九年级英语Unit 12 知识点
九年级英语Unit 12 知识点Unit 12 Knowledge Points in Grade Nine EnglishIntroductionIn the ninth-grade English curriculum, Unit 12 covers various knowledge points. This unit aims to strengthen students' language skills, enhance their understanding of different contexts, and expand their vocabulary. In this article, we will explore some key aspects of Unit 12, providing a comprehensive overview that will assist students in their language acquisition journey.Listening SkillsLanguage learning involves effective listening, which is a foundational skill. Unit 12 emphasizes the development of listening comprehension. To improve this skill, students can engage in activities such as listening to podcasts, watching movies or TV shows in English, and participating in group discussions. Through these activities, students can familiarize themselves with different accents, colloquial expressions, and intonation patterns.Reading SkillsIn Unit 12, students will encounter a variety of reading materials, including narrative texts, articles, and nonfiction passages. To enhance reading skills, it is important to practice extensive reading. Students can select books or articles of interest, read newspapers, or explore online resources to broaden their exposure to different topics and writing styles. Additionally, they should focus on comprehension and develop strategies such as skimming, scanning, and predicting to enhance their reading speed and overall understanding.Writing SkillsUnit 12 aims to improve students' writing skills by introducing various writing tasks. These tasks may include writing essays, formal letters, or informal emails. To excel in writing, students should develop a systematic approach. Planning the structure of their writing, brainstorming ideas, and organizing content in a logical manner are important steps. Moreover, practicing different writing styles and adopting appropriate vocabulary and grammar will enhance the effectiveness and coherence of their written work.GrammarGrammar plays a crucial role in language proficiency. Unit 12 focuses on various grammar structures such as passive voice, reported speech, and conditional sentences. To master these structures, studentsshould practice actively, working on exercises that target each specific grammar point. Additionally, they can review grammar rules through online resources, textbooks, or seek guidance from their teachers.Vocabulary ExpansionExpanding vocabulary is essential for effective communication. Unit 12 introduces new vocabulary related to various topics, such as travel, technology, and education. To enhance vocabulary, students can create flashcards, categorize words into groups, or use online tools and apps designed for language learning. Incorporating new words into daily conversations and writing will also help students reinforce their understanding and application of vocabulary.Speaking SkillsDeveloping speaking skills is integral to real-life communication. Unit 12 provides opportunities for students to engage in discussions, debates, and presentations. To improve speaking abilities, students should actively participate in class activities and engage in conversations with classmates and teachers. Taking advantage of language exchange programs, language clubs, or practicing with language-learning apps will also provide additional platforms for oral practice.ConclusionUnit 12 in the ninth-grade English curriculum covers a range of essential knowledge points. By focusing on listening skills, reading skills, writing skills, grammar, vocabulary expansion, and speaking skills, students can enhance their overall language proficiency. Continuous practice, utilizing various resources, and seeking guidance from teachers will undoubtedly guide students towards mastering the content of Unit 12 and becoming more confident English speakers and writers.。
[单选]注册消防工程师应当将()作为职业道德的最高目标指向,不断加强自身职业道德建设,实现更高层次、更深意义的人生价值。A.遵纪守法B.英勇顽强C.爱岗敬业D.奉献社会 [单选]透平[turbine]将流体工质中蕴有的能量转换成机械功的机器。又称涡轮、涡轮机。透平是英文turbine的音译,源于拉丁文turbo一词,意为旋转物体。透平的工作条件和所用工质不同,因而其结构型式多种多样,基本工作原理()。A、不同B、完全相同C、相似D、也多种多样 [单选]A级柜员,具有授权、柜员资料维护、查询等非账务性交易岗位权限,但不得经办具体业务,也不得兼职()A.复核B.机构尾箱管理C.大堂经理D.客户经理 [单选]不属于容器连接件的是()。A、螺栓B、管法兰C、容器筒体端部D、封头 [单选]目前承担消防产品合格评定的评价机构是()。A、公安部消防局B、各省、直辖市、自治区公安消防总队C、国家消防产品质量监督检验中心D、公安部消防产品合格评定中心 [单选]现场需300kg的干砂,那么含水率3%的湿砂需()kg。A.330B.303C.309D.300.3 [单选,A1型题]右侧同向性偏盲的病损位于()。A.右侧视神经B.视交叉C.左侧视束D.左侧颞叶视辐射E.左侧顶叶视辐射 [单选]旅客列车发生()人以上食物中毒时,列车长应及时通知前方停车站和所在站的卫生防疫部门。A、4B、3C、1D、6 [单选]外阴鳞状上皮增生的主要组织病理变化是()A.表皮层角化不全B.表皮层角化过度C.表皮层角化过度或角化不全D.表皮层角质栓塞E.棘层细胞规则增厚 [单选,A1型题]关于煎药用水及用水量说法错误的是() [单选,A1型题]颈部交感神经损伤的临床表现为()A.呼吸困难B.声音嘶哑C.肩下垂D.上睑下垂E.上臂下垂 [单选]女性,40岁,关节肿痛5个月,以双手近端指间关节(PIP)和掌指关节(MCP)为明显,晨僵约60分钟,有时伴腕关节的疼痛,查体关节局部呈梭形肿、压痛(+),双腕活动轻度受限,化验ESR45mm/h,RF(-),X线示轻度骨质疏松。最可能的诊断是()A.强直性脊柱炎B.类风湿关节炎C [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列情况下,不需要洗手的是()A.在进行护理操作时,可能接触了患者的血液、体液、分泌物、排泄物和污染的器械B.护理两个患者之间C.脱手套后D.护理人员患者测血压后,进行导尿前E.与患者交谈后 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]《本草纲目》为后人留下了较完备的医药知识,人们在秉承这些医药知识的同时,其作者在行医时常为病人送药、煎药、喂药的高尚医德更为后人所称道,此人为()A.孙思邈B.张仲景C.李时珍D.龚延贤E.喻昌 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于前白蛋白叙述错误的是().A.营养不良敏感指标B.运载蛋白C.组织修补材料D.肝炎发病早期,浓度下降晚于其他血清蛋白E.运载维生素A [单选]承接勘察任务或签订勘察合同时,工程的()是必须条件。A.立项批准文件B.项目建议书C.可行性研究报告D.规划审批文件 [单选]中央启动第五届全国道德模范评选表彰活动,推动广泛深入地开展道德模范学习宣传,树立讲道德、尊道德、守道德的良好风尚,为协调推进“四个全面”战略布局提供源源不断的()。A.精神力量B.信仰力量C.道德力量D.法制力量 [多选]不能在关节内注射激素类药物的情况有()。A.疑为感染性关节炎B.活动性结核病、眼睛疱疹和急性精神症状C.痛风性关节炎D.被穿刺关节肢端可疑有缺血坏死E.义肢关节 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]临终关怀的道德要求中,下列适度治疗的原则哪一项是正确的()。A.解除痛苦、无痛苦地死去B.完全放弃治疗C.以延长生命过程的治疗为主D.以治疗疾病为主E.加速患者死亡 [问答题,简答题]简述生物工程设备清洁程度的确认方式。 [问答题]学生的权利有哪些? [单选]抗体特异性鉴定常采用()A.对流免疫电泳和区带电泳B.SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法C.火箭电泳和血凝法D.凝胶电泳和血凝法E.双向免疫扩散法 [填空题]钢轨探伤中,为了及时发现较小的螺孔裂纹应将37°探头灵敏度尽量()。 [单选,A1型题]提示膀胱损伤的表现是()A.血尿B.假性尿失禁C.排尿障碍而膀胱空虚D.导尿管不易插入E.下腹部腹膜刺激征 [单选]船政造船经历的三个时期分别是:“木船时期”、“()”、“钢船时期”。A、铁船时期B、钢木合构时期C、木铁合构时期D、蒸汽时期 [单选,A1型题]关于生长发育评价方法错误的是()A.离差法可分为等级评价和曲线图法B.相关回归法既能评价发育水平,又能反映发育的匀称程度C.身高标准体重可反映儿童现实营养状况D.发育年龄又称生物年龄可评价儿童的发育状况E.百分位数法,其原理和制作过程与离差法完全相同 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]支气管癌时伴随高血压、低血钾及肌无力等表现,其原因是由于下列物质分泌过多()A.肿瘤细胞所分泌的与ADH类似的环形多肽B.肿瘤代谢刺激腺垂体所分泌的ACTHC.肿瘤代谢刺激脑垂体后所分泌的ADHD.醛固酮E.肿瘤所分泌的ACTH样多肽 [填空题]金属材质的()、()、()等对WLAN无线信号的影响非常大。 [单选,A1型题]现代医学模式是指()A.生物-心理-社会医学模式B.生物医学模式C.高新技术医学模式D.整体医学模式E.分子医学模式 [单选]氨水清扫管插入氨水支管的深度不大于()MM。A.2B.4C.5 [填空题]SF6的缺点是它的电气性能受电场均匀程度()和()影响特别大。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]导管结石好发于()A.腮腺B.颌下腺C.舌下腺D.黏液腺E.浆液腺 [单选]纵舱壁、纵围壁以()为理论线。A.基线B.船中心线C.图纸要求 [单选]在国库支出的支出方式中,物品和服务采购支出应实行()。A.直接缴库B.集中汇缴C.财政直接支付D.财政授权支付 [问答题,简答题பைடு நூலகம்气柜过滤器的作用是什么? [单选,A1型题]小儿维生素D缺乏的因素,错误的一项是()A.光照不足B.摄入不足C.甲状腺功能障碍D.生长发育过快E.疾病因素及药物影响 [单选]无线中继属于无线列调系统的()设备A.调度所B.沿线地面C.传输 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]正常人细胞外铁是()A.(+)~(++)B.(++)~(+++)C.(±)~(+)D.Ⅰ型为主E.Ⅱ型为主 [问答题]一个尺寸为36.5×48.5的货盘可承载的最大重量为多少?(地板承载限制112磅/平方英尺货盘重量45磅系留装置29磅) [单选]在社会主义市场经济或以公有制为主导的市场经济条件下,()是作为经济法灵魂的一项根本性原则。A.平衡协调原则B.维护公平竞争原则C.有限干预原则D.责权利相统一原则
unit 12 what’s the best radio station基础知识分类整理及考点典型例句精讲精析
基础知识分类整理及考点典型例句精讲精析Unit 12 What's the best radio station【课文解析】close为形容词,意为“近的,接近的”,既可以指时间上的,也可以指空间上的。
His home is close to the schoo1.他家离学校很近。
close to意为“离……近”,其后可接名词、代词。
【易混辨析】close与nearclose与near都意为“近的”,但close比near表达的距离更近,相当于very near,可以近至几乎相接触,而near意为“附近的,邻近的”。
He sat close to us.他挨着我们坐。
My home is near to our schoo1.我家离我们学校很近。
Our new house is close to the supermarket.我们的新房子离超市很近。
The letter closed(=ended)with best wishes to you.这封信以“向你致以最美好的祝愿”结束。
The teacher closed(=ended)his class with an interesting story.老师以一个有趣的故事结束了他的课。
School will close early this year.学校今年将早放假。
friendliest adj 最友好的friendliest意为“最友好的”,是形容词friendly的最高级,其比较级为friendlier。
常用在be friendly to sb.结构中,表达“对某人友好”。
She is very friendly to me.她对我很友好。
Jason…s 贾森服装店Jason's指Jason's clothing store,clothing store被省略了,这是一种名词的所有格形式,this is what we learned有一个表语从句,表语从句一般放在系动词后,常以where,why,because,how等引导从句。
5) If a company director floats their company, they start to sell shares in it to the public. 使 (公司) 上市 He floated his firm on the stock market. 他让自己的公司上市了。 6) If a government floats its country‘s currency or allows it to float, it allows the currency’s value to change freely in relation to other currencies. 使 (货币 自由浮动 On January 15th Brazil was forced to float its currency.
navigation CET6 satellite navigation 卫星导航 navigation bar导航栏;导航条 navigation equipment 导航设备 Naval officers must understand both the theory and the practice of navigation.
adj. 流动的;漂浮的,浮动的 v. 漂浮(float的现在分词) floating population 流动人口 floating roof 浮顶(尤指油罐的浮顶) floating rate 浮动利率 floating point [计]浮点 floating exchange rate [经]浮动汇率
Fans of the expansion of the domains say that it could make navigation of the internet easier. 热衷于域名扩大的人士表示,那可能让浏览互联网 变得更简单。
(完整版)Unit12ACaseof“SevereBias”习题答案综合教程四Unit 12 A Case of "Severe Bias"Key to the ExercisesText comprehensionI. Decide which of the following best states the author's purpose of writing.AII. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1. T (Refer to Paragraph 3. In American news media, black America is poor, criminal, addicted and dysfunctional. Indeed, the media have covered only a small segment of the black community and presented it as the norm.)2. T (Refer to Paragraph 3, where it is said that "it is an insidious practice, all the uglier for its blatancy," meaning that the media's practice of misrepresenting black America is obtrusive and offensive.)3. F (Refer to Paragraph 4, where it is indicated that media reports on crack babies, gang warfare, violent youth, poverty and homelessness are all featured as black, while rarely is there any article about blacks playing a positive role, or any role at all.)4. F (Refer to Paragraphs 6?, where it is shown that in numbers there are more white Americans on welfare, but among the urban underclass there is a larger proportion of blacks.)5. F (Refer to Paragraph 12, in which the author tells us that she has not seen a recognizable "gang" member or any "gang" activity, nor has she been the victim of "gang violence.")6. F (Refer to Paragraphs 14?6, which show that blacks' truecharacteristics and contributions are the biggest secret in America. Every black, even those with the strongest minds, craves affirmation of their contributions to American society.) III. Answer the following questions.1. Refer to Paragraph 3. It refers to the small group of blacks who are poor, criminal, addicted and dysfunctional.2. Refer to Paragraphs 3?, and 11. The author especially focuses on the news media, and she also touches upon the film industry.3. Refer to Paragraph 7. As presented in the media, white America is always whole and lovely and healthy, while black America is usually sick and pathetic and deficient.4. Refer to Paragraph 9. By "twilight zone," the author means that the image of black America is very confusing because of the discrepancy between its image in the media and its real character.5. Refer to Paragraph 12. According to the author, she has never experienced any"gang" activity in Denver, nor has she been the victim of "gang violence."6. Refer to Paragraphs 5?, and 13. Yes, news reports and journalism are always supposed to be the mirror on American reality.IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences.1. The media's malicious use of a small segment to represent all black America is shameless and offensive.2. The media are supposed to present American culture and American experience truthfully by reflecting American reality, and people usually accept news reports as truth without any doubt. Unfortunately, in many cases what they present is anything but the truth.3. The distorted, inaccurate news coverage is worse than covering nothing at all about blacks.4. I am not suggesting we close our eyes to the very real problems associated with the lower class in cities, nor denying that blacks are overrepresented in this class.5. Most black people work hard, obey the law and pay their taxes. We have made our contributions to American society, but the media never notice and cover it. That makes blacks resentful.Structural analysis of the textWith a series of sentences beginning with "I am not," the author shows how different the image of blacks established by the media is from reality. And using again the same sentence structure in Paragraph 6, the author emphasizes that she is not an exception but one of the majority of blacks. With this structural repetition, the author is comparing herself with the majority of blacks and contrasting the image of blacks in the media with that in real life.Rhetorical features of the textNor is it a matter of closing one's eyes to the very real problems of the urban underclass -- which undeniably is disproportionately black. (Interrupting a sentence)And as self-reliant as most black Americans are -- because we've had to be self-reliant -- even the strongest among us still crave affirmation. (Interrupting a sentence)I want America to know us -- all of us -- for who we really are. (Putting special emphasis) That is the real portrait of black America -- that we're strong people, surviving people, capable people. (Introducing an explanation)Vocabulary exercisesI. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your ownwords.1. that's it2. supply3. people in the lowest social position4. hazy area; marginalized area5. independent; self-dependentII. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase from the box in its appropriate form.1. are guilty of2. have been screaming out3. contribution4. was featured5. being reminded of6. in the light of7. in the eyes of8. deserving the attention ofIII. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1. victim2. blatant3. nutritional4. Vibrations5. denial6. relegation7. aberration 8. addictiveIV. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part in each sentence without changing its original meaning.1. C2. D3. D4. A5. B6. A7. C8. BV. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.1. Synonym: favour (support)2. Antonym: balanced (fair, objective)3. Antonym: honest (straightforward, sincere)4. Synonym: impaired (harmed, incomplete)5. Synonym: serious6. Synonym: infer (derive, conclude, reason)7. Synonym: inexact (faulty, mistaken, erroneous)8. Antonym: elite (gentry)VI. Explain the meaning of the underlined part in each sentence.1. provides space for2. because of3. makes interesting4. protect5. competitive6. carefulGrammar exercisesI. Rewrite the following sentences, omitting if.1. Had it not been for our adopted son, we would not now be surrounded by caring strangers.2. Had I known that, I wouldn't have said anything.3. Should the guests arrive early, no one will be here to greetthem.4. Were I the President, I would make some changes.5. Had Susan not been so lazy, she could have passed her history final.6. Had Harry locked his door properly, the burglar would not have entered his apartment.7. Had I not seen it with my own eyes, I would not have believed it.8. Should there be a global nuclear war, some scientists predict that life on earth as we know it would end forever.II. Complete the following sentences with the proper forms of the verbs in brackets.1. would not be waiting2. would not be able to go3. had read4. had given5. would love6. had finished7. listened8. would have fallen9. had been10. will not dry outIII. Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases given.1. Given2. unless3. In the event of4. but for5. Supposing6. in case7. on condition that8. so long asIV. Explain the following sentences.1. If he laughs last, he laughs best.2. If you try to grasp everything, you will get nothing.3. If you give him an inch, he will take a mile.4. If he had been born in better times, he would have done credit to the profession of letters.5. If the same thing should happen in wartime, it would amount to disaster.6. If you should hear him talk, you'd think he had passed half his life in Australia.7. If you don't follow your doctor's advice, your cough will get worse.8. If you lose one hour in the morning, you will be looking for it the rest of the day.V. Improve the following sentences.1. The sheriff was looking for a middle-aged woman drivinga dark green Buick sedan with a little Scotch terrier beside her.2. To start a conversation, I asked her for a light while waiting for the train.3. Seymour lay in a hammock and watched the vultures circling steadily overhead.4. Filled with eagerness, curiosity, and excitement, Nancy carefully unwrapped the small package.5. We watched with the aid of powerful binoculars the gulls flying over the windswept waves and barren rocks.6. The pair of antique candlesticks shining brightly on the table attracted the admiring glances of many visitors.7. With a smile the doctor said that there was nothing seriously wrong. / The doctor said with a smile that there wasnothing seriously wrong.8. When discussing creativity, John E. Gibson stresses a person's ability to finish a pun.VI. Make sentences of your own after the sentences given below, keeping the underlined structures in your sentences.(Reference version)1. As sick as he was, he came to work.2. Visitors and the media teams all gathered to commemorate this breath-taking, record-breaking, epoch-making event.Translation exercisesI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 这些都不能用来界定我,也不能描述我40年生命中认识、共事、热爱、交往的任何其他黑人。
Unit 12 “Take Over, Bos’n!”课文翻译综合教程三
Unit 12“Take Over, Bos’n!”Oscar Schisgall1 Hour after hour I kept the gun pointed at the other nine men. From the lifeboat’s stern, where I’d sat most of the twenty days of our drifting, I could keep them all covered. If I had to shoot at such close qu arters, I wouldn’t miss. They realized that. Nobody jumped at me. But in the way they all glared I could see how they’d come to hate my guts.2 Especially Barrett, who’d been bos’n’s mate; Barrett said in his harsh, cracked voice, “You’re a fool, Snyder. Y-you can’t hold out forever! You’re half asleep now!”3 I didn’t answer. He was right. How long can a man stay awake? I hadn’t dared to shut my eyes in maybe seventy-two hours. Very soon now I’d doze off, and the instant that happened they’d jump on the li ttle water that was left.4 The last canteen lay under my legs. There wasn’t much in it after twenty days. Maybea pint. Enough to give each of them a few drops. Yet I could see in their bloodshot eyes that they’d gladly kill me for those few drops. As a man I didn’t count any more. I was no longer third officer4 of the wrecked Montala. I was just a gun that kept them away from the water they craved. And with their tongue swollen and their cheeks sunken, they were half crazy.5 The way I judged it, we must be some two hundred miles east of Ascension. Now that the storms were over, the Atlantic swells were long and easy, and the morning sun was hot –so hot it scorched your skin. My own tongue was thick enough to clog my throat. I’d have given the rest of my life for a single gulp of water.6 But I was the man with the gun — the only authority in the boat — and I knew this: once the water was gone we’d have nothing to look forward to but death. As long as we could look forward to getting a drink later, there was something to live for. We had to make it last as long as possible. If I’d given in to the curses, we’d have emptied the last canteen days ago. By now we’d all be dead.7 The men weren’t pulling on the oars. They’d stopped that long ago, too weak to go o n. The nine of them facing me were a pack of bearded, ragged, half-naked animals, and Iprobably looked as bad as the rest. Some sprawled over the gunwales, dozing. The rest watched me as Barrett did, ready to spring the instant I relaxed.8 When they were n’t looking at my face they looked at the canteen under my legs.9 Jeff Barrett was the nearest one. A constant threat. The bos’n’s mate was a heavy man, bald, with a scarred and brutal face. He’d been in a hundred fights, and they’d left their marks on him.10 Barrett had been able to sleep —in fact, he’d slept through most of the night – and I envied him that. His eyes wouldn’t close. They kept watching me, narrow and dangerous.11 Every now and then he taunted me in that hoarse, broken voice:12 “Why don’t you quit? You can’t hold out!”13 “Tonight,” I said. “We’ll ration the rest of the water tonight.”14 “By tonight some of us’ll be dead! We want it now!”15 “Tonight ,” I said.16 Couldn’t he understand that if we waited until night the few drops wouldn’t be sweated out of us so fast? But Barrett was beyond all reasoning. His mind had already cracked with thirst. I saw him begin to rise, a calculating look in his eyes. I aimed the gun at his chest – and he sat down again.17 I’d grabbed my Luger on inst inct, twenty days ago, just before running for the lifeboat. Nothing else would have kept Barrett and the rest away from the water.18 These fools —couldn’t they see I wanted a drink as badly as any of them? But I was in command here — that was the difference. I was the man with the gun, the man who had to think. Each of the others could afford to think only of himself; I had to think of them all.19 Barrett’s eyes kept watching me, waiting. I hated him. I hated him all the more because he’d slept. He had that advantage now. He wouldn’t keel over.20 And long before noon I knew I couldn’t fight any more. My eyelids were too heavy to lift. As the boat rose and fell on the long swells, I could feel sleep creeping over me like paralysis. I bent my head. It fil led my brain like a cloud. I was going, going …21 Barrett stood over me, and I couldn’t even lift the gun. In a vague way I could guess what would happen. He’d grab the water first and take his drop. By that time the others would be screaming and tearing at him, and he’d have to yield the canteen. Well, there was nothing more I could do about it.22 I whispered, “Take over, bos’n.”23 Then I fell face down in the bottom of the boat. I was asleep before I stopped moving…24 When a hand shook my shoulder, I could hardly raise my head. Jeff Barrett’s hoarse voice said, “Here! Take your share o’ the water!”25 Somehow I propped myself up on my arms, dizzy and weak. I looked at the men, andI thought my eyes were going. Their figures were dim, shadowy; but then I realized it wasn’t because of my eyes. It was night. The sea was black; there were stars overhead, I’d slept the day away.26 So we were in our twenty-first night adrift —the night in which the tramp Croton finally picked us up – but now, as I turned my head to Barrett there was no sign of any ship. He knelt beside me, holding out the canteen, his other hand with gun steady on the men.27 I stared at the canteen as if it were a mirage. Hadn’t they finished that pint of water this morning? When I looked u p at Barrett’s ugly face, it was grim. He must have guessed my thoughts.28 “You said, ‘Take over, bos’n,’ didn’t you?” he growled. “I’ve been holding off these apes all day.” He hefted the Luger in his hand. “When you’re boss-man,” he added, “in command and responsible for the rest — you —you sure get to see things different, don’t you?”“水手长,接手吧!”奥斯卡·希斯高尔1. 一小时又一小时,我用枪指着其他九个人。
残疾人社会工作的根本目的是增强残疾人的。A.生理功能B.心理功能C.运动功能D.劳动功能 为了保证WindowsServer2003服务器不被攻击者非法启动,管理员应该采取措施。A.备份注册表B.利用SYSKEYC.使用加密设备D.审计注册表和用户权限 放射性核素或其标记化合物应用于示踪剂是基于。A.同位素有相同的化学性质B.体内的生物学行为C.放射性核素射线的可测性D.A和CE.放射性核素的衰变 抛光的定义是什么? 治疗营养性缺铁性贫血,口服铁剂的最佳时间是。A.餐前B.餐后C.两餐之间D.空腹E.睡前 对因血管内容量减少造成的早期肾前性氮质血症患者,首选的处理措施是A.积极利尿B.充分扩容C.预防性血液透析D.预防性腹膜透析E.使用缩血管药物 人乳中脂肪提供的热能占人乳能量的比例为A.60%B.50%C.40%D.30%E.20% 根据发行主体的不同,债券可以分为。A.零息债券附息债券和息票累积债券B.实物债券凭证式债券和记账式债券C.政府债券金融债券和公司债券D.国债和地方债券 在建设工程项目施工索赔中,可索赔的材料费有。A.非承包商原因导致材料实际用量超过计划用量而增加的费用B.因政策调整导致材料价格上涨的费用C.因质量原因使工程返工所增加的材料费D.因承包商提前采购材料而发生的超期储存费用E.由业主原因造成的材料损耗费 下列护理内容属于直接护理项目的是A.处理医嘱B.输液前准备C.交接班D.晨间护理E.书写护理记录 APL抗体可分为A.IgG型B.IgA型C.IgM型D.IgD型E.IgE型 橡胶石棉板系以为主而制成的密封衬垫材料。A.橡胶和纤维B.石棉和塑料C.石棉和橡胶D.石棉和纤维 低阻力型休克最常见于A.失血性休克B.烧伤性休克C.心源性休克D.感染性休克E.创伤性休克 乌梅丸主治。A.蛔厥B.痰厥C.气厥D.寒厥E.热厥 脑外伤患者,男,26岁,既往体健,术前血压110/70mmHg,RBC4.0×1012,HCT35%,Hb110g/L,术中出血量约800ml,术中未输血。术后24小时伤口血性液体引流量约300ml,Hb90g/L,血压90/60mmHg,以下处理措施不正确的是。A.复查凝血四项及血常规B.监测生命体征,适当补充 输注红细胞D.输注新鲜冰冻血浆E.血小板数量应保持在100×109/L左右 相变 下列哪种膳食成分对非血红素铁的吸收有促进作用。A.大豆蛋白B.植酸盐C.钙D.多酚类物质E.肉类 成本分析包括那些内容?不同的成本分析之间有什么关系? 对高处作业场所有何要求? 低钾血症最早的临床表现A.肌无力B.U波C.厌食、恶心、呕吐D.腹胀E.腱反射减退 《医疗机构从业人员行为规范》适用于哪些人员?A.医疗机构的医生、护士、药剂、医技人员B.医疗机构的医护及后勤人员C.医疗机构的管理、财务、后勤等人员D.药学技术人员E.医疗机构内所有从业人员 女,42岁。胸中烦热,口苦咽干,腹痛喜暖,大便稀溏。临床诊断最可能是A.真寒假热证B.真热假寒证C.上热下寒证D.表实里虚证E.表热里寒证 学与教相互作用过程由下列哪些活动交织在一起?()A.学习过程B.教学过程C.评价与反思过程D.互动过程 生命神圣论的积极意义不包括A.对人的生命的尊重B.推行医学人道主义反对非人道的医疗行为C.反对不平等的医疗制度D.合理公正的分配卫生资源E.实行一视同仁的医德规范 道路运输具有机动灵活、、送达迅捷、可达性与可靠性高、原始投资少、运量小的特点。 对于怀疑恶性肿瘤骨转移,使用下列哪种方法最好A.放射性核素全身骨扫描B.CT扫描C.X线透视D.X线平片E.MRI 布-加综合征支架置入的适应证有A.肝段下腔静脉膜性或节段性狭窄或闭塞,伴或不伴血栓形成B.PTA疗效不佳或再狭窄病例C.下腔静脉长段完全性闭塞D.下腔静脉癌性狭窄或闭塞E.患者极度衰弱、恶病质者 根据基本建设程序的规定,在施工图预算之前的工作有。A.项目建议书B.可行性研究C.列入年度基本建设计划D.初步设计E.工程概算 共用题干题]VRMLisa(1)for3DmultimediaandsharedvirtualworldsontheWWW.IncomparisontoHTML,VRMLaddsthenextlevelofinteraction,structuredgraphics,andextra(2)(zandtime)tothepresentationofdocuments.TheapplicationsofVRMLare(3), rangingfromsimplebusinessgraphicstoentertainingWWWpagegraphics,manufacturing,scientific,entertainment,andeducationalapplications,and3Dsharedvirtualworldsandcommunities.X3DisthenameunderwhichthedevelopmentofVRMLiscontinued.X3DisbasedonXMLandisbackwards(4)withVRML Furthermore,itiscomponentized,profiled,andextensible,whichmakesitpossibletouseX3Dinverydifferent(5),fromhigh-endvisualizationstolightweightapplications.空白(5)处应选择A.scenariosB.placesC.applicationsD.programs 沉积体 下列关于补体活化的经典激活途径的描述,错误的是A.主要激活物是抗原抗体复合物B.C1q分子必须与Ig结合后才能激活后续的补体成分C4是C1的底物,C4b很不稳定D.激活顺序为C123456789E.分为识别和活化两个阶段 集体土地所有权主体不包括。A.乡农民集体B.村农民集体C.县农民集体D.村民小组农民集体 施工单位对列入建设工程概算的安全作业环境及安全施工措施所需费用,不能用于()。A.安全防护用具的采购B.安全生产条件的改善C.安全施工措施的落实D.安全管理人员的加班补贴 案例分析题]男,50岁,因乙肝后肝硬化行原位肝移植术后1个月,抗病毒、保肝及抗排斥治疗。肝功能恢复正常后出院。出院后1周突发黄疸、发热再次住院,检查发现T管引流液内可见絮状物首先应考虑的诊断为A.超急性排斥反应B.急性排斥反应C.慢性排斥反应D.乙肝复发E.移植肝功能恢复不良 患者,男性,20岁,左眼视力渐进性下降。查远视力:右眼为0.8,左眼为0.2。检查无斜视,裂隙灯、眼底镜检查未见有明显器质性病变。对于该患者,最有可能的诊断是()A.弱视B.圆锥角膜C.球后视神经炎D.逆规性散光E.青光眼 萧山机场大巴浙江空港快客有限公司:
国学单元Unit Twelve The Chinese CultureSection AText One A Chinese PhilosopherL Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions provided, making some change when necessary1 • barbarian2.mockery3.loathe4.sacrilegious5.deem6.hideous7.obtuse.8.recollections-9.beckon10.discolor11.acumen.12.populous13.sumptuous14.repose15.exhortationIL Use the appropriate form of the words given in the brackets to fill in the blanks1.population2.exhort3.barbaric4.mock5.exceed6.sacrilege7.eternal8.superior9・ eloquence10. eruditeIV. Test vour general knowledgeI-5: DCCAB6-10: BAABCII-15: BACADV> Proofread the following passage1 .about—with.2.putting^put,3.(with) that—which.4.how删去5.open^opening6.beware->aware7.the->the others8< find yourself A a confusing in9.in->atlO.establish^establishingSection AText Two The Spirit of Chinese PeopleL Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions provided, making some change when necessary1.hypotheses2.squeezed3.immortality4.refinement5.redeem6.scamp7.sympathetic8.sensibility9.mitigate10.rationality11 • perpetual12.theatrical13.spontaneous14.blemish15.delicateIL Use the appropriate form of the words given in the brackets to fill in the blanks1.describe2.refined3.sympathy4.immortal5.sensible6.expressive7.detachment8< theatrical9.delicacy10.rationalIIL Translate the short paragraph into Chinese屮国的语言也是一种心灵的语言。
专业学位硕士研究生英语教程Unit 12
8. sibling a sister or brother 兄弟,姐妹 E.g. 1) Sibling rivalry is common. 兄弟间的较量很普遍。 2) Beijing and Tokyo are sibling cities. 北京和东京是姊妹城市。
9. exhaust to be very tired; to be tired out 筋疲力尽的
5. standstill a state of no movement or activity 静止,停滞 E.g. 1) The negotiation has come to a standstill. 谈判停下来了。 2) The car was brought to a standstill. 车被停了下来。
3. abuse misuse; wrong use 滥用
E.g. 1) The government is taking measures to conquer the abuse of power. 政府正采取措施克服滥用权力。 2) the abuse of drugs 滥用毒品
4. annual yearly; happening every year 年度的,每年一次的 E.g. 1) The annual festival attracts many tourists. 一年一度的节日吸引了许多游客。 2) What’s your annual salary? 你的年薪有多少?
1. disruptive troublesome; causing trouble 捣乱的,惹麻烦的
E.g. 1) He is a disruptive child and won’t listen to his parents. 他是个捣蛋的孩子,不听父母的话。 2) She had a disruptive influence on the rest of the class. 她扰乱了班级其他学生。
大学综合英语Unit12 a case of severe bias
大学综合英语Unit12 a case of severe bias1. IntroductionIn this unit, we will explore the topic of severe bias, which refers to a strong preference or prejudice for or against a particular group, person, or idea. Bias can manifest itself in various forms, such as in media coverage, academic research, or everyday conversations. Understanding the impact of bias and how to recognize and address it is crucial in promoting fairness and equality.2. Definition and ExamplesSevere bias is an extreme form of bias that is characterized by a complete disregard for opposing viewpoints and a deliberate distortion of facts. It goes beyond mere preference or personal opinion and can have significant negative consequences. Here are a few examples of severe bias:Example 1: Media BiasMedia bias is a common occurrence in today’s society. It occurs when media outlets selectively report news and present information in a way that supports a particular political or social agenda. Severe bias can be seen in cases where newsoutlets completely ignore or dismiss opposing viewpoints, leading to a lack of balanced and unbiased reporting.Example 2: Academic BiasAcademic bias occurs when researchers or scholars intentionally or unintentionally favor certain theories, methodologies, or perspectives over others. This can result in a skewed representation of knowledge and can limit the development of new ideas and perspectives. Severe bias in academia can hinder the progress of scientific inquiry and intellectual growth.Example 3: Personal BiasPersonal bias is an individual’s tendency to favor or discriminate against particular people or ideas based on personal preferences or prejudices. Severe personal bias can result in unfair treatment and discrimination against certain individuals or groups. It can also lead to a lack of open-mindedness and a reluctance to consider alternative viewpoints.3. Identifying Severe BiasRecognizing severe bias can be challenging, as it often involves subtle manipulation of information and a deliberate distortion of facts. However, there are some common signs that can help us identify severe bias:•Cherry-picking of evidence: Severe bias often involves the selective use of evidence that supports aparticular viewpoint while ignoring or dismissingcontradictory evidence.•Lack of transparency: Biased sources may fail to disclose their potential conflicts of interest or their motives behind promoting a particular agenda.•One-sided presentation: Severe bias often presents a one-sided argument without acknowledging or addressing opposing viewpoints.•Emotional manipulation: Biased sources may use emotional language or appeal to fear, anger, or otheremotions to influence the audience’s perception.4. Impacts of Severe BiasSevere bias can have significant negative impacts on individuals and society as a whole:•Inaccurate information: Severe bias can lead to the dissemination of misinformation, which can mislead people and prevent them from making informed decisions.•Polarization: When severe bias is prevalent, it can lead to increased polarization and division within society.People become less willing to engage in civil discourse and instead resort to silencing or attacking opposingviewpoints.•Inequality and discrimination: Severe bias can perpetuate inequality and discrimination by favoringcertain groups or ideas over others. This can lead to unfair treatment and a lack of opportunities for marginalizedindividuals or groups.5. Addressing Severe BiasAddressing severe bias requires a concerted effort from individuals, institutions, and society as a whole. Here are some strategies to address severe bias effectively:•Diverse perspectives: Actively seek out and consider diverse perspectives and viewpoints to ensure a morecomprehensive and balanced understanding of a topic.•Critical thinking: Develop critical thinking skills to assess information objectively and identify potential biases or distortions.•Fact-checking: Verify the accuracy of information by cross-referencing multiple sources. Fact-checkingorganizations can also provide valuable guidance indetermining the reliability of sources.•Open dialogue: Encourage open and respectful dialogue that allows for the exchange of ideas andchallenges biases in a constructive manner.6. ConclusionSevere bias is a phenomenon that can have far-reaching consequences on individuals and society. Understanding the different forms of bias and developing the skills to recognize and address them is essential in promoting fairness, equality, and informed decision-making. By actively seeking out diverse perspectives and engaging in open dialogue, we can work towards a more inclusive and unbiased society.Note: The content provided in this document is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. It is recommended to consult relevant experts or references for specific concerns or inquiries.。
自考英语:Lesson 12 The Everlasting Witness永恒的证据
Lesson Twelve The Everlasting Witness永恒的证据12-1 The three were eating breakfast on the terrace,a thousand and one felicitous birds in the garden trees.三个人正在阳台上吃早餐,花园里的树上有千百只欢唱的鸟儿。
In unsullied damp brown circles of soft earth the roses bloomed serenely against the pink Mexican wall.在未受污染的圆形花坛潮湿柔软的褐土上,映衬着粉色的墨西哥墙,玫瑰花安详地开放。
Marian's brother-in-law read the English page, as dedicated(專注) as a nice little boy reading the funnies,玛丽安的妹夫在读报纸的英文专页,就像听话的小男孩在看滑稽连环画时那么专注,and Theresa, Marian's sister, chatted softly and merrily (愉快地)about their next week-end holiday.玛丽安的妹妹特丽萨正在低声愉快地谈论下周末的假期。
Theresa's bright smile had always been her mark and now, childless and with a husband beyond war age, and a life both ordered and gay(快樂的), it looked as if that smile had justified itself.特丽萨脸上欢快的笑容一直就是她的特征,现在她没有孩子,丈夫又已过了入伍的年龄,生活井井有条而且快乐,因此她的笑容看起来是有充分道理的。
专业学位硕⼠研究⽣英语教程Unit-12词汇及课后答案unit 12EducationWord Bankannual: happening every year; yearly每年⼀次的butt: to strike or push against sth. or sb. with head or horns(以头或计⾓)顶,撞cannabis: the drug produced from a particular type of hemp plant⼤⿇constant: fixed or unchanging持续的,恒久不变的converse: to talk; to communicate谈话disrupt: to bring or throw into disorder扰乱,使混乱equation: a statement that two quantifiers are equal等式exhausted: very tired筋疲⼒尽exhort: to urge or advise strongly激励,规劝pacifier: a person who makes another calm抚慰着potential: possibility for developing潜⼒,潜能proportion: the compared relation between two things in regard to size, amount, importance, etc.⽐例sentiment: thought or judgment caused or influenced by feeling情绪,思想感情sibling: a brother or sister兄弟或姐妹standstill: a condition of no movement or activity; stop静⽌状态,停⽌suppress: to control; to keep from happening压迫,压抑vacuum: a space that is completely empty of all gas真空verbal: of language语⾔的vulnerable: weak; easy to be broken易碎的,脆弱的Phrases and Expressionsaccuse...of: to charge with doing wrong or breaking the law指控,控告be immersed in: to enter deeply into an activity沉浸于be stuck in: to start an activity eagerly or forcefully陷于,埋头于be unused to: to be not used to sth. or doing something不习惯hit out: to express strong disapproval of猛烈抨击lead astray: to lead away from the right path引⼊歧途make it: to succeed能成功,能办到Reading ComprehensionChoose the best for each of the following.1. According to the second and third paragraphs, which one of the following statement is true in describing the situation of children in Britain? ( D )A. Britain was the last on the league table of child happiness.B. Britain was after the United States on the league table.C. Britain did well in terms of material well-being of child happiness.D. Britain finished in the bottom third on the table in most category.2. The two examples in Paragraphs 5 and 6 are simply to show __D___.A. students' bad behaviors at schoolB. students' wrong-doings at schoolC. such happenings are becoming more and more commonD. whose responsibilities it is for such behavior3. In Para. 12, "developmentally delayed" may refer to the fact that children __D___.A. are unable to ask questions at classB. are unable to take turns in conversationC. are unable to tell jokesD. are unable to behave properly4. Which of the following is most neglected by parents? ( B )A. Care for children.B. Time spent with children.C. Monitor over their children.D. Their children's school work.5. According to the passage, the responsibility lies on __D___.A. parentsB. teachersC. schools and teachersD. schools and parentsII. Complete the following summary of the text by filling in the blanks with words. The initial letter of each word has been given to you.If a young girl student is (1) pregnant, if a young boy student gives a teacher a 2) butt in the stomach, who is to blame, the young girl, the young boy or the teacher? Happenings like the above-mentioned are not unusual today on campus.No one will deny that children (3) matter, both to the family and to the society as a whole. But how to cultivate them and who to take responsibility for their cultivation are issues worth considering. Traditionally, it is believed that schools and teachers are (4) held responsible for children's education once they come to school, and parents (5) neglect the responsibility on their side.Is it fair to teachers? Don't parents have a (6) role to play? What about students going to school without basic social and verbal skills necessary for (7) schooling? IT is clear that such responsibilities ought to lie with parents. Parents need to make some preparation for their children to go to school. What is more, parents are alsoresponsible for their children's bad behaviors at school because such behaviors might be (8) mirrored by children from their parents.Schools are not in a (9) vacuum. Children's success at school requires (10) cooperation from teachers, parents and the whole society.I. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.1. The police ___B__ the fight and the crowd left.A. broke outB. broke upC. broke intoD. broke through2. The film can be enjoyed by anyone, ___D__ age.A. notwithstandingB. except forC. beyondD. irrespective of3. We ___A__ her responsible for the failure.A. heldB. tookC. claimedD. declared4. Your arguments are __B___ to criticism.A. fragileB. vulnerableC. weakD. friable5. My experience of working in this area closely ___D__ your own.A. reflectsB. likesC. imitatesD. mirrors6. The report ___B__ the government of shirking its responsibilities.A. chargedB. accusedC. informedD. impeached7. It is hard to __A___ to the top in show business.A. make itB. make upD. make over8. The discussions with the miners' union ended in a __C___. .A. stagnationB. standstillC. stalemateD. pause9. About a quarter of his wages are spent on rent and that is a large ___D__. .A. ratioB. percentageC. rateD. proportion10. The general ___A__ his men to fight bravely.A. exhortedB. advisedC. suggestedD. requestedII Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary. top disrupt matter distress astrayhit out scenario annual stuck immers suppress pacify abuse proportion monito1. The strike and protest caused serious disruption for several weeks.2. It doesn't matter who will be elected president.3. He was deeply immersed in reading and skipped his meal.4. The parents thought the other boys might lead him astray.5. Their salaries are out of all proportion to their ability.6. The boy cried and cried, and could not be pacified.7. In the radio address, the president hit out at the increasing terrorism.8. She got the key stuck in the lock.9. Let me suggest a possible scenario.10. He was too distressed to answer the question.TranslationPut the following paragraph into English.在孩⼦的教育中,⽼师⽆法替代家长。
B2 Unit 12英语专业 基础英语 第二学期课件
Part 4 (paragraph9-12) In this part, the author introduce Oliver James‟ view about time, which is different from what is deep-rooted in Anglo-American culture.
Text analysis 1.“…to think about the issue”(Paragraph5)--the issue refers to “one of the big arguments within the European Union” in the proceeding paragraph. 2.“unstructured time”(P7)--- unorganized time, time spent without proper planning. “dead time”, “downtime” : Both expressions indicate a period of time in which there is nothing to do. 3.Here is a question for you: How do Americans view time?
Give your own ideas after reading the following materials
“We are slaves to nothing but the clock,” it has been said. Time is treated as if it were something almost real. We budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it; we also charge for it. It is a precious resource. Many people have a rather acute sense of the shortness pf each lifetime. Once the sands have run out of a person’s hourglass, they cannot be replaced. We want every minute to count.
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然而,必须要强调的是虽然传递现象间具有相似性, 但也有区别,尤其是动量传递(矢量)与质量或热量 (标量)传递之间。不过,对传递现象间相似性的系统 研究使确定和理解它们间的不同之处变得更容易。 • vector ;scalar 2.工程师为什么要研究传递现象? • 因为传递现象这门学科研究的是某些自然规律,一些人 就把它归为工程的一个分支。由于这个原因,那些关心 工厂和设备的设计Байду номын сангаас操作的经济性的工程师就会很正当 地问:传递现象在实践中其意义如何呢? • Laws of nature;
Unit 12 Transport Phenomena in Process Industry 第12课过程工业中的传递现象
(1)能量或热量传递;(2)质量传递或扩散;(3)动量传递或流体动 力学。当然,热量和质量的传递在流体中经常发生,由于这个原因某些工 程教育者喜欢把热传导和扩散包括在固体方面的研究中,然而,这个主题 实际上比流体力学范围要广。该学科的研究不同于流体力学之处还在于传 递现象的研究利用了传热、传质和动量传递方程之间的相似性。像通常所 说的,这些相似性通常与引起传递发生的物理机理的相似性相关。因而, 对一个传递过程理解了就可以很容易的理解其它的过程。而且,如果微分 方程和边界条件都相同,则仅需对其中一个过程求解,因为通过改变名称, 该解可作为其它任何传递过程的解。 术语:transport phenomena; mass;momentum; heat conduction and diffusion;similarity;analogy;differential equation;boundary condition; 常用词组:make use of; distinguish from;as a consequence;
术语:rate; heat-transfer coefficient; demensionless; empirical equation;
•在传递现象中比较经济的、通常更容易的方法是从那些由自 然规律中获得的方程中预知传热系数。被预知的结果由研究 工程师通过解一些方程来获得(通常使用计算机)。然后设 计工程师将使用这个由研究工程师得到的传热系数。
• 实际上,有些情况,设计工程师可以直接把传递现象的方 法和方程应用到设备的实际中去。管式反应器就是一个例 子,它可以被看成一个管子,(例如先前说的换热器),在 其中发生了液体均相的化学反应。流体以某种反应物浓度 进入管子,而以减小了的反应物浓度和提高了的产品浓度 排出管子。 • tubular reactor; homogeneous; concentration; • 当然,不是所有的问题在当今都能有传递现象的方法来解 决。不过,随着计算机的发展,越来越多的问题将由这些 方法来解决。如果工程学科的学生想要接受一种不被荒废 的教育,他们就必须准备通过对传递现象方法的理解在将 来使用这些运算。正因为传递现象具有巨大的潜力和当前 的有用性,传递现象课程将最终被证实是一个学生受教育 的过程中最为实用和有用的一门课程。
• 对这类问题有两种形式的回答。 • 首先需要认识到在很多种工程设备中会发生热量、质量和 动量的传递,比如,换热器、压缩机、核反应器和化学反 应器、增湿器、空冷器、干燥机、分馏器及吸收器,在人 体中,以及那些污染物质反应并扩散到大气中去的复杂过 程都有这些传递现象。如果工程师想要了解在工程装备中 所发生的情况,并就操作的经济性做出明智的决策,那么 他们就用该对控制这些传递过程的物理定律有所了解,这 一点很重要。
重点句子 术语:heat exchanger ;compressor; humidifier;absorber;fractionater; 短语:with regard to;whereby
•第二种回答就是工程师需要能够把他们对这些自然规律的理解 运用到传递现象发生的过程装备的设计中去。要想这样做,他 们必须能够预知热量、质量或动量的速率。举个例子,考查一 个简单的换热器,也就是,一根管子,通过保持其壁温高于流 过管内的流体温度即可加热流体。从管壁传递给流体的热量速 率取决于一个叫做热传递系数的的参数,并经过使用无量纲的 经验方程进行关联。经验方程是指适合于某一确定范围数据的 方程;他们不是以理论为基础的,也不能在超出数据被采用的 范围之外被精确地使用。