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F发盘:是指买卖双方的一方(发盘人) 向对方(收盘人)提出各项主要交易条件,并愿意按这些条件与对方达成交易、订立合同的一种肯定的表示。










谈判1.原则谈判法的核心理论四大原则(1)把人和事分开(2)集中精力于利益,而不是阵地(3)就共同利益设计方案 (4)坚持运用客观标准2.谈判准备工作的内容主要有哪些?(1)搜集谈判信息(2)确定商务谈判的对象、目标、队伍(3)模拟谈判和谈判的管理3。




信心的确立,自我需要的认定,组织结构及谈判人员的状况 (三)市场相关的信息。




一个商务谈判方案应包括哪些内容?(1)谈判双方公司背景(2)谈判主题 (3)谈判团队人员组成(4)双方利益及优劣势分析(5)谈判目标(6)谈判议程的安排(7)谈判策略(8)需要准备的资料6。


























6. 意会最有可能成为无效的信息传递方式。




10. 说明是谈判中最艰巨、复杂和富有技巧性的工作。


12. 让步型谈判者把对方不当作敌人,而看作朋友。







2、谈判的本质特征和动因 1)谈判的目的性 追求利益2) 谈判的相互性 谋求合作3) 谈判的协商性 寻求共识3、谈判的基本要素 4 、谈判的要素和类型5、谈判的主要类型1)按谈判参与方的数量,分为双方谈判、多方谈判2)按谈判议题的规模及各方参加谈判的人员数量,分为大型谈判、中型谈判、小型谈判,或者分为小组谈判、单人谈判3)按谈判所在地,分主场谈判、客场谈判、第三地谈判4)按谈判内容的性质,分为经济谈判、非经济谈判5)按商务交易的地位,分为买方谈判、卖方谈判、代理谈判6)按谈判的态度与方法,分为软式谈判、硬式谈判、原则式谈判7)按谈判所属部门,分为官方谈判、民间谈判、半官半民谈判8)按谈判的沟通方式,分为口头谈判、书面谈判9)按谈判参与方的国域界限,分为国内谈判、国际谈判10)按谈判内容与目标的关系,分为实质性谈判、非实质性谈判6、原则式谈判吸取了软式谈判和硬式谈判之所长而避其所短,强调公正原则和公平价值,主要有以下特征:(1)把谈判者双方都看作是问题的解决者;(2)把人与问题分开,应以第三者的中间人身份参加,置身于事件之外;(3)谈判原则使用社会公认的客观标准、国内和国际法律等,双方不能主观自设原则或自立标准;(4)对人和事采取不同的态度。

7、主要概念谈判(p.6) 谈判当事人(p.8) 谈判议题(p.8) 谈判背景(p.8)经济谈判(p.11) 买方谈判(p.11) 卖方谈判(p.11) 软式谈判(p.12)硬式谈判(p.12) 原则式谈判(p.128、主要观念:谈判概念的三个基本点谈判的一般动因谈判的基本要素谈判的主要类型9、成功谈判的8大特征 注重互动—姿态的精髓;注重引导—沟通的精髓;注重权衡—评估的精髓;注重互利—目标的精髓;注重互惠—过程的精髓;注重制衡—思维的精髓;注重底线—进退的精髓;注重守信—竞争的精髓。



《商务谈判》复习资料(03874)目录第一章商务谈判导论 (2)第二章商务谈判原理 (7)第三章商务谈判方法 (12)第四章商务谈判内容 (15)第五章商务谈判准备 (25)第六章商务谈判的程序 (33)第七章商务谈判策略 (40)第八章商务谈判技巧 (46)第九章商务谈判素质 (53)第十章商务谈判礼仪 (58)第十一章商务谈判管理 (64)客观题 (66)第一章商务谈判导论第一节商务谈判的特征<考*点>1、商务:是人们在市场上从事的一切有形资产和无形资产交换或买卖活动的泛指或总称。





















































⑤对绿茶市场的行情不甚了解,对绿茶的情况也知之甚少,但A 方对其产品提供了相应资料。










具有以下几个特征:1.普遍性:当事方和内容2.交易性:谈判标的的多样化3.利益性:追求实现经济利益为目的,以价格为核心4.协商性:有解决问题和分歧的愿望5.博弈性:谈判者收集信息、研究对方、运用策略和技巧以达目的商务谈判要素商务谈判主体:指从事商务谈判的人或组织商务谈判关系主体商务谈判行为主体商务谈判客体:指谈判标的和双方共同关心并希望解决的问题商务谈判目标:直接目标(最终达成协议)、具体目标(价格等)商务谈判背景:谈判所处的客观条件,有宏观和微观商务谈判的类型1.按谈判的态度分类软式谈判:建议-做让步-达协议-维持关系硬式谈判:Eg:撒切尔夫人在欧共体要求减少英国的负担原则式谈判:Eg:明星与制片商就付酬问题的谈判2.按谈判的方式分类纵向谈判:逐个讨论、逐个解决、直到结束横向谈判:确定主要问题,在逐个讨论,如遇分歧搁着后谈3.按谈判所在地分类主场谈判客场谈判中立地点谈判4.按谈判的沟通方式分类口头谈判书面谈判5.按参加谈判的人数分类单人谈判团队谈判商务谈判的内容合同之外的商务谈判时间、地点、议程、其他事宜合同之内的商务谈判价格、交易条件、合同条款商务谈判的过程收集信息制订洽谈计划建立洽谈关系达成洽谈协议履行洽谈协议维持良好关系商务谈判理论1.谈判需要理论PS.马斯渃需求原理生理需求—安全需求—爱和归属感需求—尊重需求—自我实现需求2.谈判博弈理论(Game Theory)3.谈判公平理论4.谈判黑箱理论对手谈判意图与谋略“难以捉摸”。

“黑箱”—“灰箱”—“白箱”5.谈判信息理论6.谈判期望理论激励力量=效价*期望商务谈判原则合法原则诚信原则平等协商原则求同存异原则互惠互利原则双方利益最大化原则商务谈判成败标准目标实现标准为首要标准成本优化标准基本成本(让步所产生的收益差距)+直接成本(各种资源)+机会成本人际关系标准要重视改善和加强双方友好的合作关系调研商务谈判环境1 收集谈判对手信息2 收集竞争对手信息3 收集市场信息4 收集自己企业信息5 收集相关环境信息商务谈判环境调查内容1.宏观环境(1)政治环境:体制、政策、国家(地方)政局、法律、法规、消费权益等,关系到谈判经济环境项目的风险、合法性、履行的结果和权益的保护。



向优秀商务谈判人员学 习,借鉴他们的经验和 教训。
不断总结自身谈判经验 ,反思不足之处并加以 改进。
调整自己的沟通方式,以适应对方的直接性或间接性、情感表达等 沟通特点。
学习并掌握对方语言,提高听 说读写的综合能力,以便更准
通过身体语言、面部表情、手 势等非语言方式,增强沟通效 果。
寻找双方共同关心的话题,增 进彼此了解,为谈判创造良好 氛围。
对对手的综合实力进行评 估,包括其谈判技巧、市 场影响力等,以便在谈判 中做到知己知彼。
根据公司战略和市场需求,明确本次 谈判的具体目标,如价格、交货期、 合作方式等。
在明确谈判目标的基础上,设定可接 受的底线和备选方案,以备不时之需 。
在谈判中要遵循相关的法律法规和道德规范,不 做违法违规的事情,维护自己的合法权益和声誉 。
在谈判中要注意保密工作,避免泄露敏感信息和 商业机密,以免给对方以可乘之机。
05 跨文化商务谈判注意事项
不同文化背景下,人们对于时间、权威、个人与 集体、风险等的价值观存在显著差异。
面对困难和挑战,要积极思考并寻求有效的解决方案,而不是逃避 或放弃。
根据实际情况,适时调整期望值和目标,以更加务实的态度推进谈判 进程。
1 2 3



成人高等教育《商务谈判》复习资料1、坚定的让步方式的特点是( )让步方态度比较果断,给人以大家风度的感觉2、原则型谈判又称为( )价值型谈判3、有限责任公司和股份有限责任公司之问的差别是( )前者发行的股票不能在股票市场上进行交易4、坚定的让步方式的特点是( )让步方态度比较果断,给人以大家风度的感觉5、坚定的让步方式的特点是( )让步方态度比较果断,给人以大家风度的感觉6、谈判报价的基本原则是()对方接受与自身利益相结合7、谈判中以与别人保持良好关系为满足的谈判心理属于是()关系型8、在涉及合同中某些专业性法律条款的谈判时,主谈人应该( )由法律人员担任9、原则上不承认判例具有与法律同等效力的是( )大陆法10、谈判人员必须具备的首要条件是( )遵纪守法,廉洁奉公,忠于国家和组织11、根据谈判者让步的程度,谈判风格可分为软弱型模式、强有力模式和()合作型模式12、在商务谈判中,双方地位平等是指双方在()上的平等。

()法律13、法律人员主要负责谈判的内容是( )合同权利与义务的平衡14、气氛最紧张、难度最大的谈判是()实质性谈判15、下列选项中,属于分担外汇风险方法的是( )签订货币保值条款的方法16、既能获得新的信息又能证实己方以往判断的谈判技巧是( )巧提问题17、懂行的专家和专业人员的具体职责是( )进行专业细节磋商与论证18、开局阶段奠定谈判成功基础的关键是( )良好的谈判气氛19、关于法制风险,下列说法中正确的有()A风险是客观存在的C风险越大收益越高D国际商务活动风险比国内商务活动更大20、谈判中,( )的人较为容易接受暗示.A缺乏主见C随波逐流21、影响国际商务谈判中群体效能的主要因素有( )A群体成员的素质B群体成员的结构C群体规范D群体的决策方式E群体内人际关系22、迫使对方让步的主要策略有( )A利用竞争B最后通牒D软硬兼施23、制定谈判方案的基本要求包括()A具体C灵活D简明E扼要24、谈判成本包括( )A谈判桌上的成本B谈判过程中的成本D谈判的机会成本25、若僵局持续发展,双方严重对峙且无法解决时,可采用( ) A调解B仲裁。























第一章谈判概论一、谈判概论二、商务谈判概论1. 商务谈判概念:商务谈判就是关于商业事务上的谈判,具体是两个或以上从事商务活动的组织或个人,为了满足各自经济利益的需要,对涉及各方切身利益的分歧进行意见交换和磋商,谋求在对方认可认的情况下取得一致和达成协议的经济交往活动。

2. 商务谈判七大特征1) 两方或多方参与 2) 有明确的目标3) 是一个磋商与交流的过程 4) 是自愿的过程5) 是对双方都有益的,是互惠的,但不一定是均等的 6) 是价值发现和瓜分的过程 7) 既有科学性,也有艺术性3. 五个好处聪明;沟通;智慧较量与行为协调;知识与经验的汇聚;能创造价值三、商务谈判的方式和类型1. 商务谈判的方式:1) 面对面谈判2) 电话谈判3) 函电谈判4) 网络谈判2. 如何选择商务谈判的方式3. 商务谈判的主要类型1) 单人和小组2) 鹰式和鸽式3) 零和(分配利益)和双赢四、商务谈判的基本原则1. 区分人与问题:不能为了解决问题而伤害人,不能因为人而忘掉谈判的根本目的是利益2. 区分利益与立场3. 寻找合作与共同利益:了解自己的利益、了解对方的利益、寻求双方共同获利的解决方案第二章谈判原理一、最佳替代方案1. 概念:最佳替代方案就是谈判未成功时,可供选择的能说服对方让步的有效谈判方案。



2. 如何寻找:收集和掌握相关信息+挖掘潜在信息二、可能的协议区可协议区是指谈判双方的底线可能构成的可以成交的区间,也就是双方可以讨价还价的区域。


























们要满足顾客的需要;并以此作为发展长期顾客的前提 你们很有诚
没准还会介绍别的顾客来呢 这次老板肯定会表扬我啦

听到售货员的回答;丈夫第一反应是什么 兴高采烈呢 他决不会
• 他们商量了一阵;决定由丈夫出面和售货员商谈 他们都知道500 元成交的希望非常渺茫;丈夫甚至认为;既然已经寻找了这么长时间; 那只挂钟又确实漂亮;如果能有600元买下来;也可以
• 丈夫整整自己的领带;挺起胸脯走到售货员面前;说道:我看到 你们一只小挂钟要卖;我也看到了它的标价 现在我告诉你我想干什 么;我要给你的钟出一个价;只出一个价 我肯定你会感到震惊 他停 顿了一下;观察效果;然后鼓起勇气宣布:我的出价是250元 出乎他 的意料;钟表售货员没有被吓倒在地上爬不起来 他连眼睛都没眨一 下:给您;卖啦
4 效益功能—商务谈判是以经济利益为目 的的谈判;
5 社会功能—商务谈判促进了市场经济的 繁荣和发展;商务谈判促进了我国对外 贸易的发展
二 商务谈判的功能与地位
1 商务谈判是各种商务活动的桥梁和 纽带;
2 商务谈判是市场信息传播的重要载 体—谈判各方在向对方传递信息;同 时又从对方那里获取信息;
对自己感到满意的 我真傻;我应该只出150元 他的第二个反应是:
是不是我的耳朵出毛病了 要不就是这只钟有毛病

尽管如此;他还是把钟挂在客厅 挂钟美丽极了;与客厅的环境也
非常和谐;但他总感觉这里面有什么不对头 每天晚上;他和妻子都会



Business NegotiationChapter 1 The Nature of Negotiation1.Characteristics of negotiation⏹It is a process of give and take.⏹It is a process of conflict and cooperation.⏹Each party has its bottom lines.⏹Each party’s bargaining power as well as its negotiatin g skills decide the size of the pieeach can get.⏹It is a science as well as an art.2.ConflictDefinition: the interaction of interdependent people who perceived incompatible goals and interference from each other in achieving those goals.Types:Conflict in interests; Conflict in structure;Conflict in values; Conflict in relations; Conflict in data3.The dual concerns model4.Strategies for conflict management (参见书本)Contending(争先的)/competing/dominating strategyYielding(屈从的,让步的)/accommodating(肯通融的)/obliging strategyInaction strategyProblem-solving/collaborating/integrating strategyCompromising strategy5.Sources of powera. expert power:A negotiator could have considerable power through the control ofinformation 了解b. reward power: resource control The negotiator can have considerable power throughthe control of resources that could rewardc. legitimate power: The negotiator may have considerable power as a result of the positionhe or she holds.d. personal power: The negotiator may have considerable power because of his specialcharisma.(魅力)6. Competitive interdependenceThe more one party gains, the more the other loses. Or if one party achieves its goal, theother’s goal attainment is blocked.——distributive bargaining7.promotive interdependenceone party’s goal achievement helps th e other to achieve its goal.8.Distributive bargainingDistributive bargaining is often defined as a win-lose approach to bargaining. In distributive bargaining, the goals of one party and the attainment of those goals are in fundamental and direct conflict with the goals of the other party. One party’s gain is at the expense of the other.9.Integrative bargainingIntegrative bargaining is often defined as a win-win approach to negotiation. In integrative bargaining, the goals of the parties are not mutually exclusive. If one side pursues its goals, that does not necessarily preclude the other from achieving its goals. One party’s gain it not necessarily at the other party’s expense.10.Goals for integrative negotiatorsa.Create as much value as possible for both sidesb.Claim as much value as possible for their own interests11.Preconditions for integrative bargainingIntegrative bargaining generally requires the existence of several issues to be negotiated, which enable the negotiators to find common ground on some issues, trade-off positions on some issues and distributive bargaining on some issues.12.Key elements of the integrative bargaininga.Sharing interestb.Creating and claiming valuec.Mutual-gain objective (expand the pie)d.Valuing a long-term relationship with the other party13.Two Integrative Negotiation Processesa.The Categorization methodb.Interest-based bargaining (IBB)14.Categorization Method (definition, 5 steps, limitations)Definition:It is one of the two integrative bargaining processes. Negotiators divide all the issues to be negotiated into 3 categories, i.e. compatible issues, exchange issues and distributive issues and then discuss each of them. For the sake of learning the integrative technique, we present this process as a linear process. However, in reality, negotiators may not utilize a linear model, but may choose to follow a process that best meets their needs ina given situation.Step 1: Exchange information and identify all of the issues to be negotiated. Each side explains its interests and concerns on the issues.Step 2 : Develop a common list of all issues that were discussed by either side during the first step and seek to classify each issue as 1) compatible(兼容的)—similarinterests; 2) exchange—approximately equal value, which may be traded; or 3)distributive—not compatible, cannot be traded, and therefore whose value must bedistributed.Step 3: Reach final agreement on each of the compatible issues and remove them from further negotiation.Step 4: Trade or exchange issues of approximately equal value—in some cases including several issues in a single exchange.Step 5: Resolve any remaining issues—often accomplished through distributive bargaining on each separate issue.Limitations:a.Novice(新手)negotiators are unable to look for and recognize the compatible andexchange issue.b.It is difficult to perceive the balance of power.c.Due to the negotiator’s overconfidence in their knowledge of the other party, they fail tolearn the other side’s unde rlying interests.15.Key to Successful Integrative Negotiation (了解)a.Some common objective or goalb.Willing participation of both partiesc.Faith in one’s own problem-solving abilityd.Belief in the validity of the other’s positione.Recognition of the relationshipf.Collaborative atmosphereg.Clear and accurate communicationh.Packaging the issues (combine several issues into one proposal that provides somethingof value to each party16.Interest-based bargaining (了解)Principles:Sharing of informationWillingness to forgo power or leverageBrainstorming to create optionsFocusing on issues, not personalitiesLeaving past issues behindExpressing interests, not positionsBoth parties committing to IBBLimitations: May waste a lot of timeMay have difficulty transferring a proposed option into a practical, concretesolutionThe standards suggested by IBB negotiators are often not precise and aresubjective.17.The PRAM ModelP: preparation planningR: relationship-buildingA: agreementM: maintaining relationsChapter 2: Negotiation Planning1.5Ps in planning2.Possibility analysisA. Macro analysisa) political and legal environment(e.g. political stability, laws and regulation andbilateral relations)b) socio-cultural environment( e.g. religious belief, cultural values and socialcustoms)c) market situation ( history of the market, current supply and demand situation ofthe product and its substitute)d) cost-profit analysislowest price=(TFC+AVC×Q1)/Q1optimal price=(TFC+AVC×Q1)×(1+i)/Q1opening offer=optimal price + estimated concessionQ= current production capacityTFC=total fixed costAVC=average variable costi=average profit rateQ1=the buying quantitye) Technological analysis ( e.g. development trend of the technology, the technicalparameters)B. Micro analysisa) analysis of yourselfi) identify your interests and needs and set your BATNA ( best alternative to negotiatedagreement)ii) analyze your strengths and weaknessiii) identify the issues to be negotiated and set the prioritiesiv) develop your support argumentsv) determine your overall negotiating strategyLevel I: essential issueLevel II: important issueLevel III: desirable issueLevel IV: throwaway issueb) analysis of your counterparti) identify your counterpart’s objectives, interests and its BATNAii) analyze its strengths and weaknessesiii) identify the issues it would like to negotiate and guess the prioritiesiv) guess the strategy and tactics likely to be used3.People choosingA balance of skills and strengths among team members4.Plan settingA project plan should include1) the basic objective of the negotiation2) major trade terms and the negotiation targets ( highest, expected and lowest)3) an evaluation of your own position as well as that of your counterpart ( the strengthand weaknesses of the two sides)4) team members and their respective duties5) the agenda and venue6) the strategy to be used and its alternatives7) cost budgetUnit 31.Bargaining range/ settlement range—the spread between the resistance points2.Bracketing—the logical bargaining process of moving toward a middle point between theopening offers or brackets.3.CONCESSION PATTERNSUnit 4The Function of Listening⏹Get information⏹Show you are interested⏹Show your respect to the speaker⏹Encourage the speaker to say moreUnit 5Major Team Styles⏹Consensus⏹Cowboys⏹Platoon⏹Divide and conquer⏹Jekyll and hyde⏹Hierarchical⏹Horizontal⏹DepartmentalConsensus –It is a style which disperses authority and responsibility. Decision is made by the group and the CN may be hidden and only acts as a moderator of internal discussion. Cowboys—Team member work on their own for extended periods but they understand the limits of their authority and the extent of their responsibility. They converge for group strategy but disperse for individual tactical implementation.Platoon—The negotiating team is divided into subteams whose leaders are responsible to the CN. Team leaders control the work of their subordinates and focus on the team’s independent goals. This style is very useful when large numbers of technical specialists must be brought along for negotiations.Divide and conquer—this is a style in which one party tries to turn members of the opposition against each other. The method is to call for isolation of one or more members of the other team in order to solicit information and then use the information to undermine a proposal or it by be boldly stated at a session and attributed directly to the wayward counterpart.Jekyll and hyde—It is a style which is also called “good cop, bad cop”. That is to say one team member takes a hard-line approach to negotiate while the other pretends to act on behalf of the opposition.Hierarchical—In this style, power and responsibility focus on one person , the CN. Decision making is centralized.Horizontal—this style disperses authority and responsibility without CN”s oversight.Each small team negotiates its own part(s) of the contract as a separate entity. This style is used primarily by very large international corporations that plan to farm out parts of a contract to various subsidiaries.Departmental—It is style like horizontal style but maintain the basic company structure, subdivisions and central authority. The teams are specialty-based, which can only negotiate within narrow ranges, but they force their counterparts to reveal the entirety of their proposal for later dissection of another department. The CN has the option of overseeing the negotiations from a remote location.Major Personal Styles⏹Aggressive⏹Compliant⏹Passive⏹Impassive⏹Intimidating⏹Technical⏹Financial⏹Legalistic⏹Secretive⏹Deceptive⏹Exploitive⏹Stubborn⏹Ambivalent⏹Pragmatic⏹Brinkmanship⏹Arrogant⏹Self-righteous⏹overwhelming⏹Fleeting⏹Stern⏹Social⏹Theft⏹IndulgentAggressive—treat its opponent arrogantly with little regard for their positions and make no concessions. It is used when discussing some supposedly non-negotiable points. It is best used as a temporary negotiating tactic, not as an overall strategy.Compliant—keep major points off of the agenda until later in the negotiations and make concessions in many minor points early in negotiations in order to draw the counterpart farther into the process. When the counterparts believe they will continue to receive concessions, the compliant side begins to ask for “payback”. This style can be very effective when used by hosts who can exercise strict control of the agenda. Complaint negotiators are the archenemies of counterpart aggressors.Passive—the passive side presents nothing and simply nods early in negotiations in order to convince the opposition to put allof their cards on the table in the belief that everything is mutually acceptable. Once all has been revealed, the previously passive negotiators start choosing the points beneficial to them and re-discussing those they find unacceptable.Impassive—pretend to be indifferent to either winning or losing on any particular point. Impassive buyer causes the opposition to go to extreme lengths to please. Sellers can use this style when facing buyers who are short on research.Intimidating—instill fear in opponents and make them believe that if they don’t concede, they might be excluded from a market or a particular money-making business.Technical—center on the data of the product or service under discussion and wear theopposition down by the onslaught of technical details. This style can also be used to thwart the opposition’s attempts to d ownplay or overplay the monetary value of the technology. This style is often used in joint venture negotiation.Financial—talk in terms of money at every juncture of the agenda. All points of discussion must be made compatible with the bottom-line. If a subject can’t be shown to contribute to profit, counterparts are asked why they’re wasting time talking about it. It is often used as part of an overall buying/investment strategy. It is often used to put bogged down discussion back on track.Legalistic—remind all participants of their responsibilities and potential benefits under local and international law.Secretive—demand that the discussions be kept secret in order to keep counterparts from seeking outside assistance or information once negotiations begin.Deceptive—mislead your counterparts and shield your real intent. It is effective only when the intent of the negotiations is short-termed and does not focus on contract signing. Exploitive—capitalize on the weakness of your opponents. This style involves a careful study of counterparts before and during discussions.Stubborn—insist on a supposedly non-negotiable. It is often used to distract counterparts from true motives.Ambivalent—it is often a result of character default. Ambivalent negotiators are forced to review subject matter again and again without reaching a conclusion.Pragmatic—force counterparts to review their proposals purely from a practical standpoint.It is often used as a tactical style to get negotiations back o track. This style demands extensive research and a complete, well-thought plan that can be laid out in some detail early in the negotiations.Brinkmanship—issue ultimatums on specific points. This style can only be used effectively by a powerful opponent, most likely in a host-buying position.Arrogant—it is an unconscious style of the negotiator. The arrogant side behave in an arrogant manner regardless of its opponents position or attitude. There are two main causes of arrogant behavior. One is a feeling of inferiority on your part. The other is not understanding that your counterpart is being made to feel inferior.Self-righteous—show a sense of altruism and wish to relate a human right, religious, environmental, or political issue to commercial negotiations.Overwhelming—dazzle your opposition by your well organization and acuteness. Fleeting—move negotiations along at a brisk pace when dealing with inexperienced opponents.Stern—control sessions with sheer discipline.Unlike impassivity, motives and techniques are made plain from the start. Stern negotiators get down to business and have almost no social activity. This style can be very effective in controlling the content and pace of sessions.Social—use some social activity to sway counterparts. It can be used to tire out already weary opponents or to distract them from concentrating on commerce in the hope that they’ll reveal information or dissention within their own ranks.Theft—theft can take many forms and is used during negotiations to undermine or neutralize acounterpart’s position. Phone lines are tapped, faxes intercepted, conversations eavesdropped on and files rifled. Laptop computer left in rooms during social events are downloaded or even stolen.Indulgent—it involves an extremely long-term view. The indulgent negotiators indulge their opponents with an eye to future large deals. So initial deals are negotiated and setup by sellers so that buyer/investors are successful, perhaps beyond their original hopes. Secondary oven tertiary, negotiations have the same result, with the counterpart being brought farther into the net each time. Once they are sufficiently committed, the seller can change style and start making demandsTerms1.Licensing技术转让2.Licensing agreement 技术转让协议3.Licensor 技术转让方Licensee 技术受让方4.Exclusive license 独占许可5.Sole license 排他许可6.Simple license 普通许可7.Cross license交叉许可8.Sub-license分许可(license can transfer the technology to another party)9.Technical supervision 技术监督10.Royalty—(usually royalties) 版税11. A lump sum payment 一次付清12.Initial payment 技术入门费13.Sliding scale royalty按滑动费率支付专利权税14.Know-how 专有技术15.Collection 托收16.Trademark 商标17.Patent 专利18.Inquiry 寻盘19.Make offer 发盘20.Acceptance 接盘/承兑21.Endorsement 背书22.Time-draft 远期汇票23.Sight draft 即期汇票24.D/P Documents against payment 付款交单25.D/A Documents against acceptance 承兑交单26.L/C Letter of Credit 信用证27.L/G Letter of guarantee 保函28.B/L Bill of lading 提单29.Remittance 汇付30.T/T Telegraphic Transfer 电汇31.Floating price 浮动价格32.Fixed price 固定价格33.Pay in installments/installment payments 分期付款34.Inspection 商检modity Inspection Bureau 商检局36.Certificate 商检书37.Settle a claim 理赔unch/file a claim 提出索赔39.Country of origin 原产国40.Handling 装运41.Random sample inspection 随机抽样42.Measurement 包装尺寸43.Multi-handling 各种各样的装运44.Rough handling 野蛮装运45.Shipping mark 唛头46.FOB 离岸价47.CFR 成本运费价48.CIF 到岸价49.Shipping advice 装运通知50.Premium 保险费51.Strike risk 罢工险52.Packing list 装箱单53.Consignment 货物,托付物54.Installment and commissioning 安装和调试55.In favor of sb 以…为受益人56.Force majeure 不可抗力plete plant 成套设备58.Technical service 技术服务59.Technical documents 技术资料60.Arbitration 仲裁61.Personnel training 人员培训62.Confirmed and irrevocable 保兑的,不可撤销的63.Infringement 侵权64.Pro Form Invoice 形式发票65.Dispute settlement 争议处理Chapter 10 Intercultural Business NegotiationIntercultural NegotiationInvolves discussions of common and conflicting interests between persons of different cultural backgrounds who work to reach an agreement of mutual benefit.Difficulties in Intercultural Negotiation⏹Difference in language⏹Difference in value system⏹Difference in customs and protocols⏹Difference in religion⏹Difference in communication⏹Difference in perception⏹Difference in decision-making⏹Difference in legal systemAmerican Negotiation Style⏹Establishing rapport—short period;direct to task⏹Communication—open, explicit and direct⏹Decision-making—top management team⏹Time—efficient and tight scheduled⏹Contract—complete and detailedJapanese Negotiation Style⏹Establishing rapport—longer period;until harmony⏹Communication—implicit and indirect⏹Decision-making—team consensus⏹Time—punctual but slow decision-making⏹Contract—brief and flexibleBritish Negotiation Style⏹Establishing rapport—deliberate, formal, class conscious⏹Communication—calm and meticulous⏹Decision-making—top management⏹Time—well-planned and punctual⏹Contract—formal and detailedFrench Negotiation Style⏹Establishing rapport-placing high value for personal relationship⏹Communication-small talk, business talk⏹Decision-making- top management⏹Time-working hard, playing hard⏹Contract-general, prone to changeGerman Negotiation Style⏹Establishing rapport—short period; direct to task⏹Communication—explicit, well planned⏹Decision-making—top management⏹Time—punctual and sticking to agenda and schedule⏹Contract—formal and detailedChinese negotiating Style⏹Establishing rapport– longer period to establish guanxi⏹Communication-indirect and implicit discuss family and health⏹Decision-making- hierarchical⏹Time- not very sensitive to the elapse of time⏹Contract-government intervention in economic activities Mexican Negotiation Style⏹Establishing rapport—longer period⏹Communication—emphasis on relationship and connections⏹Decision-making—senior manager⏹Time—casual approach to time⏹Contract-- unimportant。

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Business NegotiationChapter 1 The Nature of Negotiation1.Characteristics of negotiation⏹It is a process of give and take.⏹It is a process of conflict and cooperation.⏹Each party has its bottom lines.⏹Each party’s bargaining power as well as its negotiatin g skills decide the size of the pie eachcan get.⏹It is a science as well as an art.2.ConflictDefinition:the interaction of interdependent people who perceived incompatible goals and interference from each other in achieving those goals.Types:Conflict in interests; Conflict in structure;Conflict in values; Conflict in relations; Conflict in data3.The dual concerns model4.Strategies for conflict management (参见书本)Contending(争先的)/competing/dominating strategyYielding(屈从的,让步的)/accommodating(肯通融的)/obliging strategyInaction strategyProblem-solving/collaborating/integrating strategyCompromising strategy5.Sources of powera. expert power:A negotiator could have considerable power through the control of information了解b. reward power: resource control The negotiator can have considerable power through thecontrol of resources that could rewardc. legitimate power: The negotiator may have considerable power as a result of the position he orshe holds.d. personal power: The negotiator may have considerable power because of his special charisma.(魅力)6. Competitive interdependenceThe more one party gains, the more the other loses. Or if one party achieves its goal, the other’s goal attainment is blocked. ——distributive bargaining7.promotive interdependenceone party’s goal achievement helps th e other to achieve its goal.8.Distributive bargainingDistributive bargaining is often defined as a win-lose approach to bargaining. In distributive bargaining, the goals of one party and the attainment of those goals are in fundamental and direct conflict with the goals of the other party. One party’s gain is at the expense of the other.9.Integrative bargainingIntegrative bargaining is often defined as a win-win approach to negotiation. In integrative bargaining, the goals of the parties are not mutually exclusive. If one side pursues its goals, that does not necessarily preclude the other from achieving its goals. One party’s gain it not necessarily at the other party’s expense.10.Goals for integrative negotiatorsa.Create as much value as possible for both sidesb.Claim as much value as possible for their own interests11.Preconditions for integrative bargainingIntegrative bargaining generally requires the existence of several issues to be negotiated, which enable the negotiators to find common ground on some issues, trade-off positions on some issues and distributive bargaining on some issues.12.Key elements of the integrative bargaininga.Sharing interestb.Creating and claiming valuec.Mutual-gain objective (expand the pie)d.Valuing a long-term relationship with the other party13.Two Integrative Negotiation Processesa.The Categorization methodb.Interest-based bargaining (IBB)14.Categorization Method (definition, 5 steps, limitations)Definition: It is one of the two integrative bargaining processes. Negotiators divide all the issues to be negotiated into 3 categories, i.e. compatible issues, exchange issues and distributive issues and then discuss each of them. For the sake of learning the integrative technique, we present this process as a linear process. However, in reality, negotiators may not utilize a linear model, but may choose to follow a process that best meets their needs in a given situation.Step 1: Exchange information and identify all of the issues to be negotiated. Each side explains its interests and concerns on the issues.Step 2 : Develop a common list of all issues that were discussed by either side during the first step and seek to classify each issue as 1) compatible(兼容的)—similar interests; 2)exchange—approximately equal value, which may be traded; or 3) distributive—notcompatible, cannot be traded, and therefore whose value must be distributed.Step 3: Reach final agreement on each of the compatible issues and remove them from further negotiation.Step 4: Trade or exchange issues of approximately equal value—in some cases including several issues in a single exchange.Step 5: Resolve any remaining issues—often accomplished through distributive bargaining on each separate issue.Limitations:a.Novice(新手)negotiators are unable to look for and recognize the compatible and exchangeissue.b.It is difficult to perceive the balance of power.c.Due to the negotiator’s overconfidence in their knowledge of the other party, they fail tolearn the other side’s unde rlying interests.15.Key to Successful Integrative Negotiation (了解)a.Some common objective or goalb.Willing participation of both partiesc.Faith in one’s own problem-solving abilityd.Belief in the validity of the other’s positione.Recognition of the relationshipf.Collaborative atmosphereg.Clear and accurate communicationh.Packaging the issues (combine several issues into one proposal that provides something ofvalue to each party16.Interest-based bargaining (了解)Principles:Sharing of informationWillingness to forgo power or leverageBrainstorming to create optionsFocusing on issues, not personalitiesLeaving past issues behindExpressing interests, not positionsBoth parties committing to IBBLimitations: May waste a lot of timeMay have difficulty transferring a proposed option into a practical, concrete solutionThe standards suggested by IBB negotiators are often not precise and are subjective.17.The PRAM ModelP: preparation planningR: relationship-buildingA: agreementM: maintaining relationsChapter 2: Negotiation Planning1.5Ps in planning2.Possibility analysisA. Macro analysisa) political and legal environment(e.g. political stability, laws and regulation andbilateral relations)b) socio-cultural environment ( e.g. religious belief, cultural values and social customs)c) market situation ( history of the market, current supply and demand situation of theproduct and its substitute)d) cost-profit analysislowest price=(TFC+AVC×Q1)/Q1optimal price=(TFC+AVC×Q1)×(1+i)/Q1opening offer=optimal price + estimated concessionQ= current production capacityTFC=total fixed costAVC=average variable costi=average profit rateQ1=the buying quantitye) Technological analysis ( e.g. development trend of the technology, the technicalparameters)B. Micro analysisa) analysis of yourselfi) identify your interests and needs and set your BATNA ( best alternative to negotiatedagreement)ii) analyze your strengths and weaknessiii) identify the issues to be negotiated and set the prioritiesiv) develop your support argumentsv) determine your overall negotiating strategyLevel I: essential issueLevel II: important issueLevel III: desirable issueLevel IV: throwaway issueb) analysis of your counterparti) identify your counterpart’s objectives, interests and its BATNAii) analyze its strengths and weaknessesiii) identify the issues it would like to negotiate and guess the prioritiesiv) guess the strategy and tactics likely to be used3.People choosingA balance of skills and strengths among team members4.Plan settingA project plan should include1) the basic objective of the negotiation2) major trade terms and the negotiation targets ( highest, expected and lowest)3) an evaluation of your own position as well as that of your counterpart ( the strengthand weaknesses of the two sides)4) team members and their respective duties5) the agenda and venue6) the strategy to be used and its alternatives7) cost budgetUnit 31.Bargaining range/ settlement range—the spread between the resistance points2.Bracketing—the logical bargaining process of moving toward a middle point between the openingoffers or brackets.3.CONCESSION PATTERNSUnit 4The Function of Listening⏹Get information⏹Show you are interested⏹Show your respect to the speaker⏹Encourage the speaker to say moreUnit 5Major Team Styles⏹Consensus⏹Cowboys⏹Platoon⏹Divide and conquer⏹Jekyll and hyde⏹Hierarchical⏹Horizontal⏹DepartmentalConsensus –It is a style which disperses authority and responsibility. Decision is made by the group and the CN may be hidden and only acts as a moderator of internal discussion.Cowboys—Team member work on their own for extended periods but they understand the limits of their authority and the extent of their responsibility. They converge for group strategy but disperse for individual tactical implementation.Platoon—The negotiating team is divided into subteams whose leaders are responsible to the CN. Team leaders control the work of their subordinates and focus on the team’s independent goals. This style is very useful when large numbers of technical specialists must be brought along for negotiations. Divide and conquer—this is a style in which one party tries to turn members of the opposition against each other. The method is to call for isolation of one or more members of the other team in order to solicit information and then use the information to undermine a proposal or it by be boldly stated at a session and attributed directly to the wayward counterpart.Jekyll and hyde—It is a style which is also called “good cop, bad cop”. That is to say one team member takes a hard-line approach to negotiate while the other pretends to act on behalf of the opposition.Hierarchical—In this style, power and responsibility focus on one person , the CN. Decision making is centralized.Horizontal—this style disperses authority and responsibility without CN”s oversight.Each small team negotiates its own part(s) of the contract as a separate entity. This style is used primarily by very large international corporations that plan to farm out parts of a contract to various subsidiaries.Departmental—It is style like horizontal style but maintain the basic company structure, subdivisions and central authority. The teams are specialty-based, which can only negotiate within narrow ranges, but they force their counterparts to reveal the entirety of their proposal for later dissection of another department. The CN has the option of overseeing the negotiations from a remote location.Major Personal Styles⏹Aggressive⏹Compliant⏹Passive⏹Impassive⏹Intimidating⏹Technical⏹Financial⏹Legalistic⏹Secretive⏹Deceptive⏹Exploitive⏹Stubborn⏹Ambivalent⏹Pragmatic⏹Brinkmanship⏹Arrogant⏹Self-righteous⏹overwhelming⏹Fleeting⏹Stern⏹Social⏹Theft⏹IndulgentAggressive—treat its opponent arrogantly with little regard for their positions and make no concessions. It is used when discussing some supposedly non-negotiable points. It is best used as a temporary negotiating tactic, not as an overall strategy.Compliant—keep major points off of the agenda until later in the negotiations and make concessions in many minor points early in negotiations in order to draw the counterpart farther into the process. When the counterparts believe they will continue to receive concessions, the compliant side begins to ask for “payback”. This style can be very effective when used by hosts who can exercise strict control of the agenda. Complaint negotiators are the archenemies of counterpart aggressors.Passive—the passive side presents nothing and simply nods early in negotiations in order to convince the opposition to put allof their cards on the table in the belief that everything is mutually acceptable. Once all has been revealed, the previously passive negotiators start choosing the points beneficial to them and re-discussing those they find unacceptable.Impassive—pretend to be indifferent to either winning or losing on any particular point. Impassive buyer causes the opposition to go to extreme lengths to please. Sellers can use this style when facing buyers who are short on research.Intimidating—instill fear in opponents and make them believe that if they don’t concede, they might be excluded from a market or a particular money-making business.Technical—center on the data of the product or service under discussion and wear the opposition down by the onslaught of technical details. This style can also be used to thwart the opposition’s attempts to downplay or overplay the monetary value of the technology. This style is often used in joint venture negotiation.Financial—talk in terms of money at every juncture of the agenda. All points of discussion must be made compatible with the bottom-line. If a subject can’t be shown to contribute to profit, counterparts are asked why they’re wasting time talking about it. It is often used as part of an overall buying/investment strategy. It is often used to put bogged down discussion back on track. Legalistic—remind all participants of their responsibilities and potential benefits under local and international law.Secretive—demand that the discussions be kept secret in order to keep counterparts from seeking outside assistance or information once negotiations begin.Deceptive—mislead your counterparts and shield your real intent. It is effective only when the intent of the negotiations is short-termed and does not focus on contract signing.Exploitive—capitalize on the weakness of your opponents. This style involves a careful study of counterparts before and during discussions.Stubborn—insist on a supposedly non-negotiable. It is often used to distract counterparts from true motives.Ambivalent—it is often a result of character default. Ambivalent negotiators are forced to review subject matter again and again without reaching a conclusion.Pragmatic—force counterparts to review their proposals purely from a practical standpoint.It is often used as a tactical style to get negotiations back o track. This style demands extensive research and a complete, well-thought plan that can be laid out in some detail early in the negotiations. Brinkmanship—issue ultimatums on specific points. This style can only be used effectively by a powerful opponent, most likely in a host-buying position.Arrogant—it is an unconscious style of the negotiator. The arrogant side behave in an arrogant manner regardless of its opponents position or attitude. There are two main causes of arrogant behavior. One is a feeling of inferiority on your part. The other is not understanding that your counterpart is being made to feel inferior.Self-righteous—show a sense of altruism and wish to relate a human right, religious, environmental, or political issue to commercial negotiations.Overwhelming—dazzle your opposition by your well organization and acuteness. Fleeting—move negotiations along at a brisk pace when dealing with inexperienced opponents. Stern—control sessions with sheer discipline.Unlike impassivity, motives and techniques are made plain from the start. Stern negotiators get down to business and have almost no social activity. This style can be very effective in controlling the content and pace of sessions.Social—use some social activity to sway counterparts. It can be used to tire out already weary opponents or to distract them from concentrating on commerce in the hope that they’ll reveal information or dissention within their own ranks.Theft—theft can take many forms and is used during negotiations to undermine or neutralize a counterpart’s position. Phone lines are tapped, faxes intercepted, conversations eavesdropped on and files rifled. Laptop computer left in rooms during social events are downloaded or even stolen. Indulgent—it involves an extremely long-term view. The indulgent negotiators indulge their opponents with an eye to future large deals. So initial deals are negotiated and setup by sellers so that buyer/investors are successful, perhaps beyond their original hopes. Secondary oven tertiary, negotiations have the same result, with the counterpart being brought farther into the net each time. Once they are sufficiently committed, the seller can change style and start making demandsTerms1.Licensing技术转让2.Licensing agreement 技术转让协议3.Licensor 技术转让方Licensee 技术受让方4.Exclusive license 独占许可5.Sole license 排他许可6.Simple license 普通许可7.Cross license交叉许可8.Sub-license分许可(license can transfer the technology to another party)9.Technical supervision 技术监督10.Royalty—(usually royalties) 版税11. A lump sum payment 一次付清12.Initial payment 技术入门费13.Sliding scale royalty按滑动费率支付专利权税14.Know-how 专有技术15.Collection 托收16.Trademark 商标17.Patent 专利18.Inquiry 寻盘19.Make offer 发盘20.Acceptance 接盘/承兑21.Endorsement 背书22.Time-draft 远期汇票23.Sight draft 即期汇票24.D/P Documents against payment 付款交单25.D/A Documents against acceptance 承兑交单26.L/C Letter of Credit 信用证27.L/G Letter of guarantee 保函28.B/L Bill of lading 提单29.Remittance 汇付30.T/T Telegraphic Transfer 电汇31.Floating price 浮动价格32.Fixed price 固定价格33.Pay in installments/installment payments 分期付款34.Inspection 商检modity Inspection Bureau 商检局36.Certificate 商检书37.Settle a claim 理赔unch/file a claim 提出索赔39.Country of origin 原产国40.Handling 装运41.Random sample inspection 随机抽样42.Measurement 包装尺寸43.Multi-handling 各种各样的装运44.Rough handling 野蛮装运45.Shipping mark 唛头46.FOB 离岸价47.CFR 成本运费价48.CIF 到岸价49.Shipping advice 装运通知50.Premium 保险费51.Strike risk 罢工险52.Packing list 装箱单53.Consignment 货物,托付物54.Installment and commissioning 安装和调试55.In favor of sb 以…为受益人56.Force majeure 不可抗力plete plant 成套设备58.Technical service 技术服务59.Technical documents 技术资料60.Arbitration 仲裁61.Personnel training 人员培训62.Confirmed and irrevocable 保兑的,不可撤销的63.Infringement 侵权64.Pro Form Invoice 形式发票65.Dispute settlement 争议处理Chapter 10 Intercultural Business NegotiationIntercultural NegotiationInvolves discussions of common and conflicting interests between persons of different cultural backgrounds who work to reach an agreement of mutual benefit.Difficulties in Intercultural Negotiation⏹Difference in language⏹Difference in value system⏹Difference in customs and protocols⏹Difference in religion⏹Difference in communication⏹Difference in perception⏹Difference in decision-making⏹Difference in legal systemAmerican Negotiation Style⏹Establishing rapport—short period;direct to task⏹Communication—open, explicit and direct⏹Decision-making—top management team⏹Time—efficient and tight scheduled⏹Contract—complete and detailedJapanese Negotiation Style⏹Establishing rapport—longer period;until harmony⏹Communication—implicit and indirect⏹Decision-making—team consensus⏹Time—punctual but slow decision-making⏹Contract—brief and flexibleBritish Negotiation Style⏹Establishing rapport—deliberate, formal, class conscious⏹Communication—calm and meticulous⏹Decision-making—top management⏹Time—well-planned and punctual⏹Contract—formal and detailedFrench Negotiation Style⏹Establishing rapport-placing high value for personal relationship⏹Communication-small talk, business talk⏹Decision-making- top management-----WORD格式--可编辑--专业资料-----⏹Time-working hard, playing hard⏹Contract-general, prone to changeGerman Negotiation Style⏹Establishing rapport—short period; direct to task⏹Communication—explicit, well planned⏹Decision-making—top management⏹Time—punctual and sticking to agenda and schedule⏹Contract—formal and detailedChinese negotiating Style⏹Establishing rapport– longer period to establish guanxi⏹Communication-indirect and implicit discuss family and health⏹Decision-making- hierarchical⏹Time- not very sensitive to the elapse of time⏹Contract-government intervention in economic activities Mexican Negotiation Style⏹Establishing rapport—longer period⏹Communication—emphasis on relationship and connections⏹Decision-making—senior manager⏹Time—casual approach to time⏹Contract-- unimportant--完整版学习资料分享----。
