
5. made excellent observations on
6. counted on
7. for my part
8. make a fuss
《读写教程 IV》: Ex. V, p. 9
1. sanctions
2. Restrictions
3. fine
4. limits
《读写教程 IV》: Ex. XI, p. 12
1. 在一起呆了几天,她仍感到对这个客人很陌生,只得大部分时间让丈夫陪着他。
2. 加斯顿拉了拉妻子的衣袖,双手搂着她的腰,快乐地望着她那充满困惑的眼睛。
3. 他在她身旁的长凳上坐下,丝毫不曾想到她可能会反对他坐在那儿。
4. 他的话变成了一串毫无意义的动词、名词、副词和形容词,她陶醉在他的声音里。
5. 那晚,巴罗达太太很想把自己的一时荒唐告诉丈夫—也是她的朋友,但还是忍住了。
6. 他照例说了些诸如这个季节的夜风对身体不好之类的话。后来,望着茫茫夜色,他开始谈了起来。
7. “噢,”她笑着,在他唇上印了长长的温柔的一吻,“我一切都已经克服了!你会看到的,这次我会对他很好。”
8. 而现在他只求能生存,只是偶尔才能体验到一丝真正的生活的气息,就像此刻这样。
5. She had never known her thoughts to be so confused, unable to gather anything from them.
6. From Gouvernail’s talk, Mrs. Baroda came to know that his periods of silence were not his basic nature, but the result of moods.

unit2BThe Poli tical Care er of a Fe malePolit icianMode st an d sof t-spo ken,Agath a Mut honiMbogo, 24, is h ardly theimage of arevo lutio nary. Yet, sixmonth s ago, she dida mos t rev oluti onary thin g: Sh e ran formayor of E mbu,Kenya, and won. Ms.Mbogo's vi ctory wasevenmoresurpr ising beca use s hewa s vot ed in by h er co lleag ues o n the Dist rictCounc il, a ll me n. Fo r the thou sandsof w omenin th is fa rming area twohours nort heast of N airob i, Ms. Mbo go su ddenl ybec ame a symb ol of theincre asing ly po werfu l pol itica l for ce wo men h ave b ecomein K enyaand a cross Afri ca. M s. Mb ogo l aunch ed he r dre am of a ca reerin po litic s in1992by ru nning forthe E mbu C ounci l, fa cingthe o bstac les t hat o ftentroub le Af rican wome n run ningfor p oliti cal o ffice. She hadlittl e mon ey. S he ha d nopolit icalexper ience. She face d rid iculo us qu estio ns ab out h er pe rsona l lif e. "M y opp onent kept insi sting that I wa s goi ng to getmarri ed to some bodyin an other town andmoveaway," Ms. Mbog o sai d. Ms. Mbo go al so fa ced m isund ersta nding amon g the town's wo men,manyof wh omin itial ly we re un willi ng to vote forher.She b ecame an a mbass adorfor w omen's pol itica l rig hts,givin g spe eches befo re wo men's grou ps an d goi ng fr om do or to door, han dbaginha nd, s pendi ng ho urs a t a t ime g iving a co mbina tionof sp eechand g overn mentlesso n. "I wasdelig htedwhenshe w on th e ele ction, bec ausemen e lecte d her," sa id Ly diahKiman i, an Embu farm er an d pol itica l act ivist. "It wasthe a nswer to m y pra yersbecau se it seem ed to be a vict ory o ver t his i dea t hat 'women can't lea d'."Educa tionof Af rican wome n has beco me atop p riori ty fo r pol itica l act ivist s. On e org aniza tionhas h eld d ozensof w orksh ops i n rur al Ke nya t o hel p wom en un derst and t he na tion's con stitu tionand t hepr ocedu res a nd th eorybehin d a d emocr aticpolit icalsyste m. On e vet eranfemal e pol itica l act ivist said that many wome n had notbeentaugh t the basi cs of poli tical part icipa tion. They aretaugh t tovotefor t he on e who "giv es yo u a h alf-k ilo s ack o f flo ur, 200 gr ams o f sal t, or a lo af of brea d" du ringthe c ampai gn, s aid t he ac tivis t. Wo men p oliti cians andactiv istssay t hey a re fi ghtin g dee ply h eld c ultur al tr aditi ons.Those trad ition s tea ch th atAf rican wome n coo k, cl ean,takecareof ch ildre n, so w and harv est c ropsand s uppor tthe ir hu sband s. Th ey ty pical ly do notinher it la nd, d ivorc e the ir hu sband s, co ntrol thei rfin ances or h old p oliti cal o ffice. Yet, pol itica l act ivity amon g Ken yan w omenis no ta n ew ph enome non.Durin g the stru gglefor i ndepe ndenc e inthe 1950s, Keny anwo men o ftensecre tly p rovid ed tr oopswithweapo ns an d spi ed on theposit ionsofco lonia l for ces.But a fterindep enden ce, l eader s jea lousto pr otect thei r pow er sh ut th emou t ofpolit ics,a sit uatio n rep eated acro ss th e con tinen t. To day,men s tillhavethe u pperhand. Wome n inKenya make up 60 per centof th e peo ple w ho vo te, b ut on ly 3perce nt of theNatio nal A ssemb ly. N o Ken yan w omanhas e ver h eld a cabi net p ost.Again st th atba ckgro und,Agath a Mbo go be gan h er po litic al ca reer. Afte r win ningher c ounci l sea t,sh e dec lined a sp ot on theeduca tionand s ocial serv icescommi tteeafter a co lleag ueca lledit "a woma n's c ommit tee". Sheinste ad jo inedthe t own p lanni ng co mmitt ee, amuch more visi ble a ssign ment. Then last year, she deci ded t o cha lleng e Emb u's m ayor, a ve teran poli ticia n. Ms. Mbo go sa id sh e had beco me fr ustra ted b ecaus e the dono rgro ups t hat p rovid e sub stant ial a id to Keny a's r uralareas "did notwantto co me he re"."We w eren't see ing t hings done forthe c ommun ity," shesaid. "Itwas a scan dal — thedonor s' mo ney s eemed to b e goi ng to indi vidua ls."After a fi ercecampa ign,the c ounci lele ctedher,7 to6. Sh e sai d wom en in Embu cele brate d. Me n wer e puz zled; some werehost ile.Theyasked, "Ho w cou ld al l ofthose menvotefor a woma n?" s he re calle d. Ms. Mbo go ha s not metwiththe k indsof ab use t hat o therfemal epol itici ans h ave b een s ubjec ted t o, ho wever. Som e hav e sai d the ir su pport ers a reso metim es at tacke d wit h clu bs af ter r allie s. La st Ju ne, K enyan poli ce at tempt ed to brea k upa wom en'spolit icalmeeti ng no rthwe st of Nair obi,insis tingit wa s ill egaland m ightstart a ri ot. W hen t he 100 wom en, i nclud ing a memb er of theNatio nal A ssemb ly, r efuse d togo, o ffice rs to re do wn th eir b anner s and beat them with club s and fist s, wi tness esre porte d. In cont rast, Ms.Mbogo gene rally rece iveswarmgreet ingsfromthe m en of Embu, and many saytheyare n ow gl ad th e cou ncilchose her. Dono r gro ups a re no wfun dingproje cts i n Emb u inearne st. A newmarke t isgoing up d ownto wn. A 200-bed s ectio n for new-mothe rs is bein g add ed to thehospi tal.A dor mitor y-sty le ho me ha s bee n bui lt fo r the doze ns of home lessstree t chi ldren whooncewande red t he ci ty. M s.Mb ogo i s esp ecial ly pr oud o f the mark et an d the hosp italbecau se "t hey h ave a nimp act o n wom en".At th e cur rentmarke t, wh ere h undre ds of peop le, s hadedby u mbrel las,lay o ut fr uitsand v egeta bles, oneperso n who sell s lem ons s aid s heli ked t he ne w may or. "I fee l lik e ifI hav e a p roble m, Ican g o toher o ffice," sh e sai d. "T he ot her m ayorshout ed. H e act ed li ke an empe ror.He di d not want to h ear m ypro blems." Ne arby, a ma n sai d hefound Ms.Mbogo a re fresh ing c hange. "I'm tir ed of men," hesaid, watc hingoverhis p ile o f oni ons."They give us s o man y pro mises, butthey don't del iverthe g oods. As l ong a s she keep s giv ing u s wha t wewant, sheis al lrig ht."24岁的阿加莎·墨丹妮·姆波戈,为人谦虚,谈吐温柔,算不上是个革命者的形象。

新视野大学英语(第二版)第四册读写教程课文翻译.An artist who seeks fame is like a dog chasing his own tail who, when he captures it, does not know what else to do but to continue chasing it.艺术家追求成名,如同狗自逐其尾,一旦追到手,除了继续追逐不知还能做些什么。
The cruelty of success is that it often leads those who seek such success to participate in their own destruction.成功之残酷正在于它常常让那些追逐成功者自寻毁灭。
"Don't quit your day job!" is advice frequently given by understandably pessimistic family members and friends to a budding artist who is trying hard to succeed.对一名正努力追求成功并刚刚崭露头角的艺术家,其亲朋常常会建议“正经的饭碗不能丢!”他们的担心不无道理。
The conquest of fame is difficult at best, and many end up emotionally if not financially bankrupt.追求出人头地,最乐观地说也困难重重,许多人到最后即使不是穷困潦倒,也是几近精神崩溃。
Still, impure motives such as the desire for worshipping fans and praise from peers may spur the artist on.尽管如此,希望赢得追星族追捧和同行赞扬之类的不太纯洁的动机却在激励着他们向前。

他尽可能地推迟那一天的到来:在 1936 的《摩登时代》里,他第一次在影片里发声唱歌。

U11、Hundreds of workers sat idle on the factory floor waiting for the assembly line(流水线) to start again.数百名工人被闲置在工厂地板上等待流水线重新开始。
2. To some of our problems there was more than one answer, so we were looking at the students’reasoning asto how they got it and if they could justify the answer they had.对我们的一些问题有一个以上的答案,所以我们看学生推理他们如何得到它,如果他们能证明他们的答案。
3. Consumers expect to find the brand(品牌) available at a(n) discount and are unpleasantly surprised to find a higher price.消费者期望发现品牌(品牌)可以在一个(n)的折扣和非常惊讶地发现一个更高的价格。
4. The European Union is made up of 27 nations with distinct (独特的)cultural, linguistic(语言学的) and economic roots(根源,根本).欧盟的27个国家组成的具有明显的的文化、语言和经济根源。
5. Police found minute traces of blood on the car seats.警方发现了微量的血在汽车座椅。
6. Despite his promise to eliminate(消除) cronyism(任人唯亲的), he was openly accused of giving government positions to friends and relatives.尽管他承诺消除任人唯亲他被指控向公开政府的职务的朋友和亲戚。

你知道新视野⼤学英语4:Unit2 TextA都讲哪些内容吗?下⾯是yjbys⼩编为⼤家带来的新视野⼤学英语4:Unit2 TextA(课⽂+译⽂),欢迎阅读。
The confusing pursuit of beauty 对美丽的追求 1.If you're a man, at some point a woman will ask you how she looks. 2.You must be careful how you answer this question. The best technique is to from an honest yet sensitive response, then promptly excuse yourself for some kind of emergency. Trust me, this is the easiest way out. No amount of rehearsal will help you come up with the right answer. 1.如果你是⼀位男⼠,肯定在某个时候会有⼥⼠问你她看起来怎么样。
3.He problem is that men do not think of themselves in seventh grade and stick to it for the rest of themselves in seventh grade and stick to it for the rest of their lives. Some men think they're irresistibly desirable, and they refuse to change this opinion even when they grow bald and their faces visibly wrinkle as they age. 3.其原因是,男性和⼥性对外表的看法截然不同,⼤多数男性对⾃⼰的外表在七年级的时候就形成了,⽽且终⽣不变,有些男性认为⾃⼰有不可抗拒的魅⼒,即使随着年龄的增长,他们的头发掉光了,脸上布满皱纹,他们仍然拒绝改变这种看法。

新版新视野大学英语读写教程第四册答案及课文翻译答案部分:Unit OneIII.1. idle2. justify3. discount4. distinct5. minute6.accused7. object8. contaminate9. sustain 10. worship IV.1. accusing... of2. end up3. came upon4. at her worst5. pay for6. run a risk of7. participate in8. other than9. object to/objected 10. at best V1. K2. G3. C4. E5. N6.O7.I8. L9. A 10. D CollocationVI.1. delay2. pain3. hardship4. suffering5. fever6. defeat7. poverty8. treatment9. noise 10. agonyWord buildingVII.1. justify2. glorify3. exemplifies4. classified5. purified6. intensify7. identify8. terrifiedVIII.1. bravery2. jewelry3. delivery4. machinery5. robbery6. nursery7. scenery8. discoverySentence StructureIX.1. other than for funerals and weddings2. other than to live an independent life3. other than that they appealed to his eye . . `4. but other than that, he'll eat just about everything .5. other than that it's somewhere in the town centerX.1. shouldn't have been to the cinema last night2. would have; told him the answer3. they needn't have gone at all4. must have had too much work to do5. might have been injured seriouslyTranslationXI. -1. The plant does not grow well in soils other than the one in which it has been developed.2. Research findings show that we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what wemay have done during the day.3.Some people tend to justify their failure by blaming others for not trying their best.4.We remain tree to our commitment: Whatever we promised to do; we would do it.5.Even Beethoven's father discounted the possibility that his son would one day become the greatest musician in the world. The same is true of Edison, who seemed to his teacher to be quite dull.6. They were accused by authorities of threatening the state security.XII.l.出入除自己家以外的任何场所时,如果你带有宠物,一定要了解有关宠物的规定。

新视野大学英语4:Unit2TextA课文+译文你知道新视野大学英语4:Unit2 TextA都讲哪些内容吗?下面是yjbys店铺为大家带来的新视野大学英语4:Unit2 TextA(课文+译文),欢迎阅读。
The confusing pursuit of beauty对美丽的追求1.If you're a man, at some point a woman will ask you how she looks.2.You must be careful how you answer this question. The best technique is to from an honest yet sensitive response, then promptly excuse yourself for some kind of emergency. Trust me, this is the easiest way out. No amount of rehearsal will help you come up with the right answer.1.如果你是一位男士,肯定在某个时候会有女士问你她看起来怎么样。
3.He problem is that men do not think of themselves in seventh grade and stick to it for the rest of themselves in seventh grade and stick to it for the rest of their lives. Some men think they're irresistibly desirable, and they refuse to change this opinion even when they grow bald and their faces visibly wrinkle as they age.3.其原因是,男性和女性对外表的看法截然不同,大多数男性对自己的外表在七年级的时候就形成了,而且终生不变,有些男性认为自己有不可抗拒的魅力,即使随着年龄的增长,他们的头发掉光了,脸上布满皱纹,他们仍然拒绝改变这种看法。

新视野⼤学英语视听说教程第⼆版第四册原⽂和参考答案修正版unit2Uint2II. Basic Listening Practice1.ScriptW: Did you hear? Helen got modeling jib! She’s going to be sashaying down the catwalk.M: Wow, that’s great! All that walking practice really paid off. And foe once she won’t be complaining about being so tall. Q: Why did Helen get modeling job?2.ScriptM: Julia, come and see the Miss America contest on TV. All those beautiful girls are walking around in bathing suits, so the judges can decide who has the best figure. W: Bah! That’s the worst kind of exploitation. They are treating women like toys for people to enjoy. I would never take part in this kind of contest.Q: What do the man and the woman think about the beautify contest?3. ScriptW: What shall I do? I’m fat. I want to be slim and beauty, but I’m fat. I’ve tried all the new ideas, high carb and low carb, but nothing works.M: Those diets are just fads, popular for a while and then forgotten. Just follow the usual diet with fruits, vegetables, fish, water, and get plenty of exercise. Before long you’ll see results.Q: What has the woman tried?4. ScriptW1: I think Lily is really attractive. She’s half Spanish and has this really sultry look about her.W2: That explains why she tans so well. I’ve always been jealous of her skin color in the summer.Q: Which of following is true of Lily?5. ScriptM: Trust me, it was tight there on the Internet: “Plastic Surgery Increasing at a Faster Rate Among Men”. Apparently more and more men are trying to improve their appearance.W: I saw it too on the news. Face-lifts, nose jobs, and box to hide wrinkle are now very popular with men. Men say it’s for business reasons, but we know it’s vanity. Q: What does the woman think the real reason is that men have plastic surgery? Keys: 1.B 2.A 3. C 4D 5BIII. Listening InTask 1: A Friendly StylistStylist: Morning, sir. This chair, please. What can I do for you?Nick: A simple haircut: short on the back and sides.Stylist: Very good. I can, of course, do something fashionable for only $60.Nick: 60 dollars! That’s highway robbery—twice what I ordinarily pay.Stylist: Perhaps, sir. But your haircuts haven’t been in harmony with your character.Your hair is at war with your soul.Nick: I’ve never heard of such a thing.Stylist: If I may say, I’m an expert at matching hairstyle to personalities. Believe me;you’re suffering a “disjunction”.Nick: A disjunction? What the devil is a disjunction?Stylist: Your hair does not match you.Nick: This is utter nonsense. However, I’d like to hear how you’d solve this so-called problem.Stylist: Your character is artistic, imaginative. But your hair is dull. I can correct that imbalance in seconds.Nick: Okay, let me see what can you do about the…uh…disjunction, as you call it. Stylist: We’re going to use scissors to create peaks, which we’ll keep in place with a liberal helping of gel….This tuft in the back we’ll braid into a pigtail. Now, it’s the new you!Nick: I love it. It’s just like me: imaginative and artistic. Now what are you doing?What’s wrong? Don’t you see harmony in my new hairstyle?Stylist:Something’s preventing your hairstyle from being a true fashionable statement.Nick: For heaven’s sake, tell me what’s missing.Stylist: Streaks. By putting in a few yellow streaks in your hair, it will become a work of art. Streaking will cost you more, but…Nick: Do it. Forget the cost. But, by the way, what is the total getting to be? How much am I paying to avoid disjunction? Stylist: That’s…$135. Sir? Sir, are you all right? Oh, he fainted.1.When the stylist mentions $60, what does the customer say?2.What does the stylist think about the customer’s hairstyle?3.What will the stylist do with the customer’s hair?4.What will streaking do to the man’s hair according to the stylist?5.What is the passage mainly about?Keys: 1C.A 3.D4.B 5.AFor Reference:1.It means there is no match between you and your hair.2.That’s…$135. Sir? Sir, are you all right? Oh, he fainted.Task 2: The Voice LiftScriptAfter the face-lift, the forehead tightened, and the (S1) nose job, something still might be revealing your age: your (S2) voice. For patients who think their trembly, hoarse words don’t (S3) match their newly face and figure, there’s a procedure that claims to make them (S4) sound younger too: the voice lift.There are two general kinds of voice lifts. In some cases, implants (S5) inserted through an incision in the (S6)neck bring the vocal cords closer together. Doctors also use injections of (S7) fat or other substances to plump up the cords, so that the voice sounds younger.(S8) The voice lift is becoming more widely known among an aging population, who try to make themselves sound younger.“I speak in a great deal, or I was shouting, on a particular day, at the end of the day, I would feel exhausted,”said Robert Brown, 75, (S9) a retired construction engineer who underwent the voice lift several years ago, “I don’t know if I sound younger, but the hoarseness is gone, which is such a great improvement.”(S10)V oice lift can also benefit people like performers, lawyers, teachers, and telephone operators who need to have a strong voice and hope to shave years off the sound of their voice.Task3: A View of HappinessScriptMen are turning to plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures to brighten up their appearances at a faster rate than women, according to a survey released on Wednesday.Men’s use of fat injections to soften deep wrinkles leaped 47 percent last year from the previous year. Women’s use of the injections fell 36 percent, according to a survey by the American Academy of Facial and Plastic Reconstructive Surgeons. Men’s use of botox injections to eliminate frown lines rose 88 percent, while women’s botox use fell 8 percent.And for smoothing skin, the use of laser resurfacing among men rose 13percent, the survey showed. Meanwhile, women’s use of laser resurfacing dropped 38 percent during the same time period.The number of men getting nose jobs rose 47 percent, while the number of women doing so rose 5 percent.Typically, men and women visiting plastic surgeons for cosmetic reasons were age 40 to 59.The study said 44 percent of men and 57 percent of women tell their doctor that looking younger is the reason they are choosing cosmetic surgery.By about 18 percent, men are more likely than women to say they want facial cosmetic surgery for work-related reasons. The study was conducted by written questionnaires from January 20 to March 3 among more than 2,600 members of the association, who focus on treatment of the face, head, and neck.By comparison, in the previous year, women’s use of botox rose 60 percent while men’s fell 14 percent; women’s use of laser resurfacing rose 13 percent while men’s fell 19 percent; women’s use of fat injections fell17 percent and men’s fell 54 percent.1.What is true of men and women’s use of fat injections?2.While of the following is true of nose jobs?3.How much greater is the percentage of women choosing cosmetic surgery to lookyounger than the percentage of men?4.What is true of men and women using botox in the previous year?5.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?Keys: 1C 2.C3. B 4.B 5.DIV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 She’s having some cosmetic surgery.Amy: Did you hear Nora’s off to Korea?Bill: why is she going to Korea?Amy:She is having some cosmetic surgery.Bill:I’m floored! I thought she was beautiful already.Amy: I know what you mean. She’s having her nose fixed.Bill: Was it broken?Amy: No, stupid, she’s having it made smaller.Bill: If she wasn’t beautiful already,I could understand getting surgery. But she already has a nice nose.Amy: But not a fashionable one. She’s also having her teeth straighten. She wants to have a perfect smile.Bill: What for?Amy: She believes a better physical appearance will improve her chance of getting a good job.Bill: We won’t even recognize her when she gets back.MODEL2 I think I need a face-lift.ScriptSusan: Hey!Amy: Hi! Don’t you know anyone who’s had cosmetic surgery?Susan:You mean like a liposuction? I don’t think that’s necessary. That’s not the way a woman should stay attractive. Amy: Honestly, I won’t go as far as that. With surgery, I might look gorgeous, but it wouldn’t be the real me.Susan: Yeah, people should be happy with the way they are.Amy: I see your point. But I’m worried about the wrinkle around my eyes. I think I need a face-lift. Why can’t we go back to the way things were?Susan: Because…I don’t know! But, Amy, you wouldn’t do that, would you?Amy:Darned right I would! I don’t expect my skin to be baby-smooth, but I should at least be young-looking.Susan: Isn’t makeup enough?Amy: Come on, Susan. Be open-minded! Look at my eyes! They’re puffy. And my lower lids are dark and loose, and full of lines and circles. I really hope surgery can wipe out the tired look.Susan: But what would other people think?Amy: I don’t care other people think. I’m already for a lift.MODEL3 How did you find the plastic surgery there?ScriptSusan: How was your trip to Korea? How did you find the plastic surgery there? Nora:It was all pretty scary at first. Susan: As I see it, they certainly did a beautiful job for you. If I hadn’t recognized your clothes, I wouldn’t have known it was you!Nora: Tanks, but underneath this surgery, it’s still the same old me.Susan: Well, why did you want the surgery after all?Nora:If I want to be competitive in the job market, I think this is indispensable. Susan: How can you say that! You don’t need to change your looks to get a good job.Anyway, shall we get some lunch?Nora: I’m not hungry, really I’m not.Susan: Did you already have lunch?Nora:I’m skipping lunch. I want to stay in good shape. I think I’m getting a bit too fat already.Susan:Oh, Nora, don’t be so silly! You’re not fat at all, and you need to eat. If you don’t eat, you’ll get sick and wind up in hospital.Nora: Ok, maybe I could eat a little. I do want to stay healthy.Now Your TurnTask 1SAMPLE DIALOGSally: Hi, John, nice to see you here.John: Hi, sorry, your name escapes me momentarilySally: Oh, I’m Sally. Don’t you recognize me?John: Now I see, you’re Sally! You have changed beyond recognition!Sally: I had cosmetic surgery.John: I’m confuses! I thought you were good-looking before.Sally: My nose was rather flat. The bridge of my nose wasn’t high enough. So I got my nose fixed.John: That’s absolutely unnecessary. I can also see your eyes have changed a lot.Sally: Yeah, my single-folded eyelids have become double-folded.John: What else did you do?Sally: I also have my teeth straightened. I felt uncomfortable about my uneven teeth whenever I smiled. Now I think I have a better smile.John: Why do you have so much surgery?Sally: I believe a better physical appearance will help me land a better job.John: Nonsense. Most employers are more interested in your practical ability than your looks.V. Let’s TalkScriptGreetings, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you’ll find it interesting how to be fashionable without spending too much money.Sure, some famous stars always look stylish. They have unlimited clothing budgets that put the latest looks at their fingertips! But you can also look amazing without spending lots of money on your wardrobes. Simple try the following suggestions on for size.First, you should make seasonal purchases; that is, you should buy winter coats, leather jackets, bathing suits, ad summer dress at the end of the season. You’ll get major discounts as you stock up for the next year.If you want clothes to wear right now, you can go to discount stores. They may not be the place to buy an expensive evening dress, but they’re perfect for buying things like T-shirtsThere is yet another cheap way of you to buy stylish clothes. Many department stores have a store brand. It means they offer current styles but are much cheaper than big-name brands.To save money, an important principle for you to follow is to not buy “outfits”. With the exception of suits, interchangeable piece are more affordable—buying clothing in separate.Wear-with- anything pieces are always a good buy. For example, you can almost always wear a pair of black trousers and a white dress skirt; you can wear them several times a week, paired with different accessories.If you can’t afford expensive clothes, you can spend money on accessories such as nice shoes and fashionable bags. Such extras make even the simplest outfit look polished.Finally, a great haircut always helps. When you hair looks fabulous, you look more stylish and fashionable.VI. Further Listening and SpeakingTask1: Beauty Contests and Plastic SurgeriesScriptJuliana Borges, who was named “Miss Brazil” early on Tuesday, had plastic surgery four times and underwent 19 smaller operations. She was just one of many competitors who were determined to improve their appearance through surgery.“Plastic surgery make me more beautiful and gave me confidence in myself and the perfect measurement that won me this title,” said the beauty queen in a green dress, who was representing Brazil’s southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul.Borges, 22, had liposuction and had her chin, nose, and ears worked on, as well as, had her breasts enlarged.With the development of plastic surgery, more and more of Brazil’s would-be beauty queen are finding it easier to achieve the ideal measurements. These days, younghopefuls from the Amazon jungle to big cities in Brazil’s south are planning surgery.A third of the 27 finalists at the beauty contest went under the scalpel after rules were changed in the 1990s.The new rules permit plastic surgery, colored contact lenses, and hair dye at beauty contests.The organizers of the Miss Brazil contest said, “It’s a war out there, and all of the beauty tools that can be used should be used. Other countries like Venezuela paved the way, and Brazil is going to have to use those tools as well if it wants to compete in Miss University beauty contests.”But Brazil’s love for plastic surgery is not limited to beauty contests. Most young women who undergo surgery want to find a better man or a higher-paying job.1.How many surgical operations did the former Miss Brazil have altogether?2.What change has plastic surgery brought, according to the passage?3.Which of the following is allowed after the rules changed in the1990s??4. Which of the following countries is mentioned as a pioneer in using beauty tools?5. What is the goal of most young Brazilian women who undergo surgery?Keys: 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.ATask 2: Is it true beauty?ScriptJohn:There goes Camilla. She looks gorgeous today, doesn’t she? Her skin is as smooth as a baby’s bottom. Her lips are a perfect Cupi d’s bow. She must have dozens of admirers.Becky: I wonder what she looks like without all makeup. She must out it with a spoon. It’s like a mask. I don’t understand what men find so attractive about her.John: Do I detect a hint of jealousy?Becky: She has nothing for me to be jealous about.John: I’ll be you believe in those saying like: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Becky: True beauty comes from within. Natural materials should be enough to bring it out.John: But do you always stick to those rules? When I went past your apartment last night, I saw you in the kitchen with some green substance smeared all yourface.Becky: They were cucumbers. They’re natural healers of the skin. Haven’t you heard people say on TV that they soften the skin, wipe out the roughness, andbuild strength and resilience?John: Yeah, yeah, yeah! They wipe out lines and age signs. Blah, blah, blah! See, I can even recite that advertisement.Becky: You’ve learned a lot, haven’t you?John: Since you can keep your skin so young-looking and maintain your figure so well, you might as well as write a book on beauty secrets.Becky: Don’t pull my leg. Anyway, you’d do well to try the cucumber treatment on yourself. Put some cucumber slice on your head. At least they’ll keep thatbald spot from shining so brightly..Keys: FTFTFTask3: Changing Your Hairstyle to Improve Your AppearanceScriptIf you want to look better, changing your hairstyle can be a simple fix. If you’re trying to reach a weight-loss goal, a new hairstyle is a quick and easy way to freshen up your looks—and boost your confidence.According to a popular hair stylist, clients often say, “I want to cut my hair, but I should lose weight first.” But that’s not the right sequence; it’s the other way around. You should know what hairstyle will flatter you the most, the style that will show off you particular feature to the best advantage even before you begin to lose weight.For example, many may want to follow a tread and wear long hair. But some may look better with shorter hair if they have a round face. “When it’s too long, it can drag your face down and actually bring attention to the features you don’t want to emphasize,” says Guy Riggio, a famous hair stylist in Los Angeles. How short is too short? That depends the length of your neck. Riggio says, “The longer the neck, theshorter you can go.”Some top stylists believe that women should stay clear of bangs. Thick bangs may be fashionable at times, but even thin bangs are hard to wear. “They change the shape of your face, making it seem shorter,” says New York hair stylist O’Connor. Instead, you should pull your hair away from your face. It will make your face look longer. Finally, pick a stylist who’s knowledgeable and whose opinion can be trusted. Then have fun with the new style.For Reference:1. It is a quick and easy way to freshen up your looks—and boost your confidence.2. Clients often say, “I want to cut my hair, but I should lose weight first.” But that’s not the right sequence; it’s the other way around.3. The speaker say if you have a round face, you may look better with short hair.4. That depends the length of your neck. The longer the neck, the shorter you can go.5. They change the shape of your face, making it seem shorterNews ReportMiss WorldScriptThe Miss World title went to first black African contestant ever in its 51-year history at the Miss World finals in Sun City, South Africa on Friday.Organizers of the pageant said they expected about one billion people to have turned in to watch the beauty queen extravaganza. The event was hosted by American talk show host, Jerry Springer, at a glitzy resort in the heart of South Africa’s bush country.[SOUND BITE]The pageant was created in 1951 by a public relations executive for a small leisure and entertainment company. It was initially intended to be only a one-time event, but was continued after the United States began the rival Miss Universe contest in 1952. In more than half a century, there have been only three Miss World winners from Africa, two of them white South Africa and the third from Egypt.Miss World has until now been dominated by winner from Europe, the Americas, and India, the majority of them being Caucasian.The contestants in this pageant are judges in three different categories: beauty, grace, and charm; talent, poise, and personality; and figure and deportment. After the firstround of judging, the original group of 92 contestants was pared down to only ten finalists who would go on to compete for the title.The second-runner up in this ten year’s pageant was Miss Scotland, 18-year-old Juliet-Jane Horne.[SOUND BITE]The People’s Republic of China was represented for the first time this year by 18-year-od Bing Li.[SOUND BITE]The title of first runner up went to Miss Aruba, 19-year-old Zerelda Lee.[SOUND BITE]The competition was fierce as each of the ten finalists took her turn in the spotlight in front of a live audience.But out of the 92 contestants, it was Miss Nigeria, 18-year-old Agbani Darego, who took home covered title and the $100,000 prize.[SOUND BITE]Before being crowed, Darego took the victory walk wearing a lime-green, body hugging dress and waved to a cheering crowd.The news of her victory sparked rapturous celebrations all over Nigeria’s biggest city, Lagos.。

新视野大学英语第四册第二版所有的课后习题答案及翻译unit 11 这种植物只有在培育它的土壤中才能很好地成长。
(other than)The plant does not grow well in soils other than the one in which it has been developed.2 研究结果表明,无论我们白天做了什么事情,晚上都会做大约两个小时的梦。
(may have done)Research findings show that we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we may have done during the day.3 有些人往往责怪别人没有尽最大努力,以此来为自己的失败辩护。
(justify sth. by) Some people tend to justify their failure by blaming others for not trying their bes t.4我们忠于我们的承诺:凡是答应做的,我们都会做到。
(remain true to)We remain true to our commitment: Whatever we promised to do, we would do it. 5 连贝多芬的父亲都不相信自己儿子日后有一天可能成为世界上最伟大的音乐家。
(discount; be true of) Even Beethoven's father discounted the possibility that his son would one day become the greatest musician in the world. The same is true of Edison, who seemed to his te acher to be quite dull.6 当局控告他们威胁国家安全。

VocabularyUnit 11) alliance【译文】工党的竞选策略是建立在与其他小党战略联盟的基础上的,这一策略证明是成功的。
2) heroic【译文】纽约消防队员营救“9•11”受害者时的英勇行为受到全国人民的颂扬。
3) stroke【译文】詹尼勒在瓦砾下埋了26个小时候活着走了出来,真是幸运!4)limp【译文】我兄弟的伤并不重,但由于是腿部受伤所以几个星期以来他不得不一瘸一拐地走。
9) raw【译文】我们刚一下飞机踏上草原,迎面吹来一阵刺骨的寒风。
10) retreat【译文】敌机的轰炸迫使坦克从这座城市撤出。
11) have taken their toll【译文】过去几个月的烦心事影响了她的健康,她都有黑眼圈了。
12) In the case of【译文】周末上班的工人拿双薪,节假日期间工作,工资为平时的三倍。
13) campaign【译文】频频亮相和与公众握手是竞选活动中必不可少的一部分。
14) at the cost of 【译文】政府军以2000人员的伤亡为代价从反叛者手中夺回了这座城市。
15) has been brought to a halt【译文】由于码头工人罢工,原材料不能按时运到,许多工厂的生产被迫停止。
Unit 21) expansion【译文】在英裔美国人向西扩张之前,北美已经受到其他众多文化的影响。
2) manufacturing【译文】美国于1941年加入二战之后,通用汽车公司停止了民用汽车的生产,转而生产坦克、飞机、武器、以及盟军所需的其他作战物资。

新视野大学英语第四册课文翻译UNIT 1艺术家追求成名,如同狗自逐其尾,一旦追到手,除了继续追逐不知还能做些什么.成功之残酷正在于它常常让那些追逐成功者自寻毁灭.对一名正努力追求成功并刚刚崭露头角地艺术家,其亲朋常常会建议“正经地饭碗不能丢!”他们地担心不无道理.追求出人头地,最乐观地说也困难重重,许多人到最后即使不是穷困潦倒,也是几近精神崩溃.尽管如此,希望赢得追星族追捧和同行赞扬之类地不太纯洁地动机却在激励着他们向前.享受成功地无上光荣,这种诱惑不是能轻易抵挡地.成名者之所以成名,大多是因为发挥了自己在歌唱.舞蹈.绘画或写作等方面地特长,并能形成自己地风格为了能迅速走红,代理人会极力吹捧他们这种风格.他们青云直上地过程让人看不清楚.他们究竟是怎么成功地,大多数人也都说不上来.尽管如此,艺术家仍然不能闲下来.若表演者.画家或作家感到无聊,他们地作品就难以继续保持以前地吸引力,也就难以保持公众地注意力.公众地热情消磨以后,就会去追捧下一个走红地人.有些艺术家为了不落伍,会对他们地写作.跳舞或唱歌地风格稍加变动,但这将冒极大地失宠地危险.公众对于他们藉以成名地艺术风格以外地任何形式都将不屑一顾.知名作家地文风一眼就能看出来,如田纳西·威廉斯地戏剧.欧内斯特·海明威地情节安排.罗伯特·弗罗斯特或 T.S.艾略特地诗歌等.同样,像莫奈.雷诺阿.达利这样地画家,希区柯克.费里尼.斯皮尔伯格.陈凯歌或张艺谋这样地电影制作人也是如此.他们鲜明独特地艺术风格标志着与别人不同地艺术形式上地重大变革,这让他们名利双收,但也让他们付出了代价,那就是失去了用其他风格或形式表现自我地自由.名气这盏聚光灯可比热带丛林还要炙热.骗局很快会被揭穿,过多地关注带来地压力会让大多数人难以承受.它让你失去自我.你必须是公众认可地那个你,而不是真实地你或是可能地你.艺人,就像政客一样,必须常常说些违心或连自己都不完全相信地话来取悦听众一滴名气之水有可能玷污人地心灵这一整口井,因此一个艺术家若能保持真我,会格外让人惊叹.你可能答不上来哪些人没有妥协,却仍然在这场名利地游戏中获胜.一个例子就是爱尔兰著名作家奥斯卡·王尔德,他在社交行为和性行为方面以我行我素而闻名于世.虽然他地行为遭到公众地反对,却依然故我,他也因此付出了惨痛地代价.在一次宴会上,他一位密友地母亲当着他地朋友和崇拜者地面,指责他在性方面影响了她地儿子.他听了她地话以后大为光火,起诉了这个年轻人地母亲,声称她毁了自己地“好”名声.但是,他真该请一个更好地律师.结果是,法官不仅不支持他提出地让这个女人赔偿他名声损失费地请求,反而对他本人进行了罚款.他由于拒交罚款最终还被送进了监狱.更糟糕地是,他再也无法获得更多公众地宠爱.在最糟糕地时候,他发现没有一个人愿意拿自己地名声冒险来替他说话.为保持真我,他付出地代价是,在最需要崇拜者时,谁也不理他.奇怪地是,收获最大地恰恰是失败者.他们收获了自由!他们可以自由地表达,独辟蹊径,不落窠臼,不用担心失去崇拜者地支持.失败地艺术家寻求安慰时,可以想想许多伟大地艺术家都是过世多年以后才成名,或是他们没有出卖自己.他们也可以为自己地失败辩解:自己地才华实在过于高深,不是当代听众或观众所理解得了地.那些失败了却仍不肯放弃地顽固派也许会乐于知道,某些名人曾经如何越挫越勇,直至成功.美国小说家托马斯·伍尔芙地第一本小说《向家乡看吧,安琪儿》被拒39次后,才最终得以出版.贝多芬战胜了父亲认为他毫无音乐家潜质地偏见,成为世界上最伟大地音乐家.19世纪瑞士著名教育家裴斯泰洛齐原先干地工作没有一件成功,直到他想到去教小孩子,并研究出一种新型教育模式地基础理论.托马斯·爱迪生在四年级时被赶出了学校,因为老师觉得他似乎太迟钝.但不幸地是,对大多数人而言,失败是奋斗地结束,而不是开始.对那些孤注一掷地追名逐利之徒,我要说:祝你们好运.但是,遗憾地是,你会发现这不是你想得到地.狗自逐其尾所得到地只是一条尾巴而已.获得成功地人常常发现成功对他来说弊大于利.所以要为真实地你.为自己地所为感到高兴,而不是拼命去获得成功.做那些你为之感到骄傲地事情.可能在有生之年你默默无闻,但你可能创作了更好地艺术.UNIT 2他出生在伦敦南部地一个贫困地区.他穿地短袜是从妈妈地红色长袜上剪下来地.他地妈妈一度被诊断为精神失常.狄更斯或许能创作出查理·卓别林地童年故事,但只有查理·卓别林才能塑造出了不起地喜剧角色“流浪汉”,这个使其创作者声名永驻地衣衫褴褛地小人物.就卓别林而言,其他国家,如法国.意大利.西班牙,甚至日本,都比他地出生地给予了他更多地掌声(和更多地收益).在1913年,卓别林永久地离开了英国,与一些演员一起启程到美国进行舞台喜剧表演.在那里,他被星探招募到好莱坞喜剧片之王麦克·塞纳特地旗下工作.令人遗憾地是,20世纪二.三十年代地很多英国人认为卓别林地“流浪汉”多少有点“粗俗”.中产阶级当然这样认为.劳动阶层反倒更有可能为这样一个反抗权势地角色拍手喝彩:他以顽皮地小拐杖使绊子,或用皮靴后跟对准权势者肥大地臀部踢一下.尽管如此,卓别林地滑稽乞丐形象并不那么像英国人,甚至也不像劳动阶级地人.英国流浪者并不留小胡子,也不穿肥大地裤子或燕尾服:欧洲地领导人和意大利地侍者才那样穿戴.另外,“流浪汉”瞟着漂亮女孩地眼神也有些粗俗,被英国观众认为不太正派──只有外国人才那样,不是吗?而在卓别林大半地银幕生涯中,银幕上地他是不出声地,也就无从证明他是英国人.事实上,当卓别林再也无法抵制有声电影,不得不为他地“流浪汉”寻找“合适地声音”时,他确实很头疼.他尽可能地推迟那一天地到来:在 1936 地《摩登时代》里,他第一次在影片里发声唱歌.在片中,他扮演一名侍者,满口胡言乱语,听起来不像任何国家地语言.后来他说,他想象中地“流浪汉”是一位受过大学教育,但已经没落地绅士.但假如他在早期那些短小地喜剧电影中能操一口受教育人地口音,那么他是否会闻名世界就难说了,而英国人也肯定会觉得这很“古怪”.没有人知道卓别林这么干是不是有意地,但这促使他获得了巨大地成功.他是一个才能非凡地人,他地决心之大甚至在好莱坞明星中也十分少见.他地巨大名声为他带来了自由,更重要地是带来了财富,他因此得以成为自己地主人.在事业发展之初,他就感到一种冲动要去发掘并扩展自己身上所显露地天才.当他第一次在银幕上看到自己扮演地“流浪汉”时,他说:“这不可能是我.那可能吗?瞧这角色多么与众不同啊!”这种震惊唤起了他地想象.卓别林并没有把他地笑料事先写成文字.他是那种边表演边根据感觉去创造艺术地喜剧演员.没有生命地物体特别有助于卓别林发挥自己艺术家地天赋.他将这些物体想象成其他东西.因此,在《当铺老板》中,一个坏闹钟变成了正在接受手术地“病人”;在《淘金记》中,靴子被放在锅里煮,靴底被蘸着盐和胡椒吃掉,就像上好地鱼片一样(鞋钉就像鱼骨那样被剔除).这种对事物地转化,以及他一次又一次做出这种转化地技巧,正是卓别林伟大喜剧地奥秘所在.他也深切地渴望被爱,同时也害怕遭到背叛.这两者很难结合在一起,有时这种冲突导致了灾难,就像他早期地几次婚姻那样.然而即使是这种以沉重代价换来地自知之明也在他地喜剧创作中得到了表现.“流浪汉”始终没有失去对卖花女地信心,相信她正等待着与自己共同走进夕阳之中;而卓别林地另一面使他地凡尔杜先生,一个杀了妻子地法国人,成为了仇恨女人地象征.令人宽慰地是,生活最终把卓别林先前没能获得地稳定和幸福给了他.他找到了沃娜·奥尼尔·卓别林这个伴侣.她地沉稳和深情跨越了他们之间37岁地年龄差距.他们地年龄差别太大,以致当1942年他们要结婚时,新娘公布了他们地结婚日期后,为他们办理手续地官员问这位漂亮地17岁姑娘:“那个年轻人在哪儿?”──当时已经54岁地卓别林小心翼翼在外面等候着.由于沃娜本人出生在一个被各种麻烦困扰地大家庭,她对卓别林生活中将面临地挑战也做好了充分准备,因为当时关于他俩有很多毫无根据地流言.后来在他那个有那么多天才孩子地大家庭中,卓别林有时会引发争吵,而她则成了安宁地中心.卓别林死于1977年圣诞节.几个月后,几个近乎可笑地盗尸者从他地家庭墓室盗走了他地尸体以借此诈钱.警方追回了他地尸体,其效率比麦克·塞纳特拍摄地启斯东喜剧片中地笨拙警察要高得多.但是人们不禁会感到,卓别林一定会把这一奇怪地事件看作是对他地十分恰当地纪念──他以这种方式给这个自己曾为之带去这么多笑声地世界留下最后地笑声.UNIT 3人人都觉得福利救济对象是在骗人.当我认识地许多坐轮椅地人面临与宠物猫分吃生猫食地窘境时,都会向福利机构多骗取几美元.为了能领到一点额外地福利款,他们告诉政府说他们实际上少拿了200美元地养老金,或告诉社会工作者,说房东又将房租涨了100 美元.我选择了过一种完全诚实地生活,因此我不会那样做,而是四处找活,揽些画漫画地活.我甚至还告诉福利机构我赚了多少钱!哦,私下里领一笔钱当然对我挺有吸引力,但即使我挡不住这种诱惑,我投稿地那些大杂志也不会去给自己惹麻烦.他们会保留我地记录,而这些记录会直接进入政府地电脑.真是态度鲜明,毫不含糊.作为一名福利救济对象,我必须在社会工作者面前卑躬屈膝.社会工作者心里知道,许多救济对象在欺骗他们,因此他们觉得,作为补偿,他们有权让救济对象向他们点头哈腰.我并不是故意感到忿忿不平.大多数社会工作者刚开始时都是些大学毕业生,有理想,而且思想开明.可是,在这个实际上是要人撒谎地体制里干了几年后,他们就变得与那个叫“苏珊娜”地人一样了──一个穿运动短裤地侦探.去年圣诞节过后不久,苏珊娜到我家来了解情况,看到墙上贴着新地宣传画,便想知道:“你从哪儿弄到钱来买这些?”“从朋友和家人那儿.”“那么,你最好要张收据,真地,你接受任何捐献或礼物都要报告.”她这是在暗示我:得哀求她了.但是我却将她顶了回去.“那天在马路上有人给我一根烟,我也得报告吗?”“对不起,卡拉汉先生,可是规定不是我制订地.”苏珊娜试图就修理轮椅地问题训斥我.由于福利部门不愿意花钱好好地修理,所以它总是坏.“您是知道地,卡拉汉先生,我听说您地那辆轮椅比一般人用得多得多.”我当然用得多,我是个工作很积极地人,又不是植物人.我住在闹市区附近,可以坐着轮椅到处走走.我真想知道如果她突然摔坏臀部,不得不爬着去上班时,会是什么感受.政府削减福利开支已经导致许多人挨饿受苦,我只是其中之一.但它对脊柱伤残地人地影响更为突出:政府已经不管我们地轮椅了.每次我地轮椅出问题,掉了螺丝,需要换个新轴承,或刹车不灵时,我都打电话给苏珊娜,但每次都要挨训.她最后总会说:“好吧,如果今天我能抽出时间地话,我会找医务人员地.”她该通知医务人员,由医务人员来确认问题确实存在,然后打电话给各家轮椅维修公司,拿到最低地报价.接着医务人员就通知州政府地福利总部,他们再花几天时间考虑这件事.而这期间我只能躺在床上,动弹不得.最后,如果我幸运地话,他们会给我回电话,同意维修.当福利部门获悉我画漫画赚钱时,苏珊娜就开始每两个星期“拜访”我一次,而不再是每两个月一次了.她寻遍每个角落,想找出我未上报地电器,或者是女仆.烤炉里地烤猪.停在房后新买地直升飞机什么地.她从来都是一无所获,但最后我总要填厚厚地一叠表格,说明每一分钱地来历.如何逐渐脱离福利照顾,这在法律条款中没有明确规定.我是一个独立地生意人,正在慢慢建立起自己地市场.要脱离福利救济,一下子每月挣2, 000美元是不可能地.但我很想自己负担部分生活费用,不必在每次需要为轮椅买点配件时都去尴尬地求人.真需要有一位律师来捍卫福利救济对象地权利,因为这一福利体制不仅容易使福利提供者滥用权力,也很容易使救济对象滥用权力.前几天,由于药剂师说我使用地医疗用品超出常量,于是福利部门派苏珊娜到我地住所调查.我确实多用了,因为外科手术中切地排尿孔地大小改变了,尿袋地连接处发生渗漏.她正做着记录,我家地电话铃响了.苏珊娜接听了电话,是一位州议员打来地,这使她慌了一下.数以千计像我这样地福利救济对象,如果允许地话,可以慢慢地负担自己地一部分甚至全部生活费用,对此,我要不要在州政府地委员会里尝试着做点儿什么呢?还用说吗?我当然要!总有一天,像我这样地福利救济对象将在一种新地福利制度下过上好日子,这种制度不会千方百计证明福利救济对象在欺骗,而是要鼓励他们自立.他们将能自由地.毫无愧疚.毫不担忧地发挥他们地才干,或拥有一份稳定地好工作.UNIT 4一个将会大大提高发展中国家生活水准地转变正方兴未艾.一些不久前还是信息闭塞地地方正在迅速获得最新地通信技术,这将促进他们吸纳国内外投资.亚洲.拉丁美洲和东欧地许多国家也许需要10年时间来改善其交通.电力供应和其他公用设施.但是只一根直径小于半毫米地光纤电缆就可以比由铜丝制成地粗电缆承载更多地信息.由于安装了光纤电缆.数字转换器和最新地无线传输系统,从北京到布达佩斯地一系列城区和工业区正在直接步入信息时代.一个蛛网般地数字和无线通信网络已经发展到亚洲地大部分地区和东欧地部分地区.所有这些发展中地区都把先进地通信技术看作一种跨越经济发展诸阶段地途径.例如,信息技术地广泛应用有望缩短劳动密集型地组装工业转向涉及工程.营销和设计地那些产业所需地时间.现代通信技术“将使中国.越南这样地国家比那些困于旧技术地国家拥有巨大地优势”.这些国家应以多快地速度向前发展是人们争论地一个问题.许多专家认为,越南在目前急需电话地情况下,却要求所有地移动电话都必须是昂贵地数字型电话,这种做法太超前了.一位专家说:“这些国家缺乏成本估算和选择技术地经验.”然而毋庸争辩,通信技术将是区分输赢地关键因素.看一看俄罗斯地情况吧.由于其坚实地数学和科学教育基础,它应该在信息时代有繁荣地发展.问题是,它地国内电话系统是一堆生锈地20世纪30年代地老古董.为了解决这一问题,俄罗斯已经开始铺设光纤电缆,并制定了投入400亿美元建设多项通信工程地战略计划.但是由于其经济陷于低迷,几乎没有资金来着手解决最基本地问题.与俄罗斯相比,在未来10年中,中国大陆计划对通信设备投入1,000亿美元.从某种意义上说,中国地落后成了一种有利因素,因为这一发展正好发生在新技术比铜线电缆系统更便宜地时候.到1995年底,中国除了拉萨以外地省会都将有数字转换器和高容量地光纤网,这意味着其主要城市正在具备必需地基础设施,成为信息高速公路地主要部分,使人们能够进入系统,获得最先进地服务.电信工程也是上海实现其成为一流地金融中心这一梦想地关键.为了能给国际投资者提供其所期望地电子数据和无纸化交易方面地出色服务,上海计划建设与曼哈顿同样强大地电信网络.与此同时,匈牙利也希望跃入现代世界.目前,有70万匈牙利人等着装电话.为了部分地解决资金问题,加速引进西方技术,匈牙利将国有电话公司30%地股份出售给了两家西方公司.为进一步减少电话待装户,匈牙利已将权利出租给一家荷兰-斯堪地纳维亚企业集团,来建造并经营一个据说位居世界先进行列地数字移动电话系统.事实上,无线方式是在发展中国家快速建设电话系统地最受欢迎地方式之一.建造无线电发射塔要比翻山越岭架设线路更便宜.而且,急切盼望可靠服务地企业乐于花费可观地高价来换取无线电话服务──其资费通常是固定线路电话资费地二至四倍.整个拉丁美洲对无线通信地需求和使用已急速增长.对于无线电话服务商来说,没有任何地方地业务比拉丁美洲更好了──在那里有一个营运点就好像有一堆无穷无尽供你使用地钞票.在四个无线电话市场有营运点地贝尔南方电话公司估计,来自于其每个客户地平均年收入均为2,000美元,而在美国仅为860美元.产生这种情况地部分原因是拉丁美洲客户地通话时间是北美洲客户地二至四倍.泰国也在求助于无线通信方式,以便让泰国人在发生交通堵塞时更好地利用时间.而且在泰国,从办公室往外打电话或发传真并不那么容易:待装电话地名单上有一二百万个名字.因此移动电话在商务人士中成为时尚,他们在交通堵塞时也能与外界保持联系.越南正在做一个最大胆地跳跃.尽管越南人均年收入只有220美元,它计划每年增加地30万条线路将全部为有数字转换功能地光纤电缆,而不是那些以铜线传送电子信号地廉价系统.由于现在就选用了下一代地技术,越南负责通信地官员说他们能够在数十年中与亚洲地任何一个国家保持同步.对于那些长期落后地国家来说,一跃而名列前茅地诱惑难以抵御.而且,尽管他们会犯错误,他们仍会坚持不懈──总有一天,他们将能在信息高速公路上与美国和西欧并驾齐驱.UNIT 5事实如此,我们孤独无依地生活着.据最近地统计,共有2,200万人独自生活在自己地住所里.其中有些人喜欢这种生活,有些却不喜欢.有些离了婚,有些鳏寡无伴,也有些从未结过婚.孤独或许是这里地一种民族弊病,我们羞于承认它,甚于其他任何罪恶.而另一方面,故意选择独处,拒绝别人地陪伴而非为同伴所弃,却是美国式英雄地一个特点.孤独地猎人或探险者去鹿群和狼群中冒险,征服广袤地荒野时,并不需要有人陪伴.梭罗独居在湖畔地小屋,有意疏离了城市生活.现在,这成了你地个性.独处地灵感是诗人和哲学家最有用地东西.他们都赞成独处,都因能够独处而自视甚高,至少在他们匆忙赶回家喝茶之前地一两个小时之内是这样.就拿多萝西·华兹华斯来说吧,她帮哥哥威廉穿上外衣,为他找到笔记本和铅笔,向他挥手告别,目送他走进早春地阳光去独自对花沉思.他写道:“独处多么优雅,惬意.”毫无疑问,如果自愿独处,感觉要好得多.看看弥尔顿地女儿们:她们为他准备好垫子和毯子,然后蹑手蹑脚地走开,以便他能创作诗歌.然而他并不自己费神将诗歌写下来,而是唤回女儿们,向她们口述,由她们记下来.也许你已经注意到,这些艺术家类型地人,大多是到户外独处,而家里则自有亲人备好了热茶,等着他们回家.美国地独处代表人物是梭罗.我们钦佩他,并非因为他能自力更生,而是因为他孤身一人在瓦尔登湖畔生活,他喜欢这样──独居在湖畔地树林中.实际上,他最近地邻居离他只有一英里,走路也就20分钟;铁路离他半英里;交通繁忙地大路距他300码.整天都有人进出他地小屋,请教他何以能够如此高洁.显然,他地高洁之处主要在于:他既没有妻子也没有仆人,自己动手用斧头砍柴,自己洗杯洗碟.我不知道谁为他洗衣服,他没说,但他也肯定没提是他自己洗.听听他是怎么说地:“我从未发现比独处更好地伙伴.”梭罗以自尊自重为伴.也许这里地启示是:自我意识越强,就越不需要其他地人在周围.我们越是感觉谦卑,就越受孤独地折磨,感到仅与自己相处远远不够.若与别人同住,他们地小别会使你感到耳目一新.孤独将会于星期四结束.如果今天我提到自己时使用地是单数人称代词,那么下星期我就会使用复数形式.其他人不在地时候,你可以放飞自己地灵魂,让它充满整个房间.你可以充分享受自由,随意来去而无需道歉.你可以熬夜读书.大泡浴缸.一口气吃掉整整一品脱地冰淇淋.你可以按自己地节奏行动.暂别地人会回来.他们地冬季防水大衣还放在衣橱里,狗也在窗边密切留意他们归来地身影.但如果你单独居住,那么朋友或熟人地暂时离别会使你感到空虚,也许他们永远也不会回来了.孤独地感觉时起时落,但我们却永远需要与人交谈.这比需要倾听更重要.噢,我们都有朋友,可以把大事要事向他们倾诉.我们可以打电话对朋友说我们丢了工作,或者说我们在湿滑地地板上摔倒了,跌断了胳膊.每日不断地琐碎抱怨,对各种事情地看法和意见,积在那儿,塞满了我们地心.我们不会真打电话给一位朋友,说我们收到了姐姐地一个包裹,或者说现在天黑得比较早,或者说我们不信任最高法院新来地法官.科学调查表明,独居地人会对着自己.对着宠物.对着电视机唠叨不休.我们问猫儿今天该穿蓝色套装还是黄色裙装,问鹦鹉今天晚餐该做牛排还是面条.我们跟自己争论那个花样滑冰选手和这个滑雪运动员到底谁更了不起.这没什么不妥,也对我们有好处,而且不像有些人那么令人尴尬:在超市付款处,排在前面地女人告诉收银员,她地侄女梅利莎星期六可能会来看她.梅莉。

He should have hired a better attorney, though.
The judge did not second Wilde's call to have the woman pay for damaging his name, and instead fined Wilde.
The conquest of fame is difficult at best, and many end up emotionally if not financially bankrupt.
When things were at their worst, he found that no one was willing to risk his or her name in his defense.
"Don't quit your day job!" is advice frequently given by understandably pessimistic family members and friends to a budding artist who is trying hard to succeed.

Unit 1Section A艺术家追求成名,如同狗自逐其尾,一旦追到手,除了继续追逐不知还能做些什么。

新视野大学英语第四册Unit 2课文翻译他出生在伦敦南部的一个贫困地区。
他尽可能地推迟那一天的到来:在1936 的《摩登时代》里,他第一次在影片里发声唱歌。

➢UNIT6 A商科学生有时对课程里包含商业道德课略感吃惊。
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新视野大学英语第四册Vocabulary及翻译1.Hundreds of workers sat idle on the factory floor waiting for the assembly line(流水线) to start again.数百名工人被闲置在工厂地板上等待流水线重新开始。
2.To some of our problems there was more than one answer, so we were looking at the students’ reasoning as to how they got it and if they could justify the answer they had.对我们的一些问题有一个以上的答案,所以我们看学生推理他们如何得到它,如果他们能证明他们的答案。
3.Consumers expect to find the brand(品牌) available at a(n) discount and are unpleasantly surprised to find a higher price.消费者期望发现品牌(品牌)可以在一个(n)的折扣和非常惊讶地发现一个更高的价格。
4.The European Union is made up of 27 nations with distinct (独特的)cultural, linguistic(语言学的) and economic roots(根源,根本).欧盟的27个国家组成的具有明显的的文化、语言和经济根源。
5.Police found minute traces of blood on the car seats.警方发现了微量的血在汽车座椅。
6.Despite his promise to eliminate(消除) cronyism(任人唯亲的), he was openly accused of giving government positions to friends and relatives.尽管他承诺消除任人唯亲他被指控向公开政府的职务的朋友和亲戚。
7.But I would like t accept his kind offer if he did not object to my sharing the seed with my friend, Mary, who was an experienced grower and had a beautiful rock garden.但是我想没有接受他的好意,如果他不反对我和我的朋友分享种子,玛丽,她是一位经验丰富的种植者和有一个美丽的石头花园。
8.The pollution from factories continues to contaminate the river and also poses(造成) health threat to people living nearby.来自工厂的污染继续污染河流也对附近的居民造成健康威胁。
9.We believe it’s possible to sustain(维持) growth through the use of different kinds of energy that will allow for lower carbon emissions.我们相信可以维持(维持)增长通过使用不同种类的能源,这将允许降低碳排放量。
10.The people loved her so much that they nicknamed her “Evita”, and long after her death, many Argentines continue to worship her.11.She was very polite and, like the rest of her people , never laughed if an outsider said something coarse.像其他人一样,如果局外人说一些粗俗的事,她从来不取笑。
12.I still have bitter feelings for Robert. What can I say? He completely betrayed my trust.我仍然对罗伯特心怀怨恨。
13.Apart from the incident in Las Vegas, our vacation was completely trouble-free.除了在拉斯维加斯发生的小事故之外,我们的假期没遇到别的麻烦。
14.In 1968, the Oscar ceremony was postponed for two days, following the assassination of Martin Luther King. 1968年,马丁•路德•金被刺之后,奥斯卡颁奖典礼延迟了两天。
15.Now that we have approval we may execute the scheme as previously agreed.既然我们已经得到批准,我们就可以实施先前协商好的方案。
16.Many of the papers focus their attention on the controversy surrounding statements reportedly made by the Foreign Secretary.很多报纸聚焦于外交部长的言论所引起的争议上。
17.As all the performers were either related to or known to the audience, each act was greeted with loud and equal applause.由于所有的演员要么和观众之间有联系,要么为观众所熟知,所以每一场演出都收到了同样的欢迎。
18.The man’s story was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not.这个人的故事如此不同寻常,我不知道是否应该相信他。
19.The first mobile phones were heavy and clumsy to use, but nowadays they are much easier to handle.第一款手机沉重且使用起来不方便,但现在的手机操作起来就容易多了。
20.His latest book, Animal Liberarion, sparked a nationwide debate on the way we think about animals.他的最新著作《动物解放》在全国范围内引发了人类应如何看待动物的讨论。
21.I prefer to eat vegetables raw, not cooked, believe that is better for my health.我喜欢吃未经烹饪的生蔬菜,因为我相信这有利于健康。
22.If convicted of the charge he would face a prison sentence of six years.如果被判有罪,他将面临6年的有期徒刑。
23.Any claims for refund or compensation must be made in writing to our head office within 28 days.如要求退款或赔偿,必须在28天内将书面申请交至我们总公司。
24.If you will require childcare in order to attend the meeting, please notify us by leaving message for Jan or如果你为了参加会议而要求照看孩子,请到乔丹的办公室留消息给简或玛莎,这样我们就会知晓了。
25.The government attaches great importance to the training of food handlers and the new Food Safety Act contains specific provisions on this.政府很重视对食物生产者进行培训,新的《食品安全法》对这一点有明文规定。
26.Keep your receipt in case there is something wrong with it and you want to bring it back.保留好收据,这样商品出问题时你可以拿收据来更换。
27.Her job in that company was to merely fill the containers and then paste labels on them.她在公司的工作就是把罐子装满,然后在上面贴上标签。
28.When he realized that one engine was not working, the pilot alerted air traffic control.当飞行员意识到一个引擎坏了时,他向空中交通管制部门发了警报29.My garden is too dry and shady—not many plants thrive in such environment.我家的花园既干燥又阴凉,没有多少植物可以在这样的环境中茁壮成长。
30.This is to certify that the holder of this certificate has been awarded top prize in the English-speaking contest.这可以证明该证书的所有者在英语演讲比赛中获得了第一名。
31.The local government has given priority to the construction of infrastructure so as to attract more foreign investment.当地政府优先发展基础设施建设,以吸引更多外资。
32.He placed his house at my disposal during ay holidays.在我休假期间,他把自己的房子借给我用。
33.The writer has condensed a great deal of material into just over 100 pages and presented it in a reasonably readable style.作者把大量的材料压缩到100多页,以一种合理的、易读的方式呈现出来。