
英语健康两人对话1A:Nowadays,due to the fast- paced life, more and more people living in very poor health. Do you have some good views on health?B: On my personal level, the health not only point to physical health, but also the mental health. However, it is the fact that people always ignore the latter.A: Truly, there is a reported that, in daily life, we are more concerned about Physical health than mental health. What do you think of physical health and mental health?B: What is your real mean?A: I mean that which one do you think is more important?B: Umm... In my opinion, being physically fit doesn't mean you are totally healthy. It is also important to improve the mental health. In other words, both them are vital to human beings. You see, in order to prevent disease, Physical exercise is a necessary part of daily life. But, as the psychological changes will be lead to physiological changes.A: Yes, you are right. If we are always in tension and negative or bad state of mind among the organs and tissues could be make the body caught in unusual activity, which last a long time, resulting in psychological and physiological disorders, or physical and mental illness.B: So, searching joys is an effective way to improve our health. A: I can’t agree more with you, it’s foolish to deny the positive effect of laughter to physical and mental health. But the mainproblem for us is that how to search the joys? B: Um…as for this topic, to be honest, I never deep thought. How about let’s reference the suggestions on the Internet?A: Ok, come on.英语健康两人对话2D: Oh! Good to have buffet, I love buffets. I like to get a taste of lot of different things. I like to nibble a little of this, and a little of that. Who wants to eat a mass of potatoes when you can also have chicken, corn and gravy and……Y: Are you saying that if all you could eat were mash potatoes, you'll get bored with them?D: Exactly!Y: But don't you think you'll eat more when there is a variety of things to eat?D: Well, maybe a little more. I don't know. What are you going in?Y: Well, like you said, studies suggest that when we eat a variety of foods, we are less likely to get bored. But therefore we are more likely to eat more. That might contribute to the current obesity problem in America–people like the taste of different foods andkeep eating even after they've had enough. So eating meals with foods that are similar in taste, color, and shape could help you eat less.D: That sounds terrible! I just mention I thought variety was supposed to be good for you.Y: You are right. Research shows that eating a variety of foods is the best way to get all the nutrients we need. And food is supposed to be enjoyed, not just tolerated. So go ahead and enjoy your buffet…just be careful to take small portions. Fillyour plate only as much as you would normally. Then eat slowly and savor each interesting taste!英语健康两人对话3Two colleagues, Bill and Mary, are having lunch in their office cafeteria.比尔和玛丽是同事,他们正在公司的自助餐厅吃午餐。

有关身体健康的英语情景对话学习从来就不是一件轻松地事情,下面小编今天就给大家分享一下英语的情景对话,要多多花心思去学习哦我们要重视健康AYou two are so health-conscious!你们俩真的很重视健康!BWell, we try! Here, I just made some carrot juice. Would you like a glass?我们尽力啰!来,我刚榨了胡萝卜汁。
你要来一杯吗?AWhy not! Before you know it, I'll be heading off to the mountains to stand on my head!有何不可!说不定哪天我就去山上倒立了呢!BYou don't have to go to the mountains! I stand on my head during my yoga routine every morning!妳不用上山!我每天早上做的例行瑜珈都会倒立!AThanks for the carrot juice, Mrs. Schmidt. I've got to run to class!谢谢你的胡萝卜汁,史太太。
我得赶去上课了!BHave a good day at school! See you tonight!上课愉快!晚上见!想逃课而装病ALily! Why aren't you up and ready for school?莉莉!怎么还不起床准备上学?BI don't feel so good, Mom.妈,我不舒服。
ALily, if you're acting sick just because you want to play hooky...莉莉,如果你为了想逃课而装病……BNo, Mom. I'm really sick.不是,妈。

下⾯是由⽆忧考给⼤家整理的保持健康的英语⼝语对话,供⼤家参阅!【篇⼀】保持健康的英语⼝语对话 Trainer: You look great! 你看起来真棒! Shirley: Thanks to you. I'm totally pumped up. 多亏了你。
Trainer: So you are happy that you made the decision to join us. 所以你应该⾼兴做了加⼊我们的决定。
Shirley: I surely am. But still there is one single problem. 当然了。
Trainer: What's that? 是什么呢? Shirley: I eat more and more these days. And it puts even more weight on me. 我最近吃得越来越多。
Trainer: It's not good to start with too much work-out at the beginning. What about trying something else? 开始的时候运动量过⼤是不好的。
要不要试点别的? Shirley: I'd love to do that. What do you recommend? 很乐意。
你有什么推荐的吗? Trainer: More and more people are warm up to Yoga these days. Do you want to have a try? 越来越多的⼈热衷于瑜伽。
你想试试看吗? Shirley: Do you think it's a good option for health and relaxation? 你觉得那是健康和放松的好选择吗? Trainer: Absolutely. But it takes great perseverance to master. 当然了。

Iamtired.IamOnDieting.DuringtheFestival,Iatedelicio usmealalmosteveryday,sothatmyweightsgoupalotandmybo dylookedfatter.IrealizedthatImustloseweight.Andthen Imadeaplan.Imusteatlessforbreakfastandsupperthanbef ore.Atbreakfast,Idrinkmilkandhaveapieceofbreadandan egg.Eatnothingfordinner.张:别逗了,你不胖!Comeon,youarenotfat!章:现在越来越多的人开始节食。
Nowadaysmoreandmorepeoplearebeginningtogoonadiet.So mepeopleareconcernedwiththeirhealth,andtheygoonadie tinordertoloseunwantedweight.周:但还有一些人,尤其是年轻的女性,关注他们的外表,她们在节食。
Butstillothers,especiallytheyoungwomen,arepayingatt entiontotheiroutwardappearance.Theyonadiet.Iamnotal one.张:醒醒,节食可能会给你带来很大的负面影响。

小编精心收集了有关健康的英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!有关健康的英语对话1Tom:Hi, Jane, you are a different person now. How's it going?嗨,简。
最近怎么样?Jane:The training is useful, and I learned much about how to keep fit.训练很有用。
Tom:Really? Tell me about it. You know, I haven't been to the club for a long time because of the busy work..真的吗?跟我说说。
Jane:The first thing we should do is to have a healthy diet. The more fruits you eat, the better your skin appears.首先我们应该有一个健康的饮食习惯。
Tom:The same thing with vegetables, right? Everybody seems to know that. There is something else?蔬菜也是一样的吧?每个人好像都知道呀。
有什么特别的吗?Jane:Yeah, I'm not sure you've heard that a sound sleep is crucial for fitness.嗯,我不知道你是否知道好的睡眠对于保持身体健康也很重要。
Tom:I've heard that. Does your trainer tell you anything about staying in a good mood?我知道。

问候健康的英语情景对话 People often ask about health out of politeness. This is a very common way to begin a conversation.下⾯店铺为⼤家整理有关问候健康的英语情景对话,希望能对⼤家的学习有所帮助! 问候健康的英语情景对话1: A: How's your father been? B: He's been out of work for a couple of days. A: What's wrong with him? B: He has a bad cold. A: Well, tell him to take it easy and that I hope he feels better. B: Thanks. I'll tell him. 问候健康的英语情景对话2: A: What do you want? B: I think I'll have a piece of apple pie. A: Do you want something to drink? B: Coffee would be fine. A: OK. Sit down and I'll get it. A: Where's Tony this evening? B: He's a little under the weather. A: Really! What's the matter with him? B: He has the flu. A: Tell him I was asking about him. B: I will. 问候健康的英语情景对话3: A: How's your brother doing? B: As a matter of fact, he hasn't been feeling too well. A: I'm sorry to hear that. What's the matter? B: He has a slight fever. A: Tell him I hope he's better soon. B: I'll tell him. Thanks for asking about him. 问候健康的英语情景对话4: A: I haven't seen Bob lately. How is he? B: He's still pretty sick. A: That's too bad. What does he have? B: We don't know, but he's going to the doctor tomorrow. A: Let me know if there's anything I can do. B: Thanks a lot. I'll tell him.问候健康的英语情景对话 People often ask about health out of politeness. This is a very common way to begin a conversation.下⾯店铺为⼤家整理有关问候健康的英语情景对话,希望能对⼤家的学习有所帮助! 情景对话1: A: Hows your father been? B: 推荐度:点击下载⽂档⽂档为doc格式。

关于身体健康问题的英语情景对话我们好像从来没去思考过自己背那么多日常英语的意义,不光是为了通过各种口语考试,也是为了提高日常英语口语表达能力式,下面小编今天就给大家分享一下英语的情景对话,快点学习一下吧我害怕打针AWhat seems to be the problem, kid?你有什么事吗,孩子?BI've got a sore throat, a runny nose and a headache.我喉咙痛,流鼻涕,头疼。
AAh…How long have you been like this?啊……你这个样子多久了?BI am not very sure. Maybe for three days.我不敢肯定。
ADo you have any stomachache?你肚子痛吗?BI guess so. It comes and goes.我猜是的。
AOpen your mouth and say ah… God, you are suffering from the swelling of tonsils.张开嘴,说,啊……天哪,扁桃体肿大。
BIs that serious, doctor?严重吗,医生?AYes, I am sure that you got the flu. You need a shot.是的。
BOh, doctor. Do I have to? I am afraid of needles!哦,医生。
AYes, that's for sure. But it is not that bad. It's gonna be all right.是啊,肯定的。
BOh, doctor, please…哦,医生,求您了……ABe brave, young man. Only girls cry when given an injection.勇敢点,小家伙。
health 雅思口语

health 雅思口语"health" 是一个非常重要的主题,在雅思口语考试中也是一个常见的话题。
以下是一些关于"health健康" 的雅思口语话题和回答示例:1. 什么是健康对你来说最重要的?对我来说,健康是最重要的,因为它是实现其他目标的基础。
2. 你通常如何保持健康?我尝试保持健康的生活方式。
3. 你认为锻炼对健康有多重要?我认为锻炼对健康非常重要。
4. 你认为良好的饮食习惯对健康有多重要?我认为良好的饮食习惯对健康非常重要。
5. 你如何处理压力?处理压力是非常重要的,因为压力会对我们的身体和心理健康产生负面影响。

店铺整理了关于健康的英语对话,欢迎阅读!关于健康的英语对话一May:Poor Danny. You are so enfeebled!可怜的丹尼。
你那么虚弱!Daniel:Don't worry. No big deal. Just a common cold.别担心。
May:Mom called just now saying that she and Dad will be back later. Do you want to speak to them on phone?妈妈打电话来说她和爸爸会晚一点回来,你想跟他们打电话吗?Daniel:No. You can never count on the grown-ups when there is something.不用了。
May:Whatever. Have a drink of water.不管怎样。
Daniel:Come on, sister. This is the seventh glass already.拜托,姐姐。
May:Maybe later. I think we have a medicine-kit.那晚点(再喝)吧。
Daniel:Do we? Where is it?我们有吗?在哪里?May:Probably on the of the cabinet. I'll go and get it.很可能在橱柜上面。
Daniel:Be careful. Now I have no one but you to depend on.小心点。

How to keep healthy S: Doctor, I am uncomfortable. C: What’s the matter with you? S: I am easy to tired. If I go up stairs, I will be out of breath. It didn’t happen before. Maybe I am serious ill now? C: Don’t worry. Let me ask you some questions. How much do you weigh? S: About 100 kg. C: Oh, you are overweight. You must watch your weight to keep healthy. Too fat is bad for your health. S: How to lose weight? I try to do it. But every time I forget it. C: I think the best way to lose weight is doing exercises. Such as running, play tennis, soccer. You can have a balanced diet. S: What do you mean? Do you mean I must have the only meal in a day and I can’t eat meat? C: No, it isn’t what you imagine. You needn’t to do that. What you must to do is—you must eat more vegetable than meat, and eat food high in fiber, low in fat. Cut down on artificial preservatives. And the most important thing is that you must eat less sweet. S: Is sweet the most bad for my health? C: Yes, I think it is. Too many sweets will make you fat, and it is also bad for your teeth. S: It is a pity that I can’t eat delicious chocolates. What about hamburgers, French Fries and milk shakes? I like to eat them very much. C: Oh, they are junk food. Cut down on them if you can’t cut them out. S: I think it is hard for me to do that. You know they are really delicious. C: Yes, you can. You’ll be a healthier, happier person. Remember eat right from four food groups: dairy, fruit and vegetables…uh…meat and… sorry, I, I forget it. S: Are they dairy, fruit and vegetables, grain, and meat? C: Clever. That’s all my suggestions for your health. If you still have questions, please ask me or call me. S: Thanks a lot. I will do what you say. Thanks for helping me. See you next time. C: So long.。

以健康为主题的英语对话两人John, a health-conscious individual, meets his friend Sarah at a local cafe.John: Hey Sarah, it's been a while! How have you been?Sarah: John, great to see you! I've been doing well, thanks for asking. How about you? You're looking fit as always.John: Thanks, I've been making an effort to stay active and healthy. Speaking of which, how's your health been lately? I noticed you've lost a bit of weight.Sarah: Oh, you noticed! Yes, I've been trying to improve my overall health and wellness. After my annual checkup last month, the doctor recommended I make some lifestyle changes.John: That's great to hear. What kind of changes have you been making?Sarah: Well, first and foremost, I've been trying to be more mindful of my diet. I've been cutting back on processed foods and sugary treats, and focusing on incorporating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into my meals.John: That's a fantastic start. Proper nutrition is so important for overall health. What else have you been doing?Sarah: I've also been making an effort to exercise more regularly. I try to get in at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day, whetherit's a brisk walk, a yoga session, or a strength training workout.John: That's awesome. Consistent exercise is key for maintaining good health. Have you noticed any benefits from these lifestyle changes?Sarah: Definitely! I've noticed that I have more energy throughout the day, and I'm sleeping better at night. My mood has also improved, and I just generally feel better about myself.John: That's so great to hear. Improved energy, sleep, and mood are all wonderful side effects of a healthier lifestyle. What about any physical changes you've noticed?Sarah: Well, as you mentioned, I have lost a bit of weight, which hasbeen a nice bonus. But more importantly, I've noticed that my blood pressure and cholesterol levels have improved, and my doctor is really pleased with the progress I've made.John: That's fantastic news, Sarah. Lowering your risk factors for chronic diseases is so important. I'm really proud of you for taking these steps to prioritize your health.Sarah: Thank you, John. It hasn't always been easy, but I'm determined to make these changes a permanent part of my life. What about you? What do you do to maintain your health?John: Well, as you know, I've always been pretty health-conscious. I try to eat a balanced, nutrient-dense diet and exercise regularly. I make sure to get plenty of sleep and find ways to manage stress, too.Sarah: That's great, John. It's clear that you've made your health a top priority. Do you have any specific tips or advice you can share?John: Absolutely. One thing I've found really helpful is to meal prep and plan my meals in advance. That way, I'm not tempted by unhealthy convenience foods when I'm short on time. I also try to stay hydrated throughout the day by carrying a water bottle with me.Sarah: Those are such great tips. Meal planning and staying hydratedare so important. What about exercise? Do you have a specific routine or activities you enjoy?John: I'm a big fan of high-intensity interval training, or HIIT workouts. They're efficient, challenging, and keep my heart rate up. I also like to mix in strength training a few times a week to build muscle and maintain bone density.Sarah: That sounds like a great balanced approach. I've been meaning to try HIIT workouts, but I've been a bit intimidated. Do you have any advice for someone just starting out?John: Don't be intimidated! HIIT workouts can be modified to suit any fitness level. I'd recommend starting with shorter intervals, like 20-30 seconds of intense effort followed by a brief recovery period. And don't be afraid to go at your own pace. The key is to push yourself, but also listen to your body.Sarah: That's really helpful, John. I'll definitely give it a try. Is there anything else you'd recommend for someone looking to improve their overall health and wellness?John: One more thing I'd suggest is to find activities and hobbies that you genuinely enjoy. Whether it's hiking, dancing, or even just going for regular walks, the more you can make healthy choices anatural part of your lifestyle, the easier it will be to stick with them.Sarah: That's such a great point. Incorporating enjoyable activities is crucial for long-term success. I've actually been thinking about trying out a new yoga class. Do you have any experience with that?John: Absolutely! Yoga is a fantastic way to improve flexibility, balance, and mindfulness. I try to practice a few times a week, and I find it to be a great complement to my other workouts. It's also a wonderful way to reduce stress and promote overall well-being.Sarah: That's really encouraging to hear. I think I'll give it a try. Thanks so much for the great advice, John. It's been so helpful to chat with you about this.John: I'm glad I could be of assistance, Sarah. Remember, the key is to find what works best for you and to make your health a priority. I'm here if you ever want to discuss it further or need any other tips.Sarah: I appreciate that, John. It's been great catching up with you. Here's to our continued health and wellness!John: Cheers to that, Sarah!。

关于健康情景对话英语作文Health is a topic that concerns everyone. In this dialogue, two friends, Lily and Sarah, are discussing their health habits and sharing advice on how to stay healthy.Lily: Hi Sarah, how are you feeling today?Sarah: Hi Lily, I'm feeling great! I've been trying to take better care of my health lately. How about you?Lily: I'm doing well too. I've been exercisingregularly and eating a balanced diet. It really makes a difference in how I feel.Sarah: That's great to hear! I've been trying to drink more water and get enough sleep. It's amazing how much of an impact those small changes can have on your overall health.Lily: Definitely! I've also been trying to reduce mystress levels by practicing mindfulness and meditation. It really helps me relax and stay focused.Sarah: That's a good idea. I should try that too. I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately with work and other responsibilities.Lily: It's important to take care of yourself, Sarah. Remember to take breaks and prioritize your mental health as well.Sarah: You're right, Lily. Thanks for the reminder.I'll make sure to schedule some self-care time into my routine.Lily: No problem, Sarah. We all need to look out for each other's well-being. If you ever need someone to talk to or support you, I'm here for you.Sarah: Thanks, Lily. I appreciate that. It's nice to have a friend who cares about my health and happiness.Lily: Of course, Sarah. We're in this together. Let's continue to support each other on our journey to better health and well-being.In this dialogue, Lily and Sarah demonstrate the importance of taking care of one's health through regular exercise, a balanced diet, hydration, adequate sleep, stress management, and mindfulness practices. They also emphasize the significance of supporting each other in maintaining good health and well-being. By sharing their experiences and advice, they inspire each other to make positive changes in their health habits and prioritizeself-care. Remember, your health is your greatest asset, so take care of it and support others in doing the same.。

关于身体健康的英语情景口语对话一喝汤对身体有益 Do the body goodAMorning, Mom.妈,早安.BI made a doctor's appointment for you.我帮你跟医生挂号了.ANo, I'm fine. I don't need to see a doctor.不要,我很好。
BThen I guess you're healthy enough to clean your room before school.那我想你已经健康到可以先清一清房间再去上学。
AOK. I'll go see the doctor.好啦。
BBundle up. It's wet and rainy out there. Here's some soup.多穿一点衣服。
AChicken soup again?又是鸡汤?BSoup does the body good, sweetie. It's what you need when you're under the weather.亲爱的,汤对身体很好。
身体不舒服时,最需要这个.二生病也没那么糟吧 That wasn't so badASee? That wasn't so bad.妳看吧?没那么糟嘛。
BEasy for you to say. My bottom still stings.你说得倒轻松。
我的屁股还在痛.AIt might be sore for a while. You'll be OK. Now let's go home and rest.或许会酸痛一阵子。
BCan't we go to McDonald's first?我们不能先去麦当劳吗?ANo, sweetie. I'll make you some tomato soup and rice.亲爱的,不可以。

关于身体健康的英语情景对话导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《关于身体健康的英语情景对话》的内容,具体内容:身体健康最重要了,大家要好好爱护自己的身体,我今天就给大家整理了有关于医学的英语,有需要的话可以收藏起来背一背哦医学英语一Kidneys serve as the ...身体健康最重要了,大家要好好爱护自己的身体,我今天就给大家整理了有关于医学的英语,有需要的话可以收藏起来背一背哦医学英语一Kidneys serve as the bodys filtering system, removing waste and excess water from the blood.肾是身体的过滤系统,能够清除血液中的废弃物和多余的水分。
If your kidneys are damaged or dont function properly, you may develop severe health problems.如果你的肾有所损伤或者无法正常工作,你的身体可能会出现严重的健康问题。
In the U.S., kidney disease affects about one in 10 adults and is the ninth-leading cause of death.在美国,有十分之一的成年人受肾病困扰,它也是第九大致死因素。
The most common risk factors are diabetes and high blood pressure.最普遍的患病因素是糖尿病和高血压。
Your chance of having kidney disease increases with age; its mostcommon in people over 70.随着年龄的增长,患肾病的可能性也会增加;它在70多岁的人群中最常见。
Kidney disease often develops slowly and has few warning signs, so if you have diabetes or high blood pressure, its important to get regular care to keep them under control.肾病通常发展缓慢,少有预警信号,所以如果你有糖尿病或高血压,一定要定期接受治疗,控制病情。

有关健康实用英语对话下面店铺为大家带来有关健康实用英语对话,欢迎大家阅读! 实用英语对话:健康生活1.Youdon'tlookwell!你看起来不太好喔!A:Youdon'tlookwell!你看起来不太好喔!B:Iknow.Ihaveabadcold.我知道。
A:Mymotherlikeseatingicecreamandredmeat. 我妈妈喜欢吃冰淇淋和红肉。
8.It'srainingcatsanddogsoutside!外面雨下得好大喔!A:It'srainingcatsanddogsoutside!外面雨下得好大喔!B:Dryyourselfanddrinkthishottea!擦干身体,把这热茶喝下!9.Turntheheateronifyoufeelcold!若是觉得冷就把暖气打开!A:Turntheheateronifyoufeelcold!若是觉得冷就把暖气打开!B:Thanks.I'llkeepthatinmind!谢了,我会记得的!10.Don'tforgettogetachestX—raythistime! 这次别忘了做胸部X光检查!A:I'mgoingtogetmyannualhealthcheckup.我要去做年度健康检查.B:Don'tforgettogetachestX—raythistime!这次别忘了做胸部X光检查!11.How'syourbloodpressure?你的血压怎么样?A:How'syourbloodpressure?你的血压怎么样?B:Alittlebithigh.有一点高。

健康的英语对话篇一:以健康为主题的的英语口语考试对话Health赵:早上好,你看起来不太好.Good morning,oh you look not good.周:我好累.我在节食.节日期间,我几乎每天都吃好吃的,所以我的体重增加了很多,我的身体看起来很胖.我意识到我必须减肥.然后我做了一个计划,我必须吃早餐和晚餐比以前少.在吃早餐的时候,我喝牛奶,吃一块面包和一个鸡蛋.晚餐不吃. I am tired. I am On Dieting. During the Festival, I ate delicious meal almost every day, so that my weights go up a lot and my body looked fatter. I realized that I must lose weight. And then I made a plan. I must eat less for breakfast and supper than before. At breakfast, I drink milk and have a piece of bread and an egg. Eat no thing for dinner.张:别逗了,你不胖!Come on ,you are not fat!章:现在越来越多的人开始节食.有人关心他们的健康,他们节食以便减肥. Nowadays more and more people are beginning to go on a diet. Some people are concerned with their health, and they go on a diet in order to lose unwanted weight.周:但还有一些人,尤其是年轻的女性,关注他们的外表,她们在节食.我不是独自一人.But still others, especially the young women, are paying attention to their outward appearance. They on a diet. I am not alone.张:醒醒,节食可能会给你带来很大的负面影响.一方面,很多人真的不需要节食以保持健康,他们的饮食只是因为他们想保持苗条.对他们来说,节食不仅是无用的,而且可能会损害他们的健康.Wake up girl, dieting might bring great negative effects to you. For one thing, quite a lot of people don’t really need dieting to keep health, and they diet just because they want to keep slim. For them, dieting notonly is useless but also might damage their health.赵:我同意.另一方面,一些人缺乏足够的知识如何饮食的科学.结果他们可能遭受营养不良,看看你的脸!I cannot agree with you more .For another, some people lack enough knowledge on how to diet scientifically. As a result, they are likely to suffer from malnutrition(营养不良;),just look your face.章:考虑到不健康的节食的严重损害,你应该谨慎的节食.在我看来,节食,无论如何都需要专业的指导.只有正确的引导,我们才能达到节食的期望.Well, considering the serious damage of unhealthy dieting, you should be cautious in dieting. In my opinion, dieting, whatever, needs professional guidance. Only with right guidance can dieting work as we e_pect.周:谢谢.说实话,我甚至寻找特效药,以及神奇的治疗法想要减下体重.最后不仅失败,而且反弹了.节食和吃减肥药都没有作用,我该怎么办呢?Thank you. To be honest, I even look for miracle pills and magic cures to be slim. In the end, I failed and the pounds come back. There is no use to on diet and eat pills. What should I do? 章:事实上,有效的减肥方法非常简单.主要就是结合均衡的饮食,以及适当的运动.成功的关键就是要有决心.成功需要自制和投入.the effective way of losing weight is actually very simple. It is a combination of a good diet and proper e_ercise. What makes it work is determination. It requires discipline and commitment to succeed.赵:我阿姨试图减肥.她一次又一次地节食,但是没有一次成功.她的体重会快速地下降,但没多久就又反弹了.最后,她听从医生的建议,开始吃均衡的饮食.她吃大量的蔬果,并避免高脂肪的食物.除此之外,她还去参加运动课程.她一星期运动三次.体重下降得很慢.但是她坚持下去最后终于达到目标.最棒的是,她能够维持她的理想体重.因为她已经养成健康的新生活习惯.My aunt had been trying to lose weight. She went on one diet after another, but none of them worked. She lost a lot of weight quickly onlyto have it come back. Finally, she followed tor s advice and began to eat a balanced diet. She ate lots of fruits and vegetables and avoided high-fat foods. Also she joined an e_ercise class. She worked out three times a week. At first, the weight came off so slowly. But stick and eventually reached goal. Best of all, she was able to stay at her ideal weight. That was because she had developed healthy new habits. 三人:wow!周:多么励志的故事!我很抱歉我为了减肥做出这么愚蠢的选择.选择减肥方式的时候,我们应该更加注意我们的身体协调.what’s a encouragement story!I am sorry that I am so shallow to on diet and eat pills .I should pay more attention to our physical balance when we choose the way to lose our weight. 张:在我看来,做运动是减肥的最佳方法.一方面,通过运动我们可以锻炼身体变得更健康.另一方面,如果我们经常锻炼,我们的思维就会更清晰.In my opinion, doing e_ercise is the best way to lose weight. On the one hand, we can train our bodies by taking e_ercise and become healthier. On the other hand, our mind will be clearer if we do e_ercise often.周:我试试!我决定每天锻炼,下课后跑步还有打篮球,周末去游泳I’ll take it! I decide to keep doing e_ercises every day. Go to running after school or play basketball. At weekend, I go to swim.三人:Are You sure?!篇二:健康话题情景对话中英文对照版本_What are you doing?你在干什么?BLook at me. I look so old! I look as if I were thirty.看看我,我看起来真老,好像已经30岁了. ACome on! Stop being so vain. You look great! You are beautiful!别那么爱虚荣.你起来很漂亮.BYes, I am, but I think it’s time for some plastic surgery I’m tired of these wrinkles and sagging skin. See?我是漂亮,但我想是时候做下整形手术,我讨厌这些皱纹和下垂的皮肤,看见了吗?AI don’t see any wrinkles or sagging skin! You are 25, stop being ridiculous. Besides, I think that people who get Boto_, have facelifts, or tummy tucks look weird. It doesn’t look natural.我没看见皱纹和下垂的皮肤.你才25岁,别那么幼稚.而且我认为使用Boto_,进行面部整容或是做紧腹手术的人看起来很奇怪.看起来不自然.BWhatever, I think I’m gonna get liposuction and a nose job and some breast implants as well.无论如何,我想我会做下吸脂术,整下鼻子,做下隆胸手术.AI think you need to get brain surgery. I honestly don’t think you need cosmetic surgery. You look amazing.我觉得你应该给脑袋做下手术.说实话,我不认为你需要做整容手术,你看起来很迷人.BI thought you were my friend and would support me on this! I just want to feel better about myself and feel more attractive.我觉得你是我的朋友会支持我那么做.我只是想自我感觉好些,让自己看起来更有魅力.AYou don’t need plastic surgery to do that. You are fine the way you are and you have guys drooling all over you! Plus, plastic surgery hurts!但不必做整容手术.你有自己的魅力,男人都对你痴狂.而且,整容手术会有伤害.BReally?真的吗?AYeah! When I got my nose job I was black and blue for a week!是的,我做了整鼻手术,整整一周我都青一块紫一块的.篇三:与健康(health)有关的英语对话A: Now,let us talk about health.No doubt,health for everyone is very important.Health is the most valuable possession a persion e_pects in hislife.I often get sick, especially in the winter, when I was ill,I feel unusually tired and lightheaded,I can not stop hiccupping and sneezing.C, you re the same as me?C: No,I rarely get sick, but I have a gastric disease.My symptoms include loss of appetite and vomit.Make me the most distress is, in my car, often vomiting.B: I am sorry to hear that.I m all right e_cept for frequent insomnia, I often go to the one or two still can t sleep, which lead to my daytime has no a spirit and feel e_cessive futigue..Is this a kind of disease? D: Of course, not health has a variety of e_pression, not just a cold have a fever. I am allergic to pollen, every spring I will feel the skin itching, sometimes from the red dot, so I hate spring. A: So keep the health of each individual is very necessary.How to keep health?I think that what people eat affects their health.I advise people to eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat such as beef and pork.B,how about you?What is your opinion?B: In my opinion,it is absolutely necessary to take some e_ercise every day.Research shows that getting plenty ofe_ercise make the heart beat faster and lungs work harder.C,what do you think?C: I agree with you.This strengthens the heart,reduces the chance of heart attack,and helps lower blood pressure.That is why more and more are becoming active in various kinds of sports and e_ercises.Every morning e_ercise, the day will feel more spirit, evening e_ercise, can help sleep.D,Do you often e_ercise?D: Yes,every morning I get up early and take much e_ercise.I like playing basketball and running.B: Is there anybody who wants to say something about this? D: Smoking and drinking alcohol injure ones health a great deal,and therefore shouldbe given up.A: I wish we could have more time to continue our interesting discussion. But,since we have already used up our agreed-upon time,we would like to close the discussion now.。

A: Hi, Lucy! How have you been lately? You look great!B: Thank you, Tom! I've been doing pretty well, trying to stay healthy and fit. How about you?A: I've been okay, but I think I need to start taking better care of myself. Lately, I've been feeling tired all the time, and I've noticed I'm gaining weight.B: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Have you been eating well and exercising regularly?A: Not really. I've been skipping meals and ordering a lot of takeout because of my busy schedule. And I haven'tbeen to the gym in months.B: That sounds like it could be the problem. Your body needs proper nutrition and regular exercise to function properly. Have you thought about making some changes to your lifestyle?A: Yeah, I know I need to do something. I just don't know where to start.B: Well, how about we make a plan together? We could start by setting some achievable goals, like eating three balanced meals a day and going for a walk or jog three times a week.A: That sounds reasonable. I think I can manage that.B: Great! And we can also look into some healthy recipes that are quick and easy to make at home. That way, you won't have to rely on takeout as much.A: That's a good idea. I definitely need to startcooking more instead of eating out all the time.B: And don't forget to stay hydrated! Drinking plentyof water is essential for overall health and can help boost your energy levels.A: You're right. I'll make sure to keep a water bottle with me wherever I go.B: Excellent! And if you ever need some extramotivation or support, I'm here for you.A: Thanks, Lucy! I really appreciate it. With your help, I'm sure I can get back on track to a healthier lifestyle.B: Of course, anytime! Taking care of yourself is so important, and I'm happy to help however I can.A: Thanks again, Lucy. I'm feeling more motivated already!B: You've got this, Tom! I believe in you.(以上对话以两位朋友的交流为基础,强调了健康饮食和运动的重要性,并提供了互相支持的态度。

两个⼈2-3分钟的英语对话HealthydialogueTom and MarkHealthyTom: Do you eat a lot of healthy food?Mark: Not as much as I should. Unhealthy food just tastes so much better. And anyway, I believe if you live a low stress life and are active, you can get away with eating whatever you like. It’s all in the mind.Tom: I am sorry to tell you that french fries is not so health.Mark: It would make the body get inflamed. I knew.Tom: It’s not only this. The french fries you bought from the noshery on the street is poisonous.The oil they used i s from the sewer and it’s called hogwash oil. It produces1.5 to 1.8 billion yuan a year.Mark: Really? Can you give me some advice about eating healthy food?Tom: Ok. At first, doctors were suggesting for years that people should eat more fish. Mark: I like fish.Tom:Also you can buy some vegetables than some green food. I know you prefer to exercise at ordinary times.Can you tell me something about that?Mark: The first step is to choose an activity you love.And then,you should set small goals ,turn envy into motivation .At last,keep your resolve.I think healthy sleeping habits can make our body strong.Tom: I agree with you. Journal of Health reported that a set of healthy sleeping habits are difficult to develop, but so worth it! Mark: If you’re fe eling run down and beat up, I can help. Here are four healthy sleeping habits to develop, all of them geared toward making you feel and look fantastic. It’s called beauty sleep for a reason.Tom: I’d love to hear about it.Mark:First get eight to ten hours each night.Second d on’t sleep too late. Third save your space! .Fourth stay on habit. None of these healthy sleeping habits seem difficult, do they? but you can do it, and you’ll be so glad you did!Tom: I think it is useful!Mark:Once you’ve developed these healthy habits,try to keep them! It’ll take some time, usu ally about six weeks, before these new habits take hold. After that, you’ll struggle to remember what your old habits were like.。
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两个人对话的英语口语材料:关于健康How to keep healthy
S: Doctor, I am uncomfortable.
C:What’s the matter with you?
S: I am easy to tired. If I go up stairs, I will be out of breath. It didn’t happen before. Maybe I am serious ill now?
C:Don’t worry. Let me ask you some questions. How much do you weigh?
S: About 100 kg.
C: Oh, you are overweight. You must watch your weight to keep healthy. Too fat is bad for your health.
S: How to lose weight? I try to do it. But every time I forget it.
C: I think the best way to lose weight is doing exercises. Such as running, play tennis, soccer. You can have a balanced diet.
S: What do you mean? Do you mean I must have the only meal in a day and I can’t eat meat?
C:No, it isn’t what you imagine. You needn’t to do that. What you must to do is—you must eat more vegetable than meat, and eat food high in fiber, low in fat. Cut down on artificial preservatives. And the most important thing is that you must eat less sweet.
S: Is sweet the most bad for my health?
C: Yes, I think it is. Too many sweets will make you fat, and it is also bad for your teeth.
S:It is a pity that I can’t eat delicious chocolates. What about hamburgers, French Fries and milk shakes? I like
to eat them very much.
C: Oh, they are junk food. Cut down on them if you
can’t cut them out.
S: I think it is hard for me to do that. You know they
are really delicious.
C:Yes, you can. You’ll be a healthier, happier person. Remember eat right from four food groups: dairy, fruit and vegetables…uh…meat and… sorry, I, I forget it.
S: Are they dairy, fruit and vegetables, grain, and meat?
C:Clever. That’s all my suggestions for your health.
If you still have questions, please ask me or call me.
S: Thanks a lot. I will do what you say. Thanks for helping me. See you next time.
C: So long.。