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(一) 形容词的用法和位置

1 形容词用作表语,放在连系动词(be, look,smell,taste,sound,feel,become,get,turn,keep,seem等)的后面。

如:The passengers can‟t go back home on time for the Spring festival, for the snow is so heavy. Things to remember:


如:After hearing the good news of the train‟s arrival, he looked very happy.

After hearing the good news of the train‟s arrival, he looked happily at me.


如:Though it keeps snowing heavily, he keeps warm by exercising while waiting for the train.

2 形容词用作定语。


如: The conductor has important news to tell the passengers.

2) 形容词修饰复合不定代词放在复合不定代词后面,作后置定语。

如:The conductor has something important to tell the passengers.

3 形容词用作宾语补足语。

如:Though the passengers find the weather terrible, they‟re very excited because they will go back home to spend the Spring Festival with their family.

Things to remember:


如:an apple tree, a coffee cup, a shop window. 所以,在做题时特别是词性转换时要使用正确的词性作修饰成分,如我们不能说busy hours,而应说business hours.

2)…else‟在使用时,必须放在疑问代词和复合不定代词的后面,如:something else, what else.



Exercises relevant to Section: one

Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:

1 Everyone in our class took an _______ part in the camping trip. (activity)

2 My pen-friend is an English girl, _____ 15. (age)

3 It‟s ______ that the old lady can cut paper so well. (amaze)

4 She is from America, so she is __________. (America)

5 Though such kind of activity is very _______, you should remember…Safety first‟. (amusement)

6 Hong Kong is such an ______ place that more tourists will go to visit it next year. (attract)

7 Mrs. White is fond of buying _________ food because she thinks it is much safer. (Australia)

8 While you get on the underground, you‟d better pay attention to the ______ door. (automatically)

9 She is ____ with her company. (business)

10 The _____ girl is so attracted by the toy in the shop window. (Canada)

11 While doing an experiment, you need to be _____ enough. Otherwise something dangerous may happen.. (care).

12 The weather in Tibet is very _____. So you should pay attention to your health. (change)

13 This is not a physical change but a ______ change. (chemistry)

14 The weather report says it will be ______ tonight. (cloud)

15 You should answer this question in _____ sentences. (complete)

16 The train is _________ with people who are going home to spend Spring Festival. (crowd)

17 Some pets are ____ to people because they carry some diseases. (danger)

18 Tom is more interested in ______ stories than science fiction.. (detect)

19 Though English and Chinese are two _____ languages, they‟re used to communicate.


20 It‟s very ______ for the farmer to send her daughter to study abroad. (difficulty)

21 The mother told her son to wash his ______ hands before having dinner. (dirt)

22 The ______ blanket can make you feel very warm while sleeping. (electricity)

23 The teachers in our school try their best to let us have a more _______ school life. (enjoy)

24 It is said the weather sill still be terrible in the _______ days. (follow)

25 It‟s ______ of you to believe such kind of person. (fool)

26 I wonder how many _____ languages he can speak? (foreigner)

27 If you put your finger into _____ water, youwill feel very cold. (freeze)

28 We should be _____ to each other to have a good memory. (friend)

29 The ______ wind makes everybody very comfortable. (gently)

30 She received a _____ ring from her mother as a birthday present. (gold)

31 Reading books in bed is ______ to your eyes. (harm)

32 It‟s _____ for you to know some western culture while you are studying English. (help)

33 We should do something to save those _____ animals. (home)

34 The travelers were both _____ and thirsty after the bus broke down. (hungrily)

35 The Chinese government has sent many _____ team to Africa. (medicine)

36 The red five-star flag is our _____ flag. (nationality)

37 It‟squite _____ that the students like their Chinese teacher so much. (nature)

38 Water is very _____ in our daily life. (need)

39 You‟d better get the information from the ______ website. (office)

40 Doctors should be ______ enough to listen to patients‟ problems. (patience)

41 Before she joined the army, he went to the hospital to have a _______ examination. (physics)

42 This chair is not made of wood but _____. (plastic)

43 Though the Unites States is a ____ country, it should obey the rules made by the UnitedNations. (power)

44 The ______ lady often goes to the park to so morning exercises. (retire)

45 It will be ____ again tomorrow. All the passengers should protect themselves well. (snow)

46 The apple is not ____ enough for your Granny to eat. (softly)

47 We were _______ to hear that the meeting was put off. (surprise)

48 What _____ smell! You must open the window to let fresh air in. (terribly)

49 She was very ____ to the young man, for he had helped her to carry the heavy bag. (thank)

50 Dragon Boat Festival is one of Chinese _______ holidays. (tradition)

51 Satellites are _____ in many ways. (use)
