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浙 江 大 学 学 报(工学版)

Journal o f Zhejiang U niv ersity (Engineer ing Science)



浙江大学学报(工学版)网址:w w w.journals.z /eng

基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(50078048);教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助项目(NCE T -04-0525).作者简介:张土乔(1963-),男,浙江余姚人,教授,博导,从事市政工程教学科研工作.E -mail:ztq@



张土乔,王鸿翔,郭 帅


摘 要:针对给水管网水质模型中各管道管壁余氯衰减系数难以确定的问题,采用余氯衰减一阶反应模型以及拉格朗日时间驱动动态水质模型,以管网节点余氯浓度作为校正数据,建立了在多工况下管壁余氯衰减系数校正数学模型.提出了基于极大极小蚁群算法的管壁余氯衰减系数校正方法,将可视度与经验余氯衰减系数值相对应,选择最优蚂蚁进行信息素更新.为避免陷入局部最有解,将信息素值限定在一定范围内.在优化求解过程中采用国际通用水力水质模拟软件EPA N ET 2获得所需的校正数据.算例结果表明,在管网水力模型准确和节点流量已知的前提下,采用极大极小蚁群算法对管壁余氯衰减系数进行校正,能够使模型节点余氯浓度的计算值与测量值更好地吻合.


中图分类号:T U 991.33 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-973X(2008)11-1977-06

Chlorine wall decay coefficients calibration of water

distribution quality model

ZHANG T u -qiao,WANG H ong -xiang ,GU O Shuai

(M unicip al E ngineer ing Resear ch I nstitute ,Zhej iang Univer sity ,H angz hou 310027,China)

Abstract:Chlorine w all decay co efficients vary betw een pipes and can be determ ined indirectly fro m field measured concentration data.A general calibratio n model under m ult-i m ode to identify these parameters

w as for mulated based on the simple first -order reaction of chlorine and the Lagr angian time -based appr oach of dynam ic w ater quality mo del.T he mult-i m ode model was analyzed to collect more node residual chlor ine data for calibration.Max -m in ant co lony sy stem algor ithm w as proposed to solve the calibration mo del that w as coupled w ith hydraulic and w ater quality sim ulation models using EPANET 2T oolkits.Only elitist ant w as allow ed to prov ide feedback mechanism by updating the trails and the trails w ere limited to an inter val betw een some m ax imum and m inimum possible values.Empirical co efficients w ere utilized co rresponding w ith lo cal heuristic function to impr ove the convergence of optimizatio n.Case study show ed that the chlo -r ine w all decay coefficients calibrated by the m ax -min ant co lony system alg orithm g ave perfect match be -tw een the actual and com puted node residual chlo rine v alues.

Key words:w ater distributio n system;chlo rine w all decay coefficient;calibration;w ater quality model;max -min ant co lony system algor ithm




