



1.Because of the enormous damage or potential damage caused by a flood of the magnitude that occurs once in a hundred years or less, stream gaging records of 10, 20, or 30 years are inadequate, although of some use, in planning flood control projects or for the spillway design of any large dam.由于量级在100年一遇或者更罕见的洪水引起的巨大破坏或潜在破坏,在洪水控制工程的规划或任意大型大坝的溢洪道的设计中,10年、20年或30年的水流测量记录尽管有些用途,但还是不够的。

2.The foundation, including abutments, should be of rock or consolidated materials sufficiently strong to support the structure and they must be watertight or so nearly so that excess leakage can be prevented by sealing any cracks or fissures in the foundation with a grouting material or closing the leakage paths by placing a blanket of impervious material in the reservoir area upstream from the dam site.地基包括坝肩,是由岩石或坚固的材料构成,足以承受结构的荷载,并且必须防水,或者能通过灌浆材料封堵地基中的裂缝或裂隙,或在坝址上游库区铺一层不透水材料来封闭渗漏通道,从而防止过量的渗漏,做到接近防水。





水利水电英语课文翻译1:Lesson 1 importance of water 水的重要性Water is best known and most abundant of all chemical compounds occurring in relatively pure form on the earth‘s surface. Oxygen, the most abundant chemical element, is present in combination with hydrogen to the extent of 89 percent in water. Water covers about three fourths of the earth's surface and permeates cracks of much solid land. The Polar Regions are overlaid with vast quantities of ice, and the atmosphere of the earth carries water vapor in quantities from 0.1 percent to 2 percent by weight. It has been estimated that the amount of water in the atmosphere above a square mile of land on a mild summer day is of the order of 50,000 tons.在地球表面以相对纯的形式存在的一切化合物中,水是人们最熟悉的、最丰富的一种化合物。




液压操作条件M . A .戈蓝,B. zhivotovskii,我·诺维科娃,V . B .罗季奥诺夫,和NN罗萨娜娃隧道式溢洪道,广泛应用于中、高压液压工程。


有鉴于此,我们希望引起读者的注意,基本上是新的概念(即,在配置和操作条件),利用旋涡流溢洪道[1,2,3,4 ]。







涡旋式溢洪道-与越来越大的能量耗散的旋涡流在较短的长度- <(60——80)高温非圆断面导流洞(马蹄形,方形,三角形),连接到涡室或通过一个耗能(扩大)室(图2)[ 5,6 ]或手段顺利过渡断[ 7];-溢洪道两根或更多互动旋涡流动耗能放电室[ 8 ]或特殊耗能器,被称为“counter-vortex耗能”[ 2,4 ]。



涡旋式溢洪道光滑或加速[ 7 ]能量耗散的整个长度的水管道是最简单和最有前途的各类液压结构。



Lesson‎1 import‎a nce of water 水的重要性Water is best known and most abunda‎n t of all chemic‎a l compou‎n ds occurr‎i ng in relati‎v ely pure‎form‎on‎the‎earth’s‎surfac‎e. Oxygen‎,the most abunda‎n t chemic‎a l elemen‎t, is presen‎t in combin‎a tion with hydrog‎e n to the extent‎of 89 percen‎t in water. Water covers‎about three fourth‎s of the earth's surfac‎e and permea‎t es cracks‎of much solid land. The polar region‎s are overl a‎i d with vast quanti‎ti es of ice, and the atmosp‎here of the earth carrie‎s water vapor in quanti‎ti es from 0.1 percen‎t to 2 percen‎t by weight‎.It has been estima‎t ed that the amount‎of water in the atmosp‎h ere above a square‎mile of land on a mild summer‎day is of the order of 50,000 tons.在地球表面以‎相对纯的形式‎存在的一切化‎合物中,水是人们最熟‎悉的、最丰富的一种‎化合物。




毕业设计水利水电工程英文文献翻译外文文献:hydraulicturbines and hydro-electric powerAbstractPower may be developed from water by three fundamental processes : by action of its weight, of its pressure, or of its velocity, or by a combination of any or all three. In modern practice the Pelton or impulse wheel is the only type which obtains power by a single process the action of one or more high-velocity jets. This type of wheel is usually found in high-head developments. Faraday had shown that when a coil is rotated in a magnetic field electricity is generated. Thus, in order to produce electrical energy, it is necessary that we should produce mechanical energy, which can be used to rotate the ‘coil’. The mechanical energy is produced by running a prime mover (known as turbine ) by the energy of fuels or flowing water. This mechanical power is converted into electrical power by electric generator which is directly coupled to the shaft of turbine and is thus run by turbine. The electrical power, which is consequently obtained at the terminals of thegenerator, is then transited to the area where it is to be used for doing work.he plant or machinery which is required to produce electricity (i.e. prime mover +electric generator) is collectively known as power plant. The building, in which the entire machinery along with other auxiliary units is installed, is known as power house.Keywords hydraulic turbines hydro-electric power classification of hydel plantshead schemeThere has been practically no increase in the efficiency of hydraulic turbines since about 1925, when maximum efficiencies reached 93% or more. As far as maximum efficiency is concerned, the hydraulic turbine has about reached the practicable limit of development. Nevertheless, in recent years, there has been a rapid and marked increase in the physical size and horsepower capacity of individual units.In addition, there has been considerable research into the cause and prevention of cavitation, which allows the advantages of higher specific speeds to be obtainedat higher heads than formerly were considered advisable. The net effect of this progress with larger units, higher specific speed, and simplification and improvements in design has been to retain for the hydraulic turbine the important place which it has long held at one of the most important prime movers.1. types of hydraulic turbinesHydraulic turbines may be grouped in two general classes: the impulse type which utilizes the kinetic energy of a high-velocity jet which acts upon only a small part of the circumference at any instant, and the reaction type which develops power from the combined action of pressure and velocity of the water that completely fills the runner and water passages. The reaction group is divided into two general types: the Francis, sometimes called the reaction type, and the propeller type. The propeller class is also further subdivided into the fixed-blade propeller type, and the adjustable-blade type of which the Kaplan is representative.1.1 impulse wheelsWith the impulse wheel the potential energy of thewater in the penstock is transformed into kinetic energy in a jet issuing from the orifice of a nozzle. This jet discharge freely into the atmosphere inside the wheel housing and strikes against the bowl-shaped buckets of the runner. At each revolution the bucket enters, passes through, and passes out of the jet, during which time it receives the full impact force of the jet. This produces a rapid hammer blow upon the bucket. At the same time the bucket is subjected to the centrifugal force tending to separate the bucket from its disk. On account of the stresses so produced and also the scouring effects of the water flowing over the working surface of the bowl, material of high quality of resistance against hydraulic wear and fatigue is required. Only for very low heads can cast iron be employed. Bronze and annealed cast steel are normally used.1.2 Francis runnersWith the Francis type the water enters from a casing or flume with a relatively low velocity, passes through guide vanes or gates located around the circumstance, and flows through the runner, from which it discharges into a draft tube sealed below the tail-water level. All therunner passages are completely filled with water, which acts upon the whole circumference of the runner. Only a portion of the power is derived from the dynamic action due to the velocity of the water, a large part of the power being obtained from the difference in pressure acting on the front and back of the runner buckets. The draft tube allows maximum utilization of the available head, both because of the suction created below the runner by the vertical column of water and because the outlet of he draft tube is larger than the throat just below the runner, thus utilizing a part of the kinetic energy of the water leaving the runner blades.1.3 propeller runnersnherently suitable for low-head developments, the propeller-type unit has effected marked economics within the range of head to which it is adapted. The higher speed of this type of turbine results in a lower-cost generator and somewhat smaller powerhouse substructure and superstructure. Propeller-type runners for low heads and small outputs are sometimes constructed of cast iron. For heads above 20 ft, they are made of cast steel, a much more reliable material. Large-diameter propellers。



解了组成 的每一 单根词 义,该 词的意 义也就 自然明 确了。
3、由 单根词 、复合 词或一 些单独 使用的 词根加 上词头 和词 尾的派 生词, 英语中 大多数 的词都 属于这 种词。
英语单词 中的词 根是词 中最基 本的部 分,表 达该词 的基本 意义 ,虽然 词根的 数量有 限,但 却是构 成单词 的基础 ,能繁
还将继续 引进大 批先进 技术和 设备, 为了尽 快消化 这些新 技术 和装好 、用好 及管理 好这些 设备, 也需要 详细地 阅读和
翻译引进的技术和设备的技术说明文件。要提高专业科技英语 的阅读和翻译能力,除需要掌握英语语法的基本知识和
基本词汇 及具有 相当广 泛的专 业知识 之外, 还必需 熟悉专 业词 汇和科 技英语 中一些 常用词 、词组 或短语 ,熟悉 科技英
proceeding 进程,步骤;procedure 过程
百, 百分之 一
centigrade 摄氏(百分)度,centimeter 厘米
centr, centri, centro 中心
centrifugal 离心的,orthoce间
certify 证明,uncertain 不确定的 chronograph 记时器,isochronal 等时的
倾, 斜
decline 倾斜,降落
conclude 结束,exclude 除外
耕,培 养
cu ltivate 耕作,culture 栽培
dens dict=dic
3、使 学生掌 握科技 英语文 献翻译 的基本 技巧。
4、为 学生提 供一部 分专业 英语词 汇及常 用词组 或短语 。 第一章 词的构成及科技术语翻译方法



表示写 ,画, 记录结 果
photograph 照片,monograph 专题,论文
droplet 水滴,streamlet 小溪
表示 学科
hydrology 水文学,geology 地质学
表示计,仪 表
barometer 气压计,voltmeter 电压表
uniflow 单向流,unify 统一
variable 变量,可变的,variation 变化,偏差
reverse 反向,transverse 横向

visual 直观的,prevision 预见
(2)英 语单词 的词尾 是接在 词根后 面的部 分,一 般地, 词尾的 意义比 较狭窄 和明 确,常 可根据 词尾来 判断英 语中大
水 利水 电工程 专业 英语的 阅读与 翻译
水利水电 工程
专业英语的阅读与翻译 刘景植 编
二 OO 四年十二月
水利水电 工程专 业英语 的阅读 与翻译
当前,世 界科学 技术发 展十分 迅速, 为了了 解、学 习和借 鉴国 外先进 的科学 技术, 为我国 的社会 主义建 设服务 ,需要
大量的阅 读和翻 译国外 科技文 献资料 。另外 ,近年 来和在 以后 的若干 年内, 我国在 水利水 电建设 中,从 国外引 进了且
多数词的 词类。
专业英语 词汇中 的一些 常用的 词尾:
Ⅰ、名词 词尾
表示抽象概 念,量 ,性质 ,状态 ,行为 等



•Owing‎to the fact that elect‎r icit‎y can be trans‎m itte‎d from where‎it is gener‎a ted to where‎it is neede‎d by means‎of power‎lines‎and trans‎f orme‎r s, large‎power‎stati‎o ns can be built‎in remot‎e place‎s far fromindus‎t rial‎cente‎r s or large‎citie‎s, as is cited‎the case with hydro‎e lect‎r ic power‎stati‎o ns that are insep‎a rabl‎e from water‎sourc‎e s.•由于电力可‎以从发电的‎地方通过电‎线和变压器‎输送到需要‎用电的地方‎,因此大型电‎站可以建在‎远离工业中‎心或大城市‎的地方,离不开水源‎的水力发电‎站就常常是‎这样建立的‎。

Ideal‎l y suite‎d to narro‎w canyo‎n s compo‎s ed of rock, the archdam provi‎d es an econo‎m ical‎and effic‎i ent struc‎t ure to contr‎o lthe strea‎m flow. The load-carry‎i ng capac‎i ty of an arch damenabl‎e s the desig‎n er to conse‎r ve mater‎i al and still‎maint‎a in anextre‎m ely safe struc‎t ure.•拱坝最适合‎于修建在岩‎石峡谷中,它是一种控‎制河道中水‎流经济而有‎效的建筑物‎。




毕业设计(论文)外文翻译题目水库及电力系统简介专业水利水电工程班级2007级四班学生陈剑锋指导教师杨忠超重庆交通大学2011 年RESERVOIRSWhen a barrier is constructed across some river in the form of a dam, water gets stored up on the upstream side of the barrier, forming a pool of water, generally called a reservoir.Broadly speaking, any water collected in a pool or a lake may be termed as a reservoir. The water stored in reservoir may be used for various purposes. Depending upon the purposes served, the reservoirs may be classified as follows: Storage or Conservation Reservoirs.Flood Control Reservoirs.Distribution Reservoirs.Multipurpose reservoirs.(1) Storage or Conservation Reservoirs. A city water supply, irrigation water supply or a hydroelectric project drawing water directly from a river or a stream may fail to satisfy the consumers’ demands during extremely low flows, while during high flows; it may become difficult to carry out their operation due to devastating floods. A storage or a conservation reservoir can retain such excess supplies during periods of peak flows and can release them gradually during low flows as and when the need arise.Incidentally, in addition to conserving water for later use, the storage of flood water may also reduce flood damage below the reservoir. Hence, a reservoir can be used for controlling floods either solely or in addition to other purposes. In the former case, it is known as ‘Flood Control Reservoir’or ‘Single Purpose Flood Control Reservoir’, and in the later case, it is called a ‘Multipurpose Reservoir’.(2) Flood Control Reservoirs A flood control reservoir or generally called flood-mitigation reservoir, stores a portion of the flood flows in such a way as to minimize the flood peaks at the areas to be protected downstream. To accomplish this, the entire inflow entering the reservoir is discharge till the outflow reaches the safe capacity of the channel downstream. The inflow in excess of this rate is stored in stored in the reservoir, which is then gradually released so as to recover the storage capacity for next flood.The flood peaks at the points just downstream of the reservoir are thus reduced by an amount AB. A flood control reservoir differs from a conservation reservoir only in its need for a large sluice-way capacity to permit rapid drawdown before or after a flood.Types of flood control reservoirs. There are tow basic types of flood-mitigation reservoir.Storage Reservoir or Detention basins.Retarding basins or retarding reservoirs.A reservoir with gates and valves installation at the spillway and at the sluice outlets is known as a storage-reservoir, while on the other hand, a reservoir with ungated outlet is known as a retarding basin.Functioning and advantages of a retarding basin:A retarding basin is usually provided with an uncontrolled spillway and anuncontrolled orifice type sluiceway. The automatic regulation of outflow depending upon the availability of water takes place from such a reservoir. The maximum discharging capacity of such a reservoir should be equal to the maximum safe carrying capacity of the channel downstream. As flood occurs, the reservoir gets filled and discharges through sluiceways. As the reservoir elevation increases, outflow discharge increases. The water level goes on rising until the flood has subsided and the inflow becomes equal to or less than the outflow. After this, water gets automatically withdrawn from the reservoir until the stored water is completely discharged. The advantages of a retarding basin over a gate controlled detention basin are:①Cost of gate installations is save.②There are no fates and hence, the possibility of human error and negligence in their operation is eliminated.Since such a reservoir is not always filled, much of land below the maximum reservoir level will be submerged only temporarily and occasionally and can be successfully used for agriculture, although no permanent habitation can be allowed on this land.Functioning and advantages of a storage reservoir:A storage reservoir with gated spillway and gated sluiceway, provides more flexibility of operation, and thus gives us better control and increased usefulness of the reservoir. Storage reservoirs are, therefore, preferred on large rivers which require batter controlled and regulated properly so as not to cause their coincidence. This is the biggest advantage of such a reservoir and outweighs its disadvantages of being costly and involving risk of human error in installation and operation of gates.(3) Distribution Reservoirs A distribution reservoir is a small storage reservoir constructed within a city water supply system. Such a reservoir can be filled by pumping water at a certain rate and can be used to supply water even at rates higher than the inflow rate during periods of maximum demands (called critical periods of demand). Such reservoirs are, therefore, helpful in permitting the pumps or water treatment plants to work at a uniform rate, and they store water during the hours of no demand or less demand and supply water from their ‘storage’ during the critical periods of maximum demand.(4) Multipurpose Reservoirs A reservoir planned and constructed to serve not only one purpose but various purposes together is called a multipurpose reservoir. Reservoir, designed for one purpose, incidentally serving other purpose, shall not be called a multipurpose reservoir, but will be called so, only if designed to serve those purposes also in addition to its main purpose. Hence, a reservoir designed to protect the downstream areas from floods and also to conserve water for water supply, irrigation, industrial needs, hydroelectric purposes, etc. shall be called a multipurpose reservoir.水库拦河筑一条像坝的障碍时,水就被拦蓄在障碍物的上游并形成水塘.通常称之为水库。



•Owing to the fact that electricity can be transmitted from where it is generated to where it is needed by means of power lines and transformers, large power stations can be built in remote places far from industrial centers or large cities, as is cited the case with hydroelectric power stations that are inseparable from water sources.•由于电力可以从发电的地方通过电线和变压器输送到需要用电的地方,因此大型电站可以建在远离工业中心或大城市的地方,离不开水源的水力发电站就常常是这样建立的。

Ideally suited to narrow canyon s composed of rock, the arch dam provides an economical and efficient structure to control the stream flow. The load-carrying capacity of an arch damenables the designer to conserve material and still maintain an extremely safe structure.•拱坝最适合于修建在岩石峡谷中,它是一种控制河道中水流经济而有效的建筑物。


•The general theory of arch dam design is comparatively new and changing rapidly as more information is obtained. Engineers have cautiously applied mathematical theory, the law of mechanics, and theories of elasticity to reduce the thickness of arch dams and gain substantial economies.•拱坝的一般设计理论比较新颖,同时在获得更多的资料之后,理论的变化也很迅速。



水利水电工程专业外文翻译、英汉互译、中英对照毕业设计,论文,外文翻译题目姚家河水电站溢流坝及消能工优化设计专业水利水电工程使用CFD模型分析规模和粗糙度对反弧泄洪洞的影响12 作者 Dae Geun Kimand Jae Hyun Park摘要在这项研究中,利用CFD模型、FLOW-3D模型详细调查流量特性如流量、水面、反弧溢洪道上的峰值压力,并考虑到模型规模和表面粗糙度对速度和压力的垂直分布特征的影响,因此,在领域中被广泛验证和使用。

















外文文献:hydraulicturbines and hydro—electric powerAbstractPower may be developed from water by three fundamental processes :by action of its weight, of its pressure,or of its velocity,or by a combination of any or all three。

In modern practice the Pelton or impulse wheel is the only type which obtains power by a single process the action of one or more high-velocity jets. This type of wheel is usually found in high—head developments. Faraday had shown that when a coil is rotated in a magnetic field electricity is generated. Thus, in order to produce electrical energy, it is necessary that we should produce mechanical energy,which can be used to rotate the ‘coil’。

The mechanical energy is produced by running a prime mover (known as turbine )by the energy of fuels or flowing water. This mechanical power is converted into electrical power by electric generator which is directly coupled to the shaft of turbine and is thus run by turbine. The electrical power, which is consequently obtained at the terminals of the generator,is then transited to the area where it is to be used for doing work.he plant or machinery which is required to produce electricity (i.e。



















DamThe first dam for which there are reliable records was build or the Nile River sometime before 4000 . It was used to divert the Nile and provide a site for the ancient city of Memphis .The oldest dam still in use is the Almanza Dam in Spain, which was constructed in the sixteenth century. With the passage of time,materials and methods of construction have improved. Making possible the erection of such large dams as the Nurek Dam, which is being constructed in the . on the vaksh River near the border of Afghanistan. This dam will be 1017ft(333m) high, of earth and rock fill. The failure of a dam may cause serious loss of life and property; consequently, the design and maintenance of dams are commonly under government surveillance. In the United States over 30,000 dams are under the control of state authorities. The 1972 Federal Dams Safety Act (PL92-367)requires periodic inspections of dams by qualified experts. The failure of the Teton Dam in Idaho in June 1976 added to the concern for dam safety in the United States.1 Type of DamsDams are classified on the type and materials of construction, as gravity, arch, buttress ,and earth .The first three types are usually constructed of concrete. A gravity dam depends on its own weight for stability and it usually straight in plan although sometimes slightly curved.Arch dams transmit most of the horizontal thrust of the water behind them to the abutments by arch action and have thinner cross sections than comparable gravity dams. Arch dams can be used only in narrow canyons where the walls are capable of withstanding the thrust produced by the arch action. The simplest of the many types of buttress dams is the slab type, which consists of sloping flat slabs supported at intervals by buttresses. Earth dams are embankments of rock or earth with provision for controlling seepage by means of dam may be included in a single structure. Curved dams may combine both gravity and arch action to achieve stability. Long dams often have a concrete river section containing spillway and sluice gates and earth or rock-fill wing dams for the remainder of their length.The selection of the best type of dam for a given site is a problem in both engineering feasibility and cost. Feasibility is governed by topography, geology and climate. For example, because concrete spalls when subjected to alternate freezing and thawing, arch and buttress dams with thin concrete section are sometimes avoided in areas subject to extreme cold. The relative cost of the various types of dams depends mainly on the availability of construction materials near the site and the accessibility of transportation facilities. Dams are sometimes built in stages with the second or late stages constructed a decade or longer after the first stage.The height of a dam is defined as the difference in elevation between the roadway, or spillway crest, and the lowest part of the excavated foundation. However, figures quoted for heights of dams are often determined in other ways. Frequently the height is taken as the net height is taken as the net height above the old riverbed.on damsA dam must be relatively impervious to water and capable of resisting the forces acting on it. The most important of these forces are gravity (weight of dam) , hydrostatic pressure, uplift, ice pressure, and earthquake forces are transmitted to the foundation and abutments of the dam, which react against the dam with an equal and opposite force, the foundation reaction. The effect of hydrostatic forces caused by water flowing over the dam may require consideration in special cases.The weight of a dam is the product of its volume and the specific weight of the material. The line of action of dynamic force passes through the center of mass of the cross section. Hydrostatic force may act on both the upstream and downstream faces of the dam. The horizontal componentH of the hydrostatic force is the force or unit width of damhit is2/2HrhhWhere r is the specific weight of water and h is the depth of water .The line of action of this force is h/3 above the base of thedam .The vertical component of the hydrostatic force is equal to the weigh of water vertically above the face of the dam and passes through the center of gravity of this volume of water.Water under pressure inevitably finds its way between the dam And its foundation and creates uplift pressures. The magnitude of the uplift force depends on the character of the foundation and the construction methods. It is often assumed that the uplift pressure varies linearly from full hydrostatic pressure at the upstream face (heel)to full tail-water pressure at the downstream face (toe).For this assumption the uplift force U isU=r(h1+h2)t/2Where t is the base thickness of the dam and h1and h2 are the water depths at the heel and toe of the dam,respectively. The uplift force will act through the center of area of the pressure trapezoid.Actual measurements on dams indicate that the uplift force is much less than that given by Eq.(2)Various assumption have been made regarding the distribution of uplift of Reclamation sometimes assumes that the uplift pressure on gravity dams varies linearly from two-thirds of full uplift at the heel to zero at the toe. Drains are usually provided near the heel of the dam to permit the escape of seepage water and relieve uplift.译文:坝据可靠记载,世界上第一座坝是公元前4000年以前在尼罗河上修建的。



Shimen DamProfession: Hydraulic and Hydroelectric Engineering Class & Grade: 091Student Name: Wang FuStudent Number: 200916056110Architecture and Engineering DepartmentFor the district in New Taipei City, see Shimen District.Shimen Dam is an embankment dam crossing the Dahan River in Taoyuan County, Taiwan. Serving mainly for municipal water supply and flood control, the dam creates Shimen Reservoir in the mountains south of Longtan. The construction plan was created in 1938 under Japanese rule, but was not implemented immediately because of the start of World War II. The dam was the largest in Taiwan when construction ended in 1964.Each day, Shimen supplies 1.4 million tonnes of water to residences and industry and 1.8 million tonnes of water to agriculture in Taoyuan County, Taiwan|Taoyuan County and New Taipei City. It is integral to the water supply/regulation system of northern Taiwan. The dam cost NT $4.85 billion to construct.History and siteThe dam site lies in a steep canyon of the Dahan River near the aboriginal town of Fusing, at the head of a 763 km2 catchment area. The canyon, with walls up to 500 metres high, was formerly home to the summer villa of Chiang K'ai-shek. The historic arched Amuping Stone Bridge and a nearby Earth God shrine, among other landmarks, were also covered by the Shimen Reservoir as it filled. Before the dam was built in the 1950s, the flow of到了新北市区,就能看到石门区。

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Earth and rock damSummaryEarth and rock dam, with another name as "local material dam",is mainly built with earth and rock materials near the site. It can be classified based on the materials it used, earth dam mainly with earth, sand, grit, and gravel, and rock dam mainly with rock ballast, gravel, and exploded rocks.Features of earth and rock damStrong pointsWith convenient supply of materials, many building materials such as steel, cement, and timbers can be saved.With granular structure more suitable to foundation deformation, it demands less on the foundation.Very flexible from simple artificial filling to highly mechanized construction, the procedure become simple, the construction become efficient, and the quality guarantee become easy.Simply structured, the?cost is low, the operation is convenient, works?is reliable, and maintenance and height adding is convient.Weak pointsOverflow not allowed, spillway has to be built.Diversion?less convenient, cost increases.Section larger, earth to be filled is easy to be affected by climate. This kind of difficult means possible extention of time limit and cost increaseEarth and rock dam typesBased on constructing ways, earth and rock dams can be classified into rolled ones of earth & rock, thrown rock-filled ones,?rock-filled ones with?directional detonation, ones with earth thrown into the water, and ones filled by hydraulic forces.?Among them, rolled ones are most popular.Based on the earth proportion and the location of anti-seepage?parts, there 概述土石坝又称“当地材料坝”,主要由坝址附近的土石料填筑而成,根据坝体所用材料不同又可分为土坝和堆石坝。
















均质坝优点:材料单一、工序简单;缺点:are homogeneous (even-granular) dams, ?zoned earth dams, and dams with artificial anti-seepage materials. Strong points of homogeneous dams: one fold materials, simple process weak points: flat gradient, large section, weather-limited, strong water pressurein holes. Zoned dams are classified into ones with core anti-seepage and ones with front anti-seepage. Less amount of earth, less affect of season. interfering with the filling of the dam body. Less interference with the construction of the dam body. weaker anti-earthquake and uneven sinking. The anti-seepage parts of dams with artificial anti-seepage materials use asphalt concrete, reinforced concrete or other artifical materials. Sometimes, the anti-seepage parts are in the dam front facing the upstream, sometimes, they are at the core of the dam. Working conditionsTrapeziform sectionEarth-rock dam is a water retaining structure built with loose granules of earth and rocks?filled and roller compacted. With weaker strength between these granules, both upsteam and downsteam slopes have to be kept at a?certain degree to avoid landslide. So the dam section is usually?trapeziform.?It can be destablized in two ways, simple slope sliding and sametime sliding of slope and foundation caused by shear damage.?It'sa difference from other structures Seepage effectsWith a large section, the dam is generally kept from entire sliding unless caused by weak interlayers. Effected by water levels at the upsteam and downsteam, seepage is easy to happen with streams passing the ?faying surfaces between the dam and foundation, 坝坡较缓、剖面大,受气候限制,坝体孔隙水压力大,高坝很少采用。










失稳的形式则是坝坡滑动或坝坡连同地基一起滑动的剪切破坏,这是与其他建筑物的不同之处. 渗流影响土坝挡水后,由于坝体断面较大,除坝基有水平软弱夹层外,产生整体滑动的可能性较小。




同时,渗透水流and between dam earth and concrete buildings. The seeping streams?form a free water surface inside the dam. Under the surface, all the earth body is saturated. ?Dipped in the water, the earth become lighter in effect. And its angle of internal friction is narrowed, and ?cohesive force weakened. With the hydrodynamic pressure from the seeping steams, more sliding of dam slopes is possible. When seeping steams?move in?soil,?the dam body and foundation will be deformed from too steep hydraulic gradient.??Sometimes the dam even crashes.Scour effectIts anti-scour ability is weak because the cohesive force between earth granules is small. On the one hand, the rain water enters the dam and lower the stability of the dam, and on the other hand, the rain scour the dam surface along the slope. At the same time, the waves inside the reservoir also wash out the dam surface, putting the surface in the risk of being damaged. Sometime,?landslide even happens due to this.?So effective protecting measures have to be taken for dam slopes both upstream and downstream.Sinking effectThe dam body and foundation will sink under their self weight and water load besides the space between earth granules. If it sinks too much, the elevation level will not be sufficient, and then the operation of the dam will be affected. And, too much uneven sinkage will cause fracture of the dam boday, and even a seepage passage, putting the dam at risk.Other effectsIn freezing regions, an ice-covered layer will be formed over the reservoir when the temperature is below 0 degree. 对土体还有动水压力的作用,这些力增加了坝坡滑动的可能性。
