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1. My name is Li Fang . Li is my __________ name.

A. last

B. English

C. family

D. full

2. In England, the first name is the __________ name , and the last name is the ________ name. A. family ; given B. given ; family C. family; family D. given ; given

3. Please call Wang Dong _________ 8123—1513. A. on B at C. in D. of

4. She has _________ keys .

A. a set

B. a set of

C. sets of

D. set of 5. Liu Ying is ________ girl.

A. a Chinese

B. Chinese

C. English

D. nice 6. ________ are brothers.

A. I and Tom

B. Tom and me

C. Tom and I

D. Me and Tom 7. What are these ? _______________.

A. It ’s a picture

B. They are pictures

C. Those are pictures

D. These are pictures 8. Dad, and I ________ good friends .

A. she is

B. it ’s

C. this is

D. he is 9. Tom and Mike ___________.

A. are English boys

B. are English boy

C. is an English boy

D. is English boy 10. Please __________ these apples to your mother.

A. look

B. call

C. bring

D. take 11. I don ’t have _________friend.

A. an

B. some

C. a

D. any 12. Can you _________ the math book to me?

A. bring

B. take

C. have

D. get 13. The picture _________ your family is good.

A. in

B. on

C. of

D. between 14. Mike ________ a nice watch.

A. have

B. has

C. are

D. is 15. How many soccer balls _______ he _________?

A. do, have

B. does, have

C. do; has

D. does, has 16. Let ’s _______ computer games .

A. play

B. playing

C. to play

D. plays 17. Mary _________tennis , and she _________ many tennis rackets.

A. like,; has

B. likes ; have

C. likes; has

D. like; have 18. Our _________baseball and bat _________ under the bed. A. am B. is C. are D. be 19. That ___________ boring.

A. sounds

B. sound

C. is sound

D. sound is 20. I _________ping —pong match _______-TV.

A. watch; on

B. look; on

C. see; on

D. call; at 21. She has rice and meat _________ lunch.

A. for

B. to

C. in

D. at 22. What color is the orange ? The orange is _________-.

A. orange

B. does

C. the orange

D. oranges 23. What ________ you have for breakfast?

A. do

B. does

C. is

D. are 24. She has _________ friend in America.

A. a lots of

B. lot of

C. much

D. lots of 25. Let ’s play tennis. _________________.

A. That sounds good

B. That ’s sounds good

C. That sound good

D. That ’s sound good 26. This is ________ orange . It ’s ____________ very big orange.

A. a ; an

B. an ; a

C. a ; a

D. an; an 27. Let him ________ to the classroom with us.

A. go to

B. to go

C. go

D. goes 28. Thanks _________- your great photos. They ’re very nice.

A. in

B. for

C. at

D. on 29. ___________ your friend like English ?

A. Does

B. Do

C. Is

D. Has 30 How _______ are these apples? Eight yuan.

A. many

B. much

C. old

D. / 31. Your pen is very nice. __________________.

A. Thank you

B. That ’ s right

C. Sorry

D. Yes, it is 32.We have nice T —shirts _________ 20 yuan each.

A. in

B. to

C. on

D. for 33. There are __________- students in our class.

A. forty five

B. forty —five

C. forty and five

D. four and five 34. How much ____________ this pair of shoes?

A. is

B. are

C. am

D. be 35.Can I have _________- at your clothes?

A. a look

B. see

C. watch

D. look 36. Please come down to my store and see for_________. A. yourself B. your C. you D. yours
