



考研英语:长难句翻译-真题结构解析+译文真题实战But it is generally agreed that a person of high intelligence is one who can grasp ideas readily, make distinctions, reason logically, and make use of verbal and mathematical symbols in solveing problems.结构分析主句的谓语动词是is agreed,真正的主语是that到句末结束,所以这句话是个主谓结构。

and后是动词原形make,所以它前面的句子也通常应该有动词原形和它对应,即make应该对应reason,对应grasp,这显然不是两个句子的并列,是三个句子的并列,后面两个句子都省略的who can,这是三个并列的定语从句,共同修饰one。

词汇释义intelligence n. 智力,智慧grasp v. 抓住,理解,领会reason v. 推理verbal a. 语言的,口头的拆分翻译But it is generally agreed that / /但是普遍认为a person of high intelligence is one / /一个高智商的人是这样一个人who can grasp ideas readily, make distinctions, reason logically, / /他能够轻易的理解他人的思想,能够做出辨别,能够进行逻辑推理and make use of verbal and mathematical symbols in solveing problems 并且还能使用文字和数学的符号来解决问题参考译文但是普遍认为,一个高智商的人是这样一个人:他能够轻易的理解他人的思想,能够做出辨别,能够进行逻辑推理,并且还能使用文字和数学的符号来解决问题。



考研英语必考长难句详解含译文1.If we are ever going to protect the atmosphere, itis crucial that those new plants beenvironmentally sound.crucial:sound:environmentally sound:2. Of all the components of a good night’s sleep, dreams seem to be least within our control. In dreams, a window opens into a world where logic is suspended and dead people speak.component:logic:suspend:往下翻,对对答案~~~1. If we are ever going to protect the atmosphere, itis crucial that those new plants beenvironmentally sound.crucial:adj. 关键的sound:adj. 完好的,健康的environmentally sound: 对环境无害译文:如果我们想要保护大气,那么关键是要让这些新发电厂对环境无害。

2. Of all the components of a good night’s sleep, dreams seem to be least within our control. In dreams, a window opens into a world where logic is suspended and dead people speak.component:n. 因素,要素,组成部分logic:n. 逻辑suspend:v. 暂停,中止译文:在一夜好眠的所有因素中,梦似乎是最无法控制的。



考研英语:长难句翻译-真题解析+总结真题实战This trend began during the Second World War,when several governments came to the conclusion that the specific demands that a government wants to make of its scientific establishment cannot generally be foreseen in detail.结构分析该句子的主干成分是This trend began during the Second World War,后面一个由when引导的定语从句;定语从句中的主干部分是several governments came to the conclusion,后面加一个that引导的同位语从句;同位语从句中,主语和谓语是the specific demands,后面还有一个that引导的定语从句修饰主语;that引导的同位语从句中,谓语部分是cannot generally be foreseen in detail。


词汇释义trend n. 趋势,倾向specific a. 具体的,详细的establishment n. 建立,机构demand n. 要求,需求come to the conclusion 得出结论scientific establishment 科学机构拆分翻译This trend began during the Second World War,/ /这种趋势开始于第二次世界大战期间when several governments came to the conclusion / /当时,一些国家的政府得出结论that the specific demands that a government wants to make of its scientific establishment / /政府想要对其科研机构提出的具体要求cannot generally be foreseen in detail.通常无法详细的预见参考译文这种趋势开始于第二次世界大战期间,当时,一些国家的政府得出结论:政府向科研机构提出的具体要求通常无法详细的预见的。



攻克考研英语长难句——200个经典句1.The “shareholders” as such had no knowledge of the lives, thoughts or needs of the workmen employed by the company in which he held shares, and his influence on the relations of capital and labour was not good.结构分析:本句是and 连接的两个并列句;第一个句子的主要结构是The “shareholders” … had no knowledge …;过去分词短语employed by the company…作定语,修饰前面的workmen;定语从句in which he held shares修饰前面的the company;第二个句子的主要结构是his influence…was not good。



2.The paid manager acting for the company was in more direct relation with the men and their demands, but even he had seldom that familiar personal knowledge of the workmen which the employer had often had under the more patriarchal system of the old family business now passing away.结构分析:but连接两个句子,表转折关系;第一个句子的主要结构是The paid manager … was in more direct relation with…;现在分词短语acting for the company作定语,修饰The paid manager;第二个句子的主要结构是he had seldom that familiar personalknowledge of the workmen…;定语从句which the employer hadoften had …a way修饰前面的familiar personal knowledge;介词短语under the more patriarchal system of the old familybusiness作状语,修饰谓语动词had often had;现在分词短语passing away作定语,修饰前面的old family business。



考研英语阅读理解长难句真题分析详解含翻译1. If you intend using humor in your talk to make people smile , you must to know how to identify shared experiences and problems .结构:•条件状语从句:If you [主] intend [谓] using humor in your talk to make people smile [宾] ,•you [主] must [谓] to know how to identify shared experiences and problems [宾]单词:identify vt.确认识别Share n.股份股票v.共有共用共享vt.赞同解析:•if引导条件状语从句直译:如果你想要在你的谈话中用幽默使人发笑,那么你必须知道怎样去确定你们共有的经历和问题译文:如果你想在谈话中用幽默使人发笑的话,你就必须知道如何识别出你与听众之间的共同经历和问题重点:•Share n.股份股票v.共有共用共享vt.赞同•if引导条件状语从句2. Your humor must be relevant to the audience and should help to show them that you are one of them or that you understand their situation and are in sympathy with their point of view .结构:•Your humor [主] must be relevant to [谓] the audience and should help [谓] to show them•宾语从句:that you [主] are [系] one of them [表] or•宾语从句:that you [主] understand [谓] their situation [宾] and are [系] in sympathy with their point of view [表] .单词:Sympathy n.同情词组:Be relevant to 与...相关One of ... 之一In sympathy with 支持赞成Point of view 观点看法角度解析:•Must 和should并列共同使用主语your humor•that引导宾语从句,两个that宾语从句并列,共同做show的宾语,show sb sth•第二个that宾语从句中,and连接两个并列句,understand 和are共同使用主语You直译:你的幽默必须和听众相关,而且能够帮助你向他们表明你是他们中的一个,或者表明你理解他们的处境,并赞成他们的观点译文:你的幽默一定要和听众有关,应该有助于表明你是他们中的一员,或者你了解他们的处境并赞同他们的观点重点:•Be relevant to 与...相关•One of ... 之一•In sympathy with 支持赞成•Point of view 观点看法角度•Must 和should并列共同使用主语your humor•that引导宾语从句,两个that宾语从句并列,共同做show的宾语,show sb sth•第二个that宾语从句中,and连接两个并列句,understand 和are共同使用主语You3. Depending on whom you are addressing , the problem will be different . If you are talking to a group of managers , you may refer to the disorganized methods of their secretaries ; alternatively if you are addressing secretaries , you may want to comment on their disorganized bosses .结构:•Depending on•宾语从句:whom you [主] are addressing [谓] ,•the problem [主] will be [系] different [表] .•条件状语从句:If you [主] are talking [谓] to a group of managers [宾],•you [主] may refer to [谓] the disorganized methods of their secretaries [宾] ;•条件状语从句:alternatively if you [主] are addressing [谓] secretaries [宾] ,•you [主] may want to [谓] comment on their disorganized bosses [宾]单词:address n.地址网址演讲vt.写地址作演讲向...讲话Disorganize vt.使...混乱扰乱瓦解Alternative a.替代的另类的另外的Alert v.向...发出警告a.警觉的充分意识到词组:Depend on 依赖依靠取决于Refer to 涉及谈到参考适用于Comment on 对...评论解析:•Whom引导宾语从句,做depending on的宾语•分号连接两个if并列句•两个if引导条件状语从句直译:依据你是和谁谈话,这个问题是不同的。



考研英语:长难句翻译-真题解析+总结真题实战This trend began during the Second World War,when several governments came to the conclusion that the specific demands that a government wants to make of its scientific establishment cannot generally be foreseen in detail.结构分析该句子的主干成分是This trend began during the Second World War,后面一个由when引导的定语从句;定语从句中的主干部分是several governments came to the conclusion,后面加一个that引导的同位语从句;同位语从句中,主语和谓语是the specific demands,后面还有一个that引导的定语从句修饰主语;that引导的同位语从句中,谓语部分是cannot generally be foreseen in detail。


词汇释义trend n. 趋势,倾向specific a. 具体的,详细的establishment n. 建立,机构demand n. 要求,需求come to the conclusion 得出结论scientific establishment 科学机构拆分翻译This trend began during the Second World War,/ /这种趋势开始于第二次世界大战期间when several governments came to the conclusion / /当时,一些国家的政府得出结论that the specific demands that a government wants to make of its scientific establishment / /政府想要对其科研机构提出的具体要求cannot generally be foreseen in detail.通常无法详细的预见参考译文这种趋势开始于第二次世界大战期间,当时,一些国家的政府得出结论:政府向科研机构提出的具体要求通常无法详细的预见的。



考研英语阅读理解长难句真题分析详解附译文1. Shielded by third-party payers from the cost of our care , we demand everything that can possibly be done for us , even if it’s useless .结构:•Shielded by third-party payers from the cost of our care ,•we [主] demand [谓] everything [宾]•定语从句:that [主] can possibly be done [谓] for us [宾],•让步状语从句:even if it’s useless .词组:Third-party 第三方Even if 即使解析:•that引导定语从句,修饰everything•Even if 引导让步状语从句直译:由于是第三方支付者支付我们的医疗费用,所有我们要求能够为我们做的所有的事,即使它是无用的译文:由于第三方为我们支付医疗费用,我们便要求用尽所有的医疗手段,即使这不会有任何作用重点:•that引导定语从句,修饰everything•Even if 引导让步状语从句2. The most obvious example is late-stage cancer care . Physicians-frustrated by their inability to cure the disease and fearing loss of hope in the patient —— too often offer aggressive treatment far beyond what is scientifically justified .结构:•The most obvious example [主] is [系] late-stage cancer care [表] .•Physicians [宾]•插入语:—— frustrated by their inability to cure the disease and fearing loss of hope in the patient ——•too often offer [谓] aggressive treatment far beyond [宾]•宾语从句:what [主] is scientifically justified [谓]单词:Cancer n.癌症Scientifically ad.科学地词组:Late-stage a.晚期的解析:•两个破折号之间是插入语,截断了主语和谓语•what引导宾语从句,做介词beyond 的宾语直译:最明显的例子就是晚期癌症的治疗。





【篇⼀】( 2015年真题 Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension Part A Text2 第6段第3句) They could still invalidate Fourth Amendment protections when facing severe, urgent circumstances,and they could take reasonable measures to ensure that phone data are not erased or altered while waiting for a warrant. 译⽂:他们仍然在严峻、紧急的情况下令《第四修正案》的保护⽆效,并能在尚未获得授权的情况下采取合理措施以确保⼿机数据不被删除或改变。


第⼀个分句的主⼲为They could still invalidate Fourth Amendment protections,后⾯是when引导的时间状语从句;第⼆个分句的主⼲为 they could take reasonable measures,其后的不定式结构to ensure…altered 做⽬的状语,其中包含⼀个that引导的宾语从句;句末是while引导的时间状语从句。

词汇指南 invalidate [in'vælideit](vt.)使⽆效,使作废(超纲词汇)(2013年-阅读4)(invalid-⽆效的,ate-动词后缀→使⽆效,使作废) 3个派⽣词: ●valid ['vælid](adj.)确凿的,有效的;令⼈信服的(CET-4)(2012年-阅读2)(val=value-价值;id=find-找到→找到了有“价值”的线索——即“确凿的,有效的”,引申为“令⼈信服的”。



考研英语真题典型长难句解析结构分析附译文Growth, which rarely continues beyond the age of 20, demands calories and nutrients —notably, protein —to feed expanding tissues.词汇突破:nutrient [ˈnjuːtriənt]n. 营养物;滋养物adj. 营养的;滋养的protein [ˈprəʊtiːn]n. 蛋白质;朊adj. 蛋白质的结构分析:句子的主干是Growth demands calories and nutrient,to feed expanding tissues 不定式作目的状语,notably,protein 是宾语calories and nutrients 的同位语,解释说明,其中notably 是评注性副词,表示强调,主谓之间有一个which 引导的非限定性定语从句,修饰主语Growth。


Though typically about two inches taller now than 140 years ago, today’s people—especially those born to families who have lived in the U. S. for many generations—apparently reached their limit in the early 1960s.词汇突破:typically [ˈtɪpɪkli]adv. 代表性地;作为特色地inch [ɪntʃ]n. 英寸;身高;少许vt. 使缓慢地移动vi. 慢慢前进apparently [əˈpærəntli]adv. 显然地;似乎,表面上结构分析:句子的主干是today’s people apparently reached their limit。



考研英语:长难句翻译-真题结构解析+总结真题实战His function is analogous to that of a judge, who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a manner as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision.结构分析这个句子是一个复合句,主句部分是His function is analogous to that of a judge。

其后who must accept the obligation 是一个定语从句。

obligation 后面的of revealing in as obvious a manner as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision的难点是in as obvious a manner as possible,这段状语的位置有点乱放,用改放到句末去,也就是说这段的顺序是of revealing the course of reasoning which led him to his decision in as obvious a manner as possible。

词汇释义function n. 作用,职责analogous a. 相似的,类似的judge n. 法官,裁判员obligation n. 义务,责任reveal v. 揭露,显露拆分翻译His function is analogous to that of a judge,/ /他的职责与法官相似who must accept the obligation / /必须承担这样的责任of revealing in as obvious a manner as possible the course of reasoning/ /以一种尽可能清楚明白的方式来展示推理的过程which led him to his decision.导致他做出决定参考译文他的职责与法官相似,必须承担这样的责任:用尽可能清楚明白的方式来展示自己做出决定的推理过程。



考研英语-长难句翻译-历年真题分析详解真题实战But the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media. 结构分析这个句子的主句谓语是rests on,主谓宾结构:the idea rests on an understanding,主语是the idea,其后有that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen这一同位语从句。

宾语是an understanding。

词汇释义profoundly ad. 深刻的,意义深远的rest on 依赖,取决于convention n. 惯例,常规拆分翻译But the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen / /记者必须比普通人更深刻地了解法律的这种想法rests on an understanding of t/ /取决于理解he established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media新闻媒体业已确立的规则和特殊责任参考译文记者必须比普通人更深刻地了解法律,而这种想法取决于对新闻媒体业已确立的规则和特殊责任的理解。

总结真题实战A century ago, Freud formulated his revolutionary theroy that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and fears.结构分析句子是主谓宾结构,主干是Freud formulated his revolutionary theroy,宾语后面是that引导的同位语从句。



研英长难句翻译真题词汇详解:(31)长难句:and one leading authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control,to help us sleep and feel better.重点词汇:authority,harness■答案■1、长难句:一名主要的权威人士说,这些异常强烈的精神活动不仅能被控制,而且事实上可以有意识地加以调节,以帮助我们睡得更好,感觉更好。

分析: say后面是that 引导的一个宾语从句,而从句的主语成分(these intensely powerful mental events)跟了两个并列的谓语成分,一个是can be not only harnessed,一个是but(can be) brought under conscious control,后面的不定式结构to help us sleep and feel better 作目的状语。


he is a noted authority on urban construction.(他是城市建设方面的著名权威人士。


harness有“利用”的意思,在这一方面与make use of,tap 和capitalize的意思差不多。


if you can harness your energy,you will accomplish a great deal.(如果你能控制你的精力,你将获得巨大成功。



考研英语:长难句翻译-真题精选解析总结This trend began during the Second World War ,when several governments came to the conclusion that the specific demands that a government wants to make of its scientific establishment cannot generally be foreseen in detail.重点词汇specific 具体的make demands of 对...提出要求establishment 机构in detail 详细地切分句子1.这是一个主谓结构,This trend是主语,began是谓语,during the Second World War是时间状语,when引导的是定语从句,先行词是the Second World War;2.the conclusion 后的that引导的是同位语从句,解释the conclusion,demands 后的that 引导定语从句,修饰demands。

参考译文这一趋势始于第二次世界大战期间,当时一些政府得出这样的结论,即政府对其However,the world is so made that elegant systems are in principle unable to deal with some of the world's more fascinating and delightful aspects.重点词汇elegant 完善的in principle 原则上,基本上fascinating 迷人的切分句子1.这是一个复合句,其中the world is so made是主句,that引导的是结果状语从句;2.elegant systems are ... unable to deal with ...aspects是从句的主干,in principle是介词短语作状语,some of the world's more fascinating and delightful 是定语。



考研英语阅读理解长难句真题分析详解附译文1. In the early days , too , longlines would have been more saturated with fish . Some individuals would therefore not have been caught , since no baited hooks would have been available to trap them , leading to an underestimate of fish stocks in the past .结构:•In the early days , too , longlines [主] would have been [为] more saturated with fish [宾] .•Some individuals [主] would therefore not have been caught [谓(被动)] ,•since no baited hooks [主] would have been available to [谓] trap them , leading to an underestimate of fish stocks in the past [宾]单词:Longline n.多钩长线延绳钓saturate vt.使饱和是充满词组:Saturate with 使充满Be available to 能够Lead to 通向导致直译:早期,延绳钓能钓到更多的鱼。


过去没有带诱饵的鱼钩来捕鱼,因此,有些鱼逃过一劫,这导致鱼的储量被低估了2. Furthermore , in the early days of longline fishing , a lot of fish were lost to sharks after they had been hooked . That is no longer a problem , because there are fewer sharks around now .结构:•Furthermore , in the early days of longline fishing , a lot of fish [主] were lost [谓] to sharks after they had been hooked [宾] .•That is no longer a problem ,•原因状语从句:because there are fewer sharks around now 直译:而且,早期的多钩长线钓鱼,许多鱼在被钓到以后被鲨鱼吃掉了。



考研英语长难句真题译文及解析考研英语长难句真题译文及解析1.During the discussion of rock singing verses at last month'sstockholders' meeting, Levin asserted that “music is not the cause ofsociety's ills” and even cited his son, a teacher in the Bronx, New York,who uses rap tomunicate with students.【译文】在上个月的股东会议上,大家就摇滚乐的歌词进展了讨论。



【析句】句子的`主干是Levin asserted that… and even cited…。

During the discussion of rock singing verses at last month's stockholders' meeting是表示时间的状语从句。

music is not the cause of society's ills 是直接引语,是动词asserted的宾语。

his son是动词cited 的宾语,后面的a teacher in the Bronx, NewYork是his son的同位语,who uses rap to municate with students是修饰his son的定语从句。


It's no use citing the Bible to a non-Christian.〔对非基督徒引用《圣经》是没用的。




考研英语-长难句翻译-真题结构解析+译文真题实战The behavioral sciences have been slow to change partly because the explanatory items often seem to be directly observed and partly because other kinds of explanations have been hard to find.结构分析整个句子的主干是The behavioral sciences have been slow to change,后面是由and连接的两个原因状语。

词汇释义explanatory a. 解释的,说明的iterm n. 项目,条款observe v. 观察,遵守拆分翻译The behavioral sciences have been slow to change / /行为科学发展缓慢partly because the explanatory items often seem to be directly observed and/ /部分是因为用来解释行为的依据似乎往往是直接观察到的partly because other kinds of explanations have been hard to find部分原因是其他种类的解释方式很难找到参考译文行为科学之所以发展缓慢,部分是因为用来解释行为的依据似乎往往是直接观察到的,部分原因是其他种类的解释方式很难找到。

总结真题实战Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements——themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport.结构分析句子的主干是一个简单句,主干部分是Additional social stresses may also occur;介词短语because of 引导or 连接的两个原因状语;分词短语arising from mass migration movements作定语,修饰problems;破折号连接的是独立主格结构,补充说明mass migration movements。

考研英语真题学习考研英语长难句300句 (32)

考研英语真题学习考研英语长难句300句 (32)

2001 Passage 415. International affiliates account for a fast-growing segment of production in economies that open up and welcome foreign investment.【译文】在那些对外开放并鼓励外资的国家,跨国公司的分支机构已经成为经济领域中一个快速增长的生产部门。

【析句】本句的主干是International affiliates account for a fast-growing segment of production in economies,后面的that open up and welcome foreign investment是economies的定语从句。

【讲词】 affiliate是名词,意为“分支机构”,此处指在世界各地设有分公司的跨国(国际)公司。

account for意为“解释;说明”。

How do you account for all the accidents in series?(你怎么解释这接二连三地发生的事故呢?)I want you to account for each sum of the money you spent.(我要你说明你所花掉的每一笔钱的用途。

)account for 在句中表示“解释……原因”。

16. This phenomenon has created serious concerns over the role of smaller economic firms,of national businessmen and over the ultimate stability of the world economy.【译文】由于出现了这种现象,人们对小型企业和民族资本的作用以及世界经济的最终稳定深感忧虑。



考研英语-长难句翻译-真题精选详解总结+译文Whether the Government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force.重点词汇at the expense of 以...为代价finance 为…供给资金vice versa 反之亦然;反过来也一样切分句子1.第一步找主句的谓语动词depends on,主语是Whether...or...的并列连接的两部分,宾语是the issue,of which is seen as the driving force是the issue的定语;2.第二步找连词,Whether...or...的并列,vice versa属于超纲词汇,所以以前讲的根据成分分析省略的部分不适用了,但并列连词还有一个功效,那就是用来推测前后句子的意思,or表示前后是选择关系。

参考译文政府应该以技术为代价增加对纯科学的资助,还是以牺牲纯科学为代价增加对技The data suggest ,for example ,that physically attractive individuals are more likely to be treated well by their parents ,sought out as friends ,and pursued romantically.重点词汇seek out 找到pursue 追求romantically 浪漫地切分句子1.第一步:找主干的谓语动词suggest,本句很明显是一个主谓宾结构,宾语是由that引导的从句;2.第二步:找连词and,看一下and 后有没有省略。



2019年考研英语阅读真题中长难句解析(32)2018考研英语阅读真题中长难句解析(32)Darwin had a phrase to describe those ignorant of evolution: they "look at an organic being as a savage looks at a ship, as at something wholly beyond his comprehension."译文:达尔文有一句话描述那些对进化一无所知的人:他们“看有机的生命如同野人看轮船,好像看某种完全超出自己理解水平的东西”。

分析:冒号后的句子是主句中a phrase的同位语。

该同位语从句中的结构是A does something as B does something(A做某事的样子正像B做某事的样子)。

【词汇指南】evolution [,i:v'lu:n](n.)发展;(生物的)进化(CET-4)(2012年-阅读3、2013年-阅读3、2015年-完型)(该词是evolve的名词形式。

其中,evol=evolve-使发展,使进化,ution=ation-名词后缀→ 发展;(生物的)进化)考点搭配:human evolution 人类进化(2015年-完型)ship [ip](n.)船,舰(v.)用船运;运送(中考词汇)(shi=sea-海,ip=up-上面→ 漂浮在海上的东西——即“船,舰”,引申出“用船运;运送”。

)1个派生词:●shipper ['ip](n.)装货者,货主(超纲词汇)(2003年-阅读3)(ship-船,p-双写,er-表人→ 装货者,货主)1个近义词:●vessel ['vesl](n.)管,血管;容器;舰船(CET-4)(2006年-阅读3)(ves=vase-花瓶、长颈瓶,s-双写,el-名词后缀→ 像“花瓶”一样储存着液体——即“管,血管”,引申为“容器”和“舰船”。



Word 文档1 / 1研英长难句翻译真题词汇详解:(32)长难句:if you were to examine the birth certificates of every soccer player in 2021s world cup tournament you would most likely find a noteworthy quirk: elite soccerplayers are more likely to have been born in the earlier months of the year than in the later months.重点词汇:birth certificate ,noteworthy ,quirk ,elite■答案■1、长难句:假如你查看一下参加2021年世界杯赛的全部足球运动员的出生证,你极有可能会觉察一个引人留意的怪事:优秀的足球运动员大多是在年头出生,而不是在年尾出生。

分析: 这是一个典型的虚拟条件句,但是主句的宾语后面跟着一个同位语从句。


2、birth certificate 意为“出生证”。

certificate 的意思是“证书;证明书;凭证”。

对于学生来说,certificate 是指“结业证”,即完成了某门课程或一段时间学习的证明。

相近的单词有diploma 〔文凭;毕业证书;证明权力、特权、荣誉等的证书或奖状〕。

大学毕业取得的学位,英语是用degree 来表示,degree 主要有三个:学士(bachelor)学位、硕士(master)学位和博士(doctor 或phd)学位。

noteworthy 表示“值得留意,引人留意的”。

quirk 意为“怪癖;怪事,巧合”,在句中表示“诧异的现象”。

elite 意为“精英,菁华;杰出人士”。

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——文章来源网,仅供分享学习参考 1 研英长难句翻译真题词汇详解:(32)
长难句:if you were to examine the birth certificates of every soccer player in 2006’s world cup tournament you would most likely find a noteworthy quirk: elite soccer players are more likely to have been born in the earlier months of the year than in the later months.
重点词汇:birth certificate ,noteworthy ,quirk ,elite

分析: 这是一个典型的虚拟条件句,但是主句的宾语后面跟着一个同位语从句。


2、birth certificate 意为“出生证”。

certificate 的意思是“证书;证明书;凭证”。

对于学生来说,certificate 是指“结业证”,即完成了某门课程或一段时间学习的证明。

相近的单词有diploma (文凭;毕业证书;证明权力、特权、荣誉等的证书或奖状)。

大学毕业取得的学位,英语是用degree 来表示,degree 主要有三个:学士(bachelor)学位、硕士(master)学位和博士(doctor 或phd)学位。

noteworthy 表示“值得注意,引人注意的”。

quirk 意为“怪癖;怪事,巧合”,在句中表示“奇怪的现象”。

elite 意为“精英,菁华;杰出人士”。
