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3. 丽江古城始建于南宋,距今约有800年的历史。
The construction work of the old town was started from the Southern Song Dynasty about 800 years from now.
4. 丽江①不仅历史悠久,②而且民族众多,③少 数民族人口占全区人口的半数以上。
(方法二:不断句,把“填补了···的空白”翻译成 现在分词作状语)
In December 1997, the old town succeeded in applying to be named a World Cultural Heritage Site, filling the gap of lacking a noted historical and cultural city in China on the World Cultural Heritage List.
This filled the gap of lacking a famous historical and cultural city in China on the World Cultural Heritage List.
6. 1997年12月,丽江古城申报世界文化遗产获得成 功,填补了中国在世界文化遗产中无历史文化名城 的空白。
(上面的句子也有3个谓语,处理方法是把“③少 数民族人口占全区人口的半数以上”断句)
4. 丽江①不仅历史悠久,②而且民族众多,③少数 民族人口占全区人口的半数以上。
Lijiang has not only a long history but also many ethnic groups(民族).
The old town of Lijiang, located at the foot of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, is a town of scenic beauty and known for its history and culture.
It is also a well-preserved old town with features of ethnic minorities.
(上面的句子有3个谓语,处理方法是,把“②是 一座风景秀丽的历史文化名城”作为英语句子的谓 语,把“①坐落在玉龙雪山脚下”作为英语句子的 状语,把“③也是我国保存完好的少数民族古城之 一”断句)
2. 丽江古城①坐落在玉龙雪山脚下,②是一座风景 秀丽的历史文化名城,③也是我国保存完好的少数 民族古城之一。
பைடு நூலகம்
1. 丽江地处于云南省西北部,境内多山。 Lijiang is a mountainous city in northwest Yunnan Province. (“境内多山”翻译成定语mountainous)
2. 丽江古城①坐落在玉龙雪山脚下,②是一座风 景秀丽的历史文化名城,③也是我国保存完好的少 数民族古城之一。
6. 1997年12月,丽江古城申报世界文化遗产获得成 功,填补了中国在世界文化遗产中无历史文化名城 的空白。
In December 1997, the old town succeeded in applying to be named a World Cultural Heritage Site.
The ethnic minorities(少数民族) make up over half of the total population in the region.
5. 随着丽江旅游业的发展,到丽江古城观光游览的 中外游客日益增多。
With the development of Lijiang tourism, the old town of Lijiang is receiving a growing number of tourists from home and abroad.