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use very easily • We have all the facts and figures at our fingertips.
• to his/her fingertips • British English in all ways; completely • She's British to her fingertips.
of San Benedetto. • There's a shuttle service from the city center
to the airport.
en route
• on the way • en route from/to • a flight en route from Tokyo to Sydney • en route for • (BrE) We stayed there en route for London. • Why don't we stop for lunch en route?
• payee • payer • paying-in slip • savings account • serial number • standing order • transfer (n, v) • traveller's cheque • withdrawal
Central bank
• A nation's principal monetary authority, such as the Federal Reserve Bank, which regulates the money supply and credit, issues currency, and manages the rate of exchange.
banking system • implementing monetary policy
• issuing notes to be used as legal tender • supervising the operations of the
commercial banking system • implementing monetary policy
• the size of a nation's money supply • the availability and cost of credit • the foreign exchange value of its currency
• issuing notes to be used as legal tender • supervising the operations of the commercial
• net amount: the final amount that remains after all the other amounts have been taken away
• net profit (after taxes, costs etc) . • net weight (the weight of something without its
• verb • to imagine something by making an image
in your mind • Tom, picturing the scene, smiled. • Picture the scene - the crowds of people and
using the internet.
• the system of money in Britain, based on the pound
• Sterling was trading at $1.6490, up from $1.6470.
• His salary is paid in pounds sterling.
• crossed cheque • current account • debit (n, v ) • deposit account • direct debit • external • foreign exchange currency • overdrawn • payable
cheque / check
• a printed form that you use to pay for something instead of using money,with the amount in words and numbers, the date, the person being paid, and the signature of your name
container) • The company reported a net loss of $56 million
last year. • Vernon estimates the company's net worth at
over $8 billion. • The United States is a n. et importer of beef.
• the end of your finger, that is furthest away from your hand • She touched his cheek gently with her fingertips.
• have something at your/their fingertips • to have knowledge or information ready and available to
• bad debt • bank account • bank card • bank charge • bank clerks • banker • bank holiday • bank loan • bank manager • banknote
• bank statement • bank teller • bank transfer • blank cheque • bounce (cheque) • cash dispenser • cashcard • cash point • central bank • cheque card • credit card
• For example, if 100 options where purchased for $1 each and the option is currently trading for $9, the value of the net position is $900 - $100 = $800
financial position
• situation • The company is in a bad financial position
because of overproduction and distribution problems.
Net position
• The value of the position subtracting the initial cost of setting up the position.
access verb
• to find information, especially on a computer
• The software enables each client to access data from other databases.
• to be able to use something • Many customers now access their accounts
• Central banks act as the fiscal agent of the government,
• By increasing or decreasing the supply of money and credit, they affect interest rates, thereby influencing the economy.
• the situation that a person or organization is in, or the situation concerning a particular subject
• The company is in a strong financial position , with more than $7 million in cash and no short-term debt.
animals, the noise, the dirt.
• a plane, bus, or train that makes regular short journeys between two places
• He took the Washington - New York shuttle. • A shuttle bus operates to and from the beach
The advantages of BACS
• Regular automated payments • Reduces time and cost of administering bulk payments • Helps manage cash flow and improve financial control • Reduces risk of loss, late payment and theft for customers • At the enterprise level, BACS can be integrated with an e-
• net result/effect • the final result or effect of something • The net result will be higher costs to the consumer.
• adverb • He earns $40,000 net. • jars of coffee weighing 450 grams net.
• The investment would weaken the company's competitive position .
• The new legislation puts the unions in a difficult position . • What's the present position with regard to import
• cash position: the amount of cash that a company has available at a particular time
• The company's cash position from trading activities appears to be healthy.
• a cheque for £200 • pay by cheque • cash the cheque (= exchanged it for cash ) • stop the cheque (= tell the bank not to pay it ) . • bank cheque = banker's cheque • personal cheque • blank cheque
• Banks Automated Clearing System • ideal for making regular automated
payments to repeat customers • helping those making more than 150
monthly payments to manage cash flow • reducing the likelihood of human error.