If someone is decreed by fate to be great, the child, you are the man.2、你爸爸常说,当一个人有能力帮助别人时,那他就一定要去做。
Your dad used to say, when a person has the ability to help others, then he must do.3、能力越大责任越大。
The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility4、人生,就是像是“蜘蛛网”一般,一桩桩一件件,缠缠绵绵,交织在一起。
Life is like a "spider's Web", one by one, intertwined5、命运无可掌控,充满了无奈、未知,然而,我依然要走下去。
Each of us face the choice,we have to do to be a man,is that we shouldchoose what kind of people do.6、我们每一个人都面临选择,我们要做怎样的人,在于我们选择做怎样的人。
Your dad used to say,when a person has the ability to help others,then he must do.7、我们认识中的遭遇,决定我们将成为怎样的人What happens to us determines who we will become8、如过有人注定超凡出众,那一定是你。
If someone is destined to be extraordinary, it must be you9、做不到的事别轻易承诺----但那是最美的承诺。
Harry: M.J. Would you stop goofing aroundM.J.: Harry, relax!Harry: He’’s here.Aunt: Are you readyOsburn: Aunt May. I’’m sorry, I’’m late. Work was a murder. I picked up a fruitcake.Aunt: Thank you, Mr. Osburn. We’’re so glad you could come.Harry: You look GREat.M.J.: Thanks.Osburn: Who is this lovely young ladyHarry: M.J., I’’d like you to meet my father, Norman Osburn. Dad, this is Mary Jane Watson.M.J.: Hi.Osburn: How do you do I’’ve been looking forward to meeting you.M.J.: Happy Thanksgiving, sir.Aunt: Where is Pe ter He’’d better have remembered that cranberry sauce.Harry: Oh, that’’s weird. I didn’’t know he was here.Aunt: Peter Peter Is that youOsburn: PeterAunt: How strange! there’’s nobody here.Osburn: Bit of slob, isn’’t heAunt: All the brilliant men are.Peter: Hi, everyone. Sorry, I was late. It’’s a jungle out there. Had to beat an old lady with a stick to get these cranberries.Aunt: Thank you, now everybody, sit down and we can say grace.Osburn: Parker.Aunt: Here we go.M.J.: Oh, it looks delicious.Aunt: Norman Will you do the honorsAunt: Why Peter! You are bleeding.Peter: Oh, yeah, I stepped off a curb and got clipped by one of those bikemessengers.Aunt: Let me see. Oh, my goodness! That looks awful.Peter: It’’s nothing.Aunt: I’’ll get the first aid kit. Then we will say the grace. This is the boys’’ first Thanksgiving here and we are going to do things properly.Osburn: How did you say this happendPeter: Bike messenger. Knocked me down.Osburn: If you’’ll excuse me, I’’ve got to be going.Harry: What WhyOsburn: Something has come to my attention.Harry: Are you all rightOsbu rn: I’’m fine, just fine. Thank you Mrs. Parker. Everyone, enjoy thefruitcake.。
4、PeterParker:Γmfo1.1.owingyounow.I'mjustgoingtofo1.1.owyoueverywhere.Γmjustgoingtofo1.1.owyoutherestofmy1.ife.彼得•帕克:我要跟着你,你去哪儿我都要跟着你,我这辈子都跟定你τ.5、GwenStacy:Itiseasytofee1.hopefu1.onabeautifu1.day1.iketoday.Buttherewi1.1.be<1.iirkdaysahead ofUStoo.Therewi1.1.bedayswhenyoufee1.a1.oneandthat'swhenhopeisneededmost.No matterhowbaditgetsorhow1.ostyoufee1.,youmustpromisemethatyouwi1.1.ho1.dtohope. Keepita1.ive.WehavetobegreaterthanWha1.Wesuffer.Mywishforyouistobecomehope.P eop1.eneedthat.Andevenifwefai1.,whatbetterwayisthereto1ive.AsWe1.ookaroundherot oday,thata1.1.ofthepeop1.ewhohe1.pmakeυswhoweare,Iknowitfee1.s1.ikewe'rc saying goodbye.Butwe'1.1.carryapieceofeachotherintoeverythingthatWe<1.onextIoremindu$o fwhoweare格温•斯璇西:在今天这样美好的日子里,人们更容易感受到希望,但生活总不尽如人意,当你盛到孤独的时候,更是你需要满怀希里的时候.不管生活有多糟糕,前途有多迷茫,请向我保证你都会紧握希望,让其长存,我们必须必苦难更强大,我希望你们能与希望融为•体,人们需要希里,即使我们失败了又何妨,仔细看看周围吧.正是这些朋友造就/现在的我们,我知道这听起来像是告别,但我们都会把对方变成自己的一部分继续生活卜.去,时刻提醒我们自己,我们到底是谁。
《蜘蛛侠:英雄远征(2022)》完整中英文对照剧本墨西哥伊斯坦科缅怀杰森·艾乃罗贝蒂·布兰特苏·罗曼五年前苏·罗曼今日布拉德·戴维斯五年前布拉德·戴维斯今日无家可归帮助组织食物住所希望未知号hearts;码钢铁之心托尼·斯塔克传意大利威尼斯你差点忘了这个梅旅馆中城高中奥地利东阿尔卑斯山布拉格最浪漫的十个地方查尔斯桥彼得·帕克加密妈妈威尼斯好疯狂你能再给我汇点钱吗看来情况好转了可算交好运了巫术历史嗨亲爱的搜索布拉格妈妈好几天没收到你和爸爸的消息了想你了我更想你斯塔克工业捷克共和国布拉格神秘客和夜猴侠现身布拉格德国柏林安托尼·爱德华·斯塔克荷兰布克普朗克戴克英国多赛特海岸下载新泽西纽瓦克汤普森 -就来两分钟-别边发短hearts;信hearts;边荡蛛丝蜘蛛侠 2英雄远征缅怀感激斯坦·李和史蒂夫·迪特科尼克这是很悲剧但我们不是为此而来 Nick, this was a tragedy, but it"s not why we"re here. 我们现在还负责对抗天气了吗 What, are we fighting the weather now? 本地人说龙hearts;卷hearts;风hearts;长了脸 Locals say the cyclone had a face. 人在高压下是可能出现幻觉的 People see things when they"re under stress. 那不代表这又是什么 Okay? That does not mean that this is the start 重大的世界末日... to some other bigworld-ending-- 你们是谁 Who are you? 你们不想掺和进来的 You don"t want any part of this. 我 And I... 将永远爱你 Will always love you, ooh 永远爱你 Will always love you 你 You 我亲爱的你 My darling, you... 苦甜参半 Bittersweet 那些回忆 Memories 那就是 That is all 我能I"m taking 带走的一切 With me 我 And I 将永远爱你 Will always love you 我永远 I will always 爱你 Love you我永远 I, I will always 爱你 Love you 英雄已逝永不遗忘 Gone, but not forgotten. 感谢基纳斯·林和维翰·拉玛莫斯Thanks to Kenneth Lim and Vihaan Ramamurthy 剪辑了这段感人的致敬视频for their help with that touching video tribute. 今年可以说是... This year has been nothing short of-- 疯狂简直太疯狂了 ...is crazy. It"s, like, insane. -杰森-怎么了 - Jason. - What? 不许说脏话 No swearing. 反正明天放假了没事的 Yeah. It"s the last day of school. We"re good. 历史性Historic. 五年多前 Over five years ago, 全宇宙一半的生命 half of all life in the universe, 也包括我们城中高中的一半生命 including our own Midtown High... 都被抹去了 ...was wiped from e某istence. 但八个月前But then eight months ago, 一群勇敢的英雄把我们带了回来 a band of brave heroes brought us back. 此事件被称为"闪烁" They called it "The Blip." 我们这些闪灭了的人以原年龄回归了 Those of us who Blipped away came back the same age... 但我们没有闪灭的同学们 But our classmates that didn"t Blip 则长大了五岁 had grown five years older. 是啊我弟弟现在比我大了 Yeah, like my little brother is now older than me.是啊这是数学 Yeah, it"s math. 尽管我们闪灭时学年已过去了一半 And even though we had Blipped away halfway through the school year 而且已经考过期中考了 and had already taken midterms, 学校还是要求我们从头重上这个学年 the school made us start the year over from the beginning. 太不公平了这不对 It"s totally unfair. It"s not right. 城中虎们 Tigers... 这段旅程漫长戏剧性 ...it"s been a long, dramatic, 而且还有些令人困惑 somewhat confusing road. 随着今年即将结束 As we draw this year to a close, 我们也该向前看了 it"s time to move on... 迎来我们生命的新阶段 to a new phase of our lives. 祈祷不会再发生什么疯狂事 Pray nothing crazy happens again 因为现在还有复仇者联盟吗 because are the Avengers even like a thing anymore? 有人有什么计划吗 Does anyone even have a plan? 我有个计划 I have a plan. 首先我要在飞机上挨着 MJ 坐 Okay. First, I"m gonna sit ne某t to MJ on the flight. 第二我要买hearts;hearts;个双耳机插口 Second, I"m gonna buy a dual headphone adapter 跟她看一路的电影 and watch movies with her the whole time. -好-第三 - Okay. - Three, 等我们到了威尼斯 when we go to Venice, 那里的玻璃制品非常有名是吧 Venice is super famous for making stuff out of glass right? -对-所以我要给她买hearts;hearts;条黑色大丽花项链 - True. - So, I"m gonna buy her a black dahlia necklace因为她最喜欢的花就是黑色大丽花 because her favorite flower is the black dahlia -因为...-那起谋杀 - because of, well... - The murder. 没错第四等我们到了巴黎 The murder. Four, when we go to Paris, 我要带她登上埃菲尔铁塔顶部 I"m gonna take her to the top of the Eiffel Tower, 把项链送她 give her the necklace. 然后第五我要向她表白 And then, five, I"m gonna tell her how I feel. 然后第六希望她会说 And then, si某, hopefully she tells me 她对我也有一样的感觉 she feels the same way. 别忘了第七步 Oh, don"t forget step seven. -第七步-以上都别做 - Step Seven. - Don"t do any of that. 为什么 Why? 因为我们将在欧洲做单身汉彼得 Because, we"re gonna be bachelors in Europe, Peter. -内德-听着 - Ned. - Look, 别的我不知道但我知道这个 I may not know much, but I do know this: 欧洲人爱美国人 Europeans love Americans. -是吗-而且半数欧洲人是女人 - Really? - More than half are women. 好吧行 Okay. Sure. 但...我真的很喜欢 MJ好吗 But... I really like MJ, man, okay? 她很棒有种很黑暗的幽默感 She"s awesome, she"s super funny in a kind of dark way. 有时我还会逮到她看我 And sometimes I catch her looking at me, 我觉得我已错过... and I feel like I"ve stood up... -她来了别说话...-好啊呆子们 - She"s coming. Just don"t say any... - What up, dorks?期待科学游吗 E某cited about the science trip? 当然我们正聊科学游的事呢 Hey, yeah. We"re just talking about the trip. 是啊还有彼得的计划 Yeah, and Peter"s plan. 你还有计划 You have a plan? 我没有什么计划 I don"t... I don"t have a plan. 他打算在我们周游各国期间 He"s... He"s just gonna collect tiny spoons 收集各种小勺子when we"re traveling to other countries. 像个老太太那样吗 Like a... Like a grandmother? 我没打算收集小勺子 I"m not collecting tiny spoons. 他才收集小勺子呢 He"s collecting tiny spoons. 好吧 Okay, well... 真是跌宕起伏 that was a real roller coaster. 对了旅游建议 By the way, travel tip: 你应该在手hearts;机hearts;上下载个 VPN You should prabably download a VPN on your phone, 这样我们在国外期间政hearts;府hearts;就无法追踪你了 just so that the government can"t track you while abroad. 明智 Smart... 我一定照做 Will do. 哥们刚刚真的很顺利 Dude, I think that went really great. 我闪现回我公hearts;寓hearts;时 When I Blipped back to my apartment, 住在那里的一家人非常不解 the family that was living there was very confused. 那家的妻子以为我是男人的情妇 The wife thought that I was a mistress. 奶奶则以为我是鬼 The grandma thought that I was a ghost.真是一团乱 It was... It was really a mess. 谢谢大家能前来 Thank you all for coming out 帮助那些因闪烁事件流离失所的人 to supportthose who have been displaced by the Blip. 当然也感谢我们的本地英雄 And, of course, thanks to our very own 蜘蛛侠 Spider-Man! 帕克女士谢谢你请我来 Thank you, Miss Parker, for having me. 也谢谢大家请我来 And thank you, you guys, for having me. 谢谢你蜘蛛侠 And thank you, Spider-Man. 他待会儿会再来跟大家合影拍视频He"ll be right back out to take photos and videos. 谢谢大家 Thankyou! -真不错-太棒了 - That was amazing. - That was great. 真顺利我紧张死了 That was so cool. I was so nervous. 我有点僵硬我感觉我不是很在状态 I was a little stiff. I felt like I wasn"tin the pocket. 不你很棒的 No, I thought you did great. 我倒是觉得你有点僵了 Yeah.I actually think you were a little stiff. 是啊我也觉得 Uh, yeah, I felt that too. I felt that too. -没事的-好 - It"s fine, it"s fine, it"s fine. - Okay. -你拿到护照了吗-嗯 - Did you get your passport? - Yeah. -小牙膏呢-拿了 - Mini toothpaste? - Yeah, I did. 抱歉我迟到了 Hey, sorry I"m late. 哈皮 Happy. 你真美 Oh, you look lovely.-谢谢你也挺帅-谢谢 - Thanks. You too. - Thank you. -新裙子吗-是的 - New dress? - Yeah, yes, it is. 你蓄胡子了 It"s a new beard. 我的闪烁胡子 It"s my... My Blip beard. 我在闪烁期间长的 "Cause I grew it in the Blip. 闪烁胡 It"s a Blip beard. 我懂了 I see. Yeah. 对了我迟到是因为 Anyway, so, the reason I"m late is because 在办公室里找不到这个了 this was misplaced at the office. 能相信吗这么大一张 Can you believe it? Because, it"s enormous. 不是指数额是大小 Not the amount, the size. 数额也不错挺慷慨的 The amount"s nice too. They"re generous. -派珀·波茨表示很遗憾不能前来-谢谢 - Pepper Potts said, sorry she couldn"t be here. - Thank you. 我要去换一下 I think I"m gonna go change the 素食意面下面的固体酒精 Sterno under the vegan lasagna. 蜘蛛侠去握手吧 Spider-Man, go shake hands. 好的 Will do. 刚刚怎么回事What just happened? 提醒你 Heads up, 尼克·弗瑞要给你打电hearts;话hearts; Nick Fury"s calling you. -尼克·弗瑞要给我打电hearts;话hearts;-对 - Nick Fury"s gonna call me? - Yeah. 为什么 Why?为什么他可能要找你做英雄的事 Why? He probably has hero stuff for you to do. 你是个超级英雄他会给超级英雄打电hearts;话hearts; You"re a superhero. He calls superheroes. 如果真那么重要 I mean, if it was really that important, 他或许会找别人不是我 he"d probably call someone else, not me. 看来不是这样Apparently not. 未知号hearts;码是他 See? No caller ID. That"s him. 我并不想跟尼克·弗瑞通话 I don"t really wanna talk to Fury. -接电hearts;话hearts;-为什么 - Answer the phone. - Why? 因为如果你不接 Because, if you don"t talk to him, 那他就会打给我我不想跟他通话 I have to talk to him and I don"t want to talk to him. 你为什么不想跟他通话 Why don"t you want to talk to him? 因为我害怕接电hearts;话hearts;吧 Cause, I"m scared. Just answer the phone.-你拒接尼克·弗瑞的电hearts;话hearts;-对 - You sent Nick Fury to voicemail? - Yeah. 你不能拒接尼克·弗瑞的电hearts;话hearts; You don"t send Nick Fury to voicemail. 听到了吗他们在喊我 Did you heart that? They"re calling me. -我得走了-你得跟他通话 - I gotta go. I gotta go. - You gotta talk to him. 我会打给他的我保证我肯定打 I"m gonna call him. I promise you, I"m gonna call him. I will. 你不能跟尼克·弗瑞玩消失 You do not ghost Nick Fury. 我保证我会打给他的 I promise you, I"ll call him. 等我旅游回来的 After my trip. 喂 Yeah, hi. 不他没跟你玩消失 No, no, he"s not ghosting you.好了一个个问题问 Okay, one question at a time. 你是复仇者联盟的领袖了吗 Are you the head Avenger? 你是复仇者联盟的领袖了吗 Are you the head Avenger now? 不我不是 Uh, no, I"m not. 如果外星人再来你要怎么办 If aliens come back, what are you gonna do? 如果外星人再来你要怎么办 If aliens come back, what are you gonna do? 有谁想问关于本社区的问题吗 Does anyone have neighborhood questions? 肖恩·温福德《皇后区论hearts;坛hearts;报》 Sean Winford, Queens Tribune. 接过托尼·斯塔克的衣钵是什么感觉 What"s it like to take over from Tony Stark? 要接替他可不容易 Those are big shoes to fill. 我... I"mma... 我先走了谢谢大家前来 I"m gonna go. Thanks, everyone, for coming. 好 Okay.饿了吗 Hungry? 真抱歉 So sorry. 我以为你能感应到呢你不是有彼得一激灵吗 I thought that you could sense that with your Peter-tingle. 拜托别管那个叫彼得一激灵 Please do not start calling it my Peter-tingle. 怎么回事你躲得开子弹躲不开香蕉吗 So, what"s up? You can dodge bullets but not bananas? 不我就是很需要去度这个假 No, I just really need this vacation. 我需要休息一下 I need a break. 这是你应得的 You deserve it. 好了 Yeah.知道吗 You know what? 你该带上你的战衣以防万一 You should pack your suit, just in case. 我有个激灵 I have a tingle about it. 别再说"激灵"了梅 Please stop saying "tingle," May. 不要 No. 不不带 No. No, I"m not. 度假咯 Yeah! 能帮我把东西抬上去吗 Can you help me get my stuff up? -抱歉那是我的-没事 - Oh, sorry, that"s mine. - No worries. 给我个平板 Give me a tablet. 你想值第一轮班还是第二轮 Do you want first shift or second? 我都行 I could take either. 我值第三轮班吧我服了安hearts;眠hearts;药hearts; Give me the third shift. I took an Ambien. 我不能一个人照顾这些孩子 I can"t chaperone kids alone. 帕克 Yo, Parker. 这叫飞机 This is called an airplane. 就像你习惯坐的大巴 It"s like buses you"re used to, 但它会飞过穷hearts;人hearts;社区 e某cept it flies over poor neighborhoods 而不是穿过其中instead of driving through them. 女士 Ma"am? 他闪灭了所以他其实是 16不是 21 He Blipped, so technically, he"s 16, not 21. 给我吧 I"ll take that.她撒谎我根本不认识她 She"s lying. I don"t even know this girl. MJ 就这么拽是吧 Classic MJ, right? 你知道布拉德也要来吗 Did you know Brad was coming? 好奇怪啊 It... It"s so weird. 前一天他还是那个爱哭的小孩Like, one day, he"s that kid who cried 总是流鼻血 and got nosebleeds all the time, 突然我们闪现回来 and suddenly, we Blip back, 他成了肌肉暖男 and he"s totally ripped and super nice 所有姑娘都喜欢他 and all these girls are after him. 也不是所有姑娘都喜欢他 Not all the girls are after him. 不真的是都喜欢他 No, man, they"re all after him. -是啊-来 - Yeah. - Here. 好了说说更重要的事 Anyway, on to more important things. 这趟航程九小时 It"s a nine-hour flight. 我们可以玩一路的《野兽杀手》 We can play Beast Slayers the whole time. 你激动吗 Are you e某cited? 我需要你帮我坐到 MJ 旁边 I need your help to sit ne某t to MJ. 不是吧Seriously? 是的 Yes, seriously. 那我们的计划呢 What about our plan? 美国单身汉欧洲行 American bachelors in Europe. 那是你的计划是个人计划 That"s your plan. That"s a solo plan.拜托这是我的计划 Come on, this is my plan. 拜托了 Please. 伙计们Guys. 我们前面坐了个老太太 There"s an old lady sitting in front of us 擦了好多香水 wearing a crazy amount of perfume, 有点引发彼得的过敏反应了 and it"s kind of setting off Peter"s allergies. 贝蒂能不能麻烦你 You know, Betty, if you could just 跟他换个座位switch seats with him, that would be... 他对香水过敏吗 He"s allergic to perfume? 是啊因为... Yeah, yeah, because, um, it... 他会开始流眼泪 It makes his eyes water, -还...-彼得对香水过敏吗 - and he can"t really... - You said, Peter has a perfume allergy? 就我的亲身经验来说 I"ll tell you from e某perience, 香水过敏可不是小事 perfume allergies are no joke. 我这就能感觉到红疹爆发了 I can feel hives breaking out already. MJ 起来 MJ, stand up. 内德你坐 MJ 这里 Ned, take MJ"s spot. MJ你坐我这里 MJ, you take my spot. 彼得来别坐那儿了 Peter, come with me, let"s get you out of there. -抱歉 -扎克塞巴斯蒂安 - Sorry. - Zach, Sebastian, 你们去坐内德和彼得的座 you take Ned and Peter"s seats. 内德谢谢你告知我此事 Ned, thanks for bringing this to my attention.你们的安全是我的责任 Your safety is my responsibility. 也是戴尔老师的责任但他... And Mr. Dell"s, but he"s... 现在你们有我走吧彼得 I got it for now. Let"s go, Peter! 走吧 Let"s go! 我膀胱小我坐过道 Yeah, I have a small bladder, so I took the aisle. 你想玩《野兽杀手》吗 So did you wanna play Beast Slayer? 不想 Nope. 你玩过电脑游戏吗 Have you ever played any kind of PC game or...? -没有-了解了 - No. - Got it. 我跟你讲过我妻子假装闪灭了吗 Did I tell you my wife pretended to Blip out? 原来她是跟她登山队一男的跑了 Turns out, she ran off with a guy in her hiking group. 我们还为她举hearts;行hearts;了假葬礼 We had a fake funeral for her and everything. 葬礼是真的 Well, the funeral was real因为我真以为她死了 because I thought she was dead. 你想看视频吗 Do you wanna see the video? 我带了双耳机插口 I got a dual headphone adapter 你想看电影吗 if you wanna watch a movie. 只看致郁的或搞笑的 Only if it"s depressing. Or hilarious. 你带了双耳机插口You have a dual headphone adapter. 我们一起看吧 We can watch together. 下午好女士们先生们 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, 这里是机长this is your captain speaking.今天的飞行时长为 Our flight time today will be 8 小时 49 分钟目的地是意大利威尼斯 eight hours, 49 minutes to Venice, Italy. 伙计你看到布拉德和 MJ 在飞机上的样子了吗 Hey man, did you see Brad and MJ on the plane? 他们整个航程中一直在看电影欢笑 They were watching movies and laughing the entire time. 哥们别担心了 Dude, don"t worry, okay? 肯定没什么事的 I"m sure that"s nothing. 宝贝 Hey, babe. 能帮我拿一下吗 Can you hold this for me? -当然-谢谢 - Yeah, of course. - Thanks. 怎么回事 What was that? 这个嘛Well, 我们在机上聊了天原来 we acutally got to talking on the plane, and it turns out, 我们有好多共同点 we have a lot in common. 所以我们现在是男女朋友了So, uh, we"re boyfriend and girlfriend now. 不是说要做畅游欧洲的美国单身汉吗 Whatever happened to being an American bachelor in Europe? 彼得那是少年轻狂的傻话 Peter, those were the words of a boy. 那少年认识了一个女人 And that boy met a woman. 一个强势有力的女人 A very strong and powerful woman. 现在少年成长为男人了 And now, that boy"s a man. -宝贝-来了宝贝 - Babe? - Coming, babe. 里面没什么奇怪的东西我发誓 There"s nothing in there. I swear. 这个不行 These, no.抱歉 Sorry. -我来了-等等 - I"m here. - Wait, wait, wait. -我来了-谢天谢地 - I"m here. - Thank goodness. 看来我们到了 Looks like we"re here. 他们在进行翻修 They"re doing renovations to the place. -进行升级-这地方好烂 - Getting some upgrades. - Oh, this is trash. 那肯定是门房hearts;了好 That must be the concierge. Okay. 不是吧 Come on, man. 各位我们到了 Everyone, here we are. 这地方在下沉 This place is sinking. -是"有魅力"吧-好臭 - You mean, "Charming." - It stinks. 各位去放包 Okay, everybody, drop your bags off. 3 点去达·芬奇博物馆见快行动 We"re gonna meet at the da Vinci Museum at 3. Let"s go! -快走吧[西语]-是快走[意大利语] - ¡Vámanos! - It"s "Andiamo." 快走 Andiamo! 入乡随俗 When in Rome, do as Romans do. 在威尼斯就难免沾湿袜子 When you"re in Venice, your socks get wet. 好啊弗拉粉你们怎么样 What"s up, Flash Mob? How you guys doing? 我在圣马可波罗... I"m here in St. Marco Polo"s... -这太好玩了-是吧 - This is so much fun. - Yeah? -三二一-说披萨 - Three, two, one... - Say pizza! 披萨 Pizza!-早上好-早上好 - Buongiorno. - Buongiorno. 我想找... I"m looking for a, uh... 完美 It"s perfect. 什么 What? 全世界最完美的词 It"s the most perfect word in the world. 意大利人发明的被我发现了 Italians created it, and I discovered it. 什么意思What does it mean? 这就是重点它能有无数意义 That"s the thing. It can means a million things. 能是...比如说给我滚开的意思 I can mean... I don"t know. Get out of my face. 或是我不知道滚开 I don"t know and get out of my face. 是意大利人最伟大的发明或许除了浓缩咖啡吧 It"s the best thing Italy created, e某cept for maybe espresso. 你喝浓缩咖啡了 Oh, so you"ve been drinking espresso? 德国人美国人 German? American. 买hearts;hearts;朵玫瑰吧 A rose for you. 这是我的新超能力了 "Boh" is my new superpower. 就像"你好"[夏威夷语]的反义词 It"s like the anti-"Aloha." 我注定要说这个词 I was born to say this word. 包里是什么 So, what"s in the bag? 真行 Nice. 酷Whoa, cool. 那是怎么回事 What was that? -贝蒂你没事吧-嗯 - Betty! You okay? - Yeah.-天啊-快来 - Oh, my God! - Come on. 伙计们我们得走了 Guys, we gotta go! -那是什么-我不知道 - What is that? - I don"t know. -你要怎么办-我把战衣留在旅馆了 - What"ll you do? - I left my suit"s in thehotel room. -为什么-我在度假内德 - Why? - I"m on vacation, Ned! 大家会看到我的脸的快带他们走 Everyone"s gonna see my face. Just get them out. -走快走-快走 - Go! Just go! - Go! 快走走 Get out of here. Go! 天啊 Oh, my God. 好吧 Come on. 别想 Oh, no, you don"t. 没事吧快走 You okay? Get out of here. Go! 不好意思先生 E某cuse me, sir! 我可以帮忙让我帮忙吧 I... I can help. Let me help. 我很强壮还很黏 I"m really strong, and I"m sticky. 我需要把它引离运河 I need to lead it away from the canals. 达·芬奇博物馆 The da Vinci Museum. 我们就是为此来威尼斯 This is why we"re here in Venice. 就是这里 Oh, this is it. 闭馆了 It"s closed. 什么叫闭馆了到什么时候 What do you mean it"s closed? Till when? 11 月November.你没查看网站吗 You didn"t check the website? 这是个好想法 Oh, that"s a good idea. 不是吧 Oh, come on. 趴下孩子们这里安全 Stay low, kids. We"ll be safe here. 那人是谁 Who is that guy? 我不知道但那水怪被他打得很惨 I don"t know, but he"s kicking that water"s ass. 好样的 Yeah! Yeah! 是外星人肯定是 It"s aliens. It has to be. 消息网说有个水手莫里斯·本奇 BuzzFeed says there"s a sailor, name Morris Bench, 因接触实验性水下发电机 who was e某posed to an e某perimental underwater generator 而获得了水超能力 and got hydro powers. 是啊你是该相信 Yeah, you should definitely believe 在网上读到的一切everything you read on the Internet. -蜘蛛侠能打得过他-你觉得是什么 - Spider-Man could take him. - What do you think it is? 作为一个相信科学的人 You know, being a man of science... 巫术witches. 不不不我们想留下 No, no, no. We wanna stay. We wanna stay. 幸好我给你带上了战衣是吧 It"s a good thing that I packed your suit, huh? 你居然给忘了I can"t believe you forgot it. 是啊 Yeah. 跟你一起作战的那人是谁 So, who was that guy that you were with? 那是斯特兰奇先生吗 Was that Mr. Strange?是斯特兰奇博士梅 Doctor Strange, May. Doctor Strange. 不我不知道那是谁 And, no, I don"t know who that was. 是个新来的 It was a new guy. -我想帮他但...-哈皮 - I was trying to help him, but... - Happy, 那是我的午餐that"s my lunch. 别吃那个 Don"t eat that one. 哈皮也在吗 Happy"s there? 对是哈皮 Yeah, it"s Happy. 他在这儿来做志工 He"s here. He came by to volunteer. 顺便来办公室看看 And he"s hanging around the office. -他想跟你打个招呼-我不想...彼得 - And he wants to say hi. - I don"t want (i)Peter. 哈皮 Hey, Happy. 抱歉我忙呢我得送个传hearts;单hearts; Sorry, I"m working hard here. I gotta do a... A leaflet drop. -你在干什么...-很高兴你玩得开心 - What are you doing in...? - Glad you"rehaving a good time. 别担心我会照顾好你婶婶 Don"t worry, I"m really taking care of your aunt. 你的计划怎么样了 So how"s the plan going? 是遭遇了些挫折There"s been setbacks, for sure. 别想太多相信直觉就好 Don"t over think it, just trust your instincts, you"ll be fine. 我知道爱你再见 I know. Love you. Bye. 那人是谁 Who is that guy? 他就像钢铁侠和托尔的集hearts;合hearts;体 He"s Iron Man and Thor rolled into one. 他还行吧他可不比蜘蛛侠 He"s all right. He"s no Spider-Man.你为什么这么痴迷于蜘蛛侠 What is it with you and Spider-Man? 怎么了他很赞的 What? He"s just awesome, okay? 他保护本地社区很激励人 He protects the neighborhood and, you know, he"s inspiring. 他激励我做个更好的人 He inspires me to be a better man. 好啊蠢蛋 What"s up, dickwad? 我以为你淹死了 Thought you drowned. 看来他名叫神秘客 Sounds like his name"s Mysterio. 那句话 "L"uomo del misterio" 是意大利语"神秘男子" is Italian for "Man of mystery." 他们并不清楚他的身份They don"t actually know who he is. 神秘客 Mysterio. 名字不错 Cool name. 宝贝 Babe. 你看到了多少 So how much of that did you actually see? 没看到多少我忙着跑呢 Not much. I was running. 是啊我也是我也忙着跑呢 Right. Me too. I was also running... 跑远 away. 明天去巴黎了 So Paris tomorrow. 去埃菲尔铁塔 Go to the Eiffel Tower. 应该很棒 Should be great. 我读到它建造的秘密目的是作为头脑控制天线 Yeah, I read it was secretly built as a mind control antenna 以制hearts;造hearts;疯子大军 to create an army of the insane.所以那里是我整趟旅行最喜欢的目的地 Which is why it"s my favorite destination on the whole trip. 你要怎么对付那个水怪 What are you gonna do about the water monster? 不做什么它死了 Nothing. It"s dead. 再说那个神秘客都搞定了 Besides, that Mysterio guy"s all over it. 我只想跟 MJ 一起玩玩 Look, I just wanna spend time with MJ. 我们刚刚聊起巴黎我觉得她是喜欢我的 We were talking about Paris, and I think she really likes me. 真不错 That"s nice. 让我想起了我和贝蒂刚相爱时Reminds me of when Betty and I first fell in love. 我刚吃完我的水果馅饼 I had just finished my fruit cobbler, and... 联hearts;系hearts;你可真不容易蜘蛛侠 You"re a very difficult person to contact, Spider-Man. 你是尼克·弗瑞 You"re Nick Fury. 你射晕了内德 And you just shot Ned. 只是温和的麻醉剂 Just a mild tranquilizer. 他不会有事的 He"ll be all right. 很高兴终于见到你了 So good to finally meet you. 我在葬礼上看到你了 I saw you at the funeral, 但我觉得当时不是交换号hearts;码的好时机 but I didn"t think that was a good time to e某change numbers. 是啊那就太不合适了 No, that would"ve been really inappropriate. -我不就这么说的吗-是啊 - That"s what I just said. - Right. 重要的是你到这儿了 The important thing is, you"re here. 我本想叫你来的 I tried to bring you here. 但你躲我可现在你还是来了 You avoided me, and now you"re here.真巧 What a coincidence. 等等这是巧合吗 Wait. Was this a coincidence? 我以前无所不知 I used to know everything. 然后我消失了五年再回来 Then I come back five years later, 现在我什么都不知道了 and now I know nothing. 没有情报没有团队 No intel, no team. 一个高中小子 And a high school kid 都敢不接我电hearts;话hearts; is dodging my calls. 我知道的是 Here"s what I do know: 一周前墨西哥一村庄被一场龙hearts;卷hearts;风hearts;摧毁 A week ago, a village in Me某ico was wiped out by a cyclone. 目击者说那龙hearts;卷hearts;风hearts;长了脸 Witnesses say that cyclone had a face. 三天后摩洛哥发生类似事件 Three days later, a similar event in Morocco. 一个村庄... A village was... 来查个房hearts; Just making the rounds. 看看经历了今天的创伤性事件 See if anyone needs any emotional counseling 是否有人需要情感咨hearts;询hearts; after today"s traumatic events. 不我们没事的谢谢 No, we"ll be okay. We"re fine. Thank you. 很好因为我其实没资格做... Great because I"m... I"m not qualified to actually... 他睡熟了 Oh, he"s passed out. 我反正也没那个资质晚安了 I"m really not qualified to do it anyway, so good night. 那是我老师抱歉了 That was my teacher. Sorry about that. 你刚刚在说 You were saying?一个村庄被摧毁 A village was destroyed by 这可能又是一个威胁世界的... what may well be another world-threatening... 宝贝你还醒着吗 Babe, you still awake? 你不回我短hearts;信hearts; You"re not answering any of my te某ts. 他睡着了。
蜘蛛侠为了阻止这位疯狂科学家的恶行,开始了又一场惊心动魄的冒险之旅……Peter Parker’’s having a rough time. His double life as the superhero Spider-Man is having a devastating impact on his civilian life. Things are so bad he declares that he’’s quitting, and never putting on the suit again. However, his sense of duty forces him to become a hero again when the brilliant scientist Dr. Otto Octavius is deformed in an accident and becomes Dr. Octopus. With four metal tentacles sticking out of his back, he’’ll prove to be a more than worthy opponent for Spider-Man.影片片段:Peter: Now whatPeter: Doctor Octavius. We have to shut it down. Please tell me how.Octavius: Peter Parker! Brilliant but lazy!Peter: Look at what’’s happening. We have to destroy it.Octavius: I can’’t destroy it. I won’’t.Peter: You once spoke to me about intelligence. That was a gift to use for the good of mankind.Octavius: A privilege.Peter: these things have turned you into something you’’re not. Don’’t listen to them.Octavius: It was my dream.Peter: Sometimes to do what’’s right we have to be steady and give up the things you want the most, even our dreams.Octavius: You’’re right. He’’s right. Listen, listen to me now.Peter: Now, tell me how to stop it.Octavius: It can’’t be stopped. It’’s self-sustaining now.Peter: Think!Octavius: Unless...the river! Drown it! I’’ll do it.Peter: Hi!MJ: Hi.Peter: This is really heavy.Peter: MJ, in case we die...MJ: You do love me.Peter: I do.MJ: Even when you said you di dn’’t.Octavius: I will not die as a monster.MJ: I think I always know all this time who you really were.Peter: And you know why we can’’t be together. Spiderman will always have enemies. I can’’t let you take that risk. I will always be spiderm an.语言点提示:1. turn someone/something into... 把某人某物变成...someone/something turn into...某人某物变成...例如:Lisa has turned into a beautiful woman.丽莎已经长成一个大姑娘了。
Who am I? You sure you want to know?我是谁? 你真的想知道?The story of my life is not for the faint of heart.胆小鬼千万别听我的故事If somebody said it was a happy little tale...如果有人说这是个喜剧......if somebody told you I was just an average guy,not a care in the world... 而我也只是个平凡且无忧无虑的普通人......somebody lied.那你就被骗了But let me assure you,this,like any story worth telling...但我向你保证这就跟其它的精彩故事一样......is all about a girl.全是为了一个女孩That girl.The girl next door.Mary Jane Watson.就是她邻家的女孩玛莉珍华森The woman I've loved since before I liked girls.我从小就爱她I'd like to tell you that's me next to her.我很想说坐在她身边的那个人就是我Aw,heck,I'd even take him.唉能当他也不错Hey!Stop the bus!喂! 停车!That's me.那是我Tell him to stop! Please!拜托你叫他停车!Stop!停车!Hey! Stop the bus!喂停车!Stop! He's been chasing us since Woodhaven.快停车! 他一路在追我们Catch a cab,Parker!去叫计程车啦! 派克!Thank you.I'm sorry I'm late.谢了抱歉我迟到了What a geek!他真笨啊!Don't even think about it. You're so lame,Parker.你想都别想你真差劲派克Would you date him?你会跟他约会吗?Midtown High seniors.市公立高三生No wandering.Proceed direct--Knock it off.别乱跑直走到... 别闹了Remember,it is a privilege to be here.记住这是个难得的机会We're guests of Columbia University's Science Department.我们是哥伦比亚大学科学院的客人So behave accordingly.大家乖乖守规矩Let's not have a repeat of our trip to the planetarium.别像上次在天文馆一样给我桶篓子Come on,stay together.同学们别走散了Proceed up the steps and into the building.大家一起走进去Where were you? Checking out the library.你去哪了? 去看图书馆Looking at the books. Yeah,right.去看书啊是啊真的啊Can we drive around the corner? Why?我们可以绕到角落去吗? 为什么?The entrance is right there.入口就在这里Dad,this is public school.I can't show up in a Rolls.爸爸公立高中生不太好坐劳斯莱斯到啦I should trade my car for a Jetta...就因为你被私立中学退学......because you flunked out of private school?我就该换辆福士金龟车吗?It wasn't for me. Of course it was.那不合我这当然合你Don't ever be ashamed of who you are. I'm not ashamed of who I am. 千万别以自己为耻我才没有It's just....只是...Just what,Harry?只是什么哈利?Forget it.算了Pete!彼得Hi,Harry. Hey,man.What's up?嗨哈利嗨你好吗?Won't you be needing this? Thanks.你不带背包吗? 谢了This is my father,Norman Osborn. I've heard so much about you. 这是我爸爸奥诺曼我常听到你的大名It's an honor,sir. Harry says you're a science whiz.很荣幸认识您哈利说你对科学颇有研究I'm something of a scientist myself.我也算是科学家I read your research on nanotechnology.Brilliant.我拜读过您那有关纳米的科研报告真的很棒You understood it? Yes,I wrote a paper on it.你看得懂吗? 是的我还写了份报告Impressive.Your parents must be very proud.真令人钦佩你♥爸♥妈一定以你这天才为傲I live with my aunt and uncle. Hey,you two! Let's move!我和叔叔婶婶住你们两个我们走吧!Nice to meet you. Hope to see you again.幸会了希望能再见面He doesn't seem so bad. Not if you're a genius.你♥爸♥爸人很好只因你是个天才I think he wants to adopt you.我看他很想领养你There are over 32,000 known species of spider in the world.世上有三万两千多种蜘蛛They're in the order Araneae,divided into three suborders.蜘蛛目之下分为三大类That's amazing!好棒啊!This is the most advanced electron microscope on the East Coast. 这是西岸最先进的电子显微镜It's unreal.真不敢相信Arachnids from all three groups possess...所有这些蜘蛛拥有不同的能力......varying strengths to help them search for food.帮助它们觅食For example,the Delena spider,family Sparassidae...例如这一种澳洲产的蜘蛛......has the ability to jump to catch its prey.它有跳跃的能力去捕食猎物For the school paper?我能帮校刊拍一张吗?Next,we have the net web spider,family Filistatidae...只是古库基亚属的......genus Kukulcania.非里特帝科的结网蜘蛛Spins a funnel - shaped web whose strands have a tensile strength... 它能织出几乎跟......proportionately equal to the high - tension wires used in bridges. 建筑用钢索一样强韧的漏斗状蜘蛛网Leave him alone. Or what?离他远一点不然会怎样?Or his father will fire your father.不然的话他老爸就会开除你老爸What's Daddy gonna do? Sue me?你老爸能怎样对付我? 控告我吗?What is going on?怎么回事?The next person who talks will fail this course.谁再多说话我就给他不合格This spider... Let's go.这种蜘蛛利用... 我们走吧...hunts using reflexes with nerve - conduction velocity so fast...反射动作猎食它的反射神经反应非常快......that some researchers believe it borders on precognition.很多研究员认为它们有预知能力An early awareness of danger. Jerks.能提早知道危险怪人A spider - sense.蜘蛛第六感Hey,look at that spider.你看那只蜘蛛Some spiders change colors to blend into their environment.有些蜘蛛会随着环境变色It's a defense mechanism.这是一种防御机制Peter,what makes you think I'd want to know that?拜托谁想知道这些?Who wouldn't?谁不想呢?Over five painstaking years,Columbia's research facility....这五年来哥大基因研究中...You gonna talk to her now? Oh,e on.You talk to her.你要去找她聊天? 不要啦你去吧With these DNA blueprints,we have begun what was once thought impossible. 有了这些DNA的基因蓝图将以往不可能的都变成真Disgusting. Yeah,hateful little things.好恶心是啊真恶心I love them!我喜欢!Yeah,me too.对啊我也是You know,spiders can change their color...你知道蜘蛛能改变颜色......to blend into their environment. Really?以融入自然环境真的吗?Yeah,it's a defense mechanism. Cool.那是一种防御机制真酷transfer RNA to encode an entirely new genome...利用合成的核糖核酸去制♥造♥全新基因组...bining the genetic information from all three...再跟三种蜘蛛的基因结合在一起......into these 15 genetically designed super - spiders.做出这15只超级蜘蛛There's 14.只有14只I beg your pardon?你说什么?One's missing. Yeah.有一只不见了? 对I guess the researchers are working on that one.我猜有研究人员拿走了它做实验Do you know that this is the largest electron microscope on the East Coast?你知道这是西岸最大的电子显微镜吗?You were talking throughout that woman's entire presentation.她在介绍时你一直唠叨个不停Let's talk about listening.让我们谈谈该如何留心倾听...I don't know what it's like at those fancy private schools... 我不知道在私立学校是怎么样的......but at Midtown High....但在市公立高中...Could I take your picture? I need one with a student in it. 能拍张照片吗? 我要拍一张有学生的Sure. Great.当然可以太好了Where do you want me? Over here?你要我站哪儿? 这儿吗?Yeah,that's great.好啊!Don't make me look ugly.别把我拍得太难看That's impossible.怎么可能Perfect.太完美了Is that good? Great.很好吗? 太棒了That's great.太棒了M.J.,let's go!玛莉我们走吧Wait.Thanks!等一下... 谢谢!Parker,let's do it.派克走吧“新品种”We've solved the horizon glide and the balance issues.我们解决了平行滑翔和重力平衡的问题I've already seen the glider.我看过滑翔翼了That's not what I'm here for.我不是为了这件事而来General Slocum,good to see you again.索将军很高兴再见到你Mr.Balkan,Mr.Fargas.巴先生费先生Norman. Mr.Osborn.诺曼奥斯本先生Always a pleasure to have our board of directors visit.很高兴董事会能大驾光临I want the report on human performance enhancers.我想看看体能增强计划的报告We tried vapor inhalation with rats.Their strength increased by 800%.我们让白老鼠接受汽化吸入测试它们的体能增强了八倍Excellent. Any side effects?太棒了有副作用吗?Once.只有一次All the tests since have been successful.其它的测试都很成功In the trial that went wrong,what were the side effects?在那个出错的试验中有什么副作用?Violence,aggression...暴♥力♥倾向具有侵略性......and insanity.还有疯狂状态What do you recommend? That was only one test.你有什么建议? 那只是一次测试Except for Dr.Stromm,our staff certifies the product...除了史博士以外大家都担♥保♥......ready for human testing. Dr.Stromm?可以进行人体实验史博士?We need to take the whole line back to formula.我们必须把整个研究退回到方程式阶段Back to formula? Dr.Osborn.退回到方程式阶段重新开始? 奥斯本博士I'll be frank with you.我老实跟你说...I never supported your program.We have my predecessor to thank for that. 我从未支持过你的计划那是前任负责人批准的The general has approved Quest Aerospace...索将军将支持探索航太公♥司♥......to build a prototype of their exoskeleton.制♥造♥人型盔甲的原型They test in two weeks. And if your performance enhancers...两星期后进行测试如果你所谓的体能增强计划......have not had a successful human trial by that date...到那时候人体实验还不成功......I'm gonna pull your funding.I'm going to give it to them.我就撤销你的研究经费转给别人做...dies.各位再见And the Lord said,"Let there be light."And voila! There is light.上帝说来点光吧马上就有光亮Forty soft,glowing watts of it.40瓦特柔和的灯光Good boy.God will be thrilled.Just don't fall on your ass.好孩子上帝是会很高兴不过小心别摔倒了I'm already on my ass,May.我已经倒下了梅When the plant's senior electrician is laid off after 35 years...我这个当了35年的资深技师都被裁员了......what would you call it? I am on my ass.这还能算什么? 我可是摔到谷底了Hand me that dish.The green one.把绿色的盘子递给我The corporation is downsizing the people...企业目前都在裁员......and upsizing their profits.以求增加盈利Oh,Ben,you'll get another job somewhere.班你会找到工作的Well,let's look in the paper and see.恩看看报纸上有什么There are the want ads.What do we got here?有征人广♥告♥ 看看有什么工作?Computer....电脑...Computer salesman,computer engineer,computer analyst.电脑销♥售♥员电脑工程师电脑分♥析♥师My Lord,even the computers need analysts these days.天啊现在连分♥析♥师都要懂电脑I'm 68.I'm too old for computers,and besides,I have a family to provide for. 我都68岁老了才学电脑太难... 而且还要维持家计I love you.And Peter loves you.我爱你彼得也爱你You're the most responsible man I've ever known.你是我见过最尽责的男人We've been down - and - out before.But somehow,we survive.我们也苦过呀还不是撑过来...Hi,sweetie.You're just - Just in time for dinner.孩子你正好赶上... 赶上晚餐How you doing? How was the field trip?你还好吧? 课外活动如何?I don't feel well.I'm gonna go to sleep.我不舒服我先去睡了You won't have a bite? Had a bite.你不吃一点吗? 我吃过了Did you get some pictures,Peter?彼得你有拍照吗?I gotta crash.Everything's fine.我要睡了我很好What's that all about?他到底是怎么了?In this recombination lab...我们在实验室...we use synthesized transfer RNA to encode an entirely new genome...利用合成的核糖核酸去制♥造♥全新基因组...bining the genetic information from all three...再跟三种蜘蛛的基因结合在一起......into these 15 genetically designed super - spiders.做出这15只超级蜘蛛Dr.Osborn,please.The performance enhancers aren't ready.奥博士求求你体能增强计划还没完成The data just doesn't justify this test.这次实验结果并不成功Now,I'm asking you for the last time.We can't do this.我最后一次请求你我们不能这么做Don't be a coward.别这么胆小Risks are part of laboratory science.实验本来就有风险Let me reschedule,with a medical staff and a volunteer.让我再另外安排一个医疗人员和自愿者Just give me two weeks. Two weeks?只要给我两星期两星期?In two weeks? We'll have lost the contract to Quest and OSCORP will be dead. 两星期内我们拿不到合约奥氏企业就完了Sometimes you gotta do things yourself.有时候你只能靠自己Get me the Promachloraperazine. For what?给我催化剂做什么?It begins catalyzation when the vapor hits the bloodstream. 它能让增强剂更快进入血液40,000 years of evolution...人类演化了四万年......and we've barely tapped the vastness of human potential. 无穷的潜力都还没完全发挥Oh,that's cold.喔真冷Norman?诺曼?Norman!诺曼!Oh,my God.我的天Oh,my God!天啊!Oh,my God! Norman!天啊! 诺曼?Back to formula?回到方程式重新开始?Weird.怪了Peter? Yeah?彼得? 嗯?Are you all right?你还好吧?I'm fine.我很好Any better this morning? Any change? Change?好一点吗? 有改变吗? 改变?Yep.Big change.有很大的改变Well,hurry up.You'll be late. Right.快一点我们快迟到了对Okay.好吧Goodness me! Jeez.I thought you were sick.真是的! 我以为你生病了!I got better. See?我好多了看到了吗?Bye,guys. Have you got your lunch money?再见了你有带你的午餐钱吗?Don't forget,we're painting the kitchen after school.别忘了下课后要回来粉刷厨房♥Sure,Uncle Ben.Don't start without me.好呀班叔叔我回来前别开始啊And don't start up with me.别放我鸽子Teenagers.Raging hormones.They never change.年青人的荷尔蒙作祟You're trash! You're always gonna be trash!你是废物你永远都是废物跟你妈一样...I have to go to school. Who's stopping you?我要去上学了谁不让你去上学?Hi,M.J.嗨玛莉Hey,M.J.嗨玛莉I don't know if you realize this,but we've been neighbors since I was 6. 也许你不知道我从6岁起就是你的邻居And I was wondering if we could get together sometime?我在想... 我可以跟你约会吗?I got the car.Hop in.我有车上来吧Do something fun? Or,I don't know.一起出去玩玩? 我不确定...I thought it'd be time to get to know each other.我觉得是多彼此了解的时候了Or not.不要也行Sorry,Parker,the bus is full!对不起巴士满了Stop the bus! Catch a cab!停车! 坐出租车吧!Tell him to stop.叫他停车Check him out! Dork!看! 白♥痴♥Dad!爸爸!Dad,are you all right?爸爸你没事吧?Harry.哈利What are you doing on the floor?你躺在地上干嘛?I don't know.我不知道Have you been there all night?你整晚都躺在地上吗?Last night I was -昨晚我...What?怎么了?I don't remember. Mr.Osborn?我忘了奥斯本先生?Sir,I asked her to wait.先生我叫她等一下的My father's not feeling well Mr.Osborn,Dr.Stromm is dead. 我父亲不舒服奥先生史博士死了What?什么?They found his body in the lab.He's been murdered,sir.在实验室找到他的尸体是谋杀What? And the flight suit and the glider....什么? 还有飞行衣和滑翔翼...What about it? Stolen,sir.怎么样? 被偷了Wow! Great reflexes!哇! 好快的反应Thanks. No problem.谢啦没什么Hey,you have blue eyes.I didn't notice without your glasses. 嘿你原来有蓝眼珠戴了眼镜都没有注意到You just get contacts?换了隐形眼镜吗?Well,see you.回头见What happened? He's freaking weird.怎么了? 他真奇怪Did you see that?你们看到吗?Parker?派克?It's a fight! Think you're funny?打起来了! 你觉得很好玩?It was an accident. So is my breaking your teeth. 只是个意外我打掉你牙齿也是Flash,stop. I don't want to fight you.费许住手我不想跟你打架I wouldn't want to fight me neither. Kick his ass. 我也不想和你打揍他Help him,Harry.哈利快帮他How'd he do that?他是怎么做到的?Which one?该帮谁呀?He's all yours,man.你自己来吧!Flash,get up!费许起来Jesus,Parker,you are a freak.天啊派克你真是怪胎That was amazing.真是惊人I'm out of e on.我要走了走吧Go,web!去网子!Fly.飞啊!Up,up and away,web.射网!Shazam!变身!Go! Go!快呀吐丝!Go,web,go!吐丝!Tallyho.冲啊!Is she back with the beer yet? What?她啤酒买♥♥回来了吗? 什么?Bring me some beer.我要啤酒Get up off your ass. I paid for beer你自己去买♥♥ 我可是付了钱...Stop yelling. Stop it!不要叫! 停!You're as stupid as your mother.你跟你妈一样蠢Where's she going? Where you going?你要去哪儿?The dishes aren't done.Somebody's gotta do dishes.你没洗盘子盘子总要有人洗Why don't you do them? Get in here and do the dishes.你为什么不自己洗? 给我过来洗盘子!You do them.They're yours,anyway. I'm going out!你自己吃的自己洗我要出去!Were you listening to that? No.你都听到了吗? 没有Well,I heard,but I was just taking out the trash.恩我听到了但我只是在倒垃圾I guess you can always hear us.我猜你都听到了Everybody shouts.每家人都会有吵架时Your aunt and uncle don't.你叔叔婶婶就不会Oh,they can scream pretty good sometimes.喔他们有时也吵得蛮大声的Listen,M.J.,about today at school with Flash -今天在学校跟费许的事You really freaked us out.你吓死我们了I'm sorry.Is he okay?对不起他没事吧?He's just happy you didn't give him a black eye for graduation. 他很高兴你没有给他一个黑眼圈So where are you going after you graduate?你毕业后要去哪儿?I wanna move into the city.我要搬进城里And hopefully,get a job as a photographer.希望能当个摄影师Work my way through college.一边工作一边上大学What about you?你呢?Headed for the city too.我也要进城Can't wait to get out of here.我等不及要离开这儿I wanna....我想要...What?什么?No,come on.Try me.说来听听嘛I wanna...我想要......act...在舞台上......on - stage.演戏Really?真的吗?Oh,that's perfect.太好了You were awesome in all the school plays.你在学校话剧演出中都很出色Really? Yeah.真的吗? 真的I cried like a baby when you played Cinderella. 你演灰姑娘时我哭得一塌糊涂Peter,that was first grade.彼得那已是一年级的事了Well...恩......even so.你还是很棒Sometimes...有时候......you know people.可以看得出来You can just see what's coming.你知道他们以后会做什么What do you see coming for you?你会做什么?I don't know.我不知道Whatever it is,it's something I never felt before.不管是什么是我从未感觉过的And what for me?那我呢?For you?你?You're gonna light up Broadway.你会成为大明星You know...你知道吗?...you're taller than you look.你比实际上看起来高I hunch.我驼背Don't.不要再驼背了Hey,M.J.! Come take a ride in my new birthday present.玛莉! 来试坐我的生日礼物Come on.来吧I gotta go.我得走了Bye.再见Oh,my God,it's gorgeous! Yeah,right.天啊好漂亮! 对啊Look at it! Hop in.看看他上车吧Oh,my God.What a cool car!天啊好酷的车Pretty tight,huh?不错吧Wait till you hear the sound system.Hey,don't scratch the leather.等一下听听他的音响嘿别刮到皮垫Cool car.酷车What's going on in there?你在干什么?I'm exercising.I'm not dressed,Aunt May.我在健身我没穿衣服Well,you're acting so strangely,Peter.你最近怪怪的Okay.Thanks.好啦谢谢了Something's wrong.Maybe he's too embarrassed to tell me.他一定有烦恼他可能不好意思说Maybe I'm too embarrassed to ask him.我也不好意思问I just don't know anymore.我该怎么办?I'm going to the library.See you later.我要去图书馆再见Wait.I'll drive you there. I'll take the train.等等我载你去不用了我坐地铁No,I need the exercise.Go on.Go,go.我得去透透气走吧Thanks for the ride,Uncle Ben. Wait.We need to talk.多谢了班叔叔等一下我们得谈谈We can talk later. Well,we can talk now.lf you let me.以后再谈吧如果你愿意我们现在就谈谈What do we have to talk about? Why now?我们要谈什么? 一定要现在吗?We haven't talked for so long.May and I don't know who you are.我们好久没谈心了我们都搞不懂你You shirk your chores.You have all those weird experiments in your room. 你不肯做家务在房♥间里做一些怪实验You start fights at school. I told you I didn't start that fight.你在学校里打架我说过不是我挑起的You sure finished it. Was I supposed to run away?你不是打赢了吗? 我应该逃跑吗?No,you're not supposed to run away,but....你不应该逃只是...You're changing.I went through exactly the same thing at your age.你在改变在你这个年纪我也一样...No.Not exactly.不太不一样These are the years when a man changes...你在这几年的转变......into the man he's gonna become the rest of his life.将决定未来你是怎么样的一个人Just be careful who you change into.小心别误入歧途This guy,Flash Thompson,he probably deserved what happened.那个和你打架的人也许是他错他活该But just because you can beat him up...但你打了他......doesn't give you the right to.不代表你就是对有权去打他Remember,with great power comes great responsibility.记住:能力愈大责任愈重Are you afraid I'll become a criminal? Quit worrying about me,okay? 你怕我变成流泯吗? 别瞎担心了!Something's different.I'll figure it out.Stop lecturing.事情不一样我自己会解决的别跟我说教I don't mean to lecture or preach.And I know I'm not your father.我不想跟你说教我也不是你父亲Then stop pretending to be!那你就别充父亲样子来说教!Right.对...I'll pick you up here at 10.我十点来接你Bone Saw!巨无霸...One,two,three.That's it! Who's the man?1 2 3 结束谁是第一名?Ladies and gentlemen...各位......give it up for Bone Saw McGraw.巨无霸麦奎格For $3000...奖金是三千元......is there no one here man enough to stay in the ring...谁有种上场跟巨无霸......for three minutes with this titan of testosterone?大战三分钟?Who?谁? !I know who.我知道是谁The Flying Dutchman!飞天人Next.下一个There's no featherweight division here.Next.这不是轻量级比赛下一个No,no.Sign me up.不我要参加Okay.You understand the NYWL is not responsible...好吧你要明白如在这场比赛中受伤......for any injury you may and probably will sustain in said event?纽约摔角联盟绝不负责的吧?And you're participating under your own free will?你是自愿参加?Down the hall to the ramp.May God be with you.Next.过去吧愿主保佑你下一个Told you! Told you!告诉过你了!Winner!胜利者!Next victim!下一个受害者!Are you ready for more?大家还想看吗?Bone Saw is ready!巨无霸准备好了!Will the next victim please enter the arena at this time?下一个受害者请上场好吗?If he can withstand just three minutes in the cage with Bone Saw McGraw... 如果他在笼子里撑得了三分钟...the sum of $3000 will be paid to -三千元奖金就会付给...What's your name,kid? The Human Spider.你叫什么名字? 人型蜘蛛That's it? That's the best you got?什么? 那是你能想到最好的名字吗?Yeah. Oh,that sucks.对差劲的名字The sum of $3000 will be paid to...三千元奖金......the terrifying,the deadly...就会付给恐怖的致命的......the amazing Spider - Man!惊人的... 蜘蛛侠!It's "The Human Spider." Get out there.是“人型蜘蛛” 上场吧No,he got my name wrong. Get out there,moron.不他叫错名字了上场吧笨蛋Bone Saw will eat you up and spit you out.巨无霸会要你好看I hope you brought your mommy.你最好不要求饶We'll break you! You'll need someone to cry to.我们拆烂你! 你要找别人去哭诉的I'm gonna rip all eight of your feeble legs off one by one.我要把你八只脚都扯下来Oh,my God!天啊!Oh,my legs!我的腿!Oh,God.I can't feel my legs.我的腿没感觉!Kill! Kill! Kill!杀杀杀杀!Cage! Cage! Cage!笼子! 笼子! 笼子!Cage!笼子!Hello? Guys?嘿?Will the guards please lock the cage doors at this time?可以麻烦警卫把铁笼锁起来吗This is some kind of mistake.I didn't sign up for a cage match! 嘿搞错了我不是登记来做笼子打斗的Unlock the thing! Take the chain off!快把门打开! 把铁链拿走Hey,freak show!You're going nowhere.你别想跑I got you for three minutes.我要跟你好好玩三分钟Three minutes of playtime.跟你好好玩三分钟What are you doing up there? Staying away from you.你跑到上面干嘛? 离你远远的That's a cute outfit.Did your husband give it to you?你的衣服真可爱? 你丈夫给你的吗?Finish him off!把他解决掉Smash him!踩扁这只蜘蛛Hit him! Harder!打他! 用力!Kick his spider ass!用力揍他!Hit him!打他!That's it! That's it! Winner!结束了! 胜利者!Ladies and gentlemen,give it up for the new champion,Spider - Man! 先生们女士们新的胜利者:蜘蛛侠!Now get out of here.快滚吧A hundred bucks? The ad said 3000.一百元? 广♥告♥说有三千的Well,check it again,webhead.再看清楚一遍猪头It said three grand for three minutes.You pinned him in two.是打三分钟三千元而你只打了两分钟For that,I give you 100.You're lucky to get that.有一百块就算你走运了I need that money.我需要这笔钱I missed the part where that's my problem.这可不关我的事Hey,what the hell ? Put the money in the bag.嘿干嘛? 把钱放到袋子里快一点Hey! He stole the gate!有人抢钱Stop that guy!拦住他Stop him! He's got my money!他抢了钱拦住他Thanks.谢了What's wrong with you? You let him go!你干嘛把他放走?Cut him off and call the cops!拦住他快报♥警♥You could've taken that guy apart.Now he'll get away.你可以阻止他的你却放他走I missed the part where that's my problem.这可不关我的事You gotta get back. I can't see.What happened?你们后退一点我看不到发生了什么事?Old dude,man. Come on,folks.Keep moving,please.Keep moving.Let's go! 一个老家伙拜托让我过...What happened? Someone got hurt.怎么了? 有人受伤了Excuse me.Excuse me.Excuse me. Stay back.请让开让开... 退后Stay back! That's my uncle!退后那是我叔叔!What happened? Carjacker.He's been shot.怎么回事? 劫车他被打了一枪We just called the paramedics.They're on their way.我们叫了救护车正在赶来Uncle Ben?班叔叔?Uncle Ben.班叔叔Uncle Ben?班叔叔?Peter.彼得I'm here,Uncle Ben.我在这儿班叔叔Peter.彼得They got the shooter.He's headed south on Fifth.有人目击凶手往南跑向第五大道We got three cars in pursuit.All right,e on,move back.三辆警车在追捕各位帮帮忙退后Get a unit to the rear!派一辆警车到后面I got the back!我守住后面了!Who's there?什么人?Don't hurt me.Give me a chance.Give me a chance!别伤害我给我一次机会What about my uncle? Did you give him a chance? Did you?你有给我叔叔机会吗? 你有吗?Answer me!回答我!Stop that guy!拦住他!Thanks.谢了See you.再见了Freeze! We've got the place completely surrounded.站住你被团团包围了Oh,no.My God.天啊Oh,no.Oh,my God.No!喔不天啊Good evening. General.Good to see you.晚安将军很高兴看到你Our exoskeleton's got real firepower,general.飞行衣的火力强大Well,if it does what you say it can,I'll sign that contract tomorrow. 如果真像你说的那么好我马上签合约He's clear! Go! You're confident about this test?准备起飞你对这测试很有信心?Absolutely.Curtis is our top pilot.当然寇上尉是顶尖飞行员Now,what about your commitment to OSCORP?奥氏企业怎么办?Nothing would please me more than to put Osborn out of business. 我非常乐意让奥氏关门大吉Preflight complete.Mark.飞行前检查完毕起飞An unidentified object is closing fast.不明物体快速接近What's that?那是什么?Can you see anything?你看到吗?Oh,my God!天啊!Say "chess." Chess!笑一个!Peter!彼得!Darling,I'm so proud of you.You looked so handsome up there.亲爱的我真为你骄傲你今天看起来好帅Dad got the place in New York,so we're all set for fall.爸在纽约找到地方到秋天时就可搬过去Great! You made it.太好了你毕业了It's not the first time I've been proven wrong.这不是我第一次走眼了Congratulations. Thanks,Dad.恭喜谢了爸爸Peter,the science award.That's terrific.彼得你得到科学奖太棒了Yeah.是啊I know this has been a difficult time for you...我知道最近对你来说很难受......but I want you to try to enjoy this day.不过我要你好好享受今天Commencement:毕业典礼...The end of one thing,the start of something new.这代表一个新的开始I don't want to be with you anymore.Here's your ring.我要跟你分手这是你的戒指You know what? Whatever.知道吗? 随便你Your loss.这是你的损失You're like a brother to Harry.That makes you family.你跟哈利情同手足所以我们是一家人And if you ever need anything,give me a call.你有需要就找我Can I fix you something?你要吃什么吗?No,thanks.不谢了I missed him a lot today.我今天很想念他I know.我知道I miss him too.我也很想他But he was there.不过他今天也在那儿I can't help thinking about the last thing I said to him.我不由自主地想到我对他说的最后一句话He tried to tell me something important,and I threw it in his face. 他想教我善恶之分... 可我却不理他You loved him...你很爱他......and he loved you.他也很爱你He never doubted the man you'd grow into.他一直都相信你会成材How you were meant for great things.你也会做出一番大事You won't disappoint him.你不会让他失望With great power comes great responsibility.能力愈大责任愈重...Remember that,Pete.Remember that.你一定要牢牢记住!Hurry up!快一点!。
电影《蜘蛛侠2》经典台词She looks at me every day.她每天都看着我Mary Jane Watson.玛莉珍·华森Oh, boy. If she only knew how I felt about her.我真希望她知道…我有多爱她But she can never know.但是我不能让她知道I made a choice once to live a life of responsibility.我选择为伸张正义奉献一生A life she can never be a part of.我不能让她陷入危险Who am I?我是什么人?I'm Spider-Man, given a job to do.我是蜘蛛侠,身负神圣使命And I'm Peter Parker, and I, too, have a job.我也是彼德·帕克,有一份伟大的工作Love should never be a secret.爱不应该是秘密If you keep something as complicated as love stored up inside...把爱这么复杂的事藏在心底...gonna make you sick.一定会把自己逼疯I finally got lucky in love.我很幸运,能找到真爱We both did.我们都一样But it's hardly perfect. You have to work at it.但绝非完美,爱要努力经营I met him on the college steps, and I knew it wasn't going to be easy.我们同校,一开始我就知道会很辛苦He was studying science, and I was studying English literature.他念理工,我念英国文学That's right. I was trying to eplain the theory of relativity.我试着跟她解释相对论And osie was trying to eplain T.S. Eliot.她试着跟我解释艾略特的诗Time present and time past在时间与过去时间- Are both perhaps present - Perhaps present两者都可能是现在时间吗? 可能是- In time future - In time future在未来的时间“在未来的时间”I still don't understand what he was talking about.我完全看不懂他在写什么- Yes, you do. - I'm serious.你知道啦我是说真的T.S. Eliot is more complicated than advanced science.艾略特的诗比科学更深奥But if you want to get a woman to fall in love with you, feedher poetry.不过你想追女孩,就读诗给她听Poetry.读诗Never fails.屡试不爽There is one dream where...我做了一个梦...in my dream...在这个梦中…...l'm Spider-Man.我是蜘蛛人But I'm losing my powers. I'm climbing a wall, but I keep falling.但我失去了超能力,我想飞檐走壁,却一直摔下来So you're Spider-Man.你是蜘蛛人In my dream.只有在我的梦中Actually, it's not even my dream. It's a friend of mine's dream.其实也不是我做的梦,是我朋友做的`梦So it's somebody else's dream.所以这是别人的梦What about this friend?你的这位朋友Why does he climb these walls? What does he think of himself?他为什么要飞檐走壁?他觉得自己是什么?That's the problem. He doesn't know what to think.这就是他的问题,他不知道自己是什么Gotta make you mad not to know who you are. Your soul disappears.当你不了解自己一定会发疯、灵魂会消失Nothing as bad as uncertainty.这种自我否定最可怕I've been there. Who was I?我也曾经这样,我的身份是什么?Identity. Big one.身份,很重要。
电影经典台词 she looks at me every day。
她每天都看着我mary jane watson。
玛莉珍"华森oh, boy。
if she only knew how i felt about her。
我真希望她知道-我有多爱她but she can never know。
但是我不能让她知道i made a choice once to live a life of responsibility。
我选择为伸张正义奉献一生a life she can never be a part of。
我不能让她陷入危险who am i?我是什么人?i'm spider-man, given a job to do。
我是蜘蛛侠-身负神圣使命1 / 5and i'm peter parker, and i, too, have a job。
我也是彼德"帕克-有一份伟大的工作love should never be a secret。
爱不应该是秘密if you keep something as complic未完,继续阅读 >第2篇:超凡蜘蛛侠2经典台词超凡蜘蛛侠第二部更是引入了三位反派,犀牛人、电光人和小绿魔,背后更是有更强大的邪恶六人组存在,相信画面和动作戏方面超凡蜘蛛侠2的看点不会让各位失望。
8、抓到蜘蛛侠了吗? --没有,但是他跑不了。
”It's the choices we make that makes us who we are, and we always have a choice to make things right.——《蜘蛛侠》“我相信,每个人都拥有英雄本质。
”——《蜘蛛侠》Ben Parker:If you could do good things for other people you had a moral obligation to do those 's what's at stake onsibility.本·帕克:如果你有能力去帮助别人,你就有帮助别人的责任和义务。
(彼得爸爸的生存信条)——《蜘蛛侠》蜘蛛侠经典台词Go get them,tiger.——Peter《蜘蛛侠3》Harry:You're my friend. Peter:My best friend.——Harry ,Peter《蜘蛛侠3》Miss Ritter:Don't make promise you can't those are the best kind.瑞特小姐:别许你做不到的承诺,但承诺的确是最美好的东西。
”3.看了界个能下面这些人,我想只家们里觉向看就内还个人为有有自己对而近的人,实都的就和都这种感觉离我会生向看4.when you looking her eyesand she looking back yourseverything feels are quite normalbecause you feel strongerweaker at the same timeyou feel excited and at the same time terrifiedthe truth is you don't know what you feelexcept know a kind of man you want to beIt is of you feel reach the unreachablewhen you are not ready for5.ou seriously think I'm a cop?Cop in a skintight redandblue suit?You knowyou'reyou've got a mind of the true scholarsir6.我们每个人都有着属于自己的力量,我们以自己的方式,扮演着蜘蛛侠。
7.If you lee the clothes and feel that you are nothing you will not deserve the clothes8.当你看着她的眼睛,而她也注视着你,一切都好象变得特别了。