河南省鹤壁市高级中学2020-2021学年高一数学上学期第一次段考试题一、选择题(本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的).1.下列各项中,能组成集合的是( )A .高一(3)班的好学生B .嘉兴市所有的老人C .不等于0的实数D .我国著名的数学家2.已知集合{}()(){}2,1,0,1,2,|120A B x x x =--=-+<,则A B ⋂=( )A.{}1,0-B.{}0,1C.{}1,0,1-D.{}0,1,23.已知函数y=()f x ,部分x 与y 的对应关系如表:x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 y 321-1-2-3则((4))f f =( )A .-1B .-2C .-3D .34.设全集,且P Q ⊆,则满足条件的集合P 的个数是( )A. 3B. 4C. 7D. 8 5.已知全集{}0,1,2,3,4,5U =,集合{}{}0,3,5,0,3UM M N =⋂=,则满足条件的集合N 共有( )A.4个B.6个C.8个D.16个 6.已知函数()f x 的定义域为[]0,2,则()()21f xg x x =-的定义域为( )A .[)(]0,11,2 B .[)(]0,11,4 C .[)0,1 D .(]1,47.设集合{}2A=230x x x +->,集合{}2B=210,0x x ax a --≤>.若A B 中恰含有一个整数,则实数a 的取值范围是( )A .30,4⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭B .34,43⎡⎫⎪⎢⎣⎭ C .3,4⎡⎫+∞⎪⎢⎣⎭D .()1,+∞ 8.已知函数25,(1)()(1)x ax x f x a x x⎧---≤⎪=⎨>⎪⎩,是R 上的增函数,则a 的取值范围是( )A .30a -≤<B .2a ≤-C .0a <D .32a -≤≤-9.若定义在R 上的奇函数()f x 在(,0)-∞单调递减,且(2)0f =,则满足(1)0xf x -≥的x 的取值范围是( ) A.[1,1][3,)-+∞B.[3,1][0,1]--C.[1,0][1,)-+∞D.[1,0][1,3]-10.已知定义域为R 的函数121()2x x f x m +-+=+是奇函数,则不等式()(1)0f x f x ++>解集为( )A .12x x ⎧⎫<-⎨⎬⎩⎭B .{|2}x x <-C .122x x ⎧⎫-<<-⎨⎬⎩⎭ D.{}0x x <11.已知()f x 是一个定义在R 上的函数,对任意x R ∈,都有()()2211f x f x +-=,则(f = ( )A. 0B.112 C. 13D.以上答案都不对12.如果函数 ()23011x x f x a a a a a --=>≠)(且() 在区间 [)0+∞,上是增函数,那么实数a 的取值范围是( )A. 203⎛⎤ ⎥⎝⎦,B. ⎫⎪⎪⎣⎭C. (D. 0⎛ ⎝⎦二、填空题(每题5分,满分20分,将答案填在答题纸上)13.已知集合}{}{1,2,10,A B x mx =-=+=若AB=A ,则m 的值为__________.14.函数()()2212f x x a x =+-+在(,4)-∞上是减函数,则实数a 的取值范围是__________.15.已知函数()y f x =是R 上的偶函数,对于x R ∈都有()()()63f x f x f +=+成立,且()42f -=,当[]12,0,3x x ∈,且12x x ≠时,都有()()12120f x f x x x -<-.则给出下列几种说法:①()20202f =;②函数()y f x =图象的一条对称轴为6x =-; ③函数()y f x =在[]9,6--上为减函数; ④方程()0f x =在[]9,9-上有4个根; 其中正确的说法的序号是__________16.已知1()42x x f x m +=-⋅,设21()21x x g x -=+,若存在不相等的实数,a b 同时满足方程()()0()()0g a g b f a f b +=+=和,则实数m 的取值范围为 .三、解答题(本大题共6个小题,共70分,解答时应写出必要的文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)17.(本小题满分10分)若集合{}{}2260,0A x x x B x x x a B A =+-==++=⊆,且,求实数a 的取值范围.18.(本小题满分12分)已知函数xx x f 2)(+=. (1)判断)(x f 的奇偶性,并证明你的结论;(2)证明:函数)(x f在)∞上是增函数.19.(本小题满分12分)已知定义在区间()0,+∞上的函数()f x 满足()()1122x f f x f x x ⎛⎫=-⎪⎝⎭,且当1x >时, ()0f x <.(1) 求()1f 的值,判断()f x 的单调性; (2)若()31f =-,求()f x 在[]2,9上的最小值.20.(本小题满分12分)设()f x 为定义在R 上的偶函数,当0≤x ≤2时y x =,当x >2时,()y f x =的图象是顶点为P (3,4)且过点A (2,2)的抛物线的一部分. (1)求函数()f x 在(-∞,-2)上的解析式; (2)求出函数()f x 的值域.21.(本小题满分12分)设函数121() (1)2()+2 (12)38 (2)x x f x x x x x ⎧<-⎪⎪⎪=--≤≤⎨⎪->⎪⎪⎩+.(1) 请在下列直角坐标系中画出函数()f x 的图象;根据函数的图象,试分别写出关于x 的方程()f x t =有2,3,4个实数解时,相应的实数t 的取值范围;(2) 记函数()g x 的定义域为D ,若存在D x ∈0,使()00g x x =成立,则称点),(00x x 为函数()g x 图象上的不动点.试问,函数()f x 图象上是否存在不动点,若存在,求出不动点的坐标,若不存在,请说明理由.22.(本小题满分12分)已知函数1()2xf x =,2()23g x ax x =+-. (1)当1a =时,求函数[()]f g x 的单调递增区间、值域;(2)求函数[()]g f x 在区间[2,)-+∞的最大值()h a鹤壁市高中2023届数学第一次段考试卷答案1.答案C解:∵对于A 、B 、D “高一(3)班的好学生”、“嘉兴市所有的老人”、“我国著名的数学家”标准不明确,即元素不确定.∴A 、B 、D 不能构成集合.故选C 2.答案:A解析:由题意知{}|21B x x =-<<,所以{}1,0A B ⋂=-,故选A.3.答案D先求,再求 通过表格可以得到,4【答案】D 5.答案:C 解析:{}{}0,30,3,5,UM M N ⋂==,0,3,5UUN N ∴∈∉, 0N,3N,5N ∉∉∈∴,而全集U 中的1,2,4不能确定,故满足条件的集合N 有328=(个).6.答案:C 解析:由题意可知,02210x x ≤≤⎧⎨-≠⎩,解得01x ≤<,故()()21f x g x x =-的定义域为[)0,17.答案B{}2A=230{13}x x x x x x +->=><-或,因为函数2()21y f x x ax ==--的对称轴为0x a =>,(0)10f =-<,根据对称性可知要使A B 中恰含有一个整数,则这整数解为2,所以有(2)0f ≤且(3)0f >,即44109610a a --≤⎧⎨-->⎩,所以3443a a ⎧≥⎪⎪⎨⎪<⎪⎩。
河南省郑州五中、鹤壁高中等学校2020-2021学年高一上学期阶段性联考测试(二) 数学
1.已知集合A ={x|x(x -3)<0},B ={x|x -2<0},则A ∩B =A.{x|1<x<2}B.{x|0<x<2}C.{x|0<x ≤2}D.{x|2≤x ≤3}2.下列平面图形中,以自身的各边所在的直线为旋转轴,旋转一周所成的几何体完全相同的是 A.直角三角形 B.直角梯形 C.等腰梯形 D.正方形3.已知函数f(x)=log a (x -2)+3(a>0,且a ≠1)的图象恒过定点P ,则点P 的坐标是 A.(3,3) B.(2,4) C.(4,2) D.(4,3)4.函数f(x)=6x -+ln(x +2)的定义域是A.(2,6]B.(-2,6)C.(-2,6]D.(2,6)5.已知函数f(x)是定义在R 上的奇函数,当x ≥0时f(x)=2x -1,则f(-2)= A.-1 B.1 C.3 D.-36.某组合体的三视图如图所示,则构成该组合体的简单几何体包括A.圆锥、四棱柱、四棱台B.四棱锥、圆柱、四棱台C.圆锥、圆柱、四棱台D.四棱锥、圆柱、圆台 7.下列区间,包含函数f(x)=x +lnx -5的零点的是 A.(1,2) B.(2,3) C.(3,4) D.(4,5)8.已知a =log 213,b =232),c =3352),则A.b<a<cB.a<b<cC.c<b<aD.a<c<b 9.函数f(x)=()212log x 2x 3--的单调递减区间是A.(-∞,-3)B.(-∞,-1)C.(3,+∞)D.[3,+∞)10.如图所示,一个水平放置的三角形的斜二测直观图是△O'A'B',若O'A'=2,A'B'=1,O'B'5OABA.是等腰三角形,面积为22B.是等腰三角形,面积为4C.是直角三角形,面积为22D.是直角三角形,面积为211.已知函数f(x)=e x -e -x ,则关于x 的不等式f(2x)+f(x +1)>0的解集为A.(13,+∞)B.(-13,+∞)C.(-∞,13]D.(-13,2)12.对于二次函数f(x)=ax 2+bx +c(a 为非零整数),四位同学分别给出以下结论,其中有且仅有一个是错误的,则错误的结论是A.-1是f(x)的零点B.抛物线y =f(x)关于直线x =2对称C.f(x)的最值为8D.抛物线y =f(x)与y 轴的交点为(0,5) 二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
郑州五中、鹤壁高中、新乡二中等学校2020—2021学年高一年级阶段性测试(二)语文考生注意:1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号填写在试卷和答题卡上,并将考生号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
2020-2021学年河南省鹤壁市高级中学高一上学期第三次段考化学试题H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 S 32 Cu 64一.选择题(26小题,每题2分,共52分)1.化学与生产、生活密切相关。
下列说法错误的是()A.活性炭净水过程发生物理变化B.漂白粉、液化石油气均属于混合物C.《周易参同契》:“胡粉[2PbCO3•Pb(OH)2]投火中,色坏还为铅”,发生物理变化D.“以栏为灰(草木灰),…淫之以蜃(碳酸钙分解物)…”,所得溶液中含KOH 2.关于一些重要的化学概念,下列叙述错误的个数是()①SO2、NO2、P2O5均为酸性氧化物②熔融状态下,AlCl3、CH3COONa、NaOH均能导电③氨溶于水得到的溶液氨水能导电,所以氨水是电解质④蛋白质溶液中混有少量氯化钠杂质,可用渗析的方法提纯⑤需要通电才可进行的有:电泳、电离、电解A.2个B.3个C.4个D.5个3.下列化学式中,能真实表示物质的分子组成的是()A.NaCl B.He C.NH4Cl D.SiO24.将下列各组物质按单质、氧化物、酸、碱、盐分类顺序排列其中正确的是()A.银、干冰、硫酸、纯碱、食盐B.碘酒、冰、盐酸、烧碱、食盐C.铜、氧化铜、醋酸、石灰水、氯化铜D.氢气、二氧化硫、硝酸、烧碱、硝酸钾5.下列一定量各物质所含原子个数按由大到小的顺序排列的一项是()①0.5mol氨气②19.6g硫酸③4℃时9mL水④标准状况下22.4L氦气A.④①②③B.②④③①C.①③②④D.①④②③6.下列实验现象与氧化还原反应有关的是()A.无水硫酸铜吸水变蓝B.向FeCl3溶液中滴加淀粉KI溶液,溶液变蓝C.向Fe2(SO4)3溶液中滴加NaOH溶液,生成红褐色沉淀D.二氧化碳通入石灰水中溶液液变浑浊,继续通入二氧化碳溶液又变澄清7.水热法制Fe3O4纳米颗粒的总反应为3Fe2++2S2O32﹣+O2+xOH﹣═Fe3O4+S4O62﹣+2H2O。
ASan Francisco Fire Engine ToursSan Francisco Winery TourRunning: February 1st through April 30thThis delicious tour goes through the city on its way to Treasure Island where we will stop at the famous Winery SF. Here you can enjoy 4 pours of some of the best wine San Francisco has to offer.(Included in ticket price)Departing from the Cannery: Tour times upon requestDuration(时长):2 hoursPrice: $90Back to the Fifties TourRunning: August 16th through August 31stThis tour transports you back in time to one of San Francisco’s most fantastic periods, the 1950s! Enjoy fun history as we take you through San Francisco for a free taste of ice cream.Departing from the Cannery: 5:00 pm and 7:30 pmDuration:2 hoursPrice:$90Spooky Halloween TourRunning: October 10th through October 31stJoin us for a ride through the historical Presidio district. Authentic fire gear (服装)is provided for your warmth as our entertainers take you to some of the mostthrilling parts of San Francisco.Departing from the Cannery:6:30 pm and 8:30 pmDuration :1 hour and 30 minutesPrice: Available upon requestHoliday Lights TourRunning: December 6th through December 23rdThis attractive tour takes you to some of San Francisco’s most cheerful holiday scenes. Authentic fire gear is provided for your warmth as you get into the holiday spirit.Departing from the Cannery: 7:00 pm and 9:00 pmDuration: 1 hour and 30 minutesAdvance reservations required.1.Which of the tours is available in March?A.Spooky Halloween Tour.B.Holiday Lights Tour.C.San Francisco Winery Tour.D.Back to the Fifties Tour.2.What can tourists do on Back to the Fifties Tours?A.Have free ice cream.B.Enjoy the holiday scenes.C.Go to Treasure Island.D.Visit the Presidio district.3.What are tourists required to do to go on Holiday Lights Tour?A.Take some drinks.B.Set off early in the morning.C.Wear warm clothes.D.Make reservations in advanceBFiorello LaGuardia was mayor of New York City during the worst days of the Great Depression and all of World War II. He was called by New Yorkers "the Little Flower" because he was short and always wore a carnation(康乃馨). He was a colorful character who used to ride the New York City fire trucks, raid(突袭) places that were illegal to make and sell alcohol with the police department, take homeless children to baseball games, and whenever the New York newspapers were on strike, he would go on the radio and read the Sunday funnies to the kids.One bitterly cold night in January of 1935, the mayor turned up at a night court that served the poorest district of the city. LaGuardia dismissed(赶走) the judge for the evening and took over the bench himself. Within a few minutes, an old woman wasbrought before him, charged(控告) with stealing a loaf of bread. She told LaGuardia that her daughter's husband had deserted her, that her daughter was sick, and that her two grandchildren were extremely hungry. But the shopkeeper, from whom the bread was stolen, refused to drop the charges. “It's a bad neighborhood,Your Honor,” the man told the mayor. She's got to be punished to teach other people around here a lesson.LaGuardia sighed. He turned to the woman and said, “I've got to punish you. The law makes no exceptions---ten dollars or ten days in prison.” But even as he pronounced sentence, the mayor reached into his pocket. He took out a bill and said, "Here is the ten-dollar fine which I now pay for the defendant(被告); and furthermore, I am going to fine everyone in this courtroom fifty cents for living in a town where a person has to steal bread so that her grandchildren can eat. Mr. Bailiff, collect the fines to the defendant.”So the following day the New York City newspaper reported that $47.50 was turned over to an old woman who had stolen a loaf of bread.4.What can we know about Fiorello LaGuardia from Paragraph 1?A.He was keen on public affairs.B.He was interested in planting carnations.C.He was a mayor for only a very short time.D.He was popular for his unique dressing style.5.Why did the old woman steal the bread?A.To test the justice of the court.B.To cure her daughter.C.To punish the cruel shopkeeper.D.To feed her grandchildren.6.What was the shopkeeper's excuse for insisting on the charges?A.To show the mayor the danger of stealing.B.To prevent similar things from happening.C.To make people understand the spirit of law.D.To punish the old woman's family indirectly.7.Which of the following can best describe Fiorello LaGuardia?A.Kind-hearted and wise.B.Confident and unselfish.C.Optimistic and responsible.D.Knowledgeable and ambitious.CYou can relax if remembering everything isn't your strong suit. Recent research makes the case that being forgetful can be a strength—in fact, selective memory can even be a sign of stronger intelligence.Traditional research on memory has focused on the advantages of remembering everything. But looking through years of recent memory data, researchers found that the neurobiology of forgetting can be just as important to our decision-making as what our minds choose to remember.Making intelligent decisions doesn't mean you need to have all the information at hand. It just means you need to hold onto the most valuable information. And that means clearing up space in your memory palace for the most up-to-date information on clients and situations. Our brains do this by creating new neurons(神经元) in our hippocampus, which have the power to overwrite(重写)existing memories that are influencing our decision-making.If you want to increase the number of new neurons in our brain's learning region, try exercising. Some aerobic exercise like jogging, power walking and swimming has been found to increase the number of neurons making important connections in our brains.When we forget the names of certain clients or details about old jobs, the brain is making a choice that these details don't matter. Although too much forgetfulness can be a cause for concern, the occasional lost detail can be a sign of a perfectly healthy memory system. The researchers found that our brains facilitate decision-making by stopping us from focusing too much on unimportant past details. Instead, the brain helps us remember the most important part of a conversation.We can get blamed for being absent-minded when we forget past events in perfect detail. These findings show us that total recall(记忆) can be overvalued. Our brains are working smarter when they aim to remember the right stories, not every story.8.How can we help our brains produce more neurons?A.By having deep sleep frequently.B.By learning new skills constantly.C.By doing mental labor repeatedly.D.By practicing swimming regularly.9.Which of the following can best replace "facilitate" underlined in paragraph 5?A.put offB.repeatC.promoteD.overuse10.What conclusion can be drawn from the text?A.Memory loss is well worth noticing.B.We shouldn't stress total recall too much.C.Decisions can't be made without memories.D.Forgetting is even more important than remembering.11.What can be a suitable title for the text?A.Caution: do remember to forgetB.Why and how people choose to forgetC.Want to become smarter? Learn to forgetD.Being forgetful might mean you are smarterDWorld travel has moved on to a new level as new websites spring up to enable travelers to plan their trips online. Virtual tourism is the latest name of the game and although relatively new, it has seen some tourism websites grow to host over one-million users.Typically, this development features a website that contains the answers to almost any tourism question. Tips and information are not provided by a single source, such as the website host, but rather from travelers themselves---often in the thousands. This has proven to be exceptionally beneficial for would-be travelers who are seeking information on questions such as where to find the best museum or beach; whether it is better to tour Brussels with a bicycle or on foot; and which exchange rate bureaus are available in Italy. Questions about food and restaurants, tourist spots, safety, accommodation, and others are all answered. In addition, posted tips promote better preparation, such as what to pack when heading for Sicily(西西里岛).Apart from the useful tips, visual images and virtual tours have also been made available. If you'd like to visit the Eiffel Tower, it's a good idea to view the surrounding areas, to pick a safer train route, or to know that it's very close to the Seine River and that a walk along it would enhance the experience.Virtual tours have sprung up globally. In South Africa, John Gore established the Virtual Tour Guide in November last year. On his blog, Gore was quoted a saying, "The world is panoramic(全景的).” “We are able to turn our heads and look in all directions and get a feel for where we are, but the typical photograph cannot show or describe that experience completely.”However, there is an answer---technology makes it possible to share the world around us in a 360 degree panoramic way, whichreally makes the viewer feel as though he or she is really there.12. From the second paragraph we know ____________.A. we can solve any problem on websitesB. websites offer all the tips and informationC. we can get all our questions answered onlineD. we can get many tips about tourism on websites13. What does the underlined word "sprung up" most probably mean?A. Appeared.B. Moved.C. Competed.D. Reduced.14. What makes us see the world in a panoramic way?A. Information.B. Photograph.C. Technology.D. Virtual images.15.What's the main purpose of the passage?A. To introduce the history of virtual tourism.B. To give some advice on virtual tourism online.C. To attract more tourists to travel to the world.D. To teach us how to establish a website online.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
1. 高分十三号卫星从发射到进入预定轨道的运行过程中()
A. 发射起飞以后就成为天体
B. 在轨运行期间可能会受太阳活动影响
C. 穿过平流层顶就成为天体
D. 在轨运行期间与地球构成2级天体系统
2. 下列光照图表示的时间与此次卫星发射时间最接近的是()
A. B.
C. D.
3. 高分十三号卫星发射升空后的3个月内()
A. 北京夜长先变长后变短
B. 地球公转速度不断变慢
C. 西昌日出东北,日落西北
D. 太阳直射点一直向北移动
【答案】1. B 2. D 3. A
绝密★启用前2020-2021学年河南省鹤壁市高级中学高一上学期第三次段考数学试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________题号一二三总分得分注意事项:1、答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2、请将答案正确填写在答题卡上一、单选题(每小题5分,12小题共60分)1.已知集合,集合,则( )A.B.C.D.2.下列说法中正确的是( )A.棱柱的面中,至少有两个互相平行B.棱柱中两个互相平行的平面一定是棱柱的底面C.棱柱中各条棱长都相等D.棱柱的侧面是平行四边形,但它的底面一定不是平行四边形3.已知水平放置的的平面直观图是边长为的正三角形,则的面积为( ) A.B.C.D.4.若为两条异面直线外的任意一点,则( )A.过点有且仅有一条直线与都平行B.过点有且仅有一条直线与都垂直C.过点有且仅有一条直线与都相交D.过点有且仅有一条直线与都异面5.已知函数,则的零点所在的区间为( )A.B.C.D.6.将正方体(如图一所示)截去两个三棱锥,得到图二所示的几何体,则该几何体的左视图为( )A.B.C.D.7.设为两条直线,为两个平面,下列四个命题中真命题是( )A.若与所成角相等,则B.若,则C.若,则D.若,则8.若,则( )A.B.C.D.9.如图,长方体中,,,,,分别是,,的中点,则异面直线与所成角是( )A.30°B.45°C.60°D.90°10.卢浮宫金字塔位于巴黎卢浮宫的主院拿破仑庭院,由美籍华人建筑师设计,已成为巴黎的城市地标。金字塔为正四棱锥造型,四个侧面由几乎大小相同的玻璃块拼装而成,能为地下设施提供良好的采光,创造性地解决了把古老宫殿改造成现代美术馆的一系列难题,取得极大成功,金字塔塔高21米,底宽34米,如果每块玻璃面积为2.72平方米,不计安装中的损耗,请你估算,建造这座玻璃金字塔需要玻璃块的块数最接近的数为( )A.575 B.625 C.675 D.72511.已知矩形中,,F为线段上一动点(不含端点),现将沿直线进行翻折,在翻折的过程中不可能...成立的是( )A.存在某个位置,使直线与垂直B.存在某个位置,使直线与垂直C.存在某个位置,使直线与垂直D.存在某个位置,使直线与垂直12.定义域是上的函数满足,当时,,若时,有解,则实数的取值范围是( )A.B.C.D.二、填空题(每小题5分,4小题共20分)13.已知幂函数的图象关于原点对称,则________.14.如图,在三棱锥中,,,,,,则与平面所成角的大小为__________.15.若与在区间上都是减函数,则的取值范围是______.16.在正三棱锥中,M是SC的中点,且,底面边长,则正三棱锥的外接球的表面积为_______________.三、解答题(第17题10分,18-22题每题12分)17.(10分)已知集合集合.(1)求(2)若集合,且,求实数的取值范围.18.(12分)如图,正方体中,,分别是,的中点.求证:(1),,,四点共面;(2),,三线共点.19.(12分)已知函数.()判断并证明函数在的单调性.()若时函数的最大值与最小值的差不大于,求m的取值范围.20.(12分)如图,在直三棱柱中,D,E分别为,的中点,.求证:(1)平面;(2).21.(12分)某服装厂生产一种服装,每件服装的成本为元,该厂为鼓励销售商订购,订购的服装单价与订购量满足函数,根据市场调查,销售商一次订购量不会超过件.(1)将利润表示为订购量的函数;(2)当销售商一次订购多少件服装时,该厂获得的利润最大?最大利润是多少?22.(12分)已知函数的图象关于原点对称.(1)求的值;(2)若,不等式恒成立,求实数的取值范围.鹤壁市高中2023届高一第三次段考数学答案1.D 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.C6.B【详解】由题意可知几何体前面在右侧的射影为线段,上面的射影也是线段,后面与底面的射影都是线段,轮廓是正方形,在右侧的射影是正方形的对角线,在右侧的射影也是对角线是虚线.如图B.7.D【详解】对于A,如正三棱锥的侧棱与底面所成的角都相等,但侧棱不平行,故A错误;对于B,若,则或,故B错误;对于C,如图,,但与相交,故C错误;对于D,若,则或,又,则,故D正确.8.D【详解】令,根据指数函数的性质,可得单调递增,单调递减,因此在上单调递增;又可化为,即,所以,当,时,,故A错;当,时,,故B错;当,时,,故C错;因为是减函数,由可得,即,故D正确.9.D【详解】如图所示:连接,由长方体的结构特征得,所以是异面直线与所成角,因为,,所以,即,所以,故异面直线与所成角.10.C【详解】正四棱锥如图所示,根据题意,平面ABCD,,,,在中,,则正四棱锥的侧面积,所以需要玻璃块的块数为,所以建造这座玻璃金字塔需要玻璃块的块数最接近的数为675.故选:C.11.C【详解】对于A,连接,作于,延长交于点,则,翻折过程中,⊥保持这个垂直关系保持不变(始终有平面),A正确;对于B,在翻折过程中,AD DF不变,当时,有平面,所以,此时,,满足题意;B正确;对于C,在翻折过程中,保持不变,若成立,则由,有,则平面,从而,得,在翻折过程中,,⊥保持不变,若即,所以不成立,C错误.对于D,在翻折过程中,AD DF成立,则平面,从而,此时,设,则,,只要,就存在.D正确;12.B【解析】∵,∴当时,,∴,由分段函数的最值得,当时,.∵当时,有解,∴,整理得,解得或.∴实数的取值范围是.二、填空题13.【分析】是幂函数,,解得:或,又函数的图象关于原点对称,.故答案为:14.45°【分析】如图,作平行四边形,连接,由可得平行四边形是矩形.∵,∴平面,又平面,∴,同理可得,又,∴平面.∴是与平面所成的角.由得,又,∴.∴与平面所成角的大小是45°.15.【分析】根据与在区间上都是减函数,又的对称轴为,所以,又在区间上是减函数,所以,所以,即的取值范围为.16.【分析】取中点,连接,三棱锥为正三棱锥,,,,,平面,,平面,平面, ,又,平面,,平面,平面,,由正棱锥侧面全等可知:,即两两互相垂直,可将三棱锥放入如下图所示的正方体中,其中,则三棱锥的外接球即为正方体的外接球,,正方体外接球半径:,所求外接球的表面积:,故答案为:【点睛】本题考查几何体外接球表面积的求解问题,关键是能够根据线面垂直的关系找到三条棱两两互相垂直的关系,从而将问题转化为正方体外接球表面积的求解问题,属于中档题.三、解答题17.解:(1),……………………………………2分………………………………………………4分所以…………………………………………………………5分(2)当时,,即,满足;………………………….7分当时,解得;……………………………………………9分综上:且. ……………………………………………………………………10分18.证明:(1)连接,,,,分别是,的中点,,………2分,又,四边形为平行四边形,……………………………………4分从而,. (5)由两条平行线确定一个平面,得到,,,四点共面.………6分(2)由(1)知四边形为梯形,分别延长梯形两腰,,交于点,………………………………………………………………8分,…………………9分,……………………10分在与平面的交线上,,,三线共点于.……………12分19.解:(1)函数在上单调递增.…………………………1分证明如下:任取,且,……………2分因为,则,………4分因为,所以,,,所以,即,所以函数在上单调递增;………6分(2)由(1)知函数在上单调递增,…………………………7分所以函数的最大值为,最小值为,…………………………8分所以,即,解得,…………………………10分又,所以…………………………12分20.解:(1)∵在直三棱柱ABC﹣A1B1C1中,D,E分别为BC,AC的中点,∴DE AB,AB A 1B1,∴DE A1B1,…………………………2分∵DE⊂平面DEC1,A1B1⊄平面DEC1,…………………………4分∴A 1B1平面DEC1.…………………………6分(2)∵在直三棱柱ABC﹣A1B1C1中,E是AC的中点,AB=BC.…………7分∴BE⊥AC,…………8分∵直三棱柱ABC﹣A1B1C1中,AA1⊥平面ABC,BE⊂平面ABC,∴BE⊥AA1,…………10分又AA1∩AC=A,∴BE⊥平面ACC1A1,………………………11分∵C1E⊂平面ACC1A1,∴BE⊥C1E.………………………12分21.解:(1)当时,当时,所以. …………6分(2)当时,,即,……………………8分当时,,即时,…………11分故一次订购件时,利润最大,最大利润为6050.……………………………………12分22.解:(1)因为的图象关于原点对称,所以为奇函数,所以,即,解得;……3分(2)易知的定义域为,令,易证得在上单调递增,根据复合函数的性质知在上单调递增.又因为为奇函数,所以在上单调递增.……………………4分在上恒成立,等价于在上恒成立,即(*)在上恒成立.……………………6分令,显然是增函数,则.…7分,(*)式可化为,……………………8分令,其图象对称轴的方程为.①当,即时,在上递增,则,解得,故;……………………9分②当,即时,,解得,故;……………………10分③当,即时,在上递减,则,解得,故.……………………11分综上所述,的取值范围为.……………………12分。
为防止食品氧化变质,常在包装袋内放入()A.铁粉B.无水硫酸铜C.生石灰D.无水氯化钙2.下列关于物质的分类错误的是()A.酸性氧化物:CO2、SO2、NOB.强氧化剂:HNO3、Cl2、HClOC.电解质:HCl、Ba(OH)2、AlCl3D.胶体:稀豆浆、烟、雾3.向硫酸铁溶液中加入维生素C溶液,Fe3+转化为Fe2+,据此得到的结论错误的是()A.Fe3+表现氧化性B.SO42﹣表现氧化性C.维生素C表现还原性D.维生素C药片应隔绝空气保存4.下列物质的性质与应用对应关系正确的是()选项物质的性质应用A Na2O2是淡黄色固体用作供氧剂B纯碱溶液显碱性用作食用面碱C次氯酸具有酸性用于游泳池消毒D明矾溶于用作消毒水生成胶剂体A.A B.B C.C D.D5.向饱和NaCl溶液中依次通入NH3、CO2气体,发生反应:NaCl+NH3+H2O+CO2═NH4Cl+NaHCO3↓,产生的NaHCO3经煅烧可得纯碱,这是侯氏制碱法的基本原理。
下列说法错误的是()A.该反应的离子方程式为Na++NH3+CO2+H2O═NaHCO3↓+NH4+B.NaHCO3的电离方程式为NaHCO3═Na++HCO3﹣C.因为NaCl、NH4Cl均易溶于水,故NaCl、NH4Cl均是电解质D.侯氏制碱法中的“碱”指的是Na2CO36.下列各实验所选用的实验仪器不合理的是()A.除去Cu粉中的少量铁:烧杯、漏斗和玻璃棒等B.氨的喷泉实验:圆底烧瓶、烧杯、胶头滴管等C.研究钠在空气中燃烧:酒精灯、表面皿、三脚架和泥三角等D.配制500mL NaOH溶液:500mL容量瓶、烧杯、玻璃棒、托盘天平、量筒、胶头滴管等7.设N A为阿伏加德罗常数的值。
C. Almost five years old.
14. What did the man buy?
A. A doll B. A dress C. Some plastic food items.
15. How much did the man spend?
4. Whose recorder is the best?
A. Jack's. B. The woman's. C. The man's.
5. When does the conversation take place?
A. At 5:00. B. At 4:30. C. At 4:00.
A. Play some computer games.
B. Take music lessons.
C. Travel to Europe
10. Where does this conversation probably take place?
A. At a store.
B. At the man's room.
C. At an art museum.
11. Where did the woman buy the prints?
A. In New York B. In Boston. C. In a European city
12. What is the woman planning to do?