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授课人:授课时间:学案编号:1 班级: 姓名:小组:Book 7 Unit 1Living well 课文理解导学案





附:理解把握文章主旨, 流利复述。

Task I:Scan the text and then choose the best answer according to the text.

1. Marty has a ____ disease.

A. mental

B. muscle

C. brain

D. hand

2. When Marty says “I am one in a million”, he really means _____.

A. he is unique

B. he has a rare disease

C. he has a muscle disease

D. he lives a hard but happy life

3. What is the most difficult thing that Marty hates to do?

A. He can’t see clearly because of his near-sightedness.

B. He can’t walk as quickly a s other people.

C. The doctors can’t tell him what’s wrong with him.

D. Kids don’t understand him and sometimes they laugh at him.

4. Marty does the following to make himself happy except____.

A. Raising lots of pets.

B. Inventing a computer game.

C. Going to the movies.

D. Playing football with his friends.

5. What can we do to help Marty and others like him?

A. We can accept people disabilities for who they are.

B. We should pay more attention to their disability and pity them all the time.

C. We should help them to do things like normal people.

D. We should feel sorry for them and ignore their disability.

6. We can infer that Marty is a ___ person according to the passage.

A. positive

B. poor and sensitive

C. strong

D. dependent and easy-going

TaskⅡThe main idea of each paragraph

Para1 The advantages of his disease

Para2 Marty met a lot of difficulties at school

Para3 How his life has become easier

Para4 An introduction to Marty and his muscle disease

Para5 How his disability developed

TaskⅢ: Scan the text and find the useful phrases and difficult sentences, then underline them in your book.

1即使 ______ _ 2适合于…… ______________

3在……中起作用_____________ 4 换句话说____

5适应 ____________ 6 一次,每次 ____________

7过去常常 __________ 8梦想 _

9 切去 ____ ___ 10总而言之 _ ______

11上气不接下气____ __ 12没时间做某事 _______

13 也,和 _______________ 14在许多方面 ________

15过正常生活 ______ 16 取笑

17不必担心______________ 18一切顺利_____________

19尤其,特别________________ 20做某事有困难______________

21做某事是方便的____________ 22遇到,经历,会晤__________

23有尊严的_____________ 24获利____________

TaskⅣ:Read the text and fill in the table:
