EPSON RC700系列机器人系统安全和安装指南.pdf_1701924908.3317795说明

Robot Controller Control Unit RC700RC700-ADrive Unit RC700DURC700DU-A Programming Software EPSON RC+7.0 Manipulator G1 G3 G6 G10 G20 seriesRS series C4 C8 series N2 N6 seriesX5 seriesRobot System Safety and Installation (RC700 / EPSON RC+7.0) Rev.17Robot System Safety and Installation(RC700 / EPSON RC+7.0)Rev.17Copyright 2012-2018 SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION. All rights reserved. Safety and Installation (RC700 / EPSON RC+ 7.0) Rev.17 iFOREWORDThank you for purchasing our robot products.This manual contains the information necessary for the correct use of the robotsystem.Please carefully read this manual and other related manuals before installing therobot system.Keep this manual handy for easy access at all times.WARRANTYThe robot system and its optional parts are shipped to our customers only afterbeing subjected to the strictest quality controls, tests, and inspections to certify itscompliance with our high performance standards.Product malfunctions resulting from normal handling or operation will be repairedfree of charge during the normal warranty period. (Please ask your Regional SalesOffice for warranty period information.)However, customers will be charged for repairs in the following cases (even if theyoccur during the warranty period):1. Damage or malfunction caused by improper use which is not described inthe manual, or careless use.2. Malfunctions caused by customers’ unauthorized disassembly.3. Damage due to improper adjustments or unauthorized repair attempts.4. Damage caused by natural disasters such as earthquake, flood, etc.Warnings, Cautions, Usage:1. If the robot system associated equipment is used outside of the usageconditions and product specifications described in the manuals, thiswarranty is void.2. If you do not follow the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS in this manual, wecannot be responsible for any malfunction or accident, even if the result isinjury or death.3. We cannot foresee all possible dangers and consequences. Therefore, thismanual cannot warn the user of all possible hazards.ii Safety and Installation (RC700 / EPSON RC+ 7.0) Rev.17TRADEMARKSMicrosoft, Windows, and Windows logo are either registered trademarks ortrademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of therespective holders.TRADEMARK NOTATION IN THIS MANUALMicrosoft® Windows® 7 Operating systemMicrosoft® Windows® 8 Operating systemMicrosoft® Windows® 10 Operating systemThroughout this manual, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 refer to aboverespective operating systems. In some cases, Windows refers generically toWindows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.NOTICENo part of this manual may be copied or reproduced without authorization.The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.Please notify us if you should find any errors in this manual or if you have anycomments regarding its contents.MANUFACTURERSeiko Epson Corporation3-3-5 Owa, Suwa-shi, Nagano, 392-8502URL :/company/: http://www.epson.jp/prod/robots/Toyoshina PlantRobotics Solutions Operations Division6925 Toyoshina Tazawa,Azumino-shi, Nagano, 399-8285JapanTEL : +81-(0)263-72-1530FAX : +81-(0)263-72-1495Safety and Installation (RC700 / EPSON RC+ 7.0) Rev.17 iiiSUPPLIERSNorth & South America Epson America, Inc.Factory Automation/Robotics 18300 Central AvenueCarson, CA 90746USATEL : +1-562-290-5900FAX : +1-562-290-5999E-MAIL :*****************.comEurope Epson Deutschland GmbHRobotic SolutionsOtto-Hahn-Str.4D-40670 MeerbuschGermanyTEL : +49-(0)-2159-538-1800FAX : +49-(0)-2159-538-3170E-MAIL :****************URL: : www.epson.de/robotsChina Epson (China) Co., Ltd.Factory Automation Division4F, Tower 1, China Central Place,81 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District,Beijing, 100025, PRCTEL : +86-(0)-10-8522-1199FAX : +86-(0)-10-8522-1120Taiwan Epson Taiwan Technology & Trading Ltd.Factory Automation Division15F., No.100, Songren Rd., Sinyi Dist., Taipei City, 11073Taiwan, ROCTEL : +886-(0)-2-8786-6688FAX : +886-(0)-2-8786-6600iv Safety and Installation (RC700 / EPSON RC+ 7.0) Rev.17Korea Epson Korea Co., Ltd.Marketing Team (Robot Business)10F Posco P&S Tower, Teheranro 134(Yeoksam-dong)Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06235KoreaTEL : +82-(0)-2-3420-6692FAX : +82-(0)-2-558-4271Southeast Asia Epson Singapore Pte. Ltd.Factory Automation System1 HarbourFront Place, #03-02,HarbourFront Tower One,Singapore 098633TEL : +65-(0)-6586-5696FAX : +65-(0)-6271-3182India Epson India Pvt. Ltd.Sales & Marketing (Factory Automation)12th Floor, The Millenia, Tower A, No. 1,Murphy Road, Ulsoor, Bangalore,India 560008TEL : +91-80-3051-5000FAX : +91-80-3051-5005Japan Epson Sales Japan CorporationFactory Automation Systems DepartmentNishi-Shinjuku Mitsui Bldg.6-24-1Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8324JapanTEL :+81-(0)3-5321-4161Safety and Installation (RC700 / EPSON RC+ 7.0) Rev.17 vRegarding battery disposalThe crossed out wheeled bin label that can be found on your product indicates that this product and incorporated batteries should not be disposed of via the normal household waste stream. To prevent possible harm to the environment or human health please separate this product and its batteries from other waste streams to ensure that it can be recycled in an environmentally sound manner. For more details on available collection facilities please contact your local government office or the retailer where you purchased this product. Use of the chemical symbols Pb, Cd or Hg indicates if these metals are used in the battery.This information only applies to customers in the European Union, according to DIRECTIVE 2006/66/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL OF 6 September 2006 on batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and accumulators and repealing Directive 91/157/EEC and legislation transposing and implementing it into the various national legal systems.For other countries, please contact your local government to investigate the possibility of recycling your product.The battery removal/replacement procedure is described in the following manuals:Controller manual / Manipulator manual(Maintenance section)For California customers onlyThe lithium batteries in this product containPerchlorate Material - special handling may apply,See /hazardouswaste/perchlorate.vi Safety and Installation (RC700 / EPSON RC+ 7.0) Rev.17Safety and Installation (RC700 / EPSON RC+ 7.0) Rev.17 viiBefore Reading This ManualConcerning the security support for the network connection:The network connecting function (Ethernet) on our products assumes the use in the local network such as the factory LAN network. Do not connect to the external network such as Internet.In addition, please take security measure such as for the virus from the network connection by installing the antivirus software.Security support for the USB memory:Make sure the USB memory is not infected with virus when connecting to the Controller.Control System ConfigurationRobot Controller Drive Unit RC700DU is available for the following version.EPSON RC+ 7.0 Ver.7.1.0 or laterRobot Controller RC700-ARobot Controller Drive Unit RC700DU-A is available for the following version.EPSON RC+ 7.0 Ver.7.1.2 or laterManipulators can be connected with the following versions. C4 series : EPSON RC+ 7.0 Ver.7.0.0 C8 series (C8XL) : EPSON RC+ 7.0 Ver.7.1.3 C8 series (C8, C8L) : EPSON RC+ 7.0 Ver.7.1.4 C8 series (wall mounting) : EPSON RC+ 7.0 Ver.7.2.0 N2 series: EPSON RC+ 7.0 Ver.7.2.0 N6 series (N6-A1000**) : EPSON RC+ 7.0 Ver.7.3.4 N6 series (N6-A850**R) : EPSON RC+ 7.0 Ver.7.4.1G1, G3, G6, G10, G20, RS series : EPSON RC+ 7.0 Ver.7.1.2 X5 series: EPSON RC+ 7.0 Ver.7.3.0☞NOTE☞NOTEChina RoHSThis sheet and environmental protection use period label are based on theregulation in China. These are not necessary to be concerned in othercountries.viii Safety and Installation (RC700 / EPSON RC+ 7.0) Rev.17产品环保使用期限的使用条件关于适用于在中华人民共和国境内销售的电器电子产品的环保使用期限,在遵守该产品的安全及使用注意事项的条件下,从生产日期开始计算,在标志的年限内,本产品中含有的有害物质不会对环境造成严重污染或对人身、财产造成严重损害。

4. 运行程序。 (1)按下F5键,显示Run窗口。(F5是用于选择EPSON
RC+ 7.0菜单 - [运行] - [Run窗口]的快捷键。)表示创 建操作状态的状态窗口显示在主窗口的下方。 (2)项目创建期间,程序被读入存储器中进行编译。程序与 项目文件被发送到控制器。如果创建期间未发生错误,则 显示Run窗口。
EPSON RCPSON RC+软件。 (1) 将EPSON RC+7.0安装DVD插入DVD驱动器。 (2) 会显示下述画面。单击<下一步>按钮。
(3) 根据画面中显示的指示,输入用户名与公司名,然后单 击 <下一步> 按钮。
(4) 选择安装 EPSON RC+ 7.0 的驱动器,然后单击 <下一步 > 按钮。
(1)选择 EPSON RC+ 7.0 菜单 - [项目] - [新建]。显示 [新建]对话框
(2)在[新建名称]输入项目名称。(例:FirstApp) (3)单击 <OK> 按钮,创建新项目。 在创建新项目的同时,生成名为 Main.prg 的程序。 在光
标闪烁于左上角的状态下,显示 Main.prg 画面。输入最 初程序的准备至此结束。 3. 编辑程序。 在Main.prg 编辑画面中输入下述程序。 Function main
(3)单击Run窗口中的<开始>按钮,运行程序。 (4)状态窗口中会显示下述任务。 19:32:45 开始任务main 19:32:45 所有任务停止 Run窗口中显示语句的输出。
注意: 1)需要使用 Adobe Reader 来显示 EPSON RC+ 7.0 手
通过实际案例演示手动操作步骤,包括机器人的 移动、抓取、放置等。
1 2
自动运行模式启动 讲解如何启动机器人的自动运行模式,并介绍相 关注意事项。
任务执行流程讲解 详细阐述在自动运行模式下,机器人如何接收任 务、规划路径、执行任务等流程。
任务执行过程中的监控与调整 介绍在任务执行过程中,如何对机器人的运行状 态进行实时监控,并根据实际情况进行调整。
算术运算符(+、-、*、/ 等)、关系运算符(>、<、 ==等)、逻辑运算符 (&&、||等)。
由运算符和操作数组成的 计算式,如`(speed + 5) * 2`。
先乘除后加减,括号内优 先计算等。
if-else语句,根据条件 选择执行不同代码块。
人工智能、机器学习 等技术的融合,推动 机器人智能化发展。
爱普生机器人在工业自动化领 域有广泛应用,如焊接、装配、 检测等。
在医疗、教育、服务等领域也 有爱普生机器人的身影。
随着技术的不断发展,爱普生 机器人市场应用前景广阔。
软件编程是实现机器人智能化的 关键。
根据调试结果和问题现象,定位 问题所在,并采取相应的措施进 行解决,包括修改代码、调整参 数等。
在解决问题后,总结经验教训, 并与其他人分享,避免类似问题
确保在操作前正确安装和使用各 种安全防护装置,如安全光栅、

100M bps,full duplex(全双工工作方式)
2正常状态下MS和CS LED绿色灯亮,如果MS红灯亮请检查PLC 分配地址是否正确或者IP地址设置等。

四、RC+5.4.3软件操作 (5)在“点数据”页面单击“保存”按钮,完成示教点。
五、 马达重置及伺服OFF
工具 →机器人管理器→控制面板或单击工轴刹车释放后要按住 伺服指示灯旁边白色按
1、 示教点步骤
(3)微动将机械手移动的需要示教点的位置。如果是SCARA机械手,Motor On情况下,可以在 Control Panel 页面Free All释放所有轴后,手动将机械手移动需要示教点的位置后,Lock ALL锁定所有轴。
1. 软件IP设置(使用以太网连接时用)
(1)单击“设置” “电脑与控制器通讯”进入IP设置画面,然后单击工具栏图
”进入IP设置画面 ,然后单击“增加”进入右下图画面选择“通
(2)设置新增以太网连接名称及IP地址 ,控制器出厂默认控制器IP设置如右下图所示 设置好IP后单击应用,如果控制器IP忘记了,可以先用USB线连接控制器然后在 “设置”|控制器|configuration里可以查看控制器IP,电脑IP的前三位要与控制 器的前三位相同,例如“”
四、RC+5.4.3软件操作 2、选择“控制器”单击“下一个”进入如下画面
3、修改程序名称(可不修改)设定存储磁盘后,单击“下一个” 进入如下画面,然后单击“导入”即可将控制器内的程序读取出 来。
Epson Synthis T3 T6 机器人安装与软件安装指南说明书

2 C onnect the emergency stop connector to theEMERGENCY port on the robot’s interface panel.3 CA ttaching a Power Adapterand Turning on the RobotThe power cable is already attached to the robot’s power supply. You must attach a power adapter plug to the other end of the power cable. See the example power adapter plugs below:220 V110 V2 orWarning: Improperly connecting the ground wire may cause a fireor electric shock.2 O n your computer, double-click the EPSON RC+ 7.0 iconon your Windows desktop to start the Epson RC+ 7.0software.3 In the Connection list, select USB.The robot’s PROGRAM light starts flashing.4 O pen the Project menu and select New to create a testproject.5 Enter a test project name and click OK .6 Open the Tools menu and select Robot Manager.7 W hen the control panel appears, click Reset to clear theemergency stop condition.2 Plug the robot’s power cable into a power outlet.The lights on the front of the robot flash for about 30PROGRAMlights flash alternately in a steady pattern.Now you can create a test project and test the robot using the Epson RC+ 7.0 software.Note: See the online Epson T-Series Safety and Installation Manual for details on using the Epson RC+ 7.0 software.1 B efore testing the robot, position it as follows:• Rotate the J1 and J2 joints counterclockwise to themiddle-of-reach position as shown here.Front viewTop view• Press and hold the Brake Release Switch button and push the J3 (Z axis) down about 1 inch (2.54 cm) asshown here.8 M ake sure no one is standing near the robot, then selectMOTOR ON and select Yesto continue.Warning:on the motor and whenever the large orange light is on.9 S elect the Jog & Teach tab (1) and click the Continuousradio button (2).10 C lick one of the directional arrows to move the robot in theindicated direction.11 W hen you finish testing, close the control panel window andselect File > Exit to exit the Epson RC+ 7.0 software.The robot is now ready to program and use. See the online Epson RC + 7.0 User’s Guide to get started with programming.Where to Get HelpFor technical support, do one of the following:• Visit /customer-service anytime.• Call 1-866-ROBOTS1 (U.S. only, toll free) or 1-562-290-5900(U.S. and elsewhere, toll or long distance charges may apply), 6 am to 4:30 pm , Pacific Time, Monday through Friday.EPSON is a registered trademark and EPSON Exceed Your Vision is a registered logomark of Seiko Epson Corporation.Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.General Notice: Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners. Epson disclaims any and all rights in those marks.This information is subject to change without notice.© 2018 Epson America, Inc., 6/18Printed in U.S.A.CPD-54750R1。
HAPSITE Smart 第三章 Smart IQ软件的安装、联机与使用

March 12
Smart IQ软件的使用 软件的使用——数据分析 软件的使用 数据分析
3.1 定性(续)。勾选“Switch to NIST”,点击ok,进 入NIST库进行检索,得到物质的分子式,结构式,分子 量,碎片离子等信息。
March 12
March 12
Smart IQ软件的使用 软件的使用——查看状态 软件的使用 查看状态
11.双击Frontpanel Display,可以通过 电脑查看主机前面板 显示内容,他们是同 步的。
March 12
如有任何问题,请联系英福康有限公司 电话:021-6209 3094
Smart IQ软件的使用 软件的使用——编辑方法 软件的使用 编辑方法
6.双击Method Editor可以对方法进行编辑;
选择方法类型 选择扫描模式 方法的描述性文字
March 12
Smart IQ软件的使用 软件的使用——编辑方法 软件的使用 编辑方法
March 12
Smart IQ软件的联机 软件的联机
1.双击桌面上Smart IQ软件的快捷方式;
3.单击HAPSITE List;
March 12
Smart IQ软件的联机 软件的联机
4.通过面板上显示的仪器序号,将第一位数字“0”改成字母“H”后, 填入到如左图的位置上。点击Add,会在上方的列表中显示出添加后的仪 器型号,点击“ok”,即可添加当前仪器。

双击项,将打开Internet 协议(TCP/IP)属性页面,修改IP地址等项为下图的值。
在EPSON RC+ 5.0软件菜单中点击“设置”菜单项,单击选择项目。
此后EPSON RC+ 5.0软件将开始尝试连接RC170机器人控制器,连接成功后页面为下图状态。
3. 机器人的示教
iprojection 操作指南

iprojection 操作指南iProjection是一个用于投影仪的应用程序,它可以让用户通过无线网络将其移动设备上的内容投射到投影仪上。
以下是iProjection的操作指南:1. 下载和安装,首先,您需要在您的移动设备上下载并安装iProjection应用程序。
您可以在App Store(iOS设备)或Google Play商店(Android设备)中找到该应用程序,并进行免费下载安装。
2. 连接投影仪,确保您的移动设备和Epson投影仪连接到同一个无线网络。
3. 投影内容,一旦连接成功,您可以选择要在投影仪上显示的内容。
4. 设置和调整,iProjection还提供了一些设置选项,您可以根据需要调整投影画面的亮度、对比度、色彩等参数。
5. 结束投影,当您完成投影时,可以通过iProjection应用程序断开与投影仪的连接,或者直接关闭应用程序。
爱普生 机器人

3. 机器人1. 用USB电缆连接机器人控制器。
2. 启动机器人编程软件。
3. 打开机器人程序项目工程。
4. 选择“设置” “电脑与控制器通信”,弹出如下对话框,选择USB连接方式,点击“连接”按钮。
6.选择“设置” “控制器”,按下述图示设置参数。
“配置”菜单:“IP地址”设定为192.168.1.169;“控制设备”设定为远程I/O;“参数”菜单:勾选第一条“重置命令时关闭输出”“远程控制”菜单:“输入”:Start设为0、Stop设为1、Reset设为2,其余设为空闲;“输出”:全部设为空闲;“RS232”菜单:“端口1”:“波特率”:57600;“终端”:CR;“TCP/IP”菜单:“端口201”:“IP地址”:;“终端”:“CR”“端口202”:“IP地址”:;“终端”:“CR”7. 选择“工具” “机器人管理器”,出现如下提示下载程序的对话框。
“重量”:“重量”:0.500;“长度”:255.0009. 选择“工具” “控制器”,在弹出的对话框中选择“恢复控制器”,按如下图示恢复控制器数据。
10.在CCD标定之前,可选择“运行” “显示变量”,在变量设定对话框中,手动设置CCD 已标定的标志。
3 机器人DO:DO0 机器人真空产生V161DO1 CCD拍照触发ZOC11KA2DO2 CCD平台真空产生V141DO3 CCD平台真空破坏V142DO4 助焊剂泄压阀打开ZOC11KA5DO5 助焊剂上喷启动ZOC11KA6DO6 助焊剂下喷启动ZOC11KA7DO7 助焊剂水阀ZOC12KA1DO8 助焊剂气阀ZOC12KA2。
爱普生RC+ 7.0编程软件 T3 T6 VT6机器人系统安全与安装说明书

Software de programación EPSON RC+ 7.0Manipulador T3 T6VT6CPD-60432Seguridad e instalación del sistema de robot (T, VT/ EPSON RC+ 7.0) Mod.16Seguridad e instalación del sistema de robot(T, VT / EPSON RC+ 7.0)Rev.16Copyright 2017-2020 SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION.Todos los derechos reservados Seguridad e instalación del sistema de robot (T, VT/ EPSON RC+ 7.0) Mod.16iii Seguridad e instalación del sistema de robot (T, VT/ EPSON RC+ 7.0) Mod.16PRÓLOGOGracias por comprar nuestros productos de robot.Este manual contiene la información necesaria para el uso correcto del sistema derobot. Lea atentamente este manual y otros manuales relacionados antes de instalarel sistema de robot.Mantenga este manual a la mano para un acceso fácil en todo momento.GARANTÍAEl sistema de robot y las piezas opcionales se envían a nuestros clientes solo despuésde haberlos sometido a los más estrictos controles, pruebas e inspecciones de calidadpara certificar que cumplen con nuestras altas normas de rendimiento.Los productos que tengan un mal funcionamiento como resultado de lamanipulación u operación normales se repararán en forma gratuita durante elperíodo normal de la garantía. (Comuníquese con el proveedor de su región paraobtener información sobre el período de garantía).Sin embargo, se cobrarán al cliente las reparaciones en los siguientes casos (aunquesucedan dentro del período de garantía):1. Daño o mal funcionamiento provocados por un uso inadecuado que no sedescribe en este manual o por uso descuidado.2. Mal funcionamiento provocado por el desmontaje no autorizado delproducto por parte de los clientes.3. Daños debido a ajustes inadecuados o a intentos de reparación noautorizados.4. Daño provocado por desastres naturales, como terremotos, inundaciones,etc.Advertencias, precauciones, uso:1. Si el equipo asociado al sistema de robot no se usa de acuerdo con lascondiciones de uso y las especificaciones del producto descritas en losmanuales, esta garantía queda nula.2. Si no sigue las ADVERTENCIAS y PRECAUCIONES de este manual, nopodemos hacernos responsables de ningún mal funcionamiento o accidente,incluso si tienen como resultado lesiones o la muerte.3. No podemos prever todos los posibles peligros y consecuencias. Por lotanto, este manual no puede advertir al usuario de todos los posiblespeligros.Seguridad e instalación del sistema de robot (T, VT/ EPSON RC+ 7.0) Mod.16iiiMARCAS COMERCIALESMicrosoft, Windows y el logotipo de Windows son marcas registradas o marcascomerciales de Microsoft Corporation en los Estados Unidos y otros países. Otrasmarcas y nombres de productos son marcas comerciales o marcas registradas de susrespectivos titulares.NOTACIÓN DE MARCAS COMERCIALES EN ESTE MANUAL Sistema operativo Microsoft® Windows® 8Sistema operativo Microsoft® Windows® 10En todo este manual, Windows 8 y Windows 10 se refieren a los respectivos sistemasoperativos ya citados. En algunos casos, Windows se refiere en forma genérica aWindows 8 y Windows 10.AVISONinguna parte de este manual se puede copiar o reproducir sin autorización.El contenido de este manual está sujeto a cambios sin previo aviso.Notifíquenos si encuentra errores en este manual o si tiene comentarios con respectoa su contenido.FABRICANTESeiko Epson Corporation3-3-5 Owa, Suwa-shi, Nagano, 392-8502URL :/company/: http://www.epson.jp/prod/robots/Toyoshina PlantRobotics Solutions Operations Division6925 Toyoshina Tazawa,Azumino-shi, Nagano, 399-8285JapónTEL. : +81-(0)263-72-1530FAX : +81-(0)263-72-1685iv Seguridad e instalación del sistema de robot (T, VT/ EPSON RC+ 7.0) Mod.16PROVEEDORES (País/Región)América del Nortey del Sur Epson America, Inc.Factory Automation/Robotics1650 Glenn Curtiss StreetCarson, CA 90746EE. UU.TEL. : +1-562-290-5910FAX : +1-562-290-5999 CORREOELECTRÓNICO:*****************.comEuropa Epson Deutschland GmbHRobotic SolutionsOtto-Hahn-Str.4D-40670 MeerbuschAlemaniaTEL. : +49-(0)-2159-538-1800FAX : +49-(0)-2159-538-3170CORREOELECTRÓNICO:****************URL: : www.epson.de/robotsChina Epson (China) Co., Ltd.Factory Automation Division4F, Tower 1, China Central Place,81 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District,Beijing, 100025, PRCTEL. : +86-(0)-10-8522-1199FAX : +86-(0)-10-8522-1125Taiwán Epson Taiwan Technology & Trading Ltd.Factory Automation Division15F., No.100, Song Ren Road., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City, 11073TaiwánTEL. : +886-(0)-2-8786-6688FAX : +886-(0)-2-8786-6600Seguridad e instalación del sistema de robot (T, VT/ EPSON RC+ 7.0) Mod.16vCorea Epson Korea Co., Ltd.Marketing Team (Robot Business)10F Posco Tower, Teheranro 134(Yeoksam-dong)Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06235CoreaTEL. : +82-(0)-2-3420-6632FAX : +82-(0)-2-558-4271Sudeste Asiático Epson Singapore Pte. Ltd.Factory Automation System1 HarbourFront Place, #03-02,HarbourFront Tower One,Singapur 098633TEL. : +65-(0)-6586-5500FAX : +65-(0)-6271-2703India Epson India Pvt. Ltd.Sales & Marketing (Factory Automation)12th Floor, The Millenia, Tower A, No. 1,Murphy Road, Ulsoor, Bangalore,India 560008TEL. : +91-80-4566-5000FAX : +91-80-4566-5005Japón Epson Sales Japan CorporationFactory Automation Systems Department29th floor, JR Shinjuku Miraina Tower, 4-1-6Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8801JapónTEL. :+81-(0)3-5919-5257FAX :+81-(0)3-5919-5402vi Seguridad e instalación del sistema de robot (T, VT/ EPSON RC+ 7.0) Mod.16En relación con la eliminación de la bateríaLa etiqueta con el basurero con ruedas tachado que se puede encontrar en el producto indica que este producto y las baterías incorporadas no se deben eliminar en el flujo normal de desechos domésticos. Para evitar los posibles daños ambientales o a la salud humana, separe este producto y las baterías de otros flujos de desechos para garantizar que se puedan reciclar de una manera ambientalmente correcta. Para conocer más detalles acerca de las instalaciones de recolección, comuníquese con la oficina gubernamental local o con el vendedor minorista donde compró este producto. El uso de los símbolos químicos Pb, Cd o Hg indica si estos metales se usan en la batería.Esta información solo se aplica a los clientes de la Unión Europea, de acuerdo con la DIRECTIVA 2006/66/EC DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO Y DEL CONSEJO DEL 6 de septiembre de 2006 acerca de las baterías y acumuladores y de las baterías y acumuladores de desecho y por la que se deroga la Directiva 91/157/EEC y la legislación, transponiéndose e implementándose en diversos sistemas legales nacionales.Para otros países, comuníquese con su gobierno local para investigar la posibilidad de reciclar su producto.El procedimiento de retiro y reemplazo de la batería se describe en los siguientes manuales:Manual del manipulador Mantenimiento: Reemplazo de la batería de litioSolo para clientes de CaliforniaLas baterías de litio de este producto contienenMaterial de perclorato: Se pueden aplicar procedimientos de manipulación especiales. Consulte la página /hazardouswaste/perchlorate (solo disponible eninglés).Seguridad e instalación del sistema de robot (T, VT/ EPSON RC+ 7.0) Mod.16viiviii Seguridad e instalación del sistema de robot (T, VT/ EPSON RC+ 7.0) Mod.16 Antes de leer este manual“T” y la “serie T” descritas en este manual corresponden a los siguientesmodelos:Serie T3Serie T6“VT” y la “serie VT” descritas en este manual corresponden al siguiente modelo:Serie VT6Los manipuladores T y de la serie T pueden utilizar el Teach Pendant (TP2 y TP3). No conecte los demás dispositivos al puerto TP , salvo los dispositivosTP2 y TP3. Conectar otros dispositivos puede provocar el mal funcionamiento del dispositivo, ya que las asignaciones de los pines son distintas. Con respecto a la compatibilidad de seguridad para la conexión de red:La función de conexión de red (Ethernet) de nuestros productos supone el uso en la red local, como la red LAN de la fábrica. No la conecte a la red externa, como Internet.Además, tome medidas de seguridad, como contra virus de la conexión de red, mediante la instalación de un software antivirus .Compatibilidad de seguridad para la memoria USB: Asegúrese de que la memoria USB no esté infectada con virus cuando se conecte al controlador.☞ NOTA☞ NOTA ☞ NOTA☞ NOTAConfiguración del sistema de controlEl sistema de manipulador de la serie T se configura con una combinación delos siguientes softwares.T3-401SFirmware del controlador Versión o posteriorEPSON RC+ 7.0 Anterior a laversión 7.3.0Versión 7.3.1 oposteriorOKT6-602S Firmware del controlador Ver. o posteriorEPSON RC+ 7.0 Anterior a laversión 7.3.3Ver.7.3.4 oposteriorOKOK: Compatible Todas las funciones de EPSON RC+ 7.0 y el controlador estándisponibles.: Compatible La conexión está bien. Se recomienda usar las siguientes versioneso posteriores. Es posible que la pantalla o el control no funcionencorrectamente.T3-401S : EPSON RC+7.0 Ver.7.3.1T6-602S : EPSON RC+7.0 Ver.7.3.4Seguridad e instalación del sistema de robot (T, VT/ EPSON RC+ 7.0) Mod.16ixEl sistema de manipulador de la serie VT se configura con una combinación de los siguientes softwares.Firmware del controlador VT6-A901S, VT6-A901C, VT6-A901P Ver. o posteriorVT6-A901S-DC Ver. o posteriorEPSON RC+ 7.0 Anterior a laversión 7.4.6Ver.7.4.7 oposteriorOKOK: Compatible Todas las funciones de EPSON RC+ 7.0 y el controlador estándisponibles.: Compatible La conexión está bien. Se recomienda usar las siguientes versioneso posteriores. Es posible que la pantalla o el control no funcionencorrectamente.EPSON RC+ 7.0 Ver.7.4.7x Seguridad e instalación del sistema de robot (T, VT/ EPSON RC+ 7.0) Mod.16RoHS de ChinaEsta hoja y etiqueta de período de uso de protección ambiental se basan en elreglamento de China. No es necesario preocuparse por esto en otros países.产品中有害物产的名称及含量机器人型号名称T VT部件名称有害物产产汞产六价产多溴产苯多溴二苯产(Pb) (Hg) (Cd) (Cr(VI)) (PBB) (PBDE)机器人部× ○○○○○产机(产行器产元、产机产元)× ○○○○○减速机产元× ○○○○○产磁制产器× ○○○○○同步皮产○○○○○○产池产元(产池、产池固定架、产池基板)× ○○○○○密封(密封填料、油封、密封脂、产片、O型产)× ○○○○○产滑脂○○○○○○产产(M/C产产、产接产产)× ○○○○○散产片○○○○○○LED指示灯○○○○○○产路板× ○○○○○产珠产杠花产 (T系列)○○○○○○制产解除开关× ○○○○○外罩○○○○○○扎产○○○○○○原点产产○○○○○○气管接产× ○○○○○产件VT相机板产元× ○○○○○外部配产配套元件○○○○○○工具适配器(ISO法产) ○○○○○○相机安装板○○○○○○可产机械产产○○○○○○T相机安装板× ○○○○○兼容板× ○○○○○本表格依据SJ/T 11364的产定产制。


一、系统要求在开始安装机器人软件之前,请确保您的电脑符合以下最低系统要求:- 操作系统:Windows 7及以上版本,或者Mac OS X 10.10及以上版本。
- 处理器:英特尔或AMD 1GHz以上处理器。
- 内存:至少2GB的可用内存。
- 硬盘空间:至少200MB的可用硬盘空间。
- 显示器分辨率:建议使用1024x768或更高分辨率。
二、软件安装步骤请按照以下步骤进行机器人软件的安装:1. 下载软件安装包请前往我们的官方网站(请勿在文章中出现网址链接)下载最新版本的机器人软件安装包。
2. 打开安装包双击下载的安装包,然后根据系统提示选择安装语言并确认开始安装。
3. 安装目标路径在安装向导中,您可以选择软件的安装目标路径。
4. 完成安装跟随安装向导的指示完成安装过程。
三、软件使用指南以下是机器人软件的基本使用指南,帮助您更好地利用软件的功能:1. 启动软件双击机器人软件的桌面图标或者在开始菜单中找到软件并打开。
2. 注册账户首次启动软件时,您需要创建一个账户并进行注册。
3. 连接机器人在成功注册后,您需要将机器人与软件进行连接。
4. 软件设置您可以根据个人喜好和需要对软件进行设置。
5. 软件功能机器人软件提供丰富的功能,例如语音识别、人脸识别、文字聊天等。
四、注意事项在安装和使用机器人软件时,请务必注意以下事项:1. 安全性请确保下载软件安装包的来源可信,并且避免从非官方渠道下载软件,以确保您的电脑和数据的安全。
EPSON RC700系列机器人系统安全和安装说明

Robot Controller Control Unit RC700RC700-ADrive Unit RC700DURC700DU-A Programming Software EPSON RC+7.0 Manipulator G1 G3 G6 G10 G20 seriesRS seriesC4 C8 C12 seriesN2 N6 seriesX5 seriesRobot System Safety and Installation (RC700 / EPSON RC+7.0) Rev.22Robot System Safety and Installation(RC700 / EPSON RC+7.0)Rev.22Copyright 2012-2019 SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION. All rights reserved. Safety and Installation (RC700 / EPSON RC+ 7.0) Rev.22 iFOREWORDThank you for purchasing our robot products.This manual contains the information necessary for the correct use of the robotsystem.Please carefully read this manual and other related manuals before installing therobot system.Keep this manual handy for easy access at all times.WARRANTYThe robot system and its optional parts are shipped to our customers only after beingsubjected to the strictest quality controls, tests, and inspections to certify itscompliance with our high performance standards.Product malfunctions resulting from normal handling or operation will be repairedfree of charge during the normal warranty period. (Please contact the supplier ofyour region for warranty period information.)However, customers will be charged for repairs in the following cases (even if theyoccur during the warranty period):1. Damage or malfunction caused by improper use which is not described inthe manual, or careless use.2. Malfunctions caused by customers’ unauthorized disassembly.3. Damage due to improper adjustments or unauthorized repair attempts.4. Damage caused by natural disasters such as earthquake, flood, etc.Warnings, Cautions, Usage:1. If the robot system associated equipment is used outside of the usageconditions and product specifications described in the manuals, thiswarranty is void.2. If you do not follow the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS in this manual, wecannot be responsible for any malfunction or accident, even if the result isinjury or death.3. We cannot foresee all possible dangers and consequences. Therefore, thismanual cannot warn the user of all possible hazards.ii Safety and Installation (RC700 / EPSON RC+ 7.0) Rev.22TRADEMARKSMicrosoft, Windows, and Windows logo are either registered trademarks ortrademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of therespective holders.TRADEMARK NOTATION IN THIS MANUALMicrosoft® Windows® 7 Operating systemMicrosoft® Windows® 8 Operating systemMicrosoft® Windows® 10 Operating systemThroughout this manual, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 refer to aboverespective operating systems. In some cases, Windows refers generically toWindows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.NOTICENo part of this manual may be copied or reproduced without authorization.The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.Please notify us if you should find any errors in this manual or if you have anycomments regarding its contents.MANUFACTURERSeiko Epson Corporation3-3-5 Owa, Suwa-shi, Nagano, 392-8502URL :/company/: http://www.epson.jp/prod/robots/Toyoshina PlantRobotics Solutions Operations Division6925 Toyoshina Tazawa,Azumino-shi, Nagano, 399-8285JapanTEL : +81-(0)263-72-1530FAX : +81-(0)263-72-1495Safety and Installation (RC700 / EPSON RC+ 7.0) Rev.22 iiiivSafety and Installation (RC700 / EPSON RC+ 7.0) Rev.22SUPPLIERS (Country/Region)North & South AmericaEpson America, Inc.Factory Automation/Robotics 18300 Central Avenue Carson, CA 90746 USATEL : +1-562-290-5900 FAX : +1-562-290-5999E-MAIL:*****************.comEuropeEpson Deutschland GmbHRobotic Solutions Otto-Hahn-Str.4 D-40670 Meerbusch GermanyTEL : +49-(0)-2159-538-1800 FAX : +49-(0)-2159-538-3170 E-MAIL :**************** URL:: www.epson.de/robotsChinaEpson (China) Co., Ltd.Factory Automation Division 4F, Tower 1, China Central Place, 81 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100025, PRC TEL : +86-(0)-10-8522-1199FAX: +86-(0)-10-8522-1120Taiwan Epson Taiwan Technology & Trading Ltd.Factory Automation Division15F., No.100, Songren Rd., Sinyi Dist., Taipei City, 11073 Taiwan TEL : +886-(0)-2-8786-6688FAX: +886-(0)-2-8786-6600Korea Epson Korea Co., Ltd.Marketing Team (Robot Business)10F Posco P&S Tower, Teheranro 134(Yeoksam-dong)Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06235KoreaTEL : +82-(0)-2-3420-6692FAX : +82-(0)-2-558-4271Southeast Asia Epson Singapore Pte. Ltd.Factory Automation System1 HarbourFront Place, #03-02,HarbourFront Tower One,Singapore 098633TEL : +65-(0)-6586-5696FAX : +65-(0)-6271-3182India Epson India Pvt. Ltd.Sales & Marketing (Factory Automation)12th Floor, The Millenia, Tower A, No. 1,Murphy Road, Ulsoor, Bangalore,India 560008TEL : +91-80-4566-5000FAX : +91-80-4566-5005Japan Epson Sales Japan CorporationFactory Automation Systems Department29th floor, JR Shinjuku Miraina Tower, 4-1-6Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8801JapanTEL :+81-(0)3-5919-5257FAX :+81-(0)3-5919-5402Safety and Installation (RC700 / EPSON RC+ 7.0) Rev.22 vRegarding battery disposalThe crossed out wheeled bin label that can be found on your product indicates that this product and incorporated batteries should not be disposed of via the normal household waste stream. To prevent possible harm to the environment or human health please separate this product and its batteries from other waste streams to ensure that it can be recycled in an environmentally sound manner. For more details on available collection facilities please contact your local government office or the retailer where you purchased this product. Use of the chemical symbols Pb, Cd or Hg indicates if these metals are used in the battery.This information only applies to customers in the European Union, according to DIRECTIVE 2006/66/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL OF 6 September 2006 on batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and accumulators and repealing Directive 91/157/EEC and legislation transposing and implementing it into the various national legal systems.For other countries, please contact your local government to investigate the possibility of recycling your product.The battery removal/replacement procedure is described in the following manuals:Controller manual / Manipulator manual(Maintenance section)For California customers onlyThe lithium batteries in this product containPerchlorate Material - special handling may apply,See /hazardouswaste/perchlorate.vi Safety and Installation (RC700 / EPSON RC+ 7.0) Rev.22Safety and Installation (RC700 / EPSON RC+ 7.0) Rev.22 viiBefore Reading This ManualConcerning the security support for the network connection:The network connecting function (Ethernet) on our products assumes the use in the local network such as the factory LAN network. Do not connect to the external network such as Internet.In addition, please take security measure such as for the virus from the network connection by installing the antivirus software.Security support for the USB memory:Make sure the USB memory is not infected with virus when connecting to the Controller.Control System ConfigurationRobot Controller Drive Unit RC700DU is available for the following version.EPSON RC+ 7.0 Ver.7.1.0 or laterRobot Controller RC700-ARobot Controller Drive Unit RC700DU-A is available for the following version.EPSON RC+ 7.0 Ver.7.1.2 or laterManipulators can be connected with the following versions. C4 series : EPSON RC+ 7.0 Ver.7.0.0 C8 series (C8XL) : EPSON RC+ 7.0 Ver.7.1.3 C8 series (C8, C8L) : EPSON RC+ 7.0 Ver.7.1.4 C8 series (wall mounting) : EPSON RC+ 7.0 Ver.7.2.0 C12 series : EPSON RC+ 7.0 Ver.7.4.6 N2 series: EPSON RC+ 7.0 Ver.7.2.0 N6 series (N6-A1000**) : EPSON RC+ 7.0 Ver.7.3.4 N6 series (N6-A850**R) : EPSON RC+ 7.0 Ver.7.4.1G1, G3, G6, G10, G20, RS series: EPSON RC+ 7.0 Ver.7.1.2 X5 series: EPSON RC+ 7.0 Ver.7.3.0☞NOTE☞NOTEChina RoHSThis sheet and environmental protection use period label are based on theregulation in China. These are not necessary to be concerned in othercountries.viii Safety and Installation (RC700 / EPSON RC+ 7.0) Rev.22产品环保使用期限的使用条件关于适用于在中华人民共和国境内销售的电器电子产品的环保使用期限,在遵守该产品的安全及使用注意事项的条件下,从生产日期开始计算,在标志的年限内,本产品中含有的有害物质不会对环境造成严重污染或对人身、财产造成严重损害。
Epson Projector 安装和连接指南说明书

Quick SetupBefore using the projector, make sure you read the safety instructions in the online User’s Guide .ContentsMake sure your projector box included all of these parts:Installation optionsYou can install your projector in the following ways:•M ounted on a wall or ceiling using the direct mount (included) • Mounted on a lighting track using the optional lighting track mount (ELPMB54)•M ounted on a table or floor using the optional floor stand (ELPMB55)Note: To purchase optional mounts or other accessories, see “Optional accessories.” For more information about the mounts, see the Installation Manual that came with the mount or the online User’s Guide .Connect the projectorChoose from the following connections. See the sections below or the online User’s Guide for details.Wired networkConnect the projector to your network using an Ethernet cable. See “Settingup a wired connection” for more information.Connect one end of an HDMI cable to the projector’s HDMI port and the otherend to an HDMI port on your computer or video device.External speakersConnect one end of a 3.5 mm stereo mini-jack audio cable to the projector’s Audio Outport and the other end to your powered external speakers.Install the batteries as shown (two AA batteries).and offAccess projector menusDisplay a test pattern SD cardChange image shape and colorNavigate projector menusAccess playlists you assigned to each of the numeric buttons (1 to 9)Adjust projector focus Control projector volumeSwitch to spotlight mode Select a playlist on SD cardFor more information on using the remote control, see the online User’s Guide.Turn on your equipmentNote: Your connection method may vary depending on your setup.1C onnect your computer, video equipment, or insert an SD card.2Make sure the power cord is connected and plugged into an electrical outlet.3P ress the power button on the projector or remote control. The Status light flashes blue and then stays on.Note: To shut down the projector, press the power button twice.4If you don’t see an image, press one of the input source buttons on the Note:5Icontrol.6TExtended and press . Select your Setting up a wireless connectionFollow these steps to set up the projector for a wireless network connection.Note: For more information about using the projector on a network, see the online User’s Guide .1 P ress the Menubutton on the remote control, select the Network menu,then press.2S elect On as the Wireless LAN Power setting.3 Select Network Configuration and press .4S elect the Basic menu and press.5S elect the basic options as necessary and press .6S elect the Wireless LAN menu and press.7S elect one of the following as the Connection Mode setting: •Quick for a direct connection to a computer, tablet, or smartphone.•A dvanced to connect your projector to a wireless router or access point.8Select any other settings on the Wireless LAN menu as necessary. See the online User’s Guide for details.9When you are finished, select Complete and press , then pressagain to save your settings.10 P ress the Menu button to exit the menu system.Install the optional softwareDownload and install optional software to perform various tasks wirelessly, such as uploading content, monitoring or controlling your projector, and projecting from multiple computers.You can download the optional software and its manuals from the Epson website, as described in “Where to get help.”Setting up a wiredconnectionFollow these steps to set up the projector for a wired network connection.Note: For more information about using the projector on a network, see the online User’s Guide .1 P ress the Menu button on the remote control, select the Networkmenu, then press.2 S elect Network Configuration and press .3S elect the Basic menu and press.4S elect the basic options as necessary and press .5S elect the Wired LAN menu and press.6 C hoose IP Settings and press .7If your network assigns addresses automatically, make sure the DHCP setting is on. If not, make sure DHCP is off and enter the projector’s IP Address , Subnet Mask , and Gateway Address , as needed. Then press Esc .8 To prevent the IP address from appearing on the network standby screen, set the IP Address Display setting to Off .9When you are finished, select Complete and press , then pressagain to save your settings.10 P ress the Menu button to exit the menu system.Using web remoteYou can use a standard web browser to control the projector through thenetwork. A virtual remote control on your computer screen lets you perform many of the same functions as you can with the physical remote control.1Open your web browser and enter the IP address of the projector you want to monitor in the browser’s address box.If you’re not sure what the IP address of the projector is, turn the projector on and select Net. Info. - Wired LAN or Net. Info. -Wireless LAN from the Network menu to display the IP address of the projector. (Do not enter the leading zeroes.)2E nter EPSONWEB as the user name and admin as the password, then click OK . The Epson ®Web Control menu opens.3Select Remote . Use the on-screen buttons to operate the projector, asyou would using the remote control.Select image sourceAdjust volume Add overlay effect to imageTurn off pictureand sound Select a savedplaylistUsing the Epson iProjection appYou can project wirelessly from a mobile device (iOS or Android™) using the Epson iProjection™ app and a QR code.1U se the following QR code to download and install the Epson iProjection app.2 Connect your mobile device to the same wireless network your projector is connected to.3 Press the Menubutton on the remote control, select the Network menu,and select Display the QR Code to display a QR code.4S tart Epson iProjection on your mobile device.5U se the QR code reader feature to read the QR code displayed.6F ollow the app instructions to connect your device to the projector.For more information on setting up and using this app, visit/projectorapp (U.S.) or www.epson.ca/projectorapp (Canada).Managing contentYou can manage content from your computer using the Epson Projector Content Manager software (Windows ®), or over the network using a web browser (Epson Web Control) or the Epson iProjection app.Note: An SD card is required for managing content.Epson Projector Content ManagerWeb Browser/Epson iProjectionCreate and edit playlists and apply effects and filters√√Create custom filters √Create and edit timetable √Save project on an SD card √Convert video files √Upload video and picture files over a network √Control projector over a network√Using the Content Manager softwareThe Epson Projector Content Manager software allows you to add images and movies to playlists and save them directly to an SD card. You can easily projectyour playlist content by inserting the SD card into your projector’s card slot.Note:information, see the online Epson Projector Content Manager Operation Guide or the online User’s Guide .TroubleshootingIf you see a blank screen or the No signal message after turning on yourcomputer or video device, check the following:•M ake sure the Status light on the projector is blue and not flashing.•M ake sure all necessary cables are securely connected, or that the SD cardis inserted correctly, and the power is on for the projector and connectedvideo sources.•P ress one of the source buttons (Spotlight, HDMI, LAN, or SD) on theremote control to switch to the correct image source, if necessary.•P ress the A/V Mute button on the remote control to see if the image wastemporarily turned off.•M ake sure the image being projected is not completely black (only whenprojecting computer images).•F or images projected with Windows Media Center, reduce the screen sizefrom full screen mode.•F or images projected from applications using Microsoft® DirectX®, turn offDirectX functions.•O n Windows 7 or later, hold down the Windows key and press P at thesame time, then click Duplicate.•I f you’re using a Windows laptop, press the function key on your keyboardthat lets you display on an external monitor. It may be labeled CRT/LCD orhave an icon such as . You may have to hold down the Fn key whilepressing it (such as Fn + F7). Wait a moment for the display to appear.•I f you’re using a Mac laptop, open System Preferences and selectDisplays. Click the Arrangement tab and select the Mirror Displayscheckbox.Where to get helpManualsFor more information about using the projector, see the online manuals. Youcan view or download the manuals from the Epson website, as described below.Internet support servicesVisit /support (U.S.) or www.epson.ca/support (Canada)and search for your product to download software and utilities, view manuals,get FAQs and troubleshooting advice, or contact Epson.Telephone supportTo use the Epson PrivateLine® Support service, call (800) 637-7661. This serviceis available for the duration of your warranty period. You may also speak witha support specialist by calling (562) 276-4394 (U.S.) or (905) 709-3839 (Canada).Support hours are 6 am to 8 pm, Pacific Time, Monday through Friday, and7 am to 4 pm, Pacific Time, Saturday. Days and hours of support are subject tochange without notice. Toll or long distance charges may apply.RegistrationRegister today to get product updates and exclusive offers. You can registeronline at /webreg.Optional accessoriesFor a list of optional accessories, see the online User’s Guide.You can purchase screens or other accessories from an Epson authorized reseller.To find the nearest reseller, call 800-GO-EPSON (800-463-7766). Or you canpurchase online at (U.S. sales) orwww.epsonstore.ca (Canadian sales).EPSON is a registered trademark, EPSON Exceed Your Vision is a registered logomark, and Epson iProjection is atrademark of Seiko Epson Corporation. PrivateLine is a registered trademark of Epson America, Inc.Mac and OS X are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.Android is a trademark of Google Inc.General Notice: Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks oftheir respective owners. Epson disclaims any and all rights in those marks.This information is subject to change without notice.© 2018 Epson America, Inc., 3/18CPD-55365。

NOTE: 即使目标坐标在机械手的动作范围内,一旦在Move或Arc运动轨迹超过允许动作范围外, 机械手会突然停止,给伺服电机带来撞击,有产生故障的危险。为了防止这样的事发生, 请在高速执行之作指令
3.3 Jump3/Jump3CP指令
功能将手臂用3 维门形动作移动。Jump3是两个CP动作与1个PTP动作的组合 格式Jump3 退避坐标,接近开始坐标,目标坐标 示例Jump3 P1,P2,P3´从当前位臵经过保存坐标P1,接近坐标P2运动到目标坐标P3。 图2示 图2
四、RC+软件操作 4. 示教点步骤
(3)微动将机械手移动的需要示教点的位置。如果是SCARA机械手,Motor On情况下,可以在 Control Panel 页面Free All释放所有轴后,手动将机械手移动需要示教点的位置后,Lock ALL锁定所有轴。
Go与Jump的区别Jump与Go都是使机械手手臂用PTP动作移动的命令。但是Jump有 Go没有的一个功能。Jump将机械手的手部先抬起至LimZ 值,然后使手臂水平移动, 快要到目标坐标上空的时候使其下降移动。此动作的标准是可以更准确地避开障碍物这 一点,更重要的是通过吸附、配置动作,提高作业的周期时间。
2. 程序结构
一个SPEL+程序包括有函数,变量和宏指令,每一个程序以.PRG的扩展名保持到对应的项目里 (Project)。一个项目至少包含有一个程序和一个main函数。函数以Function开始,Fend结 束,函数名可以使用最多32个字符的半角英文数字和下划线,不区分大小写,但是不可以使 用以数字和下划线开始的名称或SPEL+关键字。
EPSON RC+7.0 机器人安全与设置手册说明书

机器人控制器 控制单元 RC700RC700-A驱动单元 RC700DURC700DU-A编程软件 EPSON RC+7.0机器人 G1 G3 G6 G10 G20 系列RS 系列C4 C8 C12 系列N2 N6 系列X5 系列机器人系统安全与设置(RC700/EPSON RC+7.0)Rev.24机器人系统安全与设置(RC700 / EPSON RC+ 7.0)Rev.24Copyright 2012-2020 SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION. All rights reserved. 安全与设置(RC700 / EPSON RC+ 7.0) Rev.24 i前言感谢您购买本公司的机器人系统。
)但在以下情况下,将对客户收取修理费用(即使发生在保修期内):1. 因不同于使用说明书内容的错误使用以及使用不当而导致的故障与损伤。
2. 客户擅自改造或拆卸造成的故障。
3. 因调整不当/擅自修理而导致的损坏。
4. 因地震、洪水等自然灾害导致的损坏警告、注意、使用:1. 如果机器人或相关设备的使用超出本手册所述的使用条件及产品规格,将导致保修无效。
2. 本公司对因未遵守本手册记载的“警告”与“注意”而导致的任何故障或事故,甚至是人身伤害或死亡均不承担任何责任,敬请谅解。
3. 本公司不可能完全预见危险与故障发生的所有状况,此可预见性存在局限性。
ii 安全与设置(RC700 / EPSON RC+ 7.0) Rev.24商标Microsoft、Windows及Windows标识为美国Microsoft Corporation在美国及其它国家的注册商标或商标。

此窗口显示当前控制 器的系统历史记录中 已记录的事件、错误 和警告。
参阅EPSON RC+7.0用户指南5.8.3
1.5 RC+软件介绍
1.5.5 机器人管理器
[控制面板]:页面包含基本的机器人操作按钮,如电机开/关和机器人导航。它同 时显示紧急停止、安全防护、电机和运行功率的状态。 [步进示教]:页面主要用于将机器人步进到所需的位置上并使用当前的坐标和方向 示教点。 [点数据]:您可以输入/删除点数据。如果选中一个点文件,机器人控制器会将文 件加载到内存中。 [Arch设置]:此页面允许您在机器人的拱形(Arch)表中配置起始Z 值和结束Z 值 的设置。拱形用于Jump、Jump3 和Jump3CP 动作命令。拱形表中有七种不同的 设置。 [本地坐标]:此页面允许您定义机器人的本地坐标系。选中该页面时,显示当前值。 [工具]:此页面允许您定义机器人的工具设置。选中该选项卡时,显示当前值。
参阅EPSON RC+7.0用户指南5.11.1
1.5 RC+软件介绍机器人管理器(快捷键:F6)
1.4 机械手的手臂姿势
1.4.2 垂直6轴型机械手手臂姿势
1.4 机械手的手臂姿势
1.4.3 示教点位时会记录点的位置及手臂姿势等信息。
1.4.4 程式中指定机械手的手臂姿势 记述为“/”与后面的L(左手姿势)或R(右手姿势)、A(上肘姿势)或B(下肘姿 势)、F(手腕翻转姿势)或NF(手腕非翻转姿势)。手臂姿势有8种组合,如表1示, 但因点而异,并非所有的组合都可以动作。 垂直6轴型的机械手在第4关节、第6关节同轴的点上,即使将第4关节、第6关节旋转 360度,也可以实现相同的位置姿势。作为用于区别像这样点的点属性,有J4Flag和 J6Flag。指定J4Flag时,请记述斜杠(/)和其后的J4F0 (-180<J4关节角度 <=180)、或J4F1(J4关节角度<= -180 或180 < J4关节角度)。 指定J6Flag时,请记述斜杠(/)和其后的J6F0 (-180<J6关节角度<=180)、或 J6F1 (-360 < J6 关节角度<= -180 或180 < J6 关节角度<= 360 )、或J6Fn(180*(n+1) < J6关节角度<= 180*n 或180*n < J6关节角度<= 180*(n+1))。
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