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Unit 4 Never too old to learnReading Learning for life 终身学习The more I learn, the better I know how much there is still left to learn. As I journey through my life, I have become aware that acquiring knowledge is not only a means by which you can better understand the world, but also a way of appreciating how much, as an individual, you do not know. The ability to admit this should be perceived not as a weakness, but as a strength. I once had an art teacher who pointed out that it is not only what you can see that is important, but also what you cannot see. When I drew a still life, it was impressed upon me that the blank spaces between the objects were just as vital to the success of the composition as the actual objects themselves. Also, as the great educator Confucius stated, “When you know a thing, to recognize t hat you know it and when you do not know a thing, to recognize that you do not know it 一that is knowledge!"

我学得越多,就越知道还有多少东西要学。在我的人生旅途中,我已经意识到,获取知识不仅是一种更好地理解世界的方式,也是一种感激作为一个个体, 你不知道多少东西的方式。成认这一点的能力不应被视为一种弱点,而应被视为一种优势。我曾经有一个美术老师,他指出,不仅你能看到的东西很重要,你不能看到的东西也很重要。当我画静物时,我意识到物体之间的空白对于成功的构图和物体本身一样重要。正如伟大的教育家孔子所说:“当你知道一件事时,要认识到你知道它;当你不知道一件事时,要认识到你不知道它——这就是知识!”

It is vital to remain lifelong learners in a rapidly changing world. As you progress through life, you may study and work in new environments. Consequently, you will be exposed to many new ideas, beliefs, practices and learning experiences. Furthermore, the production of knowledge is bound to grow rapidly. New knowledge is constantly being generated and what we already know is being revised all the time, to the extent that it can be difficult to keep pace with the latest developments. Indeed, you may one day do jobs that do not yet exist, use technologies not yet developed and resolve problems that are not yet problems! This is not to suggest that there is no need for you to study in school but to acknowledge that refreshing your knowledge with lifelong learning is both essential and beneficial.


So, how can you proceed? Firstly, lifelong learning is an attitude. Lifelong learners are those who have an open mind. Be objective and make yourself open to new knowledge and ideas. Do not criticize them or reject them simply because they differ from what you know and believe. At the same time, lifelong learners need to develop critical thinking skills so that they do not blindly accept new ideas. Instead, they should inquire further to assess the truth of what they are being told. Secondly, take advantage of opportunities for lifelong learning 一for example, you could register online and subscribe to e-leaming courses, which have increased in recent years. You could also visit the local library where the
