了解一定的阅读与科技英汉翻译知识; 对课程中text和部分reading material要能够正确理解与 表达其主要内容; 扩充基础英语词汇、短语,巩固基础英语知识; 1.具备一定的专业外语阅读、翻译和写 Civil Engineering Specialty English Translation
应译为:因而在这两个表面之间产生一个使玻璃 杯破裂的应力。
1.1 概论
1.1.3 翻译的过程
2.表达阶段: 根据对原文的理解,使用汉语表达原文的内容。 选择恰当的表达手段。
1.1 概论
3. Action is equal to reaction,but it acts in a contrary direction.
应译为:桥梁采用加劲橡胶支座已成为通行的做法,这 样能适应温度位移和基础变位,目前在英国所有新建桥 梁中,大约有一半采用了这种支座。
1.1.3 翻译的过程
翻译的步骤 先通读全文,确定专业方向。 遇到生词,辨别其是专业词汇还是一般词汇,然后分别去 查相应的词典。 不要逐字逐句译,联系上下文,译文要通顺。 专业术语要准确,概念清楚,逻辑正确,简练、易懂。 遣词造句符合汉语习惯。
1.1.1 翻译的任务
专业英语的翻译就要求翻译者在英语、汉语和专 业知识等方面都具有良好的素质和修养。
从某种意义上说,专业英语的翻译同文学类的英 语翻译一样,也是一个再创作的过程。
需要掌握翻译的方法和技巧,不断提高语言文字 水平以及文化、专业知识水平,并在实践中不断 地磨练。
placed keeping the excavation dry. 灌筑基础混凝土,应尽可能在保持基槽干燥的情况下进行。
了解一定的阅读与科技英汉翻译知识; 对课程中text和部分reading material要能够正确理解与 表达其主要内容; 扩充基础英语词汇、短语,巩固基础英语知识; 1.具备一定的专业外语阅读、翻译和写 Civil Engineering Specialty English Translation
应译为:因而在这两个表面之间产生一个使玻璃 杯破裂的应力。
1.1 概论
1.1.3 翻译的过程
2.表达阶段: 根据对原文的理解,使用汉语表达原文的内容。 选择恰当的表达手段。
1.1 概论
3. Action is equal to reaction,but it acts in a contrary direction.
应译为:桥梁采用加劲橡胶支座已成为通行的做法,这 样能适应温度位移和基础变位,目前在英国所有新建桥 梁中,大约有一半采用了这种支座。
1.1.3 翻译的过程
翻译的步骤 先通读全文,确定专业方向。 遇到生词,辨别其是专业词汇还是一般词汇,然后分别去 查相应的词典。 不要逐字逐句译,联系上下文,译文要通顺。 专业术语要准确,概念清楚,逻辑正确,简练、易懂。 遣词造句符合汉语习惯。
1.1.1 翻译的任务
专业英语的翻译就要求翻译者在英语、汉语和专 业知识等方面都具有良好的素质和修养。
从某种意义上说,专业英语的翻译同文学类的英 语翻译一样,也是一个再创作的过程。
需要掌握翻译的方法和技巧,不断提高语言文字 水平以及文化、专业知识水平,并在实践中不断 地磨练。
placed keeping the excavation dry. 灌筑基础混凝土,应尽可能在保持基槽干燥的情况下进行。
地工道程nobfeug路项mminab和目sne,ryt其 做hokefin他出tseditcse运详honisfi输细ccsauiv网的lrisvlpee络设eyncegi的计dainlate压、nieedrs力规.smDpae。划epcpipea同,nelidds时和tibnsygm,说coain结明vyitlbh构。eeenntg专从yeienpd家工eeeeodr用程fs. pWw预的rhohoje备开enlcota的工c, atpht数到reeousj据结tekicillit为束ltsy , 建筑pla管cem理e专nt—家w都ate监r, s督ew和er,协an调d p着ow上er述lin这es.些G土eot木ech工nic程al师spe的cia工lis作ts p。er基for于m 其人他工sEpooni专的tlveeinrx家数topinae所 据mlrfieom提,nretana供对iltrssa的所ptnoedcd信有iaegtlr息的eiosrtums,工nsidnt建作uwedaiy筑提ftettrhh管出(ee地ep理计a下rrot土划水jhec)c木,tap’sno工这ilbmlue程各ptaiaro师工cntth, oet估序hnwet计订ehpiegr所购ohlojtec需材ocaftl’t的料sahrieme材和app:ra料设otchjtee和备ct., 签订on承loc包al 合ani同ma和l a转nd包pla合nt同lif,e, a完nd成ho其w 他the监pr督oje工ct作can以b确e d保esi工gne程d t按o m期ee按t 质地gov完er成nm。ent requirements aimed at protecting the environment.
also determine the combination of appropriate materials: steel,
also determine the combination of appropriate materials: steel,
14. grain[grein] n.谷物, 谷类, 谷粒, 细粒, 颗粒,纹理,粒面 15. silicon [`silikәn] n.[化] 硅,硅元素 16. Manganese [`mæŋgəni:z]n.<化>锰 (元素符号为Mn) Magnesium[mæ `ni:zjәm]n.镁(元素符号为Mg) Calcium[`kæ lsiәm]n.钙 17. seashell [`si:ʃel]n.海贝壳海贝,贝壳 18. negligible[`neglidӡәbl] adj.可以忽略的, 不予重视的,微不足道的 19. synthetic [sin`Ѳetic] adj.合成的, 人造的, 综合的 20. resin [`rezin] n.树脂,胶质,人造树脂 vt. 涂树脂于 21.thermosetting [ֽΘә:mәu`setiŋ]adj.热硬化性的,热凝性的,热固性的
lju:] n.场所`]In lieu of =instead of
透露 ,告知 ,传授 ,)指抽象事物(in)+part vt.给予.=im(v.前缀,←(im`pɑ:t]] )Im2part
Lesson 18 Building Materials P158
NEW WORDS AND PHRASES 1.elasticity [ilæ s'tisiti] n. 弹性,弹力,弹性力学 2.stiffness ['stifnis] n.坚硬, 硬度 劲度,刚度 3.secular ['sekjulә] adj.长期的, 世俗的,现世的,非宗教的 4.temple ['templ] n. 坦普尔(姓氏) 庙,寺,神殿,教堂 5.pyramid [`pirәmid]n.金字塔,叠罗汉金字塔,四面体(角锥、棱椎),
决定把桥建成梁、悬臂、桁架、拱、悬索或其他类 型结构的主要因素是:(1)地点,如跨越河流;(2) 目的,如建桥为了方便交通;(3)跨度;(4)可用 材料强度;(5)花费;(6)美观和和谐性。
Each type of bridge is most effective and economical only within a certain range of span lengths, as shown in the following table: .
§8 Bridge Design and Construction 桥的设计与建造
1. New words analysis accessory= access(increased)ory Derrick=from Derrick, the surname of a
London hangman Debris=orign early 18th cent.: from French
project, the land needed for the bridge and its approaches
is acquired at the selected site.
At this point, field engineering work is started. Accurate land surveys are made.
The chief factors in deciding whether a bridge will be built as a girder , cantilever , truss , arch , suspension , or some other type are: (1) location;for example, cross a river ;(2)purposes ; for example , a bridge for carrying motor vehicles ; ( 3 ) span length ; ( 4 ) strength of available materials ; ( 5 ) cost ; ( 6 ) beauty and harmony with the location .
Each type of bridge is most effective and economical only within a certain range of span lengths, as shown in the following table: .
§8 Bridge Design and Construction 桥的设计与建造
1. New words analysis accessory= access(increased)ory Derrick=from Derrick, the surname of a
London hangman Debris=orign early 18th cent.: from French
project, the land needed for the bridge and its approaches
is acquired at the selected site.
At this point, field engineering work is started. Accurate land surveys are made.
The chief factors in deciding whether a bridge will be built as a girder , cantilever , truss , arch , suspension , or some other type are: (1) location;for example, cross a river ;(2)purposes ; for example , a bridge for carrying motor vehicles ; ( 3 ) span length ; ( 4 ) strength of available materials ; ( 5 ) cost ; ( 6 ) beauty and harmony with the location .
Lesson 07 Bridge(土木工程专业英语)PPT课件
Lesson 7 Bridge 桥梁
New words and phrases:
valley 山谷 obstacle 障碍 aqueduct 沟渠;水道 pedestrian 行人 barge 游艇 isolated 孤立的;隔离的 log 圆木 vine 藤蔓 slant 倾斜 swift 迅速 subsoil 地基;地下
藤条被系在要跨越的溪流和峡谷两边的树木或岩石上。一根 或几根藤条被用来行走。其他的藤条被挂在几英尺高处用来供手 抓。
Although vine bridges are usually unstable, some built by the Incas were strong and stable enough to be used by the invading Spanish soldiers and their horses.
许多高架渠桥梁承担起了沟渠和驳船交通,这些桥梁大多数 修建于19世纪的欧洲;其中至少有一座,在纽约的肯尼迪机场, 是用来在公路上方运送滑行的飞机。
aqueduct bridges
The first bridges built by man probably resembled those still being constructed by primitive peoples in isolated regions.
到目前为止,大多数桥梁是被设计用来承担汽车和铁路交通, 但是也有一些是只用作行人通行。
A number of aqueduct bridges, mostly erected in Europe in the 19th century, carry canals and their barge traffic;and at least one bridge, at New York City’s Kennedy AirPort, serves to carry taxying aircraft over a highway.
Lesson 7 Bridge 桥梁
New words and phrases:
valley 山谷 obstacle 障碍 aqueduct 沟渠;水道 pedestrian 行人 barge 游艇 isolated 孤立的;隔离的 log 圆木 vine 藤蔓 slant 倾斜 swift 迅速 subsoil 地基;地下
藤条被系在要跨越的溪流和峡谷两边的树木或岩石上。一根 或几根藤条被用来行走。其他的藤条被挂在几英尺高处用来供手 抓。
Although vine bridges are usually unstable, some built by the Incas were strong and stable enough to be used by the invading Spanish soldiers and their horses.
许多高架渠桥梁承担起了沟渠和驳船交通,这些桥梁大多数 修建于19世纪的欧洲;其中至少有一座,在纽约的肯尼迪机场, 是用来在公路上方运送滑行的飞机。
aqueduct bridges
The first bridges built by man probably resembled those still being constructed by primitive peoples in isolated regions.
到目前为止,大多数桥梁是被设计用来承担汽车和铁路交通, 但是也有一些是只用作行人通行。
A number of aqueduct bridges, mostly erected in Europe in the 19th century, carry canals and their barge traffic;and at least one bridge, at New York City’s Kennedy AirPort, serves to carry taxying aircraft over a highway.
除了仅仅作为住处之外,由土木工程师建造的住处提供了一个和 平而舒适的生活。
Since then, the term civil engineer has often been to refer to engineers who build public facilities, although the field is much broader.
运输工程是人和物安全而有效运动的学科,它是土木工程的一个 子学科。
The planning aspects of transportation engineering relate to urban planning, and involve technical forecasting decisions and political factors.
The engineering marvels of the world, starting from the pyramids to today’s shell structure, are the results of the development in civil engineering.
中旅客的运输成为了焦点。 第7页/共41页
Company Logo
Fluid mechanics, hydraulics and hydraulic machines, in this branch of engineering, civil engineers deal with the properties and behavior of fluids at rest or in motion.
Since then, the term civil engineer has often been to refer to engineers who build public facilities, although the field is much broader.
运输工程是人和物安全而有效运动的学科,它是土木工程的一个 子学科。
The planning aspects of transportation engineering relate to urban planning, and involve technical forecasting decisions and political factors.
The engineering marvels of the world, starting from the pyramids to today’s shell structure, are the results of the development in civil engineering.
中旅客的运输成为了焦点。 第7页/共41页
Company Logo
Fluid mechanics, hydraulics and hydraulic machines, in this branch of engineering, civil engineers deal with the properties and behavior of fluids at rest or in motion.
• civil engineering 土木工程 • design of building and civil engineering
structures • steel structure • building engineering • Slab-colume system • Frame structure 工程结构设计 钢结构 房屋建筑工程 板柱结构 框架结构
road and bridge(道路与桥梁) Employment oriented: the road transport department, engaged in road, city road, bridge and tunnel engineering exploration and design, test, maintenance and repair technology and management.
rock-soil(岩土) Classification: industry and civil architecture (工业和民用建筑)
road and bridge(道路与桥梁)
geotechnical engineering(岩土工程)
Geotechnical engineering is a branch of civil engineering, is the application of engineering geology, soil mechanics, rock mechanics, rock soil engineering to solve a technical problem of all kinds of Engineering science. According to the construction phases, work content can be divided into: geotechnical engineering, geotechnical engineering, geotechnical engineering, geotechnical engineering monitoring, geotechnical engineering testing.
• civil engineering 土木工程 • design of building and civil engineering
structures • steel structure • building engineering • Slab-colume system • Frame structure 工程结构设计 钢结构 房屋建筑工程 板柱结构 框架结构
road and bridge(道路与桥梁) Employment oriented: the road transport department, engaged in road, city road, bridge and tunnel engineering exploration and design, test, maintenance and repair technology and management.
rock-soil(岩土) Classification: industry and civil architecture (工业和民用建筑)
road and bridge(道路与桥梁)
geotechnical engineering(岩土工程)
Geotechnical engineering is a branch of civil engineering, is the application of engineering geology, soil mechanics, rock mechanics, rock soil engineering to solve a technical problem of all kinds of Engineering science. According to the construction phases, work content can be divided into: geotechnical engineering, geotechnical engineering, geotechnical engineering, geotechnical engineering monitoring, geotechnical engineering testing.
Some of the civil engineering specialty
the Leaning Tower of Pisa 比萨斜塔
China Central Television 中央电视台
Burj Dubai
high-rise buildings 高层建筑
Tall building 高耸建筑
road and bridge(道路与桥梁) Employment oriented: the road transport department, engaged in road, city road, bridge and tunnel engineering exploration and design, test, maintenance and repair technology and management.
industry and civil architecture(工业和民用建筑)
Industrial and civil construction mainly for the construction enterprises, the installation unit, design units, the owners, supervision and management departments at all levels of training in the practical and technical talents construction technology, project management, construction engineering budget, engineering construction supervision etc. Many aspects of industrial and civil buildings after graduation to participate in the architectural design units, construction units, construction engineering budget, engineering budget audit, supervision of construction projects, enterprises and institutions infrastructure management work.
Environmental specialists study the project’s impact on the local area: the potential for air and groundwater pollution,the project’s impact on local animal and plant life,and how the project can be designed to meet government requirements aimed at protecting the environment.
• Subcontractor=sub(次、下)+contractor(承包商) • Combustible=combust(燃烧)+ible(可能的)=可燃的
• 2. geotechnical [dʒi:əu'teknikəl]岩土工程的
• geo-[构词成分]:地球、土地
materials and labor,schedule all work,order materials and equipment
for the job,hire contractors and subcontractors,and perform other
supervisory work to ensure the project is completed on time and as
从那以后,土木工程这个术语已经被用来指那些修建公 共设施的工程师们,尽管这个领域比以前更广。
Scope 范围
Because it is so broad,civil engineering is subdivided into a number
• Subcontractor=sub(次、下)+contractor(承包商) • Combustible=combust(燃烧)+ible(可能的)=可燃的
• 2. geotechnical [dʒi:əu'teknikəl]岩土工程的
• geo-[构词成分]:地球、土地
materials and labor,schedule all work,order materials and equipment
for the job,hire contractors and subcontractors,and perform other
supervisory work to ensure the project is completed on time and as
从那以后,土木工程这个术语已经被用来指那些修建公 共设施的工程师们,尽管这个领域比以前更广。
Scope 范围
Because it is so broad,civil engineering is subdivided into a number
pressed concrete 压制混凝土 concrete block 混凝土块 混凝土块 concretedesign 混凝土配合比设计; 混凝土设计concrete form 混凝土模板 concreteformwork 混凝土模板作业 concrete reinforced bar 钢筋 two-course concrete pavement 双层混凝土路面 two-way reinforcedconcrete 双向配筋混凝土 slip-form concrete paver 滑模混凝土摊铺机 water-tight concrete 防水混凝土; 抗渗混凝土waterproof concrete 防水混凝土
26.cement mortar 水泥砂浆 brick laid with mortar 砂浆砌砖cement mortar . 砂浆砌砖cement screeding 水泥砂浆找平 cement mortar waterproofing system 水泥砂浆 波兰特水泥;普通硅酸盐水泥; 防水做法 Portland cement 波兰特水泥;普通硅酸盐水泥; 硅酸盐水泥 27.custom-designed 自定义设计 ← custom-自定义、习惯、风俗 28.hydration [hai`drei`ʃən]n. 水合作用← hydrat(词根:水合)+ion, hydrate, hydratable(可水合的) 29 pulverize( [`p٨lvəraiz]v.研磨成粉,粉化、磨成粉) ← pulver(词根:粉)+ize (v.后缀,…化) Pulverable(可磨成粉的),pulverous(满是粉的) 30.in lieu of =instead of 代, 代替 ← lieu [`lju:] n.场所 31.impart [im`pɑ:t] vt.给予(指抽象事物), 传授, 告知, 透露← im(v.前缀=in)+part 32. concrete [`kՉnkri:t] adj具体的,固结的; n.混凝土v.用混凝土修筑, 浇混凝 ☆ plain concrete 素混凝土; 无筋混凝土;砼 ☆ precast concrete 预制混凝土; 预制混凝土构件 ☆ prestressed concrete 预应力混凝土 ☆ reinforced concrete =R.C.钢筋混凝土; 钢筋水泥;金仝
26.cement mortar 水泥砂浆 brick laid with mortar 砂浆砌砖cement mortar . 砂浆砌砖cement screeding 水泥砂浆找平 cement mortar waterproofing system 水泥砂浆 波兰特水泥;普通硅酸盐水泥; 防水做法 Portland cement 波兰特水泥;普通硅酸盐水泥; 硅酸盐水泥 27.custom-designed 自定义设计 ← custom-自定义、习惯、风俗 28.hydration [hai`drei`ʃən]n. 水合作用← hydrat(词根:水合)+ion, hydrate, hydratable(可水合的) 29 pulverize( [`p٨lvəraiz]v.研磨成粉,粉化、磨成粉) ← pulver(词根:粉)+ize (v.后缀,…化) Pulverable(可磨成粉的),pulverous(满是粉的) 30.in lieu of =instead of 代, 代替 ← lieu [`lju:] n.场所 31.impart [im`pɑ:t] vt.给予(指抽象事物), 传授, 告知, 透露← im(v.前缀=in)+part 32. concrete [`kՉnkri:t] adj具体的,固结的; n.混凝土v.用混凝土修筑, 浇混凝 ☆ plain concrete 素混凝土; 无筋混凝土;砼 ☆ precast concrete 预制混凝土; 预制混凝土构件 ☆ prestressed concrete 预应力混凝土 ☆ reinforced concrete =R.C.钢筋混凝土; 钢筋水泥;金仝
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听,说, 读,写
Specialty English and College English
日常应 用
Hale Waihona Puke 科技文献 阅读翻译大学 英语
专业 英语
When mass concrete is constructed, side-dump cars on narrow-gage track or belt conveyers may be used. 对大 体积混凝土施工,可能会用到窄轨式侧卸式汽车或者传送带。 For mass concrete construction, side-dump cars on narrow-gage track or belt conveyers may be used.
During construction, problems often arise which require design changes.在施工过程中, 常会出现需要改变设计的问题。
五、 复合词语缩略词(the compound and the abbreviation)
Shotcrete; over-vibration; work-harden; water-cementitious-materials-ratio; side-dump; triaxial
六、 长句(the long complex sentence)
This paper presents the results from a series of consolidateddrained triaxial compression tests that were performed on precut and polished cylindrical clay specimens to measure the drained residual strength. 本文展示了一系列对按规格裁剪并抛光处理的圆柱粘土试件 进行排水固结的三轴压缩试验的结果,以测量其排水残余强 度。
In the construction, the problem of casting is how concrete is conveyed from the mixer to the certain point. In the construction, the problem of casting is how to convey concrete from the mixer to the certain point.
三、非限定动词(the nonrestrictive verb)
A direct current is a current which flows always in the same direction. A direct current is a current flowing in the same direction. 在科技英语中,不常使用非 限制定语从句,而使用非限 定动词,即非谓语动词 在科技文献中,一般将how, wh-词引导的从句转换成how, wh-词引导的不定式短语。从 而使句子结构更加简洁,紧凑
掌握约3000 个土木工程常 用专业词汇;
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Part 1: 视频
Part 2: 短文翻译
Part 3: 科技论文结构讲解
Specialty English and College English
四、后置定语(the postposition)
The forces due to friction are called frictional forces. 由于摩擦而产生的力称为摩擦 力。介词短语due to的使用避免了because从句的使用
The force upward equals the force downward so that the balloon stays at the level. 向上 的力与向下的力相等,所以气球保持在这个高度。 The heat produced is equal to the electrical energy wasted. 产生的热能等于浪费了的 热能。过去分词表达被动在科技文献中被广泛的应用。
placed in 2-to 4-ft-deep increments and consolidated with internal vibrators.
These should be lifted after each increment has been vibrated.
英国利兹大学John Swales统计,科技英语中的位于至少1/3是被动 语态, 便于强调与客观,保持语句简洁
名词化结构,一方面简化了同位语从句,另一方面强调 construction 这个过程
二、广泛使用被动语句(the passive)
Though we should cast the columns continuously, we should place the concrete in 2 to 4-ft-deep increments and consolidate the concrete with internal vibrators. We should lift the vibrators after we vibrating each increment. Though columns should be continuously casted, the concrete should be
lab (laboratory); math (mathematics); ft (foot/feet); CAD (computer aided design); FEM (finite element method); DEM (discrete element method), in (inch)
听,说, 读,写
Specialty English and College English
日常应 用
Hale Waihona Puke 科技文献 阅读翻译大学 英语
专业 英语
When mass concrete is constructed, side-dump cars on narrow-gage track or belt conveyers may be used. 对大 体积混凝土施工,可能会用到窄轨式侧卸式汽车或者传送带。 For mass concrete construction, side-dump cars on narrow-gage track or belt conveyers may be used.
During construction, problems often arise which require design changes.在施工过程中, 常会出现需要改变设计的问题。
五、 复合词语缩略词(the compound and the abbreviation)
Shotcrete; over-vibration; work-harden; water-cementitious-materials-ratio; side-dump; triaxial
六、 长句(the long complex sentence)
This paper presents the results from a series of consolidateddrained triaxial compression tests that were performed on precut and polished cylindrical clay specimens to measure the drained residual strength. 本文展示了一系列对按规格裁剪并抛光处理的圆柱粘土试件 进行排水固结的三轴压缩试验的结果,以测量其排水残余强 度。
In the construction, the problem of casting is how concrete is conveyed from the mixer to the certain point. In the construction, the problem of casting is how to convey concrete from the mixer to the certain point.
三、非限定动词(the nonrestrictive verb)
A direct current is a current which flows always in the same direction. A direct current is a current flowing in the same direction. 在科技英语中,不常使用非 限制定语从句,而使用非限 定动词,即非谓语动词 在科技文献中,一般将how, wh-词引导的从句转换成how, wh-词引导的不定式短语。从 而使句子结构更加简洁,紧凑
掌握约3000 个土木工程常 用专业词汇;
掌握初步的土 木工程技术文 献阅读、理解 能力;
掌握初步的科 技论文文摘翻 译方法;
Part 1: 视频
Part 2: 短文翻译
Part 3: 科技论文结构讲解
Specialty English and College English
四、后置定语(the postposition)
The forces due to friction are called frictional forces. 由于摩擦而产生的力称为摩擦 力。介词短语due to的使用避免了because从句的使用
The force upward equals the force downward so that the balloon stays at the level. 向上 的力与向下的力相等,所以气球保持在这个高度。 The heat produced is equal to the electrical energy wasted. 产生的热能等于浪费了的 热能。过去分词表达被动在科技文献中被广泛的应用。
placed in 2-to 4-ft-deep increments and consolidated with internal vibrators.
These should be lifted after each increment has been vibrated.
英国利兹大学John Swales统计,科技英语中的位于至少1/3是被动 语态, 便于强调与客观,保持语句简洁
名词化结构,一方面简化了同位语从句,另一方面强调 construction 这个过程
二、广泛使用被动语句(the passive)
Though we should cast the columns continuously, we should place the concrete in 2 to 4-ft-deep increments and consolidate the concrete with internal vibrators. We should lift the vibrators after we vibrating each increment. Though columns should be continuously casted, the concrete should be
lab (laboratory); math (mathematics); ft (foot/feet); CAD (computer aided design); FEM (finite element method); DEM (discrete element method), in (inch)