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施工作业指导书 Site Execution Guidebook



1 编制依据 (1)

Compiling Sources

2 作业项目概况及工作量 (1)

Briefly Introduction to Construction Items and Working Amounts

3 作业必备条件 (1)

Working Necessary Terms

4 作业顺序、方法及要求 (5)

Working Sequence, Methodology and Requirement

5 作业过程对质量控制点的设置 (9)

To set up quality controlling term in process of working

6 作业结束的检查验收和应达到的质量标准 (10)

Inspection & acceptance after achievement and required quality standard

7 作业的安全要求及措施 (12)

Safety Requirement and Protective Measures

1编制依据 Compiling Sources




General Technical Terms of Steel Structure Weld in the Power Plant DL/T678-1999 2作业项目概况及工作量

Briefly Introduction to Construction Items and Working Amounts

2.1 概述: BRIEF



This Boiler is performed as High-temperature & high-pressure Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler made by WuXi Huaguang Boiler Manufacture Corporation LTD. And the type is UG-430/9.8-M


Necessary Working Conditions


3.1 8-12 Welders should be designated to this Project, who are with correspondent welding certificate and to be allowed to carry out welding after being approved & confirmed by regarding personnel, and should be reliable for proper construction technical characteristics.

3.2 配备直流逆变电焊机8—12台以及相应的二次线、配备相应焊工所需用的面罩、把钳、白光防护镜、绝缘手套等劳动防护用品。

3.2 8-12 sets of DC inverter welding machines should be equipped as well as secondary cables accordingly, and necessary working protection facilities in terms of masks, pliers, goggles and insulation handgloves should be provided for welders.

3.3 所用焊接材料必须有制造厂材质合格证、出厂日期证明。

3.3 All of the flux utilized in the welding work should be with approved certificate

and factory release-date certificate of manufacturing materials.

3.4 施工时必须有防雨措施,施工场地安全设施齐全、规范,设备、工具堆放整齐。

3.4 Rain-proof measures should be developed prior to construction, and safety facilities should be performed as completion and specialization in construction areas. Additional, equipments & tools should be dumped in order manner.

3.5 焊前准备 Preparation for Welding

3.5.1 焊接场所应有防雨和挡风等设施。

3.5.1 Shower-proof & wind-proof canopy should be arranged for welding work areas.

3.5.2 施焊前应清走周围及下方易燃物,防止火情的发生。

3.5.2 Flammable materials located in the vicinity and beneath areas should be removed before conduction of welding in prevention of potential fire hazards.

3.5.3 焊接使用的电焊机应具备绝缘性良好,工作性能可靠等基本条件。

3.5.3 Welding machines utilized for welding activities should be reliable for substantial insulation performance and stably working conditions.

3.5.4 焊工的工器具应配备齐全,榔头、錾子、钢丝刷等清理工具应随身携带。

3.5.4 Facilities & tools of welders should be sufficiently equipped; especially the clearing tools in terms of hammers, chisels, steel brushes should be carried.

3.5.5 各类部件联接处焊缝的接头型式和尺寸,应符合设计要求。如无规定时,应遵循能保证焊缝质量,减少焊接应力,防止结构变形,填充金属量少,操作方便,改善劳动条件等原则,且满足以下条件:

3.5.5 Joint type & size of welding seams of all of parts should conform to the designed specifications. If non special stipulations, it is necessary to comply with regarding principles as to make sure welding quality, to deduct welding stress in case of structure distortion, less filling of metal materials, convenient operation, to improve working conditions; furthermore, should cater for the following terms:焊件厚度为4-6mm时,可采取双面焊接,均可不开坡口,但必须留有1.5-2mm的对口间隙,并使焊件对正齐平确保焊透。 Double-face groove welding can be performed when the thickness of welding parts is within 4-6mm, which can be conducted without groove. But 1.5-2mm gap for fitting up of welding joints should remain so as to completely weld in axial direction
