style and stylistics 文体与文体学
II. What is style?
style as rhetoric — Gorgias(风格即 修辞);
style as form — Aristotle(风格即形 式);
style as eloquence — Cicero (风格即 雄辩术);
proper words in proper places —
Langue(语言)(Longman Dictionary P382)
The French word for “language”. The
term was used by the linguist Saussure
to mean the system of a language, that is the arrangement of sounds and
interpretation of the text; or in order to
relate literary effects to linguistic
‘causes’ where these are felt to be
relevant…. Stylisticians want to avoid
situationally-distinctive uses of
language, with particular reference to
literary language, and tries to establish
principles capable of accounting for the
saying the right thing in the most effective way — Enkvist(以最有效 的方式讲恰当的事情) ;
采用描写、比较、频率统计三个方法。 (1)描写:从语言、修辞、语义、语用角度 对各种文体进行分析。 (2)比较:不同文体或同一文体的不同文献 品种和体裁之间进行对比,找出它们之间 的对应关系、共同来源和发展趋向,了解 不同语篇结构的个性和共性。
(3)适切:根据实用语篇的功能和目的,译文要进行调整, 适合译入国的规范。 伴随着改革开放的脚步,21幼儿园走过了13年的发展历程, 经过全体职工的努力,他们连续7年被评为区级教育工作 和全面工作管理优秀单位;1997-1999年市先进单位。 The 21st Kindergarten has been a success since it was set up 13 years ago. For 7 consecutive years, it has been given various honorary titles by Hedong Disitrct. From 1997 to 1999 it was commended by the municipal government for its hygienic conditions.(李欣译) 评:原文套话多,“优秀单位”、“先进单位”很难定义, 如果照直翻译,显得臃肿,英语读者不解。
(2)商业经济英语: A.学术英语:经济学、会计学、经贸 B.职业英语:秘书、会计、外销员 (3)社科英语: A.学术英语:新闻、法律、图书馆学 B.职业英语:法官、记者、图书管理员
9.文体的功能特征是什么? (1)信息性: The world's largest economy expanded at a 3.5pc annual pace in the third quarter of the year, marking the end of a recession that has cost 7.2 million American jobs and prompted the most radical Government response since the Depression of the 1930s. The figure topped the prediction of Wall Street analysts who had pencilled in growth of 3.2pc. 世界最大的经济体美国今年第三季度经济增长3.5%, 此为经济衰退结束的信号。本次危机使美国失去720万工 作岗位,美国政府采取了1930年来代以来最为激进的措施。 该数据比华尔街分析师的预测3.2%要高。
智者派(The Sophists, 500 - 300 B.C.) Oratory–Persuasion in public - Verbal Artistry– Embellishment
–Probability - Neutrality in Truth and Virtue – Logos and Pathos 柏拉图(Plato,427-347 B.C.)
Criticism of style over substance – Emphasis on ethical
application in training of rhetoric (or style)
High or grand style:calling for strong emotions and elevated
However, in Linguistic Criticism, Roger Fowler makes the point that, in non-theoretical usage, the word stylistics makes sense and is useful in referring to an enormous range of literary contexts, such as John Milton‟s „grand style‟, the „prose style‟ of Henry James, the „epic‟ and „ballad style‟ of classical Greek literature, etc. (Fowler, 1996: 185).
文体与文体学讲义第一章文体与文体学In this chapter, two major concerns will be presented, one is the definition, the origin, goal, and procedure of stylistics, another the definition of style, which is a heated discussion in academic areas.Part I Stylistics1 Definition of StylisticsStylistics in simple terms means the study of style.Widdowson (1975:3), “By stylistics, I mean the study of literary discourse from a linguistics orientation and I shall take the view that what distinguishes stylistics from literary criticism on the one hand and linguistics on the other hand is that it is essentially a means of linking the two.”Leech, holds a similar view. He defines stylistics as “the study of the use of language in literature”(1969:1), and considers stylistics a “meeting-ground of linguistics and literary study”(1969:2) From what Widdowson and Leech say, we can see that stylistics is an area of study which straddle two disciplines: literary criticism and linguistics.It takes literary discourse (text) as its object of study and uses linguistics as a means to that end. Now stylistics has developed into an interdisciplinary area of study with explicit aims and effective techniques, and promises to offer useful insights into literary criticism and the teaching of literature.English stylistics has developed on the basis of traditional rhetoric which may be traced back to Aristole’s time. Nevertheless, it was the ‘three revolutions’ in social science that brought it to the right track and brought it about its present status.One of the revolutions is the modernist movement in art and literature, lasting from 1890 to the beginning of World War II. To a great extent, the revolution was a break with tradition in the ways it influenced both the content and language of literature. From this movement onwards, creative writers exercise no restraints on the sort of language they use in their writing. In modernist literature, readers could find much to surprise them in respect to content as well as language.Another revolution is the one in literature criticism which has had a profound and radical influence on stylistics. In the 1930’s, the critical theorist, I.A. Richards, expressed his dissatisfaction with those critics of his age. In his opinion, they seemed to be too much preoccupied with literature’s role in educating the readers morally and emotionally. He called for a more objective approach to literary texts. in his famous book, Practical criticism, he established an approach to poetry which depend on close reading of the text. He was joined by scholars such as Willian Empson whose work Seven Types of Ambiguity had a wide influence and promoted the concept of ambiguity as a defining linguistic characteristic of poetry. Their insistence on close reading of the text and analysis of language of the text coincides with the starting point of stylistics, thus greatly facilitating its development.The third revolution took place in linguistic science starting in the late 1950. It was initiated by the work of Noam Chomsky and Michael Halliday whose thoughts were directly or indirectly influenced by the linguistic theory of F. de Sassure, the founder of modern linguistics. Chomsky’s transformational-generative grammar revealed a system of surface structure and deep structure in English syntax. It also brought about a new awareness of how the human mind is innately able to systematize reality by the use of language. Halliday’s systemic grammar has offered many insights into the methods of text analysis, particularly in respect of cohesion between sentences in discourse. The work done in the field of linguistics in the last three decades has provided the stylistician with effective and completely new tools for investigating language in use in both literature and other types of discourse. The above mentioned revolutions, in their own ways, have played a fundamental role in shaping stylistics into the important interdisciplinary field of academic study that it is today.1.2 The origin of stylistics and its research school文体学首先来自于古代的修辞学,来自于亚里斯多得的修辞论。
第8章 文体学批评
• 变异说是目前一种非常流行的文体观,认为文体 就是对常规的偏离。
• (1)语音变异。指诗歌语言在重读、押韵、平仄等方 面的非常规变化; • (2)书写变异。有两种情况:一是发音变异在书写上 的体现,二是在排版、标点以及打印等方面的变异。
• (3)词汇变异。主要是指新造词,在文学作品中主要 是为特定语境来服务;
• 一、对语言或修辞的研究 • 二、文体辨析 • 1、文体类别辨析 • 2、文体风格辨析 • 3、文体源流辨析
• 1、与泛文化的文学观念相联系,中国古代 文体学中既有狭义文体的讨论,也有广义文 体的讨论,内容极为丰富;
首尾开阖,繁简奇正,各极其度, 篇法也:抑扬顿挫,长短节奏,各极 其致,句法也;点缀关键,金石绮彩, 各极其造。字法也。篇有百尺之锦, 句有千钧之驽,字有百炼之金。
夫文章之有体裁,犹宫室之有制度, 器皿之有法式也。 ---(明)徐师曾 文章之有体也,此陶冶之型范,而方 圆之规矩也。 ---(明)顾尔行
• 2、具有一定的整体性和开放性,注重文体 的文化功能和语言风格的必要联系,注重文 体研究在语体、风格、体裁多个层面的展开;
• 3、更侧重于写作层面的讨论。与当下文体 学批评侧重阅读和批评的视野之间正可以达 成某种互为补充的作用。中国古代文体学的 珍贵遗产值得我们不断深入研究和总结。
• 文体学
• 是研究各种文体中语言的表达方式和表 达效果的一门学科。广义研究各种问题 的语言表达;狭义则集中研究文学文体 的语言。
Lecture 1 Style and Stylistics(2)
5) Style Related to Functions of Texts (why is sth expressed)
• Different texts have different functions, e.g. to transfer information, to call upon people’s action, to express writer’s feeling, etc. To achieve these function may require different forms/styles in writing. • e.g. [1.16] on P9
4) Style Related to Occasion (when and where is sth expressed)
• The same meaning can be expressed in different wordings depending on the specific occasions/contexts given. Hence, different styles are created. • See [1.1], [1.2] on P2 • a). My beloved father has joined the heavenly choir. • B) My dear father has passed away. • C) My father has died. • D) My old man has kicked the bucket.
Lecture One
Style and Stylistics
Outline of Content
• • • • • • Introduction 1.1. Factors Deciding Style 1.2. Definitions of Style 1.3. Stylistics 1.4. The Needs for Stylistics 1.5. Procedure & Principles of Stylistic Analysis
of language on which most linguists agree.
And in which aspects of language does stylistics focus on?
The language of a participant in a social activity reflects his social characteristics (such as his status, ethnic group, age and sex), his awareness of the various factors of a social situation, etc.
English Stylistics: A New Course Book
Instructed by Zhuying
Course related Questions
– Who is the founder of stylistics?
– What does stylistics study? – What is style and stylistics?
– Why do we study stylistics?
– How do we make stylistic analysis?
Who is the founder of stylistics?
The founder of stylistics: Charles Bally, the student of Saussure, is the most influential linguist in the first generation in Geneva School which was founded by Saussure.
7)registers:field of discourse is the subject matter,mode of discourse is the linguistic reflection of the relationship that the language user has to the medium of communication,tenor of discourse is the linguistic reflection of the personal relationships between speaker/writer and hearer/reader--called personal tenor.Registers are distinctive varieties of language used in different types of situation.
8)Aims at providing a methodology of analysis--a clear technique of description which, ideally, will allow any persons to cope with any text they want to study, a procedure that can ensure that no items of stylistic significance is overlooked.ordered approach:take the object of study-a text, work through the text carefully, note down its stylistic features, and discuss them in terms of a number of levels of language--substantial,formal and situational.
• 定义3: David Crystal • Investigating English Style • There are four commonly occurring senses of the term STYLE: • 1)some or all the language habits(i.e. speech and writing habits) of one person: Shakespeare, James Joyce, Hemingway.
• Familiarize yourself with different figures of speech, such as • oxymoron, paradox, synecdoche, metonymy, metaphor, irony, ambiguity, over/understatement, alliteration, rhyme, assonace, consonace, onomatopoeia, repetition, parallelism etc.
• • • • • • • •
Part Four: Some Practical Varieties 1. Coversation 2. Public speaking 3. English for Science and Technology 4. Journalese 5. Advertising 6. Literary English 7. Legal documents
• • • • •
Part Three: Situational Varieties 1 Varieties in relation to regions 2 Varieties in relation to media 3 Varieties in relation to attitude 4 Varieties in relation to social factors
Introduction to the Course of Translation Theories and PracticeHuang MinSchool of Foreign StudiesCUMTQuestions for discussion1. What is translation?2. How many categories do you think translation can be divided into, and what are they?3. What are the characteristics of translation? Describe it in detail, please.4. What is style and stylistics? What is the relationship between style and translation?5. What are we going to learn in this course?6. What is translation theory and what are translation techniques? What is the relationship between them?7. As a translator, what competence should you have? Can you describe it in detail?8. How can we learn the course well?·Translation is as old as a language itself , probably starting from thousands years ago . It has been used as an indispensable means of mediation , a useful aid to preaching and teaching , and to the social and culture , and commercial exchanges and mutual understanding between different peoples and different countries . It has become part of human life.Definitions of translation1) Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.所谓翻译,是在译语中用最切近的自然的对等语再现原语的信息,首先是意义,其次是文体.2) The replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL).翻译可作如下界定:用一种语言(目的语)的文本材料对等地再现另一种语言(出发语)的文本材料.3) A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original. A translation should have all the ease of the original composition.Definitions of translation译文应完全复写出原作的思想。
英语教材 应用文体学-Chapter I 文体学
• 狭义文体学:主要研究文学作品的文体 风格。因为文学语言总是最丰富多彩、 最灵活多样的, 也最能反映一个时代的语 言特点。传统文体学与文学批评密切相 关; 它着重分析作家的文学风格(literary style), 研究代表作品的文体风格。文学 语言汇集着语言精华;文学文体集各类 文体之大成。
British scholars David Crystal &Derek Davy point ouБайду номын сангаас in their Investigating English Style: Literature can be mimetic of the whole range of human experience and this includes linguistic as well as nonlinguistic experience.
J. C. Catford points out in his A Linguistic Theory of Translation: • …the concept of a „ whole language‟ is so vast and heterogeneous(异类的/不纯的) that it is not operationally useful for many linguistic purposes, descriptive, comparative, and pedagogical. It is therefore desirable to have a framework of categories for the classification of „sublanguage‟ or varieties within a total language.
Chapter OneStyle and Stylistics1.1 Introductione.g.(1)“Take an egg, and make a perforation in the base and a corresponding one in the apex. And then, apply the lips to the aperture, and by forcibly inhaling the breath, the shell is entirely discharged of its contents.”“It fair beats all how folks do things nowadays. When I was a gal, they made a hole in each end and sucked.”e.g.(2)(1) My beloved parent has joined the heavenly choir.(2) My dear father has passed away.(3) My father has died.(4) My old man has kicked the bucket.分析:(1) My beloved parent has joined the heavenly choir.(This sentence is very pompous and sententious, elevating the event of John Smith‟s death to a divine status, probably said with respect in a poem or a formal ceremony, addressing an audience of high social status or nobility.)(2) My dear father has passed away.(This sentence is still a bit formal, with sincere loving sentiment, expressing a kind of deep emotion fro his father’s death, addressing people of or above middle class status in a relatively formal occasion.)(3) My father has died.(This sentence is a everyday kind of expression with no emotions revealed, said in an informal occasion, addressing his peers or friends. )(4) My old man has kicked the bucket.(This sentence is slangy, said in a very informal occasion showing disrespect for his father.)e.g.(3)(1) Expectoration is forbidden.(2) Please do not spit.(3) No spitting.(The three sentences state the same fact that : spitting is not allowed, but, they are of different styles.)e.g.(4) (参见教材P.4)(1) When his dad died, Peter had to get another job.(2) After his father‟s death, Peter had to change his job.(3) On the decease of his father, Mr. Brown was obliged to seek alternative employment.I.2 Definitions of StyleSome general senses of the word “style”:(1) A person‟s distinctive language habits, or the set of individual characteristics of language use.e.g. Shakespeare‟s styleHemingway‟s styleHe nry James‟s styleMark Twain‟s style(2) Style may refer to a set of collective characteristics of language use, i.e. language habits shared by a group of people at a given time. Here the concentration is not on the individual of the speaker or writer, but on their similarities in a given situation.e.g. Elizabethan stylethe style of public speakingthe style of news reporting(3) Style mar refer to a characteristic of “good” or “beautiful” literary writings.e.g. ornate style , grand styleterse style , lucid styleplain style(4) Style may refer to the effectiveness of a mode of expression, which is implied in the definition of style as …saying the right thing in the most effective way‟ or …good manners‟, as a …clear‟ or …refined‟ style advocated in most books of composition.Many different views of style from different scholars:Le style, c‟est I‟ homme meme. (Style is the man. )(Buffon)Style as form. (Aristotle)(form and content )Style as eloquence.(Cicero)(skill to use language persuasively)(the relation with rhetoric)Style as personal idiosyncrasy.(Murry)Saying the right thing in the most effective way.(Enkvist)Style is a set of individual characteristics. It is the man himself. (Enkvist)Style as equivalence. (Roman Jacobson)(between form and function)Style as the choice between alternative expressions. (Enkvist)Style as deviation.(Mukarovsky & Spitzer)Style as foregrounding. (Leech Mukarovsky)Style as prominence.(Halliday)Style is meaning potential. (Michael Halliday)Style as the selections features partly determined by the demands of genre, form, themes, etc. (Traugott & Pratt)Style as linguistic features that communicate emotions and thought.(Enkvist)(参见教材:P5-7)Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics defines style as:“the manner of expression in writing or speaking which changes at all times according to the actual situational elements, e.g., the participants, time, topic, etc. of the communicative event, from very formal to very informal.”(见教材P.5)The Definition of style used in the textbook:Manner indicating prominent linguistic features, devices or patterns, most (or least) frequently occur in a particular text of a particular variety of language. (见教材P.7)分析:e.g. (After a quarrel between the two lovers)With a flow of words, she started to argue with him, then she checked herself and said calmly, “Listen, John, I imagine you‟re tired of my company. There‟s no sense in having tea together. I think I‟d better leave you right here.”“That‟s fine,” he said. “Good afternoon.”“Good-bye.”总结:So broadly speaking, we can say that, from the perspective of the content, the events and activities described, style is saying different things in different ways; from the perspective of the ways of expression used, style is saying the same thing in different ways; from the perspective of the users of language, style is different speakers using language in different ways; and from the perspective of the function of the text, style is the functions of texts for different purposes.1.3 Definitions of Stylistics(1) Stylistics is a branch of linguistics which applies the theory and methodology of modern linguistics to the study of style.(2) Stylistics is the study of varieties of language whose properties position that language incontext. For example, the language of advertising, politics, religion, individual authors, etc., or the language of a period in time, all belong in a particular situation. In other words, they all have …place‟.Stylistics also attempts to establish principles capable of explaining the particular choices made by individuals and social groups in their use of language, such as socialisation, the production and reception of meaning, critical discourse analysis and literary criticism.(3) Stylistics is a discipline that studies the ways in which language is used; it is a discipline thatstudies the styles of language in use.(4) Stylistics is a linguistic approach to literature, explaining the relation between language andartistic function, with motivating questions such as “why” and “how” more than “what”.---- G. N. Leech: Style in Fiction: A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry (5) Stylistics is a branch of linguistics which studies the principles of choice and the effect of choice of different language elements in rendering thought and emotion under different conditions of communication. (I. R. Galperin)(6) Stylistics is a branch of linguistics which studies style in a scientific and systematic wayconcerning the manners / linguistic features of different varieties of language at different levels.(见教材P8)(7) Linguistics is the academic discipline that studies language scientifically, and stylistics, as a part of this discipline, studies certain aspects of language variation.---- D. Crystal: Investigating English Style(8) Stylistics “studies the features of situationally distinctive uses (varieties) of language, and tries to establish principles capable of accounting for the particular choices made by individual and social groups in their use of language.” (Crystal, 1980)分析:e.g. Housewife to milkman:Which sentence is appropriate?a. Can you leave one bottle and four yoghurts tomorrow please?b. Leave one bottle and four yoghurts tomorrow and don‟t forget.c. It would be greatly appreciated if you kindly leave one bottle and four yoghurts tomorrow.d. Would you leave one bottle and four yoghurts tomorrow, just for me.1.4 The Development of StylisticsLead-in Questions:What do you know about the stylistic studies in China?How does linguistic theories affect the studies on stylistics?What do you know about the different schools of thoughts in stylistics?In the West:Modern stylistics got its development in the 19th and 20th centuries from rhetoric and from interpretation of literature.Rhetoric (Aristotle)Beginning (Charles Bally)Development (L. Spitzer)Flourish (Investigating English Style)总的来看,现代文体学是现代语言学理论与现代文学批评理论的基础之上发展起来的一种研究形态,并且处于进一步的发展之中。
Instructed by Zhuying
Course related Questions
– Who is the founder of stylistics?
– What does stylistics study?
Why is the course needed?
(1) Style is an integral part of meaning. Without the sense of style we cannot arrive at a better understanding of an utterance;
– What is style and stylistics?
– Why do we study stylistics?
– How do we make stylistic analysis?
Who is the founder of stylistics?
The founder of stylistics: Chs the most influential linguist in the first generation in Geneva School which was founded by Saussure.
The study of English Stylistics will be done from Phonetics语音学 Phonology 音系学 Morphology 形态学,词态学 Syntax句法学 and Semantics 语义 学
文学批评导引第6章 文体学批评
……在这种时候,人们不由得不想到那门老的,可以至少上溯亚里斯多德的修辞学,想到在二十世纪对于文学语言进行了精湛分析的文学批评家(I.A. Richards, William, Empsom, CleanthBrooks等人,想到Curtius与Learis等)把刷新文学语言同欧洲或英国文化前途联系起来的有抱负的文学研究者了。
1. stylistics: a branch of linguistics which studies style in a scientific and systematic way concerning the manners / linguistic features of different varieties of language at different levels.2. style: Manner indicating prominent linguistic features, devices or patterns, most (or least) frequently occur in a particular text of a particular variety of language.3. register语域:Registers are language variations that are associated with the different use to which they are put. Such varieties do not depend on the people who use the language, but on the occasion when it is used.4. field of discourse: the linguistic reflection of the purposive role of the language user, --the type of social activity the language user is engaged in doing in the situation in which the text has occurred. That is to say, the language the user uses will show what his/her language is 'about', what experience he/she is verbalizing, what is 'going on' in the speech event.5. tenor of discourse: the linguistic reflection of the personal relationships between speaker/writer and hearer/reader—called PERSONAL TENOR(个人基调), and of what the user is trying to do with language for/to his or her addressee (s) -- called FUNCTIONAL TENOR(功能基调).6. mode of discourse: the linguistic reflection of the relationship that the language user has to the medium of communication.7. foregrounding Foregrounding, giving unusual prominence to one element or property of a text, relative to other less noticeable aspects. According to the theories of Russian Formalism, literary works are special by virtue of the fact that they foreground their own linguistic status, thus drawing attention to how they say something rather than to what they say: poetry …deviates‟ from everyday speech and from prose by using mete r, surprising metaphors, alliteration, and other devices by which its language draws attention to itself.8. deviationDeviation : a variation that deviates from the standard or norm;∙ the breaking of normal rules of linguistic structure;∙violation of the norms;∙Departure from general order9. loose sentence松散句A sentence that completes the main thought well before the end is called loose sentence, which often occurs in conversations or informal writings.10. periodic sentence掉尾句is a sentence which suspends the completion of the main thought until(near) the end.11. Gobbledygook官样文章Bureaucratic writings are often referred to as “gobbledygook” , because they are written in an obscure and complex style, which to some extent may help to impress, to mislead or deceive the public.12. accessibility, Accessibility means whether a piece of language is easy to understand for the addressee. As the language becomes more formal, more impersonal, more specialized in certain subject matter, it tends to become less accessible to the ordinary reader or listener.13. impersonalityImpersonality reflects the extent to which the producer of a text avoids reference to himself/herself or to the reader.14. degrees of formalityFormality refers to the way in which the style or tone of language will vary in appropriateness according to the social context. The degrees of formality are determined by the role relationships, number of hearers, and contexts of situation, such as a public lecture, church service, cocktail party, and so on.15. politenessPoliteness refers to(1) How languages expressed the social distance between the speakers and their different role-relationships;(2) How face-work, that is, the attempt to establish, maintain, and save face during conversation, is carried out in a speech community.16. iamb抑扬格It has a pattern alternating stressed and unstressed syllables beginning with an unstressed syllable.17. trochee扬抑格Trochee or trochaic foot may be described as alternating stressed and unstressed syllables, beginning with a stressed syllable.18.meter 格律 Metre (格律,韵律)refers to an organized pattern of strong and weak syllables.19.Foot (音步)refers to the span of stressed and unstressed syllables that form a rhythmical pattern.20. fog index迷雾指数The fog index is commonly used to confirm that text can be read easily by the intended audience.Fog index = 0.4(L+H)L=the average sentence length in a passageH= the percentage of hard words in the passageTexts for a wide audience generally need a fog index less than 12.Texts requiring near-universal understanding generally need an index less than 8.。
第一课Introduction to Stylistics课时:第一周,共2课时教学内容:What is stylistics and how is it associated with other linguistic studies?第一节:The position of stylistics in general linguistics.The importance of studying stylistics.第二节:What is stylistics?The major contents of this study.Issues that need to be born in mind.思考题:1.How to do stylistics in the framework of literature or translation?2.What do you expect to learn from this course?第二课Style and Stylistics课时:第二周,共2课时教学内容:The development and scope of stylistics第一节:The definition of style and stylistics.The relationship between appreciation and research.第二节:The development of stylistics.The scope of stylistics.思考题:1.What are the major differences between style and stylistics?2.What areas in society can the knowledge of stylistics be applied to?第三课Procedure of stylistic analysis (1)课时:第三周,共2课时教学内容:Linguistic description第一节:Linguistic description: methods and procedures.第一节:A checklist of linguistic description.The functions of each one.思考题:1.Why do we need linguistic description?2.Think about the significance of conducting linguistic description.第四课Procedure of stylistic analysis (2)课时:第四周,共2课时教学内容:Textual analysis and contextual factors analysis第一节:What is textual analysis?How to conduct textual analysis?第二节:A classification of contextual factors.How to analyze contextual factors?思考题:1.How do you understand the relationship between understanding and textual analysis?2.Are there other ways to classify contextual factors?第五课Stylistic functions of linguistic items课时:第五周,共2课时教学内容:Stylistic functions as defined at different levels第一节:Stylistic functions of speech sounds.Stylistic functions of graphological items.第二节:Stylistic functions of lexical items.Stylistic functions of syntactic/grammatical items.思考题:1.How do you evaluate the different kinds of stylistic functions?2.What is the significance of studying stylistic function?第六课Varieties in relation to regions课时:第六周,共2课时教学内容:Regional English第一节:A brief introduction to British English.The appearance of American English.第二节:Differences between British English and American English.British and American regional dialects.思考题:1.What are the major causes for the differences between British English and American English?2.How to deal with the use of the two regional English in actual learning or dailycommunication?第七课Varieties in relation to media课时:第七周,共2课时教学内容:Spoken English and written English第一节:Major features of spoken English and written English.What are the standards of using spoken English or written English?第二节:Electronic English.思考题:1.What is the situation like if one is only skilled in using spoken English or written English?2.What is the role of electronic English in the course of learning English?第八课Varieties in relation to attitude课时:第八周,共2课时教学内容:Attitude-related styles第一节:Degree of formality.Politeness.第二节:Impersonality.Accessibility.思考题:1.Think about the relationship between meaning and emotion expressions.2.What do you think of the relationship between formality and politeness?第九课Varieties in relation to social factors课时:第九周,共2课时教学内容:Social factors and their constraints on language第一节:Women’s English.Black English.第二节:Taboo and euphemism.Cultural factors involved in social factors.思考题:1.What are the reasons that maintain the existence of women’s English?2.How do you understand the status of black’s English and the black’s social status?第十课Review of the past lessons课时:第十周,共2课时教学内容:A summary and comment of the past lessons第一节:The watershed of the whole course.Recall what have been learned.第二节:What are the sections that interest you the most?Is there possibility for you to conduct further research?第十一课The English of conversation课时:第十一周,共2课时教学内容:Conversational English第一节:A general introduction to what to learn in the latter half of the term.About conversation.Phonological features.第二节:Lexical features.Syntactic/grammatical features.Semantic features.Sample analysis of a student.思考题:1.How do you understand conversation in terms of direct speech and indirect speech?2.Is conversational English always informal?第十二课The English of public speaking课时:第十二周,共2课时教学内容:Public speech and its features第一节:What is public speech?Public speeches’ phonological features.Lexical features.第二节:Syntactic/grammatical features.Semantic features.Sample analysis of a student.思考题:1.What are the major differences between public speaking and conversation?2.What are the major differences between public speech and written English?第十三课The English of news reporting (1)课时:第十三周,共2课时教学内容:General knowledge about news reporting第一节:What are news reports?Different kinds of newspapers and magazines.第二节:The make-up of news reports.A sample analysis of a piece of newspaper (New York Times/China Daily)思考题:1.Is there any difference between formal news report and informal news release?2.Specify the make-up of some pages of newspaper, both English and Chinese.第十四课The English of news reporting (2)课时:第十四周,共2课时教学内容:Stylistic features of news reporting第一节:Graphological features.Lexical features.第二节:Syntactic/grammatical features.Semantic features.Sample analysis of a student.思考题:1.What are the functions of each group of stylistic features in news reporting?2.What are the stylistic features that distinguish news reporting from other textual styles?第十五课The English of Advertising课时:第十五周,共2课时教学内容:The language styles in advertising English第一节:Something about advertisements.Graphological features.第二节:Lexical features.Syntactic/grammatical features.Semantic features.Sample analysis of a student.思考题:1.What are the major purposes of advertisements?2.Give some advertising examples that show the violation of some basic language rules inadvertising.第十六课Literary English课时:第十六周,共2课时教学内容:Literary English: novel and poetry第一节:Some basic facts about the novel.Aspects for the analysis of the novel.General stylistic features of the novel.第二节:Some basic facts about the poetry.Prosody.General stylistic features of poetry.思考题:1.Between fiction and reality, what kinds of stylistic features are most suitable for the novel?2.What effects does it have on appreciation to analyze the novel’s stylistic features?3.How to balance meaning expression and poetic features in poetry?4.What are the common stylistic features between poetry and novel?第十七课:The English of science and technology课时:第十七周,共2课时教学内容:Technical English第一节:Graphological features.Lexical features第二节:Syntactic/grammatical features.Semantic features.思考题:1.How to handle formality and politeness issues in technical English?2.How is objectivity achieved in technical English?第十八课:Review and answer questions课时:第十八周,共2课时教学内容:Review and answer questions第一节:Review.第二节:Answer questions.参考书目:1.王守元.《英语文体学要略》.济南:山东大学出版社,2000.2.徐有志.《英语文体学教程》.北京:高等教育出版社,2005.3.Thornborrow,J. Patterns in Language: Stylistics for Students of Language and Literature.Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.4.Wright, L. Stylistics: A Practical Coursebook. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching andResearch Press, 2000.。
■Course: English Stylistics■Time: Sep.6—30■Course material: English Stylistics: A New Course Book《新编英语文体学教程》董启明编著外语教学与研究出版社■Teaching procedure: Part One Theoretical Preliminaries(理论预备) and Major Varieties(主要变体)of EnglishChapter 1 Style and StylisticsIntroductionWhat is Language? And in which aspects of language does stylistics focus on?A。
Language is the primary object of the study of linguistics, and linguists construct theories of language in general or of particular languages from differing points of view. The discussion of the concepts of style should focus on some essential aspects of language on which most linguists agree。
B. Language is viewed as a system of different types of linguistic organization such as phonology,syntax and lexicon. The English language consists of its pattern of sounds, sets of grammatical rules and a large body of vocabulary。
Chapter 1 Style and Stylistics
Some Senses of style
9) Style is the relation among
linguistic entities that are stable in terms of wider spans of text than the sentence. (Nils Erik Enkvist) 10) Style is the linguistic features that communicate emotion or thought. (John Middleton Murry)
(2) Stylistics study helps cultivate a sense
of appropriateness. (grammar: correctness; stylistics: appropriateness);
• Who speaks what language to whom and when
General stylistics
Genres: news reports, advertisements, public speeches, scientific treatises, legal documents and other practical styles… Attitudes: formal and informal language Media of communication: spoken English, written English, e-discourse Regions: British English, American English and other regional dialects Social groups: standard and non-standard language ( varieties of language)