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现 在 将 来 time
现在进行时 将来进行时
time 现在完成时
将来完成时 will have done
• e.g. They will have been married for 20 years by then.
• 将来完成进行时 shall have been doing ,will have been doing
例:By the end of next month, the project will have been being worked for 3 years.
过去完成进行时:had been doing
• 例:The old clock had been being taken apart of and fixed up again for several times by my 10-year old son before I came back home.
完成进行----表示两个内容:在某一时刻前一 直不断地进行的动作;这动作已结束了 (有时也可能继续做下去)。 某时刻前一直不断地进行的动作: 你刚才一直在做什么? What have you been doing? I have been playing basketball.
• 常见瞬间动词: open, close, finish, begin, come, go, arrive, reach, get to, leave, move, borrow, buy, die
5. 一般过去时的考点 a.表示过去习惯性动作
Used to do过去常常 be used to doing sth习惯于 e.g. He used to visit his mother once a week.( b. it is (high) time that sb did sth. 该/正是。。。的时候了 e.g. it is time you went to bed.
c.在动词hope, take care that, make sure that等宾语从句中。 Make sure that the windows are closed before you leave. My dictionary _____, I have looked for it everywhere but still____ it. A. has lost, don’t find B. is missing, don’t find C. has lost, haven’t found D. is missing, haven’t found
• 一般时态-----强调动作本身。具有叙述性质。 • 进行时态-----强调动作的过程。具有描绘性、 生动性 • 完成时态-----强调动作的结果。具有逻辑推导 性。 • 完成进行时态----强调动作的连贯不断和结果。 具有原因和过程的描述性。
时 态 动作的进展情况
双过 过去 现在

双过 过去
明示: 暗示: 过去时间词 过去的动作
• Before, by , until, when , after, once, as soon as • e.g. By the time he was 12, Tom had began to make a living by himself.
时 态
明示: yesterday/ago/last.../in 1990 暗示: when I was a little girl/ when she put...
2.在过去时间先后接连发生的动作 3.描述过去的情况(过去如此 现在并非如此) 4. 瞬间动作(点动作)发生即结束 一般过 去时
第六讲 英语时态与语态
一般-----经常性的动作、状态;一次性的动作。 经常性的动作: I sing English songs every day. 经常性的状态: We love China. 一次性的动作: They climbed up the mountain.
He is about to leave here.
现在 -The plane is leaving right now, but Jim hasn't arrived yet. B here on time. - Well, he said he __ A. came B. would come C. can be D. will be
5. 过去进行时的考点 常用的时间状语有this morning, the whole morning, all day yesterday, from nine to ten last evening, when, while等。 As she____ the newspaper, Granny ____ asleep. A. read, was falling B. was reading; fell C. was reading, was falling D. read, fell
• (2011)Research ____ all over the world into the possible cause of cancer in the past few years. • A was made B had been made • C has been making D has been made • 答案 D • (2010)As summer ________(approach), the weather became hotter and hotter. • 答案 approached • (2010) “The baby ___________(cry) non-stop for the past hours.” said Emily when she saw the mother came in. • 答案 has been crying
5. 一般现在时的特殊考点 a. When, while, before, after, till, once, as soon as, as long as, by the time, if , in case (that), unless, even if , whether, the moment, the minute, the day, the year, immediately 等引导的时间状语从句,条件 句中,用一般现在时代替将来时。 e.g. he is going to visit her aunt the day he arrives in Beijing. b. 表示已安排好的事项、行程等活动。 The train leaves at 10 tomorrow.
D. 前句是仍在持续的状态,应用进行时
He said he _____ me a present unless I ______ in doing the experiment. A. had not given; had not succeeded B. would not give; succeeded c. will not give, succeed d. would not give; will succeed B. 在时间,条件或让步主语从句中一般 不用将来时。本题中有He said, 所以为过 去式。主句用将来时。用一般过去式代替 了过去将来时。
时 态
过去 现在
1.尚未结束的动作 2.与always/usually等连用,表示某 种情绪 She is always smiling to me. 3. 瞬间动作用进行时可表将来
4. 过去进行时(背景)和一般过去时
She was dancing when she fell down. The dog was looking at something when it was attacked.
This is +形容词最高级+that 结构,that从句 要用现在完成时。
This is the best movie that I have ever seen.
瞬间 buy borrow begin/start go/leave die get done
持续 have keep be on be away be dead be done
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
进行----表示在某一时刻或一段时间正在发生 的动作。 某一时刻正在发生: Jane was writing a letter. 某一段时间正在发生: Now I am working in IBM.
完成----在某一时刻前已经做完的动作或一直 持续的状态。 某时刻前完成的动作: He has graduated from middle school. 某一时刻前已一直持续的状态: She has been a nurse for two years.
• had hardly…when: 还没等…就… I had hardly opened the door when he hit me. had no sooner…than…刚…就… He had no sooner bought the car than he sold it.
七、现在/过去 进行时
B. as= when, while
现 在
现在完成进行时:have/has been doing e.g. She has been sitting there for more than 2 hours 1.动作从过去开始,现在仍未结束 2. 动作从过去开始,现在刚刚结束
完成(动作结束) 进行(动作未结束) 一般(一次或多次的动作)
时 态
持续的状态 反复的动作
1. 经常习惯的动作 频率词
2. 表示客观事实或普遍真理 Language is power. Knowledge 3. 现在的状态
4. 按时间表将要发生的动作
• Look at the timetable. Hurry up! Flight 4026 __ off at 18:20. A. takes B. took C. will be taken D. has taken 答案 A take off 开始(口)一般现 在表示将来
1. 过去发生的动作,对现在有影响
过去 现在 time
• • • •
题中用现在的时态表明影响 表示(截止到目前为止的)经历 It is/This is +第...次 that+现在完成时 注意:haven’t done (截止到现在) “还没...”
2. 从过去持续到现在的动作
现 在
时间段: since/so far:从过去到现在 in the past/few years:从过去到现在的几年 注意: in the past过去(一般过去时) recent/recently:从过去到现在 注意:可持续的动作+时间段
3 现在完成时的考点 常用的时间状语有for, since, once, so far, ever, never, just , yet, till/until, up to now, in past/last few years, always, already, recently, lately, today 等。 It is the first/second time…that…结构中 的从句部分 It is the first time that I have visited the city. It was the first time that I had been late.
现在 will (shall表“命令”) be going to 安排好、有计划做某事 be to do be about to do 即将做某事
: be+ to do be about to do
• e.g. We are to discuss the report next Saturday.