
Hypotactic vs. Paratactic
− explicit cohesion vs. implicit cohesion − low-context vs. high-context − writer-responsible vs. reader-responsible
Target Readers
− wide suitability − high readability
− strength the application of translation theories − improve the ability of translating
Parallel Text
− none
格致铭德 弘道至善
The Purpose and Significance
Multi-national Multi-lingual
Local Speech Community Members
Mother-Tongue Facilitator
③ Proofreading and Revision
− Collect reader’s response − Continuous Improvement
② Translating the Source Text
− searching parallel text − Implementing translation plan
Source Text
− published by XXX,2015 − aids to maintain local communities’

《********学院网站》英译的实践报告A Report on the C-E Translation of the Website of College of ******CONTENTS1. IntroductionWith the increased internatinal academic exchange and reseach communication between universities home and broad, it is indispensible for universities to be equipped with English websites, publicity albums and video clips. English website, with its diversification of forms, massive amounts of information and easy accsess, plays an important role in intenational exchange and communication. This report is based on the project of website translation for*******.The author of this report was fortunate to participate in the translation project as a translator. Through a detailed anaysis of the project procedure and cases studies of the translation, the report will focus on the two aspects of issues. Firstly, how to get an accurate and appropriate translation by adopting Skopostheorie as the tanslation theory. Secondly, how to use parallel texts to solve the problems relate to terminology, language style, figure of speech and cultural factors .2. Project DescriptionThis project of translation was authorized by College of Technology and Engineering, and undertaken by the faculty of English as a teaching program. The author of this report, together with other three team members accepted the project in September, 2014. The college supplied the manuscripts of the Chinese website and appointed a teacher in the Publicity Department for consulting in case of meeting problems relate to Chinese version during the process of translation. After a discussion in-depth with the Publicity Department, the team got a clear and definite orientation on what and what will not be translated. The task would be composed of 2 phases. The first phase includes five main parts---- About the College, Faculties, Departments and Majors, International Exchange and Latest News (news from January to August, 2014). The second phase mainly includes the update of the information and news items. So far, the first phase of the project has been carrying out and will be completed by November, 2014. The author of this paper is in charge of translating “About the College, Faculties, Departments and Majors, International Exchange” as her assigned task, which covers about 11,330 Chinese words.3. Literary Features AnalysisA good knowledge of literary features of college website plays a dominant role in achieving the goal of getting a good translation. According to the analysis of the texts functions, language style,3.1 Text Functions“Text functions are defined as effects given by the text in specific communicative context” (Fan Yong). The first and most important obvious function of college English Website is to provide the readers necessary information, such as the history, the staff and faculties, the disciplines and majors, college facilities and international cooperation and exchange. Besides, the English Website also has the functions of appealing and aspiring more students to enroll by publicity and promoting its own image. To conclude, the English website is built to provide necessary information for the target readers, the source texts should be translated and edited to mainly fulfill the informative function.3.2 Language StyleLexically, the source text is very Concise and rich in information with a lot of highly condensed, peculiar vocabulary, such as “多学科、教学型、使用性、有特色” , ,and many terminologies relate to disciplines, organizations. Syntactically, scattered short sentences, parallelism sentences and non subject sentences are common and typical sentence pattern and unique language phenomenon in the source texts. Undoubtedly, these features of the source texts make it more difficult to get an accurate translation.4. Translation PreparationSince both the college and the translation team attached great importance to the program, the Program Proposal made clear the responsibilities and duties of both parties, which include the job requirements, expectations to the project team and the continuing supporting from the college. Similar to any translation project, the translating of website also contains three main parts—Pre-translating, While-translating and Post-translating. In order to have a smooth procedure, it is indispensable for the team to do plenty of preparations in Pre-translation part. The preparations mainly focus on making a plan about the whole project, which includes the staffing, the translation procedure as well as analysis of the website manuscripts and the strategies applied in this project.4.1Translation PlanningA general plan of the project staffing, procedure will be made in this part. As illustrated in Figure 1, the project team was composed of four members. The author works as translator and takes the whole charge of the project. The consultant is responsible for any problem relates to the Chinese manuscript. Any deletion or addition to the English translation should be fully discussed with and permitted by the consultant. The Proofreader is a professional translator who is responsible for proofreading of the drafts and supervision of the whole project.Figure 1 StaffingStaff Tasks and Responsibilities TranslatorNo. 1(The author)Project management, Pre-translating analysis, tanslating the assisgned parts, Compleletion Report TranslatorNo. 2Pre-translating analysis, tanslating the assisgned parts Consultant Consulting, Typesetting and uploading the final draftProofreader Proofreading and SupervisionAs illustrated in Figure 2, the project will last for 2 months. During the process, the whole team will hold formal team meeting at least twice,one before the project for discussing, one after for conclusion. The allocation of tasks, responsibilties and the strategies apllied to the translation would also be fully discussed during the meeting. After the meeting, the tanslators will begin their work with fully comprehension of the source texts, searching for the relative parallel texts, making Glossaries, and then the first daft, second draft and final draft. The Consultant would be in his position for any consultation at the same time. The profreader will work diligently to profread the drafts at least twice.Figure 2 Time Planning PeriodTime Staff Working Contents 1stPeriod Sep 15 to Sep 17 Whole team Team conference Sep 18 to Otc 15 Translators and First draft of their assigned tasks4.2 Translating Strategies AdoptedThe German linguist and translation scholar Katharina Reiss reasrched the features and relative translating strategies of different type of texts in the “Functional Characteristic of text types and links to translation methods (adapted from Reiss 1971)”. She divided texts in to three types: “information text”, “expressive text” and “operative text”. And Reiss pointed out that although there may be different functions of each text, but the determining factor for a translation is “whether the translation transmits the meaning of the source texts”. “Information text” refers to “those texts focusing on its content and with a main function of excha nging information, knowledge and opinions”. According to those theories on translation, we can find the source texts of this project, has the features of “information text”, and “operative text”. So Scopes Theory and Text Typology will be adopted in this project to guide the whole process of translation.4.3 Contingency PlanBefore starting translation, the College of Technology and Engineering assumed the whole team members are qualified and able to complete the project under the timetable. Given any emergency would happen during the process, such as health conditions, change of workload or unexpected situations of the team members may influence the planned procedures. Thus, the project team made a contingency plan to make sure the project will be accomplished punctually. The plan mainly contains two aspects. Firstly, each team member should try his or her best to fulfill his or her duty, but in the event of any emergency, some spare time is needed to be reserved. Secondly, once any member of the team could not continue the work, she or he should try to make a notice in advance. The work he or she left would be given to the other backup teachers in the Faculty of English. Any disputes caused by emergencies should be solved and remedied under the permission of the college.5. Translating ProcessThe project team established a specific translation process after discussion, which includes task assignment, translation, proofreading, editing, delivery and backup. During translation, the team used ConsultantOtc 15 to Otc 25Proofreader Proofreading of the first drafts 2ndPeriodOtc 26 to Otc 31 Translators Second draft of their assigned tasks Nov 1 to Nov 5 Proofreader Proofreading of the second drafts 3rdPeriod Nov 6 to Nov 10 Translators Final drafts Nov 12 Whole team Team conferencepersonal computers, online dictionaries, search engine and other tools to help making glossaries and parallel texts.5.1 The GlossaryAs the project is translation of the college website, it has a lot of vocabularies relating to majors, faculties, disciplines. The project team made full use of Internet resources, dictionaries and parallel texts to get authoritative and convincing Glossaries.5.2 The Implementation of the TranslationAccording to the project proposal, the whole translation project will last for 3 months. Because the author will compose her report on the basis of the translation, the task of the author would be completed in advance. So far, the author has finished the analysis of the text feature of the source texts, adopted proper translating theory as guidance, the first part of the Glossary and almost half of the translation. The rest part of translation will be completed ahead of time.6. Quality ControlSimilar to other translation project, effective quality control system plays a dominant role in acquiring a sound translation. The quality control system of this project is composed of two parts. Firstly, group discussion and parallel texts assured a convincing glossary, which is the most basic part of the translation. Before we translate the assigned part, we put all the uncertain terms and expressions together and began to look up them in dictionaries and search engines respectively. Then we share and discuss them until get a satisfied one. Secondly, proofreading and editing is another important part. The translators were required to proofread their own translation first to avoid misspelling and obvious incorrectness. Then the professional proofreader would read through the translation at least twice to do further proofreading and editing.7. Case Study7.1 Deletion and Simplification of the Unnecessary Information7.2 Combination the Scattered, Short Sentences7.3 Splitting the Long and Complicated Sentences7.4 Utilization of the Parallel Texts8. Reflections and ConclusionTaking the Chinese to English translation of the website of College of Technology and Engineering, the author of this report begins with an analysis on the features of source texts. Since the source texts have obvious features of informative texts, the author adopted Scopes Theory and Text Typology to guide the translation. The project was accomplished punctually under the detailed staffing, time plan. In the mostimportant part of this report section, case study, the author analyzed three kinds of problems encountered in translating and tried to supply solutions by using deletion and simplification of the unnecessary information, combination, splitting and utilization of the parallel texts. Then the author will conclude the pains and gains in the whole translating process, which is expected to give some referential value in translating Independent College websites.参考文献[1] Jeremy Mundy. (2001).Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications, Routledge•出版社: Routledge; 3rd Revised edition (2012年2月22日)•精装: 384页[2] 刘宓庆,1999,当代翻译理论[M],北京:中国对外翻译出版公司。
开题报告ppt 英文版

开题报告ppt 英文版Title: Opening Presentation PPT (English Version)Introduction:In today's fast-paced and competitive world, effective communication plays a vital role in conveying ideas and achieving success. One powerful tool for communication is the Opening Presentation PPT, which serves as a bridge between the presenter and the audience. This article aims to explore the key elements and strategies for creating an impactful Opening Presentation PPT in English.1. Understanding the Purpose:The first step in creating an Opening Presentation PPT is to understand its purpose. Whether it is for a business proposal, academic research, or a project update, the presenter must identify the main objective. This clarity will guide the content and structure of the PPT.2. Engaging Visual Design:Visual design is crucial in capturing the audience's attention and conveying information effectively. A well-designed PPT should have a consistent theme, appropriate font sizes, and colors that enhance readability. The use of relevant images, graphs, and charts can help illustrate complex ideas and make the presentation more engaging.3. Clear and Concise Content:The content of an Opening Presentation PPT should be clear, concise, andfocused. Each slide should convey a single main point, supported by relevant information. Avoid overcrowding slides with excessive text, as it can overwhelm the audience. Instead, use bullet points, keywords, and phrases to highlight key ideas and facilitate understanding.4. Structured Organization:A well-structured PPT follows a logical flow that guides the audience through the presentation. Begin with an attention-grabbing introduction, followed by a clear outline of the main topics to be discussed. Each section should have a smooth transition, leading to a well-crafted conclusion that summarizes the key points and leaves a lasting impression.5. Engaging Language and Tone:Language plays a crucial role in conveying the message effectively. Use clear, concise, and jargon-free language to ensure the audience understands the content easily. Maintain an engaging and professional tone throughout the presentation, adapting the level of formality based on the audience and topic. 6. Effective Use of Multimedia:Incorporating multimedia elements, such as videos, audio clips, or animations, can enhance the impact of an Opening Presentation PPT. However, it is essential to use them sparingly and only when they add value to the message. Ensure that all multimedia elements are of high quality and compatible with the presentation software.7. Practice and Rehearsal:A successful Opening Presentation PPT requires practice and rehearsal. Familiarize yourself with the content, timing, and transitions between slides. Practice delivering the presentation, paying attention to your body language, voice modulation, and eye contact. Rehearsing will help build confidence, ensuring a smooth and engaging presentation.Conclusion:Creating an impactful Opening Presentation PPT in English requires careful planning, attention to detail, and effective communication strategies. By understanding the purpose, engaging visual design, clear content, structured organization, engaging language, effective use of multimedia, and thorough practice, presenters can captivate their audience and convey their message successfully. Remember, a well-crafted PPT is a powerful tool that can leave a lasting impression and contribute to the overall success of any presentation.。

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1 论文导读 2 命题背景 3 研究综述 4 成果应用 5 论文总结
广州的城市面貌焕然一新,成为最适宜创业居住的城市。在城市建设中,珠江三角洲地 政策非常值得我们借鉴。即城市规划不惜工本,城市建设不遗余力,城市管理不择“手 全力建设和打造城市,不断完善城市功能配套,充分发挥了城市为经济发展服务的功能 化服务意识,提高政府工作效率是加快发展的保障。政府职能部门服务的质量,政府工 度和工作效率在很大程度上影响经济的发展。珠江三角洲各地政

英语论文开题报告ppt篇一:MTI开题报告PPT研究生姓名培养院系______________________ 专业学位名称翻译硕士专业(mti)指导教师学位级别硕士2012年10月15日填开题报告须知一.选题原则1.从本学科出发,应着重选对国民经济具有一定实用价值和理论意义的课题。
开题报告论文提纲论文工作计划篇二:mti开题报告参考模板【实习报告+实践报告】mti学位论文开题报告参考模板一、重要岗位的实习报告the proposal of the translation internship report (注:在实习报告标题中应注明实习岗位——项目经理project manager、项目翻译translator/interpreter、项目审校proofreader。
)摘要关键词abstractkey words1. 翻译实习概述an overview of the translation internship1.1 实习背景background of the translation internship应简要交待本次翻译实习机会的由来和获取途径,并说明所实习的岗位是什么、在实习单位的定位是什么、其岗位职责是什么。

《With the increased internatinal academic exchange and reseach communication between universitieshome and broad, it is indispensible for universities to be equipped with English websites, publicity albumsand video clips. English website, with its diversification of forms, massive amounts of information andeasy accsess, plays an important role in intenational exchange and communication. This report is based onthe project of website translation for*******.The author of this report was fortunate to participate in the translation project as a translator. Througha detailed anaysis of the project procedure and cases studies of the translation, the report will focus on thetwo aspects of issues. Firstly, how to get an accurate and appropriate translation by adopting Skopostheorieas the tanslation theory. Secondly, how to use parallel texts to solve the problems relate to terminology,language style, figure of speech and cultural factors .This project of translation was authorized by College of Technology and Engineering, and undertakenby the faculty of English as a teaching program. The author of this report, together with other three teammembers accepted the project in September, 2022. The college supplied the manuscripts of the Chinesewebsite and appointed a teacher in the Publicity Department for consulting in case of meeting problemsrelate to Chinese version during the process of translation. After a discussion in-depth with the Publicity Department, the team got a clear and definite orientation on what and what will not be translated. The taskwould be composed of 2 phases. The first phase includes five main parts---- About the College, Faculties, Departments and Majors, International Exchange and Latest News (newsfrom January to August, 2022) .The second phase mainly includes the update of the information and news items. So far, the first phase ofthe project has been carrying out and will be completed by November, 2022. The author of this paper is incharge of translating “ About the College, Faculties, Departments and Majors, Internationa s Exchange”her assigned task, which covers about 11,330 Chinese words.A good knowledge of literary features of college website plays a dominant role in achieving the goalof getting a good translation. According to the analysis of the texts functions, language style,“Text functions are defined as effects given by the text in specific communicative context”(FanYong). The first and most important obvious function of college English Website is to provide the readersnecessary information, such as the history, the staff and faculties, the disciplines and majors, college facilities and international cooperation and exchange. Besides, the English Website also has the functions of appealing and aspiring more students to enroll by publicity and promoting its own image. To conclude, the English website is built to provide necessary information for the target readers, the source texts should betranslated and edited to mainly fulfill the informative function.Lexically, the source text is very Concise and rich in information with a lot of highly condensed, peculiar vocabulary, such as “多学科、教学型、应用性、有特色” , ,and many terminologies relate to disciplines, organizations. Syntactically, scattered short sentences, parallelism sentences and non subject sentences are common and typical sentence pattern and unique language phenomenon in the source texts.Undoubtedly, these features of the source texts make it more difficult to get an accurate translation.Since both the college and the translation team attached great importance to the program, the Program Proposal made clear the responsibilities and duties of both parties, which include the job requirements, expectations to the project team and the continuing supporting from the college. Similar to any translation project, the translating of website also contains three main parts —Pre-translating, While-translating and Post-translating. In order to have a smooth procedure, it is indispensable for the team to do plenty of preparations in Pre-translation part. The preparations mainly focus on making a plan about the whole project, which includes the staffing, the translation procedure as well as analysis of the website manuscriptsand the strategies applied in this project.A general plan of the project staffing, procedure will be made in this part. As illustrated in Figure 1, the project team was composed of four members. The author works as translator and takes the whole charge of the project. The consultant is responsible for any problem relates to the Chinese manuscript. Any deletion or addition to the English translation should be fully discussed with and permitted by the consultant. The Proofreader is a professional translator who is responsible for proofreading of the drafts and supervision of the whole project.As illustrated in Figure 2, the project will last for 2 months. During the process, the whole team will hold formal team meeting at least twice,one before the project for discussing, one after for conclusion. The allocation of tasks, responsibilties and the strategies apllied to the translation would also be fully discussed during the meeting. After the meeting, the tanslators will begin their work with fully comprehension of the source texts, searching for the relative parallel texts, making Glossaries, and then the first daft, second draft and final draft. The Consultant would be in his position for any consultation at the same time. The profreader will work diligently to profread the drafts at least twice.Tasks and ResponsibilitiesProject management, Pre-translating analysis, tanslating the assisgnedparts, Compleletion ReportPre-translating analysis, tanslating the assisgned partsConsulting, Typesetting and uploading the final draftProofreading and SupervisionStaffTranslatorNo. 1(The author)TranslatorNo. 2ConsultantProofreaderThe German linguist and translation scholar Katharina Reiss reasrched the features and relative translating strategies of different type of texts in the “Functional Characteristic of text types and links to translation methods (adapted from Reiss 1971)” . She divided texts in to three types: “information text ”, “expressive text ” and “operative text” . And Reiss pointed out that although there may be different functions of each text, but the determining factor for a translation is “whether the translation transmits the meaning of the source texts ” . “Information text ” refers to “those texts focusing on its content and with a main function of exchanging information, knowledge and opinions ” . According to those theories on translation, we can find the source texts of this project, has the features of “information text ”, and “operative text ” . So Scopes Theory and Text Typology will be adopted in this project to guide the whole process of translation.Before starting translation, the College of Technology and Engineering assumed the whole team members are qualified and able to complete the project under the timetable. Given any emergency would happen during the process, such as health conditions, change of workload or unexpected situations of the team members may influence the planned procedures. Thus, the project team made a contingency plan to make sure the project will be accomplished punctually. The plan mainly contains two aspects. Firstly, each team member should try his or her best to fulfill his or her duty, but in the event of any emergency, some spare time is needed to be reserved. Secondly, once any member of the team could not continue the work, she or he should try to make a notice in advance. The work he or she left would be given to the otherWorking ContentsTeam conferenceFirst draft of their assigned tasksProofreading of the first draftsSecond draft of their assigned tasksProofreading of the second draftsFinal drafts Team conferenceStaffWhole team Translators andConsultantProofreaderTranslatorsProofreaderTranslatorsWhole teamTimeSep 15 to Sep 17Sep 18 to Otc 15Otc 15 to Otc 25Otc 26 to Otc 31 Nov 1 to Nov 5 Nov 6 to Nov 10Nov 12Period1stPeriod2ndPeriod3rdPeriodbackup teachers in the Faculty of English. Any disputes caused by emergencies should be solved and remedied under the permission of the college.The project team established a specific translation process after discussion, which includes task assignment, translation, proofreading, editing, delivery and backup. During translation, the team used personal computers, online dictionaries, search engine and other tools to help making glossaries and parallel texts.As the project is translation of the college website, it has a lot of vocabularies relating to majors, faculties, disciplines. The project team made full use of Internet resources, dictionaries and parallel texts to get authoritative and convincing Glossaries.According to the project proposal, the whole translation project will last for 3 months. Because the author will compose her report on the basis of the translation, the task of the author would be completed in advance. So far, the author has finished the analysis of the text feature of the source texts, adopted proper translating theory as guidance, the first part of the Glossary and almost half of the translation. The rest part of translation will be completed ahead of time.Similar to other translation project, effective quality control system plays a dominant role in acquiring a sound translation. The quality control system of this project is composed of two parts. Firstly, group discussion and parallel texts assured a convincing glossary, which is the most basic part of the translation. Before we translate the assigned part, we put all the uncertain terms and expressions together and began to look up them in dictionaries and search engines respectively. Then we share and discuss them until get a satisfied one. Secondly, proofreading and editing is another important part. The translators were required to proofread their own translation first to avoid misspelling and obvious incorrectness. Then the professional proofreader would read through the translation at least twice to do further proofreading and editing.Taking the Chinese to English translation of the website of College of Technology and Engineering, the author of this report begins with an analysis on the features of source texts. Since the source texts have obvious features of informative texts, the author adopted Scopes Theory and Text Typology to guide the translation. The project was accomplished punctually under the detailed staffing, time plan. In the most important part of this report section, case study, the author analyzed three kinds of problems encountered in translating and tried to supply solutions by using deletion and simplification of the unnecessary information, combination, splitting and utilization of the parallel texts. Then the author will conclude the pains and gains in the whole translating process, which is expected to give some referential value in translating Independent College websites.参考文献[1] Jeremy Mundy. (2001).Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications, RoutledgeRoutledge; 3rd Revised edition (2022 年2 月22 日)•384 页[2] 刘宓庆,1999,当代翻译理论[M],北京:中国对外翻译出版公司。

研究生姓名培养院系 ______________________ 专业学位名称翻译硕士专业(mti)指导教师学位级别硕士2012年 10月 15日填开题报告须知一.选题原则1.从本学科出发,应着重选对国民经济具有一定实用价值和理论意义的课题。
开题报告论文提纲论文工作计划篇二:mti开题报告参考模板【实习报告+实践报告】mti学位论文开题报告参考模板一、重要岗位的实习报告the proposal of the translation internship report(注:在实习报告标题中应注明实习岗位——项目经理project manager、项目翻译translator/interpreter、项目审校proofreader。
)摘要关键词abstractkey words1. 翻译实习概述an overview of the translation internship 1.1 实习背景background of the translation internship应简要交待本次翻译实习机会的由来和获取途径,并说明所实习的岗位是什么、在实习单位的定位是什么、其岗位职责是什么。

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诺基亚智能手机江宁大学城市场调研报告工作内容阐述: 114797
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− domestication as main part, foreignization as supplement
格致铭德 弘道至善
Translation Process
① Pre-translation Preparations
− test translation − collect information − translation plan
Target Readers
− wide suitability − high readability
格致铭德 弘道至善
− strength the application of translation theories − improve the ability of translating
1. Introduction 2. The Purpose and Significance 3. Translation Theories and Strategies 4. Translation Process 5. Translation Difficulties 6. Summary
格致铭德 弘道至善
③ Proofreading and Revision
− Collect reader’s response − Continuous Improvement
② Translating the Source Text
− searching parallel text − Implementing translation plan
Parallel Text
− none

In China, due to the deep-rooted feudal thought, researching on the phenomenon of language taboos in our country is later than in the west. Sanlian bookstore published "language and social life" ,which is the first time to involve "taboo"in 1980.Since the 1980 s, Chinese scholars researched on the phenomenon of taboo language strong interest, and published many books about taboo language.
Specifications of the Problem
1 Taboo language source 2 The classification of taboos
2.1Verbal taboos 2.2 Non-verbal taboos 3 The common characteristic between Chinese and western taboo language 4 The manifestation of taboo language 4.1 Religious 4.2 Name address 4.3 Words 4.4 Topics 4.5 Social intercourse 5 Conclusion
Research Design: methods, experiments, techniques
某大学研究生日语mti开题报告 PPT版本

4.3 解决方案
的相互比较,找出更为恰当的翻译方法。 (2)查阅相关翻译教程,运用所介绍的多种 翻译方法和思路进行翻译。 (3)充分利用网络资源,搜索相关的资料。 (4)向导师、专家请教 。
预期研究结果:建立有关政府文件方面的术语库, 弥补日语翻译此方面的弱势。通过对整体文本的研究, 摸索出适用于政府公文文本类的翻译技巧与方法,从 而总结出普遍性的规律。 创新性:●本论文的选题内容较为新颖 ●所得出在中日方面政府公文的翻译技巧 也是较为新颖的理论。
2012年09月~2013年09月:资料收集整理 2013年09月~2013年12月:开题 2013年12月~2014年04月:初稿 2014年04月~2014年05月:二稿 2014年05月~2014年06月:终稿
3.1 研究内容
本文主要从主要以《2013年政府工作报告》的前一万字 为样本,主要研究政府公文类文本的特点,并且深入探讨公 文文体类的翻译理论与技巧。 然后,笔者秉承“信、达、雅”翻译标准以及“译者的 隐身”等精神来进行翻译,翻译过程中着眼于政治专业词汇、 中国特色词汇和四字词语的翻译,总结出此类词汇的翻译方 法和规律;然后通过研究如何通过直译与意译、加译与减译 等翻译方法来完成公文文体的准确翻译。最后力争总结出该 文本的翻译过程中遇到的困难及不足,并为以后此类的翻译 活动提供帮助与借鉴。
此报告是温家宝总理在第十二届全国人民代表大会上的 讲话。本文以全国为背景主要阐述了我国过去五年的发展状 况和未来五年的发展目标。因为本文与笔者的翻译项目同属 于政治文本,且均为2013年的政府工作报告,并且黑龙 江省政府工作报告的主要精神和语句也都是以全国政府工作 报告为基础而作成的,所以本文对笔者在翻译实践中理解黑 龙江省政府工作报告有着指导性意见和建议。也是完成本次 翻译实践的重要平行文本之一。
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