Dell戴尔笔记本bios设置方法推荐文章bios设置速查辞典热度: Bios密码忘记了怎么解决热度:如何清除BIOS的密码热度:bios超级用户密码取消的操作方法热度:忘记BIOS密码怎么办热度:以下是店铺为你整理的Dell戴尔笔记本bios设置方法,供大家参考和使用。
Dell笔记本电脑BIOS也是在Phoniex BIOS的基础上改进来的,只是界面比较特殊,相对于其他品牌的BIOS,它的特点是界面非常清晰直观,而且每选择一个选项后右边都会出现说明选项用途的文字。
Dell笔记本电脑进入BIOS的方法是,在开机后待屏幕上出现"F2=Setup"提示信息时,按F2键,这也是Phoniex BIOS的默认进入方式。
(1)第1页用于设置系统时间和日期,以及显示基本的系统信息,例如CPU型号,L2 Cache大小,显卡类型,显存大小,内存大小,光驱、软驱配置信息等。
(4)第4页用于显示电池的充放电情况,从中可以看到两个电池槽,因为Dell lnsprion和Latitude系列的笔记本电脑都可以使用光驱、软驱插槽来安装第二块电池。
ELL电脑开机F1问题解决开机显示:Strike tne F1 key to continue,F2 to yun the setup utility摁DEL键进入BIOS,如下根据BIOS厂商不同有两种情况,请对号入座一 AMI BIOS,第一页上显示有时间日期的那种界面1、进BIOS将默认设置改为优化设置。
---摁F5回车即可,AMI 不区分这个2、关闭软驱。
----在第一页找到 Floppy 1.44的那个选择,设置成Disable。
4、打开快速启动自检功能 ---默认是开启的,在Boot的大项里的quick boot选择,设置成Enable就好5、将硬盘设为第一启动---在Boot内找到boot priority,设置1st为HDD二 Award BIOS,屏幕中间有竖线那种界面1、进BIOS将默认设置改为优化设置。
找到Load Setup Defaults 回车选择Y2、关闭软驱。
找到Standard CMOS Setup内的Floppy A 1.44那个选择设置成Disable3、关闭开机软驱检测功能。
BIOS Features Setup中修改BootUp Floppy Seek为Disable4、打开快速启动自检功能 BIOS Features Setup中修改Quick Power On Self Test为Enable5、将硬盘设为第一启动。
BIOS Features Setup中修改BootSequence内1st为HDD你一开机就按DEL进入到BOIS里进行设置一下就可以了,你把第一启动设为硬盘启动就可以了.Boot Order/Boot Sequence 启动顺序(系统搜索操作系统文件的顺序)选择 Advanced BIOS Features 【高级 BOIS 特性设置】,并将First Boot Device (1st Boot) 【第一启动设备】bois Advanced BIOS Features------First Boot Device-----CDROM 就可以了下面是DELL的BIOS的中英文对照发上来你看看!自己漫漫研究解决吧!Time/System Time 时间/系统时间Date/System Date 日期/系统日期Level 2 Cache 二级缓存System Memory 系统内存Video Controller 视频控制器Panel Type 液晶屏型号Audio Controller 音频控制器Modem Controller 调制解调器(Modem)Primary Hard Drive 主硬盘Modular Bay 模块托架Service Tag 服务标签Asset Tag 资产标签BIOS Version BIOS版本Boot Order/Boot Sequence 启动顺序(系统搜索操作系统文件的顺序)Diskette Drive 软盘驱动器Internal HDD 内置硬盘驱动器Floppy device 软驱设备Hard-Disk Drive 硬盘驱动器USB Storage Device USB存储设备CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive 光驱CD-ROM device 光驱Modular Bay HDD 模块化硬盘驱动器Cardbus NIC Cardbus总线网卡Onboard NIC 板载网卡Primary Master Drive 第一主驱动器Primary Slave Drive 第一从驱动器Secondary Master Drive 第二主驱动器Secondary Slave Drive 第二从驱动器IDE Drive UDMA 支持UDMA的IDE驱动器:使用该选项可以启用或禁用通过内部IDE硬盘接口的DMA传输。
新版DELL笔记本BIOS设置完全手册新版DELL笔记本BIOS设置完全手册新版DELL笔记本BIOS设置完全手册目前,Dell品牌旗下的笔记本电脑分为4个系列:针对普通家庭用户的Inspiron 系列、针对高端个人用户的XPS系列、商用笔记本电脑中,有面向大中型企业的Latitude系列,以及今年新推出的、针对小型企业的Vostro系列。
下面,笔者就以Dell Vostro 1400为例,介绍新版本本BIOS 的功能详解及设置方法。
一、操作方法新版BIOS是在Phoniex BIOS的基础上改进而来,相对于其他品牌本本那千篇一律上下菜单式的BIOS,Dell不但加入了完善的硬件诊断系统,在界面易用性上、说明文字的详尽程度上也是更胜一筹。
二、项目释义BIOS各项的意义,请看表1:这张表是Vostro 1400的BIOS,不同的硬件配置会导致项目略有不同,比如高端Latitude本本会有指点杆、键盘灯的设置项。
戴尔电脑DELLbios设置图解当电脑无法检测到硬盘,光盘,软驱,声卡,显卡,或者不小心更改了某些BIOS设置又不知道如何修改的时候,可以按照下面的方法清除NVRAM,恢复BIOS设置为默认值,据说这个设置是DELL工程师的万用法宝o(^-^)o1、开机时按F2键进入BIOS设定2、分别按键盘上的<Caps Lock>, <Scroll Lock>, 以及<Num Lock>三个键,使键盘上相应的三个指示灯点亮3、同时按下<Alt> + <E> 组合键。
这时系统将会发出“嘀”的一声,表明NVRAM已被清除4、按<Alt> + <F> 组合键,这时系统将会发出“嘀”的一声,表明恢复BIOS出厂设置。
5、按<Alt> + <B> 组合键,将所做的更改保存,重新启动机器。
然后系统会自动检查电脑的IDE设备,屏幕上会出现Automatic IDE Device Configuration...对硬盘光驱找不到又良好的疗效。
下面我们以一台Dimension4600的电脑为例来看Bios的各项设置这是Driver Configuration下面的子界面:其实没有什么好介绍的,无非就是看看硬盘光驱有没有检测到,没有发现的话可以试试上面的BIOS万能**(da fa),其次还可以将所有设备后面的off选项设置为auto,那么重新启动后系统一样会重新检测IDE设备,也会有Automatic IDE Device Configuration...的提示。
Hard Disk Driver Sequence将USB Device 移到第一项即可实现从U盘启动(USB 光驱好像也是可以的)由于没有接USB启动设备所有提示not install这里可以设置硬盘,光驱,软驱的启动顺序。
当然,更简单的方法就是不需要设置,而在开机的时候按F12键选择需要启动的设备^_^顺便说一下:5是进入Bios6是进行硬盘诊断7是启动到硬盘的隐藏FAT32分区进行硬件诊断(约32M,如果没有删除的话)Memory Information通过这个菜单可以检测系统的物理内存详细情况:Installed System Memory 物理内存大小System Memory Speed 内存的速度System Memory Channel Mode 有两个选项:Dual 表示当前系统内存运行在双通道模式Single 表示当前系统内存运行在单通道模式。
Dell笔记本电脑BIOS也是在Phoniex BIOS的基础上改进来的,只是界面比较特殊,相对于其他品牌的BIOS,它的特点是界面非常清晰直观,而且每选择一个选项后右边都会出现说明选项用途的文字。
Dell笔记本电脑进入BIOS的方法是,在开机后待屏幕上出现"F2=Setup"提示信息时,按F2键,这也是Phoniex BIOS的默认进入方式。
(1)第1页用于设置系统时间和日期,以及显示基本的系统信息,例如CPU型号,L2 Cache大小,显卡类型,显存大小,内存大小,光驱、软驱配置信息等。
(4)第4页用于显示电池的充放电情况,从中可以看到两个电池槽,因为Dell lnsprion和Latitude系列的笔记本电脑都可以使用光驱、软驱插槽来安装第二块电池。
戴尔笔记本电脑BIOS启动选项的设置教程:对于戴尔预装了Microsoft Windows 8 的笔记本电脑,BIOS 中的Boot (启动)选项,在默认情况下的设置为Secure Boot[Enabled]Load Legacy Option Rom [Disabled]Boot List Option [UEFI](如下图所示)在这种设置下,如果使用者希望从光驱或其它USB设备启动,有时候会发生无法引导的情况。
此时,需要对BIOS 的选项做如下修改。
Secure Boot[Disabled]Load Legacy Option Rom[Enabled]Boot List Option[Legacy]修改后,能看到Boot 选项中列出了USB 存储与光驱等设备。
(如下图所示)BIOS 修改好后保存退出,重启电脑的时候按键盘的F12,重新进入引导菜单,此时就能够从连接的USB 设备或光驱进行引导。
另外请注意:对于支持UEFI 启动的机型,如果开机无法进入系统,提示“internal hard disk drive not found”错误,如下图。
请进入BIOS 检查硬盘在BIOS 中是否能够被正常识别。
如果可以,进入Boot 页面,务必将Secure Boot 改为[Disable]。
此情况经常发生在用户删除了原厂预装的Windows 8 并装为Windows 7 或其它系统之后。
因为非Windows 8 操作系统,不能支持Secure Boot。
新版dell 本本bios设置
![新版dell 本本bios设置](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/746e5772a8114431b90dd8ce.png)
下面,笔者就以Dell Vostro 1400为例,介绍新版本本BIOS的功能详解及设置方法。
一、操作方法新版BIOS是在Phoniex BIOS的基础上改进而来,相对于其他品牌本本那千篇一律上下菜单式的BIOS,Dell不但加入了完善的硬件诊断系统,在界面易用性上、说明文字的详尽程度上也是更胜一筹。
开机后,待屏幕上右上角出现提示信息时,可以按F2键直接进入BIOS;也可以按F12进入在引导设备选择菜单,从中选择“BIOS SETUP”进入。
二、项目释义BIOS各项的意义,请看表1:这张表是Vostro 1400的BIOS,不同的硬件配置会导致项目略有不同,比如高端Latitude本本会有指点杆、键盘灯的设置项。
1.1 System Info 查看系统信息查看本本型号、当前BIOS版本、服务编号、资产编号、所有权编号。
个人用户只会有服务编号,大客户批量购买的机器才会有资产编号(Asset Tag)和所有权编号(Ownership Tag)。
那么你知道dell 戴尔bios设置图解教程么?接下来是小编为大家收集的dell 戴尔bios设置图解教程,欢迎大家阅读:dell 戴尔bios设置图解教程同样在开机进入到标志画面时,马上按下键盘左上角的F2键,就能进入到BIOS主界面,一般在标志画面出现时,在屏幕的右下方都会有进入BIOS按键提示,如果不记得或不知道,看一看就可以了。
如果要从U盘启动,选择USB Storage Device,用上下方向键移动到这一项,然后用+/-键,把这一项移动到最上面,再按Enter键确定。
如果要从光盘启动,选择CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive,用上下方向键移动到这一项,然后用+/-键,把这一项移动到最上面,再按Enter 键确定。
如果装完系统后,要恢复原来硬盘启动,就要选择Hard Drive,同样用上下方向键移动到这一项,然后用+/-键,把这一项移动到最上面,再按Enter键确定。
移到最上面的原因是,哪一项在最上面,哪一项就为第一启动,移到Boot Priority Order这一项下面就可以了,这个是标题,中文意思是“启动顺序设置”。
进入到Advanced这一项后,选择SATA Uperation这项,其意思是“SATA工作模式”,然后按Enter键,进入其子项。
ELL电脑开机F1问题解决开机显示:Strike tne F1 key to continue,F2 to yun the setup utility摁DEL键进入BIOS,如下根据BIOS厂商不同有两种情况,请对号入座一 AMI BIOS,第一页上显示有时间日期的那种界面1、进BIOS将默认设置改为优化设置。
---摁F5回车即可,AMI 不区分这个2、关闭软驱。
----在第一页找到 Floppy 的那个选择,设置成Disable。
4、打开快速启动自检功能 ---默认是开启的,在Boot的大项里的quick boot选择,设置成Enable就好5、将硬盘设为第一启动---在Boot内找到boot priority,设置1st为HDD二 Award BIOS,屏幕中间有竖线那种界面1、进BIOS将默认设置改为优化设置。
找到Load Setup Defaults 回车选择Y2、关闭软驱。
找到Standard CMOS Setup内的Floppy A 那个选择设置成Disable3、关闭开机软驱检测功能。
BIOS Features Setup中修改BootUp Floppy Seek为Disable4、打开快速启动自检功能 BIOS Features Setup中修改Quick Power On Self Test为Enable5、将硬盘设为第一启动。
BIOS Features Setup中修改BootSequence内1st为HDD你一开机就按DEL进入到BOIS里进行设置一下就可以了,你把第一启动设为硬盘启动就可以了.Boot Order/Boot Sequence 启动顺序(系统搜索操作系统文件的顺序)选择 Advanced BIOS Features 【高级 BOIS 特性设置】,并将First Boot Device (1st Boot) 【第一启动设备】bois Advanced BIOS Features------First Boot Device-----CDROM 就可以了下面是DELL的BIOS的中英文对照发上来你看看!自己漫漫研究解决吧!Time/System Time 时间/系统时间Date/System Date 日期/系统日期Level 2 Cache 二级缓存System Memory 系统内存Video Controller 视频控制器Panel Type 液晶屏型号Audio Controller 音频控制器Modem Controller 调制解调器(Modem)Primary Hard Drive 主硬盘Modular Bay 模块托架Service Tag 服务标签Asset Tag 资产标签BIOS Version BIOS版本Boot Order/Boot Sequence 启动顺序(系统搜索操作系统文件的顺序)Diskette Drive 软盘驱动器Internal HDD 内置硬盘驱动器Floppy device 软驱设备Hard-Disk Drive 硬盘驱动器USB Storage Device USB存储设备CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive 光驱CD-ROM device 光驱Modular Bay HDD 模块化硬盘驱动器Cardbus NIC Cardbus总线网卡Onboard NIC 板载网卡Primary Master Drive 第一主驱动器Primary Slave Drive 第一从驱动器Secondary Master Drive 第二主驱动器Secondary Slave Drive 第二从驱动器IDE Drive UDMA 支持UDMA的IDE驱动器:使用该选项可以启用或禁用通过内部IDE硬盘接口的DMA传输。
戴尔笔记本bios设置--d630 bios如何设置--戴尔笔记本bios如何设置开机后按F2进入BIOS,将"Onboard Devices"下的将"Flash Cache Mod"由"Enabled"改为"Off"然后将"SATA Operation"由"AHCI"改为"ATA" ,按ESC 键, 选择保存退出. Internal Cellular 无线广域网开关这一项目前还属于摆设,建议设为关闭。
建议GHOST安装不是很熟悉的朋友先仔细阅读以下内容后再动手:XPS系列最新BIOS设置(开机时按F2进入BIOS设置)1.2 Processor Info 查看处理器信息查看本本处理器类型、编号、当前频率、最低频率、最高频率、缓存大小、是否为双核。
Intel 的移动CPU为了省电考虑,会有不同的工作频率,注意这里的频率变化值只是CPU的设计变化值,允不允许变频在Performance→SpeedSetp Enable中设置。
1.3 Memory Info 查看内存信息查看已经安装的内存数、可用内存数、内存工作频率、是否为双通道、内存类型。
可用内存比安装内存要少是正常的,32位的Windows XP最多管理2G内存。
1.4 Device Info 查看其它设备信息查看主硬盘容量、可拆卸模块、显卡型号、显卡BIOS版本、显存、液晶屏类型、最适分辨率、声卡型号、调制解调器、无线局域网设备、无线广域网设备、蓝牙设备、迅盘模块、电源适配器功率。
戴尔笔记本最新bios设置图解教程 戴尔(Dell),是⼀家总部位于美国德克萨斯州朗德罗克的世界五百强企业,由迈克尔·戴尔于1984年创⽴。
那么你知道戴尔笔记本最新bios设置图解教程么?接下来是⼩编为⼤家收集的戴尔笔记本最新bios设置图解教程,欢迎⼤家阅读: 戴尔笔记本最新bios设置图解教程 ⼀:快捷启动U盘或光盘的⽅法: 1,打开戴尔Dell电脑,当进⼊到标志画⾯时,马上按键盘上⽅的F12键,就能进⼊到快捷启动菜单。
2,进⼊到快捷启动菜单后,选择USB Storage Device这⼀项,中⽂意思是“U盘存储盘”,尤于版本不同可能会有所差别,有的可能直接是U盘的名称,总的来说,⼀般带有USB⼀类词汇的就是U盘,然后按Enter键,就能马上从U盘启动,当然,你得在开机前就要把U盘插上才可以。
如果想要从光盘启动,选择CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive这⼀项,然后按Enter键,就能马上从光盘启动,当然,也要先在光驱中放⼊系统光盘,这样,快捷启动⽅法就讲解完了。
⼆:⽤传统⽅法设置戴尔Dell从U盘或光盘启动步骤: 3,同样在开机进⼊到标志画⾯时,马上按下键盘左上⾓的F2键,就能进⼊到BIOS主界⾯,⼀般在标志画⾯出现时,在屏幕的右下⽅都会有进⼊BIOS按键提⽰,如果不记得或不知道,看⼀看就可以了。
如果要从U盘启动,选择USB Storage Device,⽤上下⽅向键移动到这⼀项,然后⽤+/-键,把这⼀项移动到最上⾯,再按Enter键确定。
如果要从光盘启动,选择CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive,⽤上下⽅向键移动到这⼀项,然后⽤+/-键,把这⼀项移动到最上⾯,再按Enter键确定。
开机再出现DELL标志时候,注意右上角会显示两个提示:F2进入BIOS设置,F12进入启动项菜单,选择F2,进入BIOS设置后,从左边的选项才菜单中选择第三项,选中会,“树形”结构展开,其中有两个选项:1 Admin Password2.System Password第一个就是你想要的,是设置BIOS密码的,第二个是设置开机密码的!!不过,再设置密码后,一定要记住,否则就不好办了,至于其它设置,不懂得最好别乱改,改完后,按F10进行保存并退出!!补充:给你一份DELL本本的BIOS中英文对照表,您可以根据它设置选项System 项目描述中文对照System Info System 系统BIOS Version BIOS版本Service tag 服务编号Asset tag 资产编号Ownership Tag 自我编号None of these fields can be changed. 本页不能修改Processor Info Processor Type CPU类型Processor ID CPU ID Current Clock Speed 当前时钟频率Minimum Clock Speed 最小时钟频率Maximum Clock Speed 最大时钟频率Processor Cache Size 缓存大小Dual core Present 当前双核状态None of these fields are changeable 本页不能修改Memory Info Memory Installed 安装内存Memory Available 可用内存Memory Speed 内存频率Memory Channel mode 内存通道Memory Technology 内存技术Device Info Primary Hard Drive 主硬盘Fixed Bay Device 光驱模板Video Controller 显卡Video BIOS Version 显卡BIOS版本Video Memory 显存Panel Type 液晶类型Native Resolution 分辨率Audio Controller 声卡Modem Controller Modem Wi-Fi Device MiniPCI设备Cellular Device Celluar设备Bluetooth Device 蓝牙设备Flash Cache Module 闪存模块AC adapter Device 电源类型Battery Info the Primary battery and the Module Bay battery status. 查看主电池和备用电池充电状态AC Adapter Status 电源状态Battery Health Indicates the Primary battery and the module bay battery status. 查看主电池和备用电池健康状态Date/Time Displays current date and time settings. 显示当前系统日期和时间Boot Sequence Diskette or USB floppy drive 软驱Internal HDD 硬盘USB Storege Device USB 存储设备CD/DVD/CD-RW 光驱模板Onboard NIC 主板网卡Onboard Devices Option Description 中文对照Integrated NIC Off 启用或关闭NICEnable Enable w/ PXE Default setting: Enable w/ PXE 默认:Enablew/ PXE External USB Ports Enable 启用或关闭外置USB口Off Default setting: Enabled 默认:启用Media Card and 1394 Enable 启用或禁用express卡和1394Off Default setting: Enabled 默认:启用SATA Operation ATA ATA是兼容IDE模式AHCI AHCI是SATA模式Default:Enabled 默认是AHCIModule Bay Device Enable 启用或禁用Module模块Off Flash Cache Module Enable 启用或禁用Off Video Option Description 中文对照Brightness 八个亮度阶调整电池时亮度Brightness (AC) 八个亮度阶调整使用电源时亮度Security Option Description 中文对照Admin Password Not Set Not Set-表示现在没有设置BIOS管理员密码Set set-不能对BIOS进行修改,如要修改,先取消密码System Password Not Set Not Set-表示现在没有设置系统密码Set set-开机将输入密码Internal HDD PW set, change, or delete the HDD password 该页设置,修改,删除硬盘密码Password Changes Permitted 许可-修改或删除系统密码需要有效的管理员密码Denied 拒绝-系统密码修改或删除无须管理员密码Default setting: Premitted 默认:许可Wireless Switch Change Permitted 许可-不需要管理员密码可以修改或者删除无线开关设置Denied 拒绝-需要有效的管理员密码Wi-Fi Catcher Change Permitted 许可-不需要管理员密码可以修改或者删除无线捕捉器设置Denied 拒绝-需要有效的管理员密码Default setting: Denied 默认:拒绝CPU XD Support Enable 启用或禁用CPU数据执行保护Off Default setting: Enabled 默认启用Computrace(R) Deactivate 激活/不激活/关闭“丢失追踪功能”。
1 DELL笔记本BIOS设置AGP Aperture AGP区域内存容量该选项指定了分配给视频适配器的内存值。
Audio Controller音频控制器Asset Tag资产标签Auto On Time自动开机时间该选项可设置系统自动开机的时间时间格式为24小时制。
Admin Password管理密码Auto Power On自动开机Auto Power On Mode自动开机模式Auto Power On Time自动开机时间Admin Password 管理密码设置Auto On Mode自动开机模式注意若交流电源适配器没有接好该设置将无法生效。
Auto On Time自动开机时间。
需要本本自动开机的话在Auto On Mode中设置成每天Every Day或者是周一到周五Weekdays自动开机并在Auto On Time中设置好开机的时间。
Adapter Warnings电源适配器功率警告。
问题是谁会给自己的独显本本再买一个不能用的电源呢所以设置成Off吧AC Power Recovery交流电源恢复该选项可以在交流电源适配器重新插回系统时电脑的相应反映。
BIOS Version BIOS版本Boot Order/Boot Sequence启动顺序系统搜索操作系统文件的顺序Boot POST进行开机自检时POST硬件检查的水平设置为“MINIMAL”默认设置则开机自检仅在BIOS升级内存模块更改或前一次开机自检未完成的情况下才进行检查。
开机再出现DELL标志时候,注意右上角会显示两个提示:F2进入BIOS设置,F12进入启动项菜单,选择F2,进入BIOS设置后,从左边的选项才菜单中选择第三项,选中会,“树形”结构展开,其中有两个选项:1 Admin Password2.System Password第一个就是你想要的,是设置BIOS密码的,第二个是设置开机密码的!!不过,再设置密码后,一定要记住,否则就不好办了,至于其它设置,不懂得最好别乱改,改完后,按F10进行保存并退出!!补充:给你一份DELL本本的BIOS中英文对照表,您可以根据它设置选项 System 项目描述中文对照System Info System 系统 BIOS Version BIOS版本Service tag 服务编号 Asset tag 资产编号Ownership Tag 自我编号None of these fields can be changed. 本页不能修改Processor Info Processor Type CPU类型Processor ID CPU ID Current Clock Speed 当前时钟频率Minimum Clock Speed 最小时钟频率Maximum Clock Speed 最大时钟频率Processor Cache Size 缓存大小Dual core Present 当前双核状态None of these fields are changeable 本页不能修改Memory Info Memory Installed 安装内存Memory Available 可用内存Memory Speed 内存频率Memory Channel mode 内存通道Memory Technology 内存技术Device Info Primary Hard Drive 主硬盘Fixed Bay Device 光驱模板Video Controller 显卡Video BIOS Version 显卡BIOS版本Video Memory 显存Panel Type 液晶类型Native Resolution 分辨率Audio Controller 声卡Modem Controller Modem Wi-Fi Device MiniPCI设备Cellular Device Celluar设备Bluetooth Device 蓝牙设备Flash Cache Module 闪存模块AC adapter Device 电源类型Battery Info the Primary battery and the Module Bay battery status. 查看主电池和备用电池充电状态AC Adapter Status 电源状态Battery Health Indicates the Primary battery and the module bay battery status。
dell BOIS手册DELL机器的BOIS密码问题BIOS常见中英文对照表Time/System Time 时间/系统时间Date/System Date 日期/系统日期Level 2 Cache 二级缓存System Memory 系统内存Video Controller 视频控制器Panel Type 液晶屏型号Audio Controller 音频控制器Modem Controller 调制解调器(Modem)Primary Hard Drive 主硬盘Modular Bay 模块托架Service Tag 服务标签Asset Tag 资产标签BIOS Version BIOS版本Boot Order/Boot Sequence 启动顺序(系统搜索*作系统文件乃承颍?Diskette Drive 软盘驱动器Internal HDD 内置硬盘驱动器Floppy device 软驱设备Hard-Disk Drive 硬盘驱动器USB Storage Device USB存储设备CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive 光驱CD-ROM device 光驱Modular Bay HDD 模块化硬盘驱动器Cardbus NIC Cardbus 总线网卡Onboard NIC 板载网卡Boot POST进行开机自检时(POST)硬件检查的水平:设置为“MINIMAL”(默认设置)则开机自检仅在BIOS升级,内存模块更改或前一次开机自检未完成的情况下才进行检查。
Config Warnings警告设置:该选项用来设置在系统使用较低电压的电源适配器或其他不支持的配置时是否报警,设置为“DISABLED”禁用报警,设置为“ENABLED”启用报警Internal Modem内置调制解调器:使用该选项可启用或禁用内置Modem。
ELL电脑开机F1问题解决开机显示:Strike tne F1 key to continue,F2 to yun the setup utility 摁DEL键进入BIOS,如下根据BIOS厂商不同有两种情况,请对号入座一AMI BIOS,第一页上显示有时间日期的那种界面1、进BIOS将默认设置改为优化设置。
---摁F5回车即可,AMI 不区分这个2、关闭软驱。
----在第一页找到Floppy 1.44的那个选择,设置成Disable。
4、打开快速启动自检功能---默认是开启的,在Boot的大项里的quick boot选择,设置成Enable就好5、将硬盘设为第一启动---在Boot内找到boot priority,设置1st 为HDD二Award BIOS,屏幕中间有竖线那种界面1、进BIOS将默认设置改为优化设置。
找到Load Setup Defaults 回车选择Y2、关闭软驱。
找到Standard CMOS Setup内的Floppy A 1.44那个选择设置成Disable3、关闭开机软驱检测功能。
BIOS Features Setup中修改BootUp Floppy Seek为Disable4、打开快速启动自检功能BIOS Features Setup中修改Quick Power On Self Test为Enable5、将硬盘设为第一启动。
BIOS Features Setup中修改BootSequence 内1st为HDD你一开机就按DEL进入到BOIS里进行设置一下就可以了,你把第一启动设为硬盘启动就可以了.Boot Order/Boot Sequence 启动顺序(系统搜索操作系统文件的顺序)选择Advanced BIOS Features 【高级BOIS 特性设置】,并将First Boot Device (1st Boot) 【第一启动设备】boisAdvanced BIOS Features------First Boot Device-----CDROM就可以了下面是DELL的BIOS的中英文对照发上来你看看!自己漫漫研究解决吧!Time/System Time 时间/系统时间Date/System Date 日期/系统日期Level 2 Cache 二级缓存System Memory 系统内存Video Controller 视频控制器Panel Type 液晶屏型号Audio Controller 音频控制器Modem Controller 调制解调器(Modem)Primary Hard Drive 主硬盘Modular Bay 模块托架Service Tag 服务标签Asset Tag 资产标签BIOS Version BIOS版本Boot Order/Boot Sequence 启动顺序(系统搜索操作系统文件的顺序)Diskette Drive 软盘驱动器Internal HDD 内置硬盘驱动器Floppy device 软驱设备Hard-Disk Drive 硬盘驱动器USB Storage Device USB存储设备CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive 光驱CD-ROM device 光驱Modular Bay HDD 模块化硬盘驱动器Cardbus NIC Cardbus总线网卡Onboard NIC 板载网卡Primary Master Drive 第一主驱动器Primary Slave Drive 第一从驱动器Secondary Master Drive 第二主驱动器Secondary Slave Drive 第二从驱动器IDE Drive UDMA 支持UDMA的IDE驱动器:使用该选项可以启用或禁用通过内部IDE硬盘接口的DMA传输。
BIOS Version:显示当前使用BIOS的版本。
BIOS Date:显示BIOS的发布时间。
System-unit serial number(主机序列号):为该IBM笔记本电脑唯一的序列号,IBM的保修服务就是以这个序列号为凭证的。
System board serial number(主板序列号):为每一块IBM笔记本电脑主板唯一的序列号。
CPU Type:表示该笔记本电脑所采用的CPU的型号。
例如:Pentium(R)III-Intel(R)SpeedStep T echnalogy,表示该电脑采用的是笔记本电脑专用的Mobile PentiumⅢCPU。
CPU Speed:表示CPU的主频,上图中所显示的是900MHz。
Install memory:表示该笔记本电脑当前安装的内存容量。
dell笔记本bios设置详解(Dell notebook BIOS settings detailed)I. operation methodThe new version of BIOS is based on Phoniex BIOS, compared with other books on the same brand under the menu BIOS, Dell not only joined the hardware diagnostic system, the interface is easy to use, the level of detail on the text is also better. After booting, when you appear on the top right corner of the screen when prompted information, you can press the F2 button directly into the BIOS; you can also press F12 to enter the boot device selection menu, select the "BIOS SETUP" access.BIOS interface as shown in Figure 1, the top display of the book's model, the left is the function tree, the right side of the current status and description text. The interface is the same, and the operation direction is similar to the Windows Explorer: move the cursor with the arrow keys up and down, use the left and right arrow to expand / fold the sub item, press enter to enter the setting, and then press enter to return. After setting up, press the ESC key, select "Save/Exit", exit for saving, and select "Discard/Exit" to exit without saving. There is a small trick to press Alt+F to quickly restore factory settings.Two. Project definitionFor each of the meanings of BIOS, see table 1:This table is Vostro BIOS 1400, different hardware configuration will lead to slightly different projects, such as high-end Latitude book will have pointing rod, keyboardlight settings.Three, each set item detailed explanation and establishment suggestionBelow, the author carries on the detailed introduction to each item, and embarks from the individual user, provides some set suggestion. The Chinese meaning of the item on the screen will be interpreted from left to right in the order of display.1.1 System Info view system informationView the book model, current BIOS version, service number, asset number, ownership number.Individual users will only have service numbers, and large numbers of machines purchased by large customers will have asset numbers (Asset, Tag) and ownership numbers (Ownership, Tag).1.2 Processor Info view processor informationLook at the processor's type, number, current frequency, minimum frequency, maximum frequency, cache size, and whether it is dual core.Intel mobile CPU in order to power considerations, there will be a different frequency of work, note that the frequency change here is only the design change value of CPU, allowing frequency conversion in Performance to SpeedSetp Enable settings.1.3 Memory Info view memory informationView the number of memory installed, the amount of memory available, the memory, the frequency, and whether it is double channel or memory type.It is normal to use less memory than to install memory, and 32 bit Windows XP manages 2G memory at most.1.4 Device Info view other device informationThe primary hard disk capacity, detachable module, graphics model, graphics BIOS version, memory, LCD screen type, optimum resolution, sound card type, modem, wireless LAN equipment, wireless network equipment, Bluetooth module, power adapter, robson.Removable modules usually display CD-ROM models.1.5 Battery Info to see battery capacityMore intuitive battery capacity diagram.1.6 Battery Health check battery healthWhen the battery is working, it is Normally.One7 Date/Time time and date settingsNeedless to say, the amendment will take effect immediately.1.8 Boot Sequence boot sequence settingsSupport disk drive, hard disk, USB, CD-ROM drive, network five boot methods.Press space to disable a device boot, usually set HDD to the first line, and when necessary start, press F12 and then temporarily change.2.1 Integrated NIC onboard integrated network card settingsYou can set the network card to shutdown, allow, allow, and support network boot.Individual users do not need network guidance, and the advice is set to allow (Enabled).2.2, External, USB, Ports, USB port settingsDisable the USB port unless it is safe and secure to prevent copying data from the U disk. Otherwise, set to allow (Enabled), otherwise you so many USB devices plug in there?2.3 Media Card and 1394 reader and 1394 interfaceThere are not many friends using tape Dv, and 1394 is not necessary to open, but there are many friends with flash cards, or Enabled.2.4 SATA Operation hard disk SATA/AHCI mode settingWindows XP does not support SATA hard disk, and SATA mode maps SATA hard disk into IDE mode, so it doesn't need to install SATA driver when loading XP. The AHCI model, in contrast to the SATA model, requires the SATA driver to be installed when the XP is loaded, while the AHCI mode is a prerequisite for the NCQ (native command queue) function to turn on the hard disk.Friends using XP, not installed before the SATA driver, do not change to AHCI mode, otherwise the boot will be blue screen. Vista supports AHCI, and friends with Vista can change to AHCI mode to improve hard disk performance.2.5 Module Bay Device removable module settingsSet to Disable, you can disable the removable module on the book, usually your CD-ROM drive.2.6 Flash Cache Module module set readyRobson (Tubro Memory) technology is the use of large capacity flash memory as a buffer to improve the overall performance of disk performance and system, need to buy special Robson module (Figure 2), can achieve ReadyBoost and ReadyDrive function. If installed ready, will enable (Enalbed).3.1 Brightness screen brightness adjustment (when using batteries)3.2 Brightness (AC) screen brightness adjustment (when usingpower)According to their own habits, here set two power supply mode, the LCD screen default brightness.4.1 Unlock Setup unlock BIOS4.2 Admin Password manages password settings4.3 System Password boot password settings4.4 Interanl HDD PW hard disk password settingsWarning: remember to remember the password you typed before entering the password class settings below.Dell books password is divided into three kinds, management password (Admin), boot password (System) and hard disk password (Interanl HDD). If you set the admin password, change the BIOS before you enter the admin password in Unlock Setup to unlock the BIOS.In the three password, the password authority is highest. When you need to start the password and hard disk password, enter the management password, you can pass;When the password is cleared, both the boot password and the hard disk password are cleared at the same time. Boot password, by default, only in the boot, wake up, you need to verify. The hard disk with the password can not be read on other computers. And by default, the hard disk password needs to be verified aslong as the hard disk is powered on (for example, booting or waking up).Boot password and hard disk password, the role of different, permissions equal, each other can not be replaced. Verify the timing of the boot password and hard disk password, you can set it in Password Bypass.Proposed to set the management password, for the preservation of confidential data on the hard disk, plus the hard disk password, to prevent theft, resulting in data leakage. Boot password settings as needed.4.5 Password Change boot / hard disk password change permissionsDo you need to verify the admin password before you change the boot / hard disk password?. Instead of "Denied" for "need", "Permitted" is not needed.For security reasons, it is recommended to change to "Denied".4.6 Password Bypass password free authentication timeThe opportunity to verify the boot / hard disk password is not verified. Bypass does not validate when you restart (Reboot Bypass), Resume does not validate when you wake up, Off is not validated when you restart and wake up (Reboot & Resume Bypass).Instead of "Reboot & Resume Bypass", change your password a few times.4.7 Wireless Switch Change wireless device modify permissionsWhen you change your wireless settings, you do not need to verify the admin password. Denied is the first to verify, and Permitted is the direct modification without validation.It's safer to change to Denied.4.8, Wi-Fi, Catcher, Change, Wi-Fi, Catcher technology, modify permissionsWhen you modify the Wi-Fi Catcher settings, you do not need to verify the management password, Denied is the first to verify, Permitted is not verified, Denied is more secure.Wi-Fi Catcher is a wireless signal search technology developed by Dell.4.9 CPU, XD, Support, Cpu memory protectionWindows XP SP2 added a new function - security data execution protection (Date Execution, Prevention, DEP, DEP) to monitor the various procedures, prevent the virus from running memory location protected harmful code. The CPU XD feature here is the EDB (Execute, Disable, Bit, EDB) memory protection technology developed by Intel for the purpose of matching Microsoft's DEP. Proposed permission (Enabled).4.10 Computrace stolen tracking serviceSupport Computrace notebook, after loading the Computrace LoJack software, if the stolen laptop, the Computrace LoJack software can automatically provide the books of the IP address or telephone number to Absolute Software, a monitoring center, this can help the police find the notes. Computrace LoJack software can also automatically delete the contents of the hard disk. Unfortunately, this service is currently being launched only in the United states. Books sold in mainland China do not support this service, all are Disable, can not be modified.5.1 Multi Core Support multicore processor supportSince you spent money for dual core, why not allow (Enabled) it? Unless you use a non mainstream system like Linux,Compatibility issues exist for dual core processors. The BIOS of the single core book does not have this option.5.2 Dynamic Acceleration IDA dynamic acceleration supportIs IDA, for the new generation of Centrino four technology. For a single thread, or a wide range of non parallel instruction multi threading task, IDA technology can distribute tasks better, only by a core processor, thereby improving performance, and other core free to enter a dormant state, reduce processor power consumption, extend the life time. When a new thread enters the queue, the sleeping core starts working as needed.Unless compatibility issues are allowed, (Enabled).5.3, HDD, Acoustic, Mode, hard disk noise controlIs the hard drive Quiet or Performance?. If you have any compatibility issues with your old hard drive, select bypass.The noise and the speed really can not be reconciled? The author measured the two modes of transmission speed is not comparable, but there are obvious differences between the size of the noise, so it is recommended to set for the quiet (Quiet).5.4 SpeedSetp Enable SpeedSetp technology settingsIntel SpeedSetp technology can adjust the working frequency of Cpu according to the load of Cpu, so as to achieve the purpose of saving electricity. Not set for Enabled. Is it also called mobile Cpu?6.1 Power Management power management6.2 Auto On Mode auto boot mode setting6.3, Auto, On, Time, automatic boot timeNeed books automatically boot, then set in Auto On Mode into Day (Every), or Monday through Friday (Weekdays) automatically boot, and in Auto On Time, set the boot time.6.4, USB, Wake, Support, USB, wake-up supportKeep the data in memory, let the notebook into the low-power waiting state, called standby. Let the standby status restore work, called wake-up, Dell Book wake up method is to press thepower button.If you are not convenient to press the power button and want to use an external USB keyboard to wake up the book, please set it here as Enabled. It should be noted that when the battery is used, the USB device will not be powered in standby mode, and the USB can be awakened only when the external power is supplied.7.1 Load Defaults restore BIOS factory defaultsIf BIOS is out of tune, select Continue from here to restore the factory defaults.7.2 Service Tag view service encodingThe code needed to provide the Dell is the same as what System Info saw.8.1 Adapter Warnings power adapter power warningVostro 1400 this notebook has integrated graphics and graphics card points, power IC card is 65W, the only significant books need to use the 90W adapter, if you are alone and this power plug in the 65W boot, the machine will give you a warning. The question is: who is going to buy a power that does not work for their own unique books? So set it to Off.8.2 Fn, Key, Emulation, Fn key simulationThe external keyboard usually does not have the Fn key, allowingthe Scroll Lock to replace the function of the Fn. Sounds very intimate to the user,But with the USB keyboard, it can't be simulated under Windows XP, only in a non ACPI like Dos system. The keyboard with the PS/2 interface can be used under the XP, but where is the PS/2 interface of Vostro 1400? Set it to Off.8.3 Fast Boot power on self test mode selectionThere are many steps in the notebook power on self test. The minimum mode (Minimal) can skip certain steps to speed up the startup, and the full mode (Thorough) performs a full self check. The proposal is set to minimal mode. When the hardware is unstable, it is changed to full mode, and the automatic (Auto) mode is not considered.Minimum mode is strongly recommended, reducing startup time.8.4 Keypad (Embedded) built in small keyboard settingsSet to By Num LK, then press the Num LK key, open the built-in keypad, or set to Fn Key Only, then press Num LK key, so that after the lights are lit, you also need to hold down the Fn key to use the small keyboard.For users who rarely use keypads, it is recommended as "Fn Key Only"".8.5 Numlock LED keypad light controlTurn on the keypad light automatically when you start. It's recommended as "Off"".8.6, USB, Emulation, USB, bootstrap simulationIf you want to boot with the USB floppy disk or the U disk, set it to "Enabled", or "Off"".9.1 Internal Bluetooth built-in Bluetooth switchIf you have a Bluetooth module, you can (Enable), and you want to save some electricity and turn it off.9.2 Internal Wi-Fi built-in wireless network card switchWireless network card switch. The suggestion is "Enable". Turn off if you want to save electricity.9.3 Internal Cellular wireless WAN switchTake off the laptop battery and you'll see a SIM card slot, which is the Cellular device, a wide area wireless Internet technology. The Cellular device must be used in conjunction with the WWAN (wireless WAN) card. Therefore, inserting a SIM card alone does not allow wireless WAN connections. China does not provide 3G band mobile access, and now does not begin to sell WWAN. Therefore, the implementation of this function will take time. At present, this service is proposed to be closed.9.4 Wireless Switch wireless switch signal controlThere is a wireless switch in front of the Vostro 1400 machine, where the switch is set to control the radio signal type. Wi-Fi is a wireless LAN signal, that is, 802.11a/b/g, BT are Bluetooth signals, and Cell is wireless WAN signals. The proposal is set as "All"".9.5, Wi-Fi, Catcher, Wi-Fi, Catcher technology settingsWhen searching for wireless signals, whether to use Wi-Fi Catcher technology, it is recommended to set to Enabled. If set to "Reset, to, Basic, Mode", use the settings in the QuickSet software.If you use the Wi-Fi Catcher (the author is easy to cause death), it is set to Off.OK, the new version of Dell's BIOS is over here. Set up BIOS, not only can prevent unauthorized use, improve the safety of information; in BIOS, shut down non essential equipment, but also reduce the power consumption of the equipment, extend the life time.。
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下面,笔者就以Dell Vostro 1400为例,介绍新版本本BIOS的功能详解及设置方法。
一、操作方法新版BIOS是在Phoniex BIOS的基础上改进而来,相对于其他品牌本本那千篇一律上下菜单式的BIOS,Dell 不但加入了完善的硬件诊断系统,在界面易用性上、说明文字的详尽程度上也是更胜一筹。
开机后,待屏幕上右上角出现提示信息时,可以按F2键直接进入BIOS;也可以按F12进入在引导设备选择菜单,从中选择“BIOS SETUP”进入。
二、项目释义BIOS各项的意义,请看表1:这张表是Vostro 1400的BIOS,不同的硬件配置会导致项目略有不同,比如高端Latitude本本会有指点杆、键盘灯的设置项。
1.1 System Info 查看系统信息查看本本型号、当前BIOS版本、服务编号、资产编号、所有权编号。
个人用户只会有服务编号,大客户批量购买的机器才会有资产编号(Asset Tag)和所有权编号(Ownership Tag)。
1.2 Processor Info 查看处理器信息查看本本处理器类型、编号、当前频率、最低频率、最高频率、缓存大小、是否为双核。
Intel 的移动CPU为了省电考虑,会有不同的工作频率,注意这里的频率变化值只是CPU的设计变化值,允不允许变频在Performance→SpeedSetp Enable中设置。
1.3 Memory Info 查看内存信息查看已经安装的内存数、可用内存数、内存工作频率、是否为双通道、内存类型。
可用内存比安装内存要少是正常的,32位的Windows XP最多管理2G内存。
1.4 Device Info 查看其它设备信息查看主硬盘容量、可拆卸模块、显卡型号、显卡BIOS版本、显存、液晶屏类型、最适分辨率、声卡型号、调制解调器、无线局域网设备、无线广域网设备、蓝牙设备、迅盘模块、电源适配器功率。
1.5 Battery Info 查看电池容量比较直观的电池容量图。
1.6 Battery Health 查看电池健康状态电池工作正常时为Normally。
1.7 Date/Time 时间和日期设置这个不用说了,修改会立即生效。
1.8 Boot Sequence 引导顺序设置支持磁盘驱动器、硬盘、USB、光驱、网络五种引导方式。
2.1 Integrated NIC 板载集成网卡设置可将网卡设置为关闭、允许、允许并支持网络引导。
2.2 External USB Ports USB端口设置除非有安全保密的需要,禁用USB口以防止用U盘拷贝资料。
否则设置成允许(Enabled),要不然你那么多USB设备插那儿呢?2.3 Media Card and 1394 读卡器及1394接口使用磁带式Dv的朋友不多,1394并非必须打开;但有闪存卡的朋友一定不少,还是允许(Enabled)吧。
2.4 SATA Operation 硬盘SATA/AHCI模式设置Windows XP并不支持SATA硬盘,SATA模式是将SATA硬盘映射成IDE模式,这样装XP的时不需要装SATA驱动。
AHCI模式则与SATA模式相反,装XP时需要安装SATA驱动,而AHCI模式是打开硬盘的NCQ (原生命令队列)功能的前提条件。
2.5 Module Bay Device 可拆卸模块设置设置为Disable可以禁用本本上的可拆卸模块,通常是你的光驱。
2.6 Flash Cache Module 迅盘模块设置迅盘(Tubro Memory)技术是利用大容量闪存作为缓冲区,提高磁盘性能以及系统整体性能,需要购买专门的迅盘模块(如图2),才可以实现ReadyBoost和ReadyDrive功能。
3.1 Brightness 屏幕亮度调整(使用电池时)3.2 Brightness (AC) 屏幕亮度调整(使用电源时)根据自己的使用习惯,在这里设置两种供电模式下,液晶屏的默认亮度。
4.1 Unlock Setup 解锁BIOS4.2 Admin Password 管理密码设置4.3 System Password 开机密码设置4.4 Interanl HDD PW 硬盘密码设置提醒:进入下面的密码类设置前,请务必记住自己键入的密码。
Dell的本本密码分为三种,管理密码(Admin)、开机密码(System)和硬盘密码(Interanl HDD)。
如果设置了管理密码,修改BIOS前,要先在Unlock Setup中输入管理密码解锁BIOS。
验证开机密码和硬盘密码的时机,可以在Password Bypass中设置。
4.5 Password Change 开机/硬盘密码修改权限修改开机/硬盘密码之前,需不需要验证管理密码。
4.6 Password Bypass 免密码验证的时机不验证开机/硬盘密码的时机。
重启时不验证(Reboot Bypass),唤醒时不验证(Resume Bypass),重启和唤醒时都不验证(Reboot & Resume Bypass),若为Off,则都验证。
建议改为Reboot & Resume Bypass,让自己少输入几次密码。
4.7 Wireless Switch Change 无线设备修改权限修改无线设置时需不需要验证管理密码,Denied为先验证,Permitted为不验证直接修改。
4.8 Wi-Fi Catcher Change Wi-Fi Catcher技术修改权限修改Wi-Fi Catcher设置时需不需要验证管理密码,Denied为先验证,Permitted为不验证,改为Denied 更安全。
Wi-Fi Catcher是Dell开发的无线信号搜索技术。
4.9 CPU XD Support Cpu内存保护Windows XP SP2中增加了一项安全新功能-数据执行保护(Date Execution Prevention,DEP),DEP 能够对各种程序进行监视,阻止病毒在受保护的内存位置运行有害代码。
这里的CPU XD功能是Intel为配合微软的DEP而开发的EDB(Execute Disable Bit,EDB)内存保护技术。
4.10 Computrace 被盗追踪服务支持Computrace的本本,装上Computrace LoJack软件之后,若该本本被盗,上面的Computrace LoJack 软件便能自动向Absolute Software公司的监听中心提供该本本的IP地址或者电话号码,这样便可协助警方找回笔记本。
Computrace LoJack软件还可自动对硬盘的内容进行删除。
5.1 Multi Core Support 多核处理器支持既然你为双核花了钱,为什么不允许(Enabled)它呢?除非你使用Linux之类的非主流系统,对双核处理器存在兼容性问题。
5.2 Dynamic Acceleration IDA动态加速支持即为IDA,为迅驰四代的新技术。
5.3 HDD Acoustic Mode 硬盘噪音控制设置硬盘是偏重于安静(Quiet)还是偏重于性能(Performance)。
5.4 SpeedSetp Enable SpeedSetp技术设置Intel的SpeedSetp技术可以根据Cpu的负载情况调整Cpu的工作频率,以达到省电的目的。
不设置为允许(Enabled)还叫移动版Cpu么?6.1 Power Management 电源管理6.2 Auto On Mode 自动开机模式设置6.3 Auto On Time 自动开机时间需要本本自动开机的话,在Auto On Mode中设置成每天(Every Day)或者是周一到周五(Weekdays)自动开机,并在Auto On Time中,设置好开机的时间。