跨国婚姻英语 ppt课件
最新-跨国婚姻(英语) 精品
We compliment each other and we push each other.
We never argue and we can't get enough of each or
Love is an over powering feeling…
Is your foreign spouse expecting you to live with her parents, or live in the same compound because he or she comes from a culture where extended families live under the same roof?
Marrying someone from a different country…
Enjoying every minute of it…
Devoting all yourself to love and your family…
Thank That’s all you!!
Have you thought of what you’re going to eat, what religion your children will practice and the ways in which you’re going to spend your vacations?
When the children are born, there’s the perpetual question. Who will the baby look like? What color will it be?
Some problems you’re needing to think before…
Reading Activities
Who are the characters mentioned in the article? Find out brief information about them.
Marriage across nations
Young lovers
marriage. √
• tried to persuade Gail to change her mind.
• didn’t want Gail to marry for the wrong
reasons √
Deborah’s attitude:
1) harbored reservation about a mixed marriage. 2) counseled Gail to be really sure she was doing the right thing.
Unit 3 Section A
Marriage Across Nations
Warming-up Questions
What are your standards for your Mr. Right or Miss Right (future husband or wife)?
Standards from women
• mentioned the problems for the children of mixed marriages
• waiting won't hurt √
• quoted statistics to show mixed couples'higher divorce rates
• harbored reservation about a mixed
Deborah’s attitude:
1) At first, she harbored reservation about a mixed marriage.
2) When she met Mark, she changed her ideas and was
supportive of their relationship.
3) At last, when hearing their wedding plans, she counseled
Gail to be really sure she was doing the right thing.
1) Like her friends, she had prejudice against blacks.
2. How did mark look on the time that he and his girlfriend spent together?
The answer can be found in paragraph 1
Reading Activities
3. Different attitude towards their marriage: Deborah’s friends, Deborah and David
⑤he loves me more than I love him
⑧humorous ⑨share housework
Standard from men
①love each other ②gentle and considerate ③healthy ④between 20-30 ⑤no bad habit ⑥she loves me more than I love her ⑦slim ⑧good cook and be able to do housework
By Hang Xiao
Would you mind marrying a person from another culture or nations?
Your idea wife or husband is your…
Best friend Best lover Best cook Best training partner
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Some problems you’re needing to think before…
Have you thought of the potential conflicts that could arise if you marry someone from a different country?
Mother’s ancestral home: China Father’s ancestral home: Canada
Marrying someone from a different country…
Enjoying every minute of it…
Devoting all yourself to love and your family…
Thank That’s all you!!
Best teacher
Best buds
We compliment each other and we push each other.
We never argue and we can't get enough of each other.
Love is an over powering feeling…
跨国婚姻利与弊 英文 Cross-culture marriage
Nowadays, with the development of economy and science, people could communicate easilier than before, the world also become smaller. So the cross-culture marriage turns a new question to the younger.Some of us would like to take a try, but others may not. Holding a traditional opinion, there must be some difficulties in a cross-culture marriage.Primarily, two different countries both have their own cultures, which always lead to misunderstanding during the normal live. For example, the western country will educate the children in an “open” way which may take them to the adult’s world early, but in China, it’s incredible.Secondly, it can’t be ignored that our eating habits are so important. Food culture plays a big role in the culture of a country. It’s difficult to guess “What’s the weather like in your stomach today?” Even in the same country, people from different area will not choose the same thing. In a word, different countries have different tastes.What’s more, a cross-culture marriage has to face the public concern. In fact, a lot of people still can’t accept it, especially the old. The couples in a cross-culture marriage have to endure some strange talking, and their children also have to endure some pressure. If they can’t deal with them well, the y may break up in the end.Last but not the least, it takes a person a long time to join the life in a foreign country. It’s a world of totally strange even you’re the student abroad. The cross-culture marriage draws a wall between you and your family whic h means “hometown problems”. So we must take serious consideration ask ourselves if we have prepare to be in a cross-culture marriage when we have the chance to marry foreigners.。
• When Gail spread the news of our wedding plans to her family she met with some resistance . • Her mother, Deborah, all along<一直 > had been supportive of our re we were going to get married so she could have grandchildren.instead of <取而代之 >congratulations upon hearing our news, Deborah counseled Gail to be really sure <确定>she was doing the
• 第一段开门见山道出了Gail and I 打算 结婚和他们之间的那种真挚的爱。 • 第二,三就接着讲了在美国异族婚恋的 不易以及大多的悲惨结局。 • 第4,5段指出了Gail 的家庭背景以及其 Gail and I结婚的阻扰。 • 后面的文段由此而展开 反应出了异族恋 因文化,性格,观念以及种族歧视的艰 难与不易
• That point was emphasized by…..
• 这个观点正在被某一事实证明。这 个句子我们可以用于作文中说明某 一观点。
• had a negative effect on…对什么有 消极的影响。
• Eg.同学的嘲笑对他产生了不好的影响。
• The students laughed had a negative effect on him。
• When we hurried ran to the dining room, only found that rice just sold out.
2.你可以移民到另一个国家在一起生活;Байду номын сангаас
You can immigrate into another country and live together
法国 斯特拉斯堡
漂亮而且也非常聪明,其中欧亚混血儿更为优 秀。
You can have a mixed kid
员宁静的前 夫就是美国 人,他们当 时结识于 《红河绝恋》 经过很短的 一段时间, 就完成了结 婚生子。
Transnational marriage
Chinese wedding
Korea wedding
Thailand Wedding
International marriages
1.你将有机会学习一门外语,你的孩子可能会讲2种语言 Your children might can speak two language,and you’ll have a change to learn a foreign language
1.生活方式不同 Different way of life.
2.饮食习惯也可以是一个问题 Eating habits can also be a problem
Maybe leave our motherland
Such as the famous actor Ningjing’s exhusband is the quiet Americans, they were acquainted with the "Red River love" After a very short period of time, they completed the married.
Detailed Study of Paragraph 7
• Prejudice 名词 n. 1. 偏见,歧视(+against) I haven't got one particle of race prejudice. 我没有丝毫的种族偏见。 2. 偏爱,偏袒(+in favor of) He has a prejudice in our favor. 他对我们有偏爱。
• Harbor 名词 n. [C][U] 1. 港湾,海港 During the gale the ships stayed in the harbor. 刮大风时船只停泊在港内。 2. 避难所,躲藏处,避风港 及物动词 vt. 1. 庇护;藏匿;收养(动物等) He is accused of harboring an escaped convict. 他被指控窝藏逃犯。 2. 心怀,怀有 He still harbors a grudge against me. 他对我仍怀有怨恨。
The mother presents others’ opinion: Yes, my friends talk. Some even express shock at what you’re doing.
The mother corrects her original opinion: But when I met Mark I found him a charming and intelligent young guy. Any mother would be proud to have him for a son-in-law. So, color has nothing to do with it.
Detailed Study of Paragraph 7
The West
In the west,the most main standard is the happiness between the couples,the two people have a fit to pursuit and common interests. The rest of the conditions, such as the family background, education degrees, can be not considered.
The West
The lovers hope for a full results in a relationship.They look for members of life partner for a long time so that the physiological needs can be met.Marriage is the combination of two individuals. The marriage is based on love .A marriage without love is immoral marriage, low quality of marriage .
The West
Husband and wife should be equal partners.Wife and husband all can objest, take family economic responsibility together. They share the responsibility of housework and taking care of the children.
• 被日本丈夫质疑的中国“处女”新娘那一年小霞27岁,伊藤36岁 • 十年间,上海人陈先生和同一个日本女人离婚两次结婚三次 在 家里看电视、看报纸、看书,就怕遇到对中国的负面报道,这对他来 说犹如步入雷区,不知道什么时候就会踩到地雷爆炸。 • 摘自《東方時報》 • • •
• 1914:嵯峨浩出生于日本东京,侯爵嵯峨公藤的孙女,是 侯爵嵯峨宝腾与夫人尚子的长女,从小受过好的教育,毕 业于女子学习院高等科。 • 1937.1.18:在滨口浩的外祖父容所的家里溥杰和嵯峨浩 相亲。 • 1945.8.15:日本战败投降。 • 1945.8.18:“满洲国”解体和皇帝宣布退位 • 1960.12.6:特赦溥仪、溥杰回到北京。 • 1961.5.12:在周总理的关怀下,嵯峨浩重返中国,到达 广州与离别16年的丈夫团聚,并在中国定居。 • 1961.6.10:周总理会见溥仪、溥杰、嵯峨浩等。 • 1960.12.6:特赦溥仪、溥杰回到北京。
經過鄧小平的批准,他們結婚了 • 两人确立了恋爱关系。然而,就在他们准备登记结婚时,
却遇到了麻烦。由于特殊的个人政治原因,庄则栋当时 是不可以与外籍女子结婚的。出于对爱的忠贞,佐佐木 敦子说:为嫁给庄则栋,愿意放弃日本国籍,成为一名 中国公民。但是当时中国还正处在改革开放初期,与庄 则栋恋爱的佐佐木敦子被限期离境,佐佐木得不到进一 步的签证。庄则栋也拿不到护照,不能出国。无奈之下, 他们只好向上级递交申请,要求结婚。 1985年夏季,在北京一个偶然的机会,我和日本姑娘佐 佐木敦子相遇。她是我十余年前在日本结识的友人。她 生在中国,长在中国,父亲为了中国的建设1962年病逝 在中国,1967年,母亲领着她们兄妹6人回到了陌生的祖 国日本。从1978年起她常驻中国,在伊藤万公司任职。 她热爱中国,她同情我、鼓励我,后来我们相爱了,到 目前我们相爱一年半了。我给上级打报告要求结婚,回 答是:“你掌握国家机密,不同意结婚。”但,我们真 挚地相爱着,感情非常深,我已十几年不参政,是个时 过境迁之人。今年,我已47岁,佐佐木敦子43岁(未婚), 时间催人老,佐佐木敦子已征求家里人的同意,愿意加 入中国国籍,来华定居和我完婚。根据中国国籍法规定, 她完全符合条件。请领导上批准,允许我们组织个家庭。 佐佐木敦子随后也给中国大使馆和邓小平同志寄去 了申请信。终于,他们的申请最后得到了邓小平的批准, 这段姻缘终于修成正果,有情人终成眷属……
跨国婚姻英语As the world becomes more globalized and people movemore freely around the globe, cross-cultural marriages have become increasingly common. Marrying someone from a different country and culture brings a host of challenges, including navigating differences in language, traditions, and customs. For those entering into cross-cultural marriages, developing proficiency in English is essential to ensuring effective communication and a mutual understanding of each other’s context and meaning. Here are some considerations for navigating cross-cultural marriages and strengthening your English language skills:1. Recognize the Importance of English Language ProficiencyIn cross-cultural marriages, communication can be a major hurdle. One way to overcome this is to develop proficiency in English. This can help spouses understand each other more clearly and make it easier to navigate differences in culture and tradition.2. Move Beyond Basic Language SkillsWhile basic English skills can be helpful, developing more advanced skills can help spouses communicate more effectively. For example, developing business English skills can be useful for navigating the complexities of work-related contexts,while medical English can be important for dealing withhealth issues.3. Understand Customs and TraditionsIn a cross-cultural marriage, understanding each other’scustoms and traditions is essential to building a strong, happy relationship. This can involve learning about holidays, religious practices, and cultural expectations. Through this process, spouses can also develop a deeper appreciation of each other's culture.4. Build a Support SystemFor international couples, building a strong support system can be helpful. This can include connecting with other cross-cultural couples or seeking out resources that can help build English proficiency, such as language schools or language exchange programs.5. Embrace the Benefits of Cross-cultural Marriages While cross-cultural marriages can pose challenges, they also offer unique benefits. These marriages can broaden our perspective on the world, deepen our appreciation of other cultures, and foster personal growth. Through embracing these unique opportunities cross-cultural marriages offer, we can improve the quality of our relationships and expand our horizons in numerous ways.In conclusion, cross-cultural marriages can present both challenges and opportunities. However, developing proficiency in English and gaining an understanding of each other's traditions and customs can help strengthen the bond between spouses and create a stronger, more fulfilling relationship. Taking the time to develop these skills can open doors to new experiences and cultures, enriching our lives in ways we may not have even imagined.。