19 & 20).4.6.While holding the stem (6) stationary, remove the packing nut (13). Once removed, the locking saddle (12), Bellevillewashers (11), and the packing bushing (10) should be free to remove.4.7.While holding the bottom of the stem (6), push the stem (6) through the inside of the valve body (1).4.8.Remove the packing set (8) and the stem seal (7).4.9.Inspect all components for damage and, if necessary, clean or replace.5.ASSEMBLY5.1.Care should be taken to not damage the surface finish of the valve components.5.2.Place stem seal (7) on the stem (6) and install it by going through the body (1). Insert V-style packing set (8) over stem (6)with the V pointing away from the valve (see Bill of Materials for correct orientation).5.3.Install the packing gland (8) Belleville washers (11), locking saddle (12), and the packing nut (13). While holding the stem(6), tighten the packing nut (13) to the torque listed in the Fastener Torque Chart. Tighten further if needed in order to beable to bend the locking saddle (12) over the packing nut (13).5.4.Ensure the stem (6) is in the closed position with the body tang parallel with the flow of the valve. Carefully slide the ball(3) into the body (1) and insert the seat (4) and body gasket (5).5.5.Assemble end cap (2) onto the body (1). Insert all body studs (18) and nuts (17) into the valve and tighten to finger tight,making sure that the end (2) is flat against the body (1). Tighten all nuts (17) to the final torque in a star pattern. Check each body bolt (18) torque and tighten if needed a final time. It is acceptable for the torque to relax slightly over time due torelaxation of the polymer components, but the valve will still seal properly. If leakage is detected, repeat steps for tightening the body bolts (18).5.6.If required, assemble the locking device (21), handle stop assembly (19 & 20), handle (15), and the handle nut (24).6.REPAIR KITSRepair kits are available to replace all soft goods. See Bill of Materials for components that are included in the repair kits.7. BILL OF MATERIALSA-T Controls product, when properly selected, is designed to perform its intended function safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user of A-T Controls products should be aware that A-T Controls products might be used in numerous applications under a wide variety of industrial service conditions. Although A-T Controls can provide general guidelines, it cannot provide specific data and warnings for all possible applications. Thepurchaser / user must therefore assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection, installation, operation, and maintenance of A-T Controls products. The user should read and understand the installation operation maintenance (IOM) instructions included with the product and train its employees and contractors in the safe use of A-T Controls products in connection with the specific application.While the information and specifications contained in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes only. Because A-T Controls is continually improving and upgrading its product design, the specifications, dimensions and information contained in this literature are subject to change without notice. Should any question arise concerning these specifications, the purchaser/user should contact A-T Controls. For product specifications go to https:///Downloads/A-T Controls, Inc. • 9955 International Boulevard, Cincinnati, OH 45246 • Phone: (513) 530-5175 • Fax: (513) 247-5462 • 。



请在使用本产品前仔细阅读本手册,不要执行本手册中没有明确说明的操作。未经授权的操作会 导致错误或意外。制造商对因错误操作而导致打印机出现的任何问题均不负责。 请严格遵守标示在打印机上的所有警告和指导。 如果刚使用过打印机,打印头可能很热,请勿触碰打印头。 安装连续纸的时候不要把手指放在拖纸器左右链轮的链轮盖下面。源插头拔下,用微湿的柔软布 料擦拭。 请勿在容易被液体溅到的地方使用打印机。 请勿堵塞机壳上的小槽或开孔。不要把打印机放在睡床、沙发、地毯或其它类似物品的表面, 以防堵塞通风孔。如果打印机被置于比较拥挤的环境中工作,应采取相应的通风措施。 打开包装之前,应考虑好放置打印机的位置。应选择一个平稳的台面或坚固的打印机台架,并 要确保打印机周围有足够的空间,以便纸张容易进出。 避免与其他大功率电器或容易引起电压波动的电器设备使用同一交流电源插座。 将整个计算机系统远离可能引起电磁干扰的器件,例如扬声器或无线电元件。 请勿把电源线放在容易被踩到的地方。如果电源线或电源插头已破损或断裂,请马上停止使用 并更换新部件。 避免把打印机放在温度和湿度变化较大的地方,如:阳光直射、靠近热源、多尘或多油烟的地 方。 为防止触电或引起短路,请勿把任何物体从打印机通风孔推入机体内。 请勿自行检修打印机,或打开打印机的外壳,以免触电或产生其它危险。如需检修应找专业维 修人员。 在不用打印机时,应关闭打印机电源并拔掉电源线。外接插座应安装在接近打印机的地方。 出现以下情况时,请拔掉打印机电源线,并与专业维修人员联系: A:当电缆或插头损坏、磨损时。 B:当有液体溅入机内时。 C:当打印机被雨淋湿或进水时。 D:当遵从操作手册操作,机器却不能正常工作时。 E:当机器被摔落,造成机壳损坏时。 F:当打印机特性明显变坏,需要维修时。

Binder FD系列中文手册

Binder FD系列中文手册

Binder 烘箱FD-53、FD-115、FD240
APT.Line系列BD / ED / FD (E2)
微生物培养箱 / 精密烘箱 <R3型控制器> 使用说明书
z烘箱内壁及炉门内侧, 均以不锈钢材质制成(德国material no. 1.4301), 外部粉体烤漆涂装符合RAL 7035规范, 所有转角及边缘部份亦经相同处理.
z720机型具有四只可锁定的滑轮, 方便搬移及固定.
z BD/ED/FD系列烘箱, 具有精密的加热组件, 藉由自然通风, 或风扇强制送风系统, 可作为精密培养箱与多种用途.
z BD/ED/FD系列具有电子PID控制器及LED显示器, 温度范围由室温5℃以上~ 300℃(BD上限为100℃)
z BINDER BD/ED/FE全系列标准配备, 符合DIN 12880规范之温控安全回路.
z全系列产品符合德国VDE规范, DIN标准12880, 及VDE 0113



FD100 seriesUser ManualNokevalContentsDocument information (2)FD100A4 and FD100A6 field displays (3)Power supply connection (4)Configuring (5)Specifications (7)Document informationDevice Scope: FD100A4 (4-digit device)FD100A6 (6-digit device)Case versions: 1.0 to 1.0Document Type: manualDocument ID: 3103Document Version: 6Document Date: 22.12.201123FD100A4 and FD100A6 field displaysIntroductionThe FD100 series includes 4 and 6 digit models. Digit size is 100mm. The displays are based on input cards of the panel meter series 2000 giving over 100 combinations. The unit has wide power supply range of 41...265 VAC or 20...28 VAC/VDC depending on model.This manual covers enclosure information and installation of the unit. Input cards and programming are covered in corresponding 2000-series panel meter manual. All 2000-series panel meter combinations are valid for this series.MountingDimensions for FD100A6 (6digits) are shown in bracketsTwo cable glands M20x1.5 mmThe display unit can be mounted with four screws, one at each corner. The diameter of the screw must be between 5.5 and 6.5 mm. The unit may be mounted to a steel or aluminum structure, to wood with minimum thickness of 20 mm, or to a material of equivalent or better strength.To open the case doorThere are quick locks on the both sides of the case. The door can be unlocked by turning side locks towards the rear of the case.Warning! Only a qualified electrician is allowed to open the enclosure.4 Symbols and markingsProtective earth connectorAlternating or direct currentPower supply connectionThe unit has wide power supply range of 41...265 VAC or 20...28 VAC/VDC depending on model. There are two types of power supply connectors; grey connector color is used to indicate higher voltages and green color to indicate 24 V.FD100A4-F48/230 and FD100A6-F48/230Do not strip the wires more than necessary in order to avoid exposing dangerous voltages. Tie the N and L wires so that if one of them gets accidentally disconnected, the wire end can't reach the other connectors.PE - Protective earth. Free wire length must belonger than on N and L linesSmall display and buttons for configuration Electronics unitN L Power supply 41...265 VACFD100A4-F24 and FD100A6-F24ConfiguringThe display unit is configured with the small display and buttons inside the main case. Electronics unitTo reach electronics unit open the main case as explained before. Use the small display and four buttons to configure the display unit. Programming and input/output connections are explained in 2000-series panel meter manual for each different device type.SLOT CSLOT BSLOT APower supply (Factory connected)Electronics unitButtons and display.Programming is explained in corresponding 2000-series panel meter manual.See corresponding 2000-seriespanel meter manual for input andoutput connections20...28 VAC/VDCNo polarityElectronicsunitSmall display and buttonsfor configurationTwo cable glands56 Jumper configurationsIf corresponding 2000-series manual informs that jumpers need to be changed, see below instructions to reach the jumpers.2. Open these 4 screws to open the electronics case lid to reach internal measurement cards1. Detach all connectorsSpecificationsSee additional input and output card specifications from corresponding 2000-series manual.NokevalNokeval Oy, Yrittäjäkatu 12, 37100 Nokia, Finland,Tel.+3583424800,fax.+3583422066,*****************,7。

FD30 工业风扇驱动器 使用手册说明书

FD30 工业风扇驱动器 使用手册说明书

②接电源和电机线,安装上盖④将机器安装在底板上注:严禁将电源线接到UVW端,严禁将380V电源接到220V驱动器名称定义与操作说明/移位”按键0级菜单单击为移位查看参数作用,长按2S进入1级菜单;其他级菜单长按移位,单击返回上级菜单/设定”按键0级菜单单击运行/停止/复位,1/2/3/密码输入菜单单击确认“档位增加”按键0级菜单单击增加设定档位,1/2/3单击、长按增加参数值“档位减小”按键0级菜单单击减小设定档位,1/2/3单击、长按减小参数值“运行”指示灯运行时常亮、停机时熄灭;“停止”指示灯停机时常亮、运行时熄灭;“告警”指示灯故障时常亮、非故障状态时熄灭;模式显示正常运行模式显示切换模式停机时按"启停"运行,运行时按"启停"停止按"增加""减小"调节档位0级菜单按"菜单/移位"可切换显示档位率,输出电流,母线电压参数设置模式故障报警模式0级菜单长按"菜单"2秒,进入参数设置界面故障灯亮,显示故障代码,可查询故障表6 主电路与控制回路接线图三相380V接线图MRSUV接触器L1L2L3变频输出端子电源380VF3/F4电机矢量VF参数组参数功能说明设置范围出厂值修改级别备注F3.00 速度环比例增益10~100 20 ☆F3.01 速度环积分时间10.01~10.00s 0.20 ☆F3.04 切换频率1 0.00~50.00Hz 5,00Hz ☆F3.05 速度环比例增益20~100 20 ☆F3.06 速度环积分时间20.01~10.00s 0.20 ☆F3.09 切换频率2 0.00~50.00Hz 10.00Hz ☆F3.11 最大输出转矩0.0~250.0% 150.0% ☆F3.16 电流环D轴Kp 0.1~10.0 1.0 ☆F3.17 电流环D轴Ti 0.1~10.0 1.0 ☆F3.18 电流环Q轴Kp 0.1~10.0 1.0 ☆F3.19 电流环Q轴Ti 0.1~10.0 1.0 ☆F3.20 D轴前馈增益0.0~200.0% 50.0% ☆F3.21 Q轴前馈增益0.0~200.0% 50.0% ☆F3.24 弱磁控制电流上限0~200% 80 ☆F3.26 弱磁控制比例增益0~9999 500 ☆F3.27 弱磁控制积分增益0~9999 1000 ☆F4.00 线性VF曲线选择0:直线VF曲线;1-9:分别为1.1-1.9次幂VF曲线;10:平方VF曲线;11:自定义VF曲线;0 ★可选择不同的启停方式F4.01 自设定电压1 0.0~100.0% 3.0% ☆F4.02 自设定频率1 0.00~最大频率 1.00Hz ☆F4.03 自设定电压2 0.0~100.0% 28.0% ☆F4.04 自设定频率2 0.00~最大频率10.00Hz ☆F4.05 自设定电压3 0.0~100.0% 55.0% ☆F4.06 自设定频率3 0.00~最大频率25.00Hz ☆F4.07 自设定电压4 0.0~100.0% 78.0% ☆F4.08 自设定频率4 0.00~最大频率37.50Hz ☆F4.09 自设定电压5 0.0~100.0% 100.0% ☆F4.10 自设定频率5 0.00~最大频率50.00Hz ☆F4.12 手动转矩提升0.0~30.0% 机型设定☆设置为0自动转矩提升F4.13 转矩提升截止频率0.0~100.0% 100.0% ☆F4.16 振荡抑制增益0.0~10.0 5.0 ☆F4.17 振荡抑制滤波时间1~1000ms 50ms ☆F4.18 过流抑制点100%~200% 150% ☆F4.19 过流抑制增益0~500% 100% ☆F4.20 过流抑制滤波时间1~1000ms 20ms ☆F4.30 转矩提升增益0~500% 100% ☆F4.31 转矩提升滤波时间1~1000ms 20ms ☆只对自动转矩提升(F4.12=0)才有效F4.32 转差补偿增益0 ~ 500% 100% ☆F4.33 转差补滤波时间1~1000ms 100ms ☆F4.40 稳定器比例增益0.1%~100.0% 10.0% ☆F4.41 稳定器滤波时间1ms~1000ms 50ms ☆针对同步机VF有效F4.42 低频电流提升幅度0.0%~200.0% 100.0% ☆F4.43 低频提升维持频率0~100.0% 20.0% ☆F4.44低频电流提升截至频率0~100.0% 40.0% ☆F4.45 D轴电流增益0~100.0 2.0 ☆F4.46 Q轴电流增益0~100.0 1.0 ☆F4.47 磁通设定强度0 ~500% 30% ☆F4.48磁通控制比例增益0 ~9999 0 ☆F4.49磁通控制积分增益0 ~9999 0 ☆F4.50 过流抑制点0.0~250.0% 120.0% ☆F4.51 过流抑制增益0 ~500% 100% ☆F4.52 过流抑制积分1~1000ms 30ms ☆F4.53 直流拉入时间 1 ~9999ms 1000ms ☆F4.54 启动频率0.00Hz ~ 99.00Hz 3.00Hz ☆F4.55 启动频率时间0.0~ 999.0s 3.0s ☆F5/F6数字量模拟量参数组参数功能说明设置范围出厂值修改级别备注F5.00DI1端子功能选择0:无功能1:正转运行2:反转运行3:三线制运行控制6:自由停车8:故障复位1 ☆F5.01DI2端子功能选择2 ☆F5.08 端子特性选择LED个位:DI1端子LED十位:DI2端子0:闭合有效1:断开有效00 ☆F6.00 AI1下限值0.00~10.00V 0.00V ☆F6.01AI1下限对应设定0.00~100.00% 0.00% ☆F6.02 AI1上限值0.00~10.00V 10.00V ☆F6.03AI1上限对应设定0.00~100.00% 100.00% ☆F6.04 AI1滤波时间0.00~10.00s 0.10s ☆F6.16模拟量输入极性选择0:电压1:电流0 ☆F7显示参数组参数功能说明设置范围出厂值修改级别备注F7.00参数及按键锁定选择0:不锁定1:功能参数锁定3:功能参数与按键全锁定(除启停)0 ☆为防止参数意外修改,可将该参数设置为1F7.01 用户密码0~9999 0 ☆F7.06 频率变化率0.01~50.00Hz 0.50Hz ☆F7.11键盘运行状态下显示内容LED个位:第一组显示0-F:对应D0-D15LED十位:第二组显示LED百位:第三组显示LED千位:第四组显示340A ☆F7.12键盘停机状态下显示内容241A ☆F7.15 转速显示系数0.0~5000.0% 100.0% ☆F7.16键盘显示项选择LED个位:保留LED十位:输出频率显示选择0: 目标频率1: 同步频率2: 积分器频率LED百位:机械速度显示选择0:目标转速1:实际转速LED千位:故障代码显示方式0:Hex代码显示1:数字显示1000 ☆F9风扇应用参数组参数功能说明设置范围出厂值修改级别备注F9.00 应用宏0~100 0 ★F9.01 设定档位1~总档位 5 ☆F9.02 总档位1~20 8 ☆F9.03 显示系数50~150% 95 ☆FA保护功能参数组参数功能说明设置范围出厂值修改级别备注FA.00 过压抑制点110%~150% 135% ☆FA.01 过压抑制增益0~500% 100% ☆FA.02过压抑制滤波时间1~1000ms 10ms ☆FA.04 风扇控制个位:11 ☆0:变频器上电后风扇运转1:停机与温度相关,运行即运转2:停机风扇停止,运行与温度相关十位:使能调速0:关闭 1:开启FA.10母线欠压保护点40.0~100.0% 60.0% ☆FA.11输出功率校正系数0~1000% 100% ☆FA.13转速追踪电流环增益0.00~100.00 10.00 ☆FA.14转速追踪速度增益0.01~10.00 5.00 ☆FA.15 转速追踪电流50~200% 100% ☆FA.17 硬件电流保护个位:CBC限流0:关闭 1:开启1 ☆FA.18上电对地短路检测0:关闭1:开启0 ☆FA.20缺相保护软件检测水平0.0~999.9% 15.0% ☆0为关闭输入缺相FA.21 CBC保护点100~220% 200% ☆FA.22CBC过载保护时间1~5000ms 500ms ☆FA.26电机过载保护系数20.0~250.0% 100.0% ☆FA.27故障自恢复次数0~5 0 ☆FA.28故障自恢复间隔时间0.1~100.0s 1.0S ☆FD通讯功能参数组参数功能说明设置范围出厂值修改级别备注FD.01 485通讯地址1~247 1 ☆FD.02通讯波特率选择2:4800 bps3:9600 bps4:19200 bps5:38400 bps3 ☆FD.03Modbus数据格式0:(N,8,1)无校验,1:(E,8,1)偶校验,2:(O,8,1)奇校验,1 ☆FD.05 通讯应答延时0~500ms 0 ☆FD.06通讯超时故障时间0.1~100.0s 1.0S ☆FD.07通讯故障动作模式选择0:报警并自由停车1:不报警并继续运行1 ☆D组监视参数组参数功能说明单位出厂值修改级别备注D0-00 输出频率0.01Hz - ●D0-01 给定频率0.01Hz - ●D0-02 母线电压0.1V - ●D0-03 输出电压1V - ●D0-04 输出电流0.01A - ●D0-05 输出功率0.1Kw - ●D0-07 DI状态- ●D0-08 D0状态- ●D0-09 AI电压0.01V/0.01mA - ●D0-10 档位- ●D0-12 逆变器温度℃- ●D0-14 机械速度RPM - ●D0-23本次上电运行时间0.1H - ●D0-24 累计运行时间H - ●D0-25变频器功率等级0.1KW - ●D0-26变频器额定电压1V - ●D0-27变频器额定电流0.1A - ●D0-28 软件版本- - ●E0故障参数组参数功能说明设置范围出厂值修改级别备注E0.00 故障类型详见故障信息代码表- ●E0.01 故障运行频率0.00~最大频率- ●E0.02 故障输出电压0~1500V - ●E0.03 故障输出电流0.1~2000.0A - ●E0.04 故障母线电压0~3000V - ●E0.07 故障模块温度0~100℃- ●E0.08故障变频器状态LED个位:运行方向0:正转 1:反转LED十位:运行状态0:停机1:稳速2:加速3:减速- ●E0.09 故障诊断信息- ●E1-E4前4次故障记录参数内容参考E0组9 常见故障代码及对策故障代码故障类型可能的故障原因对策Err02加速运行过电流1.输出回路存在接地或短路2.加速时间设定太短3.启动正在旋转的电机4.驱动器选型偏小1.检查电机是否短路2.增大加速时间3.电机停止后再启动4.选用功率大一档驱动器Err03 减速过电流1.输出回路存在接地或短路2.减速时间设定太短1.检查电机是否短路2. 增大加速时间Err04 恒速过电流1.输出回路存在接地或短路2. 驱动器选型偏小1.检查电机是否短路2.选用功率大一档变频器Err05加速运行过电压1.输入电压异常2.瞬间停电后,对旋转中电机实施再启动1.检查输入电源2.避免停机再启动Err06减速运行过电压1.减速太快2.输入电压异常1.增大减速时间2.检查输入电源Err07恒速运行过电压 1.输入电压发生异常变动 1.检查输入电源Err09母线欠压 1.电网电压偏低 1.检查电网输入电源Err10变频器过载1.负载过大或者电机发生堵转2. 驱动器选型偏小1.减少负载并检查电机及机械情况2.选用功率大一档的驱动器Err11 电机过载1.电机额定电流F2.03设置错误2.负载过大或者电机发生堵转1.正确设定此参数2. 减少负载并检查电机及机械情况Err12 输入缺相 1.三相输入电源异常1.检查并排除外围线路中存在问题Err13 输出缺相1.电机故障2. 驱动器到电机引线存在异常3.电机运行时变频器三相输出不平衡1.检测电机是否断路2.排除外围故障3.检查电机三相绕组是否正常并排除故障E014模块过热1.风道堵塞或风扇损坏2.环境温度过高3.控制板连线或插件松动1.疏通风道更换风扇2.降低环境温度3.寻求服务E016通讯故障1.上位机工作异常2.RS485通讯线异常3.通讯参数FD组设置不正确1.检查上位机的接线2.检查通讯连接线3.正确设置通讯参数Err18 电流检测故障 1.电流检测电路异常 1.寻求技术支持Err19 电机调谐故障1. 电机参数未按铭牌进行设置2. 参数辨识过程超时1.设置电机参数2.检查电机引线Err22 EEPROM读写故障 1.EEPROM芯片损坏 1. 寻求技术支持Err23 对地短路故障1.电机或者变频器输出线对地短路1.用摇表测量电机和输出线的绝缘Err26累计运行时间到达1.累计运行时间到达设定值 1.寻求技术支持Err30 逐波限流故障1.负载过大或电机发生堵转2.变频器选型偏小1.减小负载并检查电机和机械情况2.选用功率大一档的驱动器资料代码:6.0004.0564-00-FD30-C-V03-2203。

FD系列安装操作手册说明书 新

FD系列安装操作手册说明书 新
z 基本要求:
1) 确定除果汁机外的其他有关 外围设备的安全性和完好性 (诸如:电源、插座等)。
2) 必须确保果汁机排风口与周 围物体间至少有 15 厘米的空 间。
3) 果汁机不能置于太阳光直射 的地方。
4) 果汁机须安置于平整、水平的 平台上。
5) 果汁机不能置于热风口处,并 远离热源。
z 拆去包装

继电器故障 更换压缩机继电器
过载保护跳 查看是否散热不良造成过载, 1
调节温控至合适位置 2
温控故障 更换温控器
压缩机故障 更换压缩机
物料出不来 阻塞
安装不良 密封圈松动 拆下重新安装
3) 先开搅拌开关,观察果汁喷流
状况或搅拌状况是否良好。 4) 打开制冷机组开关。
4) 套上干净的塑料袋,装入主机
注意:必须保持果汁槽内至少有 2
FD-084 电路图
中文 相线 地线 零线 开关 压缩机
英文 C-T C Mspray Mfan
中文 温控器 运转电容 搅拌电机 冷凝风机
“KFC”用 FD-084 果汁机安装使用注意事项(如下图):



102 4A/1000V 220/3W DC50-440
103 6A/1000V 220/3W DC50-440
C、D 直流
104 8A/1000V 220/5W DC50-440 除 A1、A2、B1 任选
105 10A/1000V 220/6W
AC220 AC220 AC220 AC220 AC220 AC220
除 A1、A2、B1 其他任选
A、B、 C、D 任选
单相交直 流
301 0.1/1000V 430/2W 302 0.22/1000V 430/2W 303 0.33/1000V 430/3W 304 0.47/1000V 430/3W 305 0.68/1000V 430/3W 306 1.0/1000V 430/5W
ABCD 图B1 32 19 14 24 图B2 37 18.5 14 24 图B3 47 22.5 18 33.5 图B4 47 28 23 34 图B5 60 35 30 45
AB 图C1 18 32 图C2 22 34
ABCD 图E1 38 27 17 34 图E2 37 24 13.5 32 图E3 47 34 20 44 图E4 48 34 45 44 图E5 60 30 45 56
AC380 AC380 AC380 AC380 AC380 AC380
除 A1、A2、B1
B3、B4、B5、C、 D、E、F 任选
C、D 任选

APW WYOTT FD模型暖气系统安装和运行说明书

APW WYOTT FD模型暖气系统安装和运行说明书

Phone:Fax:(214)565-0976Toll Free:(800)527-2100Website: E-mail:*****************(214)421-7366INSTALLATIONAND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSINTENDED FOR OTHER THAN HOUSEHOLD USEModel:FDRETAIN THIS MANUAL FOR FUTURE REFERENCEUNIT MUST BE KEPT CLEAR OF COMBUSTIBLES AT ALL TIMESP/N 704020302/06OVERHEADWARMERSAPW /WYOTT729Third Avenue Dallas,TX 75226This equipment has been engineered to provide you with year-round dependable service when used according to the instructions in this manual and standard commercial kitchen practices.Initial heating of unit may generate smoke or fumes and must be done in a well ventilated area.Overexposure to smoke or fumes may cause nausea or dizziness.ANSI/NSF4RIMPORTANT FOR FUTURE REFERENCEPlease complete this information and retain this manual for the life of the equipment.For Warranty Service and/or Parts,this information is required.Model Number Serial Number Date PurchasedNotes:SECTION123456789ITEMOwner’s Information Important Safety Information Specifications Operation Cleaning Troubleshooting Warranty ..............................................................................................General Information......................................................................................Installation Instructions.................................................................................General Operation Instructions.....................................................................Warranty Information..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Electrical.......................................................................................................Dimensions....................................................................................................................................................................................................................Operating Instructions......................................................................................................................................................................................................General Cleaning Instructions.......................................................................Dominos Specific Cleaning Instructions.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Parts List &Exploded View Wiring Diagram PAGE33366666788888891011TABLE OF CONTENTS1.OWNERS INFORMATIONGeneral Information:5.APW Wyott Overhead Foodwarmers are constructed from high quality stainless steel and available in lengths from 18"to 72".Utilizing a metal sheath-heating element with a specially designed reflector,these units give uniform heat overthe entire holding surface.6.In Europe,contact anAPW Wyott authorized service agency for replacement light bulbs.1.Always clean equipment thoroughly before first use.(See general cleaning instructions).2.Check rating label for your model designation and electrical rating.3.For best results,use stainless steel countertops.4.All dimensions in parenthesis in centimeters unless noted.Installation Instructions:A .Remove food warmer and ceiling mounting brackets from packaging.Remove s c r e w s f r o m e n d s o f food warmer;attach ceiling mounting bracket at both ends of food warmer (asshown).Ceiling MountingBracketB .Use88993(screw),89071(washer),and 89062(nut)to a t ta c h f o o d w a r m e r t o underside of shelving.Place food warmer under shelf,aligning the ceiling mounting bracket holes with that of the shelf.May require two persons to hold food warmer in place.From the top of the shelf,push through the washer and screw.From the underside of the ceiling mounting bracket,screw the nut on.Repeat for other hole and holes at opposite end.C Remote kit mounting OFF north NOT ..There are two ways to mount the remote kit,front mounting and rear mounting.Front mounting is where the remote kit is mounted on the opposite side of the cord and plug.Rear mounting,the remote kit is mounted on the same side as the cord and plug.Whatever position chosen,when the food warmer is not operating (OFF),the knob on the remote box should be oriented where is in the position.The control is designed to operate upside down.(Mount as shown below)Domino's Specific Installations on Metro®Route Stands:EFront Rear Mounting Detail AMinimum1.Use88904(screw),89056(washer),and 88921(nut)to mount bracket.Place bracket (70402017)around shelving pole on the inner side of the shelving unit.Screw bracket (70402018)to bracket (70402017)around shelving pole on the outer side of the shelving unit.The bracket will allow the remote box inner side to align with the front side of the food warmer 2.Remove screw and washer from remote box.Align the holes of the remote box with those of bracket 70402017.Screw the remote box to bracket 70402017.Once remote box is mounted to bracket,adjust height of the bracket so that the top of the remote box is even with or underneath the bottom of the side shields on the shelving unit (between the bottom of heat strip and top of remote box)and tighten screws.min.distance 4"Bracket 70402017D.Repeat steps A through C for other food warmers and shelving combination.E .Illustration of a complete Food warmer And Metro®Route stand unitGeneral Operation Instructions:Warranty Information:Reliability Backed By APW Wyott’s Warranty:Service Information:Electrical:1.All foodservice equipment should be operated by trained personnel.2.Do not allow your customers to come in contact with any surface labeled “CAUTION HOT”.3.Where applicable:Never pour cold water into dry heated units.4.Where applicable:Do not cook,warm or hold food directly in liner pans (well pans).Always use steamtable pans/insets,etc.5.Never hold food below 150°F (66°C).All APW Wyott Holding Drawers are backed by a one year parts and labor warranty,including On-Site Service calls within 50miles of authorized service technicians.Service Hotline (800)733-2203APW Wyott Overhead Warmers are designed,built and sold for commercial use and should be operated by trained personnel only.Clearly post all CAUTIONS,WARNINGS and OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS near each unit to insure proper operation and to reduce the chance of personal injury and/or equipment damage.Always disconnect power before servicing the Overhead Warmer.Surfaces will remain hot after power has been turned off.Allow unit to cool before cleaning or servicing.Never clean the Overhead Warmer by immersing it in water.The Overhead Warmer is not protected against water jets;DO NOT CLEAN OVERHEAD WARMER WITHAWATER JET.Always clean equipment before first use.2.SAFETY INFORMATION3.SPECIFICATIONSA.Single-phase operation at 120,208,230,and 240volts.B.Field-wired units provided with 7/8"conduit hole,6"long leads,and porcelain wire nuts.For supplyconnections,use minimum no.14AWG copper wires suitable for at least 90ºC.C.U.S.cord-connected units provided with following plug configuration:1.120volt up to 1440watts =NEMA5-15P;120volt up to 1920watts =NEMA5-20P2.208volt up to 2496watts =NEMA6-15P;208volt up to 3328watts =NEMA6-20P3.240volt up to 2880watts =NEMA6-15P;240volt up to 3840watts =NEMA6-20P D European cord-connected units provided with following plug configuration:1.Continental Europe230volt up to 3600watts =Schuko CEE7/7230volt up to 2930watts =Bs13634.Operation5.Cleaning6.TroubleshootingA.All foodservice equipment should be operated by trained personnel.B.Do not allow your customers to come in contact with any surface labeled “CAUTION HOT”.C.Switch on unit.Place precooked product under heat source.Maximum heat coverage equivalent tounit length.D.Never hold food below 150ºF.A.Never clean any electrical unit by immersing it in water.B.Never clean any electrical unit using water jets.C.Disconnect power before cleaning or servicing units.D.Clean unit e warm,soapy d cleansers and non-abrasive pads may be used toremove baked-on food.A.Follow general cleaning instructions in manual 57238Section V for all units.B.For Domino’s specific unit,remove mounting bracket 70402017and 70402018.Clean any build-up onpole and brackets.A.Always ask and check:1.Is the unit connected to a live power source?2.Check the circuit breaker.3.Is the power switch on and pilot light illuminating?4.Check the rating label.Is the unit operating on proper voltage?B.If the above checks out,and problems still exist,call an APW Wyott authorized service agency.C.All service should be performed by an APW Wyott authorized service agency.Domino’s Specific Cleaning Instructions:General Cleaning Instructions:Turn off before surface cleaning.All service should be performed by an APWauthorized service agency.11APW WYOTT 729Third Avenue Dallas,TX 75226Phone:Fax:(214)565-0976Toll Free:(800)527-2100Website: E-mail:*****************(214)421-736612。












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由于使用不当或机组其他原因, 在使用过程中会产生一些故障。当机 组发生故障时请先阅读《说明书》,找 出故障,按故障排除一览表的故障等
级进行处理。在未明确故障及故障等 级前不得进行维修,如通过故障排除 一览表无法确定故障和故障等级的, 请与我公司市场服务部联系。
速 度
工况 D(分钟) 约 350
约 100 ≤1.5 约 120 ≤1.5 约 160 ≤1.5 约 350
约 100 ≤2.5 约 120 ≤2.5 约 160 ≤2.5 约 360
约 100 ≤1.5 约 150 ≤1.5 约 250 ≤1.5 约 350
约 100 ≤3.5 约 150 ≤3.5 约 320 ≤3.5 约 400
效量,让搅拌电机运转 3 分钟,
3) 定期清洗不锈钢冷却底盘。
4) 保持机组面板的整洁,定期除
4) 在每次清洗中,完全彻底的排
(可将组件拆散,分件清洗, 再组装。该过程应注意卫生),
FD-084 电路图
中文 相线 地线 零线 开关 压缩机
英文 C-T C Mspray Mfan
中文 温控器 运转电容 搅拌电机 冷凝风机
“KFC”用 FD-084 果汁机安装使用注意事项(如下图):
1) 果汁槽内饮料最少不得小于 2 升。 2) 四槽放置不同糖粘度饮料时建议 2、3 槽放置果汁类饮料,1、4 槽放置茶、
机型 FD-051
外型(长 X 宽 X 高 mm) 250X390X700 440X390X700 650X390X700 286X440X650 521X390X650
220V/50Hz 1P
3) 先开搅拌开关,观察果汁喷流
状况或搅拌状况是否良好。 4) 打开制冷机组开关。
4) 套上干净的塑料袋,装入主机
注意:必须保持果汁槽内至少有 2
使用与保养 ------------------------------------------------------- 5
故障 ------------------------------------------------------------- 6
附录 ------------------------------------------------------------ 8
满 载
工况 A
约 120
约 120
约 120
约 120
约 120
果 汁
饮 料
工况 B
约 180
约 180
约 180
约 240
约 240
降 温
速 度
工况 C
约 600
约 600
上插入前面板凸缘下。 3) 将盛水盘放低,使盛水盘底部
z 使用: 当机器第一次使用或相隔一 z 日常维护和保养:
1) 定期经常的清洗果汁槽内所

继电器故障 更换压缩机继电器
过载保护跳 查看是否散热不良造成过载, 1
调节温控至合适位置 2
温控故障 更换温控器
压缩机故障 更换压缩机
物料出不来 阻塞
安装不良 密封圈松动 拆下重新安装
1) 将果汁槽固定板中心孔套入 轴心头。
2) 滑动果汁槽固定板,将其锁定 销插入轴心头下面。
3) 旋转果汁槽固定板 1/8 圈使其 锁定(迷你槽旋转 90°),反 转则放松。
注意:如果觉得锁紧后果汁槽固定 板很松,那表明没有正确锁 紧,必须重复上述步骤。
z 盛水盘的安装(参照图四):
1) 将盛水盘盖盖于盛水盘上。 2) 将盛水盘的突起边缘由下往
注:1)如选水泵覆盖 A,则配有喷流管;如选水泵覆盖 B,则没有喷流管。 2) FD-051/102/153 标配有喷流管,水泵覆盖 A; FD-042/084 标配水泵覆盖 B,无喷流管。
z 电器原理图
FD-051 电路图
FD-102 电路图 9
FD-153 电路图
FD-042 电路图 10
1) 剪断塑料捆扎带,打开包装箱 的上盖。
2) 打开纸箱,取出瓦楞纸隔板。 3) 取出果汁槽及其他附件,去掉
z 果汁槽的安装(参照图一):
1) 将果汁槽的下端圆柱外环面 和密封圈用干净的水(如纯水 等)润湿,再将果汁槽密封圈 装入果汁槽底部开口处的下 端圆柱外环面颈部。
FD 系列果汁机 安装、操作与使用手册
技术参数 --------------------------------------------------------- 1
约 600
约 600
约 600
注 1:上表的不同工况的降温速率适合使用喷流管的装置;如选用没有喷流管的装置,则速度可以更快些。 降温速度的单位为:分钟。 注 2:A 工况-环境温度为 18℃ B 工况-环境温度为 24℃ C 工况-环境温度为 32℃ D 工况-环境 温度为 40.6℃ 注 3:A、B 和 C 工况的降温速度是指最冷的一个果汁槽内果汁的温度由环温降到 5℃的时间。
阀柱O形圈松动 重新安装
密封圈不良 更换
密封圈劣化 更换密封圈
阀柱O形圈劣化 更换阀柱O形圈
水槽破裂 更换水槽
水槽盖破裂 更换水槽盖
z 包装箱清单
机型 FD-051
FD-153 FD-042 FD-084

机组 1 台 机组 1 台 机组 1 台 机组 1 台 机组 1 台
图一(上:普通槽、下:迷你槽) 2
2) 将手放在果汁槽体顶部对角, 抓紧槽体。通过前后的转动和 向下的压力,使槽体下滑到 位。保证果汁槽的各侧面与果 汁机主机的相应侧面的平行 度,果汁槽的饮料出口应位于 盛水盘上方。
3) 将轴承套装在轴芯上,轴承套 的凸缘必须支撑在不锈钢冷 却底盘上。在轴承套上安装叶 轮,叶轮有棱面向上(一般出 厂时已安装)。
z 基本要求:
1) 确定除果汁机外的其他有关 外围设备的安全性和完好性 (诸如:电源、插座等)。
2) 必须确保果汁机排风口与周 围物体间至少有 15 厘米的空 间。
3) 果汁机不能置于太阳光直射 的地方。
4) 果汁机须安置于平整、水平的 平台上。
5) 果汁机不能置于热风口处,并 远离热源。
z 拆去包装
冷饮机 故障排除一览表
常见故障 故障原因 原因细分 排 除 方 法
完全不动 机组没电 停电
开关箱开关 跳脱 1 机组
1 检查线路
漏电 2 过载 2
3 2
电源线断裂 更换电源线
叶轮磨损 更换叶轮

物料太少 加入物料
4) 在水泵覆盖 A 顶部的套筒中插 入喷流管,保证喷流管插足于 套筒中,使槽盖安装到位后不 会碰到。如用户选用水泵覆盖 B,则无此步骤。
5) 在轴心上安装水泵覆盖,注意 使喷流管正对机器前方,位于 果汁槽中央。水泵覆盖前部的 1/2″的凸缘应位于每个果汁 槽槽体内底部的两个定位点 中间。
6) 在水泵覆盖上安装果汁槽固 定板,果汁槽固定板安装在轴 心头上。果汁机启动前,必须 保证果汁槽固定板已被正确 安装(参照果汁槽固定板的安 装步骤)。