



简介感谢您购买广州科肯电气有限公司生产的H100A 系列简易型变频器!H100A 实现了高转矩、高精度、宽调速驱动,满足通用变频器高性能化的趋势;具有超出同类产品的防跳闸性能和适应恶劣电网、温度、湿度和粉尘能力,极大提高产品可靠性。



为确保能正确安装及操作H100A 系列变频器,请在装机之前,详细阅读本使用手册,并请妥善保存及交给本产品的使用者。





1.变频器型号说明2.变频器系列选型3.产品简介表1H100A 变频器技术规范4.产品外型图、安装孔位尺寸图图1H100A 变频器外型及安装孔位尺寸(mm )5.变频器配线说明图2H100A 变频器典型接线示意图5.1主电路端子及接线说明5.2控制端子及接线:表2H100A 变频器控制端子功能说明6.操作按键说明功能表中符号说明如下:“☆”:表示该参数的设定值在变频器处于停机、运行状态中,均可更改;“★”:表示该参数的设定值在变频器处于运行状态时,不可更改;“●”:表示该参数的数值是实际检测记录值,不能更改;。


H200A 用户手册
感谢您购买 H200A 系列变频器!
本使用说明书介绍了如何正确使用 H200A 系列变频器。在使用(安装、运行、维护、检 查等)前,请务必认真阅读本使用说明书。另外,请在理解产品的安全注意事项后再使用该产 品。
H200A 系列变频器,不仅兼容 H200 的绝大部分功能,以配合客户的使用习惯,还进行了 部分的优化升级,在功能、性能、易用性等方面均有提高。
第二章 产品信息................................................................................................................................... - 6 -
2.1 命名规则................................................................................................................................................... - 6 2.2 铭牌.............................................................................................................................................................- 6 2.3 变频器选型................................................................................................................................................. - 7 2.4 技术规范..................................................................................................................................................... - 7 2.5 产品外型图、安装孔位尺寸..................................................................................................................... - 9 2.6 制动组件选型指南................................................................................................................................... - 11 -

柯力 KH系列 数显式推拉力计 使用说明书

柯力 KH系列 数显式推拉力计 使用说明书

KH系列数显式推拉力计柯力中文使用说明书2011年11月版宁波柯力传感科技股份有限公司●使用前请仔细阅读本产品说明书●请妥善保管本产品说明书,以备查阅目录KH系列规格参数 (1)KH系列推拉力计外形结构 (2)KH系列外形尺寸 (3)安全注意事项 (4)使用提示 (5)功能 (5)主要特点 (6)规格参数 (6)各部件的名称与功能 (6)一液晶显示窗 (7)二功能按键 (8)参数设定方法 (10)中英文提示选择、显示翻转及置零范围设置方法 (14)上下限自动报警指示灯 (15)充电指示 (15)通讯接口 (15)充电器插孔 (15)打印接口 (16)使用前准备 (16)校准 (16)测试 (20)1开/关机 (20)2清零 (20)3选择测试模式 (20)4选择计量单位 (21)5测试 (21)数据的存储打印 (22)查看与删除永久记忆区 (23)串口引脚说明: (24)传感器外置式接口说明 (24)包装与附件 (25)保养及维护 (25)2008年5月版KH系列推拉力计外形结构KH系列外形尺寸安全注意事项1使用前请详细阅读本说明书,错误的操作有可能会损坏本机或发生严重事故。













PMH100多功能配电仪表使用说明书V3.4选型表1主要性能指标●精度:基本精度0.2级●温度漂移:<50PPM/℃(0-50℃)●工作电源:85~265V AC/DC通用●频率:50Hz(45~65Hz)●输入电压:220V AC RMS 负荷<0.5VA●输入电流:5A AC RMS 负荷<0.2VA输入电流为1A时,订货时指定。


AC220V 内部阻抗48k欧姆可选1路SO开关量输出,电源为220VAC。

●通讯:RS485/MODBUS-RTU 默认速率9600bps ●功耗:<1W●重量:120g●工作温度:-20℃--+75℃;● 相对湿度:5%--95% 不结露● 设备耐压,绝缘强度:电源、电压、电流、通讯回路之间绝缘耐压>2kV ;● 绝缘阻抗>10M Ω;● 抗干扰:IEC61000-4-4 4kV2包装主机(含螺钉式端子排),安装卡扣;快速安装指南(本手册)在打开产品包装时,请仔细检查是否有损坏,如有任何损坏请及时通知代理商,并请保留外包装。


3安装方法右视图开孔注意:尺寸单位为毫米1. 在配电盘上开一个与主机相对应的安装孔。

2. 取出智能配电仪表,取下定位夹子。

3. 把仪表插入配电盘安装孔中。

4. 插入仪表后装上定位夹(卡扣)。


本系列仪表若不作特殊说明,可以采用交流或直流电源,85~265V AC/DC电源接口,请保证所提供的电源适用于该系列产品工作电源的要求,以防损坏产品。


4.2端子名称4.3 典型接线图OPT为可选配置,可根据客户要求配置成DI,SO,PO,AO。



3.2 键盘的操作方法.............................................................................................................. 32 3.2.1 功能码组切换.............................................................................................................32
3.3 监视显示...........................................................................................................................34
3.4 系统参数初始化.............................................................................................................. 35
前 言.....................................................................................................................................................2
为正确使用本产品及确保使用者安全,在你使用之前,请详细阅读本说明书,阅读完 后请妥善保存,以备后用。如在使用过程中遇到解决不了的疑难问题,请联系本公司的各 地经销商,或者直接与本公司联系。



一. 产品特性:工作电压: DC 12V开锁电流:≤1000mA静态电流:≤60mA储存容量: 1088标准用户最大读卡距离: 15-20厘米RF卡类型: H4100卡工作温度: -40℃~70℃(工业级)工作湿度: 10%~90%尺寸: 117×117×21mm二. 安装说明:卸下固定面板与底板的十字螺丝,取下底板,使用随机配备的胶塞和螺钉将底板安装在欲控制出入口的入口侧墙壁,注意上下方向。

提示:1. 确认电源电压为直流12V和电源正负极性2. 防撬报警开关在电路板右下角,后盖打开状态下或弹簧松动蜂鸣器将连续短鸣报警,关闭后盖报警停止,此功能出厂默认为关闭,,可根据功能设置开启。

三.编程设置方法:初始编程密码为1234561.进入编程状态:按* => 输入编程密码 =>按#2 功能设置(需在编程状态下)(A) 修改编程密码按0 => 按# => 输入新编程密码 => 按#注:密码为1-6 位任意数字(B) 设置开门时间按1 => 按 # => X X => 按#注:XX 为1-99 单位为秒出厂设置为3 秒(C) 设置开门模式按2 => 按# 进入设置方式一:模式一,输入正确密码开门。

按1 => 按#方式2:模式二,混合模式输入正确密码开门,读有效卡加正确密码开门或刷有效卡开门。

按2 => 按#注:出厂设置为模式二(D) 快速录入用户卡:按3 => 按# => 读有效卡可以在5分钟内,连续录入用户卡,按* 退出(E) 设置、修改用户开门密码按4 => 按# =>方式一:输入用户编码 => 按# => 输入用户开门密码 => 按#方式二:=> 读有效卡=> 输入用户开门密码 => 按#读有效卡后,绿灯黄灯闪烁,可连续刷卡设定注: 1.用户编号为1-1088不可重复,按*取消输入,返回到编程状态2.刷卡+密码开门的用户必须刷卡后输入密码3.读有效卡后绿、黄灯齐闪烁,表示可以连续读卡修改或设定密码,按* 退出。


RONK UPS H 型(MBS 内置)说明书 (总 25 页)
Uninterruptib le
Power System
H 系列

限流,自动关机,保险丝及空气开关保护 自动转旁路由市电供电
10-100KHz at 40dB;100KHz-100MHz at 70dB 显示输入/输出频率、输出电压、电池电压、输出功率
(%)、机内温度 LED 显示,电池低电压点亮
市电,旁路,逆变,电池低压,过载,UPS 故障
DR9 型式 RS232 介面
持通畅,如图五: 2-3 避免放置阳光直射、雨淋或潮湿之处,如图六、七: 2-4 请远离火源及高温,以防温度过高,如图八: 2-5 请勿在 UPS 上放置物品,如图九: 2-6 避免置于含腐蚀性气体处,如图十: 2-7 运转环境温度:0℃-40℃
3、外部输入/输出配线及空开的选择参见表 1
5-3 如欲延长供电时间,请找专业人员外加电池,勿自行安装,以免发生危 险。
5-4 电池请保持满电位,以延长寿命。 5-5 UPS 内有高压电,非技术人员请勿打开机器,以免发生危险。 5-6 请依照本说明书规定施工及使用。
本说明书内容,为系统性的介绍与说明 UPS 的使用与安装,须注意安装与使 用可能因地区或状况而有所差异,请向经销商或本公司查询澄清。

Step Servo Quick Tuner 用户手册 中文 pdf

Step Servo Quick Tuner 用户手册 中文 pdf
Step-Servo Quick Tuner 软件手册
©版权所有 上海安浦鸣志自动化设备有限公司
Step-Servo Quick Tuner 软件手册
1 版本历史
Байду номын сангаас
Frank, Jimmy
2013-7-19 首次发布
2014-12-31 增加 Step-Servo Quick Tuner 3.0 的新特性
2 目录
Step-Servo Quick Tuner 软件手册
1 版本历史 ........................................................................................................................ 2 2 目录................................................................................................................................ 3 3 Step-Servo Quick Tuner 软件介绍 ............................................................................... 6


8Ver X.XX
Prog LED:无显示。
Level LED:无显示。
* * * * * * * *



BT-Q1000XT 簡易使用指南繁體中文……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….A. 盒裝標準配備(1) GPS 本體BT-Q1000XT (2) 可充電式鋰電池(3) 車用點煙器式充電器(4) mini USB 連接線+ 保證卡注意: 車用點煙器式充電器為BT-Q1000XT量身訂做的特別規格,所以請勿將其用來與其它設備搭配使用。

1. 2. 3.4.B. 外觀1. 電源插座(mini USB)2. 模式選擇(OFF/NAV/LOG)3. 電源狀態指示燈(紅/綠)4. 藍牙連線狀態指示燈(藍)5. GPS連線狀態指示燈(橙)6. 內建天線7. 景點座標記錄按鈕(POI)Beyond Navigation繁體中文……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….C. 硬體功能模式選擇(OFF) 模式選擇(NAV) 模式選擇(LOG)D. 電池安裝D-1 將電池放入主體:打開主體下方的電池蓋,將電池放入主體後再把電池蓋蓋回原處固定D-2 將電池取出:打開主體下方的電池蓋,然後把電池從主體中取出繁體中文……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….E. 為您的電池進行充電如果您是第一次使用BT-Q1000XT,請將電池完全充電。

將電源線連接電源插座並藉由mini USB線、旅行充電器或車用充電器進行充電。

充電時間約為3小時-當電源指示燈為紅色閃爍,電池將耗盡電源,請進行充電-當電源指示燈為綠色恆亮,電池正在進行充電-當電源指示燈為熄滅,電池電源已充電完畢.F. 設定BT-Q1000XTF-1 安裝USB驅動程式和QTravel PC軟體(支援Microsoft Windows XP / Vista/Win7/8/10)請至Qstarz網站/download.php或https:///Web/DownloadIndex_BTQ.php選擇GPS Travel Recorder> BT-Q1000XT,並下載最新的USB驅動程式和QTravel軟體。



GHHL100回路电阻电阻测试仪使用说明书目录一、概述 (2)二、安全措施 (2)三、性能特点 (2)四、技术指标 (2)五、面板介绍 (3)六、接线与使用说明 (4)(一)仪器接线 (4)(二)使用说明 (4)七、注意事项 (7)八、售后服务 (8)一、概述按新电力设备预防性试验规程要求,各种开关设备的导电回路电阻测试,其测试电流不得小于100A,连续电流时间不得少于一分钟,对此,我公司设计开发出新一代回路电阻测试仪系列产品,其适用于测试高低压开关的主触头接触电阻值,高低压电缆线路的直流电阻值等。










四、技术指标1、测试电流:100A2、测试时间:自动、20s、30s、40s、50s、60s3、测试范围:100A: 0~29.99mΩ4、准确度:±(读数×0.5%+2个字)5、分辨率:0.01μΩ(最高)6、工作电压:AC220V±10%7、工作温度:-10℃~50℃,工作湿度:0~80%8、净重:9kg9、外形尺寸:330mm×255mm×230mm五、面板功能介绍仪器面板见图一。


4.与设备相关的焊接资料 Effect of Wave Balance波形平衡的作用
PENETRATION熔深 = 0.346”
2.5 Arc control(弧控)设置 -balance 将频率设为希望的值后,再按一下按钮1,显示屏1上显示当前Balance (含义在 后面讲),拨动旋钮1可以在25-75之间设定;
2.5 Arc control(弧控)设置 -dc offset 将Balance设定完成后,再按一下按钮1,显示屏1上显示DC OFFSET(见图), 拨动旋钮1可以在-25,25之间进行设置。(对于单弧系统,设置完成后按一 下按钮1,则指示灯回复weld mode)
2.6 起弧、收弧设置-burn back焊丝回烧时间 Crater time设置完成后,再按一次按钮2,可在0-2s间进行Burn back设置,再按 一下按钮2,则start option灯亮,显示屏上显示为arc delay time,回到默认状态。
6 - 3/32’’ (2.4mm)
7 - 5/64’’ (2.0mm)
8 - 1/16’’ (1.6mm)
2-60 HZ SINE WAVE 频率为60赫兹的正弦波
3-50HZ SINE WAVE 频率为50赫兹的正弦波



P100 系列
PDM20全系列机型三线式10V传感器接线图示 2.三线制 10V 压力传感器接线图
型号:PT1101 电源:10VDC 量程:0-1Mpa 输出:4-20mA
电源线:红色 信号线:绿色V0与GND之间电是否与设定值相等。
2.5 接线图
1. 远传压力表接线图 PDM20全系列机型远传压力表接线图示
如果条件允许,连接前用万用表测量 +V0与GND之间电是否与设定值相等。

1.安装接线 按图示接好主电源线与
第三章 快速调试................................................................................................. 11 3.1 参数设置................................................................................................11 3.2 水泵转向确认........................................................................................11
第二章 外观及接线............................................................................................... 7 2.1 型号说明...................................................................................................7 2.2 安装尺寸..................................................................................................7 2.3 主电路与控制端子接线图......................................................................8 2.4 端子标识及说明......................................................................................8 2.5 接线图......................................................................................................9

SK100说明书 v2.0

SK100说明书 v2.0

SK100 ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM TECHNICAL MANUAL产品技术手册V ersion 2.0对本手册所包含的所有信息,包括URL链接和其他网上资料,本公司有权未经通知,自行修改。



本手册任何部分在未经Singapore SmartKey Technology International Private Limited书面同意的情况下,不得以任何形式(电子媒体、影印、记录或其他)再版、存储或引用。


© 2005 Singapore SmartKey Technology International Private Limited.版权所有此产品符合欧洲以下标准:EMC Directive: 89/336/EEC目录1. SmartKey SK100系列控制器 (1)1.1简介 (1)1.2系统构成 (1)1.2.1 SK100单门控制器 (1)1.2.2读卡器 (1)1.2.3 门磁 (3)1.2.4 电控锁 (3)1.2.5 开门按钮 (4)1.2.6 其它输入/输出设备 (4)1.2.7电源 (4)1.2.8 与PC机相连接 (4)2. 安装 (5)2.1 SK100系列控制器接线图 (5)2.1.1控制器上的指示灯 (5)2.1.2 终端电阻 (5)2.2 与读卡器的连接 (7)2.3 与电控锁相连接 (8)2.4 与门磁的连接 (8)2.5 与开门按钮的连接 (9)2.6 与其它输入/输出设备的连接 (9)2.7 与电源的连接 (10)2.8 与PC机的连接 (11)2.9 控制器多阶层通讯方式 (12)2.10 给控制器通电 (13)3. 菜单操作 (13)3.1 系统菜单 (13)3.1.1 初始化系统 (14)3.1.2 设置控制器的ID地址 (14)3.1.3修改登录密码 (14)3.1.4 删除所有记录 (14)3.1.5 动态调整 (14)3.1.6 设置同卡延迟时间 (14)3.1.7 设置波特率 (15)3.1.9 修改安全密码 (15)3.1.10 设置键盘开门 (15)3.1.11 设置防尾随 (15)3.2 时间菜单 (15)3.2.1日期设置 (16)3.2.2 时间设置 (16)3.2.3 校正时间误差 (16)3.2.4 设置继电器定时 (16)3.2.5 设置时段 (17)3.2.6 设置时区 (17)3.2.7 设置时区表 (17)3.2.8 假日设置 (18)3.2.9 设置群组 (19)3.3 读卡器菜单 (19)3.3.1 设置读卡器的控制方向 (19)3.3.2 设置动作模式 (20)3.4 卡片菜单 (20)3.4.1 感应加卡 (20)3.4.2 位置码加卡 (20)3.4.3 感应删除卡片 (20)3.4.4 删除全部卡片 (21)3.4.5 位置码删卡 (21)3.4.6 按卡片序号删卡 (21)3.4.7 依群组增加卡片 (21)3.5 门菜单 (21)3.5.1设置返潜回 (22)3.5.2 设置开门时间 (22)3.5.3 自动开门时区表 (22)3.5.4 设置密码取消时区表 (22)3.5.5 设置多卡认证 (22)3.5.6 设置互锁 (22)3.5.7设置密码开门时区表 (23)3.5.8 设置门磁的常态值 (23)3.5.9 设置报警输出 (23)3.6 高级菜单 (23)3.6.1 重置反潜回 (24)3.6.2 设置报警键 (24)3.6.3 设置卡号输出字节 (24)3.6.4 设置卡号显示方式 (24)3.7 查询 (24)3.7.1 控制器ID号 (24)3.7.2 控制器层级 (25)3.7.3 控制器序列号 (25)3.7.4 卡片数量 (25)3.7.5 记录数量 (25)3.7.6 软件版本号 (25)3.7.7 同卡延迟时间 (25)3.7.8 卡片最大存储量 (25)3.7.9 记录最大存储量 (25)3.7.10 监控通讯状态 (25)3.8 开门命令 (26)3.8.1 键盘开门 (26)3.8.2 密码开门 (26)3.9 菜单一览表 (27)附录1 电缆规格 (29)附录2 电源规格 (30)附录3 控制器后盖安装尺寸 (31)SK100系列控制器说明书1. SmartKey SK100系列控制器1.1简介本手册讲述了SK100控制器安装及使用规范。



CHION-100系列PLC 简明操作手册上海正航电子科技有限公司Zhenghang Electronics Co., LTD2011-3版本号:V1.21.通用说明1.1.简介CN100系列是正航电子根据客户需求,推出的新一代兼容S7-200系列的产品。



z使用STEP-7 MICRO/WIN编程调试z产品外观、安装、接线等与S7-200系列保持一致z增强的防破解功能,无法破解用户程序z内部掉电保持无需电池CN100系列包括CPU模块和数字量输入输出、模拟量输入输出等各种类型的扩展模块。


产品说明 CN-100 系列订货号 中央处理单元CPUCPU 222 DC/DC/DC,8 输入/6 输出 CN100-CPU222-DTCPU 222 AC/DC/继电器,8 输入/6 输出 CN100-CPU222-ARCPU 224 DC/DC/DC,14 输入/10 输出 CN100-CPU224-DTCPU 224 AC/DC/继电器,14 输入/10 输出 CN100-CPU224-ARCPU 224XP DC/DC/DC,14 输入/10 输出 CN100-CPU224XP-DTCPU 224XP AC/DC/继电器,14 输入/10 输出 CN100-CPU224XP-ARCPU 226 DC/DC/DC,22 输入/16 输出 CN100-CPU226-DTCPU 226 AC/DC/继电器,22 输入/16 输出 CN100-CPU226-AR 扩展模块EMEM 221 数字量输入模块,8 输入24V DC CN100-EM221-C8EM 221 数字量输入模块,16 输入24 VDC CN100-EM221-C16EM 222 数字量输出模块,8 输出24 VDC CN100-EM222-T8EM 222 数字量输出模块,8 输出 继电器 CN100-EM222-R8EM 222 数字量输出模块,16 输出24 VDC CN100-EM222-T16EM 222 数字量输出模块,16 输出 继电器 CN100-EM222-R16EM 223 数字量输入/输出模块,8 输入/8 输出24 VDC CN100-EM223-C8T8EM 223 数字量输入/输出模块,8 输入24 VDC/8 继电器 输出 CN100-EM223-C8R8EM 231 模拟量输入模块,4 输入 CN100-EM231-AD4EM 231 2 路输入热电阻 CN100-EM231-RTD2EM 231 4路输入热电阻 CN100-EM231-RTD4EM 231 4 路输入热电偶 CN100-EM231-TC4EM 232 模拟量输出模块,2 输出 CN100-EM232-DA2EM 235 模拟量输入/输出模块4 输入/1 输出 CN100-EM235-AD4DA1 1.2.与CN-200(S7-200)系列PLC的区别功能项目 S7-200系列PLC CN-200 系列PLC CN-100 系列PLC最大扩展模块数 2个(CPU222)或7个 所有型号均支持7个扩展模块所有型号均支持7个扩展模块实时时钟 部分型号需插卡才能支持自带实时时钟掉电保持 需电池或超级电容 内部无需电池自动永久掉电保持 防破解 差 无法破解模块通用性 通用 模块与其它系列产品不通用程序空间 4~16K 4K 数据空间 2~10K 1K 高速脉冲输入 4~6路 不支持 高速脉冲输出 2路 不支持 定时器 256个 128个 计数器 256个 32个CPU222、CPU224:单通讯口(1个PPI/自由口) CPU222、CPU224:单通讯口(1个PPI/自由口)通讯口CPU224XP、CPU226:双通讯口(2个PPI/自由口) CPU224XP、CPU226:双通讯口(1个PPI+1个自由口)字符串指令 支持 不支持 ASCII转换指令 支持 不支持 三角函数 支持 不支持 指数对数函数 支持 不支持网络读写(NETR/NETW)支持 支持从站 PID指令 支持 支持(无自整定) 不支持1.3.CPU接线图CN100-CPU222-DT 接线图CN100-CPU222-AR 接线图CN100-CPU224-DT 接线图CN100-CPU224-AR 接线图CN100-CPU224XP-DT 接线图CN100-CPU224XP-AR 接线图CN100-CPU226-DT 接线图CN100-CPU226-AR接线图1.4.存储器描述CN100-CPU222CN100-CPU224CN100-CPU224XP CN100-CPU226 用户程序大小4096字节用户数据大小1024字节输入映像寄存器I0.0 - I15.7输出映像寄存器Q0.0 - Q15.7模拟量输入(只读)16路(AIW0 – AIW31)模拟量输出(只写)16路(AQW0 – AQW31)变量存储器(V)VB0 – VB1023局部存储器(L)LB0 – LB63位存储器(M)M0.0 - M31.7特殊存储器(SM)SM0.0 - SM100.7定时器(T) 128(T0-T127)计数器C0 - C31顺序控制继电器(S)S0.0 - S15.7累加寄存器AC0-AC3跳转/标号0 - 255调用/子程序0 - 63中断程序0 -63正/负跳变128端口端口0 端口0 端口0,1 端口0,12.功能及操作说明2.1.在STEP-7 MICRO/WIN32软件中的操作CN-100系列PLC在STEP-7 MICRO/WIN32软件中,搜索出的型号均为CPU222,但根据PLC实际点数的不同,在“PLC信息”中会显示其实际的输入输出组。

高达50A 100A的金属版无缝电机速控制器用户手册说明书

高达50A 100A的金属版无缝电机速控制器用户手册说明书

1, Brake: *Off / Soft / Hard / Very hard 2, Battery Type: *LiPo / NiMH3, Cuto Mode: *Soft cut / Hard cut. Soft means gradually reduce the output power. Hard means cut off the output immediately.4, Low-voltage Cuto Threshold: Off / Low / *Middle / High / Customized: 2.8V~25.2V ,Step: 0.1VBefore using a new ESC, you need to check all the connections to make sure they are correct and reliable before connecting the ESC to the battery. When ensured everything is ok, then start the ESC in the following sequence:1, Move the throttle stick to the bottom position (throttle value=0%), then turn on the transmitter;2, Connect the battery pack to the ESC, then the ESC starts self-test; the motor issues “♪ 123” indicating the system is powered on, and N short “beeps” indicating the amount of LiPo cells of the battery pack, then a long “beep—“indicating the self-test is completed successfully and the system is ready to fly.• If no response is received, please check the battery and battery connections to ensure they are ok and reliable.1. Warning tone for abnormal input voltage : when powered on the ESC, it will start testing the input voltage. If the voltage is not in the normal scope, the motor will emit the warning “beep beep, beep beep, beep beep” till the voltage returns to normal (the time interval among each group of “beep beep” is 1 second).2. Warning tone for throttle signal loss : when detected no throttle signal, the ESC will issue the following warning: “beep-, beep, beep-” (the time interval among these “beeps” is 2 seconds).3. Warning tone if the throttle stick is not at the bottom position when the ESC is powered up : When the throttle is not at the bottom position, the ESC will issue the following warning: “beep-beep-beep-beep-beep-” (every “beep” is very short and hurried).(For the speci c output voltage, please refer to the parameter list .)• Brand new governor program, easy to operate; and its excellent speed-governing effect can make big rotor blades more stable even under rapid load change. • "Restart in auto rotation" can manually interrupt the auto rotation and quickly restart the motor to avoid crashes caused by incorrect operations. • Independent output port for RPM (that is: motor speed) signals.• Compatible LCD program box (optional accessory), its simple and visual interface allows users to set/revise all the ESC parameters easily.(For detailed information, please refer to User Manual of LCD Program Box.)• Upgradeable firmware, you can upgrade the ESC after connecting it to a PC via the USB cable on the program box.• The independent port, for connecting the program box and setting parameters, can also be the output port of the running status data of the ESC. When coordinating with the data transmission module, it can make the real-time data monitoring and logging possible.• Multiple protection features including input voltage abnormality protection / low-voltage cutoff protection / throttle signal loss protection effectively prolong the service life of the ESC.1) When set as “LiPo battery”, the ESC will automatically calculate the cutoff threshold of the battery pack according to the amount of LiPo cells. The low / middle / high cutoff voltage per cell is 2.85V / 3.15V / 3.30V. For example, when using a 3S LiPo, if set the cutoff voltage as “middle”, the cutoff threshold of this battery pack should be 3.15×3=9.45V.2) When set as “NiMH battery”, then the low / middle / high cutoff voltage is 50% / 62.5% / 75% of the initial input voltage (at boot/starting up) . For example, when using a 6-cell NiMH battery pack, the voltage at starting up is 1.44×6=8.64V; and if set the cutoff threshold as “low”, the cutoff threshold of this battery pack should be 8.64×50%=4.3V.3) When set as “Customized: 2.8V~25.2V”, the cutoff threshold of the battery pack can be precisely set (the precision can reach 0.1V). But you need a LCD program box (optional accessory) or USB cable on the LCD program box to connect the ESC to a PC, then set relevant parameters via a special program (Hobbywing USB Link Software ).5, Flight Mode: Airplane Fixed Wing / Heli Governor O / *Heli Governor (Elf) / Heli Governor Store1) Airplane Fixed Wing: The motor starts to spin at 5% throttle, then speeds up quickly and reaches the full speed from standstill in 300µs. In this mode, the ESC will be enforced to set the “Auto Rotation Restart Time” to “OFF”.2) Heli Governor O : When the motor starts at 5% throttle, the startup is very soft and it takes 11 seconds to reach the full speed from standstill. In this mode, if the transmitter is in NORMAL state, then usually the throttle curve is a slash (the start point is the lowest point / 0% throttle, the end point is the highest point / 100% throttle of the throttle range. And this throttle curve is often used by beginners). As the start point is only 5% of the full throttle, the motor rotates slowly that greatly reduces psychological pressure for beginners, so pilots can select this mode for basic practices like “frog leap”. In this mode, the ESC will automatically set the “Auto Rotation Restart Time” to “Off”.3) Heli Governor (Elf) & Heli Governor Store :The motor only starts at 40% (or above) throttle (in governor mode, the motor won’t start when the throttle value is within 0%-40%); its startup is very soft and needs 11 seconds to reach the full speed from standstill. Besides, it has speed-governing function (works at 40%-100% throttle). As the motor rotates quickly in “governor” mode, so it isn’t suitable for beginner anymore but experienced pilots. In these two modes, the setting about “Auto Rotation Restart Time” comes into effect (please refer to “Auto Rotation Restart Time” for more information). 4) Heli Governor (Elf) & Heli Governor Store have different ways of storing target rev data. In “Governor Store” mode, the data are saved into the FLASH of the microprocessor (and the data won’t disappear after powered off); while in “Governor (Elf )” mode, data of the nominal target rev are saved into the RAM of the microprocessor (and the data will disappear after powered off). • In “Governor (Elf )” mode, the ESC will automatically start the RPM standardization & regain the target rev data after powered on.• In “Governor Store” mode, if it needs to re-standardize the target RPM, pilots must modify and save the flight mode as any option except "Heli Govornor Store"first (without restarting the ESC at this moment), then modify and save it as "Heli Govornor Store"; the ESC will enter the RPM standardization and regain the target RPM data after it’s powered on. After the first activation of the“speed-governing” function or changed accessories (like motor, battery cells amount, gear and different type of main/big rotor blades) on the plane, pilots need to standardize the RPM again next time.Security Warning: For safety, please pay attention to the following points.• When the landing process ends early and the helicopter gets back to ground before the “autorotation restart time”, it’s prohibited to “unlock” the throttle HOLD switch before disconnecting the battery. Otherwise, the helicopter may rotate and accelerate to a high speed in 1.5s and cause accidents. E.g., if “unlock” the throttle HOLD switch in the “Auto rotation restart time” with the helicopter is still in “IDLE” mode, main rotor blades will spin rapidly and the helicopter may drift and tilt even on the ground.• If switch the flight mode from “IDLE” to “NORMAL” and move the throttle stick to the bottom position (0% throttle) or “lock” the “Throttle Cut” switch on the transmitter, main rotor blades will not rotate even if you accidentally “unlocked” the throttle HOLD switch.• In “governor” mode, if set “Auto Rotation Restart Time” to “Off”, the motor will always restart at the super soft acceleration rate (it takes 11 seconds to reach the full speed from standstill). Please attention!7, Advanced Timing: 0deg / 4deg / 8deg / 12deg / *15deg / 18deg / 22deg / 26deg / 30deg / Customized: 0deg~30deg, step: 1 deg.In general, the low timing works fine for most motors. While as great differences exist among motors, so please try different timing(s) to get the best driving effect. For increasing the speed, you can set the timing higher. After the timing adjustment, we recommend having a trial on the ground first, and then fly in the sky. 8, PWM Frequency: 8KHz / 16KHz / 24KHz / *32KHzThe rise of PWM frequency can make the motor driving smoother and the noise lower; certainly, this will bring more switching loss for the MOSFET & more heat to the ESC. 9, BEC Voltage: *5.2V / 6.0V / 7.4V / 8.4VFor Platinum-50A-V3 ESCs, the BEC output voltage is selectable among 5.2V / 6.0V / 7.4V; and the actual output will be 7.4V even if you selected 8.4V as the nominal output. For Platinum-100A-V3 ESCs, the BEC output voltage is selectable among 6.0V / 7.4V / 8.4V; but the actual output will be 6.0V even if you selected 5.2V as the nominal output. 10, LiPo Cells: *Auto calculation / 1 cell / 2 cells / 3 cells / 4 cells / 5 cells / 6 cellsThe parameter is valid only when the battery pack is LiPo. After powered on, the ESC will make the motor beep the amount of cells in your LiPo pack according to auto-detection or cell count manually set. For Platinum 50A/100A V3 ESCs, the range which can be auto-calculated or manually set is 2~6S; if exceeds, the ESC will warn.Here we suggest pilots take the “Governor Store” mode as their rst option to avoid standardizing rev every time.a) RPM standardization in “Governor (Elf)” mode: when the throttle value switches to over 40% from 0%, the motor starts in a super soft way and accelerates slowly; it completes RPM standardization in 11 seconds and then enters the “governor” mode. After changed batteries, the ESC will standardize the RPM again.b) RPM standardization in “Governor Store” mode: when the throttle value switches to over 40% from 0%, the motor starts in a super soft way and accelerates slowly; it completes RPM standardization in 11 seconds and then enters the “governor” mode. After flight, please move the transmitter throttle stick to the bottom position, the motor stops spinning and the ESC will save the standardized (target) RPM into the FLASH. After changed batteries, the ESC will read the target RPM from the FLASH, so there is no need to standardize the rev again. c) Example for RPM Standardization:In this example, we take the neutral point (50%) of the throttle stick as reference points for standardizing RPM.• Set the throttle curve (throttle value at the neutral point=50%) & pitch curve (the pitch at the neutral point is 0) in “NORMAL” mode, and keep the throttle HOLD switch “locked” to ensure safety.• Connect the fully charged battery to the ESC, let the ESC complete the initialization, then move the transmitter throttle stick to the neutral point (here the throttle value at the neutral point is 50% and the pitch of main rotor blades is 0 degree), and then “unlock” the throttle HOLD switch; the motor will start from standstill in a super soft way, accelerate slowly and completes the target rev standardization 11 seconds later.• Trial flight. If the target rev is too low, then raise the throttle curve; if the target rev is too high, and then lower the throttlePlatinum-50A-V3:• The tricolor (WRB) cable here is the throttle cable(WHITE: throttle signal wire, RED: BEC output wire, Black: ground wire);• The thin Orange wire is for RPM signal output;• The 3-pin port (marked with - + P) is an independent port for parameter setting; it can connect the LCD Program Box, or be the output port of running status data of the ESC.Platinum-100A-V3:• The tricolor (WRB) cable here is the throttle cable(WHITE: throttle signal wire, RED: BEC output wire, BLACK: ground wire);• The bicolor (RB) cable here is the BEC cable (RED: BEC output wire, BLACK: ground wire);• Hence, there are 2 Black wires & 2 Red wires are connected in parallel to the output end of the BEC to make the higher current get through;• The thin Orange wire is for RPM signal output;• The 3-pin port (marked with - + P) is an independent port for parameter setting; it can connect LCD Program Box, or be the output port of the ESC running status data. 2 pins corresponding to “+” & “-” in the program port are also connected to the output end of the built-in BEC, so that it can power the cooling fan of the ESC.Platinum V3 series speed controllers have independent output ports / interfaces for RPM signals, so it can connect to flybarless systems like Mikado V-Bar as RPM signal source. Undoubtedly, this reduces peripheral devices which need to be connected to the flybarless helicopter and simplifies the wiring.BEGIN TO USE A NEW BRUSHLESS ESCEXPLANATIONS FOR WARNING TONE1. Startup Protection : the ESC will shut down the motor after failed to start the motor normally in 2 seconds by increasing the throttle value, then you need to move the transmitter throttle stick to the bottom position again and restart.(Causes to this problem : poor wire connection between the ESC and the motor or disconnection of some output wire, propellers are blocked by other objects, gears are blocked and cannot move and etc.)2. Overheat Protection : When the internal operating temperature exceeds 110 Celsius degree, the ESC will reduce its output power and start protection; it won’t cut off the output, but reduce it to 50% to ensure that the motor still has some power for avoiding crash caused by insufficient power. And the ESC will gradually resume its maximum power after the temperature returns to the safe level.3. Throttle Signal Loss Protection : When detected the signal loss for over 0.25 second, the ESC will cut off the output immediately to avoid even greater loss which may caused by the continuous high-speed rotation of propellers or rotor blades.4. Overload Protection : The ESC will cut off the power or restart automatically when the load suddenly increases to a very high value. And the common cause of load soar is the lockout of propellers.EXPLANATION FOR OTHER PROTECTIONSPROGRAMMABLE ITEMSOUTPUT PORT FOR RPM SIGNALSPlatinum V3 series speed controllers have independent ports for parameter setting, which can also be the output ports of the running status data of the ESCs. When coordinating with the data transmission module, it can make the real-time data monitoring and logging possible.For more information, please read detailed explanations in 《Developer’s Guide 》.OUTPUT THE REAL-TIME RUNNING STATUS DATA OF THE ESCSPECIFICATIONS“*”in explanations below indicate factory defaults .NORMAL START-UP PROCESSWIRING DIAGRAMPROGRAMMABLE ITEMScurve. E.g. set the throttle curve in IDLE1 / IDLE2 / IDLE3 mode to 65% / 75% / 85% respectively to experience different RPM, and then adjust the value according to the actual situation or preference.5) As the battery voltage decreases & the pitch of main rotor blades varies in flight, so we recommend setting the throttle curve between 60%~85% (here we strongly suggest not set the value exceeds 85%) on the transmitter to guarantee the speed -governing effect and sufficient compensating room to keep the motor’s constant speed. If still can’t reach that target rev when the throttle value exceeds 85%, please change the motor pinion.6) For guaranteeing the speed-governing effect, we strongly recommend setting the PWM frequency as 32 kHz.6, Autorotation Restart Time: Off / 5s / *10s / 15s / 30s / 90s.This parameter is only used in “Governor (Elf )” and “Governor Store” modes, and works when the throttle value is within 5%~40%.During the period of auto rotating (to land), pilots still have the chance to cancel the operation by interrupting the process and restarting the motor quickly. E.g. when set the parameter to 10 seconds,enabling the throttle HOLD switch (to activate the throttle protection) in flight, the motor will cut off the output and let the helicopter land. While, if you want to end this process immediately, then you need to “unlock” the HOLD switch (to exit the throttle protection) and increase the throttle value to over 40%, and the ESC will temporarily switch the acceleration time to 1.5 seconds (that is: it reaches the full speed from standstill in 1.5s) and output power quickly. This action protects the helicopter from crashing caused by the motor’s slow acceleration. However, if “lock” the throttle HOLD switch over 10 seconds, the ESC will still output power slowly at a super soft acceleration rate (that means it will take 11s to reach the full speed from standstill) even if you “unlock” the throttle HOLD switch and increase the throttle value promptly.And a long “beep” indicating the system is ready and you can fly thehelicopter or airplane now.SET THE THROTTLE RANGEThen a long “beep” indicates the system is ready and you can fly the aircraft now.PARAMETERS PROGRAMMING/SETTING VIA THE TRANSMITTER• If the motor doesn’t beep after powered on, it means the battery voltage is too low or too high. Please check the battery voltage.• If the motor sounds “beep-beep-” 2 seconds after powered on, and “♪ 56712 ” 5 seconds later to indicate the ESC is entering the “programming” mode, it means the throttle channel direction in your transmitter is reversed, in such a case you need to reset the “Normal / Reverse” direction of the throttle channel by referring to the transmitter’s manual.3, Attention !To ensure the ESC fits well with the throttle range on your transmitter, you need to reset the throttle range when using this ESC for the first time or changed another transmitter for the optimum throttle linearity. For detailed operation, please refer to the explanation in 《Set the Throttle Range 》.. .TROUBLESHOOTINGIV, Exit “setting”: After the 3rd step completed, move the throttle to the bottom position again in 2 seconds.ESC PROGRAMMING SAMPLEnd。



Total control
Driving perfection begins with the perfect seat position and a new, heftier steering wheel. You get clear lines of sight in all directions made even better by the logical, intuitive layout of instruments and controls. The cabin is simply a masterpiece of intelligent design.
You demand a lot from your truck and for good reasons: Your customers expect the job to be on budget and on time. So no matter how tough the conditions, the H-100 delivers 100 percent of the time.
Extra long wheel base super cab
(Low type rear deck)
780 1,350
780 1,275
2,785 4,850
3,110 5,175
Low deck
High deck
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简介感谢您购买广州科肯电气有限公司生产的H100A 系列简易型变频器!
H100A 实现了高转矩、高精度、宽调速驱动,满足通用变频器高性能化的趋势;具有超出同类产品的防跳闸性能和适应恶劣电网、温度、湿度和粉尘能力,极大提高产品可靠性。



为确保能正确安装及操作H100A 系列变频器,请在装机之前,详细阅读本使用手册,并请妥善保存及交给本产品的使用者。





表1H100A 变频器技术规范
图1H100A 变频器外型及安装孔位尺寸(mm )
图2H100A 变频器典型接线示意图
H100A 变频器控制端子功能说明
