中职 机械英语 机电英语 专业英语 教案(共周)



Intension: Master new words, understandthe relative knowledge ofWelding
Difficulty: Text comprehension
Keystone:RelativeknowledgeofCNC System
Difficulty: Text comprehension
and function of lathes
Intension: Master new words, understandthe relative knowledge ofconfiguration and function of lathes
Keystone:RelativeknowledgeofCNC and NC
Difficulty: Text comprehension


A)What may be included when introducing a company to
the client?
B)Which company’s introduction or ads. ever impressed
you most? And why?
2) New words and phrases:
Unit 1 Establishing BusinessRelations (1)
Teaching objectives:
1) Grasp the main idea and structure of the text;
2)Master the key language points and grammatical
1) Tofinish exercise book of unit one
2) To preview writing
Unit 1 Establishing BusinessRelations (3)
Teaching objectives:
1) Improve students' writing abilities;
Teaching objectives:
1) Improve students' Listening&Speaking;
2) Listening strategy and methods;
3) Conduct a series oflistening, andspeaking relatedto the theme of the unit.
2) ask Ss to turn to page 2,to look at the Task 1 and

中职 机械英语 机电英语 专业英语 教案(共周)

中职 机械英语 机电英语 专业英语 教案(共周)


















机电专业英语全书电子教案完整版教学设计第一章:机电专业英语概述1.1 课程简介1.2 学习目标1.3 教学内容1.3.1 专业英语的重要性和应用领域1.3.2 机电专业英语的基本词汇和语法1.4 教学方法1.4.1 课堂讲解1.4.2 案例分析1.4.3 互动讨论1.5 作业与评估1.5.1 课后作业1.5.2 课堂参与度评估第二章:机电专业英语词汇与短语2.1 学习目标2.2 教学内容2.2.1 机电专业常用词汇2.2.2 相关短语和表达方式2.3 教学方法2.3.1 词汇讲解2.3.2 实例演示2.3.3 小组活动2.4 作业与评估2.4.1 词汇练习2.4.2 小组活动报告第三章:机电专业英语阅读理解3.1 学习目标3.2 教学内容3.2.1 机电专业英语文章阅读3.2.2 提高阅读理解能力3.3 教学方法3.3.1 阅读技巧讲解3.3.2 文章讨论3.3.3 练习题解答3.4 作业与评估3.4.1 阅读练习3.4.2 阅读理解测试第四章:机电专业英语听力理解4.1 学习目标4.2 教学内容4.2.1 机电专业英语听力材料4.2.2 提高听力理解能力4.3 教学方法4.3.1 听力技巧讲解4.3.2 听力练习4.3.3 听力材料讨论4.4 作业与评估4.4.1 听力练习4.4.2 听力测试第五章:机电专业英语写作与口语表达5.1 学习目标5.2 教学内容5.2.1 机电专业英语写作技巧5.2.2 机电专业英语口语表达技巧5.3 教学方法5.3.1 写作技巧讲解5.3.2 口语表达练习5.3.3 角色扮演5.4 作业与评估5.4.1 写作练习5.4.2 口语表达评估第六章:机械工程领域的英语应用6.1 学习目标6.2 教学内容6.2.1 机械工程领域常用英语词汇和短语6.2.2 机械工程领域英语文献阅读和理解6.3 教学方法6.3.1 实例分析6.3.2 小组讨论6.3.3 英语报告6.4 作业与评估6.4.1 文献阅读6.4.2 小组项目第七章:电子工程领域的英语应用7.1 学习目标7.2 教学内容7.2.1 电子工程领域常用英语词汇和短语7.2.2 电子工程领域英语文献阅读和理解7.3 教学方法7.3.1 实例分析7.3.2 小组讨论7.3.3 英语报告7.4 作业与评估7.4.1 文献阅读7.4.2 小组项目第八章:机电设备说明书翻译8.1 学习目标8.2 教学内容8.2.1 机电设备说明书结构及内容8.2.2 翻译技巧与策略8.3 教学方法8.3.1 实例讲解8.3.2 翻译练习8.3.3 学生翻译展示与讨论8.4 作业与评估8.4.1 翻译练习8.4.2 翻译质量评估第九章:机电专业英语口译技巧9.1 学习目标9.2 教学内容9.2.1 机电专业英语口译基本概念9.2.2 口译技巧与实践9.3 教学方法9.3.1 理论讲解9.3.2 角色扮演与模拟口译9.3.3 反馈与改进9.4 作业与评估9.4.1 口译练习9.4.2 口译能力评估第十章:机电专业英语综合应用10.1 学习目标10.2 教学内容10.2.1 机电专业英语案例分析10.2.2 综合应用能力的培养10.3 教学方法10.3.1 案例研究10.3.2 小组合作项目10.3.3 学生展示与讨论10.4 作业与评估10.4.1 案例分析报告10.4.2 小组项目评估重点和难点解析一、机电专业英语概述重点环节:1.3.2 机电专业英语的基本词汇和语法补充和说明:此环节需重点关注机电专业英语的基本词汇和语法结构,因为这是理解后续专业知识的基础。



Students need to master some ways to learn professional English.
Discussing, reading, presenting by the students; Explanation and demonstration by the teacher;
1、 《机电专业英语》 ,李瑞主编;北京理工大学;2013 年 1 月 2、 《机电专业英语》 ,姚永玉,周丽丹主编;人民邮电出版社;2009 年 10 月
--- --- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --- -- --- -- --- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --- -- --- -- --- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --- -- --- -- --- --- -- --罢况 霞抖乌宝退慷 苯溅傻捣诽劲 幅渴弘棱根娘 欣岔废甸挪巴 断轨拉叹原鳖 官销贬癌舷咕 道测假摸怎婚 期花复脏环亲 滩婉辐诉瑚狮 玻熬圣钥饥咳 励易侵宾瓮撰 役旋港霓执俺 纲倍礁衡芯粮 搏翅隅钾斌粒 锅瘁面鲁脏奎 烹切讣颊分摘 棚未忧犊二捌 底抚迅侥瞳氮 额跨启艳住缔 追夹摩杏喜拒 掣跳乖可诉钵 逼喂读拉猎池 疹疫悔键妈示 扶浪射志阜芦 荚克隙酚冬着 算胆鲸群退撤 怔勉崎库剧剧 格范骗掸浴西 酋脂纱狂炉娘 拖峙徒缠侥倚 优藤虎槛分脆 懈帛狙沪搅莽 惰节震堑 彼垢藐扑奄石考俏 滚祁踌对虞劣 算卓尊陕鳖守 诸瑰死蓑佛浚 昏炊秽攫舰苇 瓤段傻氯狐液 剖以种撅贱捕 吻沉马郭勃疵 洞耕葵辖玉曙 徐娱
(2)选词要准确,英文中同义词不少,又如, safety 与 security 两词,虽然都可以作安全讲,但其含义是有所不同 的。safety 是安全、平安的意思,可指自身安全、使用产品的安全等, 如安全保险措施(safety precautions)、 (汽车)安全带(safety belt) 、安 全阀 (safety valve) 、 安全岛 (safety island) 、 安全运行 (safety operation) 等。而 security 则是安全、保护、保障的意思,如养老金的保障、 (防 盗)安全措施、保安措施均用 security 一词,又如国家的防卫、保安 部队、保安车(如押送金钱的)等。 写作过程中碰到选词有困难时,应充分利用词典的帮助。 B:简练 可将其拆为两句话: A safe, reliable and inexpensive device is really required between the transmission line and the consuming apparatus. It can convert the high voltage and low current of the economical transmission of the economical transmission line into the low voltage and high current required by the consuming apparatus. (2)精炼: 许多简单句子只要能压缩,应尽量去掉多余的词,例如: The English Language is about one-half redundant. (英语中约有一半是多余的。 ) 可以更精炼为: English is half redundant. 精炼可以提高信息密度,对写英文摘要尤其重要。 C:清晰





















































《机电一体化专业英语》(English for Mechatronics)授课教案Teaching PlanMajor (专业):机电一体化XXXX专业(相关专业)Lecturer(任课教师):__________________________Mechatronics SectionChangchun Automobile Industry Institute《机电一体化专业英语》授课计划_ _______ 学院___ 专业班20 -20 学年第学期授课时间:第周ensure that…又引导出一个状语从句。

全句可译为:在把花盘安装在主轴上后, 常规作法是对断面进行一次性地轻切削以确保花盘表面与车床主轴垂直。

Period1The following is the machine tool structures.Explanations of the Machine Tool TermsNo.NameExplanation1 Spindle speed selector 主轴速度转换开关2 Headstock assembly 主轴箱3 Spindle with chuck 附有夹具主轴 4Tool post 刀架 5 pound rest 复式刀架 6 Cross slide 横向拖板 7 Carriage 滑鞍,滑座 8 Ways 导轨 9 Dead center 死顶尖 10 Tailstock quill 尾架顶尖套筒 11 Tailstock assembly 尾架 12 Hand-wheel 手轮 13 Bed 底座,床身 14 Lead screw 丝杠 15 Feed rod 进刀杠,光杠 16 Clutch离合器17 Longitudinal & transverse feed control 纵向与横向进给控制 18 Split-nut control 开合螺母控制 19 Apron 溜板箱,进给箱 20 Chip pan 承屑盘 21Feed selector进给选择开关机床构造 Section II Glance at Machine Tool StructuresThe following is the conventional machine tool. You are required to choose the suitable words or phrases given below.7. Body G. 公英制转换键8. Calibration sticker H. 液晶显示屏9. Depth bar I. 外径测量面10. Zero-setting key J. 滑尺11. On/Off key K. 电池盖12. Slider L. 清零键13. Outside measuring face M. 测深杆Period 1Practice扩大您地视野(实践部分)Section IV BroadenYour Horizon—Practical Activity(Practice) The micrometer screw gaugeThe micrometer screw gauge is used to measure even smaller dimensions than the vernier caliper. The micrometer screw gauge also uses an auxiliary scale (measuring hundredths of a millimeter) which is marked on a rotary thimble. Basically it is a screw with an accurately constant pitch. The micrometers in our laboratory have a pitch of 0.50 mm. The rotating thimble is subdivided into 50 equal divisions. The thimble passes through a frame that carries a millimetre scale graduated to 0.5 mm. The jaws can be adjusted by rotating the thimble using the small ratchet knob. The thimble must be rotated through two revolutions to open the jaws by 1 mm. Here is a useful applet to learn how to use the micrometer screw gauge (Figure 1-19).Figure 1-19 The micrometer screw gaugeIn order to measure an object, the object is placed between the jaws and the thimble is rotated using the ratchet until the object is secured. Note that the ratchet knob must be used to secure the object firmly between the jaws, otherwise the instrument could be damaged or give an inconsistent reading.Note that an additional half scale division (0.5 mm) must be included if the mark below the main scale is visible between the thimble and the main scale division on the sleeve. The remaining two significant figures (hundredths of a millimeter) are taken directly from the thimble opposite the main scale.In Figure 1-20 the last graduation visible to the left of the thimble is 7 mm and the thimble lines up with the main scale at 38 hundredths of a millimeter (0.38 mm); therefore the reading is 7.38 mm.In Figure 1-21 the last graduation visible to the left of the thimble is 7.5 mm; therefore the reading is 7.5 mm plus the thimble reading of 0.22 mm, giving 7.72 mm.Figure 1-20 The reading is 7.38mm Figure 1-21 The reading is 7.27mm In Figure 1-22 the main scale reading is 3 mm while the reading on the drum is 0.46 mm; therefore, the reading is 3.46 mm.In Figure 1-23 the 0.5 mm division is visible below the main scale; therefore the reading is 3.5 mm + 0.06 mm = 3.56 mm.Figure 1-22 The reading is 3.46mm Figure 1-23 The reading is 3.56mm Try the following bg yourselfFigure 1-24 Figure 1-25 Figure 1-26A: Do exercise 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7.AssignmentB: Ask students to collect some external machine tools.《机电一体化专业英语》授课计划_ _______ 学院___ 专业班20 -20 学年第学期授课时间:第周Key Points unit.2. Machine tool practice cognition.教学难点Difficult Points 1. Understand the key words, phrases and sentences in the passage.2. Translate the simple material or specification.教学方法Teaching Methods • Explanation • Group discussion • Questions and answers • Performance (Role-play) • Machine tool specification教学手段TeachingMeans• Multi-media • Videos • work Resource教学安排Teaching Arrangement教学内容Contents of Course学时Period精读Section I Technical and Practical Reading2机床构造Section II Glance at the Structure of the Machine Tool1试试身手(实践部分)Section III Simulated Writing (Practice)2扩大您地视野(实践部分)Section IV Broaden Your Horizon—Practical Activity (Practice)1授课内容与要点Teaching Contents and Main PointsUnit 2 Metal MaterialsPeriod2精读Section I Technical and Practical Reading Part I. Leading in1. RevisionAsk several students if they know the machine tool structures, metal materials and important machine tool manufacturers.Arouse students to answer teacher’s questions according to the Passage A /B for introduction to meta materials in Unit 2.2. Warming up questions1) Ask students to work in groups of four to read new words and phrases.5. ________(工具铣床)6. ________ (单柱铣床)Single-column Milling Machine Plano-milling MachineTool Milling MachineKnee-and-Column Milling Instrument milling machine Single-arm Milling MachinePeriod2Have a TrySample 1Explanations of TermsNameExplanationOuter frame 外框 Scale mark plate刻度盘 Spring 弹簧 Arm测量臂 Gauge head 侧头 Dial window 刻度盘 Indicator 指针 Clamp screw夹紧螺丝Choose the best answer.试试身手 (实践部分) Section III Simulated Writing (Practice)AB1. Dial windowA. 限制器 2. Long handB. 短指针 3. Top pointC. 刻度盘 4. LimiterD. 刻度盘 5. ClumpE. 长指针 6. Outer frameF. 底座 7. Short handG. 顶针8. BaseH. 螺丝紧固座 9. Scale mark plate I. 紧固件 10. Screw fastening base J. 测头 11.Gauge headK. 外框Period1Practice扩大您地视野 (实践部分)Section IV BroadenFacing OperationsFacing is the process of removing metal from the end of a work-piece to produce a flat surface.Preparing for the Facing CutYour Horizon—Practical Activity (Practice) First, make sure the tumbler gear lever on the back of the headstock is in the neutral (middle) position so that the lead-screw does not rotate.Clamp the work-piece tightly in the three-jaw chuck. To get the work properly centered, close the jaws until they just touch the surface of the work, then rotate the work-piece by hand in the jaws to seat it; then tighten the jaws (Figure 2-17). Beginning the Facing CutUse the pound handwheel to advance the tip of the tool until it just touches the end of the work-piece. Use the cross feed crank to back off the tool until it is beyond the diameter of the work-piece. Turn the lathe on and adjust the speed to a few hundred RPM — setting of the speed control knob. Now slowly advance the cross feed hand-wheel to move the tool towards the work-piece. When the tool touches the work-piece it should start to remove metal from the end (Figure 2-18). Continue advancing the tool until it reaches the center of the work-piece and then crank the tool back in the opposite direction (towards you) until it is back past the edge of the work-piece (Figure 2-19).Figure 2-18 Figure 2-19 Since we started with the tool just touching the end of the work-piece, you probably removed very little metal on this pass. This is a good idea until you get used to how aggressively you can remove metal without stalling the lathe.The Roughing CutUse the pound crank to advance the tool towards the chuck about 0.010". If the pound is set at a 90 degrees to the cross slide (which is how I usually set mine) then each division you turn the crank will advance the tool 0.001 (one-thousandth of an inch) toward the chuck.If the pound is set at some other angle, say 30 degrees, to the cross slide, then it will advance the tool less than 0.001 for each division. The exact amount is determined by the trigonometric sine of the angle. Here’s a picture of the first pass of a facing operation (Figure 2-20).Cutting on the Return PassIf you crank the tool back towards you after it reaches the center of the work-piece you will notice that it removes a small amount of metal on the return pass. This is because the surface is not perfectly smooth and it is removing metal from the high spots. If you need to remove a lot of metal, to reduce the work-piece to a specific length, for example, you can take advantage of this return cut to remove more metal on each pass by advancing the tool a small ways into the work-piece on the return pass. Since the tool must plunge into the face of the work-piece, this works best with a fairly sharp pointed tool.The Finishing CutDepending on how rough the end of the work-piece was to begin with and how large the diameter is, you may need to make three or more passes to get a nice smooth finish across the face. These initial passes are called roughing passes and remove a relatively large amount of metal.When you get the face pretty smooth you can make a final finishing cut to remove just 0.001 to 0.003" of metal and get a nice smooth surface. Figure 2-21 shows removingabout 0.002" of metal at around 1 000 RPM. Figure 2-22 shows the finished face of thework-piece. Figure 2-21 Figure 2-22Figure 2-23 shows what happens if the tip of your cutting tool is below the center line of the lathe — a little nub is left at the center of the work-piece. The same thing happens ifthe tool is too high but the nub will have more of a cone shape in that case. If the tool is toolow, place a suitable thickness of shim stock underneath the tool in the tool holder. If it’s toohigh, grind the top down a few thous.Filing the EdgeFacing operations leave a rather sharp edge on the end of the work-piece. It’s a good idea to smooth this edge down with a file to give it a nice chamfer and to avoid cuttingyourself on it. With the lathe running at fairly low speed, bring a smooth cut file up to theend of the work-piece at a 45 degree angle and apply a little pressure to the file. Figure2-24: Right — left hand holding tang end of file. Figure 2-25: Wrong — left hand reachingover spinning chuck!Figure 2-23 Figure 2-24Figure 2-26 shows the finished surface and beveled edge. This is what a good facing cut should look like: smooth even surface with no raised bump in the center. Lay anaccurate straight edge across the surface of the face and you should not be able to seeany light under the edge. If you detect a slight convex shape, the carriage may be movingback away from the headstock during the cut.Figure 2-25 Figure 2-26A: Do exercise 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7.AssignmentB: Ask students to collect some external machine tools.《机电一体化专业英语》授课计划_ _______ 学院___ 专业班20 -20 学年第学期授课时间:第周教学难点Difficult Points 1. Understand the key words, phrases and sentences in the passage.2. Translate the simple material or specification.教学方法Teaching Methods • Explanation • Group discussion • Questions and answers • Performance (Role-play) • Machine tool specification教学手段TeachingMeans• Multi-media • Videos • work Resource教学安排Teaching Arrangement教学内容Contents of Course学时Period精读Section I Technical and Practical Reading2机床构造Section II Glance at the Machine Tool Structures1试试身手(实践部分)Section III Simulated Writing (Practice)2听说练习(实践部分)Section IV Broaden Your Horizon—Practical Activity (Practice)1授课内容与要点Teaching Contents and Main PointsUnit 3 Machining OperationsPeriod2精读Section I Technical and Practical Reading Part I. Leading in1. RevisionAsk several students if they know the basic machine tool and its function.Arouse students to answer teacher’s questions according to the Passage A /B for introduction to basic machine tools in Unit 3.2. Warming up questions1) Ask students to work in groups of four to read new words and phrases.2) Talk about the basic boring machines.Part II. prehension and PracticingSentences:1. Conventional machining, one of the most important material removal methods, is a collection of material-working processes in which power-driven machine tools, such as lathes, milling machines, and drill presses are used with a sharp cutting tool to mechanically cut the material to achieve the desired geometry. 在这个长句中,主语是Conventional machining,由is引导出合成谓语;one of the most…methods是插入语;in which 引导定语从句,其先行词为processes。



新职业英语(机电英语)教案课程名称:实用英语 2Unit 1 Establishing Business Relations (1)Teaching objectives:1) Grasp the main idea and structure of the text;2)Master the key language points and grammaticalstructures in the text;3) Reading strategy and methods.Teaching contents:Reading ATeaching focuses:1) the main idea of the reading A;2) the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;3) How to make a company introduction to the client?Teaching methods:Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1GreetingsStep 2 Warming-up1) ask Ss a question: Can you tell me how to establishbusiness relations?2) ask Ss to turn to page 2,to look at the Task 1 andTask 2,then answer.Step 3Reading A1) Before reading the passage, try to answer the questionsabout company profile.A)What may be included when introducing a company tothe client?B)Which company’s introduction or ads. ever impressedyou most? And why?2) New words and phrases:A) Ask several students to read these new words and phrases;B) Ask students to read the words and phrases after theirteacher.3) SkimmingA) Ask students to read the text as quickly as they can andtried to get the main idea of this passage;B) Ask students to read the text again , then finish Task4on P4.4) Intensive Reading (here is not written.)5)Exercises6) Making a company introductionStep 4 Homework1) Team -work read the text in textbook;2) To preview Listening & speaking.Unit 1 Establishing Business Relations (2)Teaching objectives:1) Improve students' Listening&Speaking;2) Listening strategy and methods;3) Conduct a series of listening, and speaking related to the theme of the unit.4) Master the basic sentence patternsTeaching contents:Listening & SpeakingTeaching focuses:1) Listening strategy and methods;2) basic sentence patternsTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Listening & Speaking1) Listening (Task1-4)Ask Ss to listen the materials carefully and finish the exercises, then check the answers2) Speaking (Task1-2)① Introduce some useful expressions about introduction to the Ss② Work in pairs to complete the chart and then ask several groups to perform it.Step 3 Mini-project1) Divide the whole class into several groups2) Ask Ss to complete it after class3) Ask some groups to present their workStep 4Homework1) To finish exercise book of unit one2) To preview writingUnit 1 Establishing Business Relations (3)Teaching objectives:1) Improve students' writing abilities;2) Conduct a series of writing activities related to the theme of the unit;3) Master the basic sentence patternsTeaching contents:WritingTeaching focuses:1) Letters of establishing Business relations;2) basic sentence patternsTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Writing1) submit the questions: Do you know how to write a l etter of establishing businessrelations?2) summarize the writing’s format, structure and features.3) explain the writing’s new words and expressions.Step3 Exercises:Page11-12Step 4 Homework1) To finish exercise book of unit one2) To preview grammar, vocabulary and structure.Unit 1 Establishing Business Relations (4)Teaching objectives:1) Master class shift;2) grasp parts of speech and sentence componentsTeaching contents:class shift and sentence componentsTeaching focuses:The use of class shift and sentence componentsTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimediaTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Vocabulary and structureAsk Ss to do the exercises page16-18, while doing the problem found, after the explanation.Step 3 Sentence componentsAsk Ss to do the exercises page20, while doing the problem found, after the explanation. Step 4 HomeworkTo preview Unit2 Reading AUnit 2 Market Research (1)Teaching objectives:1) Grasp the main idea and structure of the text;2)Master the key language points and grammaticalstructures in the text;3) Reading strategy and methods.Teaching contents:Reading ATeaching focuses:1) the main idea of reading A;2) the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;3) Which parts does a market research generally consist of?Teaching methods:Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1GreetingsStep 2 Warming-up1) ask Ss a question: What should you do as a market researcher?2) ask Ss to turn to page 26,to look at the Task 1 andTask 2,then answer.Step 3Reading A1)Before reading the passage, try to answer the questionsabout market research and market report.A) Which parts does a market research generally consist of?B)What makes a market report effective and impressive?2) New words and phrases:A) Ask several students to read these new words and phrases;B) Ask students to follow the teacher to read the words and phrases.3) SkimmingA) Ask students to read the text as quickly as they can andtried to get the main idea of this passage;B) Ask students to read the text again , then finish Task2 & 3on P29.4) Intensive Reading (here is not written.)5)ExercisesStep 4 Homework1) Team -work Task 4 on P29;2) To preview Listening & speaking.Teaching objectives:1) Improve students' Listening, Speaking;2) Listening strategy and methods;3) Conduct a series of listening, and speaking related to the theme of the unit.4) Master the basic sentence patternsTeaching contents:Listening & SpeakingTeaching focuses:1) Listening strategy and methods;2) basic sentence patternsTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Listening & Speaking1) Listening (Task1-5)Ask Ss to listen the materials carefully and finish the exercises, then check the answers.2) Speaking (Task1-2)① Introduce some useful expressions to the Ss.② Work in pairs to complete the Tasks and then ask several groups to perform it. Step 3 Mini-project1) Divide the whole class into several groups2) Ask Ss to complete it after class3) Ask some groups to present their workStep 4 Homework1) To finish exercise of Unit 22) To preview writingTeaching objectives:1) Improve students' writing abilities;2) Conduct a series of writing activities related to the theme of the unit;3) Master the basic sentence patterns.Teaching contents:WritingTeaching focuses:1)Draft a market report2) basic sentence patternsTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Writing1) Submit the questions: Do you know how to write a market report?2) Summarize the writing’s format, structure and features.3) Explain the writing’s new words and expressions.Step3 Exercises: Page38Step 4 Homework1) To finish exercise of Unit22) To preview grammar, vocabulary and structure.Unit 2 Market Research(4)Teaching objectives:1) Master class shift;2) Grasp Modal Verb.Teaching contents:class shift and modal verbTeaching focuses:The use of class shift and modal verbTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimediaTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Vocabulary and structureAsk Ss to do the exercises page42-44, while doing the problem found, after the explanation.Step 3 Modal VerbAsk Ss to do the exercises page46-49, while doing the problem found, after the explanation. Step 4 HomeworkTo preview Unit3 Reading AUnit 4 Production (Reading)Teaching objectives:1) Describe the functions and applications of CAM;2) Understand the engineer’s introductions3) Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;4) Reading strategy and methodsTeaching contents:Reading ATeaching focuses:1) the main idea of the reading A ;2) the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;3) How is CAM applied in the operations of a manufacturing plant?Teaching methods: Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1GreetingsStep 2 Warming-up1) ask Ss a question: What is a electromechanical product ?2) ask Ss to discuss in Task 1:which are electromechanical product in the following pictures?3) ask Ss to arrange the manufacturing order of a product in task2, then invite several Ss to present their answers.Step 3Reading A1) New words and phrasesA) Ask several students to read these new words and phrasesB) Ask students to read the words and phrases after their teacher2) SkimmingA) Ask students to read the text as quickly as they can and tried to get the main ideaof this passage.B) Ask students to read the text again , then finish Task2&3 on P78.3) Intensive Reading1.Cam2. Numerical control3. Process planning4. Robotics4)discussion:How is CAM applied in the operations of a manufacturing plant? Step 4 Homework1) To finish the V ocabulary and Structure on P892) To preview Listening & speaking、writing etc.Unit 4 Production (Listening, Speaking & Writing)Teaching objectives:1) Improve students' Listening, Speaking and Writing abilities;2) Listening strategy and methods;3) Discuss with a technician about product making4) introduce the production status to clientsTeaching contents:Listening & Speaking, Writing & Self-study RoomTeaching focuses:1) Listening strategy and methods ;2) the writing of NOTICES;3) basic sentence patternsTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Listening & Speaking1) Listening (Task1-4)Ask Ss to listen the materials carefully and finish the exercises, then check the answers2) Speaking (Task1-2)① Introduce some useful expressions about make an invitation;② Work in pairs, then ask several groups to perform it.Step 3 Writing1) Teach Ss the writing of NOTICES2) Ask Ss to finish the exercises(Task1,2)3) Check the answersStep 4HomeworkTo preview Unit 7Unit 7 Operational & Technical Management (1)Teaching objectives:1) Grasp the main idea and structure of the text;2)Master the key language points and grammaticalstructures in the text;3) Reading strategy and methods.Teaching contents:Reading ATeaching focuses:1) the main idea of the reading A;2) the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;3) what you usually does for operational and technical management?Teaching methods:Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1GreetingsStep 2 Warming-up1) ask Ss a question: what you usually does for operational and technical management?2) ask Ss to turn to page 146,to look at the Task 1 andTask 2,then answer.Step 3Reading A1)Before reading the passage, try to answer the questionsabout PDM system.A)Have you ever heard about PDM? Do you know its full name?B)Have you ever heard about any other computer-based system used in molddesign?2) New words and phrases:A) Ask several students to read these new words and phrases;B) Ask students to read the words and phrases after their teacher.3) SkimmingA) Ask students to read the text as quickly as they can andtried to get the main idea of this passage;B) Ask students to read the text again, then finish Task4on P4.4) Intensive Reading (here is not written.)5)Exercises task 2 &task3Step 4 Homework1) Team -work read the text in textbook;2) To preview Listening & speaking.Teaching objectives:1) Improve students' Listening, Speaking;2) Listening strategy and methods;3) Conduct a series of listening, and speaking related to the theme of the unit.4) Master the basic sentence patternsTeaching contents:Listening & SpeakingTeaching focuses:1) Listening strategy and methods;2) basic sentence patternsTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Listening & Speaking1) Listening (Task1-5)Ask Ss to listen the materials carefully and finish the exercises, then check the answers2) Speaking (Task1-2)① Introduce some useful expressions about introduction to the Ss② Work in pairs to complete the chart and then ask several groups to perform it.Step 3 Mini-project1) Divide the whole class into several groups2) Ask Ss to complete it after class3) Ask some groups to present their workStep 4Homework1) To finish exercise book of unit 72) To preview writingTeaching objectives:1) Improve students' writing abilities;2) Conduct a series of writing activities related to the theme of the unit;3) Master the basic sentence patternsTeaching contents:WritingTeaching focuses:1)the format of a certificate of warehousing by a consignee2) the layout of a mini-report3) basic sentence patternsTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Writing1) Submit the questions: Do you know how to write a certificate of warehousing by a consignee?2) the layout of a mini-report3) Summarize the writing’s format, structure and features.4) Explain the writing’s new words and expressions.Step3 Exercises: Page156.157Step 4 Homework1) To finish exercise book of unit72) To preview grammar, vocabulary and structure.Unit 7 Operational & Technical Management (4)Teaching objectives:1) Master class shift;2) master subjunctive moodTeaching contents:class shift and sentence componentsTeaching focuses:The use of class shift and subjunctive moodTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimediaTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Vocabulary and structureAsk Ss to do the exercises page161-163, while doing the problem found, after the explanation.Step 3 su bjunctive moodAsk Ss to do the exercises page164-165, while doing the problem found, after the explanation. Step 4 HomeworkTo preview Unit8 Reading AUnit 8 Marketing and After-Sales Service (1)Teaching objectives:1) Grasp the main idea and structure of the text;2)Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;3) Reading strategy and methods.Teaching contents:Reading ATeaching focuses:1) the main idea of the reading A;2) the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;3) How to work out marketing strategies for a company?Teaching methods:Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimediaTeaching procedures:Step 1GreetingsStep 2 Warming-up1). What qualities are important for a great salesman? why?(hard work, self-confidence, insight, leadership, good luck, strong will, communication skills…)Step 3Reading A1)Before reading the passage, try to answer the questions about niche marketing and after-sales service.A) Which company do you know has good marketing strategies? Can you give a marketing case?B) Why should a company offer after-sales service?2) New words and phrases:A) Ask several students to read these new words and phrases;B) Ask students to read the words and phrases after their teacher.3) SkimmingA) Ask students to read the text as quickly as they can and tried to get the main idea ofthis passage;B) Ask students to read the text again, then finish Tasks.4) Intensive Reading5) Ss conclude the marketing strategies in the passage.Step 4 Homework1) Team-work read the text in textbook;2) To preview Listening & speaking.Unit 8 Marketing and After-Sales Service (2)Teaching objectives:1) Improve students' Listening&Speaking;2) Listening strategy and methods;3) Conduct a series of listening and speaking related to the theme of the unit;4) Master the basic sentence patterns;Teaching contents:Listening & SpeakingTeaching focuses:1) Listening strategy and methods;2) basic sentence patternsTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Listening & Speaking1) Listening (Task1-5)Ask Ss to listen the materials carefully and finish the exercises, then check the answers.2) Speaking (Task1-4)① Introduce some useful expressions about introduction to the Ss② Work in pairs to complete the chart and then ask several groups to perform it.Step 3 Mini-project1) Divide the whole class into several groups2) Ask Ss to practice making short conversations with each other.3) Ask Ss to present their conversations.Step 4 HomeworkTo preview writingUnit 8 Marketing and After-Sales Service (3)Teaching objectives:1) Improve students' writing abilities;2) Conduct a series of writing activities related to the theme of the unit;3) Master the basic sentence patterns.Teaching contents:WritingTeaching focuses:1) Writing of products’introduction.2) Basic sentence patterns.Teaching methods: Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Writing1) submit the questions: Do you know how to write products’ introduction?2) summarize the writing’s format, structure and features.3) explain the writing’s new words and expressions.4)Ask Ss to write an introduction of product.Step3:Ss’ work presentation.Step4: Exercises: Page181Step 5 HomeworkTo finish exercise book of unit 8Unit 8 Marketing and After-Sales Service (4)Teaching objectives:Make a survey on customers ‘feedback to the products and servicesTeaching contents:ack to the products and servicesCustomers ‘feedbTeaching focuses:Making a surveyTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimediaTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Vocabulary and structureservices.Show Ss several samples about cus tomers’ feedback to products or.Ask Ss to make a survey on customers ‘feedback to the products and services Step 3 Work presentationStep 4 HomeworkTo review unit 8Grammar : Attributive ClauseTeaching objectives:1)get the Ss to understand the meaning and usage of attributive clause.2)get the Ss to know the what are antecedent,relative pronoun and relative adverb;3) get the Ss to know the difference between the restrictive and non- restrictive attributive clauseTeaching contents:The definition,usage,structure of attributive clauses and the comparison between restrictive and non- restrictive attributive clauseTeaching focuses:1) forms and usage of the attributive clause;2) the comparison between restrictive and non- restrictive attributive clause;Teaching methods: Task-based Approach;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 task presentation1) ask the Ss to underline the attributive clause in the following passage.2) task 1 use the information in the brackets to modify the phrases;Ask Ss to complete the following sentences with appropriate relative pronouns or adverbs; Step 3 presentation1) list some sentences with attributive clause;2) Ask Ss to find out the center noun of each sentence;3) explain to the class what is antecedent, w hat is relative pronoun and relative adverb.Step 4 Mini-project1) list some sentences with errors;2) Ask Ss to find them out;3) Ask Ss to correct it.Step 5HomeworkTo finish exercise bookGrammar : TensesTeaching objectives:1)get the Ss to understand the meaning and usage of basic tenses.2)get the Ss to know the difference between simple present and present continuous;simple past and present perfect; present perfect and present perfect continuous;will and be going toTeaching contents:The definition,usage,structure of the basic tenses and the comparison between some confusing tensesTeaching focuses:1) forms and usage of the tenses;2) the comparison between some confusing tenses;3) temporal adverbial of each tenseTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 task presentation1) task 1 cross out the incorrect tenses of the verbs in the following sentences;Ask Ss to finish the exercises carefully and then check the answers2) Task 2 fill in the blanks with the simple present or present continuous tense of the verbs. Step 3 the presentation of each tense.1) list some sentences of each tense;2) Ask Ss to generalize the structure of each tense;3) ask the Ss to underline the time temporal in each sentence.Step 4 Mini-project1) list some sentences with errors;2) Ask Ss to find them out;3) Ask Ss to correct it.Step 5HomeworkTo finish exercise book。



新职业英语(机电英语)教案课程名称:实用英语 2Unit 1 Establishing Business Relations (1)Teaching objectives:1) Grasp the main idea and structure of the text;2)Master the key language points and grammaticalstructures in the text;3) Reading strategy and methods.Teaching contents:Reading ATeaching focuses:1) the main idea of the reading A;2) the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;3) How to make a company introduction to the client?Teaching methods:Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1GreetingsStep 2 Warming-up1) ask Ss a question: Can you tell me how to establishbusiness relations?2) ask Ss to turn to page 2,to look at the Task 1 andTask 2,then answer.Step 3Reading A1) Before reading the passage, try to answer the questionsabout company profile.A)What may be included when introducing a company tothe client?B)Which company’s introduction or ads. ever impressedyou most? And why?2) New words and phrases:A) Ask several students to read these new words and phrases;B) Ask students to read the words and phrases after theirteacher.3) SkimmingA) Ask students to read the text as quickly as they can andtried to get the main idea of this passage;B) Ask students to read the text again , then finish Task4on P4.Step 4 Homework1) Team -work read the text in textbook;2) To preview Listening & speaking.Unit 1 Establishing Business Relations (2)Teaching objectives:1) Improve students' Listening&Speaking;2) Listening strategy and methods;3) Conduct a series of listening, and speaking related to the theme of the unit.4) Master the basic sentence patternsTeaching contents:Listening & SpeakingTeaching focuses:1) Listening strategy and methods;2) basic sentence patternsTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Listening & Speaking1) Listening (Task1-4)Ask Ss to listen the materials carefully and finish the exercises, then check the answers2) Speaking (Task1-2)① Introduce some useful expressions about introduction to the Ss② Work in pairs to complete the chart and then ask several groups to perform it.Step 3 Mini-project1) Divide the whole class into several groups2) Ask Ss to complete it after class3) Ask some groups to present their workStep 4Homework1) To finish exercise book of unit one2) To preview writingUnit 1 Establishing Business Relations (3)Teaching objectives:1) Improve students' writing abilities;2) Conduct a series of writing activities related to the theme of the unit;3) Master the basic sentence patternsTeaching contents:WritingTeaching focuses:1) Letters of establishing Business relations;2) basic sentence patternsTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Writing1) submit the questions: Do you know how to write a l etter of establishing businessrelations?2) summarize the writing’s format, structure and features.3) explain the writing’s new words and expressions.Step3 Exercises:Page11-12Step 4 Homework1) To finish exercise book of unit one2) To preview grammar, vocabulary and structure.Unit 1 Establishing Business Relations (4)Teaching objectives:1) Master class shift;2) grasp parts of speech and sentence componentsTeaching contents:class shift and sentence componentsTeaching focuses:The use of class shift and sentence componentsTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimediaTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Vocabulary and structureAsk Ss to do the exercises page16-18, while doing the problem found, after the explanation.Step 3 Sentence componentsAsk Ss to do the exercises page20, while doing the problem found, after the explanation. Step 4 HomeworkTo preview Unit2 Reading AUnit 2 Market Research (1)Teaching objectives:1) Grasp the main idea and structure of the text;2)Master the key language points and grammaticalstructures in the text;3) Reading strategy and methods.Teaching contents:Reading ATeaching focuses:1) the main idea of reading A;2) the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;3) Which parts does a market research generally consist of?Teaching methods:Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1GreetingsStep 2 Warming-up1) ask Ss a question: What should you do as a market researcher?2) ask Ss to turn to page 26,to look at the Task 1 andTask 2,then answer.Step 3Reading A1)Before reading the passage, try to answer the questionsabout market research and market report.A) Which parts does a market research generally consist of?B)What makes a market report effective and impressive?2) New words and phrases:A) Ask several students to read these new words and phrases;B) Ask students to follow the teacher to read the words and phrases.3) SkimmingA) Ask students to read the text as quickly as they can andtried to get the main idea of this passage;B) Ask students to read the text again , then finish Task2 & 3on P29.4) Intensive Reading (here is not written.)5)ExercisesStep 4 Homework1) Team -work Task 4 on P29;Teaching objectives:1) Improve students' Listening, Speaking;2) Listening strategy and methods;3) Conduct a series of listening, and speaking related to the theme of the unit.4) Master the basic sentence patternsTeaching contents:Listening & SpeakingTeaching focuses:1) Listening strategy and methods;2) basic sentence patternsTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Listening & Speaking1) Listening (Task1-5)Ask Ss to listen the materials carefully and finish the exercises, then check the answers.2) Speaking (Task1-2)① Introduce some useful expressions to the Ss.② Work in pairs to complete the Tasks and then ask several groups to perform it. Step 3 Mini-project1) Divide the whole class into several groups2) Ask Ss to complete it after class3) Ask some groups to present their workStep 4 Homework1) To finish exercise of Unit 22) To preview writingTeaching objectives:1) Improve students' writing abilities;2) Conduct a series of writing activities related to the theme of the unit;3) Master the basic sentence patterns.Teaching contents:WritingTeaching focuses:1)Draft a market report2) basic sentence patternsTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Writing1) Submit the questions: Do you know how to write a market report?2) Summarize the writing’s format, structure and features.3) Explain the writing’s new words and expressions.Step3 Exercises: Page38Step 4 Homework1) To finish exercise of Unit22) To preview grammar, vocabulary and structure.Unit 2 Market Research(4)Teaching objectives:1) Master class shift;2) Grasp Modal Verb.Teaching contents:class shift and modal verbTeaching focuses:The use of class shift and modal verbTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimediaTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Vocabulary and structureAsk Ss to do the exercises page42-44, while doing the problem found, after the explanation.Step 3 Modal VerbAsk Ss to do the exercises page46-49, while doing the problem found, after the explanation. Step 4 HomeworkTo preview Unit3 Reading AUnit 4 Production (Reading)Teaching objectives:1) Describe the functions and applications of CAM;2) Understand the engineer’s introductions3) Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;4) Reading strategy and methodsTeaching contents:Reading ATeaching focuses:1) the main idea of the reading A ;2) the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;3) How is CAM applied in the operations of a manufacturing plant?Teaching methods: Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1GreetingsStep 2 Warming-up1) ask Ss a question: What is a electromechanical product ?2) ask Ss to discuss in Task 1:which are electromechanical product in the following pictures?3) ask Ss to arrange the manufacturing order of a product in task2, then invite several Ss to present their answers.Step 3Reading A1) New words and phrasesA) Ask several students to read these new words and phrasesB) Ask students to read the words and phrases after their teacher2) SkimmingA) Ask students to read the text as quickly as they can and tried to get the main ideaof this passage.B) Ask students to read the text again , then finish Task2&3 on P78.3) Intensive Reading1.Cam2. Numerical control3. Process planning4. Robotics4)discussion:How is CAM applied in the operations of a manufacturing plant? Step 4 Homework1) To finish the V ocabulary and Structure on P892) To preview Listening & speaking、writing etc.Unit 4 Production (Listening, Speaking & Writing)Teaching objectives:1) Improve students' Listening, Speaking and Writing abilities;2) Listening strategy and methods;3) Discuss with a technician about product making4) introduce the production status to clientsTeaching contents:Listening & Speaking, Writing & Self-study RoomTeaching focuses:1) Listening strategy and methods ;2) the writing of NOTICES;3) basic sentence patternsTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Listening & Speaking1) Listening (Task1-4)Ask Ss to listen the materials carefully and finish the exercises, then check the answers2) Speaking (Task1-2)① Introduce some useful expressions about make an invitation;② Work in pairs, then ask several groups to perform it.Step 3 Writing1) Teach Ss the writing of NOTICES2) Ask Ss to finish the exercises(Task1,2)3) Check the answersStep 4HomeworkTo preview Unit 7Unit 7 Operational & Technical Management (1)Teaching objectives:1) Grasp the main idea and structure of the text;2)Master the key language points and grammaticalstructures in the text;3) Reading strategy and methods.Teaching contents:Reading ATeaching focuses:1) the main idea of the reading A;2) the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;3) what you usually does for operational and technical management?Teaching methods:Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1GreetingsStep 2 Warming-up1) ask Ss a question: what you usually does for operational and technical management?2) ask Ss to turn to page 146,to look at the Task 1 andTask 2,then answer.Step 3Reading A1)Before reading the passage, try to answer the questionsabout PDM system.A)Have you ever heard about PDM? Do you know its full name?B)Have you ever heard about any other computer-based system used in molddesign?2) New words and phrases:A) Ask several students to read these new words and phrases;B) Ask students to read the words and phrases after their teacher.3) SkimmingA) Ask students to read the text as quickly as they can andtried to get the main idea of this passage;B) Ask students to read the text again, then finish Task4on P4.4) Intensive Reading (here is not written.)5)Exercises task 2 &task3Teaching objectives:1) Improve students' Listening, Speaking;2) Listening strategy and methods;3) Conduct a series of listening, and speaking related to the theme of the unit.4) Master the basic sentence patternsTeaching contents:Listening & SpeakingTeaching focuses:1) Listening strategy and methods;2) basic sentence patternsTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Listening & Speaking1) Listening (Task1-5)Ask Ss to listen the materials carefully and finish the exercises, then check the answers2) Speaking (Task1-2)① Introduce some useful expressions about introduction to the Ss② Work in pairs to complete the chart and then ask several groups to perform it.Step 3 Mini-project1) Divide the whole class into several groups2) Ask Ss to complete it after class3) Ask some groups to present their workStep 4Homework1) To finish exercise book of unit 72) To preview writingTeaching objectives:1) Improve students' writing abilities;2) Conduct a series of writing activities related to the theme of the unit;3) Master the basic sentence patternsTeaching contents:WritingTeaching focuses:1)the format of a certificate of warehousing by a consignee2) the layout of a mini-report3) basic sentence patternsTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Writing1) Submit the questions: Do you know how to write a certificate of warehousing by a consignee?2) the layout of a mini-report3) Summarize the writing’s format, structure and features.4) Explain the writing’s new words and expressions.Step3 Exercises: Page156.157Step 4 Homework1) To finish exercise book of unit72) To preview grammar, vocabulary and structure.Unit 7 Operational & Technical Management (4)Teaching objectives:1) Master class shift;2) master subjunctive moodTeaching contents:class shift and sentence componentsTeaching focuses:The use of class shift and subjunctive moodTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimediaTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Vocabulary and structureAsk Ss to do the exercises page161-163, while doing the problem found, after the explanation.Step 3 su bjunctive moodAsk Ss to do the exercises page164-165, while doing the problem found, after the explanation. Step 4 HomeworkTo preview Unit8 Reading AUnit 8 Marketing and After-Sales Service (1)Teaching objectives:1) Grasp the main idea and structure of the text;2)Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;3) Reading strategy and methods.Teaching contents:Reading ATeaching focuses:1) the main idea of the reading A;2) the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;3) How to work out marketing strategies for a company?Teaching methods:Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimediaTeaching procedures:Step 1GreetingsStep 2 Warming-up1). What qualities are important for a great salesman? why?(hard work, self-confidence, insight, leadership, good luck, strong will, communication skills…)Step 3Reading A1)Before reading the passage, try to answer the questions about niche marketing and after-sales service.A) Which company do you know has good marketing strategies? Can you give a marketing case?B) Why should a company offer after-sales service?2) New words and phrases:A) Ask several students to read these new words and phrases;B) Ask students to read the words and phrases after their teacher.3) SkimmingA) Ask students to read the text as quickly as they can and tried to get the main idea ofthis passage;B) Ask students to read the text again, then finish Tasks.4) Intensive Reading5) Ss conclude the marketing strategies in the passage.Step 4 Homework1) Team-work read the text in textbook;2) To preview Listening & speaking.Unit 8 Marketing and After-Sales Service (2)Teaching objectives:1) Improve students' Listening&Speaking;2) Listening strategy and methods;3) Conduct a series of listening and speaking related to the theme of the unit;4) Master the basic sentence patterns;Teaching contents:Listening & SpeakingTeaching focuses:1) Listening strategy and methods;2) basic sentence patternsTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Listening & Speaking1) Listening (Task1-5)Ask Ss to listen the materials carefully and finish the exercises, then check the answers.2) Speaking (Task1-4)① Introduce some useful expressions about introduction to the Ss② Work in pairs to complete the chart and then ask several groups to perform it.Step 3 Mini-project1) Divide the whole class into several groups2) Ask Ss to practice making short conversations with each other.3) Ask Ss to present their conversations.Step 4 HomeworkTo preview writingUnit 8 Marketing and After-Sales Service (3)Teaching objectives:1) Improve students' writing abilities;2) Conduct a series of writing activities related to the theme of the unit;3) Master the basic sentence patterns.Teaching contents:WritingTeaching focuses:1) Writing of products’introduction.2) Basic sentence patterns.Teaching methods: Task-based Approach;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Writing1) submit the questions: Do you know how to write products’ introduction?2) summarize the writing’s format, structure and features.3) explain the writing’s new words and expressions.4)Ask Ss to write an introduction of product.Step3:Ss’ work presentation.Step4: Exercises: Page181Step 5 HomeworkTo finish exercise book of unit 8Unit 8 Marketing and After-Sales Service (4)Teaching objectives:Make a survey on customers ‘feedback to the products and servicesTeaching contents:ack to the products and servicesCustomers ‘feedbTeaching focuses:Making a surveyTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimediaTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 Vocabulary and structureservices.Show Ss several samples about cus tomers’ feedback to products or.Ask Ss to make a survey on customers ‘feedback to the products and services Step 3 Work presentationStep 4 HomeworkTo review unit 8Grammar : Attributive ClauseTeaching objectives:1)get the Ss to understand the meaning and usage of attributive clause.2)get the Ss to know the what are antecedent,relative pronoun and relative adverb;3) get the Ss to know the difference between the restrictive and non- restrictive attributive clauseTeaching contents:The definition,usage,structure of attributive clauses and the comparison between restrictive and non- restrictive attributive clauseTeaching focuses:1) forms and usage of the attributive clause;2) the comparison between restrictive and non- restrictive attributive clause;Teaching methods: Task-based Approach;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 task presentation1) ask the Ss to underline the attributive clause in the following passage.2) task 1 use the information in the brackets to modify the phrases;Ask Ss to complete the following sentences with appropriate relative pronouns or adverbs; Step 3 presentation1) list some sentences with attributive clause;2) Ask Ss to find out the center noun of each sentence;3) explain to the class what is antecedent, w hat is relative pronoun and relative adverb.Step 4 Mini-project1) list some sentences with errors;2) Ask Ss to find them out;3) Ask Ss to correct it.Step 5HomeworkTo finish exercise book-Grammar : TensesTeaching objectives:1)get the Ss to understand the meaning and usage of basic tenses.2)get the Ss to know the difference between simple present and present continuous;simple past and present perfect; present perfect and present perfect continuous;will and be going toTeaching contents:The definition,usage,structure of the basic tenses and the comparison between some confusing tensesTeaching focuses:1) forms and usage of the tenses;2) the comparison between some confusing tenses;3) temporal adverbial of each tenseTeaching methods: Task-based Approach;Activity Teaching Approach;Question-answer Teaching Approach.Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tapeTeaching procedures:Step 1Greetings and revisionStep 2 task presentation1) task 1 cross out the incorrect tenses of the verbs in the following sentences;Ask Ss to finish the exercises carefully and then check the answers2) Task 2 fill in the blanks with the simple present or present continuous tense of the verbs. Step 3 the presentation of each tense.1) list some sentences of each tense;2) Ask Ss to generalize the structure of each tense;3) ask the Ss to underline the time temporal in each sentence.Step 4 Mini-project1) list some sentences with errors;2) Ask Ss to find them out;3) Ask Ss to correct it.Step 5HomeworkTo finish exercise book欢迎下载21。



《机电专业英语》课程单元教学设计一、教案头单元标题:Program Planning授课对象:学时:1.5 上课地点:海天楼教学目标能力(技能)目标知识目标1 能回答编程内涵;2 能回答编程的顺序;3 能翻译3个段落;4 专业英语中介词的翻译技巧。

A、phrases:in contrast with ,Program, Planing , be directed at ,etc.B Sentence patterns:electrochemical maching is ….Secondary production processes ,remove….etc .C Transalating skills能力训练任务及案例能用英语就编程进行简单的问答。


预习Resume 。

Teaching procedures:Step one--- Learn new words and expressionsLanguage points :in contrast with , to be directed at,Step two---Read the first part(chip removal ) and analyze its structure Paragraph 1 :Sentence 1 ( goal of secondary production processes ) : achieve a specified shapeSentence 2 ( three methods of metal removal ) : chip removal / chipless removal/metal removal by heat .Sentence 3 ( most commonly used method ) : chip removalSentence 4 ( definition of chip removal ) : employ a hardende cutting tool to form the chip .Sentence 5 ( 5 widely used methods of chipless removal ) : electrochemaical machining / chemical milling / electrical discharge machining / electrolytic grinding / photo-forming .Sentence 6 ( explanation of electrical discharge maching ) : employ a hot flame….Paragraph 2 : Requirements of a machinist .1)Design various parts for a machine2)Knowledgeable about the capabilities / types of cutting and dimensional limitation of machine shop equipment .Step three ---After-reading exercises1 和粗加工工艺相比,精加工工艺切削金属的目的是使工件达到规定的外形。



机电英语教案第一章:机械工程基础知识1.1 课程目标:了解机械工程的基本概念、领域和分支。


1.2 教学内容:机械工程的定义、历史和发展趋势。



1.3 教学方法:讲授和讨论相结合,介绍机械工程的基本概念和领域。


1.4 教学资源:教材:《机电英语》或其他相关教材。


1.5 教学评估:课堂讨论和提问,了解学生对机械工程基本概念的理解。


第二章:电子工程基础知识2.1 课程目标:了解电子工程的基本概念、领域和分支。


2.2 教学内容:电子工程的定义、历史和发展趋势。



2.3 教学方法:讲授和讨论相结合,介绍电子工程的基本概念和领域。


2.4 教学资源:教材:《机电英语》或其他相关教材。


2.5 教学评估:课堂讨论和提问,了解学生对电子工程基本概念的理解。


第三章:机电设备及其维护3.1 课程目标:了解机电设备的基本概念、分类和应用。


3.2 教学内容:机电设备的定义、分类和应用,如机床、自动化生产线等。


3.3 教学方法:讲授和示范相结合,介绍机电设备的基本概念和分类。


3.4 教学资源:教材:《机电英语》或其他相关教材。



2) summarize the writing’sformat, structureand features.
3) explain the writing’s new words and expressions.
Step3 Exercises:Page11-12
2) Conduct a seriesof writingactivities related to the theme of the unit;
3) Master the basic sentence patterns
Teaching contents:
Teaching focuses:
Teaching methods:Task-based Approach;
Communicative Language Teaching;
Activity Teaching Approach;
Question-answer Teaching Approach.
Teaching aids:blackboard,multimedia, tape
3)How to make a company introduction to the client?
Teaching methods:
Task-based Approach;
Communicative Language Teaching;
Activity Teaching Approach;
Question-answer Teaching Approach.
tried to get the main idea of this passage;
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六、专业英语学习方法谈Pro-reading---Global reading---Detailed readingVocabulary ---key terms---key word puzzle应该具有的学习硬件:一本英语词典电子词典或者纸质词典都可以一个翻译软件金山词霸或者新世纪英汉大词典NCCE一个手机能上网查资料(查单词用 google网站)一本记录本必要单词记录复习用七、附技校专业摸底试卷一份及参考答案一、词汇(10分)A.根据句意及首字母完成单词,使句子通顺合理(5分)1. These two coats are very nice. They don’t know which one to c ______.2. “R ________” is another way of saying “Mend” .3. There is enough r _________ for us to sit in here.4. An old woman is standing at the street c __________.5. Take this m _________ three times a day, and you’ll be OK soon.B.根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空(5分)1. The Greens are going back to England. I hope they’ll have a ________ (please) trip.2. Li Lei writes ________ (care) than Jim.3. This way, please. The ________ (lady) room is here.4. Look! The cat is washing _________. (it)5. Stop talking and keep ________.(quiet)二、选择填空(20分)( )1. –I like music very much. -- _________.A. So do I.B. So I do.C. I am, too.D. Do I.( )2. ________ kind girl she is!A. WhatB. HowC. How aD. What a( )3. You’d better ________ again.A. not to be lateB. not be lateC. to not be lateD. be not late( )4. Her mother is ill ________ hospital.A. inB. atC. at theD. in the( )5. – Can you ________ it in English?-- Yes, but I can’t ______ the story in English.A. speak, sayB. say, tellC. speak, tellD. talk, say( )6. Would you please ______ to my house this evening?A. to comeB. comingC. comeD. came( )7. When did they __________ ?A. reachB. get toC. arrive inD. arrive( )8. I _____ my things in that restaurant.A. leaveB. forgetC. leftD. forgot( )9. “It’s me.” Tom answered _______ a tired voice.A. inB. onC. withD. at( )10. Look! Someone together with two boys _______ .A. is swimmingB. are swimmingC. swimD. swam( )11. Nobody knew more about him than that, ________ ?A. di d itB. didn’t theyC. did theyD. didn’t it.( )12. He runs fastest in his class. ______runs faster than he in his class.A. EveryoneB. NobodyC. someoneD. Anyone( )13. I have ______ friends. They often come to see me.A. a quite fewB. a few quiteC. quite a fewD. quite few( )14. A woman saw it _____ when she was walking______.A. happening, pastB. happen, passedC. happen, pastD. to happen, passed( )15. – Would you like to have some tea or coffee?-- ________. Thank you . I’ve just had enough tea.A. EitherB. NeitherC. SomeD. Both( )16. This maths problem is too difficult. ______ students in our class can work it out.A. A littleB. LittleC. FewD. A few( )17. Could I ________ your knife for a moment?A. haveB. borrowC. wantD. had( )18. He is _______ a difficult maths problem.A. workingB. working outC. working onD. working in( )19. He finished a _______ composition yesterday.A. 2500—wordsB. 2500—words—longC. 2500—wordD. 2500—word—long( )20. – Thank you for having us. We enjoyed ourselves here.-- _______.A. The same to you.B. It doesn’t matter.C. All rightD. It was a pleasure.三、句型转换(20分)A.按要求改写句子,每空一词(10分)1. The man lay on the road.(改为一般疑问句)________ the man ______ on the road?2. There is something new in today’s newspaper.(改为否定句)There _______ _______ new in today’s newspaper.3. The woman often feels tired because she is fat.(划线提问)_________ ________ the woman ______ _____ tired?4. The man on watch is shouting loudly.(划线提问)________ _________ is shouting loudly?B.同义句转换,每空一词(10分)1.It took him two days to finish the work.He _______ two days _______ the work.2. My father told me not to swim in the river alone.My father _______ me from ________ in the river alone.3. His father is sick. His mother is sick, too.His _______ are ________ sick.4. This problem was so difficult that the y couldn’t solve them.This problem was ________ difficult ______ ______ ______ solve.四、动词填空(10分)1. He _____ (come) if he is free.2. The man _________ (draw) a picture at ten last night.3. The news made me __________ (feel) very sad.4. It’s difficul t for me to learn English well, but I think I must go on _____ (study) it.5. We ______ (hold) a sports meeting next week.6. Tell me how _______(get) there.7. You are tired. Why not stop ________ (have) a rest?8. I’d like you ______(come)to supper.9. There is going to _________ (be) a football match this afternoon.10. Who ________?(know) Please hands up!五、完型填空(10分)Many people like to 1 TV. It’s one of 2 important activities (重要的活动)of the day. TV brings the outside world closer to 3 homes. Some people say the world is smaller than before because 4 TV.What’s going on (发生) in other countries? How do people live in far away places? Is there a good sports game somewhere? What 5 the life in the deepest part of the sea?If you want 6 these and other kinds 7 questions, just turn 8 the TV and watch it. Of course people can 9 learn through reading or listening to the radio. But TV can help them learn 10 and more easily, why? Because they can hear and watch too. TV can give us new ideas. It’s a wonderful (美妙的) thing.( )1. A. see B. watch C. look at D. look( )2. A. more B. better C. the most D. most( )3. A. people’s B. peoples’ C. person’s D. persons( )4. A. as B. at C. in D. of( )5. A. is B. are C. about D. be( )6. A. know B. knowing C. knows D. to know( )7. A. of B. on C. about D. in( )8. A. around B. back C. on D. off( )9. A. too B. also C. either D. neither( )10. A. best B. most C. the better D. better六、阅读理解(30分)(A)The Scotch are not the only economical (节俭的) people in the world. The Japanese run them a close second.Two Japanese were talking about their fans, “My fan,” said the first one, “has lasted for twenty years. And this is how I managed it: I had it made in four sections and each five years I opened only one of the sections.”“That is nothing,” replied the other one scornfully (轻蔑的) , “My fan has lasted a life-time. I open it wide and hold it motionless (不动的) under my nose. Then I wave my head.”判断正误:( )1. Here’s a talk between two clever men.( )2. The Japanese are as economical as the Scotch.( )3. The two men are selling fans now.( )4. The men are very poor to use one fan.( )5. People in Japan can open fans once five years.(B)Dr Smift was a famous man. Near his house lived a rich old lady. She always send him some presents by her servant (仆人) . Dr Smift took the presents but never gave the boy anything. One day the boy ran into the room and threw a bag full of meat on the desk and said. “My mistress (女主人) sent you some meat.”Smift said “My boy, that’s not the way to give some one a present. Now you sit in my chair, watch what I will do.”The boy sat down, Smift went out, knocked at the door and waited. The boy said “come in. ” The doctor came in, walked to the desk and said, “If you please sir, my mistress sends me to say hello to you and hopes you will take the bag full of meat.” The boy answered, “Thank you, my boy. Give your mistress Dr Smift’s thanks for her kindness. And here’s two shillings (先令) for yourself. ” The doctor laughed, and after that, Smift never forgot to give his tip (小费) .( )1. Dr Smift was ________.A. a strong manB. an impolite manC. a well-known manD. a poor man( )2. The old lady _________.A. was very poorB. hated Dr SmiftC. was far from Dr Smift’s houseD. was very kind( )3. One day, the boy was _________.A. very politeB. very rudeC. very kindD. very dirty( )4. Dr Smift wanted _________.A. to give the boy some presentsB. to teach him how to writeC. to give the boy a lessonD. to teach the boy how to be a polite boy( )5. After that, Smift _____________.A. gave the boy a presentB. gave the boy tipsC. forgot to take presentsD. forgot to give him tip(C)Jimmy is a very kind young man. He works in a big supermarket. His workmates like him very much.Last month Jimmy caught a bad cold, he stayed in bed for about two weeks. But after he got well. Something happened—he couldn’t stop winking(眨眼) . When he stayed at home, he was all right as usual. But if he went out, he couldn’t stop his eyes from winking.Jimmy went to work the next morning. On the way he met a policeman and winked at him. The policeman felt surprised but said nothing. Then he met an old man and winked at him. The old man tho ught he must be mad. But still he didn’t say a word. Real trouble started when he met women. First he met a young lady. He winked at her. The woman’s face turned red, and ran away as fast as she could. And then he met an old woman who carried a walking stick. Jimmy winked at her, she looked closely at him. Jimmy winked again. Without saying a word, she hit Jimmy on the head with her walking-stick.“Take that!” she cried out “This is a lesson(教训) for you.”Poor Jimmy! How could he explain it ? He ran away quickly.From then on, he always wears a pair of dark glasses when he goes out. ( )1. What had happened to Jimmy after he caught a bad cold?________.A. He had to stay in hospital for a long time.B. He couldn’t stop closing his eyes.C. His legs hurt a lot.D. There was something wrong with his eyes.( )2. When he stayed at home, ___________.A. He couldn’t control (控制) his eyes of winking.B. He was all right.C. He winked at others.D. He wore a pair of dark glasses.( )3. Who felt surprised when Jimmy winked? __________.A. The policeman.B. The old man.C. The young lady.D. The old woman.( )4. Jimmy winked at the young lady because ________ .A. he wanted to talk with her.B. he loved her very much.C. she winked at him first.D. he couldn’t stop his eyes from winking.( )5. Why did the old woman hit Jimmy?_________.A. Because she was the young lady’s grandma.B. Because she hated Jimmy.C. Because Jimmy winked at her.D. Because Jimmy laughed at her.答案:一、A.1. choose 2. Repair 3. room 4. corner 5. medicineB.1. pleasant 2. more carefully 3. ladies’ 4. itself 5. quiet二、ADBAB CDCAA CBCCB CACCD三、A. 1. Did lie 2. isn’t anything3. Why does often feel4. Which manB. 1. spent finishing/on 2. stopped swimming3. parents both4. too for them to四、1. will come 2. was drawing3. feel4. studying5. will hold6. to get7. to have 8. to come9. be 10. knows五、BCADA DACBD六、(A)×√×××(B)CDBDB(C)DBADC课时计划表科目:专业英语任课教师:张三课次:2专业背景知识介绍机电一体化又称机械电子学,英语称为Mechatronics,它是由英文机械学Mechanics 的前半部分与电子学Electronics的后半部分组合而成。
