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1 •本试卷共12页,包括三部分,共150分。其中第一部分和第二部分为选择题,包括

65个小题;第三部分为非选择题。考试时间 120分钟。

2 •答题前请仔细阅读答题卡上的“注意事项” ,按照“注意事项,’的规定答题。

3 •做选择题时,如需改动,请用橡皮将原选涂答案擦干净,再选涂其他答案。

4 •考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。

第一部分:英语知识运用(共三节,满分 50分)

第一节:语音知识(共 5小题;每小题I 分,满分5分)

从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项, A . must have studied

C . should have studied

答案是C o

6 . You know what, we're pla nning ___ big party on _____ Tuesday before Christmas for you!

A . the; a

B . the; the

C . the;不填

D . a; the 7 . Galileo____ much un fair treatme nt in his lifetime, but his achieveme nts in scie nee have long bee n recog ni zed.

A . had suffered

B . has suffered

C . suffers

D . suffered 8 . He tried the door and found it ____ f rom in side. A . lock ing B . locked C . to lock D . havi ng locked 9 . The weather in Aran _ be wild: the island stays on the edge of the Atlantic, and there are no 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

例: have

A . gave

B . 答案是

C o

1. exactly

A . plate

B .

2. medicine

A . ocean

B . 3. technique

A . brick

B . 4. flood

A . food

B . 5 . whole save

C . hat grass C . stamp cen tury C . scold imagine C . police goodbye C . wooden wheat C . wheel

D . made D . quality D . physics D . universe D . blood D . whisper 15分) D 四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


last ni ght, but we went to the concert in stead. B . might study D . would study


trees to break the storms.

A . may

B . can C. need D. will

10. Renny Harlin has made many movies, but _____ is so popular as 12 Rounds.

A . none B. neither C. no one D. either

11. ______________ —Did you the win dows before buying the curta ins?

—Yes, three feet by four.

A . weigh

B . deliver

C . remove

D . measure

12 . There were very few mome nts ______ Mr. Smith could n't give us less ons because of ill


A . that

B . which

C . whe n

D . where

13 . So pleased with our computers ____ that he at once made an order for 1,000.

A . Bill felt

B . did Bill feel

C . Bill did feel

D . felt Bill

14 . The Turners are supposed ___ for New Zeala nd last week.

A . to have left

B . to be leavi ng

C . to leave

D . to have bee n left

15 . Finding no students in the lecture hall . Prof . Flynn realized that he came _____ early.

A . very

B . much

C . too

D . far

16 . I had not bee n wait ing very long __ he retur ned from the conference in the tow n.

A . un til

B . after

C . while

D . before

17 . —Joa n __ a mon th's vacati on.

——That's nice . If time permits, I will go with her.

A . is tak ing

B . was tak ing

C . has take n

D . took

18 . By using the air ambulance to transport patients ___ hospitals, they can win more time for

serious cases.

A . in side

B . duri ng

C . through

D . betwee n

19 . After twenty years as a cha in smoker, Mr . Nather fin ally ___ the habit.

A . gave out

B . gave back

C . gave up

D . gave away

20 . —Happy Birthday, Amy, and a gift for you.

—That's just what I want. ____ !

A . Cheers

B . Good luck

C . Come on

D . Con gratulatio ns




I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and there are some homeless people in the downtown. I used to give a lot of money to the 21 . feeling sorry for them. However, after becoming a single mom with no home, a huge 22 . and hardly any in come, I 23 givi ng.

Through work ing hard, things started to cha nge for the better. I 24 a home for me and my daughter, and ple nty of food, and I started to 25 myself out of debt. One day I saw a homeless pers on with a —26 ______________ "will work for food". I passed by. My daughter said, "Mommy,

you used to give to those people in n eed. But no w..." I replied, "Hon ey, they just use that money for
