



Vocabulary Work
航线:domestic line; 展位:booth; 通车里程:highway mileage; 欧陆古典风格:European architectures; 名列前茅:come out in front; 精简机构:simplify the institutions; 吞吐量:handling capacity; 得天独厚:have advantages in; 网上预订:online booking; 人性化:people-oriented; 黄海之滨:a pearl on the Yellow Sea coast; 依山傍海:against the mountain and overlook the sea
Note-taking (1)
China Internation Food Industry Economic and Trade Fair 中国国际食品产业经贸展 pragmatic and high efficiency 务实和高效
item exhibition 产品展览 business negotiation 商务谈判 investment attraction吸引投资 information exchange 信息交流
E-C Interpretation (Passage 2)
The other business segments facilitate trade from the world to Greater China, and trade within China, using Chinese-language.
参考译文:在过去的20年中,我们已经提供80亿美元资助了 中国西部省份的100多个项目。



产业集聚的概念、案例及现状要素产业集聚的含义产业集聚(industrial cluster),也有学者称为产业集群,一般是指属于某种特定产业及其相关支撑产业、或者是属于不同类型的产业在一定地域范围内的地理集中。





国际经典案例:德国鲁尔工业区新加坡裕廊工业园意大利托斯卡纳家具工业区美国硅谷微电子生物群、好来坞影视娱乐业群、加利福尼亚酒类集群... ...曼萨诺家具集群曼萨诺集群被誉为“椅业三角”,占地90平方公里,在意大利乌迪内省,有11个区,4万居住人口。





我国家具产业集聚发展家具制造在一个地理区域内集聚,形成工业群落或工业区(Manufacturing cluster orindustrial district )已成为一个全球现象。



Zhejiang Deqing Economic Development Zone Deqing Hi-tech Industrial Park
Electronics & IT Industry
● Electronics & IT industry is a
new industry here.
● So far we have introduced
high-tech enterprises of National Torch Plan high-tech SMEs
●30 ●1 ●1 ●2
national enterprise technology center national post-doctoral research station provincial post-doctoral research stations provincial high-tech R&D center(technology
09 Provincial Highway Deqing Downtown
Zhejiang Deqing Economic Development Zone Deqing Hi-tech Industrial Park
We plan to open up an area of 30 square kilometers while developing 11.2 square kilometers at present.
● Its
Shenzhen branch purchased the Sanyo Electronics ‘ high frequency factory in 2009.
Zhejiang Deqing Economic Development Zone Deqing Hi-tech Industrial Park



滨州产业介绍英文作文英文:As a resident of Binzhou, I am proud to introduce the industries that our city is known for. Binzhou is located in the eastern part of Shandong Province, China. It has a long history and rich culture, and is known as the "Land of Yellow River" and "Land of Flowers". In recent years, Binzhou has been developing rapidly, and its industries have been growing.One of the main industries in Binzhou is agriculture. Our city has fertile land and a favorable climate, which makes it suitable for growing crops such as cotton, wheat, and vegetables. The farmers in Binzhou work hard to produce high-quality agricultural products, which are sold both domestically and internationally. For example, Binzhou is known for its high-quality cotton, which is used to make clothing and other textiles.Another important industry in Binzhou is petrochemicals. Our city has a large oil refinery, which produces a variety of petrochemical products such as gasoline, diesel, and lubricants. These products are in high demand both domestically and internationally, and they play animportant role in the global economy.In addition to agriculture and petrochemicals, Binzhou also has a growing tourism industry. Our city has many natural and cultural attractions, such as the Yellow River Delta National Forest Park, the Binzhou Museum, and the Zouping Ancient City. These attractions attract manytourists every year, which helps to boost the local economy.Overall, Binzhou is a city with a diverse economy and many thriving industries. As a resident, I am proud to be a part of this vibrant community.中文:作为滨州市的居民,我很自豪地介绍我们城市著名的产业。



广州北上一小时车程One hour by high speed train north to Guangzhou. 湖南十大最具投资价值产业园区The top ten most valuable industrial park for investment of Hunan Province.43平方公里新城区规划43 square kilometers new downtown planning100万平方米厂房可买可租1 million square meter’s mill building which can be sold or rent.湖南郴州有色金属产业园区Array湖南郴州出口加工区Nonferrous Metal IndustrialExport Processing Zone Chenzhou HunanAbout us一、园区概况Overview湖南郴州出口加工区于2005年6月经国务院批准设立,2007年11月封关运行,是湖南省目前唯一的国家级出口加工区。



Export Processing Zone of Chenzhou Hunan is approved by the State Council of China in June 2005 and was supervised by the Customs in Nov.2007.It is the only national level export processing zone in Hunan province. The two zones carry out “one organization, two signs”management mode that administer a town and a middle level Institute of Science and Technology of a hundred square kilometers area (three square kilometers of export processing zone). There are 132 enterprises with fifty thousand people including 20,000 industrial workers. The zones was approved as rare precious metal further processing industrial base of Hunan, Hunan digital video industrial Chenzhou base, Hunan information industry Chenzhou base, Hunan new material industry Chenzou base, Hunan industrial transfer pilot zone and “the top ten” most valuable industrial zone for investment of Hunan.二、园区投资优势Advantages for investment1、区位交通优越。



产业集聚区概况英语翻译产业集聚区概况英语翻译?_ml:namespace prefi_=“o”ns=“urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office”?>Part 2 Profiles of 8 Industrial Clusters开封新区?_ml:namespace prefi_=“st1”ns=“urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags”?>Kaifeng Neinquan E_pressaterials Co., Ltd. has been listed on Shenzhen Groarket aterials Co., Ltd., it anufacturing Co., Ltd., Jiuda Electric Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd and other leading enterprises in future development.边村产业集聚区热忱欢迎海内外朋友投资置业,共谋发展。

This cluster sincerely hopes that friends from home and abroad anufacturing Company, Jiangshan Heavy Industry Machinery Manufacturing Company, _infeng Steel Company, Special Vehicle Manufacturing Company. Its featured leading industries, Machinery Manufacturing and agricultural and sideline products fine processing, have taken initial shape.展望未来,集聚区将以高起点规划、高标准建设、高效能管理的原则,不断加强基础设施建设,着力优化投资发展环境,狠抓服务企业工作,用足用活各项优惠政策,把集聚区建设成为布局合理、功能齐全、设施完善、环境优美的现代化新城区。






一、武侯区(Wuhou District)武侯区位于成都市的西南部,是成都市的中心商务区之一。



二、青羊区(Qingyang District)青羊区位于成都市中心,是成都最老城区之一。









五、高新区(Hi-tech Zone)双流区位于成都市的西南部,是成都市的重要交通枢纽。












Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, good morning (afternoon)! I am very pleased to take this opportunity to introduce you the City Qingdao and the city‟s national hi-tech industrial development zone, which is under significant construction.2我将从青岛市基本情况、青岛高新区基本情况以及青岛高新区的区位优势、产业定位、基础设施配套、优惠政策、商务成本和我们能够提供的政务服务等方面向大家进行较为详细的介绍。

I will give you a detailed introduction including Qingdao profile, Unique Transportation Advantages of Qingdao hi-tech zone, Encouraged Industries, Amenities and Infrastructure, Preferential Policies, Business Costs and Administrative Services.3青岛位于中国大陆山东半岛东南部,是黄河流域重要的出海口,是环渤海经济圈的组成部分,是中、日、韩金三角的一极,区位优势独特。

总面积— 10,654平方公里市区面积— 1,159平方公里常住人口— 850万人全年平均温度— 12.4℃八月(夏季最热月)平均温度— 25.3℃一月(冬季最冷月)平均温度— -0.9℃中国的北京、上海、韩国的首尔都在青岛的1小时飞行圈内。


Part Ⅰ: Overview of Yantai City Part Ⅱ: Advantages of Investing in Yantai Part Ⅲ: Plots for the Project
Part Ⅰ : Overview of Yantai City
● Briefing of Shandong Province ● Economic and Social Development in Yantai
Jingjiu, jingguang and Longhai.
The Bohai Rim High-speed Railway in planning will link up a city network concluding Beijing, Tianjin, Qinhuangdao, Dalian and Shenyang etc., where Yantai will be part of it.
the first batch to open up to the outside world. Urban humanism -- “Innovative, Enterprising, Cooperative, and Broadminded.”
Covering a total area of 13,700 sq.km. with a

So far 160 of the world top 500 enterprises have invested in Shandong Province, including nearly 60 enterprises from US and Europe, like VMI (Holland)
times a week.






Next please walk along the ramp to go to the first floor underground. The gigantic model you are now watching covers an area of nearly 1,200m2, built with a scale of 1:750, so the actual ground covers388km2, comprising all areas under Dalian Development Zone, Bonded Area and Double D Port.这里是大模型的最佳观看位置。






This is the best place to view the huge model. You are now facing the north and can see the highest spot of the development zone, Dahei Mountain. (Introduction to the model). The two touch screens are interactive items, Searching Your Home: visitors living in the development zone can find their homeon the touch screens. (Fix on your residential area on the little map at the lower left corner of the screen, and click to magnify the map. The map can be dragged on the screen) then you can see the rooftop of your building and even cars parked in the courtyard. Now please go ahead along the ramp.这里是产业园区,大连开发区经过20多年的发展,目前已成为全国最具经济实力和发展潜力的开发区之一,中国北方重要的工业基地,现已有46个国家和地区的2000多个外资项目落户,其中世界500强企业43家,项目平均投资7000多万美元。

high-tech zone 缩写

high-tech zone 缩写

高科技园区(High-Tech Zone)是指建设集科学、技术、产业、文化、生活和生态于一体的现代化园区。



一、High-Tech Zone的意义高科技园区的缩写为High-Tech Zone,其字面意思为“高科技区域”。

High-Tech Zone是当前全球经济发展的热点之一,被誉为21世纪的经济增长极。


二、High-Tech Zone的建设特点1. 以科技为核心:High-Tech Zone建设以科技创新为核心,吸引人才和资金投入高新技术领域,促进科技成果转化和产业升级。

2. 产学研结合:High-Tech Zone建设注重产学研结合,促进高校、科研机构和企业之间的合作与交流,加速科研成果的转化和应用。

3. 人才引进:High-Tech Zone建设吸引海内外优秀人才,为园区发展提供智力支持和人才保障。

4. 基础设施完善:High-Tech Zone建设注重基础设施建设,配套完善的科研设施、生活设施和交通网络,提升园区整体竞争力。

三、High-Tech Zone的国际经验High-Tech Zone建设不仅是我国的发展战略,也是全球范围内的发展趋势。


这些地区在高科技创新、产业孵化、人才引进、政策支持等方面积累了丰富的经验,为我国的High-Tech Zone建设提供了宝贵的参考。

四、High-Tech Zone的发展现状我国自1991年在北京中关村成立第一个国家高新区以来,已经建设了众多高科技园区,包括北京中关村、上海张江、深圳南山、杭州西湖等,这些园区在推动科技创新、促进产业发展、吸引人才等方面取得了显著成就,成为国家经济发展的重要引擎。



产业集聚区概况英语翻译产业集聚区概况英语翻译Part 2 Profiles of 8 Industrial Clusters开封新区KaifengNew District精心打造河南经济社会发展增长极致力建设生态型现代化复合型新区Boost Henan’s Economic and Social DevelopmentBuild an Ecological and pound New District开封新区作为开封市的重点发展区域,是郑汴洛工业走廊的重要支撑区,是郑汴一体化的主要对接空间,是开封未来城市发展的主要方向和重要载体。

(转载请注明来自:本人网 :// .haoword. /)As a district developed with priority in Kaifeng City, Kaifeng New District is the key supporting part along Zhengzhou-Kaifeng-Luoyang Industrial Corridor, connector in Zhengzhou-Kaifeng Integration as well as major orientation and carrier in Kaifeng’s future development.开封新区作为“郑汴新区”的重要组成部分,规划总面积287平方公里,辖开封经济开发区、金明区、鼓楼区的仙人庄和南苑2个办事处。

As an important part in Zhengzhou-Kaifeng New District, it has a planned area of 287 square kilometers, administering Kaifeng Economic Development Zone (including Huanglong Park), Jinming District and Xianrenzhuang and Nanyuan Offices of Gulou District.其功能定位是:改革发展、体制创新的综合试验区,城乡统筹、科学发展的示范区,经济社会发展的核心增长极;以产业聚集为基础,以高新技术产业、先进制造业和现代服务业为支撑,充分发挥开封文化资源优势,融居住办公、科研教育、旅游休闲、商贸物流、现代农业为一体,城市功能完善的生态型、现代化、复合型新区。



China·Xuzhou Comprehensive Bonded Zone Ⅰ、The general situation of Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development ZoneXuzhou Economic and Technological Development District,founded in July 1992,promoted to the national level of economic and technological development district with a total area of 293.6 square kilometers.At present, there are more than 4000 enterprises including 22 enterprises in the Fortune Global 500.The district is the first batch of demonstration base for the high-end equipment manufacturing industry in China, the national characteristic industrial base for new energy,the demonstration base for innovation and entrepreneurship of overseas talents,national intellectual property pilot zone,national Eco-industrial demonstration zone.Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development District with location advantage and convenient transportation is located in the eastern part of Xuzhou City,which is the node city of “One Belt One Road”,the central city of Huaihai Economic Zone and The important comprehensive transportation hub of China.With the three-dimensional transportation system of railway,highway,aviation,water transportation and pipeline,Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development District has been integrated into 2 hours economic circle of central city include Shanghai and Beijing.Ⅱ、Generation situation of Xuzhou Comprehensive Bonded ZoneXuzhou Comprehensive Bonded Zone which is located in the Xuzhou Economicand Technological Development zone,is the primary platform for “bi-directional open platform”in Xuzhou.It was established in December 28,2017,approved by the State Council with approved planning area of 1.9 square kilometers,the designed area of about 1.5 square kilometers and nearly 400 acres of supporting area.Xuzhou Comprehensive Bonded Zone which is adjacent to Beijing-Fuzhou Highway and Lian-Huo Highway,adjoins to Xuzhou Jinshanqiao work zone with grand port of million tons in The Grand Canal from Beijing to Hangzhou.The wharf has twenty five 2000 tonner berth with special railway line and close to the high speed railway station,Xuzhou station.It has special channel to Xuzhou Bonded Logistics Center (B), Xuzhou Guanyin Airport and Xuzhou railway marshalling station,with the multimodal transport conditions of "highway, railway,water transport and air transportaion".Ⅲ、Spatial arrangementThe project designs the spatial structural configuration of “Four cores,two nets,two axes and six district”.Four cores:Relying on bonded logistics and bonded processing,the three functional cores are formed according to the industrial layout orientation of bonded processing.The core of port service in comprehensive bonded zone is formed relying on the port inspection.Two nets:The first net is the separation net of comprehensive bonded zone and the second net is the ecological green network.Two axes:The first axis is the development axis for the bonded function which make series connection to the major functional areas from west to east.The other axis is thedevelopment axis for the supporting service function,which makes series connection to each production and service function node from south to north.Six district:There are bonded logistics function area, bonded processing function area one,bonded processing function area two and port inspection area inside the separation net.There are port operation area and comprehensive supporting area outside the separate net.Ⅳ、Policy functionThe comprehensive bonded zone is the special supervision area of customs with the function of bonded port area established in inland areas of China.The State Council authorizes the General Administration of Customs to carry out daily management and business guidance on the comprehensive bonded zone to implement the revenue and foreign exchange policy of bonded port area formulated by the State Council, The comprehensive bonded zone has the integrated function of bonded area,export processing zones,bonded logistics parks and ports.The main policy functions include:(1)Preferential tax policy1.Capital construction materials and imported equipment are exempt from import tariff and import linkage taxes.2.The imported goods enter the zone under bond.3.Inside the border(referring to within the border but outside the bonded zone,the same as the following),the goods into the zone shall be regarded as export with implementation of export rebates4.The goods in the area which enter the domestic market for sales shall be subjectto customs declaration according to the relevant provisions on the import of the goods, and shall be taxed in accordance with the actual state of the goods.5.Goods transactions between enterprises in the zone are exempt from value-added tax and consumption tax.(2)Trade control policyExcept other regulations supported by laws,administrative regulations and rules, import and export overseas goods shall not implement the import and export quota license document management(3)Bonded supervisory policy1.No storage period for bonded goods in the zone2.Processing enterprises in the zone shall not implement standing bookmanagement of bank cash deposit.3.Goods can make free transference between enterprises in the zone.(4) Foreign exchange policyThe import and export goods do not require to handle the Foreign exchange verification procedures.The goods which enter in and leave out the zone(within the border but outside the bonded zone) may be settled in foreign currency or RMB.(5)The replication and promotion of innovation systemWith the gradually popularizing the supervisory innovation system of Shanghai Free Trade Zone,the comprehensive bonded zone can replicate 13 innovative systems, such as futures bonded delivery,domestic and foreign maintenance and financial leasingetc.Ⅴ、The type of project which is suitable for entering the zone(1)Bonded processing enterprises1.The whole export sales mode of finished products: the type of all imported rawmaterials,the type of all raw materials purchased in the domestic market,the type of raw materials purchased both from export and import.2.The domestic sales mode of all the finished products:The type of the whole raw materials purchased from import,the type of raw materials purchased both from export and import.3.The sales mode of finished products for export and domestic market:the type of source diversity of raw materials.4. The domestic sales of carry-over mode for finished products:the type of carry-over under bond(2) Bonded logistics enterprisesThe type of container freight for export,the type of delivery for import,simple processing type,domestic carryover type,comprehensive logistics type.(3)Bonded service enterpriseThe type of research and development,detection and maintenance,the type of bonded display,the type of service outsourcing and the type of other services.Ⅵ、Development VisionXuzhou Comprehensive Bonded Zone will rely on the integration of free trade zone and port,the integration of free trade zone and raiway,the integration of aviation and port and the integration between free trade zones in order to comprehensively cultivate the “five centers”of national advanced manufacturing processing center,the international logistics center, he cross-border electronic commerce center,the international commodity trading and delivery center,and international commodity trade exhibition distribution center based on processing trade and modern logistics.Through three to five years of development and construction,Xuzhou Comprehensive Bonded Zone will introduce more than 100 enterprises of the international shipping,transnational logistics,service trade,advanced manufacturing industry and high-tech enterprises.Total annual volume of import and export trade realizes 10 billion dollars and annual value realizes 50 billion dollars for the goods inside and outside of the zone.We will make efforts to construct Xuzhou Comprehensive Bonded Zone as the leading modernized comprehensive bonded zone,which radiates Huaihai Economic Zone and responses to the national initiative of “One Belt One Road”。



介绍南通开发区的作文英语Nantong, a city with a rich tapestry of history and culture, has been making significant strides in modernization and economic development. One of the key areas that exemplifythis progress is the Nantong Development Zone. In this essay, we will explore the various facets of this zone, from its strategic location to its economic contributions and the quality of life it offers to its residents.Strategic Location and InfrastructureNestled along the northern bank of the Yangtze River, the Nantong Development Zone benefits from a prime location that provides easy access to major transportation networks. The zone is well-connected by road, rail, and waterways, facilitating the seamless flow of goods and services. Its proximity to the Yangtze River Delta, one of China's most economically vibrant regions, further enhances its strategic importance.Economic HubThe development zone has been a focal point for industrial growth, attracting a multitude of businesses and industries. It is home to a diverse range of sectors, including manufacturing, high-tech, and service industries. The zone's commitment to innovation and sustainable development has made it a hub for both domestic and international companieslooking to tap into the Chinese market.Investment and Business OpportunitiesNantong Development Zone offers a conducive environment for businesses, with a focus on providing a range of incentives to attract investment. These incentives include tax breaks, streamlined administrative processes, and access to a skilled workforce. The zone's management also ensures a stable and supportive business climate, making it an attractive destination for foreign direct investment.Quality of LifeLiving in the Nantong Development Zone is not just about work and business opportunities. The zone offers a high quality of life with well-planned residential areas, recreational facilities, and green spaces. The local government has invested in education and healthcare, ensuring that residents have access to top-tier services.Cultural and Historical SignificanceDespite its modern outlook, the Nantong Development Zone is steeped in history and culture. The city of Nantong itself is known for its historical landmarks, such as the Nantong Museum and the Zhang Jian Museum, which pay tribute to the city's past. The development zone has managed to blend its historical roots with its modern aspirations, creating a unique identity.Future ProspectsLooking ahead, the Nantong Development Zone is set to continue its growth trajectory. With plans for further expansion and the integration of smart city technologies, the zone is poised to become a leading example of urban development in China.In conclusion, the Nantong Development Zone is a dynamic and thriving area that offers a compelling blend of economic opportunity, high living standards, and cultural richness. It stands as a testament to China's rapid development and its potential as a global economic powerhouse.。



国际物流产业园介绍文案范文English.International Logistics Industrial Zone Introduction Copywriting Draft.Adhering to the development concept of "Serving trade, connecting industries, leading development, and benefiting the people", the International Logistics Industrial Zone is committed to building a modern, efficient, green and safe logistics hub, a production and processing base for modern manufacturing industry, a park for modern service industry, and a new urban area with distinctive characteristics, to promote the economic and social development of the region.Features of the International Logistics Industrial Zone:1. Convenient location.The International Logistics Industrial Zone is locatedat the intersection of important transportation routes, with convenient transportation and low logistics costs.2. Complete infrastructure.The International Logistics Industrial Zone has a complete infrastructure, including roads, railways, water transportation and air transportation, which can meet the needs of various logistics operations.3. Professional management team.The International Logistics Industrial Zone has a professional management team with rich experience in logistics industry, which can provide comprehensive and efficient services for enterprises.4. Preferential policies.The International Logistics Industrial Zone has introduced a series of preferential policies to attract enterprises to settle in, including tax incentives, landsubsidies and financial support.Advantages of entering the International Logistics Industrial Zone:1. Reduce logistics costs.Enterprises can save logistics costs by setting up warehouses and distribution centers in the International Logistics Industrial Zone, which can reduce inventory and transportation costs.2. Improve efficiency.The International Logistics Industrial Zone has a complete logistics infrastructure, which can improve the efficiency of logistics operations and reduce the turnaround time of goods.3. Expand market share.Enterprises can expand their market share by setting upwarehouses and distribution centers in the International Logistics Industrial Zone, which can reach more customers and increase sales.4. Enhance brand image.Enterprises can enhance their brand image by setting up warehouses and distribution centers in the International Logistics Industrial Zone, which can show their strength and enhance their brand awareness.Investment opportunities in the International Logistics Industrial Zone:The International Logistics Industrial Zone welcomes domestic and foreign enterprises to invest in the following areas:1. Logistics and transportation.2. Warehousing and distribution.3. Modern manufacturing.4. Modern service industry.5. Real estate development.The International Logistics Industrial Zone will provide investors with a full range of services, including project consultation, investment promotion, land acquisition, construction planning, and operation management, to ensure the smooth implementation of investment projects.We sincerely invite domestic and foreign enterprises to invest in the International Logistics Industrial Zone, to share the development opportunities and create a brilliant future together!中文回答。



产业集聚区概况英语翻译Industrial cluster refers to a geographic concentration of interconnected businesses, suppliers, and associated institutions in a particular industry. It is a concept that embraces the idea that economies of scale, knowledge spillovers, and collaboration among firms can create a competitive advantage for the region.Industrial clusters have become increasingly popular as a strategy for economic development, as they promote innovation, job creation, and attract investment. They often specialize in a specific sector, such as automotive, biotechnology, or information technology. These clusters can be found in various regions around the world, from Silicon Valley in the United States to the automotive cluster in Stuttgart, Germany.One example of an industrial cluster is the Suzhou Industrial Park in China. Located in the Yangtze River Delta region, it is a joint venture between the Singapore and Chinese governments. The park was established in 1994 with the aim of attracting foreign investment and promoting technological innovation. It covers an area of over 290 square kilometers and is home to more than20,000 companies.The Suzhou Industrial Park has successfully created a thriving ecosystem for companies in the manufacturing and service sectors. It has focused on attracting investment in high-tech industries, such as electronics, machinery, and pharmaceuticals. The park provides a range of support services to help companies grow and succeed, including access to financing, talent recruitment, and research and development facilities.One of the key factors contributing to the success of the Suzhou Industrial Park is its strategic location. It is situated in close proximity to Shanghai, one of China's major economic centers, which provides access to a large consumer market and transportation networks. The presence of world-class universities and research institutions in the region also fosters innovation and knowledge spillovers.The park has also invested heavily in infrastructure development to support the needs of businesses. It has built modern industrial parks, logistics centers, and transportation networks, making it easier for companies to import and export goods. The presence of a well-developed infrastructure reduces transaction costs and improves supply chain efficiency.Another important aspect of the Suzhou Industrial Park is its commitment to sustainable development. It has implemented various environmental initiatives, including the use of clean energy, water conservation, and waste management. The park has also established a green innovation center to promote the development of environmentally friendly technologies.The Suzhou Industrial Park has been successful in attracting a diverse range of companies, both domestic and foreign. Multinational corporations, such as Siemens, Samsung, and Huawei, have set up their operations in the park, taking advantage of the favorable business environment and access to a skilled workforce. Small and medium-sized enterprises also thrive in the park, benefiting from the network effects and collaborationopportunities.In conclusion, industrial clusters play a vital role in promoting economic development and competitiveness. The Suzhou Industrial Park in China is a prime example of a successful cluster, attracting investment, promoting innovation, and creating job opportunities. With its strategic location, supportive infrastructure, and commitment to sustainable development, the park has become a magnet for companies looking to grow and succeed in the global marketplace.。

5、外文文献翻译(附原文)产业集群,区域品牌,Industrial cluster ,Regional brand

5、外文文献翻译(附原文)产业集群,区域品牌,Industrial cluster ,Regional brand

外文文献翻译(附原文)外文译文一:产业集群的竞争优势——以中国大连软件工业园为例Weilin Zhao,Chihiro Watanabe,Charla-Griffy-Brown[J]. Marketing Science,2009(2):123-125.摘要:本文本着为促进工业的发展的初衷探讨了中国软件公园的竞争优势。




















关键词中外产业园官网简介;语言对比研究;翻译策略中图分类号: H0-0; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;文献标识码: ADOI:10.19694/ki.issn2095-2457 . 2020 . 10 . 89中外产业园区发展势头良好,招商引资机制灵活、规模发展迅速、效益显著,已然成为振兴地方经济的重要形式之一。


1 产业园区官网简介中英语言对比研究中外产业园区简介的目的都是为了招商引资,凸显特色,对目标读者有着特定的倾向和要求,但在词汇、句式、篇章几个层面存在差异。







如“The Park is now in its next phase of development with the opening in July 2017 of the Bradfield Centre - a 40,000 sq ft building,purpose-built to accommodate hundreds of researchers, inventors, start-ups and scale-up companies - followed by the opening of a stunning new facility for leading games company Frontier Plc(programmable logic controller)in the spring of 2018”,缩略词“sq ft(square foot)”,“Plc(public limited company)”和合成词如“purpose-built”( be built for the purpose of…)等的使用让整个英文简介语言地道,节省空间。



县委county party committee人民政府people’s municipal government招商引资attract foreign businesses and investments优惠政策preferential policy区域经济发展regional economic development法规laws and regulations适用范围scope of application法人legal person法人代表corporate representative自然人natural person民间团体non-governmental organization固定资产fixed assets产业聚集区aggregative industrial zone一产或三产项目primary industry or service sector矿产开发 mineral exploitation初加工项目 start-up processing project项目供地政策主导产业 leading industry标准化厂房 standard workshop土地使用权 land use rights征地费用 land acquisition costs投资强度 investment intensity容积率 plot ratio建筑系数 building factor绿化率 greening rate非生产性设施 non-productive facilities用地面积 site area国土部门 ministry of land国土资源部 Ministry of Land and Resources《工业项目建设用地控制标准》 the Control standard of Industrial Construction land 国有土地使用证 state-owned land use certificate成本价 cost price征地补偿 compensation for land acquisition附属物补偿 compensation for appendants报批费用 approval fee基础设施建设 infrastructure construction纳税奖励政策 tax incentive policy增值税 added-value tax企业所得税 business/ corporate income tax营业税 business/ sales tax合同约定 agreements upon the contract契税 contract tax耕地占用税 tax on the occupancy of cultivated land入库渠道 inbound channel项目技术改造 technology upgrading project扩大再生产 expanded reproduction高新技术项目 high and new technology project工程技术中心 engineering technical center重点实验室 key laboratory高新技术产业 high and new technology industries基准存款利率 the benchmark deposit rate租赁收入 rental incomeBT build-transferBT投资模式:是BOT的一种变换形式,是指一个项目的运作通过项目管理公司总承包后,由承包方垫资进行建设,建设验收完毕再移交给项目业主。



产业集聚区概况英语翻译产业集聚区概况英语翻译Part 2 Profiles of 8 In dustrial clusters开封新区Kaife ng New district精心打造河南经济社会发展增长极致力建设生态型现代化复合型新区Boost henan s Economic and Social developmentBuild an Ecological and compo und New district开封新区作为开封市的重点发展区域,是郑汴洛工业走廊的重要支撑区,是郑汴一体化的主要对接空间,是开封未来城市发展的主要方向和重要载体。

(转载请注明来自:好http:///)as a district developed with priority in Kaife ng city, Kaife ng New district is the key support ing part along Zhen gzhou-Kaife ng-Luoya ng In dustrial corridor, conn ector in Zhen gzhou-Kaife ng In tegrati on as well as major orie ntati on and carrier in Kaife ng' s future developme nt.开封新区作为郑汴新区”的重要组成部分,规划总面积287平方公里,辖开封经济开发区(含黄龙园区)、金明区、鼓楼区的仙人庄和南苑2个办事处。

as an importa nt part in Zhen gzhou-Kaife ng New district, it has a pla nned area of 287 square kilometers, administering Kaifeng Economic development Zone (including huanglong Park), Jinming district and Xia nren zhua ng and Nanyuan offices of Gulou district.其功能定位是:改革发展、体制创新的综合试验区,城乡统筹、科学发展的示范区,经济社会发展的核心增长极;以产业聚集为基础,以高新技术产业、先进制造业和现代服务业为支撑,充分发挥开封文化资源优势,融居住办公、科研教育、旅游休闲、商贸物流、现代农业为一体,城市功能完善的生态型、现代化、复合型新区。

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产业集聚区概况英语翻译产业集聚区概况英语翻译Part 2 Profiles of 8 Industrial Clusters开封新区Kaifeng New District精心打造河南经济社会发展增长极致力建设生态型现代化复合型新区Boost Henan’s Economic and Social DevelopmentBuild an Ecological and Compound New District开封新区作为开封市的重点发展区域,是郑汴洛工业走廊的重要支撑区,是郑汴一体化的主要对接空间,是开封未来城市发展的主要方向和重要载体。

(转载请注明来自:好范文网)As a district developed with priority in Kaifeng City, Kaifeng New District is the key supporting part along Zhengzhou-Kaifeng-Luoyang Industrial Corridor, connector in Zhengzhou-Kaifeng Integration as well as major orientation and carrier in Kaifeng’s future development.开封新区作为“郑汴新区”的重要组成部分,规划总面积287平方公里,辖开封经济开发区(含黄龙园区)、金明区、鼓楼区的仙人庄和南苑2个办事处。

As an important part in Zhengzhou-Kaifeng New District, it has a planned area of 287 square kilometers, administering Kaifeng Economic Development Zone (including Huanglong Park), Jinming District and Xianrenzhuang and Nanyuan Offices of Gulou District.其功能定位是:改革发展、体制创新的综合试验区,城乡统筹、科学发展的示范区,经济社会发展的核心增长极;以产业聚集为基础,以高新技术产业、先进制造业和现代服务业为支撑,充分发挥开封文化资源优势,融居住办公、科研教育、旅游休闲、商贸物流、现代农业为一体,城市功能完善的生态型、现代化、复合型新区。

Its functions: a developing, innovative and comprehensive trial district, a model that balances urban and rural development and the core drive in economicand social development; take the industrial cluster as the base and the new high-tech, manufacturing and service industries as supporting industries, exert Kaifeng’s cultural advantages and make it a ecological and compound new district with complete urban facilities, merging residence and offices, scientific research and education, travel and leisure, trade and logistics and agriculture into a single whole.目前,开封新区的建成区面积达20多平方公里,建成了现代工业、金融保险、行政办公、商贸服务、文化教育、住宅等六大区域,形成了一座基础设施完善、功能齐全、环境优美的现代化新城区,成为开封市最具活力的经济增长点、改革创新的先行区和对外开放的窗口。

With a built-up area of more than 20 square kilometers, it has completed the 6 areas of modern industry area, finance and insurance area, administrative offices area, business sevices area, culture and education area and residential area. It has been a new district with sound infrastructure and a beautiful enviroment, the most vigorous area in Kaifeng in terms of economy, the pioneer in reform and innovation and the showcase for opening up.开封新区建立了与国际惯例接轨、功能齐全的服务支撑体系。



It has set up a comprehensive service supporting system that adopts international practice. Top 500 enterprises of the world, top 500 Chinese enterprises and other well-known enterprises have successively made investment in it. They include Taiyo Kagaku Co., Ltd., Japan, Charoen Pokphand Group,Thailand, Huiyuan Group, Beijing, New Century Tourism Group, Hangzhou City, Chery Automobile Co., Ltd., Anhui Province, Haima Automobile Co., Ltd., Hainan Province, Yongcheng Coal Electricity Group Co., Ltd. and Wellhope Agri-tech Co., Ltd., Liaoning Province. It has been rated as “the Best Investment Park in Henan Province”, “China’s Most Valuable Development Zone for Investment” and “Top 10 Promising Development Zones for Investment at Provincial Level in China”.开封黄龙产业集聚区Kaifeng Huanglong Industrial Cluster开封黄龙产业集聚区是河南省首批24个重点对外开放产业集聚区之一。





Kaifeng Huanglong Industrial Cluster is one of the first 24 key industrial clusters for opening up in Henan Province. Located in the area where Lianyungang-Horgos Expressway, Daqing-Guangzhou Expressway, Rizhao-Nanyang Expressway, Lanzhou-Lianyungang Railway and No.310 National Highway meet, as the eastern starting point of Zhengzhou-Kaifeng-Luoyang Industrial Corridor and the core of the new urban area in eastern Kaifeng City, it enjoys obvious location advantages. It has a planned area of 14.23 square kilometers and a built-up area of 6.3 square kilometers. So far, it has hosted 60 projects of various kinds including 48 industrial projects and 12 tertiary industry and other projects, built various standard workshops with a total area of 0.35 million square meters and invested 2.5 billion Yuan in the construction of infrastructure, basically realizing the integration of “the concentrated distribution of enterprises, the economical utilization of resources, the development of industries in cluster, and the creation of functions in aggregate”.集聚区拥有独立的35kv变电站和4万吨/日污水处理厂。
