Building materialsBuilding materials must have certain structural use.it physical properties. First, they must be able to bear load or weight without permanent deformation. When the load on the structural components, components will deformation, it means rope will be stretching or beam will bend. However, when the load is removed, ropes and beams will return to its original position. This kind of material properties is called elasticity. If material is not elastic, then on removing load deformation exist, repeat the loading and unloading eventually increase deformation to structural lose action.All used in building structure in the materials such as stone, brick, wood, aluminum, reinforced concrete and plastic within a certain range of load performance of flexibility. If loading beyond the scope, two things will happen: brittle and plastic. If it is the former, the material will suddenly destruction; If the latter, in certain load (yield strength) material has begun to yield flow, resulting in destruction. For example, steel, stone material is brittle present plastic. Materials by the damage occurred when the ultimate strength of stress decision.Construction materials and an important characteristic is its stiffness. This feature by elastic modulus decision. Stress (per unit of area, the force) and the strain (per unit length ratio of the deformation) is elastic modulus. Elastic modulus is characterize material under load shape-shifting abilities. For two have the same area and load of the same material. Elastic modulus big materials little deformation. Structure with steel of elastic modulus is pounds per square inch or kg per square centimeter, aluminum, concrete 3 times of ten times, wood 15 times.Masonry. Masonry from natural materials such as stone and artificial materials such as brick, concrete blocks composed. Masonry in ancient times is used. Bricks used in city of Babylon not religious buildings, stone material used in large temples of the Nile valley. The pyramids of Egypt, high 481 feet (147m), is the most spectacular masonry structure. Masonry unit initial without using any binding materials piled up, and modern masonry structure as binder materials. Water mud Modern structure material including stone, red-roast clay brick or tiles, the concrete blocks.Masonry is essentially a pressurized material, it can't sustain tension, ultimate strength concrete-block masonry depends on and mud. Last strength in 1000 to 4,000 pounds per inch (70 to 280 kg per square centimeter) range change, depends on the block and mud bonding situation.Wood. Wood is a kind of the earliest building materials and is a kind of rare tensile performance good natural material. The world find hundreds of wood, and each have different physical properties. Only some use in architectural structures as framework components. In the United States, for example, in over 600 kinds of lumber, only 20 used in structure. These are generally conifers or cork, both because rich and wood easy molding. In the United States, more common in the structure of lumber sort is the loose, spruce and annatto. These timber tensile strength in 50 to 80 pounds per square inch (350 to 5.6 kg per square meter) range. Hardwood initially used as fine wood furniture and interior decoration such as floor.Due to the wood texture characteristics, it along the intensity of transverse texture texture is greater than the intensity. Wood tensile strength,trans-monounsaturated grain compressive strength is particularly big, and it has a lot of flexural strength. These characteristics make it very suitable for structure of the column and beam. Wood, as truss tensile component is invalid, because the truss structures tensile strength depends on component between node, although has produced many USES lumber tensile strength of metal fittings, but it is difficult to design the arrange grain direction of shear strength or tensile strength little relation of components.Steel. Steel is an important structural materials. When compared to the other materials by such as weight, it has high intensity, even if it volumetric weight is lumber ten times. Its elastic modulus is very big, the results under load deformation is small. It can be rolled into many structural forms such as work fonts beam, plate. It can also cast complex style, it also can produce into ropes type used in cable suspension bridge and condole top, production into elevator rope and prestressed concrete in the rods. Steel components are many ways of link together like bolt connection, riveting and welding. Carbon steels are vulnerable to oxidation corrosiontherefore must rely on paint or inserted into the concrete to avoid contact with air. More than steel soon lose strength, so we must set a fire-proof material (usually concrete) in order to increase its refractory ability.Add like silicon or manganese such alloying elements, you'll get tensile strength of 250,000 pounds per square inch (17500 kg/cm2) of high strength steel. These steel on the structure of key parts, such as skyscrapers pillars.Aluminum. When light weight, high strength and corrosion resistance has become an important factor, aluminum became a particularly useful building materials. Because pure aluminum is extremely soft and ductility of, so, the composition of the alloy, such as mn, silicon, zinc and copper must add increase structure required strength. Structural use of aluminium alloy performance of flexibility. Their elastic modulus is steel 1/3, therefore in the same loads deformation is 3 times of steel. Each unit of aluminum alloy is weight steel 1/3. Therefore the same intensities, aluminum alloy component than steel components in weight. Aluminum alloy limit tensile strength variation in 20,000 to 60,000 pounds per square inch (14 to 4,200 kg/cm2) between.Aluminum can fashioned many shapes, it can be extrusion forming strander liang, pull string and stem, rolled into foil and plate. Aluminum component can like steel use the same method, riveting, bolt connection, low strength welded together. Besides being used for architectural framework and prefabrecated house, aluminum also widely used as an window frame and structure curtain box.Concrete. Concrete is water, sand, stone and ordinary Portland cement mixture. Gravel, artificial light stone, and shells were used in natural ShiLiaoChang. Ordinary silicate cement is contains calcium and clay mixtures. In the heating furnace, and then to a fine powder. Concrete strength comes from mixing water farinaceous ordinary Portland cement, then atherosclerosis. In an ideal mixture, concrete by 3/4 volume of sand and stone and 1/4 volume of water mud. The physical characteristics of concrete mixture composition is sensitive to changes, therefore according to strength or contraction design composition ratio to achieve special results. When concrete dump in template, it contains free water, and no need water action of water will evaporate.With concrete sclerosis, it in a certain period of releasing excess water and shrinking. As a result of shrinkage, the fine cracks. In order to minimize the shrinkage crack, concrete sclerosis must protect wet at least five days. Concrete strength increased over time, because the hydration processes will last for years, In fact, 28 days intensity is considered the standard.Concrete under load is elastic deformation. Although its elastic modulus is steel one-tenth, but distortion is same, because its strength also only steel 10. Concrete is essentially a compressive material, its tensile strength can be neglected.Reinforced concrete. Reinforced concrete by placed to undertake in reinforced concrete pulling force. These reinforced in 1/4 inch in diameter (0.64 cm) and 225 inches (5.7 cm) between, the surface has Nick to ensure binding live concrete. Although reinforced concrete in many countries have development, but its discovery should be attributed to a French gardeners, Joseph in 1868 reinforcement strengthening concrete with a cone. The operation is possible, because when a change in temperature, reinforcement and concrete are equal to expansion and contraction. If this is not the case, the temperature changes, the connection between the reinforcement and concrete is destroyed, because the two materials react differently. Reinforced concrete can be pouring into various shapes, for example liang, column, the board and arch. Therefore, it is suitable for construction of special structure. Although most merchandise concrete strength around 6,000 pounds per square inch (4.2 kg/cm2), but the reinforced concrete limit tensile strength than 10,000 pounds per square inch (700 kilograms/cm2) is possible.Plastic. Because of many varieties, high strength, endurance and lightweight, plastic quickly become important structural materials. Plastics are synthetic materials or resin, can be configured to expect any shape and use organic matter for cementing agent. Organic plastic into two categories: thermoset and thermoplastic. Thermosetting plastic when heated through chemical change is strong, once forming, these plastic can no longer be cast. Thermoplastic in high temperature is weak, strong cooling, the former must not generally used for structural plastic material. Although nylon tensile achieves 60,000 pounds per square inch, but most plastics of ultimatestrength in 7000 to 12,000 pounds per square inch (490 to 840 kg/cm2) range.建筑材料建筑材料必须有一定结构上的使用性的物理特性。
混凝土工艺中英文对照外文翻译文献混凝土工艺中英文对照外文翻译文献混凝土工艺中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译) Concrete technology and developmentPortland cement concrete has clearly emerged as the material of choice for the construction of a large number and variety of structures in the world today. This is attributed mainly to low cost of materials and construction for concrete structures as well as low cost of maintenance.Therefore, it is not surprising that many advancements in concrete technology have occurred as a result of two driving forces, namely the speed of construction and the durability of concrete.During the period 1940-1970, the availability of high early strength portland cements enabled the use of high water content in concrete mixtures that were easy to handle. This approach, however, led to serious problems with durability of structures, especially those subjected to severe environmental exposures.With us lightweight concrete is a development mainly of the last twenty years.Concrete technology is the making of plentiful good concrete cheaply. It includes the correct choice of the cement and the water, and the right treatment of the aggregates. Those which are dug near by and therefore cheap, must be sized, washed free of clay or silt, and recombined in the correct proportions so as to make a cheap concrete which is workable at a low water/cement ratio, thus easily comoacted to a high density and therefore strong.It hardens with age and the process of hardening continues for a long time after the concrete has attained sufficient strength.Abrams’law, perhaps the oldest law of concrete technology, states that the strength of a concrete varies inversely with its water cement ratio. This means that the sand content (particularly the fine sand which needs much water) must be reduced so far as possible. The fact that the sand “drinks” large quantities of water can easily be established by mixing several batches of x kg of cement with y kg of stone and the same amount of water but increasing amounts of sand. However if there is no sand the concrete will be so stiff that it will be unworkable thereforw porous and weak. The same will be true if the sand is too coarse. Therefore for each set of aggregates, the correct mix must not be changed without good reason. This applied particularly to the water content.Any drinkable and many undrinkable waters can be used for making concrete, including most clear waters from the sea or rivers. It is important that clay should be kept out of the concrete. The cement if fresh can usually be chosen on the basis of the maker’s certificates of tensile or crushing tests, but these are always made with fresh cement. Where strength is important , and the cement at the site is old, it should be tested.This stress , causing breakage,will be a tension since concretes are from 9 to 11times as strong in compression as in tension, This stress, the modulus of rupture, will be roughly double the direct tensile breaking stress obtained in a tensile testing machine,so a very rough guess at the conpressive strength can be made by multiplying the modulus of rupture by 4.5. The method can be used in combination with the strength results of machine-crushed cubes or cylinders or tensile test pieces but cannot otherwise be regarded as reliable. With these comparisons,however, it is suitable for comparing concretes on the same site made from the same aggregates and cement, with beams cast and tested in the same way.Extreme care is necessary for preparation,transport,plating and finish of concrete in construction works.It is important to note that only a bit of care and supervision make a great difference between good and bad concrete.The following factors may be kept in mind in concreting works.MixingThe mixing of ingredients shall be done in a mixer as specified in the contract.Handling and ConveyingThe handling&conveying of concrete from the mixer to the place of final deposit shall be done as rapidly as practicable and without any objectionable separation or loss of ingredients.Whenever the length of haul from the mixing plant to the place of deposit is such that the concrete unduly compacts or segregates,suitable agitators shall be installed in the conveying system.Where concrete is being conveyed on chutes or on belts,the free fall or drop shall be limited to 5ft.(or 150cm.) unless otherwise permitted.The concrete shall be placed in position within 30 minutes of its removal from the mixer.Placing ConcreteNo concrete shall be placed until the place of deposit has been thoroughly inspected and approved,all reinforcement,inserts and embedded metal properly security in position and checked,and forms thoroughly wetted(expect in freezing weather)or oiled.Placing shall be continued without avoidable interruption while the section is completed or satisfactory construction joint made.Within FormsConcrete shall be systematically deposited in shallow layers and at such rate as to maintain,until the completion of the unit,a plastic surface approximately horizontal throughout.Each layer shall be thoroughly compacted before placing the succeeding layer.CompactingMethod. Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted by means of suitable tools during and immediately after depositing.The concrete shall be worked around all reinforcement,embedded fixtures,and into the comers of the forms.Every precaution shall be taken to keep the reinforcement and embedded metal in proper position and to prevent distortion.Vibrating. Wherever practicable,concrete shall be internally vibrated within the forms,or in the mass,in order to increase the plasticity as to compact effectively to improve the surface texture and appearance,and to facilitate placing of the concrete.Vibration shall be continued the entire batch melts to a uniform appearance and the surface just starts to glisten.A minute film of cement paste shall be discernible between the concrete and the form and around the reinforcement.Over vibration causing segregation,unnecessary bleeding or formation of laitance shall be avoided.The effect spent on careful grading, mixing and compaction of concrete will be largely wasted if the concrete is badly cured. Curing means keeping the concretethoroughly damp for some time, usually a week, until it has reached the desired strength. So long as concrete is kept wet it will continue to gain strength, though more slowly as it grows older.Admixtures or additives to concrete are materials arematerials which are added to it or to the cement so as to improve one or more of the properties of the concrete. The main types are:1. Accelerators of set or hardening,2. Retarders of set or hardening,3. Air-entraining agents, including frothing or foaming agents,4. Gassing agents,5. Pozzolanas, blast-furnace slag cement, pulverized coal ash,6. Inhibitors of the chemical reaction between cement and aggregate, which might cause the aggregate to expand7. Agents for damp-proofing a concrete or reducing its permeability to water,8. Workability agents, often called plasticizers,9. Grouting agents and expanding cements.Wherever possible, admixtures should be avouded, particularly those that are added on site. Small variations in the quantity added may greatly affect the concrete properties in an undesiraale way. An accelerator can often be avoided by using a rapid-hardening cement or a richer mix with ordinary cement, or for very rapid gain of strength, high-alumina cement, though this is very much more expensive, in Britain about three times as costly as ordinary Portland cement. But in twenty-four hours its strength is equal to that reached with ordinary Portland cement in thirty days.A retarder may have to be used in warm weather when a large quantity of concrete has to be cast in one piece of formwork, and it is important that the concrete cast early in the day does not set before the last concrete. This occurs with bridges when they are cast in place, and the formwork necessarily bends underthe heavy load of the wet concrete. Some retarders permanently weaken the concrete and should not be used without good technical advice.A somewhat similar effect,milder than that of retarders, is obtained with low-heat cement. These may be sold by the cement maker or mixed by the civil engineering contractor. They give out less heat on setting and hardening, partly because they harden more slowly, and they are used in large casts such as gravity dams, where the concrete may take years to cool down to the temperature of the surrounding air. In countries like Britain or France, where pulverized coal is burnt in the power stations, the ash, which is very fine, has been mixed with cement to reduce its production of heat and its cost without reducing its long-term strength. Up to about 20 per cent ash by weight of the cement has been successfully used, with considerable savings in cement costs.In countries where air-entraining cement cement can be bought from the cement maker, no air-entraining agent needs to be mixed in .When air-entraining agents draw into the wet cement and concrete some 3-8 percent of air in the form of very small bubbles, they plasticize the concrete, making it more easily workable and therefore enable the water |cement ratio to be reduced. They reduce the strength of the concrete slightly but so little that in the United States their use is now standard practice in road-building where heavy frost occur. They greatly improve the frost resistance of the concrete.Pozzolane is a volcanic ash found near the Italian town of Puzzuoli, which is a natural cement. The name has been given to all natural mineral cements, as well as to the ash from coal or the slag from blast furnaces, both of which may become cementswhen ground and mixed with water. Pozzolanas of either the industrial or the mineral type are important to civil engineers because they have been added to oridinary Portland cement in proportions up to about 20 percent without loss of strength in the cement and with great savings in cement cost. Their main interest is in large dams, where they may reduce the heat given out by the cement during hardening. Some pozzolanas have been known to prevent the action between cement and certain aggregates which causes the aggregate to expand, and weaken or burst the concrete.The best way of waterproof a concrete is to reduce its permeability by careful mix design and manufacture of the concrete, with correct placing and tighr compaction in strong formwork ar a low water|cement ratio. Even an air-entraining agent can be used because the minute pores are discontinuous. Slow, careful curing of the concrete improves the hydration of the cement, which helps to block the capillary passages through the concrete mass. An asphalt or other waterproofing means the waterproofing of concrete by any method concerned with the quality of the concrete but not by a waterproof skin.Workability agents, water-reducing agents and plasticizers are three names for the same thing, mentioned under air-entraining agents. Their use can sometimes be avoided by adding more cement or fine sand, or even water, but of course only with great care.The rapid growth from 1945 onwards in the prestressing of concrete shows that there was a real need for this high-quality structural material. The quality must be high because the worst conditions of loading normally occur at the beginning of the life of the member, at the transfer of stress from the steel to theconcrete. Failure is therefore more likely then than later, when the concrete has become stronger and the stress in the steel has decreased because of creep in the steel and concrete, and shrinkage of the concrete. Faulty members are therefore observed and thrown out early, before they enter the structure, or at least before it The main advantages of prestressed concrete in comparison with reinforced concrete are :①The whole concrete cross-section resists load. In reinforced concrete about half the section, the cracked area below the neutral axis, does no useful work. Working deflections are smaller.②High working stresses are possible. In reinforced concrete they are not usually possible because they result in severe cracking which is always ugly and may be dangerous if it causes rusting of the steel.③Cracking is almost completely avoided in prestressed concrete.The main disadvantage of prestressed concrete is that much more care is needed to make it than reinforced concrete and it is therefore more expensive, but because it is of higher quality less of it needs to be needs to be used. It can therefore happen that a solution of a structural problem may be cheaper in prestressed concrete than in reinforced concrete, and it does often happen that a solution is possible with prestressing but impossible without it.Prestressing of the concrete means that it is placed under compression before it carries any working load. This means that the section can be designed so that it takes no tension or very little under the full design load. It therefore has theoretically no cracks and in practice very few. The prestress is usually applied by tensioning the steel before the concrete in which it isembedded has hardened. After the concrete has hardened enough to take the stress from the steel to the concrete. In a bridge with abutments able to resist thrust, the prestress can be applied without steel in the concrete. It is applied by jacks forcing the bridge inwards from the abutments. This methods has the advantage that the jacking force, or prestress, can be varied during the life of the structure as required.In the ten years from 1950 to 1960 prestressed concrete ceased to be an experinmental material and engineers won confidence in its use. With this confidence came an increase in the use of precast prestressed concrete particularly for long-span floors or the decks of motorways. Whereever the quantity to be made was large enough, for example in a motorway bridge 500 m kong , provided that most of the spans could be made the same and not much longer than 18m, it became economical to usefactory-precast prestressed beams, at least in industrial areas near a precasting factory prestressed beams, at least in industrial areas near a precasting factory. Most of these beams are heat-cured so as to free the forms quickly for re-use.In this period also, in the United States, precast prestressed roof beams and floor beams were used in many school buildings, occasionally 32 m long or more. Such long beams over a single span could not possibly be successful in reinforced concrete unless they were cast on site because they would have to be much deeper and much heavier than prestressed concrete beams. They would certainlly be less pleasing to the eye and often more expensive than the prestressed concrete beams. These school buildings have a strong, simple architectural appeal and will be a pleasure to look at for many years.The most important parts of a precast prestressed concrete beam are the tendons and the concrete. The tendons, as the name implies, are the cables, rods or wires of steel which are under tension in the concrete.Before the concrete has hardened (before transfer of stress), the tendons are either unstressed (post-tensioned prestressing) or are stressed and held by abutments outside the concrete ( pre-tensioned prestressing). While the concrete is hardening it grips each tendon more and more tightly by bond along its full length. End anchorages consisting of plates or blocks are placed on the ends of the tendons of post-tensioned prestressed units, and such tendons are stressed up at the time of transfer, when the concrete has hardened sufficiently. In the other type of pretressing, with pre-tensioned tendons, the tendons are released from external abutments at the moment of transfer, and act on the concrete through bond or archorage or both, shortening it by compression, and themselves also shortening and losing some tension.Further shortening of the concrete (and therefore of the steel) takes place with time. The concrete is said to creep. This means that it shortens permanently under load and spreads the stresses more uniformly and thus more safely across its section. Steel also creeps, but rather less. The result of these two effects ( and of the concrete shrinking when it dries ) is that prestressed concrete beams are never more highly stressed than at the moment of transfer.The factory precasting of long prestressed concrete beams is likely to become more and more popular in the future, but one difficulty will be road transport. As the length of the beam increases, the lorry becomes less and less manoeuvrable untileventually the only suitable time for it to travel is in the middle of the night when traffic in the district and the route, whether the roads are straight or curved. Precasting at the site avoids these difficulties; it may be expensive, but it has often been used for large bridge beams.混凝土工艺及发展波特兰水泥混凝土在当今世界已成为建造数量繁多、种类复杂结构的首选材料。
土木工程专业外语课文翻译专业英语课文翻译Lesson 4Phrases and Expressions1.moisture content 含水量,含湿度; water content 2.cement paste 水泥浆 mortar 3.capillary tension 毛细管张力,微张力 4.gradation of aggregate 骨料级配 coarse fine (crushed stone , gravel ) 5.The British Code PC 100 英国混凝土规范PC 100; nowaday BS 8110 6. coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete 混凝土热膨胀系数 7. The B .S Code 英国标准规范8. sustained load 永久荷载,长期荷载9. permanent plastic strain 永久的塑性应变stress 10. crystal lattice 晶格, 晶格11. cement gel 水泥凝胶体12. water -cement ratio 水灰比13. expansion joint 伸缩缝 14. stability of the structure 结构的稳定性structural stability 15. fatigue strength of concrete 混凝土的疲劳强度 Volume Changes of ConcreteConcrete undergoes volume changes during hardening . 混凝土在硬结过程中会经历体积变化。
If it loses moisture by evaporation , it shrinks , but if the concrete hardens in water , it expands . 如果蒸发失去水分,混凝土会收缩;但如果在水中硬结,它便膨胀。
The application of constructional material建筑材料的应用The availability of suitable structural materials is one of the principal limitations on the accomplishment of an experienced structural engineer. Early builders depended almost exclusively on wood, stone, brick, and concrete. Although iron had been used by humans at least since the building of the Egyptian pyramids, use of it as a structural material was limited because of the difficulties of smelting it in large quantities. With the industrial revolution, however, came both the need for iron as a structural material and the capability of smelting it in quantity.John Smeaton, an English civil engineer, was the first to use cast iron extensively as a structural material in the mid-eighteenth century. After 1841, malleable iron was developed as a more reliable material and was widely used. Whereas malleable iron was superior to cast iron, there were still too many structural failures and there was a need for a more reliable material. Steel was the answer to this demand. The invention of the Bessemer converter in 1856 and the subsequent development of the Siemens-Martin open-hearth process for making steel made it possible toproduce structural steel at competitive prices and triggered the tremendous developments and accomplishments in the use of structural steel over the next hundred years.The most serious disadvantage of steel is that it oxidizes easily and must be protected by paint or some other suitable coating. When steel is used in an enclosure where a fire could occur, the steel members must be encased in a suitable fire-resistant enclosure such as masonry, concrete. Normally, steel members will not fail in a brittle manner unless an unfortunate combination of metallurgical composition, low temperature, and bi-or triaxial stress exists.Structural aluminum is still not widely used in civil engineering structures, though its use is steadily increasing. By a proper selection of the aluminum alloy and its heat treatment, a wide variety of strength characteristics may be obtained. Some of the alloys exhibit stress-strain characteristics similar those of structural steel, except that the modulus of elasticity for the initial linearly elastic portion is about 10,000,000 psi (700,000 kgf/cm*cm) or about one-third that of steel. Lightness and resistance to oxidation are, of course, two of the major advantages of aluminum. Because its properties are very sensitive to its heat treatment, care mustbe used when riveting or welding aluminum. Several techniques have been developed for prefabricating aluminum subassemblies that can be readily erected and bolted together in the field to form a number of beautiful and well-designed shell structures. This general procedure of prefabrication and held assembly by bolting seems to be the most promising way of utilizing structural aluminum.Reinforced and prestesses concrete share with structural material. Natural cement concretes have been used for centuries. Modern concrete construction dates from the middle of the nineteenth century, though artificial Portland cement was patented by Aspidin, an Englishman, about 1825. Although several builders and engineers experimented with the use of steel-reinforced concrete in the last half of the nineteenth century, its dominant use as a building material dates from the early decades of the twentieth century. The last fifty years have seen the rapid and vigorous development of prestressed concrete design and construction, founded largely on early work by Freyssinet in France and Magnel in Belgium.Plain (unreinforced) concrete not only is a heterogeneous material but also has one very serious defect as a structural material, namely, its very limited tensile strength, which isonly of the order of one-tenth its compressive strength. Not only is tensile failure in concrete of a brittle type, but likewise compression failure occurs in a relatively brittle fashion without being preceded by the forewarning of large deformations. (Of course, in reinforced-concrete construction, ductile behavior can be obtained by proper selection and arrangement of the reinforcement.) Unless proper care is used in the selection of aggregates and in the mixing and placing of concrete, frost action can cause serious damage to concrete masonry. Concrete creeps under long-term loading to a degree that must be considered carefully in selecting the design stress conditions. During the curing process and its early life, concrete shrinks a significant amount, which to a degree can be controlled by properly proportioning the mix and utilizing suitable construction techniques.With all these potentially serious disadvantages, engineers have learned to design and build beautiful, durable, and economical reinforced-concrete structures for practically all kinds of structural requirements. This has been accomplished by careful selection of the design dimensions and the arrangement of the steel reinforcement, development of proper cements, selection of proper aggregates and mixproportions, careful control of mixing, placing, and curing techniques and imaginative development of construction methods, equipment and procedures.The versatility of concrete, the wide availability of its component materials, the unique ease of shaping its form to meet strength and functional requirements, together with the exciting potential of further improvements and development of not only the newer prestressed and precast concrete construction but also the conventional reinforced concrete construction, combine to make concrete a strong competitor of other materials in a very large fraction of structures.In modern times, with the increased use of steel and reinforced-concrete construction, wood has been relegated largely to accessory use during construction, to use in temporary and secondary structures, and to use for secondary members of permanent construction. Modern technology in the last sixty years has revitalized wood as a structural material, however, by developing vastly improved timber connectors, various treatments to increase the durability of wood, and laminated wood made of thin layers bonded together with synthetic glues using revolutionary gluing techniques. Plywood with essentially nondirectional strengthproperties is the most widely used laminated wood, but techniques have also been developed for building large laminated wood members that for certain structures are competitive with concrete and steel.Materials with future possibilities are the engineering plastics and the exotic metals and their alloys, such as beryllium, tungsten, tantalum, titanium, molybdenum, chromium, vanadium, and niobium. There are many different plastics available, and the mechanical properties exhibited by this group of materials vary over a wide range that encompasses the range of properties available among the more commonly used structural materials. Thus in many specific design applications it is possible to select a suitable plastic material for an alternative design. Experience with the use of plastics outdoors is limited. Generally speaking, however, plastics must be protected from the weather. This aspect of design is therefore a major consideration in the use of plastics for primary structural elements. One of the most promising potential used of plastics is for panel and shell-type structures. Laminated or sandwich panels have been used in such structures with encouraging results that indicate an increased use in this type of construction in the future.Another materials development with interesting possibilities is that of composites consisting of a matrix reinforced by fibers or fiber like particles. Although glass-fiber-reinforced composites with a glass or plastic matrix have been used for years, they appear to have much broader possibilities for a large variety of secondary structural components. Fiber-reinforced concrete is another composite being actively studied and developed. Several experimental applications are being observed under service conditions. Experiments have been conducted with both steel and glass fibers, but most of the service experience has been with steel fibers.建筑材料的应用适当有效的建筑材料是限制富有经验的结构工程师成就的主要原因之一。
混凝土工程 concrete works 一、材料袋装水泥 bagged cement散装水泥 bulk cement砂 sand骨料 aggregate商品混凝土 commercial concrete现浇混凝土 concrete-in-situ预制混凝土 precast concrete预埋件 embedment(fit 安装)外加剂 admixtures抗渗混凝土 waterproofing concrete 石场 aggregate quarry垫块 spacer二、施工机械及工具搅拌机 mixer振动器vibrator电动振动器 electrical vibrator振动棒vibrator bar抹子(steel wood) trowel磨光机 glasser混凝土泵送机 concrete pump橡胶圈 rubber ring夹子 clip混凝土运输车 mixer truck自动搅拌站 auto-batching plant输送机 conveyor塔吊 tower crane汽车式吊车 motor crane铲子 shovel水枪 jetting water橡胶轮胎 rubber tires布袋 cloth-bags塑料水管 plastic tubes喷水雾 spray water fog三、构件及其他专业名称截面尺寸 section size(section dimension)混凝土梁 concrete girder简支梁 simple supported beam挑梁 cantilever beam悬挑板 cantilevered slab檐板eaves board封口梁 joint girder翻梁 upstand beam楼板floor slab空调板 AC board飘窗 bay window(suspending window)振捣 vibration串筒 a chain of funnels混凝土施工缝 concrete joint水灰比ratio of water and cement砂率 sand ratio大体积混凝土 large quantity of pouring混凝土配合比 concrete mixture rate混凝土硬化 hardening of concrete(in a hardening process 硬化中)规定时间 regulated period质保文件 quality assurance program设计强度 design strength永久工程 permanent works临时工程 temporary works四、质量控制及检测不符合规格的 non-standard有机物 organic matters粘土 clay含水率 moisture content(water content)中心线 central line安定性 soundness (good soundness 优良的安定性)坍落度 slump (the concrete with 18mm±20mm slump)混凝土养护 concrete curing标养混凝土试件 standard curing concrete test sample同条件混凝土试件 field-cure specimen收缩 shrinkage初凝时间 initial setting time终凝时间 final setting time成品保护 finished product protection混凝土试件 concrete cube偏心受压 eccentric pressing保护层 concrete cover孔洞 hole裂缝 crack蜂窝 honeycomb五、句子1,Usually we control the cement within 2% 我们将水泥的误差控制在2%2,Are there any pipe clogging happened during the concreting?浇筑混凝土中有堵管现象吗?3,Will the pipe be worn out very fast?管道磨损很快吗?4,This embedment is fixed at 1500mm from the floor and 350mm from the left edge of the column. Would you measure the dimension by this meter?预埋件的位置在地面上1500mm,离柱边350mm。
混凝土工艺中英文对照外文翻译文献混凝土工艺中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Concrete technology and developmentPortland cement concrete has clearly emerged as the material of choice for the construction of a large number and variety of structures in the world today. This is attributed mainly to low cost of materials and construction for concrete structures as well as low cost of maintenance.Therefore, it is not surprising that many advancements in concrete technology have occurred as a result of two driving forces, namely the speed of construction and the durability of concrete.During the period 1940-1970, the availability of high early strength portland cements enabled the use of high water content in concrete mixtures that were easy to handle. This approach, however, led to serious problems with durability of structures, especially those subjected to severe environmental exposures.With us lightweight concrete is a development mainly of the last twenty years.Concrete technology is the making of plentiful good concrete cheaply. It includes the correct choice of the cement and the water, and the right treatment of the aggregates. Those which are dug near by and therefore cheap, must be sized, washed free of clay or silt, and recombined in the correct proportions so as to make a cheap concrete which is workable at a low water/cement ratio, thus easily comoacted to a high density and therefore strong.It hardens with age and the process of hardening continues for a long time after the concrete has attained sufficient strength.Abrams’law, perhaps the oldest law of concrete technology, states that the strength of a concrete varies inversely with its water cement ratio. This means that the sand content (particularly the fine sand which needs much water) must be reduced so far as possible. The fact that the sand “drinks” large quantities of water can easily be established by mixing several batches of x kg of cement with y kg of stone and the same amount of water but increasing amounts of sand. However if there is no sand the concrete will be so stiff that it will be unworkable thereforw porous and weak. The same will be true if the sand is too coarse. Therefore for each set of aggregates, the correct mix must not be changed without good reason. This applied particularly to the water content.Any drinkable and many undrinkable waters can be used for making concrete, including most clear waters from the sea or rivers. It is important that clay should be kept out of the concrete. The cement if fresh can usually be chosen on the basis of the maker’s certificates of tensile or crushing tests, but these are always made with fresh cement. Where strength is important , and the cement at the site is old, it should be tested.This stress , causing breakage,will be a tension since concretes are from 9 to 11times as strong in compression as in tension, This stress, the modulus of rupture, will be roughly double the direct tensile breaking stress obtained in a tensile testing machine,so a very rough guess at the conpressive strength can be made by multiplying the modulus of rupture by 4.5. The method can be used in combination with the strength results of machine-crushed cubes or cylinders or tensile test pieces but cannot otherwise be regarded as reliable. With these comparisons, however, it is suitable for comparing concretes on the same site made from the same aggregates and cement, with beams cast and tested in the same way.Extreme care is necessary for preparation,transport,plating and finish of concrete in construction works.It is important to note that only a bit of care and supervision make a great difference between good and bad concrete.The following factors may be kept in mind in concreting works.MixingThe mixing of ingredients shall be done in a mixer as specified in the contract.Handling and ConveyingThe handling&conveying of concrete from the mixer to the place of final deposit shall be done as rapidly as practicable and without any objectionable separation or loss of ingredients.Whenever the length of haul from the mixing plant to the place of deposit is such that the concrete unduly compacts or segregates,suitable agitators shall be installed in the conveying system.Where concrete is being conveyed on chutes or on belts,the free fall or drop shall be limited to 5ft.(or 150cm.) unless otherwise permitted.The concrete shall be placed in position within 30 minutes of its removal from the mixer.Placing ConcreteNo concrete shall be placed until the place of deposit has been thoroughly inspected and approved,all reinforcement,inserts and embedded metal properly security in position and checked,and forms thoroughly wetted(expect in freezing weather)or oiled.Placing shall be continued without avoidable interruption while the section is completed or satisfactory construction joint made.Within FormsConcrete shall be systematically deposited in shallow layers and at such rate as to maintain,until the completion of the unit,a plastic surface approximately horizontal throughout.Each layer shall be thoroughly compacted before placing the succeeding layer.CompactingMethod. Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted by means of suitable tools during and immediately after depositing.The concrete shall be worked around all reinforcement,embedded fixtures,and into the comers of the forms.Every precaution shall be taken to keep the reinforcement and embedded metal in proper position and to prevent distortion.Vibrating. Wherever practicable,concrete shall be internally vibrated within the forms,or in the mass,in order to increase the plasticity as to compact effectively to improve the surface texture and appearance,and to facilitate placing of the concrete.Vibration shall be continued the entire batch melts to a uniform appearance and the surface just starts to glisten.A minute film of cement paste shall be discernible between the concrete and the form and around the reinforcement.Over vibration causing segregation,unnecessary bleeding or formation of laitance shall be avoided.The effect spent on careful grading, mixing and compaction of concrete will be largely wasted if the concrete is badly cured. Curing means keeping the concretethoroughly damp for some time, usually a week, until it has reached the desired strength. So long as concrete is kept wet it will continue to gain strength, though more slowly as it grows older.Admixtures or additives to concrete are materials are materials which are added to it or to the cement so as to improve one or more of the properties of the concrete. The main types are:1. Accelerators of set or hardening,2. Retarders of set or hardening,3. Air-entraining agents, including frothing or foaming agents,4. Gassing agents,5. Pozzolanas, blast-furnace slag cement, pulverized coal ash,6. Inhibitors of the chemical reaction between cement and aggregate, which might cause the aggregate to expand7. Agents for damp-proofing a concrete or reducing its permeability to water,8. Workability agents, often called plasticizers,9. Grouting agents and expanding cements.Wherever possible, admixtures should be avouded, particularly those that are added on site. Small variations in the quantity added may greatly affect the concrete properties in an undesiraale way. An accelerator can often be avoided by using a rapid-hardening cement or a richer mix with ordinary cement, or for very rapid gain of strength, high-alumina cement, though this is very much more expensive, in Britain about three times as costly as ordinary Portland cement. But in twenty-four hours its strength is equal to that reached with ordinary Portland cement in thirty days.A retarder may have to be used in warm weather when a large quantity of concrete has to be cast in one piece of formwork, and it is important that the concrete cast early in the day does not set before the last concrete. This occurs with bridges when they are cast in place, and the formwork necessarily bends under the heavy load of the wet concrete. Some retarders permanently weaken the concrete and should not be used without good technical advice.A somewhat similar effect,milder than that of retarders, is obtained with low-heat cement. These may be sold by the cement maker or mixed by the civil engineering contractor. They give out less heat on setting and hardening, partly because they harden more slowly, and they are used in large casts such as gravity dams, where the concrete may take years to cool down to the temperature of the surrounding air. In countries like Britain or France, where pulverized coal is burnt in the power stations, the ash, which is very fine, has been mixed with cement to reduce its production of heat and its cost without reducing its long-term strength. Up to about 20 per cent ash by weight of the cement has been successfully used, with considerable savings in cement costs.In countries where air-entraining cement cement can be bought from the cement maker, no air-entraining agent needs to be mixed in .When air-entraining agents draw into the wet cement and concrete some 3-8 percent of air in the form of very small bubbles, they plasticize the concrete, making it more easily workable and therefore enable the water |cement ratio to be reduced. They reduce the strength of the concrete slightly but so little that in the United States their use is now standard practice in road-building where heavy frost occur. They greatly improve the frost resistance of the concrete.Pozzolane is a volcanic ash found near the Italian town of Puzzuoli, which is a natural cement. The name has been given to all natural mineral cements, as well as to the ash from coal or the slag from blast furnaces, both of which may become cements when ground and mixed with water. Pozzolanas of either the industrial or the mineral type are important to civil engineers because they have been added to oridinary Portland cement in proportions up to about 20 percent without loss of strength in the cement and with great savings in cement cost. Their main interest is in large dams, where they may reduce the heat given out by the cement during hardening. Some pozzolanas have been known to prevent the action between cement and certain aggregates which causes the aggregate to expand, and weaken or burst the concrete.The best way of waterproof a concrete is to reduce its permeability by careful mix design and manufacture of the concrete, with correct placing and tighr compaction in strong formwork ar a low water|cement ratio. Even an air-entraining agent can be used because the minute pores are discontinuous. Slow, careful curing of the concrete improves the hydration of the cement, which helps to block the capillary passages through the concrete mass. An asphalt or other waterproofing means the waterproofing of concrete by any method concerned with the quality of the concrete but not by a waterproof skin.Workability agents, water-reducing agents and plasticizers are three names for the same thing, mentioned under air-entraining agents. Their use can sometimes be avoided by adding more cement or fine sand, or even water, but of course only with great care.The rapid growth from 1945 onwards in the prestressing of concrete shows that there was a real need for this high-quality structural material. The quality must be high because the worst conditions of loading normally occur at the beginning of the life of the member, at the transfer of stress from the steel to the concrete. Failure is therefore more likely then than later, when the concrete has become stronger and the stress in the steel has decreased because of creep in the steel and concrete, and shrinkage of the concrete. Faulty members are therefore observed and thrown out early, before they enter the structure, or at least before it The main advantages of prestressed concrete in comparison with reinforced concrete are :①The whole concrete cross-section resists load. In reinforced concrete about half the section, the cracked area below the neutral axis, does no useful work. Working deflections are smaller.②High working stresses are possible. In reinforced concrete they are not usually possible because they result in severe cracking which is always ugly and may be dangerous if it causes rusting of the steel.③Cracking is almost completely avoided in prestressed concrete.The main disadvantage of prestressed concrete is that much more care is needed to make it than reinforced concrete and it is therefore more expensive, but because it is of higher quality less of it needs to be needs to be used. It can therefore happen that a solution of a structural problem may be cheaper in prestressed concrete than in reinforced concrete, and it does often happen that a solution is possible with prestressing but impossible without it.Prestressing of the concrete means that it is placed under compression before it carries any working load. This means that the section can be designed so that it takes no tension or very little under the full design load. It therefore has theoretically no cracks and in practice very few. The prestress is usually applied by tensioning the steel before the concrete in which it is embedded has hardened. After the concrete has hardened enough to take the stress from the steel to the concrete. In a bridge with abutments able to resist thrust, the prestress can be applied without steel in the concrete. It is applied by jacks forcing the bridge inwards from the abutments. This methods has the advantage that the jacking force, or prestress, can be varied during the life of the structure as required.In the ten years from 1950 to 1960 prestressed concrete ceased to be an experinmental material and engineers won confidence in its use. With this confidence came an increase in the use of precast prestressed concrete particularly for long-span floors or the decks of motorways. Whereever the quantity to be made was large enough, for example in a motorway bridge 500 m kong , provided that most of the spans could be made the same and not much longer than 18m, it became economical to usefactory-precast prestressed beams, at least in industrial areas near a precasting factory prestressed beams, at least in industrial areas near a precasting factory. Most of these beams are heat-cured so as to free the forms quickly for re-use.In this period also, in the United States, precast prestressed roof beams and floor beams were used in many school buildings, occasionally 32 m long or more. Such long beams over a single span could not possibly be successful in reinforced concrete unless they were cast on site because they would have to be much deeper and much heavier than prestressed concrete beams. They would certainlly be less pleasing to the eye and often more expensive than the prestressed concrete beams. These school buildings have a strong, simple architectural appeal and will be a pleasure to look at for many years.The most important parts of a precast prestressed concrete beam are the tendons and the concrete. The tendons, as the name implies, are the cables, rods or wires of steel which are under tension in the concrete.Before the concrete has hardened (before transfer of stress), the tendons are either unstressed (post-tensioned prestressing) or are stressed and held by abutments outside the concrete ( pre-tensioned prestressing). While the concrete is hardening it grips each tendon more and more tightly by bond along its full length. End anchorages consisting of plates or blocks are placed on the ends of the tendons of post-tensioned prestressed units, and such tendons are stressed up at the time of transfer, when the concrete has hardened sufficiently. In the other type of pretressing, with pre-tensioned tendons, the tendons are released from external abutments at the moment of transfer, and act on the concrete through bond or archorage or both, shortening it by compression, and themselves also shortening and losing some tension.Further shortening of the concrete (and therefore of the steel) takes place with time. The concrete is said to creep. This means that it shortens permanently under load and spreads the stresses more uniformly and thus more safely across its section. Steel also creeps, but rather less. The result of these two effects ( and of the concrete shrinking when it dries ) is that prestressed concrete beams are never more highly stressed than at the moment of transfer.The factory precasting of long prestressed concrete beams is likely to become more and more popular in the future, but one difficulty will be road transport. As the length of the beam increases, the lorry becomes less and less manoeuvrable until eventually the only suitable time for it to travel is in the middle of the night when traffic in the district and the route, whether the roads are straight or curved. Precasting at the site avoids these difficulties; it may be expensive, but it has often been used for large bridge beams.混凝土工艺及发展波特兰水泥混凝土在当今世界已成为建造数量繁多、种类复杂结构的首选材料。
毕业设计外文资料翻译系(院):专业:土木工程(房屋建筑方向)姓名:学号:外文出处:Applied Composite Materials(用外文写)附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Reinforced ConcreteConcrete and reinforced concrete are used as building materials in every country. In many, including the United States and Canada, reinforced concrete is a dominant structural material in engineered construction. The universal nature of reinforced concrete construction stems from the wide availability of reinforcing bars and the constituents of concrete, gravel, sand, and cement, the relatively simple skills required in concrete construction, and the economy of reinforced concrete compared to other forms of construction. Concrete and reinforced concrete are used in bridges, buildings of all sorts underground structures, water tanks, television towers, offshore oil exploration and production structures, dams, and even in ships.Reinforced concrete structures may be cast-in-place concrete, constructed in their final location, or they may be precast concreteproduced in a factory and erected at the construction site. Concrete structures may be severe and functional in design, or the shape and layout and be whimsical and artistic. Few other building materials off the architect and engineer such versatility and scope.Concrete is strong in compression but weak in tension. As a result, cracks develop whenever loads, or restrained shrinkage of temperature changes, give rise to tensile stresses in excess of the tensile strength of the concrete. In a plain concrete beam, the moments about the neutral axis due to applied loads are resisted by an internal tension-compression couple involving tension in the concrete. Such a beam fails very suddenly and completely when the first crack forms. In a reinforced concrete beam, steel bars are embedded in the concrete in such a way that the tension forces needed for moment equilibrium after the concrete cracks can be developed in the bars.The construction of a reinforced concrete member involves building a from of mold in the shape of the member being built. The form must be strong enough to support both the weight and hydrostatic pressure of the wet concrete, and any forces applied to it by workers, concrete buggies, wind, and so on. The reinforcement is placed in this form and held in place during the concreting operation. After the concrete has hardened, the forms are removed. As the forms are removed, props of shores are installed to support the weight of the concrete until it has reached sufficient strength to support the loads by itself.The designer must proportion a concrete member for adequate strength to resist the loads and adequate stiffness to prevent excessive deflections. In beam must be proportioned so that it can be constructed. For example, the reinforcement must be detailed so that it can be assembled in the field, and since the concrete is placed in the form after the reinforcement is in place, the concrete must be able to flow around, between, and past the reinforcement to fill all parts of the form completely.The choice of whether a structure should be built of concrete, steel, masonry, or timber depends on the availability of materials and on a number of value decisions. The choice of structural system is made by the architect of engineer early in the design, based on the following considerations:1. Economy. Frequently, the foremost consideration is the overall const of the structure. This is, of course, a function of the costs of the materials and the labor necessary to erect them. Frequently, however, the overall cost is affected as much or more by the overall construction time since the contractor and owner must borrow or otherwise allocate money to carry out the construction and will not receive a return on this investment until the building is ready for occupancy. In a typical large apartment of commercial project, the cost of construction financing will be a significant fraction of the total cost. As a result, financial savings due to rapid construction may more than offset increased material costs. For this reason, any measures the designer can take to standardize the design and forming will generally pay off in reduced overall costs.In many cases the long-term economy of the structure may be more important than the first cost. As a result, maintenance and durability are important consideration.2. Suitability of material for architectural and structural function.A reinforced concrete system frequently allows the designer to combine the architectural and structural functions. Concrete has the advantage that it is placed in a plastic condition and is given the desired shape and texture by means of the forms and the finishing techniques. This allows such elements ad flat plates or other types of slabs to serve as load-bearing elements while providing the finished floor and / or ceiling surfaces. Similarly, reinforced concrete walls can provide architecturally attractive surfaces in addition to having the ability to resist gravity, wind, or seismic loads. Finally, the choice of size of shape is governed by the designer and not by the availability of standard manufactured members.3. Fire resistance. The structure in a building must withstand the effects of a fire and remain standing while the building is evacuated and the fire is extinguished. A concrete building inherently has a 1- to 3-hour fire rating without special fireproofing or other details. Structural steel or timber buildings must be fireproofed to attain similar fire ratings.4. Low maintenance.Concrete members inherently require less maintenance than do structural steel or timber members. This is particularly true if dense, air-entrained concrete has been used forsurfaces exposed to the atmosphere, and if care has been taken in the design to provide adequate drainage off and away from the structure. Special precautions must be taken for concrete exposed to salts such as deicing chemicals.5. Availability of materials. Sand, gravel, cement, and concrete mixing facilities are very widely available, and reinforcing steel can be transported to most job sites more easily than can structural steel. As a result, reinforced concrete is frequently used in remote areas.On the other hand, there are a number of factors that may cause one to select a material other than reinforced concrete. These include:1. Low tensile strength.The tensile strength concrete is much lower than its compressive strength ( about 1/10 ), and hence concrete is subject to cracking. In structural uses this is overcome by using reinforcement to carry tensile forces and limit crack widths to within acceptable values. Unless care is taken in design and construction, however, these cracks may be unsightly or may allow penetration of water. When this occurs, water or chemicals such as road deicing salts may cause deterioration or staining of the concrete. Special design details are required in such cases. In the case of water-retaining structures, special details and / of prestressing are required to prevent leakage.2. Forms and shoring. The construction of a cast-in-place structure involves three steps not encountered in the construction of steel or timber structures. These are ( a ) the construction of the forms, ( b ) the removal of these forms, and (c) propping or shoring the new concrete to support its weight until its strength is adequate. Each of these steps involves labor and / or materials, which are not necessary with other forms of construction.3. Relatively low strength per unit of weight for volume.The compressive strength of concrete is roughly 5 to 10% that of steel, while its unit density is roughly 30% that of steel. As a result, a concrete structure requires a larger volume and a greater weight of material than does a comparable steel structure. As a result, long-span structures are often built from steel.4. Time-dependent volume changes. Both concrete and steel undergo-approximately the same amount of thermal expansion and contraction. Because there is less mass of steel to be heated or cooled,and because steel is a better concrete, a steel structure is generally affected by temperature changes to a greater extent than is a concrete structure. On the other hand, concrete undergoes frying shrinkage, which, if restrained, may cause deflections or cracking. Furthermore, deflections will tend to increase with time, possibly doubling, due to creep of the concrete under sustained loads.In almost every branch of civil engineering and architecture extensive use is made of reinforced concrete for structures and foundations. Engineers and architects requires basic knowledge of reinforced concrete design throughout their professional careers. Much of this text is directly concerned with the behavior and proportioning of components that make up typical reinforced concrete structures-beams, columns, and slabs. Once the behavior of these individual elements is understood, the designer will have the background to analyze and design a wide range of complex structures, such as foundations, buildings, and bridges, composed of these elements.Since reinforced concrete is a no homogeneous material that creeps, shrinks, and cracks, its stresses cannot be accurately predicted by the traditional equations derived in a course in strength of materials for homogeneous elastic materials. Much of reinforced concrete design in therefore empirical, i.e., design equations and design methods are based on experimental and time-proved results instead of being derived exclusively from theoretical formulations.A thorough understanding of the behavior of reinforced concrete will allow the designer to convert an otherwise brittle material into tough ductile structural elements and thereby take advantage of concrete’s desirable characteristics, its high compressive strength, its fire resistance, and its durability.Concrete, a stone like material, is made by mixing cement, water, fine aggregate ( often sand ), coarse aggregate, and frequently other additives ( that modify properties ) into a workable mixture. In its unhardened or plastic state, concrete can be placed in forms to produce a large variety of structural elements. Although the hardened concrete by itself, i.e., without any reinforcement, is strong in compression, it lacks tensile strength and therefore cracks easily. Because unreinforced concrete is brittle, it cannot undergo large deformations under load and failssuddenly-without warning. The addition fo steel reinforcement to the concrete reduces the negative effects of its two principal inherent weaknesses, its susceptibility to cracking and its brittleness. When the reinforcement is strongly bonded to the concrete, a strong, stiff, and ductile construction material is produced. This material, called reinforced concrete, is used extensively to construct foundations, structural frames, storage takes, shell roofs, highways, walls, dams, canals, and innumerable other structures and building products. Two other characteristics of concrete that are present even when concrete is reinforced are shrinkage and creep, but the negative effects of these properties can be mitigated by careful design.A code is a set technical specifications and standards that control important details of design and construction. The purpose of codes it produce structures so that the public will be protected from poor of inadequate and construction.Two types f coeds exist. One type, called a structural code, is originated and controlled by specialists who are concerned with the proper use of a specific material or who are involved with the safe design of a particular class of structures.The second type of code, called a building code, is established to cover construction in a given region, often a city or a state. The objective of a building code is also to protect the public by accounting for the influence of the local environmental conditions on construction. For example, local authorities may specify additional provisions to account for such regional conditions as earthquake, heavy snow, or tornados. National structural codes genrally are incorporated into local building codes.The American Concrete Institute ( ACI ) Building Code covering the design of reinforced concrete buildings. It contains provisions covering all aspects of reinforced concrete manufacture, design, and construction. It includes specifications on quality of materials, details on mixing and placing concrete, design assumptions for the analysis of continuous structures, and equations for proportioning members for design forces.All structures must be proportioned so they will not fail or deform excessively under any possible condition of service. Therefore it is important that an engineer use great care in anticipating all the probableloads to which a structure will be subjected during its lifetime.Although the design of most members is controlled typically by dead and live load acting simultaneously, consideration must also be given to the forces produced by wind, impact, shrinkage, temperature change, creep and support settlements, earthquake, and so forth.The load associated with the weight of the structure itself and its permanent components is called the dead load. The dead load of concrete members, which is substantial, should never be neglected in design computations. The exact magnitude of the dead load is not known accurately until members have been sized. Since some figure for the dead load must be used in computations to size the members, its magnitude must be estimated at first. After a structure has been analyzed, the members sized, and architectural details completed, the dead load can be computed more accurately. If the computed dead load is approximately equal to the initial estimate of its value ( or slightly less ), the design is complete, but if a significant difference exists between the computed and estimated values of dead weight, the computations should be revised using an improved value of dead load. An accurate estimate of dead load is particularly important when spans are long, say over 75 ft ( 22.9 m ), because dead load constitutes a major portion of the design load.Live loads associated with building use are specific items of equipment and occupants in a certain area of a building, building codes specify values of uniform live for which members are to be designed.After the structure has been sized for vertical load, it is checked for wind in combination with dead and live load as specified in the code. Wind loads do not usually control the size of members in building less than 16 to 18 stories, but for tall buildings wind loads become significant and cause large forces to develop in the structures. Under these conditions economy can be achieved only by selecting a structural system that is able to transfer horizontal loads into the ground efficiently.钢筋混凝土在每一个国家,混凝土及钢筋混凝土都被用来作为建筑材料。
混凝土拌和物 砂浆(cement) 4[整理版]共12页文档
混凝土拌和物(mixture)assurance strength of concrete,混凝土保证强度bleeding rate,泌水率cement-sand ratio,灰砂比design strength of concrete,砼设计标号flowability of concrete,混凝土的流动性mix proportion(proportion of mixture),混凝土的配合比mixture uniformity,拌和物的均匀性penetration-obstruction method,贯入阻力法probability of ensuring strength of concrete,混凝土强度保证率sand rate,砂率unit consumption of water,单位用水量water retention(water retentiveness),保水性water-cement ratio,水灰比硬化混凝土(hardened concrete)axial tensile strength,轴向抗拉强度coefficient of thermal conductivity,导热系数cooling rate,冷却率core of concrete,混凝土芯样creep deformation(time deformation),徐变变形creep of concrete,混凝土徐变expand with wet and contract with dry,干缩湿胀form coefficient(form factor),形状系数freezing-melting circulation,冻融循环frost-resistance mark,抗冻标号heat property of concrete,混凝土热学性能height-diameter ratio,高径比linear expansion coefficient,线膨胀系数loss of weight,重量损失natural frequency,自振频率permeate,渗透permeated height,渗透高度permeated-resisting mark,抗渗标号relative coefficient of permeability,相对渗透系数resonance frequency,共振频率sample,试件self-grown volume deformation,自生体积变形splitting tensile strength,劈裂抗拉强度static compressive modulus of elasticity,静力抗压弹模temperature conductivity,导温系数tensile modulus of elasticity,抗拉弹性模量thermal insulation warming,绝热温升ultimate tensile strength,极限拉应变wear rate,磨损率wear-resisting strength,抗冲磨强度砂浆(cement)cement lime mortar,水泥石灰砂浆cement mortar,水泥砂浆cement-clay mortar,水泥黏土砂浆epoxy mortar,环氧砂浆lime mortar,石灰砂浆plastering mortar,抹面砂浆pointing joint mortar,沟缝砂浆Ⅲ、土(soil)accumulation curve(cumulative curve),累计曲线activity index,活性指标angle of friction,磨擦角Atterberg limits(water content as limit),阿太堡界限(界限含水量)California bearing ratio,载重比coarse-grained soil,粗粒土coefficient of compressibility,压缩系数coefficient of cubical compressibility,体积压缩系数coefficient of curvature,曲率压缩系数compression,压缩compression index,压缩指数compression modulus,压缩模量consolidated-undrained(quick)shear test,固结不排水剪(固结快煎)试验consolidation,固结consolidation coefficient,固结系数consolidation settlement,固结沉降consolidation stress,固结应力continuous grading/gradation,连续级配contraction test(shrinkage test),收缩试验core cutter method,环刀法creep curve,蠕变曲线critical slope,溢出坡降(临界坡降)Darcy’s law,达西定律degree of consolidation,固结度degree of free swelling,自由膨胀率direct shear test of reiteration,直接剪切试验direct shear test of reiteration,反复直接强度试验distribution curve,分布曲线drift soil(shifting soil,mass flow),流土effective angle of inner friction,有效内摩擦角effective strength envelope,有效强度包线expansion force,膨胀力expansion ratio(specific expansion),膨胀率filtering flow(seepage flow),渗流fine-grained soil,细粒土flow net(drift net),流网hydraulic slope,水力坡降hydrometer method,比重计法hydrostatic head method,常水头法limit equilibrium state,极限平衡法liquefaction,液化liquid limit,液限liquidity index,液性指标maximum dry density,最大干密度method of sieving,筛分法Mohr’s stress circle,摩尔应力圆Mohr-coulomb failure criteria,摩尔-库仑破坏曲线normal stress,法向应力oedometer curve,压缩曲线optimum moisture content,最优含水率piping,管涌plastic limit,塑限plasticity index,塑性指标pore water pressure,孔隙水压力porosity,空隙率principal stress,主应力proctor compaction test,普氏击实试验relative density,相对密度sand replacement method,罐砂法saturability(saturation degree,percent saturation),饱和度saturated unit weight,饱和容重seepage deformation,渗透变形seepage force(seepage pressure),渗透力seepage line,渗透线seepage speed,渗透速度shear stress,切向应力(剪应力)shrinkage limit,缩限skip(gap,jump) grading,间断级配specific gravity of soil particle,土粒比重steady seepage field,稳定渗流场stress path,应力路径total strength envelope,总强度包线triaxial compression test,三轴压缩试验unconfined compression strength,无侧限压缩试验unconsolidated undrained test,不固结不排水剪(快剪)试验variable head method,变水头法void(pore) ratio,空隙比water replacement method,罐水法wet density,湿密度。
黄山学院毕 业 设 计系 别:_________________________班 级:_________________________姓 名:_________________________指 导 教 师:_______郭富__________________2010年5月8 日刘星 10土对本(2)班 土木工程系目录1 中文翻译 (1)1.1钢筋混凝土 (1)1.2土方工程 (2)1.3结构的安全度 (3)2 外文翻译 (6)2.1 Reinforced Concrete (6)2.2 Earthwork (7)2.3 Safety of Structures (9)1 中文翻译1.1钢筋混凝土素混凝土是由水泥、水、细骨料、粗骨料(碎石或;卵石)、空气,通常还有其他外加剂等经过凝固硬化而成。
外文原文:Thoughts on the Current Cement Industry Development According to the analysis of cement capacity and its relations with macro economy running index, the main reasons for the present rapid development of cement capacity the rapid development of economy and the shot up of whole society fixed asset investment.According to the present speed of economy development, cement still enjoys a potential increased, So here has not been all overall excessive popularity of cement industry.The best way to prevent low level repeated construction is top remote the development of new dry—process cement as well as try to get rid of blindness.During the ninth “five—year plan” period,Chinese cement output increased from 475.61 million ton of the year 1995 to 597 million of the year 2000,with a average yearly increase of 25 million ton and a yearly increase rate 4.5%.During the tenth“ five—year plan” period, the government keeps adopting the policy of promoting domestic demand,the national economy keeps a constant rapid healthy development and cement output increases rapidly. In 2001,the whole country’s cement output reached 661.04 million ton with an increase rate of 10.7% compared to that of the year 2000.In 2002,it reached to 0.725 billion ton with a net increase volume of 64 million ton and an increase rate of 9.2% compared to that of the year 2001.From January to July of this year,cement production keeps a strong increase trend and increased 15.6% compared with the same time last year.Is cement industry at a normal increase speed? Is cement industry development over popular? These have become the focus for all aspects.1. Market demand is the sole criterion of the reasonable increase speed of cement capacityThe nature of cement decides its usual duration of three months. As a result, cement consumption and its output have a good accordance with little import.In recent years,the production—sales rate of cement keepsaround 94%一97%.As an investment production, cement has a main consumption market in industry, construction industry,housing,roads building,basic establishment construction and some building materials such as cement products.The criterion to decide whether cement industry development is over popular is to see whether the development of its capacity meets its consumption or in other words,meets its market demand.Historical data shows that the increase speed and structure of GDP and whole society fixed asset investment and the living conditions of people decide the development speed of many industries such as construction industry and real estate industry. The changes of cement consumption have close relations with the changes of these factors.1.1 Cement consumption volume and GDP increaseIn recent years,the development of Chinese national economy has come into a rapid increase period and GDP enjoys an obvious speed up development.During this period,Chinese cement consumption enjoys a cycle fluctuation accordingly.Cement consumption increases and decreases by a certain margin with the rapid increase and decrease of GDP.but with an obvious delay.However,when GDP changes steadily with an increase a rate of about 10%,the changes of cement consumption do not have obvious relations with the changes of the increase rate of GDP. The changes of cement consumption are related not only to the increase of GDP but also to the structure of economy development.1.2 Cement consumption volume and the increase of fixed asset investment From the ninth“ five—year p1an",Chinese who1e society fixed asset investment has increased rapidly.During the ninth“ five—year plan” period,fixed asset investment enjoyed a yearly increase rate of10.46%.After the entry to the tenth“ five—year plan” period, it has an average increase rate of 14.56%.The yearly gross investment volumewas 2780 billion Yuan during the ninth“ five—year plan” period while it reached to 4020 billion Yuan in the year 2002 with a yearly increase volume of 1240 billon Yuan and an increase rate of 24.6%.Data show that the increase of cement consumption results mainly from the drive from fixed asset investment.The increase of cement consumption an d that of fixed asset investment have close relations. That is,cement consumption has a definite increase according to the increase of fixed asset investment and the increase margin is regulated by market.1.3 Cement consumption volume and the development speed of secondary industryAfter the analysis of the structure of fixed asset investment,we can find that secondary industry (including industry,construction industry,cement products and so on)is the main content of fixed asset investment and main force of cement consumption.The increase volume of cement consumption obviously changes with the changes of secondary industry increase speed,which fully indicates secondary industry’s promotion on gross cement consumption.1.4 Construction industry investment and gross cement consumption volume Construction industry is the main market for cement consumption. Gross cement consumption volume increases together with the increase of gross construction industry product, or the increase of construction industry investment.1.5 The relations between real estate industry investment and gross cement consumptionReal estate industry is a new industry that has risen suddenly in recent years and appears a powerful development trend. In the first two years of the tenth“five- year plan”period,the average increase rate of real estate investment reached 24.6%.The real estate investment nearly four timed that of the ninth“ five—year plan” period and increased by6.4%.In the year 2002.real estate investment reached 773.6 billionYuan.which increased by 84.2% compared to the yearly investment of 382 billion Yuan in the ninth“ five—year plan” period. The real estate industry investment has strongly driven the increase of gross cement consumption volume.The data indicate that real estate investment and cement consumption increase volume are closely linked to each other. In recent years, the increase of real estate investment has been one of the main drives of the increase of gross cement consumption volume.1.6 As a investment product, cement especially is closely linked to the income of citizens in a well-of society.Cement consumption index is closely linked to the citizen income increase.Especially, the index changes with the changes of citizen consume structure.That is,the larger the housing investment proportion of the citizen income,the more citizen income index impacts cement consumption.The relations between the increases of gross cement consumption volume and of citizen income index reflect a good market allocation of cement resources.The data in the above figure and tables indicate as follows:(1)What mainly impact the gross cement consumption volume is the development speed of whole society fixed asset investment, construction industry investment and gross real estate industry investment volume,which is the comprehensive reflection of market allocation of cement resources.In recent years,the rapid development of cement productivity is the natural result of rapid increase of whole society fixed asset investment volume,especially the result great increase of basic establishment, secondary industry, construction industry and real estate industry.(2)The increase of gross cement consumption volume has close relations with people, especially citizen income index increase. The increase of citizen income drives the gross consumption of cement.(3)According to the analysis of the change regulation of investment,consumption and gross cement consumption in the latest twelve years economy development, the temporary cement capacity development speed keeps a coordinate relationship with this co untry’s economy development spe ed an d gross market demand for cement. Especially,there has not been any non—coordination in its relations with fixed asset investment,construction industry,real estate investment increase margin and the development speed of secondary industry.The increase speed of cement production is norma1. It is normal that in a short period there can be a small fluctuation between cement capacity and price. This is the reflection of market allocation of resources and its final result is to adjust cement capacity and price better to the requirement of market.中文译文:思考当前水泥工业发展据分析,水泥能力以及它与宏观经济运行指数,主要原因是目前快速发展的水泥能力的迅速发展,经济和上升的全社会固定资产投资。
Concrete, Reinforced Concrete, andPrestressedConcreteConcrete is a stone like material obtained by permitting a carefully proportioned mixture of cement, sand and gravel or other aggregate, and water to harden in forms of the shape and dimensions of the desired structure. The bulk of the material consists of fine and coarse aggregate.Cement and water interact chemically to bind the aggregate particles into a solid mass. Additional water, over and above that needed for this chemical reaction, is necessary to give the mixture workability that enables it to fill the forms and surround the embedded reinforcing steel prior to hardening. Concretes with a wide range of properties can be obtained by appropriates adjustment of the proportions of the constituent materials.Special cements,special aggregates, and special curing methods permit an even wider variety of properties to be obtained.These properties depend to a very substantial degree on the proportions of the mix, on the thoroughness with which the various constituents are intermixed, and on the conditions of humidity and temperature in which the mix is maintained from the moment it is placed in the forms of humidity and hardened. The process of controlling conditions after placement is known as curing.To protect against the unintentional production of substandard concrete, a high degree of skillful control and supervision is necessary throughout the process,from the proportioning by weight of the individual components, trough mixing and placing, until the completion of curing.The factors that make concrete a universal building material are so pronounced that it has been used, in more primitive kinds and ways than at present, for thousands of years, starting with lime mortars from 12,000 to 600 B.C. in Crete, Cyprus, Greece, and the Middle East. The facility with which , while plastic, it can be deposited and made to fill forms or molds of almost any practical shape is one of these factors. Its high fire and weather resistance are evident advantages.Most of the constituent materials,with the exception of cement and additives,are usually available at low cost locally or at small distances from the construction site. Its compressive strength, like that of natural stones,is high,which makes it suitable for members primarily subject to compression, such as columns and arches. On the other hand, again as in natural stones,it is a relatively brittle material whose tensile strength is small compared with its compressive strength. This prevents its economical use in structural members that ate subject to tension either entirely or over part of their cross sections.To offset this limitation,it was found possible,in the second half of thenineteenth century,to use steel with its high tensile strength to reinforce concrete, chiefly in those places where its low tensile strength would limit the carrying capacity of the member. The reinforcement, usually round steel rods with appropriate surface deformations to provide interlocking, is places in the forms in advance of the concrete. When completely surrounded by the hardened concrete mass, it forms an integral part of the member.The resulting combination of two materials,known as reinforced concrete,combines many of the advantages of each:the relatively low cost,good weather and fire resistance, good compressive strength, and excellent formability of concrete and the high tensile strength and much greater ductility and toughness of steel.It is this combination that allows the almost unlimited range of uses and possibilities of reinforced concrete in the construction of buildings,bridges,dams, tanks, reservoirs, and a host of other structures.In more recent times, it has been found possible to produce steels, at relatively low cost, whose yield strength is 3 to 4 times and more that of ordinary reinforcing steels.Likewise,it is possible to produce concrete4to5times as strong in compression as the more ordinary concrete. These high-strength materials offer many advantages, including smaller member cross sections, reduced dead load, and longer spans. However, there are limits to the strengths of the constituent materials beyond which certain problems arise.To be sure,the strength of such a member would increase roughly in proportion to those of the materials. However, the high strains that result from the high stresses that would otherwise be permissible would lead to large deformations and consequently large deflections of such member under ordinary loading conditions.Equally important,the large strains in such high-strength reinforcing steel would induce large cracks in the surrounding low tensile strength concrete, cracks that would not only be unsightly but that could significantly reduce the durability of the structure.This limits the useful yield strength of high-strength reinforcing steel to 80 ksi according to many codes and specifications; 60 ksi steel is most commonly used.A special way has been found, however, to use steels and concrete of very high strength in combination. This type of construction is known as prestressed concrete. The steel,in the form of wires,strands,or bars, is embedded in the concrete under high tension that is held in equilibrium by compressive stresses in the concrete after hardening,Because of this precompression,the concrete in a flexural member will crack on the tension side at a much larger load than when not so precompressed. Prestressing greatly reduces both the deflections and the tensile cracks at ordinaryloads in such structures, and thereby enables these high-strength materials to be used effectively. Prestressed concrete has extended, to a very significant extent, the range of spans of structural concrete and the types of structures for which it is suited.混凝土,钢筋混凝土和预应力混凝土混凝土是一种经过水泥,沙子和砂砾或其他材料聚合得到经过细致配比的混合物,在液体变硬使材料石化后可以得到理想的形状和结构尺寸。
桥面板在时间to时在压力作用下。这也是荷载M1被施加 的时候。由于徐变,从混凝土到钢材时变横截面受力发展 拉力重新分配;因此,混凝土压力变得更低,钢材压力变 得更高。 重分配不仅依赖于时间,也与荷载有关;重分配的规模 和最终结果取决于何在类型。
在静定结构中,由于徐变产生的外加位移和旋转自由发展 同时被称为初始效应。在非静定结构中,由于初始变形被 限制所以附加内力出现;这些内力被称作二次应力。二次 内力与徐变并行发展。这意味着它们为永久作用且大小不 断改变。
0 1
0 3 0 5
由于徐变导致的时变变 形
混凝土的弹性模量随时间的 发展
0 2
0 4
混凝土会产生时变变形。如果作用一个压应力,混凝土 会先产生弹性变形,接着产生时变变形 压应力作用下的时变变形称为徐变,系数φ(t, t0) 为徐变 系数。徐变主要是由于不受限制的水分子从高压区运动低 压区产生的,并取决于 a.混凝土受压龄期 b.混凝土的密度 c.环境的湿度 d.环境温度 e.混凝土构件的厚度
0 4
混凝土的弹性模量随时间的 发展
1.1 强度等级
欧洲标准:普通混凝土强度等级采用符号C与两个表示28d圆 柱体抗压标准强度fck 和28d立方体抗压标准强度fck,cube 的数字表示。因此,C35/45表示fck=35MPa和 fck,cube=45MPa的混凝土。
目 录
Structural materials 建筑材料
目 录
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土木工程类外文文献翻译---钢筋混凝土外文文献翻译院系_________________________班级_________________________姓名_________________________指导教师_________________________2012年2月20 日2 外文翻译21 Reinforced ConcretePlain concrete is formed from a hardened mixture of cement water fine aggregate coarse aggregate crushed stone or gravel air and often other admixtures The plastic mix is placed and consolidated in the formwork then cured to facilitate the acceleration of the chemical hydration reaction lf the cementwater mix resulting in hardened concrete The finished product has high compressive strength and low resistance to tension such that its tensile strength is approximately one tenth lf its compressive strength Consequently tensile and shear reinforcement in the tensile regions of sections has to be provided to compensate for the weak tension regions in the reinforced concrete elementIt is this deviation in the composition of a reinforces concrete section from the homogeneity of standard wood or steel sections that requires a modified approach to the basic principles of structural design The two components of the heterogeneous reinforced concrete section are to be so arranged and proportioned that optimal use is made of the materials involved This is possible because concrete can easily be givenany desired shape by placing and compacting the wet mixture of the constituent ingredients are properly proportioned the finished product becomes strong durable and in combination with the reinforcing bars adaptable for use as main members of any structural system The techniques necessary for placing concrete depend on the type of member to be cast that is whether it is a column a bean a wall a slab a foundation a mass columns or an extension of previously placed and hardened concrete For beams columns and walls the forms should be well oiled after cleaning them and the reinforcement should be cleared of rust and other harmful materials In foundations the earth should be compacted and thoroughly moistened to about 6 in in depth to avoid absorption of the moisture present in the wet concrete Concrete should always be placed in horizontal layers which are compacted by means of high frequency power-driven vibrators of either the immersion or external type as the case requires unless it is placed by pumping It must be kept in mind however that over vibration can be harmful since it could cause segregation of the aggregate and bleeding of the concreteHydration of the cement takes place in the presence of moisture at temperatures above 50°F It is necessary to maintain such a condition in order that the chemical hydration reaction can take place If drying is too rapid surface cracking takes place This would result in reduction of concrete strength due to cracking as well as the failure to attain full chemical hydrationIt is clear that a large number of parameters have to be dealt with in proportioning a reinforced concrete element such as geometrical widthdepth area of reinforcement steel strain concrete strain steel stress and so on Consequently trial and adjustment is necessary in the choice of concrete sections with assumptions based on conditions at site availability of the constituent materials particular demands of the owners architectural and headroom requirements the applicable codes and environmental reinforced concrete is often a site-constructed composite in contrast to the standard mill-fabricated beam and column sections in steel structuresA trial section has to be chosen for each critical location in a structural system The trial section has to be analyzed to determine if its nominal resisting strength is adequate to carry the applied factored load Since more than one trial is often necessary to arrive at the required section the first design input step generates into a series of trial-and-adjustment analysesThe trial-and –adjustment procedures for the choice of a concrete section lead to the convergence of analysis and design Hence every design is an analysis once a trial section is chosen The availability of handbooks charts and personal computers and programs supports this approach as a more efficient compact and speedy instructional method compared with the traditional approach of treating the analysis of reinforced concrete separately from pure design22 EarthworkBecause earthmoving methods and costs change more quickly than those in any other branch of civil engineering this is a field where there are real opportunities for the enthusiast In 1935 most of the methods now inuse for carrying and excavating earth with rubber-tyred equipment did not exist Most earth was moved by narrow rail track now relatively rare and the main methods of excavation with face shovel backacter or dragline or grab though they are still widely used are only a few of the many current methods To keep his knowledge of earthmoving equipment up to date an engineer must therefore spend tine studying modern machines Generally the only reliable up-to-date information on excavators loaders and transport is obtainable from the makersEarthworks or earthmoving means cutting into ground where its surface is too high cuts and dumping the earth in other places where the surface is too low fills Toreduce earthwork costs the volume of the fills should be equal to the volume of the cuts and wherever possible the cuts should be placednear to fills of equal volume so as to reduce transport and double handlingof the fill This work of earthwork design falls on the engineer who lays out the road since it is the layout of the earthwork more than anything else which decides its cheapness From the available maps ahd levels the engineering must try to reach as many decisions as possible in the drawing office by drawing cross sections of the earthwork On the site when further information becomes available he can make changes in jis sections and layoutbut the drawing lffice work will not have been lost It will have helped him to reach the best solution in the shortest timeThe cheapest way of moving earth is to take it directly out of the cut and drop it as fill with the same machine This is not always possible but when it canbe done it is ideal being both quick and cheap Draglinesbulldozers and face shovels an do this The largest radius is obtained with the draglineand the largest tonnage of earth is moved by the bulldozer though only over short distancesThe disadvantages of the dragline are that it must dig below itself it cannot dig with force into compacted material it cannot dig on steep slopws and its dumping and digging are not accurate Face shovels are between bulldozers and draglines having a larger radius of action than bulldozers but less than draglines They are anle to dig into a vertical cliff face in a way which would be dangerous tor a bulldozer operator and impossible for a dragline Each piece of equipment should be level of their tracks and for deep digs in compact material a backacter is most useful but its dumping radius is considerably less than that of the same escavator fitted with a face shovelRubber-tyred bowl scrapers are indispensable for fairly level digging where the distance of transport is too much tor a dragline or face shovel They can dig the material deeply but only below themselves to a fairly flat surface carry it hundreds of meters if need be then drop it and level it roughly during the dumping For hard digging it is often found economical to keep a pusher tractor wheeled or tracked on the digging site to push each scraper as it returns to dig As soon as the scraper is fullthe pusher tractor returns to the beginning of the dig to heop to help the nest scraperBowl scrapers are often extremely powerful machinesmany makers build scrapers of 8 cubic meters struck capacity which carry 10 m 3 heaped The largest self-propelled scrapers are of 19 m 3 struck capacity 25 m 3 heaped and they are driven by a tractor engine of 430 horse-powersDumpers are probably the commonest rubber-tyred transport since they can also conveniently be used for carrying concrete or other building materials Dumpers have the earth container over the front axle on large rubber-tyred wheels and the container tips forwards on most types though in articulated dumpers the direction of tip can be widely varied The smallest dumpers have a capacity of about 05 m 3 and the largest standard types are of about 45 m 3 Special types include the self-loading dumper of up to 4 m 3 and the articulated type of about 05 m 3 The distinction between dumpers and dump trucks must be remembered dumpers tip forwards and the driver sits behind the load Dump trucks are heavy strengthened tipping lorries the driver travels in front lf the load and the load is dumped behind him so they are sometimes called rear-dump trucks23 Safety of StructuresThe principal scope of specifications is to provide general principles and computational methods in order to verify safety of structures The safety factor which according to modern trends is independent of the nature and combination of the materials used can usually be defined as the ratio between the conditions This ratio is also proportional to the inverse of the probability risk of failure of the structureFailure has to be considered not only as overall collapse of the structure but also as unserviceability or according to a more precise Common definition As the reaching of a limit state which causes the construction not to accomplish the task it was designed for There are two categories of limit state1 Ultimate limit sate which corresponds to the highest value of the load-bearing capacity Examples include local buckling or global instability of the structure failure of some sections and subsequent transformation of the structure into a mechanism failure by fatigue elastic or plastic deformation or creep that cause a substantial change of the geometry of the structure and sensitivity of the structure to alternating loads to fire and to explosions2 Service limit states which are functions of the use and durability of the structure Examples include excessive deformations and displacements without instability early or excessive cracks large vibrations and corrosionComputational methods used to verify structures with respect to the different safety conditions can be separated into1 Deterministic methods in which the main parameters are considered as nonrandom parameters2 Probabilistic methods in which the main parameters are considered as random parametersAlternatively with respect to the different use of factors of safety computational methods can be separated into1 Allowable stress method in which the stresses computed under imum loads are compared with the strength of the material reduced by given safety factors2 Limit states method in which the structure may be proportioned on the basis of its imum strength This strength as determined by rational analysis shall not be less than that required to support a factored loadequal to the sum of the factored live load and dead load ultimate state The stresses corresponding to working service conditions with unfactored live and dead loads are compared with prescribed values service limit state From the four possible combinations of the first two and second two methods we can obtain some useful computational methods Generally two combinations prevail1 deterministic methods which make use of allowable stresses2 Probabilistic methods which make use of limit statesThe main advantage of probabilistic approaches is that at least in theory it is possible to scientifically take into account all random factors of safety which are then combined to define the safety factor probabilistic approaches depend upon1 Random distribution of strength of materials with respect to the conditions of fabrication and erection scatter of the values of mechanical properties through out the structure2 Uncertainty of the geometry of the cross-section sand of the structure faults and imperfections due to fabrication and erection of the structure3 Uncertainty of the predicted live loads and dead loads acting on the structure4 Uncertainty related to the approximation of the computational method used deviation of the actual stresses from computed stresses Furthermore probabilistic theories mean that the allowable risk can be based on several factors such as1 Importance of the construction and gravity of the damage byits failure2 Number of human lives which can be threatened by this failure3 Possibility andor likelihood of repairing the structure4 Predicted life of the structureAll these factors are related to economic and social considerations such as1 Initial cost of the construction2 Aortization funds for the duration of the construction3 Cost of physical and material damage due to the failure of the construction4 Adverse impact on society5 Moral and psychological viewsThe definition of all these parameters for a given safety factor allows construction at the optimum cost However the difficulty of carrying out a complete probabilistic analysis has to be taken into account For such an analysis the laws of the distribution of the live load and its induced stresses of the scatter of mechanical properties of materials and of the geometry of the cross-sections and the structure have to be known Furthermore it is difficult to interpret the interaction between the law of distribution of strength and that of stresses because both depend upon the nature of the material on the cross-sections and upon the load acting on the structure These practical difficulties can be overcome in two ways The first is to apply different safety factors to the material and to the loads without necessarily adopting the probabilistic criterion The second is an approximate probabilistic method which introduces some simplifyingassumptions semi-probabilistic methods1 中文翻译11钢筋混凝土素混凝土是由水泥水细骨料粗骨料碎石或卵石空气通常还有其他外加剂等经过凝固硬化而成将可塑的混凝土拌合物注入到模板内并将其捣实然后进行养护以加速水泥与水的水化反应最后获得硬化的混凝土其最终制成品具有较高的抗压强度和较低的抗拉强度其抗拉强度约为抗压强度的十分之一因此截面的受拉区必须配置抗拉钢筋和抗剪钢筋以增加钢筋混凝土构件中较弱的受拉区的强度由于钢筋混凝土截面在均质性上与标准的木材或钢的截面存在着差异因此需要对结构设计的基本原理进行修改将钢筋混凝土这种非均质截面的两种组成部分按一定比例适当布置可以最好的利用这两种材料这一要求是可以达到的因混凝土由配料搅拌成湿拌合物经过振捣并凝固硬化可以做成任何一种需要的形状如果拌制混凝土的各种材料配合比恰当则混凝土制成品的强度较高经久耐用配置钢筋后可以作为任何结构体系的主要构件浇筑混凝土所需要的技术取决于即将浇筑的构件类型诸如柱梁墙板基础大体积混凝土水坝或者继续延长已浇筑完毕并且已经凝固的混凝土等对于梁柱墙等构件当模板清理干净后应该在其上涂油钢筋表面的锈及其他有害物质也应该被清除干净浇筑基础前应将坑底土夯实并用水浸湿6英寸以免土壤从新浇的混凝土中吸收水分一般情况下除使用混凝土泵浇筑外混凝土都应在水平方向分层浇筑并使用插入式或表面式高频电动振捣器捣实必须记住过分的振捣将导致骨料离析和混凝土泌浆等现象因而是有害的水泥的水化作用发生在有水分存在而且气温在50°F以上的条件下为了保证水泥的水化作用得以进行必须具备上述条件如果干燥过快则会出现表面裂缝这将有损与混凝土的强度同时也会影响到水泥水化作用的充分进行设计钢筋混凝土构件时显然需要处理大量的参数诸如宽度高度等几何尺寸配筋的面积钢筋的应变和混凝土的应变钢筋的应力等等因此在选择混凝土截面时需要进行试算并作调整根据施工现场条件混凝土原材料的供应情况业主提出的特殊要求对建筑和净空高度的要求所用的设计规范以及建筑物周围环境条件等最后确定截面钢筋混凝土通常是现场浇注的合成材料它与在工厂中制造的标准的钢结构梁柱等不同因此对于上面所提到的一系列因素必须予以考虑对结构体系的各个部位均需选定试算截面并进行验算以确定该截面的名义强度是否足以承受所作用的计算荷载由于经常需要进行多次试算才能求出所需的截面因此设计时第一次采用的数值将导致一系列的试算与调整工作选择混凝土截面时采用试算与调整过程可以使复核与设计结合在一起因此当试算截面选定后每次设计都是对截面进行复核手册图表和微型计算机以及专用程序的使用使这种设计方法更为简捷有效而传统的方法则是把钢筋混凝土的复核与单纯的设计分别进行处理12土方工程由于和土木工程中任何其他工种的施工方法与费用相比较土方挖运的施工方法与费用的变化都要快得多因此对于有事业心的人来说土方工程是一个可以大有作为的领域在1935年目前采用的利用轮胎式机械设备进行土方挖运的方法大多数还没有出现那是大部分土方是采用窄轨铁路运输在这目前来说是很少采用的当时主要的开挖方式是使用正铲反铲拉铲或抓斗等挖土机尽管这些机械目前仍然在广泛应用但是它们只不过是目前所采用的许多方法中的一小部分因此一个工程师为了使自己在土方挖运设备方面的知识跟得上时代的发展他应当花费一些时间去研究现代的机械一般说来有关挖土机装载机和运输机械的唯一可靠而又最新的资料可以从制造厂商处获得土方工程或土方挖运工程指的是把地表面过高处的土壤挖去挖方并把它倾卸到地表面过低的其他地方填方为了降低土方工程费用填方量应该等于挖方量而且挖方地点应该尽可能靠近土方量相等的填方地点以减少运输量和填方的二次搬运土方设计这项工作落到了从事道路设计的工程师的身上因为土方工程的设计比其他任何工作更能决定工程造价是否低廉根据现有的地图和标高道路工程师应在设计绘图室中的工作也并不是徒劳的它将帮助他在最短的时间内获得最好的方案费用最低的运土方法是用同一台机械直接挖方取土并且卸土作为填方这并不是经常可以做到的但是如果能够做到则是很理想的因为这样做既快捷又省钱拉铲挖土机推土机和正铲挖土机都能做到这点拉铲挖土机的工作半径最大推土机所推运的图的数量最多只是运输距离很短拉铲挖土机的缺点是只能挖比它本身低的土不能施加压力挖入压实的土壤内不能在陡坡上挖土而且挖卸都不准确正铲挖土机介于推土机和拉铲挖土机的之间其作用半径大于推土机但小于拉铲挖土机正铲挖土机能挖取竖直陡峭的工作面这种方式对推土机司机来说是危险的而对拉铲挖土机则是不可能的每种机械设备应该进行最适合它的性能的作业正铲挖土机不能挖比其停机平面低很多的土而深挖坚实的土壤时反铲挖土机最适用但其卸料半径比起装有正铲的同一挖土机的卸料半径则要小很多在比较平坦的场地开挖如果用拉铲或正铲挖土机运输距离太远时则装有轮胎式的斗式铲运机就是比不可少的它能在比较平的地面上挖较深的土但只能挖机械本身下面的土需要时可以将土运至几百米远然后卸土并在卸土的过程中把土大致铲平在挖掘硬土时人们发现在开挖场地经常用一辆助推拖拉机轮式或履带式对返回挖土的铲运机进行助推这种施工方法是经济的一旦铲运机装满助推拖拉机就回到开挖的地点去帮助下一台铲运机斗式铲运机通常是功率非常大的机械许多厂家制造的铲运机铲斗容量为8 m3满载时可达10 m3最大的自行式铲运机铲斗容量为19立方米满载时为25 m3由430马力的牵引发动机驱动翻斗机可能是使用最为普遍的轮胎式运输设备因为它们还可以被用来送混凝土或者其他建筑材料翻斗车的车斗位于大橡胶轮胎车轮前轴的上方尽管铰接式翻斗车的卸料方向有很多种但大多数车斗是向前翻转的最小的翻斗车的容量大约为05立方米而最大的标准型翻斗车的容量大约为45m3特殊型式的翻斗车包括容量为4 m3的自装式翻斗车和容量约为05 m3的铰接式翻斗车必须记住翻斗车与自卸卡车之间的区别翻斗车车斗向前倾翻而司机坐在后方卸载因此有时被称为后卸卡车13结构的安全度规范的主要目的是提供一般性的设计原理和计算方法以便验算结构的安全度就目前的趋势而言安全系数与所使用的材料性质及其组织情况无关通常把它定义为发生破坏的条件与结构可预料的最不利的工作条件之比值这个比值还与结构的破坏概率危险率成反比破坏不仅仅指结构的整体破坏而且还指结构不能正常的使用或者用更为确切的话来说把破坏看成是结构已经达到不能继续承担其设计荷载的极限状态通常有两种类型的极限状态即1强度极限状态它相当于结构能够达到的最大承载能力其例子包括结构的局部屈曲和整体不稳定性某此界面失效随后结构转变为机构疲劳破坏引起结构几何形状显著变化的弹性变形或塑性变形或徐变结构对交变荷载火灾和爆炸的敏感性2使用极限状态它对应着结构的使用功能和耐久性器例子包括结构失稳之前的过大变形和位移早期开裂或过大的裂缝较大的振动和腐蚀根据不同的安全度条件可以把结构验算所采用的计算方法分成1确定性的方法在这种方法中把主要参数看作非随机参数2概率方法在这种方法中主要参数被认为是随机参数此外根据安全系数的不同用途可以把结构的计算方法分为1容许应力法在这种方法中把结构承受最大荷载时计算得到的应力与经过按规定的安全系数进行折减后的材料强度作比较2极限状态法在这种方法中结构的工作状态是以其最大强度为依据来衡量的由理论分析确定的这一最大强度应不小于结构承受计算荷载所算得的强度极限状态计算荷载等于分别乘以荷载系数的活载与恒载之和把对应于不乘以荷载系数的活载和恒载的工作使用条件的应力与规定值使用极限状态相比较根据前两种方法和后两种方法的四种可能组合我们可以得到一些实用的计算方法通常采用下面两种计算方法确定性的方法这种方法采用容许应力概率方法这种方法采用极限状态至少在理论上概率法的主要优点是可以科学的考虑所有随机安全系数然后将这些随机安全系数组合成确定的安全系数概率法取决于1制作和安装过程中材料强度的随机分布整个结构的力学性能数值的分散性2截面和结构几何尺寸的不确定性由结构制作和安装造成的误差和缺陷而引起的对作用在结构上的活载和恒载的预测的不确定性所采用的近似计算方法有关的不精确性实际应力与计算应力的偏差此外概率理论意味着可以基于下面几个因素来确定允许的危险率例如建筑物的重要性和建筑物破坏造成的危害性2由于建筑物破坏使生活受到威胁的人数3修复建筑的可能性4建筑物的预期寿命所有这些因素均与经济和社会条件有关例如1建筑物的初始建设费2建筑物使用期限内的折旧费3由于建筑物破坏而造成的物质和材料损失费4在社会上造成的不良影响5精神和心理上的考虑就给定的安全系数而论所有这些参数的确定都是以建筑物的最佳成本为依据的但是应该考虑到进行全概率分析的困难对于这种分析来说应该了解活载及其所引起的盈利的分布规律材料的力学性能的分散性和截面的结构几何尺寸的分散性此外由于强度的分布规律和应力的分布规律之间的相互关系是困难的这些实际困难可以采用两种方法来克服第一种方法对材料和荷载采用不同的安全系数而不需要采用概率准则第二种方法是引入一些而简化假设的近似概率方法半概率方法1建筑工程学院土木工程系土木084班。
外文文献及译文目录•1历史•2组成o水泥2.1o 2.2水o 2.3骨料o 2.4化学外加剂o 2.5掺合料和水泥混合o 2.6纤维•3搅拌混凝土•4个特点o 4.1和易o 4.2固化o 4.3强度o 4.4弹性o 4.5扩张和收缩o 4.6开裂▪ 4.6.1收缩裂缝▪ 4.6.2拉裂o 4.7蠕变•5损伤模式o 5.1火灾o 5.2总量扩张o 5.3海水效果o 5.4细菌腐蚀o 5.5化学武器袭击▪ 5.5.1碳化▪ 5.5.2氯化物▪ 5.5.3硫酸盐o 5.6浸出o 5.7人身损害•6种混凝土o 6.1普通混凝土o 6.2高强混凝土o 6.3高性能混凝土o 6.4自密实混凝土o 6.5喷浆o 6.6透水性混凝土o 6.7混凝土蜂窝o 6.8软木复合水泥o 6.9碾压混凝土o 6.10玻璃混凝土o 6.11沥青混凝土•7混凝土测试•8混凝土回收•9使用混凝土结构o9.1大体积混凝土结构o9.2钢筋混凝土结构o9.3预应力混凝土结构•10参见•11参考•12外部链接历史在塞尔维亚,仍然是一个小屋追溯到5600bce已经发现,同一个楼层发红色石灰,沙子和砾石。
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CONCRETE AND MORTAR1. Early History of Cement and ConcreteShelter from the very beginning of man/ existence, has demanded the application Of the best , available technology of the contemporary era. In the earliest ages, structures consisted of rammed earth, or stone blocks laid one on another without benefit of any bonding or cementing medium. Stability of the stone structures depended on the regular setting of the heavy stones , The earliest masonry probably consisted of sun-dried clay bricks, set in regular courses in thin layers of moist mud. When the moist mud dried, a solid clay wall resulted. Construction: of this kind was common in the dry desert areas of the world.Burnt gypsum as a cementing material was developed early in the Egyptian period and was apparently used in construction of some of the pyramids. Later the Greeks and Romans discovered methods of burning limestone to produce quicklime which was subsequently slaked for use in making mortar. Both the Greeks and the Romans learned that certain fine soil or earth, when mixed with the lime and the sand, produced a superior cementing material. The Greek material, a volcanic tuff from the island of Santorin , is still used in that part Of the world. The best of the materials used by the Romans was a tuff or ash from the vicinity of Pozzuoli near Mt. Vesuvius, hence the name “pozzolan”used to identify a certain type of mineral admixture used in concrete today.The cement produced by the Romans was a hydraulic cement, that is, it had the capability of hardening under water. Many of the Roman structures were constructed of a form of concrete, using these materials, and stone masonry was bonded with a mortar similarly composed.During the Middle Ages of history, the art of making good mortar was nearly lost, the low point having been reached in about the llth century, when much inferior material was used. Quality of the lime started to improve at this time and in the 14th century or later the use of pozzolans was again practised.One of the most famous projects of the comparatively recent period was theconstruction of the new Eddystone Lighthouse off the coast of England in 1757--59. John Smeaton, the engineer and designer of the structure, investigated many materials and methods of bonding the stones for the building.Engineering and scientific development was beginning to move rapidly at this time, and many researchers in several countries were investigating cementing agents made from gypsum, limestone and other natural materials. One discovery was a method of making a cement by burning a naturally occurring mixture of lime and clay. properties of the natural cement were very erratic because of variations in the proportions in the natural material, although use of this natural cement continued for many years.In 1824 Joseph Aspdin , a brickmason of Leeds, England, took out a patent on a material he called Portland cement, so called because concrete made with it was supposed to resemble the limestone quarried near Portland, England. Aspdin is generally credited with inventing a method of proportioning limestone and clay, burning the mixture at high temperature to produce clinkers, then grinding the clinkers to produce a hydraulic cement. His small kiln, producing about 16 tons of clinker at a time, required several days/or each burn. Expansion and development of cement manufacturing was slow for a number of years. About 1850, however, the industry had become well established not only in England, but also in Germany and Belgium.Shipments to the United States were started in 1868 and reached a peak about 1895, at which time production was well under way in the United States.Meanwhile the United States production of natural cement had been started early in the 19th century as a result of the demand for cement for construction of the Erie Canal and related works. Subsequent development of the rotary kiln led to large scale production of cement throughout the world.The use of concrete was expanded by the construction of railroads, bridges ,buildings and street pavements. Research in reinforcing concrete with steel rods had been started in France, and the year 1875 saw first use of reinforced concrete in the United States. Much'of the concrete at this time contained barely enough waterto enable the concrete to be rammed into place by the application of much hand labor. There then ensued a period of wet concrete in which the concrete was flowed into place. Many users of concrete, however, realized the folly of wet mixes, and about 1920 Duff Abrams revealed the results of his research and observations. He stated that the quality of concrete was directly affected by the amount of water in relation to the amount of cement ; within reasonable limits, the quality of the concrete decreases as the water-cement ratio goes up. This has become one of the basic laws of concrete technology.2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Concrete and Its Water-Cement RatioConcrete is a mixture of Portland cement, water, sand, and crushed gravel or stone. The water and cement form a cement paste in which the sand and stone or gravel are mixed. The sand and stone or gravel together make up the aggregate of a concrete mixture. The aggregate serves no structural function. It is merely ,a filler that adds low-cost bulk to the cement paste; it usually makes up about 75 percent of a given mass of concrete, by volume, although a poor aggregate can reduce the strength of a batch of concrete considerably, good aggregate adds only slightly to the strength of the cement.The two principal advantages of concrete as a construction material are its relative cheapness and the ease with which it can be handled and placed while it is in the plastic state.The principal structural advantages of concrete are its great compressive strength and its durability , Concrete can withstand very high compressive loads. This is what makes concrete so suitable for the foundations, walls, and columns of buildings, and for driveways and walks as well.The principal structural disadvantage of concrete is its poor tensile strength. That is, it cannot withstand pulling or bending loads without cracking or breaking. For this reason, steel rods, or reinforcement steel, are often embedded in concrete, the reinforcement steel providing the tensile strength the concrete lacks. Concrete withreinforcement steel embedded in it is reinforced concrete.In addition to its poor tensile strength, concrete, like most construction materials, expands in hot weather and when wet and contracts in cold weather and as it dries out. Unless these movements are allowed for during construction, the concrete will crack.And, contrary to common belief, solid concrete is not impervious to water. Some moisture will migrate into the best-made concrete. But if the concrete should be excessively porous ,which can happen if too much water has been used in mixing it, moisture can easily enter the concrete after it has cured. If this moisture should be present within the concrete when cold weather comes, the moisture may freeze, which may result in serious frost damage to the structure.Despite these limitations, concrete is an inherently strong and durable construction material. If the proportions of water, cement, and aggregate are carefully calculated and if the concrete is placed and allowed to cure according to simple but definite rules, it is possible to obtain from the concrete all the strength and durability that is inherent in it.The ratio of water to cement in a batch of concrete is the principal determinant of the concrete's final strength. At one time the instructions for preparing a batch of concrete would have contained proportions such as 1:2:4, indicating that 1 part of Portland cement to 2 parts of sand to 4 parts of gravel by volume were to be mixed together, after which sufficient water was to be added to obtain a workable mixture. This procedure ignored entirely the importance of the water-cement ratio. It also resulted very often in the preparation or a very weak concrete, since the natural tendency is to add enough water to make placement of the concrete as easy as possible-the sloppier the better, as far as the workmen are concerned. This manner of specifying the proportions of concrete is obsolete and should never be followed.In theory, it takes only 3 gal of water to hydrate completely 1 cu ft of cement. (A sack of cement contains 1 cu ft exactly, and the sack weighs 94 lb). But this water-cement ratio produces a mixture that is too stiff to be worked. In practice, therefore, additional water, between 4 and 8 gal per sack of cement, is used to obtain a workable mixture.But the greater the proportion of water in a water-cement ratio, the weaker the final concrete will be. The additional water that is necessary to achieve a workable batch will only evaporate from the concrete as the concrete sets, and it will leave behind in the concrete innumerable voids. This is the reason there will always be some porosity in concrete. When an excessive amount of water has been used, there will be an excessive number of voids, which may cause the concrete to leak badly. If these voids should be filled with moisture when cold weather comes, they will cause the frost damage alluded to above.As a general rule, therefore, 6 gal of water per sack of cement should be the maximum amount used for making concrete; and the less the amount of water that is used, the stronger the concrete will be. Also included in the 6 gal is whatever surface moisture is contained in the sand that is part of the aggregate.3.MortarMortar is a mixture of a cementitious material (which may be portland cement or lime or both) and sand. When water is added to these ingredients, the result is a plastic substance that is used to bind together bricks, tiles, concrete blocks, and other kinds of masonry units. After the mortar has set, the masonry units are bound together by the ,mortar in such a way that they form a single structural unit.Mortar is closely related to other cementitious materials such as concrete, plaster, and stucco, but it would be a mistake to confuse mortar with these other materials or attempt to use them as a substitute for mortar; the properties required of each are distinctive and differ from the others.By a mistaken analogy with a chain and its weakest link, it is a common belief that for any masonry construction to be strong, the mortar must be strong also. Very often, for example, a person who is familiar with concrete will infer that mortar, being a cementitious material like concrete, should have properties similar to those of concrete and be mixed and used in much the same way. w Since, for example, concrete has, or should have, a high compressive strength, mortar should have a high compressive strength also. But the primary function of mortar is to bind the masonryunits together, not to resist compressive loads or add to the strength of the masonry units.A great many tests have been made of brick walls built with mortars having a wide range of strength characteristics. ~ These tests show uniformly that a brick wall is strongest when the mortar used to bind the brick is weaker than the brick. Indeed, the mortar can be substantially weaker than the brick Without much affecting the overall strength of the construction. As long as the mortar is strong enough to resist the erosive effects of the weather and of freezing water, it is strong enough for use in the ordinary exterior wall.But suppose for the sake of argument that a brick wall has been built using a mortar that does have a compressive strength greater than that of the brick. ~Any stress this wall may be subjected to-the result of the settlement of the soil under the wall, say-will cause the brick to fracture along the line of greatest stress. This fracture will run in a single jagged crack right through the brick, from the top of the wall to the bottom.But when the mortar is weaker than the brick, as it should be, any stresses in the construction will be absorbed entirely by the mortar. The mortar will absorb these stresses in the form of a multitude of minute cracks invisible to the eye that leaves the basic strength of the construction unimpaired. The overall appearance of the wall and its structural integrity will be unchanged.Masonry constructions can, however, suffer from another type of failure. Sometimes stresses are relieved by a separation of the mortar from the brick. The result is a zig-zag crack through the mortar that follows the brick pattern. What has happened here is that the bond between the brick and the mortar was too weak, a consequence either of ignorance or poor workmanship, or both, since the last thing that should happen in a well-made masonry wall is for there to be a poor bond between the masonry units and the mortar. Either the mortar was incorrectly proportioned and mixed or it was improperly applied to the brick, or both, Freshly prepared mortar in which the cement, lime, and sand are accurately proportioned and mixed with the requited amount of water has a quality calledworkability or, sometimes, plasticity. Workability is as difficult to describe in words as the consistency of pancake batter or soft butter, but fresh mortar that doesn't have this quality will be incapable of bonding masonry units together as tightly as they should be, A workable mortar can be spread with a trowel smoothly, evenly, and without effort. The mortar has a cohesive quality that enables it to hold its shape and keeps it from falling of its own weight when it is troweled onto the side of a brick. A workable mortar has a give to it that enables a bricklayer to bed masonry units solidly into place. One can say that on a microscopic scale a workable mortar makes such intimate contact with the surface of a masonry unit that the bond between the mortar and the masonry unit is as strong as possible.建筑材料—混凝土与砂浆一、水泥与混凝土的早期历史自从人类开始存在时起,人的住处一直要求应用每个时代所能提供的最好的技术。