黑茶(dark tea)
黑茶 山茶科茶属植物

黑茶山茶科茶属植物黑茶(dark tea),因成品茶的外观呈黑色,故得名。

Part ⅠTea1、green tea 绿茶black tea 红茶oolong tea 乌龙茶dark tea 黑茶yellow tea 黄茶white tea 白茶scented tea 花茶jasmine tea 茉莉花茶brick tea 砖茶pu`re tea 普洱茶2、Health Tea (保健茶)jasmine tea bag 花茶袋泡green tea bag 绿茶袋泡chrysanthemum tea bag 菊花袋泡benefit anti-constipation tea 通便茶barley tea 大麦茶vanilla kuding tea 香兰苦丁hainan island kuding 海南岛苦丁Chinese herbal tea 本草清馨茶3、Flower (饮用花)rose 玫瑰花chrysanthemum 菊花lemon 柠檬heart of lotus seed 莲子芯honeysuckle 金银花wolf berry 金莲花the fruit of wolf berry 枸杞cassia seed 决明子magnolia 辛荑花lily flower 百合花amaranth 千日红receptacle of rose 玫瑰茄4、Tea set (茶具)tea set 茶具tea ceremony 茶道tea cup 茶杯tea pot 茶壶purple-grit tea pot 紫砂壶porcelain 瓷器porcelain bowl 瓷碗glass cup/pot 玻璃杯/壶tea tray 茶盘tea utensil 茶器具tea cart = tea wagon 茶具车tea strainer 茶漏fragrance-smelling cup 闻香杯5、Wrap (包装)tea box 茶叶桶wrapping paper 包装纸tin tea box 锡罐1.茶最初被用作药材。


六大茶类术语 Six Category:乌龙/青茶 oolong tea 红茶black tea黑茶 dark tea 绿茶 green tea黄茶 yellow tea 白茶white tea常用制茶工序 Making Tea :tea harvesting 采青 tea leaves 茶青withering 萎凋 sun withering 日光萎凋indoor withering 室内萎凋setting 静置 fermentation 发酵fixation 杀青 stir fixation炒青baking 烘青 sunning 晒青rolling 揉捻 light rolling 轻揉heavy rolling 重揉drying 干燥 baking 烘干sunning 晒干piling 渥堆 refining 精制winnowing 风选 blending 拼配re-drying覆火 aging 陈放added process 加工 roasting 焙火常见茶名的英译 Normal Translation :White tipped oolong 白毫乌龙 Wuyi rock 武夷岩茶green blade 煎茶 Yellow Mountain fuzz tip 黄山毛峰dragon well 龙井 green spiral 碧螺春gunpower 珠茶 age cake puer 青沱pile cake puer 青饼 Jun Mountain silver needle 君山银针white tip silver needle 银针白毫 white peony 白牡丹long brow 寿眉 jade dew 玉露robe tea 大红袍 cassia tea 肉桂narcissus 水仙 finger citron 佛手茶iron mercy goddess 铁观音 osmanthus oolong 桂花乌龙ginseng oolong 人参乌龙茶 jasmine tea 茉莉花茶rose bulb 玫瑰绣球 Gongfu black 功夫红茶smoke black 烟熏红茶 roast oolong 熟火乌龙light oolong 清茶(包种茶) Anji white leaf 安吉白茶Liu’an leaf 六安瓜片 fenghuang unique bush 凤凰单丛茶具名称 Tea Set :tea pot 茶壶 tea pad 壶垫tea cup 茶杯 tea tray.茶盘tea saucer茶碟 cup saucer 杯托tea towel tray 茶巾盘 tea holder 茶荷tea container茶缸 ceramic tea pot紫砂茶壶teaspoon茶匙 tea plate 茶船tea pitcher 茶盅 tea strainer 滤茶器lid saucer 盖置 tea serving tray 奉茶盘tea towel 茶巾 tea brush 茶拂 timer 定时器water heater 煮水器 water kettle 水壶heating base 煮水器底坐 tea cart 茶车seat cushion 座垫 cup cover 杯套packing wrap 包壶巾 tea ware bag 茶具袋ground pad 地衣 tea ware tray 茶托strainer cup 同心杯 personal tea set 个人品茗组(茶具)tea basin 水盂 brewing vessel 冲泡盅covered bowl 盖碗 tea ware 茶器thermos 热水瓶 tea canister (tea caddy)茶罐tea urn 茶瓮 tea table 茶桌side table 侧柜 tea bowl 茶碗这么多的茶叶英文专用术语,快一起学起来吧!精心搜集整理,只为你的需要。

黑茶(dark tea)

It come from fan
It come from fan
①杀青 是利用高温破坏酶的活性,以抑制多酚类物质的酶性氧化。 由于原料较老,水分含量较低,不易杀匀杀透,所以在杀 青前应先洒水(俗称"打浆"或"灌浆"),一般每5千克鲜叶加 水0.5千克,露水叶、雨水叶和较嫩的原料,可以不洒水。 杀青翻炒时产生高温蒸气,有利于杀匀杀透。杀青的方法 分为手工杀青和机械杀青。 ②初揉 黑茶揉捻分为初揉和复揉。初揉是在杀青后趁热揉捻,使 大部分粗大茶叶初步揉成条,且茶汁溢附于茶叶表面,细 胞破损率达20%以上,为渥堆的理化变化创造条件。由于 黑茶叶质较粗老,无论是初揉或复揉都必须遵循轻压、慢 揉、短时的原则,否则将会使叶肉与叶脉分离,形成“丝 瓜瓤”,茎梗表皮剥落形成"脱皮梗"。
It come from fan 10
• 普洱茶主要产于云南省的西双版纳、临沧、 普洱等地区。该地具有终年雨水充足、云 雾弥漫、土层深厚、土地肥沃、无污染等 优势。 • 普洱茶历史非常悠久,早在三千多年前武 王伐纣时期,云南种茶先民濮人就已经献 茶给周武王,只不过那时还没有普洱茶这 个名称。邦崴过渡型古茶树是古代濮人栽 培驯化茶树遗留下来的活化石。
It come from fan
Hale Waihona Puke 别方法• 好的黑茶总的品质要求色泽黑而有光泽, 汤色橙黄而明亮,香气纯正,陈茶有特殊 的花香或“熟绿豆香”,滋味醇和而甘甜。 如果香气有馊酸气,霉味或其它异味,滋 味粗涩,汤色发黑或浑浊,都是品质低劣 的表现。
It come from fan
① 湖南安化黑茶 ② 云南普洱茶

黑茶(Dark tea )属于按色泽分类划分的六大基本茶类之一,多数是经过再加工(Reprocessed tea )的紧压茶(Comperessed tea ),又称砖茶(Brick tea )。
因其加工工艺繁复、经“渥堆转色”,品质形成最为复杂,属于“后发酵”茶(Post fermented tea )。
11世纪前后,四川天全产生“乌茶”制法,出现“设架打包”和“压制甑茶”,由晒青绿毛茶做色(约20d 湿堆)蒸压制成团块茶,这是黑茶初期制法。

茶学专业英语词汇茶叶品种 Tea varietiesTea 茶 Green tea 绿茶Black tea 红茶 White tea 白茶Scented tea花茶Pu\'er tea;Pu Erh tea;Puu Eel tea普洱茶Yellow tea 黄茶 Dark tea黑茶Sincha 新茶Yü-chien tea 雨前茶Teabag 袋泡茶 Mugi-cha 大麦茶Herbal tea [ˈɜ:rbl]花草茶 Jasmine tea 茉莉花茶Chrysanthemum tea [krɪˈsænθəməm, -ˈzæn-]菊花茶 Block Puer tea 普洱(砖)Aged Pu\'er tea 陈年普洱 Oolong tea;Oulung tea 乌龙茶Bohea tea [boʊ'hi:] 武夷茶 Hyson Tea 熙春茶Kungfu Tea;Gongfu Tea 功夫茶 Twankay Tea [ˈtwæŋkei]屯溪茶Keemun Tea; Qimen tea 祁门茶Loungjing Tea; Longjing Tea;Lung Ching tea 龙井茶Drogon Well 是对“龙井”这一名词的非正规翻译,不建议使用。
Tieh-Kuan-Yin;TieGuanYin Tea 铁观音 Cloud mist 云雾茶Pekoe [ˈpiko]白毫注:该单词又指印度,斯里兰卡的高级红茶Cowslip[ˈkaʊˌslɪp]牛舌 Gunpowder 高末儿Camellia Oleifera [kə'milɪə]绿油茶中国名茶 Chinese famous teaWhite tipped oolong白毫乌龙 Wuyi rock tea武夷岩茶Green blade煎茶 Yellow mountain fuzz tip黄山毛峰Green spiral[ˈspaɪrəl]碧螺春 Gunpowder 珠茶Age cake puer青沱 Pile cake puer青饼Jun mountain silver needle君山银针 White tip silver needle银针白毫White penoy[ˈpiəni]白牡丹 Long brow jade dew[du:]玉露Rode tea大红袍 Cassia tea肉桂Narcissus [nɑrˈsɪsəs]水仙 Finger citron['sɪtrən佛手Roast oolong熟火乌龙 Osmanthus oolong[ɒz'mænθəs]桂花乌龙Ginseng oolong人参乌龙茶 Jasmine tea茉莉花茶Rose bulb玫瑰绣球 Smoke black烟熏红茶Light oolong清茶 Anji white安吉白茶Liu’an leaf六安瓜片 Fenghuang unique bush凤凰单从Tea power茶粉 Fine powder tea抹茶茶树 Tea treeEvergreen 常绿 Shrub 灌木Cultivate 栽培 Perennial 多年生Arbor 乔木 Longtitudinal growth 纵向生长A height of 7 to 8 feet 高7-8英尺 United below 基部联合Bark 树型 Margins 叶缘Tip or apex 顶 Blade 叶片Main vein 主脉 Lateral vein 侧脉Leaf stalk 叶柄 Water soluble 水溶性的Fat-soluble 脂溶性的 Solitary 单生的Leaf axils 叶腋 Sepals 萼片Petals 花瓣 Stamens 雄蕊Filaments 花丝 Anthers 花药Ovary 子房 Cell 子房室Styles 花柱 Stigmas 柱头Fruit 茶果 Capsule 蒴果Seed 茶籽 Prune 修剪Tea-growing regions 产茶区 Taxonomically 分类学上茶园耕作 Tea cultivationVegetative propagation 营养繁殖 Transplanted 移栽Phosphatic fertilizer 磷肥 Seed cake 菜饼Inorganic fertilizer 无机肥 Plucking table 采摘面Vegetative phase 营养生长阶段 Tea planters 茶农Collar pruning 台刈 Cankered branches 病枝Foliage 叶层 Carbohydrate 碳水化合物Tender shoots 新梢 Two leaves and a bud 一芽两叶Chlorophyll 叶绿素 Chlorosis 失绿病Glossiness 光泽 Pest management 虫害管理Pesticide 杀虫剂 Parasitic 寄生的Infused leaf 叶底 Evenness 均匀度Category 种类 Delicate 幼嫩的Twisted 条索好 Adhesive 紧实的Tippy 显豪的 Even 匀称Tribute tea 贡茶 Precipitation 降雨量Plump 丰满 Fleshy 肥厚Vegetation 植被 Relative humidity 相对湿度Green color 色绿 Artistic appearance 形美The green leaves set up with red border and veins 绿叶红镶边Silvery tip 银芽 Well twisted 条索好茶叶生化 Tea biochemistryChemical composition 化学组成 Inorganic constituents 无机成分The nitrogen compounds 含氮化合物 Alkaloid 生物碱Caffeine 咖啡碱 Starch 淀粉The polyphenols 多酚类 Components 成分Gallic acid 没食子酸 Catechin 儿茶素Gallocatechin 没食子儿茶素 Epicatechin 表儿茶素Epigallocatechin 表没食子儿茶素 Pigments 色素Anthocyanins 花青素 Flavones 黄酮类Oxidase 氧化酶 Vitamins 维生素Riboflavin 核黄素 Fermentation 发酵Flavanols 黄烷醇 Phenolic acids 酚酸类The obromine 可可碱 The ophylline 茶碱Amino acids 氨基酸 The anine 茶氨酸Polyphenol oxidase 多酚氧化酶 The aflavins 茶黄素The arubigins 茶红素 Polymerized 多聚化的Enzyme oxidation 酶促反应 Autoxidation 自动氧化Cardio vascular 心血管的 Decaffeinated 脱咖啡因的茶叶加工 Tea processingTea bush:茶树 Tea harvesting:采青Tea leaves:茶青 Withering:萎凋Sun withering 日光萎凋 Indoor withering 室内萎凋Setting 静置 Tossing 搅拌(浪青)Fermentation 发酵 Oxidation 氧化Roll-breaking 解块 Sifting 过筛Grading 分级 Blending 拼配Solar withering 晒青 Stirring 摇青Instant tea 速溶茶 Extract 提取Fixation 杀青 Steaming 蒸青Stir fixation 炒青 Baking 烘青Sunning晒青 Rolling 揉捻Light rolling 轻揉 Heavy rolling 重揉Cloth rolling 布揉 Drying 干燥Pan firing 炒干 Baking 烘干Sunning 晒干 Piling 渥堆Refining 精制 Screening 筛分Cutting 剪切 De-stemming 把梗Shaping 整形 Winnowing 风选Blending 拼配 Compressing 紧压Re-drying 覆火 Aging 陈放Added process 加工 Roasting 焙火Scenting 熏花 Spicing 调味Tea beverage 茶饮料 Packing 包装Vacuum packing 真空包装 Nitrogen packs 充氮包装Shredded-tea bag 碎形小茶袋 Leave-tea bag 原片小袋茶茶叶审评 Tea tasting and termsTea tasting and terms 茶叶审评 Taster 评茶师Kettle 茶壶 Infuse 冲泡Teabags 袋泡茶 Infusion 茶汤Body 浓 Thickness 浓厚Brisk 鲜爽 Full 醇厚Ripe 熟 Round smooth 圆滑适口Delicate fragrance 香郁 Brisk taste 味甘饮茶健康 Tea and healthEpidemiologic 流行病学的 Antioxidant 抗氧化的Free radicals 自由基 Diabetes 糖尿病Cholesterol 胆固醇 Neutralise 抵消Fertility 生育能力 Conception 受孕Clinically 临床地 Triglyceride 甘油三脂Tumours 肿瘤 Causative 病原的Dysentery 痢疾 Halitosis 口臭Fatigue 疲劳 Neuralgia 神经痛Diuretic 利尿剂 Capillary 毛细血管Anti-inflammatory 抗炎症 Biosynthesis 生物合成Normalize 使...恢复正常 Hyperfunction 功能亢奋Fluoride 氟化物 Antioxidant 抗氧化剂Analgesic 止痛药 Antipyretic 解热剂Polysaccharides 多糖 Renal 肾脏Stroke 中风 Dietary 饮食有关的Carcinogens 致癌物质 Interfere 干扰Intestine 肠 liver 肝Activation 激活 LDL 低密度脂蛋白Serum 血清 Blood clots 血块Platelet 血小板 Aggregation 凝集Mechanism 机制 Hypertension 高血压Kidneys 肾脏 Inhibitors 抑制剂Amylase 淀粉酶 Insulin 胰岛素Intestinal 肠道的 Deodorants 除臭剂Hepatitis 肝炎 Cirrhosis 肝硬化Interferon 干扰素茶叶贸易 Tea tradingTrue to its kind 原产地 Organoliptic 感官的Auctioneers 拍卖师 Marketability 销路Broker 经纪人 Intermediaries 中介Bid 出价 Retailers 零售商Wholesalers 批发商 Agents 代理商Retail packs 零售包装 Canister 茶叶罐饮茶方式 Drink teaUtensil 用具 Kettle 水壶Teaspoon 茶匙 Tea house 茶馆Teapot 茶壶 Tea set; tea service 茶具Tea strainer 茶漏 Tea pad茶垫Tea plate茶船 Tea pitcher 茶盅Lid saucer 盖置 Tea serving tray 奉茶盘Tea cup 茶杯 Cup saucer 杯托Tea towel tray 茶巾盘 Tea holder 茶荷Tea towel 茶巾 Tea brush 茶拂Timer 定时器 Water heater 煮水器Heating base 煮水器底座 Tea cart 茶车Seat cushion 座垫 Cup cover 杯套Packing wrap保壶巾 Tea ware bag茶具袋Covered bowl 盖碗 Tea spoon 茶匙Tea ware 茶器 Thermos 热水瓶Tea canister 茶罐 Tea um 茶瓮Tea table 茶桌 Side table 侧柜Tea bowl 茶碗 Spout bowl 有流茶碗Tea tray; teaboard 茶盘 Tea canister;caddy 茶罐Tea oil 茶油 Tea seed oil 茶籽油Purple granulated;purple sand;terra-cotta 紫砂Purple clay teapot;purple sand teapot 紫砂壶Tea ceremony 茶艺 Tea-tasting 品茶Sado;tea-making 茶道注:“茶道”一词来自日语,所以英语采用了日语的音译“sado”,还有人将茶道译作“tea way”,显然很不正规。

茶业英语知识点总结茶叶种类和产地1. 绿茶 (Green tea)Green tea is a type of tea that is made from Camellia sinensis leaves that have not undergone the same withering and oxidation process used to make oolong teas and black teas. It originated in China, but its production has spread to many other countries in Asia.2. 黑茶 (Black tea)Black tea is a type of tea that is more oxidized than oolong, green, and white teas. It is generally stronger in flavor and contains more caffeine than other teas. It is commonly grown and consumed in China, India, Sri Lanka, and other countries in Southeast Asia.3. 乌龙茶 (Oolong tea)Oolong tea is a traditional Chinese tea produced by withering the plant under strong sun and oxidation before curling and twisting. The tea is rich in antioxidants and provides a range of health benefits.4. 白茶 (White tea)White tea is a type of tea that is made from young leaves and buds of the Camellia sinensis plant. It is the least processed of all the teas and has a delicate, sweet flavor.5. 普洱茶 (Puer tea)Puer tea is a variety of fermented dark tea produced in Yunnan Province, China. It is processed using a unique method that involves fermentation and aging, resulting in a complex and earthy flavor.茶叶的加工工艺1. withering (萎凋)Withering is the process of allowing freshly picked tea leaves to wilt and lose moisture. This can be achieved by air-drying, sun-drying, or artificially controlled conditions.2. rolling (揉捻)After withering, the tea leaves are rolled to break down their cell walls and release the juices and natural oils, which contributes to the flavor and aroma of the tea.3. oxidation (氧化)Oxidation is the process of exposing the rolled tea leaves to air to allow them to turn brown. This step is crucial in determining the flavor and color of the final tea product.4. firing (烘焙)Firing or roasting the tea leaves is the final step in the processing of most teas. This step stops the oxidation process and ensures that the tea leaves are properly dried for storage and packaging.茶叶的功效与营养价值1. 抗氧化作用茶叶中的茶多酚具有强大的抗氧化作用,有助于预防细胞氧化和减缓衰老。
茶 英语

Maojian of Huangshan Mountain Longjing tea of Zhejiang Province Biluochun produced in Jiangsu
Dark tea(黑茶)
Dark tea is the kind which is fully fermented before baking(烘焙).
1.The origin of tea 2.Tea types 3. The benefit of drinking tea 4.Tea drinking
As we know: China is the homeland of tea. It is believed that China had planted tea as early as four thousand years ago
It is worth noting that black tea is the most popular one both at home and abroad
Yellow tea
Yellow tea is made after slightly fermented, and its production process is similar to Green tea.But it has a special step——Suffocative yellow(闷黄)
White tea
White Tea is also the tea fermenting to a small extent , and it is mainly grown in Fujian and Taiwan.

I. Chinese Cultural Terms :1.绿茶green tea2.红茶black tea3.乌龙茶oolong tea4.黑茶dark tea5.花茶scented tea6.茉莉花茶jasmine tea7.八大菜系eight major schools of cuisine /8 Regional Chinese Cuisines8.茶道tea ceremony9.茶具tea set10.紫砂壶boccaro teapot11.北京烤鸭Beijing roast duck12.清蒸鱼steamed fish13.狗不理包子Goubili steamed buns14.佛跳墙Buddha Jumping the Wall15.《论语》The Analects16.《诗经》The Book of Songs17.《道德经》Classic of the Way and Virtue18.道家Daoism19.汉字Chinese character20.象形文字pictograph21.甲骨文oracle-bone inscription/ oracle-bone script22.篆文seal character/ seal script23.文房四宝four treasures of study24.丝绸之路the Silk Road25.海上丝绸之路the Maritime silk road26.一带一路倡议The Belt and Road Initiative27.西域the Western regions28.敦煌石窟the Dunhuang Grottoes29.春秋时期the Spring and Autumn Period30.方块象形文字the square-shaped pictographic character31.颜(真卿)体the Yan style32.民间艺术folk arts33.年画New Year pictures34.剪纸paper cutting /papercuts35.皮影戏shadow play36.苏绣Suhou Embroidery37.造纸术paper making38.印刷术printing39.佛经Buddhist scripture40.行书running script /semi-cursive script41.草书cursive script42.楷书regular script/standard script43.隶书official script/ clerical script44.砚the ink slab/ the ink stone; 墨ink stick45.六艺:礼乐射御书数“six arts” : ritual,music,archery, carriage driving , calligraphy , and mathematics46.毛笔the writing brush47.宣纸xuan paper/ rice paper48.中国书法Chinese calligraphy49.简体字:simplified characters50.繁体字complex characters/ traditional characters51.中国结Chinese knots52.佛教Buddhism53.国徽national emblem54.国旗national flag55.国歌national anthemII. Multiple choices (每题三个选项中选一个最佳答案)1)Which of the following is irrelevant to the pictographic symbols of Chinese characters? (下列哪项与汉字的象形符号无关?)___A●Aspiration. 吸●Imagination.想象●Creativity.创造力●Allusion.典故2) Which of the following statements is true of the name of Fudan University(关于复旦大学的名称,下列哪个陈述是正确的?)___D●The characters both stand for "the sun rising on the horizon".这些字符都代表着“太阳在地平线上升起”●The name is taken from a Chinese classical poem.这个名字取自中国古典诗歌●The name encourages the students to get up early in the morning.这个名字鼓励学生早上早起●The characters are intended to tell the students to make progress dayby day.这些字旨在让学生们一天天地进步3) Which of the following languages mostly consists of language pictures(下列语言中哪一种主要由语言图片组成?)? B___●Mandarin Chinese. 普通话●Hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt.古埃及的象形文字●Oracle-bone inscription. 甲骨文●Seal characters.篆书4) The symbol for “swimming”is closest to(“游泳”的符号最接近的是)___.C●oracle-bone inscription甲骨文●Mandarin Chinese普通话●seal characters 篆书●none of the above没有选项5)The symbol for “athletics”contains the ingredients of (“运动”的符号包含了)___.A●dancing and running跳舞、跑步●running and swinging 跑步和摆动●dancing and swinging 跳舞和摆动●triathlon and football铁人三项和足球6)All the following are the titles of Confucius except(以下孔子的头衔除了)___.B●an educator一个教育家● A biologist 一个生物学家● A scholar 有识之士● A philosopher一个哲学家7)The expression “filial piety” most probably means being (“孝”的意思很可能是指)___.D●Loyal to the state忠于国家●Obedient to sister(s) 听姐姐的话●Responsible for the family 对家庭负责●Dutiful to parents孝顺父母8)Which of following can best describe Confucius’ view on the relationship between man and nature (下面哪一个最能说明孔子对人与自然关系的看法?)___.D●Brothers兄弟●Husband and wife 夫妇●Doctor and patient 医生和病人●Mother and son母子9)Through burial and ancestral worship rituals,people can learn that (通过丧葬和祭祖仪式,人们可以了解到。

茶学专业英语词汇茶叶品种 Tea varietiesTea 茶 Green tea 绿茶Black tea 红茶 White tea 白茶Scented tea花茶Pu\'er tea;Pu Erh tea;Puu Eel tea普洱茶Yellow tea 黄茶 Dark tea黑茶Sincha 新茶 Yü-chien tea 雨前茶Teabag 袋泡茶 Mugi-cha 大麦茶Herbal tea [ˈɜ:rbl]花草茶 Jasmine tea 茉莉花茶Chrysanthemum tea [krɪˈsænθəməm, -ˈzæn-]菊花茶 Block Puer tea 普洱(砖)Aged Pu\'er tea 陈年普洱 Oolong tea;Oulung tea 乌龙茶Bohea tea [boʊ'hi:] 武夷茶 Hyson Tea 熙春茶Kungfu Tea;Gongfu Tea 功夫茶 Twankay Tea [ˈtwæŋkei]屯溪茶Keemun Tea; Qimen tea 祁门茶Loungjing Tea; Longjing Tea;Lung Ching tea 龙井茶Drogon Well 是对“龙井”这一名词的非正规翻译,不建议使用。
Tieh-Kuan-Yin;TieGuanYin Tea 铁观音 Cloud mist 云雾茶Pekoe [ˈpiko]白毫注:该单词又指印度,斯里兰卡的高级红茶Cowslip[ˈkaʊˌslɪp]牛舌 Gunpowder 高末儿Camellia Oleifera [kə'milɪə]绿油茶中国名茶 Chinese famous teaWhite tipped oolong白毫乌龙 Wuyi rock tea武夷岩茶Green blade煎茶 Yellow mountain fuzz tip黄山毛峰Green spiral[ˈspaɪrəl]碧螺春 Gunpowder 珠茶Age cake puer青沱 Pile cake puer青饼Jun mountain silver needle君山银针 White tip silver needle银针白毫White penoy[ˈpiəni]白牡丹 Long brow jade dew[du:]玉露Rode tea大红袍 Cassia tea肉桂Narcissus [nɑrˈsɪsəs]水仙 Finger citron['sɪtrən佛手Roast oolong熟火乌龙 Osmanthus oolong[ɒz'mænθəs]桂花乌龙Ginseng oolong人参乌龙茶 Jasmine tea茉莉花茶Rose bulb玫瑰绣球 Smoke black烟熏红茶Light oolong清茶 Anji white安吉白茶Liu’an leaf六安瓜片 Fenghuang unique bush凤凰单从Tea power茶粉 Fine powder tea抹茶茶树 Tea treeEvergreen 常绿 Shrub 灌木Cultivate 栽培 Perennial 多年生Arbor 乔木 Longtitudinal growth 纵向生长A height of 7 to 8 feet 高7-8英尺 United below 基部联合Bark 树型 Margins 叶缘Tip or apex 顶 Blade 叶片Main vein 主脉 Lateral vein 侧脉Leaf stalk 叶柄 Water soluble 水溶性的Fat-soluble 脂溶性的 Solitary 单生的Leaf axils 叶腋 Sepals 萼片Petals 花瓣 Stamens 雄蕊Filaments 花丝 Anthers 花药Ovary 子房 Cell 子房室Styles 花柱 Stigmas 柱头Fruit 茶果 Capsule 蒴果Seed 茶籽 Prune 修剪Tea-growing regions 产茶区 Taxonomically 分类学上茶园耕作 Tea cultivationVegetative propagation 营养繁殖 Transplanted 移栽Phosphatic fertilizer 磷肥 Seed cake 菜饼Inorganic fertilizer 无机肥 Plucking table 采摘面Vegetative phase 营养生长阶段 Tea planters 茶农Collar pruning 台刈 Cankered branches 病枝Foliage 叶层 Carbohydrate 碳水化合物Tender shoots 新梢 Two leaves and a bud 一芽两叶Chlorophyll 叶绿素 Chlorosis 失绿病Glossiness 光泽 Pest management 虫害管理Pesticide 杀虫剂 Parasitic 寄生的Infused leaf 叶底 Evenness 均匀度Category 种类 Delicate 幼嫩的Twisted 条索好 Adhesive 紧实的Tippy 显豪的 Even 匀称Tribute tea 贡茶 Precipitation 降雨量Plump 丰满 Fleshy 肥厚Vegetation 植被 Relative humidity 相对湿度Green color 色绿 Artistic appearance 形美The green leaves set up with red border and veins 绿叶红镶边Silvery tip 银芽 Well twisted 条索好茶叶生化 Tea biochemistryChemical composition 化学组成 Inorganic constituents 无机成分The nitrogen compounds 含氮化合物 Alkaloid 生物碱Caffeine 咖啡碱 Starch 淀粉The polyphenols 多酚类 Components 成分Gallic acid 没食子酸 Catechin 儿茶素Gallocatechin 没食子儿茶素 Epicatechin 表儿茶素Epigallocatechin 表没食子儿茶素 Pigments 色素Anthocyanins 花青素 Flavones 黄酮类Oxidase 氧化酶 Vitamins 维生素Riboflavin 核黄素 Fermentation 发酵Flavanols 黄烷醇 Phenolic acids 酚酸类The obromine 可可碱 The ophylline 茶碱Amino acids 氨基酸 The anine 茶氨酸Polyphenol oxidase 多酚氧化酶 The aflavins 茶黄素The arubigins 茶红素 Polymerized 多聚化的Enzyme oxidation 酶促反应 Autoxidation 自动氧化Cardio vascular 心血管的 Decaffeinated 脱咖啡因的茶叶加工 Tea processingTea bush:茶树 Tea harvesting:采青Tea leaves:茶青 Withering:萎凋Sun withering 日光萎凋 Indoor withering 室内萎凋Setting 静置 Tossing 搅拌(浪青)Fermentation 发酵 Oxidation 氧化Roll-breaking 解块 Sifting 过筛Grading 分级 Blending 拼配Solar withering 晒青 Stirring 摇青Instant tea 速溶茶 Extract 提取Fixation 杀青 Steaming 蒸青Stir fixation 炒青 Baking 烘青Sunning晒青 Rolling 揉捻Light rolling 轻揉 Heavy rolling 重揉Cloth rolling 布揉 Drying 干燥Pan firing 炒干 Baking 烘干Sunning 晒干 Piling 渥堆Refining 精制 Screening 筛分Cutting 剪切 De-stemming 把梗Shaping 整形 Winnowing 风选Blending 拼配 Compressing 紧压Re-drying 覆火 Aging 陈放Added process 加工 Roasting 焙火Scenting 熏花 Spicing 调味Tea beverage 茶饮料 Packing 包装Vacuum packing 真空包装 Nitrogen packs 充氮包装Shredded-tea bag 碎形小茶袋 Leave-tea bag 原片小袋茶茶叶审评 Tea tasting and termsTea tasting and terms 茶叶审评 Taster 评茶师Kettle 茶壶 Infuse 冲泡Teabags 袋泡茶 Infusion 茶汤Body 浓 Thickness 浓厚Brisk 鲜爽 Full 醇厚Ripe 熟 Round smooth 圆滑适口Delicate fragrance 香郁 Brisk taste 味甘饮茶健康 Tea and healthEpidemiologic 流行病学的 Antioxidant 抗氧化的Free radicals 自由基 Diabetes 糖尿病Cholesterol 胆固醇 Neutralise 抵消Fertility 生育能力 Conception 受孕Clinically 临床地 Triglyceride 甘油三脂Tumours 肿瘤 Causative 病原的Dysentery 痢疾 Halitosis 口臭Fatigue 疲劳 Neuralgia 神经痛Diuretic 利尿剂 Capillary 毛细血管Anti-inflammatory 抗炎症 Biosynthesis 生物合成Normalize 使...恢复正常 Hyperfunction 功能亢奋Fluoride 氟化物 Antioxidant 抗氧化剂Analgesic 止痛药 Antipyretic 解热剂Polysaccharides 多糖 Renal 肾脏Stroke 中风 Dietary 饮食有关的Carcinogens 致癌物质 Interfere 干扰Intestine 肠 liver 肝Activation 激活 LDL 低密度脂蛋白Serum 血清 Blood clots 血块Platelet 血小板 Aggregation 凝集Mechanism 机制 Hypertension 高血压Kidneys 肾脏 Inhibitors 抑制剂Amylase 淀粉酶 Insulin 胰岛素Intestinal 肠道的 Deodorants 除臭剂Hepatitis 肝炎 Cirrhosis 肝硬化Interferon 干扰素茶叶贸易 Tea tradingTrue to its kind 原产地 Organoliptic 感官的Auctioneers 拍卖师 Marketability 销路Broker 经纪人 Intermediaries 中介Bid 出价 Retailers 零售商Wholesalers 批发商 Agents 代理商Retail packs 零售包装 Canister 茶叶罐饮茶方式 Drink teaUtensil 用具 Kettle 水壶Teaspoon 茶匙 Tea house 茶馆Teapot 茶壶 Tea set; tea service 茶具Tea strainer 茶漏 Tea pad茶垫Tea plate茶船 Tea pitcher 茶盅Lid saucer 盖置 Tea serving tray 奉茶盘Tea cup 茶杯 Cup saucer 杯托Tea towel tray 茶巾盘 Tea holder 茶荷Tea towel 茶巾 Tea brush 茶拂Timer 定时器 Water heater 煮水器Heating base 煮水器底座 Tea cart 茶车Seat cushion 座垫 Cup cover 杯套Packing wrap保壶巾 Tea ware bag茶具袋Covered bowl 盖碗 Tea spoon 茶匙Tea ware 茶器 Thermos 热水瓶Tea canister 茶罐 Tea um 茶瓮Tea table 茶桌 Side table 侧柜Tea bowl 茶碗 Spout bowl 有流茶碗Tea tray; teaboard 茶盘 Tea canister;caddy 茶罐Tea oil 茶油 Tea seed oil 茶籽油Purple granulated;purple sand;terra-cotta 紫砂Purple clay teapot;purple sand teapot 紫砂壶Tea ceremony 茶艺 Tea-tasting 品茶Sado;tea-making 茶道注:“茶道”一词来自日语,所以英语采用了日语的音译“sado”,还有人将茶道译作“tea way”,显然很不正规。
黑茶的功效与作用 黑茶要这样泡


今天,我们就来说说“奶茶”的英文表达:很多人的第一反应肯定是“milk tea”,这个说法没有什么错误,但它更多指的是英式奶茶。
其有个专门的表达:Bubble (milk)TeaBubble有“气泡”的意思,所以Bubble Tea从字面上看就是“泡泡茶”,这跟它的中文名字来源有关。
“珍珠奶茶”还有很多别称:Boba 波霸Pearl (milk) tea 珍珠奶茶Boba (milk) tea 波霸奶茶Tapioca(木薯粉) tea [ˌtæpiˈəʊkə]什么是low tea?提到下午茶,可能很多人都知道英文是“afternoon tea”。
afternoon tea: a small meal eaten in the late afternoon, usually including cake and a cup of tea下午茶:(通常包括蛋糕和茶的)午后茶点但是今天普特君主要想跟大家说的是“low tea”。
看到这个“low tea”你的第一反应是什么?低级茶?低茶?其实,这个“low tea”是“afternoon tea”的另一种说法,我们也可以直接翻译成“下午茶”。
A selection of tea cakes sandwiches and scones is a true delight to any brit and many visitors to the rainy isle.精选的茶点、蛋糕、三明治和烤饼是所有英国人和许多来这个多雨小岛的游客的真正乐趣。

I. Chinese Cultural Terms :1.绿茶green tea2.红茶black tea3.乌龙茶oolong tea4.黑茶dark tea5.花茶scented tea6.茉莉花茶jasmine tea7.八大菜系eight major schools of cuisine /8 Regional Chinese Cuisines8.茶道tea ceremony9.茶具tea set10.紫砂壶boccaro teapot11.北京烤鸭Beijing roast duck12.清蒸鱼steamed fish13.狗不理包子Goubili steamed buns14.佛跳墙Buddha Jumping the Wall15.《论语》The Analects16.《诗经》The Book of Songs17.《道德经》Classic of the Way and Virtue18.道家Daoism19.汉字Chinese character20.象形文字pictograph21.甲骨文oracle-bone inscription/ oracle-bone script22.篆文seal character/ seal script23.文房四宝four treasures of study24.丝绸之路the Silk Road25.海上丝绸之路the Maritime silk road26.一带一路倡议The Belt and Road Initiative27.西域the Western regions28.敦煌石窟the Dunhuang Grottoes29.春秋时期the Spring and Autumn Period30.方块象形文字the square-shaped pictographic character31.颜(真卿)体the Yan style32.民间艺术folk arts33.年画New Year pictures34.剪纸paper cutting /papercuts35.皮影戏shadow play36.苏绣Suhou Embroidery37.造纸术paper making38.印刷术printing39.佛经Buddhist scripture40.行书running script /semi-cursive script41.草书cursive script42.楷书regular script/standard script43.隶书official script/ clerical script44.砚the ink slab/ the ink stone; 墨ink stick45.六艺:礼乐射御书数“six arts” : ritual,music,archery, carriage driving , calligraphy , and mathematics46.毛笔the writing brush47.宣纸xuan paper/ rice paper48.中国书法Chinese calligraphy49.简体字:simplified characters50.繁体字complex characters/ traditional characters51.中国结Chinese knots52.佛教Buddhism53.国徽national emblem54.国旗national flag55.国歌national anthemII. Multiple choices (每题三个选项中选一个最佳答案)1)Which of the following is irrelevant to the pictographic symbols of Chinese characters? (下列哪项与汉字的象形符号无关?)___A●Aspiration. 吸●Imagination.想象●Creativity.创造力●Allusion.典故2) Which of the following statements is true of the name of Fudan University(关于复旦大学的名称,下列哪个陈述是正确的?)___D●The characters both stand for "the sun rising on the horizon".这些字符都代表着“太阳在地平线上升起”●The name is taken from a Chinese classical poem.这个名字取自中国古典诗歌●The name encourages the students to get up early in the morning.这个名字鼓励学生早上早起●The characters are intended to tell the students to make progress dayby day.这些字旨在让学生们一天天地进步3) Which of the following languages mostly consists of language pictures(下列语言中哪一种主要由语言图片组成?)? B___●Mandarin Chinese. 普通话●Hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt.古埃及的象形文字●Oracle-bone inscription. 甲骨文●Seal characters.篆书4) The symbol for “swimming”is closest to(“游泳”的符号最接近的是)___.C●oracle-bone inscription甲骨文●Mandarin Chinese普通话●seal characters 篆书●none of the above没有选项5)The symbol for “athletics”contains the ingredients of (“运动”的符号包含了)___.A●dancing and running跳舞、跑步●running and swinging 跑步和摆动●dancing and swinging 跳舞和摆动●triathlon and football铁人三项和足球6)All the following are the titles of Confucius except(以下孔子的头衔除了)___.B●an educator一个教育家● A biologist 一个生物学家● A scholar 有识之士● A philosopher一个哲学家7)The expression “filial piety” most probably means being (“孝”的意思很可能是指)___.D●Loyal to the state忠于国家●Obedient to sister(s) 听姐姐的话●Responsible for the family 对家庭负责●Dutiful to parents孝顺父母8)Which of following can best describe Confucius’ view on the relationship between man and nature (下面哪一个最能说明孔子对人与自然关系的看法?)___.D●Brothers兄弟●Husband and wife 夫妇●Doctor and patient 医生和病人●Mother and son母子9)Through burial and ancestral worship rituals,people can learn that (通过丧葬和祭祖仪式,人们可以了解到。

凤凰单枞乌龙茶:Phoenix Single Stem Oolong
名枞奇种:Mingcong Qizhong,Famous Rare Orchide
肉桂:Ron Gui
佛手:Buddaha Hand
色种:Se Chung Std
观音王:GuanYin King Tea
御品龙井:Top-class Longjing Tea
高山茶:High Mountain Tea
保健茶:Health Care Tea
减肥茶:Diet Tea
参茶:Ginseng Tea
薄荷茶:Mint Tea
武夷岩茶:Wu Yi Yan Cha
闽北水仙:Minbei Suey Sian
13)府茶:Governmental Tea
The dark tea was controlled by the feudal government in order to exchange horses with the minories in the Northwest in ancient China.

各类茶叶品种中英文单词翻译对照茶:tea绿茶:green tea红茶:black tea白茶:white tea花茶:scented tea普洱茶:Pu \'er tea;Pu Erh tea;Puu Eel tea黄茶:yellow tea黑茶:dark tea新茶:sincha雨前茶:Yü-chien tea袋泡茶:teabag大麦茶:Mugi-cha花草茶:Herbal tea茉莉花茶:Jasmine tea菊花茶:Chrysanthemum tea普洱(砖):Block Puerh tea陈年普洱:Aged Pu \'er Tea乌龙茶:Oolong Tea;Oulung Tea武夷茶:Bohea Tea熙春茶:Hyson Tea功夫茶:Congou Tea ;Gongou Tea屯溪茶:Twankay Tea祁门茶:Keemun Tea龙井茶:Loungjing tea ;Longjing tea ;Lung Ching tea;Dragon Well Tea 注:“Dragon Well”是对“龙井”这一名词的非正规翻译,不建议使用。
铁观音:Tieh-Kuan-Yin ;TieGuanYin Tea云雾茶:Cloud mist白毫:Pekoe 注:该单词又指印度,斯里兰卡的高级红茶。
牛舌:Cowslip高末儿:Gunpowder绿茶油:Camellia Oleifera茶匙:teaspoon茶馆:teahouse茶壶:teapot茶具:tea set;tea service茶漏:tea strainer茶点:tea biscuit 注:tea cake是指西人茶后餐点,不是指中国的配茶小点。
茶盘:tea tray;teaboard茶罐:tea canister;caddy紫砂:purple granulated;purple sand;terra-cotta紫砂壶:purple clay teapot;purple sand teapot茶油:tea oil茶籽油:teaseed oil茶道:sado;tea-making 注:“茶道”一词来自日语,所以英语采用了日语的音译“sado”,还有人将茶道译作“tea way”,显然很不正规。
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• 成品干茶色泽乌黑油润;汤色橙黄,香气纯正, 独特的松烟香;滋味醇和或微涩;耐冲泡。
• 它最显着的特征是加工中用松柴明火烘焙干燥, 干茶及其制品略带松烟香。由于黑茶的后发酵 特性,它也是茶叶中在一时期内,存放时间越 长,滋味越甘醇,香气越愉悦的一类茶叶。安 化黑茶的神奇之处在于金花--即加工中产生的 一种独特的金黄色颗粒,研究发现这是一种对 人体非常有益的益生菌体,专家命名为“冠突 散囊菌”,有较强的降脂降压、调节糖类代谢 等功效。
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①杀青 是利用高温破坏酶的活性,以抑制多酚类物质的酶性氧化。 由于原料较老,水分含量较低,不易杀匀杀透,所以在杀 青前应先洒水(俗称"打浆"或"灌浆"),一般每5千克鲜叶加 水0.5千克,露水叶、雨水叶和较嫩的原料,可以不洒水。 杀青翻炒时产生高温蒸气,有利于杀匀杀透。杀青的方法 分为手工杀青和机械杀青。 ②初揉 黑茶揉捻分为初揉和复揉。初揉是在杀青后趁热揉捻,使 大部分粗大茶叶初步揉成条,且茶汁溢附于茶叶表面,细 胞破损率达20%以上,为渥堆的理化变化创造条件。由于 黑茶叶质较粗老,无论是初揉或复揉都必须遵循轻压、慢 揉、短时的原则,否则将会使叶肉与叶脉分离,形成“丝 瓜瓤”,茎梗表皮剥落形成"脱皮梗"。
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• 好的黑茶总的品质要求色泽黑而有光泽, 汤色橙黄而明亮,香气纯正,陈茶有特殊 的花香或“熟绿豆香”,滋味醇和而甘甜。 如果香气有馊酸气,霉味或其它异味,滋 味粗涩,汤色发黑或浑浊,都是品质低劣 的me from fan
黑茶起源于四川省,其年代可追溯到唐宋时茶马交易中早期。 茶马交易的茶是从绿茶开始的。当时茶马交易茶的集散地为 四川雅安和陕西的汉中,由雅安出发人措马驮抵达西藏至少 有2~3个月的路程,当时由于没有遮阳避雨的工具,雨天茶 叶常被淋湿,天晴时茶又被晒干,这种干、湿互变过程使茶 叶在微生物的作用下导致了发酵,产生了品质完全不同于起 运时的茶品,因此“黑茶是马背上形成的”说法是有其道理 的。久之,人们就在初制或精制过程中增加一道渥堆工序, 于是就产生了黑茶。黑茶在中国的云南、湖南、广西、四川、 湖北等地有加工生产。黑茶类产品普遍能够长期保存,而且
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③渥堆 初揉后的茶叶,无需解块直接进行渥堆。渥堆应选择背窗、洁净的地面, 避免阳光直射,堆高66-100厘米,上盖湿布等物,借以保湿保温。渥堆 适宜的环境条件是室温25℃左右,相对湿度保持在85%以上。一般要求 茶坯含水量65%左右,如果揉捻叶过干,可在堆面上洒些清水。如果气 温高,叶温上升过快,可在渥堆过程中翻拌一次,以防烧坏茶坯。当叶 色已变黄褐,青气消除,发出甜酒糟香气,手伸入堆内感觉发热,茶堆 表层出现水珠,叶片黏性不大,对光透视呈竹青色而透明即为渥堆适度。 ④复揉 因渥堆后的茶条有回松现象,需复揉使茶条卷紧,进一步整饰分形,破 损细胞,使其破损率达30%以上,从而增进内质改进外形。 ⑤干燥 茶坯经过渥堆后,解块复揉并及时干燥。黑茶传统的干燥方法有别其它 茶类,采用松柴明火,分层累加湿坯和长时间一次干燥法。传统烘焙采 用特制的"七星灶",即灶的进口用砖砌七个孔,以松柴明火烘焙,但明 火不进灶孔,不忌烟味,烘茶坑分大中小,大坑一次可烘茶200千克以上, 中坑100千克左右,小坑50千克。烘茶时分七次加入湿坯,待上层有八成 干时翻焙,上下互换,烘干下焙。毛茶色泽乌黑油润,有独特的松烟香。
① 湖南安化黑茶 ② 云南普洱茶
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• 安化产茶自唐代开始,当时以"渠江薄片"为代表的安化蒸青饼 茶,还不是现代黑茶,但是,安化茶叶凭借天然的优厚条件, 随历史进程而逐渐发展起来。
• 起源安化黑茶产制始于十六世纪初,据《明史茶法》记载,明 嘉靖三年(公元1524年)御史陈讲疏奏云:"商茶低伪,悉征黑茶, 产地有限。"这里所指的黑茶是四川绿毛茶经过蒸压形成的黑茶, 难于满足宫茶和商茶需求,同时也不及湖南安化民间实践中形 成的在初制中进行锅炒、沤堆、火焙等工艺产制的黑茶。于是, 商人越境至湖南采购。据《明史食货志》记载:"神宗万历十三 年,中茶易马,惟汉中保宁,而湖南产茶值贱,商人率我境私 贩。"万历二十三年(公元1595年)御史徐侨奏称:"汉川茶少而值 高,湖南多而值下,湖南之行,无妨汉中,汉茶味甘而薄,湖 茶味苦,于酥酪为宜。"由于湖茶量多、质好、价廉,吻合朝廷 "以茶易马"之愿,在十六世纪末期,四川黑茶逐步被湖南黑茶 所取代。
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• 普洱茶,又名滇青茶,属于黑茶类,因原运销 集散地在普洱县,故名普洱茶。
• 普洱茶以云南大叶种晒青茶为原料,使用亚发 酵青茶制法,从发酵不同分为生茶和熟茶两种, 成品分为散茶和紧压茶两类。
• 普洱茶讲究冲泡技巧和品饮艺术,其饮用方法 丰富,既可清饮,也可混饮。普洱茶茶汤橙黄 浓厚,香气高锐持久,香型独特,滋味浓醇, 经久耐泡,冲泡五六次后仍有香味。
黑茶(dark tea)
• 由于黑茶的原料比较粗老,制造过程中往往要 堆积发酵较长时间,所以叶片大多呈现暗褐色, 因此被人们称为黑茶,六大茶类之一,属全发 酵茶。
• 主产区:四川、云南、湖北、湖南、陕西、安 徽等地。
• 制茶工艺:包括杀青、揉捻、渥堆和干燥四道 工序。
• 黑茶分布:主要分类为湖南黑茶,雅安藏茶 (四川边茶,是黑茶鼻祖),云南黑茶(普洱 茶)、陕西黑茶及湖北黑茶。
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• 普洱茶主要产于云南省的西双版纳、临沧、 普洱等地区。该地具有终年雨水充足、云 雾弥漫、土层深厚、土地肥沃、无污染等 优势。
• 普洱茶历史非常悠久,早在三千多年前武 王伐纣时期,云南种茶先民濮人就已经献 茶给周武王,只不过那时还没有普洱茶这 个名称。邦崴过渡型古茶树是古代濮人栽 培驯化茶树遗留下来的活化石。