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,可能看出 来的效果不怎么明显,那么我们把指南针拿出来试 试。肯定会看出来效果的。
Two, then just around the copperline two days respectively connected to tFra Baidu biblioteke batter
y end and a switch there, then we will test. The switch on the power of the press, the power supply is switched on, and then put t
the other end Rao line (single strand copper wires), line like a spring like Rao to the otherend, both ends of the wire on the DC
can be.
二、然后把刚才绕好的铜丝线两天分别接在电池一 端和开关那里,接好后我们就实验一下。 把接通电源的开关按下去,接通电源,然后把钉子 (这里已经变成电磁铁了)放在大头 针或者一些能吸的 贴东西上面,看看是不是被吸附过来了,如果你的 电池比较小
Manufacturers electromagnet, electromagnetic valve manufacturers, DC electromagnet - Guangzhou Delong Electronics Co., Ltd. (
zasqfgq 电磁铁厂家www.gdjtkj.com
This is a kind of electromagnet is the most simple, everyone should learn, the principle is t
hat the electric to magnetic. A bitmore complex to the electromagnet classification, will you do what kind. The electromagnet of
Method for making manufacturers electromagnet of electromagnet simple
首先准备材料:铜丝线,一个铁钉或者铁棒,一节 电池
rst prepare materials: copper wires, a nail or iron rod, a battery
一、先绕线圈,把钉子铁棒上饶满,大概在20 圈左 右,从铁 棒的一端开始,向另一端饶线(单股铜线),线 的样子跟弹簧一样
One, the first coil, nail bar Shangrao, probably in about 20 laps from the end, started iron rod, to
he nail (here has become the electromagnet) is put on top of theneedle or some can absorb the paste things, have a look Is it ri
ght? Absorbed over, if your battery is relatively small, can see to effect is not how Me Mingxian, so we put the compass out try
. Will see the effect of.
这是最简单的一种电磁铁了,大家应该学会了,原 理就是把电转为磁力。复杂一点的就要按电磁铁分 类,看你要做哪一类了。不同类别的电磁铁所用材 料、制作 工艺完全不同。要磁性强的话,最好用U形软铁芯。 在两个脚上
分别以顺,逆时针方向紧密绕上膝包线。另外最好 用大功率的蓄电池。
different types of materials used, manufacturing process is completely different. To magnetic strong words, preferably U shaped i
ron core. At two feet inCIS, anti clockwise close around the knee envelope. In addition the best battery with high power.