
Lesson 91Three Men in a BasketFirst listen and then answer the question.Where was the station's Commanding Officer?A pilot noticed a balloon which seemed to be making for a Royal Air Force station nearby.He informed the station at once, but no one there was able to explain the mystery.The officer in the control tower was very angry when he heard the news,because balloons can be a great danger to aircraft.He said that someone might be spying on the station and the pilot was ordered to keep track of the strange object. The pilot managed to circle the balloon for some time.He could make out three men in a basket under it and one of them was holding a pair of binoculars.When the balloon was over the station, the pilot saw one of the men taking photographs.Soon afterwards, the balloon began to descend and it landed near an airfield.The police were called in, but they could not arrest anyone,for the basket contained two Members of Parliament and the Commanding Officer of the station!As the Commanding Officer explained later, one half of the station did not know what the other half was doing!。

新概念英语第二册Lesson91~93课文详注新概念英语第二册Lesson91课文详注1.A pilot noticed a balloon which seemed to be making for a Royal Air Force Station nearby. 一个飞行员发现了一只气球,它像是正飞往附近的一个皇家空军基地。
(1)to be making for为不定式的进行式,表示正在进行的动作:They seem to be talking about something important.他们似乎正在谈论某件重要的事情。
She seems to be looking for somebody/something.她似乎正在找人/什么东西。
(2)make for为固定短语,其含义之一为“(匆匆)走向”、“向……前进”:While the thief was making for his car, a policeman stopped him.当小偷匆勿走向他的汽车时,一位警察拦住了他。
After leaving Calais, the ship made for Dover.离开加来后,那艘船便驶往多佛。
2.He said that someone might be spying on the station and the pilot was ordered to keep track of thestrange object. 他说有可能有人正对基地进行侦察,因此命令那个飞行员跟踪那个奇怪的飞行物。
(1)might be doing sth.表示对正在进行的动作的推测(cf.第19课语法):What can Tom be doing in that room?汤姆会在那个房间里干什么呢?He might be reading/watching TV.他或许在看书/看电视。
(2)keep track of 为固定短语,表示“追踪”、“保持联系”、“记录”等(其反义词为 lose track of):Keep track of the man wearing a grey hat. He looks suspicious to me.跟踪那个戴顶灰帽子的人。

新概念英语第二册★Lesson 1 A private conversation★private adj.私人的① adj. 私人的private life 私生活private school 私立学校It's my private letter. (如果妈妈想看你的信)It's my private house. (如果陌生人想进你的房子)② adj. 普通的private citizen 普通公民I ’m a private citizen. (citizen n. 公民)private soldier 大兵《Private Ryan》(《拯救大兵瑞恩》)public adj. 公众的,公开的(private 的反义词)public school 公立学校public letter 公开信public place 公共场所privacy n.隐私It ’ s privacy. 这是我的隐私!(不愿让别人知道的)★conversation n.谈话have a + talk/chat/dialogue/conversation/gossip名词变动词conversation 一般用于正式文体中, 内容上往往不正式subject of conversation 话题They are having a conversation.talk 内容可正式可不正式, 也可以私人Let ’s have a talk.dialogue 对话, 可以指正式国家与国家会谈China and Korea are having a dialogue.chat 闲聊,就是北京人说的“侃”,说的是无关紧要的事。
gossip 嚼舌头, 说长道短★theatre n.剧场, 戏剧cinema n.电影院★seat n.座位have a good seat/pla c,e这里的seat指place(指地点),而不是chair. take a seat/take your seat 坐下来, 就坐Is the seat taken? 这个位置有人吗?请坐的3 种说法:Sit down, please. (命令性)Take your seat, please.Be seated, please. (更礼貌)作为动词的seat与sit 的区别sit(sat,sitten)vi. 就座He is sitting there. 他坐在那儿。

• The police were called in, but they could not arrest anyone, for the basket contained two Members of Parliament and the Commanding Officer of the station! • call in 召集、邀请 • 他们决定请个医生来,因为那孩子一点不见好转。 • They decided to call in a doctor because the child was not any better. • arrest sb 逮捕某人 • Members of Parliament国会议员 • Commanding Officer指挥官 • As the Commanding Officer explained later, one half of the station did not know what the other half was doing! • one ……the other一个、另一个
★track • (1) n.(人、动物、车等的)轨迹,踪迹 • 猎人跟着熊的足迹。 • The hunter followed the bear’s tracks . • (2) n.(人、动物等踏成的) 小径、小道 • 一条小路穿过了小树林。 • A track runs through the woods . • (3) n.路线、航线 • the track of the storm暴风雨的线路 • (4) 铁轨、轨道 • run off the track出轨
动词 make 的一些固定短语 • make 可以与许多介词或副词连用,产生新的含义。课文中出 现了 make for和 make out。较常用的还有 make up与 make up for等。 • (1)make out 除了表示 I can't make out w“辨出”、“听出”的含义外,还可以表示 “理解”、“弄清”:hat this picture Can you make out what the child wants? 你能弄清那孩子想要什么吗? • Jane is angry again. Sometimes I can't make her out at all. Her moods change quickly. 简又生气了。有时候我根本不能理解她。她情绪变化很快。 • make out 的另一个含义是“写出”、“填写”(相当于 write out): He made out a long list of all the foods which were forbidden. 他写了一张长长的单子,上面列了所有禁吃的食物。 • He made out a cheque of 1, 000 dollars and gave it to the secretary. 他开出一张1, 000美元的支票并将其给了秘书。
新概念英语 第二册课文中英对照版

新概念英语第二册课文1—96课中英对照版Lesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话Lastweek I went to the theatre。
Ihad a very good seat? The playwas very interesting。
I did notenjoy it? A young manand a young womanwere sitting behind m e. They were talking loudly。
I got very angry。
Icould not hearthe actors。
I turnedround。
I lookedat theman andthe womanangrily.They didnot pay any attention。
Inthee nd, I could notbear it。
Iturnedround again。
’I can’thear a word!’I said angril y? ‘It’s none of your business,' the young man said rudely。
'This is a private conversation!'.上星期我去看戏。
最后,我忍不住了,又一次回过头去,生气地说:“我一个字也听不见了!”“不关你的事,”那男的毫不客气地说,“这是私人间的谈话!”Lesson2Breakfastor lunch?早餐还是午餐?ItwasSunday。
I never getup earlyonSundays。
Isometimes stay inbed un til lunchtime.Last Sunday Igot upvery late。

新概念英语第二册课文全篇及翻译96篇1. Lesson 1: A private conversation - 一场私人对话2. Lesson 2: Shopping - 购物3. Lesson 3: A charity appeal - 慈善募款4. Lesson 4: For here or to go? - 在这儿用还是带走?5. Lesson 5: The best and the worst - 最好和最差的6. Lesson 6: Flying saucers - 飞碟7. Lesson 7: A skeleton in the cupboard - 抽屉里的骷髅8. Lesson 8: A famous monastery - 一座有名的修道院9. Lesson 9: Olympic Games - 奥林匹克运动会10. Lesson 10: The perfect crime - 完美的犯罪11. Lesson 11: The importance of money - 金钱的重要性12. Lesson 12: Robots at work - 机器人在工作中13. Lesson 13: Food for thought - 发人深省的事14. Lesson 14: The end of the world? - 世界末日?15. Lesson 15: Lost property - 失物招领处16. Lesson 16: A polite request - 一个礼貌的请求17. Lesson 17: A trip to Australia - 澳大利亚之旅18. Lesson 18: Banks and shopping - 银行与购物19. Lesson 19: There's no smoke without fire - 无风不起浪20. Lesson 20: Long distance love - 远距离恋爱21. Lesson 21: A new house - 一所新房子22. Lesson 22: Nothing is impossible - 没有什么是不可能的23. Lesson 23: The Women's Institute - 妇女协会24. Lesson 24: The way to be happy - 幸福之道25. Lesson 25: China's treasures - 中国的宝藏26. Lesson 26: America's National Parks - 美国的国家公园27. Lesson 27: The benefits of laughter - 笑的好处28. Lesson 28: Travel - 旅行29. Lesson 29: Growing plants indoors - 室内种植植物30. Lesson 30: Tom's hobby - 汤姆的爱好31. Lesson 31: The invention of penicillin - 青霉素的发明32. Lesson 32: The Loch Ness Monster - 尼斯湖水怪33. Lesson 33: How to stop smoking - 如何戒烟34. Lesson 34: The Channel Tunnel - 海峡隧道35. Lesson 35: Memories - 回忆36. Lesson 36: The history of the Olympics - 奥运会的历史37. Lesson 37: Chance and opportunity - 机会与机遇38. Lesson 38: An unusual school - 一所不寻常的学校39. Lesson 39: Telepathy - 心灵感应40. Lesson 40: Motoring - 汽车运动41. Lesson 41: The Bank of English - 英语银行42. Lesson 42: Thw wind of change - 变革的风43. Lesson 43: My dream - 我的梦想44. Lesson 44: Secrets of the mind - 心灵的秘密45. Lesson 45: The Wadden Sea - 瓦登海46. Lesson 46: A trip into space - 太空之旅47. Lesson 47: Going into hospital - 进医院48. Lesson 48: Daredevils - 蛮勇的人49. Lesson 49: A new breed of car - 新一代的汽车50. Lesson 50: Arabian hospitality - 阿拉伯的好客51. Lesson 51: Peaceful uses of atomic energy - 和平利用原子能52. Lesson 52: A birthday present - 一份生日礼物53. Lesson 53: The coast of East Anglia - 东安格利亚海岸54. Lesson 54: Looking for a job - 找工作55. Lesson 55: Studying abroad - 出国留学56. Lesson 56: Poles apart - 截然不同57. Lesson 57: The story of silk - 丝的故事59. Lesson 59: Art and artists - 艺术和艺术家60. Lesson 60: Keeping the doctor away - 远离医生61. Lesson 61: The European Parliament - 欧洲议会62. Lesson 62: The early days of aviation - 航空的早期日子63. Lesson 63: Sleep and health - 睡眠与健康64. Lesson 64: Beyond the Milky Way - 银河系之外65. Lesson 65: Settling down - 定居下来66. Lesson 66: Astronomical discoveries - 天文学的发现67. Lesson 67: Curiosity - 好奇心68. Lesson 68: Making an emergency landing - 进行紧急降落69. Lesson 69: Power for the future - 未来的动力70. Lesson 70: The Bald Piano Player - 秃头钢琴家71. Lesson 71: A difficult customer - 一个难对付的顾客72. Lesson 72: The Olympic Games - 奥林匹克运动会73. Lesson 73: The world's worst singer - 世界上最糟糕的歌手74. Lesson 74: Just a holiday - 只是一次假期75. Lesson 75: Home sweet home - 甜蜜的家76. Lesson 76: A famous clock - 一个著名的时钟77. Lesson 77: False money - 假币78. Lesson 78: The United Nations - 联合国79. Lesson 79: Changing attitudes - 态度的转变80. Lesson 80: Cultural exchanges - 文化交流82. Lesson 82: Television and radio - 电视和广播83. Lesson 83: Marriage - 婚姻85. Lesson 85: Danger - men at work - 危险 - 男人在工作86. Lesson 86: Saving electricity - 节约用电87. Lesson 87: A close shave - 惊险时刻88. Lesson 88: Music - the universal language - 音乐 - 普遍的语言89. Lesson 89: Space pioneers - 太空先驱者90. Lesson 90: House-warming - 乔迁之喜91. Lesson 91: Toys - 玩具92. Lesson 92: Dear George - 亲爱的乔治93. Lesson 93: Growing old - 变老94. Lesson 94: What's in a name? - 名字有什么重要?95. Lesson 95: The dance of the hens - 鸡的舞蹈96. Lesson 96: A pretty carpet - 一块漂亮的地毯。

• ※ make out 认出、辨认出 = recognize • a pair of binoculars 一副双筒望远镜
When the balloon was over the station, the pilot saw one of the men taking photographs. 当气球飞临基地上空时,飞行员看见有一个人在 拍照。 ※ see sb doing 看见某人正做某事 ;
(2) 有助于,促进 * make out (1) 勉强辨认出、勉强认出
(2) 理解 (3) 重写 * make up (1) 编造 (2) 化妝 * make up for 弥补 ※ seem to be doing 似乎正在进行某事
★ He informed the station at once, but no one there was
• a circular table 圆桌 • a circular ticket 环程票 ;
• a circular tour 环程旅行.
• He could make out three men in a basket under it and one of them was holding a pair of binoculars.

5.失去理智 out of one's wits
6.无意中遇到,碰上 bump into
7.海底下 深海底 under the sea
8.某物的供应 supply of sth.
9.缺少;不存在 absence of
as a result
invent 和discover的用法区别:
• invent 意为“发明”, 是发明或创造不曾存在 的东西。
2. Can you _m_a_k_e_o_ut_what they are talking about?
3. I can’t ___m_a_ke_o_u_t__the boss’s handwriting.
4.mJakaenheerisouatngry again. Sometimes I can’t _______at allm. Hakeeromutoods change quickly.
L91 Three men in a basket
He lost his ID card, as a result, he can't board a train.
She was frightened out of wits by the gunshot outside door.
动词 make 的一些固定短语
(1)make out “辨出”、“听出”,“理解”、“弄清” : I can't make out what this picture is about. 我看不出这幅画的意思。
Can you make out what the child wants? 你能弄清那孩子想要什么吗?

新概念英语第二册Lesson91课文详注1.A pilot noticed a balloon which seemed to be making for a Royal Air Force Station nearby. 一个飞行员发现了一只气球,它像是正飞往附近的一个皇家空军基地。
(1)to be making for为不定式的进行式,表示正在进行的动作:They seem to be talking about something important.他们似乎正在谈论某件重要的事情。
She seems to be looking for somebody/something.她似乎正在找人/什么东西。
(2)make for为固定短语,其含义之一为“(匆匆)走向”、“向……前进”:While the thief was making for his car, a policeman stopped him.当小偷匆勿走向他的汽车时,一位警察拦住了他。
After leaving Calais, the ship made for Dover.离开加来后,那艘船便驶往多佛。
2.He said that someone might be spying on the station and the pilot was ordered to keep track of the strange object. 他说有可能有人正对基地进行侦察,因此命令那个飞行员跟踪那个奇怪的飞行物。
(1)might be doing sth.表示对正在进行的动作的推测(cf.第19课语法):What can Tom be doing in that room?汤姆会在那个房间里干什么呢?He might be reading/watching TV.他或许在看书/看电视。
(2)keep track of 为固定短语,表示“追踪”、“保持联系”、“记录”等(其反义词为 lose track of):Keep track of the man wearing a grey hat. He looks suspicious to me.跟踪那个戴顶灰帽子的人。

Lesson53 Hot snake 触电的蛇消防队员们终于扑灭了加利福尼亚的一场森林大火。
Lesson54 Sticky fingers 粘糊的手指早饭后,我送孩子们上学,然后就去了商店。
这次是邮递员,他要我签收一封挂号信!Lesson55 Not a gold mine 并非金矿最近,找到失踪宝藏的梦想差一点儿变成现实。

Lesson 91 Three men in a basket 三人同篮【New words and expressions】(5)balloon n. 气球royal adj. 皇家spy v. 侦察track n. 轨迹,踪迹binoculars n. 望远镱★balloon n. 气球(1)n. 气球,氢气球eg. hoist a balloon = raise a balloon 升气球an observation balloon 观测气球(2)n. (玩具的)气球eg. blow up a balloon 吹气球The balloon burst. 气球爆了★royal adj. 皇家(1)adj. 皇室的,皇家的eg. the Royal Navy 英国皇家海军(2)adj. 王的,王室的,女王的eg. a royal palace 王宫a royal family 王室royal power 王权(3)(口语)极好的,极佳的eg. a royal welcome 盛大的欢迎a royal feast 盛大的宴会have a royal time 玩得很尽兴★spy v. 侦察(1)v. 侦察spy on sth. 侦察某事物= spy upon sth. = spy into sth.eg. The police have been spying on the gang’s movements.警方一直在暗中监视着那伙人的动静。
spy sb. doing sth. 发现某人正在做某事eg. I spied someone coming up the slope. 我发现有人正走上斜坡。
(2)n. 间谍,密探,情报员eg. He was arrested as an industrial spy. 他因为是工业间谍而被捕了。
★track n. 轨迹,踪迹(1)n. (人、动物、车等的)踪迹,足迹tyre tracks 轮胎的轨迹eg. The hunter followed the bear’s tracks. 猎人寻着熊的踪迹前进。
新概念英语第二册:课文注释 Lesson91

新概念英语第二册:课文注释 Lesson91【篇一】A pilot noticed a balloon which seemed to be making fora Royal Air Force Station nearby. 一个飞行员发现了一只气球,它像是正飞往附近的一个皇家空军基地。
(1)to be making for为不定式的实行式,表示正在实行的动作:They seem to be talking about something important.他们似乎正在谈论某件重要的事情。
She seems to be looking for somebody/something.她似乎正在找人/什么东西。
(2)make for为固定短语,其含义之一为“(匆匆)走向”、“向……前进”:While the thief was making for his car, a policeman stopped him.当小偷匆勿走向他的汽车时,一位警察拦住了他。
After leaving Calais, the ship made for Dover.离开加来后,那艘船便驶往多佛。
【篇二】He said that someone might be spying on the station and the pilot was ordered to keep track of the strange object. 他说有可能有人正对基地实行侦察,所以命令那个飞行员跟踪那个奇怪的飞行物。
(1)might be doing sth.表示对正在实行的动作的推测(cf.第19课语法):What can Tom be doing in that room?汤姆会在那个房间里干什么呢?He might be reading/watching TV.他或许在看书/看电视。
(2)keep track of 为固定短语,表示“追踪”、“保持联系”、“记录”等(其反义词为 lose track of):Keep track of the man wearing a grey hat. He looks suspicious to me.跟踪那个戴顶灰帽子的人。

Lesson 91 poor Ian 可怜的伊恩一、单词与短语still:adv.还,仍旧;move:v.搬家;关于move掌握两个短语:move into:搬进、、、例:Tom moved into a new house last week.汤姆上周搬进新家了。
Move out:搬出去;例:When will you move out from the house?你们什么时候从房子里搬出去?miss: v.想念,思念;例:I miss you terribly.我非常想念你。
关于miss还需要掌握它另外的一个意思:错过、、、或者:未赶上、、、、I am afraid that we will miss the train.我担心我们赶不上火车。
neighbour: n.邻居;person:n.人;people:n.人们;poor:adj.可怜的;例:What a poor guy he is.多么可怜的一个家伙。
poor另外的一个意思是:贫穷的;例:the poor:穷人们;the rich:富人们;二、短语、句型及语法1、He has always been a good neighbour.他一直是个好邻居。
①always“总是”的意思,它是一般现在时的显著标志词,一般跟一般现在时连用,但此处always却与现在完成时连用,always与现在完成时连用表示“一向、、、”或者“总是、、、”带有强烈的赞同或厌恶感情色彩,例:I’ve always believed he was wrong.我一直认为他是错的。
He has always been a good neighbour.他一直是个好邻居。
②掌握与always相关的一个常用搭配:be always doing sth: 总是、、、(带有强烈的感情色彩,表示厌恶或赞许)例:He is always making fun of me.他总是捉弄我。

新概念英语第二册课文1-96课中英对照版Lesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat? The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it? A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. 'I can't hear a word!' I said angrily? ‘It’s none of your business,' the young man said rudely. 'This is a private conversation!'.上星期我去看戏。
最后,我忍不住了,又一次回过头去,生气地说:“我一个字也听不见了!”“不关你的事,”那男的毫不客气地说,“这是私人间的谈话!”Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch? 早餐还是午餐?It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunch time.Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside.'What a day!' I thought. 'It's raining again.' Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy.' I've just arrived by train,' she said. 'I'm coming to see you.' 'But I'm still having breakfast,' I said.'What are you doing?' she asked. ‘I’m having breakfast,' I repeated.'Dear me,' she said. 'Do you always get up so late? It's one o'clock!''那是个星期天,而在星期天我是从来不早起的,有时我要一直躺到吃午饭的时候。

新概念英语第二册第91课课文英文回答:In Lesson 91 of New Concept English, the text discusses the importance of taking risks in life. It emphasizes that in order to achieve success, one must be willing to step out of their comfort zone and take on challenges. The author shares their own personal experience of taking arisk and how it led to a positive outcome.The text begins by stating that life is full of risks and uncertainties. It mentions that many people are afraid of taking risks because they fear failure or rejection. However, the author argues that without taking risks, one cannot grow or achieve their goals. They give the example of a person who wants to start their own business but is too afraid to take the leap. This person may never experience the satisfaction and success that comes with being an entrepreneur.The text then moves on to discuss the benefits oftaking risks. It states that taking risks can lead to personal growth and development. When we push ourselves out of our comfort zones, we learn new skills and gain valuable experiences. The author gives the example of a person who decides to travel alone to a foreign country. This person may initially feel scared and unsure, but through this experience, they become more independent and confident.Furthermore, the text highlights that taking risks can also lead to new opportunities and success. It states that successful people are often those who are willing to take risks and seize opportunities when they arise. The author shares their own personal story of taking a risk byapplying for a job that they felt underqualified for. Despite their doubts, they were offered the position and it turned out to be a great opportunity for growth and advancement.In conclusion, the text emphasizes the importance of taking risks in life. It encourages readers to step out of their comfort zones and embrace challenges. By taking risks,one can experience personal growth, seize new opportunities, and achieve success.中文回答:新概念英语第二册第91课课文讨论了在生活中冒险的重要性。

(完整word版)新概念第二册课文和翻译新概念英语第二册课文及翻译Lesson 1 A private conversation私人谈话Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat.The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly.I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I lookedat the man and the woman angrily(状语). They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. 'Inone of your business,' the can't hear a word!' I said angrily.‘It’syoung man said rudely. 'This is a private conversation!'.上星期我去看戏。
最后,我忍不住了,又一次回过头去,生气地说:“我一个字也听不见了!”“不关你的事,”那男的毫不客气地说,“这是私人间的谈话!”】生词和短语【NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS★private adj.私人的it's my private letter/house ;美式英语private school:私立学校英式英语:公学ETON (private school)privacy:隐私it's a privacy. adj.《Private Ryan》private soldier:大兵1。
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新概念英语第二册课文翻译及词汇Lesson91~93新概念英语第二册课文翻译及词汇Lesson91【课文】A pilot noticed a balloon which seemed to be making for a Royal Air Force Station nearby. He informed the station at once, but no one there was able to explain the mystery. The officer in the control tower was very angry when he heard the news, because balloons can be a great danger to aircraft. He said that someone might be spying on the station and thepilot was ordered to keep track of the strange object. The pilot managed to circle the balloon for some time. He could make out three men in a basket under it and one of them was holding a pair of binoculars. When the balloon was over the station, the pilot saw one of the men taking photographs. Soon afterwards, the balloon began to descend and it landed near an airfield. The police were called in, but they could not arrest anyone, for the basket contained two Members of Parliament and the Commanding Officer of the station! As the Commanding Officer explained later, one half of the station did not know what the other half was doing!【课文翻译】一个飞行员发现了一只气球,它像是正飞往附近的一个皇家空军基地。
警察被召来了,但他们却不能逮捕任何人,因为筐里是两名国会议员和一名基地的指挥官!正如指挥官后来解释的那样,基地的这半边不知道那半边正在干什么!【生词汇总】balloon n. 气球royal adj. 皇家spy v. 侦察track n. 轨迹,踪迹binoculars n. 双筒望远镱新概念英语第二册课文翻译及词汇Lesson92【课文】It must have been about two in the morning when I returned home. I tried to wake up my wife by ringing the doorbell, but she was fast asleep, so I got a ladder from the shed in the garden, put it against the wall, and began climbing towards the bedroom window. I was almost there when a sarcastic voice below said, 'I don't think the windows need cleaning at this time of the night.' I looked down and nearly fell off the ladder when I saw a policeman. I immediately regretted answering in the way I did, but I said, 'I enjoy cleaning windows at night.''So do I,' answered the policeman in the same tone.'Excuse my interrupting you. I hate to interrupt a man when he's busy working, but would you mind coming with me to the station?''Well, I'd prefer to stay here,' I said. 'You see. I've forgotten my key.''Your what?' he called.'My key,' I shouted.Fortunately, the shouting woke up my wife who opened the window just as the policeman had started to climb towards me.【课文翻译】我回到家时,肯定已是凌晨两点左右了。
【生词汇总】fast adv. 熟(睡)ladder n. 梯子shed n. 棚子sarcastic adj. 讽刺的,讥笑的tone n. 语气,腔调新概念英语第二册课文翻译及词汇Lesson93【课文】One of the most famous monuments in the world, the Statue of Liberty, was presented to the United States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of France. The great statue, which was designed by the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi, took ten years to complete. The actual figure was made of copper supported by a metal framework which had been especially constructed by Eiffel. Before it could be transported to the United States, a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built. The site chosen was an island at the entrance of New York Harbour. By 1884, a statue which was 151 feet tall had been erected in Paris. The following year, it was taken to pieces and sent to America. By the end of October 1886, the statue had been put together again and it was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi. Ever since then, the great monument has been a symbol of liberty for the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbour to make their homes in America.【课文翻译】世界上最的纪念碑之一的自由女神雕像是在19世纪时由法国人民赠送给美国的。
【生词汇总】noble adj. 高尚的,壮丽的monument n. 纪念碑statue n. 雕像liberty n. 自由present v. 赠送sculptor n. 雕刻家actual adj. 实际的,真实的copper n. 铜support v. 支持,支撑framework n. 构架,框架transport v. 运送site n. 场地pedestal n. 底座。