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Class: Name: Marks: 满分(80)



1. —I’ve read Wandering twice, but I still can’t understand it.

—It’s one of the most difficult works by Lu Xun.

A. Not exactly.

B. No sense.

C. How come?

D. No wonder.

2. Nowadays, the general public tends to a low-carbon lifestyle, which is of great benefit to the environment.

A. ignore

B. adopt

C. escape

D. remove

3. The woman said there were great differences between her approach to educating her children and of her parents.

A. one

B. it

C. that

D. those

4. Her sick daughter was taking a turn for the worse, and her increased with each passing day.

A. anxiety

B. pride

C. relief

D. glory

5. planes and high-speed trains get us to our destination quicker than before, as travelers, we miss some fantastic scenery along the journey.

A. If

B. As

C. While

D. Because

6. More and more US film directors are including Chinese elements (元素) in their works with the intention

they can attract a large Chinese audience.

A. that

B. why

C. what

D. whether

7. — What bad weather! It the whole day.

—Yes. And the weather forecast says it won’t stop until tomorrow afternoon.

A. rained

B. was raining

C. will have rained

D. has been raining

8. John Galliano received warm applause at the Milan Fashion Week shows, the audience with his unique style of fashion design.

A. impressing

B. impressed

C. to impress

D. having impressed

9. Now people are more concerned about air pollution and the problems is causing for the public.

A. they

B. which

C. it

D. what

10. — Look, these tomatoes are huge and red! You have taken good care of them.

— Yes, I did.

A. need

B. must

C. should

D. would

11. The high summer temperatures pushed students living in dormitories without air conditioning to

various measures to cool themselves.

A. push ahead with

B. come up with

C. apply for

D. make up

12. He asked for leave suddenly. , no one has been found to take charge of his work.

A. In other words

B. On the other hand

C. In consequence

D. As a matter of fact

13. — Angela looks very upset today.

— So you if your best friend misunderstood you.

A. do

B. did

C. will

D. would

14. Dadu Museum of Art is the first private art museum free access to the public in China.

A. gives

B. gave

C. having given

D. to give

15. —Oh, Simon, I didn’t pass the math exam. I’ve worked hard on it.

—. Actually, we are in the same boat.

A. It’s up to you

B. I’m with you on that

C. Sorry to hear that

D. None of my business

二、完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1 分, 满分20分)

Once upon a time, there was a woman baking (烤) bread for members of her family and an extra loaf for a hungry passerby. She always kept the extra bread on the window sill, for whoever would 16 it away.

Every day, an old man 17 and took away the bread without 18 gratitude. This went on day after day, and the woman felt very 19 . In order to punish him, she decided to add 20 to the bread she 21 for him! As she was about to 22 it on the window sill, her hands trembled (发抖). Immediately she threw the bread 23 the fire, baked another loaf and kept it on the window sill. 24 , the old man came, picked up the bread and left, totally unaware of the anger in the heart of the woman.

That evening, there was a 25 on the door. As the woman opened it, she was 26 to find her son standing in the doorway... He had gone to a distant place to 27 his fortune. For many months she had heard no news of him.

Looking at his mother he said 28 , “Mom, it’s truly 29 that I’m here. My business 30 so I had to beg for food on my way home. I was starving this morning, but just then an old man passed by. He was 31 enough to give me the whole bread. As he gave it to me, he said, ‘This is what I eat every day. Today, I shall give it to you, for your 32 is greater than mine!’” As the mother 33 those words, she 34 the poisoned bread that she had made that morning and her face turned pale. Had she not thrown it in the fire, it would have been eaten by her own son, and he would have 35 his life!

16. A. bring B. give C. take D. clear
