
小学生英文自我介绍及翻译(精选多篇) 第一篇:小学生英文自我介绍一杜浩然圣诞节才艺表演merrychristmas!everyone!mynameisjason,nowiwilltellyousome thingaboutmygoodfriend,wanghejia.heisfromclass1grade2manofast reetprimaryschool,heisashyboy,buthestudyveryhardeveryday.heen joylearningenglish.it'shisfavoriteclass.andheliketoplaythegam eofgoandmakefriends.that’sall.thankyou!thisisme,doyouknowmenow?ifyouwanttoknowmemore,pleaseletme knowassoonaspossible.小学生英文自我介绍二mynameisxxandi'mfromxx.rightnow,i'mastudent.istudyveryhar deveryday.ilikegoingtoschoolbecausei'meagertolearn.ienjoylear ningenglish.it'smyfavoriteclass.iliketomakefriendsandigetalon gwitheveryone.thisistheintroductionigivewheneverimeetnewpeopl e.ittellspeoplealittlebitaboutmeandaboutwhatiliketodo.mynameishelina.mychinesenameislinyangfan.i'm9yearsold.i'm fromclass4grade4.ihavebigeyes,smallnose,andlongblackhair.i'mk indandfunny.iliketoplaypaino,becauseilikemusic.sometimesiplay tabletennis.ihavemanyfriends,ithinkthebestestoneismyclassmate,callhuangjing.she'sverycute.wealwaysplaytogether.doyoulikeme ?well,seeyoulater!haveagoodtime!becausei’mshort,mydaddyletmetolearnping-pongball.now,icanplayping-pongwell.ithinkoneday,iwillbecomethesecondwanghao!that’sall. thankyou!goodmorning,everyone!mynameisliminghao.i’m9.i’mastrongb oy.lookatme!ihaveastrongbody,twobigfathands,andtwolonglegs.il ikerunning,jumpingandhopping!thisisme!that’sall.thankyou!3黄永刚hello!mynameishuangyonggang.i’m8.i’minclass3,grade3.i’mthinandtall.ihaveahappyfamily.mymothersaidtome:oh,you ’reahandsomeboy!ihavemanyhobbies.suchas:reading,painting,sin gingandsoon.that’sall.thankyou!4易博goodmorning,everyone!mynameisyibo.i’m8.icomefromtalisman school.ilikesports.suchas:football,ping-pongballandsoon.ihaveahappyfamily.myfatherisstrong.mymotherisbeautiful.il ovemyfatherandmymother.ilovemyteacherstoo!that’sall.tha nkyou!5李子恬hello!mynameislizitian.i’m8.i’minclass2,grade3.i’mashygirl.butihaveagoodfriend—shally.shallysaidtome:don’tbeshy!comeon!nowi’mahappygirl!that’sall.thankyou!6李静hello,dearfriends!mynameislijing.i’m8.i’minclass3,grade 3.i’malovelygirl.lookatme!ihaveaverylovelyface,twobigblack eyes,aredmouthandlongblackhair.ilikeenglishverymuch.that’sall.thankyou!7李玢玢goodmorning!mynameislibinbin.i’maquitegirl.i’m8.i’minc lass2,grade3oftaishanschool.i’mgoodatreadingandwriting.andilikeenglishverymuch.allof myclas smatesliketoplaywithme.soi’mahappygirlnow!that’sall.thankyou!8唐乙玄hello!mynameistangyixuan.i’m8.i’minclass2,grade3.ithinki’mahappygirl.ihaveahappyfamily.iliketoeatmeat.idon’tlikefishatall.ilikegreen.andihavema nyfriends.that’sall.thankyou!9汪楚遥hello,de arfriends!mynameiswangchuyao.i’m8.i’mtall.ihavealovelyface,twobigblackeyes,aredmouth.i’minclass2,grade3oftaishanschool.istudyhard.myteachersl ikeme.that’sall.thankyou!10贺显雅hello,everyone!thisisagirl.sheis8,studyinclass2,grade3oft aishanschool.sheisthinandtall.hereyesarebigandblack.sheisverykind.shei shappygirl.sheisgoodatchinese,mathandenglishlearning.shealsolikeseating.iceream,hamburgers,andpotatoes.doyouknowthisgirl?yes,it’sme!—yashi!that’sall.thankyou!11何依纯goodmorning,teachers!mynameisheyichun.i’m8.i’minclass3, grade3.ihavealovelyface,twobigeyes,asmallnoseandaredmouth.i’magoodschoolgirlinteachers’eyes!andilovemyteachers!that’sall.thankyou!12徐衍南hello!mynameisxuyannan.i’m8.i’mabeautifulgirl.myschoolisverynice.i’minclass2,grade3.ihavemanyteacher s. ilovemyteachers.rabbitsaremyfavouriteanimal.jumplikerabbits.thisisme--alovelygirl!that’sall.thankyou!13朱苗hello,everybody!mynameiszhumiao.iamahappygirl.i’m8.i’ms tudyintaishanschool.i’minclass2,grade3.myenglishnameisjulie.ilikeenglish.iwanttobeanenglishteach erwhenigrowup.doyoulikeme?that’sall.thankyou!14汪嘉俊hello!mynameiswangjiajun.i’m8.i’minclass2,grade3.ilikecars.i’manaughtyboy.butmymummysaidtome:don’tworrya boutit!you’rethebestone!soiworkhard.myteacherslikeme.iliketh emtoo.that’sall.thankyou!15戴娆hi,dearfriends!mynameisdairao.i’m8yearsold.i’minclass1, grade3.ilikepandas.look!ithasafatbody,twobigblackeyes,andshortha nds.solovely!doyoulikepandas?that’sall.thankyou!16周佳贝hi,dearfriends!mynameiszhoujiabei.i’m8yearsold.i’mstudy inclass1,grade3oftaishanschool.i’magoodschoolgirlinmyschool.allofmyteacherslikemesomuch .mymummyisateachertoo.iwanttobeateacherlikemymummy.doyoulikeme?that’sall.thankyou!17屈惠文hello,teachers!mynameisquhuiwen.i’m8yearsold.i’mstudyin class3,grade3oftaishanschool.myschoolissonice.ihavemanyteachers.andilikemyteachers.ofc ourse,ilikeenglishtoo.that’sall.thankyou!18张芮hello!mynameiszhangrui.i’magirl.i’m8yearsold.i’mstudyi nclass1,grade3oftaishanschool.inmysparetime,ilikesinginganddancing.thisisme–alovelygirl.that’sall.thankyou!19刘冰莹hello,teachers!mynameisliubingying.i’m8yearsold.i’mstud yinclass3,grade3oftaishanschool.iliketopaintt(来源:)hepictures,watertheflowers,andhelpmyteachers.lilyismyfav ouriteflower.that’sall.thankyou!第二篇:小学生英文自我介绍goodafternooneveryone!mynameismax.mychinesenameisdonglizhen.iamsixyearsold.iamintheprimaryschoolofjinlinghighschoolhexibranch.myfami lyhavefourpeople.one,myfather,hisnameisdongning,heisaworker;two,mymother,hernameisliqing,sheisahousewife;three,mypetyoyo,heisadog;thereisonemore.nowletmesee….oh,yes,thatisme!ilovemyfamily.ihavemanytoys,acar,ahelicopter,twoballs,threejumpropes.il ikejumpropesbestofall,becauseijumpropeverygood.ihaveapencilca se,it’sbule.ihaveanbrowneraser.ihavefivepencils,theyaremanycolors,andoneruler,it’swhite.ilikeenglish,ilikespeakenglishthankyou!第三篇:小学生英文自我介绍一小学生英文自我介绍一hellow,everyone,mynameisxx,icomefromxx,nowiwilltellyousom ethingaboutmyself.chinesebestbetweenthesethisisme,doyouknowmenow?ifyouwanttoknowmemore,pleaseletme knowashellow,每个人,我的名字是xx,我来fromxx的,现在我会告诉你关于我自己的东西。

小学生的英语自我介绍范文8篇小学生英语自我介绍1 Hi,boys and girls, good morning, it is my pleasure to take this change to introduce myself, my name is Leo, I am 10 years old. About my family, there are 4 people in my family, father, mother, brother and me, my father and mother are all very kind, welcome you to visit my family if you have time!嗨,男孩女孩们,大家上午好,很荣幸能有这个机会来介绍我自己,我叫力欧,今年10岁。
I ’m a very outgoing boy(girl), I like reading、playing games and listening to music, of course, I also like to make friends with all the people in the school, I hope I will be your best friends in the school life.我是一个很外向的男孩(女孩),我喜欢阅读,玩游戏,听音乐,当然,我也喜欢与学校里所有的人交朋友,希望在以后的学校生活中,我能成为你们最好的朋友。
小学生英语自我介绍2 Good morning,ladies and gentlemen. I am Leo from Guangzhou Zhengxin International School. I am a sunny boy. My family love me and I love them too. My mom works very hard everyday. She comes home very late in the evening. Do you know how to help the parents at home? Let me tell you about that.女士们先生们早上好,我来自广州正心国际学校,我是阳光男孩,我们全家都很爱我,我也很爱他们,每天爸爸妈妈工作都很努力,晚上都很晚下班,你知道如何在家中去帮助妈妈吗?让我告诉你Usually my dad cooks for us. Sometimes I help my dad to wash the vegetables. Sometimes I set the table.I always wash the dishes when we finish eating. After I finish my homework I often water the flowers. I also look after my pet fish. I feed the fish before I go to bed.有时我爸爸会给我们煮饭,那我也会,帮助我爸爸去洗菜,摆餐具,饭后我总是习惯去洗碗,写玩作业后我会主动去浇花,以及在睡觉之前我会去喂鱼。

【篇⼀】 Hello everyone, my name is Wang Dongpu, I am a student of grade three, nine years old this year. I have a head of black hair, a round face, a pair of bright eyes. My character is very gentle, others in my mouth sometimes cry, see small animals to eat food, see the bird fell off to find a way to send her home. My weakness is I love watching TV, ecstasy at the sight of the more wonderful programs, mother call I eat dinner, I sometimes hear, unless my mother pulled my ears to eat. People say I look like a girl, actually I am a boy, this is me. Hee hee... ⼤家好,我叫王东浦,我是⼀名三年级的学⽣,今年9岁。

小学生英文自我介绍范本1 Hello,everybody.大家好My name's( ).我的名字叫()I'm in Class( )Grade six of( )school.我在()学校6年级()班级I'm tall(short).I'm ( )centimeters.我很高(矮),我()厘米。
I like English very much.我非常喜欢英语Beacuse English is interesting.因为英语很有趣。
So my English is very good.所以,我的英语很好。
I acquire many award.我获得过很多奖项。
I hope that every of you will love me。
2 Hi,boys and girls, good morning, it is my plearsure to take this change to introduce myself, my name is ***, i am 10 years old. About my family, there are 4 people in my family, father, mother, brother and me, my father and mother are all very kind, welcome you to visit my family if you have time!嗨,男孩女孩们,大家上午好,很荣幸能有这个机会来介绍我自己,我叫***,今年10岁。
I am a very outgoing girl(boy), I like reading、playing games and listening to music, of course, I also like to make friends with all the people in the school, I hope I will be your best friends in the sckooe life.我是一个很外向的男孩(女孩),我喜欢阅读,玩游戏,听音乐,当然,我也喜欢与学校里所有的人交朋友,希望在以后的学校生活中,我能成为你们最好的朋友。

英文小学生自我介绍1hello ,everybody!my name is xx.I’m 12 years old .I’m a girl.I have many hobbies.such as singing、drawing and writing.my favorite animal is dog.because It’s very cute .I like it very much!And my favorite season is spring .In the sping,the sky is very blue.the glasses is very green and the flowers is so beautiful.I can go hiking with my parents .we all very happy.this is me !a happy girl!大家好,我的名字是某某某,我今年某某岁了.我是一个女孩,我有许多的爱好,比如唱歌、画画和写作.我最喜欢的.动物是小狗,因为他十分可爱,我非常喜欢他.我最喜欢的季节是春天.在春天里,天是蓝的,草十分碧绿,花很漂亮.我可以与我的父母一起去远足.我们都很开心!这就是我,一个开心的女孩!英文小学生自我介绍2Good morning afternoon, assessors! My name is xxx, and you can call me xxx. I’m an outerxdirected girl, so I like to make friends and chat with people. I’m also a pertinacious person, so I really like the motto:“ I do the very best I know how, the best I can; and I mean to keep on doing so until the end,” from Abraham Lincoln.I love English, because it’s one of the most famous languages in the world. My dreams are going to America for further education and devoting myself to physics. So, in order to make the dream come true, I’ll try my best!That’s all, thank you!早上好下午,评估!我叫xxx,你可以叫我xxx。

简单的小学英语自我介绍篇1Gooda fternoon, teachers!My name is XuLulu. Im 11. I come from Class1 Grade 5 of TongPu No.2 Primary School. There are 4 people in my family.My father is tall. My mother is pretty.My sister has a long hair. And Im a good student. However, my home is near the school, I often get up early. Because I must work hard. after school, I like playing computer games and reading books. Id like to eat apples. They are sweet and healthy. And I like Tuesday best. We have English, music, computer and P.E.on Tuesdays. My math teacher is Miss Huang. Her class is so much fun. So my favourite class is math. And I like Chinese and English, too. This is me. An active girl. Please remember XuLulu. Thank you very much!简单的小学英语自我介绍篇2Hello! My name is Emily.Im a beautiful girl. I have a black hair, two big eyes, a nose and a pink mouth.My favorite colour is yellow.I come from China. I speak Chinese.l have a happy family.They are my father, my mother, my grandmother, my grandfather and me.l want to make friend with you. And you?简单的小学英语自我介绍篇3About MyselfMy name is Li Hua.I was born in the city of Dalian, Liaoning Province. I studied in Guangming Primary School from 1984 to 1990.Then I entered NO. 6 Middle School where I mainly learned the subjects like Chinese, mathematics, English, physics, chemistry and computer. I have been very fond of and good at English and computer ever since.Therefore I placed first in the school computer competition last year. My hobbies include swimming in summer, skating in winter as well as collecting stamps and listening to popular music in my spare time.简单的小学英语自我介绍篇4Hello, everyone, my name is Chen Yuheng, nicknamed yueyue. Today is to introduce me.I'm not tall, but a head taller than my mother, my father is a head, I have a pair of TieChiT ongYa, ji's morning mist is not better than, but also can often at home. Although I grow handsome, actually very honest, thick eyebrows with a pair of black shiny eyes. Handsome don'tI have many hobbies, but unique romance, but the only access is playing basketball and computer, see my hands grip the ball on the pitch, three shots, hey, the ball into the, although it is only for the one hundredth time I am practice into. Speaking of playing computer I'm a senior high, since only play when the player played weak flower water, have been determined to practice, then I carry forward the spirit of not afraid of hot far, finally became a new generation of playing god. As for me, I also than saving, buy a popcorn, a corner that the 50, the somebody else OK only for half a day.I have an ideal when a President what of, say, go to daydream.大家好,我叫陈宇恒,小名月月。

儿童英语自我介绍的范文(优秀模板11篇)儿童英语自我介绍的范文第1篇Hellow,everyone,my name is ,I come from,now I will tell you something about myself.I study at school my school is very large ,there are at least 1000students in it.I like all my subjects ,such as Chinese,Maths,English and so on.I like Chinese best between these subjects,I think it is very interesting and amazing. this is me,do you know me now? if you want to know me more,please let me know as soon as possible.Introducing yourself is very important when you meet new people.You always want to make a good impression when telling others about yourself.Allow me to introduce myself.My name is and I'm from .Right now,I'm a student.I study very hard every day.I like going to school because I'm eager to learn.I enjoy learning English.It's my favorite class.I like to make friends and I get along with everyone.This is the introduction I give whenever I meet new people.It tells people a little bit about me and about what I like to do.My name is 简短的儿童英语自我介绍. I am an outgoing girl\boy. I have many hobbies,such as basketball, football, reading and so on.Among them I like reading best because when i am reading, I am very happy. Reading helps me to know things that I do not know before. In my family there are four other members, my grandfather, grandmother,father and mother. My parents are strict withme.while my grandparents are kind to me.I love them all and I want to study hardin return for their kindness to me.翻译我的名字是简短的儿童英语自我介绍。

儿童英语自我介绍精选6篇儿童英语自我介绍怎么写?以下是6篇关于童英语自我介绍的范文,供大家参考,希望对大家有帮助!儿童英语自我介绍一Hi,boys and girls, good morning, it is my pleasure to take this change to introduce myself, my name is Leo, I am 10 years old. About my family, there are 4 people in my family, father, mother, brother and me, my father and mother are all very kind, welcome you to visit my family if you have time!嗨,男孩女孩们,大家上午好,很荣幸能有这个机会来介绍我自己,我叫力欧,今年10岁。
I ’m a very outgoing boy(girl), I like reading、playing games and listening to music, of course, I also like to make friends with all the people in the school, I hope I will be your best friends in the school life.我是一个很外向的男孩(女孩),我喜欢阅读,玩游戏,听音乐,当然,我也喜欢与学校里所有的人交朋友,希望在以后的学校生活中,我能成为你们最好的朋友。
儿童英语自我介绍二Good morning,ladies and gentlemen. I am Leo from Guangzhou Zhengxin International School. I am a sunny boy. My family love me and I love them too. My mom works very hard every day. She comes home very late in the evening. Do you know how to help the parents at home? Let me tell you about that.女士们先生们早上好,我来自广州正心国际学校,我是阳光男孩,我们全家都很爱我,我也很爱他们,每天爸爸妈妈工作都很努力,晚上都很晚下班,你知道如何在家中去帮助妈妈吗?让我告诉你Usually my dad cooks for us. Sometimes I help my dad to wash the vegetables. Sometimes I set the table. I always wash the dishes when we finish eating.After I finish my homework I often water the flowers. I also look after my pet fish. I feed the fish before I go to bed.有时我爸爸会给我们煮饭,那我也会,帮助我爸爸去洗菜,摆餐具,饭后我总是习惯去洗碗,写玩作业后我会主动去浇花,以及在睡觉之前我会去喂鱼。

小学英文自我介绍简单范文5篇自我介绍是我们学习的英语的起步,小学生自我介绍只需要把自己的兴趣爱好说出来就行,自我介绍是别人了解你的第一步也是与他人结缘的开始,那如何做自我介绍更好呢?今天小编在这给大家整理了一些小学英文自我介绍简单范文,我们一起来看看吧!小学英文自我介绍简单1My Chinese name is Yuke. My English name is Vencent. I’m a boy .I’m nine years old. I’m from Ruian Xincheng Experimentation primary school.I’m in Class three Grade four. I’m clever. I’m a good boy. I’m helpful. I often help classmates. My best friend is C aichenglai. He’s nine years old too. We eat play and read together. We learn each other.I like swimming,roller-skating and computer games.I swim everyday in the summer holiday. I ofen roller-skating on the weekend.I like blue and red .I like the blue sky. I like the red auturm .There are three people in my family. They are my mother my father and I. My mother is thirty-seven years old. She’s an accountant. She likes to go travelling. My father is thirty-seven years old too. He is a teacher. He likes to reed books.小学英文自我介绍简单2Hello, everyone. I’m so happy to make a speech here. Now let me introduce myself.My English name is …I’m….years old. I’m in Class… Grade Three.I have a happy family. There are three people in my family. My father, my mother and m e. My father is a … My mother is a …They love me and I love them too.I have many friends. My good friend is … We often go to school and go home together. We have the same hobby, reading. We often read books together.I have many good teachers, but I like my English teacher best. My English teacher is nice. She often teaches us many English songs. In her class, I can sing, dance and show myself. I’m very happy. I hope I could be an English teacher one day.This is me, a happy girl/boy. Do you want to make friends with me? That’s all. Thank you.小学英文自我介绍简单3Hellow,everyone,my name is _,I come from_,now I will tell you something about myself.I study at _ school my school is very large ,there are at least 1000students in it.I like all my subjects ,such as Chinese,Maths,English and so on.I like Chinese best between these subjects,I think it is very interesting and amazing.this is me,do you know me now? if you want to know me more,please let me know as soon as possible.小学英文自我介绍简单4My name is peter. I am six years old. I am from Taiwan. Many people ask me about my Chinese name because they think the meaning of it is very interesting. But I hope my friends can remember my English name rather than my Chinese one.My hobby is playing basketball. I usually play it with my friends after school, and I believe playing basketball will bring me good health. I am a talkative person.It is very difficult for me to keep quiet. Now I am studying in English, so I hope everyone can speak English to me. Otherwise I will feel very bad if I keep quiet.小学英文自我介绍简单5Hi ,Good morning, boys and girls.Nice to meet you, here. My name is ……… I am from Tai Ping town ,Hui Longsi primary school. I am in Grade Four. I am ten now.Today I will talk about the “clothes” .I know many kinds of clothes. Such as: coat , sweater, dress, shirt, skirt. Shoes. As a child, I like clothes very much.. mother often buys clothes for me. I like white .and I study hard at school.Today I am wearing school clothes and white shoes. It fits for me. I like it .Ok. That is all. Thank you ! Goodbye。

1.小学生自我介绍英语作文Hi, I am Ye Zijie. I am a schoolboy. I am in Shanghai. I am in Class 5, Grade 3. I have two big eyes. I can see with my eyes. I have a small nose. I can smell with my nose. I have two big ears.I can hear with my ears. I have a small mouth. I can eat and drink with my mouth. Am I beautiful?I like English and Chinese. But I don’t like maths and music.I like eating meat and ice-cream. I don’t like fish and coffee. I can stand on my head, but I can’t fly. I am very short, but I can run very fast.2.小学生自我介绍英语作文Hi everybody! It's really my honor to be here to introduce myself.My name is Lv Guanjie. I'm ten years old.I live in fenglinyishu community and my family has four people------my grandfather,my father,my mother and me.My father and mother are both engineers. My father works in the field for a long time.Although my father is very strict with me. But I hope he'll stay with me all the time.I will study hard so that my father can rest assured of work.That's all. Thanks for your attention.3.小学生自我介绍英语作文I am Jerry. I am ten years old. My favourite book is 《Mao Xian Xiao Dui》. My favourite food is hamburger. My favourite drink is apple juice. My favourite toy is toy aviation aeronautics. I have got two small eyes and a big mouth. I like maths, history,geography and astronomy. I don’t like picture books, bad students and bill. I can play basketball, football, table tennis and badminton. I can’t swim.4.小学生自我介绍英语作文Hello, My name is Hong Xiao Tong. I’m a girl. I like badminton. I can play it very well. My favourite subject is art and crafts. I have many good friends. Meet one of my friends, please. Her name is Cao Yashu. Cao Yashu likes arts and crafts, too. She is good at it. She likes basketball. We often play badminton together at weekend. We have a good time together.5.小学生自我介绍英语作文Good afternoon, teachers! My name is YangXiaodan. I`m 11 now. I`m from Class2 Grade 5 of TongPu No.2 Primary School. My English teacher is Miss Sun. She`s quiet and kind. She`s short and young. My good friend is ZhangBingbing. She`s 12. She`s tall and pretty. We`re in the same class. We both like English very much. I like painting , listening to music, playing computer games and reading books. My favourite food is chicken. It`s tasty and yummy.I often do my homework and read books on Saturdays. This is me. Please remember YangXiaodan. Thank you very much!6.小学生自我介绍英语作文Goodafternoon, teachers! T oday, I`m very happy to make a speech here. Now, let me introduce myself. My name is ZhuRuijie. My English name is Molly. I`m 12. I come from Class1 Grade 6 of TongPu No.2 Primary School. I`m an active girl. I like playing basketball. Because I think it`s very interesting. I`d like to eat potatoes. They`re tasty. My favourite colour is green. And I like math best. It`s fun. On the weekend, I like reading books in my room. I have a happy family. My father is tall and strong.My mother is hard-working and tall, too. My brother is smart. AndI`m a good student. My dream is to be a teacher, because I want to help the poor children in the future. Thank you for listening! Please remember me!7.小学生自我介绍英语作文Hello, my name is Lee. I am 10 years old. Now I am studying in Changan Primary School. I am in Grade 3, Class4.I live in Shanghai. There are 3 members in my family—father, mother and me. My father is a worker but my mother is working in ICBC. I love both of them.In my spare time, I like paly puter games, and my favorite colour is red. Also I love football very much, such as FC Bayern.I hope I can learn English well, because I think it is very important. But IT is favorite subject, because it is very interesting.I wish I can bee a teacher in the future.That's all,think you.8.小学生自我介绍英语作文I am a 12 years old boy. Smart and handsome. I am proud of myself. Because I can get perfect scores in Chinese, Maths and English. It is not good enough. I am also proud of being an elder brother. That is a Friday evening, my baby brother was crying all the time. My parents were both cooking for dinner. I said to my mum, let me look after this little thing. My mum said, "Are you sure you can?" "Yes ,believe me I can." I answered. Then mum went to the kitchen. I went towards my baby brother." Oh baby, don't cry. I will sing a song for you…" I carried him and sing songs for him. After a while, he was asleep. I was so tired. My parents were happy and praised me a good boy.This is my first time to look after my baby brother and I feel proud of myself.9.小学生自我介绍英语作文The classmates, teacher Wang, hello!My name is Cheng Hao, 9 year old, 1.36 meters tall and weighing 30 kg, on the third grade.I was a lively and cheerful boy, I love sports, running, high jump, long jump, play is my strength, and I also participated in the Taekwondo training, now has a red belt, the coach often praised me a good play, I am also very proud.I also love to learn not only book knowledge, good master, and often read some books, fairy tales, classical masterpiece, social science, celebrity stories, historical stories. I especially love weapon books, aircraft, tanks, I love the submachine gun. Im ready to learn, invented a super the plane, to defend the country.I also love painting, music, Sax also played well.I am hardworking children at home to help my mother do housework, I also recently learned fried egg.I also love playing with my classmates, all together, I am very happy, I have difficulty who are willing to help. Everyone I am a sensible boy.10.小学生自我介绍英语作文My name is Liyuanyuan. I'm a boy and I am 12 yeas old, there are 4 people in my family. My father is a Chemistry teacher. He teaches chemistry in Zhengxin senior high school. My mother is a Chinese teacher. She teaches Chinese in the university. I have an elder brother; he is a junior middle school student and is preparing for the entrance exam. I'm tall and I have a pair of big eyes. Now, I am in Grade 5, my study is not very good, but I like English, so my English is better than others. I like singing, drawing, playing basketball. I like to read English story books in my free time. Sometimes I surf the Internet and download the English study materials. Because it also enlarges my vocabulary words. Ithink one day I can master English. Thank you.。

小学生英语自我介绍范文(优秀模板8篇)小学生英语自我介绍范文第1篇hello,every one.My name is .I come from guangzhou.I like singing 、dancing and riding.I like making friends and wish to be friends with all ofyou.嗨,大家好.我的名字是.我来自广州.我喜欢唱歌、跳舞和阅读.我喜欢My name is Liu Jia. I'm 10 years old. I think you must not be familiar with me. Let me introduce myself.My favorite color is purple. People say that people who like purple are lively and straightforward, and have great flexibility. Speaking of this, I can not help thinking of my personality, I really am a personality, dare to act, dare to speak. Once, my mother took me to her classmate's house to play. As soon as I arrived at the aunt's house, I saw a little sister hiding from the aunt's house, as if she was afraid of being born. When I saw this, I knew I could show my ability to make friends as follows. I sat next to the little sister, reached out and said, "Come on,let's make friends." She also held out her hand and shook it with me. After chatting for a while, my little sister and I became good friends. Because of my eloquence, my popularity is very good, and I always have my share in speaking in class. I want to be a lawyer when I grow up. Isn't it the foundation I laid for growing up to be a lawyer to practice eloquence from an early age?I have many hobbies. But what I like most is reading. I like reading, not only because it can teach me a lot of knowledge, but also because it can make me happy and lively. One day, I was very unhappy at school and returned home tirelessly. When I met my parents, I had a big fight with them because I was in a bad mood. At this time, the mood fell to the most stratum, I hid in the room, inadvertently opened a joke book that amused you to laugh, the book also floated out of my endless jokes. Soon, I was amused by the book. My mood seems to be much better, recall just to parents is not wrong, true shame!This is me, an ordinary little girl.Hi, boys and girls, good morning, it is my plearsure to take this change to introduce myself, my name is , i am 10 years old. About my family, there are 4 people in my family, father, mother, brother and me, my father and mother are all very kind, welcome you to visit my family if you have time!嗨,男孩女孩们,大家上午好,很荣幸能有这个机会来介绍我自己,我叫,今年10岁。

三一文库()/自我介绍〔儿童英语自我介绍6篇〕小学生如何用英文进行自我介绍?以下是由小编整理关于小学生英语自我介绍模板的内容,希望大家喜欢!▲儿童英语自我介绍(1)i,bys and girls, gd rning, i is y pleasure ake is ange inrdue yself, y nae is Le, I a 10 years ld. Abu y faily, ere are 4 peple in y faily, faer, er, brer and e, y faer and er are all very kind, ele yu visi y faily if yu ave ie!I ’ a very uging by(girl), I like reading、playing gaes and lisening usi, f urse, I als like ake friends i all e peple in e sl, I pe I ill be yur bes friends in e sl life.嗨,男孩女孩们,大家上午好,很荣幸能有这个机会来介绍我自己,我叫力欧,今年10岁。
▲儿童英语自我介绍(2)Gd rning,ladies and genleen. I a Le fr Guangzu Zengxin Inernainal Sl. I a a sunny by. y faily lve e and I lve e . y rks very ard every day. Se es e very lae in e evening. D yu kn elp e parens a e? Le e ell yu abu ually y dad ks fr us. Seies I elp y dad as e vegeables. Seies I se e able. I alays as e dises en e finis eaing. Afer I finis y erk I fen aer e flers.I als lk afer y pe fis. I feed e fis befre I g bed.I really enjy elping y parens a e. D yu ink I a a elpful by? I ink s! ank yu!女士们先生们早上好,我来自广州正心国际学校,我是阳光男孩,我们全家都很爱我,我也很爱他们,每天爸爸妈妈工作都很努力,晚上都很晚下班,你知道如何在家中去帮助妈妈吗?让我告诉你有时我爸爸会给我们煮饭,那我也会,帮助我爸爸去洗菜,摆餐具,饭后我总是习惯去洗碗,写玩作业后我会主动去浇花,以及在睡觉之前我会去喂鱼。

英文版儿童自我介绍范文(精选28篇)英文版儿童范文篇1hello, everyone, it's my honor to stand here introducing myself.大家好,很高兴有机会在这里介绍我自己。
My name is , from Class 2, Grade six, Primary School.我是,xx小学六年级2班的学生。
I'm doing well in my study, besides I'm the monitor of my class and I get on well with my classmates.我学习成绩优秀,是班上的班长并且我和同学们相处很融洽。
I'm a happy and talented girl. I'm good at drawing and many of my drawings have won prizes. At the same time, I like telling stories.我是一个开朗又多才多艺的女孩,画画是我最擅长的,曾多次或奖。
I'm interested in learning English very much, and I believe that I will do well in future. I won't let you down!我很喜欢学习英语,我相信我会表现的出色,我不会让大家失望的。
Thanks for your listening.谢谢你们的聆听。
英文版儿童自我介绍范文篇2Hello, teachers! My name is Liubingying. I’m 8 years old. I’m study in class 3, grade3 of Taishan School.I like to paint the pictures, water the flowers, and help my teachers. Lily is my favourite flower.That’s all. Thank you!英文版儿童自我介绍范文篇3Hello, everyone! This is a girl. She is 8, study in class2, grade3of Taishan School.She is thin and tall. Her eyes are big and black. She is very kind. She is happy girl. She is good at Chinese, Math and English learning.She also likes eating. Ice ream, hamburgers, and potatoes.Do you know this girl? Yes, it’s me!—yashi!That’s all. Thank you!英文版儿童自我介绍范文篇4Hi, dear friends! My name is Zhou jiabei. I’m 8 years old. I’m study in class 1, grade3 of Taishan School.I’m a good schoolgirl in my school. All of my teachers like me so much. My mummy is a teacher too. I want to be a teacher like my mummy.Do you like me?That’s all. Thank you!英文版儿童自我介绍范文篇5Hello everyone. My name is . I am years old. There are three people in my family. My father is a manager in a company. He works from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. everyday. My mom is a nurse. She works in the hospital. Sometimes, she has to work at night. I sometimes watch TV shows with my family. I am in Class Grade YY. There are people in my class. I sometimes play ballgames with my classmates after class.英文版儿童自我介绍范文篇6My name is ________. I am graduatefrom ________ seniorhigh school and major in ________. There are ________ people in my family. My father works in a computer company. And my mother is a housewife. I am the youngest one in my family.In my spare time, I like to read novels. I think reading could enlargemy knowledge. As for novels, I could imagine whatever Ilike such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master. In addition to reading, I also like to play PC games. A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning. But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese.My favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds. I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future.英文版儿童自我介绍范文篇7Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is . It is really a great honor to have this opportunity/chance to introduce myself.I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today.I am years old, born in province/Beijing, northeast/southeast/southwest…… of china, and I am currently a freshman student at Capital Institute of Physical Education.My major is sports training of basketball/voellyball/football/badminton/pingbang/tennis/ In the past 1 years, I spend most of my time on study. I have passed CET3/4/6 and I have acquired basic knowledge of sports training both in theory and in practice.Besides, I have attended several sports meetings held in Beijing. I am also the volunteers of China Tennis Open, Chinese Badminton Masters…… . Through these I have a deeply understanding of my major—sports training.I have lots of interest, such as singing, dancing, drawing and so on.Thank you!英文版儿童自我介绍范文篇8Dear teachers,good morning.I am a student named ,who willgraduate from university in July, 20xx, with a degree in .I am a major,and during the past four years,I spent most of my time on studying,so I have gained many scholarships and rewards,I believe I have acquired the basic knowledge of being a student.Besides,I also take part in all kinds of activities,which makes me a rational and diligent young man with good interpersonal skills.However, I find the knowledge of mine is not sufficient enough.Consequently,I want to go deeper in this field. Your university is a well-staffed and well-equipped institute with a long history and a fine tradition of scholarship,enjoying a worldwide fame,and I will certainly feel greatly honored if I am fortunate enough to be admitted into it. It’s my dream to be a postgraduate of your university.Thank you.英文版儿童自我介绍范文篇9Good morning !It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview,I hope i can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now i will introduce myself brieflyI am 26 years old,born in shandong province .I was graduated from qingdao university. my major is electronic.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 20xx.I spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 . and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time.In July 20xx, I begin work for a small private company as a technical support engineer in QingDao city.Because I'm capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job. And in August 20xx,I left QingDao to BeiJing and worked for a foreign enterprise as a automation software test engineer.Because I wantto change my working environment, I'd like to find a job which is more challenging. Morover Motorola is a global company, so I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of company ennvironment. That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position.I think I'm a good team player and I'm a person of great honesty to others. Also I am able to work under great pressure.That’s all. Thank you for giving me the chance.英文版儿童自我介绍范文篇10Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is Wangzhaokuan, twenty-five years old. I come from Xing Tai city of He bei Province. I graduated from the Finance department of the Economics and Business University of He Bei in July, 20xx. In the past three years I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination while I have been working in Xing Tai vocational and technical college as a head-teacher of several classes. Gui Zhou University is my first choice. Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interviewed by you.I am open-minded, quick in thought and very fond of the law. In my spare time, I like reading books and playing table ball. Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line.In addition, I am responsible for maintaining the website of our department after-hours. So, I have a comparative good command of network application. I am able to operate the computer well. I am skillful in searching for information in Internet.I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning. Of course, if I am given a chance for advancedstudies in this famous University, I will stare to effort to master a good command of advance my capability.英文版儿童自我介绍范文篇11Good morning, dear professors.Thank you for giving me the opportunity to have this interview.I am 姓名,graduating from the Department of 专业 at 大学University. Born into a middle-class family in 城市,省份,I have been influenced by my father’s k een interest in 学科. He teaches 学科 in a University and always tells me a lot about 学科内容.Therefore, when I was a little kid, I enjoyed reading stories about the 学科.That’s why I decided to take 学科 as my major in university.I am open-minded, quick in thought and very fond of 学科. In my spare time, I have broad interests like many other students.I like reading books, especially those about 学科.I also like English very much, and have pass CET-6 this last year, but I do think there’s still a long way to go, so I won’t give up my English study, and I’ll keep improving my oral and listening ability. Thank you very much for your time and attention.英文版儿童自我介绍范文篇12Goodafternoon,teachers! My name is XuLulu. I`m 11. I come from Class1 Grade 5 of TongPu No.2 Primary School. There are 4 people in my family. My father is tall. My mother is pretty.My sister has a long hair. And I`m a good student. However,my home is near the school, I often get up early. Because I must work hard. after school,I like playing computer games and reading books. I`d like to eat apples. They are sweet and healthy. And I like Tuesday best. We have English, music, computer and P.E. on Tuesdays. My math teacher is Miss Huang. Her class is somuch fun. So my favourite class is math. And I like Chinese and English, too. This is me. An active girl. Please remember XuLulu. Thank you very much!英文版儿童自我介绍范文篇13Strong perception & intellect; with widen and swift thinking; able to be quickly adapted to different environmenet.Diligent; with sureness; responsible; everytime fulfil my duties to my own work.Conscientiously, absorbedly work in a planned and order way; pursue the perfection.Good image; temperate, calm and steady personality; strong affinity; good at getting along with people.Patient; have holding capacity to pressure and setback.有很强的领悟力和理解力,思维开阔、敏捷,能够很快适应不同环境。

新目标小学生英语作文:自我介绍,范文1 Hello,everyone. My name is (你的名字),I'm (你的年纪)years old. I study in (你的学校名)Primary School.I'm in Class (你的班级), Grade (你的年级).I like football and English very much,and i often play football with my classmates after schoo.My English teacher is (你英语老师的名字),she/he(女的选she,男的选he)is very nice to us,I like her/him(女的选her,男的选him)a lot.(There are three members in my family:my father,my mother and I.Both of parents love me and I love them ,too. )That's all,thank you!2 我介绍英语作文I am and I am 12 years old. My favorite sports include basketball, swim and football. One of my favorite stars is Liu Xiang because he is the fastest runner in the world and a pride of our country. I have love fruits like watermelon, grapes, banana, and so forth. When I have time, I like watching TV, playing games on my computer, surfing the web, and reading. I have a lot of friends and we often play football together.3 Hello, everyone. My name is…I am 12 years old. I like reading books very much,And sometimes I also like watching TV. There are three people in my family.There are my mother,my father and me. I like my family very much. How about you?Can you tell me?4 Hello, everyone . I’m glad to be here . Let me introduce myself . I’m O , one of the twenty-six letters in English . I have 25 sisters and brothers . We live together in a city called “ Letter city” . It is not very big , but it has seven rooms . A. H .J and K are good friends, so they live in a nice room. B. C. D. E. G. P. T. V are lovely and warm-hearted each other, they live in the biggest room. F. L. M. N. S. X. Z live together next to them . Y and I are twins , of course . They are both happy every day . U .Q .W are brothers, they live in a room to look after each other . Only R and O (It’s me) live alone in the two smallest rooms . Every day have a lot of things to do . We get together and make lots of words , we never feel lonely.People like us , so they make an A.B.C song for us . We are proud of ourselves . Dear friends , welcome to our “ Letter City”. Please don’t forget me . I’m O , and I’ve leaned English for only about 2 years . I think I’m really OK . Do you agree ? Thank you!5 I am is a girl .I am eleven .My name is Zhang Qingyuan. I am 145 tall.I am Chinese. I like Coke,orange juice,cake and milk .I live in Chengdu. This is me. Let's be friends !My QQ is 937457064.6 I am a very good boy. I am 12 years old. I like playing basketball and eating hamburgers . I don't like running, eating noodles and playing football. Do you like them ?I live in a big family. My mother is 35 years old .She likes going to the park with me . My father is 38 yeas old .He likes going fishing . This is my big family, I am very happy!This is me!7 Hello!My Chinese name is Su Qiao and my English name is Star . I'm 10 years old. May 6th is my birthday.I'm in Class 5, Grade 5 . I go to school on foot . I like reading books and Listening to muisc.My favourite food is beef , my favourite fruit is banana and my favourite colour is red .This is me! A lovely girl!8Hello! My name is Bai Xinman. I am 12 years old. I have long black hair and two bright eyes.. I'm a happy girl in my friend's eyes. I like drawing, because it is fun. I like reading, too. Because books are good teachers and helpful friends. I have read many famous books. Do you want to be my friend?9 Hi,everone,my name is ,I am years old this year.I study in Class of the School.I am a optimistic person. I often helping each other to classmate,we study together and improve together. We live in the same class collective, we are like the brothers and sisters each other. There are a lot of my interest,example:reading,watching at the film,play by ancient Zheng and so ons.....I especially like watching at the animation, particularly watching Japanese animation,the animation which I like is <prince of tennis>.This is about me,what about you?10 My name is .Don't you think the name is wonderful? When I was born on a Sunday twelve years ago, the sun was shining brightly. We all know that we don't often see such fine weather in February. So my mum said my coming to the world brought everyone happiness.I also have an English name, "Sunday". I gave it to myself alter I studied English for a year. My parents hope that my life will be full of sunshine.11 Hello!My name is ,I have long/short curly/straight black hair.I have big eyes and small nose.I am mediun heigh and medium build.I am strait and a little bit quiet.I like playing sports and reading.On weedend,I often visit my grandparents and watch TV.I an friendly to my friends. This is me!12 Hello,my name's Annie.I'm thirteen years old. I live in Chengdu.I have long hair and two small ears.I have a pair of big eyes. And I have a small nose and a small mouth. I'm very tall and thin. I'm in Class One, Grade Six. My birthday is on January the first .I like sport. My favourite sport is play tennis.I can play tennis very well.My favourite subject is Chinese.I often help my classmates.I'm a sunny girl.13 I am a Chinese boy. My name is Su Qiao and my English name is Allen. I'm 10 years old. My birthday is June 9th. I'm in Class 3, Grade 6 . I go to school on foot I like playing basketboll and eating hanburger . I don't like running, eating noodlles and playing footboll. Do you like them ?I am very happy! This is me!。

三年级英语自我介绍(5篇)三年级英语自我介绍1Hello!My name is ____ .I am a girl(or boy).I like singing 、 dancing and riding my new bike.I am very beautiful(Handsome) !I have two big eyes and small nose.I come from China.三年级英语自我介绍2I’m years old. I’m a strong boy. Look at me! I have a strong body, two big fat hands, and two long legs. I like running, painting and jumping ! This is me!That’s all. Thank you!三年级英语自我介绍3Hello, everyone. I’m very happy to be here!You can call me Frank.I’m 11 years old.I’m from Dongfeng primary school. I like English and I want to go to America one day.I’m naughty but smart. I like playing with my toy cars. “Lamborghini”is my favourite. I’m an easygoing boy. I hope you can love me. Let’s make friends. Thank you!三年级英语自我介绍4Hello,My name is Amy.I'm 9 years old.I am a student in Yu Cai school.I am tall and thin.I have short hair and big eyes.I am good at singing and danging.I like reading books.I like my classmate,I like my teacher.你好,我的名字是艾米。

小学生英语自我介绍带翻译篇1My name is Wang Rongyao, ten years old this year, people studying Chinese.I have a frame, and a mouth very will talk. My nose on a pair of glasses.At school, I showed a stable side, let my teachers and classmates think I m quite confident, in fact I am a coward. At home, just as it had been shut my mouth water above on, so the mother call Itwitter .I am very caring, when I saw a small animals were injured, I ll take it home. Friends said I like a vet.My weakness is I was too careless. On one occasion, I give wrong the simple subject, so the somewhat by the teacher. I am that one short of a percentage. But, now I say goodbye to careless gradually.I will study hard, to make a contribution to society.我的名字叫王荣耀,今年十岁,就读民万华小学。

自我介绍小学五年级英语作文英语自我介绍1Hello,boys and girls.Today I am very glad to stand here and introduce myself.My name is FengJiamin,I'mHello,大家好.非常高兴今天能站在这里介绍我自己.我叫冯,我12岁了. 12years old. I'm in Class1, Grade 5. I like listening to music and playing sports.And I like ice-cream very我在五年级一班.我喜欢听音乐,做运动.我非常喜欢冰淇淋,much.It's sweet and delicious.My favorite subjects areChinese,math and English. I thingk I am an easy-它又甜又美味. 我最喜欢的科目是语文,数学和英语. 我想我是一个随和的小女孩,going girl,and I hope everyone will like me. Thank you.我希望大家会喜欢我,谢谢.英语自我介绍2GoodMorning / Afternoon, My dear teachersMy nameis Wu Yixuan. I am 11 years old, and I am a fifth grade student.I have many hobbies. I like drawing and I can drawvery well, which get a lot of praise from my teachers and friends. I likesports, such as dancing, skating, biking and playing badminton. I often play badmintonwith my sisters and we have a great fun together. I love music, especially thepop music, which makes me feel relax. I love English, too. I hope I can travelall over the world one day.I have manyfriends. I often study and play with Ke Jingqi and Zhu Si huai. Sometimes, wego to bookstore or supermarket together. We are so happy when we are together. Ilove my friends and they love me, too.That'sall! Thank you for your attention.译文:老师上午好!(下午好)我叫吴奕萱,我今年11岁,我是小学五年级学生。

⼩学英语⾃我介绍带翻译⼀Hello,boys and girls.Today I am very glad to stand here and introduce myself.My name is FengJiamin,I'mHello,⼤家好.⾮常⾼兴今天能站在这⾥介绍我⾃⼰.我叫冯xx,我12岁了.12years old. I'm in Class1, Grade 5. I like listening to music and playing sports.And I like ice-cream very我在五年级⼀班.我喜欢听⾳乐,做运动.我⾮常喜欢冰淇淋,much.It's sweet and delicious.My favorite subjects are Chinese,math and English. I thingk I am an easy-它⼜甜⼜美味. 我最喜欢的科⽬是语⽂,数学和英语. 我想我是⼀个随和的⼩⼥孩,going girl,and I hope everyone will like me. Thank you.我希望⼤家会喜欢我,谢谢.(⼤学⽣求职⾃我介绍)⼩学英语⾃我介绍带翻译⼆Hello!Every one.My name is ...I'm a girl.I'm 10 years old. I'm in Class....I like playing drum.And I like cake,I think it is delicious.My favorite subject are Chinese,math and Englishi.I am very thin.I am a quiet girl.Do you like me?译:⼤家好!我的名字是。

小学生英语自我介绍小学生英语自我介绍范文8篇自我介绍是日常工作中与陌生人建立关系、打开局面的一种非常重要的手段,下面是店铺收集整理的小学生英语自我介绍范文8篇,希望对你有所帮助!Article one: self introductionMy name is Li Yifei. I'm ten years old this year. I am a medium, round face, dark skin, dark hair, black eyes, black eyes, single eyelids, small and high nose, round and thick mouth. This is just naive me.I like to learn mathematics, in class it is the top of mathematics. When mathematics teachers ask questions, I answer them correctly every time. When I do math tests, I do the right thing every time. The correct rate of each writing assignment is very high. I also like to play computer games, because when I was five years old, my uncle taught me to draw pictures and videos on the computer. I also learned to play the flag, go, Gobang, checkers, chess, flying chess and snooker on the computer. I will also check the information and write a diary on the computer. Later, I will also learn to write files and blog. I also like sports. I often play basketball and jump rope at school.I often play badminton and table tennis with grandma and grandpa in the district. I skid on my own. I also learned martial arts in my spare time.My character is bright and lively. In school, love is willing to help others, unite as one, care about class and love labor. At home is a family's pistachio, little baby. In the district is a good boy who is polite in front of the old man.After listening to my introduction, how do you feel? Do wantto make friends with me!Article two: self introductionI am a lively and cheerful little girl. I had a dark, bright hair with bright bright eyes and a cherry like mouth. A tall, tall man.I like lotus flower because it is as graceful as a beautiful little girl in the lake. I like to draw, sing and dance... I am very smart, and I am very good at writing, but I also want to learn from Yue Yue Xiang.I have many advantages, for example, I write speed and quality, homework can be written in time. My mind is also good. My deskmate is slow. He can forget his dictation. I can report it to him. When I go home for dinner, I can help my parents to fill up a meal. However, people are not perfect. There are many of my shortcomings. For example, I like watching TV and playing computer games. However, in order to learn grades, I should work hard and make efforts. When I go to school, my schoolbag still needs my mother to carry it for me. Oh, I'm ashamed of it! I should be sensible. I'm very poor in sports, especially table tennis.I can't even weigh 70 balls at all, and it's rare. Well, it seems that I can't keep up with sports!This is me, a lovely me!Article three: self introductionIn my dream, my mother met a lovely little girl. I didn't know when I slipped into my mother's stomach. That's me, Luan Hanyu.I am eight years old, not tall, neither too short, but one meter four. My head is bigger. Everyone calls me "big head doll". Hair, which used to be very long ago, but mother said that the child's hair was too long to affect intelligence, so I could only cut a horse tail. My skin is very white, even if there is a sun, I am not afraid of drying, because everyone says I am not too dark, and will onlydry the skin red.My biggest hobby is reading. I'm a little "bookworm"! My mother helped me set up the personalized composition platform and Qilu Youth newspaper, and I can't wait to open up and enjoy the fragrance of books. My mother also bought me a lot of books, such as "five thousand years up and down", "one hundred thousand why", "Andersen fairy tales" and so on, I like to read, and sometimes even let me forget to eat.My biggest specialty is painting, and although I don't have those little friends who specialize in painting, I think it's very satisfying to describe what I want to draw with a painted pen.I grew up quite a fashion designer. I designed a perfect dress in the world to give to my mother, thank my mother for her parenting.Article four: self introductionHello everyone! My name is Ye Junyan. I am 9 years old. I am a lovely girl. I love to sing, love, laugh, love, laugh, and I usually jump rubber bands with my classmates, so my good friends have many, many. Everyone has hobbies. In my school, my favorite subject is English, so my hobby is reading English, listening to English and watching English dishes. Because English is the most popular and widely used language in the world. Recently, an animated cartoon "rainbow cat, blue rabbit and seven heroes" has been popular. I also like to see it, because the rainbow rabbits and others have to kill the magic religion with their courage and fear of death, of which I most appreciate Sally because she did not give up hope when she was deceived and misunderstood. In the end, the rainbow cat and others saved the world.Look! This is a lovely little girl. Now you should know mebetter, then make friends with me quickly.Article five: self introductionI am a sunny and happy little boy. My surname is Lei, my name is Zhang Peng. Do you know why I take this name? Because my parents want me to grow up and fly to the world when I grow up. I am 10 years old, and I am a student in grade six in the second half.If I am a handsome man, to tell the truth, it is true that someone really boasts that I am handsome, but my mother still thinks I am a single eyelid, and my eyes are small. When everyone boasts of me, she always complains that I am not like her double eyelids. I retort once and again, "don't look my eyes small, but concentrate is essence." I was tall and half taller than my peers, so when I was in grade four, I was asked to read the first few days, and I collapsed on the spot. I did not eat fat, even though my mother carried out the "pig plan" and failed to reach the "fat" she wanted. My mother always said I was a thin "little old man". My appearance makes me satisfied with my ears. According to grandma, I "have big ears and great Laos and grow up as a rich man's nest." whenever someone boasts of my ears, my mother will be proud to say, my ears are like hers, and I know that my ears are really good.I like to read extracurricular books, but my mother is very concerned about my study, so after reading extracurricular books, I quietly "retire to the second line". After that, I am fascinated by chess, looking for my father, a great chess player. Although I lose every plate, I never get discouraged and persist in "discuss" with dad and dad. I believe, for one day, I believe, I always have one day. I'll win my dad.After listening to my introduction, I think you have a generalunderstanding of me. I hope we can become good friends. Article six: self introductionHello! Hello everyone!My name is Kang Yu. Do you want to know me? I have a round face, not very beautiful, almost 1, 55 meters; short, black hair; a pair of crescent like eyebrows; a pair of grapes like eyes; a short nose beam; a small mouth like a cherry; and a particularly interesting two rabbit teeth, big. I am 13 years old. I am studying in class three, grade six, Mei Xing primary school.I have many hobbies, such as playing, running, singing and so on. Just say running! And there's a very little story!I remember one time, I read grade two, after the "61" children's day, the school started the Olympic Games, I took part in the school's 25 meters long run, I always read in my heart when I run: "Kang Yu, the first place is your own you want to refueling!"I didn't expect to win the first place, but I couldn't say I was happy. But I won the second place. I think it's very good.This is my simple self introduction.Article seven: self introductionI have two great hobbies, one Violin and one table tennis. So someone called me "little musician" and "Table Tennis Master". No matter what they call, they are not false. I am a "little music musician" because I can play the violin. When I was seven years old, my sister played the violin at home. I saw it envied. After a few weeks, I could not help but say, "Daddy, buy me a violin." Dad said, "if you want to be good, learning the violin requires painstaking efforts." "Think well". I said firmly, "no regret." "Don't regret"! On the second day, three of us went to the city to buy a piano, and at the same time we found a good teacher. At first, I felt it was not difficult to play the violin, but I couldn't even pullit. After years of hard work, I have already taken five amateur grades, and now playing Xiaoqin is a kind of entertainment for me. When I have nothing to do at home, I will pull up a beautiful song.I am a "table tennis player". This is more true. Two years ago, I gradually became fascinated by table tennis. When I play the game on TV, I must see it. When I see the wonderful place, I can not help shouting. And every Sunday I will have a table tennis class. After two years of hard work, I have become a class table tennis player.Through the above introduction, you must have had a preliminary understanding and understanding of me.Article eight: self introductionMy name is snow. I am nine years old. I am a pupil in grade three. My figure is a little fatter, and I have a pair of sparkling eyes under my thick eyebrows.I am cheerful, I like Chinese, math, English, painting and music. In school, I get along well with my classmates. I also like small animals, kittens, rabbits and so on, touch their soft hair, feel very comfortable, I also love reading books, astronomy, down to geography, history, composition books, science books and so on, all books like to watch, the greatest hobby in the spare time is to shop in bookstores, often stay in bookstores It doesn't come out for half a day.Because I like reading very much, I always get the best marks in my class, but I know that getting good grades is inseparable from parents and teachers' teaching.I have one biggest drawback, not falling in love with PE classes, because I am fat and run very slowly, so I need to strengthen my physical training and achieve all-rounddevelopment of morality, intelligence and physique.In the days to come, I will work harder to make myself better.。

幼儿的英语自我介绍范文(通用14篇)篇1:幼儿英语自我介绍Good morning,everybody!My name is ,my english name is Bunny. I am 4 years old. I am a happy girl.I come from xiaohuoban kingdergarten ,my kingdergarten is very beautiful . I like my kingdergarten。
There are three people in my family, my daddy, my mummy and me. My parents love me, and I love them too. We are a happy family.My favorite color is pink,my favorite clothes is dress,my favorite animal is rabbit,my favorite fruit is watermelon.I like singing and dancing. I can sing “catch the eels” in english.Thank you!篇2:幼儿简单英语自我介绍Hello,my name is x. I'm from. x school. As you can see I have a round face and the big eyes. I like music very much. In my spare time,I like take some reading and go shopping. It can make me feel happy. I like chatting with others,because it can help me to know this world. I have lots of friends. All the things in the world are colorful. I love peace and I take proud of my motherland. Thank you!篇3:幼儿简单英语自我介绍I am very glad to introduce myself to you. My name is x.Iam 4 years old this year. I am tall,about 1.15. I have a round face with two big black eyes. I work hard and I can always get good grades. And I am good at English and maths.I often help my classmates with their English and they like me very much. I like all kinds of sports. But I like playing basketball best and I often play it with my classmates after school. I like music,too. In my free time I like playing the piano and I can play itvery well.篇4:幼儿简单英语自我介绍Good morning,ladies and gentlemen. I am Leo from x School. I am a sunny boy. My family love me and I love them too. My mom works very hard every day. She comes home very late in the evening. Do you know how to help the parents at home?Let me tell you about that.Usually my dad cooks for us. Sometimes I help my dad to wash the vegetables. Sometimes I set the table. I always wash the dishes when we finish eating. After I finish my homework I often water the flowers. I also look after my pet fish. I feed the fish before I go to bed.I really enjoy helping my parents at home. Do you think I am a helpful boy?I think so!Thank you!篇5:幼儿英语自我介绍Hello, my name is Li quan tao , I’m five. I study in Shuangnan Dadi Bi-language kindergarten. I like reading singing and playing the piano. I am a good student, a happy boy and a super star. Now I will sing the song Thank you.Hello, everybody. I ’m Mini. My Chinese name is Huang zixun.I’m six years old.I study in Shuangnan Dadi Bi-language kindergarten. I like to go to school. Because there are many friends in my class. They like me very much.There are three people in my family. My dear daddy, mommy and I. We love each other.I like yellow, pink and blue. I like banana, orange and apple. I like painting and dancing too. Do you love me? Now I will sing the songThat’s all, Thank you.篇6:幼儿英语自我介绍Hello, Everybody. Nice to meet you. My name is Wei Jingyu, I ’msix years old. I am a handsome boy. I come from Chengdu. Now I study in Shuangnan Dadi Bi-language kindergarten. I like tomato, meat and cola. I like watching cartoon the best. In my family , there are father(daddy) ,mother(mommy) and I. My father is a manager, My mother is a housewife. I love them very much. Now I want sing the songThank you.Hi, I ’m Tony. My Chinese name is Yang Wenhao. I am a boy, a good boy, everybody knows that. Now I ’m five years old, I live in Chengdu and I study in Shuangnan Dadi Bi-language kindergarten. I ’m interest in English. I like green , I like blue, I like toys, I like balloon. Now have you learn me ? Now I will sing the songThank you.Hello, everybody. I’ m Sky. My Chinese name is Li tianyi. I’m clever and handsome. I like singing ,playing chess and skating. Ilike Chinese Kongfu the best. When I growing up, I want to became the policeman, the fireman or the driver. I like blue, I like yellow, I like monkey,I like... I love my teachers. I love my friends and my parents. Do you love me? Now sing the songThank you.篇7:幼儿英语教师自我介绍Good morning everyone:My name is Li Jing, the new English teacher of this class. Nice to meet all of you! It is really a great honor to have this opportunity to talk with you. I hope we can communicate happily and have a good day. Now, let me introduce myself briefly.I graduated from Zaozhuang University and I majored in biology. So I am not a professional English teacher, But I am very interested in English. And the knowledge and skills I learned in school are useful in teaching, although I have no experience in teaching and managing a class. Of course, I am so young that I might make somemistakes in the future, and I hope you can give me advice as possible as you can.Being a teacher here is excited. Having thought for a long time, I think I am fit for this career, because of my educational experience and my character, Most of all, I like children and I like this job. I believe that interest is the best teacher, and I will try my best to raise the interest of the children in learning.In my work, I will try my best. I always believe working hard can bring us more opportunities. To be the best one is a little bit hard, but “Trying All My Best.” always can cheer me up. To succeed orfail is not the only thing. As long as we did, we will not regret. Someday when we turn back for what the footprint we have left, time will record the victory in our heart. So, “Trying All My Best” is the motto of mine.I believe that we will get along well and I sincerely hope we can be good friends.Ok! So much! Thank you!各位早上好:我叫某某,这个班的新英语老师。
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i ’m a very outgoing boy(girl), i like reading、playing games and listening to music, of course, i also like to make friends with all the people in the school, i hope i will be your best friends in the school life.我是一个很外向的男孩(女孩),我喜欢阅读,玩游戏,听音乐,当然,我也喜欢与学校里所有的人交朋友,希望在以后的学校生活中,我能成为你们最好的朋友。
第二篇usually my dad cooks for us. sometimes i help my dad to wash the vegetables. sometimes i set the table. i always wash the dishes when we finish eating. after i finish my homework i often water the flowers. i also look after my pet fish. i feed the fish before i go to bed.有时我爸爸会给我们煮饭,那我也会,帮助我爸爸去洗菜,摆餐具,饭后我总是习惯去洗碗,写玩作业后我会主动去浇花,以及在睡觉之前我会去喂鱼。
i really enjoy helping my parents at home. do you think i am a helpful boy? i think so! thank you! 我很喜欢帮助爸爸妈妈去做事,你觉得我是一个好帮手吗?我想我是!谢谢!第三篇hello, my name is leo. im from. zhengxin school. as you can see i have a round face and the big eyes. i like music very much. in my spare time, i like take some reading and go shopping. it can make me feel happy. i like chatting with others, because it can help me to know this world. i have lots of friends. all the things in the world are colorful. i love peace and i take proud of my motherland. thank you!您好,我的名字叫力欧,我来自正心学校,正如你看到的一样,我的脸很圆,眼睛也很大,我喜欢音乐,空余时间我喜欢阅读和购物,这些都可以让很开心很愉快,我喜欢跟别人聊天,因为能帮助更了解这个世界,我有很多朋友,这个世界的东西都是多姿多彩的,我喜欢和平,我为我的祖国感到骄傲和自豪。
第四篇im a primary scholar! my name is liyuanyuan, im in class3 grade3. sometimes, i like swimming with my father, my favorite sports is basketball, because it can keep health i think im very voluble and friendly! i want to make friends with everybody! thanks a lot!我是一名小学的学生!我的名字叫黎圆圆,我在3年级3班。
第五篇hello, everyone, its my honor to stand here introducing myself. 大家好,很高兴有机会在这里介绍我自己。
my name is leo, from class 2, grade six zhengxin primary school. 我是力欧,正心小学六年级2班的学生。
im doing well in my study, besides im the monitor of my class and i get on wellwith my classmates. 我学习成绩优秀,是班上的班长并且我和同学们相处很融洽。
im a happy and talented boy. im good at drawing and many of my drawings have won prizes. at the same time, i like telling stories. 我是一个开朗又多才多艺的年男孩,画画是我最擅长的,曾多次或奖。
im interested in learning english very much, and i believe that i will do well in the future. i wont let you down! 我很喜欢学习英语,我相信我会表现的出色,我不会让大家失望的。
thanks for your listening. 谢谢你们的聆听。
第六篇my name is liyuanyuan. im a boy and i am 12 yeas old, there are 4 people in my family. my father is a chemistry teacher. he teaches chemistry in zhengxin senior high school. my mother is a chinese teacher. she teaches chinese in the university.i have an elder brother; he is a junior middle school student and is preparing for the entrance exam. im tall and i have a pair of big eyes. now, i am in grade 5, my study is not very good, but i like english, so my english is better than others. i like singing, drawing, playing basketball. i like to read english story books in my free time. sometimes i surf the internet and download the english study materials. because it also enlarges my vocabulary words. i think one day i can master english. thank you.我的名字叫黎圆圆,我是男孩,今年12岁,我们家有四口人,爸爸是一个化学老师,他在正心高中教化学,妈妈是个语文老师,她在大学里教书,我有一个哥哥,他是初中生,他准备参加入学考试,我很长的很高,眼睛很大,现在我已经五年级了,我学习不是非常好,但是我喜欢英语,所以我的英语比别的科目好,我喜欢唱歌、画画、打篮球,在空余的时间我喜欢读英语故事书,有时也会上网和并下载英语学习资料,因为这样可以增加我的词汇量,我想我会掌握好英语。
第七篇good morning , everybody:大家早上好!my name is leo. im from zhengxin primary school.我的名字叫力欧,我七岁了,我来自广东省广州是花都区新华镇正心小学!i study in class 3, grade 3. i have a lot of hobbies, like swimming, singing, and learning english.我在三年级(三)班,我有许多爱好,比如说游泳、唱歌、学英语。
my mother is a nurse. she always works hard。
my father is a doctor. he helps with the sick people to make them healthy.我的爸爸是医生,他医治很多病人,使他们健康起来。
i love my family so much! 我非常爱我的家!thank you! 谢谢!篇二:少儿英语自我介绍范文hello, everyone. my name is ***(你的名字),im *(你的年纪)years old. i study in ***(你的学校名) primary school. im in grade*(你的年级)class*(你的班级). i like football and english very much, and i often play football with my classmates after school .my english teacher is ***(你英语老师的名字),she/he(女的选she,男的选he)is very nice to us, i like her/him (女的选her,男的选him)a lot. there are three members in my family: my father, my mother and i. both of parents love me and i love them too. thats all, thank you! hello, everyone, its my honor to stand here introducing myself.大家好,很高兴有机会在这里介绍我自己。