

中考英语补全对话常用句型全归纳 并附真题及答案解读

中考英语补全对话常用句型全归纳 并附真题及答案解读

归纳总结功能相同的句型:打电话:This is 谁谁speaking。


May I speak to Mr. Li? 我可以和李先生讲话吗?(我找李先生?)Speaking. 对,我就是。

或者This is 谁谁speaking. (对,我是谁谁。

)Who's that (speaking) 你是谁??或者Who is this, please?This is Tom speaking.我是Tom。

Is Sue James in?休·詹姆斯在吗?I'm sorry, he's not in (right now.)He is not here now. (对不起,他出去了。

)Can I take a message for you? 我能给你带个口信吗?Hold on,please ! 请稍等一下(怎么了?What's up ? /What's the matter ?\What ‘s wrong ?)感谢类:Thanks!Thank you!Thank you very much!答谢类:You are welcome.不必谢.Not at all. 不用谢.道歉类:Sorry.I am sorry for what I said/did建议类:You had better do-----What about doing…?How about doing…?Why not do…?同义句why don't you do----?Let's do …OK ?Would you like some …?Shall we do…?支持赞同上面建议答语:That' s a good idea . \That sounds good .好主意,棒极了1同意许可类:OK.Certainly.Of courseI agree with you.不同意类:I am afraid not.Sorry, I don't think so.I really can't agree with you.Have a good (nice) time!祝愿祝贺类Good Luck to you!Best wishes!Congratulations to you!字句型“问”3. 熟记today? What's the weather like 问天气:How is the weather today?What's the time? 问时间:What time is it?your father? What's 问职业:job? What's your father'sWhat does your father do?rice of the book? What's the p 问价格:How much is the book?How old are you? 问年龄:What's your age?where do you live? 问住址:What's your address?What's your name? 问姓名:2Can you tell me your name?问爱好:What's your hobby?Which do you prefer?同义句Which do you like better? Which do you like best?问看法感受:What do you think of the film?How do you like the film?(可数东西)How many-------?问数量:How much-------? (不可数东西)What's the population of China?问人口:How many people are there in China?–Can you tell me the way to 地点? 问路:地点How can I get to-?Which is the way to the station?What size do you want? 问尺寸:What size do you need?问日期:What's the date today?How far is it?问距离:How far is your school from here?问星期:What day is it today?How tall are you? 问高度:What's your height?How wide is the river? 问宽度:How long is the bridge? 问长度:What's your weight? 问体重:How heavy is it?问电话:Can I know your telephone number?3What's your telephone number?购物:1.Can I help you ? -Yes ,please.2.What color do you want ?\What sizes do you want ?\How many do you want ?3.How much is it ?4. Can I try it on ?\ May I try it on ? -Of course.\ Sure , you can.5.I'll take it.问路:1.Excuse me? –Yes?2.Can you tell me how to get to …?\Could you please tell me howto…3.Where is …4.How far is it ?5.How long does it take?6.How can I get to …7.Go straight \Go down . Turn right\left8.Can I ride a bike there ?天气:1.Which season do you like best?2.I like Spring \Summer\Autumn\Winter.(准备、计划要做的)假期,周末活动:(还没有发生,一般将来时)1.What are you going to do on weekend ?where are you going on vacation?2.I am going to ..3.When will you leave ?\When are you going?4.How will you get there?谈论一些发生在过去的事(例如过去的旅游经历、购物经历、看电影经历What did you do yesterday /there ?Where did you go last night ?Who did you go with ?How did you go there?How long did you stay there ?4Where did you buy it/them ?Is it far from here ?---How far is it ?Where have you been ?----I have been to +地点。



中考英语补全对话常用句型全归纳_并附真题及答案(word版可编辑修改) 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(中考英语补全对话常用句型全归纳_并附真题及答案(word版可编辑修改))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。



归纳总结功能相同的句型:打电话:我们中文中如果是接电话会说:我是某某人,请讲,所以对应的英语翻译是:i am --。


但是英语却不是这样的,正确的英语是:This is —-speaking。

May I speak to Mr。

Li?I'd like to speak to Mr. Li, please.对,我就是。

Speaking.或者This is Mr。

Li speaking。


)您是哪位? Who's calling, please?或者Who’s speaking, please?或者Who is this, please?This is Tom speaking.我是Tom。

其他Is Sue James in?休·詹姆斯在吗?I'm sorry,he’s not in right now。


)He's not in. 或者He’s out n ow。

感谢类: Thanks!Thank you!Thanks a lot!Thank you very much!Thank you very,very much!答谢类: That's all right . 没关系。





I . ? 我可以与李先生讲话吗?〔我找李先生?〕.对,我就是。

或者谁谁 . (对,我是谁谁。

)'s ()你是谁??或者, ?.我是。

?休·詹姆斯在吗?I'm , 's 〔 .〕 . (对不起,他出去了。

)I a ? 我能给你带个口信吗?,! 请稍等一下〔怎么了?’s ? ’s ?\ ‘s ?〕感谢类:!答谢类: .不必谢.. 不用谢.抱歉类: .I I建议类:… ?同义句’t ?’s … ?支持赞同上面建议答语:’ s a . \ .好主意,棒极了同意许可类:.I .不同意类:I ., I ’t .I ’t .祝愿祝贺类 a () !3. 熟记“问〞字句型问天气:’s ?问时间:’s ?问职业:’s ?’s ’s ?问价格:’s ?问年龄:?’s ?问住址:?’s ?问姓名:’s ?问爱好:’s ??同义句?问看法感受:?问数量:?〔可数东西〕?〔不可数东西〕问人口:’s ? China?问路:–地点?I 地点-?问尺寸:?问日期:’s ?问距离:?问星期:?问高度:?’s ?问宽度:?问长度:?问体重:’s ?问:I ?’s ?购物:1 I ? .2 ?\ ?\ ?3 ?4. I ?\ I ? .\ , .5’ .问路:1 ? – ?2 …?\ …3 …4 ?5 ?6 I …7 \ . \8 I a ?天气:1.I \\\.〔准备、方案要做的〕假期,周末活动:〔还没有发生,一般将来时〕1.I ..谈论一些发生在过去的事〔例如过去的旅游经历、购物经历、看电影经历+地点。

谈论将要去做的一些事情:〔例如准备去旅游、去度假、去购物、去探亲等〕a .〔一〕看病A: .B: . ’s ? A:I ’t . B:?, I ’t.B:I .A:?B: .A:I ?B: .A:I ?a ’ . A:。

B: .〔三〕购物A: . I ? B:, . I a . ? A:?B:38.A:?B:I ’t .?A:. ?B: . I ()?A:.B:?A:’s . ’s .B:( )?A:100 .B:’s . I ’t . a ?B:. I’ . .〔四〕问路A: . , ?B:,I ’t . ’d . .A: .B: . , ?C: . ’s . ’t . A:?C:’s 30 ’ . ’d a .A:I ?C:I a 16 . . A: .C:’ .补全对话常用句子() I , ., I’d .’s .’s ?\ ‘s ?I a \I a .?’s ?? ’s ?〔五〕约定A:?B:〔〕.A:?B: .A:?B: .A:?B:?A:?B:8:30.A: a ? ’s . B:.A: .B: .〔六〕询问病情A: . !B: . !A:I ’t . ? B:. .A:’s ?B: . a . A:?B: . .A:I’m . a . B:. ’t .A:?B:I ’t . ’s . ?A:!(7)聊天A:!B:,A:, ’t ? B:, IA:I ? B:.A:?B:I’m …A:’ , ’t ? B:. ?A: . ?B:I 8 ,1988 A:?B:I a . A:?B: . A:?B:I .A:?B: .A:?B:. I’m . A:’s . .〔八〕就餐A B: .W:A ?A:. ?W:. , . .A: .W:I ?A:, ’ 、、 . W:’s , .( ) A:, , ?W:. ?A:. ’s . ?W: . .A: .W: . .〔九〕做客H: a ?T:, .H:I’ .T:?H:, . . .T: .L:. I ’s ?H:, ?L:, I’m .’s . H:’t .L:. I . . .H:I’m .!(十)交通事故A: . ?B:A .A:?B: .A:?B:, ’t .A:?B:, a , .A:?B:, . .七、试题精选〔1〕: . ’s ?: I ’t .D:1?W: , I . a .D: “〞.W:D: 2?W: .D: ?W: , I .D: , I . 3. .W: I a ?D: .W: I . I .I ?D: . ’d .W: 4. ?D: . I ’t .a .W: 5. ?D: a .W: . .(2)A: 1?B: ’s .A: , I . . ’t ?B: 2. . I . I , . A: 3. ! .B: 4. ?A: . ’d . ,“5. .〞(3)B: ’s a . ( .) , I ’t . I’d . A: 1. ?B: . 3 .A: ’t . 2 .B: ’s . I I . ?A: . 3. .B: . 4. , ’ ?A: , . ’s .B: 5? ? I .A: I . .B: I .(4): , . g a ?: , I ’t. . 1.: , . a ?: . 2. .: . I’ . , .3. ?: , I’d . 4.?: o’ ..: I’ , 5.: ’t . .(5)S: , ! a ?K: 1, I ’t aS: , ’s ! I CentralHospital. K: ? 2?S: , I’m . . .K: I . 3. ?S: I’ ’s .K: , . 4. .S: , a ! I ’t . .K: . a . 5. .S: ? ’s . ’s , .K: ’s .(6)Z: , . ?M: , . . . 1. .Z: . China. . . . M: . 2. .Z: , , . ?M: 3 . , a .Z: ’s .M: , . 4. ?Z: ’s ’ . , a . M: ’s . 5. ?Z: . I’ o’.M: . .Z: .(7)J: , . ?R: . 1?J: a SportsCenter. ? R: . 2. ?J: . 1 .R: 3. ! ’s .J: . .1 .R: . 4. ?J: 8:30. ?R: . 5. .J: . . ’s 8:30. R: . .(8)A: ! I ?B: ’d a a , .A: . 1. ?B: ’d .A: ’s . 2. ?B: ’ . ?A: . ’s , 3. ..B: ’t . ’s ’ .A: 4. ?B: . I’ . , ?A: 5. . .B: .(9)A: , . .B: 1. ?A: .B: ! I’m . 2?A: . .B: ?A: 3. , . I I .B: ! !A: ’s a . ’s , ?B: . 4?A: , ?B: . I . .A: 5. .(10)A: , . . ?B. 1. .A: . 2. ?B. . . I I .A: 3. ?B: , I . I ’s . a . A: 4. ?B: I’m I’ I’ .A: ’t . . 5. .B: .(11)A: , . 1. ?B. , , .A: , 2. .B. ’s .A: ?B: 3. ?A: Hangzhou? , Hangzhou a . 4. ? B: .A: ?B. , 5. .A: England?B: , .(12)R: , . I’m !M: 1? ’s 5:00.R: . I ’s .M: 2?R: . a . .M: I’ .R: 3. ?M: ? I’m .R: ’t . . ?M: ? 4. .R: I 15 . 200.M: ’s a . 5. .R: . ’s , .(13)P: , !J: !P: 1. ?J: , I . I , .P: 2. ! a .J: 3. ?P: . a . 5—3.J: ? ’s ! 4. ?P: . I’ ! 60 , 3—2. J: ?P: 5. .J: .(14)Z: . , ?M: 1. . ?Z: . 2005? M: 2. ?Z: I ’t . ’s a .M: 3. ? ?Z: , 19 . . M: ? ?Z: . 20 .M: , I . I I a .Z: ’t . . , I’ . 4. ? M: . ?Z: 5. .M: , I’ . .Z: .(15)A: a ! 1. ?B: a . 2. ?A: ’s .B: ?A: 3. . ’s .B: . I’ .A:4?B: ’s . .A: ! I’m .B: ?A: 5. .B: .(16)A: , ! ?B: 1.A: , ’s ?B: 2. . a .A: I’m . 3. ?B: A .A: 4. ?B: , . I . .A: 5. .(17): . ’s .M: , . 1. ?W: , I ’t, ’s I’ .M: ? 2. ?W: I a I .M: 3. ?W: I a .M: 4. ?W: , , I a .M: 5. ?W: a I ’t. I ’t. I . . M: , I . I .(18)A: , ? ?B: 1. . .A: .A: , 2?C: , ’t a , .A: 3. ?C: ’s .A: 4. ?C: ’d a , ’s ’t .A: 5. .C: ’ .(19)A: , ?B: . I’ a .A: 1?B: I . 2. .I .A: , ! 3. ?B: . I 30 . , I , I !A: ?B: 4. . , I .A: 5. ?B: , I , !(20)A: . 1?B: , I’m . . .C: ’s ? … ’s a .A: 2. ?C: ’s 5 .A: 3. ?C: , . 15 .A: ?C: 4. . . ’t . A: 5. .C: .参考答案〔1〕1. ?2. ?3. ’ a .4. ?5. I ?(2)1 ?2. , I ’t.3 a !(3)1I’ .(4)1I .(5)1I’ .2’s .3I a .(6)(7)1’s \?2I’d .(8)1’s .2\ \ , ’s .(9)1I .(10)1I .2’t3I(11)1\ ’s2I Hangzhou3England(12)(13)1 a(14)1\ a(15)1 a2 a \ a \ ……(16)1I \2 a \…3I(17)(18)1I’m I ’t2 a3I(19)1’s \ \’s2I3, ’t \4 a ….(20)1’s2I a。



归纳总结功能相同的句型:打电话:我们中文中如果是接电话会说:我是某某人,请讲,所以对应的英语翻译是:i am ,please。

但是英语却不是这样的,正确的英语是:This is --speaking。

May I speak to Mr. LiI'd like to speak to Mr. Li, please.对,我就是。

Speaking.或者This is Mr. Li speaking. (对,我是。

)您是哪位Who's calling, please或者Who's speaking, please或者Who is this, pleaseThis is Tom speaking.我是Tom。

其他Is Sue James in休·詹姆斯在吗I'm sorry, he's not in right now. (对不起,他出去了。

)He's not in.或者He's out now.感谢类:Thanks!Thank you!Thanks a lot!Thank you very much!Thank you very,very much!答谢类:That ’s all right .没关系.That ’s OK.没关系.Not at all.不用谢.You are welcome.不必谢.It ’s a pleasure.道歉类:Sorry.I am sorry⋯I am sorry for⋯答:That ’s all right.It doesn ’t matter.That ’s nothing.建:You had better⋯Shall we do ⋯What about doing ⋯How about doing ⋯Why not do ⋯Let ’s do sth⋯OKWould you like some⋯同意:OK.Sure.Certainly.All right.Yes, please.Yes, I think so.I agree with you.不同意:I am afraid not.Sorry, I don’t think so.I really can’t agree with you.祝愿祝Good Luck to you!Best wishes!Have a good (nice) time!Congratulations to you!Ha ppy Teachers ’ Day!Happy birthday to you!Happy New Year!Merry Christmas!3.熟记“问” 字句型问天气:What’s the weather like today How is the weather today问时间:What’s the timeWhat time is it问职业:What’s your fatherWhat’s your father’s job What does your father do问价格:What’s the price of the book How much is the bookHow much does the book costHow much should I pay for the book 问年龄:How old are youWhat’s your age问地址:What do you liveWhat’s your address问姓名:What’s your nameCould I have your name, pleaseDo you mind my knowing your nameDo you mind if I know your nameCan you tell me your name问词意:What do you mean by saying the wordWhat’s the meaning of the wordWhat does the word mean问单位:Where do you workWhat company are you working for问爱好:Which do you like bestWhich do you preferWhat’s your hobbyWhat’s your favorite问感受:What do you think of the filmHow do you like the film问数量:How many people are there in your family How much water do you drink every day问人口:What’s the population of ChinaHow many people are there in ChinaHow large is the population of China问路线:Which is the way to the stationDo you know the way to the stationCan you tell me the way to the stationHow can I get to the station问尺寸:What size is your sweaterWhat size do you wantWhat size do you need问距离:How far is your school from hereHow far away is your school from here日期:What’s the date today星期:What day is it today高度:How tall are youWhat’s your heightHow high is the mountain度:How wide is the river度:How long is the bridge体重:What’s your weightHow much do you weigh:Can I know your telephone numberWhat’s your telephone number物:I help you -Yes ,please.color do you want \What sizes do you want \How many do you wantmuch is it4. Can I try it on \ May I try it on-Of course.\ Sure , you can.’ll take it.kind of noodles would you like–I’d like beef noodles.you .–You‘re welcome.路:me – Yesyou tell me how to get to⋯\Could you please tell me how to⋯is⋯far is itlong does it takecan I get to ⋯Turn right\leftstraight \Go down .I ride a bike there天气:1. What’s the weather like \How’s the weather2. It ’s sunny\rainy\cloudy\windy\snowy⋯3.Which season do you like best4.I like Spring \Summer\Autumn\Winter.假期,周末活:1.How was your weekend2.what did you do on weekends3.What are you going to do on weekend \What are you going to do for vacation \where would you goon vacation4.I am going to ..5.When will you leave \When are you going6.How will you get there7.How long are you staying8.When shall we meet9.Where shall we meet10.That ’ s a good idea . \That sounds good .11.What abou t you \How about you\What about doing⋯学:do you study for a test \How do you learn Englishstudy byl listening to the tapes .⋯’s your favorite subject - My favorite subject isis your English teacher - She is ...日期:What’s the date todayWhen is⋯看医生:What’s the matter \What‘ s wrong \What’s the trouble I have a cold \I have a headache.When did it startHow long have you been like this六、试题案例(一)看病A:Good morning.B:Good morning.What’s wrong with youA:I don ’t feel very well and I’ve a headache.B:How long have you been like thisA:Ever since this morning.B:Maybe you’ve caught a cold. Have you taken your temperature A:No, I have n’t.B:Can I take your temperatureA:OK.B:Oh, you ’ve got a fever.A:Is it seriousB:Nothing serious.A:What should I do thenB:You can take some medicine and drink much water.A:How often should I take this medicineB:You can take this medicine three time s a day and you’ll be all right soon. A:Thank you, doctor.I ’ll do as you say. Bye!B:Bye!(二)打电话J-Jim M-Mrs ReadJ:Hello. Could I speak to Ann, pleaseM:Certainly. Hold on, please. Oh, I’m afraid. She isn’t here right now. J:Can I leave a message for herM:Yes, please. But who is thatJ:This is Jim speaking.M:Hello, Jim. Can I take a message for youJ:Yes. Could you ask her to call meM:Sure!What’s your telephone numberJ:My telephone number is 1234567.M:I ’ll give the message to her as soon as she comes back.J:Thank you. Good-bye!M:Bye!(三)购物A:Good morning. Can I help youB:Yes, please. I want to buy a pair of shoes. Can you show me oneA:What size do you needB:Size 38.A:How about those onesB:I don ’t like this color.Have you got any other colorsA:Yes. How about this oneB:It looks nice. Can I try them onA:Sure.B:Oh, it’s just right.Where is it madeA:It’s made in Japan. It’s very comfortable.B:How much are theyA:100 yuan.B:It’s too expensive. I can’t afford it.Have you got a cheaper oneA:Well. I’m afraid it’s the cheapest one.B:OK. I ’ll take it.Here is the money.A:Thank you. Good-bye!B:Bye!(四)问路A:Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office, pleaseB: Sorry ,I don ’t know. You ’d better ask the policeman over there. He may know.A:Thank you all the same.B:Excuse me. Which is the way to the post office, pleaseC:Go down this street and take the first turning on the right.Go across the bridge and you’ll find the post office on the left. It’s between the city library and the hospital. You can’t miss it.A:How far is it from hereC:It’s about 30 minutes’walk. You’d better catch a bus.A:Which bus do I needC:I think you need a number 16 bus. The bus will take you there.A:Thank you very much.C:You’re welcome.(五)约定A:What are you going to do next SundayB:Nothing much (Nothing special).A:Shall we go to the park and play footballB:Good idea.A:How can we get thereB:By bike.A:Where shall we meetB:How about meeting at the gate of our schoolA:When shall we meetB:At 8:30.A:Why not meet a little earlier Let ’s make it half past seven.B:OK.A:See you then.B:See you.(六)询问病情A:Good morning. Xiao Xue!B:Good morning. Lin Lin!A:I don ’t see Zhou Tao today.Do you know where he isB:Yes. He is in hospital.A:What’s wrong with himB:Yesterday evening he felt terrible.He had a pain in his teeth and his father took him to the hospital. A:What happened to him thenB:One of his teeth is broken. The doctor took it out.A:I ’m sorry to hear that.He always eats a lot of sweets. B:Yes. But he wo n’t eat them any more.A:How is Zhou Tao feeling nowB:I don ’t know. Let’s visit him after school. OKA:OK!(7)聊天A:Hello! Nice to meet youB:Nice to meet you, tooA:What bad weather, isn’t itB:Yes, but I think the sun will come out later onA:May I ask you some questionsB:Certainly.A:Where are you fromB:I ’m from⋯A:You’re from Australia, aren’t youB:Yes. How did you guessA:The way you speak. When were you bornB:I was born on August 8 ,1988A:Where were you bornB:I was born in a small village near London.A:Why did you come to ChinaB:Because my parents wanted to work in China.A:How do you like ChinaB:I like it very much.A:What do you like about ChinaB:The people and the food.A:How is your ChineseB:My Chinese is just so-so. I’m trying my best t o study my Chinese well. A:That ’s great.Good luck with your Chinese.(八)就餐Waiter :Good morning ,madamA andB :Good morning.W:A table for twoA:Yes. Can we sit at the table by the windowW:OK. This way, please. Here is the menu.A:Thank you.W:May I take your order nowA:Yes, We’ll have chicken with potatoes、 beef、rice and vegetable soup. W:That ’s what you ordered, please take your time. (After the meal)A:Excuse me, Could we have some tea, pleaseW:certainly. Would you like something elseA:No. that’s al l. Could we have the billW:Of course. Sir.A:Here is the money.W:Thank you. Welcome you here again.(九)做客H-Han Mei T-Twins L-LilyH:Would you like a drinkT:Yes, please.H:I ’ll get you some tea.T:Can we do anything to helpH:No, thanks. Here are some cookies. Help yourselves.T:Thank you.L:Well. I think it’s time for us to leave nowH:Oh, do you have toL:Yes, I ’m afraid so.It ’s getting late and we have to get up early in the morning.H:Don’t leave anything behind.L:Thanks. I think we have everything. Thank you for having us. We enjoyed ourselves very much. H:I ’m happy you did.Bye!( 十 ) 交通事故A:Excuse me. What has happenedB:A car hit an electric pole.A:When did it happenB:About ten minutes ago.A:Has anyone called the policeB:Yes, but the polic e haven ’t come.A:Is anyone hurtB:Yes, a man is hurt, but not badly.A:Has he gone to the hospitalB:No, he is waiting for the police to come. After the survey he will go to the hospital.七、试题精选(1)Doctor: Good morning . What’s your troubleWoman: I don ’t feel very well.D:W: Yes, I have. My temperature is a little higher.D: Open your mouth and say“Ah”.W: AahhD:W:Ever since last night.D:Did your sleep wellW:No, I was very tired last night.D:Oh, I see. 3. ________________________.W:Can you tell me how I got a coldD:Maybe you overworked yourself.W:I think so. I have too much work to do every day.Do I have to stay at homeD:Yes. You ’d better stay at home for two or three days.W: 4. ________________________D:No. I don ’t think it is serious. But you really need agood rest and take this medicine.W: 5. ________________________D:Three times a day.W:OK. Thank you.(2)A:B: They are talking about yesterday’s football match.A: Oh, I watched it on TV. Beijing Team had very good teamwork. Didn’t you watch itTV, it had finished B: 2. _______________________________. I did my homework and forgot the time. WhenI turned on the already.A: 3. _______________________________! But Beijing Team will play again this evening.B: 4. _______________________________________A: Sure. You ’d better finish your homework earlier if you want to watch it. Remember,“ 5._______________________________. ”(3)finish my homework. B: That ’s a good idea. (Looking at his watch.) Oh, I haven’t much time left.I ’d better hurry toA: 1. _______________________________B: Not yet. Exercise 3 is too difficult for me.A: Don ’t worry. 2 _______________________.B: It’s very kind of you. But I think I can do it myself. Can you lend me your English-Chinese dictionaryA: With pleasure. 3. ______________________.B: Thanks. 4. ________________, is Miss Gao at the teachers’ officeA:Oh, no. She ’s out at the moment.B:Do you know I have some questions to ask her.A:I think she is at the library. She told me she wanted to borrow some books.B:I have to wait for her.(4)Dick: Excuse me, Lucy. Have you g bot a dictionaryLucy: Sorry, I haven’t. You may ask Meimei. .Dick: Excuse me, Meimei. Have you got a dictionaryMeimei: Yes. 2. _____________________________.Dick: Thank you. I’ll give it back soon. By the way, tomorrow is my . ________________Meimei: Yes, I’d love to. 4._____________________Dick: About seven o’ clock..Meimei: I ’ll try to be there on time, but .Dick: It doesn’t matter. Work must come first.(5)(Sue=S Ken=K)S: Hello, Ken! Could you give me a liftK: , I don’t have a car right nowS: Oh, that’s too bad! I want to go to the Centr al Hospital.S:No, I ’m all right. My English teacher is there. She is ill now and is to leave the hospital today.K:I see. 3. ____________________________S: I ’ve already got some flowers from my mother’s garden.K: Well, well. 4. ___________________________.S: But, what a pity! I can’t see Linda now. No car and no driver.(6)(Zhang=Z=M)Z:My pleasure. Welcome to China. My name is Zhang Lin. You can call me Lin. This is my card.M:Thank you. And 2. _________________________.Z:Oh, good, thanks. How was the journeyM:3. ______________________, although a little tiring.Z:Then let ’s get your things and go to the hotel now.M:Oh, thank you. 4. ___________________________Z: I t ’s about thirty minutes’ drive. By the way, we are going to have a dinner party for you this evening. M: It ’s very kind of you. 5. _____________________Z: Six thirty. I’ll pick you up at six o’clock.M:OK. See you then.Z:Bye.(7)(Robert=R Jack=J)J:Hello, Robert. Are you free on Saturday morningR:Yes.J:There is a basketball match at the Sports Center. Do you want to watch itR:Sure. 2. _________________________J:Our school Vs No. 1 Middle School.R: 3. ___________________ _______! Let ’s go to cheer for our team.J: Yeah. Middle School Team is not easy to beat.R:So the match will be exciting. 4. _______________J:8:30. Do you think you can get up on timeR: Of course. 5. __________________________.J: OK. There will b e three school buses waiting for us in front of the library. Let’s meet there at 8:30. R:All right. See you then.(8)A:Morning! What can I do for youB:We’d like to make a trip for a weekend holiday, please.A:There are many travel paths. 1. _______________B:We’d like to choose Jinggang mountains.A:It ’s really worth visiting. 2. __________________B:We’re not sure. Which hotel do you think is comfortableA: The Holiday Hone is very good. What’s more important, 3. __________________________..B: We don ’t want to live in an expensive hotel. That’s what we’ll do.A:4. _____________________________B:OK. I ’ll ask my wife to fill in this form. By the way, Is it all right if we pay by credit cardA:5. _____________________. Enjoy your weekend.B:Thank you.(9)A:Hi, Bruce. Good news for you.B:1. ____________________________A:You won the first prize in the English competition.B:Wow! I ’m so glad to hear that.A:Our English teacher did. She said three of the students in our class won the prize.B:What about youA:3. _________________, too. I think I was lucky this time.B:So great! Congratulations!B:Good idea. ButA:To the park, OKB:All right. But I have to go home and tell my mother first. See you later.A: 5. ___________________________.(10)A:Hi, Tom. You were not here yesterday afternoon. What waswrong B. 1. _____________________________.A:Sorry to hear that. 2. _____________________B. Much better. The fever is gone. But I still cough and I feel weak.A:3. _____________________________B: Yes, I have. I went to the doctor’s yesterday afternoon. The doctor gave me some medicine and asked me to stay in bed for a few days.A: 4. ____________________________B: Because I ’m afraid I’ll miss more lessons and I’ll be left behind.A:Don ’t worry. Take care of yourself. 5. _______________________________.B:Thank you.(11)A: Hello, Mary. 1. __________________________B. Fine, thank you, Lucy.A: Mary, 2. ____________________________.B. It’s so kind of you to say that.A:Where did you buy the skirtB:3. ____________________________A:In Hangzhou Well, Hangzhou is a very beautiful city. 4. ________________________B:Last month.A:EnglandB:Yes, on business.(12)(Rob=R Mom=M)R: Hi, Mom. I’m home!M: It’s almost 5:00.R: Sorry. I was at Sam’s hous e.M:R: Listening to music. Sam has a lot of great CDs. You should hear some of them.M:Maybe I ’ll do that sometime later.R:3. ______________________M:Now I ’m busy cooking.R:It doesn ’t matter. Sam let me borrow some of them. SeeM:Sam let you borrow some of them 4. ___________________________.R:I only borrowed 15 CDs. Sam has more than 200.M:That ’s a lot of CDs. 5. ______________________.R: He does. He spends his mom’s money, too.(13)(Paul=P Jack=J)P:Hi, Jack!J:Hi!P:1. _____________________J:No, I missed it. By the time I got there, It had already finished.P:2. ______________________! It was a great football match.J:3. _______________________P: Wow. It was a big score. We beat them 5—3.J: Really That’s amazing! 4. ___________________P: Yeah. And I’ve never seen such an exciting match before! After 60 minutes, the American team was winning 3— 2. J: Then what happenedP:5. _______________________.J:Great.(14)(Zhu Lei=Z Mei Ya=M)Z:This is Zhu Lei here. Have you watched the performance by Tai Lihua at CCTV Spring Festival Gala for 2005M:2. _______________________Z: I haven’t either. But it’s said this is a very beautiful d ance.M: 3. ___________________ Was it given by Tai Lihua onlyZ: No, it was given by Tai Lihua and other 19 girls. And many people in the country were moved by it.M:Why were so many people moved Was there something special about itZ:Yes. These 20 girls are all deaf and mute ones.M:Oh, I understand. I hope I can have a chance to watch it.Z: Don ’t worry. Here comes the chance. Look, I’ve got two tickets for their performance in Wuhan Theatre tonight.4.____________________M:Sure. How shall we get thereM:OK, I ’ll wait for you at home at two. See you later.Z:See you.(15)A:What a fine day today! 1. ___________________B:That sounds like a good idea. 2. _________________B:That will be OK. I ’ll ride my new bike my father bought me for my birthday last month.A:4____________________A:Good! I ’m sure they will be happy to.B:Have you got any idea what we are doing thereA:5. ____________________.B:That will be fun.(16)A:Hi, Ben! What are you doing these daysB:.A:Oh, what ’s wrong with herB:2. ______________________. She had to see a doctor.The doctor said there was something wrong.A:I ’m sorry to hear that. 3. _____________________B:A little better.A:4. _____________________B:No, thanks. I can do it all by myself. See you.A:5. _____________________.(17)W: No, I haven’t, but it’s the kind of job I’ve always wanted to do.M: Really 2. ______________________W: Because I think it would give me a chance to develop the abilities I have learned in my job.M:3. _______________________W:I worked in a bookshop.M:4. ________________________W:Well, it was an interesting job, but I had a few arguments with my boss.M:5. ________________________W: He said he told me to type a letter for him and I didn’t. I told him he didn’t. He then got angry with me and said I was lying. But he just forgot it.M:Oh, I see. I will talk with the manager about it and inform you later.(18)A:Excuse me, sir Where is the nearest hotelB:1. ___________________. You may ask that policeman over there.A:Thank you all the same.(The man goes to the policeman.)A:Excuse me,C:No, there isn ’t a hotel near here, but there is one near the Bank of China.A:3. ____________________C:It ’s about two kilometers away.A:4. _____________________A:5. _____________________.C:You ’re welcome.(19)A:Laura, how are you todayB:Not very well. I’ve had a bad day.A:B:I got up late this morning. 2. ____________________.So I had to wait for another bus.A:Oh, bad luck! 3. _______________________B:Yes. I was 30 minutes late. And what was worse, when I got to school, I found no one in the classroom!A:Where did they goB:4. ________________________. Our teacher told us about it, I forgot.A:5. ______________________________B:Yes, but when I found them, they were going back to school!(20)A:Excuse me.B:Sorry, I ’m new here. You can ask my friend. He may know.A: 2. ___________________________C: It’ s about 5 kilometers away.A: 3. ___________________________C: Yes, the No. 15 bus will take you there.A: Where is the bus stop’t miss C: 4. _________________________ and take the first turning on the right. You can see it on your left. You can it.A: 5. ___________________________.C: You are welcome.参考答案(1)1.Have you taken your temperature2.How long have you been like this3.You ’ve got a cold.4.Is it serious5.How often do I have to take it(2)are you talking about2. No, I didn’t.a pity!4Can we watch it on TV5Work must come first.(3)1Have you finished your homework2I ’ll help you.3Here you are.4By the way5Where is she(4)1She may have one.2Here you are.3Would you like to come4What time will it begin5I must finish my homework first.(5)1I ’ really sorry.2Are you ill3Why not take some flowers with you 4That ’s wonderful.5I can borrow a car and take you there.(6)1 Thank you for meeting me.2Here is my card.3It was OK.4Where is the hotel5What time does it begin(7)1What’s up \Why2Between which teams3Great!4What time does it start5I ’d like to watch the game very much.(8)1Which path would you like to choose2Which hotel do you want to live in3It ’s not expensive.4Will you please fill in this form5 Sure\certainly \ Yes, i t ’s quite all right.(9)1What is it2Who told you about it3I was the winner.4Where shall we go5See you later.(10)1I was ill.2How are you now \Are you better now3Have you seen the doctor4Why don’t you stay at home today5I can help you with your lessons(11)1How are you \ How’s everything going2You look so nice in the new skirt3I bought it in Hangzhou4When did you go there5He has gone to England(12)1Where have you been2What were you doing3How about now4It seems you borrowed all of them5Sam must spend all of his money on music(13)1Did you watch the football match last night2What a pity3What was the score \result4Was it an exciting game5Soon our team kicked another two goals.\ And in the last minute our team got one more.\But afterAnd the American team got no more⋯⋯(14)1This is Mei Ya speaking2Not yet, and you3Really4Would you like to go with me5How about walking\riding a bike(15)1How about going on a trip2Where to go\where do you plan to go3We can go there by bike4Who else would you like to go with\Why not ask someone else to join us5We can just lie on the grass having a good rest\we can have a picnic there\we can do anything we like ⋯⋯(16)1I have to look after my mother\my mother is ill in hospital2cough⋯3How is she feeling now4Can I do anything to help5See you(17)1Have you done this kind of work before2Why are interested in it3What was your last job4Why did you leave5What was the arguments about(18)1 I ’m sorry I don’t know2Is there a hotel near here3How far is it4How can I get there5Thank you(19)1What’s up what’s wrong with you2I missed the early bus3You must be late, weren’t you\were you late for school4They went to the playground to see a basketball match⋯.5Did you find them at last\did you go to look for them(20)1Which is the way to the Children’s Hospital2How far is it3Can I take a bus4Go along this road5Thank you。



中考补全对话归纳总结功能相同的句型:打电话:This is --speaking。

May I speak to Mr. Li?I'd like to speak to Mr. Li, please.对,我就是。

Speaking.或者This is Mr. Li speaking. (对,我是。

) 您是哪位? Who's calling, please?或者Who's speaking, please?或者Who is that, please?This is Tom speaking.我是Tom。

Is Sue James in?休·詹姆斯在吗?I'm sorry, he's not in right now. (对不起,他出去了。

)He's not in. 或者He's out now.感谢类:Thanks!Thank you!Thanks a lot!Thank you very much!Thank you very,very much!答谢类:That’s all right . 没关系.That’s OK. 没关系.Not at all. 不用谢.You are welcome.不必谢.It’s a pleasure.道歉类:Sorry.I am sorry…I am sorry for…应答类:That’s all right.It doesn’t matter.That’s nothing.建议类:You had better …What about doing… ?How about doing… ?Why not do… ?Let’s do sth … OK ?Would you like some … ?同意类:OK.Sure.Certainly.All right.Yes, please.Yes, I think so.I agree with you.不同意类:I am afraid not.Sorry, I don’t think so.I really can’t agree with you. 祝愿祝贺类Good Luck to you!Best wishes!Have a good (nice) time!Congratulations to you!Happy Teachers’ Day!Happy birthday to you!Happy New Year!Merry Christmas!3. 熟记“问” 字句型问天气:What’s the weather like today?How is the weather today?问时间:What’s the time?What time is it?问职业:What’s your father?What’s your father’s job?问价格:What’s the price of the book?How much is the book?How much does the book cost?How much should I pay for the book?问年龄:How old are you?What’s your age?问地址:What do you live?What’s your address?问姓名:What’s your name?Could I have your name, please?Can you tell me your name?问词意:What do you mean by saying the word?What’s the meaning of the word?问爱好:Which do you like best?Which do you prefer?What’s your hobby?What’s your favorite?问感受:What do you think of the film?How do you like the film?问数量:How many people are there in your family?How much water do you drink every day? 问人口:What’s the population of China?How many people are there in China?问路线:Which is the way to the station?Do you know the way to the station?Can/Could you tell me the way to the station?How can I get to the station?问尺寸:What size is your sweater?What size do you want?问距离:How far is your school from here?How far is it(from here)?问日期:Wh at’s the date today?问星期:What day is it today?问高度:How tall are you?What’s your height?How high is the mountain?问宽度:How wide is the river?问长度:How long is the bridge?问体重:What’s your weight?How much do you weigh?问电话: Can I know your telephone number?What’s your telephone number?对方夸奖:Thank you!有人生病:I’m sorry to hear that.对方错过精彩比赛:What a pity!对方去考试:Good luck to you !/ Best wishes to you!对方去旅游:Have a good/nice trip!为对方捎口信:Can I take a message for you?购物:1.Can I help you ? -Yes ,please.What can I do for you? I’d like….2.What color do you want ?\What size do you want ?\How many do you want ?3.How much is it ?4. Can I try it/them on ?\ May I try it/them on ? -Of course.\ Sure , you can.5.I’ll take/buy/have it.6.What kind of noodles would you like ? –I’d like beef noodles.7. Here’s the money.8. Here’s your change!7.Thank you . –You ‘re welcome.1.Excuse me? – Yes?2.Can you tell me how to get to …?\Could you please tell me how to…3.Where is …4.How far is it ?5.How long does it take?6.How can I get to …7.Go straight \Go down . Turn right\left8.Can I ride a bike there ?天气:1.What’s the weather like ?\How’s the weather ?2.It’s sunny\rainy\cloudy\windy\snowy…3.Which season do you like best?4.I like Spring \Summer\Autumn\Winter.假期,周末活动:1.How was your weekend?2.What did you do on weekends?3.What are you going to do on weekend ?\What are you going to do for vacation?\where would you go on vacation?4.I am going to ..5.When will you leave ?\When are you going?6.How will you get there?7.How long are you staying?8.When and where shall we meet?9.That’ s a good idea . \That sounds good .10.W hat about you ?\How about you?\What about doing…学习:1.How do you study for a test ?\How do you learn English ?2.I study by listening to the tapes .3.What’s your favorite subject ?- My favorite subject is …4.Who is your English teacher ? - She is ...What’s the date today?When is …?看医生:What’s the matter ?\What ‘s wrong ?\What’s the trouble ?I have a cold \I have a headache.When did it start ?How long have you been like this ?Have you taken your temperature?Don’t worry ,nothing serious! I hope you will be better soon.How often should I take this medicine?六、试题案例(一)看病A:Good morning.B:Good morning. What’s wrong with you?A:I don’t feel very well and I’ve a headache.B:How long have you been like this?A:Ever since this morning.B:Maybe you’ve caught a co ld. Have you taken your temperature?A:No, I haven’t.B:Can I take your temperature?A:OK.B:Oh, you’ve got a fever.A:Is it serious?B:Nothing serious.A:What should I do then?B:You can take some medicine and drink much water.A:How often should I take this medicine?B:You can take this medicine three times a day and you’ll be all right soon. A:Thank you, doctor. I’ll do as you say. Bye!B:Bye!J-Jim M-Mrs ReadJ:Hello. Could I speak to Ann, please?M:Certainly. Hold on, please. Oh, I’m afraid. She isn’t here right now. J:Can I leave a message for her?M:Yes, please. But who is that?J:This is Jim speaking.M:Hello, Jim. Can I take a message for you?J:Yes. Could you ask her to call me?M:Sure! What’s your telephone number?J:My telephone number is 1234567.M:I’ll give the message to her as soon as she comes back.J:Thank you. Good-bye!M:Bye!(三)购物A:Good morning. Can I help you?B:Yes, please. I want to buy a pair of shoes. Can you show me one? A:What size do you need?B:Size 38.A:How about those ones?B:I don’t like this color. Have you got any other colors?A:Yes. How about this one?B:It looks nice. Can I try them on?A:Sure.B:Oh, it’s just right. Where is it made?A:It’s made in Japan. It’s very comfortable.B:How much are they?A:100 yuan.B:It’s too expensive. I can’t afford it. Have you got a cheaper one? A:Well. I’m afraid it’s the cheapest one.B:OK. I’ll take it. Here is the money.B:Bye!(四)问路A:Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office, please?B:Sorry,I don’t know. You’d better ask the policeman over there. He may know. A:Thank you all the same.B:Excuse me. Which is the way to the post office, please?C:Go down this street and take the first turning on the right. Go across the bridge and you’ll find the post office on the left. It’s between the city library and the hospit al. You can’t miss it.A:How far is it from here?C:It’s about 30 minutes’ walk. You’d better catch a bus.A:Which bus do I need?C:I think you need a number 16 bus. The bus will take you there.A:Thank you very much.C:You’re welcome.(五)约定A:What are you going to do next Sunday?B:Nothing much(Nothing special).A:Shall we go to the park and play football?B:Good idea.A:How can we get there?B:By bike.A:Where shall we meet?B:How about meeting at the gate of our school?A:When shall we meet?B:At 8:30.A:Why not meet a little earlier? Let’s make it half past seven.B:OK.A:See you then.B:See you.A:Good morning. Xiao Xue!B:Good morning. Lin Lin!A:I don’t see Zhou Tao today. Do you know where he is?B:Yes. He is in hospital.A:What’s wrong with him?B:Yesterday evening he felt terrible. He had a pain in his teeth and his father took him to the hospital.A:What happened to him then?B:One of his teeth is broken. The doctor took it out.A:I’m sorry to hear that. He always eats a lot of sweets.B:Ye s. But he won’t eat them any more.A:How is Zhou Tao feeling now?B:I don’t know. Let’s visit him after school. OK?A:OK!(7)聊天A:Hello! Nice to meet youB:Nice to meet you, tooA:What bad weather, isn’t it?B:Yes, but I think the sun will come out later onA:May I ask you some questions?B:Certainly.A:Where are you from?B:I’m from…A:You’re from Australia, aren’t you?B:Yes. How did you guess?A:The way you speak. When were you born?B:I was born on August 8 ,1988A:Where were you born?B:I was born in a small village near London.A:Why did you come to China?A:How do you like China?B:I like it very much.A:What do you like about China?B:The people and the food.A:How is your Chinese?B:My Chinese is just so-so. I’m trying my best to study my Chinese well. A:That’s great. Good luck with your Chinese.(八)就餐Waiter:Good morning ,madamA and B:Good morning.W:A table for two?A:Yes. Can we sit at the table by the window?W:OK. This way, please. Here is the menu.A:Thank you.W:May I take your order now?A:Yes, We’ll have chicken with potatoes、beef 、rice and vegetable soup. W:That’s what you ordered, please take your time. (After the meal)A:Excuse me, Could we have some tea, please?W:certainly. Would you like something else?A:No. that’s all. Could we have the bill?W:Of course. Sir.A:Here is the money.W:Thank you. Welcome you here again.(九)做客H-Han Mei T-Twins L-LilyH:Would you like a drink?T:Yes, please.H:I’ll get you some tea.T:Can we do anything to help?H:No, thanks. Here are some cookies. Help yourselves.L:Well. I think it’s time for us to leave now?H:Oh, do you have to?L:Yes, I’m afraid so.It’s getting late and we have to get up early in the morning. H:Don’t leave anything behin d.L:Thanks. I think we have everything. Thank you for having us. We enjoyed ourselves very much.H:I’m happy you did. Bye!(十) 交通事故A:Excuse me. What has happened?B:A car hit an electric pole.A:When did it happen?B:About ten minutes ago.A:Has anyone called the police?B:Yes, but the police haven’t come.A:Is anyone hurt?B:Yes, a man is hurt, but not badly.A:Has he gone to the hospital?B:No, he is waiting for the police to come. After the survey he will go to the hospital.七、试题精选(1)Doctor: Good mor ning . What’s your trouble?Woman: I don’t feel very well.D:1._______________________________?W: Yes, I have. My temperature is a little higher.D: Open your mouth and say “Ah”.W: AahhD: 2._______________________________?W: Ever since last night.D: Did your sleep well?W: No, I was very tired last night.D: Oh, I see. 3. ________________________.W: Can you tell me how I got a cold?D: Maybe you overworked yourself.W: I think so. I have too much work to do every day.Do I have to stay at home?D: Yes. You’d better stay at home for two or three days.W: 4. ________________________?D: No. I don’t think it is serious. But you really needa good rest and take this medicine.W: 5. ________________________?D: Three times a day.W: OK. Thank you.(2)A: 1._______________________________?B: They are talking about yesterday’s football match.A: Oh, I watched it on TV. Beijing Team had very good teamwork. Didn’t you watch it?B: 2. _______________________________. I did my homework and forgot the time. When I turned on the TV, it had finished already.A: 3. _______________________________! But Beijing Team will play again this evening.B: 4. _______________________________________?A: Sure. You’d better finish your homework earlier if you want to watch it.Remember, “5. _______________________________.”(3)B: That’s a good idea. (Looking at his watch.) Oh, I haven’t much time left. I’d better hurry to finish my homework.A: 1. _______________________________?B: Not yet. Exercise 3 is too difficult for me.A: Don’t worry. 2 _______________________.B: It’s very kind of you. But I think I can do it myself. Can you lend me yourEnglish-Chinese dictionary?A: With pleasure. 3. ______________________.B: Thanks. 4. ________________, is Miss Gao at the teachers’ office?A: Oh, no. She’s out at the moment.B: 5._______________________? Do you know? I have some questions to ask her. A: I think she is at the library. She told me she wanted to borrow some books.B: I have to wait for her.(4)Dick: Excuse me, Lucy. Have you g bot a dictionary?Lucy: Sorry, I haven’t. You may ask Meimei. 1.___________________________. Dick: Excuse me, Meimei. Have you got a dictionary?Meimei: Yes. 2. _____________________________.Dick: Thank you. I’ll give it back soon. By the way, tomorrow is my birthday.3.________________?Meimei: Yes, I’d love to. 4._____________________?Dick: About seven o’ clock..Meimei: I’ll try to be t here on time, but 5.____________________________. Dick: It doesn’t matter. Work must come first.(5)(Sue=S Ken=K)S: Hello, Ken! Could you give me a lift?K: 1.____________________________, I don’t have a car right nowS: Oh, that’s too bad! I want to go to the Central Hospital.K: Why? 2______________________________?S: No, I’m all right. My English teacher is there. She is ill now and is to leave the hospital today.K: I see. 3. ____________________________?S: I’ve already got some flowers from my mother’s garden.K: Well, well. 4. ___________________________.S: But, what a pity! I can’t see Linda now. No car and no driver.K: Wrong. You have a good driver here. 5. ___________________________.S: Really? That’s great. It’s very kind of you, Ken.K: It’s my pleasure.(6)(Zhang=Z Mr.Smith=M)Z: Hello, are you Mr. Smith from the United States?M: Yes, Robert Smith. Please call me Robert. . 1. __________________________. Z: My pleasure. Welcome to China. My name is Zhang Lin. You can call me Lin.This is my card.M: Thank you. And 2. _________________________.Z: Oh, good, thanks. How was the journey?M: 3 . ______________________, although a little tiring.Z: Then let’s get your things and go to the hotel now.M: Oh, thank you. 4. ___________________________?Z: It’s about thirty minutes’ drive. By the way, we are going to have a dinner party for you this evening.M: It’s very kind of you. 5. _____________________?Z: Six thirty. I’ll pick you up at six o’clock.M: OK. See you then.Z: Bye.(7)(Robert=R Jack=J)J: Hello, Robert. Are you free on Saturday morning?R: Yes. 1.___________________________?J: There is a basketball match at the Sports Center. Do you want to watch it?R: Sure. 2. _________________________?J: Our school Vs No. 1 Middle School.R: 3. __________________________! Let’s go to cheer for our team.J: Yeah. No.1 Middle School Team is not easy to beat.R: So the match will be exciting. 4. _______________?J: 8:30. Do you think you can get up on time?R: Of course. 5. __________________________.J: OK. There will be three school buses waiting for us in front of the library. Let’s meet there at 8:30.R: All right. See you then.(8)A: Morning! What can I do for you?B: We’d li ke to make a trip for a weekend holiday, please.A: There are many travel paths. 1. _______________?B: We’d like to choose Jinggang mountains.A: It’s really worth visiting. 2. __________________?B: We’re not sure. Which hotel do you think is comfortab le?A: The Holiday Hone is very good. What’s more important, 3.__________________________..B: We don’t want to live in an expensive hotel. That’s what we’ll do.A: 4. _____________________________?B: OK. I’ll ask my wife to fill in this form. By the way, Is it all right if we pay by credit card?A: 5. _____________________. Enjoy your weekend.B: Thank you.(9)A: Hi, Bruce. Good news for you.B: 1. ____________________________?A: You won the first prize in the English competition.B: Wow! I’m so glad to hear that. 2._______________?A: Our English teacher did. She said three of the students in our class won the prize.B: What about you?A: 3. _________________, too. I think I was lucky this time.B: So great! Congratulations!A: It’s a great day for us today. Let’s go out and relax ourselves, shall we?B: Good idea. But 4._________________________?A: To the park, OK?B: All right. But I have to go home and tell my mother first. See you later.A: 5. ___________________________.(10)A: Hi, Tom. You were not here yesterday afternoon. What was wrong?B. 1. _____________________________.A: Sorry to hear that. 2. _____________________?B. Much better. The fever is gone. But I still cough and I feel weak.A: 3. _____________________________?B: Yes, I have. I went to the doctor’s yesterday afternoon. The doctor gave me some medicine and asked me to stay in bed for a few days.A: 4. ____________________________?B: Because I’m afraid I’ll miss more lessons and I’ll be left behind.A: Don’t worry. Take care of yourself. 5. _______________________________.B: Thank you.(11)A: Hello, Mary. 1. __________________________?B. Fine, thank you, Lucy.A: Mary, 2. ____________________________.B. It’s so kind of y ou to say that.A: Where did you buy the skirt?B: 3. ____________________________?A: In Hangzhou? Well, Hangzhou is a very beautiful city. 4.________________________?B: Last month.A: Did you go there with your father?B. No, 5. _________________________.A: England?B: Yes, on business.(12)(Rob=R Mom=M)R: Hi, Mom. I’m home!M: 1._________________? It’s almost 5:00.R: Sorry. I was at Sam’s house.M: 2.____________________?R: Listening to music. Sam has a lot of great CDs. Y ou should hear some of them. M: Maybe I’ll do that sometime later.R: 3. ______________________?M: Now? I’m busy cooking.R: It doesn’t matter. Sam let me borrow some of them. See?M: Sam let you borrow some of them? 4. ___________________________.R: I only borrowed 15 CDs. Sam has more than 200.M: That’s a lot of CDs. 5. ______________________.R: He does. He spends his mom’s money, too.(13)(Paul=P Jack=J)P: Hi, Jack!J: Hi!P: 1. _____________________?J: No, I missed it. By the time I got there, It had already finished.P: 2. ______________________! It was a great football match.J: 3. _______________________?P: Wow. It was a big score. We beat them 5—3.J: Really? That’s amazing! 4. ___________________?P: Yeah. And I’ve never seen suc h an exciting match before! After 60 minutes, the American team was winning 3—2.J: Then what happened?P: 5. _______________________.J: Great.(14)(Zhu Lei=Z Mei Ya=M)Z: Hello. Is Mei Ya in, please?M: 1. _____________________. Who is that?Z: This is Zhu Lei here. Have you watched the performance by Tai Lihua at CCTV Spring Festival Gala for 2005?M: 2. _______________________?Z: I haven’t either. But it’s said this is a very beautiful dance.M: 3. ___________________? Was it given by Tai Lihua only?Z: No, it was given by Tai Lihua and other 19 girls. And many people in the country were moved by it.M: Why were so many people moved? Was there something special about it?Z: Yes. These 20 girls are all deaf and mute ones.M: Oh, I understand. I hope I can have a chance to watch it.Z: Don’t worry. Here comes the chance. Look, I’ve got two tickets for their performance in Wuhan Theatre tonight. 4. ____________________?M: Sure. How shall we get there?Z: 5. ___________________.?It is not far from here.M: OK, I’ll wait for you at home at two. See you later.Z: See you.(15)A: What a fine day today! 1. ___________________?B: That sounds like a good idea. 2. _________________?A: Let’s go to the little Hill.B: Shall we take the bus there?A: 3. ____________________. It’s not very far.B: That will be OK. I’ll ride my new bike my father bought me for my birthday last month.A:4____________________?B: Let’s ask Mary and Jack to go with us. They planned to go l ast Sunday but it rained.A: Good! I’m sure they will be happy to.B: Have you got any idea what we are doing there?A: 5. ____________________.B: That will be fun.(16)A: Hi, Ben! What are you doing these days?B: 1.____________________.A: Oh, what’s wrong with her?B: 2. ______________________. She had to see a doctor.The doctor said there was something wrong.A: I’m sorry to hear that. 3. _____________________?B: A little better.A: 4. _____________________?B: No, thanks. I can do it all by myself. See you.A: 5. _____________________.(17)Man: Come in and sit down, please.Woman: Thank you. Here’s my personal information card.M: Nice to meet you, Mrs Morgan. 1. _______________?W: No, I haven’t, but it’s the kind of job I’ve alw ays wanted to do.M: Really? 2. ______________________?W: Because I think it would give me a chance to develop the abilities I have learned in my job.M: 3. _______________________?W: I worked in a bookshop.M: 4. ________________________?W: Well, it was an interesting job, but I had a few arguments with my boss.M: 5. ________________________?W: He said he told me to type a letter for him and I didn’t. I told him he didn’t. He then got angry with me and said I was lying. But he just forgot it.M: Oh, I see. I will talk with the manager about it and inform you later.(18)A: Excuse me, sir? Where is the nearest hotel?B: 1. ___________________. You may ask that policeman over there.A: Thank you all the same.(The man goes to the policeman.)A: Excuse me, 2._____________________?C: No, there isn’t a hotel near here, but there is one near the Bank of China.A: 3. ____________________?C: It’s about two kilometers away.A: 4. _____________________?C: You’d better take a taxi, because it’s so late and there aren’t any bused now. A: 5. _____________________.C: You’re welcome.(19)A: Laura, how are you today?B: Not very well. I’ve had a bad day.A: 1._______________________?B: I got up late this morning. 2. ____________________.So I had to wait for another bus.A: Oh, bad luck! 3. _______________________?B: Yes. I was 30 minutes late. And what was worse, when I got to school, I found no one in the classroom!A: Where did they go?B: 4. ________________________. Our teacher told us about it, I forgot.A: 5. ______________________________?B: Yes, but when I found them, they were going back to school!(20)A: Excuse me. 1._________________________?B: Sorry, I’m new here. You can ask my friend. He may know.C: The Children’s Hospital? Er… It’s a little far from here.A: 2. ___________________________?C: It’s about 5 kilometers away.A: 3. ___________________________?C: Yes, the No. 15 bus will take you there.A: Where is the bus stop?C: 4. _________________________ and take the first turning on the right. You can see it on your left. You can’t miss it.A: 5. ___________________________.C: You are welcome.参考答案(1)1. Have you taken your temperature?2. How long have you been like this?3. You’ve got a cold.4. Is it serious?5. How often do I have to take it?(2)1.What are you talking about?2. No, I didn’t.3.what a pity!4Can we watch it on TV?5Work must come first.(3)1Have you finished your homework?2I’ll help you.3Here you are.4By the way5Where is she?(4)1She may have one.2Here you are.3Would you like to come?4What time will it begin?5I must finish my homework first.(5)1I’ really sorry.2Are you ill?3Why not take some flowers with you? 4That’s wonderful.5I can borrow a car and take you there.(6)1Thank you for meeting me.2Here is my card.3It was OK.4Where is the hotel?5What time does it begin?(7)1What’s up\Why?2Between which teams?3Great!4What time does it start?5I’d like to watch the game very much.(8)1Which path would you like to choose? 2Which hotel do you want to live in?3It’s not expensive.4Will you please fill in this form?5Sure\certainly \ Yes, it’s quite all right.(9)1What is it ?2Who told you about it?3I was the winner.4Where shall we go?5See you later.(10)1I was ill.2How are you now \Are you better now3Have you seen the doctor4Why don’t you stay at home today5I can help you with your lessons(11)1How are you \ How’s everything going2You look so nice in the new skirt3I bought it in Hangzhou4When did you go there5He has gone to England(12)1Where have you been2What were you doing3How about now4It seems you borrowed all of them5Sam must spend all of his money on music(13)1Did you watch the football match last night2What a pity3What was the score \result4Was it an exciting game5Soon our team kicked another two goals.\ And in the last minute our team got one more.\But after that our team still played very well.\And the American team got no more……(14)1This is Mei Ya speaking2Not yet, and you3Really4Would you like to go with me5How about walking\riding a bike1How about going on a trip2Where to go\where do you plan to go3We can go there by bike4Who else would you like to go with\Why not ask someone else to join us5We can just lie on the grass having a good rest\we can have a picnic there\we can do anything we like……(16)1I have to look after my mother\my mother is ill in hospital2She has got a bad cold\cough…3How is she feeling now4Can I do anything to help5See you(17)1Have you done this kind of work before2Why are interested in it3What was your last job4Why did you leave5What was the arguments about(18)1I’m sorry I don’t know2Is there a hotel near here3How far is it4How can I get there5Thank you(19)1What’s up\what happened\what’s wrong with you2I missed the early bus3You must be late, weren’t you\were you late for school4They went to the playground to see a basketball match….5Did you find them at last\did you go to look for them1Which is the way to the Children’s Hospital 2How far is it3Can I take a bus4Go along this road5Thank you。



归纳总结功能相同的句型:打电话:This is 谁谁speaking。


May I speak to Mr. Li? 我可以和李先生讲话吗?(Speaking. 对,我就是。

或者This is 谁谁speaking. (对,我是谁谁。

)Who's that (speaking) 你是谁??或者Who is this, please?This is Tom speaking.我是Tom。

Is Sue James in?休·詹姆斯在吗?I'm sorry, he's not in (right now.)He is not here now. (对不起,他出去了。

)Can I take a message for you? 我能给你带个口信吗?Hold on,please ! 请稍等一下(怎么了?What’s up ? /What’s the matter ?\What ‘s wrong ?)感谢类:Thanks!Thank you!Thank you very much!答谢类:You are welcome.不必谢.Not at all. 不用谢.道歉类:Sorry.I am sorry for what I said/did建议类:You had better do-----What about doing… ?How about doing… ?Why not do… ?同义句why don’t you do----?Let’s do … OK ?Would you like some … ?Shall we do… ?支持赞同上面建议答语:That’ s a good idea . \That sounds good .好主意,棒极了同意许可类:OK.Certainly.Of courseI agree with you.不同意类:I am afraid not.Sorry, I don’t think so.I really can’t agree with you.祝愿祝贺类Have a good (nice) time!Good Luck to you!Best wishes!Congratulations to you!3. 熟记“问” 字句型问天气:What’s the weather like today?How is the weather today?问时间:What’s the time?What time is it?问职业:What’s your father?What’s your father’s job?What does your father do?问价格:What’s the price of the book?How much is the book?问年龄:How old are you?What’s your age?问住址:where do you live?What’s your address?问姓名:What’s your name?Can you tell me your name?问爱好:What’s your hobby?Which do you prefer?同义句Which do you like better?Which do you like best?问看法感受:What do you think of the film?How do you like the film?问数量:How many-------?(可数东西)How much-------?(不可数东西)问人口:What’s the population of China?How many people are there in China?问路:Can you tell me the way to –地点?How can I get to地点-?Which is the way to the station?问尺寸:What size do you want?What size do you need?问日期:What’s the date today?问距离:How far is it?How far is your school from here?问星期:What day is it today?问高度:How tall are you?What’s your height?问宽度:How wide is the river?问长度:How long is the bridge?问体重:What’s your weight?How heavy is it?问电话:Can I know your telephone number?What’s your telephone number?购物:1.Can I help you ? -Yes ,please.2.What color do you want ?\What sizes do you want ?\How many do you want ?3.How much is it ?4. Can I try it on ?\ May I try it on ? -Of course.\ Sure , you can.5.I’ll take it.问路:1.Excuse me? – Yes?2.Can you tell me how to get to …?\Could you please tell me how to…3.Where is …4.How far is it ?5.How long does it take?6.How can I get to …7.Go straight \Go down . Turn right\left8.Can I ride a bike there ?天气:1.Which season do you like best?2.I like Spring \Summer\Autumn\Winter.(准备、计划要做的)假期,周末活动:(还没有发生,一般将来时)1.What are you going to do on weekend ?where are you going on vacation?2.I am going to ..3.When will you leave ?\When are you going?4.How will you get there?谈论一些发生在过去的事(例如过去的旅游经历、购物经历、看电影经历What did you do yesterday /there ?Where did you go last night ?Who did you go with ?How did you go there?How long did you stay there ?Where did you buy it/them ?Is it far from here ?---How far is it ?Where have you been ?----I have been to +地点。



中考补全对话归纳总结功能相同的句型:Yes, I think so.I agree with you. 不同意类:I am afraid not.打电话:Sorry, I don 't think so.我是某某人,请讲:This is ...speaking. I really can 't agree with you.请找。


May I speak to Mr. Li? 祝愿祝贺类Good Luck to you!I'd like to speak to Mr. Li, please. Best wishes!对,我就是。

Speaking.或者This is Mr. Have a good (nice) time!Li speaking. (对,我是。

)Congratulations to you!您是哪位? Who's calling, please?或者Who's Happy Teachers ' Day!speaking, please?Happy birthday to you!或者Who is that, please? Happy New Year!Is Sue James in?休•詹姆斯在吗?Merry Christmas!I'm sorry, he's not in right now. ( 对不起,他出去了。

) 3. 熟记“问”字句型He's not in. 或者He's out now. 问天气:What's the weather like today?How is the weather today?感谢类:Thanks!问时间:What's the time?Thank you!What time is it?Thanks a lot!问职业:What's your father?Thank you very much! What's your father 's job?Thank you very,very much! What does your father do?答谢类:That's all right . 没关系. 问价格:What's the price of the book?That 's OK. 没关系. How much is the book?Not at all. 不用谢. How much does the book cost?You are welcome.不必谢. How much should I pay for the book?It 's a pleasure. 问年龄:How old are you?道歉类:Sorry. What's your age?I am sorry …问地址:Where do you live?I am sorry for …What's your address?应答类:That'asll right. 问姓名:What's your name?It doesn 't matter. Could I have your name, please?That 's nothing. Do you mind my knowing your name? 建议类:1, You had better do sth …Do you mind if I know your name?2, Shall we do … ? Can you tell me your name?,What about doing … ? 问词意:What do you mean by saying the word?3, How about doing … ? What's the meaning of the word?Why not do sth …? What does the word mean?Let 's dsoth … OK/ Shall we? 问单位:Where do you work?Would you like some … ? What company are you working for?同意类:OK. 问爱好:Which do you like best?Sure./ Good idea Which do you prefer?Certainly. /That sounds good. What's your hobby?All right. What's your favorite?Yes, please. 问感受:What do you think of the film?How do you like the film?问数量:How many people are there in your family?How much water do you drink every day? 问人口:What's the population of China?How many people are there in China?How large is the population of China? 问路线:Which is the way to the station?Do you know the way to the station?Can you tell me the way to the station?How can I get to the station? 问尺寸:What size is your sweater?What size do you want?What size do you need?问距离:How far is your school from here?How far away is your school from here?问日期:What's the date today?问星期:What day is it today?问高度:How tall are you?What' s your height?How high is the mountain?问宽度:How wide is the river?问长度:How long is the bridge?问体重:What's your weight?How much do you weigh?问电话:Can I know your telephone number?What' s your telephone number? 购物:1. Can I help you ? -Yes ,please.2. What color do you want ?\What sizes do youwant ?\How many do you want ?3. How much is it ?4. Can I try it on ?\ May I try it on ? -Of course.\ Sure , you can.5.I'll take it.6. What kind of noodles would you like ? -' like beef noodles.7. Thnk you . -You ‘re welcome.问路:1. Excuse me? -Yes?2. Can you tell me how to get to …?\Could you please tell me how to …3. Where is …4. How far is it ?5. How long does it take?6. How can I get to …7. Go straight \Go down . Turn right\left8. Can I ride a bike there ?天气:1. What's the weather like ?\How's the weather ?2. It's sunny\rainy\cloudy\windy\snowy …3. Which season do you like best?4. I like Spring \Summer\Autumn\Winter.假期,周末活动:1. How was your weekend?2. what did you do on weekends?3. What are you going to do on weekend ?\Whatare you going to do for vacation? \where would you go on vacation ?4. I am going to ..5. When will you leave ?\When are you going?6. How will you get there?7. How long are you staying?8. When shall we meet?9. Where shall we meet?10. That's a good idea . \That sounds good .11. What abou t you ?\How about you?\What aboutdoing …学习:1.How do you study for a test ?\How do you learn English ?2.I study byl listening to the tapes .3. What'syour favorite subject ?- My favorite subjectis …4. Who is your English teacher ? - She is ...问日期:What's the date today?When is … ?看医生:What's the matter ?\What ‘s wrong ?\What's the trouble ?I have a cold \I have a headache.When did it start ?How long have you been like this ?六、试题案例(一)看病A: Good morning.B : Good morning. What' s wrong with you? B : Size 38.A : How about those ones?B : I don' tike this color. Have you got any other colors? :Yes. How about this one?A: I don ' t feel very well and I ' ve a headache. A B : How long have you been like this?A: Ever since this morning.B : Maybe you ' ve caught a bsb Have you taken your temperature?A : No, I haven ' t.B : Can I take your temperature?A : OK.B : Oh, you ' ve got a fever.A: Is it serious?B : Nothing serious.A : What should I do then?B : You can take some medicine and drink much water.A : How often should I take this medicine?B : You can take this medicine three times a day and you' ll be all right soon.A : Thank you, doctor. I ' II do ayou say. Bye!B : Bye!(二)打电话J-Jim M-Mrs ReadJ : Hello. Could I speak to Ann, please?M : Certainly. Hold on, please. Oh, I ' nafraid. She isn ' t here right now.J : Can I leave a message for her?M : Yes, please. But who is that?J : This is Jim speaking.M : Hello, Jim. Can I take a message for you?J : Yes. Could you ask her to call me?M : Sure! What' s your telephone number?J : My telephone number is 1234567.M : I ' ll give the message to her as soon as she comes back.J : Thank you. Good-bye!M : Bye!(三)购物A : Good morning. Can I help you?B : Yes, please. I want to buy a pair of shoes. Can you show me one?A : What size do you need? A : Sure.B : Oh, it ' s just righthere is it made?A : It ' s made in Japan. It 's very comfortable.B : How much are they?A : 100 yuan.B : It ' s too expensive. I can 'Hafoyout.got acheaper one?A : Well. I ' m afraid it 's the cheapest one.B : OK. I ' ll take itHere is the money.A : Thank you. Good-bye!B : Bye!(四)问路A : Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office, please?B : Sorry, I don' tknow. You' d better ask the policeman over there. He may know.A : Thank you all the same.B : Excuse me. Which is the way to the post office, please?C : Go down this street and take the first turning on the right. Go across the bridge and you' lfind the post office on the left. It ' s between the city library and thehospital. You can ' t miss it.A : How far is it from here?C : It ' s about 30 minutes ' walk. You ' d better catch a bus.A : Which bus do I need?C : I think you need a number 16 bus. The bus willtake you there.A : Thank you very much.C : You' re welcome.(五)约定A : What are you going to do next Sunday?B : Nothing much(Nothing special)A : Shall we go to the park and play football?B : Good idea.A : How can we get there?B : By bike.B : It looks nice. Can I try them on?A: Where shall we meet?B : How about meeting at the gate of our school?A: When shall we meet?B : At 8:30.A: Why not meet a little earlier? Let ' make it half past seven.B : OK.A: See you then.B : See you.(六)询问病情A : Good morning. Xiao Xue!B : Good morning. Lin Lin!A : I don ' t see Zhou Tao today. o you know where he is?B : Yes. He is in hospital.A : What' s wrong with him?B : Yesterday evening he felt terrible. He had a pain in his teeth and his father took him to the hospital.A : What happened to him then?B : One of his teeth is broken. The doctor took it out.A : I ' nsorry to hear that. He always eats a lot of sweets.B : Yes. But he won ' t eat them any more.A : How is Zhou Tao feeling now?B : I don ' t know. Let ' s visit him after school. OK?A : OK!(7)聊天A : Hello! Nice to meet youB : Nice to meet you, tooA : What bad weather, isn ' t it?B : Yes, but I think the sun will come out later onA : May I ask you some questions?B : Certainly.A : Where are you from?B : I ' m from …A : You' re from Australia, aren ' t you?B : Yes. How did you guess?A : The way you speak. When were you born?B : I was born on August 8 ,1988A : Where were you born?B : I was born in a small village near London.A : Why did you come to China?B : Because my parents wanted to work in China.A : How do you like China?B : I like it very much.A : What do you like about China ?B : The people and the food. A : How is your Chinese ?B : My Chinese is just so-so. I ' rtrying my best to study my Chinese well.A : That ' s greaGood luck with your Chinese.(八)就餐Waiter : Good morning ,madamA andB : Good morning.W : A table for two ?A : Yes. Can we sit at the table by the window ?W : OK. This way, please. Here is the menu.A : Thank you.W : May I take your order now ?A : Yes, We' ll have chicken with potatoes beef、rice and vegetable soup.W : That ' what you ordered, please take your time. (After the meal)A : Excuse me, Could we have some tea, please*W : certai nly. Would you like something else?A : No. that ' sCQuld we have the bill?W : Of course. Sir.A : Here is the money.W : Thank you. Welcome you here again.(九)做客H-Han Mei T-Twins L-LilyH : Would you like a something to drink?T : Yes, please.H : I ' ll get you some tea.T : Can we do anything to help?H : No, thanks. Here are some cookies. Help yourselves. T : Thank you.L : Well. I think it ' s time for us to leave now?H : Oh, do you have to?L : Yes, I ' m afraid sb.' s getting late and we have to get up early in the morning.H : Don' t leave anything behind.L : Thanks. I think we have everything. Thank you for having us. We enjoyed ourselves very much.H : I ' m happy you dicBye!(十)交通事故A : Excuse me. What has happened?B : A car hit an electric pole.A: When did it happen?B : About ten minutes ago.A: Has anyone called the police?B : Yes, but the police haven ' t come.A: Is anyone hurt?B : Yes, a man is hurt, but not badly.A: Has he gone to the hospital?B : No, he is waiting for the police to come. After the survey he will go to the hospital.七,试题精选(1)Doctor: Good morning . What ' s your trouble? Woman: I don ' t feel very well.D:1. _______________________________ ?W: Yes, I have. My temperature is a little higher.D: Open your mouth and say “ Ah”.W: AahhD: 2. ______________________________ ?W: Ever since last night.D: Did your sleep well?W: No, I was very tired last night.D: Oh, I see. 3. _________________________ .W: Can you tell me how I got a cold?D: Maybe you overworked yourself.W: I think so. I have too much work to do every day.Do I have to stay at home?D: Yes. You ' d better stay at home for two or three days. W: 4. _________________________ ?D: No. I don ' t think it is serious. But you really needa good rest and take this medicine.W: 5. _________________________ ?D: Three times a day.turned on the TV, it had finished already.A: 3._________________________________ ! But Beijing Team will play again this evening.B: 4. __________________________________ ?A: Sure. You ' d better finish your homewearlier if you want to watch it. Remember, 5.(3)B: That ' s a good idea. (Looking at his watch.) Oh, I haven' t much time left. I ' d better hurry to finishmy homework.A: 1._________________________________ ?B: Not yet. Exercise 3 is too difficult for me.A: Don ' t worry. 2 _______________________ .B: It ' s very kind of you. But I think I can do it myself.Can you lend me your English-Chinese dictionary?A: With pleasure. 3. ______________________ .B: Thanks. 4. _________________ , is Miss Gao atthe teachers ' office?A: Oh, no. She ' s out at the moment.B: 5.________________________ ? Do you know? I have some questions to ask her.A: I think she is at the library. She told me she wanted to borrow some books.B: I have to wait for her.⑷Dick: Excuse me, Lucy. Have you g bot a dictionary? Lucy: Sorry, I haven ' t. You may ask Meimei.1. __________________________ .Dick: Excuse me, Meimei. Have you got a dictionary? Meimei: Yes. 2.W: OK. Thank you.⑵A: 1. ? Dick: Thank you. I ' ll give it back soon. By the way, tomorrow is my birthday.3.B: They are talking about yesterdayA: Oh, I watched it on TV . Beijing Team had very good teamwork. Didn ' t you watch it?B: 2. ________________________________ . I did my homework and forgot the time. When I_______________ ?Meimei: Yes, I ' d love to. ____ ?Dick: About seven o ' clock.. Meimei: I ' ll try to be there on time, but5.s football match.Dick: It doesn ' t matter. Work must come first.(5) ______ (Sue=S Ken=K)S: Hello, Ken! Could you give me a lift? K: 1. , I don_________________________________ ' thave a car right nowS: Oh, that ' s too bad! I want to go to the Central Hospital. K: Why? 2 _________________________________ ? S: No, I 'm all right. My English teacher is there. She is illnow and is to leave the hospital today. K: I see. 3. _____________________________ ? S: I 've already got some flowers from my mother garden. K: Well, well. 4. ____________________________ . S: But, what a pity! I canno driver.K: Wrong. You have a good driver here. 5.S: Really? That ' s great. It K: It 's my pleasure.(6) (Zhang=Z Mr.Smith=M) Z: Hello, areyou Mr. Smith from the United States?M: Yes, Robert Smith. Please call me Robert. . 1.Z: My pleasure. Welcome to China. My name isZhang Lin. You can call me Lin. This is my card. M: Thank you. And 2. __________________________ . Z: Oh, good, thanks. How was the journey? M: 3 . , although a littletiring.Z: Then let ' s get your things and go to the hotel now. M: Oh, thank you. 4.__________________________ ? Z: Bye.(7) _________ (Robert=RJack=J) J: Hello, Robert. Are you free on Saturdaymorning? R: Yes. 1. ___________________ ? J: There is a basketball match at the Sports Center. Do youwant to watch it?R: Sure. 2. ________________________ ? J: Our school Vs No. 1 Middle School. R: 3. _________________________ ! Let' s go tocheer for our team.J:'Yesah. No.1 Middle School Team is not easy to beat. R: So the match will be exciting. 4. ?(8)A: Morning! What can I do for you?B: We ' d like to make a trip for a weekend holiday, please. A: There are many travel paths. 1. ? B: We ' d like to choose Jinggang mountains. A: It ' s really worth visiting.2. ?B: We ' re not sure. Which hotel do you think iscomfortable?A: The Holiday Hone is very good. Wh at ' s moreimportant, 3. ______________________ ..B: We don ' t want to live in an expensive hotel. That whatwe 'll do.s very kind of you, KenR.: All right. See you then.t see Linda now. No car aJn: d8:30. Do you think you can get up on time?R: Of course. 5. __________________________ .J: OK. There will be three school buses waiting for usin front of the library. Let ' s meet there at 8:30.Z: It 's about thirty minutes ' drive. By the way, weAa:r4e. __________________________ ?going to have a dinner party for you this evening. B: OK. I ' ll ask my wife to fill in this form. By the wayM: It 's very kind of you.5.Is it all right if we pay by credit card?____________________ ? A: 5. ____________________ . Enjoy your weekend.Z: Six thirty. I'll pick you up at six o' clockB. : Thank you.M: OK. See you then. (9)A: Hi, Bruce. Good news for you.B: 1. ____________________________ ?A: You won the first prize in the English competition. B: Wow! I ' m so glad to hear that.2. ______________ ?A: Our English teacher did. She said three of the students in our class won the prize.B: What about you?A: 3. ________________ , too. I think I was luckythis time.B: So great! Congratulations!A: It ' s a great day for us today. Letourselves, shall we?B: Good idea. But 4. ________________________ ?A: To the park, OK?B: All right. But I have to go home and tell my mother first.See you later.A: 5. ____________________________ .(10)A: Hi, Tom. You were not here yesterday afternoon.What was wrong?B. 1. ____________________________ .A: Sorry to hear that. 2.____________________ ?B. Much better. The fever is gone. But I still cough and I feelweak.A: Where did you buy the skirt? B: 3. ____________________________ ?A: In Hangzhou? Well, Hangzhou is a very beautiful city. 4. ________________________ ?B: Last month.A: Did you go there with your father?B. No, 5. ________________________ .A: England?B: Yes, on business.(12)(Rob=R Mom=M)M: 1. ________________ ? It ' s almost 5:00.R: Sorry. I was at Sam ' s house.M: 2. ___________________ ?R: Listening to music. Sam has a lot of great CDs.You should hear some of them.M: Maybe I ' ll do that sometime later.R: 3. _____________________ ?M: Now? I ' m busy cooking.R: It doesn ' t matter. Sam let me borrow some of them.See?M: Sam let you borrow some of them? 4.R: I only borrowed 15 CDs. Sam has more than 200. M: That ' s a lot of CDs.5.A: 3. _____________________________ ? _____________________ .B: Yes, I have. I went to the doctor ' s yesterdayR: He does. He spends his mom ' s money, too.afternoon. The doctor gave me some medicine (13)and asked me to stay in bed for a few days. (Paul=P Jack=J)A: 4. _____________________________ ? P: Hi, Jack!B: Because I ' m afraid I ' ll miss more lessons and I J: Hi! ' llbe left behind.A: Do n' t worry. Take care of yourself. 5.B: Thank you.(11)A: Hello, Mary. 1. __________________________ ?B. Fine, thank you, Lucy.A: Mary, 2. ____________________________ .B. It ' s so kind of you to say that. P: 1. _____________________ ?J: No, I missed it. By the time I got there, It hadalready finished.P: 2. _____________________ ! It was a greatfootball match.J: 3. ______________________ ?P: Wow. It was a big score. We beat them 5—3.J: Really? That ' s amazing! 4. ______________________ ?s go out andHie lMom. I ' m home!P: Yeah. And I ' ve never seen such an exciting match bought me for my birthday last month.before! After 60 minutes, the American team was A:4 ________________________ ?winning 3 —2.J: Then what happened?P: 5. _____________________ .J: Great.(14)(Zhu Lei=Z Mei Ya=M)Z: Hello. Is Mei Ya in, please?M: 1. ____________________ . Who is that?Z: This is Zhu Lei here. Have you watched the performance by Tai Lihua at CCTV Spring Festival Gala for 2005? M: 2. ______________________ ?Z: I haven ' t either. But it dance.M: 3. __________________ ? Wasit given by TaiLihua only?Z: No, it was given by Tai Lihua and other 19 girls.And many people in the country were moved by it.M: Why were so many people moved? Was theresomething special about it?Z: Yes. These 20 girls are all deaf and mute ones.M: Oh, I understand. I hope I can have a chance to watch it.Z: Don ' t worry. Here comes the chance. Look, I got two tickets for their performance in Wuhan Theatretonight. 4. _________________________ ?M: Sure. How shall we get there?Z: 5. ___________________ .?It is not far from here.M: OK , I ' ll wait for you at home at two. See you later. Z: See you.(15)A: What a fine day today! 1. _________________ ?B: That sounds like a good idea. 2. ?A: Let ' s go to the little Hill.B: Shall we take the bus there?A: 3. ___ _______________ . It 's not very far.B: That will be OK. I 'll ride my new bike my father B: Let 's ask Mary and Jack to go with us. They planned to go last Sunday but it rained.A: Good! I 'm sure they will be happy to.B: Have you got any idea what we are doing there? A: 5. __________________ .B: That will be fun.(16)A: Hi, Ben! What are you doing these days?B: 1. __________________ .A: Oh, what 's wrong whither?B: 2. _____________________ . She had to see a doctor.s said this is a very beTahuetifduol ctor said there was somethingwrong.A: I ' m sorry to hear that. 3. ? B: A little better.A: 4. ____________________ ?B: No, thanks. I can do it all by myself. See you. A: 5. .(17) Man: Come in and sit down,please. Woman: Thank you. Here 's my personal information card.M': v N e ice to meet you, Mrs Morgan. 1. ?W: No, I haven 't, but it 's the kind of job I 've alwayswanted to do.M: Really? 2. _____________________ ?W: Because I think it would give me a chance to develop the abilities Ihave learned in my job.M: 3. ______________________ ?W: I worked in a bookshop. M: 4. _ ?W: Well, it was an interesting job, but I had a few arguments with myboss.M: 5. _______________________ ?W: He said he told me to type a letter for him and I didn 't. I told him hedidn 't. He then got angrywith me and said I was lying. But he just forgothere.M: Oh, I see. I will talk with the manager about itand inform you later.(18)A: Excuse me, sir? Where is the nearest hotel? B: 1. ___________________ . You may ask thatpoliceman over there. A: Thank you all the same.(The man goes to the policeman.) A: Excuse me, 2. ____________________ ?C: No, there isn ' t a hotel near here, but there is onenear the Bank of China. A: 3. ___________________ ? C: It ' s about two kilometers away. A: 4. _____________________? C: You ' d better take a taxi, because itthere aren ' t any bused now. A: 5. _____________________. C: You ' re welcome.(19)A: Laura, how are you today? B: Not very well. I ' ve had a bad day. A: 1. _______________________ ? B: I got up late this morning. 2.So I had to wait for another bus.A: Oh, bad luck! 3. _______________________ ? B: Yes. I was 30 minutes late. And what was worse,when I got to school, I found no one in the classroom! A: Where did they go?B: 4. _______________________ . Our teacher toldus about it, I forgot.A: 5. ______________________________ ?B: Yes, but when I found them, they were going backto school!(20)A: Excuse me. 1. ________________________ ?B: Sorry, I ' m new here. You can ask my friend. He may know. C: The Children ' s Hospital? Er ittietfarfrsm lit. A: 2. __________________________ ? C: It ' s about 5 kilometers away. A: 3. __________________________ ? C: Yes, the No. 15 bus will take you there. A: Where is the bus stop?C: 4. ________________________ and take the firstturning on the right. You can see it on your left. You can ' t miss it.A: 5. __________________________ . C: You are welcome.7年级第一轮复习优秀作文This Saturday is Lily's birthday.Manystudents are going to her house to join her birthday party.Besides, some students plan to ask their pare nts for some money to buy a gift s so late andfor Lily.This is because Lily is very frie ndly toevery one and she is a good girl.She ofte n helps her pare nts do the housework.But in my opinion,it's not good to ask their parents for money in order to buy gifts. It's not easy for our parents to make money.We shouldn't spend our parents' money in buying gifts for others Maybe,some stude nts think we can buy gifts for her with our own money.But I disagree.After all,we are only middle school stude nts. We aren't old eno ugh to make money by ourselves. So I think there 'sno need to buy gifts .If possible, we can make gifts by ourselves .I'm sure Lily will like the special gifts,because they're full of love.If your frien dship is true,your friend does n't mind if you will buy gifts for her or him.This is my idea.What's your opinion?参考答案(1)1. Have you taken your temperatur ?e2. How long have you been like this ?3. You ' ve got a cold.4. Is it serious?5. How often do I have to take it?(2)1. What are you talking about?2. No, I didn ' t.3. what a pity!4 Can we watch it on TV?5 Work must come first.(3)1 Have you finished your homework?2 I ' ll help you.3 Here you are.4 By the way5 Where is she?(4)1 She may have one.2 Here you are.4 What time does it start?5 I ' d like to watch the game very much.(8)1 Which path would you like to choose?2 Which hotel do you want to live in?3 It ' s not expensive.4 Will you please fill in this form?5 Sure\certainly \ Yes, it ' s quite all right. (9) 1 What is it ?2 Who told you about it?3 I was the winner.4 Where shall we go? 5See you later.(10)1 I was ill.2 How are you now \Are you better now3 Have you seen the doctor4 Why don ' t you stay at hoemtoday3 Would you like to come?4 What time will it begin?5 I must finish my homework first.(5)1 I ' really sorry.2 Are you ill?3 Why not take some flowers withyou?4 That ' s wonderful.5 I can borrow a car and take youthere.(6)1 Thank you for meeting me.2 Here is my card.3 It was OK.4 Where is the hotel?5 What time does it begin?(7)1 What ' s u\pWhy?2 Between which teams?3 Great!(17)11I can help you with your lessons(11)How are you \ How 's everything going You look so nice in the new skirt I bought it in Hangzhou When did you go there He has gone to England(12) Where have you beenWhat were you doingHow about now It seems you borrowed all of them Sam must spend all of his money on music (13) Did you watch the football match last nightWhat a pityWhat was the score \resultWas it an exciting gameSoon our team kicked another two goals.\ And in the last minute our team got one more.\But after that our team still played very well.\And the American team got no more ......(14)This is Mei Ya speakingNot yet, and youReallyWould you like to go with meHow about walking\riding a bike (15) How about going on a tripWhere to go\where do you plan to go We can go there by bikeWho else would you like to go with\Why not ask someone else to join us We can just lie on the grass having a good rest\we can have a picnic there\we can do any thi ng we like ...........(16)I have to look after my mother\my mother is ill in hospital cough … How is she feeling nowCan I do anything to helpSee you5 1 23 4 5 1 2 34 5 1 2 3 45 1 2 3 4 5 12 3 4 5 1 23 4 5。



补全对话归纳总结功能相同的句型:打电话:我们中文中如果是接电话会说:我是某某人,请讲,所以对应的英语翻译是:I am --.speaking,please。

但是英语却不是这样的,正确的英语是:This is --speaking。

May I speak to Mr. Li?I'd like to speak to Mr. Li, please.对,我就是。

Speaking.或者This is Mr. Li speaking. (对,我是。

)您是哪位? Who's calling, please?或者Who's speaking, please?或者Who is this, please?This is Tom speaking.我是Tom。

其他Is Sue James in?休·詹姆斯在吗?I'm sorry, he's not in right now. (对不起,他出去了。

)He's not in. 或者He's out now.感谢类: Thanks!Thank you!Thanks a lot!Thank you very much!Thank you very,very much!答谢类:That’s all right . 没关系That’s OK. 没关系 Not at all. 不用 You are welcome.不必谢.It’s a pleasure.道歉类: Sorry.I am sorry…I am sorry for…应答类:That’s all right.It doesn’t matter.That’s nothing.建议类:You had better …Shall we do… ?What about doing… ?How about doing… ?Why not do… ?Let’s do sth … OK ?Would you like some … ?同意类: OK.Sure.Certainly.All right.Yes, please.Yes, I think so.I agree with you.不同意类: I am afraid not.Sorry, I don’t think so.I really can’t agree with 祝愿祝贺类 Good Luck to you!Best wishes!Have a good (nice) time!Congratulations to you!Happy Teachers’ Day!Happy birthday to you!Happy New Year!Merry Christmas!3. 熟记“问” 字句型问天气:What’s the weather like tod How is the weather today?问时间:What’s the time?What time is it?问职业:What’s your father?What’s your father’s job?What does your father do?问价格:What’s the price of the book?How much is the book?How much does the book cost?How much should I pay for the book?问年龄: How old are you?What’s your age?问地址: What do you live?What’s your address?问姓名:What’s your name?Could I have your name, please?Do you mind my knowing your name? Do you mind if I know your name? Can you tell me your name?问词意: What do you mean by saying theWhat’s the meaning of the w What does the word mean?问单位: Where do you work?What company are you working 问爱好: Which do you like best?Which do you prefer?What’s your hobby?What’s your favorite?问感受: What do you think of the fi How do you like the film?问数量: How many people are there in family?How much water do you drink day?问人口:What’s the population of CHow many people are there in China? How large is the population of China?问路线: Which is the way to the station? Do you know the way to the station? Can you tell me the way to the station?How can I get to the station?问尺寸: What size is your sweater?What size do you want?What size do you need?问距离: How far is your school from here? How far away is your school from here?问日期:What’s the date today?问星期: What day is it today?问高度: How tall are you?What’s your height?How high is the mountain?问宽度: How wide is the river?问长度: How long is the bridge?问体重:What’s your weight?How much do you weigh?问电话: Can I know your telephone nuWhat’s your telephone numb 购物:1.Can I help you ? -Yes ,please.2.What color do you want ?\What sizes d want ?\How many do you want ?3.How much is it ?4. Can I try it on ?\ May I try it on ? course.\ Sure , you can.5.I’ll take it.6.What kind of noodles would you like ? –I’d like beef noodles.7.Thnk you . –You ‘re welcome.问路:1.Excuse me? – Yes?2.Can you tell me how to get to …?\Could you please tell me how to…3.Where is …4.How far is it ?5.How long does it take?6.How can I get to …7.Go straight \Go down . Turn right\left8.Can I ride a bike there ?天气:What’s the weather like ?\How’s the weather ? It’s sunny\rainy\cloudy\windy\snowy…Which season do you like best?I like Spring \Summer\Autumn\Winter.假期,周末活动:How was your weekend?what did you do on weekends?What are you going to do on weekend ?\Wha you going to do for vacation? \where woul go on vacation?I am going to ..When will you leave ?\When are you going How will you get there?How long are you staying?When shall we meet?Where shall we meet?That’ s a good idea . \That sounds good What abou t you ?\How about you?\What doing…学习:1.How do you study for a test ?\How do you learn English ?2.I study byl listening to the tapes .3.What’s your favorite subject ?- My favorite subject is …4.Who is your English teacher ? - She is ... 问日期:What’s the date today?When is …?看医生:What’s the matter ?\What ‘s wrong ?\What’s the trouble ?I have a cold \I have a headache.When did it start ?How long have you been like this ?六、试题案例(一)看病A:Good morning.B:Good morning. What’s wrong with you? A:I don’t feel very well and I’ve a head B:How long have you been like this?A:Ever since this morning.B:Maybe you’ve caught a cold. Have you your temperature?A:No, I haven’t.B:Can I take your temperature?A:OK.B:Oh, you’ve got a fever.A:Is it serious?B:Nothing serious.A:What should I do then?B:You can take some medicine and drinkwater.A:How often should I take this medicine?B:You can take this medicine three times a day and you’ll be all right soon.A:Thank you, doctor. I’ll do as you say. Bye! B:Bye!(二)打电话J-Jim M-Mrs ReadJ:Hello. Could I speak to Ann, please?M:Certainly. Hold on, please. Oh, I’m afraid. She isn’t here rig ht now.J:Can I leave a message for her?M:Yes, please. But who is that?J:This is Jim speaking.M:Hello, Jim. Can I take a message for you? J:Yes. Could you ask her to call me?M:Sure! What’s your telephone number? J:My telephone number is 1234567.M:I’ll give the message to her as soon a comes back.J:Thank you. Good-bye!M:Bye!(三)购物A:Good morning. Can I help you?B:Yes, please. I want to buy a pair of s Can you show me one?A:What size do you need?B:Size 38.A:How about those ones?B:I don’t like this color. Have you go other colors?A:Yes. How about this one?B:It looks nice. Can I try them on?A:Sure.B:Oh, it’s just right. Where is it made?A:It’s made in Japan. It’s very comfortable. B:How much are they?A:100 yuan.B:It’s too expensive. I can’t afford it. Have you got a cheaper one?A:Well. I’m afraid it’s the cheapest one. B:OK. I’ll take it. Here is the money.A:Thank you. Good-bye!B:Bye!(四)问路A:Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office, please?B: Sorry,I don’t know. You’d better ask the policeman over there. He may know.A:Thank you all the same.B:Excuse me. Which is the way to the post of please?C:Go down this street and take the first tu on the right. Go across the bridge and yo find the post office on the left. It’s be the city library and the hospital. You c miss it.A:How far is it from here?C:It’s about 30 minutes’ walk. You’d b catch a bus.A:Which bus do I need?C:I think you need a number 16 bus. The bu take you there.A:Thank you very much.C:You’re welcome.(五)约定A:What are you going to do next Sunday? B:Nothing much(Nothing special).A:Shall we go to the park and play football? B:Good idea.A:How can we get there?B:By bike.A:Where shall we meet?B:How about meeting at the gate of our school? A:When shall we meet?B:At 8:30.A:Why not meet a little earlier? Let’s make it half past seven.B:OK.A:See you then.B:See you.(六)询问病情A:Good morning. Xiao Xue!B:Good morning. Lin Lin!A:I don’t see Zhou Tao today. Do you know he is?B:Yes. He is in hospital.A:What’s wrong with him?B:Yesterday evening he felt terrible. He pain in his teeth and his father took him t hospital.A:What happened to him then?B:One of his teeth is broken. The doctor it out.A:I’m sorry to hear that. He always eats of sweets.B:Yes. But he won’t eat them any more. A:How is Zhou Tao feeling now?B:I don’t know. Let’s visit him after sc OK?A:OK!(7)聊天A:Hello! Nice to meet youB:Nice to meet you, tooA:What bad weather, isn’t it?B:Yes, but I think the sun will come out later onA:May I ask you some questions?B:Certainly.A:Where are you from?B:I’m from…A:You’re from Australia, aren’t you?B:Yes. How did you guess?A:The way you speak. When were you born?B:I was born on August 8 ,1988A:Where were you born?B:I was born in a small village near London.A:Why did you come to China?B:Because my parents wanted to work in C A:How do you like China?B:I like it very much.A:What do you like about China?B:The people and the food.A:How is your Chinese?B:My Chinese is just so-so. I’m trying my to study my Chinese well.A:That’s great. Good luck with your Chi (八)就餐Waiter:Good morning ,madamA and B:Good morning.W:A table for two?A:Yes. Can we sit at the table by the win W:OK. This way, please. Here is the menA:Thank you.W:May I take your order now?A:Yes, We’ll have chicken with potatoes、beef 、rice and vegetable soup.W:That’s what you ordered, please take your time. (After the meal)A:Excuse me, Could we have some tea, please?W:certainly. Would you like something else? A:No. that’s all. Could we have the bill? W:Of course. Sir.A:Here is the money.W:Thank you. Welcome you here again.(九)做客H-Han Mei T-Twins L-LilyH:Would you like a drink?T:Yes, please.H:I’ll get you some tea.T:Can we do anything to help?H:No, thanks. Here are some cookies. yourselves.T:Thank you.L:Well. I think it’s time for us to leave H:Oh, do you have to?L:Yes, I’m afraid so. It’s getting lat we have to get up early in the morning. H:Don’t leave anything behind.L:Thanks. I think we have everything. Tha for having us. We enjoyed ourselves very H:I’m happy you did. Bye!(十) 交通事故A:Excuse me. What has happened?B:A car hit an electric pole.A:When did it happen?B:About ten minutes ago.A:Has anyone called the police?B:Yes, but the police haven’t come.A:Is anyone hurt?B:Yes, a man is hurt, but not badly.A:Has he gone to the hospital?B:No, he is waiting for the police to come. After the survey he will go to the hospital.七、试题精选(1)Doctor: Good morning . What’s your trouble? Woman: I don’t feel very well.D:1._______________________________?W: Yes, I have. My temperature is a little higher.D: Open your mouth and say “Ah”.W: AahhD: 2._______________________________? W: Ever since last night.D: Did your sleep well?W: No, I was very tired last night.D: Oh, I see. 3. ______________________ W: Can you tell me how I got a cold?D: Maybe you overworked yourself.W: I think so. I have too much work to do day.Do I have to stay at home?D: Yes. You’d better stay at home for t three days.W: 4. ________________________?D: No. I don’t think it is serious. Bu really needa good rest and take this medicine.W: 5. ________________________?D: Three times a day.W: OK. Thank you.(2)A: 1._______________________________?B: They are talking about yesterday’s football match.A: Oh, I watched it on TV. Beijing Team had very good teamwork. Didn’t you watch it?B: 2. _______________________________. I did my homework and forgot the time. When I turned on the TV, it had finished already.A: 3. _______________________________! But Beijing Team will play again this evening.B: 4. _______________________________________?A: Sure. You’d better finish your homework earlier if you want to watch it. Remember, “5. _______________________________.”(3)B: That’s a good idea. (Looking at his wa Oh, I haven’t much time left. I’d better to finish my homework.A: 1. _______________________________? B: Not yet. Exercise 3 is too difficult fo A: Don’t worry. 2 ____________________ B: It’s very kind of you. But I think I c it myself. Can you lend me your English-Ch dictionary?A: With pleasure. 3. __________________ B: Thanks. 4. ________________, is Miss G the teachers’ office?A: Oh, no. She’s out at the moment.B: 5._______________________? Do you kn have some questions to ask her.A: I think she is at the library. She told me she wanted to borrow some books.B: I have to wait for her.(4)Dick: Excuse me, Lucy. Have you g bot a dictionary?Lucy: Sorry, I haven’t. You may ask Meimei.1.___________________________.Dick: Excuse me, Meimei. Have you got a dictionary?Meimei: Yes. 2. _____________________________.Dick: Thank you. I’ll give it back soon. By the way, tomorrow is my birthday.3. ________________?Meimei: Yes, I’d love to. 4._____________________?Dick: About seven o’ clock..Meimei: I’ll try to be there on time 5.____________________________.Dick: It doesn’t matter. Work must come f(5)(Sue=S Ken=K)S: Hello, Ken! Could you give me a lift? K: 1.____________________________, I d have a car right nowS: Oh, that’s too bad! I want to go t Central Hospital.K: Why? 2______________________________ S: No, I’m all right. My English teach there. She is ill now and is to leave the hos today.K: I see. 3. __________________________ S: I’ve already got some flowers fr mother’s garden.K: Well, well. 4. ___________________________.S: But, what a pity! I can’t see Linda now. No car and no driver.K: Wrong. You have a good driver here. 5. ___________________________.S: Really? That’s great. It’s very kind of you, Ken.K: It’s my pleasure.(6)(Zhang=Z Mr.Smith=M)Z: Hello, are you Mr. Smith from the United States?M: Yes, Robert Smith. Please call me Robert. .1. __________________________.Z: My pleasure. Welcome to China. My name is Zhang Lin. You can call me Lin. This is my card. M: Thank you. And 2. _________________________.Z: Oh, good, thanks. How was the journey M: 3 . ______________________, althou little tiring.Z: Then let’s get your things and go to the now.M: Oh, thank you.___________________________?Z: It’s about thirty minutes’ drive. By t we are going to have a dinner party for you evening.M: It’s very kind of you._____________________?Z: Six thirty. I’ll pick you up at six o’c M: OK. See you then.Z: Bye.(7)(Robert=R Jack=J)J: Hello, Robert. Are you free on Saturday morning?R: Yes. 1.___________________________?J: There is a basketball match at the Sports Center. Do you want to watch it?R: Sure. 2. _________________________?J: Our school Vs No. 1 Middle School.R: 3. __________________________! Let’s go to cheer for our team.J: Yeah. No.1 Middle School Team is not easy to beat.R: So the match will be exciting. 4. _______________?J: 8:30. Do you think you can get up on time? R: Of course. 5. __________________________. J: OK. There will be three school buses waiting for us in front of the library. Let’s meet there at 8:30.R: All right. See you then.(8)A: Morning! What can I do for you?B: We’d like to make a trip for a weekend ho please.A: There are many travel paths. _______________?B: We’d like to choose Jinggang mountai A: It’s really worth visiting.__________________?B: We’re not sure. Which hotel do you thi comfortable?A: The Holiday Hone is very good. What’s important, 3. __________________________ B: We don’t want to live in an expensive h That’s what we’ll do.A: 4. _____________________________?B: OK. I’ll ask my wife to fill in this form. By the way, Is it all right if we pay by credit card?A: 5. _____________________. Enjoy your weekend.B: Thank you.(9)A: Hi, Bruce. Good news for you.B: 1. ____________________________?A: You won the first prize in the English competition.B: Wow! I’m so glad to hear that.2._______________?A: Our English teacher did. She said three of the students in our class won the prize.B: What about you?A: 3. _________________, too. I think I was lucky this time.B: So great! Congratulations!A: It’s a great day for us today. Let’s g and relax ourselves, shall we?B: Good idea. But 4._____________________ A: To the park, OK? B: All right. But I have to go home and te mother first. See you later.A: 5. ___________________________.(10)A: Hi, Tom. You were not here yesterday afte What was wrong?B. 1. _____________________________.A: Sorry to hear that._____________________?B. Much better. The fever is gone. But I cough and I feel weak.A: 3. _____________________________?B: Yes, I have. I went to the doctor’s yesterday afternoon. The doctor gave me some medicine and asked me to stay in bed for a few days.A: 4. ____________________________?B: Because I’m afraid I’ll miss more lessons and I’ll be left behind.A: Don’t worry. Take care of yourself. 5. _______________________________.B: Thank you.(11)A: Hello, Mary. 1. __________________________?B. Fine, thank you, Lucy.A: Mary, 2. ____________________________.B. It’s so kind of you to say that.A: Where did you buy the skirt?B: 3. ____________________________?A: In Hangzhou? Well, Hangzhou is a very beautiful city. 4. _____________________ B: Last month.A: Did you go there with your father? B. No, 5. _________________________.A: England?B: Yes, on business.(12)(Rob=R Mom=M)R: Hi, Mom. I’m home!M: 1._________________? It’s almost 5:0 R: Sorry. I was at Sam’s hous e.M: 2.____________________?R: Listening to music. Sam has a lot of grea You should hear some of them.M: Maybe I’ll do that sometime later. R: 3. ______________________?M: Now? I’m busy cooking.R: It doesn’t matter. Sam let me borrow some of them. See?M: Sam let you borrow some of them? 4. ___________________________.R: I only borrowed 15 CDs. Sam has more than 200. M: That’s a lot of CDs. 5. ______________________.R: He does. He spends his mom’s money, too.(13)(Paul=P Jack=J)P: Hi, Jack!J: Hi!P: 1. _____________________?J: No, I missed it. By the time I got there, It had already finished.P: 2. ______________________! It was a great football match.J: 3. _______________________?P: Wow. It was a big score. We beat them J: Really? That’s amazing! ___________________?P: Yeah. And I’ve never seen such an exc match before! After 60 minutes, the Ame team was winning 3—2.J: Then what happened?P: 5. _______________________.J: Great.(14)(Zhu Lei=Z Mei Ya=M)Z: Hello. Is Mei Ya in, please?M: 1. _____________________. Who is that Z: This is Zhu Lei here. Have you watche performance by Tai Lihua at CCTV Spring FesGala for 2005?M: 2. _______________________?Z: I haven’t either. But it’s said this is a very beautiful dance.M: 3. ___________________? Was it given by Tai Lihua only?Z: No, it was given by Tai Lihua and other 19 girls. And many people in the country were moved by it.M: Why were so many people moved? Was there something special about it?Z: Yes. These 20 girls are all deaf and mute ones. M: Oh, I understand. I hope I can have a chance to watch it.Z: Don’t worry. Here comes the chance. Look, I’ve got two tickets for their performance in Wuhan Theatre tonight. 4. ____________________? M: Sure. How shall we get there?Z: 5. ___________________.?It is not far here.M: OK, I’ll wait for you at home at two. Se later.Z: See you.(15)A: What a fine day today! ___________________?B: That sounds like a good idea _________________?A: Let’s go to the little Hill.B: Shall we take the bus there?A: 3. ____________________. It’s not very B: That will be OK. I’ll ride my new bi father bought me for my birthday last mo A:4____________________? B: Let’s ask Mary and Jack to go with us.planned to go last Sunday but it rained.A: Good! I’m sure they will be happy to.B: Have you got any idea what we are doing there? A: 5. ____________________.B: That will be fun.(16)A: Hi, Ben! What are you doing these days?B: 1.____________________.A: Oh, what’s wrong with her?B: 2. ______________________. She had to see a doctor.The doctor said there was something wrong.A: I’m sorry to hear that. 3. _____________________?B: A little better.A: 4. _____________________?B: No, thanks. I can do it all by myself. Se A: 5. _____________________.(17)Man: Come in and sit down, please. Woman: Thank you. Here’s my per information card.M: Nice to meet you, Mrs Morgan _______________?W: No, I haven’t, but it’s the kind of job always wanted to do.M: Really? 2. ______________________? W: Because I think it would give me a chan develop the abilities I have learned in my M: 3. _______________________?W: I worked in a bookshop.M: 4. ________________________?W: Well, it was an interesting job, but Ifew arguments with my boss.M: 5. ________________________?W: He said he told me to type a letter for him and I didn’t. I told him he didn’t. He then got angry with me and said I was lying. But he just forgot it.M: Oh, I see. I will talk with the manager about it and inform you later.(18)A: Excuse me, sir? Where is the nearest hotel? B: 1. ___________________. You may ask that policeman over there.A: Thank you all the same.(The man goes to the policeman.)A: Excuse me, 2._____________________?C: No, there isn’t a hotel near here, but there is one near the Bank of China.A: 3. ____________________?C: It’s about two kilometers away.A: 4. _____________________?C: You’d better take a taxi, because it’late and there aren’t any bused now.A: 5. _____________________.C: You’re welcome.(19)A: Laura, how are you today?B: Not very well. I’ve had a bad day. A: 1._______________________?B: I got up late this morning. ____________________.So I had to wait for another bus.A: Oh, bad luck! 3. ____________________ B: Yes. I was 30 minutes late. And what was w when I got to school, I found no one iclassroom!A: Where did they go?B: 4. ________________________. Our teacher told us about it, I forgot.A: 5. ______________________________?B: Yes, but when I found them, they were going back to school!(20)A: Excuse me. 1._________________________?B: Sorry, I’m new here. You can ask my friend. He may know.C: The Children’s Hospital? Er… It’s a little far from here.A: 2. ___________________________?C: It’s about 5 kilometers away.A: 3. ___________________________?C: Yes, the No. 15 bus will take you there.A: Where is the bus stop?C: 4. _________________________ and tak first turning on the right. You can see it o left. You can’t miss it.A: 5. ___________________________.C: You are welcome.参考答案(1)1. Have you taken your temperature?2. How long have you been like this?3. You’ve got a cold.4. Is it serious?5. How often do I have to take it?(2)1.What are you talking about?2. No, I didn’t.3.what a pity!Can we watch it on TV?Work must come first.(3)Have you finished your homework? I’ll help you.Here you are.By the wayWhere is she?(4)She may have one.Here you are.Would you like to come?What time will it begin?I must finish my homework first.(5)I’ really sorry.Are you ill?Why not take some flowers with you? That’s wonderful.I can borrow a car and take you there.(6)Thank you for meeting me.Here is my card.It was OK.Where is the hotel?What time does it begin?(7)What’s up\Why?Between which teams?Great!What time does it start?I’d like to watch the game very much.(8)Which path would you like to choose?Which hotel do you want to live in?It’s not expensive.Will you please fill in this form?Sure\certainly \ Yes, it’s quite all right.(9)What is it ?Who told you about it?I was the winner.Where shall we go?See you later.(10)I was ill.How are you now \Are you better now Have you seen the doctorWhy don’t you stay at home todayI can help you with your lessons(11)How are you \ How’s everything going You look so nice in the new skirtI bought it in HangzhouWhen did you go thereHe has gone to England(12)Where have you beenWhat were you doingHow about nowIt seems you borrowed all of themSam must spend all of his money on music (13)Did you watch the football match last night What a pityWhat was the score \resultWas it an exciting gameSoon our team kicked another two goals.\ And in the last minute our team got one more.\But after that our team still played very well.\And the American team got no more……(14)This is Mei Ya speakingNot yet, and youReallyWould you like to go with meHow about walking\riding a bike(15)How about going on a tripWhere to go\where do you plan to go We can go there by bikeWho else would you like to go with\Why no someone else to join usWe can just lie on the grass having a good re can have a picnic there\we can do anythi like……(16)I have to look after my mother\my mother i in hospitalShe has got a bad cold\cough…How is she feeling nowCan I do anything to helpSee you(17)Have you done this kind of work before Why are interested in itWhat was your last jobWhy did you leaveWhat was the arguments about(18)I’m sorry I don’t knowIs there a hotel near hereHow far is itHow can I get thereThank you(19)What’s up\what happened\what’s wrong with you I missed the early busYou must be late, weren’t you\were you late for schoolThey went to the playground to see a basketball match….Did you find them at last\did you go to look for them (20)Which is the way to the Children’s Hosp How far is itCan I take a busGo along this roadThank you。



中考英语补全对话句型归纳-真题及答案-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN归纳总结功能相同的句型:打电话: This is 谁谁speaking。


May I speak to Mr. Li 我可以和李先生讲话吗(Speaking. 对,我就是。

或者This is 谁谁 speaking. (对,我是谁谁。

)Who's that (speaking) 你是谁或者 Who is this, please?This is Tom speaking.我是Tom。

Is Sue James in休·詹姆斯在吗?I'm sorry, he's not in (right now.) He is not here now. (对不起,他出去了。

)Can I take a message for you 我能给你带个口信吗Hold on,please ! 请稍等一下(怎么了? What’s up/What’s the matter \What ‘s wrong)感谢类: Thanks!2Thank you!Thank you very much!答谢类: You are welcome.不必谢.Not at all. 不用谢.道歉类: Sorry.I am sorry for what I said/did建议类: You had better do-----What about doing…How about doing…Why not do… 同义句why don’t you do----Let’s do … OKWould you like some …Shall we do…支持赞同上面建议答语:That’ s a good idea . \That sounds good .好主意,棒极了同意许可类: OK.3Certainly.Of courseI agree with you.不同意类: I am afraid not.Sorry, I don’t think so.I really can’t agree with you.祝愿祝贺类Have a good (nice) time!Good Luck to you!Best wishes!Congratulations to you!3. 熟记“问” 字句型问天气:What’s the weather like today How is the weather today问时间:What’s the time?What time is it?4What’s your father’s job?What does your father do?问价格:What’s the price of the book How much is the book问年龄: How old are you?What’s your age问住址: where do you live?What’s your address?5Can you tell me your name?问爱好:What’s your hobby?Which do you prefer?同义句 Which do you like better?Which do you like best?问看法感受: What do you think of the filmHow do you like the film问数量: How many-------(可数东西)How much-------(不可数东西)问人口:What’s the population of ChinaHow many people are there in China6问路: Can you tell me the way to –地点How can I get to地点-Which is the way to the station问尺寸: What size do you want?What size do you need?问日期:What’s the date today?问距离: How far is it?How far is your school from here?问星期: What day is it today?7问高度: How tall are you?What’s your height?问宽度: How wide is the river问长度: How long is the bridge问体重:What’s your weight?How heavy is it问电话: Can I know your telephone number?What’s your telephone number?购物:1.Can I help you -Yes ,please.2.What color do you want \What sizes do you want \How many do you want83.How much is it4. Can I try it on \ May I try it on -Of course.\ Sure , you can.5.I’ll take it.问路:1.Excuse me – Yes?2.Can you tell me how to get to …\Could you please tell me how to…3.Where is …4.How far is it5.How long does it take?6.How can I get to …7.Go straight \Go down . Turn right\left8.Can I ride a bike there天气:1.Which season do you like best?2.I like Spring \Summer\Autumn\Winter.(准备、计划要做的)假期,周末活动:(还没有发生,一般将来时)1.What are you going to do on weekend where are you going on vacation?2.I am going to ..3.When will you leave \When are you going94.5.How will you get there?谈论一些发生在过去的事(例如过去的旅游经历、购物经历、看电影经历 What did you do yesterday /thereWhere did you go last nightWho did you go withHow did you go there?How long did you stay thereWhere did you buy it/themIs it far from here ---How far is itWhere have you been ----I have been to +地点。



归纳总结功能相同的句型:打电话:我们中文中如果是接电话会说:我是某某人,请讲,所以对应的英语翻译是:i am -- .speaking,please。

但是英语却不是这样的,正确的英语是:This is --speaking。

May I speak to Mr. Li?I'd like to speak to Mr. Li, please.对,我就是。

Speaking.或者This is Mr. Li speaking. (对,我是。

)您是哪位? Who's calling, please?或者Who's speaking, please?或者Who is this, please?This is Tom speaking.我是Tom。

其他Is Sue James in?休·詹姆斯在吗?I'm sorry, he's not in right now. (对不起,他出去了。

)He's not in. 或者He's out now.感谢类:Thanks!Thank you!Thanks a lot!Thank you very much!Thank you very,very much!答谢类:That’s all right . 没关系.That’s OK. 没关系.Not at all. 不用谢.You are welcome.不必谢.It’s a pleasure.道歉类:Sorry.I am sorry…I am sorry for…应答类:That’s all right.It doesn’t matter.That’s nothing.建议类:You had better …Shall we do… ?What about doing… ?How about doing…?Why not do… ?Let’s do sth …OK ?Would you like some … ? 同意类:OK.Sure.Certainly.All right.Yes, please.Yes, I think so.I agree with you.不同意类:I am afraid not.Sorry, I don’t think so.I really can’t agree with you.祝愿祝贺类Good Luck to you!Best wishes!Have a good (nice) time!Congratulations to you!Happy Teachers’ Day!Happy birthday to you!Happy New Year!Merry Christmas!3. 熟记“问” 字句型问天气:What’s the weather like today?How is the weather today?问时间:What’s the time?What time is it?问职业:What’s your father?What’s your father’s job?What does your father do?问价格:What’s the price of the book?How much is the book?How much does the book cost?How much should I pay for the book? 问年龄:How old are you?What’s your age?问地址:What do you live?What’s your address?问姓名:What’s your name?Could I have your name, please?Do you mind my knowing your name?Do you mind if I know your name?Can you tell me your name?问词意:What do you mean by saying the word?What’s the meaning of the word?What does the word mean?问单位:Where do you work?What company are you working for?问爱好:Which do you like best?Which do you prefer?What’s your hobby?What’s your favorite?问感受:What do you think of the film?How do you like the film?问数量:How many people are there in your family?How much water do you drink every day? 问人口:What’s the population of China?How many people are there in China?How large is the population of China?问路线:Which is the way to the station?Do you know the way to the station?Can you tell me the way to the station?How can I get to the station?问尺寸:What size is your sweater?What size do you want?What size do you need?问距离:How far is your school from here?How far away is your school from here?问日期:What’s the date today?问星期:What day is it today?问高度:How tall are you?What’s your height?How high is the mountain?问宽度:How wide is the river?问长度:How long is the bridge?问体重:What’s your weight?How much do you weigh?问电话:Can I know your telephone number?What’s your telephone number?购物:1.Can I help you ? -Yes ,please.2.What color do you want ?\What sizes do you want ?\How many do you want ?3.How much is it ?4.Can I try it on ?\ May I try it on ? -Of course.\ Sure , you can.5.I’ll take it.6.What kind of noodles would you like ? –I’d like beef noodles.7.Thnk you . –You ‘re welcome.问路:1.Excuse me? – Yes?2.Can you tell me how to get to …?\Could you please tell me how to…3.Where is …4.How far is it ?5.How long does it take?6.How can I get to …7.Go straight \Go down . Turn right\left8.Can I ride a bike there ?天气:1.What’s the weather like ?\How’s the weather ?2.It’s sunny\rainy\cloudy\windy\snowy…3.Which season do you like best?4.I like Spring \Summer\Autumn\Winter.假期,周末活动:1.How was your weekend?2.what did you do on weekends?3.What are you going to do on weekend ?\What are you going to do for vacation? \where would you go onvacation?4.I am going to ..5.When will you leave ?\When are you going?6.How will you get there?7.How long are you staying?8.When shall we meet?9.Where shall we meet?10.That’ s a good idea . \That sounds good .11.What abou t you ?\How about you?\What about doing…学习:1.How do you study for a test ?\How do you learn English ?2.I study byl listening to the tapes .3.What’s your favorite subject ?- My favorite subject is …4.Who is your English teacher ? - She is ...问日期:What’s the date today?When is …?看医生:What’s the matter ?\What ‘s wrong ?\What’s the trouble ?I have a cold \I have a headache.When did it start ?How long have you been like this ?六、试题案例(一)看病A:Good morning.B:Good morning. What’s wrong with you?A:I don’t feel very well and I’ve a headache.B:How long have you been like this?A:Ever since this morning.B:Maybe you’ve caught a cold. Have you taken your temperature? A:No, I haven’t.B:Can I take your temperature?A:OK.B:Oh, you’ve got a fever.A:Is it serious?B:Nothing serious.A:What should I do then?B:You can take some medicine and drink much water.A:How often should I take this medicine?B:You can take this medicine three times a day and you’ll be all right soon. A:Thank you, doctor. I’ll do as you say. Bye!B:Bye!(二)打电话J-Jim M-Mrs ReadJ:Hello. Could I speak to Ann, please?M:Certainly. Hold on, please. Oh, I’m afraid. She isn’t here right now. J:Can I leave a message for her?M:Yes, please. But who is that?J:This is Jim speaking.M:Hello, Jim. Can I take a message for you?J:Yes. Could you ask her to call me?M:Sure! What’s your telephone number?J:My telephone number is 1234567.M:I’ll give the message to her as soon as she comes back.J:Thank you. Good-bye!M:Bye!(三)购物A:Good morning. Can I help you?B:Yes, please. I want to buy a pair of shoes. Can you show me one? A:What size do you need?B:Size 38.A:How about those ones?B:I don’t like this color. Have you got any other colors?A:Yes. How about this one? B:It looks nice. Can I try them on?A:Sure.B:Oh, it’s just right. Where is it made?A:It’s made in Japan. It’s very comfortable.B:How much are they?A:100 yuan.B:It’s too expensive. I can’t afford it. Have you got a cheaper one?A:Well. I’m afraid it’s the cheapest one.B:OK. I’ll take it. Here is the money.A:Thank you. Good-bye!B:Bye!(四)问路A:Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office, please?B:Sorry,I don’t know. You’d better ask the policeman over there. He may know.A:Thank you all the same.B:Excuse me. Which is the way to the post office, please?C:Go down this street and take the first turning on the right. Go across the bridge and you’ll find the post office on the left. It’s between the city library and the hospital. You can’t miss it.A:How far is it from here?C:It’s about 30 minutes’ walk. You’d better catch a bus.A:Which bus do I need?C:I think you need a number 16 bus. The bus will take you there.A:Thank you very much.C:You’re welcome.(五)约定A:What are you going to do next Sunday?B:Nothing much(Nothing special).A:Shall we go to the park and play football?B:Good idea.A:How can we get there?B:By bike.A:Where shall we meet?B:How about meeting at the gate of our school?A:When shall we meet?B:At 8:30.A:Why not meet a little earlier? Let’s make it half past seven.B:OK.A:See you then.B:See you.(六)询问病情A:Good morning. Xiao Xue!B:Good morning. Lin Lin!A:I don’t see Zhou Tao today. Do you know where he is?B:Yes. He is in hospital.A:What’s wrong with him?B:Yesterday evening he felt terrible. He had a pain in his teeth and his father took him to the hospital. A:What happened to him then?B:One of his teeth is broken. The doctor took it out. A:I’m sorry to hear that. He always eats a lot of sweets.B:Yes. But he won’t eat them any more.A:How is Zhou Tao feeling now?B:I don’t know. Let’s visit him after school. OK? A:OK!(7)聊天A:Hello! Nice to meet youB:Nice to meet you, tooA:What bad weather, isn’t it?B:Yes, but I think the sun will come out later on A:May I ask you some questions?B:Certainly.A:Where are you from?B:I’m from…A:You’re from Australia, aren’t you?B:Yes. How did you guess?A:The way you speak. When were you born?B:I was born on August 8 ,1988A:Where were you born?B:I was born in a small village near London.A:Why did you come to China?B:Because my parents wanted to work in China. A:How do you like China?B:I like it very much.A:What do you like about China?B:The people and the food.A:How is your Chinese?B:My Chinese is just so-so. I’m trying my best to study my Chinese well. A:That’s great. Good luck with your Chinese.(八)就餐Waiter:Good morning ,madamA and B:Good morning.W:A table for two?A:Yes. Can we sit at the table by the window?W:OK. This way, please. Here is the menu. A:Thank you.W:May I take your order now?A:Yes, We’ll have chicken with potatoes、beef 、rice and vegetable soup. W:That’s what you ordered, please take your time. (After the meal)A:Excuse me, Could we have some tea, please?W:certainly. Would you like something else?A:No. that’s all. Could we have the bill?W:Of course. Sir.A:Here is the money.W:Thank you. Welcome you here again.(九)做客H-Han Mei T-Twins L-LilyH:Would you like a drink?T:Yes, please.H:I’ll get you some tea. T:Can we do anything to help?H:No, thanks. Here are some cookies. Help yourselves.T:Thank you.L:Well. I think it’s time for us to leave now?H:Oh, do you have to?L:Yes, I’m afraid so.It’s getting late and we have to get up early in the morning.H:Don’t leave anything behind.L:Thanks. I think we have everything. Thank you for having us. We enjoyed ourselves very much. H:I’m happy you did. Bye!(十) 交通事故A:Excuse me. What has happened?B:A car hit an electric pole.A:When did it happen?B:About ten minutes ago. A:Has anyone called the police?B:Yes, but the police haven’t come.A:Is anyone hurt?B:Yes, a man is hurt, but not badly.A:Has he gone to the hospital?B:No, he is waiting for the police to come. After the survey he will go to the hospital.七、试题精选(1)Doctor: Good morning . What’s your trouble?Woman: I don’t feel very well.D:1. ?W: Yes, I have. My temperature is a little higher.D: Open your mouth and say “Ah”.W: AahhD: 2. ?W: Ever since last night.D: Did your sleep well?W: No, I was very tired last night.D: Oh, I see. 3. .W: Can you tell me how I got a cold?D: Maybe you overworked yourself.W: I think so. I have too much work to do every day.Do I have to stay at home?D: Yes. You’d better stay at home for two or three days.W: 4. ?D: No. I don’t think it is serious. But you really needa good rest and take this medicine.W: 5. ?D: Three times a day.W: OK. Thank you.(2)A: 1. ?B: They are talking about yesterday’s football match.A: Oh, I watched it on TV. Beijing Team had very good teamwork. Didn’t you watch it?B: 2. . I did my homework and forgot the time. When I turned on the TV, it had finished a lready.A: 3. ! But Beijing Team will play again this evening.B: 4. ?A: Sure. You’d better finish your homework earlier if you want to watch it. Remember, “5..”(3)B: That’s a good idea. (Looking at his watch.) Oh, I haven’t much time left. I’d better hurry to finish my homework.A: 1. ?B: Not yet. Exercise 3 is too difficult for me.A: Don’t worry. 2 .B: It’s very kind of you. But I think I can do it myself. Can you lend me your English-Chinese dictionary?A: With pleasure. 3. .B: Thanks. 4. , is Miss Gao at the teachers’o ffice?A: Oh, no. She’s out at the moment.B: 5. ? Do you know? I have some questions to ask her.A: I think she is at the library. She told me she wanted to borrow some books.B: I have to wait for her.(4)Dick: Excuse me, Lucy. Have you g bot a dictionary?Lucy: Sorry, I haven’t. You may ask Meimei. 1. .Dick: Excuse me, Meimei. Have you got a dictionary?Meimei: Yes. 2. .Dick: Thank you. I’ll give it back soon. By the way, tomorrow is my birthday.3. ? Me imei: Yes, I’d love to. 4. ?Dick: About seven o’ clock..Meimei: I’ll try to be there on time,but 5. .Dick: It doesn’t matter. Work must come first.(5)(Sue=S Ken=K)S: Hello, Ken! Could you give me a lift?K: 1. , I don’t have a car right nowS: Oh, that’s too bad! I want to go to the Central Hospital.K: Why? 2 ?S: No, I’m all right. My English teacher is there. She is ill now and is to leave the hospital today.K: I see. 3. ?S: I’ve already got some flowers from my mother’s g arden.K: Well, well. 4. .S: But, what a pity! I can’t see Linda now. No car and no driver.K: Wrong. You have a good driver here. 5. .S: Really? That’s great. It’s very kind of you, Ken.K: It’s my pleasure.(6)(Zhang=Z Mr.Smith=M)Z: Hello, are you Mr. Smith from the United States?M: Yes, Robert Smith. Please call m e Robert. . 1. .Z: My pleasure. Welcome to China. My name is Zhang Lin. You can call me Lin. This is my card. M: Thank you. And 2. .Z: Oh, good, thanks. How was the journey?M: 3. , although a little tiring.Z: Then let’s get your things and go to the hotel now.M: Oh, thank you. 4. ?Z: It’s about thirty minutes’ drive. By the way, we are going to have a dinner party for you this e vening. M: It’s very kind of you. 5. ?Z: Six thirty. I’ll pick you up at six o’clock.M: OK. See you then.Z: Bye.(7)(Robert=R Jack=J)J: Hello, Robert. Are you free on Saturday morning?R: Yes. 1. ?J: There is a basketball match at the Sports Center. Do you want to watch it?R: Sure. 2. ?J: Our school Vs No. 1 Middle School.R: 3. ! Let’s go to cheer for our team.J: Yeah. No.1 Middle School Team is not easy to beat.R: So the match will be exciting. 4. ?J: 8:30. Do you think you can get up on time?R: Of course. 5. .J: OK. There will be three school buses waiting for us in front of the library. Let’s meet there at 8:30. R: All right. See you then.(8)A: Morning! What can I do for you?B: We’d like to make a trip for a weekend holiday, please.A: There are many travel paths. 1. ?B: We’d like to choose Jinggang mountains.A: It’s really worth visiting. 2. ?B: We’re not sure. Which hotel do you think is comfortable?A: The Holiday Hone is very good. What’s more i mportant, 3. .. B: We don’t want to live in an expensive hotel. That’s what we’ll do.A: 4. ?B: OK. I’ll ask my wife to fill in this form. By the way, Is it all right if we pay by credit card?A: 5. ............................................ Enjoy your weekend.B: Thank you.(9)A: Hi, Bruce. Good news for you.B: 1. ?A: You won the first prize in the English competition.B: Wow! I’m so glad to hear that. 2. ?A: Our English teacher did. She said three of the students in our class won the prize.B: What about you?A: 3. , too. I think I was lucky this t ime.B: So great! Congratulations!A: It’s a great day for us today. Let’s go out and relax ourselves, shall we?B: Good idea. But 4. ?A: To the park, OK?B: All right. But I have to go home and tell my mother first. See you later.A: 5. .(10)A: Hi, Tom. You were not here yesterday afternoon. What was wrong?B. 1. .A: Sorry to hear that. 2. ?B. Much better. The fever is gone. But I still cough and I feel weak.A: 3. ?B: Yes, I have. I went to the doctor’s yesterday afternoon. The doctor gave me some med icine and asked me to stay in bed for a few days. A: 4. ?B: Because I’m afraid I’ll miss more lessons and I’ll be left behind.A: Don’t worry. Take care of yourself. 5. .B: Thank you.(11)A: Hello, Mary. 1. ?B. Fine, thank you, Lucy.A: Mary, 2. .B. It’s so kind of you to say that.A: Where did you buy the skirt?B: 3. ?A: In Hangzhou? Well, Hangzhou is a very beautiful c ity. 4. ?B: Last month.A: Did you go there with your father?B. No, 5. .A: England?B: Yes, on business.(12)(Rob=R Mom=M)R: Hi, Mom. I’m home!M: 1. ? It’s almost 5:00.R: Sorry. I was at Sam’s house.M: 2. ?R: Listening to music. Sam has a lot of great CDs. You should hear some of them.M: Maybe I’ll do that sometime later.R: 3. ?M: Now? I’m busy cooking.R: It doesn’t matter. Sam let me borrow some of them. See?M: Sam let you borrow some of them? 4. .R: I only borrowed 15 CDs. Sam has more than 200.M: That’s a lot of CDs. 5. .R: He does. He spends his mom’s money, too.(13)(Paul=P Jack=J)P: Hi, Jack!J: Hi!P: 1. ?J: No, I missed it. By the time I got there, It had already finished.P: 2. ! It was a great football match. J:3. ?P: Wow. It was a big score. We beat them 5—3.J: Really? That’s amazing! 4. ?P: Yeah. And I’ve never seen such an exciting match before! After 60 minutes, the American team was winning 3—2. J: Then what happened?P: 5. .J: Great.(14)(Zhu Lei=Z Mei Ya=M)Z: Hello. Is Mei Ya in, please?M: 1. . Who is that?Z: This is Zhu Lei here. Have you watched the performance by Tai Lihua at CCTV Spring Festival Gala for 2005? M: 2. ?Z: I haven’t either. But it’s said this is a very beautiful dance.M: 3. ? Was it given by Tai Lihua only?Z: No, it was given by Tai Lihua and other 19 girls. And many people in the country were moved by it.M: Why were so many people moved? Was there something special about it?Z: Yes. These 20 girls are all deaf and mute ones.M: Oh, I understand. I hope I can have a chance to watch it.Z: Don’t worry. Here comes the chance. Look, I’ve got two tickets for their performance in Wuhan Theatre tonight. 4.?M: Sure. How shall we get there?Z: 5. .?It is not far from here.M: OK, I’ll wait for you at home at two. See you later.Z: See you.(15)A: What a fine day today! 1. ?B: That sounds like a good idea. 2. ?A: Let’s go to the little Hill.B: Shall we take the bus there?A: 3. . It’s not very far.B: That will be OK. I’ll ride my new bike my father bought me for my birthday last month.A:4 ?B: Let’s ask Mary and Jack to go with us. They planned to go last Sunday but it rained.A: Good! I’m sure they will be happy to.B: Have you got any idea what we are doing t here?A: 5. .B: That will be fun.(16)A: Hi, Ben! What are you doing these days?B: 1. .A: Oh, what’s wrong with her?B: 2. . She had to see a doctor.The doctor said there was something wrong.A: I’m sorry to hear that. 3. ?B: A little better.A: 4. ?B: No, thanks. I can do it all by myself. See you.A: 5. .(17)Man: Come in and sit down, please.Woman: Thank you. Here’s my personal information card.M: Nice to meet you, Mrs Morgan. 1. ?W: No, I haven’t, but it’s the kind of job I’ve always wanted to d o.M: Really? 2. ?W: Because I think it would give me a chance to develop the abilities I have learned in my job.M: 3. ?W: I worked in a bookshop.M: 4. ?W: Well, it was an interesting job, but I had a few arguments with my boss.M: 5. ?W: He said he told me to type a letter for him and I didn’t. I told him he didn’t. He then got angry with me and said I was l ying. But he just forgot it.M: Oh, I see. I will talk with the manager about it and inform you later.(18)A: Excuse me, sir? Where is the nearest hotel?B: 1. . You may ask that policeman over there.A: Thank you all the same.(The man goes to the policeman.)A: Excuse me, 2. ?C: No, there isn’t a hotel near here, but there is one near the Bank of China.A: 3. ?C: It’s about two kilometers away.A: 4. ?C: You’d better take a taxi, because it’s so late and there aren’t any bused now.A: 5. .C: You’re welcome.(19)A: Laura, how are you today?B: Not very well. I’ve had a bad day.A: 1. ?B: I got up late this morning. 2. .So I had to wait for another bus.A: Oh, bad luck! 3. ?B: Yes. I was 30 minutes late. And what was worse, when I got to school, I found no one in the classroom!A: Where did they go?B: 4. . Our teacher told us about it, I forgot.A: 5. ?B: Yes, but when I found them, they were going back to school!(20)A: Excuse me. 1. ?B: Sorry, I’m new here. You can ask my friend. He may know.C: The Children’s Hospital? Er… It’s a little far from here.A: 2. ?C: It’s about 5 kilometers away.A: 3. ?C: Yes, the No. 15 bus will take you there.A: Where is the bus stop?C: 4. and take the first turning on the right. You can see it on your left. You can’t miss i t. A: 5. .C: You are welcome.参考答案(1)1.Have you taken your temperature?2.How long have you been like this?3.You’ve got a cold.4.Is it serious?5.How often do I have to take it?(2)1.What are you talking about?2.No, I didn’t.3.w hat a pity!4Can we watch it on TV?5Work must come first.(3)1Have you finished your homework? 2I’ll help you.3Here you are.4By the way5Where is she?(4)1She may have one.2Here you are.3Would you like to come?4What time will it begin?5I must finish my homework first.(5)1I’ really sorry.2Are you ill?3Why not take some flowers with you? 4That’s wonderful.5I can borrow a car and take you there.(6)1Thank you for meeting me.2Here is my card.3It was OK.4Where is the hotel?5What time does it begin?(7)1What’s up\Why?2Between which teams?3Great!4What time does it start?5I’d like to watch the game very much.(8)1Which path would you like to choose? 2Which hotel do you want to live in? 3It’s not expensive.4Will you please fill in this form?5Sure\certainly \ Yes, it’s quite all right.(9)1What is it ?2Who told you about it?3I was the winner.4Where shall we go?5See you later.(10)1I was ill.2How are you now \Are you better now3Have you seen the doctor4Why don’t you stay at home today5I can help you with your lessons(11)1How are you \ How’s everything going2You look so nice in the new skirt3I bought it in Hangzhou4When did you go there5He has gone to England(12)1Where have you been2What were you doing3How about now4It seems you borrowed all of them5Sam must spend all of his money on music(13)1Did you watch the football match last night2What a pity3What was the score \result4Was it an exciting game5Soon our team kicked another two goals.\ And in the last minute our team got one more.\But after that our t eam still played very well.\And the American team got no more……(14)1This is Mei Ya speaking2Not yet, and you3Really4Would you like to go with me5How about walking\riding a bike(15)1How about going on a trip2Where to go\where do you plan to go3We can go there by bike4Who else would you like to go with\Why not ask someone else to join us5We can just lie on the grass having a good rest\we can have a picnic there\we can do anything we l ike……(16)1I have to look after my mother\my mother is ill in hospital2She has got a bad cold\cough…3How is she feeling now4Can I do anything to help5See you(17)1Have you done this kind of work before2Why are interested in it3What was your last job4Why did you leave5What was the arguments about(18)1I’m sorry I don’t know2Is there a hotel near here3How far is it4How can I get there5Thank you(19)1What’s up\what happened\what’s wrong with you2I missed the early bus3You must be late, weren’t you\were you late for school4They went to the playground to see a basketball match….5Did you find them at last\did you go to look for them(20)1Which is the way to the Children’s Hospital2How far is it3Can I take a bus4Go along this road5Thank you“”“”At the end, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, "people who learn to learn are very happy people.". In every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, "life is diligent, nothing can be gained", only continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you!。



中考英语补全对话常用句型全归纳-并附真题及答案补全对话归纳总结功能相同的句型:打电话:我们中文中如果是接电话会说:我是某某人,请讲,所以对应的英语翻译是:I am --.speaking,please。

但是英语却不是这样的,正确的英语是:This is --speaking。

May I speak to Mr. Li?I'd like to speak to Mr. Li, please.对,我就是。

Speaking.或者This is Mr. Li speaking. (对,我是。

)您是哪位? Who's calling, please?或者 Who's speaking, please?或者Who is this, please?This is Tom speaking.我是Tom。

其他Is Sue James in?休·詹姆斯在吗?I'm sorry, he's not in right now. (对不起,他出去了。

) He's not in. 或者He's out now.感谢类: Thanks!Thank you!Thanks a lot!Thank you very much!Thank you very,very much!答谢类:That’s all right . 没关系.That’s OK. 没关系.Not at all. 不用谢. You are welcome.不必谢.It’s a pleasure.道歉类: Sorry.I am sorry…I am sorry for…应答类:That’s all right.It doesn’t matter.That’s nothing.建议类:You had better …Shall we do… ?Wh at about doing… ?How about doing… ?Why not do… ?Let’s do sth … OK ?Would you like some … ?同意类: OK.Sure.Certainly.All right.Yes, please.Yes, I think so.I agree with you.不同意类: I am afraid not.Sorry, I don’t think so.I really can’t agree with you.祝愿祝贺类 Good Luck to you!Best wishes!Have a good (nice) time!Congratulations to you!Happy Teachers’ Day!Happy birthday to you!Happy New Year!Merry Christmas!3. 熟记“问” 字句型问天气:What’s the weather like today? How is the weather today?问时间:What’s the time?What time is it?问职业:What’s your father?What’s your father’s job?What does your father do?问价格:What’s the price of the book?How much is the book?How much does the book cost?How much should I pay for the book?问年龄: How old are you?What’s your age?问地址: What do you live?What’s your address?问姓名:What’s your name?Could I have your name, please?Do you mind my knowing your name?Do you mind if I know your name?Can you tell me your name?问词意: What do you mean by saying the word?What’s the meaning of the word?What does the word mean?问单位: Where do you work?What company are you working for?问爱好: Which do you like best?Which do you prefer?What’s your hobby?What’s your favorite?问感受: What do you think of the film?How do you like the film?问数量: How many people are there in your family? How much water do you drink every day?问人口:What’s the population of China?How many people are there in China?How large is the population of China?问路线: Which is the way to the station?Do you know the way to the station?Can you tell me the way to the station?How can I get to the station?问尺寸: What size is your sweater?What size do you want?What size do you need? 问距离: How far is your school from here?How far away is your school from here?问日期:What’s the date today?问星期: What day is it today?问高度: How tall are you?What’s your height?How high is the mountain?问宽度: How wide is the river?问长度: How long is the bridge?问体重:What’s your weight?How much do you weigh?问电话: Can I know your telephone number?What’s your tele phone number?购物:1.Can I help you ? -Yes ,please.2.What color do you want ?\What sizes do youwant ?\How many do you want ?3.How much is it ?4. Can I try it on ?\ May I try it on ? -Of course.\ Sure , you can.5.I’ll take it.6.What kind of noodles would you like ? –I’d like beef noodles.7.Thnk you . –You ‘re welcome.问路:1.Excuse me? – Yes?2.Can you tell me how to get to …?\Could you please tell me how to…3.Where is …4.How far is it ?5.How long does it take?6.How can I get to …7.Go straight \Go down . Turn right\left8.Can I ride a bike there ?天气:What’s the weather like ?\How’s the weather ?It’s sunny\rainy\cloudy\windy\snowy…Which season do you like best?I like Spring \Summer\Autumn\Winter.假期,周末活动:How was your weekend?what did you do on weekends?What are you going to do on weekend ?\What are you going to do for vacation? \where would you go on vacation?I am going to ..When will you leave ?\When are you going?How will you get there?How long are you staying?When shall we meet?Where shall we meet?That’ s a good idea . \That sounds good .What abou t you ?\How about you?\What about doing…学习:1.How do you study for a test ?\How do you learn English ?2.I study byl listening to the tapes .3.What’s your favorite subject ?- My favorite subjectis …4.Who is your English teacher ? - She is ...问日期:What’s the date today?When is …?看医生:What’s the matter ?\What ‘s wrong ?\What’s the trouble ?I have a cold \I have a headache.When did it start ?How long have you been like this ?六、试题案例(一)看病A:Good morning.B:Good morning. What’s wrong with you?A:I don’t feel very well and I’ve a headache.B:How long have you been like this? A:Ever since this morning.B:Maybe you’ve caught a cold. Have you taken your temperature?A:No, I haven’t.B:Can I take your temperature?A:OK.B:Oh, you’ve got a fever.A:Is it serious?B:Nothing serious.A:What should I do then?B:You can take some medicine and drink much water. A:How often should I take this medicine?B:You can take this medicine three times a day and you’ll be all right soon.A:Thank you, doctor. I’ll do as you say. Bye!B:Bye!(二)打电话J-Jim M-Mrs ReadJ:Hello. Could I speak to Ann, please?M:Certainly. Hold on, please. Oh, I’m afraid. She isn’t here right now.J:Can I leave a message for her?M:Yes, please. But who is that?J:This is Jim speaking.M:Hello, Jim. Can I take a message for you?J:Yes. Could you ask her to call me?M:Sure! What’s your telephone number?J:My telephone number is 1234567.M:I’ll give the message to her as soon a s she comes back.J:Thank you. Good-bye!M:Bye!(三)购物A:Good morning. Can I help you?B:Yes, please. I want to buy a pair of shoes. Can you show me one?A:What size do you need?B:Size 38.A:How about those ones?B:I don’t like this color. Have you got any other colors? A:Yes. How about this one?B:It looks nice. Can I try them on?A:Sure.B:Oh, it’s just right. Where is it made?A:It’s made in Japan. It’s very comfortable.B:How much are they?A:100 yuan.B:It’s too expensive. I can’t afford it. Have y ou got a cheaper one?A:Well. I’m afraid it’s the cheapest one.B:OK. I’ll take it. Here is the money.A:Thank you. Good-bye!B:Bye! (四)问路A:Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office, please? B: Sorry,I don’t know. You’d better ask the policeman over there. He may know.A:Thank you all the same.B:Excuse me. Which is the way to the post office, please?C:Go down this street and take the first turning on the right. Go across the bridge and you’ll find the post office on the left. It’s between the city libr ary and the hospital. You can’t miss it.A:How far is it from here?C:It’s about 30 minutes’ walk. You’d better catch a bus.A:Which bus do I need?C:I think you need a number 16 bus. The bus will take you there.A:Thank you very much.C:You’re welcome.(五)约定A:What are you going to do next Sunday?B:Nothing much(Nothing special).A:Shall we go to the park and play football?B:Good idea.A:How can we get there?B:By bike.A:Where shall we meet?B:How about meeting at the gate of our school?A:When shall we meet?B:At 8:30.A:Why not meet a little earlier? Let’s make it half past seven.B:OK.A:See you then.B:See you.(六)询问病情A:Good morning. Xiao Xue!B:Good morning. Lin Lin!A:I don’t see Zhou Tao today. Do you know where he is?B:Yes. He is in hospital.A:What’s wrong with him?B:Yesterday evening he felt terrible. He had a pain in his teeth and his father took him to the hospital.A:What happened to him then?B:One of his teeth is broken. The doctor took it out. A:I’m sorry to hear that. He always eats a l ot of sweets. B:Yes. But he won’t eat them any more.A:How is Zhou Tao feeling now?B:I don’t know. Let’s visit him after school. OK?A:OK!(7)聊天A:Hello! Nice to meet youB:Nice to meet you, too A:What bad weather, isn’t it?B:Yes, but I think the sun will come out later on A:May I ask you some questions?B:Certainly.A:Where are you from?B:I’m from…A:You’re from Australia, aren’t you?B:Yes. How did you guess?A:The way you speak. When were you born? B:I was born on August 8 ,1988A:Where were you born?B:I was born in a small village near London. A:Why did you come to China?B:Because my parents wanted to work in China. A:How do you like China?B:I like it very much.A:What do you like about China?B:The people and the food.A:How is your Chinese?B:My Chinese is just so-so. I’m trying my best to study my Chinese well.A:That’s great. Good luck with your Chinese. (八)就餐Waiter:Good morning ,madamA and B:Good morning.W:A table for two?A:Yes. Can we sit at the table by the window?W:OK. This way, please. Here is the menu.A:Thank you.W:May I take your order now?A:Yes, We’ll have chicken with potatoes、beef 、rice and vegetable soup.W:That’s what you ordered, please take your time. (After the meal)A:Excuse me, Could we have some tea, please?W:certainly. Would you like something else?A:No. that’s all. Could we have the bill?W:Of course. Sir.A:Here is the money.W:Thank you. Welcome you here again.(九)做客H-Han Mei T-Twins L-LilyH:Would you like a drink?T:Yes, please.H:I’ll get you some tea.T:Can we do anything to help?H:No, thanks. Here are some cookies. Help yourselves. T:Thank you.L:Well. I think it’s time for us to leave now?H:Oh, do you have to?L:Yes, I’m afraid so. It’s getting late and we have to get up early in the morning. H:Don’t le ave anything behind.L:Thanks. I think we have everything. Thank you for having us. We enjoyed ourselves very much.H:I’m happy you did. Bye!(十) 交通事故A:Excuse me. What has happened?B:A car hit an electric pole.A:When did it happen?B:About ten minutes ago.A:Has anyone called the police?B:Yes, but the police haven’t come.A:Is anyone hurt?B:Yes, a man is hurt, but not badly.A:Has he gone to the hospital?B:No, he is waiting for the police to come. After the survey he will go to the hospital.七、试题精选(1)Doctor: Good morning . What’s your trouble?Woman: I don’t feel very well.D:1._______________________________?W: Yes, I have. My temperature is a little higher.D: Open your mouth and say “Ah”.W: AahhD: 2._______________________________? W: Ever since last night.D: Did your sleep well?W: No, I was very tired last night.D: Oh, I see. 3. ________________________. W: Can you tell me how I got a cold?D: Maybe you overworked yourself.W: I think so. I have too much work to do every day.Do I have to stay at home?D: Yes. You’d better stay at home for two or three days.W: 4. ________________________?D: No. I don’t think it is serious. But you really needa good rest and take this medicine.W: 5. ________________________?D: Three times a day.W: OK. Thank you.(2)A: 1._______________________________?B: They are talking about yesterday’s football match. A: Oh, I watched it on TV. Beijing Team had very good teamwork. Didn’t you watch it?B: 2. _______________________________. I did my homework and forgot the time. When I turned on the TV, it had finished already.A: 3. _______________________________! But Beijing Team will play again this evening.B: 4. _______________________________________? A: Sure. You’d better finish your homework earlier if you want to watch it. Remember, “5._______________________________.”(3)B: That’s a good idea. (Looking at his watch.) Oh, I haven’t much time left. I’d better hurry to f inish my homework.A: 1. _______________________________?B: Not yet. Exercise 3 is too difficult for me.A: Don’t worry. 2 _______________________.B: It’s very kind of you. But I think I can do it myself. Can you lend me your English-Chinese dictionary?A: With pleasure. 3. ______________________.B: Thanks. 4. ________________, is Miss Gao at the teachers’ office?A: Oh, no. She’s out at the moment.B: 5._______________________? Do you know? I have some questions to ask her.A: I think she is at the library. She told me she wanted to borrow some books.B: I have to wait for her.(4)Dick: Excuse me, Lucy. Have you g bot a dictionary? Lucy: Sorry, I haven’t. You may ask Meimei.1.___________________________.Dick: Excuse me, Meimei. Have you got a dictionary? Meimei: Yes. 2. _____________________________. Dick: Thank you. I’ll give it back soon. By the way, tomorrow is my birthday.3. ________________? Meimei: Yes, I’d love to. 4._____________________? Dick: About seven o’ clock..Meimei: I’ll try to be there on time, but5.____________________________. Dick: It doesn’t matter. Work must come first.(5)(Sue=S Ken=K)S: Hello, Ken! Could you give me a lift?K: 1.____________________________, I don’t have a car right nowS: Oh, that’s too bad! I want to go to the Central Hospital.K: Why? 2______________________________?S: No, I’m all right. My English teacher is there. She is ill now and is to leave the hospital today.K: I see. 3. ____________________________?S: I’ve already got some flowers from my mother’s garden.K: Well, well. 4. ___________________________. S: But, what a pity! I can’t see Linda now. No car and no driver.K: Wrong. You have a good driver here. 5.___________________________.S: Really? That’s great. It’s very kind of you, Ken.K: It’s my pleasure.(6)(Zhang=Z Mr.Smith=M)Z: Hello, are you Mr. Smith from the United States? M: Yes, Robert Smith. Please call me Robert. . 1.__________________________.Z: My pleasure. Welcome to China. My name is Zhang Lin. You can call me Lin. This is my card.M: Thank you. And 2. _________________________. Z: Oh, good, thanks. How was the journey?M: 3 . ______________________, although a little tiring.Z: Then let’s get your things and go to the hotel now. M: Oh, thank you. 4. ___________________________? Z: It’s about thirty minutes’ drive. By the way, we are going to have a dinner party for you this evening.M: It’s very kind of you. 5. _____________________? Z: Six thirty. I’ll pick you up at six o’clock.M: OK. See you then.Z: Bye.(7)(Robert=R Jack=J)J: Hello, Robert. Are you free on Saturday morning? R: Yes. 1.___________________________?J: There is a basketball match at the Sports Center. Do you want to watch it?R: Sure. 2. _________________________?J: Our school Vs No. 1 Middle School.R: 3. __________________________! Let’s go to cheer for our team.J: Yeah. No.1 Middle School Team is not easy to beat. R: So the match will be exciting. 4. _______________? J: 8:30. Do you think you can get up on time?R: Of course. 5. __________________________.J: OK. There will be three school buses waiting for us in front of the library. Let’s meet there at 8:30.R: All right. See you then.(8)A: Morning! What can I do for you?B: We’d like to make a trip for a weekend holiday, please.A: There are many travel paths. 1. _______________? B: We’d like to choose Jinggang mountains.A: It’s really worth visiting. 2. __________________? B: We’re not sure. Which hotel do you think is comfortable?A: The Holiday Hone is very good. What’s more important, 3. __________________________..B: We don’t want to live in an expensive hotel. That’s what we’ll do.A: 4. _____________________________?B: OK. I’ll ask my wife to fill in thi s form. By the way, Is it all right if we pay by credit card?A: 5. _____________________. Enjoy your weekend. B: Thank you.(9)A: Hi, Bruce. Good news for you.B: 1. ____________________________?A: You won the first prize in the English competition. B: Wow! I’m so glad to hear that. 2._______________? A: Our English teacher did. She said three of the students in our class won the prize.B: What about you?A: 3. _________________, too. I think I was lucky this time.B: So great! Congratulations!A: It’s a great day for us today. Let’s go out and relax ourselves, shall we?B: Good idea. But 4._________________________? A: To the park, OK?B: All right. But I have to go home and tell my mother first. See you later.A: 5. ___________________________.(10)A: Hi, Tom. You were not here yesterday afternoon. What was wrong?B. 1. _____________________________.A: Sorry to hear that. 2. _____________________? B. Much better. The fever is gone. But I still cough and I feel weak.A: 3. _____________________________?B: Yes, I have. I went to the doctor’s yesterday afternoon. The doctor gave me some medicine and asked me to stay in bed for a few days.A: 4. ____________________________?B: Because I’m afraid I’ll miss more lessons and I’ll be left behind.A: Don’t worry. Take care of yourself. 5._______________________________.B: Thank you.(11)A: Hello, Mary. 1. __________________________? B. Fine, thank you, Lucy.A: Mary, 2. ____________________________.B. It’s so kind of you to say that.A: Where did you buy the skirt?B: 3. ____________________________?A: In Hangzhou? Well, Hangzhou is a very beautiful city. 4. ________________________?B: Last month.A: Did you go there with your father?B. No, 5. _________________________.A: England?B: Yes, on business.(12)(Rob=R Mom=M)R: Hi, Mom. I’m home!M: 1._________________? It’s almost 5:00.R: Sorry. I was at Sam’s house.M: 2.____________________?R: Listening to music. Sam has a lot of great CDs. You should hear some of them.M: Maybe I’ll do that sometime later.R: 3. ______________________?M: Now? I’m busy cooking.R: It doesn’t matter. Sam let me borrow some of them. See?M: Sam let you borrow some of them? 4.___________________________.R: I only borrowed 15 CDs. Sam has more than 200. M: That’s a lot of CDs. 5. ______________________. R: He does. He spends his mom’s money, too.(13)(Paul=P Jack=J)P: Hi, Jack!J: Hi!P: 1. _____________________?J: No, I missed it. By the time I got there, It had already finished.P: 2. ______________________! It was a great football match.J: 3. _______________________?P: Wow. It was a big score. We beat them 5—3.J: Really? That’s amazing! 4. ___________________? P: Yeah. And I’ve never seen such an exciting match before! After 60 minutes, the American team was winning 3—2.J: Then what happened?P: 5. _______________________.J: Great.(14)(Zhu Lei=Z Mei Ya=M)Z: Hello. Is Mei Ya in, please?M: 1. _____________________. Who is that?Z: This is Zhu Lei here. Have you watched the performance by Tai Lihua at CCTV Spring Festival Gala for 2005?M: 2. _______________________?Z: I haven’t either. But it’s said this is a very beautiful dance.M: 3. ___________________? Was it given by Tai Lihua only?Z: No, it was given by Tai Lihua and other 19 girls. And many people in the country were moved by it.M: Why were so many people moved? Was there something special about it?Z: Yes. These 20 girls are all deaf and mute ones.M: Oh, I understand. I hope I can have a chance to watch it.Z: Don’t worry. Here comes the chance. Look, I’ve got two tickets for their performance in Wuhan Theatre tonight. 4. ____________________?M: Sure. How shall we get there?Z: 5. ___________________.?It is not far from here. M: OK, I’ll wait for you at home at two. See you later. Z: See you.(15)A: What a fine day today! 1. ___________________? B: That sounds like a good idea. 2. _________________? A: Let’s go to the little Hill.B: Shall we take the bus there?A: 3. ____________________. It’s not very far.B: That will be OK. I’ll ride my new bike my father bought me for my birthday last month.A:4____________________?B: Let’s ask Mary and Jack to go with us. Th ey planned to go last Sunday but it rained. A: Good! I’m sure they will be happy to.B: Have you got any idea what we are doing there? A: 5. ____________________.B: That will be fun.(16)A: Hi, Ben! What are you doing these days?B: 1.____________________.A: Oh, what’s wrong with her?B: 2. ______________________. She had to see a doctor.The doctor said there was something wrong.A: I’m sorry to hear that. 3. _____________________? B: A little better.A: 4. _____________________?B: No, thanks. I can do it all by myself. See you.A: 5. _____________________.(17)Man: Come in and sit down, please.Woman: Thank you. Here’s my personal information card.M: Nice to meet you, Mrs Morgan. 1._______________?W: No, I haven’t, but it’s the kind of job I’ve always wanted to do.M: Really? 2. ______________________?W: Because I think it would give me a chance to develop the abilities I have learned in my job.M: 3. _______________________?W: I worked in a bookshop.M: 4. ________________________?W: Well, it was an interesting job, but I had a few arguments with my boss.M: 5. ________________________?W: He said he told me to type a letter for him and I didn’t. I told him he didn’t. He then got angry with me and said I was lying. But he just forgot it.M: Oh, I see. I will talk with the manager about it and inform you later.(18)A: Excuse me, sir? Where is the nearest hotel?B: 1. ___________________. You may ask that policeman over there.A: Thank you all the same.(The man goes to the policeman.)A: Excuse me, 2._____________________?C: No, there isn’t a hotel near here, but there is one near the Bank of China.A: 3. ____________________?C: It’s about two kilometers away.A: 4. _____________________?C: You’d better take a taxi, because it’s so late and there aren’t any bused now.A: 5. _____________________.C: You’re welcome.(19)A: Laura, how are you today?B: Not very well. I’ve had a bad day.A: 1._______________________?B: I got up late this morning. 2.____________________.So I had to wait for another bus.A: Oh, bad luck! 3. _______________________?B: Yes. I was 30 minutes late. And what was worse, when I got to school, I found no one in the classroom! A: Where did they go?B: 4. ________________________. Our teacher told us about it, I forgot.A: 5. ______________________________?B: Yes, but when I found them, they were going back to school!(20)A: Excuse me. 1._________________________?B: Sorry, I’m new here. You can ask my friend. He may know.C: The Children’s Hospital? Er… It’s a little far from here.A: 2. ___________________________?C: It’s about 5 kilometers away.A: 3. ___________________________?C: Yes, the No. 15 bus will take you there.A: Where is the bus stop?C: 4. _________________________ and take the first turning on the right. You can see it on your left. You can’t miss it.A: 5. ___________________________.C: You are welcome.参考答案(1)1. Have you taken your temperature?2. How long have you been like this?3. You’ve got a cold.4. Is it serious?5. How often do I have to take it?(2)1.What are you talking about?2. No, I didn’t.3.what a pity!Can we watch it on TV?Work must come first.(3) Have you finished your homework? I’ll help you.Here you are.By the wayWhere is she?(4)She may have one.Here you are.Would you like to come?What time will it begin?I must finish my homework first.(5)I’ really sorry.Are you ill?Why not take some flowers with you? That’s wonderful.I can borrow a car and take you there.(6)Thank you for meeting me.Here is my card.It was OK.Where is the hotel?What time does it begin?(7)What’s up\Why?Between which teams?Great!What time does it start?I’d like to watch the game very much.(8)Which path would you like to choose? Which hotel do you want to live in? It’s not expensive.Will you please fill in this form? Sure\certainly \ Yes, it’s quite all right.(9)What is it ?Who told you about it?I was the winner.Where shall we go?See you later.(10)I was ill.How are you now \Are you better now Have you seen the doctorWhy don’t you stay at home todayI can help you with your lessons(11)How are you \ How’s everything goingYou look so nice in the new skirtI bought it in HangzhouWhen did you go thereHe has gone to England(12)Where have you beenWhat were you doingHow about nowIt seems you borrowed all of themSam must spend all of his money on music(13)Did you watch the football match last nightWhat a pityWhat was the score \resultWas it an exciting gameSoon our team kicked another two goals.\ And in the last minute our team got one more.\But after that our team still played very well.\And the American team got no more……(14)This is Mei Ya speakingNot yet, and youReallyWould you like to go with meHow about walking\riding a bike(15)How about going on a tripWhere to go\where do you plan to goWe can go there by bikeWho else would you like to go with\Why not ask someone else to join usWe can just lie on the grass having a good rest\we can have a picnic there\we can do anything we like……(16)I have to look after my mother\my mother is ill in hospitalShe has got a bad cold\cough…How is she feeling nowCan I do anything to helpSee you(17)Have you done this kind of work beforeWhy are interested in itWhat was your last jobWhy did you leaveWhat was the arguments about(18) I’m sorry I don’t knowIs there a hotel near hereHow far is itHow can I get thereThank you(19)What’s up\what happened\what’s wrong with youI missed the early busYou must be late, weren’t you\were you late for school They went to the playground to see a basketball match….Did you find them at last\did you go to look for them (20)Which is the way to the Children’s HospitalHow far is itCan I take a busGo along this roadThank you。



归纳总结功能相同的句型:打电话:This is 谁谁speaking。


May I speak to Mr. Li? 我可以和李先生讲话吗?(我找李先生?)Speaking. 对,我就是。

或者This is 谁谁speaking. (对,我是谁谁。

)Who's that (speaking) 你是谁??或者Who is this, please?This is Tom speaking.我是Tom。

Is Sue James in?休·詹姆斯在吗?I'm sorry, he's not in (right now.)He is not here now. (对不起,他出去了。

)Can I take a message for you? 我能给你带个口信吗?Hold on,please ! 请稍等一下(怎么了?What’s up ? /What’s the matter ?\What ‘s wrong ?)感谢类:Thanks!Thank you!Thank you very much!答谢类:You are welcome.不必谢.Not at all. 不用谢.道歉类:Sorry.I am sorry for what I said/did建议类:You had better do-----What about doing… ?How about doing… ?Why not do… ?同义句why don’t you do----?Let’s do … OK ?Would you like some … ?Shall we do… ?支持赞同上面建议答语:That’ s a good idea . \That sounds good .好主意,棒极了同意许可类:OK.Certainly.Of courseI agree with you.不同意类:I am afraid not. Sorry, I don’t think so. I really can’t agree with you. 祝愿祝贺类 Have a good (nice) time!Good Luck to you!Best wishes!Congratulations to you!3. 熟记“问” 字句型问天气:What’s the weather like today?How is the weather today?问时间:What’s the time?What time is it?问职业:What’s your father?What’s your father’s job?What does your father do?问价格:What’s the price of the book?How much is the book?问年龄:How old are you?What’s your age?问住址:where do you live?What’s your address?问姓名:What’s your name?Can you tell me your name?问爱好:What’s your hobby?Which do you prefer?同义句Which do you like better?Which do you like best?问看法感受:What do you think of the film?How do you like the film?问数量:How many-------?(可数东西)How much-------?(不可数东西)问人口:What’s the population of China?How many people are there in China?问路:Can you tell me the way to –地点?How can I get to地点-?Which is the way to the station?问尺寸:What size do you want?What size do you need?问日期:What’s the date today?问距离:How far is it?How far is your school from here?问星期:What day is it today?问高度:How tall are you?What’s your height?问宽度:How wide is the river?问长度:How long is the bridge?问体重:What’s your weight?How heavy is it?问电话:Can I know your telephone number?What’s your telephone number?购物:1.Can I help you ? -Yes ,please.2.What color do you want ?\What sizes do you want ?\How many do you want ?3.How much is it ?4. Can I try it on ?\ May I try it on ? -Of course.\ Sure , you can.5.I’ll take it.问路:1.Excuse me? – Yes?2.Can you tell me how to get to …?\Could you please tell me how to…3.Where is …4.How far is it ?5.How long does it take?6.How can I get to …7.Go straight \Go down . Turn right\left8.Can I ride a bike there ?天气:1.Which season do you like best?2.I like Spring \Summer\Autumn\Winter.(准备、计划要做的)假期,周末活动:(还没有发生,一般将来时)1.What are you going to do on weekend ?where are you going on vacation?2.I am going to ..3.When will you leave ?\When are you going?4.How will you get there?谈论一些发生在过去的事(例如过去的旅游经历、购物经历、看电影经历What did you do yesterday /there ?Where did you go last night ?Who did you go with ?How did you go there?How long did you stay there ?Where did you buy it/them ?Is it far from here ?---How far is it ?Where have you been ?----I have been to +地点。



中考英语补全对话句型归纳-真题及答案(总24页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除归纳总结功能相同的句型:打电话: This is 谁谁speaking。


May I speak to Mr. Li 我可以和李先生讲话吗(Speaking. 对,我就是。

或者This is 谁谁 speaking. (对,我是谁谁。

)Who's that (speaking) 你是谁或者 Who is this, please?This is Tom speaking.我是Tom。

Is Sue James in休·詹姆斯在吗?I'm sorry, he's not in (right now.) He is not here now. (对不起,他出去了。

)Can I take a message for you 我能给你带个口信吗Hold on,please ! 请稍等一下(怎么了? What’s up/What’s the matter \What ‘s wrong)感谢类: Thanks!2Thank you!Thank you very much!答谢类: You are welcome.不必谢.Not at all. 不用谢.道歉类: Sorry.I am sorry for what I said/did建议类: You had better do-----What about doing…How about doing…Why not do… 同义句why don’t you do----Let’s do … OKWould you like some …Shall we do…支持赞同上面建议答语:That’ s a good idea . \That sounds good .好主意,棒极了同意许可类: OK.Certainly.3Of courseI agree with you.不同意类: I am afraid not.Sorry, I don’t think so.I really can’t agree with you.祝愿祝贺类Have a good (nice) time!Good Luck to you!Best wishes!Congratulations to you!3. 熟记“问” 字句型问天气:What’s the weather like today How is the weather today问时间:What’s the time?What time is it?问职业:What’s your father4What’s your father’s job?What does your father do?问价格:What’s the price of the book How much is the book问年龄: How old are you?What’s your age问住址: where do you live?What’s your address?问姓名:What’s your name?Can you tell me your name?5问爱好: What’s your hobby?Which do you prefer?同义句 Which do you like better?Which do you like best?问看法感受: What do you think of the filmHow do you like the film问数量: How many-------(可数东西)How much-------(不可数东西)问人口:What’s the po pulation of ChinaHow many people are there in China问路: Can you tell me the way to –地点How can I get to地点-Which is the way to the station6问尺寸: What size do you want?What size do you need?问日期:What’s the date today?问距离: How far is it?How far is your school from here? 问星期: What day is it today?问高度: How tall are you?What’s your height?问宽度: How wide is the river问长度: How long is the bridge7问体重:What’s your weight?How heavy is it问电话: Can I know your telephone number?What’s your telephone number?购物:1.Can I help you -Yes ,please.2.What color do you want \What sizes do you want \How many do you want3.How much is it4. Can I try it on \ May I try it on -Of course.\ Sure , you can.5.I’ll take it.问路:1.Excuse me – Yes?2.Can you tell me how to get to …\Could you please tell me how to…3.Where is …84.How far is it5.How long does it take?6.How can I get to …7.Go straight \Go down . Turn right\left8.Can I ride a bike there天气:1.Which season do you like best?2.I like Spring \Summer\Autumn\Winter.(准备、计划要做的)假期,周末活动:(还没有发生,一般将来时)1.What are you going to do on weekend where are you going on vacation?2.I am going to ..3.When will you leave \When are you going4.5.How will you get there?谈论一些发生在过去的事(例如过去的旅游经历、购物经历、看电影经历 What did you do yesterday /thereWhere did you go last nightWho did you go with9How did you go there?How long did you stay thereWhere did you buy it/themIs it far from here ---How far is itWhere have you been ----I have been to +地点。



归纳总结功能相同的句型:之答禄夫天创作打德律风:我们中文中如果是接德律风会说:我是某某人, 请讲, 所以对应的英语翻译是:i am --.speaking,please.可是英语却不是这样的, 正确的英语是:This is --speaking.May I speak to Mr. Li?I'd like to speak to Mr. Li, please.对, 我就是. Speaking.或者This is Mr. Li speaking. (对, 我是.)您是哪位? Who's calling, please?或者Who's speaking, please?或者Who is this, please?This is Tom speaking.我是Tom.其他Is Sue James in?休·詹姆斯在吗?I'm sorry, he's not in right now. (对不起, 他出去了.)He's not in. 或者He's out now.感谢类: Thanks!Thank you!Thanks a lot!Thank you very much!Thank you very, very much!报答类:That’s all right . 没关系.That’s OK. 没关系. Not at all. 不用谢. You are welcome.不用谢.It’s a pleasure.报歉类: Sorry.I am sorry…I am sorry for…应答类:That’s all right.It doesn’t matter.That’s nothing.建议类:You had better …Shall we do… ?What ab out doing… ?How about doing… ?Why not do… ?Let’s do sth … OK ?Would you like some … ?同意类: OK.Sure.Certainly.All right.Yes, please.Yes, I think so.I agree with you.分歧意类:I am afraid not.Sorry, I don’t think so.I really can’t agree with you. 祝愿祝贺类 Good Luck to you!Best wishes!Have a good (nice) time!Congratulations to you!Happy Teachers’ Day!Happy birthday to you!Happy New Year!Merry Christmas!3. 熟记“问” 字句型问天气:What’s the weather like today? How is the weather today?问时间:What’s the time?What time is it?问职业:What’s your father?What’s your father’s job?What does your father do?问价格:What’s the price of the book? How much is the book?How much does the book cost?How much should I pay for the book?问年龄:How old are you?What’s yo ur age?问地址:What do you live?What’s your address?问姓名:What’s your name?Could I have your name, please?Do you mind my knowing your name? Do you mind if I know your name?Can you tell me your name?问词意:What do you mean by saying the word? Wha t’s the meaning of the word?What does the word mean?问单元: Where do you work?What company are you working for?问快乐喜爱: Which do you like best?Which do you prefer?What’s your hobby?What’s your favorite?问感受: What do you think of the film?How do you like the film?问数量: How many people are there in your family? How much water do you drink every day?问人口:What’s the population of China?How many people are there in China?How large is the population of China?问路线: Which is the way to the station?Do you know the way to the station?Can you tell me the way to the station? How can I get to the station?问尺寸: What size is your sweater?What size do you want?What size do you need?问距离: How far is your school from here?How far away is your school from here?问日期:What’s the date today?问星期:What day is it today?问高度:How tall are you?What’s your height?How high is the mountain?问宽度:How wide is the river?问长度:How long is the bridge?问体重:What’s your weight?How much do you weigh?问德律风:Can I know your telephone number?What’s your telephone number?购物:1.Can I help you ? -Yes ,please.2.What color do you want ?\What sizes do you want ?\How many do you want ?3.How much is it ?4. Can I try it on ?\ May I try it on ? -Of course.\ Sure , you can.’ll take it.6.What kind of noodles would you like ? –I’d like beef noodles.7.Thnk you . –You ‘re welcome.问路:1.Excuse me? – Yes?2.Can you tell me how to get to …?\Could you please tell me how to…3.Where is …4.How far is it ?5.How long does it take?6.How can I get to …7.Go straight \Go down . Turn right\left8.Can I ride a bike there ?天气:1.What’s the weather like ?\How’s the weather ?2.It’s sunny\rainy\cloudy\windy\snowy…3.Which season do you like best?4.I like Spring \Summer\Autumn\Winter.假期, 周末活动:1.How was your weekend?2.what did you do on weekends?3.What are you going to do on weekend ?\What are yougoing to do for vacation? \where would you go on vacation?4.I am going to ..5.When will you leave ?\When are you going?6.How will you get there?7.How long are you staying?8.When shall we meet?9.Where shall we meet?10.That’ s a good idea . \That sounds good .11.What abou t you ?\How about you?\What about doing…学习:1.How do you study for a test ?\How do you learn English ?2.I study byl listening to the tapes .’s your favorite subject ?- My favorite subject is …4.Who is your English teacher ? - She is ...问日期:What’s the date today?When is …?看医生:What’s the matter ?\What ‘s wrong ?\What’s the trouble ?I have a cold \I have a headache.When did it start ?How long have you been like this ?六、试题案例(一)看病A:Good morning.B:Good morning. What’s wrong with you?A:I don’t feel very well and I’ve a headache.B:How long have you been like this?A:Ever since this morning.B:Maybe you’ve caught a co ld. Have you taken your temperature?A:No, I haven’t.B:Can I take your temperature?A:OK.B:Oh, you’ve got a fever.A:Is it serious?B:Nothing serious.A:What should I do then?B:You can take some medicine and drink much water.A:How often should I take this medicine?B:You can take this medicine three times a day and you’ll be all right soon.A:Thank you, doctor. I’ll do as you say. Bye!B:Bye!(二)打德律风J-Jim M-Mrs ReadJ:Hello. Could I speak to Ann, please?M:Certainly. Hold on, please. Oh, I’m afraid. She isn’t here right now.J:Can I leave a message for her?M:Yes, please. But who is that?J:This is Jim speaking.M:Hello, Jim. Can I take a message for you?J:Yes. Could you ask her to call me?M:Sure! What’s your telephone number?J:My telephone number is 1234567.M:I’ll give the message to her as soon as she comes back.J:Thank you. Good-bye!M:Bye!(三)购物A:Good morning. Can I help you?B:Yes, please. I want to buy a pair of shoes. Can you show me one?A:What size do you need?B:Size 38.A:How about those ones?B:I don’t like this color.Have you got any other colors?A:Yes. How about this one?B:It looks nice. Can I try them on?A:Sure.B:Oh, it’s just right. Where is it made?A:It’s made in Japan. It’s very comfortable.B:How much are they?A:100 yuan.B:It’s too expensive. I can’t afford it. Have you got a cheaper one?A:Well. I’m afraid it’s the cheapest one.B:OK. I’ll take it. Here is the money.A:Thank you. Good-bye!B:Bye!(四)问路A:Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office, please? B:Sorry, I don’t know. You’d better ask the policeman over there. He may know.A:Thank you all the same.B:Excuse me. Which is the way to the post office, please? C:Go down this street and take the first turning on the right. Go across the bridge and you’ll find the post office on the left. It’s between the city library and the hospital. You can’t miss it.A:How far is it from here?C:It’s about 30 minutes’ walk. You’d better catch a bus.A:Which bus do I need?C:I think you need a number 16 bus. The bus will take you there.A:Thank you very much.C:You’re welcome.(五)约定A:What are you going to do next Sunday?B:Nothing much(Nothing special).A:Shall we go to the park and play football?B:Good idea.A:How can we get there?B:By bike.A:Where shall we meet?B:How about meeting at the gate of our school?A:When shall we meet?B:At 8:30.A:Why not meet a little earlier? Let’s make it half past seven.B:OK.A:See you then.B:See you.(六)询问病情A:Good morning. Xiao Xue!B:Good morning. Lin Lin!A:I don’t see Zhou Tao today. Do you know where he is? B:Yes. He is in hospital.A:What’s wrong with him?B:Yesterday evening he felt terrible. He had a pain in his teeth and his father took him to the hospital.A:What happened to him then?B:One of his teeth is broken. The doctor took it out.A:I’m sorry to hear that.He always eats a lot of sweets.B:Yes. But he won’t eat them any more.A:How is Zhou Tao feeling now?B:I don’t know. Let’s visit him af ter school. OK?A:OK!(7)聊天A:Hello! Nice to meet youB:Nice to meet you, tooA:What bad weather, isn’t it?B:Yes, but I think the sun will come out later onA:May I ask you some questions?B:Certainly.A:Where are you from?B:I’m from…A:You’re from Australia, aren’t you?B:Yes. How did you guess?A:The way you speak.When were you born?B:I was born on August 8 ,1988A:Where were you born?B:I was born in a small village near London.A:Why did you come to China?B:Because my parents wanted to work in China.A:How do you like China?B:I like it very much.A:What do you like about China?B:The people and the food.A:How is your Chinese?B:My Chinese is just so-so. I’m trying my best to study my Chinese well.A:That’s great.Good luck with your Chinese.(八)就餐Waiter:Good morning ,madamA and B:Good morning.W:A table for two?A:Yes.Can we sit at the table by the window?W:OK. This way, please. Here is the menu.A:Thank you.W:May I take your order now?A:Yes, We’ll have chicken with potatoes、beef 、rice and vegetable soup.W:That’s what you ordered, please take your time.(After the meal)A:Excuse me, Could we have some tea, please?W:certainly. Would you like something else?A:No. that’s all. Could we have the bill?W:Of course. Sir.A:Here is the money.W:Thank you. Welcome you here again.(九)做客H-Han Mei T-Twins L-LilyH:Would you like a drink?T:Yes, please.H:I’ll get you some tea.T:Can we do anything to help?H:No, thanks. Here are some cookies. Help yourselves.T:Thank you.L:Well. I think it’s time for us to leave now?H:Oh, do you have to?L:Yes, I’m afraid so.It’s getting late and we have to get up early in the morning.H:Don’t leave anything behind.L:Thanks. I think we have everything. Thank you for having us. We enjoyed ourselves very much.H:I’m h appy you did.Bye!(十)交通事故A:Excuse me. What has happened?B:A car hit an electric pole.A:When did it happen?B:About ten minutes ago.A:Has anyone called the police?B:Yes, but the police haven’t come.A:Is anyone hurt?B:Yes, a man is hurt, but not badly.A:Has he gone to the hospital?B:No, he is waiting for the police to come. After the survey he will go to the hospital.七、试题精选(1)Doctor: Good morning . What’s your trouble?Woman: I don’t feel very well.D:1._______________________________?W: Yes, I have. My temperature is a little higher.D: Open your mouth and say “Ah”.W: AahhD: 2._______________________________?W: Ever since last night.D: Did your sleep well?W: No, I was very tired last night.D: Oh, I see. 3. ________________________. W: Can you tell me how I got a cold?D: Maybe you overworked yourself.W: I think so. I have too much work to do every day.Do I have to stay at home?D: Yes. You’d better stay at home for two or three days.W: 4. ________________________?D: No. I don’t think it is serious. But you really needa good rest and take this medicine.W: 5. ________________________?D: Three times a day.W: OK. Thank you.(2)A: 1._______________________________?B: They are talking about yesterday’s football match.A: Oh, I watched it on TV. Beijing Team had very goodteamwork. Didn’t you watch it?B: 2. _______________________________. I did my homework and forgot the time. When I turned on the TV, it hadfinished already.A: 3. _______________________________! But Beijing Team will play again this evening.B: 4. _______________________________________?A: Sure. You’d better finish your homework earlier ifyou want to watch it. Remember,“5._______________________________.”(3)B: That’s a good idea. (Looking at his watch.) Oh, Ihaven’t much time left. I’d better hurry to finishmy homework.A: 1. _______________________________?B: Not yet. Exercise 3 is too difficult for me.A: Don’t worry. 2 _______________________.B: It’s very kind of you. But I think I can do it myself. Can you lend me your English-Chinese dictionary?A: With pleasure. 3. ______________________.B: Thanks. 4. ________________, is Miss Gao at the teachers’ office?A: Oh, no. She’s out at the moment.B: 5._______________________? Do you know? I have some questions to ask her.A: I think she is at the library. She told me she wanted to borrow some books.B: I have to wait for her.(4)Dick: Excuse me, Lucy. Have you g bot a dictionary?Lucy: Sorry, I haven’t. You may ask Meimei.1.___________________________.Dick: Excuse me, Meimei. Have you got a dictionary? Meimei: Yes. 2. _____________________________.Dick: Thank you. I’ll give it back soon. By the way, tomorrow is my birthday.3. ________________? Meimei: Yes, I’d love to. 4._____________________? Dick: About seven o’ clock..Meimei: I’ll try to be there on time, but5.____________________________.Dick: It doesn’t matter. Work must come first.(5)(Sue=S Ken=K)S: Hello, Ken! Could you give me a lift?K: 1.____________________________, I don’t have a car right nowS: Oh, that’s too bad! I want to go to the CentralHospital.K: Why? 2______________________________?S: No, I’m all right. My English teacher is there. She is ill now and is to leave the hospital today.K: I see. 3. ____________________________?S: I’ve already got some flowers from my mother’sgarden.K: Well, well. 4. ___________________________.S: But, what a pity! I can’t see Linda now. No car and no driver.K: Wrong. You have a good driver here. 5.___________________________.S: Really? That’s great. It’s very kind of you, Ken.K: It’s my pleasure.(6)(Zhang=Z Mr.Smith=M)Z: Hello, are you Mr. Smith from the United States?M: Yes, Robert Smith. Please call me Robert. . 1.__________________________.Z: My pleasure. Welcome to China. My name is Zhang Lin.You can call me Lin. This is my card.M: Thank you. And 2. _________________________.Z: Oh, good, thanks. How was the journey?M: 3 . ______________________, although a little tiring. Z: Then let’s get your things and go to the hotel now. M: Oh, thank you. 4. ___________________________?Z: It’s about thirty minutes’ drive. By the way, we are going to have a dinner party for you this evening. M: It’s very kind of you. 5. _____________________?Z: Six thirty. I’ll pick you up at six o’clock.M: OK. See you then.Z: Bye.(7)(Robert=R Jack=J)J: Hello, Robert. Are you free on Saturday morning?R: Yes. 1.___________________________?J: There is a basketball match at the SportsCenter. Do you want to watch it?R: Sure. 2. _________________________?J: Our school Vs No. 1 Middle School.R: 3. __________________________! Let’s go to cheer for our team.J: Yeah. No.1 Middle School Team is not easy to beat.R: So the match will be exciting. 4. _______________?J: 8:30. Do you think you can get up on time?R: Of course. 5. __________________________.J: OK. There will be three school buses waiting for us infront of the library. Let’s meet there at 8:30.R: All right. See you then.(8)A: Morning! What can I do for you?B: We’d like to make a trip for a weekend holiday, please.A: There are many travel paths. 1. _______________?B: We’d like to choose Jinggang mountains.A: It’s really worth vis iting. 2. __________________?B: We’re not sure. Which hotel do you think iscomfortable?A: The Holiday Hone is very good. What’s more important,3. __________________________..B: We don’t want to live in an expensive hotel. That’s what we’ll do.A: 4. _____________________________?B: OK. I’ll ask my wife to fill in this form. By the way, Is it all right if we pay by credit card?A: 5. _____________________. Enjoy your weekend.B: Thank you.(9)A: Hi, Bruce. Good news for you.B: 1. ____________________________?A: You won the first prize in the English competition.B: Wow! I’m so glad to hear that. 2._______________?A: Our English teacher did. She said three of the students in our class won the prize.B: What about you?A: 3. _________________, too. I think I was lucky this time.B: So great! Congratulations!A: It’s a great day for us today. Let’s go out and relax ourselves, shall we?B: Good idea. But 4._________________________?A: To the park, OK?B: All right. But I have to go home and tell my mother first. See you later.A: 5. ___________________________.(10)A: Hi, Tom. You were not here yesterday afternoon. What was wrong?B. 1. _____________________________.A: Sorry to hear that. 2. _____________________?B. Much better. The fever is gone. But I still cough andI feel weak.A: 3. _____________________________?B: Yes, I have. I went to the doctor’s yesterday afternoon. The doctor gave me some medicine and asked me to stay in bed for a few days.A: 4. ____________________________?B: Because I’m afraid I’ll miss more lessons and I’ll be left behind.A: Don’t worry. Take care of yourself. 5._______________________________.B: Thank you.(11)A: Hello, Mary. 1. __________________________?B. Fine, thank you, Lucy.A: Mary, 2. ____________________________.B. It’s so kind of you to say that.A: Where did you buy the skirt?B: 3. ____________________________?A: In Hangzhou? Well, Hangzhou is a very beautiful city.4. ________________________?B: Last month.A: Did you go there with your father?B. No, 5. _________________________.A: England?B: Yes, on business.(12)(Rob=R Mom=M)R: Hi, Mom. I’m home!M: 1._________________? It’s almost 5:00.R: Sorry. I was at Sam’s house.M: 2.____________________?R: Listening to music. Sam has a lot of great CDs. You should hear some of them.M: Maybe I’ll do that sometime later.R: 3. ______________________?M: Now? I’m busy cooking.R: It doesn’t matter. Sam let me borrow some of them.See?M: Sam let you borrow some of them? 4.___________________________.R: I only borrowed 15 CDs. Sam has more than 200.M: That’s a lot of CDs. 5. ______________________.R: He does. He spends his mom’s money, too.(13)(Paul=P Jack=J)P: Hi, Jack!J: Hi!P: 1. _____________________?J: No, I missed it. By the time I got there, It had already finished.P: 2. ______________________! It was a great football match.J: 3. _______________________?P: Wow. It was a big score. We beat them 5—3.J: Really? That’s amazing! 4. ___________________?P: Yeah. And I’ve never seen such an exciting match before! After 60 minutes, the American team waswinning 3—2.J: Then what happened?P: 5. _______________________.J: Great.(14)(Zhu Lei=Z Mei Ya=M)Z: Hello. Is Mei Ya in, please?M: 1. _____________________. Who is that?Z: This is Zhu Lei here. Have you watched the performance by Tai Lihua at CCTV Spring Festival Gala for 2005? M: 2. _______________________?Z: I haven’t either. But it’s said this is a very beautiful dance.M: 3. ___________________? Was it given by Tai Lihua only?Z: No, it was given by Tai Lihua and other 19 girls. And many people in the country were moved by it.M: Why were so many people moved? Was there something special about it?Z: Yes. These 20 girls are all deaf and mute ones.M: Oh, I understand. I hope I can have a chance to watchit.Z: Don’t worry. Here comes the chance. Look, I’ve got two tickets for their performance in Wuhan Theatretonight. 4. ____________________?M: Sure. How shall we get there?Z: 5. ___________________.?It is not far from here.M: OK, I’ll wait for you at home at two. See you later. Z: See you.(15)A: What a fine day today! 1. ___________________?B: That sounds like a good idea. 2. _________________? A: Let’s go to the little Hill.B: Shall we take the bus there?A: 3. ____________________. It’s not very far.B: That will be OK. I’ll ride my new bike my father bought me for my birthday last month.A:4____________________?B: Let’s ask Mary and Jack to go with us. They p lanned to go last Sunday but it rained.A: Good! I’m sure they will be happy to.B: Have you got any idea what we are doing there?A: 5. ____________________.B: That will be fun.(16)A: Hi, Ben! What are you doing these days?B: 1.____________________.A: Oh, what’s wrong with her?B: 2. ______________________. She had to see a doctor. The doctor said there was something wrong.A: I’m sorry to hear that. 3. _____________________?B: A little better.A: 4. _____________________?B: No, thanks. I can do it all by myself. See you.A: 5. _____________________.(17)Man: Come in and sit down, please.Woman: Thank you. Here’s my personal information card. M: Nice to meet you, Mrs Morgan. 1. _______________?W: No, I haven’t, but it’s the kind of job I’ve always wanted to do.M: Really? 2. ______________________?W: Because I think it would give me a chance to develop the abilities I have learned in my job.M: 3. _______________________?W: I worked in a bookshop.M: 4. ________________________?W: Well, it was an interesting job, but I had a few arguments with my boss.M: 5. ________________________?W: He said he told me to type a letter for him and I didn’t. I told him he didn’t. He then got angrywith me and said I was lying. But he just forgot it. M: Oh, I see. I will talk with the manager about it and inform you later.(18)A: Excuse me, sir? Where is the nearest hotel?B: 1. ___________________. You may ask that policeman over there.A: Thank you all the same.(The man goes to the policeman.)A: Excuse me, 2._____________________?C: No, there isn’t a hotel near here, but there is one near the Bank of China.A: 3. ____________________?C: It’s about two kilometers away.A: 4. _____________________?C: You’d better take a taxi, because it’s so late and th ere aren’t any bused now.A: 5. _____________________.C: You’re welcome.(19)A: Laura, how are you today?B: Not very well. I’ve had a bad day.A: 1._______________________?B: I got up late this morning. 2. ____________________.So I had to wait for another bus.A: Oh, bad luck! 3. _______________________?B: Yes. I was 30 minutes late. And what was worse, when I got to school, I found no one in the classroom!A: Where did they go?B: 4. ________________________. Our teacher told us about it, I forgot.A: 5. ______________________________?B: Yes, but when I found them, they were going back to school!(20)A: Excuse me. 1._________________________?B: Sorry, I’m new here. You can ask my friend. He may know.C: The Children’s Hospital? Er… It’s a li ttle far from here.A: 2. ___________________________?C: It’s about 5 kilometers away.A: 3. ___________________________?C: Yes, the No. 15 bus will take you there.A: Where is the bus stop?C: 4. _________________________ and take the first turning on the right. You can see it on your left.You can’t miss it.A: 5. ___________________________.C: You are welcome.参考谜底(1)1. Have you taken your temperature?2. How long have you been like this?3. You’ve got a cold.4. Is it serious?5. How often do I have to take it?(2)1.What are you talking about?2. No, I didn’t.3.what a pity!4Can we watch it on TV?5Work must come first.(3)1Have you finished your homework?2I’ll help you.3Here you are.4By the way5Where is she?(4)1She may have one.2Here you are.3Would you like to come?4What time will it begin?5I must finish my homework first.(5)1I’ really sorry.2Are you ill?3Why not take some flowers with you?4That’s wonderful.5I can borrow a car and take you there.(6)1Thank you for meeting me.2Here is my card.3It was OK.4Where is the hotel?5What time does it begin?(7)1What’s up\Why?2Between which teams?3Great!4What time does it start?5I’d like to watch the game very much.(8)1Which path would you like to choose?2Which hotel do you want to live in?3It’s no t expensive.4Will you please fill in this form?5Sure\certainly \ Yes, it’s quite all right.(9)1What is it ?2Who told you about it?3I was the winner.4Where shall we go?5See you later.(10)1I was ill.2How are you now \Are you better now3Have you seen the doctor4Why don’t you stay at home today5I can help you with your lessons(11)1How are you \ How’s everything going2You look so nice in the new skirt3I bought it in Hangzhou4When did you go there5He has gone to England(12)1Where have you been2What were you doing3How about now4It seems you borrowed all of them5Sam must spend all of his money on music(13)1Did you watch the football match last night2What a pity3What was the score \result4Was it an exciting game5Soon our team kicked another two goals.\ And in the last minute our team got one more.\But after that our team still played very well.\And the American team got no more……(14)1This is Mei Ya speaking2Not yet, and you3Really4Would you like to go with me5How about walking\riding a bike(15)1How about going on a trip2Where to go\where do you plan to go3We can go there by bike4Who else would you like to go with\Why not ask someone else to join us5We can just lie on the grass having a good rest\we can have a picnic there\we can do anything we like……(16)1I have to look after my mother\my mother is ill in hospital2She has got a bad cold\cough…3How is she feeling now4Can I do anything to help5See you(17)1Have you done this kind of work before2Why are interested in it3What was your last job4Why did you leave5What was the arguments about(18)1I’m sorry I don’t know2Is there a hotel near here3How far is it4How can I get there5Thank you(19)1What’s up\what happened\what’s wrong with you2I missed the early bus3You must be late, weren’t you\were you late for school4They went to the playground to see a basketball match….5Did you find them at last\did you go to look for them(20)1Which is the way to the Children’s Hospital2How far is it3Can I take a bus4Go along this road。



补全对话归纳总结功能相同的句型:打电话:我们中文中如果是接电话会说:我是某某人,请讲,所以对应的英语翻译是:I am --.speaking,please。

但是英语却不是这样的,正确的英语是:This is --speaking。

May I speak to Mr. Li?I'd like to speak to Mr. Li, please.对,我就是。

Speaking.或者This is Mr. Li speaking. (对,我是。

)您是哪位? Who's calling, please?或者Who's speaking, please?或者Who is this, please?This is Tom speaking.我是Tom。

其他Is Sue James in?休·詹姆斯在吗?I'm sorry, he's not in right now. (对不起,他出去了。

)He's not in. 或者He's out now.感谢类:Thanks!Thank you!Thanks a lot!Thank you very much!Thank you very,very much!答谢类:That’s all right . 没关系.That’s OK. 没关系.Not at all. 不用谢.You are welcome.不必谢.It’s a pleasure.道歉类:Sorry.I am sorry…I am sorry for…应答类:That’s all right.It doesn’t matter.That’s nothing.建议类:You had better …Shall we do… ?What about doing… ?How about doing… ?Why not do… ?Let’s do sth … OK ?Would you like some … ?同意类:OK.Sure.Certainly.All right.Yes, please.Yes, I think so.I agree with you.不同意类:I am afraid not.Sorry, I don’t think so.I really can’t agree with you.祝愿祝贺类Good Luck to you!Best wishes!Have a good (nice) time!Congratulations to you!Happy Teachers’ Day!Happy birthday to you!Happy New Year!Merry Christmas!3. 熟记“问” 字句型问天气:What’s the weather like today?How is the weather today?问时间:What’s the time?What time is it?问职业:What’s your father?What’s your father’s job?What does your father do?问价格:What’s the price of the book?How much is the book?How much does the book cost?How much should I pay for the book? 问年龄:How old are you?What’s your age?问地址:What do you live?What’s your address?问姓名:What’s your name?Could I have your name, please?Do you mind my knowing your name?Do you mind if I know your name?Can you tell me your name?问词意:What do you mean by saying the word?What’s the meaning of the word?What does the word mean?问单位:Where do you work?What company are you working for?问爱好:Which do you like best?Which do you prefer?What’s your hobby?What’s your favorite?问感受:What do you think of the film?How do you like the film?问数量:How many people are there in your family?How much water do you drink every day?问人口:What’s the population of China?How many people are there in China?How large is the population of China?问路线:Which is the way to the station?Do you know the way to the station?Can you tell me the way to the station?How can I get to the station?问尺寸:What size is your sweater?What size do you want?What size do you need?问距离:How far is your school from here?How far away is your school from here?问日期:What’s the date today?问星期:What day is it today?问高度:How tall are you?What’s your height?How high is the mountain?问宽度:How wide is the river?问长度:How long is the bridge?问体重:What’s your weight?How much do you weigh?问电话:Can I know your telephone number?What’s your telephone number?购物:1.Can I help you ? -Yes ,please.2.What color do you want ?\What sizes do you want ?\How many do you want ?3.How much is it ?4. Can I try it on ?\ May I try it on ? -Of course.\ Sure , you can.5.I’ll take it.6.What kind of noodles would you like ? –I’d like beef noodles.7.Thnk you . –You ‘re welcome.问路:1.Excuse me? – Yes?2.Can you tell me how to get to …?\Could you please tell me how to…3.Where is …4.How far is it ?5.How long does it take?6.How can I get to …7.Go straight \Go down . Turn right\left8.Can I ride a bike there ? 天气:What’s the weather like ?\How’s the weather ?It’s sunny\rainy\cloudy\windy\snowy…Which season do you like best?I like Spring \Summer\Autumn\Winter.假期,周末活动:How was your weekend?what did you do on weekends?What are you going to do on weekend ?\What are you g for vacation? \where would you go on vacation?I am going to ..When will you leave ?\When are you going?How will you get there?How long are you staying?When shall we meet?Where shall we meet?That’ s a good idea . \That sounds good .What abou t you ?\How about you?\What about doing…学习:1.How do you study for a test ?\How do you learn Englis2.I study byl listening to the tapes .3.What’s your favorite subject ?- My favorite subject is …4.Who is your English teacher ? - She is ...问日期:What’s the date today?When is …?看医生:What’s the matter ?\What ‘s wrong ?\What’s the trouble ?I have a cold \I have a headache.When did it start ?How long have you been like this ?六、试题案例(一)看病A:Good morning.B:Good morning. What’s wrong with you?A:I don’t feel very well and I’ve a headache.B:How long have you been like this?A:Ever since this morning.B:Maybe you’ve caught a cold. Have you ta temperature?A:No, I haven’t.B:Can I take your temperature?A:OK.B:Oh, you’ve got a fever.A:Is it serious?B:Nothing serious.A:What should I do then?B:You can take some medicine and drink much water.A:How often should I take this medicine?B:You can take this medicine three times a day and you’ll be all right soon.A:Thank you, doctor. I’ll do as you say. Bye!B:Bye!(二)打电话J-Jim M-Mrs ReadJ:Hello. Could I speak to Ann, please?M:Certainly. Hold on, please. Oh, I’m afraid. She isn’t her e right now.J:Can I leave a message for her?M:Yes, please. But who is that?J:This is Jim speaking.M:Hello, Jim. Can I take a message for you?J:Yes. Could you ask her to call me?M:Sure! What’s your telephone number?J:My telephone number is 1234567.M:I’ll give the message to her as soon as she comes back.J:Thank you. Good-bye!M:Bye!(三)购物A:Good morning. Can I help you?B:Yes, please. I want to buy a pair of shoes. Can you show me one?A:What size do you need?B:Size 38.A:How about those ones?B:I don’t like this color. Have you got any other colors?A:Yes. How about this one?B:It looks nice. Can I try them on?A:Sure.B:Oh, it’s just right. Where is it made?A:It’s made in Japan. It’s very comfortable.B:How much are they?A:100 yuan.B:It’s too expensive. I can’t afford it. Have you got a cheaper one?A:Well. I’m afraid it’s the cheapest one.B:OK. I’ll take it. Here is the money.A:Thank you. Good-bye!B:Bye!(四)问路A:Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office, please? B:Sorry,I don’t know.You’d better ask the polic there. He may know.A:Thank you all the same.B:Excuse me. Which is the way to the post office, pleas C:Go down this street and take the first turning on th across the bridge and you’ll find the post office on th between the city library and the hospital. You can’t miss A:How far is it from here?C:It’s about 30 minutes’ walk. You’d better catch a bus A:Which bus do I need?C:I think you need a number 16 bus. The bus will take y A:Thank you very much.C:You’re welcome.(五)约定A:What are you going to do next Sunday?B:Nothing much(Nothing special).A:Shall we go to the park and play football?B:Good idea.A:How can we get there?B:By bike.A:Where shall we meet?B:How about meeting at the gate of our school?A:When shall we meet?B:At 8:30.A:Why not meet a little earlier? Let’s make it half past B:OK.A:See you then.B:See you.(六)询问病情A:Good morning. Xiao Xue!B:Good morning. Lin Lin!A:I don’t see Zhou Tao today. Do you know where he i B:Yes. He is in hospital.A:What’s wrong with him?B:Yesterday evening he felt terrible. He had a pain i and his father took him to the hospital.A:What happened to him then?B:One of his teeth is broken. The doctor took it out. A:I’m sorry to hear that. He always eats a lot of sweets. B:Yes. But he won’t eat them any more.A:How is Zhou Tao feeling now?B:I don’t know. Let’s visit him after school. OK?A:OK!(7)聊天A:Hello! Nice to meet youB:Nice to meet you, tooA:What bad weather, isn’t it?B:Yes, but I think the sun will come out later onA:May I ask you some questions?B:Certainly.A:Where are you from?B:I’m from…A:You’re from Australia, aren’t you?B:Yes. How did you guess?A:The way you speak. When were you born?B:I was born on August 8 ,1988A:Where were you born?B:I was born in a small village near London.A:Why did you come to China?B:Because my parents wanted to work in China.A:How do you like China?B:I like it very much.A:What do you like about China?B:The people and the food.A:How is your Chinese?B:My Chinese is just so-so. I’m trying my best to study my Chinese well.A:That’s great. Good luck with your Chinese.(八)就餐Waiter:Good morning ,madamA and B:Good morning.W:A table for two?A:Yes. Can we sit at the table by the window?W:OK. This way, please. Here is the menu.A:Thank you.W:May I take your order now?A:Yes, We’ll have chicken with potatoes、beef 、rice and vegetable soup.W:That’s what you ordered, please take your time. (After the meal)A:Excuse me, Could we have some tea, please?W:certainly. Would you like something else?A:No. that’s all. Could we have the bill?W:Of course. Sir.A:Here is the money.W:Thank you. Welcome you here again.(九)做客H-Han Mei T-Twins L-LilyH:Would you like a drink? T:Yes, please.H:I’ll get you some tea.T:Can we do anything to help?H:No, thanks. Here are some cookies. Help yourselves. T:Thank you.L:Well. I think it’s time for us to leave now?H:Oh, do you have to?L:Yes, I’m afraid so. It’s getting late and we hav e to g in the morning.H:Don’t leave anything behind.L:Thanks. I think we have everything. Thank you for We enjoyed ourselves very much.H:I’m happy you did. Bye!(十) 交通事故A:Excuse me. What has happened?B:A car hit an electric pole.A:When did it happen?B:About ten minutes ago.A:Has anyone called the police?B:Yes, but the police haven’t come.A:Is anyone hurt?B:Yes, a man is hurt, but not badly.A:Has he gone to the hospital?B:No, he is waiting for the police to come. After the will go to the hospital.七、试题精选(1)Doctor: Good morning . What’s your trouble? Woman: I don’t feel very well.D:1._______________________________?W: Yes, I have. My temperature is a little higher.D: Open your mouth and say “Ah”.W: AahhD: 2._______________________________?W: Ever since last night.D: Did your sleep well?W: No, I was very tired last night.D: Oh, I see. 3. ________________________.W: Can you tell me how I got a cold?D: Maybe you overworked yourself.W: I think so. I have too much work to do every day. Do I have to stay at home?D: Yes. You’d better stay at home for two or three days. W: 4. ________________________?D: No. I don’t think it is serious. But you really ne eda good rest and take this medicine.W: 5. ________________________?D: Three times a day.W: OK. Thank you.(2)A: 1._______________________________?B: They are talking about yesterday’s football match.A: Oh, I watched it on TV. Beijing Team had very good teamwork. Didn’t you watch it?B: 2. _______________________________. I did my homework and forgot the time. When I turned on the TV, it had finished already.A: 3. _______________________________! But Beijing Team will play again this evening.B: 4. _______________________________________?A: Sure. You’d better finish your homework earlier if you want to watch it. Remember, “5. _______________________________.”(3)B: That’s a good idea. (Looking at his watch.) Oh, I haven’t much time left. I’d better hurry to finish my homework.A: 1. _______________________________?B: Not yet. Exercise 3 is too difficult for me.A: Don’t worry. 2 _______________________.B: It’s very kind of you. But I think I can do it myse lf. Can you lend me your English-Chinese dictionary?A: With pleasure. 3. ______________________.B: Thanks. 4. ________________, is Miss Gao at the teachers’ office?A: Oh, no. She’s out at the moment.B: 5._______________________? Do you know? I have some questions to ask her.A: I think she is at the library. She told me she wanted to borrow some books.B: I have to wait for her.(4)Dick: Excuse me, Lucy. Have you g bot a dictionary?Lucy: Sorry, I haven’t. You may ask Meimei.1.___________________________.Dick: Excuse me, Meimei. Have you got a dictionary?Meimei: Yes. 2. _____________________________.Dick: Thank you. I’ll give it back soon. By the way, tomorrow is my birthday.3. ________________?Meimei: Yes, I’d love to. 4._____________________?Dick: About seven o’ clock..Meimei: I’ll try to be there on time, but 5.____________________________.Dick: It doesn’t matter. Work must come first.(5)(Sue=S Ken=K)S: Hello, Ken! Could you give me a lift?K: 1.____________________________, I don’t have nowS: Oh, that’s too bad! I want to go to the Central Hospital K: Why? 2______________________________?S: No, I’m all right. My English teacher is there. She is i is to leave the hospital today.K: I see. 3. ____________________________?S: I’ve already got some flowers from my mother’s garde K: Well, well. 4. ___________________________. S: But, what a pity! I can’t see Linda now. No car and no K: Wrong. You have a good driver he ___________________________.S: Really? That’s great. It’s very kind of you, Ken.K: It’s my pleasure.(6)(Zhang=Z Mr.Smith=M)Z: Hello, are you Mr. Smith from the United States? M: Yes, Robert Smith. Please call me Robert. __________________________.Z: My pleasure. Welcome to China. My name is Zhang can call me Lin. This is my card.M: Thank you. And 2. _________________________. Z: Oh, good, thanks. How was the journey?M: 3 . ______________________, although a little tiring Z: Then let’s get your things and go to the hotel now. M: Oh, thank you. 4. ___________________________? Z: It’s about thirty minutes’ drive. By the way, we ar have a dinner party for you this evening.M: It’s very kind of yo u. 5. _____________________? Z: Six thirty. I’ll pick you up at six o’clock.M: OK. See you then.Z: Bye.(7)(Robert=R Jack=J)J: Hello, Robert. Are you free on Saturday morning? R: Yes. 1.___________________________?J: There is a basketball match at the Sports Center. Do y watch it?R: Sure. 2. _________________________?J: Our school Vs No. 1 Middle School.R: 3. __________________________! Let’s go to cheer for our team.J: Yeah. No.1 Middle School Team is not easy to beat.R: So the match will be exciting. 4. _______________?J: 8:30. Do you think you can get up on time?R: Of course. 5. __________________________.J: OK. There will be three school buses waiting for us in front of the library. Let’s meet there at 8:30.R: All right. See you then.(8)A: Morning! What can I do for you?B: We’d like to make a trip for a weekend holiday, please.A: There are many travel paths. 1. _______________?B: We’d like to choose Jinggang mountains.A: It’s really worth visiting. 2. __________________?B: We’re not sure. Which hotel do you think is comfortable?A: The Holiday Hone is very good. What’s more important, 3. __________________________..B: We don’t want to live in an expensive hotel. That’s what we’ll do.A: 4. _____________________________?B: OK. I’ll ask my wife to fill in this form. By the way, Is it all right if we pay by credit card?A: 5. _____________________. Enjoy your weekend.B: Thank you.(9)A: Hi, Bruce. Good news for you.B: 1. ____________________________?A: You won the first prize in the English competition.B: Wow! I’m so glad to hear that. 2._______________?A: Our English teacher did. She said three of the students in our class won the prize.B: What about you?A: 3. _________________, too. I think I was lucky this time.B: So great! Congratulations!A: It’s a great day for us today. Let’s go out and relax ourselves, shall we?B: Good idea. But 4._________________________?A: To the park, OK?B: All right. But I have to go home and tell my mother first. See you later.A: 5. ___________________________.(10)A: Hi, Tom. You were not here yesterday afternoon. What was wrong? B. 1. _____________________________.A: Sorry to hear that. 2. _____________________?B. Much better. The fever is gone. But I still cough and I A: 3. _____________________________?B: Yes, I have. I went to the doctor’s yesterday after doctor gave me some medicine and asked me to stay in few days.A: 4. ____________________________?B: Because I’m afraid I’ll miss more lessons and I’ll be le A: Don’t worry. Take care of your _______________________________.B: Thank you.(11)A: Hello, Mary. 1. __________________________? B. Fine, thank you, Lucy.A: Mary, 2. ____________________________.B. It’s so kind of you to say that.A: Where did you buy the skirt?B: 3. ____________________________?A: In Hangzhou? Well, Hangzhou is a very beautif ________________________?B: Last month.A: Did you go there with your father?B. No, 5. _________________________.A: England?B: Yes, on business.(12)(Rob=R Mom=M)R: Hi, Mom. I’m home!M: 1._________________? It’s almost 5:00.R: Sorry. I was at Sam’s house.M: 2.____________________?R: Listening to music. Sam has a lot of great CDs. You s some of them.M: Maybe I’ll do that sometime later.R: 3. ______________________?M: Now? I’m busy cooking.R: It doesn’t matter. Sam let me borrow some of them. Se M: Sam let you borrow some of t ___________________________.R: I only borrowed 15 CDs. Sam has more than 200. M: That’s a lot of CDs. 5. ______________________. R: He does. He spends his mom’s money, too.(13)(Paul=P Jack=J)P: Hi, Jack!J: Hi!P: 1. _____________________?J: No, I missed it. By the time I got there, It had already finished. P: 2. ______________________! It was a great football match.J: 3. _______________________?P: Wow. It was a big score. We beat them 5—3.J: Really? That’s amazing! 4. ___________________?P: Yeah. And I’ve never seen such an exciting match before! After 60 minutes, the American team was winning 3—2.J: Then what happened?P: 5. _______________________.J: Great.(14)(Zhu Lei=Z Mei Ya=M)Z: Hello. Is Mei Ya in, please?M: 1. _____________________. Who is that?Z: This is Zhu Lei here. Have you watched the performance by Tai Lihua at CCTV Spring Festival Gala for 2005?M: 2. _______________________?Z: I haven’t either. But it’s said this is a very beautiful dance.M: 3. ___________________? Was it given by Tai Lihua only? Z: No, it was given by Tai Lihua and other 19 girls. And many people in the country were moved by it.M: Why were so many people moved? Was there something special about it?Z: Yes. These 20 girls are all deaf and mute ones.M: Oh, I understand. I hope I can have a chance to watch it.Z: Don’t worry. Here comes the chance. Look, I’ve got two tickets for their performance in Wuhan Theatre tonight. 4. ____________________?M: Sure. How shall we get there?Z: 5. ___________________.?It is not far from here.M: OK, I’ll wait for you at home at two. See you later.Z: See you.(15)A: What a fine day today! 1. ___________________?B: That sounds like a good idea. 2. _________________?A: Let’s go to the little Hill.B: Shall we take the bus there?A: 3. ____________________. It’s not very far.B: That will be OK. I’ll ride my new bike my father bought me for my birthday last month.A:4____________________?B: Let’s ask Mary and Jack to go with us. They planned to go last Sunday but it rained.A: Good! I’m sure they will be happy to.B: Have you got any idea what we are doing there?A: 5. ____________________.B: That will be fun.(16)A: Hi, Ben! What are you doing these days?B: 1.____________________.A: Oh, what’s wrong with her?B: 2. ______________________. She had to see a doctor The doctor said there was something wrong.A: I’m sorry to hear that. 3. _____________________? B: A little better.A: 4. _____________________?B: No, thanks. I can do it all by myself. See you.A: 5. _____________________.(17)Man: Come in and sit down, please.Woman: Thank you. Here’s m y personal information car M: Nice to meet you, Mrs Morgan. 1. _______________ W: No, I haven’t, but it’s the kind of job I’ve always wan M: Really? 2. ______________________?W: Because I think it would give me a chance to d abilities I have learned in my job.M: 3. _______________________?W: I worked in a bookshop.M: 4. ________________________?W: Well, it was an interesting job, but I had a few argu my boss.M: 5. ________________________?W: He said he told me to type a letter for him and I di him he didn’t. He then got angry with me and said I was he just forgot it.M: Oh, I see. I will talk with the manager about it and i later.(18)A: Excuse me, sir? Where is the nearest hotel?B: 1. ___________________. You may ask that polic there.A: Thank you all the same.(The man goes to the policeman.)A: Excuse me, 2._____________________?C: No, there isn’t a hotel near here, but there is one nea of China.A: 3. ____________________?C: It’s about two kilometers away.A: 4. _____________________?C: You’d better take a taxi, because it’s so late and there aren’t any bused now.A: 5. _____________________.C: You’re welcome.(19)A: Laura, how are you today?B: Not very well. I’ve had a bad day.A: 1._______________________?B: I got up late this morning. 2. ____________________.So I had to wait for another bus.A: Oh, bad luck! 3. _______________________?B: Yes. I was 30 minutes late. And what was worse, when I got to school, I found no one in the classroom!A: Where did they go?B: 4. ________________________. Our teacher told us about it, I forgot.A: 5. ______________________________?B: Yes, but when I found them, they were going back to school!(20)A: Excuse me. 1._________________________?B: Sorry, I’m new here. You can ask my friend. He may know.C: The Children’s Hospital? Er… It’s a little far from here.A: 2. ___________________________?C: It’s about 5 kilometers away.A: 3. ___________________________?C: Yes, the No. 15 bus will take you there.A: Where is the bus stop?C: 4. _________________________ and take the first turning on the right. You can see it on your left. You can’t miss it.A: 5. ___________________________.C: You are welcome.参考答案(1)1. Have you taken your temperature?2. How long have you been like this?3. You’ve got a cold.4. Is it serious?5. How often do I have to take it?(2)1.What are you talking about?2. No, I didn’t.3.what a pity!Can we watch it on TV? Work must come first.(3)Have you finished your homework? I’ll help you.Here you are.By the wayWhere is she?(4)She may have one.Here you are.Would you like to come?What time will it begin?I must finish my homework first.(5)I’ really sorry.Are you ill?Why not take some flowers with you? That’s wonderful.I can borrow a car and take you there.(6)Thank you for meeting me.Here is my card.It was OK.Where is the hotel?What time does it begin?(7)What’s up\Why?Between which teams?Great!What time does it start?I’d like to watch the game very much.(8)Which path would you like to choose? Which hotel do you want to live in? It’s not expensive.Will you please fill in this form? Sure\certainly \ Yes, it’s quite all right.(9)What is it ?Who told you about it?I was the winner.Where shall we go?See you later.(10)I was ill.How are you now \Are you better nowHave you seen the doctorWhy don’t you stay at home todayI can help you with your lessons(11)How are you \ How’s everything goingYou look so nice in the new skirtI bought it in HangzhouWhen did you go thereHe has gone to England(12)Where have you beenWhat were you doingHow about nowIt seems you borrowed all of themSam must spend all of his money on music(13)Did you watch the football match last nightWhat a pityWhat was the score \resultWas it an exciting gameSoon our team kicked another two goals.\ And in the last minute our team got one more.\But after that our team still played very well.\And the American team got no more……(14)This is Mei Ya speakingNot yet, and youReallyWould you like to go with meHow about walking\riding a bike(15)How about going on a tripWhere to go\where do you plan to goWe can go there by bikeWho else would you like to go with\Why not ask someone else to join usWe can just lie on the grass having a good rest\we can have a picnic there\we can do anything we like……(16)I have to look after my mother\my mother is ill in hospitalShe has got a bad cold\cough…How is she feeling nowCan I do anything to helpSee you(17) Have you done this kind of work beforeWhy are interested in itWhat was your last jobWhy did you leaveWhat was the arguments about(18)I’m sorry I don’t knowIs there a hotel near hereHow far is itHow can I get thereThank you(19)What’s up\what happened\what’s wrong with youI missed the early busYou must be late, weren’t you\were you late for school They went to the playground to see a basketball match…Did you find them at last\did you go to look for them (20)Which is the way to the Children’s HospitalHow far is itCan I take a busGo along this roadThank you。



概括总结功能同样的句型:打:This is speaking。


May I speak to Mr. Li 我能够和李先生(我找李先生)Speaking. ,我就是。

或许This is speaking. (,我是。

)Who's that (speaking) 你是或许Who is this, pleaseThis is Tom speaking.我是 Tom。

Is Sue James in休·詹姆斯在I'm sorry, he's not in (right now. ) He is not here now. (不起,他出去了。

)感:答:致歉:建:Can I take a message for you 我能你个口信Hold on, please ! 稍等一下(怎么了What ’sup/What ’sthe matter \What ‘s wrong Thanks!Thank you!Thank you very much!You are welcome.不用 .Not at all.不用.Sorry.I am sorry for what I said/didYou had better do-----What about doing⋯How about doing⋯Why not do⋯同句why don’tyou do----Let ’ s do⋯OKWould you like some⋯Shall we do⋯)支持同上边建答: That’s a good idea . \That sounds good .好想法,棒极了赞同可:OK.Certainly.Of courseI agree with you.不一样意类:I am afraid not.Sorry, I don’ t think so.I really can’ t agree with you.祝福庆祝类Have a good (nice) time!Good Luck to you!Best wishes!Congratulations to you!3.熟记“问” 字句型问天气:What’s the weather like todayHow is the weather today问时间:What’s the timeWhat time is it问职业:What’syour fatherWhat’ s your father job ’sWhat does your father do问价钱:What’s the price ofthebook How much is the book问年纪:How old are youWhat’ s your age问地址:where do you live What’s your address问姓名:What’s your nameCan you tell me your name问喜好:What’s your hobbyWhich do you prefer 同义句 Which do you like betterWhich do you like best问见解感觉:What do you think of the filmHow do you like the film问数目:How many-------(可数东西)How much-------(不行数东西)问人口:What’sthe population of ChinaHow many people are there in China路:Can you tell me the way to –地址How can I get to 地址 -Which is the way to the station尺寸: What size do you want Whatsize do you need日期:What’s the date today距离:How far is itHow far is your school from here礼拜:What day is it today高度:How tall are youWhat’ s your height度:How wide is the river度:How long is the bridge体重:What’s your weightHow heavy is it:Can I know your telephone numberWhat’ s your telephone number物:I help you-Yes ,please.color do you want \What sizes do you want \How many do you want much is it4. Can I try it on \ May I try it on-Of course.\ Sure , you can.’lltake it.路:me –Yesyou tell me how to get to ⋯\Could you please tell me how to ⋯is ⋯far is itlong does it takecan I get to ⋯straight \Go down . Turn right\leftI ride a bike there天气:1.Which season do you like best2.I like Spring \Summer\Autumn\Winter.(准备、计划要做的)假期,周末活动:(还没有发生,一般未来时)1.What are you going to do on weekend where are you going on vacation2.I am going to ..3.When will you leave \When are you going4.How will you get there讨论一些发生在过去的事(比如过去的旅行经历、购物经历、看电影经历What did you do yesterday /thereWhere did you go last nightWho did you go withHow did you go thereHow long did you stay thereWhere did you buy it/themIs it far from here ---How far is itWhere have you been ----I have been to +地址。



补全对话归纳总结功能相同的句型:1.打电话:.我们中文中如果是接电话会说:我是某某人,请讲,所以对应的英语翻译是:I am --.speaking,please。

但是英语却不是这样的,正确的英语是:This is --speaking。

May I speak to Mr. Li?I'd like to speak to Mr. Li, please.对,我就是。

Speaking.或者This is Mr. Li speaking. (对,我是。

)您是哪位? Who's calling, please?或者Who's speaking, please?或者Who is this, please?This is Tom speaking.我是Tom。

其他Is Sue James in?休·詹姆斯在吗?I'm sorry, he's not in right now. (对不起,他出去了。

)He's not in. 或者He's out now.2,感谢类:Thanks!Thank you!Thanks a lot!Thank you very much!Thank you very,very much!3.答谢类:That’s all right . 没关系.That’s OK. 没关系.Not at all. 不用谢.You are welcome.不必谢.It’s a ple asure.4.道歉类:Sorry.I am sorry…I am sorry for…5.应答类:That’s all right.It doesn’t matter.That’s nothing.6.建议类:You had better …Shall we do… ?What about doing… ?How about doing… ?Why not do… ?Let’s do sth … OK ?Would you like some … ?7.同意类:OK.Sure.Certainly.All right.Yes, please.Yes, I think so.I agree with you.8.不同意类:I am afraid not.Sorry, I don’t think so.I really can’t agree with you.9.祝愿祝贺类Good Luck to you!Best wishes!Have a good (nice) time!Congratulations to you!Happy Teachers’ Day!Happy birthday to you!Happy New Year!Merry Christmas!10. 熟记“问” 字句型问天气:What’s the weather like today?How is the weather today?问时间:What’s the time?What time is it?问职业:What’s your father?What’s your father’s job?What does your father do?问价格:What’s the price of the book?How much is the book?How much does the book cost?How much should I pay for the book? 问年龄:How old are you?What’s your age?问地址:What do you live?What’s your address?问姓名:What’s your name?Could I have your name, please?Do you mind my knowing your name?Do you mind if I know your name?Can you tell me your name?问词意:What do you mean by saying the word?What’s the meaning of the word?What does the word mean?问单位:Where do you work?What company are you working for?问爱好:Which do you like best?Which do you prefer?What’s your hobby?What’s your favorite?问感受:What do you think of the film?How do you like the film?问数量:How many people are there in your family?How much water do you drink every day?问人口:What’s the population of China?How many people are there in China?How large is the population of China?问路线:Which is the way to the station?Do you know the way to the station?Can you tell me the way to the station?How can I get to the station?问尺寸:What size is your sweater?What size do you want?What size do you need?问距离:How far is your school from here?How far away is your school from here?问日期:What’s the date today?问星期:What day is it today?问高度:How tall are you?What’s your he ight?How high is the mountain?问宽度:How wide is the river?问长度:How long is the bridge?问体重:What’s your weight?How much do you weigh?问电话:Can I know your telephone number?What’s your telephone nu mber?11.购物:1.Can I help you ? -Yes ,please.2.What color do you want ?\What sizes do you want ?\How many do you want ?3.How much is it ?4. Can I try it on ?\ May I try it on ? -Of course.\ Sure , you can.5.I’ll take it.6.What kind of noodles would you like ? –I’d like beef noodles.7.Thnk you . –You ‘re welcome.12.问路:1.Excuse me? – Yes?2.Can you tell me how to get to …?\Could you please tell me how to…3.Where is …4.How far is it ?5.How long does it take?6.How can I get to …7.Go straight \Go down . Turn right\left8.Can I ride a bike there ?13.天气:What’s the weather like ?\How’s the weather ?It’s sunny\rainy\cloudy\windy\snowy…Which season do you like best?I like Spring \Summer\Autumn\Winter.14.假期,周末活动:How was your weekend?what did you do on weekends?What are you going to do on weekend ?\What are you going to do for vacation? \where would you go on vacation?I am going to ..When will you leave ?\When are you going?How will you get there?How long are you staying?When shall we meet?Where shall we meet?That’ s a good idea . \That sounds good .What abou t you ?\How about you?\What about doing…15.学习:1.How do you study for a test ?\How do you learn English ?2.I study byl listening to the tapes .3.What’s your favorite subject ?- My favorite subject is …4.Who is your English teacher ? - She is ...16.问日期:What’s the date today?When is …?17.看医生:What’s the matter ?\What ‘s wrong ?\What’s the trouble ?I have a cold \I have a headache.When did it start ?How long have you been like this ?六、试题案例(一)看病A:Good morning.B:Good morning. What’s wrong with you?A:I don’t feel very well and I’ve a headache.B:How long have you been like this?A:Ever since this morning.B:Maybe you’ve caught a cold. Have you taken your temperature?A:No, I haven’t.B:Can I take your temperature?A:OK.B:Oh, you’ve got a fever.A:Is it serious?B:Nothing serious.A:What should I do then?B:You can take some medicine and drink much water.A:How often should I take this medicine?B:You can take this medic ine three times a day and you’ll be all right soon.A:Thank you, doctor. I’ll do as you say. Bye!B:Bye!(二)打电话J-Jim M-Mrs ReadJ:Hello. Could I speak to Ann, please?M:Certainly. Hold on, please. Oh, I’m afraid. She isn’t here right now.J:Can I leave a message for her?M:Yes, please. But who is that?J:This is Jim speaking.M:Hello, Jim. Can I take a message for you?J:Yes. Could you ask her to call me?M:Sure! What’s your telephone number?J:My telephone number is 1234567.M:I’ll give the message to her as soon as she comes back.J:Thank you. Good-bye!M:Bye!(三)购物A:Good morning. Can I help you?B:Yes, please. I want to buy a pair of shoes. Can you show me one?A:What size do you need?B:Size 38.A:How about those ones?B:I don’t like this color. Have you got any other colors?A:Yes. How about this one?B:It looks nice. Can I try them on?A:Sure.B:Oh, it’s just right. Where is it made?A:It’s made in Japan. It’s very comfortable.B:How much are they?A:100 yuan.B:It’s too expensive. I can’t aff ord it. Have you got a cheaper one?A:Well. I’m afraid it’s the cheapest one.B:OK. I’ll take it. Here is the money.A:Thank you. Good-bye!B:Bye!(四)问路A:Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office, please?B:Sorry,I don’t know. You’d better ask the poli ceman over there. He may know.A:Thank you all the same.B:Excuse me. Which is the way to the post office, please?C:Go down this street and take the first turning on the right. Go across the bridge and you’ll find the post office on the left. It’s between the city library and the hospital. You can’t miss it.A:How far is it from here?C:It’s about 30 minutes’ walk. You’d better catch a bus.A:Which bus do I need?C:I think you need a number 16 bus. The bus will take you there.A:Thank you very much.C:You’re welcome.(五)约定A:What are you going to do next Sunday?B:Nothing much(Nothing special).A:Shall we go to the park and play football?B:Good idea.A:How can we get there?B:By bike.A:Where shall we meet?B:How about meeting at the gate of our school?A:When shall we meet?B:At 8:30.A:Why not meet a little earlier? Let’s make it half past seven.B:OK.A:See you then.B:See you.(六)询问病情A:Good morning. Xiao Xue!B:Good morning. Lin Lin!A:I don’t see Zhou Tao today. Do you know where he is?B:Yes. He is in hospital.A:What’s wrong with him?B:Yesterday evening he felt terrible. He had a pain in his teeth and his father took him to the hospital.A:What happened to him then?B:One of his teeth is broken. The doctor took it out.A:I’m sorry to hear that. He a lways eats a lot of sweets.B:Yes. But he won’t eat them any more.A:How is Zhou Tao feeling now?B:I don’t know. Let’s visit him after school. OK?A:OK!(7)聊天A:Hello! Nice to meet youB:Nice to meet you, tooA:What bad weather, isn’t it?B:Yes, but I think the sun will come out later onA:May I ask you some questions?B:Certainly.A:Where are you from?B:I’m from…A:You’re from Australia, aren’t you?B:Yes. How did you guess?A:The way you speak. When were you born?B:I was born on August 8 ,1988A:Where were you born?B:I was born in a small village near London.A:Why did you come to China?B:Because my parents wanted to work in China.A:How do you like China?B:I like it very much.A:What do you like about China?B:The people and the food.A:How is your Chinese?B:My Chinese is just so-so. I’m trying my best to study my Chinese well. A:That’s great. Good luck with your Chinese.(八)就餐Waiter:Good morning ,madamA and B:Good morning.W:A table for two?A:Yes. Can we sit at the table by the window?W:OK. This way, please. Here is the menu.A:Thank you.W:May I take your order now?A:Yes, We’ll have chicken with potatoes、beef 、rice and vegetable soup. W:That’s what you ordered, please take your time. (After the meal)A:Excuse me, Could we have some tea, please?W:certainly. Would you like something else?A:No. that’s all. Could we have the bill?W:Of course. Sir.A:Here is the money.W:Thank you. Welcome you here again.(九)做客H-Han Mei T-Twins L-LilyH:Would you like a drink?T:Yes, please.H:I’ll get you some tea.T:Can we do anything to help?H:No, thanks. Here are some cookies. Help yourselves.T:Thank you.L:Well. I think it’s time for us to leave now?H:Oh, do you have to?L:Yes, I’m afraid so. It’s getting late and we have to get up early in the morni ng.H:Don’t leave anything behind.L:Thanks. I think we have everything. Thank you for having us. We enjoyed ourselves very much. H:I’m happy you did. Bye!(十) 交通事故A:Excuse me. What has happened?B:A car hit an electric pole.A:When did it happen?B:About ten minutes ago.A:Has anyone called the police?B:Yes, but the police haven’t come.A:Is anyone hurt?B:Yes, a man is hurt, but not badly.A:Has he gone to the hospital?B:No, he is waiting for the police to come. After the survey he will go to the hospital.七、试题精选(1)Doctor: Good morning . What’s your trouble?Woman: I don’t feel very well.D:1._______________________________?W: Yes, I have. My temperature is a little higher.D: Open your mouth and say “Ah”.W: AahhD: 2._______________________________?W: Ever since last night.D: Did your sleep well?W: No, I was very tired last night.D: Oh, I see. 3. ________________________.W: Can you tell me how I got a cold?D: Maybe you overworked yourself.W: I think so. I have too much work to do every day.Do I have to stay at home?D: Yes. You’d better stay at home for two or three days.W: 4. ________________________?D: No. I don’t think it is serious. But you really needa good rest and take this medicine.W: 5. ________________________?D: Three times a day.W: OK. Thank you.(2)A: 1._______________________________?B: They are talking about yesterday’s football match.A: Oh, I watched it on TV. Beijing Team had very good teamwor k. Didn’t you watch it?B: 2. _______________________________. I did my homework and forgot the time. When I turned on the TV, it had finished already.A: 3. _______________________________! But Beijing Team will play again this evening.B: 4. _______________________________________?A: Sure. You’d better finish your homework earlier if you want to watch it. Remember, “5. _______________________________.”(3)B: That’s a good idea. (Looking at his watch.) Oh, I haven’t much time left. I’d bet ter hurry to finish my homework.A: 1. _______________________________?B: Not yet. Exercise 3 is too difficult for me.A: Don’t worry. 2 _______________________.B: It’s very kind of you. But I think I can do it myself. Can you lend me your English-Chinese dictionary?A: With pleasure. 3. ______________________.B: Thanks. 4. ________________, is Miss Gao at the teachers’ office?A: Oh, no. She’s out at the moment.B: 5._______________________? Do you know? I have some questions to ask her.A: I think she is at the library. She told me she wanted to borrow some books.B: I have to wait for her.(4)Dick: Excuse me, Lucy. Have you g bot a dictionary?Lucy: Sorry, I haven’t. You may ask Meimei. 1.___________________________.Dick: Excuse me, Meimei. Have you got a dictionary?Meimei: Yes. 2. _____________________________.Dick: Thank you. I’ll give it back soon. By the way, tomorrow is my birthday.3. ________________?Meimei: Yes, I’d love to. 4._____________________?Dick: About seven o’ clock..Meimei: I’ll try to be there on time, but 5.____________________________.Dick: It doesn’t matter. Work must come first.(5)(Sue=S Ken=K)S: Hello, Ken! Could you give me a lift?K: 1.____________________________, I don’t have a car right nowS: Oh, that’s too bad! I want to go to the Central Hospital.K: Why? 2______________________________?S: No, I’m all right. My English teacher is there. She is ill now and is to leave the hospital today.K: I see. 3. ____________________________?S: I’ve already got some flowers from my mother’s garden.K: Well, well. 4. ___________________________.S: But, what a pity! I can’t see Linda now. No car and no driver.K: Wrong. You have a good driver here. 5. ___________________________.S: Reall y? That’s great. It’s very kind of you, Ken.K: It’s my pleasure.(6)(Zhang=Z Mr.Smith=M)Z: Hello, are you Mr. Smith from the United States?M: Yes, Robert Smith. Please call me Robert. . 1. __________________________.Z: My pleasure. Welcome to China. My name is Zhang Lin. You can call me Lin. This is my card. M: Thank you. And 2. _________________________.Z: Oh, good, thanks. How was the journey?M: 3 . ______________________, although a little tiring.Z: Then let’s get your things and g o to the hotel now.M: Oh, thank you. 4. ___________________________?Z: It’s about thirty minutes’ drive. By the way, we are going to have a dinner party for you this evening.M: It’s very kind of you. 5. _____________________?Z: Six thirty. I’ll pick you up at six o’clock.M: OK. See you then.Z: Bye.(7)(Robert=R Jack=J)J: Hello, Robert. Are you free on Saturday morning?R: Yes. 1.___________________________?J: There is a basketball match at the Sports Center. Do you want to watch it?R: Sure. 2. _________________________?J: Our school Vs No. 1 Middle School.R: 3. __________________________! Let’s go to cheer for our team.J: Yeah. No.1 Middle School Team is not easy to beat.R: So the match will be exciting. 4. _______________?J: 8:30. Do you think you can get up on time?R: Of course. 5. __________________________.J: OK. There will be three school buses waiting for us in front of the library. Let’s meet there at 8:30. R: All right. See you then.(8)A: Morning! What can I do for you?B: We’d like to make a trip for a weekend holiday, please.A: There are many travel paths. 1. _______________?B: We’d like to choose Jinggang mountains.A: It’s really worth visiting. 2. __________________?B: We’re no t sure. Which hotel do you think is comfortable?A: The Holiday Hone is very good. What’s more important, 3. __________________________..B: We don’t want to live in an expensive hotel. That’s what we’ll do.A: 4. _____________________________?B: OK. I’ll ask my wife to fill in this form. By the way, Is it all right if we pay by credit card?A: 5. _____________________. Enjoy your weekend.B: Thank you.(9)A: Hi, Bruce. Good news for you.B: 1. ____________________________?A: You won the first prize in the English competition.B: Wow! I’m so glad to hear that. 2._______________?A: Our English teacher did. She said three of the students in our class won the prize.B: What about you?A: 3. _________________, too. I think I was lucky this time.B: So great! Congratulations!A: It’s a great day for us today. Let’s go out and relax ourselves, shall we?B: Good idea. But 4._________________________?A: To the park, OK?B: All right. But I have to go home and tell my mother first. See you later.A: 5. ___________________________.(10)A: Hi, Tom. You were not here yesterday afternoon. What was wrong?B. 1. _____________________________.A: Sorry to hear that. 2. _____________________?B. Much better. The fever is gone. But I still cough and I feel weak.A: 3. _____________________________?B: Yes, I have. I went to the doctor’s yesterday afternoon. The doctor gave me some medicine and asked me to stay in bed for a few days.A: 4. ____________________________?B: Because I’m afraid I’ll miss more lessons and I’ll be left behind.A: Don’t worry. Take care of yourself. 5. _______________________________.B: Thank you.(11)A: Hello, Mary. 1. __________________________?B. Fine, thank you, Lucy.A: Mary, 2. ____________________________.B. It’s so kind of you to say that.A: Where did you buy the skirt?B: 3. ____________________________?A: In Hangzhou? Well, Hangzhou is a very beautiful city. 4. ________________________?B: Last month.A: Did you go there with your father?B. No, 5. _________________________.A: England?B: Yes, on business.(12)(Rob=R Mom=M)R: Hi, Mom. I’m home!M: 1._________________? It’s almost 5:00.R: Sorry. I was at Sam’s house.M: 2.____________________?R: Listening to music. Sam has a lot of great CDs. You should hear some of them.M: Maybe I’ll do that sometime later.R: 3. ______________________?M: Now? I’m busy cooking.R: It doesn’t matter. Sam let me borrow some of them. See?M: Sam let you borrow some of them? 4. ___________________________.R: I only borrowed 15 CDs. Sam has more than 200.M: That’s a lot of CDs. 5. ______________________.R: He does. He spends his mom’s money, too.(13)(Paul=P Jack=J)P: Hi, Jack!J: Hi!P: 1. _____________________?J: No, I missed it. By the time I got there, It had already finished.P: 2. ______________________! It was a great football match.J: 3. _______________________?P: Wow. It was a big score. We beat them 5—3.J: Really? That’s amazing! 4. ___________________?P: Yeah. And I’ve never seen such an exciting match before! After 60 minutes, the American team was winning 3—2.J: Then what happened?P: 5. _______________________.J: Great.(14)(Zhu Lei=Z Mei Ya=M)Z: Hello. Is Mei Ya in, please?M: 1. _____________________. Who is that?Z: This is Zhu Lei here. Have you watched the performance by Tai Lihua at CCTV Spring Festival Gala for 2005?M: 2. _______________________?Z: I haven’t either. But it’s said this is a very beautiful dance.M: 3. ___________________? Was it given by Tai Lihua only?Z: No, it was given by Tai Lihua and other 19 girls. And many people in the country were moved by it.M: Why were so many people moved? Was there something special about it?Z: Yes. These 20 girls are all deaf and mute ones.M: Oh, I understand. I hope I can have a chance to watch it.Z: Don’t worry. Here comes the chance. Look, I’ve got two tickets for their performance in Wuhan Theatre tonight. 4. ____________________?M: Sure. How shall we get there?Z: 5. ___________________.?It is not far from here.M: OK, I’ll wait for you at home at two. See you later.Z: See you.(15)A: What a fine day today! 1. ___________________?B: That sounds like a good idea. 2. _________________?A: Let’s go to the little Hill.B: Shall we take the bus there?A: 3. ____________________. It’s not very far.B: That will be OK. I’ll ride my new bike my father bought me for my birthday last month.A:4____________________?B: Let’s ask Mary and Jack to go with us. They planned to go last Sunday but it rained.A: Good! I’m sure they will be happy to.B: Have you got any idea what we are doing there?A: 5. ____________________.B: That will be fun.(16)A: Hi, Ben! What are you doing these days?B: 1.____________________.A: Oh, what’s wrong with her?B: 2. ______________________. She had to see a doctor.The doctor said there was something wrong.A: I’m sorry to hear that. 3. _____________________?B: A little better.A: 4. _____________________?B: No, thanks. I can do it all by myself. See you.A: 5. _____________________.(17)Man: Come in and sit down, please.Woman: Thank you. Here’s my personal information card.M: Nice to meet you, Mrs Morgan. 1. _______________?W: No, I haven’t, but it’s the kind of job I’ve always wanted to do.M: Really? 2. ______________________?W: Because I think it would give me a chance to develop the abilities I have learned in my job.M: 3. _______________________?W: I worked in a bookshop.M: 4. ________________________?W: Well, it was an interesting job, but I had a few arguments with my boss.M: 5. ________________________?W: He said he told me to type a letter for him and I didn’t. I told him he didn’t. He then got angry with me and said I was lying. But he just forgot it.M: Oh, I see. I will talk with the manager about it and inform you later.(18)A: Excuse me, sir? Where is the nearest hotel?B: 1. ___________________. You may ask that policeman over there.A: Thank you all the same.(The man goes to the policeman.)A: Excuse me, 2._____________________?C: No, there isn’t a hotel near here, but there is one near the Bank of China.A: 3. ____________________?C: It’s about two kilometers away.A: 4. _____________________?C: You’d better take a taxi, because it’s so late and there aren’t any bused now.A: 5. _____________________.C: You’re welcome.(19)A: Laura, how are you today?B: Not very well. I’ve had a bad day.A: 1._______________________?B: I got up late this morning. 2. ____________________.So I had to wait for another bus.A: Oh, bad luck! 3. _______________________?B: Yes. I was 30 minutes late. And what was worse, when I got to school, I found no one in the classroom!A: Where did they go?B: 4. ________________________. Our teacher told us about it, I forgot.A: 5. ______________________________?B: Yes, but when I found them, they were going back to school!(20)A: Excuse me. 1._________________________?B: Sorry, I’m new here. You can ask my friend. He may know.C: The Children’s Hospital? Er… It’s a little far from here.A: 2. ___________________________?C: It’s about 5 kilometers away.A: 3. ___________________________?C: Yes, the No. 15 bus will take you there.A: Where is the bus stop?C: 4. _________________________ and take the first turning on the right. You can see it on your left. You can’t miss it.A: 5. ___________________________.C: You are welcome.参考答案(1)1. Have you taken your temperature?2. How long have you been like this?3. You’ve got a cold.4. Is it serious?5. How often do I have to take it?(2)1.What are you talking about?2. No, I didn’t.3.what a pity!Can we watch it on TV?Work must come first.(3)Have you finished your homework? I’ll help you.Here you are.By the wayWhere is she?(4)She may have one.Here you are.Would you like to come?What time will it begin?I must finish my homework first.(5)I’ really sorry.Are you ill?Why not take some flowers with you? That’s wonderful.I can borrow a car and take you there.(6)Thank you for meeting me.Here is my card.It was OK.Where is the hotel?What time does it begin?(7)What’s up\Why?Between which teams?Great!What time does it start?I’d like to watch the game very much.(8)Which path would you like to choose?Which hotel do you want to live in?It’s not expensive.Will you please fill in this form?Sure\certainly \ Yes, it’s quite all right.(9)What is it ?Who told you about it?I was the winner.Where shall we go?See you later.(10)I was ill.How are you now \Are you better nowHave you seen the doctorWhy don’t you stay at home todayI can help you with your lessons(11)How are you \ How’s everything goingYou look so nice in the new skirtI bought it in HangzhouWhen did you go thereHe has gone to England(12)Where have you beenWhat were you doingHow about nowIt seems you borrowed all of themSam must spend all of his money on music(13)Did you watch the football match last nightWhat a pityWhat was the score \resultWas it an exciting gameSoon our team kicked another two goals.\ And in the last minute our team got one more.\But after that our team still played very well.\And the American team got no more……(14)This is Mei Ya speakingNot yet, and youReallyWould you like to go with meHow about walking\riding a bike(15)How about going on a tripWhere to go\where do you plan to goWe can go there by bikeWho else would you like to go with\Why not ask someone else to join usWe can just lie on the grass having a good rest\we can have a picnic there\we can do anything we like……(16)I have to look after my mother\my mother is ill in hospitalShe has got a bad cold\cough…How is she feeling nowCan I do anything to helpSee you(17)Have you done this kind of work beforeWhy are interested in itWhat was your last jobWhy did you leaveWhat was the arguments about(18)I’m sorry I don’t knowIs there a hotel near hereHow far is itHow can I get thereThank you(19)What’s up\what happened\what’s wrong with y ouI missed the early busYou must be late, weren’t you\were you late for schoolThey went to the playground to see a basketball match….Did you find them at last\did you go to look for them(20)Which is the way to the Children’s HospitalHow far is itCan I take a busGo along this roadThank you。

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归纳总结功能相同的句型:打电话:This is 谁谁speaking。


May I speak to Mr. Li? 我可以和李先生讲话吗?(我找李先生?)Speaking. 对,我就是。

或者This is 谁谁speaking. (对,我是谁谁。

)Who's that (speaking) 你是谁??或者Who is this, please?This is Tom speaking.我是Tom。

Is Sue James in?休·詹姆斯在吗?I'm sorry, he's not in (right now.)He is not here now. (对不起,他出去了。

)Can I take a message for you? 我能给你带个口信吗?Hold on,please ! 请稍等一下(怎么了?What’s up ? /What’s the matter ?\What ‘s wrong ?)感谢类:Thanks!Thank you!Thank you very much!答谢类:You are welcome.不必谢.Not at all. 不用谢.道歉类:Sorry.I am sorry for what I said/did建议类:You had better do-----What about doing… ?How about doing… ?Why not do… ?同义句why don’t you do----?Let’s do … OK ?Would you like some … ?Shall we do… ?支持赞同上面建议答语:That’ s a good idea . \That sounds good .好主意,棒极了同意许可类:OK.Certainly.Of courseI agree with you.不同意类:I am afraid not. Sorry, I don’t think so. I really can’t agree with you. 祝愿祝贺类 Have a good (nice) time!Good Luck to you!Best wishes!Congratulations to you!3. 熟记“问” 字句型问天气:What’s the weather like today?How is the weather today?问时间:What’s the time?What time is it?问职业:What’s your father?What’s your father’s job?What does your father do?问价格:What’s the price of the book?How much is the book?问年龄:How old are you?What’s your age?问住址:where do you live?What’s your address?问姓名:What’s your name?Can you tell me your name?问爱好:What’s your hobby?Which do you prefer?同义句Which do you like better?Which do you like best?问看法感受:What do you think of the film?How do you like the film?问数量:How many-------?(可数东西)How much-------?(不可数东西)问人口:What’s the population of China?How many people are there in China?问路:Can you tell me the way to –地点?How can I get to地点-?Which is the way to the station?问尺寸:What size do you want?What size do you need?问日期:What’s the date today?问距离:How far is it?How far is your school from here?问星期:What day is it today?问高度:How tall are you?What’s your height?问宽度:How wide is the river?问长度:How long is the bridge?问体重:What’s your weight?How heavy is it?问电话:Can I know your telephone number?What’s your telephone number?购物:1.Can I help you ? -Yes ,please.2.What color do you want ?\What sizes do you want ?\How many do you want ?3.How much is it ?4. Can I try it on ?\ May I try it on ? -Of course.\ Sure , you can.5.I’ll take it.问路:1.Excuse me? – Yes?2.Can you tell me how to get to …?\Could you please tell me how to…3.Where is …4.How far is it ?5.How long does it take?6.How can I get to …7.Go straight \Go down . Turn right\left8.Can I ride a bike there ?天气:1.Which season do you like best?2.I like Spring \Summer\Autumn\Winter.(准备、计划要做的)假期,周末活动:(还没有发生,一般将来时)1.What are you going to do on weekend ?where are you going on vacation?2.I am going to ..3.When will you leave ?\When are you going?4.How will you get there?谈论一些发生在过去的事(例如过去的旅游经历、购物经历、看电影经历What did you do yesterday /there ?Where did you go last night ?Who did you go with ?How did you go there?How long did you stay there ?Where did you buy it/them ?Is it far from here ?---How far is it ?Where have you been ?----I have been to +地点。

How long have you been like this ?---for tow days.What do you think of the movie//book?---It is wonderful.谈论将要去做的一些事情:(例如准备去旅游、去度假、去购物、去探亲等)What are you going to do ?---I have no idea. What about you?Where are you going ?How will you go/get there ?Who will you go with ?When will you leave?//When are you going?How long will you stay there?When and where shall we meet?Wish you have a good time//trip.When will it start? ----who will give the talk?(一)看病A:Good morning.B:Good morning. What’s wrong with you?A:I don’t feel very well.B:How long have you been like this?Have you taken your temperature?-----No, I haven’t. B:Can I take your temperature?---OK.A:Is it serious?B:Nothing serious.A:What should I do then?B:You should take some medicine and drink much water. A:How often should I take this medicine?three times a day and you’ll be better soon.A:Thank you。

B:You are welcome.(三)购物A:Good morning. Can I help you?B:Yes, please. I want to buy a pair of shoes. Can you show me some ?A:What size do you need?//What color do you like?B:Size 38.A:How about those ones?B:I don’t like this color. Do you have any other colors?A:Yes. How about this one?B:It looks nice. Can I try them( it)on?A:Sure.B:Where is it made?A:It’s made in Japan. It’s very comfortable.B:How much are they(is it)?A:100 yuan.B:It’s too expensive. I can’t afford it. Have you got a cheaper one?B:OK. I’ll take it. Here is the money.(四)问路A:Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office, please?B:Sorry,I don’t know. You’d better ask the policeman over there. He may know. A:Thank you all the same.B:Excuse me. Which is the way to the post office, please?C:Go down this street and take the first turning on the right. It’s between the city library and the hospital. You can’t miss it.A:How far is it from here?C:It’s about 30 minutes’ walk. You’d better take a bus.A:Which bus do I need?C:I think you need a number 16 bus. The bus will take you there.A:Thank you very much.C:You’re welcome.补全对话常用句子What should (can) I do?--- Practice more, you will be better.Would you like to go with me?---Yes, I’d love to.What’s your favorite subject ?- My favorite subject is English.What’s the matter ?\What ‘s wrong ?I have a cold \I have a headache.When was it invented? Who invented it?How was (is) the weather there? Did you take photos?What does he/she look like? //what’s his/her appearance?What does he/she do? //what’s his/her job?What do you usually do in your free time?---I usually read books in my free time.(五)约定A:What are you going to do next Sunday?B:Nothing much(Nothing special).A:Shall we go to the park and play football?B:Good idea.A:How can we get there?B:By bike.A:Where shall we meet?B:How about meeting at the gate of our school?A:When shall we meet?B:At 8:30.A:Why not meet a little earlier? Let’s make it half past seven. B:OK.A:See you then.B:See you.(六)询问病情A:Good morning. Xiao Xue!B:Good morning. Lin Lin!A:I don’t see Zhou Tao today. Do you know where he is?B:Yes. He is in hospital.A:What’s wrong with him?B:Yesterday evening he felt terrible. He had a pain in his teeth and his father took him to the hospital.A:What happened to him then?B:One of his teeth is broken. The doctor took it out.A:I’m sorry to hear that. He always eats a lot of sweets.B:Yes. But he won’t eat them any more.A:How is Zhou Tao feeling now?B:I don’t know. Let’s visit him after school. OK?A:OK!(7)聊天A:Hello! Nice to meet youB:Nice to meet you, tooA:What bad weather, isn’t it?B:Yes, but I think the sun will come out later onA:May I ask you some questions?B:Certainly.A:Where are you from?B:I’m from…A:You’re from Australia, aren’t you?B:Yes. How did you guess?A:The way you speak. When were you born?B:I was born on August 8 ,1988A:Where were you born?B:I was born in a small village near London.A:Why did you come to China?B:Because my parents wanted to work in China.A:How do you like China?B:I like it very much.A:What do you like about China?B:The people and the food.A:How is your Chinese?B:My Chinese is just so-so. I’m trying my best to study my Chinese well. A:That’s great. Good luck with your Chinese.(八)就餐Waiter:Good morning ,madamA and B:Good morning.W:A table for two?A:Yes. Can we sit at the table by the window?W:OK. This way, please. Here is the menu.A:Thank you.W:May I take your order now?A:Yes, We’ll have chicken with potatoes、beef 、rice and vegetable soup. W:That’s what you ordered, please take your time. (After the meal)A:Excuse me, Could we have some tea, please?W:certainly. Would you like something else?A:No. that’s all. Could we have the bill?W:Of course. Sir.A:Here is the money.W:Thank you. Welcome you here again.(九)做客H-Han Mei T-Twins L-LilyH:Would you like a drink?T:Yes, please.H:I’ll get you some tea.T:Can we do anything to help?H:No, thanks. Here are some cookies. Help yourselves.T:Thank you.L:Well. I think it’s time for us to leave now?H:Oh, do you have to?L:Yes, I’m afraid so. It’s getting late and we have to get up early in the morning. H:Don’t leave anything behind.L:Thanks. I think we have everything. Thank you for having us. We enjoyed ourselves very much.H:I’m happy you did. Bye!(十) 交通事故A:Excuse me. What has happened?B:A car hit an electric pole.A:When did it happen?B:About ten minutes ago.A:Has anyone called the police?B:Yes, but the police haven’t come.A:Is anyone hurt?B:Yes, a man is hurt, but not badly.A:Has he gone to the hospital?B:No, he is waiting for the police to come. After the survey he will go to the hospital.七、试题精选(1)Doctor: Good morning . What’s your trouble?Woman: I don’t feel very well.D:1._______________________________?W: Yes, I have. My temperature is a little higher.D: Open your mouth and say “Ah”.W: AahhD: 2._______________________________?W: Ever since last night.D: Did your sleep well?W: No, I was very tired last night.D: Oh, I see. 3. ________________________.W: Can you tell me how I got a cold?D: Maybe you overworked yourself.W: I think so. I have too much work to do every day.Do I have to stay at home?D: Yes. You’d better stay at home for two or three days.W: 4. ________________________?D: No. I don’t think it is serious. But you really needa good rest and take this medicine.W: 5. ________________________?D: Three times a day.W: OK. Thank you.(2)A: 1._______________________________?B: They are talking about yesterday’s football match.A: Oh, I watched it on TV. Beijing Team had very good teamwork. Didn’t you watch it?B: 2. _______________________________. I did my homework and forgot the time. When I turned on the TV, it had finished already.A: 3. _______________________________! But Beijing Team will play again this evening. B: 4. _______________________________________?A: Sure. You’d better finish your homework earlier if you want to watch it. Remember, “5._______________________________.”(3)B: That’s a good idea. (Looking at his watch.) Oh, I haven’t much time left. I’d better hurry to finish my homework.A: 1. _______________________________?B: Not yet. Exercise 3 is too difficult for me.A: Don’t worry. 2 _______________________.B: It’s very kind of you. But I think I can do it myself. Can you lend me your English-Chinese dictionary?A: With pleasure. 3. ______________________.B: Thanks. 4. ________________, is Miss Gao at the teachers’ office?A: Oh, no. She’s out at the moment.B: 5._______________________? Do you know? I have some questions to ask her.A: I think she is at the library. She told me she wanted to borrow some books.B: I have to wait for her.(4)Dick: Excuse me, Lucy. Have you g bot a dictionary?Lucy: Sorry, I haven’t. You may ask Meimei. 1.___________________________.Dick: Excuse me, Meimei. Have you got a dictionary?Meimei: Yes. 2. _____________________________.Dick: Thank you. I’ll give it back soon. By the way, tomorrow is my birthday.3.________________?Meimei: Yes, I’d love to. 4._____________________?Dick: About seven o’ clock..Meimei: I’ll try to be there on time, but 5.____________________________.Dick: It doesn’t matter. Work must come first.(5)(Sue=S Ken=K)S: Hello, Ken! Could you give me a lift?K: 1.____________________________, I don’t have a car right nowS: Oh, that’s too bad! I want to go to the Central Hospital.K: Why? 2______________________________?S: No, I’m all right. My English teacher is there. She is ill now and is to leave the hospital today. K: I see. 3. ____________________________?S: I’ve already got some flowers from my mother’s garden.K: Well, well. 4. ___________________________.S: But, what a pity! I can’t see Linda now. No car and no driver.K: Wrong. You have a good driver here. 5. ___________________________.S: Really? That’s great. It’s very kind of you, Ken.K: It’s my pleasure.(6)(Zhang=Z Mr.Smith=M)Z: Hello, are you Mr. Smith from the United States?M: Yes, Robert Smith. Please call me Robert. . 1. __________________________.Z: My pleasure. Welcome to China. My name is Zhang Lin. You can call me Lin. This is my card.M: Thank you. And 2. _________________________.Z: Oh, good, thanks. How was the journey?M: 3. ______________________, although a little tiring.Z: Then let’s get your things and go to the hotel now.M: Oh, thank you. 4. ___________________________?Z: It’s about thirty minutes’ drive. By the way, we are going to have a dinner party for you this evening.M: It’s very kind of you. 5. _____________________?Z: Six thirty. I’ll pick you up at six o’clock.M: OK. See you then.Z: Bye.(7)(Robert=R Jack=J)J: Hello, Robert. Are you free on Saturday morning?R: Yes. 1.___________________________?J: There is a basketball match at the Sports Center. Do you want to watch it?R: Sure. 2. _________________________?J: Our school Vs No. 1 Middle School.R: 3. __________________________! Let’s go to cheer for our team.J: Yeah. No.1 Middle School Team is not easy to beat.R: So the match will be exciting. 4. _______________?J: 8:30. Do you think you can get up on time?R: Of course. 5. __________________________.J: OK. There will be three school buses waiting for us in front of the library. Let’s meet there at 8:30.R: All right. See you then.(8)A: Morning! What can I do for you?B: We’d like to make a trip for a weekend holiday, please.A: There are many travel paths. 1. _______________?B: We’d like to choose Jinggang mountains.A: It’s really worth visiting. 2. __________________?B: We’re not sure. Which hotel do you think is comfortable?A: The Holiday Hone is very good. What’s more important, 3. __________________________.. B: We don’t want to live in an expensive hotel. That’s what we’ll do.A: 4. _____________________________?B: OK. I’ll ask my wife to fill in this form. By the way, Is it all right if we pay by credit card? A: 5. _____________________. Enjoy your weekend.B: Thank you.(9)A: Hi, Bruce. Good news for you.B: 1.____________________________?A: You won the first prize in the English competition.B: Wow! I’m so glad to hear that. 2._______________?A: Our English teacher did. She said three of the students in our class won the prize.B: What about you?A: 3. _________________, too. I think I was lucky this time.B: So great! Congratulations!A: It’s a great day for us today. Let’s go out and relax ourselves, shall we?B: Good idea. But 4._________________________?A: To the park, OK?B: All right. But I have to go home and tell my mother first. See you later.A: 5. ___________________________.(10)A: Hi, Tom. You were not here yesterday afternoon. What was wrong?B. 1. _____________________________.A: Sorry to hear that. 2. _____________________?B. Much better. The fever is gone. But I still cough and I feel weak.A: 3. _____________________________?B: Yes, I have. I went to the doctor’s yesterday afternoon. The doctor gave me some medicine and asked me to stay in bed for a few days.A: 4. ____________________________?B: Because I’m afraid I’ll miss more lessons and I’ll be left behind.A: Don’t worry. Take care of yourself. 5. _______________________________.B: Thank you.(11)A: Hello, Mary. 1. __________________________?B. Fine, thank you, Lucy.A: Mary, 2. ____________________________.B. It’s so kind of you to say that.A: Where did you buy the skirt?B: 3. ____________________________?A: In Hangzhou? Well, Hangzhou is a very beautiful city. 4. ________________________? B: Last month.A: Did you go there with your father?B. No, 5. _________________________.A: England?B: Yes, on business.(12)(Rob=R Mom=M)R: Hi, Mom. I’m home!M: 1._________________? It’s almost 5:00.R: Sorry. I was at Sam’s house.M: 2.____________________?R: Listening to music. Sam has a lot of great CDs. You should hear some of them.M: Maybe I’ll do that sometime later.R: 3. ______________________?M: Now? I’m busy cooking.R: It doesn’t matter. Sam let me borrow some of them. See?M: Sam let you borrow some of them? 4. ___________________________.R: I only borrowed 15 CDs. Sam has more than 200.M: That’s a lot of CDs. 5. ______________________.R: He does. He spends his mom’s money, too.(13)(Paul=P Jack=J)P: Hi, Jack!J: Hi!P: 1. _____________________?J: No, I missed it. By the time I got there, It had already finished.P: 2. ______________________! It was a great football match.J: 3. _______________________?P: Wow. It was a big score. We beat them 5—3.J: Really? That’s amazing! 4. ___________________?P: Yeah. And I’ve never seen such an exciting match before! After 60 minutes, the American team was winning 3—2.J: Then what happened?P: 5. _______________________.J: Great.(14)(Zhu Lei=Z Mei Ya=M)Z: Hello. Is Mei Ya in, please?M: 1. _____________________. Who is that?Z: This is Zhu Lei here. Have you watched the performance by Tai Lihua at CCTV Spring Festival Gala for 2005?M: 2. _______________________?Z: I haven’t either. But it’s said this is a very beautiful dance.M: 3. ___________________? Was it given by Tai Lihua only?Z: No, it was given by Tai Lihua and other 19 girls. And many people in the country were moved by it.M: Why were so many people moved? Was there something special about it?Z: Yes. These 20 girls are all deaf and mute ones.M: Oh, I understand. I hope I can have a chance to watch it.Z: Don’t worry. Here comes the chance. Look, I’ve got two tickets for their performance in Wuhan Theatre tonight. 4. ____________________?M: Sure. How shall we get there?Z: 5. ___________________.?It is not far from here.M: OK, I’ll wait for you at home at two. See you later.Z: See you.(15)A: What a fine day today! 1. ___________________?B: That sounds like a good idea. 2. _________________?A: Let’s go to the little Hill.B: Shall we take the bus there?A: 3. ____________________. It’s not very far.B: That will be OK. I’ll ride my new bike my father bought me for my birthday last month. A:4____________________?B: Let’s ask Mary and Jack to go with us. They planned to go last Sunday but it rained.A: Good! I’m sure they will be happy to.B: Have you got any idea what we are doing there?A: 5. ____________________.B: That will be fun.(16)A: Hi, Ben! What are you doing these days?B: 1.____________________.A: Oh, what’s wrong with her?B: 2. ______________________. She had to see a doctor.The doctor said there was something wrong.A: I’m sorry to hear that. 3. _____________________?B: A little better.A: 4. _____________________?B: No, thanks. I can do it all by myself. See you.A: 5. _____________________.(17)Man: Come in and sit down, please.Woman: Thank you. Here’s my personal information card.M: Nice to meet you, Mrs Morgan. 1. _______________?W: No, I haven’t, but it’s the kind of job I’ve always wanted to do.M: Really? 2. ______________________?W: Because I think it would give me a chance to develop the abilities I have learned in my job. M: 3. _______________________?W: I worked in a bookshop.M: 4. ________________________?W: Well, it was an interesting job, but I had a few arguments with my boss.M: 5. ________________________?W: He said he told me to type a letter for him and I didn’t. I told him he didn’t. He then got angry with me and said I was lying. But he just forgot it.M: Oh, I see. I will talk with the manager about it and inform you later.(18)A: Excuse me, sir? Where is the nearest hotel?B: 1. ___________________. You may ask that policeman over there.A: Thank you all the same.(The man goes to the policeman.)A: Excuse me, 2._____________________?C: No, there isn’t a hotel near here, but there is one near the Bank of China.A: 3. ____________________?C: It’s about two kilometers away.A: 4. _____________________?C: You’d better take a taxi, because it’s so late and there aren’t any bused now.A: 5. _____________________.C: You’re welcome.(19)A: Laura, how are you today?B: Not very well. I’ve had a bad day.A: 1._______________________?B: I got up late this morning. 2. ____________________.So I had to wait for another bus.A: Oh, bad luck! 3. _______________________?B: Yes. I was 30 minutes late. And what was worse, when I got to school, I found no one in the classroom!A: Where did they go?B: 4. ________________________. Our teacher told us about it, I forgot.A: 5. ______________________________?B: Yes, but when I found them, they were going back to school!(20)A: Excuse me. 1._________________________?B: Sorry, I’m new here. You can ask my friend. He may know.C: The Children’s Hospital? Er… It’s a little far from here.A: 2. ___________________________?C: It’s about 5 kilometers away.A: 3. ___________________________?C: Yes, the No. 15 bus will take you there.A: Where is the bus stop?C: 4. _________________________ and take the first turning on the right. You can see it on your left. You can’t miss it.A: 5. ___________________________.C: You are welcome.参考答案(1)1. Have you taken your temperature?2. How long have you been like this?3. You’ve got a cold.4. Is it serious?5. How often do I have to take it?(2)1.What are you talking about?2. No, I didn’t.3.what a pity!4Can we watch it on TV?5Work must come first.(3)1Have you finished your homework? 2I’ll help you.3Here you are.4By the way5Where is she?(4)1She may have one.2Here you are.3Would you like to come?4What time will it begin?5I must finish my homework first.(5)1I’ really sorry.2Are you ill?3Why not take some flowers with you? 4That’s wonderful.5I can borrow a car and take you there.(6)1Thank you for meeting me.2Here is my card.3It was OK.4Where is the hotel?5What time does it begin?(7)1What’s up\Why?2Between which teams?3Great!4What time does it start?5I’d like to watch the game very much.(8)1Which path would you like to choose? 2Which hotel do you want to live in?3It’s not expensive.4Will you please fill in this form?5Sure\certainly \ Yes, it’s quite all right.(9)1What is it ?2Who told you about it?3I was the winner.4Where shall we go?5See you later.(10)1I was ill.2How are you now \Are you better now 3Have you seen the doctor4Why don’t you stay at home today5I can help you with your lessons(11)1How are you \ How’s everything going2You look so nice in the new skirt3I bought it in Hangzhou4When did you go there5He has gone to England(12)1Where have you been2What were you doing3How about now4It seems you borrowed all of them5Sam must spend all of his money on music(13)1Did you watch the football match last night2What a pity3What was the score \result4Was it an exciting game5Soon our team kicked another two goals.\ And in the last minute our team got one more.\But after that our team still played very well.\And the American team got no more……(14)1This is Mei Ya speaking2Not yet, and you3Really4Would you like to go with me5How about walking\riding a bike(15)1How about going on a trip2Where to go\where do you plan to go3We can go there by bike4Who else would you like to go with\Why not ask someone else to join us5We can just lie on the grass having a good rest\we can have a picnic there\we can do anything we like……(16)1I have to look after my mother\my mother is ill in hospital2She has got a bad cold\cough…3How is she feeling now4Can I do anything to help5See you(17)1Have you done this kind of work before2Why are interested in it3What was your last job4Why did you leave5What was the arguments about(18)1I’m sorry I don’t know2Is there a hotel near here3How far is it4How can I get there5Thank you(19)1What’s up\what happened\what’s wrong with you2I missed the early bus3You must be late, weren’t you\were you late for school 4They went to the playground to see a basketball match…. 5Did you find them at last\did you go to look for them(20)1Which is the way to the Children’s Hospital2How far is it3Can I take a bus4Go along this road5Thank you“”“”At the end, Xiao Bian gives you a passage. Minand once said, "people who learn to learn are very happy people.". In every wonderful life, learning is an eternal theme. As a professional clerical and teaching position, I understand the importance of continuous learning, "life is diligent, nothing can be gained", only continuous learning can achieve better self. Only by constantly learning and mastering the latest relevant knowledge, can employees from all walks of life keep up with the pace of enterprise development and innovate to meet the needs of the market. This document is also edited by my studio professionals, there may be errors in the document, if there are errors, please correct, thank you!。
