新时代大学英语第三册Unit 8new

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Understand the Short Conversations
A. It has many computers for the students to use. B. The campus is beautiful and the teachers are nice. C. The students are given a lot of time to play. D. The library has a large collection of books.
Understand the Short Conversations
A. Her mother doesn’t like it. B. She can’t download movies. C. She has to pay for the Internet access. D. Her computer often goes wrong.
M: Everything is becoming computerized these days. W: You said it. If you don’t understand computers, you’re in trouble. Q: What can we learn from this conversation? (B)
Understand the Short Conversations
A. She doesn’t like going to the Internet bar. B. She thinks the school library suitable for study. C. She seldom goes to men’s dorms to use their computers. D. She often stays in the dorm to play computer games. M: Betty, where do you go if you want to use a computer? W: I have a computer in my dorm. I can also use the computers at the school library. I seldom go to an Internet bar. Q: What does the woman imply? (A)
M: Helen, do you think the Internet does any good to students? W: Well. It’s hard to say. You know spending too much time on it causes some students to skip classes. Q: What does the woman think of the Internet? (D)
Understand the Short Conversations
A. She likes its color. B. It is too expensive. C. It doesn’t work well. D. She is satisfied with it.
M: Hello, Rose. Are you happy with the computer you bought recently? W: Yes. I can’t say how satisfied I am. It works very well. Q: How does the woman feel about her new computer? (D)
Useful Expressions and Patterns
1 2 3
4 5 6
internet bar 网吧 I access the Internet. 我上网。 I think ... is a waste of time. 我认为……是浪费 时间。 Are you often online? 你经常上网吗? I like chatting with people. 我喜欢和人们聊天。 Today it froze three times. 今天(计算机)死机 了3次。 Yesterday it caught a virus. 昨天(计算机)感染 病毒了。
M: What do you think of your university, Ann? W: It’s the best, I think, just because it has a very modern information center with lots of computers with Internet access. We can use them for work and play. Q: Why does the woman like her school? (A)
Understand the Short Conversations
A. It saves students a lot of time. B. It brings students a lot of fun. C. It can enrich students’ knowledge. D. It affects students’ studies.
Understand the Short Conversaห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ions
A. The woman knows more about the computer than the man. B. Both of them have realized the importance of computers. C. The man has got some trouble with his new computer. D. The woman doesn’t understand computers and got in trouble.
Understand the Short Conversations
A. The Internet is not so useful. B. Not all the materials on the Internet can be trusted. C. The Internet is the best source of information. D. The Internet is a very quick way to search for information. W: Oh, my goodness! There is so much information on the subject of my paper on the Internet. M: But that is not always reliable, you know. Q: What does the man mean? (B)
Book 3
Listening and Speaking
Unit 8
New Words
Useful Expressions and Patterns Understand the Short Conversations Listen and Understand Compound Dictation Conversational Practice
New Words
electronic[7ilek5trRnik]a. 电子的 1 access[5Akses]vt. 存取,接近 n. 通路,访问 2 computerize [ kEm5pju:tEraiz ] v. 3 (使)计算机化 4 *download[5daunlEud]v. 下载 5 website[5websait]n. 网站 6 freeze[fri:z]v. (计算机)死机 7 virus[5vaiErEs]n.〈微〉病毒 8 privacy [5praivEsi] n. 秘密;隐私
Understand the Short Conversations
10 A. She has enough money for a computer. B. The man can use her computer. C. She wants to have her own computer. D. The man should wait for some time. M: I’m so frustrated. We are supposed to do our assignments on the computer, but the ones in the information center are always busy. W: I know what you mean. I’m looking forward to the day when I can afford to get my own. Q: What does the woman mean? (C)
Understand the Short Conversations
A. She doesn’t like playing electronic games. B. The man shouldn’t play games on the computer. C. The man should learn to use the computer. D. Playing electronic games is quite fun. M: What do you usually do on a computer, Ma’am? Do you play electronic games? W: I type my papers. I access the Internet, and I write e-mail to people. I think playing computer games is a waste of time. Q: What does the woman mean? (A)
M: Why are you dissatisfied with your computer? W: Well. It gives me a lot of trouble. Today it froze three times, and yesterday it caught a virus. Q: Why is the woman dissatisfied with her computer? (D)
M: Are you often online, Jane? W: Sure. I like chatting with people. We talk about everything, like sports, books, movies, and even romance. It’s a real pleasure. Q: What does the woman imply? (C)
Understand the Short Conversations
A. You can easily find a nice job on the Internet. B. Online chatting can save you a lot of money. C. Chatting with people on the Internet is interesting. D. The Internet has changed the way people work.
Understand the Short Conversations
Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer.