




(1)人称代词的主格在句中作主语。如:I love my country. (2)人称代词的宾格在句中作动词、介词的宾语或表语。如:

I don’t know her. His mother is waiting for him outside. This is me.


单数形式(二、三、一)you, he/she and I. 复数形式(一、二、三)we, you and they


---________ is Sandy’s s ister.

A. That

B. It

C. She

D. This

【例2】is necessary to get on well with others.

A. That

B. This

C. It

D. These

【例3】are students in No. 1 Middle School.

A. I, you and he

B. You, he and I

C. He, you and I

D. You, I and he



Our teacher is coming to see us.



Our school is here, and theirs (their school) is there.(作主语)

I've already finished my homework. Have you finished yours(your homework)? (作宾语)


概念或有一定的感情色彩。如:He is a friend of mine.



He called himself a writer.

Would you please express yourself in English?


It doesn't matter.I'll be myself soon.

The girl in the news is myself.


I myself washed the clothes.(=I washed the clothes myself.)(作主语同位语)

You should ask the teacher himself.(作宾语同位语)


teach oneself =learn by oneself _____________ help oneself to _____________

dress oneself _____________ come to oneself _____________

lose oneself in _____________ by oneself _____________

【例4】He is old enough to wash clothes by . You can just wash .

A. his; himself; yours

B. his; himself; your

C. him; himself; yours

D. him; himself; yours

【例5】invited to come to birthday party last Saturday.

A. Me; they; mine

B. I; them; mine

C. I; them; my

D. Me; they; my

I. 指示代词this, that, these, those 的用法

【例6】Hello, _________is Tom speaking. Who’s _________? A. it; this B. this; that C. that; this D. this; it 【例7】---Who has a dictionary, children? ---I have _________.

A. it

B. this

C. one

D. that

I. 疑问代词who(主格), whom (宾格), what (什么), which (哪一个),whose(谁的)。如: Who is the man over there? Whom are you talking to ?

What are you going to do this afternoon? What is your father

? He is a doctor. What is the population of China?



Which is the best one? Whose book is it?

II.疑问副词when, where, why, how 及how often, how soon, how long, how far 的用法。 (1)特殊疑问句问里面:when 问时间, where 问地点, why 问原因, how 问方式 (2)区别how often, how soon, how long, how far

① how often 提问时,答语一般用twice a day, sometimes, often 等表频率的词。如: ---How often do you watch TV? ---Twice a day. ② how soon 提问时,答语一般用in+一段时间。如:

---How soon will you arrive in Beijing? ---In 20 minutes (20分钟后). ③ how long 提问时,答语一般用for+一段时间或since+时间点。如:

---How long have you been in Guangdong? ---For two years. / Since two years ago. /Since I came here.

④ how far 用来提问路程距离,答语一般为2 kilometers, twenty minutes by bus 等表示路


---How far is it from your home to your company? ---twenty minutes by bus. 【例8】_________is more beautiful, the blue one or the red one?

A. What

B. Whose

C. Which

D. Who 【例9】---_________have you studied in middle school? ---For 3 years.

A. How soon

B. How often

C. How many

D. How long


II.常见的不定代词:简单不定代词:some, any, no, all, each, both, much, many, (a)little,(a)few, other(s), another, one, none, either, neither.

【例10】Is there ________ in today’s n ewspaper?

A. anything interesting

B. nothing interesting

C. something interesting

D. everything interesting


_________Chinese, but he managed to communicate with us.

A. few

B. little

C. a few

D. a little

【例12】Bob knows how to cut the cost of the project. I’m sure he can do the work with _________money and

_________people .

A. Both

B. All

C. Neither

D. None

【例14】_________of them knew about the plan because they didn’t go to the meeting.

【例15】---You want ________ sandwich?

---Yes,I usually eat a lot when I’m hungry.

A. other

B. another

C. others

D. the other

【例16】I have three friends. One is a doctor, ________ are policemen.

A. another

B. the other

C. others

D. the others

【例17】With the help of the Internet, we can learn what _________people around the world are doing.

A. another

B. the other

C. other

D. the others


()1.【2012广东省考】---Which basketball player do you like best, Kobe, James or Jordan?

---_________of them .Lin Shuhao is my favorite.

A. All

B. None

C. Either

D. Neither ()2.【2013广东省考】Boys, don’t lose _________in playing Angry Birds. It is bad for your eyes to play

computer games for a long time.

A. himself

B. yourself

C. themselves

D. yourselves ()3.【2014广东省考】---Hello, Linda speaking. Who's _________?

---Hello, this is Martin.

A. he

B. one

C. that

D. this

()4. 【2015广东省考】---Look at this model ship. I made it all by _________last week.

---Wow, you are so smart!

A. me

B. my

C. mine

D. myself ()5.【2016广东省考】---I'm a little hungry Daddy.

---See the cupcakes on the plate, but you can only take _________, dinner is ready


A. it

B. one

C. this

D. that




Archimedes and the golden crown

One day in ancient Greece, King Hiero asked a crown maker to make him a golden crown. At first, he was very 1 with it.

“It’s a nice crown, 2 i t?” he asked his men. Later, however, he began to doubt 3 it was a real golden crown. “Is 4 made completely of gold?” he wondered. He sent it to Archimedes and asked him to find out the truth.

“This problem 5 difficult to solve. What should I do?” thought Archimedes.

Archimedes was still thinking about this problem 6 he filled his bath with water. When he got into the bath, some water ran 7

“That’s it!” shouted Archimedes. “I know 8 to solve the king’s problem!”

Archimedes went straight to the palace to see the king. First,he 9 the crown and asked the king for some gold of the same weight.

Next,he put two pots into two big bowls and filled 10 pots with water. He put the gold into one pot,and some water ran into the bowl. Then he put the crown into 11 pot. This time, even more water ran into the bowl.

“Look at this,” said Archimedes to King Hiero. “A crown 12 completely of gold displaces 13 water than a crown made of gold and another metal. This crown displaced more water than gold of the same weight, so Fm certain that it,s not 14 made of gold. ”

“The crown maker tricked me, didn’t he? 15 he is!” shouted King Hiero. He then sent the crown maker to prison.

( )1. A. happily B. happy C. happier D. more happily ( )2. A. wasn’t B. is C. isn’t D. was

( )3. A. that B. what C. how D. why ( )4. A. its B. it C. these D. one

( )5. A. are seemed B. seemed C. to seem D. seems ( )6. A. as soon as B. after C. while D. as

( )7. A. over B. into C. onto D. out of ( )8. A. what B. how C. why D. when ( )9. A. weighs B. weigh C. weighed D. has weighed ( )10. A. both B. either C. all D. every

( )11. A. the others B. other C. the other D. another ( )12. A. is made B. was made C. makes D. made ( )13. A. much B. little C. more D. less

( )14. A. complete B. completely C. completing D. completed ( )15. A. What a bad man B. What bad man C. How a bad man D. How bad man




I am sure many people are working hard for lots of money, a big house, a new car, expensive clothes and so on.These are considered to be symbols of __46__ on the material (物质的) level.When I was young, I was also __47__ reaching for material success.So I chose a job as a salesman and I did make some pretty good money.

But later I realized that was not what I wanted, because I was often forced to sell products that might not be good for the customers.I became very unhappy __48__ I could make a lot of money.I no longer felt proud of my job and even __49__ myself for doing things like that.So I __50__ my sales job and took another job,this time helping people __51__ —the poor and the weak.The sense of belonging(归属感) was great and suddenly I felt successful in my life again.I made less money, but I was __52__ with myself.

For my own part, success comes from the feeling of satisfaction and joy.I feel successful when I love what I do, not caring so much about __53__.And I feel the most successful when I __54__ my kindness everywhere I go.

So be __55__ to yourself: Learn to listen to the voice from the bottom of your heart.And find your own way with a happy heart to achieve your own success.

( )46.A.luck B.success C.safety D.hope

( )47.A.sadly B.hardly C.crazily D.honestly

( )48.A.if B.since C.until D.although

( )49.A.looked down upon B.looked up to C.looked through D.looked into ( )50.A.made up B.gave up C.set up D.turned up

( )51.A.in danger B.in order C.in need D.in surprise

( )52.A.strict B.careful C.angry D.satisfied

( )53.A.trust B.love C.money D.health

( )54.A.throw B.spread C.sell D.lend

( )55.A.true B.brave C.friendly D.terrible 三.阅读理解。





A.a pop music concert B.a singing competition

C.a painting competition D.a name-signing activity

( )57.The main purpose of this competition is________.

A.to teach the teenagers some painting skills

B.to tell the teenagers to walk away from drugs

C.to provide the teenagers with some art knowledge

D.to introduce the history of the Anti-Drug Day to the teenagers

( )58.The size of the paintings like ________ will NOT be accepted.

A.40 cm wide by 60 cm long

B.50 cm wide by 70 cm long

C.60 cm wide by 80 cm long

D.80 cm wide by 100 cm long

( )59.The public can enjoy the winning paintings ________.

A.at the City Youth Park

B.B.at the City Art Council

C.at 175 Riverside Street

D.at the Woodlands Art Hall

( )60.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Students must put their paintings in the school box on June 24th.

B.Each student can take part in the competition with one 3D painting.

C.Students can get more information about the competition in two ways.

D.Each of the second prize winners in the competition will get 300 dollars.


When people talk to each other, write letters or make phone calls, words of the spoken form or the written form can send any message they want to pass on.

But besides words, do you know any other ways you can use to communicate with people? Rich expressions on your face can be one of them.A smile on your face shows that you are happy.Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad or excited.Body languages can do the same job.When you put your hand up in class, the teacher knows that you want to say something or you may have some questions to ask.You shake your head from side to side and people know you are saying “no” or refuse others' requirements.When you nod, people will understand that you are saying “yes” or agree to others' opinions or suggestions.

Other forms can also carry different messages.For example, a sign at the bus stop gives passengers instructions on which bus to take.The flag language made by soldiers can pass different orders.Sound from the school bell tells the students and teachers when to begin or end a class.A photographer can use the photos he has taken to tell others about what he thinks of the world around him.Music and films also can convey the feelings and ideas of the musicians and the directors.So next time when you see a piece of art or listen to some music, take it as communication with its creator and try to get the meaning behind it.

()61.When people want to use words to communicate with others, they ________.

A.write letters B.cry aloud C.keep silent D.smile friendly

( )62.According to the passage, you just need to ________ if you agree to others' suggestions.

A.close your eyes

B.B.put up your hand

C.move your head up and down

D.shake your head from side to side

( )63.Through a photo, we may know ________.

A.which bus can be taken

B.B.what the orders mean for soldiers

C.how the photographer sees the world

D.when the students should have a class

( )64.The underlined word convey probably means ________ in the passage.

A.掩饰 B.传递 C.克制 D.爆发

( )65.The best title for this passage may be ________.

A.Spoken and Written Languages

B.B.Forms of Communication

C.Facial Expressions and Gestures

D.Suggestions on Communication





Like most Chinese, Mr.Zhang has a traditional family.71.________ he and his wife are middle schoo l teachers while their 6-year-old son is a pupil.Mr.Zhang's mother lives with them and helps look 72.________ the kid.They love one another and live

73.________ happy life.

Yesterday was Mr.Zhang's mother's birthday.The couple wanted to do something to 74.________ their love for her.After a big dinner, Mr.Zhang brought a basin (盆) of warm water and asked his mother to sit in front of the basin.He took off her shoes and put her 75.________ into the water.After that he began to wash them carefully.His wife helped to comb (梳) his mother's hair slowly.Seeing this, the boy 76.________ his mother's example.He tried to comb his mother's hair, too.But he was not tall 77.________ to do that.So he brought a chair and stood on it.Everyone could feel the warmth and love in the family.

78.________ we all know, respecting the old and taking care of the young is a good Chinese tradition.We should try 79.________ best to care for our family.We must visit our parents as often as possible and 80.________ time with them even though we may work far away.Indeed, family is a place for happiness.



(根据短文内容按要求完成任务,并将答案写在答题卡相应位置上。每小题2分,共20分) (A)根据短文内容简要回答下面的问题

Mr. Black lives by the sea. He has a big family and has to work hard, or his wife and children will be hungry. After breakfast he leaves for the sea in a small boat every day. He always hopes to catch more fish.

One morning, the man got to a good place for fishing. He threw a long rope (绳) with many hooks (钩) into the water. Ile found it heavy and pulled the hooks out of the sea. He saw there was a gold chain (金链) on the hooks. He was of course very glad. "I'll sell the gold chain for much money," he thought to himself. "I'll build a new house, and buy lots of expensive things. I'll be the richest man in the world."

His boat began to sink (下沉). But Mr. Black went on thinking and didn't notice what was happening. As he was pulling the gold chain, the boat sank (下沉) into the sea. He lost not only the gold chain, but also his boat and life!

91. Where does Mr. Black live?

92. When does Mr. Black go to the sea?

93. What did Mr. Black see on the hooks?

94. What happened to the boat at last?

95. Did Mr. Black only lose his boat and the gold chain?
