

目录1 柴油机基本参数的选定 (2)1.1 柴油机基本参数选用 (2)1.1.1 柴油机设计指示 (2)1.2.2 柴油机基本结构参数的选用 (2)2 柴油机近似热计算 (3)2.1 燃料燃烧热化学计算 (4)2.2 换气过程计算 (5)2.3 压缩过程计算 (5)2.4 燃烧过程计算 (6)2.5 膨胀过程计算 (9)2.6 示功图绘制 (10)2.7 柴油机性能指标计算 (11)3 活塞的设计 (13)3.1 活塞的工作条件 (13)3.2 活塞设计要求 (13)3.3 活塞的材料 (14)3.4 活塞主要尺寸设计 (14)3.5 活塞三维实体建模 (14)3.6 活塞二维图的绘制 (16)4 动力计算 (18)4.1 活塞位移、速度、加速度的计算 (18)4.2 活塞连杆作用力分析 (19)4.3 曲柄销载荷和连杆轴承载荷 (21)4.3.1 曲柄销载荷 (21)4.3.2 连杆轴承载荷 (22)4.4 总切向力的计算 (23)4.5 校核指示功率和有效功率 (23)1 柴油机基本参数的选定1.1 柴油机基本参数选用1.1.1 柴油机设计指示设计一台新的四冲程非增压柴油机,必须提出设计指示。
Pe 由柴油机的用途选定,任务书已经指定所需柴油机有效功率Pe=132kw 。
一般车用柴油机转速为2000r/min--4000r/min,本设计中的柴油机转速为n=2900r/min , (3)冲程数τ本设计中的车用柴油机都采用四冲程,即τ=4。
(4)平均有效压力Pme平均有效压力表示每一循环中单位气缸工作容积所做的有效功,是柴油机的强化指标之一,一般车用柴油机的平均有效压力为0.55Mpa--1.0Mpa ,本设计中的柴油机平均有效压力Pme=0.825Mpa 。


课程设计说明书设计题目:柴油机的曲柄连杆机构设计班级:J动力(机械)1201学号:4121106007姓名:杨晨指导老师:杜家益日期:2015年1月12日目录1 任务要求 (1)2 柴油机曲柄连杆机构动力计算 (2)2。
1 原始参数 (2)2。
2 动力计算 (3)结论 (12)致谢 (12)参考文献 (13)1任务要求(1).柴油机的曲柄连杆机构设计(2)。
2 柴油机曲柄连杆机构的动力学计算2。
1 原始参数原始参数及已知条件1) 柴油机型号:495 2) 燃烧室形式:涡流室 3) 气缸直径D :95mm 4) 活塞行程S:115mm5) 活塞平均速度(m/s ):7.67 6) 总排量:0.817L7) 标定转速(r/min):2000 8) 压缩比:18~20 9) 连杆长:210mm 10) 质量:活塞810g连杆大头1382g,小头505g11) 曲柄半径R :57。
5mm ; 12) 连杆比;13) 活塞面积;14) 标定功率:8。
8kw (12PS);15) 曲轴旋转角速度 ;16) 曲轴销中心的切向速度; 17) 曲柄销中心的切向加速度; ε2738.0==lR λ2265.784cmDF p ==πe N s rad n /21030==πω222/44100s rad =ωs m R/075.12=ω22/75.2535s m R=ω2。
PowerTech 4.5 升和 6.8 升柴油发动机基本发动机说明书

PowerTech™4.5L and6.8LDiesel Engines Base EngineFor complete service information also see:PowerTech™Diesel Engines—Mechanical Fuel Systems.......................................................CTM207PowerTech™Diesel Engines—Level 4Electronic Fuel Systems with Bosch VP44Pump.....................................................................CTM170PowerTech™Diesel Engines—Level 12Electronic Fuel Systems with Stanadyne DE10Pump.....................................................................CTM331PowerTech™Diesel Engines—Level 1Electronic Fuel Systems with Delphi/Lucas DP201Pump.........................................................CTM284PowerTech™Diesel Engines—Level 11Electronic Fuel Systems with Denso HPCR......CTM220PowerTech™Diesel Engines and PowerTech™Plus—Level 14Electronic Fuel Systems with Denso HPCR........................................................CTM320PowerTech™Diesel Engines and PowerTech™E—Level 16Electronic Fuel Systems with Denso HPCR........................................................CTM502Alternators and Starter Motors..........................CTM77OEM Engine Accessories...................................CTM67Application List....................................................CTM106819JDPS Master Tool Manual...................................TM111119COMPONENT TECHNICAL MANUAL PowerTech™4.5L and 6.8L DieselEngines—Base EngineCTM10407NOV12(ENGLISH)John Deere Power SystemsLITHO IN U.S.A.IntroductionDPSG,OUO1004,2767-19-29OCT10-1/1ForewordThis manual is written for an experienced technician.Essential tools required in performing certain service work are identified in this manual and are recommended for use.This manual (CTM104)covers only the engine base for all PowerTech™4.5L and 6.8L engines includingPowerTech™”Plus”engine model as well as PowerTech™”E”and PowerTech™”M”engine models.It is one of eight volumes on 4.5L and 6.8L engines.The following seven companion manuals cover fuel system and electronics repair,operation and diagnostics:•CTM207—Mechanical Fuel Systems•CTM170—Level 4Electronic Fuel Systems with Bosch VP44Pump•CTM331—Level 12Electronic Fuel Systems with Stanadyne DE10Pump•CTM284—Level 1Electronic Fuel Systems with Delphi/Lucas DP201Pump•CTM220—Level 11Electronic Fuel Systems with Denso High Pressure Common Rail•CTM320—Level 14Electronic Fuel Systems with Denso High Pressure Common Rail•CTM502—Level 16Electronic Fuel Systems with Denso High Pressure Common RailOther manuals will be added in the future to provide additional information on electronic fuel systems as needed.Live with safety:Read the safety messages in the introduction of this manual and the cautionspresented throughout the text of the manual.This is the safety-alert symbol.When you see this symbol on the machine or in this manual,be alert to the potential for personal injury.Use this component technical manual in conjunction with the machine technical manual.An applicationlisting in Section 01,Group 001identifiesproduct-model/component type-model relationship.See the machine technical manual for information on component removal and installation,and gaining access to the components.Information is organized in sections and groups for the various components requiring service instruction.Section 05summarizes all applicable essential tools,service equipment and tools,other materials needed to do the job,and service parts kits.Section 06summarizes all specifications,wear tolerances,and torque values.Before beginning repair on an engine,clean the engine and mount on a repair stand.(See Section 02,Group 010.)This manual contains SI Metric units of measure followed immediately by the U.S.customary units of measure.Most hardware on these engines is metric sized.Some components of this engine may be serviced without removing the engine from the machine.Refer to the specific machine technical manual for information on components that can be serviced without removing the engine from the machine and for engine removal and installation procedures.Read each block of material completely before performing service to check for differences in procedures orspecifications.Follow only the procedures that apply to the engine model number you are working on.If only one procedure is given,that procedure applies to all the engines in the manual.CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65WARNINGDiesel engine exhaust and some of its constituents are known to the State of California to cause cancer,birth defects and other reproductive harm.PowerTech is a trademark of Deere &CompanyRecord of ChangesPublication and Translation DateCTM104_17DEC09Section-Group Group Title Block Title Comment01-001Engine Identification andApplication Charts Engine Application Charts Moved to Application manual(CTM106819)02-050Camshaft,Balancer Shafts andTiming Gear Train Time Camshaft and Fuel InjectionPump(Non-HPCR Engines)Add procedure for injection pumpwith lock shaft timing.04-150Observable Diagnostics and Tests Test Engine Compression Pressure Added new compression adapterJDG10824,JDG11064,JDG1106506-210Diagnostic Specifications Intake Manifold Pressure(Turbocharger Boost)Specifications Update with new applications:•J06068HCQ07•PE6068HT082/083/085•J06068HCQ04•PE4045HLV56/58/60/62/64/66•PE6068AFM75•JO6068HBM04CD03523,00001D2-19-03SEP10-1/1DPSG,OUO1004,129-19-03DEC07-1/1RG7636—UN—23NOV973/4Right Rear ViewRG7638—UN—23NOV973/4Left Rear ViewRG7639—UN—23NOV973/4Right Front ViewRG7637—UN—23NOV973/4Left Front ViewPowerTech is a trademark of Deere&CompanyOUO1080,0000238-19-03DEC07-1/1R G 11932—U N —06N O V 013/4Right Front View—Two-Valve Head EngineR G 11931—U N —06N O V 013/4Left Rear View—Two-Valve Head EngineR G 13617A —U N —18M A Y 043/4Right Front View—Four-Valve Head EngineR G 13618A —U N —18M A Y 043/4Left Rear View—Four-Valve Head EnginePowerTech is a trademark of Deere &CompanyThanks very much for your reading, Want to get more information,Please click here, Then get the complete manualNOTE:If there is no response to click on the link above, please download the PDF document first, and then click on it.Have any questions please write to me: ******************************DPSG,OUO1004,130-19-29NOV07-1/1RG7641—UN—23NOV973/4Right Front ViewRG764—UN—23NOV973/4Left Front ViewRG7643—UN—23NOV973/4Right Rear ViewRG7642—UN—23NOV973/4Left Rear ViewPowerTech is a trademark of Deere&CompanyOUO1080,0000239-19-29OCT10-1/1OUO1083,00005FC -19-29OCT10-1/1R G 11934—U N —24O C T 013/4Right Front View—Two-Valve Head Engine R G 11933—U N —24O C T 013/4Left Rear View—Two-Valve Head EnginePowerTech™6.8L Engine With Electronic Fuel System—Tier 2/Stage IIR G 12199—U N —24M A Y 026068HF475Four-Valve Engine (Level 11Electronic Fuel Systemwith Denso High Pressure Common Rail)R G 12200—U N —24M A Y 026068HF475Four-Valve EngineOUO1083,00005FC -19-29NOV07-1/1PowerTech™Plus 6.8L Engine With Electronic Fuel System—Tier 3/Stage IIIAR G 13547—U N —11N O V 046068HF485Engine Shown (Electronic Fuel System WithDenso High Pressure Common Rail)R G 13546—U N —11N O V 046068HF485ShownPowerTech is a trademark of Deere &CompanyOURGP12,00001EA -19-29NOV07-1/1PowerTech™E 4.5L Engine With Electronic Fuel Systems (HPCR Fuel System)(Two-Valve Cylinder Head)R G 14632—U N —13A P R 064045HF285EngineR G 14633—U N —13A P R 064045HF285EnginePowerTech is a trademark of Deere &CompanyOURGP12,00001EB -19-29NOV07-1/1PowerTech™E 6.8L Engine With Electronic Fuel Systems (HPCR Fuel System)(Two-Valve Cylinder Head Model)R G 14634A —U N —29N O V 076068HF285Engine (3/4Right Front View)C D 31001—U N —29N O V 076068HF285Engine (3/4Left Front View)PowerTech is a trademark of Deere &CompanyCD03523,00001B4-19-03DEC07-1/1PowerTech™M 4.5L Engine withMechanical Fuel System and 17mm InjectorsC D 31002—U N —29N O V 074045HF280Engine (3/4Left Front View)PowerTech is a trademark of Deere &CompanyContentsSection01—General InformationGroup000—SafetyGroup001—Engine Identification and ApplicationChartsGroup002—Fuels,Lubricants and CoolantsSection02—Repair and AdjustmentsGroup010—Engine RebuildGroup020—Cylinder Head and Valves(Two-ValveHead Engines)Group021—Cylinder Head and Valves(Four-ValveHead Engines)Group030—Cylinder Block,Liners,Pistons and RodsGroup040—Crankshaft,Main Bearings and FlywheelGroup050—Camshaft,Balancer Shafts and TimingGear TrainGroup060—Lubrication SystemGroup070—Cooling SystemGroup080—Air Intake and Exhaust SystemGroup090—Fuel SystemGroup100—Starting and Charging SystemsSection03—Theory of OperationGroup120—Base Engine OperationSection04—DiagnosticsGroup150—Observable Diagnostics and TestsSection05—Tools and Other MaterialsGroup170—Repair Tools and Other MaterialsGroup180—Diagnostic Service ToolsGroup190—Dealer Fabricated Service ToolsSection06—SpecificationsGroup200—Repair and General OEM SpecificationsGroup210—Diagnostic SpecificationsOriginal Instructions.All information,illustrations and specifications in thismanual are based on the latest information available at the time of publication.The right is reserved to make changes at any time without notice.COPYRIGHT©2012DEERE&COMPANYMoline,IllinoisAll rights reserved.A John Deere ILLUSTRUCTION®ManualPrevious EditionsCopyright©1996,1998,2000,2002,2004,2005,2007,2008,2009,2010ContentsSection01General Information ContentsPage Group000—SafetyWork In Ventilated Area...............................01-000-1 Recognize Safety Information.....................01-000-1 Work in Clean Area.....................................01-000-1 Dispose of Waste Properly..........................01-000-2 Avoid Harmful Asbestos Dust......................01-000-2 Handle Fuel Safely—Avoid Fires.................01-000-2 Prepare for Emergencies.............................01-000-3 Handle Starting Fluid Safely........................01-000-3 Handle Fluids Safely—AvoidFires.........................................................01-000-3 Avoid High-Pressure Fluids.........................01-000-4 Use Proper Lifting Equipment......................01-000-4 Illuminate Work Area Safely........................01-000-4 Live With Safety...........................................01-000-5 Service Machines Safely.............................01-000-5 Handle Chemical Products Safely................01-000-5 Protect Against Noise..................................01-000-6 Remove Paint Before Welding orHeating....................................................01-000-6 Stay Clear of Rotating Drivelines.................01-000-7 Service Cooling System Safely...................01-000-7 Follow Safety Instructions............................01-000-8 Use Proper Tools.........................................01-000-8 Construct Dealer-Made ToolsSafely.......................................................01-000-8 Practice Safe Maintenance..........................01-000-9 Understand Signal Words............................01-000-9 Replace Safety Signs................................01-000-10 Prevent Battery Explosions.......................01-000-10 Protect Against High PressureSpray.....................................................01-000-10 Avoid Heating Near PressurizedFluid Lines.............................................01-000-11 Wear Protective Clothing...........................01-000-11 Wait Before OpeningHigh-Pressure Fuel System...................01-000-11 Handle Agricultural ChemicalsSafely.....................................................01-000-12 Handling Batteries Safely..........................01-000-13 Install All Guards.......................................01-000-13 Avoid Hot Exhaust.....................................01-000-14 Group001—Engine Identification andApplication ChartsEngine Serial Number PlateInformation...............................................01-001-1 OEM Engine Option Code Label.................01-001-3 Information Relative to EmissionsRegulations..............................................01-001-3 Group002—Fuels,Lubricants and Coolants Diesel Fuel...................................................01-002-1 Diesel Fuel Additive Products......................01-002-1Page Biodiesel Fuel..............................................01-002-2 Minimizing the Effect of ColdWeather on Diesel Engines.....................01-002-4 Handling and Storing Diesel Fuel................01-002-5 Lubricity of Diesel Fuel................................01-002-5 Testing Diesel Fuel......................................01-002-5 Oil Information for Uncertified orTier1Engines..........................................01-002-5 Diesel Engine Oil.........................................01-002-6 Oil Information for Tier2Engines................01-002-6 Diesel Engine Oil.........................................01-002-7 Oil Information for Tier3Engines................01-002-7 Diesel Engine Oil.........................................01-002-8 Diesel Engine Break-In Oil..........................01-002-9 Oil Filters.....................................................01-002-9 Grease.......................................................01-002-10 Alternative and SyntheticLubricants..............................................01-002-10 Lubricant Storage......................................01-002-10 Mixing of Lubricants...................................01-002-11 Heavy Duty Diesel EngineCoolant..................................................01-002-11 Supplemental Coolant Additives................01-002-12 Operating in Warm TemperatureClimates.................................................01-002-12 Additional Information AboutDiesel Engine Coolants andJohn Deere LIQUID COOLANTCONDITIONER.....................................01-002-13 Diesel Engine Coolant...............................01-002-14 Testing Diesel Engine Coolant...................01-002-14 Drain Intervals for Diesel EngineCoolant..................................................01-002-15ContentsGroup 000SafetyDX,AIR -19-17FEB99-1/1DX,ALERT -19-29SEP98-1/1DX,CLEAN -19-04JUN90-1/1Work In Ventilated AreaEngine exhaust fumes can cause sickness or death.If it is necessary to run an engine in an enclosed area,remove the exhaust fumes from the area with an exhaust pipe extension.If you do not have an exhaust pipe extension,open the doors andget outside air into the area.T S 220—U N —23A U G 88Recognize Safety InformationThis is a safety-alert symbol.When you see this symbol on your machine or in this manual,be alert to the potential for personal injury.Followrecommended precautions and safe operating practices.T 81389—U N —07D E C 88Work in Clean AreaBefore starting a job:•Clean work area and machine.•Make sure you have all necessary tools to do your job.•Have the right parts on hand.•Read allinstructions thoroughly;do not attemptshortcuts.T 6642E J —U N —18O C T 88DX,DRAIN -19-03MAR93-1/1DX,DUST -19-15MAR91-1/1DX,FIRE1-19-12OCT11-1/1Dispose of Waste ProperlyImproperly disposing of waste can threaten theenvironment and ecology.Potentially harmful waste used with John Deere equipment include such items as oil,fuel,coolant,brake fluid,filters,and batteries.Use leakproof containers when draining fluids.Do not use food or beverage containers that may mislead someone into drinking from them.Do not pour waste onto the ground,down a drain,or into any water source.Air conditioning refrigerants escaping into the air can damage the Earth’s ernment regulations may require a certified air conditioning service center torecover and recycle used air conditioning refrigerants.T S 1133—U N —26N O V 90Inquire on the proper way to recycle or dispose of waste from your local environmental or recycling center,or from your John Deere dealer.Avoid Harmful Asbestos DustAvoid breathing dust that may be generated whenhandling components containing asbestos fibers.Inhaled asbestos fibers may cause lung cancer.Components in products that may contain asbestosfibers are brake pads,brake band and lining assemblies,clutch plates,and some gaskets.The asbestos used in these components is usually found in a resin or sealed in some way.Normal handling is not hazardous as long as airborne dust containing asbestos is not generated.Avoid creating dust.Never use compressed air for cleaning.Avoid brushing or grinding material containing asbestos.When servicing,wear an approved respirator.A special vacuum cleaner is recommended to clean asbestos.If not available,apply a mist of oilor water on the material containing asbestos.T S 220—U N —23A U G 88Keep bystanders away from the area.Handle Fuel Safely—Avoid FiresHandle fuel with care:it is highly flammable.Do not refuel the machine while smoking or when near open flame or sparks.Always stop engine before refueling machine.Fill fuel tank outdoors.Prevent fires by keeping machine clean of accumulated trash,grease,and debris.Always clean up spilled e only an approved fuel container for transporting flammable liquids.Never fill fuel container in pickup truck with plastic bed liner.Always place fuel container on ground beforerefueling.Touch fuel container with fuel dispenser nozzle before removing can lid.Keep fuel dispenser nozzle in contactwith fuel container inlet when filling.T S 202—U N —23A U G 88Do not store fuel container where there is an open flame,spark,or pilot light such as within a water heater or other appliance.DX,FIRE2-19-03MAR93-1/1DX,FIRE3-19-16APR92-1/1DX,FLAME -19-29SEP98-1/1Prepare for EmergenciesBe prepared if a fire starts.Keep a first aid kit and fire extinguisher handy.Keep emergency numbers for doctors,ambulance service,hospital,and fire department near your telephone.T S 291—U N —23A U G 88Handle Starting Fluid SafelyStarting fluid is highly flammable.Keep all sparks and flame away when using it.Keep starting fluid away from batteries and cables.To prevent accidental discharge when storing thepressurized can,keep the cap on the container,and store in a cool,protected location.Do not incinerateor puncture a starting fluid container.T S 1356—U N —18M A R 92Handle Fluids Safely—Avoid FiresWhen you work around fuel,do not smoke or work near heaters or other fire hazards.Store flammable fluids away from fire hazards.Do not incinerate or puncture pressurized containers.Make sure machine is clean of trash,grease,and debris.Do not store oilyrags;they can ignite and burn spontaneously.T S 227—U N —23A U G 88DX,FLUID -19-12OCT11-1/1DX,LIFT -19-04JUN90-1/1DX,LIGHT -19-04JUN90-1/1Avoid High-Pressure FluidsInspect hydraulic hoses periodically –at least once per year –for leakage,kinking,cuts,cracks,abrasion,blisters,corrosion,exposed wire braid or any other signs of wear or damage.Replace worn or damaged hose assemblies immediately with John Deere approved replacement parts.Escaping fluid under pressure can penetrate the skin causing serious injury.Avoid the hazard by relieving pressure before disconnecting hydraulic or other lines.Tighten all connections before applying pressure.Search for leaks with a piece of cardboard.Protect hands and body from high-pressure fluids.If an accident occurs,see a doctor immediately.Any fluid injected into the skin must be surgically removed within a fewhours or gangrene may result.Doctors unfamiliarX 9811—U N —23A U G 88with this type of injury should reference a knowledgeable medical source.Such information is available inEnglish from Deere &Company Medical Department in Moline,Illinois,U.S.A.,by calling 1-800-822-8262or +1309-748-5636.Use Proper Lifting EquipmentLifting heavy components incorrectly can cause severe injury or machine damage.Follow recommended procedure for removaland installation of components in the manual.T S 226—U N —23A U G 88Illuminate Work Area SafelyIlluminate your work area adequately but e a portable safety light for working inside or under the machine.Make sure the bulb is enclosed by a wire cage.The hot filament of an accidentally broken bulbcan ignite spilled fuel or oil.T S 223—U N —23A U G 88DX,LIVE -19-25SEP92-1/1DX,LOOSE -19-04JUN90-1/1DX,MSDS,NA -19-03MAR93-1/1Live With SafetyBefore returning machine to customer,make sure machine is functioning properly,especially thesafety systems.Install all guards and shields.T S 231—19—07O C T 88Service Machines SafelyTie long hair behind your head.Do not wear a necktie,scarf,loose clothing,or necklace when you work near machine tools or moving parts.If these items were to get caught,severe injury could result.Remove rings and other jewelry to preventelectrical shorts and entanglement in moving parts.T S 228—U N —23A U G 88Handle Chemical Products SafelyDirect exposure to hazardous chemicals can causeserious injury.Potentially hazardous chemicals used with John Deere equipment include such items as lubricants,coolants,paints,and adhesives.A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)provides specific details on chemical products:physical and health hazards,safety procedures,and emergency response techniques.Check the MSDS before you start any job using ahazardous chemical.That way you will know exactly what the risks are and how to do the job safely.Then follow procedures and recommended equipment.(See your John Deere dealer for MSDS’s onchemical products used with John Deere equipment.)T S 1132—U N —26N O V 90DX,NOISE -19-03MAR93-1/1DX,PAINT -19-24JUL02-1/1Protect Against NoiseProlonged exposure to loud noise can cause impairment or loss of hearing.Wear a suitable hearing protective device such asearmuffs or earplugs to protectagainst objectionable or uncomfortable loud noises.T S 207—U N —23A U G 88Remove Paint Before Welding or HeatingAvoid potentially toxic fumes and dust.Hazardous fumes can be generated when paint is heated by welding,soldering,or using a torch.Remove paint before heating:•Remove paint a minimum of 100mm (4in.)from area to be affected by heating.If paint cannot be removed,wear an approved respirator before heating or welding.•If you sand or grind paint,avoid breathing the dust.Wear an approved respirator.•If you use solvent or paint stripper,remove stripper with soap and water before welding.Remove solvent or paint stripper containers and other flammable material from area.Allow fumes to disperse at least 15minutes before welding or heating.Do not use a chlorinated solvent inareas where welding will take place.T S 220—U N —23A U G 88Do all work in an area that is well ventilated to carry toxic fumes and dust away.Dispose of paint and solvent properly.。

本机采用 形燃烧室,凸轮轴中置,龙门式机体方案。
本次设计主要包括气门弹簧,进排气门,进排气道和凸轮轴设计,而凸轮形状采用函数凸轮设计,由Mat lab程序计算得到挺柱的升程,速度,加速度,绘制曲线。
关键词:柴油机,凸轮,气门THE 490QB DIESEL ENGINE DESIGN(PISTON ANDCONNECTING ROD)ABSTRACTThe design of the diesel engine models for the 490QB introduced 490QB diesel engine valve train design, detailed design of each valve train parts. In accordance with the technical requirements for diesel engines, you can determine the structure and size of the diesel engine. The machine adopts the shape of the combustion chamber, the camshaft position, gantry body program. In order to meet the design requirements of this design, it is based on the internal combustion engine engineer manual process to work on the machine thermal calculations, the results show that the design meets its economy and power requirements.Engine for ventilation through valve body, the discharge of the circulating air and fuel mixture is next cycle inhale fresh charge intake and exhaust, for four-stroke engines, the exhaust valve to open the intake valve closing the whole process of the ventilation process. The engine power and economy is good or bad, to a large extent depend on the degree of perfection of ventilation process, so Valve design occupies very heavy position in this engine design. The core Valve designed to improve volumetric efficiency, reduce ventilation losses, thereby improving the economy of the engine and power. Valve double valve design scheme, namely one into a two-valve, dual valve scheme is simple, reliable, fully meet the requirements of the intake and exhaust, reduce manufacturing costs .Valves driven by the camshaft - tappet - putt - rocker - valve drive solutions. Camshaft scheme used in the home, in the form of the monolithic camshafts, fully supported to meet the strength requirements, simple structure, high precision, with good interchangeability.The design includes valve springs, intake and exhaust valves, and intake and exhaust camshafts road design, and the use of a cam-shaped cam design function, calculated by the Mat lab program tappet lift, velocity, acceleration, plotted.Key words: diesel engine, cam, valve目录前言 (1)第一章整体设计 (2)§1.1 490QB柴油机 (2)§1.2 柴油机的设计 (2)§1.3 设计容和方法 (3)第二章燃机工作过程的热计算 (4)§2.1 一般参数计算 (4)§2.2 进排气过程计算 (4)§2.3 压缩终点参数计算 (5)§2.4 燃烧过程的计算 (6)§2.5 膨胀终点参数的计算 (6)§2.6 指示参数的计算 (7)§2.7 有效参数的计算 (7)第三章配气机构的总体布置 (9)§3.1 气门数目、驱动方式,布置 (9)§3.2 凸轮轴布置和传动方案确定 (9)第四章气门组的设计 (10)§4.1 气门的设计 (10)§4.2 气门导管的设计 (15)§4.3 气门通路面积的校核 (15)第五章气门弹簧的设计 (20)§5.1 气门弹簧的概述 (20)§5.2 气门弹簧的尺寸确定 (20)第六章凸轮轴和气门附件的设计 (26)§6.1 凸轮轴的设计 (26)§6.2 挺柱的设计 (31)§6.3 推杆和摇臂的设计 (32)结论 (33)参考文献 (34)致 (35)附录 (36)前言距第一台燃机诞生,经过100多年的发展,在工程师们孜孜不倦的努力下,发动机不断的得到改进和进步,性能不断得到改进与创新,到今天能为人类社会活动不可或缺的一员,支持着社会的发展与进步,给人们带来了非常大的便捷,近些年,随着柴油机高压共轨、缸直喷、净化等技术的发展,以较低的排放输出强大的动力,有着无可比拟的优势。

学院毕业论文(设计)D495Q3A柴油机凸轮轴毛坯的设计学生姓名学号指导教师学院机电工程学院专业机械设计制造及其自动化年级2016论文答辩日期 2016 年 6 月 1 日学院D495Q3A柴油机凸轮轴毛坯的设计完成日期:指导教师签字:答辩小组成员签字:摘要凸轮轴是活塞发动机里的一个部件。
关键词:凸轮轴;毛坯;加工余量;材料;Thesis TitleThe camshaft is a component in the piston engine. Its role is to control the valve opening and closing actions. Although in four stroke engine camshaft crankshaft speed is half ( in two stroke engine camshaft and crankshaft speed of same ), but usually it's speed is still high, but to bear great torque, therefore the design of cam shaft on the strength and support requirements are very high, generally the material special cast iron, occasionally using forgings.Blank shape and size determination, in addition to the blank margin is attached to the parts corresponding to the machined surface, sometines even taking into account the blank of manufacturing, machining and heat treatment process factors. In this case, the blank shape may vary with the shape of the workpiece.Key word: camshaft; rough machining allowance; material;目录前言 (1)1凸轮轴毛坯 (1)1.1常见种类的毛坯 (1)1.2凸轮轴毛坯加工的选择 (2)1.3毛坯形状及尺寸的确定 (2)2凸轮轴 (2)2.1凸轮轴的构造 (2)2.2凸轮轴的位置 (3)2.3凸轮轴的传动 (4)2.4凸轮轴的失效形式 (4)2.5凸轮轴的生产技术 (4)2.6凸轮轴的选材 (4)3凸轮轴毛坯的设计 (6)3.1凸轮轴毛坯的设计要求 (6)3.2凸轮轴毛坯的经济适用性 (6)4实例 (7)5总结 (10)参考文献 (11)致谢 (12)前言现代生产生活中柴油发动机具有不可忽视的作用。

N X Z-45B中心传动高效浓缩机使用说明书淮北矿山机器制造有限公司目录一、机器的用途及使用范围二、型式、规格、基本参数三、机构说明、工作原理及特点四、机器的安装五、机器的试车六、机器的操作七、机器的维护及保养八、液压站使用说明九、液压原理图十、电器原理图一、机器的用途及使用说明中心传动式浓缩机主要用于选矿过程中湿选精矿的脱水处理,系作脱水第一阶段------浓缩之用。
2 机器的结构特点、传动和工作过程NXZ型浓缩机是我厂研制开发的一种新型、高效浓缩机。

495G汽油机活塞的设计与开发太原理工大学机械学院 张翠平摘 要简要介绍活塞的工作条件和设计要求,着重介绍495G汽油机活塞的结构特点。
关键词:汽油机 活塞 设计495G汽油机是太原理工大学和榆次内燃机厂共同研制开发的新产品,它在492汽油机的基础上进行了扩缸处理。
1 活塞的工作条件及设计要求活塞是内燃机中工作条件最恶劣的零件,它受到气体压力,往复惯性力及侧压力的周期性冲击力的作用,它的工作温度高且不均匀,同时活塞的平均速度高又润滑不良。
2 活塞材料的选择及热处理由于活塞的工作条件恶劣,对于活塞材料,要求其具有高的机械性能,尤其是较高的高温强度,小的线膨胀系数,较高的导热系数,较小的密度以及良好的减摩性能与耐磨、耐蚀性能等。
3 活塞的结构特点495G汽油机活塞顶是平的,头部呈圆柱形,上面有两道气环槽和一道油环槽,裙部为椭圆形,并且上下呈正锥形。


目录1 绪论 (1)2 柴油机工作过程的热力学分析计算 (1)2.1 原始参数 (1)2.2 选取参数 (2)2.3 计算参数 (3)3 柴油机动力计算及平衡 (5)3.1 已知数据 (5)3.2 动力计算 (7)3.3 平衡计算 (17)4 燃烧系统 (18)4.1 燃烧室的选型 (18)4.2 涡流室结构 (19)4.3 主燃烧室形状 (19)4.4 涡流室镶块 (19)4.5 改善冷启动性能的措施 (20)5 活塞组的设计 (20)5.1 概述 (20)5.2 活塞的选型 (20)5.3 活塞的基本设计 (21)5.3.1 活塞的主要尺寸 (21)5.3.2 活塞头部设计 (22)5.3.3 活塞销座的设计 (22)5.3.4 活塞裙部及其侧表面形状设计 (22)5.3.5 活塞与缸套配合间隙 (23)5.3.6 活塞重量的参考值 (23)5.3.7 活塞强度计算 (23)5.3.8 活塞的冷却 (24)5.5.9 活塞的材料及工艺 (24)5.4 活塞销的设计 (24)5.4.1 活塞销的结构及尺寸 (24)5.4.2 轴向定位 (24)5.4.3 活塞销和销座的配合 (25)5.4.4 活塞销的强度校核 (25)5.4.5 活塞销材料及强化工艺 (26)6 连杆组的设计 (26)6.1 概述 (26)6.2 连杆的结构类型 (26)6.3 连杆的基本设计 (26)6.3.1 主要尺寸比例 (26)6.3.2 连杆长度 (27)6.4 连杆小头设计 (27)6.4.1 连杆小头结构 (27)6.4.2 小头结构尺寸 (27)6.4.3 连杆衬套 (28)6.5 连杆杆身 (29)6.6 连杆大头 (29)6.6.1 连杆大头结构 (29)6.6.2 大头尺寸 (29)6.7 连杆强度的计算校核 (30)6.7.1 连杆小头的校核 (30)6.7.2 连杆杆身的校核 (37)7 配气凸轮的设计 (39)7.1 凸轮外形设计得任务和要求 (39)7.2 凸轮设计主要参数的选择和限制条件 (39)7.3 缓冲曲线设计 (39)7.4 凸轮的选型及计算 (40)8 机体的设计 (47)8.1 机体结构形式的选择 (47)8.2 机体材料的选择 (48)8.3 机体外形轮廓尺寸的决定 (48)8.4 提高机体刚度与强度的措施 (48)9 油底壳设计 (49)10 气缸套设计 (50)10.1 设计要求 (50)10.2 结构设计 (50)结论 (52)致谢 (53)参考文献 (54)1 绪论从1860年首台内燃机诞生以来,经过了百余年的发展,其给人类带来的生产力的提高和对生活得便利使得内燃机工业业已成为人类文明中不可替代的部分。

2008年7月PREFACEThis catalogue is published with the aim of offering convenience to the customers.It includes all parts of the engine model495BPG、A495BPG、495BT、A495BT and495BT. However,some parts could be not identical in the catalogue,because several parts are designed for some special individual consumers.These parts are able to be got support by contact our customer service.On placing orders for the parts of495BPG、A495BPG、495BT and A495BT engine,the customers are requested to offer the following notes:1.The model of your engine and its serial number.2.The part number indicated in this catalogue.3.The name and quantity of the part required.4.Model495BT and A495BT in the catalogue is mainly for tractors,parts for combine harvester could be referenced by appendix.Drawing of the parts in this catalogue are made according to the design in2005.Further changes of the design will be reflected in the next edition.July/2008配联合收割机专用件清单序号名称图号/型号数量/台备注1排气管485-0800112进气管490B-080013飞轮壳490BT-13001-11490B-13001A 4飞轮490B-05101-141490B-05101-9490B-05101-195齿轮室490BT-1600316齿轮室盖490BT-16001A 17油底壳总成490B-0700018发动机前支架490BT-15001-119节温器盖490B-43001A495BPG 尧A495BT 专用件清单序号名称图号/型号数量/台备注1气缸盖A495B-0310112气门摇臂轴支座螺柱A490B-030014A490B-03016A490BZL-03017A490B-03109A490B-11100A490B-110048回油管部件A490B-2510019高压油管总成A490B-23000110P 系列喷油器A490B-22000411喷油器铜垫A490B-220014喷油器压板喷油器紧固螺栓34喷油器铜套气缸盖罩焊接部件气缸盖罩橡胶垫5674114412喷油器回油防漏帽498B-25001113喷油器回油管498B-250023目录Contents495BPG机体总成及附件Body assembly and accessory2 495BT机体总成及附件Body assembly and accessory7 495BPG气缸盖及配气机构Cylinder head and gas exchanging system assembly11 495BT气缸盖及配气机构Cylinder head and gas exchanging system assembly12 495BPG油底壳总成Oil sump assembly16 495BT油底壳总成Oil sump assembly18活塞连杆总成Piston connecting rod assembly20 495BPG曲轴飞轮总成Crankshaft flywheel assembly22 495BT曲轴飞轮总成Crankshaft flywheel assembly23 495BPG正时齿轮传动系总成Timing gear train assembly25 495BT正时齿轮传动系总成Timing gear train assembly29气缸盖罩总成Cylinder head cover assembly32机油泵、机油管路总成Oil pump and oil pipe assembly34 495BPG冷却水泵、风扇部件Cooling water pump and fan assembly36 495BT冷却水泵、风扇部件Cooling water pump and fan assembly37燃油供油系统Fuel supply system assembly40机油滤清器、起动电机及充电发电机总成42 Oil filter、starting motor and charging generator assembly495BPG机体总成及附件Body assembly and accessory2··序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty备注Remark1GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M12×32Bolt M12×3242GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈12Spring washer128 3490B-13001A飞轮壳Flywheel housing1 4495B-01047碗形塞片50Plug501 5490B-03017碗形塞片20Plug203 6490B-01079碗形塞片40Plug40107GB/T120.1-2000内螺纹圆柱销A10×25Pin A10×2528GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M12×65Bolt M12×652 9490B-13003观察孔盖板Cover,inspection hole110GB/T97.1-1985平垫圈12Washer12611GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M12×28Bolt M12×28212油封王100×125×12Oil seal100×125×121 13490B-01024A后油封座Oil seal seat1 14490B-01025后油封座垫片Gasket1 15490B-01009堵塞58Plug581 16495B-01008后凸轮轴衬套Rear camshaft bushing1 17495B-01022A下止推片Lower thrust bearing2 18495B-01026A上止推片Upper thrust bearing2 19490B-01019A主轴承螺栓Bolt10 20490B-01018主轴承螺栓垫圈Washer10 21495B-01023A后主轴承盖Rear bearing cap1 22495B-01033A主轴瓦下瓦Main bearing,lower half5 23495B-01034A主轴瓦上瓦Main bearing,upper half5 24490B-01027堵塞Plug1 495BPG机体总成及附件Body assembly and accessory3··序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty备注Remark25495B-01032A主轴承盖Main bearing cover4 26495B-01001A机体Cylinder block1 27GB/T119.2-2000圆柱销B8×20Pin B8×202 28GB/T119.2-2000圆柱销B10×25Pin B10×252 29490B-01080碗形塞片15Plug152 30490B-01029螺塞R1/8Plug R1/86 31490B-34009O型密封圈O-ring1 32490B-01071机油滤座垫片Oil filter gasket1 33490B-01072机油滤座垫板Oil filter back plate1 34490B-01073机油滤清器垫片Gasket1 35490B-01076B柴油滤清器垫板Fuel filter back plate1 36GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈8Spring washer811 37GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M8×22Bolt M8×225 38490B-01002490B-01003气缸盖螺栓(甲)气缸盖螺栓(乙)Bolt Bolt144 39490B-01044气缸盖螺栓垫圈Washer for cylinder head bolt 40495B-01005A气缸套Cylinder liner4 41495B-01050碗形塞片60Plug601 42495B-01007凸轮轴衬套Camshaft bushing2 43490B-01012进水管垫片Gasket1 44490B-01011-8进水管Water pipe1 45GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M8×22Bolt M8×222 46490B-01101放水阀手柄Drain cock handle1 47490B-01103放水阀阀芯Drain cock core1 48GB/T91-2000开口销3.2×22Pin3.2×221 495BPG机体总成及附件Body assembly and accessory 4··序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty备注Remark49495B-01102阀体Valve body150GB/T848-1985小垫圈6-140HV Washer6-140HV2 51490B-01104弹簧Spring152GB/T91-2000开口销1.6×12Pin1.6×12153GB/T97.1-1985平垫圈8-140HV Washer8-140HV11 54495B-01015机油喷咀Oil injector455GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M8×16Bolt M8×16256GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M8×30Bolt M8×30557GB/T62-1988蝶形螺母M6Nut M6158GB/T97.1-1985平垫圈6-140HV Washer6-140HV1 59490B-34005呼吸器上盖Upper cover,air intakedevice1 60490B-34008橡胶密封圈Seal ring161滤网(Ⅰ)Filter(Ⅰ)1 62490B-34006呼吸器下体Lower parts of breathadapter1 63490B-34013通气管(Ⅱ)Air vent(Ⅱ)1 64490B-34010过渡管Transition pipe2 65490B-34011撑架Strut166滤网(Ⅱ)Filter(Ⅱ)1 67490B-34012通气管(Ⅲ)Air vent(Ⅲ)1 68495B-34003托板Plate1 69495B-34004进气套管Inlet drivepipe1 70490B-34002A固定板Fixed plate1 71495B-34007通气管(Ⅰ)Air vent(Ⅰ)172GB/T67-2000开槽盘头螺钉M6×50Screw M6×50173GB/T67-2000开槽盘头螺钉M6×10Screw M6×10574GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈6Spring washer65 75490B-13002防尘板Plate1 495BPG机体总成及附件Body assembly and accessory5··序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty备注Remark76495BPG-15200发动机前支架(左)Engine front bracket(left)1 77495BPG-15100发动机前支架(右)Engine front bracket(right)1 78GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈10Spring washer108 79GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M10×25Bolt M10×258 80GB/T97.1-1985平垫圈10-140HV Washer10-140HV8 495BPG机体总成及附件Body assembly and accessory 6··495BT机体总成及附件Body assembly and accessory7··495BT机体总成及附件Body assembly and accessory序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty备注Remark1GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M12×35Bolt M12×358 2GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈12Spring washer1210 3490BT-13001飞轮壳Flywheel housing1 4495B-01047碗形塞片50Plug501 5490B-03017碗形塞片20Plug203 6490B-01079碗形塞片40Plug4010 7GB/T67-2000开槽盘头螺钉M6×10Screw M6×102 8GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈6Spring washer62 9490B-13003观察孔盖板Cover,inspection hole1 10GB/T70-1985内六角圆柱头螺钉M12×90Screw M12×902 11490BT-13004飞轮壳垫片Shim1 12油封王100×125×12Oil seal100×125×121 13490B-01009堵塞58Plug581 14495B-01008后凸轮轴衬套Rear camshaft bushing1 15495B-01022A下止推片Lower thrust bearing2 16495B-01026A上止推片Upper thrust bearing2 17490B-01019主轴承螺栓Bolt10 18490B-01018主轴承螺栓垫圈Washer10 19495B-01023A后主轴承盖Rear bearing cap1 20495B-01033A主轴瓦下瓦Main bearing,lower half5 21495B-01034A主轴瓦上瓦Main bearing,upper half5 22490B-01027堵塞Plug1 23495B-01032A主轴承盖Main bearing cover4 24495B-01001A机体Cylinder block1 8··495BT机体总成及附件Body assembly and accessory序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty备注Remark25GB/T119.2-2000圆柱销B8×20Pin B8×20226GB/T119.2-2000圆柱销B10×25Pin B10×252 27490B-01080碗形塞片15Plug152 28490B-01029螺塞R1/8Plug R1/86 29490B-34009O型密封圈O-ring1 30490B-01071机油滤座垫片Oil filter gasket1 31490B-01072机油滤座垫板Oil filter back plate1 32490B-01073机油滤清器垫片Gasket1 33490B-01076B柴油滤清器垫板Fuel filter back plate134GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈8Spring washer8435GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M8×22Bolt M8×225 36490B-01002490B-01003气缸盖螺栓(甲)气缸盖螺栓(乙)Bolt Bolt144 37490B-01044气缸盖螺栓垫圈Washer for cylinder head bolt 38495B-01005A气缸套Cylinder liner4 39495B-01050碗形塞片60Plug601 40495B-01007凸轮轴衬套Camshaft bushing2 41490B-01012进水管垫片Gasket1 42490BT-01011进水管Water pipe143GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M8×22Bolt M8×222 44490B-01101放水阀手柄Drain cock handle1 45490B-01103放水阀阀芯Drain cock core146GB/T91-2000开口销3.2×22Pin3.2×221 47495B-01102阀体Valve body148GB/T848-1985小垫圈6-140HV Washer6-140HV29··495BT机体总成及附件Body assembly and accessory序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty备注Remark49490B-01104弹簧Spring1 50GB/T91-2000开口销1.6×12Pin1.6×121 51GB/T97.1-1985平垫圈8-140HV Washer8-140HV6 52495B-01015机油喷咀Oil injector4 53GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M8×16Bolt M8×162 54GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈8Spring washer82 55GB/T62-1988蝶形螺母M6Nut M61 56GB/T97.1-1985平垫圈6-140HV Washer6-140HV1 57490B-34005呼吸器上盖Upper cover,air intakedevice1 58490B-34008橡胶密封圈Seal ring1 59滤网(Ⅰ)Filter(Ⅰ)1 60490B-34006呼吸器下体Lower parts of breathadapter1 61490B-34013通气管(Ⅱ)Air vent(Ⅱ)1 62490B-34010过渡管Transition pipe2 63490B-34011撑架Strut1 64滤网(Ⅱ)Filter(Ⅱ)1 65490B-34012通气管(Ⅲ)Air vent(Ⅲ)1 66495B-34003托板Plate1 67495B-34004进气套管Inlet drive pipe1 68490B-34002A固定板Fixed plate1 69495B-34007通气管(Ⅰ)Air vent(Ⅰ)1 70GB/T67-2000开槽盘头螺钉M6×50Screw M6×50110··495BPG气缸盖及配气机构Cylinder head and gas exchangingsystem assembly11··495BT气缸盖及配气机构Cylinder head and gas exchangingsystem assembly12··序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty 备注Remark 1490B-03018碗形塞片12Plug 1222GB/T894.1-1986挡圈20Snap ring 2023GB/T848-1985垫圈20Washer 2084490B-03212A 气门摇臂衬套Valve rocker arm bushing85GB/T6171-2000六角螺母M8×1Nut M8×186490B-03201气门间隙调整螺钉Adjusting screw for valve clearance 87490B-03211A气门摇臂Valve rocker arm 88490B-03202气门摇臂轴支座Seat 49490B-03203气门摇臂轴弹簧Spring 310490B-03204气门摇臂轴Shaft 111GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M8×18Bolt M8×18612GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈8Spring washer 1713GB/T97.1-1985平垫圈8Washer 8214GB/T1096-1979平键C8×32Key C8×32115495B-06003气门推杆Push rod816490B-06002气门挺柱Push tappet 820490B-02008凸轮轴止推板Thrust plate for camshaft 121495B-06001凸轮轴Camshaft122490B-03006气门锁夹Split valve retainer 1623490B-03007气门弹簧上座Valve spring seat,upper824490B-03005气门内弹簧Valve spring,inner 825490B-03004气门外弹簧Valve spring,outer 826490B-03011气门弹簧下座Lower seat,valve spring827495B-03015排气门Exhaust valve4气缸盖及配气机构Cylinder head and gas exchanging system assembly13··气缸盖及配气机构Cylinder head and gas exchanging system assembly序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty 备注Remark 28495B-03014进气门Intake valve 429GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M8×18Bolt M8×18430GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈8Spring washer 81731490B-03012后端盖Rear cover 132490B-03013后端盖垫片Gasket 133GB/T56-1988六角螺母M8Nut M8834GB/T899-1988双头螺柱AM8-M8×50Stud AM8-M8×50835495B-03101气缸盖Cylinder head 136490B-03102气门导管Valve guide 838490B-03001A 气门摇臂轴支座螺柱Stud 439GB/T6170-2000六角螺母M10Nut M10440GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈10Spring washer 10841GB/T97.1-1985平垫圈10Washer 10842495B-03003排气管衬垫Gasket443GB/T899-1988双头螺柱AM8-M8×25Stud AM8-M8×25844GB/T6170-2000六角螺母M8Nut M8845490B-03103堵塞Plug146490B-43005节温器壳垫片Thermostat gasket 147GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M8×25Bolt M8×25348GB/T97.1-1985垫圈8Washer 8749490B-43001节温器盖Thermostat cover1495BPG 490BT-43001节温器盖Thermostat cover 1495BT50490B-43003节温器盖垫片Thermostat cover gasket151490B-43002节温器Thermostat114··气缸盖及配气机构Cylinder head and gas exchangingsystem assembly序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty 备注Remark 52490B-01074接管Pipe153495B-43007小循环水管Water pipe154490B-43008螺塞NPT3/8Plug NPT3/8155GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M8×35Bolt M8×35456490B-43101节温器壳Thermostat housing 157490B-43009水温传感器Water temperature sensor158495B-03108排气门座Exhaust valve seat 459495B-03107进气门座Intake valve seat 460490B-03009A吊耳Hoisting bracket 161490B-01078碗形塞片30Pulg 30462485-08001排气管Exhaust pipe 163495B-01004气缸盖衬垫Gasket 164490B-03109喷油器套管Sleeve tube 465490BT-08003排气管接管Exhaust adapter1495BT 66490B-09002进气管Intake pipe 1495BPG490BT-09002进气管Intake pipe 1495BT 67490BT-09004进气总管纸垫Paper gasket 1495BT 68498-03016气门导管油封Oil seal869490B-54000空气加热器Air calorifier1495BPG 70490B-09003-7进气接管Intake adapter1495BPG15··495BPG油底壳总成Oil sump assembly16··495BPG油底壳总成Oil sump assembly序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty备注Remark1490B-07200机油标尺部件Oil dipstick1 2490B-07002油底壳垫片Oil sump gasket13GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M8×16Bolt M8×16284GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈8Spring washer828 5490B-07100油底壳焊接部件Oil sump16JB982-1977组合密封垫圈20Seal ring2017JB2343-1979六角头磁性螺塞M20×1.5Magnetic plug M20×1.5117··495BT油底壳总成Oil sump assembly18··495BT油底壳总成Oil sump assembly序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty备注Remark1490BT-07002A油底壳垫片Oil sump gasket1 2495BT-07106主油底壳Main oil sump1 3490BT-07004油底壳底板垫片Oil sump gasket1 4490BT-07003油底壳底板Oil sump botton plate15GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈8Spring washer8416GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M8×25Bolt M8×25397JB982-1977组合密封垫圈20Seal ring2018JB2343-1979磁性螺塞M20×1.5Magnetic plug M20×1.51 9490BT-07303机油标尺套管垫片Gasket110490BT-07300机油标尺套管焊接部件Oil lever pipe111GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M8×20Bolt M8×202 12490B-07200机油标尺部件Oil lever1 13495BT-15001发动机前支架Engine front bracket214GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈18Spring washer184 15490BT-07800发动机前支架螺栓Bolt416GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈10Spring washer10617GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M10×45Bolt M10×45619··序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty备注Remark49490BPG-16009正时齿轮室垫片Gasket1 50GB/T5782-2000螺栓M8×75Bolt M8×752 51490B-16008喷油泵联接法兰垫片Gasket1 52490B-16004-1喷油泵联接法兰Connecting flange1 53495B-02105喷油泵正时齿轮轴套Axle sleeve1正时齿轮传动系总成Timing gear train assembly 20··活塞连杆总成Piston connecting rod assembly序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty备注Remark1495B-04002B第一道气环Compression ring(top)4 2495B-04003第二道气环Compression ring(second)4 3495B-04102螺旋撑簧Spiral expansion spring4 4495B-04103闩销Pin4 5495B-04101油环环体Oil ring body46GB/T893.1-1986挡圈Snap ring8 7495B-04001C活塞Piston4 8495B-04004A活塞销Piston pin4 9495B-04205A连杆衬套Connecting rod bush4 10495B-04201A连杆Connecting rod4 11495B-04005A-1A连杆瓦Connecting rod bearing8 12495B-04202A连杆盖Connecting rod cap4 13495B-04203B连杆螺栓Connecting rod bolt821··495BPG曲轴飞轮总成Crankshaft flywheel assembly22··495BT曲轴飞轮总成Crankshaft flywheel assembly23··曲轴飞轮总成Crankshaft flywheel assembly序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty备注Remark1490B-05008起动爪Starting pawl1 2490B-05007起动爪垫圈Washer,starting pawl1 3495B-05006曲轴V带轮V-belt1495BPG 490BT-05006曲轴V带轮V-belt1495BT 4GB/T1096-1979键C12×63Key C12×631 5495B-05004A曲轴Crankshaft16GB/T119.2-2000圆柱销B10×24Pin B10×2417GB/T278-1989轴承80203Bearing802031 8490B-05102飞轮齿圈Flywheel ring gear1 9490B-05101-7飞轮Flywheel1495BPG 495BT-05101飞轮Flywheel1495BT 10490B-05001飞轮螺栓保险片Safe plate3 11490B-05002飞轮螺栓Flywheel bolt6 12490BT-05120飞轮轴承挡圈Snap ring1495BT24··495BPG正时齿轮传动系总成Timing gear train assembly25··序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty备注Remark1GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M8×30Bolt M8×302 2GB/T859-1987垫圈8Washer833 3GB/T849-1987垫圈8Washer836 4GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M8×25Bolt M8×258 5GB1192-2000圆柱销B8×20Pin B8×202 6GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M8×70Bolt M8×708 7490BPG-160001正时齿轮室盖Cover1 8490BPG-160002正时齿轮室盖垫片Gasket1 9490BPG-82014调整螺钉Adjusting screw1 10GB/T6171-2000六角螺母M8×1Nut M8×11 11490BPG-82008液压泵轴承盖Bearing cover1 12490BPG-82009轴承盖垫片Gasket1 13490BPG-82001压板End plate1 14GB/T297-1994轴承30207Bearing302072 15GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M8×20Bolt M8×204 16GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M8×40Bolt M8×402 17490BPG-82003厚垫圈Washer1 18GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M8×60Bolt M8×602 19GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M8×15Bolt M8×151 20490BPG-02100喷油管焊接部件Injector pipe1 21490B-02012-1惰齿轮轴压板End plate1 22490BPG-82007液压泵齿轮Hydraulic pump gear1 23GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M8×50Bolt M8×503 24490BPG-82006过桥齿轮轴承挡板Snap plate1 495BPG正时齿轮传动系总成Timing gear train assembly 26··序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty备注Remark25490BPG-82004过桥齿轮Bridge gear126GB/T276-1994轴承6009Bearing6009227GB/T893.1-1986挡圈75Snap ring751 28490BPG-82005过桥齿轮轴Gear shaft1 29490BPG-82010联接板垫片Gasket1 30490BPG-82011联接板Connecting plate1 31490BPG-82012液压泵垫片Gasket1 32490BPG-82013端盖End cover133GB/T21-1976小六角头螺栓M10×45Bolt M10×45234GB/T859-1987垫圈10Washer10835GB/T849-1987垫圈10Washer108 36490BPG-02003喷油泵正时齿轮Pump timing gear1 37490BPG-02006正时惰齿轮Timing idle gear1 38490B-02005正时惰齿轮衬套Bushing1 39490B-02004惰齿轮轴Idle gear shaft1 40490BPG-82002拆装螺塞Screw141GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M12×45Bolt M12×45142GB/T859-1987轻型弹簧垫圈12Spring washer121 43490B-02011凸轮轴正时齿轮压板End cover1 44490BPG-02009凸轮轴正时齿轮Camshaft timing gear145GB/T1096-1979键C12×63Key C12×631 46490BPG-02007曲轴正时齿轮Crankshaft timing gear147GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M8×45Bolt M8×451 48490BPG-16003正时齿轮室Timing gear housing1 495BPG正时齿轮传动系总成Timing gear train assembly27··序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty备注Remark49490BPG-16009正时齿轮室垫片Gasket1 50GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M8×75Bolt M8×752 51490B-16008喷油泵联接法兰垫片Gasket1 52490B-16004-1喷油泵联接法兰Connecting flange1 53495B-02105喷油泵正时齿轮轴套Axle sleeve1 54490B-16012指针Indicating needle1 495BPG正时齿轮传动系总成Timing gear train assembly 28··495BT正时齿轮传动系总成Timing gear train assembly29··495BT正时齿轮传动系总成Timing gear train assembly序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty备注Remark1490BT-16014液压泵端盖Hydraulic pump end cap2 2490BT-16013液压泵端盖垫片Hydraulic pump end capgasket2 3495BT-16016前液压泵联接板Front hydraulic pumpgusset plate1 4495BT-16017前液压泵联接板垫片Front hydraulic pumpgusset plate gasket1 5GB/T276-1994深沟球轴承6206Bearing62062 6495BT-16001A正时齿轮室盖Timing gear cover1 7495BT-16002正时齿轮室盖垫片Timing gear cover gasket1 8495BT-16003正时齿轮室Timing gear1 9495BT-02011前液压泵齿轮Front hydraulic pump gear1 10GB/T292-1994角接触球轴承7206AC Bearing2 11495BT-16019后液压联接板垫片Rear hydraulic pumpgusset plate gasket1 12495BT-16018后液压联接板Rear hydraulic pumpgusset plate1 13GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M8×40Bolt M8×402 14GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M8×50Bolt M8×504 15GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M8×60Bolt M8×604 16GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M8×25Bolt M8×251 17GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M8×30Bolt M8×304 18GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M8×70Bolt M8×7010 19GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M12×45Bolt M12×451 20GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈12Spring washer121 21490B-02011凸轮轴正时齿轮压板Camshaft timing gearpressure plate1 22490BT-02009凸轮轴正时齿轮Camshaft timing gear1 23490BT-02006正时惰齿轮Timging lazy gear1 24490B-02015喷油泵正时齿轮Timing gear1 30··495BT正时齿轮传动系总成Timing gear train assembly序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty备注Remark25490B-02012惰齿轮轴压板Plate126GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M8×60Bolt M8×602 27490BT-02100喷油管焊接部件Injector pipe1 28490B-02004正时惰齿轮轴Gear shaft1 29490B-02005正时惰齿轮衬套Gear bushing130GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M8×16Bolt M8×161 31490BT-02007曲轴正时齿轮Crankshaft timing gear1 32490BT-53002发电机支架Bracket133GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M10×25Bolt M10×25234GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈10Spring washer10235GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M8×55Bolt M8×55336GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈8Spring washer83537GB/T97.1-1985平垫圈8-140HV Washer8-140HV3538GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M8×30Bolt M8×301 39495BT-02010后液压泵齿轮Rear hydraulic pumpgear140GB1192-2000圆柱销8×20Pin8×201 41490BT-02015喷油泵正时齿轮轴套Bushing142GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M6×16Bolt M6×16643GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈6Spring washer66 44490B-16012指针Indicating needle145GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M8×75Bolt M8×752 46490B-16004-1喷油泵联接法兰Connecting flange1 47490B-16008喷油泵联接法兰垫片Gasket131··气缸盖罩总成Cylinder head cover assembly32··序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty备注Remark1490B-11201B加油口盖Cap1 2490B-11014加油口盖垫圈Cap gasket1 3490B-11006结合密封垫圈Seal washer4 4490B-11100A气缸盖罩焊接部件Cylinder head cover1 5490B-11004气缸盖罩橡胶垫Rubber pad16GB/T827-1986铭牌铆钉2×5Rivet2×54 7490B-11009-1铭牌Nameplate18GB/T923-1988盖形螺母M8Nut M84气缸盖罩总成Cylinder head cover assembly33··机油泵、机油管路总成Oil pump and oil pipe assembly34··机油泵、机油管路总成Oil pump and oil pipe assembly序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty备注Remark1495B-31203圆柱销Pin2 2495B-31001机油泵传动齿轮Oil pump driving gear1 3495B-31004A机油泵泵体Oil pump housing14GB/T97.1-1985平垫圈8Washer855GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈8Spring washer856GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M8×30Bolt M8×3017GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M8×20Bolt M8×202 8495B-33000机油管路总成Piping assembly1 9490B-33005垫片Gasket110GB/T6170-2000六角螺母M8Nut M8211GB/T899-1988双头螺柱M8×38Stud M8×384 12495B-31100A机油集滤器部件Screen filter1 13495B-31006A机油集滤器垫片Oil filter gasket1 14495B-31005A机油泵盖Cover,oil pump115GB/T308-1989钢球10Steel ball101 16495B-31003限压阀弹簧Spring1 17495B-31002调压螺钉Screw118GB/T6171-2000六角螺母M14×1.5Nut M14×1.5119GB/T6173-2000小六角较扁螺母M14×1.5Nut M14×1.51 20495B-31007机油泵盖垫片Cover,oil pump gasket1 21495B-31202A内转子Inner rotor1 22495B-31008A外转子Outer rotor1 23490B-31201机油泵轴Shaft of oil pump135··495BPG冷却水泵、风扇部件Cooling water pump and fan assembly36··495BT冷却水泵、风扇部件Cooling water pump and fan assembly37··序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty 备注Remark 1GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M8×45Bolt M8×4542GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈8Spring washer 843490B-41100风扇部件Fan14490B-41003风扇垫块Gasket15490B-41002风扇皮带轮Fan pulley 16490B-41001风扇皮带Fan belt 17GB/T6178-20001型圆角开槽螺母M10Nut M1018GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈10Spring washer 1019495B-42011大垫圈Q235-AF Washer Q235-AF110495B-42001风扇皮带轮毂Fan pulley hub 111GB/T893.1-1986挡圈40Snap ring 40112GB/T278-1989轴承6203Bearing 6203213495B-42003轴承隔圈Sleeve spacer 114GB/T1099-1979键5×19Key 5×19115495B-42002水泵轴Water pump shaft 116GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M8×80Bolt M8×801495BPG GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M8×70Bolt M8×701495BT17GB/T96-1985垫圈8Washer 8118495B-42004水泵体Water pump housing119GB/T1152-1989油杯Oil cup 120495B-42005水泵体衬垫Gasket121GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M8×65Bolt M8×653495BPG 490BT-42011水泵垫板垫片Shim1495BT GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M8×55Bolt M8×553495BT22495B-42007A水泵隔板衬垫Gasket 1495BPG 冷却水泵、风扇部件Cooling water pump and fan assembly38··序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty备注Remark23495B-42006A水泵隔板Back plate1495BPG 490BT-42006水泵隔板Back plate1495BT 24495B-42008水泵叶轮Water pump impeller125JB/T5086-1991水封Water seal1 26490BT-42010水泵接头Water pump connector1495BT 27495BT-42007水泵隔板衬垫Gasket1495BT 冷却水泵、风扇部件Cooling water pump and fan assembly39··燃油供油系统Fuel supply system assembly40··燃油供油系统Fuel supply system assembly序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty 备注Remark 1490B-21002-1喷油泵法兰垫片Gasket12495B-21000喷油泵Fuel injection pump13GB/T29.1-1988六角头头部带槽螺栓M6×25Bolt M6×2534490B-23501卡箍Clamp65490B-23502橡胶垫Rubber gasket 66GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈6Spring washer 637GB/T6172-2000六角螺母M6Nut M638495B-22000A 喷油器Fuel injector 49490B-25100喷油器回油管部件Injector leak-off pipe 1495BPG 490BT-25100喷油器回油管部件Injector leak-off pipe1495BT10490B-23100第一缸高压油管部件1st cylinder high pressure fuel tube1495BPG 490B-23100-1第一缸高压油管部件1st cylinder high pressurefuel tube1495BT 11490B-23200第二缸高压油管部件2nd cylinder high pressurefuel tube1495BPG 490B-23200-1第二缸高压油管部件2nd cylinder high pressure fuel tube1495BT 12490B-23300第三缸高压油管部件3rd cylinder high pressure fuel tube1495BPG 490B-23300-1第三缸高压油管部件3rd cylinder high pressurefuel tube1495BT 13490B-23400第四缸高压油管部件4th cylinder high pressure fuel tube1495BPG 490B-23400-1第四缸高压油管部件4th cylinder high pressurefuel tube1495BT 14490B-25200滤清器至喷油泵进油管部件Fuel supply tube from fuel filter to injection pump 115490B-24000柴油滤清器Fuel filter 116GB/T97.1-1985平垫圈8Washer 8218GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M8×30Bolt M8×30217GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈8Spring washer 8219490B-25300输油泵至滤清器进油管部件Fuel supply tube from supply pump to fuel filter 120490B-25401输油泵进油接头Fuel supply pump connector141··机油滤清器、起动电机及充电发电机总成Oil filter、starting motorand charging generator assembly42··序号No.代号Part No.名称Name数量Q′ty 备注Remark 1490B-32000B 机油滤清器Oil filter12495B-53001发电机撑架Adjusting lever for generator 1495BPG 495BT-53001-1发电机撑架Adjusting lever for generator 1495BT3GB/T97.1-1985平垫圈8Washer 814GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈8Spring washer 815GB/T5783-2000六角头螺栓M8×25Bolt M8×2516495B-51000起动电机Starting motor17GB/T5782-2000六角头螺栓M10×80Bolt M10×8018490B-52000交流充电发电机Charging generator 19GB/T97.1-1985平垫圈10Washer 10110GB/T93-1987弹簧垫圈10Spring washer111GB/T6170-2000六角螺母10Nut 101机油滤清器、起动电机及充电发电机总成Oil filter 、starting motorand charging generator assembly43··。

2、主要技术参数2、使用条件3.1机组在下列环境条件下能可靠地工作3.1.1周围空气相对湿度不大于90%3.1.2周围环境温度主~40℃3.1.3海拔高度不超过4000m3.2机组在下列环境条件下,能输出额定功率:3.2.1海拔高度:1000 m3.2.2环境温度:40℃3.2.3空气相对温度60%当大气状况与上述状况不符进,其输出功率按柴油机功修正规定进行修正。

关键词:柴油机,配气机构,凸轮轴,气门THE DESIGN OF VALVE TIMING MECHANISMOF 485 DIESEL ENGINESABSTRACTThis thesis introduces the design of valve timing mechanism of 485 diesel engines, mainly the design of its various components. The 485 diesel engine in this design is mostly used in light truck.The function of valve timing mechanism is to realize the exchange process, namely according to engine cylinder working order, ensure that the intake and exhaust valves open and close at the proper time. The valve gear play a direct impact on the economy and power parameters of the engine, therefore, the design of gas distribution agency in the overall design of the engine play a rather important role. Arranging two-valve per cylinder, the advantages are that it is relatively simple, reliable, for the naturally aspirated diesel engines can improve the fresh air into the cylinder, reduce the heat load of the cylinder to increase the durability of the cylinder and use life. The driving mechanism of valves is camshaft, tappet, pushrod, rocker, valve train. Camshaft arrangement is under the form of home-style, using the integral camshaft, such camshafts have simple structure, high precision machining, and good interchangeability.This design, including exhaust valve, intake valve, valve spring, and camshaft. Write Matlab program, calculate tappet lift table, map the curves of tappet lift, speed and acceleration.KEY WORDS: Diesel engine, Valve timing mechanism, Camshaft, Valve目录前言 (1)第一章485柴油机的设计要求 (3)第二章485柴油机工作过程热计算 (6)§2.1485柴油机工作过程热计算已知参数 (6)§2.2485柴油机工作过程热计算 (6)§2.2.1 一般参数的计算 (6)§2.2.2 进排气过程计算 (7)§2.2.3 压缩终点参数计算 (8)§2.2.4 燃烧过程的计算 (8)§2.2.5 膨胀终点参数的计算 (8)§2.2.6 指示参数的计算 (9)§2.2.7 有效参数的计算 (9)第三章485柴油机主要性能参数的选择 (10)§3.1平均有效压力P (10)me§3.2活塞平均速度C (10)m§3.3行程缸径比DS/ (11)§3.4曲柄连杆比LR/ (12)§3.5气缸中心距 (13)第四章配气机构总体布置 (14)§4.1气门数目、布置和驱动 (14)§4.2凸轮轴的布置和传动 (14)第五章气门组的设计 (15)§5.1气门的设计 (15)§5.1.1 气门的工作条件与设计要求 (15)§5.1.2 气门的结构和设计 (16)§5.1.3 气门材料的选择 (19)§5.2气门导管的设计 (19)§5.3气门通路面积的校核 (20)第六章气门弹簧的设计 (23)§6.1气门弹簧概述 (23)§6.2气门弹簧尺寸的确定 (23)§6.3气门弹簧的校核 (28)§6.3.1 气门弹簧的强度校核 (28)§6.3.2 气门弹簧的共振校核 (29)第七章凸轮轴与气门传动件的设计 (31)§7.1凸轮轴的设计 (31)§7.1.1 凸轮轴的设计要求及结构 (31)§7.1.2 凸轮轴尺寸的设计 (31)§7.2挺柱的设计 (35)§7.3推杆和摇臂的设计 (36)结论 (37)参考文献 (38)附录 (39)前言柴油机的发展,已有一百多年的历史,通过这一长时间的不断改进和更新,已经发展到了比较完善的程度。
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1 任务要求 (1)
2 柴油机曲柄连杆机构动力计算 (2)
2.1 原始参数 (2)
2.2 动力计算 (3)
结论 (12)
致谢 (12)
参考文献 (13)
2 柴油机曲柄连杆机构的动力学计算
2.1 原始参数
原始参数及已知条件 1) 柴油机型号:495 2) 燃烧室形式:涡流室 3) 气缸直径D :95mm 4) 活塞行程S :115mm 5) 活塞平均速度(m/s):7.67 6) 总排量:0.817L 7) 标定转速(r/min):2000 8) 压缩比ε:18~20 9)
10) 质量:活塞810g
连杆大头1382g ,小头505g 11) 曲柄半径R :57.5mm ;
12) 连杆比
l R
13) 活塞面积
cm D F p ==
14) 标定功率e N :8.8kw (12PS ); 15) 曲轴旋转角速度s rad n
πω 222/44100s rad =ω;
16) 曲轴销中心的切向速度s m R /075.12=ω; 17) 曲柄销中心的切向加速度22/75.2535s m R =ω;
2.2 动力计算
1)运动分析及动力计算 (1)运动参数的计算 活塞运动规律计算公式: 活塞位移:
)]sin 11(1
cos 1[22ϕλλ
-=r x
活塞速度:)2sin 2
(sin ϕλ
ϕω+==r x
活塞加速度:2)2cos (cos ωϕλϕr x a +==
连杆摆角:)sin arcsin(αλβ=
以上个参数具体位置见 图2-1 曲柄连杆机构简图所示。
表2-1 495柴油机活塞运动规律计算表
)(mm x
)/(s m v
)/(2s m a
0 0.00 0.00 0.00 3230.04 10 2.73 1.11 2.66 3149.64 20 5.37 4.39 5.19 2914.68 30 7.87 9.68 7.47 2543.17 40 10.14 16.73 9.39 2063.06 50 12.11 25.21 10.88 1509.39 60 13.72 34.74 11.89 920.73 70 14.91 44.90 12.41 335.42 80 15.64 55.29 12.46 -212.09 90 15.89 65.53 12.08 -694.29 100 15.64 75.26 11.33 -1092.75 110 14.91 84.24 10.28 -1399.13 120 13.72 92.24 9.03 -1615.02 130
140 10.14 104.83 6.13 -1821.94 150 7.87 109.27 4.61 -1848.88 160 5.37 112.46 3.07 -1850.97 170 2.73 114.36 1.53 -1844.81 180 0.00 115.00 0.00 -1841.46 190 -2.73 114.36 -1.53 -1844.81 200 -5.37 112.46 -3.07 -1850.97 210 -7.87 109.27 -4.61 -1848.88 220 -10.14 104.83 -6.13 -1821.94 230 -12.11 99.13 -7.62 -1750.51 240 -13.72 92.24 -9.03 -1615.02 250 -14.91 84.24 -10.28 -1399.13 260 -15.64 75.26 -11.33 -1092.75 270 -15.89 65.53 -12.08 -694.29 280 -15.64 55.29 -12.46 -212.09 290 -14.91 44.90 -12.41 335.42 300 -13.72 34.74 -11.89 920.73 310 -12.11 25.21 -10.88 1509.39 320 -10.14 16.73 -9.39 2063.06 330 -7.87 9.68 -7.47 2543.17 340 -5.37 4.39 -5.19 2914.68 350 -2.73 1.11 -2.66 3149.64 360 0.00 0.00 0.00 3230.04
图2-2 495柴油机活塞运动规律曲线
绘制)(x f N p =的变化曲线,如图3-4所示; 绘制
(),(),(ϕϕϕf p f p f p j g ===的变化曲线,如图3-5所示;
绘制)(),(1ϕϕf ra p f p ==的变化曲线,如图3-6所示。
可见,单缸柴油机曲轴的输出扭矩曲线与其曲柄切向力曲线形状完全一样,只是纵坐标值相差p RF 倍。
)(x f p N 的变化曲线
图3-7 曲轴输出扭矩曲线
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