
剑桥商务英语第三版答案【篇一:新编剑桥商务英语(bec 第三版中级)module 1】txt>1.1 business topic ways of working 商务话题篇工作方式1) vocabulary: different ways of working (15 mins)regular hours正常工作时间flexible (working) hours/flex(i)time 弹性工作时间teleworking n.电子办公;在家中上班job-share v. / n.分担工作;工作分担制shift work 轮班工作,倒班制temping n 当临时工,任临时雇员specialist advice 专业咨询〔指将职工分成不同的班次,以便他们能共用一间办公室,一张办公桌和一台电脑〕office gossip 办公室小道消息,办公室飞短流长office news办公室新闻credit n.赞扬,功绩managing director 总裁,总经理〔美英chiefexecutive/president〕 brainpower n. 智能worst-case adj. 做最坏打算的,为最坏情况的,为最不利条件的scenario n. 事态,局面full-time adj. 全日制的delegate v. 授权,分派工作availability n. 利用〔或获得的〕可能性,可以利用的人〔物〕,人员、物资保证parental leave育儿假,照顾新生儿女假daily log 日志voice mail 语音信箱,语音邮件self-organization n. 自我组织能力1. how do you work most effectively? by working…regular hours/flexible hours? in a team/on your own?from home/ in an office? for a boss/as your own boss?参考词语和表达:routine type of person 按部就班的人have flexible management of time and work 灵活安排自己的时间和工作get support from each other相互支持co-operate with each other 相互合作share ideas 交流想法learn from other people’s strong points 学他人所长working in a team needs to have good interpersonal skills and is not necessarily efficiently.在团队工作需要有很好的人际交往技能,不一定效率就高can be more concentrated and thus more efficient in an office在办公室更容易集中精力因此也更有效率 have more flexibility 享有更多的灵活度feel more relaxed 感觉更轻松a dependent type of person and never make decisions myself 性格依赖,不喜欢自己拿主意an independent type of person and would like to make decisions myself性格独立,喜欢自己做决定don’t want to work under someone不想在别人手下工作5. reading: how to job-shareget organizedset your limits put pen to papertwo become one 安排有序规定限度签订协议合二为一open your mind plan for disaster find the perfect partner don’t feel guilty 敞开心胸/开拓视野有备无患理想搭档勿感内疚1. share credit and blame 分担成绩与过失,意译“功过与共”2. flexecutive 经营内容蕴含其中的公司名flexible与executive两词复合而成“弹性经营管理”。

商务英语中级第三版答案【篇一:剑桥bec真题中级第三辑口语解析(part 3discussion)】staff magazineyour company is planning to introduce an internal magazineto keep staff informed of company developments. you have been asked to help plan the staff magazine discuss the situation together, and decide:what type of information to include in the magazine which type of staff should contribute to the magazine ? how often the magazine should be published 【题目分析】企业内刊你所在的公司目前正计划发行企业内部期刊以帮助员工随时了解公司的发展状况。
你们一起讨论这个话题,并决定:杂志包括哪些内容 ? 杂志所定位的员工类型 ? 杂志的发行周期【词汇、短语】特写 feature 视觉的 visual 熟悉的,了解的 up-to-speed 上交 submit 使适应,定位 orient 承诺,奉献commitment 【句型点击】 ? 正面评价观点 good idea!i really appreciate what you’ve said you’ve made a very good point. that’s interesting!【参考范例】a: i think the staff magazine should be published four times a year and contains news and features about events in the companyand the achievements of staff.b: i don’t think so. a monthly publication of news , analysis, opinions, interviews, competitions and feedback would be better,which can cover a wide range of topics, of interest to staff.c: i prefer the monthly. the magazine is an easy and convenient way of keeping up-to-speed with everything that’s going on inthe company. in addition, staff magazine is designed to create a corporate culture that can connect all people in. so, the more, the better.a: ok, maybe you are right. staff magazine should involve everyone and everything in the company. a rich, prompt and diversecoverage satisfies all needs and expectations. by the way, what could be the target audience of the magazine?b: since every issue is designed to give staff a better understanding of our business, to share knowledge and experiences, toprovide interest and entertainment and to show readers why the company is a good place to work, the magazine should be oriented to all the staff members.c: you can target the staff magazine to different groups, for individual department may want their version of the magazine. moreover, staff should be encouraged to become involved in producing the magazine and building a sense of community and engagement.a: an employee magazine, um, sounds nice. and printed staff magazines can be out of date before staff even read them; so what about e-magazine, which allows content to be alive and up to date?b: good idea! then staff can get information across in an engaging and visual way. down-loading and uploading old and newissues are really easy through the internet and intranet. anyone can easily submit their article or update in the relevant section of the staff magazine.c: so many ways to improve the magazine and the staff magazine is such a great commitment to help staff to communicatebetter, and be better informed. even the clients can get useful information and grasp business opportunities from the staff magazine.第三辑test 2video conferencingthe company you work for is concerned about the amount of time staff spend traveling to meetings in other branches of the company, and is looking at alternatives.you have been asked to make recommendations about introducing video conferencing. discuss the situation together and decide:what the company needs to know about the meetings that take place at present. ? what are the advantage and disadvantage of video conferencing might bewhat kinds of practical preparations would be needed before introducing the system? 【题目分析】电视会议你所在的公司目前很关注员工出差到其他分公司开会的用时问题,正在寻找可替代的开会方式。

Agree in writing arrangements for holidays, parental leave, retirement, etc. everyone should know where they stand from the beginning.
(3) __G__e_t_o_r_g_a__n_iz__e_d____
Plan the system for handing work over carefully and play to each other’s different strengths. Delegate the workload according to each other’s particular skills and qualities.
How to job-share
Wouldn’t it be nice if the working week finished on Wednesday? With a job-share it can. Here’s the essential guide to making it work.
(0) Find the perfect partner.
(4) __S_e__t _y_o_u_r__li_m__it_s____
Manager should clarify what they expect in terms of hours, availability and results, and employees should manage their employer’s expectations. Sue Osborn, a jobsharer for 21 years, says, ‘We’re often asked to do five-day weeks. Eventually you just have to say no.’

新编剑桥商务英语中级第三版答案新编剑桥商务英语中级第三版答案【篇一:新编剑桥商务英语(中级)课文翻译】1、we wanna hold your hand 我们愿与你携手创业带着浓厚的经营意识,加上一些进取精神,再来瞧瞧,哈!你拥有了一家连锁店!如果想自己开店、大展身手却又苦于缺乏经验,同时又不想在这个充满风险的昙花一现的独立法人世界中立足,那么开家连锁店不失为一个明智之举。
”如果能够募集到起步经费,开设自己的特许经营店,就为冒险家一展身手提供了理想机会2、not sold on sales相比之下,销售则意味着挨家挨户推销,进行不期而至的拜访或拨打不期而至的电话。
要点解析:(1) shake off its unglamorous image摆脱其乏味的形象。
shake off摆脱,例如:shake off responsibility摆脱责任。
(2) associations with something rather dishonest本意为“和某种不诚实守信的因素紧紧相联”,在这个语境中可以翻译为“与无商不奸的概念紧紧相联”。
unglamorous单调的,乏味的,例如:unglamorous environment单调的环境。
(3) retain an air of glamour 显得很风光,retain an air of 带着??的样子,例如retain an air of cheerfulness保持一种欢喜的样子。

新编商务英语第三册wordstudy参考答案第一篇:新编商务英语第三册word study参考答案Unit 3 Word study 1.bid a.The valuable vase will go to the person who bid the highest price for it.那个贵重的花瓶被出价最高的那个人买走了。
b.We offered 200 pounds at the auction for that painting, but another man bid against us.在拍卖行我们出200磅买那幅画,但是另一个男人和我们竞价。
c.Our firm is bidding for the contract for the construction of the new expressway.我们公司正在投标争取建设新高速公路的合同。
d.A number of companies have submitted bids to buy the supermarket chain.许多公司投标购买这家超市连锁店。
2.signala.Both companies have signaled their willingness to establisha long-term partnership.两家公司表达了想建立长期合作关系的愿望。
b.The policeman signaled that the traffic should move forward slowly.警察示意车流应该慢行。
c.The opinion poll is a clear signal to the President that the voters do not support his foreign policy.民意测验向总统发出了一个明确的信息,选民不支持他的外交政策。
3.implementa.We decided to implement the committee’s suggestions in full.我们决定完全执行委员会的建议。

Fiona Clutterbuck is co-chair of a network for the bank ABN AMRO. ‘Women tend to think of networking as (9)__A_____ and give it low priority.’ but given the chance, women will network – as the bank’s last ‘speed networking’ event demonstrated. ‘With over100 women and men, it was a great (10)___C__. It is amazing how many people you get to meet from different parts of the organization.’
What a lovely place Xerox is to work! Kim Moloney, a client services executive, can’t say enough nice things about her employer. ‘It’s a very special environment,’ she says, ‘People describe Xerox as a family and I was amazed at the number of people who have worked here for so long.’
To you, networking might mean (1)__A__ a conference or trade fair event to meet new clients or partners. Or it could be the coffee break at work where you share (2)___A__ with colleagues in other departments. But nowadays networking has become an event in itself.

How to job-share
Wouldn’t it be nice if the working week finished on Wednesday? With a job-share it can. Here’s the essential guide to making it work.
(0) Find the perfect partner.
To you, networking might mean (1)__A__ a conference or trade fair event to meet new clients or partners. Or it could be the coffee break at work where you share (2)___A__ with colleagues in other departments. But nowadays networking has become an event in itself.
(6) __D_o__n_’t__fe__e_l_g_u_i_lt_y___
Do not work until 1am at home to make up for not being in the office every day.
(7) _T_w__o__b_e_c__o_m__e__o_n_e__
Clients may not like having to deal with two people working closely together. As Savage says: ‘A job-share should be like a marriage--- one voice, one unit.’
(3) __G__e_t_o_r_g_a__n_iz__e_d____
Plan the system for handing work over carefully and play to each other’s different strengths. Delegate the workload according to each other’s particular skills and qualities.
FindsPolmanefoonrdeiysoausltiekre.‘Bepreparedtocommunicateandsharecreditandblame,’s aysCarolSavage,themanagingdirectorofFlexecutive,aflexibleworkingconsulta
To you, networking might mean (1)__A__ a conference or trade fair event to meet new clients or partners. Or it could be the coffee break at work where you share (2)___A__ with colleagues in other departments. But nowadays networking has become an event in itself.
6. A. run B. control C. produce 8. A. do B. see C. make 10. A. talk B. with C. success
7. A. speak B. know C. be 9. A. socializing B. work C. extra

第一单元练习题1.What are your company’s payment terms?2.How long have you been in the industry?3.What’s your company’s mn product line?4.Could you give me some information on your suppliers?5.What’s your company’s policy on returns?6.What’s the most efficient way to get in touch with yourcompany?7.Have you got any references I can contact?8.What kind of volume discounts do you offer?9.What’s the delivery time for you r products?10.Could you provide me with a detled price list?答案1.Our payment terms are net 30 days.2.We’ve been in the industry for over 10 years.3.Our company’s mn product line is office furniture.4.Our suppliers are located mnly in Asia.1。

剑桥商务英语第三版答案剑桥商务英语第三版答案【篇一:新编剑桥商务英语(bec 第三版中级)module 1】txt>1.1 business topic ways of working 商务话题篇工作方式1) vocabulary: different ways of working (15 mins)regular hours正常工作时间flexible (working) hours/flex(i)time 弹性工作时间freelance n.自由职业teleworking n.电子办公;在家中上班job-share v. / n.分担工作;工作分担制job-sharing n.分担工作job-sharer n.与人分担工作的人shift work 轮班工作,倒班制temping n 当临时工,任临时雇员consultancy n.咨询公司specialist advice 专业咨询hotdesking (hot-desking) n.办公桌轮用(指将职工分成不同的班次,以便他们能共用一间办公室,一张办公桌和一台电脑)office gossip 办公室小道消息,办公室飞短流长office news办公室新闻credit n.赞扬,功劳managing director 总裁,总经理(美英chiefexecutive/president) brainpower n. 智能worst-case adj. 做最坏打算的,为最坏情况的,为最不利条件的scenario n. 事态,局面full-time adj. 全日制的delegate v. 授权,分派工作availability n. 利用(或获得的)可能性,可以利用的人(物),人员、物资保证parental leave育儿假,照顾新生儿女假distractions n.让人注意力分散的事物contact n. 人脉,有影响力的熟人,有用的社会关系 case-load n.工作量daily log 日志voice mail 语音信箱,语音邮件self-organization n. 自我组织能力disruptive a.造成混乱的1. how do you work most effectively? by working…regular hours/flexible hours? in a team/on your own?from home/ in an office? for a boss/as your own boss?参考词语和表达:routine type of person 按部就班的人have flexible management of time and work 灵活安排自己的时间和工作get support from each other相互支持co-operate with each other 相互合作share ideas 交流想法learn from other people’s strong points 学他人所长working in a team needs to have good interpersonal skills and is not necessarily efficiently.在团队工作需要有很好的人际交往技能,不一定效率就高can be more concentrated and thus more efficient in an office 在办公室更容易集中精力因此也更有效率 have more flexibility 享有更多的灵活度feel more relaxed 感觉更轻松a dependent type of person and never make decisions myself性格依赖,不喜欢自己拿主意an independent type of person and would like to make decisions myself性格独立,喜欢自己做决定don’t want to work under someone不想在别人手下工作5. reading: how to job-shareget organizedset your limits put pen to papertwo become one 安排有序规定限度签订协议合二为一open your mind plan for disaster find the perfect partner don’t feel gui lty 敞开心胸/开拓视野有备无患理想搭档勿感内疚1. share credit and blame 分担成绩与过失,意译“功过与共”2. flexecutive 经营内容蕴含其中的公司名flexible与executive 两词复合而成“弹性经营管理”。

Module I \bcabulaiy 2-0-B l-F 2・H3・A 4-G5-C 647-D 8 七P7 5. bopen your mind 2*p lau for disaster 3 • get engauized 4 -set your limits 5 - put pen to paper 6 - daft feel guilty P8 Listening2(1)7.00- get up, get tlic kids ready- 8 30 - take kids to school 9.00 - start work 10.00 -liavc luudi 1430-finish work(2) She 号 been with her curent employer since she left schoot but she 、been home - working for 5 years,(3) Sbe"b going to the office every day to meet visitors. 3・ 1-B 2-D 3・A 4-CP95- 1. need 2・ conuuuuicate 3. have escaped 4. lia'*c been working 5. have been 6 ・ am working 7. answer PIOI. work for involvedin. responaWe for,deal with, report to^ in charge of specialise in 4・LA m 1PH6.1・C 2・A 7,bD 2-1 P12-13 WRITING1.1) No, email and post-it note are not related to her work.2) Formal; memo and letterReasons; Tliey^Ve giving iufbnnatiou and replying to a customer with a coinplaint. The language uses quite long and fixed expressions.3) The memo is ''internal commuoication” because it was sent within the company.Evetyoue in the company received a copy ofit-4) Tlie memo uses the To / From / Date / Subject headings. It doeart require an openingsalutation line (Dear …)or closing salutation (Best …Yours ・••)• Memos often have only one paragraph.5) Tel. / asap / @ / RE2.1) I am writing to •…2/3) Furtlier to our previous meeting / With regard to your letter dated .... 4) how about5) I would like to apologise for 6) rvn sorry that … 7) we arepleased to 8) Unfortunately 9) Can you10) Do you want me to3.C J ・C ,B 6・A 7・B 8 C 9・A10. C3・D3・C 4-B4-J 5・A 6-E7・K 8-L9-F 10-G I PH11)May 1 remind you …12)Don" forget13)We look fbnvard to working wiili you ...14)See you soon15)Yours sincerely3.To: All staffFrom: [Kame of student]Date: 2严 JulySubject: Parental LeaveFurther to our previous meeting. I am pleased to confirm that parental leave for fathers has been extended to three weeks. The new system will come into operation as Hom 2,山 Scplcmbcr.My I lemiiid you that your iiiauageib will require ouemonth% notice?P14-151.A. Yes. I thiuk English …JB.... rill interested in marketiiis.C.Pm …D.ru like to work …E.Actually, Tin just finishing my deaee …F・ For about six vears.2丄0 2. C 3.E 4.B 5.D 6.A \F5 • The examiners asks about:-Ixisiuess ill your home town or couulry• present aud future changes in working life6.1) 1 suppose that2)call you repeat3)I think that4)In my op inion7,1)What kind of business is very* important in your home town?2)Do you think English will continue to be important for business in the future?3)Which technology has had the biggest effect on business in recent years?4)In what ways do you think working life will change in the next ten years?5)If you had a chdee of work training, what would it be? Why?6)How effective is selling over the phone?P16472.1) a company car2)flexible working hours3)parental leave4)an impressive job title5) a pension3.oppoiluuitics for pioiiioliou. training aiid staff cxvclopiucnt, a peusiou4.1)B 2) A 3)C 4)R 5) C5.1) take (Moloney'S couiuieuts) with a piueb of salt2)takes care of3)Take (Carde Palmer)4)took part in5)takes on6)takes seriouslyP18-191・ 1) How long have you been working for the company?2)When did you join (the company)?3)What was your first j 6b。

商务英语中级第三版答案商务英语中级第三版答案【篇⼀:剑桥bec真题中级第三辑⼝语解析(part 3discussion)】staff magazineyour company is planning to introduce an internal magazineto keep staff informed of company developments. you have been asked to help plan the staff magazine discuss the situation together, and decide:what type of information to include in the magazine which type of staff should contribute to the magazine how often the magazine should be published 【题⽬分析】企业内刊你所在的公司⽬前正计划发⾏企业内部期刊以帮助员⼯随时了解公司的发展状况。
你们⼀起讨论这个话题,并决定:杂志包括哪些内容 ? 杂志所定位的员⼯类型 ? 杂志的发⾏周期【词汇、短语】特写 feature 视觉的 visual 熟悉的,了解的up-to-speed 上交 submit 使适应,定位 orient 承诺,奉献commitment 【句型点击】 ? 正⾯评价观点 good idea!i really appreciate what you’ve said you’ve made a very good point. that’s interesting!【参考范例】a: i think the staff magazine should be published four times a year and contains news and features about events in the companyand the achievements of staff.b: i don’t think so. a monthly publication of news , analysis, opinions, interviews, competitions and feedback would be better, which can cover a wide range of topics, of interest to staff.c: i prefer the monthly. the magazine is an easy and convenient way of keeping up-to-speed with everything that’s going on in the company. in addition, staff magazine is designed to create a corporate culture that can connect all people in. so, the more, the better.a: ok, maybe you are right. staff magazine should involve everyone and everything in the company. a rich, prompt and diversecoverage satisfies all needs and expectations. by the way, what could be the target audience of the magazine?b: since every issue is designed to give staff a better understanding of our business, to share knowledge and experiences, to provide interest and entertainment and to show readers why the company is a good place to work, the magazine should be oriented to all the staff members.c: you can target the staff magazine to different groups, for individual department may want their version of the magazine. moreover, staff should be encouraged to become involved in producing the magazine and building a sense of community and engagement.a: an employee magazine, um, sounds nice. and printed staff magazines can be out of date before staff even read them; so what about e-magazine, which allows content to be alive and up to date?b: good idea! then staff can get information across in an engaging and visual way. down-loading and uploading old and new issues are really easy through the internet and intranet. anyone can easily submit their article or update in the relevant section of the staff magazine.c: so many ways to improve the magazine and the staff magazine is such a great commitment to help staff to communicatebetter, and be better informed. even the clients can get useful information and grasp business opportunities from the staff magazine.第三辑test 2video conferencingthe company you work for is concerned about the amount of time staff spend traveling to meetings in other branches of the company, and is looking at alternatives.you have been asked to make recommendations about introducing video conferencing. discuss the situation together and decide:what the company needs to know about the meetings that take place at present. what are the advantage and disadvantage of video conferencing might bewhat kinds of practical preparations would be needed before introducing the system 【题⽬分析】电视会议你所在的公司⽬前很关注员⼯出差到其他分公司开会的⽤时问题,正在寻找可替代的开会⽅式。

(2) __P__la_n__f_o_r__d_is_a__s_te__r__
Always discuss the worst-case scenarios. When Margaret Mills, a teacher, lost her jobshare partner because of a family illness, a return to full-time work seemed inevitable. ‘We had been over-optimistic. I did manage to find someone else who fitted in with me, but I was very lucky.
2.1 Reading
Task 2
Is Working for Xerox Too Good to Be True?
Task 1: Read the following article. What benefits and incentives does the article mention for employees at Xerox?

新编剑桥商务英语中级第三版第四单元答案1、If you want to be successful one day, you have to seize every _______ to realize your dream. [单选题] *A. changeB. chance(正确答案)C. chairD. check2、I don’t like playing chess. It is _______. [单选题] *A. interestingB. interestedC. boring(正确答案)D. bored3、61.How is online shopping changing our way? ? ? ? ? ? life? [单选题] *A.of(正确答案)B.inC.onD.for4、Having stayed in the United States for more than ten years, he got an American()[单选题] *A. speechB. accent(正确答案)C. voiceD. sound5、This is not our house. lt belongs to _____. [单选题] *A. the Turners'B. the Turners(正确答案)C. Turner'sD. Turners6、Just use this room for the time being ,and we’ll offer you a larger one _______it becomes available [单选题] *A. as soon as(正确答案)B unless .C as far asD until7、100.The bus can ______ you to the Great Wall. [单选题] *A.leaveB.take(正确答案)C.changeD.spend8、In the past, Mary _______ listening to music in her spare time. [单选题] *A. will likeB. likesC. likeD. liked(正确答案)9、55.There is a ________ on in the bookshop. Let's go to buy some books. [单选题] * A.movieB.matchC.sale(正确答案)D.concert10、Experts are making an investigation on the spot. They want to find a way to()the tower. [单选题] *A. Restore(正确答案)B. resumeC. recoverD. reunite11、She _______ love cats, but one attacked her and she doesn’t like them anymore. [单选题]*A. got used toB. was used toC. was used forD. used to(正确答案)12、--_______ do you have to do after school?--Do my homework, of course. [单选题] *A. What(正确答案)B. WhenC. WhereD. How13、Some students are able to find jobs after graduation while _____will return to school for an advanced degree. [单选题] *A. otherB. anotherC. others(正确答案)D. the other14、For the whole period of two months, there _____ no rain in this area. Now the crops are dead [单选题] *A. isB. wasC. has been(正确答案)D. have been15、Both Mary and Linda don't care for fish. [单选题] *A. 喜欢(正确答案)B. 关心C. 照料D. 在乎16、She passed me in the street, but took no()of me. [单选题] *Attention (正确答案)B. watchC. careD. notice17、There ______ a football match and a concert this weekend.()[单选题] *A. isB. haveC. will be(正确答案)D. will have18、I have a _____ every day to keep fit. [单选题] *A. three thousand meter walkB. three-thousands-meters walkC.three-thousand-meters walkD. three-thousand-meter walk(正确答案)19、If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask him to leave a _____. [单选题] *A. message(正确答案)B. letterC. sentenceD. notice20、20.Sometimes it often rains ________ in my hometown in summer. [单选题] * A.heavyB.hardlyC.heavily(正确答案)D.strongly21、13.—Will you come to my party?—I am not ________ . [单选题] *A.mindB.sure(正确答案)C.happyD.Sorry22、I have only two tickets for TF Boys’concert. ______ you ______ he can go with me.()[单选题] *A. Either; or(正确答案)B. Either; norC. Both; andD. Not only; but also23、3.Shanghai is my hometown. It’s ________ China. [单选题] *A.nearB.far away fromC.to the east ofD.in the east of(正确答案)24、We got up early this morning and took a long walk after breakfast. We walked _____ the business section of the city. [单选题] *A. amongB. betweenC. through(正确答案)D. upon25、As soon as he _______, he _______ to his family. [单选题] *A. arrived, writesB. arrived, writtenC. arrived, wrote(正确答案)D. arrives, write26、At half past three she went back to the school to pick him up. [单选题] *A. 等他B. 送他(正确答案)C. 抱他D. 接他27、—______? —Half a kilo.()[单选题] *A. How much are theyB. How much is itC. How much would you like(正确答案)D. How many would you like28、No writer will be considered()of the name until he writes a work. [单选题] *A. worthlessB. worthy(正确答案)C. worthwhileD. worth29、Wang Dong usually gets up at 6:00 _______ he can catch the early school bus. [单选题] *A. as ifB. so that(正确答案)C. untilD. after30、It is important for us _______ English well. [单选题] *A. learnB. learningC. to learn(正确答案)D. learned。

BEC中级第三版学生用书答案Introduction:BEC (Business English Certificate) is an internationally recognized English language qualification for professionals who want to demonstrate their proficiency in using English in a business context. The third edition of the BEC Intermediate Student Book provides comprehensive materials and exercises to help students prepare for the exam. In this article, we will provide answers to the exercises found in the BEC Intermediate Student Book.Section 1: Reading ComprehensionExercise 1: Multiple Choice1. B2. C3. A4. D5. BExercise 2: True or False1. True2. False3. False4. True5. FalseSection 2: Listening ComprehensionExercise 1: Multiple Choice1. B2. C3. A4. D5. BExercise 2: Fill in the Blanks1. decision2. participants3. investment4. opportunitiesSection 3: WritingExercise 1: Writing an EmailDear Mr. Johnson,I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the possibility of a business partnership between our companies. I recently came across your company's profile and was impressed by your innovative products.I represent XYZ Enterprises, a leading provider of software solutions for the healthcare industry. Our products have been widely used by hospitals and clinics, helping them streamline their operations and improve patient care. We believe that a collaboration between our companies would be mutually beneficial.I would like to schedule a meeting to discuss this further. Our team would be happy to visit your office at a time convenient for you. Please let us know your availability and any specific topics you would like to address during the meeting.Thank you for considering this proposal. We look forward to the opportunity to work together.Best regards,[Your Name]Exercise 2: Writing a ReportTitle: Analysis of Consumer Behavior Trends in the Beauty IndustryAbstract:This report aims to analyze the current consumer behavior trends in the beauty industry. By examining market research data and consumer surveys, we have identified key factors driving consumer purchasing decisions. The findings of this report provide valuable insights for companies operating in the beauty sector.Introduction:The beauty industry has experienced significant growth in recent years, driven by changing consumer preferences and advancements in technology. Understanding consumer behavior has become essential for companies seeking to gain a competitive edge in the market. This report presents an analysis of consumer behavior trends in the beauty industry.Methodology:Market research data from reputable sources, as well as surveys conducted among a diverse group of consumers, were collected and analyzed. The data was analyzed using statistical techniques, including regression analysis and factor analysis.Findings:1. Increasing demand for natural and organic products: Consumers are increasingly conscious of the ingredients used in beauty products and are gravitating towards those with natural and organic formulations.2. Rise of social media influencers: Influencers on platforms such as Instagram and YouTube have a significant impact on consumer purchasing decisions. Consumers are more likely to purchase products endorsed by influencers they trust.3. Growing interest in personalized beauty solutions: Consumers are seeking personalized beauty products and services tailored to their specific needs. This includes customized skincare regimes and makeup products.Conclusion:The beauty industry is evolving rapidly, driven by changing consumer behavior trends. Companies need to adapt their marketing strategies and product offerings to meet the demands of today's consumers. By understanding and harnessing these consumer behavior trends, companies can stay ahead in this competitive market.Section 4: SpeakingExercise 1: Role PlayStudent A: You are a customer who purchased a faulty product from a store. Express your dissatisfaction and request a refund or replacement.Student B: You are a store manager. Apologize for the inconvenience and offer a solution, such as a refund or replacement.Exercise 2: Group DiscussionTopic: The impact of globalization on businessesIn groups of three, discuss the following questions:1. How has globalization affected businesses in your country?2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization for businesses?3. How can businesses adapt to the challenges and opportunities presented by globalization?In conclusion, the answers provided in this article serve as a helpful guide for students using the BEC Intermediate Student Book. By practicingwith these answers, students can enhance their understanding and preparation for the exam. Good luck with your studies!。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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P7 READING (5) 1,open your mind 2 plan for disaster 3 get organized 4 set your limits 5 put pen to pap er 6 don’t feel guilty 7 two
become one
1 need
2 communicate
3 have escaped
4 have been working
5 have been
6 am working
7 answer
P9 (SPEAKING)Writing
work in pairs.
(4) 1 began 2.trademarked 3.became 4.has been 5.has been work ing 6.has been 7.took part
7.have been studying
8.has agreed
(3) unch 2.charge 3.fee 4.growth 5.concept 6.branch out P27 Writing
6.work in pairs.
(6) 1.’ll call 2.won’t rise 3.’re running 4.’m going to h ave
6.will be opening
7.will have started
8.going to leave
9.’ll be receiving
1. ’s employed
2.must have been asked
3.is hoped 4 are being made 5to be looked at6
were taken on7 ’ll be fired
GRAMMAR(3)1.will be given 2.is being reviewed 3.have been offered 4.was set up 5.will be given 6.to be look
7.is hoped 8.have been delayed
1.to assess
2.was unfairly dismissed
3.was followed
4.has be en found
5.had failed
reported 7.gave 8.was dismissed 9.appears 10.is recommended 11 .should be carried 12.will help
P62 1
(3) BCBD
P69 GRAMMAR (6) 1.bad 2.most 3.most enjoyable 4.more 5.than 6.better 7.as 8.better
To: All Staff
From: (name of student)
Subject: Parental Leave
Further to our previous meeting ,I am pleased to
comfirm that parental leave for fathers has been extended to
three weeks .The new system will come into operation as from 4
SEPTEMBER. May I remind you that your
managers will require one month’s notice?。