
面试问题面试问题汇总:1.Why would you like to attend the MPAc program at UC Davis?2.Describe your perfect post MPAc job and why does that appeal to you?3.Who was your favorite professor and how did he or she influence your decision to pursue your major?4.Think of an actual situation in which you faced a difficult and time-consuming task. How did you show perseverance?5.What challenges do you expect to face while attending graduate school? How will you handle these?6.Imagine yourself on a team. What would be your ideal role, and why would that position be the most suitable for you?7.If you had conflicting opinions on a team project, what strategy would you use to resolve the difference?8.What do you consider to be the most important developments in the field of accounting over the past ten years?9.Please share three things you would like the admissions committee to know about your background.10.how your friend describe you in three words?11.if you can read a biography of someone, who will you choose?12.Tell me a time when there are multiple things in your plate (plate... WTF), how did you prioritize them?13. What is the biggest risk you've taken?14.What you will introduce yourself when first meet your team?15.Describe a time when you felt uncomfortable in a new environment. How did you adapt?16.Why would you be an asset to the MPAc program?17.What do you feel is your greatest personal asset? What is a something you want to improve upon?18.What skills and experiences do you feel have prepared you for admission to this program?19.What activities do you enjoy most outside of the classroom?20.Tell us about a recent problem or challenge that you faced and how you handled it.21.Please describe a time that you faced an ethical dilemma.22.Why should we consider you for our program instead of several other equally qualified candidates?23.Why do you think you are a good fit to the MPAc program?24.Tell me the biggest risk you have taken and what the outcome?25.talk about your weakness and how you improve..26.Describe your greatest accomplishment.27.Do you believe that your academic records reflect your ability and potential?28.What role do you like to take in a team?29.What do you think a team leader should be like?项目介绍1、项目介绍MPAc到今年是第四年,但是在湾区的口碑已经很不错。

【学生背景】申请学生:陈同学教育背景:美国某大学会计专业在读学生基本成绩:GPA 3.0,GRE 720(学生在美国就读完整4年本科,所以没有提供TOEFL 考试成绩)录取院校:● Univ.of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校● University of Southern California 南加州大学● Tulane University 杜兰大学● University of Delware 德拉华大学申请学校档次期望:综合排名30—60,会计排名前30【美国会计专业申请要求】绝大多数会计学项目不要求申请人的本科是会计专业和有工作经验,任何本科毕业的学生都可以申请,但非会计或商科背景的学生一般都需要修满一定学分的预备课程,所以相应的学时就会延长。
【申请优劣势分析】申请优势:● 美国大学会计本科专业,满足美国大多数会计院校预修课要求。
● 课外活动、实习经历丰富。
申请劣势:● GPA和专业排名没有较强的竞争力,但是因为是在美国就读本科,所以申请美国大学硕士研究生的时候比较有优势。
● GMAT成绩比较好。

1,Career goal2,Placement inmarket3,Co-managed experience4, Leader you Admiremost, how you like and how different(写作)5,Time managementskill6,Force out ofcomfort zone7,Transparency and its importance8,Interest ofclient and interest of company9,Why BC篇二面试时间:2015-3-2面试形式:video无写作1. 你觉得你哪里比其他candidate优秀2. 你觉得一个effective team member应该有哪些品质3. why bc4. applied for other school?5. 举例子你take risk,和outcome6. 举例一个体现leadership skill的例子,别人是怎么评价你的7. lifo&fifo8. accounting industry再未来5年的发展9. 哪种老师你最喜欢,举例10. short term and lont term goal11. 在当今环境下,你的placement expectation篇三面试时间:2017-01-20面试形式:video个人经历和能力1.take risk and outcome2.阐述你工作中走出comfort zone 的经历3.effective team member quality4.如何比其他candidate 优秀5.ability makes you stand out in classroom & on campus6.【type】你认为你有什么品质,并解释一下7.你认为employers 希望看到雇员的什么品质8.an example of leadership style, how other people comment9.你的successful time management method10.业余时间你一般都怎么过选校与规划11.Why BC? What other schools have you applied to? Rank for BC among them?12.long&short term career goal, how to realize13.Under current economic situation, your expectation of job placement aftergraduating from MSA?其他14.LIFO &FIFO15.accounting industries in 5 years16.transparency & its importance17.activities on campus(writing)18.那种老师创造出最有利于学习经历问题整合版:Typing question:1.what will happen in acct industry,in next five years.2.efficient management mode3.What's your opinion about the ethical dilemma for employees?4.what's the most important ethical dilemma for corporation today?5.explain transparency and its importance(可能speaking)6.LIFO FIFO7.最近看的书,推不推荐给别人,为什么?8.别人对你身上什么感到惊奇9.what do you do to help your colleagues or peers to perform the best of the abilities.10.What do you think are the major obstacles to an effective teamwork?11.talk about a leader you admire most in your working experience. what are your similarities? how different you are?12.how do you handle conflict a company you like,why14.analytical experience15.How to build up accountability and create a strong teamApplication1.what criteria do you use when you apply? what other school have you applied? (这个问题简短回答,给出reasonable的原因即可)2.why are you interested in pursuing a MSA at this time3.Why BC What otherschools have you applied to? rank for BC among them?4.5.how do you plan to prepare your future studie in BC6.what will you contribute to your fellow classmates in BC?7.如果录取,从现在开始要做哪些准备来适应BC的academic study8.if you can only keep one thing in your resume, which one do you want to keep and why9.what would you do at BC besides study to broad your resume and make contribution to BC/希望从bc得到什么/what would you do in bc to broad your resume?10.你能从BC获得什么来更好地实现你的careel goal?11.Describe what degree of training do you need before you make valuable contributions to your company12.something not in the resumeCareer1.short-term&long-term career goal, steps to realize your goal2.how did you investige your career path you just mentioned3.one of your campus activity that helps you realize your goal4.any non-academic activity in BC you will take to realize your goal5.given the current economic climate, what are your expectation for job positioning inside and outside US?6.为什么想要从事会计行业7.how to balance the interest of your company and your clients?8.deliverables to the clientsSituation1.an example of how you persuade others to do things in your way2. tell us about one of your experience which can prove your integrity3.introduce a time management method proven to be successful for you.4.an experience of you think "out of box"5.you took a risk and the outcome6.请说一下你做的一次presentation,你的优势有哪些,你有哪些需要改进的7.In internship, your experience that you are forced out of the comfortzone and how you deal with it(可能出written)8.Describe a project thatyou co-managed, what are the challenges and the outcome9.你有没有为了什么事改变了自己原来的目的和想法Personal1.do what to help peers perform at the best of ability?2.Have you travel abroad? 如果有,去的哪里?如果没有,有机会想去哪里?3.Are you more energetic at collecting data or collaborating with others?4.评价一下自己的求知欲(intellectual curiosity)是啥level的,以及你的求知欲如何帮助你学习和工作上的成功的5.Descibe the professor who created most benefiting learning experience for you. 好的teacher是什么style的,对你产生了什么样的影响?6.Describe your leadership style这个对你选择的profession 有什么帮助how this will help you achieve your goal7.leadership skills inside and outside classroom;请举出几个例子,表现你在课堂内和外的leadership,注意是inside 和outside classroom8.introduce a time management method proven to be successful for you;AN EXAMPLE YOU MANAGE UR TIMEyou are more of a leader or manager9.what aspect of your communication style do you think you want to improve.10.which do you think is more important between creativity and efficiency11.talk about a recent news and discuss its impact or possible impact on business.12.how college changes you as a person13.whose leardership do you like to emulate and why14.what attributes do you possess to deal with high pressure situation15.what will you do in a high pressure situation?16.What are the most important values andethics you demonstrate as a leader? Give me an example of these in practice.17.你有什么能力可以很好地领导一个团队18.What's your career role model and why?19.What's your ability to deal with conflict, using specific examples.20.deal with 压力的方法21.THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS YOU PROUD OF22.what are your motivators23.ethical dilemma; please talk about the ethical challenge you face in the workplace.。

南加州大学(University of Southern California,缩写USC)是一所中等大小的私立综合性全国大学,成立于1880年,位于美国西部大都会洛杉矶市区,该校是加州最古老的私立研究型大学。
根据卡内基教育基金会2005年公布的大学分类,南加大被归类为“研究活动非常活跃的研究型大学”(very high research activity)。
360教育集团介绍会计硕士基本信息:正式成绩单:Official Transcripts标准化考试:GMAT个人陈述:Personal Statement2封推荐信:Two Letters of Recommendation个人简历:Resume面试:Interview (by invitation)申请费:Application Fee英语语言测试:English Language Exams资金证明:Proof of Financial Support (I-20 Form)注:前置课程要求:夏季学期——金融会计导论(Introduction to Financial Accounting)宏观/微观经济学(Micro or Macroeconomics)统计学Statistics (business preferred)秋季学期——金融会计导论(Introduction to Financial Accounting)宏观/微观经济学(Micro or Macroeconomics)统计学Statistics (business preferred)中级会计(一)(Intermediate Accounting I)中级会计(二)(Intermediate Accounting II)管理会计成本(Cost or Managerial Accounting)美国联邦企业税(U.S. Federal or Corporate Taxation)审计(Auditing)高级会计(Advanced Accounting)企业财政(Corporate Finance)费用与奖学费用(20913-14)。

『普华永道』“BIG 4”中最大的一家,客户资源广泛,结构完善,每年招最多的人。
我觉得这是仁者见仁的问题,但能在人民大会堂开annual dinner 就能很好的说明实力。
他家不分开笔试面试,如果简历通过的话,会被要求参加他们自己的assessment centre,内容由,英文造句游戏,中文无领导小组讨论/英文辩论,英文作文和英文一对一面试几部分组成。
这在“BIG 4”中是没有哪家能和他家相比的。

JHU—BA面经整理2020FALL JHU Kira Interview面经&试题汇总:A.Self-experience即兴经历1.Tell me about a time when you misunderstood expectations and had to improviseat the last minute.What was the outcome and what did you learn?2.讲一个你没有准备的public speech的经历,结果是怎么个,学到了啥?事情进展1.Tell me about a time when you had to scrap everything and start from scratchhalfway through a project.What was the outcome and what did you learn?2.Describe a time when you have no idea what to do next.What is the outcome andwhat did you learn?3.Tell me about a time when you had absolutely no idea how to get started on animportant project.4.讲述一段经历,当你unsure about next step outcome and learn what?5.What was a time when you couldn't solve a problem and what did you learn fromit?寻求帮助1.Tell me about an experience when you met a problem but had no one to ask,what's the outcome and what did you learn?2.Describe an experience when you ask for help despite feeling uncomfortable.Whatis the outcome and what did you learn?其它经历1.Tell me about a time when you became lost while traveling in a country other thanyour own.What was the outcome and what did you learn?2.Describe an experience that you knew you handed a completed incorrectassignment.3.Tell me about a time when you wanted to participate in a club or activity,butweren’t allowed too.What was the outcome and what did you learn?4.Tell me a time when you got second place in a competition.What is the outcomeand what had you learnt?5.Tell us about a time when you think you are more qualified than your mentor,what's the outcome?6.你需要批评一个人但是那个人不会很好的接受,这个经验的结果是什么,你学到了什么?7.一段你得到的worse than你预期的经历,结果和学到什么8.说一个你曾经没有keep promise的经历,结果如何?你从中学到了什么?B.TeamworkCredit问题1.Tell me about a time when a member of your team received less credit thandeserved for a successful group project.What was the outcome and what did you learn?2.Tell me about a time when you received more credit than you deserved for asuccessful group project.What was the outcome and what did you learn?3.Tell me about experience when one member in your team took credit over he/shedeserved,what outcome?what did you learn?团队分歧1.Tell me a time that you disagree with your teammates on group work.What wasthe outcome and what did you learn from it?2.如果你的组员不能理解对方的观点,你该怎么做,为什么?3.Tell me a time when there is a bully on your team.What is the outcome and whathad you learnt?4.团队冲突案例,有一个人想做完全部的工作,问结果学到了什么?5.Tell me about an experience that组员没有积极参与组内活动,问你结果和学到了什么?6.Tell me about an experience that组员没有积极参与组内活动,问你结果和学到了什么?团队角色1.Tell me about a time when you were working on a group project and assumed aleadership role despite other team members being unsure in your abilities.Whatwas the outcome and what did you do?2.如果和队友在一个队伍想要做担任一个角色,你会怎么样?结果如何?学到什么?3.在一个项目中,发现自己并不能贡献自己的能力的一次经历,结果是什么,学到了什么?C.Another Country/Culture Difference想去哪里1.Where would you like to go if you can go back to100years ago?You can chooseany country except your own.2.If you have unlimited funds and can travel to anywhere in the world,where do youwant to go and why?3.你最想去哪里旅游?4.如果费用全部cover你想带你的父母去哪里旅游为什么?5.Which country do you want to live after3years of graduation?Why?6.If you want to live in a country where speaks language you don't know,where willyou choose and why?7.Imagine that your best friend offers you a job in a country other than your own.Where would you want it to be,what job will it be,and why?8.去一个别的国家工作会选择去哪个国家?想学什么文化1.What is one thing that you really want to learn from a foreign culture.Why?2.想学习关于哪个region of world3.Imagine that you have the opportunity to learn how people live in differentcountries.What country’s people might you choose to learn and why?探讨文化1.Imagine that you are asked whether or not you think it is important for students tolearn that people from other cultures can have different values.How might youapproach your answer to that question?2.你如何考虑whether or not students should learn不同的文化as early as possible设问也有点奇怪,how might you approach this problem解决文化问题1.Imagine that you are trying to resolve a cultural dispute between two individuals ofdifferent cultures.What would you do and why?2.如果你现在率领一个不同文化背景的团队在一个不是你祖国的国家完成一项任务,然后DDL紧迫,你会做什么来保证完成任务。

我主要就往financial analytics上靠拢,然后聊了一下我看到的corporation的BA的机会。
他对我essay上,六个月做student consultant的经验很感兴趣。
我就和他讲了我通过excel做一些valuation的model,然后Felipe还细问了我是怎么run regression的。
我大致讲了怎么做SWOT和最后的venture showcase,就结束了对我的background的问题。

Kira面经汇总:关于自己1. introduction of yourself 2min2. what is the greatest impact to your outlook3. when asked to do something differently how you do and the outcome4. a time to show appreciation to others for job well done and how they respond5.interesting thing about yourself.6. meaningful accomplishment outside classroom and work, 怎么取得的7. 对你人生有potential long-term影响的project,描述一下影响impact,还有outcome8. 你需要assistance from other members的project?9. 有没有一个academic或extracurricular活动,教会了你一些重要的事情和道理10. 例子你预见到一个成功solution,你是如何预测的;11. 例子你尝试一个试验性的solution且失败了,为啥会失败;12. 在School和work之外如何involve in your community13. 你准备如何enrich你在case的学习环境关于问题解决1. 你的组和其他组因为文化还是什么工作方式差异产生分歧你会怎么处理2. Describe a project that you worked on where you had to gather and analyze vast amounts of information. What factors were considered in analyzing this information, and how did this information help with the completion of the project?3. 在完成一项任务时缺乏技能或知识,怎么处理,结果是啥实习4. 说一个你分析一个问题的时候的步骤,结果是什么5. 你提供了一个新的方法that makes a difference to your community)6. 你遇到一些情况是需要用新的方法解决的么?最后是怎么解决的?(new way you provide since best solution isn't apparent)7. Please tell us about a time when you implemented an innovative idea at work or school. How did you come up with the idea, and what was the outcome of the implementation?8. 描述一次你think outside box去解决难题的经历,你用的方法哪里unconventional了,结果如何8. do sth differently/unique approach 去achieve a objective9. 有没有anticipate 到过未来可能发生的obstacle,可能会create 的problem,然后你做了啥去deal with 这可能发生的问题。

篇一面试时间:2018-01-091 introduce urself2 biggest advantage3 conflict in teamwork4 why uci5 plan after graduation6 skills want to improve7 work with people with different backgrouds8 ethical dilemma9 why master10 Q&A11 successful person in mind12 usa or china13 ST/LT goals,然后具体问了一下中意的公司篇二面试时间:2016-11-2面试官:Burt1. go through your CV2. THE THING MOST PROUD IN YOUR cv3.biggest advantage3. what would you do if a person in your team disagree with you4.career goal/ US or china5.why master6.why UCI7.what would you want to get from UCI in personal aspect8.what would you do if you find a fraud in yur client's company when you work in an accounting firm.9. a successful person10. other applied11. Q&A篇三1.describe yourself介绍我是一个怎样的人2.describe your internships3.what's your biggest advantage?4.Point out 2 things in your resume that you are most proud of. Why5.学习中不擅长的事情6.what would you do if a person in your team is disagreeing with you?7.Please share when you have to work with people from diverse background.8.what would you do if you've found a fraud in your clients' company when youwork in an accounting firm?9.Please tell me a situation when you think honesty may not be the best way in thecompany10.what do you think a successful person is like? role model (sucessful person)11.Someone give you a solution manual, what would you do?12.why MPAC at this time? 你希望能够improve的地方mpac如何帮到你13.Career goal?/ career path What company do you want to work for?/ what's yourplan after graduation?/ plan & back up plan/ Do you plan to study in US or go back to China?14.What would you do if you cannot get the CPT or OPT?15.other school applied? factors that influence your decision in choosing theseuniversities篇四面试时间:2015-12-1面试官:Burt1、describe yourself2、tell me about your internship3、what would you do if a person in your team is disagreeing with you?4、what would you do if you've found a fraud in your clients' company when you work in an accounting firm?5、what's your plan after graduation?6、why MPAC at this time?7、what do you think a successful person is like?8、what's your biggest advantage?9、other school applied? factors that influence your decision in choosing these universities10、any questions?篇五面试时间:2014-3-21面试官:Burt1,go through your resume,也就是自我介绍2,teamwork experience3,leadership style4,ethical dilemma5,why MPA6,why UCI7,Q&AKira题库面经Introduction about yourself:1. Tell us about yourself2. Three words to describe you by your friends?3. What do you do for fun4. Describe your ideal day5. Where did you grow up?/ talk about your hometown6. Role model/ who are your role models and why?About your undergraduate college time:1. What was your favorite part about college?2. Tell us about your most satisfying and most disappointing experiences3. What are your previous professional experiences? How they influenced your decisionto start MS of accounting study at this point?4. News skills learned last year5. What volunteer or social activities have helped you develop professional skills? About your qualities/ capabilities:1. Your advantages over other candidates2. Weakness3. Describe your leadership style4. How would you describe your leadership skills?5. 你近期headed up(领导)的一个program6. Give us an example of how one of your strengths has benefited you when working in ateam environment. Teamwork7. What would you do if you disagree with other team members? Example?/with your supervisor, how did you deal with it?8. Tell me an example about how you solve problems/ describe how you go about problems. Example?有专门问在团队中遇到问题的9. Tell me about a time when you were able to help improve a work procedure by making good suggestions to your supervisor or co-worker.10. Give us one example of how well you work under pressure 抗压能力11. Describe a demanding situation that you were faced in which you managed to remain calm and composed. How did you solve the problem?12. Being able to learn quickly on the job is important. Tell us about a situation when you had to pick up an essential skill quickly.About program and future career:1. Why UCI2. why UCI MPAc program attracts you?3. Why do you choose accounting profession?4. Where do you see yourself in three years?5. What motivates you to be successful?6. What city do you want to work in?Others:done1. Tell me about a time when you were faced with an ethical dilemma. What did you do?2. Describe one time that you had to prioritize your responsibility?3. 最proud 的achievement/ one of your accomplishment。

面试问题篇一面试时间:2018-01-091.introduce urself.2.biggest advantage.3.conflict in teamwork.4.why uci?5.plan after graduation.6.skills want to improve.7.work with people with different backgrouds.8.ethical dilemma.9.why master?10.Q&A.11.successful person in mind.a or china.13.ST/LT goals,然后具体问了一下中意的公司.篇二面试时间:2016-11-2面试官:Burt1.go through your CV.2.THE THING MOST PROUD IN YOUR cv.3.what would you do if a person in your team disagree with you?4.career goal/ US or china.5.why master?6.why UCI?7.what would you want to get from UCI in personal aspect?8.what would you do if you find a fraud in yur client's company when you work in an accounting firm?9.a successful person.10.other applied.11.Q&A.篇三1.describe yourself介绍我是一个怎样的人.2.describe your internships.3.what's your biggest advantage?4.Point out 2 things in your resume that you are most proud of. Why?5.学习中不擅长的事情.6.what would you do if a person in your team is disagreeing with you?7.Please share when you have to work with people from diverse background.8.what would you do if you've found a fraud in your clients' company when you work in anaccounting firm?9.Please tell me a situation when you think honesty may not be the best way in the company.10.what do you think a successful person is like? role model (sucessful person)11.Someone give you a solution manual, what would you do?12.why MPAC at this time? 你希望能够improve的地方mpac如何帮到你.13.Career goal?/ career path What company do you want to work for?/ what's your plan after graduation?/ plan & back up plan/ Do you plan to study in US or go back to China?14.What would you do if you cannot get the CPT or OPT?15.other school applied? factors that influence your decision in choosing these universities.篇四面试时间:2015-12-1面试官:Burt1.describe yourself.2.tell me about your internship.3.what would you do if a person in your team is disagreeing with you?4.what would you do if you've found a fraud in your clients' company when you work in an accounting firm?5.what's your plan after graduation?6.why MPAC at this time?7.what do you think a successful person is like?8.what's your biggest advantage?9.other school applied? factors that influence your decision in choosing these universities.10.any questions?篇五面试时间:2016-3-21面试官:Burt1.go through your resume,也就是自我介绍.2.teamwork experience.3.leadership style.4.ethical dilemma.5.why MPA?6.why UCI?7.Q&A.Kira题库面经Introduction about yourself:1.Tell us about yourself.2.Three words to describe you by your friends?3.What do you do for fun?4.Describe your ideal day.5.Where did you grow up?/ talk about your hometown?6.Role model/ who are your role models and why?About your undergraduate college time:1 What was your favorite part about college?2.Tell us about your most satisfying and most disappointing experiences.3.What are your previous professional experiences? How they influenced your decision?to start MS of accounting study at this point?4.News skills learned last year.5.What volunteer or social activities have helped you develop professional skills?About your qualities/ capabilities:1.Your advantages over other candidates.2.Weakness.3.Describe your leadership style.4.How would you describe your leadership skills?5.你近期headed up(领导)的一个program.6.Give us an example of how one of your strengths has benefited you when working in ateam environment. Teamwork.7.What would you do if you disagree with other team members? Example?/with your supervisor, how did you deal with it?8.Tell me an example about how you solve problems/ describe how you go about problems. Example?有专门问在团队中遇到问题的.9.Tell me about a time when you were able to help improve a work procedure by making good suggestions to your supervisor or co-worker.10.Give us one example of how well you work under pressure 抗压能力.11.Describe a demanding situation that you were faced in which you managed to remain calm and composed. How did you solve the problem?12.Being able to learn quickly on the job is important. Tell us about a situation when you had to pick up an essential skill quickly.About program and future career:1.Why UCI?2.why UCI MPAc program attracts you?3.Why do you choose accounting profession?4.Where do you see yourself in three years?5.What motivates you to be successful?6.What city do you want to work in?Others:done1.Tell me about a time when you were faced with an ethical dilemma. What did you do?2.Describe one time that you had to prioritize your responsibility?3.最proud 的achievement/ one of your accomplishment.项目介绍1、项目介绍在当今日益国际化和动态的商业环境中引导学生高效工作和迎接挑战。


面试问题第一轮video面经问题整理1. Why olin? Why msa? Why this program is important to you?2. 如果你是一艘船的主人,会给命名为...?3. What to recommend if visit your hometown?4. What is the first thing you would pay attention to people?5. Would you rather be hot or cold?6. Which do you prefer, journey or destination?7. If you were told you would not be with family or friends again, would you still travel to the Mars?8. What's the superpower you would like to obtain and why?9. When you first meet someone, what do you notice first?10. What is the funniest story that happened to you recently?11. A gift you gave someone most recently.12. Tell an experience you meet new knowledge of business working within an organization. What have you learned from that?13. Tell an experience work with someone with different culture.14. How you connect Olin after graduation.怎样和Olin involve?15. How to brew a perfect coffee or tea.16. 你想怎么庆祝的生日?17. 你人生中收到的最好建议是什么?What's the most useful piece of advice you have receive?18. 团队中的人来自不同背景有什么好处?19. A cultural difference you have experienced, what's difference and similarity between your culture and other culture?20. ideal study place,favorite study environment.21. 可以改变一点的话想这个世界什么?22. favorite holiday.23. 一件你以前不会做的事?24. 我喜欢和朋友们一起做的事情.25. 最想和哪个business leader或CEO共进晚餐?why?26. 对你影响最大的一部电影?27. something make you excited.28. 最好的childhood memory.29. 选择team members 的时候考虑什么?30. share one thing that you want people to know more about you31. 你想回到哪个历史时刻?32. 周末怎么过?33. what excites you most coming to US?34. 与来自不同国家的人沟通重要性.35. 知道一个decision不popular也要做?36. Which great musician you would like to have dinner with?37. Describe a person you respect and how they earned your respect.38. How do you keep up with new trends in your industry?39. Why this is the right time for you to pursue a graduate program?40. favorite landmark in your country.41. experience when you sell your idea to others.42. 一家successful的公司,and say what makes it successful.43. Tell me about your favorite professor or teacher.44. As the world population ages, what do you think would be the challenges for future business leader?45. What is the first thing that come to your mind when you wake up every day? Why?第二轮Skype面经篇一1.过一遍简历介绍一下自己.2.长短期职业目标是什么?3.你觉得accountant应该具备什么样的characteristic?4.你在伯克利影响最深刻的teamwork经历是什么?5.why accounting?why now?6.你作为一个领导者失败的经历、你从中学到了什么?7.你是从哪里知道WUSTL的,为什么要申请WUSTL?8.如果你被所有的项目都录取了,你要怎么选择?篇二面试时间:2016年11月15日1.Introduce yourself and highlight your university life2.Overseas experience3.Why MSA4.ST and LT goal (share了一下为什么有这个goal)5.Why consulting but not auditing6.Share your proudest achievement7.What characteristic accountant should have8.Did you take any risks in your internship and what’s the result9.Why olin10.Did you apply to different MACC program(问的很tricky,就问你如果读master会去哪个school)11.What will you do if you are admitted to Olin before you come12.Q&A篇三面试时间:2014-12-24面试官:nikki1.ur academic or extracurriculum activity about accounting?2.why olin?3.就学生会经历问了下与国际学生交流的经历。

面试的时间(12月份-次年2月份)面试的形式:有些学校的面试方式很特殊,比如NOTRE DAME是DVD面试,要你自己录制一段视频刻盘寄过去,在片中回答学校要求的几个问题,就像做一个presentation一样。
DVD 不属于文件,易压坏,快递比较麻烦,收费又贵。
如果你有同学在美国,不妨将视频文件传到美国,请同学刻盘,以美国国内的优先mail 寄出,又快又便宜。
美国会计研究生的面试问题综合起来可以分为下面几类专业类:第一,以往会计学习背景方面1) 最大的achievement in this field。
2) 觉得有什么课程是比较有挑战的3) 自己最喜欢哪些课第二,会计实习以及相关工作经验1) 实习或者工作的公司介绍2) 实习或者工作的公司的会计相关职位3) 实习或者工作的最大成就是什么,挑战有哪些,你怎么克服的,收获什么,影响是什么。

1954年Master of Aounting (M.A.)会计学硕士点成立,为想要在会计学方面进一步深造的学生提供作为本科后的教育。
1974年, Master of Business Taxation (M.B.T.)商业税务硕士点建立。
美国留学申请经验-美国南加州大学会计硕士专业 USC MAcc 成功案例

美国留学申请经验:美国南加州大学会计硕士专业USCMAcc 成功案例学生情况介绍:申请学生:阿萨教育背景:江西某大学基本成绩:GPA:3.85 TOEFL:108 GRE:1350申请目标:美国会计硕士专业名校录取大学:美国南加州大学、华盛顿大学还记得阿萨11月份来到公司和服务团队一起完成头脑风暴时的一些小细节:身穿一件印有Authentic字样的白色运动帽衫,言谈举止中显露着礼貌乖巧的气息同时又不失有自己独到的见解,不管是对自己所学专业的认识还是对于自己日后的职业发展都有着较为清醒的意识。
头脑风暴过后,对于阿萨美国名校会计硕士申请基调便定位在将其塑造成一个Authentic and Mature Candidate,仔细分析申请人的背景,我们不难发现,机遇与挑战并存。
也正是这样的实践认知,帮助申请人在丰富自身会计背景时能够言之成理,言之有物,也就是我们在设计文书时始终秉承的Make Sense的原则,不会像一般的国内申请人只知其一泛泛而谈从而落入窠臼。

华为财经留学生面试问题华为财经校招| 一二面经分享11月4号完成2021华为财经加拿大留学生面试专场的一二面,将自己的经历分享给大家以供参考,并记录下对二面流程的专业性和规范性的一些质疑,以此提醒大家小心遇到同样的情况~- 背景:麦吉尔金融本科大四在读,于2019年提交过申请以及测评,在还未递交2021届校招申请的情况下,十月底收到华为的财经专员全职岗面试邀请。
- 流程:原定11月4日下午3点的远程面试。
4:00 开始第一轮面试 (约40分钟), 和面试官聊得非常愉快并且告诉我会推荐我进二面,结束zoom会议后立马收到了一面通过的短信。
5:30左右开始了第二轮面试(约30分钟),以下是具体的过程:1)一面:面试官(简称A女士) 非常nice并且专业,主动做了自我介绍。
在自我介绍5分钟左右后, A女士说她对我总体的感觉不错,唯一的concern就是我的稳定性,因为我的职业规划有提到想先工作几年,再继续深造的打算。
A女士表示可以接受,接着提出了几个专业问题:公司可以采取哪些手段规避外汇风险? (currency forward &futures来提前锁定汇率,也可以用currency option,并举例) 除了上述金融手段以外,还有哪些市场手段?(只提到可以降低出口产品价格来应对汇率上升的风险)解释货币政策的三元悖论 (资本自由流动,货币政策独立性以及固定汇率无法同时达成,并解释举例)世界上有哪些汇率制度以及如何调控 (固定汇率和浮动汇率制度,并说明国家如何通过增大货币发行量,买卖外汇等手段调解全球货币市场中本国货币的供求平衡从而实现固定汇率;也解释了商品贸易,各国利率和资本流动如何影响浮动汇率)宏观经济题:美国的2万亿美元经济刺激计划法案可能会有哪些长远的隐患?(1. 过度发行货币会造成通货膨胀,实际购买力下降,加剧经济市场的不稳定以及反而可能导致人民生活水平下降。

篇一面试时间:2017-02-23面试官:Ashley1.tell me about yourself .2.why did you choose to go to BYUH (BYUH是个摩门教会大学,98%的学生是教友但我不是) ?3.tell me more about your working exp.篇二面试时间:2016-03-01面试官:Cathy1.why do you want to persuade a master degree, and why USC?2.Are you still working at Accenture?3.Tell me what you have learned from this experience(at Accenture)?4.Tell me about your leadership experience?5.Why do you think you are a competitive applicant for this program?6.What other programs have you applied for?7.Do you have any other questions for me?篇三面试时间:2014-2-26面试官:Shirley1. 四大的实习2. 觉得安永和PWC有没有什么区别?(企业文化之类的)3. 如果工作,想在哪里?4. 你是怎么知道我们学校的信息的?5. 有没有申其他学校?Q&A篇四1.self introduction.2.why accounting at college?3.why master why USC?4.有没有travel到美国过?5.the movie you recently saw.Q&A篇五1. 自我介绍.2. 为什么要去美国读书,为什么要选macc?3. 去美国之后会有全新的生活,全新的模式,怎样去适应?4. 有哪些兴趣爱好?5. 毕业后打算有什么规划,打算从事什么工作,继续做tax advisory吗还是有其他想法?6. 都申请了哪些学校?Q&A篇六1.自我介绍.2.本科期间学过最难的课程.3.long-term goal.4.Have you ever been to USC?What do you know about USC?5.你报了其他什么学校?Q&A篇七1.简历中这个实习是干啥的?2.为啥学会计,为啥MAcc?3.你还申请了别的学校吗有要交押金的么?4.选学校的时候会看什么?5.印象深刻的社团活动,社团主要干嘛的?6.交换经历.7.除了你爸妈,对你影响最大的人是?8.你怎么实现长期的career goal?Q&A项目介绍从1920年开始,会计教育一直就是南加州大学商学院不可分割的一部分。

1会计类实习面试考察点英特尔 2019暑假会计实习岗位招聘要求。
2会计实习申请面试问题与回答模板问题一:Why do you want to become an accountant?考察点:面试官想了解你的求职动机,你为什么对这个职位感兴趣。
回答模板示范:I love working with numbers always have. To help a corporation identify cost cutting measures they hadn't previously discovered, developing tax strategies, or performing sensitivity analysis to support revenue projects and forecasts is thrilling to me.问题二:Which accounting software are you familiar with?考察点:面试者可能会很多软件,但面试官想考察的点是你是否知道我们公司用的是什么软件。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
1.tell me about yourself
2.why did you choose to go to BYUH (BYUH是个摩门教会大学,98%的学
3.tell me more about your working exp.
1.why do you want to persuade a master degree, and why USC
2.Are you still working at Accenture
3.Tell me what you have learned from this experience(at Accenture) 4.Tell me about your leadership experience
5.Why do you think you are a competitive applicant for this program 6.What other programs have you applied for
7.Do you have any other questions for me
1. 四大的实习
2. 觉得安永和PWC有没有什么区别(企业文化之类的)
3. 如果工作,想在哪里
4. 你是怎么知道我们学校的信息的
5. 有没有申其他学校
1 self introduction
2 why accounting at college
3 why master why USC
4 有没有travel到美国过
5 the movie you recently saw
1. 自我介绍
2. 为什么要去美国读书,为什么要选macc
3. 去美国之后会有全新的生活,全新的模式,怎样去适应
4. 有哪些兴趣爱好
5. 毕业后打算有什么规划,打算从事什么工作,继续做tax advisory吗还是有其他想法
6. 都申请了哪些学校
2. 本科期间学过最难的课程
you ever been to USC What do you know about USC
8.你怎么实现长期的career goal