第二条一般定义就本协定而言,除非本协定另有规定:(一)《反倾销协定》指《WTO协定》附件1A所含《关于实施1994年关税与贸易总协定第六条的协定》;(二)本协定指《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》;(三)《农业协定》指《WTO 协定》附件1A所含《农业协定》;(四)《海关估价协定》指《WTO协定》附件1A所含《关于实施1994年关税与贸易总协定第七条的协定》;(五)日指日历日,包括周末和节假日;(六)现行指在本协定生效之日有效;(七)GATS指《WTO协定》附件1B所含《服务贸易总协定》;(八)GATT 1994指《WTO协定》附件1A所含《1994年关税与贸易总协定》;(九)GPA指《WTO协定》附件4所含《政府采购协定》;(十)协调制度或者HS指《商品名称及编码协调制度》,包括1983年6月14日订于布鲁塞尔的由世界海关组织通过和管理的《商品名称及编码协调制度的国际公约》附件规定的归类总规则、类注释、章注释和子目注释,以及缔约方在各自法律框架内修订、采用和实施的归类总规则、类注释、章注释和子目注释;(十一)IMF指国际货币基金组织;(十二)《国际货币基金组织协定》指1944年7月22日订于布雷顿森林的《国际货币基金组织协定》;(十三)《进口许可程序协定》指《WTO协定》附件1A 所含《进口许可程序协定》;(十四)法人根据适用法律组建或组织的任何实体,无论是否以营利为目的,无论属私营所有还是政府所有,包括任何公司、信托、合伙企业、合资企业、独资企业、协会或类似组织;(十五)最不发达国家指联合国指定的、尚未从最不发达国家的类型中毕业的任何国家;(十六)最不发达国家缔约方指属于最不发达国家的任何缔约方;(十七)措施指一缔约方采取的任何措施,包括法律、法规、规定、程序、决定、行政行为或任何其他形式;(十八)缔约方指本协定对其生效的任何国家或单独关税区;(十九)易腐货物指由于其固有特性,特别是在缺乏适当的储藏条件下快速变质的货物;(二十)人指自然人或法人;(二十一)个人信息指与已识别的或可识别的个人相关的任何信息,包括数据;(二十二)《装运前检验协定》指《WTO协定》附件1A 所含《装运前检验协定》;(二十三)RCEP指区域全面经济伙伴关系;(二十四)RCEP联合委员会是指根据第十八章第二条(设立RCEP联合委员会)设立的区域全面经济伙伴关系联合委员会;(二十五)《保障措施协定》指《WTO协定》附件1A 所含《保障措施协定》;(二十六)《SCM协定》指《WTO协定》附件1A所含《补贴与反补贴措施协定》;(二十七)中小企业指任何小型和中型企业,包括任何微型企业,在适当情况下可由每一缔约方依照各自的法律、法规或国家政策进一步定义;(二十八)《SPS协定》指《WTO协定》附件1A所含《实施卫生与植物卫生措施协定》;(二十九)《TBT协定》指《WTO协定》附件1A所含《技术性贸易壁垒协定》;(三十)贸易管理文件是指一缔约方发布或控制的、必须由或为了进口商或出口商完成的、与货物进出口相关的表格;(三十一)《贸易便利化协定》指《WTO协定》附件1A所含《贸易便利化协定》;(三十二)《TRIPS协定》指《WTO协定》附件1C所含《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》;(三十三)《关于国际收支条款的谅解》指《WTO协定》附件1A所含《关于1994年关税与贸易总协定国际收支条款的谅解》;(三十四)WTO指世界贸易组织;以及(三十五)《WTO协定》指订于1994年4月15日的《马拉喀什建立世界贸易组织协定》。
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[RCEP全文解读]1. 引言RCEP(区域全面经济伙伴关系协定)是亚太地区国家间达成的一项全面自贸协定。
2. 协议内容RCEP协议包括市场准入、贸易便利化、知识产权保护、电子商务、服务贸易、投资等多个领域的规定。
其主要内容如下:2.1 市场准入RCEP协议将降低或取消参与国家间的关税和非关税贸易壁垒,开放市场准入。
2.2 贸易便利化RCEP协议通过简化贸易手续、加强贸易便利化措施等,促进贸易流程的顺利进行。
2.3 知识产权保护RCEP协议规定了对知识产权的保护措施,在保护创新和知识产权的基础上,促进技术转移和创新合作。
2.4 电子商务RCEP协议鼓励和促进电子商务发展,包括电子支付、数字认证和数据流动等领域。
2.5 服务贸易RCEP协议涵盖了多个服务领域,包括金融、科技、医疗等,鼓励服务贸易的自由化和便利化。
3. 影响3.1 促进地区贸易RCEP以其庞大的经济规模和市场潜力,将进一步促进亚太地区的贸易活动。
3.2 加强区域合作RCEP协议将加强参与国家间的合作和关系。
3.3 促进产业转型升级RCEP协议将鼓励技术转移和创新合作,为参与国家的产业转型升级提供更多机会。
RCEP协议书副本甲方:[甲方全称]地址:[甲方地址]法定代表人:[甲方法定代表人姓名]乙方:[乙方全称]地址:[乙方地址]法定代表人:[乙方法定代表人姓名]鉴于甲方和乙方均为《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(以下简称“RCEP”)的签署国的法人实体,依据RCEP的条款和条件,双方本着平等互利的原则,就以下事宜达成如下协议:第一条目的和范围1.1 本协议旨在促进甲方和乙方在RCEP框架下的贸易和投资合作。
1.2 本协议适用于双方在RCEP范围内的所有贸易和投资活动。
第二条商品和服务贸易2.1 甲方和乙方应根据RCEP的规定,相互提供最惠国待遇。
2.2 双方应遵守RCEP关于关税减免、非关税壁垒消除以及服务贸易自由化的具体规定。
第三条投资3.1 甲方和乙方应根据RCEP的规定,为对方提供公平和透明的投资环境。
3.2 双方应保护对方的投资,不得采取不合理的或歧视性的措施。
第四条知识产权保护4.1 甲方和乙方应根据RCEP的规定,加强知识产权的保护和执法。
4.2 双方应遵守RCEP关于知识产权的保护标准,包括但不限于专利、商标、版权等。
第五条争端解决5.1 如双方在履行本协议过程中发生争端,应首先通过友好协商解决。
5.2 如果协商未能解决争端,双方同意将争端提交至RCEP争端解决机制。
第六条法律适用和解释6.1 本协议的解释、适用及争议的解决均应遵守RCEP的规定及相关国际法原则。
6.2 本协议的任何条款如与RCEP的规定不一致,应以RCEP的规定为准。
第七条协议的修改和终止7.1 本协议的任何修改和补充均应以书面形式作出,并经双方授权代表签字后生效。
7.2 除非双方另有书面约定,任何一方均可在提前[具体天数]天书面通知对方后终止本协议。
第八条其他8.1 本协议未尽事宜,双方可另行协商解决。
8.2 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
二、目标与原则1. 目标:本协议的目标是促进中日韩三国之间的贸易自由化和投资便利化,推动贸易和投资的自由化、便利化和便利化,促进经济发展和互利共赢。
2. 原则:本协议的原则包括公平、公正、互利、互惠、透明、非歧视等。
三、市场准入与贸易自由化1. 关税减让:中日韩三国将逐步降低关税,包括但不限于工业品、农产品、服务等领域,以促进贸易自由化。
2. 非关税壁垒:中日韩三国将努力消除非关税壁垒,包括但不限于贸易限制、技术壁垒、贸易救济等,为企业提供公平竞争环境。
3. 贸易便利化:中日韩三国将简化贸易程序,提高通关效率,促进贸易便利化。
4. 服务贸易:中日韩三国将扩大服务贸易领域的开放,包括但不限于金融、教育、旅游等领域。
四、投资便利化与合作1. 投资自由化:中日韩三国将互相开放投资市场,提供公平、公正的投资环境,鼓励和保护投资。
2. 投资保护:中日韩三国将建立投资保护机制,保护投资者的合法权益,降低投资风险。
3. 技术合作:中日韩三国将加强技术合作,包括但不限于知识产权保护、技术转让等领域,促进创新和技术进步。
4. 产业合作:中日韩三国将加强产业合作,推动产业链的深度融合和优化,提高产业竞争力。
五、经济合作与发展1. 区域经济合作:中日韩三国将加强区域经济合作,推动经济一体化,促进共同繁荣。
2. 人文交流:中日韩三国将加强人文交流,包括但不限于教育、文化、旅游等领域,增进相互了解和友谊。
3. 环境保护:中日韩三国将加强环境保护合作,推动可持续发展,共同应对气候变化和环境问题。
六、机制与监督1. 机制建立:中日韩三国将建立协调机制,包括但不限于高级别会议、工作组等,推动协议的实施和落实。
2. 监督与评估:中日韩三国将建立监督与评估机制,定期评估协议的执行情况,及时解决问题和改进措施。
投资可以采取的形式包括:1. 法人中的股份、股票和其他形式的参股,包括由此派生的权利;2. 法人的债券、无担保债券、贷款4及其他债务工具以及由此派生的权利;51就马来西亚和泰国而言,本章规定的保护在适用的情况下,应当适用于经各自主管机关依照其各自的法律、法规和政策以书面方式明确批准保护的涵盖投资。
3. 合同项下的权利,包括交钥匙、建设、管理、生产或收入分享合同;4. 东道国法律和法规所认可的知识产权和商誉;5. 与业务相关且具有财务价值的金钱请求权或任何合同行为的给付请求权;66. 根据东道国法律法规或依合同授予的权利,如特许经营权、许可证、授权和许可,包括勘探和开采自然资源的权利;以及7. 动产、不动产及其他财产权利,如租赁、抵押、留臵或质押。
二、范围和原则1. 范围:本协议适用于中日韩三国的货物贸易、服务贸易、投资、知识产权保护、电子商务等领域的合作。
2. 原则:(1)平等互利原则:三国在自贸区内享有平等的待遇和权利,相互尊重各自的发展利益。
三、贸易自由化与关税减让1. 关税减让:(1)三国将逐步降低和取消自贸区内的关税,以促进贸易自由化。
2. 非关税壁垒:(1)三国将致力于减少非关税壁垒,包括但不限于技术壁垒、标准壁垒、质量检验等。
四、投资自由化与便利化1. 投资促进:(1)三国将鼓励和保护自贸区内的投资,提供公平、公正和非歧视的待遇。
2. 投资自由化:(1)三国将逐步放宽和取消自贸区内的投资限制,提高投资自由化水平。
五、知识产权保护与合作1. 知识产权保护:(1)三国将加强知识产权保护,依法打击知识产权侵权行为。
2. 知识产权合作:(1)三国将加强知识产权的合作与交流,推动技术创新和知识产权的转移与应用。
RCEP协议详细1. 简介RCEP(Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership,区域全面经济伙伴关系协定)是世界上最大的自贸协定,由15个东亚和太平洋地区国家或地区组成,包括中国、日本、韩国、澳大利亚等。
2. 目标和内容RCEP的目标是加强成员国之间的经济合作,推动贸易自由化和投资便利化。
2.1 货物贸易RCEP协议旨在降低成员国之间的关税,减少非关税壁垒,并建立更加开放和便利的贸易环境。
2.2 服务贸易RCEP协议也涵盖了服务贸易的领域,旨在促进成员国之间的服务贸易自由化和便利化。
2.3 投资RCEP协议的投资章节规定了成员国之间的投资合作和保护。
2.4 电子商务RCEP协议将电子商务列为重要领域之一,旨在促进电子商务的发展和合作。
2.5 知识产权RCEP协议对知识产权进行了保护和管理的规定。
3. 影响和机遇RCEP协议的签署和实施对参与国家和地区带来了巨大的影响和机遇。
3.1 贸易增长RCEP协议将进一步降低贸易壁垒,促进贸易自由化和便利化。
3.2 投资增加RCEP协议的实施将吸引更多投资,包括外商直接投资和跨国公司的扩张。
ANNEX IIISCHEDULE OF RESERVATIONS AND NON-CONFORMING MEASURES FORINVESTMENTTHE PHILIPPINESLIST AEXPLANATORY NOTES1. This List sets out, pursuant to Article 10.8 (Reservations and Non-ConformingMeasures), measures that do not conform to the obligations under:(a) Article 10.3 (National Treatment);(b) Article 10.4 (Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment);(c) Article 10.6 (Prohibition of Performance Requirements); and(d) Article 10.7 (Senior Management and Board of Directors).2. This List and List B follow the negative list with two list approach as follows:(a) This List sets out commitments in relation to existing non-conformingmeasures which will be subject to standstill obligations but not subject toratchet mechanism; and(b) List B sets out policy flexibility in relation to measures in sectors,subsectors and activities.3. The Philippines may add, withdraw or modify any of its reservations as set outin this List for a period of 24 months from the date of entry into force of this Schedule, provided that the non-conforming measure is in existence as of the date of entry into force of this Agreement. Any addition, withdrawal or modification in this List will be submitted to the Depositary who will notify the other Parties, including the relevant laws and regulations. Such reservation shall be deemed to form part of this Schedule upon such notification.4. Each reservation shall set out the following elements, where applicable:(a) Sector refers to the sectors in which a reservation is taken;(b) Subsector refers to specific industries, products, or activities in which areservation is taken;(c) Industry Classification refers to the activities covered by the reservationaccording to International Standard Industrial Classification (hereinafterreferred to as “ISIC”) Revision 3 for manufacturing, agriculture, fishery,forestry, mining and quarrying. If the reservation does not exactly conformto the ISIC, the Philippines specified the coverage of the reservation, asnecessary and appropriate;(d) Level of Government specifies the level of government maintaining themeasure for which a reservation is taken;(e) Type of Obligation refers to the obligation of National Treatment, Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment, Prohibition of Performance Requirements,and Senior Management and Board of Directors, as the case may be,which do not apply to the listed measure;(f) Description of Measure refers to measures that do not conform toNational Treatment, Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment, Prohibition ofPerformance Requirements, and Senior Management and Board ofDirectors for which a reservation is taken; and(g) Source of Measure refers to existing measures that apply to the sector,subsector or activities covered by the reservations and is identified fortransparency purposes only.5. In the interpretation of a reservation, all elements of a reservation shall beconsidered. The Description of Measure element shall prevail over all other elements.6. These Explanatory Notes shall form part of this List.1Sector : All sectorsSubsector : -Industry Classification : -Level of Government : All levelsType of Obligation : National Treatment (Article 10.3)Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment (Article 10.4)Prohibition of Performance Requirements (Article10.6)Senior Management and Board of Directors (Article10.7)Description of Measure : Establishment of Domestic Corporation(a) Number of incorporators shall be naturalpersons, not less than five but not more than15, all of legal age;(b) Majority of the incorporators and directors shallbe residents of the Philippines; and(c) Corporate Secretary shall be a citizen andresident of the Philippines.Participation of foreign investors in entitiesengaged in partially nationalized activities andpublic utilitiesFor public utility enterprises or corporationsengaging in partially nationalized activities, thePresident and all the executive and managingofficers of such corporation or association must becitizens of the Philippines. The participation offoreign investors in the governing body of saidenterprise shall be limited to their proportionateshare in its capital.Establishment of CooperativeNo foreign equity is allowed.Domestic and Export EnterpriseSmall and medium-sized domestic marketenterprises are reserved to Philippine nationals,however, the Philippines may allow up to amaximum of 40 percent foreign equity in small andmedium-sized domestic market enterprises,subject to compliance with requirements, terms andconditions.A non-Philippine national not otherwise disqualified by law may do business or invest in a domestic enterprise up to 100 percent of its capital, provided:(a) it is investing in a domestic market enterprise inareas outside the Foreign Investment Negative List under the Foreign Investments Act of 1991;or(b) it is investing in an export enterprise whoseproducts and services do not fall within Lists A and B of the Foreign Investment Negative List under the Foreign Investments Act of 1991.Provided, further, that, as required by existing laws, the country or state of the applicant must also allow Filipino citizens and corporations to do business therein.Note:“Philippine national” shall mean a citizen of the Philippines or a domestic partnership or association wholly owned by citizens of the Philippines; or a corporation organized under the laws of the Philippines of which at least sixty percent (60%) of the capital stock outstanding and entitled to vote is owned and held by citizens of the Philippines; or a corporation organized abroad and registered as doing business in the Philippines under the Corporation Code of which one hundred percent (100%) of the capital stock outstanding and entitled to vote is wholly owned by Filipinos or a trustee of funds for pension or other employee retirement or separation benefits, where the trustee is a Philippine national and at least sixty percent (60%) of the fund will accrue to the benefit of the Philippine nationals: Provided, that where a corporation and its non-Filipino stockholders own stocks in a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) registered enterprise, at least sixty percent (60%) of the capital stocks outstanding and entitled to vote of both corporations must be owned and held by citizens of the Philippines and at least sixty percent (60%) of the members of the Board of Directors of both corporations must be citizens of the Philippines, in order that the corporations shall be considered a Philippine national.Individuals or entities that do not meet the aforementioned qualifications are considered as “non-Philippine nationals”.23Sector : Fisheries and AquacultureSubsector : -Industry Classification : ISIC 050 Fishing, aquaculture and serviceactivities incidental to fishingLevel of Government : All levelsType of Obligation : National Treatment (Article 10.3)Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment (Article 10.4) Description of Measure : The use and exploitation of the fishery and aquaticresources in Philippine waters shall be reservedexclusively to Filipinos.Municipal FishingAll fishery activities in municipal waters shall beutilized by municipal fisherfolk and theircooperatives or organizations who are listed assuch in the registry of municipal fisherfolk.Commercial FishingNo commercial fishing vessel license shall beissued except to citizens of the Philippines,partnerships or to associations, cooperatives orcorporations duly registered in the Philippines atleast 60 percent of the capital stock1 of which isowned by Filipino citizens, subject to requirementsand compliance with certain conditions.Foreign owned vessels are not allowed to conductfishing operations in all Philippine waters.Note: There is a moratorium on the issuance ofcommercial fishing vessel and gear licenses andother clearances.FishpondNo fishpond lease agreements may be issued forpublic lands that may be declared available fordevelopment primarily except to citizens of thePhilippines, or fisherfolk cooperatives orassociations. In the absence of such citizens orfisherfolk cooperatives of associations,corporations duly incorporated in the Philippines atleast 60 percent of the capital stock of which isowned by Filipino citizens may be granted fishpond 1 The foreign equity participation under this Reservation is not covered by Reservation No. 1 of List B.2 The foreign equity participation under this Reservation is not covered by Reservation No. 1 of List B.43 The foreign equity participation under this Reservation is not covered by Reservation No. 10 of List B.5Sector : Mining and QuarryingSubsector : Small Scale MiningIndustry Classification : -Level of Government : All levelsType of Obligation : National Treatment (Article 10.3)Description of Measure : Small-scale mining is reserved to Filipino citizenswho, individually or in the company of other Filipinocitizens, voluntarily form a cooperative dulylicensed by the Philippine Government. Theprocessing of mineral ores and minerals theyproduced is reserved to Filipino citizens.Source of Measure : -The 1987 Philippine Constitution-R.A. No. 7942, the Philippine Mining Act of1995-R.A. No. 7076, the People’s Small-ScaleMining Act of 1991-R.A. No. 7586, the National IntegratedProtected Areas System of 1992-R.A. No. 7160, the Local Government Code of1991-Administrative Issuances6-R.A. No. 7183, An Act Regulating the Sale, Manufacture, Distribution and Use of Firecrackers and other Pyrotechnic Devices7Sector : ManufacturingSubsector : Atomic Energy FacilityIndustry Classification : ISIC Division 29 Manufacture of machinery andequipment n.e.c.Level of Government : All levelsType of Obligation : National Treatment (Article 10.3)Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment (Article 10.4)Prohibition of Performance Requirements (Article10.6)Description of Measure : No license to acquire, own, or operate any atomicenergy facility shall be issued to an alien, or anycorporation or other entity which is owned orcontrolled by an alien, a foreign corporation, or aforeign government, subject to compliancerequirements and terms and conditions. Acorporation or entity is not owned or controlled byan alien, a foreign corporation or a foreigngovernment if at least 60 percent of its capital stockis owned by Filipino citizens.Note:“Atomic energy facility”means any equipment ordevice which the Philippine Government maydetermine from time to time, by regulation, to becapable of producing or utilizing atomic energymaterial in such quantity or in such manner as to beof significance to the national interest or to thehealth and safety of the public.Source of Measure : -R.A. No. 5207, the Atomic Energy Regulatoryand Liability Act of 1968-Presidential Decree No. 1484, AmendingCertain Sections of Republic Act NumberedFifty Two Hundred and Seven Entitled "An ActProviding for the Licensing and Regulation ofAtomic Energy Facilities and Materials,Establishing the Rules on Liability for NuclearDamage, and for Other P urposes”8Sector : ManufacturingSubsector : Mass Media, Printing and PublishingIndustry Classification : ISIC Division 22Level of Government : All levelsType of Obligation : National Treatment (Article 10.3)Description of Measure : The ownership and management of mass mediashall be limited to citizens of the Philippines, or tocorporations or associations wholly owned andmanaged by such citizens.Note:“Mass Media”refers to the print medium ofcommunication, which includes all newspapers,periodicals, magazines, journals, and publicationsand all advertising therein, and billboards, neonsigns and the like, and the broadcast medium ofcommunication, which includes radio and televisionbroadcasting in all their aspects and all othercinematographic or radio promotions andadvertising.Source of Measure : -The 1987 Philippine Constitution-Presidential Decree No. 1018, Limiting theOwnership and Management of Mass Media toCitizens of the Philippines and for OtherPurposes-Presidential and Administrative Issuances9104 The foreign equity participation under this Reservation is not covered by Reservation No. 10 of List B.11Sector : All sectorsSubsector : -Industry Classification : -Level of Government : All levelsType of Obligation : Prohibition of Performance Requirements (Article10.6)Description of Measure : The adoption of a given rate or amount of royaltyunder a license contract is subject to approval,terms and conditions, and compliancerequirements imposed, by the relevant governmentagency under Philippine laws and regulations. Source of Measure : Administrative IssuancesLIST BEXPLANATORY NOTES1. This List sets out, pursuant to Article 10.8 (Reservations and Non-ConformingMeasures), measures that the Philippines may maintain existing, or adopt new or more restrictive measures that do not conform to the obligations under:(a) Article 10.3 (National Treatment);(b) Article 10.4 (Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment);(c) Article 10.6 (Prohibition of Performance Requirements); and(d) Article 10.7 (Senior Management and Board of Directors).2. This List and List A follow the negative list with two list approach as follows:(a) List A sets out commitments in relation to existing non-conformingmeasures which will be subject to standstill obligations but not subject toratchet mechanism; and(b) This List sets out policy flexibility in relation to measures in sectors,subsectors and activities.3. Each reservation shall set out the following elements, where applicable:(a) Sector refers to the sectors in which a reservation is taken;(b) Subsector refers to specific industries, products, or activities in which areservation is taken;(c) Industry Classification refers to the activities covered by the reservationaccording to International Standard Industrial Classification (hereinafterreferred to as “ISIC”) Revision 3 for manufacturing, agriculture, fishery,forestry, mining and quarrying. If the reservation does not exactly conformto the ISIC, the Philippines specified the coverage of the reservation, asnecessary and appropriate;(d) Level of Government specifies the level of government maintaining themeasure for which a reservation is taken;(e) Type of Obligation refers to the obligation of National Treatment, Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment, Prohibition of Performance Requirements,and Senior Management and Board of Directors, as the case may be,which do not apply to the listed measure;(f) Description of Measure refers to measures that do not conform toNational Treatment, Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment, Prohibition ofPerformance Requirements, and Senior Management and Board ofDirectors for which a reservation is taken; and(g) Source of Measure refers to existing measures that apply to the sector,subsector or activities covered by the reservations and is identified fortransparency purposes only.4. In the interpretation of a reservation, all elements of a reservation shall beconsidered. The Description of Measure element shall prevail over all other elements.5. These Explanatory Notes shall form part of this List.1235 Measures and mechanisms of local government units include general welfare, provision of basic services and facilities, generation of resources and creation of revenues within their respective territorial jurisdictions.6 These are systems, institutions, mechanisms, and technologies comprising a unique body of knowledge evolved through time that embody patterns of relationships between and among peoples and between peoples, their lands and resource environment, including such spheres of relationships which may include social, political, cultural, economic, religious spheres, and which are the direct outcome of the indigenous peoples, responses to certain needs consisting of adaptive mechanisms which have allowed indigenous peoples to survive and thrive within their given socio-cultural and biophysical conditions.47 Registration of a foreign investment (equity and debt) with the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) is required if the foreign exchange needed to service the repatriation of capital and the remittance of dividends, profits and earnings which accrue thereon shall be sourced from authorized financial institutions.The approval and registration with BSP of a foreign loan is required if the foreign exchange needed to service the loan shall be sourced from authorized financial institutions, except in the following cases, which require BSP prior approval and registration regardless of source of foreign exchange for servicing: (a) public debt; and (b) private debt which are: (i) guaranteed by government corporations or government financial institutions, or by authorized financial institutions; or (ii) granted by local banks and directly funded or collateralized by offshore loans or deposits.58“Pioneer Enterprise” shall mean a registered enterprise (1) engaged in the manufacture, processing or production, and not merely in the assembly or packaging of goods, products, commodities or raw materials that have not been or are not being produced in the Philippines on a commercial scale or (2) which uses a design, formula, scheme, method, process or system of production or transformation of any element, substance or raw materials into another raw material or finished goods which is new and untried in the Philippines or (3) engaged in the pursuit of agricultural, forestry and mining activities and/or services including the industrial aspects of food processing whenever appropriate, pre-determined by the Board, in consultation with the appropriate Department, to be feasible and highly essential to the attainment of the national goal, in relation to a declared specific national food and agricultural program for self-sufficiency and other social benefits of the project or (4) which produces non-conventional fuels or manufactures equipment which utilize non-conventional sources of energy or uses or converts to coal or other non-conventional fuels or sources of energy in its production, manufacturing or processing operations. Provided, That the final product in any of the foregoing instances, involves or will involve substantial use and processing of domestic raw materials, whenever available; taking into account the risks and magnitude of investment: Provided, further, That the foregoing definitions shall not in any way limit the rights and incentives granted to less-developed-area enterprises.9 The registered enterprise under Executive Order No. 226 (the Omnibus Investments Code of 1987) shall obligate itself to attain the status of a Philippine national within 30 years from the date of registration or with such longer period as the Board may require taking into account the export potential of the project.610 For greater certainty, this right extends to any preferential treatment accorded pursuant to a subsequent review or amendment of the relevant bilateral or multilateral international agreement.78911 Illustrative Example: The Comprehensive Automotive Resurgence Strategy (CARS) Program under E.O. 182, to augment and enhance policy and directions of existing motor vehicle development programs towards ensuring a resurgent automotive industry that supports innovation, technology transfer, environmental protection, and small and medium enterprises development.101112Sector : All sectorsSubsector : -Industry Classification : -Level of Government : All levelsType of Obligation : National Treatment (Article 10.3)Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment (Article 10.4)Prohibition of Performance Requirements (Article10.6)Senior Management and Board of Directors (Article10.7)Description of Measure : The Philippines reserves the right to adopt ormaintain any measure or mechanism relating to:(a) investments other than those recognized orother than those that should have beenrecognized by the Philippine Governmentowing to the circumstances on the date ofentry into force of this Agreement; and(b) investments which were not technicallyfeasible on the date of entry into force of thisAgreement.Source of Measure : -13Sector : All sectorsSubsector : -Industry Classification : -Level of Government : All levelsType of Obligation : National Treatment (Article 10.3)Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment (Article 10.4)Prohibition of Performance Requirements (Article10.6)Senior Management and Board of Directors (Article10.7)Description of Measure : The Philippines reserves the right to adopt ormaintain any measure or mechanism that itconsiders necessary for the protection of itsessential security interests.Source of Measure : -14Sector : All sectorsSubsector : -Industry Classification : -Level of Government : All levelsType of Obligation : Prohibition of Performance Requirements (Article10.6)Description of Measure : The Philippines reserves the right to adopt ormaintain any measure or mechanism relating totechnology transfer, production processes, or otherproprietary knowledge.Source of Measure : -15Sector : All sectorsSubsector : -Industry Classification : -Level of Government : All levelsType of Obligation : National Treatment (Article 10.3)Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment (Article 10.4)Prohibition of Performance Requirements (Article10.6)Senior Management and Board of Directors (Article10.7)Description of Measure : The Philippines reserves the right to adopt ormaintain any measure relating to investments in allservices sectors and subsectors.Source of Measure : -16Sector : All sectorsSubsector : -Industry Classification : -Level of Government : All levelsType of Obligation : National Treatment (Article 10.3)Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment (Article 10.4)Prohibition of Performance Requirements (Article10.6)Senior Management and Board of Directors (Article10.7)Description of Measure : The Philippines reserves the right to adopt ormaintain any measure affecting or relating toelectronic commerce, where such measure isnecessary and would not constitute arbitrary orunjustifiable discrimination or a disguised restrictionon foreign investment.Source of Measure : -。
第二章货物贸易第一节总则和货物市场准入第一条定义就本章而言:(一)领事事务指一缔约方拟向另一缔约方领土出口的货物必须首先提交该进口缔约方在出口缔约方领土内的领事机构进行监管的要求,以获得商业发票、原产地证书、舱单、货主出口声明,或进口要求的或与进口相关的任何其他海关文件的领事发票或领事签证;(二)关税指与某一货物的进口有关而征收的任何关税或进口税以及任何种类的费用,但不包括任何:1. 以与GATT1994第三条第二款的规定相一致的方式征收等同于一国内税的费用;2. 以与GATT1994第六条、《反倾销协定》和《补贴与反补贴措施协定》的规定相一致的方式适用的反倾销税或反补贴税;或者3. 与所提供服务的成本相当的规费或其他费用。
第八章 附件二:电信服务附件
本附件制定了一套与电信服务贸易相关的规则框架。在所有现 有的“东盟‘10+1’自由贸易协定”电信服务附件基础上,附件 还包括了监管方法、国际海底电缆系统、网络元素非捆绑、电 杆、管线和管网的接入、国际移动漫游、技术选择的灵活性等 条款。
第八章 附件三:专业服务附件
本附件为缔约方提供途径,以便利本区域内专业服务的提供。 包括:加强有关承认专业资格机构之间的对话,鼓励RCEP缔 约方或相关机构就共同关心的专业服务部门的专业资质、许可 或注册进行磋商。此外,还鼓励缔约方或相关机构在教育、考 试、经验、行为和道德规范、专业发展及再认证、执业范围、 消费者保护等领域制定互相接受的专业标准和准则。
第十六章 政府采购
协定认识到政府采购在推进区域经济一体化以促进经济发展中 的作用,将着力提高法律、法规和程序的透明度,促进缔约方 在政府采购方面的合作。本章包含审议条款,旨在未来对本章 节进行完善,以促进政府采购。
第十七章 一般条款与例外
本章规定了适用于整个RCEP协定的总则,包括缔约方法律、 法规、程序和普遍适用的行政裁定的透明度、就每一缔约方行 政程序建立适当的审查与上诉机制、保护保密信息、协定的地 理适用范围等。同时,本章将GATT1994第二十条和GATS第十 四条所列一般例外作必要修改后纳入本协定。缔约方可以采取 其认为保护其基本安全利益所必需的行动或措施。本章还允许 缔约方在面临严重的收支平衡失衡,外部财政困难或受到威胁 的情况下采取某些措施。
第七章 贸易救济
本章包括“保障措施”和“反倾销和反补贴税”两部分内容。 关于保障措施,协定重申缔约方在WTO《保障措施协定》下的 权利义务,并设立过渡性保障措施制度,对各方因履行协议降 税而遭受损害的情况提供救济。关于反倾销和反补贴税,协定 重申缔约方在WTO相关协定中的权利和义务,并制订了“与反 倾销和反补贴调查相关的做法”附件,规范了书面信息、磋商 机会、裁定公告和说明等实践做法,促进提升贸易救济调查的 透明度和正当程序。
rcep协议 具体内容
![rcep协议 具体内容](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/90e5176832687e21af45b307e87101f69e31fb8b.png)
ANNEX IVSCHEDULE OF SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS ONTEMPORARY MOVEMENT OF NATURAL PERSONSMALAYSIA1. The following sets out Malaysia’s commitments with respect to the temporary entry of naturalpersons of a Party into the territory of Malaysia in accordance with Chapter 9 (Temporary Movement of Natural Persons).2. A natural person of a Party seeking temporary entry into the territory of Malaysia under Chapter9 (Temporary Movement of Natural Persons) and this Schedule shall be required to obtain thenecessary visa and documentation prior to entry, and provide the requisite information and documentation in support of such application. Entry shall be granted subject to the terms, conditions, or limitations prescribed under Malaysia’s immigratio n laws and regulations.3. Malaysia remains unbound in respect of the supply of a service by a service supplier of a Partythrough the presence of natural persons of a Party in the territory of Malaysia, except as set out in this Schedule.4. For greater certainty, Malaysia remains unbound in respect of the supply of financial services bya service supplier of a Party through the presence of natural persons of a Party in the territory ofMalaysia except as stipulated otherwise in the Appendix to List B (Specific Commitments for Financial Services – Malaysia) read together with entry 43 in List B of Malaysia’s Schedule in Annex III (Schedules of Reservations and Non-Conforming Measures for Services and Investment).5. Malaysia’s commitments under Chapter 9 (Temporary Movement of Natural Persons) withrespect to the temporary entry of natural persons of a Party into the territory of Malaysia shall apply in relation to the categories of persons set out in the Horizontal Commitments below.6. In accordance with Article 9.5 (Schedules of Specific Commitments on Temporary Movement ofNatural Persons), for each category of natural persons set out in the Horizontal Commitments below, Malaysia specifies any terms, conditions, limitations, or qualifications that apply to the temporary entry of those natural persons into the territory of Malaysia.7. The Horizontal Commitments below shall apply to the sectoral commitments set out in theAppendix (Sectoral Specific Commitments) to this Schedule where indicated, and subject to any further terms, conditions, limitations, or qualifications stipulated in that Appendix.8. For the purposes of this Schedule:(a) “CPC”, where referenced, refers to the activity according to the Provisional Central ProductClassification (Statistical Papers Series M No. 77, Department of International Economicand Social Affairs, Statistical Office of the United Nations, New York, 1991). The use of “**”against individual CPC codes indicates that the specific commitment for that code does notextend to the total range of services covered under that code; and(b) “Unbound” means no commitment in the specified sector, subsector, or activity.9. The Schedules of other Parties shall not be used to interpret Malaysia’s commitments orobligations under Chapter 9 (Temporary Movement of Natural Persons) or other Chapters of this Agreement.HORIZONTAL COMMITMENTSAppendixSECTORAL SPECIFIC COMMITMENTSMALAYSIAA. SECTORS AND SUBSECTORS EXCEPT FINANCIAL SERVICES1 The NFP class licence enables the provision of niched or limited purpose network facilities such as radio communications transmitters for public mobile radio network services, radio communications transmitters for public radio paging network services, and radio communications transmitters and links for public wireless data network services, for the sole purpose of end users in buildings or a single clustered building complex.2 The NSP class licence enables the provision of niched customer access or niched connection services such as public mobile radio work services, one or two-way radio paging network services, radio communications transmitters for public radio paging network services, and radio communications transmitters and links for public wireless data network services, for the sole purpose of end users in buildings or a single clustered building complex.3 The ASP class licence enables the provision of application services such as audio text hosting services provided on an opt-in basis, directory services, and messaging services.B. FINANCIAL SERVICES1. The terms, conditions, limitations, or qualifications stipulated under the Horizontal Commitmentsshall not apply to financial services, including insurance, unless otherwise indicated in the commitments below.2. In respect of offshore banks, offshore investment banks, commercial banks, investment banks,offshore direct insurance companies, offshore reinsurance companies, offshore insurance brokers, offshore insurance underwriting managers, offshore insurance managers, direct insurance companies, reinsurance companies, and representative offices of commercial banks and investment banks, the terms, conditions, limitations, or qualifications stipulated in the Financial Services Horizontal Commitments shall apply in addition to the specific terms, conditions, limitations, or qualifications, as specified for each financial services activity.3. For greater certainty, Malaysia’s commitments below shall not be interpreted as applying to thesupply of Shariah-compliant financial services, unless specific entries are made in the banking, insurance, or capital markets subsectors accordingly. This approach is consistent with Malaysia’s commitments under the WTO and other existing Free Trade Agreements.4. For greater certainty, temporary entry of natural persons in respect of supply of service shall bethrough the mode of commercial presence of offshore banks, offshore investment banks, commercial banks, investment banks, offshore direct insurance companies, offshore reinsurance companies, offshore insurance brokers, offshore insurance underwriting managers, offshore insurance managers, direct insurance companies, reinsurance companies, and representative offices of commercial banks and investment banks, as provided in the Appendix to List B (Specific Commitments for Financial Services – Malaysia) read together with entry 43 in List B of Malaysia’s Schedule in Annex III (Schedules of Reservations and Non-Conforming Measures for Services and Investment).4For purposes of this Schedule, “non-banks” means any non-bank for scheduled businesses as referred to in Malaysia’s Schedule of Specific Commitments under GATS.。
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financial support for the duration of the visit is
derived from outside Thailand:
Conditions and Limitations (including length of stay)
Temporary entry and temporary stay for a period not exceeding 90 days from the arrival date shall be granted, when applied for, to a short-term business visitor.
5. Thailand remains unbound in respect of the temporary entry of natural persons of another Party into, or their temporary stay in, the territory of Thailand under Chapter 9 (Temporary Movement of Natural Persons), except for sectors and subsectors set out in Appendix A (Sectoral Specific Commitments) and the categories of persons set out below.
2. Thailand reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure in respect of requirements of requisite visa, criteria, and conditions stipulated or may be stipulated by relevant authorities in obtaining permission for temporary entry or temporary stay. The criteria may include size of fully paid-up capital, employment creation, extent of foreign investment, export promotion, transfer of technology, special needs of the management, economic needs tests, and labour market needs tests.
4. The obligations of Thailand under this Agreement with respect to permanent residents of other Parties are unbound. Thailand reaffirms its rights and obligations regarding permanent residents as set out in its schedule of specific commitments in GATS. Nevertheless, where Parties exercise such rights, they shall not exercise them through this Agreement.
1. The following sets out Thailand’s commitments in accordance with Chapter 9 (Temporary Movement of Natural Persons) with respect to its commitments for the temporary entry and temporary stay of natural persons of another Party covered under Article 9.2 (Scope).
(i) as a representative of a goods seller or service supplier, for the purpose of negotiating the sale of goods or supply of services, or entering into agreements to sell goods or supply services for that goods seller or service supplier, where such negotiations do not involve direct sale of goods or supply of services to the general public;
DesShort Term Business Visitor (BV)
A natural person seeking to enter or stay in
Thailand temporarily, whose remuneration and