



大连海事考试题库及答案一、单选题1. 根据《国际海事组织安全公约》(SOLAS),船舶在航行中应保持的最低安全速度是多少?A. 5节B. 10节C. 15节D. 20节答案:B2. 船舶在遇到紧急情况时,应如何使用无线电设备?A. 仅使用VHFB. 仅使用INMARSATC. 优先使用DSC(数字选择呼叫)D. 优先使用HF(高频)答案:C3. 船舶在海上遇到火灾时,以下哪项措施是错误的?A. 立即启动消防系统B. 迅速撤离火灾区域C. 立即关闭所有门窗D. 使用水灭火答案:D(注:某些情况下,如油火,使用水灭火可能加剧火势)4. 船舶在海上遇到海盗威胁时,应采取哪些措施?A. 立即加速逃离B. 与海盗进行谈判C. 立即向国际海事组织报告D. 以上都是答案:D5. 船舶在海上遇到恶劣天气时,应如何操作?A. 保持当前航速B. 降低航速,调整航向C. 立即停船D. 转向逆风答案:B二、多选题6. 船舶在海上航行时,以下哪些设备是必须配备的?A. 救生艇B. 救生衣C. 无线电通讯设备D. 导航仪器答案:ABCD7. 船舶在海上遇到紧急情况,可以向哪些机构求助?A. 国际海事组织B. 船旗国C. 附近的港口D. 附近的船舶答案:BCD8. 船舶在海上进行货物装卸作业时,应注意哪些安全事项?A. 确保货物固定牢靠B. 遵守装卸作业规程C. 避免超载D. 随时准备应对紧急情况答案:ABCD三、判断题9. 船舶在海上航行时,船长有权决定是否执行国际海事组织的规定。

(错误)10. 船舶在海上航行时,应随时保持与岸基的通讯联系。

(正确)四、简答题11. 简述船舶在海上遇到海盗时的应对措施。




海事局考试题及答案解析一、单项选择题1. 海事局的主要职能是什么?A. 维护海上交通安全B. 管理港口设施C. 监管海洋资源开发D. 负责海洋环境保护答案:A2. 根据国际海事组织规定,船舶在航行时必须遵守的规则是什么?A. 国际海上避碰规则B. 国际海洋法公约C. 国际海事安全公约D. 国际船舶和港口设施安全规则答案:A3. 船舶在遇到紧急情况时,应首先采取的措施是什么?A. 立即向海事局报告B. 尝试自救C. 等待救援D. 以上都是答案:D二、多项选择题4. 海事局在船舶管理中可能涉及的内容包括哪些?A. 船舶登记B. 船舶检验C. 船舶保险D. 船舶报废答案:A, B5. 船舶在航行中可能面临的风险包括:A. 恶劣天气B. 船舶故障C. 碰撞事故D. 以上都是答案:D三、判断题6. 所有船舶在任何时候都必须携带有效的船舶证书。

答案:正确7. 海事局不负责处理海上污染事故。

答案:错误四、简答题8. 请简述海事局在海上搜救中的主要职责。


9. 船舶在遇到海盗袭击时,应采取哪些措施?答案:船舶在遇到海盗袭击时,应首先尝试避免接触,使用船舶上的防御措施保护自己和船员,同时立即向海事局和相关当局报告情况,请求援助。

五、案例分析题10. 某船舶在航行过程中发现前方有一艘小船,但小船未发出任何信号。


六、论述题11. 论述海事局在促进海上交通安全方面的作用和措施。




中华人民共和国海事局第3期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第41期)科目: 轮机工程基础试卷代号: 822适用对象: 750KW及以上船舶二/三管轮( 本试卷卷面总分100分, 及格分为70分, 考试时间为100分钟)答题说明: 本试卷试题均为单项选择题, 请选择一个最合适的答案, 并将该答案按答题卡要求, 在其相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑。

每题1分, 共100分。

1. 力偶的三要素是______。

A. 力偶矩的大小、力偶的转向、力偶的作用平面B. 力偶矩的大小、力偶的转向、力偶的作用点C. 力偶臂的大小、力偶臂的位置、力的作用点D. 力偶臂的大小、力的方向、力的作用点2. 以下哪个是力的作用与反作用定律?A. 刚体受两个力作用而平衡的充分与必要条件是此二力等值、反向、共线B. 在作用于刚体上的任一力系中, 加上或减去任一平衡力系所得到的新力系与原力系等效C. 力的作用点可沿其作用线在同一刚体内任意移动并不改变其作用效果D. 两物体间的作用力与反作用力总是等值、反向、共线, 分别作用在这两个物体上3. 一般情况下, 固定端的约束反力可用______来表示。

A. 一对相互垂直的力B. 一个力偶C. 一对相互垂直的力和一个力偶D. 一对相互垂直的力和两个力偶4. 零件表面化学热处理能够改变表面的______。

A. 成分B. 组织C. 性能D. 成分+组织+性能5. 以下哪个是引起机械振动的内因之一?A. 安装精度不够B. 负载分布不均C. 构件的质量D. 润滑不够理想6. 以下哪个是机械振动的实际利用?A. 液力偶合器B. 振动打桩机C. 弹性联轴器D. 调频飞轮7. 机械振动按振动位移的特征可分为纵向振动、横向振动和______。

A. 随机振动B. 扭转振动C. 自激振动D. 弯曲振动8. 以下说法错误的是_______。

A. 构件的强度表示构件抵抗破坏的能力B. 构件的刚度表示构件抵抗变形的能力C. 构件的稳定性表示构件维持其原有平衡形式的能力D. 设计时, 选用构件的强度、刚度和稳定性愈高愈好9. 关于外力和载荷, 以下说法哪个是错误的?A. 外力能够是力, 也能够是力偶B. 外力包括载荷和约束反力C. 载荷包括分布载荷D. 载荷只能是静载荷, 不能是动载荷10. 以下说法哪一个是正确的?A. 截面法是分析杆件内力的基本方法B. 截面法是分析杆件应力的基本方法C. 截面法是分析杆件截面上内力与应力关系的基本方法D. 截面法是分析杆件截面上应力与应变关系的基本方法11. 柴油机缸头螺栓在工作中主要承受_______。



海员轮机工程基础考试题库一、单选题1. 轮机工程中,以下哪项不是轮机的组成部分?A. 蒸汽轮机B. 柴油机C. 电动机D. 涡轮机2. 船舶动力系统中,主要使用的燃料类型是:A. 汽油B. 柴油C. 天然气D. 煤油3. 船舶轮机的额定功率是指:A. 最大功率B. 持续工作功率C. 瞬时功率D. 峰值功率4. 船舶轮机的维护保养中,以下哪项不是常规检查项目?A. 油位检查B. 冷却系统检查C. 燃料系统检查D. 船体结构检查5. 船舶轮机中,润滑油的主要作用不包括:A. 减少摩擦B. 散热C. 清洁D. 提供动力二、多选题6. 船舶轮机的主要功能包括:A. 提供动力B. 驱动船舶C. 供应电力D. 导航7. 船舶轮机的常见故障可能包括:A. 过热B. 漏油C. 震动D. 动力不足8. 船舶轮机的燃油系统包括以下哪些部分?A. 燃油泵B. 燃油滤清器C. 燃油喷射器D. 燃油储存罐9. 船舶轮机的冷却系统的主要作用是:A. 保持轮机温度稳定B. 防止轮机过热C. 清洁冷却液D. 降低环境温度10. 船舶轮机的润滑系统的主要作用包括:A. 减少机械摩擦B. 延长设备寿命C. 防止设备腐蚀D. 清洁机械部件三、判断题11. 船舶轮机的额定功率是指轮机在任何情况下都能持续输出的功率。

(对/错)12. 船舶轮机的维护保养不需要定期进行。

(对/错)13. 船舶轮机的润滑油更换周期通常与轮机的工作时间成正比。

(对/错)14. 船舶轮机的冷却系统可以完全依赖自然冷却,不需要任何辅助设备。

(对/错)15. 船舶轮机的燃油系统是独立于轮机系统的,不需要与其他系统协同工作。

(对/错)四、简答题16. 简述船舶轮机的主要组成部分及其功能。

17. 描述船舶轮机维护保养的基本步骤。

18. 解释船舶轮机燃油系统的工作原理。

19. 船舶轮机冷却系统的重要性是什么?20. 船舶轮机润滑系统的作用有哪些?五、案例分析题21. 某船舶在航行过程中,轮机出现异常震动,分析可能的原因及应对措施。



海事考试题及答案一、单选题1. 根据《国际海上避碰规则》,当两艘机动船在相反方向行驶时,应遵循哪项规定?A. 各自向右转向B. 各自向左转向C. 保持直航D. 减速并让路答案:A2. 海上船舶在能见度不良时,应采取哪些措施以确保安全?A. 增加航速B. 减速并使用雷达C. 保持航向不变D. 关闭所有灯光答案:B3. 船舶在航行中遇到紧急情况,需要发出遇险信号时,应使用哪种信号?A. SOS信号B. 国际信号代码C. 无线电紧急频率D. 所有上述选项答案:D4. 船舶在国际水域航行时,必须遵守哪项国际公约?A. 国际海事组织公约B. 联合国海洋法公约C. 国际劳工组织公约D. 所有上述选项答案:D5. 船舶在航行中遇到海盗威胁时,应采取哪些措施?A. 直接对抗B. 尝试逃避C. 保持冷静并通知相关部门D. 停止航行答案:C二、多选题6. 船舶在航行中,以下哪些设备是必须配备的?A. 雷达B. 无线电通讯设备C. 救生设备D. 消防设备答案:ABCD7. 船舶在遇到恶劣天气时,应采取哪些措施?A. 增加航速B. 调整航线C. 减速并采取避风措施D. 保持航向不变答案:BC8. 船舶在国际水域航行时,需要遵守哪些国际规则?A. 国际海上避碰规则B. 国际船舶载重线公约C. 国际船舶安全公约D. 国际防止船舶造成污染公约答案:ABCD9. 船舶在航行中,以下哪些行为是被禁止的?A. 酒后驾驶B. 超载航行C. 非法排放污染物D. 无证航行答案:ABCD10. 船舶在航行中,以下哪些情况下需要发出遇险信号?A. 船舶失火B. 船舶碰撞C. 船舶搁浅D. 船舶遭遇恶劣天气答案:ABCD三、判断题11. 船舶在航行中,船长有责任确保船舶的安全和船员的安全。

(对/错)答案:对12. 船舶在航行中,可以随意排放油污水。

(对/错)答案:错13. 船舶在航行中,遇到海盗威胁时,可以直接对抗。

(对/错)答案:错14. 船舶在航行中,可以超载航行。



轮机考试试卷(轮机检验员)一、单项选择题1)舵零位检查交验中,移船前对舵的理论"零"位进行检查时,在以下哪种情况下进行( B )。

A、支撑拆除后B、支撑拆除前C、无所谓D、可不做检查2)舵系镗孔后复光交验项目里以照光仪为基准,检查舵承、上、下舵钮各点偏差≦( A )mm。

A、0.3B、0.4C、0.2D、0.253)中间轴承垫片研磨要求接触面积≥( D )。

A、 70%B、80%C、75%D、60%4)一般舱柜的透气管总有效横截面积至少为注入管总有效横截面积的( B )倍。

A、1.5B、1.25C、2D、2.55)辅机安装的垫片平面外斜度为( C )。

A、1:50B、1:75C、1:100D、1:1506)主机回油孔划线开孔的切割粗糙度是≤( C )mm。

A、0.2B、0.4C、0.3D、0.67)螺旋桨船上安装交验中,放掉轴向压力,观察行程表读数,读数应( C )。

A、瞬间下降到零B、瞬间下降到某一读数C、无变化D、缓慢下降8)管路布置时,要求热源管路绝热层外表与电缆的距离应在( B )mm。

A、200B、100C、150D、1259)轴系排正交验中,要按照技术部门给定的中间轴与主机飞轮法兰的位移与曲折值调整主机位置,其实际轴线与计算书的偏差不超过( D )mm。

A、±0.05B、 0.1±0.05C、±0.01D、±0.110)舵系中心线与轴系中心线偏差≦( B )mm。

A、3B、4C、2.5D、211)舵系镗孔后复光交验单要求按已镗好的上舵承孔、上、下舵钮孔找正,调好光靶中心偏差小于( C )mm。

A、0.2B、0.02C、0.03D、0.0412)测量中间轴承下口间隙的质量标准( C )。

A、±0.1B、±0.05C、0.1±0.05D、0.1±0.0113)艉轴与螺旋桨内场研配交验单要求用( B )mm塞尺检查大小端面接触面的间隙。





一、单项选择题:1.The needle valve will open when the fuel pressure acting on the needle valve ______exerts asufficient force to overcome the spring compression.A. tape faceB. tapered faceC. surfaceD. thinner face2.The bearings used to support the crankshaft are generally called ______.A. line shaft bearingsB. connecting rod bearingsC. main bearingsD. support bearings3.For Vee-form engines, ______is shaped to given two slopping surface on which ______are placedat the correct relative angle to each other.A. the bottom of the column/ the cylinder blocksB. the top of the column/ the cylinder headsC. the top of the column/ the cylinder blocksD. the bottom of the column/ the cylinder heads4.In a diesel engine, fuel must be broken up into a spray of fine droplets to ______.A. increase its qualityB. obtain complete burningC. reduce its weightD. all of the above5.An increased pressure differential between the inlet and outlet of a strainer usually indicates thestrainer is ______.A. holedB. fouledC. cleanD. dry6.The purpose of the delivery check valve used in a diesel fuel injection jerk pump is to ______.A. assist in a quick cutoff of fuel injectionB. allow oil backflow from the injector to the helixC. reduce fuel oil pressure between injection strokesD. meter the quantity of fuel delivered7.Excessive clearances in the main or crank-pin bearings will sometimes be indicated by______before any bearing knock is heard.A. loss of flow in the fuel systemB. loss of pressure in the air systemC. loss of flow in the lubricating systemD. loss of pressure in the lubricating system8.The fuel oil is drawn from a tank in the double bottom and pumped to _____.A. a buffer tankB. a centrifugeC. a service tankD. a settling tank9.The outlet from an expansion tank of a closed freshwater cooling system should be piped to the______.A. cylinder head water outlet headerB. cylinder jacket inlet mainC. heat exchanger inlet connectionD. jacket water pump suction line 10.After the order '______' is given, the air system is shut down, the turning gear put in.A. Finished With EngineB. Stop The EngineC. Stand-by EngineD. Slow-down Engine11.The way to reduce ______is to build up a film or lubricant between any two surfaces that rubagainst each other.A. frictionB. collisionC. inertiaD. resistance12.While standing by the engine, You should ______.A. turn the engineB. check oil levelC. stop fuel oil pumpD. A and B13.To start the ejection process ,the oil feed to the centrifuge is first shut off and the oil remaining inthe bowl removed by admitting ______.A. flashing waterB. operating oilC. flushing waterD. sealing water14.Higher than normal jacket water temperatures occurring in all cylinders of a diesel engine canresult from a/an ______.A. oil suction line restrictionB. correct amount of coolantC. cavitation erosion in the water jacketsD. clogged sea suction strainer15.Close the______.A. keywayB. shaftC. packingD. valve16.Which pump is the self-priming pump?A. turbineB. centrifugalC. GearD. axial flow17.A feed pump for an auxiliary boiler might lose suction if the ______.A. boiler water level is lowB. feedwater is too hotC. boiler steam demand is lowD. feedwater is too cold18.A simple pumping system consists of a suction branch, a pump and______.A. a priming deviceB. a discharge branchC. a filterD. a suction valve19.The lube oil cooler is located after the lube oil filter in order for ______.A. the filter to operate more efficientlyB. the lube oil cooler to be bypassedC. positive lube oil pump suction to be assuredD. galvanic action(流电产生的作用) in the cooler to be minimized20.A check valve is another name for______.A. a test valveB. an inspection valveC. a stop valveD. a non-return valve21.If an operating auxiliary boiler has a water pH reading of 7, you should ______.A. bottom blow the boilerB. treat the water with caustic soda(苛性钠)C. treat the water with chemicalD. reduce the water alkalinity to recommended readings22.In the hydraulic system, _____ is the power unit.A. oil pumpB. control valveC. hydraulic motorD. fittings23.Improper maintenance of the fuel oil burners in an automatically fired auxiliary boiler, couldresult in ______.A. increased fuel consumptionB. increased feed water consumptionC. fuel pump failureD. combustion control system failure24.The ______is used to treat bilge water.A. oil centrifugeB. oily water separatorC. incineratorD. distiller25.A magnetic strainer is used in the diesel engine reduction gear oil system to remove small particlesof ______.A. waterB. babbittC. iron or steelD. acids26.Here some oil in the oily water separator, as a result of its lower ______, will separate and riseinto the oil collection space.A. temperatureB. viscosityC. densityD. velocity27.On a tank vessel, which of the following substances would be burning in a class 'B' fire?A. OilB. WoodC. RagsD. Electrical wiring28.The ______belongs to the anchor handling equipment.A. cable stopperB. winch barrelC. slewing rimD. warping drum29.The ______is used for hauling in or letting out the wires or ropes.A. windlassB. anchor capstanC. turning gearD. winch barrel30.The usual number of single-acting pistons used in a variable stroke axial-piston pump is ______.A. 3 or 5B. 5 or 7C. 7 or 9D. 9 or 1131.Which is the pollution prevention equipment?A. booster pumpB. evaporatorC. oily water separatorD. cooler32.The fresh water generator produces fresh water ______.A. by cooling sea waterB. by heating sea waterC. by evaporation of sea waterD. by purifying sea water33.After passing through the expansion valve the refrigerant should be in the state of ______.A. vaporB. liquidC. solidD. None of the above is true.34.In the condenser, the hot, high pressure refrigerant gas is cooled by the sea water and becomes ___.A. fresh waterB. vaporC. mixtureD. liquid35.Differential pressures can be measured with the use of a ______.A. diaphragm type gaugeB. pressure transducerC. manometerD. all of the above36.______is used for sensing the temperature of the room in the air condition system.A. An expansion valveB. An evaporatorC. A thermostatD. A condenser37.The purpose of a main switchboard circuit breaker's reverse-power trip is to ______.A. prevent main circuit overloadB. protect the circuit breaker blowout coilC. prevent alternator motorizationD. prevent low voltage tripout38.The operation of ______two alternators requires the voltages to be equal and also in phase.A. parallelingB. series-mountingC. runningD. control39.The emergency generator or emergency battery is connected to ______on most large ships.A. distribution boardsB. section boardsC. emergency switch boardsD. main switch boards40.Moisture in a D.C. motor would cause ______.A. short circuitB. speed upC. slow downD. hunting41.The operating medium for control systems may be ______.A. compressed airB. hydraulic oilC. electricityD. all of the above42.Which of the following marine examples belongs to the open loop control system?A. accommodation heating systemB. steering gearC. boiler controlD. cargo control43.The ______is used to measure the volume of a liquid or gas through a pipeline within any givenperiod of time.A. flowmeterB. viscometerC. micrometerD. feeler44.Loss of lubricating oil pressure to the main propulsion diesel engine will actuate a/an ______.A. overspeed tripB. audible/visual alarmC. the ships/boats general alarmD. reserve oil storage tank45.Engine protection by means of an alarm or shutdown control can be obtained with devices that aresensitive to ______.A. temperatureB. pressureC. engine speedD. all of the above 46.Under which of the listed conditions can the engine room retake the throttle (减速)control fromthe bridge?A. Any time it is deemed(认为) necessary.B. Only with the master's permission.C. After a 10 minute delay to the input command.D. Only after the throttle has been placed in stop.47.Which of the following statements represents the main difference between a relay and a contactor?A. Contactors control current and relays control voltage.B. A relay is series connected and a contactor is parallel connected.C. Contactors can handle heavier loads than relays.D. Contactors are made from silver and relays are made from copper.48.In order to inspect both piston and cylinder wall thoroughly, the cylinder cover should be taken offand the piston should be ______.A. craned outB. rolled outC. lifted outD. turned out49.Diesel engine exhaust temperatures may be used to indicate ______.A. leaking exhaust valvesB. an overloaded cylinderC. a clogged injector nozzleD. all of the above.50.To successfully reduce an excessively high diesel engine exhaust gas temperature, you should ___.A. reduce the engine driven fuel pump outlet pressureB. retard the fuel injector timing to reduce powerC. increase the fuel rack settingD. reduce the load on the engine51.The bearing cap and shell are replaced and tightened up until ______.A. the “ nip ”is zeroB. the “ nap ” is zeroC. the “ gap ”is correctD. the “ clearance ” is correct52.If fuel injection to a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine begins earlier than designed, ignition may bedelayed because the ______.A. cylinder compression pressure may not be high enoughB. cylinder compression temperature may be too highC. fuel oil injection pressure may not be high enoughD. scavenge and purge process is incompletebustion knock can occur in the cylinders of a diesel engine under any condition permitting______.A. a shortened ignition delay periodB. a lean fuel/air mixtureC. excess fuel in the combustion chamberD. rapid vaporization of injected fuel droplets54.Fix the fuel injector into ______after repair.A. the cylinder linerB. the cylinder coverC. the cylinder jacketD. the piston55.The reciprocating pump can’t draw water from a tank may be caused by ______.A. leaky suction pipeB. opened inlet valveC. too much water in tankD. None of the above56.______, the engine must be stopped immediately.A. Should knocking occurB. If knocking occurC. Should if knocking occursD. If occur knocking57.A water pump can not supply water after starting. It may be caused by ______.A. closed discharge valveB. broken pipe lineC. worn shaftD. both A and B58.A centrifugal pump can’t supply water after starting. You should check ______.A. priming waterB. power supplyC. discharge pressureD. bearing lubrication59.When start a screw pump, the by pass valve should be ______.A. closedB. opened fullyC. cracked openD. partly open60.It is well known that the whole power distribution of the ship’s electrical services mainly dependon the ______.A. sub-boardsB. main switchboardsC. emergency switchboardsD. distribution boards61.Defective governor in a diesel engine may lead to:A. smoky exhaustB. starting failureC. ignition relayD. over speed62.In a diesel engine, excessive cylinder liner wear will cause ______.I. increased blow-by II. wear between the piston ring and grooveA. I only is correctB. II only is correctC. both I and II are correctD. neither I or II are correct63.The crankcase can not be opened ______the parts have been cooled down.A. ifB. asC. unlessD. when64.The fire of electrical equipment is classified as ______fire.A. Class AB. Class BC. Class CD. Class D65.Upon the completion of required tests, a ______should be placed on each extinguisher, showingthe date and the person who completed the tests.A. capB. discC. tagD. cover66.If the buoyant force (浮力)on a ship's hull is equal to or greater than the displacement tonnage,the ship will ______.A. require ballast added to only the port side tanksB. be down by the headC. sinkD. float67.In the first 24 hours after abandoning a vessel, water should be given only to personnel who are __.A. thirstyB. sick or injuredC. wetD. awake68.The order“Bow thrust stop.”means“______”.A. Bow thrust full to portB. Bow thrust full to starboardC. No bow thrust revolutionsD. No stern thrust revolutions69.Which types of portable extinguisher should you watch for the reflash of the fire?A. foam and waterB. CO 2 and dry powderC. dry powder and waterD. foam and CO 270.Auxiliary machinery covers everything onboard except______.A. main enginesB. main boilersC. pipes and fittingsD. A and B71.In cleaning up an oil spill, the use of chemical agents would ______.A. absorb the oil for easy removalB. remove the oil from the waterC. disperse or dissolve the oil in the waterD. not affect the oil72.The value of GM still remains one meter, meanwhile we can pump the ballast water to ______theship on even keel.A. makeB. putC. keepD. get73.The class of fire on which a blanketing effect is essential to extinguish the fire is ______.A. class AB. class BC. class CD. class D74.The possibility of damage from operating a diesel engine at critical speeds is reduced by the use of______.A. an isochronous(同步的) governorB. elastic(弹性的) engine mountsC. a vibration damperD. a cast iron bed plate with good flexible qualities二、关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项)During normal operation on heavy oil at sea, the oil is taken from the HO tanks, where it is stored. First, it is fed through a heater and next through a centrifuge for purification. It may then pass through a cooler, before being discharged to the steam-heated heavy oil service tanks. Two of these are usually fitted and they are used alternately. One tank is in use, while the other is being filled. These tanks are heated to a moderate temperature and self-closing drain valves are fitted to remove any water or sludge which may settle out. The oil is drawn from the service tank in use by pumps and discharged at low pressure to the fuel oil heater. These pumps should be in duplicate. A relief valve on the pumps will return excess pressure to the system. A viscosity regulator is fitted at the heater discharge, through which the oil will pass. This automatically controls the temperature of the oil fuel leaving the heater to maintain its viscosity within close limits. A by-pass must be fitted to the viscosity regulator. The oil is then discharged through a fine strainer to the main engine fuel pump suctions. A pressure control valve is fitted in thesystem and excess oil returned either to the heavy oil service tanks or to a balancing tank.A diesel fuel tank is included in the system with its discharge to the primary pump suctionsthrough a change-over valve. By operating this valve the engine may be operated on diesel oil.Change-over should be very gradual to allow temperatures in the system to stabilize. During this period, the excess oil will return either to the heavy oil service tanks or a balancing tank. After it has been pumped from the DO tanks, where it is stored, the diesel oil passes through a centrifuge for purification before entering the diesel oil tank.75.The word “these” in line 4 probably means ______.A. HO tanksB. a heater and a centrifugeC. a heater and a coolerD. heavy oil service tanks76.How is change over from heavy oil to diesel oil carried out?A. Step by stepB. Hand over handC. Step for stepD. Quickly77.Where are self-closing drain valves fitted?A. HO tanksB. Heavy oil service tanksC. Balancing tankD. Centrifuge78.Which of the following statements is true according to this passage?A. Two heavy oil service tanks are used meanwhile.B.“Heater” mentioned in this passage is only used to heat heavy oil.C. Two pumps are fitted, which draw oil from the service tank in use.D. Diesel oil passes to the primary pump, and then through a change-over valve.三、中译英(共2题,请将答案写在答题纸上)79.所有费用由船东支付。



海事考试题及答案一、单项选择题1. 国际海事组织(IMO)的总部设在哪个国家?A. 美国B. 英国C. 法国D. 日本答案:B. 英国2. 根据《国际海上人命安全公约》(SOLAS),船舶在海上遇险时,应首先采取什么措施?A. 立即向最近的搜救中心发送求救信号B. 尝试自救C. 等待其他船只救援D. 以上都是答案:A. 立即向最近的搜救中心发送求救信号3. 船舶在航行中遇到恶劣天气,以下哪项措施是错误的?A. 减速航行B. 改变航线C. 继续全速前进D. 调整船位以减少风浪影响答案:C. 继续全速前进二、多项选择题1. 船舶在海上航行时,以下哪些设备是必须配备的?A. 无线电通信设备B. 救生艇C. 导航设备D. 娱乐设施答案:A. 无线电通信设备 B. 救生艇 C. 导航设备2. 船舶在进行货物装卸作业时,以下哪些操作是正确的?A. 确保货物平衡B. 遵守装卸作业规程C. 忽略天气状况D. 确保船员安全答案:A. 确保货物平衡 B. 遵守装卸作业规程 D. 确保船员安全三、简答题1. 请简述船舶在海上遇到紧急情况时的应急程序。





2. 船舶在航行过程中如何进行有效的船舶管理?答案:有效的船舶管理包括制定严格的航行计划,确保船舶的机械和设备处于良好状态,进行定期的维护和检查。










A、经济性模式B、排放控制模式C、安全模式D、低负荷运转模式答案: A2、柴油机燃用轻柴油运行中,高压油管异常发热的主要原因是()。

①喷油提前角过大②喷油压力过高③喷油器针阀在关闭位置咬死④喷油器喷孔堵塞⑤喷油器针阀在开启位置咬死⑥喷油泵出油阀严重泄漏A、②④⑥B、②③④C、③④⑥D、①②③答案: B3、下图为MANB&W公司生产的S-MC-C型柴油机的十字头组件,为了改善十字头轴承的工作条件,该机型用的技术措施是()。

A、弹性结构B、反变形法C、自整位轴承D、全支撑轴承答案: D4、图中15中有两组环,下面一组为A、密封环B、刮油环C、承磨环D、密封环刮油环答案: B5、下面哪一种情况不符合正常P-V示功图的基本特征?A、工作过程各主要点数值符合说明书要求B、工作过程曲线比较圆滑,曲线过度处无锐角或突变形状C、尾部形状应符合不同扫气形式的正常轨迹D、工作曲线为不规则的波浪线答案: D6、柴油机受热部件的热应力与()。

A、受热件的热应变成反比B、受热件壁厚成反比C、受热件的热流密度成正比D、受热件壁面温差成反比答案: C7、关于燃烧室部件,下列说法错误的是()。

A、燃烧室是当活塞处在上止点时,由气缸盖底面、气缸体内表面及活塞顶共同组成B、燃烧室是燃料与空气混合和燃烧的空间C、燃烧室部件包括活塞组件、气缸盖组件和气缸组件D、燃烧室部件是柴油机中工作条件最恶劣的部件答案: A8、当柴油机增压器发生()时必须停止增压器运转。

A、喘振B、冷却水腔裂纹向外渗水C、空气滤器污损D、轴承损坏答案: D9、下列各种情况中,()会使轴承负荷加重。

①主机紧急停车②频繁机动操车③遇到台风或大浪④船舶空载A、①②③④B、①②C、③④D、①②③答案: D10、关于下述影响喷射延迟阶段各因素中错误的是()。



中华人民共和国海事局适任培训大纲熟悉训练04科目:主推进动力装置适用对象:750kW及以上船舶二/三管轮1、轴系中心线同轴度偏差符合标准的要求,判断的标准是()A、偏移值δ曲折值Ψ在允许值内B、总偏移值δ总,总曲折值Ψ总在允许值内C、交点在δ总Ψ总坐标三角形以内D、交点在δ总Ψ总坐标三角形以外答案: C2、在控制柴油机的燃烧过程时应力求A、减小喷油提前角B、缩短滞燃期C、增大喷油提前角D、缩短主燃期答案: B3、气缸体与机架一体组成机身的这种结构形式多用于A、大型柴油机B、中小型柴油机C、四冲程柴油机D、二冲程柴油机答案: B4、开式燃烧室的优点之一是()A、过量空气系数小B、能量损失小C、平均压力增长率低D、热负荷低答案: B5、含()较高的合金铸铁耐磨性好,可用于中、髙速柴油机气缸套A、磷B、氮C、硅D、铝答案: A6、非金属材料包括()A、高分子材料、陶瓷材料B、高分子材料、复合材料C、复合材料、陶瓷材料D、高分子材料、陶瓷材料、复合材料答案: D7、柴油机的活塞平均速度Vm和行程S、转速n之间的关系应符合A、 Vm=30 x n x SB、 Vm x S=30 x nC、 Vm x n=30 x SD、 Vmx30=n x S答案: D8、四冲程柴油机排气阀在()关闭A、上止点前B、上止点后C、下止点前D、下止点后答案: B9、拂刮厚壁主轴瓦的目的是为了A、调整轴承间隙B、调整臂距差C、提高接触质量D、使表面光滑答案: C10、关于承磨环的不正确说法是()A、专为活塞与气缸的磨合而设置B、承磨环分为几段,并用青铜材质C、当承磨环磨平时应予以换新D、某些大尺寸的筒形活塞有时也装承磨环答案: C11、检查油润滑尾轴承密封装置防蚀衬套的密封性通常采用()的方法A、油压试验B、水压试验C、磨合试验D、运转试验答案: B12、十字头式柴油机所采用的箱形机架的侧板上开有检修道门,通过它可以检查()的工作状况。



轮机人员模拟考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 柴油机的四个冲程中,哪个冲程是对外做功的?A. 吸气冲程B. 压缩冲程C. 做功冲程D. 排气冲程答案:C2. 船舶主机的额定转速是指:A. 主机在最大负荷下的转速B. 主机在最小负荷下的转速C. 主机在正常工作条件下的转速D. 主机在紧急情况下的转速答案:C3. 船舶上使用的润滑油的主要作用是什么?A. 减少摩擦B. 增加摩擦C. 防止腐蚀D. 清洁部件答案:A4. 船舶轮机舱中,以下哪个设备是用来测量船舶速度的?A. 舵机B. 测深仪C. 速度计D. 罗经答案:C5. 船舶的主机通常由几个缸组成?A. 1个B. 2个C. 4个D. 根据船舶大小而定答案:D6. 船舶上的应急发电机通常在什么情况下启动?A. 主机故障B. 正常航行C. 紧急情况D. 定期检查答案:C7. 船舶的舵角限制通常是多少?A. 15度B. 30度C. 45度D. 60度答案:B8. 船舶主机的冷却方式主要有哪些?A. 空气冷却B. 水冷却C. 油冷却D. 所有以上答案:D9. 船舶轮机舱中的高压蒸汽管道泄漏时,应立即采取的措施是什么?A. 立即关闭泄漏管道的阀门B. 继续观察C. 通知船长D. 立即撤离答案:A10. 船舶的主机在启动前需要进行哪些准备工作?A. 检查油位B. 检查冷却系统C. 检查电气系统D. 所有以上答案:D二、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 船舶主机的润滑系统是独立于燃油系统的。

(正确)2. 船舶在航行中,轮机人员可以离开轮机舱。

(错误)3. 船舶的主机在任何情况下都应保持正常运行。

(错误)4. 船舶的主机启动前需要进行充分的预热。

(正确)5. 船舶的应急发电机应定期进行启动测试。

(正确)6. 船舶的主机在紧急情况下可以立即停机。

(错误)7. 船舶的主机在正常运行时,轮机人员应定期检查各仪表读数。

(正确)8. 船舶的主机在运行中,可以忽略任何异常声音。



1.机电设备的操作与管理(一类二、三管轮)*1.1 船舶柴油主机备车操作●检查空气压力或电瓶电量。









(不检查油位、系统油、尾轴油管压油润滑、不盘车而直接启动,判定不合格)1.2 船舶柴油主机运行中的参数监测、调整及操作管理●按驾要求操纵主机。









*1.3 发电柴油机启动及停车操作1、备车起动:●检查柴油机应正常,无妨碍杂物。













*1.5 发电机组的并车、负荷转移分配及解列操作●按要求起动发电机组。



●断开待停发电机的主开关,调整工作发电机的电压及频率、(不熟悉操作过程及参数要点判定不合格)*1.6 酸性蓄电池的维护保养及充电操作●做好清洁。



一、船舶主柴油机操作与管理1 、主柴油机开航前冷却水的准备〔口述1) 备车时启动淡水泵进行冷却水系统驱气,普通使淡水系统内循环15~30min,必要时还应暖缸,使水温在45℃摆布。


2) 关于海水系统要注意淡水温度的变化来决定是否启动海水泵,机动航行时注意海底门的更换,在冰区时要注意冰塞即海水压力的变化。

2、主柴油机开航前润滑油的操作〔口述1) 备车时应对滑油柜加温,使滑油温度预热到38℃摆布,以便杂质分离和防止油泥沉淀在管壁上,并可减轻滑油泵的负荷。


2) 手动摇动气缸注油器对缸套内表面手动注油。

3、主柴油机开航前燃油的准备〔口述1) 将轻油驳油至高位并放残。

2) 检查各高压油泵的活动情况。

3) 并将重油沉淀柜加热至 50~60℃, 日用柜加热至 70~80℃。


4、主柴油机开航前压缩空气系统的准备1 启动空压机并打到到自动位置,将空气瓶打到要求压力。

2 对空气瓶放残。

3 脱开盘车机后打开空气瓶上的主启动阀。

4 检查并调节主机控制空气的压力在正常值。

5、主柴油机开航前的准备〔口述1 检查准备冷却水系统暖缸。

2 检查准备滑油系统,启动滑油泵润滑。

3 检查准备燃油系统,放残、加热、启动分油机。

4 检查准备压缩空气系统。

5 盘车 15min 摆布脱开盘车机,冲车以检查并清除气缸内的杂物。

6 关闭示功阀并试车,如果运行正常通知驾驶台车已备妥。

6、主柴油机的启动注意事项〔口述1 注意冷却水〔海、淡压力和温度。

2 注意滑油压力和温度。

3 注意燃油的压力和温度。

4 注意启动空气的压力。

5 一定要检查盘车机是否脱开。

7、主柴油机启动后的检查〔口述1 检查高压油管的脉动状态,喷油器的冷却情况,观察排烟温度和颜色。

2 确保滑油的工作压力、温度、油位,保证油的质量,控制气缸油注油率。

3 保证淡水压力大于海水压力,温度也要控制在说明书要求范围内,定期检查膨胀水柜水位。



海事服务考试试题题库答案一、单选题1. 船舶在海上遇到紧急情况时,应首先采取的行动是什么?A. 立即向最近的港口报告B. 尝试自行解决问题C. 发出遇险信号D. 等待其他船只救援答案:C2. 根据《国际海上人命安全公约》(SOLAS),船舶在夜间应如何显示其灯光?A. 仅显示舷灯B. 显示舷灯和尾灯C. 显示舷灯、尾灯和桅灯D. 显示所有灯光答案:C二、多选题1. 船舶在航行中需要遵守的海事法规包括以下哪些?A. 《国际海上人命安全公约》B. 《国际防止船舶造成污染公约》C. 《国际海事组织公约》D. 《联合国海洋法公约》答案:A, B, D2. 船舶在遇到以下哪些情况时,需要立即采取避碰措施?A. 遇到其他船舶横越船头B. 发现前方有漂浮物C. 遇到恶劣天气D. 发现其他船舶失控答案:A, D三、判断题1. 船舶在任何情况下都不得排放油类物质入海。


2. 船舶在航行中必须随时保持无线电通信的畅通。


四、简答题1. 简述船舶在海上遇到火灾时的应急措施。


2. 解释船舶在航行中如何遵守避碰规则。








海事局模拟考试题一、单选题(每题2分,共20分)1. 根据《国际海上人命安全公约》(SOLAS),船舶在海上航行时,以下哪项设备是必须配备的?A. 救生圈B. 救生艇C. 无线电通讯设备D. 导航雷达2. 船舶在遇到紧急情况时,应立即采取的措施是:A. 减速B. 立即停车C. 立即发出求救信号D. 改变航向3. 在国际海事组织(IMO)的规定中,船舶的最低安全配员标准是:A. 船长和一名轮机员B. 船长、一名轮机员和一名大副C. 船长、两名轮机员和两名大副D. 船长、轮机长、大副和二副4. 船舶在航行过程中,如果发现有其他船舶接近,应如何操作?A. 保持当前航向和速度B. 立即减速并改变航向C. 仅改变航向D. 仅减速5. 船舶在海上遇到恶劣天气,应采取以下哪些措施?A. 继续航行B. 减速并调整航线C. 停车并等待天气好转D. 立即返航6. 船舶在海上遇到火灾时,应首先:A. 立即通知船长B. 尝试使用灭火器扑灭火灾C. 立即弃船D. 等待船长的指令7. 船舶在海上航行时,应如何记录航行日志?A. 每四小时记录一次B. 每八小时记录一次C. 每天记录一次D. 根据需要记录8. 船舶在海上进行货物装卸作业时,应遵守以下哪项规定?A. 货物必须均匀分布B. 货物可以随意堆放C. 货物必须堆放在船舱内D. 货物可以堆放在甲板上9. 船舶在海上进行紧急撤离时,应如何使用救生设备?A. 随意使用B. 按照船员的指示使用C. 只有船长可以使用D. 只有高级船员可以使用10. 船舶在海上遇到海盗威胁时,应采取以下哪些措施?A. 立即加速逃离B. 与海盗进行谈判C. 立即发出求救信号并采取防御措施D. 停止航行并等待救援二、多选题(每题3分,共15分)11. 船舶在海上航行时,必须遵守的国际法规包括:A. 《联合国海洋法公约》B. 《国际海上人命安全公约》C. 《国际防止船舶污染公约》D. 《国际船舶和港口设施安全规则》12. 船舶在海上航行时,需要定期检查的设备包括:A. 救生设备B. 导航设备C. 通讯设备D. 消防设备13. 船舶在海上遇到紧急情况时,可以采取的措施包括:A. 发出求救信号B. 采取避难措施C. 进行自救D. 等待救援14. 船舶在海上进行货物装卸作业时,需要遵守的操作规程包括:A. 货物的重量和体积必须符合规定B. 货物的装卸顺序必须合理C. 货物的堆放必须稳固D. 货物的装卸必须在船长的监督下进行15. 船舶在海上进行紧急撤离时,船员应遵循的原则包括:A. 优先保障乘客的安全B. 按照既定的撤离计划行动C. 保持冷静,听从指挥D. 确保救生设备的可用性三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)16. 船舶在海上航行时,船长有权决定是否需要发出求救信号。






一、船舶动力系统基础知识1. 船舶主机的主要类型有哪些?答案:船舶主机主要有蒸汽轮机、柴油机、燃气轮机和核动力装置等类型。

2. 描述船舶柴油机的工作原理。


3. 船舶辅机的作用是什么?答案:船舶辅机是指除了主机之外的机械设备,它们负责为船舶提供电力、压缩空气、淡水等,是船舶正常运行的重要组成部分。

二、船舶机械维护与修理4. 船舶机械维护的目的是什么?答案:船舶机械维护的目的是为了保持机械设备的良好状态,预防故障的发生,延长设备的使用寿命。

5. 简述船舶主机的日常维护内容。


6. 船舶机械故障的常见原因有哪些?答案:常见的故障原因包括润滑不良、磨损过度、操作失误、材料疲劳、设计缺陷等。

三、船舶安全操作规程7. 船员在操作船舶机械时应遵守哪些安全规程?答案:船员应遵守的操作规程包括穿戴适当的防护装备,使用正确的工具,遵循操作手册,注意机械的运行状态,以及在紧急情况下正确处置等。

8. 船舶火灾的预防措施有哪些?答案:预防措施包括定期检查消防设备,禁止在禁火区域使用明火,对船员进行消防培训,以及制定火灾应急计划等。

9. 船舶在遇到恶劣天气时应采取哪些措施?答案:在恶劣天气下,船舶应减速或停航,检查甲板上的设备固定情况,关闭水密门窗,以及确保所有船员了解应急程序。

四、船舶环保法规与实践10. 国际海事组织(IMO)对船舶排放有哪些限制?答案:IMO对船舶排放的限制包括硫氧化物、氮氧化物、颗粒物等的排放标准,以及禁止向海洋排放有害物质。




A、速度降增大B、压力升高C、速度降不变D、压力降低答案: B2、锅炉中压力式喷油器通常不能通过改变____调节喷油量。

A、供油压力B、供油温度C、喷嘴个数D、喷孔直径答案: B3、视图主要用于表达机件的外部轮廓、结构、形状,下列____属于基本视图。

A、仰视图B、向视图C、局部视图D、斜视图答案: A4、回转式起货机的安全保护装置一般没有____。

A、控制油低压保护B、低油位保护C、高油温保护D、高油位保护答案: D5、锅炉电点火器所用的电极____。

A、由两根不锈钢丝构成B、靠升压变压器供电C、应放在喷油器的正前方D、端部相距1~2mm答案: B6、泵的吸排管径相同、吸排压力表垂直距离很近,则泵的扬程是由泵进出口____来决定。

A、高度B、压差C、流速D、阻力答案: B7、以下泵中理论流量与排出压力无关的是____。

A、喷射泵B、离心泵C、齿轮泵D、旋涡泵答案: C8、备用泵与运行泵之间的连接为____。

A、串联B、并联C、备用泵在前的串联D、备用泵在后的串联答案: B9、液压油换油的指标中不包括____。

A、粘度变化超过10%~15%B、酸值增加超过0.3mgKOH/gC、污染度超标D、闪点提高超过8℃答案: D10、制冷系统中滑油分离器通常设在____。

A、压缩机吸入端B、压缩机排出端C、冷凝器出口端D、贮液器出口端答案: B11、锅炉燃烧器的雾化片多采用____合金钢。

A、耐高温耐磨B、耐高温高压C、耐压耐磨D、耐冲击耐高温答案: A12、液压装置油温在____℃以下,不允许直接起动。

A、 -10B、 0C、 10D、 20答案: A13、____是利用光隙法测量圆弧半径的工具。

A、半径规B、圆规C、步距规D、卡规答案: A14、水冷式空压机常以____效率为评价经济性的标准。




A、盐水的种类B、盐水的依度C、盐水的压力D、配置的盐水的浓度和种类答案: D2、离开锅炉喷油器的油雾呈____。

A、圆柱形B、空心圆筒形C、实心圆锥体D、空心圆锥形答案: D3、如果造水机冬季使用时真空度过大,加大加热水流量____。

A、是一项可取的办法B、会导致凝水含盐量增大C、可以导致安全阀开启D、会导致加热面结硬垢答案: B4、炉膛内旋转气流在离心力的作用下向外扩张,形成一定的扩张角,气流旋转越强烈,扩张角度越大。


A、高压,吸引炉膛内高温烟气回流B、高压,吸引炉膛内低温烟气回流C、低压,吸引炉膛内高温烟气回流D、低压,吸引炉膛内低温烟气回流答案: C5、对大功率的离心泵,以下说法正确的是____。

A、启动前吸入阀打开,排出阀关闭B、启动前将吸入阀关闭,排出阀打开C、启动前不需灌液D、开启进出口阀,直接启动答案: A6、锅炉表面排污的主要作用是____。

A、清除炉水中油污B、减少炉水含盐量C、清除炉水中泥查D、清除炉水中油污、表面漂浮物和减少炉水含盐量答案: D7、同样的工作压力和传热温差下,造水机盐水含盐浓度越大,结垢程度____。

A、越轻B、越严重C、轻重不变D、不确定答案: B8、锅炉要较长时间停用如采用干燥保养法停炉保养,下列说法中不正确的是____。

A、停火前一段时间改用柴油B、不允许开空气阀,以免空气迸入炉内导致腐蚀C、一股应在炉水温度降至50℃左右时开下排污阀放空炉水D、不允许为加快冷却向炉膛送风答案: C9、往复泵吸入液体汽化不可能是由于____。

A、吸入液面压力太低B、吸高太大C、吸入管太粗D、液体温度过高答案: C10、溢流阀的一般图形符号(GB786.1-93)是____。

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1It is during _____ that work energy is being put into the engine; during the other 3 strokes of the piston, the engine has to do the work.A. the suction strokeB. the compression strokeC. the expansion strokeD. the exhaust stroke2The ______Convention is the first to establish basic requirements on training certification and watch-keeping for seafarers on an international level.A. STCW78B. STCW95C. SOLAS74D. SOLAS883The Port State Control officer may witness a fire drill carried out by the crew assigned to these duties on the _________.A. Navigation Log BookB. Engine Room Log BookC. Oil Record BookD. Muster List4The additional mark _______ in the Classification Certificate for Machinery means propulsion apparatus is remotely controlled on the navigating bridge control station, and engine assembly control station is unmanned periodically.A. BRCB. MCCC. AUT-0D. AUT-15The flash point of a residual fuel oil should be used to determine the highest temperature to which oil may be heated.A. for atomizingB. for centrifugingC. in a storage tankD. in the re-circulating line6Using a file without a handle may result in ________.A. your work becoming roundedB. injury to your handC. overheating of the fileD. pinning7 “Insufficiency of manning or insufficiency of certification of seafarers” is an identification of a _______.A. substandard shipB. standard shipC. over-standard shipD. reference ship8Thermostatic steam pressure reducing valves are used in the fuel oil service system to control the _______.A. double bottom fuel oil tank temperatureB. heater supply steam flowC. pressure of the fuel supplied to the burnersD. at temperator steam flow in the heater discharge circuit9Which of the listed governor characteristics will greatly affect the load sharing relationship between paralleled diesel generators?A. SensitivityB. PowerC. Speed droopD. Compensation10To shut down a diesel engine after it exceeds the set maximum speed,which type of device listed should be used?A. Speed limiting governorB. Over-speed governorC. Over-speed tripD. Over-speed relay11 By comparing the exhaust gas temperature of each cylinder, the operator can determine if the load is balanced throughout the engine. The device most commonly used is a________.A. tachometerB. pyrometerC. dynamometerD. calorimeter12 Which of the diesel engine components listed increase air density and helps to improve engine operating efficiency?A. ImpellerB. CompressorC. After-coolerD. Exhaust differ13The condensers located in various stages of a flash evaporator are cooled by___.A. distillateB. seawaterC. brineD. air14The cetane rating of diesel fuel is an indication of the ________.A. ignition quality of the fuelB. calorific value of the fuelC. flash point of the fuelD. rate of fuel consumption15Diesel engine air start system check valves are opened by ________.A. an air start camB. cylinder compression pressureC. starting air pressureD. valve springs16Cold weather starting of a diesel engine may be made easier by .A. decreasing the compression ratioB. using a special fuel having a high ignition temperatureC. increasing the starting air supplyD. heating the jacket water17Flame failure in an automatically fired auxiliary boiler can from a/an _________.A. incorrect electrode settingB. incorrect nozzle positionC. clogged fuel nozzleD. broken high tension lead18Refrigerant entering the compressor of a refrigeration system should be in which of the following conditions?A. Sub-cooled liquidB. Sub-cooled vaporC. Superheated vaporD. Liquid19A purge recovery system is used in a centrifugal air conditioning or refrigeration system to_____.A. purge lube oil from the liquid refrigerantB. recovers water purged from the systemC. separate foul gases from the receiverD. purge non-condensable gases without losing refrigerant20For a given exhaust gas boiler, what is the quantity of its evaporation mainly determined? A. the temperature and flow quantity of the exhaust gas from M.EB. the quantity of steam demandedC. the rotary speed and the cooling water temperature of main engineD. efficiency of M.E turbocharger21____ are used to digest the sewage to produce innocuous sludge in a biological sewage treatment plant.A. anaerobic bacteriaB. aerobic bacteriaC. air bubblesD. disinfection chemicals22____ connectors hold best if a wire is accidentally pulled or a connection becomes loose.A. Ring typeB. Fork typeC. Spade typeD. Push on pull off type23The shipboard oil pollution emergency plan will be invalid after ____.A. one yearB. two yearsC. four yearsD. five years24Which one is NOT the ‘clear grounds’ for a mor e detailed inspection?A. the master and the chief engineer are unable to communicate effectivelyB. serious corrosion on the hullC. damaged sanitary pumpD. one page missing in the oil record book25Under MARPOL Code the ship to which it applies has to carry ____.A. an International Ship Security CertificateB. an International Oil Pollution CertificateC. a Safety Management CertificateD. an International Ballast Water Management Certificate26Engine parameters shall be corresponded to NOx Technical Files. This is required by ____. A. MARPOL Annex III B. MARPOL Annex VI C. MARPOL Annex V D. MARPOL Annex VI 27If separating effect is not good, which measure should be taken ____.A. working at intervals and properly heatingB. warming up to 70℃, increase water supply flowC. improving impulse of water supplyD. reducing water supply flow28When does auxiliary burner of incinerator put into operation? I. start incinerator when it is cold II. the sludge for dealing with is little III. the sludge for dealing with is large IV. the water and impurity in sludge are too much V. the temperature in incinerator is low VI. dealing with little solid rubbishA. I+II+III+VB. I+II+III+IVC. I+IV+V+VID. I+II+III+VI29One of the reasons that cause oil flowed from sludge outlet of a self-cleaning separator is ___ .A. seal water supply be cut offB. make up water supply be cut offC. oil outlet valve closed or not open sufficientlyD. the flow rate of oily water is too much30____ is not installed on the main switchboard.A. Ammeter and changeover switchB. Power factor meterC. SynchroscopeD. Reverse sequence relay31During the diesel engine running, the water level of F.W expansion tank should normally kept in the ____ level of glass tube.A. the highestB. above 3/4C. 1/2 -3/4D. the lowest32Which of the following items don’t belong to dock repair works?A. making the repair list, booking spare parts and special tools for the dock repairB. shutting off all of the S.W valves to outboardC. the sketches or diagrams used for the dock repairD. cleaning up the oil tank and boiler before enter the dock33The treatment of the fuel oils involves storage, heating, filtering and ______.A. centrifugingB. pressurizingC. atomizationD. igniting34If two A.C. generators are to be operated in parallel, the load is distributed evenly by ____.A. means of rheostat the governor settingsB. a balance coil excitationC. adjusting the governor settingsD. changing excitation35The main purpose of port State control is not to___________.A. prevent an unsafe ship proceeding to seaB. prevent a ship threatening the marine environmentC. fine the shipsD. confirm a safe sailing36To proceed to the assistance of a ship in distress is ______.A. an obligation for masters of passing by shipsB. optional for masters of passing by ships when the weather is fineC. prohibited by the Convention SOLAS, 1974, as amendedD. prohibited by the convention STCW 78/9537According to the way the energy of the exhaust gases is utilized, pressure-charging can be divided into two main systems, namely, the constant-pressure system and ______.A. the pulse-phase systemB. the pulse Doppler systemC. the pulse systemD. the pulse interval system38For a purifier changing to a gravity disc with smaller hole diameter will move the interface towards the ______.A. bowl peripheryB. bowl centerC. upper surfaceD. lower surface39One factor that determines the frequency of an alternator is the ______.A. number of turns of wire in the armature coilB. number of magnetic polesC. strength of the magnets usedD. output voltage40______is a precaution which contributes to avoiding trouble under normal operating conditions.A. Constant inspectionB. Keeping constant loadC. Remaining constant temperatureD. Varying speed41 Convection spreads a fire as a result of ______.A. transmitting the heat of a fire through the ship's metalB. burning liquids flowing into another spaceC. heated gases flowing through ventilation systemsD. the transfer of heat across an unobstructed space42fireman's outfit carried onboard cargo vessels, must have a ______.A. canister-type gas maskB. fresh-air breathing apparatusC. self-contained breathing apparatusD. combustible gas indicator43The dew point of air is reached when the wet bulb temperature is ______.A. twice the dry bulb temperatureB. 10℃above the dry bulb temperatureC. 5℃above the dry bulb temperatureD. equal to the dry bulb temperature44Oily water separators are used to ensure that ships don't discharge oil when pumping out______.A. ballast waterB. boiler waterC. bilge waterD. sewage water45Which is the pollution prevention equipment?A. booster pumpB. evaporatorC. incineratorD. cooler46Fires involving combustible metals are classified as ______.A. class 'A' firesB. class 'B' firesC. class 'C' firesD. class 'D' fires47CO2 extinguishes a fire by __________.A. a blanket of bubbles formed on the surface of the fireB. smotheringC. isolating the heat from the fuelD. cooling48 “Inability to provide for the first watch at the commencement of a voyage and for subsequent relieving watches persons who are sufficiently rested and otherwise fit for duty.” is considered to be one of the detainable deficiencies(缺乏) under ______.A. the SOLAS ConventionB. the MARPOL ConventionC. the STCW ConventionD. the LOAD LINE Convention49 Among the basic categories of equipment, which of the following is used to convert hydraulic energy into continuous rotary motion?A. hydraulic pumpsB. valvesC. hydraulic cylindersD. hydraulic motors 50circuit breaker and a fuse have a basic similarity(类似) in that they both ______.A. can be reset to energize the circuitB. should open the circuit when overloadedC. will burn out when an over current flow developsD. should short the circuit when overloaded51 The projection on a shaft designed to change circular motion into up and down or back and fore motion is called ______A. wheelB. crankshaftC. running gearD. cam52 Throttling in the ________ line of a centrifugal pump involves the risk of the pump cavitationA. suctionB. exhaustC. pressureD. discharge53. In which of the areas listed would you expect to find the highest salt concentration in a flash evaporator?A. Distiller air ejector cooling mediumB. Saltwater heater dischargeC. First-stage internal feed boxD. Second-stage internal feed box54 .The abbreviation ”MIP” stands for____,A. middle indicating pressureB. mean indicated pressureC. mean pitchD. middle indicated power55.In a compression refrigeration plant, the hot, high pressure refrigerant gas is cooled by the sea water and becomes liquid in the_______.A. compressorB. condenserC. throttle valveD. evaporator56. Before a marine diesel engine is started the cylinders and pistons must be____.A. cooled to appropriate temperatureB. warmed up gradually to appropriate temperatureC. opened up and renewedD. ground and polished57. ______of different thickness are inserted between the shells to enable adjustment of the bearing clearness.A. ScrewsB. FilmsC. DiesesD. Shims58. The process of adding moisture to air to increase the relative humidity is known as______A. sublimation B desiccation C. humidification D. miniaturization61 Which term describes piston pins having bearing surfaces in both the piston bosses and connecting rod eye?A. StationaryB. Full floatingC. Semi-floatingD. Free rolling62 Fuel injected into a diesel engine’s cylinder is ignited by__________.A. the heat compressed fuel/air mixture in the cylinderB. the fuel igniterC. the fuel injectorD. the fuel pump63 Since the burning or combustion takes place within the engine itself ,the engine is known as__________.A. a fire-tube boilerB. an internal combustion engineC. an external combustion engineD. an internal combustion generator65 Fuel injectors used in heavy fuel oil systems are usually provided with cooling to reduce.A. cold corrosion of the nozzlesB. fuel viscosity for better atomizationC. carbon accumulation on the nozzlesD. fuel detonation in the cylinders66 After the engine is warmed, we should ___________the turning gear before starting up the engine.A. take inB. put inC. take outD. put up67 The transmission system is made up of shafts, bearings, and finally the _______.A. thrust shaftB. propellerC. reduction gear boxD. train transmission68 When a vessel is in dry-dock, the vessel’s engineers should ______.A. examine the condition of the propeller.B. chip and paint all hull protection zincsC. install new docking plugs in all cofferdamsD. inspect the hull for hogging or sagging69 The amount of heat released by steam when it changes to water at the same temperature is called _______.A. latent heat of condensationB. latent heat of vaporizationC. latent heat of saturationD. sensible heat of condensation70 The pump has a constant stroke of fuel delivered is regulated by rotating ______ which has a specially arranged helical groove cut into it.A. the pump cylinderB. the pump camC. the pump plungerD. the pump roller71 Reduced capacity, accompanied by vibration and noise at the suction of a centrifugal pump is a result of ________.A. cavitationB. water hammerC. fluid frictionD. steam knock73 The separation of impurities and water from _______ is essential for good combustion of diesel engines.A. lube oilB. fuel oilC. turbine oilD. grease74 In an oily water separator the oil will travel _____ to the oil collecting spaces.A. upwardsB. downwardsC. outwardsD. forwards75In which of the areas listed would you expect to find the highest salt concentration in a flash evaporator?A distiller air ejector cooling mediumB saltwater heater dischargeC first-stage internal feed boxD second-stage internal box76 In a ordinary cargo crane, _______ is fitted to rotate the crane.A. the slewing motorB. the luffing motorC. the hoisting motorD. none of the above77Among the basic categories of equipment, which of the following are used to convert hydraulic energy into continuous rotary motion?A. Hydraulic pumpsB. V alvesC. Hydraulic cylindersD. Hydraulic motors78. An accidental path of low resistance, allowing passage of abnormal amount of current is known as a/an__________________--.A open circuitB short circuitC polarized groundD ground reference point79 Equal power factors on paralleled AC generators are maintained by an automatic_________.A voltage regulatorB reverse power relayC reverse current relayD governor control switch80. When two AC generators are being paralleled, the breaker should be closed with the synchroscope pointer rotating in the_________________.A “slow” direction, just before the 12 o’clock positionB “fast” direction, just after the 12 o’clock positionC “fast” direction, just before the 12 o’clock positionD “slow” direction, just after the 12 o’clock position81. The Company should ensure that ______ documents are promptly removed.A. absoluteB. updatedC. outdatedD. new82. When the general alarm is sounded continuously, the engine room personnel should ____.A. proceed to their man overboard stationsB. start the fire pumpC. put on lifejackets and go to their abandon ship stationsD. secure the propulsion diesel engines and evacuate the engine room83 what type of valve is used to direct the flow of hydraulic fluid?A. relief valveB. direction control valveC. stop valveD. pressure control valve84The ISPS Code consists of a mandatory section-Part A, which shows .A. the detailed security-related requirementsB. guidelines to meet security-related requirementsC. the detailed security-related requirements and the guidelines to meet themD. how to run a shipping company considering the potential terrorism action85When anchoring in open anchorage, chief engineer should consult with captain _ _ .A. if the ship must be stand byB. if M.E. should be stoppedC. if keep-watching as in voyageD. if the ship must anchor two anchors86As soon as a diesel engine has started, which of the listed engine operating parameters should be checked FIRST?A. Exhaust temperaturesB. Raw water pressureC. Lube oil pressureD. Air box pressure。
