easYgen 2000系列多机并网操作机组控制器

输入范围 .............................................................. 12/24 Vdc (8 to 40 Vdc)
输入电阻 ......................................................................... 大约. 20 kOhms
(ANSI #)
发电机: 过/欠压 (59/27), 过/欠频 (81O/U), 电压不平衡,
无压母线检测, 过载(32), 负载不平衡 (46), 欠载/逆功
(32R/F), 定时限过流保护 (50/51), 反时限过流保护
(IEC255), 接地故障测量 (50N/51N), 相位旋转,断路器故
• 带有软按键的128× 64 图形显示 • 柴油或气体机的起停逻辑 • 发电机预供油控制 • 通过时间或温度进行热机控制 • 速度, 频率, 电压, 功率, 无功功率, 和功率因素设定点 (自动或者远程控制) • 最多可以在16台机组间进行有功和无功功率分配, 包括根据负载起停机
• 发电机有功表 ,无功表 • 运转时间/起动/保养计数器 – 运转时间也可以通过连
线性测量范围 .......................................................................... 1.25× Vrated
测量频率................................................................ 50/60 Hz (40 to 85 Hz)
供电电源 ...............................................................12/24 Vdc (8 to 40 Vdc)
EasyController 易众系列控制器硬件手册说明书


配通讯功能(RS485 或 RS232)。
2. GU320A-PA1/PA2/PA3 的功能区别表:
GU320A-PA1 GU320A-PA2 GU320A-PA3
Gense t Contr oller CH ARG E FAI L( 充电失败) FA IL TO ST AR T(启动失败) LO W O IL PR ES SUR E( 低油压) HI GH TE MPE RA TUR E( 高水温) OV ERS PE ED( 超速故障) EM ERG EN CY ST OP( 急停)
3.启动时检查控制器端子 C12、C13 直流电压,如无电压,则需更换 控制器。
4.在起动马达上的磁吸用 DC 电压表连接此接头和电池负极,如 有电压,则磁吸有故障,须替换;如无电压,则检查控制屏的
1. 检查燃料油位。 2. 检查控制器端子“C12”的直流电压,如无电压,则控制器故障,
电压微调 速 度微调
Genset Controller

ACC4100柴驱空压机控制器用户手册郑州众智科技股份有限公司SMARTGEN (ZHENGZHOU) TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.目次前言 (4)1 概述 (6)2 性能特点 (6)3 规格 (7)4 操作 (8)4.1 按键功能描述 (8)4.2 控制器面板 (9)4.3 开停机操作 (9)4.3.1 开机顺序 (9)4.3.2 停机顺序 (10)4.4 设置预供油输出的开机操作 (10)4.5 应急开机 (10)4.6 空压机加/卸载调速过程 (10)5 DPF手动再生 (11)5.1 DPF手动再生概述 (11)5.2 DPF再生面板图标描述 (11)5.3 DPF手动再生操作 (12)6 保护 (13)6.1 警告 (13)6.2 停机 (14)7 接线 (16)8 编程参数范围及定义 (18)8.1 参数范围及定义 (18)8.2 可编程输出口1~6可定义内容 (24)8.2.1 可编程输出口1~6可定义内容 (24)8.2.2 自定义时间段输出 (28)8.2.3 自定义组合输出 (28)8.3 可编程输入口定义内容 (29)8.4 传感器选择 (31)8.5 起动成功条件选择 (32)8.6 维护设置 (32)9 参数设置 (33)10 传感器设置 (35)11 试运行 (36)12 典型应用 (36)13 安装 (37)13.1 卡件 (37)13.2 外形及开孔尺寸 (37)14 控制器与发动机的J1939连接 (38)14.1 CUMMINS ISB/ISBE(康明斯) (38)14.2 CUMMINS QSL9 (38)14.3 CUMMINS QSM11(进口) (38)14.4 CUMMINS QSX15-CM570 (39)14.5 CUMMINS GCS-MODBUS (39)14.6 CUMMINS QSM11(西安康明斯) (40)14.7 CUMMINS QSZ13(东风康明斯) (40)14.8 DETROIT DIESEL DDEC III / IV(底特律) (40)14.9 DEUTZ EMR2(道依茨) (41)14.10 JOHN DEERE(强鹿) (41)14.11 MTU MDEC (41)14.12 MTU ADEC(SMART模块) (41)14.13 MTU ADEC(SAM模块) (42)14.14 PERKINS(珀金斯) (42)14.15 SCANIA (42)14.16 VOLVO EDC3(沃尔沃) (43)14.17 VOLVO EDC4 (43)14.18 VOLVO-EMS2 (44)14.19 玉柴 (44)14.20 潍柴 (44)15 故障排除 (45)16 装箱清单 (46)前言是众智的中文商标是众智的英文商标SmartGen ― Smart的意思是灵巧的、智能的、聪明的,Gen是generator(发电机组)的缩写,两个单词合起来的意思是让发电机组变得更加智能、更加人性化、更好的为人类服务。

关键词:超小型可编程序控制器、编程示例、电机调速1 前目easy是德国穆勒(MOELLER)公司新推出的一种超小型可编程序控制器,也称控制继电器。
easy基本型分为两个系列:easy 4系列主要特征为8路输入、4路输出;easy 6系列主要特征为12路输入、6路继电器或8路晶体管输出。
2 easy 619的主要资源easy 619的主要资源见表1。
表1easy 619的接线图见图1。
如easy的l号输人开关闭合,编程时11表示常开触点闭合,/1 1表示常闭触点断开(本文中“/I”即表示“i”,余类推)。

方法 1、设置前准确取得启动飞轮的齿数(由发动机生产厂提供或成套前直接数出),然后计
Tel:84003203 Fax:84470169 E-mail:syais@
算出转速信号频率,计算公式:齿数×(额定转速/分钟÷60),例如:国产 6135 机型的飞轮为
5.1.5 确认蓄电池已充有足够的电量。(启动时 12V 电源不能低于 9V、24V 电源不能低于 18V,
5.1.6 确认燃油、润滑油、冷却水(水冷机组)均已达到规定的液面高度。
5.2 柴油机控制系统试运行:
5.2.2 接通控制系统电源,并合上控制箱内的控制电源开关和保险丝。电源一旦接通系统即进入 其他参数设定:每完成一项设置再按 F 键,进入下一项设置。
PASS 密码输入▲▼F↙(上、下、左、右) 11SPLP 低速预报警(默认 1400 转)
125 齿,在发电为 50Hz 场合应用时,其转速频率应为:125×(1500÷60)=3125Hz。在“01TCAL”
状态下通过▲ ▼键使其显示数字为 3125,注意:不须↙键确认。此时计算机将把 3125Hz 作为
1500 转的对应转速信号频率记录并保存下来,作为额定转速及与转速有关的运行、保护参数的
关的运行、保护参数的基准。完成“01TCAL”操作后,再按 F 键,在“02EGSP”项确认额定转
Carlin Combustion Technology 油燃燃烧器控制器说明书

• O n-Board LCD Screen• Fully Programmable Settings• 32 Cycle Fault History• Alarm Contacts• Serviceman Reset Protection• Blocked Vent Protection• P rovides Flame Signal in Microamps • Low Voltage TerminalsIt is important that the installation of the oil burner,piping and fittings, safety devices, controls, electrical wiring and equipment be done in accordance withnational and/or local regulations of the authoritieshaving jurisdiction over such installation.©Copyright 2020 — Carlin Combustion TechnologyW A R N I N G S1. W arning – Do not attempt to confirm combustion simply by inspecting the flame visually. Y ou must use combustion test instru-ments. Failure to properly verify/adjust combustion could allow unsafe operation of the burner, resulting in severe personal injury, death or substantial property damage. Refer to the burner manual for proper setup instructions.2. W arning – Never test an ignitor by placing a screwdriver (or other metallic object) across the high voltage clips. Check ignitors onlyby observing spark at appliance ignition electrodes, with fuel supply OFF. Using any other method could cause ignitor damage and severe personal injury.3. D anger – Fire, explosion, or carbon monoxide hazard. Water damage can lead to unreliable operation or cause the control tomalfunction which could lead to severe personal injury or death. Do not install the control module where it can get wet. Always replace the control if it gets wet or if it has any signs of water residue.4. W arning – Electrical shock hazard. T o prevent electrical shock, death, or equipment damage, disconnect power supply beforeinstalling or servicing control. Only qualified personnel may install or service this control in accordance with local codes and ordi-nances. Read instructions completely before proceeding.5. W arning – Electrical shock hazard. The ignition circuit of the control can produce over 10,000 volts which can cause severe injuryor death.6. W arning – Frozen pipes/water damage. This is not a freeze protection device. Central heating systems are prone to shut down asa result of power or fuel outages, safety related fault conditions or equipment failure. Installation of freeze protection monitoring orother precautions are recommended for unattended dwellings in climates subject to sustain below-freezing temperatures.7. W arning – All work must be performed by a qualified and licensed professional in accordance with all applicable codes and ordi-nances.8. Notice – Read these instructions completely before proceeding with the installation.9. Notice – Retain these instructions for future reference.10. Notice – All wiring must comply with the National Electric Code or any other state or local codes or regulations.11. D anger – Carbon Monoxide Hazard. Improper application or use can result in dangerous flue products, such as carbon monox-ide, which can escape into the living space causing severe injury or death. All venting must be checked for proper operation before allowing the burner to run.Hazard DefinitionsThe following defined terms are used throughout this manual to bring attention to the presence of hazards of various risk levels orto important information concerning the life of the product.Indicates presence of hazards that will cause severe personal injury, death or substantial property damage.Indicates presence of hazards that will cause severe personal injury, death or substantial property damage.Indicates presence of hazards that will cause minor personal injury or property damage.Indicates special instructions on installation, operation or maintenance that are important but not related to personal injury or property damage.InstallingThe 60200FR control must be installed and serviced only by a qualified service technician.Always disconnect power source before wiring to avoid electrical shock or damage to the control. All wiring must comply with applicable codes and ordinances.MountingT he control may be mounted on a 4" x 4" junction box in any convenient location on the burner, furnace or wall. The location must not exceed the ambient temperature limit, 140°F.2Carlin Combustion Technology2. Remove Rajah connector from flame rod wire3. W ire nut the existing wires to the spade provided wiresand connect to controlCarlin Combustion TechnologyWiringW iring must comply with local and national electrical codes, and with the wiring diagram.CommercialGas Train120VFACTORYWIRINGFORFIELD WIRINGSEE PAGE 3EZGas Pro24VFACTORYWIRINGFORFIELD WIRINGSEE PAGE 3EZGas120VFACTORYWIRINGFORFIELD WIRINGSEE PAGE 34Carlin Combustion Technology5Carlin Combustion TechnologyView or Change Control SettingsNOTE: The settings mode cannot be accessed during a run cycle, the burner must be in standby mode (or Lockout) to enter setup.To enter the Settings Mode : Press the G and E buttons simultaneously for 2 seconds. The display will show –To View Current Settings: Press the E button to scroll through all Setting Modes (see table at the top of page 5 for Setting Mode options). The second line of the screen will display the current setting for each Setting Mode –Pressing the E button again will leave the setting as is andmove to the next option –Trial for Ign 4 SecondsBlocked Vent/Spill Switch*Jumper or ThermostatN.O.Dry ContactsCO SensorDo not start the burner if the combustion chamber contains gas.To Change a Setting: Scroll to the desired Setting Mode option using the E button (as described in table on page 5), then press the or H button to scroll through the avail-able Settings. When the desired setting is displayed on the screen press the E / ENTER button. The display will briefly indicate that the new setting has been “Entered” and the new setting will replace the previous setting on the second line of the screen. Continue pressing the E button to view the cur-rent setting for all options or H button to make any desired changes.To Exit the Setup Menu: Press the F / ESCAPE button for 3 seconds. NOTE: The control will automatically exit the Setup menu after 30 seconds of inactivity or by a call for heat.Trial for Ign 6 SecondsSettings Press To Exit HoldPre-Purge30 Seconds* B locked Vent/Spill Switch Operation: During each run cycle, the BV contacts will be checked beginning 30 seconds after ignition. If the BV contacts open (indicating the spill switch has detected a blocked vent), the control will shut down the burner. The control will either recycle the burner or will go immediately into Lockout dependent on the Allowed Recycle setting. The spill switch must be closed within 2 seconds on a call for heat. If not, it will retry 2 times before control goes into Lockout.N OT E: If using a manual reset blocked vent spill switch, the control will lock out with the display reading BV Switch Open.Shaded box = default setting.** M A Code (“N” models) are non-recycling and will lock out on flame failure.**Changing this setting to ‘Yes’, with limits powered will exit Settings mode and result in immediate ‘Call For Heat’. *†If flame is sensed during Pre-Purge, control will go to Lockout immediately – except when Pre-Purge is set to 0 Sec.††If TFI fails after first recycle, control will lockout, regardless of “Allowed Recycles” setting.A V A I L AB L E S E T T I N G SSetup Menu Definitions•P re-Purge: Time period motor and ignitor are on prior to Trial for Ignition. Note: If flame is sensed during Pre-Purge, control will go to Lockout immediately.• T rial for Ignition: Flame-establishing period during ignition. If flame is not established, the control will recycle. The next cycle will be a set 60 second Pre-Purge. If TFI fails on the next cycle, control will go to Lockout.•P ost-Purge: Time period the motor is on after the Call for Heat is satisfied to allow for evacuation of combustion gases. A call for heat during Post-Purge will result in a recycle. • A llowed Recycles: Number of Recycles allowed during a single Call for Heat prior to Lockout.• T T Jumpered Internal: Allows TT to be “jumpered” by software program.• C lear Fault History: Allows all prior burner fault conditions stored in control to be cleared.• R estore Factory Defaults: Allows all factory defaults to be restored in control (refer to settings shaded in gray in the table above). Will reset and reboot control .PRESS THE BUTTON TO VIEW DIFFERENT SETTING MODESPre-Purge†Trial forIgnitionPost-PurgeAllowedRecycles††TTJumperedInternal**Clear FaultHistoryRestoreFactoryDefaultsPRESS THEBUTTONSTO CHANGE SETTINGS 0 Sec 4 Sec0 Sec None*Yes Yes Yes 10 Sec 6 Sec10 Sec1No No No 30 Sec15 Sec390 Sec30 Sec60 Sec2 minSETTING MODE OPTIONSOperating SequenceWith power to the control and the gas valve open, set thermostat (and limit) to call for heat. NOTE: The thermostat circuit must be closed and power must be coming to black wire from limit circuit.During Pre-Purge, the motor starts.Following Pre-Purge, the control advances to a3 second Pre-IgnitionDuring Pre-Ignition, the ignitor turns on and enters Trial for Ignition.During Trial for Ignition, the gas valve opens. When flame is detected, the screen will briefly display “Flame Detected” and then procedes to Burner RunningWhen the Call for Heat ends (or a limit control interrupts the burner circuit), the gas valve will turn off. The motor remains on for the Post-Purge period. When the Post-Purge timer expires, the control returns to Standby mode awaiting the next call for heat.Pre-PurgeX X SecPre-IgnitionX X SecTrial for IgnX X Sec Post-PurgeX X SecStandby 59 Sec No Call for Heat Burner Running59 SecSEE STATUS ICONS – PAGE 86Carlin Combustion Technology7Carlin Combustion TechnologyFault HistoryThe 60200FR stores information from the last 32 cycles in which a fault condition occurred. To Enter the Fault History , simultaneously press and hold the H and E buttons for 2 seconds. The display below will appear –Press the E button to scroll through the history of fault conditions. Fault 1 is the most recent cycle in which a fault occurred. To view faults experienced in earlier run cycles, continue to press the E button. The control will display Fault 2 followed by Fault 3, etc.To view the details of any fault (ex. Fault 1 in the screen above), press the H button to see the Fault Message.Press the H button again to determine how many cycles ago the fault occurred.Press the H button again to determine if the fault resulted in a Lockout or a recycle.Press the H button again to examine the Microamps at the time of the fault.View 13 Faults To Exit HoldTotal History To Exit HoldFault 1 Message No Flame Check VlvFault 1X X X X cycles agoFault 1 Result Lockout Fault 1 0.1 uAmpsContinue pressing the H button to examine the following information recorded during the fault cycle.• Line Voltage • Recycle (Yes or No)• Motor Amps (OK or Low) • Burn Time • Ignitor Amps (OK or Low) • Flame Delay • Valve Amps (OK or Low)On any fault detail screen listed above, the E button can be pressed to view the same data in the previous fault cycle. For example, if in Fault 1 (the most recent fault), the Ignitor Amps were low, by pressing the E button, the Ignitor Amps in Fault 2 (the previous fault cycle) will be displayed.To Exit Fault History: Press and hold the F / ESCAPE but-ton for 3 seconds at any time.Total/Run HistoryIn addition to the Fault History (left),the 60200FR also logs the total run history of the control. To enter this menu, simultane-ously press the E and F buttons for 3 seconds. The display below will appear.To Exit Total History: Press and hold the / ESCAPE but-ton for 3 seconds at any time.Press H button to scroll through the history which includes: • Total On Time • Max Line Volts • Total Burn Time • Min Line Volts • Total Burner Run Cycles • Total Recycles • Faults Cleared (cycles ago)Fault 1 Details View Fault 2PRESS THE BUTTON TO VIEW NEXT FAULTFAULT 1FAULT 2FAULT 3FAULT 4FAULT 5PRESS THEBUTTONS TO VIEW FAULT DETAILSMessageNo Flame ck vlvNo Flame ck MTRNo Flame ck IGNNo Flame ck vlvNo Flame ck vlvCycles Ago 23456ResultLockout Lockout Lockout Lockout Lockout µAmps Volts 114114114114114Motor Amps OK Low OK OK OK Ignitor Amps OK OK Low OK OK Valve Amps Low OK OK Low Low Recycle Y/N No No No No No Burn Time 5 sec 5 sec 5 sec 5 sec 5 sec Flame Delay4 sec4 sec4 sec4 sec4 secF A U L T H I S TO R YNOTE: Fault information in chart is representation only.Fault 1Ignitor Amps LowFault 2Ignitor Amps OKStatus Icons will appear at the top of the 60200FR display to indicate the control’s current operating condition.POWER I ndicates that the control is powered (flashes if voltage is too low or too high)Indicates that the burner limit circuit is powered.D isplayed when the TT terminals are physicallyjumpered, jumpered in the set-up menu, or when。
easYgenTM 系列发电系统控制器说明书

削 峰 应 用
船 舶 应用
热 电 联 供 应 用应急备用电源 应用
认 证 :
The easYgen-2000 :
远 程 监 控
通过CAN总线通讯,可以远程监控easYgen-3200和easY-gen-3100, 具有和easY-gen-3200相似的显示界面。
• = 标准* 特性由型号决定,查看产品说明页获得更多的内容
1 需要额外的伍德沃德DPC控制线
2 通过CANopen,需要额外的Phoenix I/O模块
3 通过CANopen,需要额外的axiomatic热电偶模块
4 粘贴纸的使用完全由用户决定
Eaton Moeller 系列 Rapid Link 速控器 198868 说明书

Eaton 198868Eaton Moeller® series Rapid Link - Speed controllers, 2.4 A, 0.75 kW, Sensor input 4, Actuator output 2, Ethernet IP, HAN Q4/2, with manual override switchGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller® series Rapid Link Speed controller1988684015081969265157 mm 270 mm 220 mm 3.59 kg CE RoHS UL approval UL 61800-5-1 IEC/EN 61800-5-1Product NameCatalog NumberEANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Catalog Notes 3 fixed speeds and 1 potentiometer speedcan be switched over from U/f to (vector) speed control Connection of supply voltage via adapter cable on round or flexible busbar junction Diagnostics and reset on the device and via Ethernet IPParameterization: drivesConnect mobile (App) Parameterization: drivesConnectParameterization: FieldbusParameterization: KeypadIGBT inverterPTC thermistor monitoringSelector switch (Positions: REV - OFF - FWD)Key switch position OFF/RESETKey switch position HANDTwo sensor inputs through M12 sockets (max. 150 mA) for quick stop and interlocked manual operationThermo-click with safe isolationKey switch position AUTO2 Actuator outputsControl unitInternal DC linkPC connectionManual override switch3 fixed speeds1 potentiometer speed IP65NEMA 121st and 2nd environments (according to EN 61800-3)IIISpeed controllerEtherNet/IPC2, C3: depending on the motor cable length, the connected load, and ambient conditions. External radio interference suppression filters (optional) may be necessary.C1: for conducted emissions only2000 VAC voltagePhase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted. Center-point earthed star network (TN-S network)Vertical15 g, Mechanical, According to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, 11 ms, Half-sinusoidal shock 11 ms, 1000 shocks per shaftResistance: 57 Hz, Amplitude transition frequency on accelerationResistance: According to IEC/EN 60068-2-6Resistance: 10 - 150 Hz, Oscillation frequencyResistance: 6 Hz, Amplitude 0.15 mm Above 1000 m with 1 % performance reduction per 100 m Max. 2000 m-10 °C40 °C-40 °C70 °CFeatures Fitted with:Functions Degree of protectionElectromagnetic compatibility Overvoltage categoryProduct categoryProtocolRadio interference classRated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) System configuration typeMounting position Shock resistance Vibration AltitudeAmbient operating temperature - min Ambient operating temperature - max Ambient storage temperature - min Ambient storage temperature - max Climatic proofingIn accordance with IEC/EN 50178< 95 %, no condensationCurrent limitationAdjustable, motor, main circuit0.2 - 2.4 A, motor, main circuitDelay time< 10 ms, Off-delay< 10 ms, On-delayEfficiency97 % (η)Input current ILN at 150% overload2.5 ALeakage current at ground IPE - max3.5 mAMains current distortion120 %Mains switch-on frequencyMaximum of one time every 60 secondsMains voltage - min380 VMains voltage - max480 VMains voltage tolerance380 - 480 V (-10 %/+10 %, at 50/60 Hz)Operating modePM and LSPM motorsBLDC motorsSynchronous reluctance motorsU/f controlSensorless vector control (SLV)Output frequency - min0 HzOutput frequency - max500 HzOverload currentAt 40 °CFor 60 s every 600 sOverload current IL at 150% overload3.6 A45 Hz66 Hz0.75 kW400 V AC, 3-phase480 V AC, 3-phase0.1 Hz (Frequency resolution, setpoint value)200 %, IH, max. starting current (High Overload), For 2 seconds every 20 seconds, Power section50/60 Hz8 kHz, 4 - 32 kHz adjustable, fPWM, Power section, Main circuitAC voltagePhase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted.Center-point earthed star network (TN-S network)1 HP≤ 0.6 A (max. 6 A for 120 ms), Actuator for external motor brakeAdjustable to 100 % (I/Ie), DC - Main circuit10 kAType 1 coordination via the power bus' feeder unit, Main circuit 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %, external via AS-Interface® plug)Ethernet IP, built inPlug type: HAN Q4/2Specification: S-7.4 (AS-Interface®)Max. total power consumption from AS-Interface® power supply unit (30 V): 250 mANumber of slave addresses: 31 (AS-Interface®)C2 ≤ 5 m, maximum motor cable length C3 ≤ 25 m, maximum motor cable length C1 ≤ 1 m, maximum motor cable lengthMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Rated frequency - minRated frequency - maxRated operational power at 380/400 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase Rated operational voltageResolutionStarting current - maxSupply frequencySwitching frequencySystem configuration type Assigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz, 3-phase Braking currentBraking torqueRated conditional short-circuit current (Iq)Short-circuit protection (external output circuits) Rated control voltage (Uc)Communication interfaceConnectionInterfacesCable length10.2.2 Corrosion resistance10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials tonormal heatMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.The panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Generation change from RA-SP to RASP 4.0Connecting drives to generator suppliesGeneration change RAMO4 to RAMO5Generation change from RA-MO to RAMO 4.0Generation Change RASP4 to RASP5Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)Configuration to Rockwell PLC for Rapid LinkGeneration Change RA-SP to RASP5Rapid Link 5 - brochureDA-SW-drivesConnect - InstallationshilfeDA-SW-Driver DX-CBL-PC-3M0DA-SW-USB Driver PC Cable DX-CBL-PC-1M5DA-SW-drivesConnect - installation helpDA-SW-drivesConnect USB Driver DX-COM-PCKITDA-SW-USB Driver DX-COM-STICK3-KITDA-SW-drivesConnectMaterial handling applications - airports, warehouses and intra-logisticsProduct Range Catalog Drives EngineeringProduct Range Catalog Drives Engineering-ENDA-DC-00004184.pdfDA-DC-00004514.pdfDA-DC-00003964.pdfDA-DC-00004508.pdfeaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-005.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-004.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-003.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-002.epsETN.RASP5-2420EIP-412R000S1.edzIL034093ZU10.2.3.3 Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internalelect. effects10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation10.2.5 Lifting10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.2.7 Inscriptions10.3 Degree of protection of assemblies10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.5 Protection against electric shock10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections10.8 Connections for external conductors10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strength10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltage10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material 10.10 Temperature rise Application notes BrochuresCatalogues Certification reports DrawingseCAD model Installation instructionsEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All rights reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.The device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.Rapid Link 5MN034004ENMZ040046_ENMN040003_ENDA-MN-MZ040044ENrasp5_v31.stpramo5_v31.dwg10.11 Short-circuit rating10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility 10.13 Mechanical function Installation videos Manuals and user guidesmCAD model。

125 齿,在发电为 50Hz 场合应用时,其转速频率应为:125×(1500÷60)=3125Hz。在“01TCAL”
状态下通过▲ ▼键使其显示数字为 3125,注意:不须↙键确认。此时计算机将把 3125Hz 作为
1500 转的对应转速信号频率记录并保存下来,作为额定转速及与转速有关的运行、保护参数的
5.1.5 确认蓄电池已充有足够的电量。(启动时 12V 电源不能低于 9V、24V 电源不能低于 18V,
5.1.6 确认燃油、润滑油、冷却水(水冷机组)均已达到规定的液面高度。
5.2 柴油机控制系统试运行:
5.2.2 接通控制系统电源,并合上控制箱内的控制电源开关和保险丝。电源一旦接通系统即进入
基于Lon Works总线柴油发电机组智能控制器的设计方案

温、 缸温等 ) 转换编制的 , 包括激活 AD功能 、 中通 / 选
道 号 ,并且 调 用 滤波 子 程 序来 得 到 柴 油发 电机 组 的
各个参数值 , 同时通过调用报警判 断子程序 , 来决定
柴油发 电机组 的各 个参 数值 是 否超 出报 警 限 ;
滤波子程序是对 AD测量值和转速值 的处理程 /
图 3 单 片 机 与 上 位 机 通 讯 原 理 图
在这 种工作 方 式下 , 要求 有 3组 软件 :
31 单 片机 程序 .
单 片机程序包括转速测量和控制程序 、初始化
AD转 发电机组的电压调节。 对下一部研究提出建议。 具体 程序 、/ 换程 序 、滤波 处 理程 序 、键 盘处 理 和显 PD控 制子 程 序 、 积 分 子 程 序 、 警 、 闸子 程 变 报 跳 框 图如 图 1()( 。利用 L nWok 现 场 总线 的优越 示 、I 1、 ) ) c o rs 性, 在设计 数 字负 载分 配器 、 电压 调节 器 时 , 其能 支 序等 程序 。 使 其中 , 主控程序是单片机控制软件的框架部分 , 持 L nWok 现场 总线 , 者 有机 的结 合 , 使 整个 o rs 三 将 控制 系统 具有 调 速 、 压 、 数监测 、 网等 功能 。 调 参 并 是控 制 系统 的基 本构 成 , 括 了系统 的初 始化 , 包 各部 分 子功 能 的激 活 和初 始 化 , 制 系 统状 态 的检 测 , 控 柴
作者简 介 : 刘起武 (9O )男 , 17一 , 江西永新人 , 工程 师, 方向 : 助理 研究 电力系统及 自 动化 ; 志萍(92 )女 , 罗 17一 , 江西丰城人 , 大专 , 研究方 向: 电力系统及 自动化 。
EATON Diesel Plus 柴油机消防泵控制器 操作和维修手册说明书

2011 6EATON Diesel Plus柴油机消防泵控制器Powering Business Worldwide操作和维修手册IM05805019CEATON Diesel Plus 生效日期2011 年 6 月柴油机消防泵控制器2EATON CORPORATION 目录描述页码描述页码1. 简介..............................................................................31.1 安全............................................................................31.2 担保............................................................................31.3 安全预防措施................................................................31.4 产品概述......................................................................32. 安装和电气连接...............................................................32.1 安装............................................................................32.2 压力传感器连接.............................................................32.3 电气连接. (3)2.3.1 电线规格.............................................................32.4 系统压力连接................................................................33. 硬件说明........................................................................43.1 概述. (4)3.1.1 电池充电器..........................................................43.1.2 三步充电.............................................................43.1.3 充电器关闭..........................................................43.1.4 交流电输入保险丝保护...........................................43.1.5 电池充电器显示屏.................................................43.1.6 充电器设置:铅酸电池/镍镉电池............................43.1.7 强制充电.............................................................43.1.8 规格...................................................................53.2 前操作面板. (5)3.2.1 L ED 指示灯..........................................................53.2.2 按钮...................................................................63.3 显示板可触及区.............................................................63.4 电源 I/O 板...................................................................63.5 发动机板......................................................................63.6 外部按钮. (6)3.6.1 停止...................................................................64. 操作..............................................................................74.1 概述............................................................................74.2 起动过程. (7)4.2.1 手动起动过程.......................................................74.2.2 自动起动过程.......................................................74.2.3 Run Period Timer (运行时间计时器)......................74.2.4 Sequential Start Timer (顺序起动计时器)...............74.3 程序说明. (8)4.3.1 控制输入.............................................................84.3.2 控制输入说明.......................................................84.3.3 无直流电源..........................................................84.3.4 速度开关故障. (8)4.3.5 发动机起动机线圈故障...........................................84.3.6 声音警报静音.......................................................84.3.7 电源故障警报.......................................................84.4 输出继电器. (8)4.4.1 继电器功能..........................................................94.4.2 1 号备用 - 2 号备用..............................................94.4.3 发动机警报功能....................................................95. 设定.............................................................................95.1 简介............................................................................95.2 浏览............................................................................96. 历史记录、诊断信息、统计信息、配置信息........................136.1 系统历史记录..............................................................136.2 统计信息....................................................................136.3 控制器诊断信息...........................................................137. 通讯...........................................................................147.1 USB 端口. (14)7.1.1 信息下载...........................................................147.1.2 自定义消息上传..................................................147.1.3 固件更新...........................................................147.1.4 语言更新...........................................................147.2 内嵌网页(可选)........................................................147.3 RS485 串行端口(可选).............................................147.4 RS232 串行端口(可选).............................................148. 自定义消息..................................................................14附录 A :主菜单树形图.......................................................16附录 B :地区设置菜单树形图..............................................17附录 C :压力设置菜单树形图..............................................18附录 D :计时器值菜单树形图..............................................19附录 E :自定义输入/输出菜单树形图...................................20附录 E(a):自定义输入菜单树形图........................................21附录 E(b):自定义输出菜单树形图........................................22附录 E(c):自定义指示灯菜单树形图.....................................23附录 F :主菜单密码菜单树形图...........................................24附录 G :自定义消息加载和激活...........................................25附录 K :..........................................................................26附录 L :警报/状态消息.....................................................279. 首次起动.....................................................................289.1 自动起动测试..............................................................289.2 手动起动测试..............................................................289.3 Engine T est (发动机测试)...........................................289.4 每周试运行机构测试.. (28)EATON Diesel Plus 操作和维修手册IM05805019C柴油机消防泵控制器生效日期2011 年 6 月EATON CORPORATION 31. 简介1.1 安全本技术文档用于介绍 Diesel Plus 型消防泵控制器的安装、应用、操 作和维护等诸多方面的相关内容。
重庆铭贝ATS320 DC发电机组控制器 详细说明书 V1.1

ATS320 DC自动切换控制器用户操作使用手册版本更新记录注意小心警告警告:1、本设备的安装必须有专业人士进行。
目录一、概述: (4)二、性能和特点 (4)三、参数显示 (5)四、参数规格 (5)五、外形结构及接线图 (5)六、安装指南 (8)七、面板与显示说明 (9)八、控制与操作说明 (10)九、提示信息/报警状态 (12)十、参数设置 (13)十一、常见故障排除 (16)注:1、禁止在未经许可的情况下,传播本手册中的任何内容。
一、概述:ATS320 DC是一款市电/发电自动切换控制器,可自动或手动控制ATS双电源切换开关,适用于一路市电一路发电的应用。

2.5 输入正电源。也给燃油线圈或启动马
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
从端子 3 引入正电源注入,电流为
从端子 3 引入正电源注入,电流为
辅助输出继电器 1
输出正电源,电流为 5Amp
辅助输出继电器 2
公司地址:昆山花桥国际商务城花安路 183 号 E-mail:ksydlpower@
电话: 0512-5011 1768 传真:0512-5016 5317
注意:急停信号必须一直保持,否则控制器将停机。 低油压停机:当安全计时器计时完毕,有低油压信号输入时,控制器将给出停机信号。低油压 LED 闪亮。 发动机高温停机:当安全计时器计时完毕,有发动机高温信号输入,控制器将给出停机信号,发动机高温 LED 闪亮。 超速停机:若发动机转速超过预置转速,控制器将给出停机信号。超速 LED 指示灯亮,当出现超速时会立 即停机而非延时停机。 启动失败停机:若发动机经过预置的启动次数而仍未起动成功,发动机将停止启动,启动失败 LED 闪亮。 停机失败:若发电机组经过预置的时间后,未能停机成功,普通故障 LED 闪亮。必须满足两个条件才会产 生停机成功的信号,即发电机已停机,油压低,且感应不到来自电磁传感器或交流发电机的速度信息。 低速停机:在安全计时器计时完毕后,若发动机转速降到低于预置转速,控制器给出停机信号,普通报警 LED 闪亮。 感应失败:若在启动过程中,速度感应信号丢失,发电机组将关机,普通报警 LED 闪亮。 注意:仅在启动过程中,速度感应信号丢失,发电机组将关机,普通报警 LED 闪亮。若在正常运行中发生 的转速信号丢失,发电机组将关闭,并给出低速报警。 辅助输入:若设置一个辅助输入作为停机输入,相应的 LED 将照亮。 3.安装说明 520 远程控制器安装于前板面,可用两个受力弹簧夹固定。易于安装。 3.1 面板开孔尺寸 若安装处振动过大,则模块应进行隔振安装。建议开孔尺寸为 138.5mm×68mm

否则将停机! 此时,油箱中的润滑剂还能够支持若干润滑循环,如果在此期间,润滑剂得到 补充,系统返回到正常的运行状态。如果润滑剂还未得到补充,则系统进入报 警状态(为防止空气进入油路系统),下列信息出现在 LCD 屏幕上: 低油位报警 泵站已锁死! 加油后重新启动! 在报警状态下,润滑循环无法启动。您必须充填润滑剂。在润滑剂充填完成以 后,按动强制润滑按钮(ESC+▲),启动新的润滑循环。
上述六个键盘同时用于 LOGO!控制器内置菜单操作,由于与润滑程序无关,不得随意操 作。有关 LOGO 控制器内置菜单参见附件。
2 操作
LOGO!控制器控制器得电即开始工作。控制器经过 1-2 秒的自检后,马上启动 预置润滑。默认的预置润滑次数为 20 次:油泵工作 2 秒,停歇 2 秒,重复 20 次。预置润滑的目的为油气润滑系统初次启动,管路中和轴承腔内没有润滑油, 通过预置润滑快速补充润滑剂。 同时控制器背景灯点亮,您可方便地通过控制器 显示屏上的条状图观察预置润滑的进度。 如果您需要跳过预置润滑,只需要按下 ESC+►,系统跳过预置,直接进入正常 润滑。 完成预置润滑后,系统进入常规润滑,根据设定的“润滑时间(通常为 2 秒,该 数据不要随意更改)”,油泵工作,然后进入“间歇时间”。该“间歇时间”根据主轴 的润滑要求设定:比如,每小时注油 30 次,则间歇时间为: 3600/30=120 秒,间歇时间=120-2=118 秒。 油气分配器每次注油量为 0.1cc,此数据不可更改。 进入常规润滑后,控制器 LCD 显示器显示如下内容:
c) 正常间歇时间设定 通过▲▼键切换到润滑间歇时间设定,系统显示: 正常间歇时间设定 00:30m 该数值为间歇时间,上述数值为 30 秒。您可根据需要更改。 按照上述步骤操作,修改完成按 OK 键确认,按 ESC 键退出。
第二章 柴油机电子控制系统

2.2.4 第二代时间控制式的特点
1.产生高压的装置与机械式喷油系统、第一代位置控制式系统相同。 都是柱塞和柱塞套配合产生高压,都需要用凸轮轴来驱动柱塞,
2.油量控制和调节装置与机械式喷油系统、第一代位置控制式系统 完全不同。第二代时间控制式则完全取消斜槽,直接由电磁阀 的动作完成每个喷射过程。
3.时间控制式对于喷射过程更加直接和精确。电磁阀关闭的时间决 定喷油定时,电磁阀关闭的持续时间决定喷油量和喷射压力, 给ECU的软硬件实时性要求更加严格,控制的精度和灵活性 也要求更高,使发动机性能的改善幅度很大。
2.2.3 电控单体泵和电控泵喷嘴系统
泵喷嘴系统(UIS)和单体泵系统(UPS)仅仅在电磁阀与喷器之间的连接方 式上有差别。电控泵喷嘴系统将产生高压的柱塞泵与喷油器直接连成一个整体,没有 高压油管;而电控单体泵系统在泵体和喷油器之间还有一段高压油管。
2.2.3 电控单体泵和电控泵喷嘴系统
电控泵喷嘴系统直 接采用顶置凸轮轴方式 驱动,优点是发动机结 构紧凑,液力系统响应 快,能够实现快速高压 喷射;缺点是发动机缸 盖上往往还有配气系统 的凸轮轴和摇臂,结构 复杂。在轿车用的小型 高速柴油机和车用中重 型柴油机中都有应用。
2.2 第二代电控燃油喷射系统(时间控制式)
2.2.1 在分配泵上实施的时间控制式 2.2.2 在直列泵上实施的时间控制式 2.2.3 电控单体泵和电控泵喷嘴系统 2.2.4 第二代时间控制式的特点
2.2.1 在分配泵上实施的时间控制式
柱塞套(滑套) 位置已经被固定, 喷射过程由专门的 电磁阀来完成,同 时为了保证喷射控 制的精度,还增加 了一个凸轮轴的测 速齿盘和转速传感 器,完成喷射过程 各缸的角度计量工 作
喷油量、喷油提前角、喷油压力、喷油规律是影响柴油机发 动机动力性、经济性和排放性的重要参数,因此,完善的柴油机 燃油喷射系统控制应该能对上述参数进行全面控制。

Diesel EngineFire Pump ControllersStandard Output RelaysAll standard output relays are 8 amp, DPDT.• Future # 1• Future # 2• LowFuel• AutoMode• CommonAlarmOptional Output RelaysThere is provision to add up to eight additional relay outputs, via four optional relay output boards which mount in a snap-on confi guration. Each board contains a maximum of 2 additional relays.Engine Run RelayThe Power I/O Board houses a 10 Amp engine run relay which is used for alarm purposes, or to power external louvers.Common Alarm RelayThe FD120 controller has a com-mon alarm relay which de-energizes whenever there are any alarm condi-tions present. This relay is energized under normal conditions and has LED status indication.Alarm Relay RatingAll alarm relays are rated 8 amps,250Vac, resistive load only. Programmable OutputsUp to 10 additional, programmable outputs (two standard; eight via optional output boards) can be programmed to indicate up to 45 output conditions. They can be pro-grammed for fail safe and latch until reset by the user. All optional inputs, outputs and LED’s can be linked, as required. They can also be pro-grammed with time delay functions. As well, two optional alarm LED’s can be programmed for up to 28 alarm conditions.Power / VoltageUniversal Voltage SupplyThe controller can be powered with supply voltages from 100Vac to240Vac by connecting to the three input terminals L,N,G located on the bottom left of the engine board.Dual Output12 or 24Vdc output is selectable viaa DIP Switch located on the battery chargers. Note: Each controller is fac-tory set for 12Vdc. If 24Vdc is required from the factory, it should be noted on the ordering information.Line FilterA line fi lter incorporated onto the engine board, is used to reduce/ eliminate external incoming voltage transients.AC Power DisconnectA breaker located inside the control-ler on the Engine Board, is usedto switch on and off AC power tothe unit. It will illuminate when energized.DC Power DisconnectThe engine board houses twoon-board circuit breakers used to switch on or off DC power from the batteries.Each breaker has an LED mountedon the engine board that illuminates when the breaker is energized. Alarm and Status IndicationAccessibilityAll alarm and status LED’s as well as the LCD Display and programming buttons are accessible from the frontof the controller.Product Description The DIESEL Plus Fire Pump Controllers from Eaton are designed to control and monitor 12 or 24 volt, diesel fi re pump engines and are among the most technically advanced diesel engine controllers available.They are an enhanced versionof the original microprocessor-based, FD100 Series of diesel engine controllers. Programming is straightforward due to the use of the core fi rmware and menu structure utilized in the LMR Plus Series of electric controllers.The controller can be ordered with the option to display and output current values and status, on command, from various software protocols.An embedded web page for retrieving diagnostics and history reports, can be accessed from the optional Ethernet communication port. An optional RS485 serial port can be used for direct connection to a computer for data transfer. Product Features CommunicationEmbedded Web PageThe embedded web pages allow the user to view the current status of the controller as well as all amper-age readings, set points, diagnostics, statistics, confi guration and history. An external computer connected via the optional ethernet port is used to access the pages. The specifi c data required can be downloaded for reference munication TypesUSBThe USB port is used to download the controller message history, statistics, diagnostics, status and confi guration data to a USB disk drive. The USB port can also be used to upload cus-tom messages, additional languages, and update the microprocessorfi rmware.EthernetAn external computer can commu-nicate with the Diesel Plus controller via the optional ethernet port. An embedded web page will displaythe controller’s current status, as well as display all current readings, set points and history.ModbusThe Diesel Plus fi re pump control-lers have the option to communi-cate to systems using the Regular level of Modbus (includes both RTU and ASCII transmission modes). Communication settings are user confi gurable through the Diesel Plus confi guration menu.Field ConnectionsStandard Inputs• RemoteStart• FuelSpill• DelugeValve• LowSuction• InterlockOn• PumpStart• LowFuel• Programmable Inputs (9) Programmable InputsUp to 9 additional, programmable in-puts can be programmed to indicate up to 13 diff erent types of inputs. They can be programmed to energize the common alarm output, link to relays and optional LED’s and latch until reset by the user.All optional inputs, outputs and LED’s can be linked, as required. They can also be programmed with time delayfunctions.Diesel EngineFire Pump ControllersBR081011ENApril 2015Reduced SizeA streamlined internal design has allowed the overall size of the DIESEL Plus controllers to be reduced from previous models. See dimensional drawings on our website.Technical Specifi cations• Supply Voltage: 100-240Vac • Output Voltage: 12-24Vdc • Hertz: 50/60 Hz • Enclosure: Standard NEMA 2• Optional NEMA 3R, 4, 4X, 12• Temperature: 4 to +50 deg. C 39 to +122 deg. F • Alarm Relays: DPDT 8amp • Engine Run Relay: DPDT 10amp • Crank / Fuel Stop Relays: SPDT • Pressure Transducer: 500psi • Immunity Compliance: Environment A • Emission Compliance: Environment BBattery Chargers• Mode: Switching • Dual 10 Amp • Communication to Power I/O Board• Diagnostics Recording • Lead Acid or NiCadThree StepCharge• Internal TemperatureMonitoring • Universal Voltage Input • Selectable Dual Voltage OutputStandards & Certifi cationThe FD120 Diesel Engine Fire Pump Controllers meet or exceed the requirements of Underwriters Laboratories, Factory Mutual Research (FM), New York Citybuilding code, CE mark and U.B.C. / C.B.C Seismic requirements, and are built to NFPA 20 standards.LCD DisplayThe Controller Display Board contains a 4 Line by 40 Characters wide, back-lit, LCD display which is capable of generating multiple languages. The display will show the current system pressure, time and date, charger output voltage and any custom mes-sages, alarms or timer values.Status LED'sThe controller is supplied with six (6) green status LED's for the following:• LOW PRESSURE • ENGINE RUN • REMOTE START • INTERLOCK ON • DELUGE VALVE • One Programmable LEDAlarm LED'sThe controller is supplied withtwenty (20) red alarm LED's for the following:• BATTERY #1 FAILURE • CHARGER # 1 FAILURE • BATTERY #2 FAILURE • CHARGER # 2 FAILURE • LOW PRESSURE • SYSTEM OVER PRESSURE • LOW SUCTION PRESSURE • LOW FUEL • FAIL TO START • HIGH ENGINE TEMP • LOW OIL PRESSURE • ENGINE OVER SPEED • ECM SELECTOR IN ALTPOSITION • FUEL INJECTIONMALFUNCTION • ECM WARNING • ECM FAILURE • HIGH RAW WATER TEMP .• LOW ENGINE TEMPERATURE • FUEL SPILL • One Programmable LEDStatisticsUp to 26 statistical points are record-ed to provide a quick review of how the system has been operating. The statistics can be viewed on the main display, saved to a USB disk drive, or viewed on the embedded webpage.DiagnosticsUp to fi fty three diagnostic points are recorded that can be used to help in troubleshooting issues with the controller. The diagnostics can be viewed on the main display, saved to a USB disk drive, or viewed on the embedded webpage.Message HistoryUp to10k alarm/status messages canbe stored in the controller memory. They can be viewed on the main display, saved to a USB disk drive, or viewed on the embedded webpage.DC FailA visual indication and audible alarm is provided to indicate DC power loss due to one or both batteries being disconnected from the controller. This indication will also be provided if the controller is not operating due to an electronic board failure.Programmable Features• Languages• (English, French, SpanishStandard. Other languages are available. Consult factory.) • Date and Time • Pressure Start and Stop Points • Low and High Pressure Alarms • Stop Mode • Low Suction Shutdown • Pressure Recording Parameters • Run Period Timer • Weekly Test Timer • Sequential Start Timer • AC Failure Alarm • AC Fail to StartEnclosuresRatingsAll FD120 controllers come standard with NEMA 2 enclosures unless oth-erwise ordered.Available options include:NEMA 3R, 4, 4X, 12.© 2015 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in CanadaPublication No. BR081011EN April 2015Eaton Industries Canada Company 10725 25th Street NE #124Calgary, AB T3N0A4Canada。
KS40-1 燃烧器控制器说明书

100ms 快速循环周期 传感器用户定义线性化 设定参数锁定功能 耐高温达60 测量值校正功能多个数字量输出之间的逻辑功能 内置变送器电源防水面板IP65应用场合通用工业加热炉 二段加热炉 三段加热炉 位置控制 同步控制锅炉压力控制 气候补偿二点和三点控制功能简介KS40-1 burner 控制器能在通用加热炉二段和三段加热炉上完成高精度和低成本的控制任务控制器可提供数字量on/off 和连续量阀位输出控制信号使不同的燃料达到最佳的控制效果控制器采用通用输入信号通道接收过程值输入使热电偶Pt100热电阻信号用作温度控制二线三线或20/30/50压力传感器信号用作锅炉压力控制附加的输入通道INP2可以被用作例如外部设定点或气候补偿信号KS40-1 burner通用燃烧器控制器BluePort 通讯端口和BlueControl 组态软件维护管理器和错误列表二段或三段调节自动/手动切换按钮和功能键外部设定点和外部校正 带闭锁装置的信号扩展功能符合DIN 3440标准插件模块结构KS40-1 burner 控制器采用插件模块结构无需使用任何工具就能迅速更换故障表芯而不必改变仪表背后的接线自整定功能在启动阶段自整定功能使控制器设置最佳的控制参数让过程值迅速接近设定值而且不产生超调量显示和操作面板上10只LED 灯清晰地表明操作方式I/O 状态和错误信息自动/手动按钮能够方便地完成切换操作根据用户需要这个按钮也可以被设置成无效状态或被定义为其他用途例如被定义为切断控制器这种功能通常在更高级别控制器中才可能被采用面板通讯接口和组态软件KS40-1 burner 控制器可以在数秒钟内完成参数的设置通过控制器面板的BluePort 通讯端口和BlueControl 控制软件包括仿真功能用户就可以顺利完成某个特定的控制任务而无需阅读详细的操作说明当然参数设置也可以通过仪表的面板按钮完成见BlueControl 密码保护根据用户需要进入不同的操作级别可以通过设置密码进行保护 同样最高级组态也可以禁止进入技术参数信号输入1. 功能介绍 输入信号功能INP1 x过程值INP2 SP.E.外部设定值或外部校正值di2可选 控制模式选择模拟量/数字量di3可选禁止操作切换到第2设定值SP2外部设定值SP.E.输出信号保持Y2手动操作控制器中断自动/手动按钮失效存储报警复位2. 过程值输入INP1 分辨率>14位小数点0~3位限制频率2 Hz数字滤波0.000~9999s 可调 采样周期100ms测量值校正2点或偏差校正 L J K N S R热电偶输入输入阻抗1M信号电阻影响1V /冷端补偿最大误差0.5K传感器断路监控输入回路电流1 A 热电阻输入类型Pt100Pt1000KTY11-6连接三线制导线电阻max.30输入回路监控断路和短路 电位计输入连接,例如50-30-50 电流和电压输入信号范围0~10V/0~20mA误差范围0.1%输入电阻110k 电压输入49电流输入量程设置信号范围内可以任意设定刻度范围-1999~9999可调线性化16段可用BlueControl 软件设置小数点可任意调整输入回路监控低于量程起点12.5%2mA,1V变送器电源可选三线制变送器电源电压18V/22mA测量范围0~10V二线制变送器电源电压18V/22mA测量范围4~20mA3. 附加输入INP2 分辨率>14位 采样周期100ms误差0.5% 电流检测输入电阻约15测量范围0~20mA 可组态 刻度-1999~9999A 可调输入回路监控低于量程起点12.5% 4~20mA 2mA 电位计输入 连接三线制量程160/450/1600刻度范围-1999~9999可调 输入回路监控断路和短路 热电阻输入 连接三线制量程Pt100Pt1000输入回路监控断路和短路 控制输入可选 开关电压5V开关电流160 A 变送器电源可选 输出22mA/18V信号输出 1功能介绍 输出信号 功能选项OUT1 控制输出Y1OUT2 控制输出Y2 OUT3限定值触点 控制输出Y1Y2限定值触点 报警 **所有的逻辑信号都能够被或连接2 继电器输出OUT1OUT2 触点常开共用一个公共端最大触点容量500V A 250V AC 2A48~62Hz 阻性负载最小触点容量6V 1mA DC 操作寿命最大容量下800,000次3 OUT3作为继电器输出触点常开和常闭共用一个公共端最大触点容量500V A 250VAC2A48~62Hz阻性负载最小触点容量5V 10mA AC/DC操作寿命最大容量下600,000次如果用继电器输出OUT1~OUT3操作外接电流接触器必需采用RC 缓冲电路以防止过高的关断电压峰值功能1 控制功能迟滞可调整的信号指示器on/off控制器3点信号指示器3段 PID 控制器2点/Y/Off 或2点控制器具有从部分到满负载转换功能2PID 加热/冷却 3点步进控制3点步进控制转换到信号指示器2段 3点步进控制转换到3点信号指示器3段控制参数设置可以通过参数自整定功能或面板按钮手动操作或者由BlueControl 软件完成2 设定点功能设定点梯度可调0.01~9999/min 设定点控制设定点/串级控制带外部校正的设定点气候控制 3 传感器断路/短路故障时输出 切断控制输出切换至安全输出值平均输出值仅限为PID控制器5信号限制功能Max Min 或Max/Min监控信号过程值控制偏差 控制偏差启动或设定点变化时抑制 有效设定点 输出信号Y功能输入信号监控带闭锁功能的输入信号监控通过面板按钮或数字量输入复位几个监控或报警信号可以在输出前采用逻辑或连接应用于执行机构产生一个中断信号或通用报警信号等 6报警功能传感器短路或断路根据不同的信号输入类型监测输入信号的断路和短路维护管理器在错误信息列表中显示故障信号警告和闭锁信息闭锁的信号可以被手动复位故障信息传感器短路断路和反极性加热电流报警控制回路报警参数自整定故障闭锁限制信息重新校准警告信息执行机构动作中断内部故障RAM, EEPROM 等操作和显示 1显示过程值10.5mm LED 设定值7.8mm LED2功能键控制模式选择 操作闭锁切换到第二设定点SP.2 切换到外部设定点SP.E 切换到设定点校正SP.E 切换到固定输出Y2 手动操作 控制器关闭使自动/手动切换失效 锁定报警复位2面板功能说明供电由选型决定 AC 电源电压 90~260V AC频率 48~62Hz功耗 约7V A 24V UC 电源AC电压20.4~26.4V AC频率 48~62Hz DC电压18~31VDC功耗 约7V A W当电源故障时组态参数设定点和控制方式在EEPROM 中可稳定保存BLUEPORT 通讯端口由PC 通讯适配器见附件与PC 机连接采用BlueControl 软件进行控制器组态参数设置和操作环境条件防护等级面板IP65NEMA 4X外壳IP20端子IP00温度 高精度控制0~60预热时间<15min 温度影响<100ppm/K 运行温度-20~65 储存温度-40~70湿度年平均75%相对湿度不结露 撞击和震动防震符合Fc测试DIN68-2-6防撞击符合Ea 测试DIN IEC 86-2-27 电磁兼容性符合EN 61 326-1概要外壳 材质Makrolon 9415阻燃材料易燃等级UL 94 VO 自熄灭 安全测试符合EN 61010-1VDE 0411-1过电压等级II 污染级别2工作电压范围300V AC 保护等级II 认证 符合DIN 3440符合UL 认证电气连接 1 6.3mm 或2 2.8mm 接插件 安装 采用2个夹钳在控制器上/下或左/右安装在仪表盘面重量 0.27kg9.52 oz附件 操作说明书 2个固定夹钳可选设备 BlueControl 工程师软件BlueControl 是基于Windows95/98/NT/2000下的控制器编程软件可以用来对控制器进行组态参数设置以及对KS40-1 burner 控制器的操作另外所有的设置都可以被保存还可以根据需要打印程序的仿真功能可以检测控制器的设置还能进行用户培训观察控制器与控制回路的相互作用只能由BlueControl 软件完成的设置不能由面板按钮设置 用户定义线性化输入/输出的强制功能 调整操作时间和切换周期的限制 调整到60Hz 供电频率根据操作级别设置密码 禁止T1T2循环时间的自动优化 控制器采用PC适配器与电脑相连见附件进行数据交换BlueControl 软件分为Mini Basic 和Expert三个版本具体功能见下表选型清单PC 通讯适配器 9407-998-00001 标准导轨适配器 9407-998-00061 操作手册 9499-040-66011 BlueControl Mini www.pma-online.de BlueControl Basic 9407-999-11001 BlueControl Expert 9407-999-11011端子接线:外形尺寸:应用实例:。

1.2 EP- 20、EP-40 适用于以柴油发动机成套的动力装置配套使用。 1.3 具有防潮、防水花飞溅功能,可在温度-20℃~+50℃(可订购-40℃~+50℃),在相对湿 度 95%时不凝露的环境下连续工作,可应客户要求进行防盐雾处理。 1.4 EP- 10、EP-30 用户无需设定任何程序和参数,只需进行简易接线便可使用。 1.5 EP- 20、EP-40 由于采用电磁速度传感器作速度检测,所以用户必须输入飞轮的有关参数(详 见安装、调试说明)。
EASYPANEL 系列 当系统通电后,同时按下显示屏下方的▲▼(上、下)两个键 2 秒钟,即进入基本运 行参数设置序列,进入后会显示第一个设置参数的序号:“1.XXXX”(额定转速),按下“▲” 可在“1.XXXX”(额定转速)、“2.XXXX”( 脉冲频率)、“3.SEEP”、“4.XXXX”(低速报警)、 “5.XXXX”(超速报警)“6.XXXX”(低油压报警)“7.XXXX”(高温报警)等几项参数中选择。 选中要修改的参数后按“启动”进入修改(进入后前面序号不显示),按动▲▼键,显示的数值 便会顺序增减,设定后按“启动”键确认,按“复位”键退出设值。 首次运行使用前应先进行转速校准,控制器的转速信号是取自启动飞轮的电磁传感器, 其校准与设定的方法有两种: 方法 1:设置前准确取得启动飞轮的齿数(由发动机生产厂提供或成套前直接数出),然后计算
四种数据的检测和数字显示,带蓄电池电压过高/过低报警及超速/低速报警停机,低油压、高 冷却温度报警停机由开关量输入进行触发(系统适用于发动机已带油压表及水温表)。 1.7 EP- 30 控制器与 EP-10 同样设计用于发电机组的装配:但油压、温度传感器采用模拟量输 入,系统含转速、发电频率、润滑油压力、冷却温度、运行时间、蓄电池电压等六种信号的检 测和数字显示,带蓄电池电压过高/过低报警及超速/低速、低油压、高冷却温度报警停机(系 统适用于裸机,发动机没带油压表及水温表)。 1.8 EP- 20、EP-40 的控制对象主要是动力机械(也可用于发电机),EP- 20 与 EP-40 的区别是: EP- 20 的油压、水温采用开关量输入,而 EP- 40 采用模拟量油压、温度传感器,系统带数字油 压、温度显示。EP-40 控制器已含转速、油压、水温、运行时间、蓄电池电压等六种信号的检 测和显示。 1.9 配置 EP-10、EP-20 控制器的机组应具有柴油机配套的低油压报警开关、超温度报警开关, 并另行配套油门控制机构(电子调速或电磁铁)则可组成智能控制机组。 1.10 EP-**系列控制器装配的机组只须配套油门控制机构(电子调速或电磁铁)则可组成智能控 制机组 1.11 EP-**系列产品均提供一路扩展外部输入的开关量报警信号供用户使用。 2 功能特点 2.1 带手动及全自动控制功能。当自启动信号输入或人工按下启动按键,控制器便自动完成自 启动、机组运行、故障停机保护等程序控制和过程控制。 2.2 自动监控功能。自动监控发动机在启动、怠速、升速、全速等过程的速度变化,自动完成 启动电机的投入与撤出、转速过高与过低的超限停机、速度正常后输出运行(合闸)信号等。 2.3 柴油机运行状态显示功能。根据系统现时运行状况,由指示灯或显示屏指示设备当前所处 的状态,包括:待机、开机、供油、自启动、怠速延时、正常运行、冷却停机、紧急停机等。 显示屏显示的符号所代表的状态和参数请参照本说明书 4.7 表格。 2.4 运行参数检测、显示功能。在系统运行过程中,显示屏显示实时转速并通过翻页显示发电 频率、(EP-30、EP-40 增加油压、水温显示)、运行时间及蓄电池电压等现时数值。(EP-10、EP-20) 的机油压力、冷却水温的参数则由用户原机配套仪表进行测量和显示。 2 .5 故障自诊断、故障显示及自动停机保护功能。机组在自启动及运行过程中出现异常情况时, 控制器可根据预设参数判断其故障,并通过面板的显示屏和相应的指示灯同时显示故障原因, 外接蜂鸣器用户可接收自动报警信号;机组也将同时停机,对机组实施保护。自动报警并停机 保护的项目包括:无转速信号(启动转速过低、发电机不发电、启动电机与启动飞轮打滑)、超 速、低速、低油压、高冷却温度、启动失败、停机失败、外接扩展报警输入等。 3 安装、调试说明 3.1 注意事项
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JJoohhnnssoonn CCoonnttrroollss, –InPc.a—rts Supply for IR and HVAC Europe
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柴油机控制器EASYPANEL EP-10、20、30、40安装使用说明书广州三业科技有限公司柴油机智能控制器EASYPANEL 系列安装使用说明EP-10、20、30、40 柴油机智能控制器是用于具有自启动、自动控制、自动保护功能的普及型柴油发动机或柴油发电机组控制的新一代产品。
1 适用范围1.1 EP- 10、EP-30适用于各个厂家、不同型号、不同功率的柴油发动机组装的发电机组配置使用。
1.2 EP- 20、EP-40适用于以柴油发动机成套的动力装置配套使用。
1.4 EP- 10、EP-30用户无需设定任何程序和参数,只需进行简易接线便可使用。
1.5 EP- 20、EP-40由于采用电磁速度传感器作速度检测,所以用户必须输入飞轮的有关参数(详见安装、调试说明)。
1.6 EP-系列的功能如下表:1.7EP- 10控制器主要用于发电机组的控制:系统含转速、发电频率、运行时间、蓄电池电压等柴油机智能控制器EASYPANEL 系列四种数据的检测和数字显示,带蓄电池电压过高/过低报警及超速/低速报警停机,低油压、高冷却温度报警停机由开关量输入进行触发(系统适用于发动机已带油压表及水温表)。
1.7 EP- 30控制器与EP-10同样设计用于发电机组的装配:但油压、温度传感器采用模拟量输入,系统含转速、发电频率、润滑油压力、冷却温度、运行时间、蓄电池电压等六种信号的检测和数字显示,带蓄电池电压过高/过低报警及超速/低速、低油压、高冷却温度报警停机(系统适用于裸机,发动机没带油压表及水温表)。
1.8 EP- 20、EP-40的控制对象主要是动力机械(也可用于发电机),EP- 20与EP-40的区别是:EP- 20的油压、水温采用开关量输入,而EP- 40采用模拟量油压、温度传感器,系统带数字油压、温度显示。
1.10 EP-**系列控制器装配的机组只须配套油门控制机构(电子调速或电磁铁)则可组成智能控制机组1.11 EP-**系列产品均提供一路扩展外部输入的开关量报警信号供用户使用。
2 功能特点2.1 带手动及全自动控制功能。
2.2 自动监控功能。
2.3 柴油机运行状态显示功能。
2.4 运行参数检测、显示功能。
2 .5 故障自诊断、故障显示及自动停机保护功能。
3 安装、调试说明3.1 注意事项柴油机智能控制器EASYPANEL 系列3.1.1 本系统的启动继电器输出触点电流只有DC 5A/24V ,端子“6”必须连接大功率启动继电器才能用于启动电机的直接启动,否则会损坏控制器;3.1.2 本系统的供油输出触点电流只有DC 5A/24V,若需采用大电流吸合式电磁铁,必须另加入相应功率的中间继电器,否则会损坏控制器;3.1.3 由于控制器上下两部分的端子接线排外型一样,所以在接线时应严格区分,切勿在接线后互为插错,否则会损坏控制器(不要强行插入!!)。
3.1.4 EP-10、EP-30控制器的发电机相线输入线(端子“13”L)接线时必须串接导线式0.5A/250V 保险丝(随产品附送),以防线路短路导致线路故障。
3.2 用户在开孔、安装之前应先参考图1、2、3并对照实物及本说明书作好开孔和安装准备;图4~图16是各种控制器基本接线方式,供用户参考。
3.3 端子排的连接导线应采用1.5mm2多股铜芯软线。
3.4 本控制器所有开关量输入均是低电平(接地)有效;供油、启动、运行、报警输出均为电源“+”(与使用的电池电压同电位),并均有电流容量限制,接线时应根据接线端子功能说明中相关输出端子所标定的电流参数进行匹配,具体可照本说明书3.1.1、3.1.2。
3.5 接线要求3.5.1 端子“1”、“2”、“3”分别为一对不带电的常开/常闭干触点,用于转换怠速至全速,允许DC 1A/24V通过;3.5.2 端子“4”报警输出为DC 1A/24V,用户可用于外接报警蜂呜器等警示装置;3.5.3 端子“5”运行输出为DC 1A/24V,用于发电机运行正常后控制合闸供电;3.5.4 端子“6”启动输出为DC 5A/24V,必须连接大功率启动继电器后再连接起动电机;3.5.5 端子“7”供油输出为DC 5A/24V,可直接连接电子调速器并带动具有辅助启动绕组的电磁铁(只接维持绕组),如果采用直接动作的电磁铁必须先连接大功率继电器;3.5.6 端子“8”、“9”同时接入电池(+)极,端子“10”接入电池(-)极;3.5.7 EP-10、EP-30的端子“11”N、“13”L分别连接发电机出线的零线N和相线L(接单相220V、电压范围AC 30~300V)。
注意:L线必须串接保险丝,接线不能开路,零、相线不能接错,不能接线电压(380V);3.5.8 EP-20、EP-40的端子“12”、“14”分别连接电磁速度传感器的两根引线。
3.5.9 端子“15”连接自启动输入信号;3.5.10 EP-10、EP-20端子“17”连接机组机油压力传感器的低油压报警开关端(此开关通常为常闭型,即低油压时处于闭合状态);EP-30、EP-40连接机组的机油压力传感器;3.5.11 EP-10、EP-40端子“16”连接机组水温传感器的超温度报警开关端(此开关通常为常开型即超温时处于闭合状态);EP-30、EP-40连接机组的温度传感器。
3.5.11 端子“18”供用户选择一项故障报警信号输入,例如低冷却水位信号等;柴油机智能控制器EASYPANEL 系列3.5.12 端子“19”供用户作外接急停开关的急停信号输入,停机后自动复位;3.5.13 端子“20”接公共地线,即连接电池(-)极。
3.6 燃油供油系统控制设定采用国际流行的常闭方式(安全停电/停机方式),即停机时柴油机的供油回路处于断油(常闭)状态,机组启动时把油路接通,遇故障或停机时把油路切断。
4 检查、调试4.1确认准备安装的EP-**控制器型号符合机组的控制要求,且首次运行使用时应先将控制参数检查一遍,确认与当前成套的发动机匹配。
4.2运行前检查:4.2.1 EP-10、EP-30发电机控制器4.2.1.1通电后,先检查面板指示灯及显示屏,此时低油压指示灯亮,显示屏显示“REA TY(待机)”,按“▲”翻页检查各项参数是否正常(此时转速、频率均应显示为“0”)。自启动的检查、调试。
另外,如果出现机组的发电机不发电,端子“11”N 、“13”L没接线或保险丝烧断,启动电机与启动飞轮打滑等因素,系统也同样会退出程序并报警。 机组运行状态的检查、调试。
机组正常运行时,若出现机油压力过低,冷却温度过高或外部故障信号输入等其中任何一个报警信号输入,机组会马上停机(断油)并显示停机报警的原因;若机组的转速超过1650转/分钟(机组额定转速为1500转/分钟时)或低于1350转/分钟时,机组会自动报警停机并显示停机报警的原因。 机组停机的检查、调试。
按下停机按钮(包括自启动信号切除、急停),运行输出端“5”马上切除(当应用在发电系统时令输出开关分闸或A TS转换),而机组会按程序怠速运行120秒(冷却)后停机;若需重新启动必须延时20秒(已预设限时),才允许再次启动。
4.2.2 EP-20、EP-40动力机组控制器的转速设定:柴油机智能控制器EASYPANEL 系列4.2.2.1当系统通电后,同时按下显示屏下方的▲▼(上、下)两个键2秒钟,即进入基本运行参数设置序列,进入后会显示第一个设置参数的序号:“1.XXXX”(额定转速),按下“▲”可在“1.XXXX”(额定转速)、“2.XXXX”(脉冲频率)、“3.SEEP”、“4.XXXX”(低速报警)、“5.XXXX”(超速报警)“6.XXXX”(低油压报警)“7.XXXX”(高温报警)等几项参数中选择。