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祈使句后也可以加简略问句,表示语气。否定祈使句+will you? 肯定祈使句+won’t you? 肯定祈使句+will you?(表示请求)Let’s … + shall we? Let us … + will you? Let +第三人称……+ will you?

注:let us与let’s的区别:

(1)let us do sth. 让(或允许)我们做某事;即提出请求,请对方允许,而对方不做,只有我们做。附加疑问句用will you? 如:Let us have a rest, will you? 让我们休息一下,好吗?

(2)let’s do sth. 咱们去做某事吧;即提出建议,劝诱对方一同做某事,附加疑问句用shall we? 如:Let’s go for a picnic, shall we? 咱们去野餐吧,好吗?总结祈使句的用法


命令:Make your bed at once! 马上把床铺好!

禁止:Don’t touch! 不要碰!

请求,恳求:Shut the door, please. 请关门。 Help! 救命!

忠告,劝告:Lock the door before you go to bed. 睡觉前把门锁上。

建议,指示:Let’s have a party! 咱们举行个聚会吧。 Take the first street on the left.走右边第一条街。

邀请:Make yourself at home! 请自便(别客气) Come in and sit down. 进来坐。 Help yourself to some fruit. 吃点水果。

提供:Have some orange juice. 喝点橙汁吧。祝愿:Have a

good time! 祝你(过得)愉快!

警告,威胁:Look out! 当心! Do that again and you will be in trouble! 你在那样做会倒霉的!

允诺:Finish your homework and I’ll buy you some food.做完作业就给你买吃的。

诅咒:Go to hell! 滚!

自忖:Let me see now. 让我考虑考虑。



1. Come here early.

2. Ask him.

3. Please wait for her.

4. Read the book carefully.

5. Sit under the tree, please.

6. Let’s go there together.


1. If you are tired, ______ a rest.

A. have

B. having

C. to have

D. had

2. ______ me go. It is very important for me.

A. Do let

B. let do

C. Doing let

D. To do let

3. He is not honest. ______ believe him.

A. Not

B. Don’t

C. To not

D. Not to

4. If you want to stay, let me know, ______?

A. will you

B. shall we

C. do you

D. do we

5. Never come late again, ______?

A. will you

B. won’t

C. do you

D. does he

6. _____ up early tom orrow, or you can’t catch the train.

A. Getting

B. Get

C. To get

D. Got

7. _____ in the street. It’s dangerous.

A. Not play

B. Not to play

C. Don’t play

D. Don’t to play

8. Please ______ me some money, will you?

A. lend

B. lending

C. to lend

D. be lend

9. The film is about to begin. Please ______ seated.

A. be

B. are

C. is

D. being

10. _____ the boxes. You may use them later.

A. Keep

B. Keeping

C. To keep

D. Kept


1. It is quite a nice present.→_____ _____ nice present!

2. We have fine weather today.→ _____ _____ weather we have today!

3. It’s sunny today.→_____ _____ sunny day it is today!

4. The children are working hard.→ _____ _____ the children are working!

5. She played basketball wonderfully.→ _____ _____ she played basketball!

6. He is g ood at singing.→_____ _____ he sings!

7. He was doing well in dancing.→ _____ a _____ dancer he was!

8. Tom coughs badly.→_____ _____ _____ cough Tom has!

9. The fish is very lovely.→_____ _____ the fish is!

10. They live a happy life today.→ _____ _____ _____ life they live!


11. Would you like to wait a moment?→_____ _____ a moment.

12. Can I use your bike?→Please _____ _____ your bike.

13. You’d better not smoke here.→_____ _____ here.

14. You must be careful with your handwriting. _____ _____ with your handwriting.

15. Will you please not play with my pencil? →____ ____ with my pencil,____.


1. ____ a nice watch it is!(1998山东)
