写给我们这些20岁多岁的人For those of us 20 years old person of many years old
20 Things 20 Year-Olds Don't Get

不要等着别人告诉你怎么做 ——没有责任感,就无法获得成就感。如果你总是等着别人告诉你该怎么做,你就永远也不会成功。总是说“没人要求这样做”的人是注定要失败的。宁可因做的过多而犯错误,也不要做的太少。
Take Responsibility for Your Mistakes –You should be making lots of mistakes when you’re early on in your career. But you shouldn’t be defensive about errors in judgment or execution. Stop trying to justify your F-ups. You’re only going to grow by embracing the lessons learned from your mistakes, and committing to learn from those experiences.
20多岁的时候,我创办了Docstoc公司,还曾荣登过一次听起来有些陈腐的“20岁以下20人”榜单(20 Under 20)。现在,我聘请了一帮20多岁的年轻人。管我叫倔老头好了,但今年34岁的我怎么跟新世纪成长起来的一代相差如此之大?一路走来,我犯了许多错误,我发现这一代人也在不断犯错。下面,我想给20来岁的年轻人指出20件他们还没弄明白的事情:
社交媒体不是一项职业 ——这些职位存在的时间不会超过5年。社交媒体仅能发挥营销职能;它有助于品牌推广,提升投资回报率或两者兼而有之。社交媒体是一种获得更高知名度、更多用户或更多收入的手段。它本身不是目标。我强烈告诫年轻人不要把你的职业路线孤注一掷地寄托于一个社交媒体职位。
Pick Up the Phone – Stop hiding behind your computer. Business gets done on the phone and in person. It should be your first instinct, not last, to talk to a real person and source business opportunities. And when the Internet goes down… stop looking so befuddled and don’t ask to go home. Don’t be a pansy, pick up the phone.

那么,给二十岁女儿的一封信要怎么写呢?下面店铺整理了给二十岁女儿的一封信范文,供您参阅! 给二十岁女儿的一封信范文一女儿去年20岁时,有些话想给她说说,可自己文笔不好,想说的话写不出,只好用了些别人的,在这里我先说声谢谢了。
大学英语新目标 读写教程1 课文翻译

奔向更加光明的未来1 下午好!作为校长,我非常自豪地欢迎你们来到这所大学。
2 在欢迎你们到来的这一刻,我想起自己高中毕业时的情景,还有妈妈为我和爸爸拍的合影。
3 让我来告诉你们一些你们未必预料得到的事情。
4 对你们而言,接下来的四年将会是无与伦比的一段时光。
5 有这么多课程可供选择,你可能会不知所措。

介绍20岁的我英语作文I'm 20 years old now, and life feels like a roller coaster ride. Every day brings new challenges and opportunities. It's a time of exploration and self-discovery. I'm at that age where I'm trying to figure out who I am and what I want to do with my life.At this age, I feel a sense of freedom and independence.I can make my own decisions and take responsibility for my actions. It's both exciting and daunting. I have the chance to shape my own future and pursue my passions.Being 20 means facing new responsibilities. I have to balance my studies, work, and personal life. It's ajuggling act, but it's teaching me valuable time management skills. I'm learning how to prioritize and make the most of every moment.I'm also experiencing new relationships and friendships. It's a time of forming deep connections and learning how tonavigate the complexities of human emotions. I'm discovering the importance of communication and empathy in building strong relationships.At 20, I'm starting to understand the value of money.I'm learning how to budget and save for the future. It's a lesson in financial responsibility and planning. I'm realizing that every penny counts and that I need to be mindful of my spending habits.This age is also a time of self-reflection and personal growth. I'm constantly questioning my beliefs and values.I'm open to new ideas and perspectives, and I'm eager to expand my horizons. I'm discovering my passions and interests, and I'm determined to pursue them.I'm also learning to embrace failure and see it as an opportunity for growth. I understand that setbacks are a part of life, and they shouldn't discourage me. Instead, they should motivate me to work harder and strive for success.At 20, I'm realizing the importance of self-care and mental well-being. I'm learning to prioritize my health and make time for relaxation and self-reflection. I'm discovering the power of mindfulness and the impact it can have on my overall happiness.In conclusion, being 20 is a time of exploration, growth, and self-discovery. It's a time of new responsibilities and challenges. I'm learning to navigate the complexities of life and make the most of every opportunity. I'm excited for what the future holds and eager to continue learning and growing.。

给20岁的人的建议英语作文As a 20-year-old, I have learned a lot from my experiences and interactions with others. Here are some pieces of advice that I would like to share with my fellow 20-year-olds:First and foremost, take care of your physical and mental health. It is essential to prioritize self-care and make sure you are eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. Mental health is just as important, so don't hesitate to seek help if you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people who lift you up and encourage you to be the best version of yourself.Secondly, never stop learning and growing. This is the perfect time in your life to explore new interests, take on challenges, and push yourself out of your comfort zone. Whether it's through formal education, reading books, or trying new hobbies, always strive to expand your knowledge and skills. Remember that personal growth is a lifelongjourney, so embrace every opportunity for self-improvement. Thirdly, be mindful of your finances. It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of being young and independent, but it's crucial to establish good financial habits early on. Create a budget, save for the future, and avoid unnecessary debt. Financial stability will give you the freedom to pursue your dreams and enjoy life without constant worry about money.Next, cultivate meaningful relationships with others. Building strong connections with family, friends, and mentors will enrich your life and provide you with a support system during both good times and bad. Remember to show gratitude, empathy, and kindness towards others, as these qualities will strengthen your relationships and make the world a better place.Furthermore, set goals and work towards them with determination and perseverance. Whether it's academic, career, or personal goals, having a clear vision of what you want to achieve will keep you focused and motivated. Break down your goals into smaller, manageable tasks, and celebrate your progress along the way. Don't be afraid tofail or make mistakes, as they are valuable learning opportunities that will ultimately lead to success.In addition, embrace change and adaptability. The world is constantly evolving, and it's essential to be flexible and open-minded in the face of new challenges and opportunities. Be willing to step out of your comfort zone, try new things, and embrace uncertainty. Remember that growth and progress often come from taking risks and embracing change.Lastly, remember to enjoy the present moment and appreciate the beauty of life. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, but don't forget to take time to relax, have fun, and savor the little moments that bring you joy. Practice mindfulness, gratitude, and self-reflection to cultivate a sense of peace and fulfillment in your life.In conclusion, being 20 years old is an exciting and transformative time in your life. By following these pieces of advice, you can navigate this pivotal stage with confidence, resilience, and a sense of purpose. Remember to prioritize your health, continue learning and growing,manage your finances wisely, nurture relationships, set goals, embrace change, and live in the present moment. The choices you make now will shape the person you become in the future, so make the most of this precious time in your life.。

When?I?was?in?my?20s,?I?saw?my?very?first?psychotherapy?client.?I?was?a?Ph .D.?student?in?clinical?psychology?at?Berkeley.?She?was?a?26-year-old?woman?named?Alex.?记得见我第一位心理咨询顾客时,我才20多岁。
我的第一位顾客是名叫个20session,?it?was?easy?for?me?just?to?nod?my?head?while?we?kicked?thecan?down ?the?road.但是我没有搞定。
That?made?Alex's?20s?a?developmental?sweet?spot,?and?we?were?sitting?there?blowing?it.?That?was?when?I?realized?that?this?sort?of?benign? neglect?was?a?real?problem,?and?it?had?real?consequences,?not?just?for? Alex?and?her?love?life?but?for?the?careers?and?the?families?and?the? futures?of?twentysomethings?everywhere.?20的20twentysomethings,?you?love?a?twentysomething,?you're?losing?sleep?over?twentysomethings,?I?want?to?see?—?Okay.?Awesome,? twentysomethings?really?matter.如果你现在20多岁,请举手。


To the confusedpeople in twenties献给20几岁正在迷茫的人(一)I f you can make a reasonable living doing what you love, DO WHAT YOU LOVE. You may not get rich, but you’ll get to do what you love, and that’s priceless.如果你能以你喜欢做的事为职业,尽情投身其中吧。
Don’t merely exist…LIVE. Do not become overly comfortable with TV and YouTube as your primary sources of entertainment. Go places. Try new things. Follow your curiosities and passions. Take chances. Don’t let fear and complacency stop you from a truly rewarding life.不要只是生存在这个世界上——要努力生活。
3.The biggest disappointments in life are the result of misplaced expectations. Tempering unrealistic expectations of how something‘should be’will greatly reduce unnecessary frustration.人生最大的失望是抱有不该有的期待。

以下是20岁光阴不再来TED演讲的英语笔记,供您参考:1. I'm here to tell you that the time you have at 20 is incredibly valuable. 我要告诉你们的是,你们在20岁时拥有的时间是非常宝贵的。
2. It's not just about the number of years between 16 and 24, it's about what those years contain. 这不仅仅是16岁到24岁之间的年数,而是这些年里所包含的东西。
3. It's about the experiences that shape youduring those eight years. 它是关于在这八年中塑造你的经历。
4. It's about the people you meet, the things you learn, the risks you take. 它是关于你遇到的人,你学到的东西,你冒过的风险。
5. The mistakes you make are valuable too, because they help you learn and grow. 你犯的错误也是有价值的,因为它们帮助你学习和成长。
6. So don't waste your 20s. 所以不要浪费你的20多岁。
7. Don't coast through them just because you have them. 不要仅仅因为你有这些年就随随便便地度过它们。
8. You have to fill those years with as much learning and growth as possible. 你必须用尽可能多的学习和成长来填补这些年。
9. Soak up as much knowledge as you can, and don't be afraid to be vulnerable and ask for help when you need it. 尽可能多地吸取知识,不要害怕展现你的脆弱,并在需要时寻求帮助。

20多岁的我们英语作文Title: Embracing the Challenges and Opportunities of Our 20s。
In our twenties, we embark on a journey filled with myriad experiences, challenges, and opportunities. This pivotal decade serves as a foundation for our future endeavors, shaping our identity, aspirations, and perspectives. As we navigate through this transformative period, we encounter diverse situations that test our resilience, determination, and adaptability.First and foremost, our twenties mark a significant phase of self-discovery and personal growth. It is a time when we explore our passions, interests, and talents, striving to carve out our unique path in life. Whether pursuing higher education, delving into the workforce, or embarking on entrepreneurial ventures, we are constantly refining our skills and expanding our horizons. Every setback we encounter becomes a valuable lesson, propellingus closer to realizing our full potential.Moreover, our twenties present us with the challenge of establishing meaningful connections and nurturing relationships. We cultivate friendships that withstand the test of time, forging bonds built on trust, loyalty, and mutual respect. Additionally, we navigate the complexities of romantic relationships, learning valuable lessons about love, companionship, and compromise along the way. These interpersonal connections serve as pillars of support during times of adversity, enriching our lives with shared experiences and cherished memories.Furthermore, our twenties are characterized by apursuit of independence and autonomy. We strive to break free from the constraints of our upbringing, asserting our individuality and asserting our values. Whether it be through traveling solo, relocating to new cities, or pursuing unconventional career paths, we embrace the freedom to chart our own course. This sense of independence fosters self-reliance and resilience, empowering us to overcome obstacles and seize opportunities with confidenceand determination.In addition to the challenges we encounter, our twenties are also a time of boundless opportunities and potential. We have the freedom to explore diverse career paths, experiment with new hobbies, and pursue our wildest dreams. The digital age has opened up endless possibilities for remote work, online entrepreneurship, and global networking, enabling us to connect with like-minded individuals and access resources from around the world. With creativity, innovation, and perseverance, we can turn our passions into professions and make a positive impact on the world around us.Moreover, our twenties offer us the chance to cultivate habits and routines that promote health, wellness, and personal fulfillment. We prioritize self-care practices such as regular exercise, nutritious eating, and mindfulness meditation, recognizing the importance of nurturing our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By adopting a balanced lifestyle and setting realistic goals, we lay the foundation for a fulfilling andpurposeful life ahead.In conclusion, our twenties are a time of immense growth, discovery, and opportunity. As we navigate the challenges and uncertainties of this transformative decade, we are presented with the chance to define ourselves, pursue our passions, and create the life we envision. By embracing the journey with courage, resilience, and an open mind, we can unlock our full potential and lay the groundwork for a future filled with fulfillment, success, and happiness.。

给朋友20岁生日作文英文回答:Today is my friend's 20th birthday, and I couldn't be more excited to celebrate with her. It's a special milestone that marks the transition from adolescence to adulthood. I remember when we were just kids, playing together in the park and dreaming about what the future would hold. Time really does fly.As we grow older, we face new challenges and responsibilities. It's not always easy, but it's a necessary part of life. We have to learn to balance work and play, make important decisions, and take care of ourselves. It can be overwhelming at times, but it's also incredibly rewarding.One thing I admire about my friend is her ability to stay positive and optimistic, no matter what life throws at her. She always finds a way to see the silver lining inevery situation. Whether it's a bad grade on a test or a disagreement with a friend, she never lets it bring her down. Instead, she uses it as motivation to do better and grow as a person.Another thing that sets my friend apart is hercreativity and passion for art. She has a unique talent for expressing herself through different mediums, whether it's painting, drawing, or photography. I've always been amazed by her ability to capture the beauty of the world around us and turn it into something truly extraordinary.But it's not just her artistic abilities that make her special. She also has a heart of gold. She's always there for her friends, offering support and encouragement when we need it most. She's the kind of person who would drop everything to help someone in need, without expecting anything in return. It's a rare quality to find in someone so young, and it's something I truly admire about her.中文回答:今天是我朋友的20岁生日,我非常兴奋地要和她一起庆祝。

三百字作文二十年后的同学们英文回答:Twenty years from now, when we reunite as classmates, I can only imagine how much we will have changed and grown. Life has a way of shaping us, molding us into different versions of ourselves. Some of us may have achieved great success in our careers, while others may have taken a different path. Regardless of where we are, I believe that our bond as classmates will remain strong.In twenty years, we will have experienced so much in life. We will have faced triumphs and failures, joys and sorrows. These experiences will have shaped us and taught us valuable lessons. We will be able to share these stories with each other, reminiscing about the good times and supporting one another through the tough times.As we gather together, we will undoubtedly notice the physical changes in each other. Time has a way of leavingits mark on us. Some of us may have a few more wrinkles, a few more gray hairs. But these changes are a testament to the lives we have lived, the experiences we have had. They are a reminder of the journey we have been on.One thing I am certain of is that our friendship will remain unchanged. The bond we formed in school was built on shared experiences, laughter, and support. These are the things that endure. No matter how much time has passed, I believe that we will still be able to pick up where we left off, as if no time has passed at all.中文回答:二十年后,当我们作为同学们再次相聚时,我无法想象我们会有多么的改变和成长。

20岁女孩英语作文As a 20-year-old girl, I have experienced many ups and downs in my life so far, and I have learned a lot from those experiences. In this essay, I will share some of my thoughts and insights on life, love, and personal growth.First of all, I have learned that life is not always fair. Sometimes bad things happen to good people, and sometimes good things happen to bad people. However, I believe that our attitude towards life is what ultimately determines our happiness and success. We can choose to dwell on the negative aspects of our lives, or we can focus on the positive and strive to make the best of every situation.Secondly, I have learned that love is not always easy. Relationships can be challenging, and it takes effort and commitment to make them work. However, I believe that love is one of the most important things in life, and it is worth fighting for. When we find someone who truly loves usfor who we are, we should cherish that person and do our best to make the relationship work.Finally, I have learned that personal growth is alifelong journey. We should never stop learning and growing, no matter how old we are. We should be open to new experiences, new ideas, and new ways of thinking. We should also be willing to take risks and step out of our comfort zones in order to reach our full potential.In conclusion, being a 20-year-old girl has taught me many valuable lessons about life, love, and personal growth.I believe that these lessons will continue to shape me as a person and help me achieve my goals in the years to come.。

三百字作文二十年后的同学们英文回答:In the blink of an eye, two decades have passed, leaving behind a wealth of memories and experiences. As I reflect upon this milestone, my thoughts wander to my former classmates, wondering what paths their lives have taken.I envision us as accomplished individuals, each leavinga unique imprint on the world. Some may have become renowned scientists, pushing the boundaries of human knowledge. Others might be celebrated artists, inspiring audiences with their creativity. Perhaps some have ventured into the realm of politics, shaping the destiny of our nation.Despite the myriad paths we have taken, I believe that our bond as classmates remains unbreakable. The shared experiences of our formative years forged an invisiblethread that connects us even now. I long to reconnect with them, to learn of their triumphs and challenges.I imagine us gathering for a reunion, filled with laughter and reminiscence. We would share stories of our adventures, our families, and our dreams. The weight of time would melt away as we rekindled the camaraderie that defined our youth.Although physical distance may have separated us, the memories we made together continue to unite us. The spirit of our classroom discussions, the excitement of extracurricular activities, and the friendships we forged will forever hold a special place in my heart.Reflecting on the past two decades, I am filled with gratitude for the impact my classmates had on my life. Their presence enriched my education, broadened my perspectives, and shaped me into the person I am today. I extend my heartfelt wishes to each and every one of them, hoping that their lives have been filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment.中文回答:转眼间,二十年光阴飞逝,留下了一笔宝贵的回忆和经历。

写给20岁的自己初二下册英语作文1I am writing this letter to you with great anticipation and excitement. As I am now in my early teenage years, I have countless dreams and aspirations for the future, and I truly hope that by the time you are 20, many of them have come true.I sincerely hope that you have successfully entered your dream university. Through years of hard work and perseverance, you have achieved excellent grades and overcome numerous challenges. I imagine you studying in a prestigious institution, surrounded by like-minded peers and brilliant professors, expanding your knowledge and horizons.I also wish that you have mastered a foreign language fluently. Maybe it's French or Spanish, allowing you to communicate freely with people from different cultures, opening up a wider world for yourself. This skill will undoubtedly bring you more opportunities and experiences.Furthermore, I hope you have become a more confident and independent person. You are not afraid to face difficulties and bravely pursue your passions and dreams. You have learned to balance work and life, and know how to take care of yourself and others.Dear 20-year-old me, I believe that you have grown into an outstanding young adult. May your future be filled with endlesspossibilities and joys.2I hope this letter finds you well and that you have grown into a remarkable person. As I am writing this now, I have some heartfelt advice for you.Firstly, always keep a positive and optimistic attitude when facing difficulties. Remember that every challenge is an opportunity for growth and learning. No matter how tough the situation may seem, believe in your ability to overcome it.Secondly, engage in more social activities and make new friends. The world is full of wonderful people, and each friendship can bring unique experiences and perspectives. Don't be shy or afraid to step out of your comfort zone.Also, never stop learning and exploring. The pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong journey. Whether it's through reading books, attending courses, or traveling to new places, keep expanding your horizons.In addition, take care of your physical and mental health. Prioritize exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient rest. And don't forget to give yourself some time to relax and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.Finally, follow your passions and dreams. Don't let fear or doubt hold you back. Believe in yourself and have the courage to take risks.I hope these words will guide you on your journey and that you willlive a fulfilling and happy life.3I'm writing this letter to you when I'm still a teenager. Looking back at the present me, I realize there are so many shortcomings that I hope you have overcome by the time you read this.I'm rather timid now. I always hesitate to take on new challenges and opportunities because I'm afraid of failure. But I truly hope that when you are 20, you have found the courage within you to embrace every new thing that comes your way. Be it trying a new sport, learning a new language, or traveling to an unfamiliar place, I want you to be brave and fearless.Another issue I have now is my lack of self-discipline. I often struggle to manage my time effectively and get easily distracted. I hope that at 20, you have developed the ability to set clear goals and stick to a strict schedule. You should be able to prioritize tasks and make the most of every minute of the day.I also hope that by the age of 20, you have become more kind and empathetic. Learn to understand and care for others' feelings, and try to make a positive impact on the people around you.Dear myself, I believe that with time and effort, you will have grown into a better person. I'm looking forward to seeing all the wonderful changes in you.4I hope this letter finds you well and that you have achieved many of the dreams and goals we set when we were younger. I am writing to you today to express my hopes and expectations for your career at this stage of your life.I have always dreamed of pursuing a profession that I am passionate about. One of the paths I have envisioned for you is becoming a dedicated teacher. Imagine the joy of imparting knowledge to eager young minds, shaping their futures and making a positive impact on their lives. Teaching is not just a job; it's a calling that allows you to inspire and be inspired every day.Another possibility that I have considered is becoming a doctor. The thought of saving lives, alleviating pain, and bringing hope to those in need fills me with a sense of purpose. The medical field offers countless opportunities to grow and make a significant difference in people's well-being.Or perhaps you have taken the bold step of venturing into the world of entrepreneurship. If so, I hope you have achieved some notable successes. I imagine you having the courage to take risks, the determination to overcome challenges, and the wisdom to learn from failures. May your business endeavors not only bring financial rewards but also fulfill your creative and innovative spirit.No matter which path you have chosen, I hope you are passionate about it, constantly learning and evolving. Remember to stay true to your values, work hard, and always keep the spirit of curiosity alive. I believe in you and look forward to seeing all that you have accomplished.5As I sit here writing this letter to you, I am filled with a mixture of excitement and anticipation. I wonder what kind of person you have become and how your life has unfolded.I truly hope that by the time you reach 20, you still have a close bond with the friends you had during childhood. Those precious memories of playing together, sharing secrets, and supporting each other through thick and thin are irreplaceable. I believe that true friendship can withstand the test of time and distance. I hope that even as we grow older and our lives take different paths, we still find ways to stay connected, to laugh and cry together, and to continue being a source of strength and joy for one another.And speaking of family, I dream of a future where you have built a happy and loving family of your own. A family where there is understanding, respect, and endless love. I imagine warm evenings spent together, sharing stories and making memories that will last a lifetime. I hope you have found a partner who loves and supports you unconditionally, and together, you have created a nurturing environment for your children to grow up in.Remember, the value of family and friendship is immeasurable. They are the anchors that keep us grounded during the stormy times and the sources of joy during the sunny days.I am looking forward to seeing how you have grown and evolved, and I trust that you have held onto the things that truly matter in life.。
20岁 英语作文

At the age of20,many individuals find themselves at a pivotal point in their lives, where they are transitioning from the carefree days of adolescence to the responsibilities of adulthood.Here are some key aspects that a20yearold might consider when writing an English essay:1.SelfDiscovery and Identity Formation:At20,one is often in the process of discovering who they are and what they want to become.An essay could explore personal values, aspirations,and the journey of selfdiscovery.cation and Career Choices:Many20yearolds are in college or considering their first steps into the workforce.The essay could discuss the importance of education,the process of choosing a career path,and the challenges and opportunities that come with it.3.Relationships and Social Life:Friendships and romantic relationships often undergo significant changes during this time.An essay might delve into the dynamics of maintaining friendships,the lessons learned from relationships,and the importance of social support.4.Independence and Personal Growth:Moving away from home and becoming more independent is a common theme.An essay could reflect on the challenges and rewards of living independently,learning to manage finances,and developing a sense of selfreliance.5.Technology and Social Media:The digital age has a profound impact on how20yearolds interact with the world.An essay might examine the role of technology in daily life,the influence of social media on relationships,and the balance between online and offline experiences.6.Global Awareness and Social Issues:Many young adults at this age are becoming more aware of global issues and social injustices.An essay could address topics such as climate change,political activism,or the pursuit of social equality.7.Health and Wellbeing:The importance of physical and mental health cannot be overstated.An essay could discuss the significance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle,the challenges of managing stress,and the benefits of mindfulness and selfcare.8.Travel and Cultural Experiences:Travel can be a transformative experience for young adults.An essay might recount personal travel experiences,the impact of exposure to different cultures,and the lessons learned from being in unfamiliar environments.9.Creativity and Personal Projects:Many20yearolds are exploring their creative sides,whether through art,writing,music,or other forms of expression.An essay could detail the process of creating a personal project,the challenges faced,and the satisfaction of seeing it through to completion.10.Reflections on the Past and Hopes for the Future:Looking back on the past and forward to the future is a natural part of the20yearold experience.An essay could offer reflections on the lessons learned,the dreams and goals for the future,and the steps being taken to achieve them.When writing an essay,its important to choose a topic that resonates personally and to approach it with thoughtfulness and introspection.The essay should be wellstructured, with a clear introduction,body paragraphs that explore the topic in depth,and a conclusion that summarizes the main points and offers a personal perspective or insight.。

想对20岁的人说的话关于友情英文版dear yu,is it surprising that i write the letter for you ? not one time had i wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for you face to face . but i’m so shy that i can’t do that .thus ,i decide to say thank you in this way .meeting you is the most fortunate thing in the world . your emergence brightens my life deeply . you know ,i used to be such a shy ,a quiet girl . i was afraid of contacting with others so that i merely had pretty few friends . all days i stayed at home ,and my life was dull . it was not until you volunteered to assist me that my life set out changing . you took me to wander the streets to observe the world which greatly broadened my eyes . you encouraged me to take part in kinds of activities that promoted my courage and confidence . you were always enthusiastic to introducing me to your friends when i was fear of expressing myself in public . the wonderful characters you own deserve me to learning .your optimism and vigour impress me so much .now ,i have become confident and outgoing . i can firmly confront the difficulties ,never shrink . my dearfriend ,thanks for leading me to a new world ,thanks for lettingme feel shiny warmth and never making me lonely . comparing to what you have dong for me ,simple thanks seem to be minor ,but it’s my sincere appreciation and gratefulness .blessing you happy forever .。
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