Elizabeth Ⅱ上海中级口译阅读中文翻译
Unit one peopleReading AIntroduction王后是一个国家的女性统治者,或是一个国王封号最高的妻子。
中级口译 Unit 2-1 Interpreting for Reception Service
room rate 房价 standard rate标准价 advance deposit 定金 twin room 带两张单人床的房间 double room 带一张双人床的房间 registration 登记 rate sheets 房价表 tariff 价目表 cancellation 取消预定 en-suite 套房 imperial suite 皇室套房 mini suite 小型套房 honeymoon suite 蜜月套房 penthouse suite 楼顶套房 unmade room 未清扫房 on change 待清扫房 valuables 贵重品 porter 行李员
11. You will have a good rate with 20% off when you make a reservation 10 days in advance. 12. We have many modern fitness facilities catering to the different needs of our guests. 13. Without Ms. Kelland’s last-minute effort, we would still be in the middle of nowhere, probably in the middle of negotiations, I’m afraid.
Key words and phrases
maneuver successfully to get our job done
maneuver / manoeuvre
v.;n. 策划;设法挑整;
ExampleHis repeated promise that he will return the money he has borrowed from me at once can not settle me down.他一再承诺,他会立即归还欠我的钱,可是我还是不放心。
Our house was built over a hundred years ago.我是北京人。
I come from Beijing.如果不适当地处理,锅炉以及机动车排出的废气就会造成城市空气污染。
Exhaust from boilers and vehicles, unless properly treated, causes air pollution in cities.Have a try假日里,青年人双双对对漫步在公园里。
The young people in pairs and couples rambled about the park on holidays.然而悲惨的皱纹,却从他的眉头和嘴角出现了。
Miserable wrinkles began to appear between his eyebrows and round his mouth.如果说,词汇是语言的“建筑材料”,那么,句子便是文章的“基本部件”。
If vocabulary is the “building materials” for language, sentences are the “fundamental parts” of writings.中国有两点是靠得住的,一是讲原则,二是说话算数。
第二单元 接待口译 Interpreting for Reception Service2- 1 机场迎宾 Greeting at the Airport 人力资源部经理: manager of Human Resources. 能够成行:make it 百忙中抽空: take time from busy schedule Be held up: 耽搁 Attending service :服务 行李齐了: get all the luggage 设宴洗尘: host a reception in one's honor 杂技表演: acrobatic show2- 2 宾馆入住 Hotel Accommodation Check-in: 登记住宿 确认函: confirmation letterItinerary :行程表 双人间: double room 8 折优惠价: have a good rate with 20% off Photo-copy :复印 总台: Front desk 洗熨部: Laundry ServiceFit ness exercise :健身2- 3 宴会招待 Banquet Service 敬业(的专家) :dedicated ( experts ) Maneuver :机动, 演习,策略,调遣Cuisine :菜系 食物的质地: raw materials with quality texture 原汁原味: original flavor 特色点心: special snack皮薄汁醇 皮脆肉嫩Top-notch: 顶尖的不辞辛苦: in spite of the tiring trip runinto a storm: 下暴雨 clear up:天气转好 倒时差: get over the jet-lag 下榻宾馆: takesb.to the hotel 总裁: chairman预定房间: have a reservation with travel agency : 旅行社 accommodati on :住宿 豪华套房: a deluxe suite morning cal : :叫醒express mail :快递邮件 餐饮部: Catering Service 楼层服务台: Floor Service Desk 教练: coachcon tribute one ' share : 尽了 …责任 大自然所赐予的: Mother Nature grant us 色,香,味,形: color ,aroma,taste,appearance 调料:seasonings appetizing :引起食欲的 酸甜适口: a sweet and sour sauce figure out :想出干杯: cheers2-4 参观访问 Getting Around 高科技园区: High-Tech Park 鸟瞰: take abird 's eye view of业务经理: operation manager 言归正传: come back to story走马观花: cast a passing glance at flowers while riding on horsehack显目审批权: be authorized to approve projects (with) 优惠政策: preferential policies 与国际管理体制接轨: operate under the management system of international standards 跨国公司:multinationals生物技术: biotechnology一条龙服务: a stream -ined on e-stop service 可持续发展: sustainable development 流水潺潺: streams murmuring 四季花香: fragrant flowers blossoming all year round好戏还在后头: 祝酒:with thin and translucent wrappers and rish tasty soup.(with a ) crispy skin and tender meat have more surprises toexpect drink to (the health) of sb. 骨干企业: enterprises of pillar industries 高技术产业链: high-tech industry chains 生态型开发: ecological conservation 绿草成茵:boasts stretches of green grass 鸟儿啁啾: birds chirping安保服务: security service第三单元 会谈口译 Interpreting Conversations3- 1欢迎光临Welcome由E 电:post and telecom muni cati ons感至 U 骄傲和荣幸: b e proud and honored海外部主任: directory of the company 'Overseas Department合资/独资企业: joint ven ture/establish a bus in ess in depe nden tlyCon sulta nt :顾问3- 3 合资企业 Establishi ng a Joi nt Ven tureCordless/mobile phones : 无绳电话 /移动电话投资意向:investment proposal 明智wise制造公司:manu facturi ng compa nyPersuasive :有说服力的 express train :快车 Potential market :潜力市场 initially :起初阶段 Embark on : 开始,从事in the vicinity of :左右at a moderate rate and a safe scale 一个稳定的速度和规模投资比重:how much would be your share of in vestme nt Gracious invitation :友好邀请 寄托:high expectati ondistinguished group ;杰出的人士 夕卜宾专用另U 墅:villas for overseas visitorsLook over the seas :面向大海 国际机票:international flights 3-2 投资意向 A Wish to In vest Share my thoughts with you :我想告诉你我的想法 In vestme nt desti nati on :投资目的地 投资热:in vestme nt boom全面对外开放:字面意思:means literallyschool break :假期foreign firm :外国公司翻了两番:has quadrupled 沿海地区:coastal cityope n the whole country up to the outside world有利可图:内地:country ' in terior areas I'm all ears to …我愿闻其详 发挥有关双方的优势:both parties concerned税收:taxation 诱人的投资政策:attractive investme nt policies资金:fund 研究资料:literature (research data)find it more profitable (to)最大限度: maximizes the stren gths of 幅员辽阔:massive land消费者市场:con sumer marker 基础设施:in frastructure 管理知识:man agerial expertiseenlightening :茅塞顿开权益关系:in vestme nt part nership 夕卜汇储备:foreig n excha nge reserve (for)convertible currency :可兑换的货币 the boarding of directors : 董事会 the rewarding day :收获很大的一天for good :永久first and foremost :首先 vigor and vitality :勃勃生机 make sense :理解 originality :独创性altruistic dedication :无私奉献禾U润分配:distribution in profit share 营销:marketing of 天晴还需防雨天:for the rainy dayThe term of our partnership :合作期限正合吾意:that coincides with our unsual practice3-4 文化差异Cultural DifferencesSettle down :定居奥斯卡最佳影片奖:the Oscar for the best pictureLon g-stemmed rose :长茎的玫瑰Film poster :电影海报举例说明:offer sb. Some examplesGive priority to :放在首位respond in sta ntan eously :随时回答 working ethic :工作理念 moral autonomy : 道德 自治观 sing high praises :高度赞扬 communal harmony :整体和谐 global integration :全球一体化 the Peony Pavilion:牡丹亭第四单元访谈口译 In terpreti ng Interviews4- 1 行在美国 Travel in America由汽车驱动的国家: a country drive n by automoblies 夸张的说法: an exaggergati onWay of life :生活方式International driver ' license :国际驾车执照 Federal expressway :州际高速公路出公差: visit on a bus in ess trip 付款方式: pay formy ren tal service MasterCard :万事达 American Express :美国运通 Special offer :优惠价Greyhou nd :灰狗长途汽车公司 Long distanee coach :长途汽车 Lower rates :更低的价格shuttle/commuter flight:穿梭班段/短程定期往返飞机 cab/cabby :出租车teleph one directory :电话号码薄4- 2 艾滋哀之 The AIDS EpodemicNobel Prize winner :诺贝尔获得者 AIDS epidenmic :艾滋病流行On an international acale :从国际范围 HIV-positive : HIV 阳性 Be infected with :感染Significant impact :重大影响 homosexually transmitted disease :同性恋传播疾病 massive educati onal campaig n :大规模教育活动 the only thing conceivable :唯一行之有效的手段 隔离:quara ntineTotally futile :竹篮打水一场空 Better off doing sth.:最好做 …Reveals its presenee through :经由 …而发病4- 3 经营之道 Business ManagementBusin ess com muni catio n style : 商务沟通方式 Prospective bus in ess contact : 与之打交道的商人Semi nar :研讨会Be obsessed with : 喜欢做 … Individual-oriented :个人主义 Confucianism :儒家学说 Uplift :优良品德Take precede nee over : 高于 Go bowling :打保龄球 Broadway :百老汇据说:it is said thatcorrect observation :正确的说法drive-in bank :免下车银行 行车限速:speed limit minimum/maximum speed :最大 /最小限速租车服务业:car ren tal servicecredit card : 信用卡 Visa :威萨 deposit :押金 passe nger rail service : 客运火车mon thly pass :月票 regulate price :统一的票价 不尽人意: be not desirablesubway :地铁 Yellow Pages :黄页microbiology :微生物学家 plague :瘟疫 lead ing cause :致命病因 imperil :威胁,危及 orphan :孤儿 put in place : 推出 ultimate solution :最终解决方法 self-defeating :自暴自弃调查结果:surveyvirus :病毒强制性化验:ma ndatory test ing interpretsymptoms : 了解症状work ethic :职业伦理 time-consuming : 耗时冗长的the “ get-dow n-to-bus in ess-first ” men tality :"公务为先”的心态sort out one 'emotio nal distress :解决自身问题或走出伤感阴影enjoy catching up with one ' friend:喜欢和朋友泡在一起get around to:抽时间出来做break up:散伙first gigs :初演sing a cappellas :无伴奏演唱take criticism constructively :以积极性的态度看待批评en dura nee:忍耐第五单元礼仪性口译English-Chinese Interpretaion5-1 故地重游Revisiting the Old Haunt World-renowned :举世闻名的Dynamism :充满活力Nostalgic :思念Utmost courtesy :高度的礼貌Na?/e :天真Non-governmental sector:民间机构Good faith :良好诚意5-2 愉悦之旅 A pleasant TripYour Excellency:尊敬的阁下Renew old friendship :重温旧情Vital :重要con sta nt source of en courageme nt : 始终鼓励着en deavor:努力in closing :在结束讲话之前propose a toast:祝酒5-3共创未来Our Futurekeep to :遵循top-ma nageme nt:最高管理bus in ess practice :商务活动straightforward :直截了当,开门见山efficiency :效率frustrate:使…感到沮丧membership: 一分子a sense of belonging in a community :团体归属感accomplishment :成果the Oriental way of management :东方经营方式huma ne:人情味4-4 音乐天才 A Gifted MusicianDebut album :处女专辑Inquiry :提问献给… 的音乐专辑:dedicate album to…Treme ndous in dividual :非常优秀中心思想:com mon messageCreative avenue and outlet :创造途径和方法bottom-up :自下而上top-download :自上而下咄咄逼人:aggressive管理模式:type of man ageme nt give priority to :优先fulfillment :成就感individual-oriented :个体取向禾U与弊:merits and demerits dedication :奉献executive:管理人忌讳:taboothe press people :新闻记者vocalist:歌唱家melodic :曲子the icing on the cake :锦上添花play pool :打落袋球diversity :气象万千a special regard for : 特殊的敬慕之情memorable :难忘的exte nsive :十分广泛overshadow :弱化mutual ben efit :互惠互禾U strategic relati on ship :战略关系cradle of civilization :文明的摇篮establish new con tacts : 结交新友in the pursuit of : 追求com mon aspirati on :共同愿望in the service of : 造福人类privileged :荣幸cheers:干杯Luncheon :午餐Beckon :召唤Ideology :意识形态Minimize :轻视Distinctly :截然不同的Dignity :尊严Potential :潜力Industrious :勤奋Crackle :爆裂Horizon ;高度Vitality :活力In a mighty enterprise :在一个强大的企业Suspicion :不信任,怀疑Shared optimism :树立乐观精神5-4 新的长征 A New Long MarchIn comparable hospitality :盛情款待Congenial atmosphere :融洽的气氛gracious and eloque ntremarks :热情洋溢、慷慨陈词free of outsideinterferenee : 不受外来干涉grumble :抱怨deeply rooted in the instinets of :根深蒂固的本能inidentical fashion :同一种模式see eye to eye on ….: 看法一致desti ned :注定rise to the heights of great ness : 攀登崇高理想第六单元礼仪性口译(汉译英)6-1 新春联欢Celebrating the Spring Festival全体同仁:all my colleagues of the compa ny 嘉宾:disti nguished guests明月当空:beautiful eve ning with nu merous shi ning stars从百忙中拨冗光临:take the time off one ' busyschedule新春联欢晚会:Chinese New York 'party尽情品尝: have a good time enjoying 才华横溢:tale nted无所拘束:in a more in formal way万事如意: the very best of luck in everyth ing 6-2 圣诞晚会At the Christmas Party 董事长:Mr. Chairman良辰佳时: won derful time of the year融洽:harm ony全年的亮点: a high point of the year信念:faith销售额:sales辉煌的业绩:more fruitful year远道而来: come here all the way from 美酒佳肴: cuis ine and wine 纯正:authe ntic装饰华丽:magnificen tly decorated 魅力:appeal 奉献:dedicati on生活的真谛:key to life尽兴: enjoy every minute of the year 务实:pragmatic年终岁末之际:at the end of the yearbus in ess coun cil :贸易委员会ack no wledge :坦承institution : 制度dwell on :回顾heritage :传统revere elders :尊敬长辈dawning :黎明曙光frugal :节俭dyn amics of cha nge : 突飞猛进salute :致敬optimism :乐观精神breakf down barriers : 打破猜忌bond :团结,结合sple ndid music : 优美音乐equaldignity :同等的尊严domination :统治,控制,支配approve :赞成、赞同assess评价impose :强力口inconceivable :很难想象legacy :遗产plague :瘟疫,折磨6-3 开幕祝词An Opening Speech 宣布…开幕:declare opening市民社会:Civil Society筹委会:Organizing committee开幕式:ope ning ceremony 社区工作者协会:Community Social Workers 'Association社会各界来宾:guests from various circles日新月异的信息:ever-cha nging in formati on社保体制:social wealfare and security system 民间组织:non-gover nmen tal orga ni zati ons 借鉴先进经验:reference adva need experie nee取得丰硕成果:预祝… 圆满成功:with a complete success.6-4 展望未来Looking Ahead 广泛领域:in a wide range of areas 回忆主办国:the host of 成立10 周年:the 10th anniversary of 人员交往:people-to-people excha nge 谋划发展方向:pla n on e's future cooperati on 实质性合作:econo mic cooperatio n in substa 回顾过去:look back on the past experie nces 互相尊重:mutual respect知识更新:update knowledge多元化:pluralistic政府包揽:un dertake n by the gover nment 宏观管理:macro-ma nageme nt 分工协作:divisi on of respon sibility亚欧伙伴关系:Asia-Europe partn ership 亚欧首脑会议:Asia Europe summit循序渐进:make gradual progress 战略选择:strategic platform高瞻远瞩:adopt a long Iong-term strategy s展望未来:look into the future平等互利:equality and mutual ben efit.求同存seek com mon ground while putt ing aside differe nces反对贸易歧视与制裁:elim in ate trade discrim in ati on, oppose impositi on of trade sanctions 司法:judicial 财政:finance后续活动:follow-up activities 降低关税:reduce one's tariffs大力倡导多边合作:actively promoted multilateral cooperati on描绘光辉远景:shape a more sple ndid future第七单元介绍性口译(英译汉)7-1 绿色城市 A Green CityEconomic integration :经济一体化Greenfield development potential :发展绿地的潜力the added cost burde n:增加了沉重的负担apparel industry : 服装业in formatio n tech no logy :信息技术high value added busi ness :高附加值的商务digital media :数码传媒environmen tally susta in able :环境可持续发展civil servant :公务员provincial/federal government : 省、联邦政府carb on dioxide emissi on :二氧化碳的排放economic spin-offs :滚滚财源address each other'spriorities :按各自轻重缓急server with a key position :担任要职municipality :大城市aerospace:航空业biomedical industry :生物医药业professi onal service :专业服务业telecom muni catio n :电房urbanization :城市化realty tax :地税academic :学者city councillor :市政厅议员the Kyoto Accord :京都仪书fossilfuel :不可再生的燃料alternative fuels :替代性燃料Secretariat:秘书处论坛:forum文化多样性:Cultural Pluralismcon clude with abundant accomplishme nt7-2 浪漫香槟The Romantic ChampagneChampag ne:香槟Cork :软木塞Gentle, alluring fizz :温和,诱人的嘶嘶声Vale ntine 'Day: 情人节Do the trick :达到某地,获得成功Painstaking :艰辛For weeks on end: 连续数周Carbon dioxide bubble :二氧化碳小气泡Quicken the pulse :加快脉搏Ferme ntatio n :发酵Vin tage champag ne:精致香槟酒Go especially well with :特别适合做…7-3 游客之居 A Place to StayMotel :汽车旅馆In any case :无论如何Resor:度假胜地的宾馆Single/twin/double bed :单人床/对床/双人床“bng boy ” bed :长小伙子床Rollaway bed :滚动式折叠床Camping :露营Trailer :拖车7-4 教堂之游 A Tour around the Cathedral Washington National Cathedral :华盛顿国家大教堂Cathedral Church of sai nt Peter and Sai nt Paul :圣彼得和保罗大教堂Pray :祈祷Atte nd services :参加宗教礼仪活动Shaped like a cross :形状像个"十”字Windows set high in the walls :窗高高地嵌在Sunlight spilling across the floor :阳光洒落在地坪上Attend religious service :参加宗教活动,做礼拜Fun eral :葬礼sampling party :品酒会the release of gas :释放气体candlelitdinner :烛光晚餐akin to :好似,同类,近似allure :诱惑力alcohol :酒eponymous drink :同名汽酒facet:方面ranked by dosage":按剂量分类extra-brut:偏酸型spicy food :辛辣的食物lodging :公寓房间inn :客栈freeway :高速公路queen size/king size bed : 大号床/力加阔床waterbed :水床hide-a-bed :暗床campgro und :野营地shelter :保护Episcopal Church :主教派教会in the prese nee of : 在… 前面hectare :公顷bell tower :钟楼…墙上statue :雕像concert :音乐会。
英语翻译中级口译-2-2(总分:107.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、第一部分听力理解(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、第一节(总题数:1,分数:5.00)(分数:5.00)(1).Where does the conversation probably take place?[A] At home. [B] At a hotel. [C] At a shop.(分数:1.00)A.B.C. √解析:[听力原文]M: Are you being served, ma'am?W: Oh, yes, I'm waiting for the gentleman who's gone inside to find me another pair of shoes.[精解] 题干问:“谈话很可能发生在哪儿?”对话中男士问:“有人给您服务吗?夫人。
(2).Which of the following is right?[A] The man wants to send a letter to Shanghai.[B] The woman is a seller.[C] The two speakers are at the post office.(分数:1.00)A.B.C. √解析:[听力原文]M: How much will it cost to send this letter to Beijing?W: It weights half an ounce. That'll be six dollars by airmail.[精解] 题干问:“下面哪项是正确的?”对话中男士问:“把这封信邮到北京要花多少钱?”女士说:“它重半盎司。
”听对话可知,这位男士是在邮局,他想往北京寄一封信,所以答案C 是正确的。
英语翻译中级口译-1-2(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、听写填空(总题数:1,分数:20.00)How did the Olympic Games start? In ancient Greece, athletic festivals were very important and have strong (1) . Originally, the festival was held in honor of Zeus, the supreme God in Greek mythology. Eventually, the Olympian athletic festival had lost its (2) and became an international event. No one knows exactly (3) the Olympic Games go, but some scholars recorded date from 776 B.C.According to some scholars, at first, the only Olympic event was (4) , called a stadium and that was the only event until 724 B.C. After that, other (5) were added and 16 years later in (6) , the pentathlon was added and wrestling became part of the Games. This pentathlon was a five-event match, which (7) running, wrestling, leaping, throwing the discus and hurling the javelin. The Games were held (8) and after an uninterrupted history of 1,170 years, the Games were (9) in A.D. 394, the Christen era, because of the pagan origin.It was over (10) before there was another such international athletic gathering. In 1896, the first of the modern (11) opened in Athens, Greece.Nowadays the Games are held in different countries (12) . The host country provides vast facilities, such as stadiums and (13) . Many more sports are represented, including the very celebrated event: (14)The Olympics start with the arrival in the stadium of a torch, (15) on Mount Olympus by the sun's rays. The torch is carried by (16) to the stadium. The Olympic flam symbolizes the (17) of the ancient Greek athletic ideals and it burns throughout the Games until (18) . The well-known Olympic flag, however, is (19) : the five interlocking rings symbolize the uniting of all five continents (20) .(分数:20.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:religious associations)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:local and national characters)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:how far back)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:a 200-yard dash)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:other field)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:708 B.C.)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:consisted of)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:every four years)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:were abolished)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:1500 years)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:summer games)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:in turn)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:living accommodation)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:the marathon races)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:lighted)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:a succession of runners)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:continuation)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:the closing ceremony)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:a modern conception)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:participating in the Games)解析:二、句子判断(总题数:2,分数:15.00)(分数:7.50)(1).A. I'd like to make an appointment Monday morning.B. I must finish typing before going to bed.C. I have to work overtime this weekend.D. I decide to sleep this weekend away.(分数:1.50)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]This report is urgent I have to finish typing it by Monday morning, so there goes my sleep this weekend.(2).A. I am interested in the vehicles on the street.B. I don't want to complain about the noise here.C. The noise of traffic disturbs my work.D. Traffic never stops passing by.(分数:1.50)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]What this office needs is better sound-proofing. I can't concentrate here with all that traffic passing by on the street below.(3).A. It requires imagination in learning a language.B. It takes time and effort to learn a language.C. The cultural differences are more important.D. Learning a language can be easier than anyone thinks.(分数:1.50)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]Learning a language is a laborious process, and adjusting to this subtle cultural differences require much more time and patience than anyone can imagine.(4).A. Talking with your boss will be part of our company's business activities.B. Investing in that project will help your company and mine as well.C. Turning the project into a profit-making is on the top of our long-term plan.D. Doing business with your company will benefit both of us in the long run.(分数:1.50)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]If you can talk your boss into investing in that project, it will be a turning point for your company and we both shall benefit in the long run.(5).A. The invoice should include the legal fee and the agent's commission.B. The price we quoted should be lower, as we missed a few items.C. We got more money from them than we had expected.D. We should send the invoice as soon as we receive the payment.(分数:1.50)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]I am afraid we've undercharged them; the invoice doesn't include the legal fee and our agency's commission. I think we need to inform, them about this immediately.(分数:7.50)(1).A. Working abroad is not always a requirement of foreign language teachers.B. When you arrive in a foreign country, you must find a job first.C. The advantage of working abroad is fluency in other languages.D. The mastering of a foreign language will help you find a job overseas.(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]Being bilingual or multilingual can be an advantage in landing a job abroad although fluency in other languages is not always a requirement.(2).A. We cannot beat our competitors because of a staff shortage.B. We should be prepared to sign the business contract.C. We sometimes make a deal with one of our rivals.D. We are happy to see that our rival has gone bankrupt.(分数:1.50)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]I believe our proposal is a real a contender for the contract. All we need to do is to walk ourselves into position to close the deal.(3).A. Our collaboration depends on a mutual understanding of our differences.B. Our differences are deeply rooted, and we are unable to continue our collaboration.C. We must first prepare a memorandum for a common view of our problems.D. We understand that we must share the cost of our collaboration in the future.(分数:1.50)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]We must prepare the ground for a deeper understanding of our differences and problems. Only througha shared view of our problem shall we be able to carry our collaboration forward.(4).A. Although we spend much on the project, a 10% budget increase is neck.B. At least 10% of the expenses should be devoted to solving the problem.C. With such a big order, we demand a discount which is 10% or more.D. We ask for a 10% discount, which has caused all the trouble on our side.(分数:1.50)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]Give the size of the order and the amount of heavy expenses on our side, anything less than 10 per cent is not worth the trouble.(5).A. To lose one pound of weight, you need to walk up to 10 hours.B. One-hour walk at a moderate pace will burn up 3500 calories.C. You should limit your intake of food to 300 to 350 calories daily.D. Walking an hour every day can burn up 350 pounds a month.(分数:1.50)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]Walking burns calories. It takes about 3500 calorie to lose just one pound of weight. And the 1-hour-walk at a moderate pace will burn up only 300 to 350 calories.三、对话段落(总题数:5,分数:40.00)(分数:8.00)(1).A. To advise her to work in a showroom.B. To help her understand the product.C. To invite her to visit a trade fair.D. To expound the details of the catalogue.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]W: Hello, purchasing department. Alice Roger's speaking.M: Good morning, Mrs. Roger. This is John Stone from ABS Company. How are you?W: Quite good, thank you. Well, Mr. Stone, we are still studying your catalog and your products. M: That's very thoughtful of you, Mrs. Roger. But I'm calling to see if you'd like to see our showroom at the trade fair that opened last week.W: Oh, I didn't know you would have a showroom there. I'd be glad to go and have a tour around the exhibition.M: Just tell me when it would be convenient for you, and we can arrange for the tour.W: Let me see. How about next Monday afternoon, around two?M: That's fine. I'll be over at 1:30. It's only a ten-to-fifteen-minute drive from your department. W: I can drive there in my own car. Shall we meet at the main gate of the trade fair?M: That's ok. I'll be at the main gate at about 1:50. See you then.W: Right. Goodbye.Why is the man telephoning the woman?(2).A. A healthcare worker. B. A company consultant.C. A lawyer.D. A salesman.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]What is the man's profession according to the conversation?(3).A. Tomorrow afternoon. B. Next week.C. Coming Tuesday.D. In ten days.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]When will the woman be free to visit the showroom and the trade fair?(4).A. At the woman's office. B. At the main gate.C. Inside the parking lot.D. Inside the showroom.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]Where will the man and the woman meet at the trade fair?(分数:8.00)(1).A. It is a friendly face or a clever joke.B. It is a facial expression involving 43 muscles.C. It is an exercise of facial muscles when passing wind.D. It is a natural reaction to a positive moment.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]Every human being, no matter where they are from, is born with the ability to smile. A smile is a natural reaction to a positive moment, like a friendly face, or a clever joke. Most babies first smile between six and eight weeks old. At first, it is only an expression made when excursing their facial muscles or passing wind. But once they realize a smile gets them a lot of attention, huge smiles in return, happy noises, extra treats, they learn to try it again. And why wouldn't they? It takes forty-three muscles to frown, but only seventeen to smile. We smile when we are happy. We smile when we see people we know. But what happens when you are not happy to see someone you know? You smile any way. You fake a smile. Unfortunately, however, a fake smile never looks quite the same as the real one. In a genuine smile, you not only show your lower teeth, but also move the muscles running all the way around the mouth which in turn makes the skin around the eyes become tighter. And then your smile is real. However, when someone smiles politely, rather than because they really want to, they use the muscle, which only raises the size of the mouth, and which does not move the muscles at the corner of the eyes. This kind of fake smile is sometimes refer to as the "Pan-Am Smile". As it is named, after the former airline whose flight attendants welcomed every passenger with the same force smile.According to the talk, what is a smile?(2).A. The muscle raises the sides of the mouth.B. The muscles run all the way around the mouth.C. you only show your lower teeth.D. Your eyes are wide open.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]What happens in a real smile?(3).A. It is a morning smile. B. It is an afternoon smile.C. It is a fake smile.D. It is a genuine smile.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]What do we learn about the Pan-Am Smile?(4).A. You smile politely when you happen to see someone you know.B. A fake smile never looks quite the same as a real one.C. Flight attendants may welcome passengers with the same, forged smile.D. Every human being is born with the ability to smile.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]Which of the following is not true according to the talk?(分数:8.00)(1).A. She has been to a concert.B. She has met the new neighbors.C. She has had to stay indoors.D. She has helped the man with house chores.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]M: Hello. This is Peter Smith's speaking.W: Hello Peter, Betty's speaking. I am calling about the open-door concert in London. Will it still be held this Sunday as is scheduled? It has been so cold that I haven't been outside for a week. I do hate the cold.M: Yes. It's best to stay indoors in such beastly weather. But I am afraid I have no idea about the oncoming concert. You noticed our new neighbors who have arrived at No. 35 though. Surely, perhaps they knew something.W: Well. I called on them yesterday. They seem such nice people at first but now I am not so sure. M: Really? Why?W: Well. They are from London and they think it's the only place in the world worth talking about it. The wife made some very catty remarks about this area.M: Londoners always think they are always better than other people, but I always find them less cultured. What does she look like?W: Quite young and pretty. But she does wear a lot of make-up and she certainly dyes her hair. Perhaps she isn't as young as she looks.M: Anyway. I don't want to mix with people like that because I knew they would snob when they saw that huge car. Surely they don't need such a big one.W: No. Still my husband says it's four years old and it probably costs less than our secondhand. And ours is certainly as fast theirs. Besides, it uses so much petroleum. You can hardly afford to run it.What has the woman done for the past week?(2).A. She'd like to inquire about an open-door concert.B. She wants to complain about the cold weather.C. She asks the man to buy a concert ticket in advance.D. She invites the man to go to the concert in London.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]Why is the woman telephoning?(3).A. They are better. B. They are less cultured.C. They talk more.D. They look younger.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]What does the man say in general?(4).A. It is petrol-consuming. B. It is fast.C. It is second-hand.D. It is too big.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]What does the man think of his new neighbor's car?(分数:8.00)(1).A. Because their anxiety makes them less efficient than normal.B. Because their ability to reason overshadows their anxiety for the test.C. Because they cannot sleep well the night before the actual test.D. Because they cannot get necessary assistance from other students.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]Most people are too anxious during tests. Their anxiety overshadows or even interferes with their ability to reason and makes them less efficient than normal. As a result, they score far lower than they should. This is an unnecessary handicap. Especially if you are a student, who is going to spend 12-16 years or more taking tests. The solution of course is to learn the rules and techniques of successful test taking. Success builds assurance and confidence which in turn frees you to perform better and better. Once you realize that eight tenths of your score depends on the way you take a test, it becomes obvious that learning rules of the test-taking game is crucial. It is not complicated. You do not have to be clever, brilliant or dishonest to do it. It is just a matter of observation and practice. Oddly, most people have not really thought much about what it means to make, give and take tests. Once you see tests are school games that have actual little meaning in the real world. Once you realize the game has a format that can be recognized, rules that can be mastered, playing strategies that can be learned, it can become as entertaining as crossword puzzle. Mastering test-taking, like learning to absorb and retrieve from information, is part of process of educating yourself, so the effort will not be wasted or pointless. Figuring out tests is a problem-solving experience and developing confidence to recognize and solve problems is not just a school game but a true educational activity.Why do many students score far lower than they should in the test?(2).A. You have to be honest and confident.B. You have to be clever and brilliant.C. You need to learn the techniques of test taking.D. You need to observe and practice the school rules.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]According to the speaker, what is crucial for successful test-taking?(3).A. They often interfere with school games.B. They have actual meaning in the real world.C. They don't have a format and governing rules.D. They can be as entertaining as crossword puzzles.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]What does the speaker think of school tests?(4).A. Learning to absorb and retrieve information.B. Developing confidence to solve problems.C. Figuring out school tests.D. Spotting dishonesty in a test.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]Which of the following is NOT an educational activity?(分数:8.00)(1).A. She was disgusted by the movie crew.B. She was asked to act in a movie on the spot.C. She saw a movie being shot around town.D. She had an accident while diving through town.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]W: I had a really strange experience while I was walking around on Saturday morning.M: Oh? What was it?W: There was a crowd. And at first I thought there had been an accident. But then I thought that they were making a movie.M: That's not so strange. You see a lot of film crews around town these days.W: Yes, but when I started to walk away, one of the men called me over. He turned out to be the director.M: Really? The director himself?W: Believe it or not, he wanted me to be in the picture.M: No kidding. Did he want you to say anything or were you just part of the crowd?W: I didn't say anything, but I had to do something. This woman in pajamas was in the phone booth. M: Did you know who she was? Was she somebody famous?W: She wasn't anybody I knew. Anyway, I had to walk up to the phone booth. Then when I saw that there was somebody in it, I had to look disgusted and walk away.M: You mean we'll be able to see your face in when it comes out?W: Well, maybe. But you know how it is. I'll probably be cut out before anybody ever sees the movie.M: How long did it take? Don't they have to shoot these scenes over and over again?W: It didn't take very long. After we've done it four times, the director said everything was OK.M: I hope you got paid.W: They took my name and address, and they said they'd send me a check.M: Wonderful. Now we are going to have a movie star in office.What was the woman's strange experience?(2).A. The director himself. B. The woman's twin sister.C. A woman in pajamas.D. A man from the crowd.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]According to the woman, who was in the phone booth while she was approaching it?(3).A. She had to look disgusted and walked away.B. She had to stay outside for some time.C. She had to identify the person in the booth.D. She had to put up a face in front of the camera.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]What was the woman suppose to do as she saw somebody in the phone booth?(4).A. Police and driver. B. Director and actress.C. Performers.D. Colleagues.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]What is the most likely relationship between the man and woman in the conversation?四、句子听译(总题数:1,分数:15.00)(分数:15.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(我们知道语言的应用是一个终生的过程,外语学习也是如此。
中级口译(英汉对照)1,参观访问Hello, welcome to Jinghe high—tech park。
I’m operation manager of the park. I’m honored to be your guide and take you to tour around the park。
May I know your major interests?您好,欢迎光临京河高科技园区。
不知道各位对哪方面比较感兴趣?I’m in terested in the general layout of the park. Would you please give me some idea of its setup?我对园区的总布局颇感兴趣,能简要介绍下吗?Well. First of all, we’ll take a bird’s-eye view of the park. And then we'll look around in the park and, to use a Chinese metaphor, we’ll cast a passing glance at flowers while riding on horseback。
很好,我们先来鸟瞰一下整个园区吧,然后在园区内各处转悠一下,用我们的话说是“走马观花”吧Good idea, but we’ll cast a passing glance at flowers while riding on your car . 。
.in a more comfortable mannerGreat humor, sir. Let me come back to our story。
Jinghe high-tech park enjoys a superior location, with Beijing as its backdrop, facing the vast expanse of the Bosea, bordered by the Jingjintang Expressway to the east。
英语翻译中级口译模拟测试SECTION 1: LISTENING TESTA: Spot DictationYou might enjoy a cup of coffee at your local coffee shop. But coffeeis part of 1 . Research shows that as many as one-third of the people in the world drink coffee. Some people drink coffee for its 2 . Others like the awakening effect of caffeine, a 3 in coffee. But not everyone may know the story of coffee and how it is produced.One popular story about 4 coffee long ago is about Kaldi, a keeper of goats. Kaldi was taking care of his goats in the highlands of Ethiopia where coffee trees 5 . He noticed that his goats became very excited and active 6 small fruits from a tree. Kaldi reported this discovery to a group of 7 . When they made a drink out of the fruit, the religious workers realized they could 8 for long hours of prayer. This knowledge about coffee 9 all over the world.Coffee trees are 10 eastern Africa and areas of the Arabian Peninsula. Coffee was first grown and traded 11 . Most coffee came from what is now Yemen. Soon, coffee was 12 all over the Middle East. By the seventeenth century coffee had been 13 to Europe. European traders started bringing coffee plants to other parts of the world. The Dutch brought coffee to the 14 . And by the twentieth century, most of the world's production came from Central and South America. Today, Brazil is the 15 of coffee in the world.Most people know what a coffee bean looks like, but what about the plant? Coffee trees can grow up to 16 , but they are cut short for production. These trees have shiny dark green leaves that grow on 17 of each other on a stem. The plant produces a fruit that is called 18 . When the coffee cherries are ripe and ready to pick, they are 19 . Inside the fruits are the green coffee beans. After these beans are roasted 20 they are ready to be made into a drink.B: Listening ComprehensionStatements21、A. We still have 40 minutes left before departure. B. We still have20 minutes left before departure.C. We still have 50 minutes left before departure.D. We still have 45 minutes left before-departure.22、A. Aunt Polly thought that Tom was the one who ate the pie.B. Aunt Polly believed that Tom didn't eat the pie.C. Aunt Polly ate the pie herself and Tom was innocent.D. Aunt Polly suspected that Tom's pie was eaten by someone.23、A. We have to use stronger drugs because this pill does not work.B. This pill alleviates the pain, so we don't need to use stronger drugs.C. We prefer this pill to stronger drugs to alleviate the pain.D. This pill is better than any other stronger drugs to alleviate the pain.24、A. Yuki can't speak English, so she need to go to America.B. Yuki speaks English better than most Japanese do.C. Yuki will improve her English in America.D. Yuki will learn English in America instead of Japan.25、A. We should build more schools to ensure our success.B. Education is the very cause we should continue devoting ourselves to.C. To remain competitive in the global economy, we must be ambitious.D. We must commit to our national agenda to remain competitive.26、A. Effective self-management skills are key to academic and career success.B. If you spend a lot of time on your school work, you will become a good manager later.C. School work can be time-consuming and is likely to make you feel exhausted after class.D. Good management calls for more time and energy on the part of the academic staff.27、A. Mr. Paul White has just been fired.B. Mr. Paul White has forgotten the woman's name.C. Mr. Paul White is looking for a job.D. Mr. Paul White has the woman Promoted.28、A. I shall give you a discount.B. The crisis is affecting the whole world.C. I shall come in my Sunday best.D. The price is still too high.29、A. He finished the negotiation in three days.B. He was on a business trip ten days ago.C. His toughness cost him three more days.D. His business trip lasted thirteen days.30、A. We are sure that our children will become positive members of the changing society.B. Children with self-esteem can make positive adjustment and achieve career success.C. Personal goals can be reached with the help of parents who are competent members of the society.D. Parents with confidence will adapt themselves to the changes and accomplish personal goals.Talks and Conversations31、A. He picked up some apples in his yard.B. He cut some branches off the apple tree.C. He quarreled with his neighbor over the fence.D. He cleaned up all the garbage in the woman's yard.32、A. Trim the apple trees in her yard. B. Pick up the apples that fell in her yard.C. Take the garbage to the curb for her.D. Remove the branches from her yard.33、A. File a lawsuit against the man. B. Ask the man for compensation.C. Have the man's apple tree cut down.D. Throw garbage into the man's yard.34、A. He was ready to make a concession. B. He was not intimidated.C. He was not prepared to go to court.D. He was a bit concerned.35、A. It is a necessary part of life. B. It is a time of pressure and stress.C. It is a carefree period of life.D. It is much shorter than it used to be.36、A. Family problems. B. Excellence in sports.C. Self-esteem.D. Acceptance by parents.37、A. Those that used to be meant for adults only.B. Those that divides childhood and adulthood.C. Those that are only related to information technology.D. Those that can help reduce the level of stress.38、A. Children's games. B. Living standard.C. Language lessons.D. Sports performance.39、A. Justify the claims they make. B. Appear in court.C. Get away with their products.D. Always be honest in the ads.40、A. Because she also uses the soap for better skin.B. Because she admires the movie star.C. Because she considers it a good example of certain ads.D. Because she thinks that it is a good idea to have a movie star endorse a product.41、A. Developing new advertisements for old products.B. Educating people about new products.C. Designing useful products for people in need.D. Making a profit in the marketplace.42、A. Price. B. Quality.C. Advertisement.D. Promotion.43、A. In 1800. B. In 1851.C. In 1939.D. In 1950.44、A. To attract people all over the world.B. To save millions of dollars in hotel accommodation.C. To offset the imbalance in foreign trade.D. To outweigh the benefits and potential revenues.45、A. To promote scientific exchanges.B. To define cross-cultural communications.C. To improve their national imagesD. To display their technological advancements.46、A. the presentation of new inventions.B. the promotion of cultural exchanges.C. the ambition of nation branding.D. the creation of a universal language.47、A. He was attending a wedding ceremony.B. He was on his way to Edinburgh.C. He was in the football stadium.D. He was in the cinema, with the woman.48、A. He has done the right thing.B. He has had some bad misses.C. He was overactive.D. He was smart and clever.49、A. Leeds United 2; York City 1.B. Leeds United 3; York City 2.C. Leeds United 1; York City 3.D. Leeds United 2; York City 3.50、A. Sometime later next Sunday.B. Next Sunday as usual in the man's home.C. Before the football stadium opens next Saturday.D. During the football match next Saturday.C: Listening TranslationSectence TranslationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 sentences in English. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Passage Translation56、Our challenges may be new. The instruments with which we meet them may be new. But those values upon which our Success depends hard workand honesty, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism--these things are old. These things are true. They have been the quiet force of progress throughout our history. What is demandedthen is a return to these truths.57、Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown outyour own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to followyour heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly wantto become. Everything else is secondary.SECTION 2: STUDA SKILLSLike many people, I've always seen the Olympics as the "main" sporting event held every four years—the headline act—and theParalyrnpics as something of an "add-on"—the supporting act.It you are not disabled yourself it is hard to understand some of the games and the athletes mobility problems.But being in the host city for these Paralympics changed my perspective.I came to realize these athletes were nothing short of superheroes. Deprived of physical abilities that able-bodied people take for granted, they made up for them and then some. They tested their senses and the boundaries of physical ability to extremes that the Bolts and Phelpsesof this world would never have to.If some Olympic runners had to undergo a double-amputation, I wonder if they would strap two carbon fiber blades to their knees like Oscar Pistorius, also known as Blade Runner, of South Africa, and relearn everything that once came naturally.If some Olympic swimming heroes suddenly went blind, would they havethe courage to still surge through the water like Donovan Tildesley, not knowing when they would reach the end of the pool? Would any of us have the guts to turn around a life-changing experience like a car crash or bad rugby scrum. And not only get our lives back on track but thenstrive to be the best at a sport?"What Paralympic sport would you do if you were disabled?"was a water-cooler question I posed today. It's not something you would normally think about. You don't watch TV as a kid aspiring to be a Paralympian. But it takes more than early mornings, training programsand special diets to get to the Paralympics. It takes a tragedy or loss that will have been grieved over, worked through and overcome.Skiing is terrifying enough if you have all your faculties. Standing at the top of a ski slope, it's a battle of wills for most people to launch themselves, but Canada's Donovan Tildesley, who has been blind frombirth, revealed to a China Daily reporter that not only did he already ski, but he also wanted to take it up competitively.Superheroes indeed, each and every one. The Paralympics should be renamed the "Superlympics". It's nothing to do with the equality denoted by the Greek "para", it's about"super" ability, courage and strength that most of us, the top able-bodied athletes of the world included, will never have to muster.It's worth remembering that many Paralympians suffered horrificinjuries while living life to the full. You don't get paralyzed sitting at home playing video games. And having lived life to the full they are not prepared to stop. That's the lesser talked about "Paralympic spirit".I only hope that if life dealt me or my loved ones similar blows we would tackle them in the same way as these outstanding men and women.58、 What does the author think of Paralympic athletes?A. They are more than heroes.B. They are unsung heroes.C. They are second only to superheroes.D. They are able-bodied superheroes.59、 By saying "... and then some" (para. 2), the author means that ______.A. Paralympic athletes made up for some physical abilitiesB. not all Paralympic athletes were able to make up for physicalabilitiesC. there are some abilities that disabled athletes cannot make up forD. there are some other abilities besides what has been made up for60、 What does the author imply in Paragraphs 3 and 4?A. Some Olympic stars will turn into Paralympic competitors whendisable&B. Olympic stars' career will come to a natural end when they are disabled.C. It takes more guts to be Paralympic athletes than Olympic athletes.D. It is anybody's guess whether Olympic stars will strive to be the best at sports.61、 The word "faculties" (para. 6) is closest in meaning toA. facilitiesB. abilitiesC. handicapsD. adversities62、 According to the author, what should be learned from Paralympic athletes?A. Rising above their physical disabilities.B. Coming to terms with what they suffer.C. Playing video games to live life to the full.D. Working their way through sporting competitions.Recent years have brought minority-owned businesses in the UnitedStates unprecedented opportunities as well as new and significant risks. Civil rights activists have long argued that one of the principal reasons why Blacks, Hispanics, and other minority groups have difficulty establishing themselves in business is that they lack access to the sizable orders and subcontracts that are generated by large companies. Now Congress, in apparent agreement, has required by law that businesses awarded federal contracts of more than $ 500, 000 do their best to find minority subcontractors and record their efforts to do so on forms filed with the government. Indeed, (some federal and local agencies) have gone so far as to set specific percentage goals for apportioning part of public works contracts to minority enterprises.Corporate response appears to have been substantial. (According to figures collected in 1977, the total of corporate contracts withminority businesses rose from $ 77 million in 1972 to $1.1 billion in1977. ) The projected total of corporate contracts with minority businesses for the early 1980s is estimated to be over $ 3 billion per year with no letup anticipated in the next decade.Promising as it is for minority businesses, this increased patronage poses dangers for them, too. First, minority firms risk expanding too fast and overextending themselves financially, since most are small concerns and, unlike large businesses, they often need to make substantial investments in new plants, staff, equipment, and the like in order to perform work subcontracted to them. If, thereafter, their subcontracts are for some reason reduced, such firms can facepotentially crippling fixed expenses. The world of corporate purchasing can be frustrating for small entrepreneurs who get requests forelaborate formal estimates and bids. Both consume valuable time and resources, and a small company's efforts must soon result in orders, or both the morale and the financial health of the business will suffer.A second risk is that White-owned companies may seek to cash in on the increasing apportionments through formation of joint ventures with minority-owned concerns. Of course, in many instances there are legitimate reasons for joint ventures; clearly, White and minority enterprises can team up to acquire business that neither could acquire alone. But civil rights groups and minority business owners have complained to Congress about minorities being set up as"fronts" with White backing, rather than being accepted asfull partners in legitimate joint ventures.Third, a minority enterprise that secures the business of one large corporate customer often run the danger of becoming and remaining dependent. Even in the best of circumstances, fierce competition from larger, more established companies makes it difficult for small concerns to broaden their customer bases: when such firms have nearly guaranteed orders from a single corporate benefactor, they may truly have to struggle against complacency arising from their current success.63、 The primary purpose of the passage is to ______.A. present a commonplace idea and its inaccuraciesB. describe a situation and its potential drawbacksC. propose a temporary solution to a problemD. analyze a frequent source of disagreement64、 The passage supplies information that would answer which of the following questions? ______A. Why federal agencies have set percentage goals for the use of minority-owned businesses in public works contracts?B. To which government agencies must businesses awarded federal contracts report their efforts to find minority subcontractors?C. How widespread is the use of minority-owned concerns as"fronts" by White backers seeking to obtain subcontracts?D. What is one set of conditions under which a small business mightfind itself financially overextended?65、 According to the passage, civil rights activist maintain that one disadvantage under which minority-owned businesses have traditionally had to labor is that they have ______.A. not had sufficient opportunity to secure business created by large corporationsB. been especially vulnerable to government mismanagement of the economyC. been denied bank loans at rates comparable to those afforded larger competitorsD. not been able to advertise in those media that reach large numbersof potential customers66、 The author implies that a minority-owned concern that does the greater part of its business with one large corporate customer should______.A. avoid competition with larger, more established concerns by not expandingB. concentrate on securing even more business from that corporationC. try to expand its customer base to avoid becoming dependent on the corporationD. use its influence with the corporation to promote subcontractingwith other minority concerns67、 The author would most likely agree with which of the following statements about corporate response to working with minority subcontractors? ______A. Annoyed by the proliferation of "front" organizations, corporations are likely to reduce their efforts to work with minority-owned subcontractors in the near future.B. Although corporations showed considerable interest in working with minority businesses in the 1970's, their aversion to government paperwork made them reluctant to pursue many government contracts.C. The significant response of corporations in the t970's is likely to be sustained and conceivably be increased throughout the 1980's.D. Although corporations are eager to cooperate with minority-owned businesses, a shortage of capital in the 1970's made substantial response impossible.It looks unlikely that medical science will abolish the process of ageing. But it no longer looks impossible."In the long run," as John Maynard Keynes observed, "we are all dead." True. But can the short run be elongated in a way that makes the long run longer? And if so, how, and at what cost? People have dreamt of immorality since ancient times. Now, with the growth of biological knowledge that has marked the past few decades, a few researchers believe it might be within reach.To think about the question, it is important to understand why organisms — people included —age in the first place. People are like machines, they wear out. That much is obvious. However, a machine can always be repaired. A good mechanic with a stock of spare parts can keep it going indefinitely. Eventually, no part of the original may remain, but it still carries on, like Lincoln's famous axe that had three new handles and two new blades.The question, of course, is whether the machine is worth repairing. It is here that people and nature disagree. Or, to put it slightly differently, two bits of nature disagree with each other. From the individual's point of view, survival is an imperative. A fear of deathis a sensible evolved response and, since ageing is a sure way of dying, it is no surprise that people want to stop it in its tracks. Moreover, even the appearance of ageing can be harmful. It reduces the range of potential sexual partners who find you attractive and thus, again, curbs your reproduction.The paradox is that the individual's evolved desire not to age is opposed by another evolutionary force, the disposable soma. The soma is all of a body's cells apart from the sex cells. The soma's role is to get those sex cells, and thus the organism's genes, into the next generation. If the soma is a chicken, then it really is just an egg'sway of making another egg. And if evolutionary logic requires the somato age and die in order for this to happen, so be it. Which is a pity,for evolutionary logic does, indeed, seem to require that.The argument is this. All organisms are going to die of something eventually. That something may be an accident, a fight, a disease or an encounter with a hungry predator. There is thus a premium on reproducing early rather than conserving resources for a future that may never come. The reason why repairs are not perfect is that they are costly and resources invested in them might be used for reproduction instead. Often, therefore, the body's mechanics prefer lash-ups to complete rebuilds —or simply do not bother with the job at all. And if that is so, theplace to start looking for longer life is in the repair shop.68、 The word "elongated"(Para. 2) is closest in meaning to______ .A. perpetuatedB. promotedC. stretchedD. enhanced69、 Why does the author mention Lincoln's axe?A. To tell people that a simple tool can be repaired thoroughly.B. To make people realize that immortality is not possible.C. To illustrate the fact that the prospect of growing old is intolerable.D. To suggest an anti-ageing approach that will reproduce itself.70、 What do we know from the passage about people and nature?A. People and nature exist in harmony and hardly disagree.B. The evolutionary force in nature helps delay the ageing process.C. People seem now in a position to harness nature.D. Death is the reality in nature people should come to terms with.71、 For whom does the author probably write this passage?A. General readers.B. Health service workers.C. Medical scientists.D. Elderly people.72、 It is implied in the passage that ______ .A. people put a premium on youth and physical appearanceB. death is treated as a matter of courseC. evolutionary force makes immortality possibleD. reproduction is a useful alternative to longer lifeIn the information technology industry, it is widely acknowledged that how well IT departments of the future can fulfil their business goalswill depend not on the regular updating of technology, which isessential for them to do, but on how well they can hold on to the people skilled at manipulating the newest technology. This is becoming more difficult. Best estimates of the current shortfall in IT staff in the UK are between 30,000 and 50,000, and growing.And there is no end to the problem in sight. A severe industry-widelack of investment in training means the long-term skills base is both ageing and shrinking. Employers are chasing experienced staff in ever-decreasing circles, and according to a recent government report, 250,000 new IT jobs will be created over the next decade.Most employers are confining themselves to dealing with the immediate problems. There is little evidence, for example, that they are stepping up their intake of raw recruits for in-house training, or re-training existing staff from other functions. This is the course of action recommended by the Computer Software Services Association, but research shows its members are adopting the short-term measure of bringing inmore and more consultants on a contract basis. However, this approach is becoming less and less acceptable as the general shortage of skills,coupled with high demand, sends contractor rates soaring. An experienced contract programmer, for example, can now earn at least double the current permanent salary.With IT professionals increasingly attracted to the financial rewards and flexibility of consultancy work, average staff turnover rates are estimated to be around 15%. While many companies in the financial services sector are managing to contain their losses by offering skilled IT staff 'golden handcuffs'—deferred loyalty bonuses that tie them in until a certain date—other organisations, like local governments, are unable to match the competitive salaries and perks on offer in theprivate sector and contractor market, and are suffering turnover ratesof up to 60% a year.Many industry experts advise employers to link bonuses to performance wherever possible. However, employers are realising that bonuses will only succeed if they are accompanied by other incentives such as attractive career prospects, training, and challenging work that meets the individual' s long-term ambition.This means managers need to allocate assignments more strategically and think about advancing their staff as well as their business. Some employers advocate giving key employees projects that would normally be handled by people with slightly more experience or capability. For many employers, however, the urgency of the problem demands a more immediate solution, such as recruiting skilled workers from overseas. But eventhis is not easy, with strict quotas on the number of work permits issued. In addition, opposition to the recruitment of IT people from other countries is growing, as many professionals believe it will leadto even less investment in training and thus a long-term weakening ofthe UK skills base.73、 According to the first paragraph, the success of IT departments will depend on ______.A. their success in retaining their skilled staffB. the extent to which they invest in new technologyC. their attempts to recruit staff with the necessary skillsD. the ability of employers to keep up with the latest developments74、 A problem referred to in the second paragraph is that ______.A. the government needs to create thousands of new IT postsB. the pool of skilled IT people will get even smaller in the futureC. company budgets for IT training have been decreasing steadilyD. older IT professionals have not had adequate training75、 What possible solution to the long-term problems in the IT industry is referred to in the third paragraph?A. Ensuring that permanent staff earn the same as contract staff.B. Expanding company training programmes for employees.C. Conducting more research into the causes of staff leaving.D. Offering top rates to attract the best specialist consultants.76、 In the financial services sector, the IT staffing problem has led to ______.A. cash or other benefits for skilled staff after a specified period of timeB. more employees seeking alternative employment in the public sectorC. the loss of customers to rival organisationsD. more flexible conditions of work for their staff77、 According to the final paragraph, the UK skill base will be weakened by ______.A. changes to managers' strategic thinkingB. insufficient responsibility being given to IT staffC. the employment of IT staff with too little experienceD. the hiring of IT personnel from abroadThe world seems to be going diet crazy, and yet our nation's obesity rate has shot up year after year. And, it's not only the over 20 population that has to worry about their weight anymore. Children from kindergarten to twelfth grade are also experiencing the problems of an overweight lifestyle.According to the website , 11% of adolescents are categorized as being over-weight, and another 16% are in danger of becoming overweight. This is a 60% jump from the 1980's.Some of the blame is being put on schools wanting to fit more academic classes into the children's schedule rather than waste time on physical education. This new take on education has left us with physical activity at an all-time national low, resulting in obesity and poor physical conditioning at an all-time national high. The schools have tried a few solutions; the most recent in the news has been taking soda out of schools and increasing the required time children must be active during school.Will those methods help at all? Education is important at school, but starts at home. I believe students are getting their bad habits from watching their parents and how they eat and exercise. The school system only helps to hinder the child's dietary eating. I know there arestudies showing genes that determine how a child will be built. That does not explain however, why the rate continues to increase at such a rapid rate each year. It seems more likely that more and more families have both parents working, leaving their children to their own means for a meal."Nintendo, TV, Playstation and the like," are what Physical Education teacher, Sue Arostegui, attributes the inactiveness to."Parents are either gone or too scared with today's society to let them out and play."Classes on health need to become more regular and sports need to be encouraged. At Live Oak High School the staff does a good job of teaching how to eat and exercise to stay healthy. The freshmen study health every Wednesday in RE., and Para James teaches healthy eating and food preparation in Home Economics for the first few weeks of every school year."Kids have no idea how many calories they are eating," said James of the overweight problems facing students. "Fast food is becoming more popular, it's easier and parents are busy. They are only setting their kids up to gain weight with that diet however."School cafeterias are also getting blamed for the students' eating habits. "Healthy eating should start at home," said L.O.H.S. cafeteria cool Brenda Myers. "Too many kids are being raised onfast food. After eating so much fast food they don't have any tastes for real home cooked food. I always have healthy foods for students, but they are less likely to eat them."Other schools do not even have the type of programs Live Oak offers and are suffering even worse consequences. Sports keep students fit and healthy. There need to be more readily available sports programs for anyone who would like to join. Many students when they feel they do not meet the standards for a team will admit defeat and drop off the team: There needs to be a program that all students will be interested in and continue through for the entire season.。
中级口译 2
中级口译 2-1机场迎宾Greetings at the airportA: 先生,请问您是从伦敦来的泰莱克教授吗?Excuse me, sir; is this Prof. Tallack from London?B: 是的,我是伦敦大学亚非学院的乔治泰莱克。
我要是没认错的话,您一定是戴小姐?Yes, I’m George Tallack from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.You must be Miss Dai, if I’m not mistaken.A: 是的,我叫戴嘉佳,海通集团人力资源部经理。
Yes, I’m Dai Jiajia, manager of Human Resources, the Haitong Group. I have been expecting you,Prof. Tallack.B: 谢谢您来机场接我。
Thank you for coming to meet me at the airport. This is a fantastic airport, absolutely one of thetop-notch international airports.A: 我很高兴在我的家乡接待您。
I’m very glad to have the pleasure of meeting you in my hometown. This is indeed a f irst-class international airport, as everybody says so. You’re welcome. We’re very happy that you made it in spite of the tiring trip. We’re very grateful that you took time from your busy schedule and came to Haitong to give us advice.B: 我一直希望能真正了解赫赫有名的“海通集团”,你们也给了我近距离了解中国企业的机会,我感激不尽。
翻译考试中级口译模拟试题(2)翻译考试中级口译模拟试题点击查看试题答案及解析SECTION 2: STUDY SKILLS (50 minutes)Directions: In this section, you will read several passages. Each passage is followed by several questions based on its content. You are to choose ONE best answer, A., B., C. or D., to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Questions 1~5Today one in every ten of us has difficulty getting to sleep and, according to Dr. Ian Oswald of Edinburgh university, the reason is simple. Most people who can't sleep are their own worst enemies. They go to bed too early.For every person who works most efficiently on the usual eight hours of sleep a night, two work best on five or six, and two on nine or ten. Voltaire made do with three hours but Sir Winston Churchill would happily sleep for 12~14 hours at a stretch if he could.So how much sleep does a person really need? It seems that the national average for men is seven hours and ten minutes, and for women ten minutes less, but everyone's needs are different. Find out what you need and, according to Dr. Ernest Hartmann, one of America's leading sleep scientists, you're well on your way to allowing your body to work at its greatest efficiency.After studying the sleep habits of nearly 1000 people, Dr Hartmann believes it's the amount of deep sleep we get thatreally matters. We all need roughly the same amount—about 75 minutes a night. The rest, a shallower type of sllep, vaies greatly from person to person.How much of the second type of sleep, you need seems to depend on what sort of person you are. According to Dr. Hartmann short sleepers—those sleeping less than six hours a night— were busy, active people, employed in demanding jobs, and often worked a 60 or 70-hour week. Most of them had started sleeping shorter hours to deal with the pressure of schoolwork or business and fornd that a few hours sleep a night was quite enough. Their defence against worry and stress was usually to keep so busy that I don't have time to think about these things. ...”Most of the long sleepers —those needing at least nine hours — were self-employed. Almost all of them had slept for nine hours a night since late childhood, long before their work pattern became fixed. They tended to complain more than the short sleepers and several admitted that sleeping was an escape from life.In the past it was believed that too much sleep could be just as disturbing as too little, but now a study in America has shown that many people can enjoy ten hours or more and still be able to sleep through the following night.A sleep rese archer says: “No one should worry about not sleeping unless they are not feeling well or cannot do their work properly. Lack of sleep doesn't matter greatly if we are resting—the body can still get on with its repain work. But worrying about not sleeping can sometimes do you harm. There would be far less sleeplessness about if we planned our sleeping lives as carefully as we plan our waking ones.”1.According to the passage, people have difficulty getting to sleep because.A. they work more than sixty hours a weekB. they have too many enemiesC. they do not sleep happilyD. they are not tired enough2. In comparison with Voltaire, Sir Winston Churchill.A. was happier with three hours of sleepB. would sleep more when stretched outC. world enjoy a longer sleep if possibleD. was less happy when he was asleep3. Studies show that the average woman.A. sleeps less than the average manB. sleeps longer when she goes out to workC. has difficulty in getting to sleepD. sleeps over eight hours a night4. Dr. Harmann is mentioned in the passage.A. as the opponent of Dr. Ian OswaldB. because he has strange sleeping habitsC. as the pioneering sleep scientistD. because of his observation and analysis of sleep habits5. Not being able to sleep can be dangerous if we.A. are feeling wellB. worry about it too muchC. repair our bodies by restingD. plan our sleeping lives carefullyQuestions 6~10I think it was De Mandeville who suggested a river party for the staffs of the various embassies. Nor, on the face of it, was the idea a bad one. All winter long the logs come down the River Sava until the frost locks them in: now with the spring thaw theriver has a pontoon of treetrunks some forty feet wide lining the bank under the willows so that you can walk out over the river, avoiding the margins, and swim in the deep water.These logs had been made into a hundred feet by sixty—big enough even to dance on. While everyone was dancing the rumba and while the buffet was plying a heavy trade, it was noticed that the distance between the raft and the shore had noticeably increased. The gang-plank subsided in the ooze. It was not a great distance—perhaps ten feet. But owing to the solid resistance such a large raft set up in the main current the pull was definitely outward. But as yet nobody was alarmed; indeed most of the party thought it was part of a planned entertainment.As we approached the next bend of the river it looked as if the whole thing would run aground on the bank, and a few of us made preparations to grab hold of the overhanging willows and halt our progress. But by ill luck a change in the current carried usjust too far into the centre of the river and we were carried past the spit of land, vainly groping at the tips of bushes.It was about another five minutes before the full significance of our position began to dawn upon us. By this time we were moving in stately fashion down the centre of the river, all lit up like a Christmas tree. Exclamations, suggestions, counter suggestions poured from the lips of the diplomates and their spouses in a dozen tongues.Unknown to us, too, other factors were being introduced which were to make this a memorable night for us all. Spy-mania was at its height and the Yugoslav forces lived in a permanent state of alertness. There were frequent rumours of armed raids from Czechoslovakia.It was in this context that some Yugoslav infantryman at an observation post along the river saw what hetook to be a large armed man on war full of Czech paratroops in dinner jackets and ball dresses sailing upon Belgrade. He did not wait to verify this first impression. He galloped into Belgrade Castle a quarter of an hour later on a foam-flecked mule with the news that the city was about to be invaded.6. According to the passage, a river party was practicable because__________.A. the river was lined with willow treesB. the banks were not muddy at this timeC. there was a suitable surface for walking onD. there was not too much frost at this season7. The raft started moving from the shore because___________.A. the gang-plank had fallen in the mudB. the buffet was too heavyC. it was too large to stay in placeD. the organisers wanted to surprise the guests8. The raft did not stop at the next bend because_______________.A. there was too much mud on the river bankB. There were only bushes to catch hold ofC. the current made it swirl outwardsD. the water was not shallow enough9. According to the passage, people on the raft were____________.A. completely unaware of their situationB. quarrelling angrilyC. indignant with the organizers of the partyD. anxious to help solve the problem10. The Yugoslav look out made a mistake because______________.A. the party were dressed in soldiers' uniformsB. the raft was sailing towards BelgradeC. many of the party were armedD. he was affected by the general tensionQuestions 11~15The elephants left the shade, crossed an open piece of grass between bushes, and came towards the mud-pool where my truck was parked. One by one they arrived on the shore, but, just as they seemed to be about to bathe in the inviting muddy liquid, they became aware of the silent truck with its tell-tale smell of man. the leading elephant merely spread her ears and cautiously backed away taking the young elephants with her.A smaller mother elephant continued to stand next to the pool, however, swinging her long trunk and swaying her head from side to side, always keeping an eye on the truck. The baby elephant behind her held up his head, waving his trunk to sample the suspicious smell in the wind. The mother elephant seemed to be uncertain about whether to come on and investigate the truck or to back away with the other. Finally she made up her mind and slowly advanced on the truck. Her ears were helf out, and her trunk moved inquiringly towards the vehicle and then back under her stomach in a rhythmic swing.I was fascinated by this close approach. Never before had I been able to see the hairiness around the jaw, nor smell the warm scent of elephant, which now reached me in concentrated waves. The mother elephant's steps were slow but determine, and brought her to within a couple of metres of me.She gave the impression of being intensely curious about this metal object with had appeared in her world and behaved as if it were itself an animal. I wondered how far she would acceptthe situation and, if after all the centuries of men killing elephant, she would ever allow me to approach her on foot. T o be able to move freely among the elephants without their minding was an exciting thought, but I certainly did not expect it would ever be possible.11. It was the elephants' intention to___________.A. feed on the grassB. lie in the sunshineC. swim in the poolD. avoid the mud12. The presence of the writer and his vehicle______________.A. was not noticed by the elephantsB. made the leading elephant suspiciousC. made the adult elephants curiousD. frightened all the elephants away13. How did the smaller elephant react to the truck?A. She showed more curiosity than other elephants.B. She kept her baby away from it.C. After some hesitation she moved away with other elephants.D. She rushed up to it excitedly.14.While he watched the mother elephant approaching, the author______________.A. was worried that the elephants were too closeB. found the smell very unpleasantC. was impressed by the elephant's sizeD. saw the details he had not noticed before15. The author did not expect he would ever be able to_________________.A. see the elephants killedB. touch the elephantsC. walk about freely near the elephantsD. drive his truck close to the elephantsQuestions 16~20Whatever may be said against mass circulation magazines and newspapers, it can hardly be argued that they are out of touch with their reader's daydreams, and therefore the inducements such as gifts and prizes and prizes they hold out to them must be a near accurate reflection of their unfulfilled wants and aspirations. Study these and you will assuredly understand a good deal of what it is that makes society tick.Looking back, for example, to the twenties and thirties, we can see that circulation managers unerringly diagnosed the twin obsessions which dominated that era of mass unemployment-economic insecurity and a passionate concern for the next generation. Thus it was that readers were recruited with offers of free insurance policies for the one, and free instant, or an arm in a flood, could confidently expect to collect several hundred pounds from the Daily This of the Evening That. The family who could not afford to send their son to grammar school could find consolation in equipping him with the complete work of Shakespeare in one magnificent, easy to read volume.After the war the need to fall into step with the new consumer society was soon realised. If you were flanked by neighbours who, unlike you, could afford a holiday abroad, then winning an easy competition could set you up with a fortnight in an exotic sunspot. Dishwashers, washing machines, slow-cookers and deep-fat-friers were—and still are — available by the same means.16. The writer finds the study of gifts and prizes interesting because it_____________.A. shows the power of the popular pressB. reveals social trendsC. confirms his view of human natureD. exposesjournalistic dishonesty17. It can be inferred from the passage that newspapers in the 1920s and 1930s offered their readers gifts in order to______________.A. spread popular educationB. increase their circulationC. improve social conditionsD. enrich their readers' knowledge18. The choice of gifts tells us that the circulation managers______________.A. despised their readersB. wanted to educate their readersC. understood their readersD. enjoyed being powerful19. According to the passage, one of the reasons why readers in the 1920s and 130s were attracted by free insurance policies was that_____________.A. they were afraid of being unable to workB.jobs were more dangerous thenC. they had bigger families to look afterD. money was given away with the policies20. Why did holidays abroad become a common prize after the war?A. People became more interested in material possessions.B. Everyone wanted the opportuity to travel.C. Group travel became easier.D. People wanted to get away from familiar surroundings.Questions 21~25Extract 1A stylish dining room with cream walls and curtains and black carpet ad foil to an eclectic array of furniture. Many of the piecesare classics of their particular era, and demonstrate how old and new designs can be happily mixed together. The prototype chair in the foreground has yet to prove its staying power and was thought up by the flat's occupant. He is pictured in his living area which has the same decorative theme and is linked to the dining-room by a high Medieval-styled archway where there was once a redundant and uninspiring fireplace.Extract 2Old bathrooms often contain a great deal of ugly pipework in need of disguising. This can either be done by boxing in the exposed pipes, or by fitting wood panelling over them.As wood panelling can be secured over almost anything—including old ceramic tiles and chipped walls—it is an effective way of disguising pipework as well as being an attractive form of decoration. The panelling can be vertical, horizontal or diagonal.An alternative way to approach the problem of exposed pipes is to actually make them a feature of the room by picking the pipework out in bright strong colours.Extract 3Cooking takes second place in this charming room which, with its deep armchairs, is more of a sitting-room than a kitchen, and the new Rayburn stove was a good choice, as it blends in well with the old brick and beamed fireplace. There are no fitted units or built-in appliances, so all food preparation is done at the big farmhouse table in the foreground, and the china, pots and pans have been deliberately left on show to make an attractive display. What about the kitchen sink? It's hidden away behind an archway which leads into a small scullery. Here there's a second cooker and —in the best farmhouse tradition a huge, walk-in larder for all food storage.21. In what way does the colour of the carpet contribute to the stylishness of the dining room?A. It darkens the interior of the room.B. It provides a contrast to the furniture.C. It blends in with the tones of the funrniture.D. It gives the room a classical style.22. What is the purpose of the archway described in Extract 1?A. To hide an unattractive fireplace.B. To give the room an exotic eastern style.C. To Join the dining room with another room.D. to make room for the unusual seating arrangements.23. Extract 2 is most probably taken from___________.A. a fashion magazineB. a plumber's manualC. a do-it yourself magazineD. an advertisement for new bathrooms24. Extracts 2 and 3 focus on____________.A. old furnitureB. colour schemesC. cheap improvementsD. decorative approaches25. Which of the following rooms is NOT described in the three extracts?A. Dining-room.B. Siting-room.C. Bath-room.D. Kitchen.Question 26~30If You Really Want to Read This, You'll Be too BusyNEW YORK—Pythagoras had his theorems, Einstein his theories and Murphy his laws. I have developed the maxim of inverse reciprocals.After years of research, I've determined inverse reciprocalsaffecting all human endeavors. Consider these categorized examples.Travel There is an inverse reciprocal between:·the amount of luggage you are carrying and the distance from curbside to the airline ticket counter. The more luggage, the greater the distance.·the ammount of time you have left before the flight leaves and the distance you must go to reach the gate from which the plane leaves. If you have 30 minutes, the gate is 25 feet from the ticket counter. If you have three minutes, the gate is on the other side of airport.Vacations These is an inverse reciprocal between:·the size of the nonrefundable deposit you have already made and the health of the children(or spouse) the night before you are scheduled to leave.·the time at which you take a much needed long weekend, and the weather conditions during just those days.Entertainment There is an inverse reciprocal between:·our desire to see a film to the spur of the moment and the length of the line in front of you (and, perforce, the possiblility of tickets being available when you are next).·the time left to reach a theather for the opeining curtain (or, the start of movie) and the amount of traffic on the highway that you must take to get there (or, the number of red lights for which you must stop, if taking local roads).Home Care There is an inverse reciprocal between:·the number of plumbing parts removed, coupled with the importance of completing the new assembly, and the availability of one key nut (or, more generally, the need for a specific product and the time the store closes).·the volume of leaves gathered in a pile and the velocity of the wind immediately after the pile is made.Business There is an inverse reciprocal between:·the importance of the guests you are entertaining, coupled with the size of the bill, and either the credit cards accepted at the restaurant (relative to the credit cards in your wallet), the amount of cash in your pocket or the balance in your checkbook.·the new baby-sitter's curfew and the time it will take you to make the round trip to the dinner party your boss is giving.In each instance, which of the following statements (A), (B), (C) or (D) offers the best advice or comment in view of what the author has to say on the five subjects?26. TravelA. It takes a long time to buy tickets.B. It is best to travel light.C. It is best not to arrive too early.D. Latecomers usually catch their planes.27. VacationsA. Look for holidays with small deposits.B. Never pay too small a deposit.C. Book a day or two before you leave.D. Don't pay too much attention to weather forecasts.28. EntertainmentA. Give yourself plenty of time.B. Latecomers have most advantages.C. Traffic affects the size of a line (queue).D. Avoid main roads on evenings out.29. Home CareA. Don't try to do it yourself.B. Complete the new assembly in time.C. Supply yourself with sufficient parts.D. Remove the leaves gathered in a pile.30. BusinessA. Spend without limit on important guests.B. Carry your credit card when entertaining.C. Don't try to entertain guests cheaply.D. Be suitably prepared before entertaining.SECTION 3: TRANSLATION TEST (1) (30 minutes)Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.On August 6, 1997, when 55,000 people gathered in Hiroshima to commemorate the 46th anniversary of the devastating bombing that killed an estimated 140,000 people and brought World War Ⅱto a sudden halt, the city's newly elected mayor broke with tradition by adding a few uncustomay lines to the annual Peace Declaration. It should also be recalled, he declared, that“Japan inflicted great suffering and despair on the peoples of Asia and the Pacific during its reign of colonial domination and war. For this we are truly sorry. ”Noting that this year marks the 50th anniversary of the Japaness assalt on the U.S., he added, “Remembering all too well the horror of this war, starting with the attack on Pearl Harbor and ending with the atombombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we are determined anew to work for world peace.”Usually, in Japan, when people discuss the war at all, they speak of vicitimization: their own victimization by the militarists who led the country into battle and by the Americans who bombed their cities. The suffering inflicted by the imperial army on the peoples of Asia is ignored, as is Japna's aggression inChina and at Pearl Harbor. The appealing image of Japan the victim has no room for the underside of Japan the aggressor.。
Unit 1【例1】The history of a tree from the time it starts in the forest until the boards which it yields are used, would form an interesting and, in many instances, an exciting story.(“×”号表示译文有问题,下同)×树的历史开始于森林中,直到生产为木板后被使用为止,成为一个有趣且有许多事例的激动人心的故事。
例2】There are two regulatory systems which interact. One timing system comes from the evidence of our senses and stomachs, and the periodicity we experience when living in a particular time zone.×有两个调节系统相互作用。
如:【例3】I can see three different 无效s of composers in musical history, each of whom creates music in a somewhat different fashion.×我能看到音乐史上有三种不同的作曲家,他们中每一个人以某种不同的方式创作音乐。
《中级口译教程》学习重点2—1 Greetings at the Airport 机场迎宾1. 人力资源部经理Manager of Human Resources Division2。
top—notch 顶尖的/拔尖的notch: 槽口/ 凹口3. 百忙中抽空take time from one’s busy schedule4. run into a strom 撞上/偶遇风暴run into=run across=meet sb/sth accidently=by chanve=unexpectedly5. 倒时差to get over the jet-lag6. 设宴洗尘to hold a reception party in one’s honor7.典型的中国杂技a typical Chinese acrobatic show8.集团总裁Chairman of the Board2-2 Hotel Accommodation 宾馆入住1. 旅行社travel agency/travel service2。
itinerary 路线/旅行预定路线 a route or proposed route of a journey3。
豪华套房deluxe/luxury suite4。
8折优惠价 a good rate with 20% off5. 总台Front Desk6。
餐饮部Catering Service7. 洗熨部Laundry Service2—3 Banquet Service1.满足客人的不同需求:cater to the different needs of our guests2。
敬业的专家:dedicated experts3。
没有她的最后努力,还不知道现在会怎么样呢:Without her last—minute effort, we would still be in the middle of nowhere。
英语翻译中级口译模拟试题及答案解析(7)(1~20/共20题)SECTION 1: LISTENING TESTA: Spot DictationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.Play00:0002:37VolumeNews can be something the authorities want you to know, or something they would rather keep secret: an announcement of a 1 , denial of a failure, or a secret scandal that nobody really wants you to 2 . If the authorities want to tell the world some good news, they issue statements, communiques, and call 3 . Or politicians make speeches. Local newspapers, radio and television help to 4 to what is going on. And by making contacts with 5 , journalists can ask for more information or explanations to help them 6 .Unless the correspondent is an 7 , it is rare to trust any single source. Officials have a policy to defend, and 8 want to attack it. Rumor and gossip can also confuse the situation. So, you have to 9 as much as possible, using common sense and experience as final checks to help establish just what´s likely to be the truth, or 10 .Just getting the news is only half the job. A correspondent may be well-informed, but his job is to 11 , the public. So, once the information is available it has to be written 12 which is also easily understood. Particularly for radio, since, while a newspaper reader can turn back and reread a sentence or two, the radio listener has 13 . This also means that only a limited number of facts can be contained in a sentence and that there should be an 14 . And vital information necessary to understand the latest development should be presented 15 in ease the producer of a news program decides to 16 an item, by cutting for example the last sentence or two.Finally, the style of presentation must 17 . A cheerful voice might be perfect for a 18 . But it would be sadly out of place for a report of a 19 . And this would also confuse and distract the listener, probably 20 just what had happened and to whom.第1题第2题第3题第4题第5题第6题第7题第8题第9题第10题第11题第12题第13题第14题第15题第16题第17题第18题第19题第20题下一题(21~25/共10题)B: Listening ComprehensionStatementsDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper; so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Play00:0001:52Volume第21题A.Sarah gets her head knocked on the door in a rush to deliver the work on time.B.Though Sarah tried her best on the job, she failed the expectation of her boss.C.Sarah worked very hard in the hope of getting promoted.D.Sarah´s boss gave her an empty promise, even though Sarah has worn herself out on the job. 第22题A.I barely had enough time to finish my paper.B.I didn´t hear the phone because I was typing.C.Someone called just as I started to work.D.I was busy with typing and answering a phone call at the same time.第23题A.The better half of the class decided to cancel the lectureB.Teacher was surprised to find less than half of the class was present, but he decided to give his lecture as originally planned.C.The teacher´s surprising announcement to cancel the lecture led to chaos.D.Unexpectedly, less than half0f class were present.第24题A.The author has included some of her life in the book.B.Like most story-tellers, she is fond of drawing illustration for her book.C.The author is supposed to be experienced at writing friction, yet I find her book bit disappointing.D.Experience and personal imagination is of equal importance to such a story-teller as her.第25题A.Donna should give her friends a chance to explain.B.Donna shouldn´t bother to try to change her friends´ opinion.C.Donna´s friends are too deaf to give any attention to her suggestion.D.Donna should convince her brother to visit her friends.上一题下一题(26~30/共10题)B: Listening ComprehensionStatementsDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper; so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Play00:0001:26Volume第26题uren wants people to believe that she is rich.uren was not rich, but she is made to be rich now.uren is not as rich as people believe her to be.uren is pretty rich after inheriting a fortune.第27题A.Jeffery continued to give his opinion on me.B.Jeffery cared about me when giving opinions.C.Jeffery didn´t care what I felt.D.Jeffery had a lot of opinions to give on the matter.第28题A.Hark work often brings about discomfort in parts of the human body.B.If you are nervous, you may hurt yourself in performing this kind of task.C.Those staff members who work back to back are hard on each other.D.This exercise is to relax your muscles in the neck, the shoulder and the back.第29题A.Dr. Carter avoids the company of others whenever possible.B.Dr. Carter is too busy to have a cup of coffee.C.Dr. Carter is a quite sociable person.D.Dr. Carter is a lonely man according to his colleagues.第30题A.We still have 40 minutes left before departure.B.We still have 20 minutes left before departure.C.We still have 50 minutes left before departure.D.We still have 45 minutes left before departure.上一题下一题(31~34/共20题)Talks and ConversationsDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE. When you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Play00:0002:12Volume第31题plaining to the manager.B.Having a fight with the manager.C.Buying another pair of jeans.D.Trying to get his money back.第32题A.The girl refused to refund the jeans.B.He was given the wrong size.C.The girl deliberately put the jeans in a box.D.The girl didn´t handle his complaint well.第33题A.Apologetic.B.Reasonable.C.Pathetic.D.Fault-finding.第34题A.The manager was off that day.B.It was the policy that you couldn´t refund your money without the receipt.C.The woman will exchange the man´s jeans for a right size.D.The man was satisfied at last.上一题下一题(35~38/共20题)Talks and ConversationsDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE. When you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Play00:0003:27Volume第35题A.A woman is not as capable as a man.B.A woman is not as attentive as a man.C.A woman tends to take the initial step to talk with a man.D.A woman tends to improve the first impression she makes.第36题A.Step to the side to let other people pass.B.Try to walk in alone.C.Go into the room ahead of others.D.Hold her head high to show confidence.第37题A.Give a smile to each man in the group.B.Approach the man in the middle and greet him.C.Stretch out to shake hands with them.D.Walk over to strike a conversation.第38题A.Face to face.B.Any of the fingertip stuffC.Smiling.D.Saying something.上一题下一题(39~42/共20题)Talks and ConversationsDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE. When you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Play00:0003:23Volume第39题A.He was attending a wedding ceremony.B.He was on his way to Edinburgh.C.He was in the football stadium.D.He was in the cinema, with the woman.第40题A.He has done the right thing.B.He has had some bad misses.C.He was overactive.D.He was smart and clever.第41题A.Leeds United 2; York City 1.B.Leeds United 3; York City 2.C.Leeds United 1; York City 3.D.Leeds United 2; York City 3.第42题A.Sometime later next Sunday.B.Next Sunday as usual in the man´s home.C.Before the football stadium opens next Saturday.D.During the football match next Saturday.上一题下一题(43~46/共20题)Talks and ConversationsDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE. When you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you havechosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Play00:00…Volume第43题A.One year.B.Two years.C.Three years.D.Four years.第44题A.20B.25C.75D.125第45题A.Congo, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan and Northern India.B.Afghanistan, Angola, Congo, Somalia and Sudan.C.Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Pakistan and Sudan.D.Nigeria, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Somalia and Northern India.第46题A.To stop the war.B.To stop the crippling of children.C.Eventually to stop immunizing children against polio.D.To develop medical technology in rural areas.上一题下一题(47~50/共20题)Talks and ConversationsDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE. When you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Play00:00…Volume第47题A.The man forgot to buy his wife´s favorite flowers.B.The man didn´t remember their anniversary.C.The man didn´t take his wife out last week.D.The flowers the man bought to his wife are not attractive to his wife.第48题A.A cruise to faraway exotic places.B.A week alone at a hot springs resort.fortable days at high-class accommodations.D.A trip to Chicago.第49题A.Her current stove isn´t working properly.B.The kitchen stove burns the woman´s meals.C.The kitchen range is too small for the family.D.The kitchen stove is not fit for outdoor barbecue.第50题A.She needs smaller sizes because she has lost weight.B.She wants more comfortable clothing for the winter.C.She is tired of wearing old, used clothing.D.She want to look more beautiful to her husband.上一题下一题(51~55/共5题)C: Listening TranslationSectence TranslationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 sentences in English. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Play00:00…Volume第51题第52题第53题第54题第55题上一题下一题(56~57/共2题)Passage TranslationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. You will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening.Play00:00…Volume第56题Stepping away from the game will allow me to spend quality time with my wife and kids. This is a reward that far exceeds anything that I´ve ever achieved on the basketball court. I have prayed for this day and I see it as my greatest gift. I want to thank the people of Reebok International Ltd., for always allowing me to be me and for supporting me my whole career through all the ups and downs.第57题When I was a young man, I thought life was all about me--about how I´d make my way in the world, become successful, and get the things I want. But then the two of you came into my world with all your curiosity and mischief and those smiles that never fail to fill my heart and light up my day. And suddenly, all my big plans for myself didn´t seem SO important anymore. I soon found that the greatest joy in my life was the joy I saw in yours. And I realized that my own life wouldn´t count for much unless I was able to ensure that you had every opportunity for happiness and fulfillment in yours.上一题下一题(58~62/共30题)SECTION 2: STUDA SKILLSDirections: In this section, you will read several passages. Each passage is followed by several questions based on its content. You are to choose ONE best answer. (A), (B), C. or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Much new knowledge is admittedly remote from the immediate interests of the ordinary man in the street. He is not intrigued or impressed by the fact that a noble gas like xenon can form compounds—something that until recently most chemists swore was impossible. While even this knowledge may have an impact on him when it is embodied in new technology, until then, he can afford to ignore it. A good bit of new knowledge, on the other hand, is directly related to his immediate concerns, his job, his politics, his family life, even his sexual behavior.A poignant is the dilemma that parents find themselves in today as a consequence of successive radical changes in the image of the child in society and in our theories of childrearing.At the turn of the century in the United States, for example, the dominant theory reflected the prevailing scientific belief in the importance of heredity in determining behavior. Mothers who had never heard of Darwin or Spencer raised their babies in ways consistent with the world views of these thinkers. Vulgarized and simplified, passed from person to person, these world views were reflected in the conviction of millions of ordinary people that "bad children are a result of bad stock", that "crime is hereditary", etc.In the early decades of the century, these attitudes fell back before the advance of environmentalism. The belief that environment shapes personality, and that the early years are the most important, created a new image of the child. The work of Watson and Pavlov began to creep into the public ken. Mothers reflected the new behaviorism, refusing to feed infants on demand, refusing to pick them up when they cried, weaning early to avoid prolonged dependency.A study by Martha Wolfenstein has compared the advice offered parents in seven successive editions of INFANT CARE, a handbook issued by the United Stats Children´s Bureau between 1914 and 1951. She found distinct shifts in the preferred methods for dealing with weaning and thumb-sucking. It is clear from this study that by the late thirties still another image of the child had gained ascendancy. Freudian concepts swept in like a wave and revolutionized childrearing practices. Suddenly, mothers began to hear about "the rights of infants" and the need for "oral gratification". Permissiveness became the order of the day.第58题The passage tells us that any new knowledge will have a powerful influence on ordinary people if ______.A.it is simple and understandableB.it is advocated by eminent personsC.it has been put into practice and prove treeD.it bas something to do with their immediate concerns第59题The prevailing scientific belief at the turn of the century was that ______.A.personality was shaped by environmentB.character was transmitted from parentsC.behavior was determined by social backgroundD.outlook was colored by prevailing beliefs第60题It can be inferred from the passage that mothers who were influenced by Freudian ideas tended to be ______.A.critical of prolonged maternal care of the infantsB.tolerant of their babies´ thumb-sucking habitsC.aware of the importance of weaning infants earlyD.fired of picking their babies up the minute they cried第61题The author´s attitude towards the world views is basically ______.A.humorousB.negativeC.positiveD.tolerant第62题The best title for this passage is "______".A.Shift in Childrearing PatternsB.Revolution in Childrearing PracticesC.Freudian Theories and ChildrearingD.Penetration of New Knowledge上一题下一题(63~67/共30题)SECTION 2: STUDA SKILLSDirections: In this section, you will read several passages. Each passage is followed by several questions based on its content. You are to choose ONE best answer. (A), (B), C. or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.It is Monday morning, and you are having trouble waking your teenagers. You are not alone. Indeed, each morning, few of the country´s 17 million high school students are awake enough to get much out of their first class, particularly if it starts before 8 am. Sure, many of them stayed up too late the night before, but not because they wanted to.Research shows that teenagers´ body clocks are set to as schedule that is different from that of younger children or adults. This prevents adolescents from dropping off until around 11 pm, when they produce the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, and waking up much before 8 am when their bodies stop producing melatonin.The result is that the first class of the morning is often a waste, with as many as 28 percent of students falling asleep; according to a National Sleep foundation poll. Some are so sleepy they do not even show up, contributing to failure and dropout rates.Here is an idea: stop focusing on testing and instead support changing the hours of the school day, starting it later for teenagers and ending it later for all children. Indeed, no one does well when they are sleep-deprived, but insufficient sleep among children has been linked to obesity and to learning issues like attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. You would think this would spur educators to take action, and a few have.In 2002, high schools in Jessamine County in Kentucky pushed back the first bell to 8:40 am, from 7:30 am. Attendance immediately went up, as did scores on standardized tests, which have continued to rise each year. In Minneapolis and Edina, Minnesota, which instituted high school start times of 8:40 am and 8:30 am respectively in 1997, students´grades rose slightly and lateness, behavioral problems and dropout rates decreases. Later is also safer. When high schools in Fayette County in Kentucky delayed their start times to 8:30 am, the number of teenagers involved in car crashes dropped, even as they rose in the state.So why has not every school board moved back that first bell? Well, it seems that improving teenagers´ performance takes a back seat to more pressing concerns: the cost of additional bus service, the difficulty of adjusting after school activity schedules and the inconvenience to teachers and parents.But few of these problems actually come to pass, according to the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement at the University of Minnesota. In Kentucky and Minnesota, simply flipping the starting times for the elementary and high schools meant no extra cost for buses.There are other reasons to start and end school at a later time. According to Paul Reville, a professor of education policy at Harvard and chairman of the Massachusetts Board of Education, "trying to cram everything out 21th-century students need into a 19th-century six-and-a-half-hour day just isn´t working". He said that children learn more at a less frantic pace, and that lengthening the school day would help "close the achievement gap between disadvantaged students and their better-off peers".第63题According to the passage, what determines a person´s body clock is ______.A.melatonin productionB.one´s lifestyleC.schedule settingD.one´s sleep patterns第64题According to the passage, what has something to do with teenagers´ obesity and scant attention in class? ______A.Unhealthy dietary habit.B.Internal disorder.C.Unnecessary drop-off.D.Insufficient sleep.第65题Which of the following is NOT a positive result that some schools have achieved after they have pushed back their first classes? ______A.Better grades.B.Improved attendance.C.Fewer car crashes.D.Decreased dropout rate.第66题The phrase "takes a back seat to" (para. 6) could be best replaced by ______?A.is secondary toB.is a prelude to。
中级口译真题(热门3篇)中级口译真题(1)口语题Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 3 Be sure to make your points clear and supporting details You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiners during your You need to have your name and registration number Start your talk with "My name ", "My registration numberNews report:The General Administration of Press and Publication of China (GAPP) has recently issued a document, which demands further standardization of language The document bans newspapers, publishers and website-owners from frequently using foreign abbreviations and acronyms, as well as the mix of English and It forbids excessive use of slang and buzzwords, and non-standard spellings and grammatical order of foreignTopic: Preserving the Purity of the Chinese LanguageQuestions for Reference:Some hold that language interweaving is becoming very common in the age of globalization, so this ban will undoubtedly trigger people's What do you think of this view?Others hold that, as languages of all countries and regions have been imposing influence on one another since ancient times, so language purity has never existed in human Do you agree with this view? Why or why not?What is the significance of preserving the purity of the Chinese language? What can we do to preserve the purity and standardization of Chinese?中级口译真题(2)口译题Part ADirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it into Start interpreting at the and stop it at theYou may take notes while you are Remember you will hear the passages only Now let's begin Part A with the firstPassage 1【原文】The whole world has focused its attention on China, an oriental country that still appears mysterious to many people in the China is providing the greatest fascination in the 21stSince the Second World War, countries like Britain and Germany have had major achievements and minor problems, while Southeast Asia has had major problems and minorChina, though, is experiencing both major achievements and major I do believe the tough line on population control has been a great contribution to humanity on an internationalI'm positive that China will definitely become an economic superpower in the not too distant future and will play an irreplaceable role in promoting economic prosperity in the【答案】全世界的注意力都集中在中国这个对许多西方人士来说依然十分神秘的国家。
英语翻译中级口译听力-1(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Part A: Spot DictationDirection:In this part of the test, you will hear ten passages and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the words you have heard on the tape. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.(总题数:1,分数:20.00)When it came to the mobile phone, the Fins were quick off the mark. A large country with a small savvy population is (1) . They sprinted far ahead of the Americans in developing a digital system which became (2) . But it's difficult to associate Fins with any instrument (3) . The average Fin speaks (4) and uses none of them.But Finnish kids have, and they are the vanguard of the (5) . Before they know how to read they roam the cities like nomadic tribes always in touch, always (6) . Almost a hundred percent of Finnish 18-year-olds have (7) . It's become such a problem in high schools that (8) are demanding metal detectors at the gates. Remember when jeans and Walkmen were (9) ? Today, it's your very own personalized ringing tone. Ringing tones that you download (10) . A fashion statement (11) your watch.Finland is the first country in the world to have more mobile phones than (12) . And the phone booth? It's off the Sutheby's with the other (13) . But the young leaders of the revolution now use the mobile phone less for talking than for sending (14) . The Fins are doing this so much that last Christmas both (15) crashed. But all this is just the tip of a Finnish iceberg. The mobile phone (16) that little Finnish hand.The way things are going Fins won't need to carry money or credit cards much longer. Already you can buy a drink or snack (17) . A car wash too. (18) a number and the suds and the brushes start (19) . And when you've driven to the driving range in (20) , all you need is to whip our your phone again and buy your balls.When it came to the mobile phone, the Fins were quick off the mark. A large country with a small savvy population is (1) . They sprinted far ahead of the Americans in developing a digital system which became (2) . But it's difficult to associate Fins with any instrument (3) . The average Fin speaks (4) and uses none of them.But Finnish kids have, and they are the vanguard of the (5) . Before they know how to read they roam the cities like nomadic tribes always in touch, always (6) . Almost a hundred percent of Finnish 18-year-olds have (7) . It's become such a problem in high schools that (8) are demanding metal detectors at the gates. Remember when jeans and Walkmen were (9) ? Today, it's your very own personalized ringing tone. Ringing tones that you download (10) . A fashion statement (11) your watch.Finland is the first country in the world to have more mobile phones than (12) . And the phone booth? It's off the Sutheby's with the other (13) . But the young leaders of the revolution now use the mobile phone less for talking than for sending (14) . The Fins are doing this so much that last Christmas both (15) crashed. But all this is just the tip of a Finnish iceberg. The mobile phone (16) that little Finnish hand.The way things are going Fins won't need to carry money or credit cards much longer. Already you can buy a drink or snack (17) . A car wash too. (18) a number and the suds and the brushes start (19) . And when you've driven to the driving range in (20) , all you need is to whip our yourphone again and buy your balls.(分数:20.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:a superb laboratory)解析:[听力原文]When it came to the mobile phone, the Fins were quick off the mark. A large country with a small savvy population is a superb laboratory. They sprinted far ahead of the Americans in developing a digital system which became the worldwide standard. But it's difficult to associate Fins with any instrument used for talking. The average Fin speaks several languages and uses none of them. But Finnish kids have, and they are the vanguard of the revolution. Before they know how to read they roam the cities like nomadic tribes always in touch, always sending signals. Almost a hundred percent of Finnish 18-year-olds have mobile phones. It's become such a problem in high schools that Principals are demanding metal detectors at the gates. Remember when jeans and Walkmans were social necessities? Today, it's your very own personalized ringing tone. Ringing tones that you download off the net. A fashion statement as defining as your watch.Finland is the first country in the world to have more mobile phones than wired phones. And the phone booth? It's off the Sutheby's with the other antiques. But the young leaders of the revolution now use the mobile phone less for talking than for sending written messages. The Fins are doing this so much that last Christmas both national telephone networks crashed. But all this is just the tip of a Finnish iceberg. The mobile phone has literally become that little Finnish hand. The way things are going Fins won't need to carry money or credit cards much longer. Already you can buy a drink or snack with your phone. A car wash too. Dial a number and the suds and the brushes start coming your way. And when you've driven to the driving range in your bright shining car, all you need is to whip our your phone again and buy your balls.填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:the worldwide standard)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:used for talking)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:several languages)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:revolution)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:sending signals)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:mobile phones)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Principals)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:social necessities)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:off the net)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:as defining as)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:wired phones)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:antiques)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:written messages)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:national telephone networks)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:has literally become)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:with your phone)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Dial)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:coming your way)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:your bright shining car)解析:二、Part B: Listening Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Ⅰ. StatementsDirections:In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper; so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard.(总题数:2,分数:15.00)(分数:7.50)(1).A. We went swimming.B. He went swimming.C. We didn't go swimming.D. He didn't go swimming.(分数:1.50)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]We tried to persuade him not to go swimming in the lake by the forest, but in vain.(2).A. Your teacher changed my career idea.B. I am interested in history.C. I am a gym teacher.D. I will be in your class soon.(分数:1.50)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]If I had been in your class, maybe I would have become a history teacher instead of a gym teacher.I have no idea that your teacher was so great.(3).A. You need to prepare gift for your foreign host.B. You need to understand foreign culture before sending a gift to foreign host.C. If you don't send them gift, business partners may get angry.D. It's not polite to give gift during a business deal.(分数:1.50)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]A seemingly innocent gift can turn into a colossal blunder and offend your foreign host—and could ultimately sabotage a crucial business deal—unless you know what to give and when to give.(4).A. I was in China during your campaign.B. My efforts have helped you win the campaign in China.C. I went to China to join the campaign.D. I have tried my best to win the campaign though we lost.(分数:1.50)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]I am sorry your team lost the campaign. I wish I had worked in the campaign. I would certainly have if I hadn't gone to China.(5).A. He is a good boss.B. He understands quite well his position in the board.C. He has great influence in that matter.D. He thinks he has control over that matter.(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]As a member of the board of the multinational company, he has no voice at all in the matter, though he little realizes it.(分数:7.50)(1).A. Please buy me some paper when I'm making the phone call.B. Please read the paper and call me later.C. Please let me know what's the paper writing about.D. Please wait for me a while.(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]I just have to make several phone calls and will be ready in a few minutes. You can go down to the lobby for the paper.(2).A. I gave the letter to Jeannie.B. Jeannie presented us a good outcome.C. I thought the letter was not important.D. Jeannie was important to us.(分数:1.50)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]Only at that time did I realize how important the letter was to Jeannie, if I had given to her, we could have expected a much better outcome.(3).A. Renault is going to close its factories in France, Belgium and SpainB. 6,000 Renault workers are on strike.C. Belgium will suffer the loss of factory closure and jobs.D. France and Spain are happy with Renault's decision.(分数:1.50)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]In an unprecedented trans-European strike, Renault workers yesterday staged simultaneous stoppages in France, Belgium and Spain to protest against the car maker's decision to close its factory in Belgium and cut 6,000 jobs.(4).A. The auditor was a skeptical one.B. The accountant ate his words.C. The auditor doubted the accuracy of the figures.D. The accountant was not helpful.(分数:1.50)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]Although the accountant promised to help by all he could, the auditor called into question the accuracy of the figures in the books.(5).A. 620 summit is on Monday.B. Family values is the key on G20 summit.C. Banks and financial markets are Gordon Brown's topics.D. Gordon Brown will meet the world leaders in London on Wednesday.(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]Gordon Brown on Monday has called for banks and financial markets to adopt "family values" as world leaders gather in London for Thursday's G20 summit in two days.四、Ⅱ. Talks and ConversationsDirections:In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE. When you hear a question read the .four answer choices and choose the best answer to thatquestion.(总题数:5,分数:40.00)(分数:8.00)(1).A. Small cars are easy to park quickly.B. Small cars are cheaper than big cars.C. Small cars are convenient on long trips.D. Small cars need smaller parking spaces.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]The convenience and economy of small cars account for their popularity. They are easy to park quickly and take smaller parking spaces. Small cars are also a means of conserving energy because they use less gas than big cars. Small cars are inconvenient and uncomfortable on long trips. However, because of their limited passenger and trunk space, they are also more economical to operate and maintain. And they cost less. Because of all these advantages, the next car I buy is going to be an Econo-Midget.Which is not true about small cars?(2).A. Why Small Cars Are Popular.B. The Advantages of Small Cars.C. The Differences between Big and Small Cars.D. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Small Cars.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]What is the possible title to the speech?(3).A. They are cheap to buy.B. They cost less to park.C. They consume less energy.D. They are cheaper to repair.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]Which is not the advantage of small cars?(4).A. A kind of cheap energy.B. A kind of small car.C. A kind of big car.D. A kind of new car.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]What is an Econo-Midget?(分数:8.00)(1).A. About fifty years before the first modern Olympics.B. Fifty years ago.C. When the crawl was developed.D. After the breast stroke was developed.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]Being able to swim has always been a valued skill. But competitive swimming is just over one hundred years old. Racing in the water began in Europe only about fifty years before the first modern Olympics. England was the leader in this new sport. Pools were built and races were held. Interest was spurred when a group of Native Americans went to England in 1844 to swim against an English team. To the surprise and dismay of the English, the Americans beat them easily. At that time the English used the breast stroke, which was thought a good form. The Americans used a kind of free style that was much faster.A short time later an English family, who had moved to Australia, developed the crawl, an overhand swimming method. One of that same family also took it to America. Charles Daniels, an early user of the crawl, changed the kicking rhythm to develop the American crawl.When did racing in the water begin in Europe?(2).A. They learned the English way of swimming.B. They beat an English team easily in a competition.C. They introduced breast stroke to England.D. They failed in the competition.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]What is true about the American swimming team?(3).A. An Australian family.B. An American family.C. An English family who moved to Australia.D. An Australian family who moved to England.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]Who developed the crawl?(4).A. A designer of the American crawl.B. An early user of the crawl.C. An English moved to Australia.D. An professional swimmer.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]Who is Charles Daniels?(分数:8.00)(1).A. The name of the bird.B. The name of the man.C. The name of the town.D. The name of the chicken.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]There was once a man in South America who had a parrot, a pet bird that could imitate human speech. The parrot was unique. There was no bird like him in the whole world. He could learn to say any word except one. He could not say the name of his native town, Ketunnel. The man did everything he could to teach the parrot to say Ketunnel, but he never succeeded. At first he was very gentle with the bird. But gradually, he lost his temper. "You stupid bird! Why can't you learn to say that one word? Say Ketunnel or I will kill you. " But the parrot would not say it. Many times the man screamed, "Say Ketunnel, or I'll kill you. " But the bird would never repeat the name. Finally, the man gave up. He picked up the parrot and threw him into the chicken house, "You are even more stupid than the chickens." In the chicken house, there were four old chickens, waiting to be killed for Sunday's dinner. "The next morning, the man went out to the chicken house. When he opened the door, he was shocked by what he saw. He could not believe his eyes and ears. On the floor lay three dead chickens. The parrot was screaming at the fourth, "Say Ketunnel, or I'll kill you. "What does Ketunnel mean?(2).A. Because the bird couldn't repeat his master's name.B. Because the bird screamed all day long.C. Because the bird uttered the wrong word.D. Because the bird failed to say the name of the town.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]Why did the man throw the bird into the chicken house?(3).A. The cruel master.B. The man in the kitchen.C. The pet bird.D. The fourth chicken.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.Who was screaming "Say Ketunnel, or I'll kill you. " at the end of the story?(4).A. The bird had finally understood his threat.B. The bird managed to escape from the chicken house.C. The bird had learned to scream back at him.D. The bird was living peacefully with the chickens.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]How does the story end?(分数:8.00)(1).A. International investors.B. American investors.C. American federal authorities.D. American transportation department.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]Not only in Los Angeles but all over America states and federal authorities are now pouring out resources for improving the road system. By 1960 the states were spending twice as much on roads as they have done in 1950, and the general expenditure for highways is now nearly ten times as much in dollars as in 1930, although the proportion of cars to people has only doubled in that period and the value of a dollar has not declined to anything like the same extent. By the middle 1960s the total annual expenditure on roads in the United States amounted to $11 billion dollars, or $50 per person. This is about four times as much as in England and twice as much as in most European countries.Who are now pouring out resources for improving the road system?(2).A. The same as that in 1950.B. Slightly above that in 1950.C. Two times as much as that in 1950.D. Ten times as much as that in 1950.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]How much were spending on roads by 1960?(3).A. A little B. Two times.C. Four times.D. Ten times.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.How much did the proportion of cars to people increase by 1960?(4).A. Americans spend 4 times as much as English people.B. Americans spend 2 times as much as English people.C. Americans spend 4 times as much as Europeans.D. Europeans spend 4 times as much as English people.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]What is true about expenditure on roads?(分数:8.00)(1).A. They are interested in other kinds of reading.B. They are active in voluntary services.C. They tend to be low in education and in income.D. They live in isolated areas.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]Not everybody reads the daily newspaper. People who don't read newspaper are sometimes referred to as non-readers. Early research has shown that the non-readers are generally low in education, low in income, either very young or very old. In addition, non-readers are more likely to live in rural areas and have less contact with neighbors and friends. Other studies show thatnon-readers tend to isolate themselves from the community and less likely to own a home, and seldom belong to a local voluntary organization.Why don't these people read daily paper? They say they don't have the time, they prefer radio or TV, they have no interest in reading at all, and besides, they think newspapers are too expensive. Recent surveys, however, have indicated that the portrait of the non-reader is more complicated than first thought. There appears to be a group of non-readers that does not fit the type mentioned above. They are high in income and fall into the age group of 26 to 65. They are far more likely to report that they don't have the time to read the papers and they have no interest in the content. Editors and publishers are attempting to win them back. First, they are also adding news briefs and comprehensive indexes. This will help overcome the time problem. And they are also giving variety to newspaper content to help build the reader's interest.What is the stereotype about non-readers?(2).A. The reasons why people don't read newspapers are more complicated than assumed.B. There are more uneducated people among the wealthy than originally expected.C. The number of newspaper readers is steadily increasing.D. There are more non-readers among young people nowadays.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]What have people found out about non-readers now?(3).A. Lowering the price of their newspapers.B. Shortening their news stories.C. Adding variety to their newspaper content.D. Including more advertisements in their newspapers.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]What helps overcome the time problem of non-readers?(4).A. Lowering the prices of their newspapers.B. Shortening their news stories.C. Adding variety to their newspaper content.D. Including more advertisements in their newspapers.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]What do editors and publisher do to help build the readers' interest?五、Part C. Listening and Translation(总题数:0,分数:0.00)六、Ⅰ. Sentence TranslationDirections:In this part of the test, you will hear 5 English sentences. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese.(总题数:1,分数:15.00)(分数:15.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(地震发生前是没有征兆的,因此,从现在就开始进行准备相当重要。
上海紧缺人才培训工程教学系列丛书英语中级口译资格证书考试总主编戴炜栋中级口译教程InterpretationThird Edition梅德明编著目录第一部分口译概论Part One An Overview of Interpretation一、口译历史The Development of Interpretation 2二、口译定义The Definition of Interpretation 5三、口译特点The Characteristics of Interpretation 7四、口译标准The Criteria of Interpretation 9五、口译过程The Process of Interpretation 11六、口译类型The Categorical Classification of Interpretation 15七、口译模式 A Tripartite Model of Interpretation 17八、译员素质Interpreter Qualification Requirements 19九、口译培训Interpreter Training 21十、口译研究Research in Interpretation and Interpreting 22第二部分培训教程Part Two A Training Course第一单元口译技巧_______________________________________ 30Unit One Introducing Skills in Interpreting1-1称谓口译 Interpreting Titles 301-2谚语口译 Interpreting Proverbs 331-3引语口译 Interpreting Quotations 371-4数字口译 Interpreting Numbers 401-5口译笔记 Note-Taking in Interpreting 46第二单元接待口译_______________________________________---------- —------------------------------------------------------- — ------------------------ 54Unit Two Interpreting for Reception Service2-1机场迎宾 Greetings at the Airport 542-2宾馆入住 Hotel Accommodation 562-3宴会招待 Banquet Service 582-4参观访问 Getting Around 61句子精练 Sentences in Focus 64参考译文 Reference Version 66第三单元会谈口译_________________________------------------------------------------------------------------- — ---------------------------'75Unit Three Interpreting Conversations3-1欢迎光临 Welcome 753-2投资意向 A Wish to Invest 773-3合资企业 Establishing a Joint Venture 803-4文化差异 Cultural Differences 83句子精练 Sentences in Focus 88参考译文 Reference Version 90第四单元访谈口译____________________________________Unit Four Interpreting Interviews 1004-1行在美国Travel in America 1004-2艾滋哀之The AIDS Epidemic 1044-3经营之道Business Management 1074-4音乐天才 A Gifted Musician 111句子精练 Sentences in Focus参考译文 Reference Version第五单元礼仪性口译(英译汉) 127Unit Five Interpreting Ceremonial SpeechesEnglish-Chinese Interpretation5 -1故地重游 Revisiting the Old Haunt 1275-2愉悦之旅 A Pleasant Trip 1295 -3共创未来 Our Future 1325-4新的长征 A New Long March 135句子精练 Sentences in Focus 139参考译文 Reference Version 142第六单元礼仪性口译(汉译英) 150Unit Six Interpreting Ceremonial Speeches Chinese-English Interpretation6- 1新春联欢 Celebrating the Spring Festival 1506-2圣诞晚会 At the Christmas Party 1516-3开幕祝词 An Opening Speech 1536-4展望未来 Looking Ahead 156句子精练 Sentences in Focus 159参考译文 Reference Version 161第七单元介绍性口译(英译汉)171Unit Seven Interpreting Informative Speeches English-Chinese Interpretation7-1绿色城市 A Green City 1717-2浪漫香槟 The Romantic Champagne 1747-3游客之居 A Place to Stay 1777-4教堂之游 A Tour around the Cathedral 179句子精练 Sentences in Focus 182参考译文 Reference Version 185第八单元介绍性口译(汉译英) ___________ 192Unit Eight Interpreting Informative Speeches Chinese-English Interpretation8 -1丝绸之路 The Silk Road 1928-2传统节日 Traditional Holidays 1948-3教育之本 The Purpose of Education ‘1978-4出版王者 The Super-Publisher 200句子精练 Sentences in Focus 203参考译文 Reference Version 205第九单元说服性口译(英译汉) __________________ 218Unit Nine Interpreting Persuasive SpeechesEnglish-Chinese Interpretation9-1强市之路 The Road to a Prosperous City 2189-2广而误之 The Effects of Misleading Advertising 2249-3大学精神 The University Spirit 2279-4继往开来 The New Beginning of an Old Story 231句子精练 Sentences in Focus 235参考译文 Reference Version 238第十单元说服性口译(汉译英) ____________________ 247Unit T en Interpreting Persuasive SpeechesChinese-English Interpretation10 -1 第二文化 Acquiring a Sepond Culture 247 10-2 环境保护 Environmental Protection 249 10-3 迎接挑战 Meeting the Challenge 252 10-4 习武健身 Practising Martial Art for Your Health 256句子精练 Sentences in Focus 259参考译文 Reference Version 261第十一单元学术性口译(英译汉)275Unit Eleven Interpreting Academic SpeechesEnglish-Chinese Interpretation11-1 语言系统 The Linguistic System 275 11-2 人机之争 Two Kinds of Brain . 277 11 - 3 生物革命 The Biological Revolution 280 11-4 股票市场 The Stock Market 285句子精练 Sentences in Focus '' 288参考译文 Reference Version 291第十二单元学术性口译(汉译英) 299_Unit Twelve Interpreting Academic SpeechesChinese-English Interpretation12-1 语用能力 Communicative Competence 299 12-2 文化冲突〇n Cultural Clashes 301 12-3 书法艺术 The Art of Calligraphy 303 12-4 社区服务 Community Service 305句子精练 Sentences in Focus 308参考译文 Reference Version 310第十三单元商务性口译(英译汉)Unit Thirteen Interpreting Business Speeches321English-Chinese Interpretation13-1企业文化 Entrepreneurial Culture 321 13-2认识债券 Getting to Know Bonds 325 13-3硅谷之贵 The Unique Silicon Valley 329 13-4专利法规〇n Patent Laws 333句子精练 Sentences in Focus 336参考译文 Reference Version 338第十四单元商务性口译(汉译英)_________________ 347 Unit Fourteen Interpreting Business SpeechesChinese-English Interpretation14-1双边经贸 Bilateral Economy and Trade 34714-2亚洲合作 Asian Cooperation 35014-3夕卜资企业 Foreign-Capital Enterprises 35214-4经济关系 Economic Links 354句子精练 Sentences in Focus 358参考译文 Reference Version 360第十五单元科普性口译(英译汉) 373Unit Fifteen Interpreting Popular Science Speeches English-Chinese Interpretation15-1睡眠与梦 Sleep and Dream 37315-2音响今昔 The Sound Reproduction Industry 37515-3遗传信息 Genetic Information 37815-4左脑之优 Left Hemispheric Dominance 380句子精练 Sentences in Focus 384参考译文 Reference Version第十六单元科普性口译(汉译英) __________________ ____Unit Sixteen Interpreting Popular Science SpeechesChinese-English Interpretation16-1汉语概要 The ABC of Chinese 39416-2进化本质 The Nature of Biological Evolution 39616-3蚊虫之祸 The Power of the Petty Mosquito 39916-4用筷技艺 The Magic Chopsticks 401句子精练 Sentences in Focus 404参考译文 Reference Version 406第三部分口译测试I Part Three Interpretation Test in Brief口译测试概要与实践________________________________Interpretation T est : Essentials and Practice英语中级口译考试的要求、形式及题型Intermediate Interpretation T est::Requirement, Structure and Form 420英语中级口译模拟测试Model T ests for Intermediate Interpretation T est 423英语中级口译模拟测试参考答案Reference Version for Intermediate Model T ests 458后记一.口译历史The Development of Interpretation一种语言文字所表达的意义经由另一种语言文字转达出来叫做翻译。
中级口译教程梅德明第四版 句子精炼单元全
句子精炼(S e n t e n c e s i n F o c u s) Unit 2 接待口译(机场迎宾、宾馆入住、宴会招待、参观访问)1. This is a fantastic airport, absolutely one of the top-notch international airports.(这个机场太美了,绝对是一个顶尖的国际机场。
)2. I’m very bad with a jet-lag. But I will be all right in a couple of days.(我倒时差很慢,但两天后自然就回复了。
)3. I’d like to have a 7 o’clock morning call, breakfast sent up to my room, laundry done, some documents photocopied, an express mail sent out, and something like that.(我要早上7点钟叫醒,早餐送到我房间,衣服要熨,文件要复印,邮件要快递,诸如此类的事情需要服务。
)4. We all maneuvered successfully to get our job done, so to speak.(可以说我们每个人都成功的使我们的使命得以完成。
)5. Let’s delight ourselves completely in the foods that Mother Nature grants us.(让我们尽情享受大自然赋予我们的食物吧。
)6. 我要是没认错的话,您一定是从伦敦来的泰莱科教授吧。
(You must be Prof. Tallack from London, if I’m not mistaken.)7. 我是海通集团人力资源部经理。
(I’m manager of Human Resources, the Haitong Group.)8. 感激您不辞辛劳,从百忙之中抽空来我公司指导。
英语翻译中级口译-2-1(总分:114.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、第一部分听力理解(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、第一节(总题数:1,分数:5.00)(分数:5.00)(1).Who has got the pen now?A. The men.B. The woman.C. Mary.(分数:1.00)A.B. √C.解析:[听力原文]M: I gave my pen to Mary.W: And she gave it to me.(2).Which sports does the woman like?A. Skating.B. Skiing.C. Bowling.(分数:1.00)A. √B.C.解析:[听力原文]W: I like skating but not skiing.M: Well, skiing, bowling and golf are my favorite sports.(3).What time will the movie start?A. 8:40.B. 9:00.C. 9:40.(分数:1.00)A.B. √C.解析:[听力原文]M: When will the movie start? It's twenty past eight now.W: We still have forty minutes.(4).What does the woman want to listen to?A. Weather forecast.B. The world news.C. Music.(分数:1.00)A. √B.C.解析:[听力原文]W: Turn on the radio, please. Perhaps it's time for the weather forecast now. M: It's ten o'clock, just the time for the world news.(5).Where is shoe counter?A. In the back of the storeB. In the front of the store.C. On the right of the store.(分数:1.00)A. √B.C.解析:[听力原文]M: Where can I find shoes, please?W: Go straight ahead, sir, to the back of the store. Shoes are on Counter Two.三、第二节(总题数:5,分数:13.00)(分数:2.00)(1).6. Dose the woman like Chinese food?[A] Yes. [B] No. [C] Unclear.(分数:1.00)A. √B.C.解析:[听力原文] 6-7M: Do you like Chinese food?W: Yes, Ido.M: What's your favorite Chinese food?W: Mm. It's hard to say. I like hot and sour soup a lot but I guess I like bean curd better. M: Do you eat Chinese food often?W: Once in a while.(2).What is the woman's favorite Chinese food?[A] Beans. [B] Bean curd. [C] Peas.(分数:1.00)A.B. √C.解析:(分数:3.00)(1).What was the man doing?[A] Looking for a watch for his mother.[B] Looking for a necklace for his mother.[C] Looking for a birthday gift for his mother.(分数:1.00)A.B.C. √解析:[听力原文] 11-13W: May I help you.sir?M: Yes.I'm looking for a nice gift for my mother.It's her birthday tomorrow.W: Do you have anything special in mind?M: No.not really.W: Perhaps she would like a necklace.We have many choices here.M: No, thanks. My mom doesn't like jewels.W: Well.then.Maybe a watch would be nice.M: Yes,that's it.She does need a new watch with big, clear numbers.She has complained a lot about the small numbers on her watch.W: This gold one is pretty, and I'm sure it will be easy for her to read the time.M: Don't you think it's a bit too fancy for old ladies?W: No, it actually sells very well and the old ladies like it very much.M: Maybe you are right.I'll take it.W: I'm sure your mother will love it.M: I hope so.[解析] 本题为细节题。
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英语翻译中级口译-1-2(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、听写填空(总题数:1,分数:20.00)How did the Olympic Games start? In ancient Greece, athletic festivals were very important and have strong (1) . Originally, the festival was held in honor of Zeus, the supreme God in Greek mythology. Eventually, the Olympian athletic festival had lost its (2) and became an international event. No one knows exactly (3) the Olympic Games go, but some scholars recorded date from 776 B.C.According to some scholars, at first, the only Olympic event was (4) , called a stadium and that was the only event until 724 B.C. After that, other (5) were added and 16 years later in (6) , the pentathlon was added and wrestling became part of the Games. This pentathlon was a five-event match, which (7) running, wrestling, leaping, throwing the discus and hurling the javelin. The Games were held (8) and after an uninterrupted history of 1,170 years, the Games were (9) in A.D. 394, the Christen era, because of the pagan origin.It was over (10) before there was another such international athletic gathering. In 1896, the first of the modern (11) opened in Athens, Greece.Nowadays the Games are held in different countries (12) . The host country provides vast facilities, such as stadiums and (13) . Many more sports are represented, including the very celebrated event: (14)The Olympics start with the arrival in the stadium of a torch, (15) on Mount Olympus by the sun's rays. The torch is carried by (16) to the stadium. The Olympic flam symbolizes the (17) of the ancient Greek athletic ideals and it burns throughout the Games until (18) . The well-known Olympic flag, however, is (19) : the five interlocking rings symbolize the uniting of all five continents (20) .(分数:20.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:religious associations)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:local and national characters)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:how far back)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:a 200-yard dash)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:other field)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:708 B.C.)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:consisted of)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:every four years)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:were abolished)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:1500 years)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:summer games)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:in turn)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:living accommodation)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:the marathon races)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:lighted)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:a succession of runners)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:continuation)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:the closing ceremony)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:a modern conception)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:participating in the Games)解析:二、句子判断(总题数:2,分数:15.00)(分数:7.50)(1).A. I'd like to make an appointment Monday morning.B. I must finish typing before going to bed.C. I have to work overtime this weekend.D. I decide to sleep this weekend away.(分数:1.50)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]This report is urgent I have to finish typing it by Monday morning, so there goes my sleep this weekend.(2).A. I am interested in the vehicles on the street.B. I don't want to complain about the noise here.C. The noise of traffic disturbs my work.D. Traffic never stops passing by.(分数:1.50)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]What this office needs is better sound-proofing. I can't concentrate here with all that traffic passing by on the street below.(3).A. It requires imagination in learning a language.B. It takes time and effort to learn a language.C. The cultural differences are more important.D. Learning a language can be easier than anyone thinks.(分数:1.50)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]Learning a language is a laborious process, and adjusting to this subtle cultural differences require much more time and patience than anyone can imagine.(4).A. Talking with your boss will be part of our company's business activities.B. Investing in that project will help your company and mine as well.C. Turning the project into a profit-making is on the top of our long-term plan.D. Doing business with your company will benefit both of us in the long run.(分数:1.50)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]If you can talk your boss into investing in that project, it will be a turning point for your company and we both shall benefit in the long run.(5).A. The invoice should include the legal fee and the agent's commission.B. The price we quoted should be lower, as we missed a few items.C. We got more money from them than we had expected.D. We should send the invoice as soon as we receive the payment.(分数:1.50)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]I am afraid we've undercharged them; the invoice doesn't include the legal fee and our agency's commission. I think we need to inform, them about this immediately.(分数:7.50)(1).A. Working abroad is not always a requirement of foreign language teachers.B. When you arrive in a foreign country, you must find a job first.C. The advantage of working abroad is fluency in other languages.D. The mastering of a foreign language will help you find a job overseas.(分数:1.50)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]Being bilingual or multilingual can be an advantage in landing a job abroad although fluency in other languages is not always a requirement.(2).A. We cannot beat our competitors because of a staff shortage.B. We should be prepared to sign the business contract.C. We sometimes make a deal with one of our rivals.D. We are happy to see that our rival has gone bankrupt.(分数:1.50)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]I believe our proposal is a real a contender for the contract. All we need to do is to walk ourselves into position to close the deal.(3).A. Our collaboration depends on a mutual understanding of our differences.B. Our differences are deeply rooted, and we are unable to continue our collaboration.C. We must first prepare a memorandum for a common view of our problems.D. We understand that we must share the cost of our collaboration in the future.(分数:1.50)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]We must prepare the ground for a deeper understanding of our differences and problems. Only througha shared view of our problem shall we be able to carry our collaboration forward.(4).A. Although we spend much on the project, a 10% budget increase is neck.B. At least 10% of the expenses should be devoted to solving the problem.C. With such a big order, we demand a discount which is 10% or more.D. We ask for a 10% discount, which has caused all the trouble on our side.(分数:1.50)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]Give the size of the order and the amount of heavy expenses on our side, anything less than 10 per cent is not worth the trouble.(5).A. To lose one pound of weight, you need to walk up to 10 hours.B. One-hour walk at a moderate pace will burn up 3500 calories.C. You should limit your intake of food to 300 to 350 calories daily.D. Walking an hour every day can burn up 350 pounds a month.(分数:1.50)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]Walking burns calories. It takes about 3500 calorie to lose just one pound of weight. And the 1-hour-walk at a moderate pace will burn up only 300 to 350 calories.三、对话段落(总题数:5,分数:40.00)(分数:8.00)(1).A. To advise her to work in a showroom.B. To help her understand the product.C. To invite her to visit a trade fair.D. To expound the details of the catalogue.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]W: Hello, purchasing department. Alice Roger's speaking.M: Good morning, Mrs. Roger. This is John Stone from ABS Company. How are you?W: Quite good, thank you. Well, Mr. Stone, we are still studying your catalog and your products. M: That's very thoughtful of you, Mrs. Roger. But I'm calling to see if you'd like to see our showroom at the trade fair that opened last week.W: Oh, I didn't know you would have a showroom there. I'd be glad to go and have a tour around the exhibition.M: Just tell me when it would be convenient for you, and we can arrange for the tour.W: Let me see. How about next Monday afternoon, around two?M: That's fine. I'll be over at 1:30. It's only a ten-to-fifteen-minute drive from your department. W: I can drive there in my own car. Shall we meet at the main gate of the trade fair?M: That's ok. I'll be at the main gate at about 1:50. See you then.W: Right. Goodbye.Why is the man telephoning the woman?(2).A. A healthcare worker. B. A company consultant.C. A lawyer.D. A salesman.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]What is the man's profession according to the conversation?(3).A. Tomorrow afternoon. B. Next week.C. Coming Tuesday.D. In ten days.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]When will the woman be free to visit the showroom and the trade fair?(4).A. At the woman's office. B. At the main gate.C. Inside the parking lot.D. Inside the showroom.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]Where will the man and the woman meet at the trade fair?(分数:8.00)(1).A. It is a friendly face or a clever joke.B. It is a facial expression involving 43 muscles.C. It is an exercise of facial muscles when passing wind.D. It is a natural reaction to a positive moment.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]Every human being, no matter where they are from, is born with the ability to smile. A smile is a natural reaction to a positive moment, like a friendly face, or a clever joke. Most babies first smile between six and eight weeks old. At first, it is only an expression made when excursing their facial muscles or passing wind. But once they realize a smile gets them a lot of attention, huge smiles in return, happy noises, extra treats, they learn to try it again. And why wouldn't they? It takes forty-three muscles to frown, but only seventeen to smile. We smile when we are happy. We smile when we see people we know. But what happens when you are not happy to see someone you know? You smile any way. You fake a smile. Unfortunately, however, a fake smile never looks quite the same as the real one. In a genuine smile, you not only show your lower teeth, but also move the muscles running all the way around the mouth which in turn makes the skin around the eyes become tighter. And then your smile is real. However, when someone smiles politely, rather than because they really want to, they use the muscle, which only raises the size of the mouth, and which does not move the muscles at the corner of the eyes. This kind of fake smile is sometimes refer to as the "Pan-Am Smile". As it is named, after the former airline whose flight attendants welcomed every passenger with the same force smile.According to the talk, what is a smile?(2).A. The muscle raises the sides of the mouth.B. The muscles run all the way around the mouth.C. you only show your lower teeth.D. Your eyes are wide open.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]What happens in a real smile?(3).A. It is a morning smile. B. It is an afternoon smile.C. It is a fake smile.D. It is a genuine smile.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]What do we learn about the Pan-Am Smile?(4).A. You smile politely when you happen to see someone you know.B. A fake smile never looks quite the same as a real one.C. Flight attendants may welcome passengers with the same, forged smile.D. Every human being is born with the ability to smile.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]Which of the following is not true according to the talk?(分数:8.00)(1).A. She has been to a concert.B. She has met the new neighbors.C. She has had to stay indoors.D. She has helped the man with house chores.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]M: Hello. This is Peter Smith's speaking.W: Hello Peter, Betty's speaking. I am calling about the open-door concert in London. Will it still be held this Sunday as is scheduled? It has been so cold that I haven't been outside for a week. I do hate the cold.M: Yes. It's best to stay indoors in such beastly weather. But I am afraid I have no idea about the oncoming concert. You noticed our new neighbors who have arrived at No. 35 though. Surely, perhaps they knew something.W: Well. I called on them yesterday. They seem such nice people at first but now I am not so sure. M: Really? Why?W: Well. They are from London and they think it's the only place in the world worth talking about it. The wife made some very catty remarks about this area.M: Londoners always think they are always better than other people, but I always find them less cultured. What does she look like?W: Quite young and pretty. But she does wear a lot of make-up and she certainly dyes her hair. Perhaps she isn't as young as she looks.M: Anyway. I don't want to mix with people like that because I knew they would snob when they saw that huge car. Surely they don't need such a big one.W: No. Still my husband says it's four years old and it probably costs less than our secondhand. And ours is certainly as fast theirs. Besides, it uses so much petroleum. You can hardly afford to run it.What has the woman done for the past week?(2).A. She'd like to inquire about an open-door concert.B. She wants to complain about the cold weather.C. She asks the man to buy a concert ticket in advance.D. She invites the man to go to the concert in London.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]Why is the woman telephoning?(3).A. They are better. B. They are less cultured.C. They talk more.D. They look younger.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]What does the man say in general?(4).A. It is petrol-consuming. B. It is fast.C. It is second-hand.D. It is too big.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]What does the man think of his new neighbor's car?(分数:8.00)(1).A. Because their anxiety makes them less efficient than normal.B. Because their ability to reason overshadows their anxiety for the test.C. Because they cannot sleep well the night before the actual test.D. Because they cannot get necessary assistance from other students.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]Most people are too anxious during tests. Their anxiety overshadows or even interferes with their ability to reason and makes them less efficient than normal. As a result, they score far lower than they should. This is an unnecessary handicap. Especially if you are a student, who is going to spend 12-16 years or more taking tests. The solution of course is to learn the rules and techniques of successful test taking. Success builds assurance and confidence which in turn frees you to perform better and better. Once you realize that eight tenths of your score depends on the way you take a test, it becomes obvious that learning rules of the test-taking game is crucial. It is not complicated. You do not have to be clever, brilliant or dishonest to do it. It is just a matter of observation and practice. Oddly, most people have not really thought much about what it means to make, give and take tests. Once you see tests are school games that have actual little meaning in the real world. Once you realize the game has a format that can be recognized, rules that can be mastered, playing strategies that can be learned, it can become as entertaining as crossword puzzle. Mastering test-taking, like learning to absorb and retrieve from information, is part of process of educating yourself, so the effort will not be wasted or pointless. Figuring out tests is a problem-solving experience and developing confidence to recognize and solve problems is not just a school game but a true educational activity.Why do many students score far lower than they should in the test?(2).A. You have to be honest and confident.B. You have to be clever and brilliant.C. You need to learn the techniques of test taking.D. You need to observe and practice the school rules.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]According to the speaker, what is crucial for successful test-taking?(3).A. They often interfere with school games.B. They have actual meaning in the real world.C. They don't have a format and governing rules.D. They can be as entertaining as crossword puzzles.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]What does the speaker think of school tests?(4).A. Learning to absorb and retrieve information.B. Developing confidence to solve problems.C. Figuring out school tests.D. Spotting dishonesty in a test.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]Which of the following is NOT an educational activity?(分数:8.00)(1).A. She was disgusted by the movie crew.B. She was asked to act in a movie on the spot.C. She saw a movie being shot around town.D. She had an accident while diving through town.(分数:2.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文]W: I had a really strange experience while I was walking around on Saturday morning.M: Oh? What was it?W: There was a crowd. And at first I thought there had been an accident. But then I thought that they were making a movie.M: That's not so strange. You see a lot of film crews around town these days.W: Yes, but when I started to walk away, one of the men called me over. He turned out to be the director.M: Really? The director himself?W: Believe it or not, he wanted me to be in the picture.M: No kidding. Did he want you to say anything or were you just part of the crowd?W: I didn't say anything, but I had to do something. This woman in pajamas was in the phone booth. M: Did you know who she was? Was she somebody famous?W: She wasn't anybody I knew. Anyway, I had to walk up to the phone booth. Then when I saw that there was somebody in it, I had to look disgusted and walk away.M: You mean we'll be able to see your face in when it comes out?W: Well, maybe. But you know how it is. I'll probably be cut out before anybody ever sees the movie.M: How long did it take? Don't they have to shoot these scenes over and over again?W: It didn't take very long. After we've done it four times, the director said everything was OK.M: I hope you got paid.W: They took my name and address, and they said they'd send me a check.M: Wonderful. Now we are going to have a movie star in office.What was the woman's strange experience?(2).A. The director himself. B. The woman's twin sister.C. A woman in pajamas.D. A man from the crowd.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. √D.解析:[听力原文]According to the woman, who was in the phone booth while she was approaching it?(3).A. She had to look disgusted and walked away.B. She had to stay outside for some time.C. She had to identify the person in the booth.D. She had to put up a face in front of the camera.(分数:2.00)A. √B.C.D.解析:[听力原文]What was the woman suppose to do as she saw somebody in the phone booth?(4).A. Police and driver. B. Director and actress.C. Performers.D. Colleagues.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. √解析:[听力原文]What is the most likely relationship between the man and woman in the conversation?四、句子听译(总题数:1,分数:15.00)(分数:15.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(我们知道语言的应用是一个终生的过程,外语学习也是如此。